#Ned u fuck
tweedstoat · 2 years
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Look I get that they're probably just more relevant to the Northern plot of the story but I just find it weird that Allyria is betrothed to a marcher lord and there's no mention of Ned being invited to the water gardens....also Ned being named after the man who KILLED Arthur.....there is so much anger at and within that family GRRM explain....
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azucarera-art · 2 years
I bet baby Jon gave Ned regularly scheduled heart attacks just by doing normal baby things.
Jon: *cuddles a red & black blankie instead of a grey one*
Ned, sweating & suffering from indigestion: oh gods his father's side is showing does anyone suspect anything???
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
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arya: if there’s so much i must be can i still just be me the way i am?
sansa: can i trust in my own heart or am i just one part of some big plan?
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Criston Cole isn't really been afforded a lot of nuance by the fandom and it's starting to annoy me.
I think a few more small scenes would've done so much, say hearing the ladies of the court gossiping over an illegitimate child or even he himself discussing his background with either Alicent or Rhaenyra, which would've added to his development and his eventual crisis of faith, his Catholic guilt. I think people forget Criston is one of the few main characters who isn't a noble or a direct part of the family. As an illegitimate child in Westeros, all his life he's been told that he is the sinful thing, that he was born of sin and therefore unclean as result. By taking the white cloak and becoming a King's guard, he was able to put that "sin" behind him and become "clean". By sleeping with Rhaenyra he's stained and tainted that, something he can't handle or stand at all. He committed the ultimate sin, he's broken his oath, stained his honor and may have created a child doomed to be unclean too (obviously no such child was conceived or born but there was always the chance one could've been and I think that ate Criston alive inside and will probably be a factor of why he behaves the way he does towards Rhaenyra's sons). It's why he's so eager to run off and marry Rhaenyra so he can (in his mind) set it right. He wants to see himself as clean again. It's why he confesses so quickly to Alicent (also did some of you not watch the episode? Criston knew Rhaenyra snuck out, he had no way of knowing Rhaenyra was even with Daemon, he wasn't in King's landing to hear the gossip regarding Daemon & Rhaenyra that Larys spoke of and he was summoned immediately by Alicent so of course he assumed the rumours Alicent spoke of was referring to him), to seek forgiveness and regain some of that "cleanliness" before dying. Alicent offers him salvation, sanctuary, forgiveness while Rhaenyra shattered the version of herself he had built up in his mind. She betrayed that ideal he had of her and cannot understand why the "sin" they committed haunts him so greatly. For her it was a pleasurable night they spent together, to him it is his damnation, his ultimate sin. It's why he follows Alicent, in his eyes she offers him salvation while Rhaenyra can only offer him ruination.
I could ramble so much more about this, I don't know what it is but Alicent and Criston and the religious themes surrounding them both is absolutely fascinating.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
i will always take bryndenjaime over nedjaime bc the brynden admiration is realer. the way brynden hates his guts is also realer. and brynden is sexier because he has more old man realness
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adakechi · 2 years
aight we need to have a talk about celebrities and parasocial relationships in light of the try guys ned scandal
as much as this all sucks and stuff it really isnt helping by posting other real influencers or influencer couples and saying “they would never” or “im glad theyre the good ones :)” because i know a lot of you thought ned would never. a lot of you thought ned was one of the good ones.
as good and as down-to-earth someone may seem online, unless you know them on a personal level, you dont REALLY know them.
so yes, while i do love keith and becky and zach and maggie and eugene and matt and shane and ryan (not indicating shane and ryan are a couple LOL OOPS) etc etc 
by saying “theyre the good ones!!” or “they wouldnt do this!!” you’re not only putting an unrealistic expectation on them but you’re projecting an ideal that you dont ACTUALLY know
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spannardnation · 7 months
if u dont put his eyebags and moles back this INSTANT
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codgod-moved · 2 years
hey sorry to bother but what's up with the try guys thing? i've only been offline for a week and i'm already out of the loop😭
ned cheated on his wife with one of their employees (alex) and the other try guys found out about a month ago? from what i’ve been able to tell, and they gradually started removing him from videos and promotional stuff where they could (because that’s just a dick move all round) and yk. people noticed. so now it’s blown up into a huge thing and ned got fired from the company he co-founded because he “lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship” that fucked over literally as many people as it possibly could
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
i am extremely fucking tired of people solely blaming alicent for aegon like he didn’t have a fucking decrepit, irresponsible r**ist fuckwad deadbeat for a father. vise rys is at LEAST equally but actually more responsible for aegon turning out the way he is because the man is a fucking deadbeat to children he had no problem *making* and it’s incredibly transparent of people to act like it’s all alicent’s fault. like truly knowing it all or not, it’s equally bad because he was still being a fucking deadbeat and should’ve paid attention to his kids but too many of the people who watch this show act like alicent is the devil for not personally beheading her son or something. /sigh
#tbd#anti viserys i targaryen#pro alicent hightower#alicent hightower defense squad#sorry but they made vise rys extra disgusting but also expect you to feel like he's a good man#like where were your morals and your 'my ownnnlly child' sentiments when you were regularly r-wording and impregnating someone who was#a literal child when this started#people will look at the 15 year old and genuinely act like she brought this upon herself#like good king v i serys isn't total scum for even going there with a girl as young as alicent#sorry but as far as the show is concerned esp#her motivation could literally be i want to burn vis erys and everything he cared about to the ground and i'd still support her bc#like how do u watch how the show portrays this dynamic and not conclude that she is 100% the victim here#even if u hate alicent can you stop being so fucking disgusting about the wretched bc#*the wretched situation she is in#that man was fucking foul towards his children and his parental neglect is definitely a far bigger reason for why aegon is so fucked up#anyway i just think alicent should've smothered that crypt keeper looking motherfucker while he was sleeping#(before book clowns come at me i am a book clown)#doesn't matter the show made it like that and people look at how the show made it and then say the most disgusting things about alicent.#they also act like she did nothing but she did not do nothing. she did the best she could.#and people comparing vis erys to ned stark like ned would EVER be disgusting enough to do that with a child#fandom wank#tw rape
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funnyscienceman · 3 months
staring at my hands, whacking my head like a finicky tv set why cant i write any ned x jacob. i want more of the fun victorian crime boys. where is it. why cant i write it. aaa!!!!
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alexanderpearce · 1 year
RE: trying to see the alexander pearce manuscripts and illustrations at the nsw state library btw: asked at the closest equivalent in tasmania and anyone can see any of their archived ancient old stuff for literally any reason so long as they go through the official channels. but noo nsw state library is like oh well actually these items are digitised so. kys you can’t see them irl.
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caroldantops · 2 years
anyone else here deeply invested in the try guys drama
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
my feelings on like, nedbert is that they could never get to the stavos point of actual fucking, like even with a massive amount of modern day therapy, i think both of them would approach ~being gay~ as like, queerness is something you Do not something you Are and i don’t think either of them could ever recognize that what they feel is attraction to another man let alone acting on that feeling. whereas imo stannis is very aware of how he’s Not A Real Man and i think resents renly for being just a paragon of westerosi masculinity while also Doing Gayness & davos is imo aware that his feelings for stannis Are More Than Normal but has rationalized this as devotion to His King in a similar way to Loras’ feelings about Renly being The True King and also ya kno, exactly like Ned’s own devotion to Robert (the fact that ALL THREE OF THOSE FAILURES got themselves dedicated husbands despite being objectively terrible picks to be kings?? god!!)
so like for some characters it’s like are they gay? that’s their business not mine, that’s between robert and the light of the seven okay if ned wants to come out to catelyn that’s between them that’s a private marriage and it’s not my business!!
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somehow stumbled across an article abt the whole ned fulmer situation that was titled something like "why do we still consider cheating to be scandalous?" that then goes on to say how common cheating is amongst heterosexual couples and that most het couples consider buying food for the opposite sex to be cheating??? honestlt the most nonsensical article ive ever laid eyes on
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she-was-a-goddess · 2 years
Summary of how I reacted after reading this
#​what the fuck is going on in the house of comets
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computrangel99 · 1 year
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texas was actually kinda cool . lots of churches tho
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