atlatszo · 4 days
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scavengedluxury · 8 months
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Busó festivities in Mohács, 1975. From the Budapest municipal photography company archive.
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spackhuggare · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I updated this account. Here we go again. Hungarian Busó Masks during the carnival in February in Mohács, Hungary. Photos done obviously by me.
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meztelenreklam · 1 year
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Mohácsi hírlap 1930.23. via EPA
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2t2r · 8 years
Busójárás - festival hongrois pour faire peur à la fin de l'hiver
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/busojaras-festival-hongrois-pour-faire-peur-a-la-fin-de-lhiver/
Busójárás - festival hongrois pour faire peur à la fin de l'hiver
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Final Result(s)
The time has come, lads and lasses! It's been a number of weeks, but we finally have our Ultimate King of Hungary (before Mohács). And who is that amazing, unparalleled ruled that has absolutely trounced every opponent (in these polls, that is)?
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It's him. Of course it's him, who did you think was going to win this one, III.András?!
Anyway, we also had two bonus polls, and we'd be remiss if we didn't also mention their winners.
First off, there was the Anti-Habsburg Antiking contest. We decided to do away with the Bethlens and Bosckais (sorry to all the Bethlen, Bocskai, the other Rákoczi and Thököly stans out there) and instead just straight up pit the two most iconic candidates against each other. As a result, Rákoczi Ferenc and his moustache trounced Szapolyai János - and I don't suppose any of the others would fare better, though it would be funny to see Thököly get, like, zero votes. Anyway, we might do something with that somewhere down the line. For now, congrats, Ferenc, you're the best alternative we ever had to the Habsburgs.
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The second poll was in our opinion more well-constructed, and also asked better questions: namely, who is the TRUE father of the Hungarian nation? That one was pretty decisively won by Árpád (other options included Levedi, Álmos, I.István, "nationalism wasn't invented yet, dumbass", and Other). Painting by Feszty Árpád, from around 1900, just to rub it in that "nationalism wasn't invented yet" was in fact the correct option. (Kidding. Unlike the Hungarian government of the 19th century, we are not in fact in the business of dictating people their national identities - if y'all say Árpád is the Father of the Nation, I believe you.)
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But to be honest, I am not quite ready to part with this sideblog quite yet. So before I send you on your merry way, I have one last question for y'all...
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dracula-dictionary · 1 year
Dracula Dictionary, May 8th
diffuse: lacking clarity or conciseness
prosaic: everyday, ordinary; characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry, factual
bear up: remain cheerful in the face of adversity
precipice: a very steep or overhanging place / a hazardous situation
conviction: a firmly held belief or opinion
menial offices: work that is considered to be boring or degrading
mountain ash: a tree, also called rowan, believed to protect against evil beings and to keep travellers from getting lost
Szekelys: a Hungarian subgroup living mostly in the Székely Land in Romania
Ugric: the ancestors of the Hungarians of Central Europe
Huns: a nomadic people who lived in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe between the 4th and 6th century AD
Scythia: an area in modern day Iran and other areas of eastern Europe
Attila: ruler of the Huns until 453
Magyar: Hungarians
Lombard: also called Langobards, a Germanic people who conquered most of the Italian Peninsula from 568 to 774
Avar: likely refering to Pannonian Avars, an alliance of several groups of Eurasian nomads of various origins
Bulgars: Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes
Turk: a native or inhabitant of Turkey, or a person of Turkish descent
Arpad: head of the confederation of the Magyar tribes at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries
Honfoglalás: the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin
standard of the King: the king's flag, especially when flown in battle
Cassova: misspelling of Kosovo, a state in Southeast Europe
Wallach: people from Wallachia, the area just south of Transylvania
the Crescent: the Ottoman Empire
Voivode: a local governor or ruler in central or eastern Europe, in particular a semi-independent ruler of Transylvania
Mohács: a town in Hungary
Hapsburgs: an influential royal family in Europe from the 15th to the 20th century
Romanoffs: the reigning imperial house of Russia from 1613 to 1917
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pajjorimre · 1 year
"Grandiózus Mohács-film terveiről is beszélt Rákay Philip, az Aranybulla című televíziós sorozat társproducere és a Most vagy soha! címen több mint négymillárd forintból készülő Petőfi-film készítője. A Mandinernek adott interjújában azt is elmondta, hogy ki kellett menekítenie gyermekeit egy iskolából, mert ott „fasisztázták” őket."
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pitkinofficial · 6 months
minden milliárdos egy kibaszott kötsög. A legtöbbje ráadásul pszichopata is, de minimum szociopata.
Hát hol vannak a bárók, grófok, hercegek emelkedett méltósága?!
Nekünk Mohács kell baszki.
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 1 year
By the way, the Battle of Mohács was the decisive defeat of the Kingdom of Hungary by the Ottomans in 1526. It led to the occupation of large parts of the Kingdom of Hungary by the Ottomans.
It also was the last battle fought by a non-Habsburg king of Hungary. His death during the battle passed St. Stephen's crown to the Habsburgs.
The way the Count talks about it as "throwing off the Hungarian yoke" is interesting, given that he doesn't seem particularly fond on the Ottomans either.
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easternblocrelics · 7 months
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Memorial for the Battle of Mohács for the 450th anniversary Hungary 1976
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scavengedluxury · 1 year
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Busójárás parade, Mohács, 1969. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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nubesetanimus · 4 months
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Itt azért lent Baja és Mohács között durvább a helyzet mint a szaros rakparton, de marhák élvezték belementek meg isznak belőle. A töltés már egy részen átszakadt azért folyt be ide a Duna. Az állatok följebb lettek hozva.
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julyzaa · 1 year
Or where Nigar and Matracki Nasuh Effendi stay married and get the happy ending they both deserved.
@faintingheroine i finally wrote it!!!
Gif by @awkward-sultana
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She was not foolish enough to believe her husband would immediately fall in love with her nor her with him.
In fact, him not divorcing her after Ibrahim told him about their affair, had been her only goal for the most part.
Nigar thanks Allah for giving her a man she knows she does not deserve.
Nasuh Effendi is kind, understanding and gives her freedoms most women envy her for.
He is quiet in those early months when they are strangers married to each other and she pines for the man who made her believe a life without him would have no meaning.
Then after he wakes up in the middle of the night in a frenzy to write down this discovery he found in his dream; Nigar listens attentively to his rambling about something he calls lattice multiplication.
Something in her decides it is time to give this wonderful man a chance. To open her heart to someone who genuinely cares for her and would never treat her like Ibrahim treated her.
“Can you teach me?” she asks and he almost stutters with a yes.
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Nigar Hatun looks forward to seeing him and surprising him a set of swan quills in a box carved with her favorite miniature of his.
It was supposed to be a gift to thank him for the lessons in algebra and the form of calligraphy he has invented, but after a bout of illness at the harem yesterday, it became a way to tell him the good news.
She prays it is a boy, one to follow in his father’s footsteps and show Ibrahim she never needed him to be happy.
“Our children will play together, they will be inseparable like their fathers.” Hatice said as she congratulated her wholly unaware of the great betrayal Nigar and Ibrahim hide from her.
“Amin.” Nigar says with guilt gnawing at her heart.
One would think the guilt she carries is for the blood on her hands and not for having an affair with a married man.
But Nigar shoves that down and lives in the moment where Nasuh almost cries from the joy the news gives him.
Nigar finds herself hopeful enough to imagine a future where she loves her husband and he loves her.
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When Esmanur is born, she knows her friends and neighbors are being ridiculous when they say he will be disappointed in her.
How could Nasuh be disappointed when he was the one who chose her name before he left for the campaign at Mohács?
We wait for your return, she had written in her latest letter, one that included a sketch of Esmanur napping with her little thumb in her mouth.
They write to each other, no longer as friends, but as lovers.
It had been a gradual thing and before she knew it, Nigar had fallen in love with her husband.
While neither spoke about it out loud, it was there.
She feels nervous, as nervous as she felt on her wedding day the day he returns.
“I love you.” She whispers to him when she gets up during the night to check on their daughter.
He won’t hear it, she thinks, the journey had been long and tiring, besides Nasuh could sleep through anything anyways.
“I love you too.” Her husband says it back just as quietly as she did.
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mecsekalja · 11 months
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A mohácsi önkormányzati hírek nyomtatott kiadását (+pdf!!) is szállító helyi hirdető (informayer.hu) hibátlan retrós webdizájnja csak az első lépés, aztán érdemes csekkolni a rendkívül szellemes humorszekciót! Majdnem a néhai Morbid magazin szintjét hozza! Hiába, Mohács nem a kenszölkálcsörnak meg píszírendörködésnek való vidék!!!
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Admin's commentary: ...please, people, my boy Lajos had suffered trough one curb stomp battle in his lifetime, don't make him relive his trauma.
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I.Mátyás (Matej I.); also known as Hunyadi Mátyás (Matej Korvín) 1458-1490
I mean, do I even have to say anything??? you know who this guy is right.
fought the Ottomans. supported arts and sciences. instituted important reforms. founded Academia Istropolitana. made Buda the capital and built the Buda Castle. gained the crown of Bohemia and stole territory from Austria. the man. the myth. the legend.
seriously he's going to win this round and it's not even going to be even close. sorry Béla.
@deetherusalka said about him: "Lmao Bohemian crown snatcher, it's still so funny to me how in Czechia he's always presented as the evil himself and then everywhere else he's celebrated (which is not wrong imho! it's just funny how the narrative changes depending on perspective you learn about it)"
@durzarya said about him: #listen i love Mátyás király and i have voted for him#but my guy had some interesting policies#hilarious information about him: at 19 he captured Vlad Țepeș
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II.Lajos (Ľudovít II.) 1516-1526
as mentioned in his father's entry, we weren't told much about him as a person, other than the fact that the Jagiellon rule in Hungary was a shitshow and he himself died at Mohács
@biksarddedrak said about him: "Like uhhh, II. Lajos inherited a shitty country. And with a huge issue of Ottoman empire kicking down it's door. But he has my admiration, because he decide to face the problems and lost his life in a hopeless battle." #my boy Lájos was just unfortunate#he did not die in a fight rather he drowned while fleeing from the battlefield when battle was lost#his horse stumbled and Lájos fell into bog where he drown in his armour#Also also he was allegedly very pretty#also with his death could begin the habsburg rule so LETS GOO#he knew when to kick the bucket and not to stay in a way
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