#Mysti Inferno
asktheartpone · 8 months
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Day 20- Pixie
Mysti from @mystimod flutters in dressed as a pixie for today! Kind of reminds me of a certain little pixie that likes to cause trouble. :P
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whirlwindflux · 2 years
If it's any consolation, Slice, I think you're still cute.
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Slice: I mean.. Thanks.. But I was definitely more cute before this happened!
Stallion Slice: 14/?
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mystimod · 2 years
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Wonderful Gremlin style commission from @aerialaim Lovely work, and highly recommended!  Lookit those cute dorks huggin!
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Flower of Hope
So, this is actually a very important flower to Mysti and once I get off my butt and start the story up again, will play a part in it for a bit.  I have the story in my head, but it’s so long D:  Also, might get to meet a new character soon once I do get this going :P
on an artist level, this was a new experiment by lining and coloring some of ti at the same time, and using no black out lines.  I like how it came out.  ...also yeah, it’s a huge picture :P
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nicopony79 · 3 years
Feel The Burn
If you're looking for a well-written thoughtful synopsis, spoilers, or insight, you're in the wrong place. What I do have is a bunch of snarky commentary on INFERNO #1!
It's 55 pages long--which is 25 pages too long. We coulda wrapped this up a lot faster and cost me three less dollars.
We open with Wolvie & Co. getting annihilated in a gratuitous fashion to give the bad guys an endless supply of Wolvie skeletons. Mission: Accomplished!
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Definition of insanity, anyone?
Meanwhile, there is this following page, because WHY SHOW ME MAGNETO HAVING AN ANEURYSM when you can just type it up in a TPS report?
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Magneto having his brain implode is the content I want to SEE not read about. But -- we had to have the one Wolvie action scene because otherwise the whole book would be people standing around talking to each other. You know, what comic books are famous for...
Then I get confused (my default state, really), because didn't we already see this scene before? I'm having deja-vu.
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^ Here we have Destiny confirming Moira's bias that mutants are monsters. Sooo...talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Here's what I know about the Orchids People:
Mutants Bad.
Monkey People Good.
...Got it.
There are two awesome scenes in this book. This is the first one:
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Mo OWNS Mags with this line. Let me rephrase it:
X: We tried to blow up the Orchids peoples' base and did a bad job. Mags: It was an epic fail on behalf of our people. Moira: Uh, no. YOU shit the bed, Buckethead. Do not pass the buck onto the mutant race.
I started giggling so hard at this point.
Then I get confused again...
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Where the hell are we? Is this a Hydra thing? No? Wait, you're telling me this is Magneto's house? ...So I've learned a critical piece of information here. Magneto's favorite animal is a squid. OR, he's a big fan of Game of Thrones and Theon Greyjoy is his favorite character, which really says a lot.
Here's some excellent storytelling on behalf of the artist:
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How do you say everything with no dialogue? How do you convey someone's entire characterization in one panel? This is breathtaking.
Let me just stare at him for a bit more.
Music playing: Oo-ooh...love to hate you, baby....
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OKAY...There's something really wrong with Doug. No one is this happy in the morning before coffee. And people are worried about Black Tom? Look at this guy! He's lost his marbles.
Actually, he's adorable and I love him.
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Speaking of looking happy...Whenever Mystique is smiling, you know something's up. And I was squee-ing my pants.
Seeing Mysti sit like this, I hear my mother's voice in my head: Nico, put your legs down and sit like a lady!
Aaaand...the second best thing to happen:
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So I read this in Guided View on Comixology and let me tell you, it was CINEMATIC. I really love that about digital comics. AMAZING.
Magneto's face and posture - HA! What a sulky baby.
Winter Table be like: On Wednesdays we wear stupid hats.
Here's a shitty thing though.
Step on the toes of other writers much? First, we get Psylocke showing up which trods over Wells' Hellions storyline. Then we have Magneto's very existence in Inferno trampling over Williams' Trial of Magneto.
Marvel has to then issue a PSA about the chronology of the books this morning, which - I don't know, maybe instead of doing that, tell a coherent story in order and not RUIN the other titles for the sake of this one? Just a suggestion!
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azure-quill · 7 years
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Patreon doodle for @ask-mysti-inferno
Just a little doodle of Rarity adjusting some things on a little leggings / dress combination for Mysti. Hope you like it ^^
Want one of those for yourself? Check out my patreon!
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azurequillarts · 7 years
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Chibi Winners - Part 1
And the first round of winners is done! We’ve got @ask-fairyliesponies, @lupushowler, @katanatherealityhopper, @cybermagus, @ask-mysti-inferno, @loviestar2642, @amber-flicker, @asksilverstarandfriends, @loftwingpursuit, @anna-artsys-place
Hope y’all like it!
~ Rules | Submit | Art Packs | Artist ~
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asktheartpone · 3 years
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So this took a little longer than I would've liked, but I finally got all the asks I got compiled into this! Thank you everyone that wished me a happy birthday! :) Sure it was like...12 days ago? But still!
Featuring appearances by: @anideterm3, @ask-three-baldimores, @keirastarlightdraconequus (and her two kids Ruse and Mirage), @ask-the-out-buck-pony, @ask-twizilla, @mystimod, and @peppermint-pattie-replies!
I know the picture might not be clear, so if you were featured and want the picture of your OC on their own, please message me and I'll send it. Thank you all again for your patience and kind words. :) <3
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asktheartpone · 2 years
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A Christmas commission for @mystimod! Sorry this took so long. XD Hope ya like it! ^^
BONUS: I have a TikTok! See how the sketching progress went down here: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdjWVUGL/
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Like what you see? Consider commissioning me! :3
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asktheartpone · 3 years
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Commissions for @mystimod of their OCs Mysti Inferno and Precious Gemstones in dresses tailored to their names.
Inferno is obviously a fire word, so a firey dress complete with a fire pearl necklace seemed fitting for his flaming personality! *Is promptly bonked for the bad play on words*
Stones' worked best with gemstones still in the earth, so some rocky tones to compliment the vein of Aquaprase worked well with the colors of his mane! And of course a diamond bracelet to complete the sparkly dress. :)
Hope you like them! ^^
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Like what you see? Consider commissioning me! :3
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mystimod · 4 years
Is ask-mysti-inferno dead?
Unfortunately, yes.  I just don’t have the drive to go back, I’ve not drawn anything but 1 picture in the last year or two.  My motivation just fell off a cliff and never came back.  If it ever does, I’ll considerer doing more with that blog, but for the foreseeable future, it is dead.  I am sorry.
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mystimod · 7 years
Just thought I need a dedicated Mod Blog.
I felt I needed a place to I could just reblog and post stuff and didn’t bog down my other blog, @ask-mysti-inferno​ I have @mystipony​ But for personal reasons, I don’t want to use that one.  I also feel this’ll give me the ability to be more active on Tumblr.
I still need to follow a lot of blog from those on this one, but I’ve got a few of them down so far.
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asktheartpone · 7 years
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mystimod · 7 years
I feel the need to apologize
Just for not drawing much these days. It’s not that I don’t have ideas, it’s just when I try to put my ideas down my hands just won’t move and my mood just becomes uninterested in what I’m doing. I want to draw more things, but my brain just doesn’t want to.  So, for those who like my art, or are interested in my other blog @ask-mysti-inferno , I apologize that it’s been extremely slow going.  Sorry.
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azure-quill · 8 years
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New Header for the Boutique - looks like Nod couldn’t keep his eyes open long enough to take a nice picture....
Feat. @ask-mysti-inferno​ , @asknodthenarcoleptic​ , Dewdrop and Lily
I thought about putting more of their new friends in there, but decided against it in the end
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Sketcless Line Test
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Just trying to get back into drawing a little, a bit of a test where I didn’t use a sketch layer, not sure how I feel about it over all, also did this rather quickly compared to my usual time for a picture.
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