#Netflix death note
xemnote · 3 months
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illiana-mystery · 11 months
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Behold, the best part of Netflix's Death Note.
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noteflix · 2 years
Hey everypony! By now you've probably heard the news about the live action Death Note series coming to Netflix. All of us here at noteflix headquarters are excited to welcome this addition to the noteflix cinematic universe! If you've been following this blog for awhile then you're probably familiar with some of our beloved noteflixverse cast members, but I thought I'd make an updated list of all currently known actors/entities and their roles. We are not accepting criticism at this time. Enjoy!
Light Yagami will be played by Trisha Paytas!
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L Lawliet will be played by Chills Top 15 aka Burger King Foot Lettuce!
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Misa Amane will be played by Onision!
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Ryuk will be played by the desecrated corpse of Ratafak Plachta!
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Touta Matsuda will be played by Cousin Greg!
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Teru Mikami will be played by Poppin Fresh
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Mello will be played by Taylor Swift!
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Near will be played by a furby!
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and finally, Matt will be played by Dream Minecraft!
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anarchitectofdreams · 2 years
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In the hit Netflix movie Death Note (2017) based on the anime/manga of the same name, there is a scene where Light and L have a confrontation of words and wills in a cafe.
During this scene, L drops the brilliant line, “I don’t do check, only checkmate.”
This line is a subtle reference to the popular tabletop role playing game Chess where you play as a king leading an army against your opponent’s army. The line references the chess terms Check and Checkmate.
Check is a term one uses when one of their pieces is in position to attack the enemy king. It means they must spend their turn defending or evading. While being in check signals pressure from the opponent, it is by no means a game-ender and may indeed be very far from the game’s actual end. Check may be called many times over the course of the game.
Checkmate on the other hand is a term used when one has a piece that can attack the enemy king and they do not have any possible moves to defend or evade. Checkmate is definitively the end of the game. It is the last word because one king is absolutely guaranteed to be defeated.
What L is saying here is that he does not make attacks. He make setups but his game will only have one attack. The final Checkmate that ends the game. The way he plays, the enemy king (Light in this case) will never be given a chance to defend or evade L’s attacks because when he strikes or applies pressure, he has already won. Every possible next move will end the game in his favour.
This line is brilliant because it is the exact fucking opposite of what L is doing in this scene by walking up to Light and telling him he is on to him while not having any proof. Instead just taunting him and giving Light plenty of time to think of a counterattack.
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burningarchitecture · 2 years
Live action death note adaption where we just stare at Light Yagami's decaying corpse for two hours
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Last night I dreamed that Light Yagami had given me a copy of the Death Note, but I was reluctant to actually use it. I think I just sort of fucked around with it and made stationery or something without writing any names down? BBC Sherlock showed up and introduced himself as "Martin Freeman", which dreaming-me was concluded was just like how L used that male idol's name in the original (and presumably because dreaming-me also couldn't remember Cumberland Bandersnatch's name). Also the dream decided that it was Light Turner instead of Light Yagami. The setting of my encounter with Sherlock turned into this sort of ... produce market that was happening in my mom's unspecified house.
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monaluisa · 2 years
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trivorowo · 1 year
After binging the entirety of death note watched the netflix movie. It's an odd one for sure, with many, many *choices* What confuses me the most is the final song that leads into the credits. The power of Love by Air supply. For some reason, this is the thing which has stumped me. Not the terrible teen romance, not their interpretations of characters, not the slightly off kilter chase scene, but this dang ending song.
It just wraps this entire baffling movie in an odd bow, doubly so with the slightly open ending.
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neonpancakes · 2 years
This new Duffer Brothers Death Note project is already making me want to throw myself off a cliff. If COLE SPROUSE…𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑬 𝑺𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑬, is cast to play 𝑳…I’m literally ending it all. (An unconfirmed possibility that everyone seems to be so friggen enthusiastic about for some reason) Goodbye humanity.
Why can’t people just leave something alone if it’s good? Just because Stranger Things is a success doesn’t mean everything you touch is now gonna be a masterpiece.
The one thing we don’t need is the army of Riverdale stans charging into the fandom and ruining everything. The 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 thing we need is another trash white people remake that doesn’t do anything any ‘justice’…just saying. (The pun was intended)
Apologies, I had to rant.
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isindismay · 1 year
So I watched Netflix’s version of Death Note, and oh boy do I have some thoughts about it!
Essay unstructured rant under the cut. Spoilers.
Wow this version of Light is really dumb, getting personal with his kills immediately, even making his first kill in his own eyeshot. Zero consideration that he might be caught.
Ok so this movie is ultra-violent.
So Yagami is a totally unacceptable American name but Light as a first name is fine? They couldn’t have made him Japanese American? I suppose the throwaway line about his mother being a hippie is supposed to explain why he’s called Light.
And they couldn’t even make this version of Misa (sorry, Mia) a goth? Ryuuk is cool though. Their version of Light and Misa meeting really sucks. Light just tells her about the Death Note. They barely know each other and he has no reason to trust her. Totally destroyed the complex relationship between them and made it uninteresting. Guessing they’re trying to shoehorn in an ill-fitting romantic subplot. Ugh I’m so mad I called it straight away and was right. This is Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy all over again, isn’t it?
Ok basically I’m only still watching to see more Ryuuk being cool and morbid fascination with just how they’re going to continue to butcher the story, and ugh probably L too.
Ok so Light names HIMSELF Kira? If I’d been the editor I’d have cut that dumbass scene right out. Especially as it’s followed by a news report calling him Kira. And somehow Light knows how to write “perfect Japanese”, a plot hole that might have been swerved if they’d made him Japanese American.
Watari is very young, but seems a good fit for the role. And I’m actually really impressed with the portrayal of L, his actor does a great job of getting his mannerisms right. Thank goodness. I had feared the worst after seeing Light and Misa portrayed as an unrecognisable bland teen couple. Where the heck is Ryuuk? I want more Ryuuk.
Ok weird move to have L immediately give a press conference, even if he is wearing a mask.
We’re half way through the movie and Light hasn’t had to come up with any ingenious plans, shown any remorse or fear of being discovered, or come across as particularly scary. How do you manage to make a protagonist like Light boring? Netflix, how?
Wait what, Ryuuk suddenly starts killing people? And being concerned for Light? Ryuuk wouldn’t do either of those things.
The scene where Light and L meet is good, but I really wish they’d drop the boring romance and have Light talk to Ryuuk more instead.
The Watari plot is kind of interesting, but it’s a disappointingly simplistic. Also who told Netflix that people want to watch Light doing regular teen stuff? Misa still has no clear motive and zero character development, so disappointing to see her reduced to such a flat, decorative female character in a 2017 movie. And would it have killed them to give her pigtails in one scene?
I do like that L wears his classic outfit in one scene and does the weird phone hold and the impressive jump to crouching position thing.
I hope Misa’s lying to Light about her main motivation being protecting him. If she’s really driven by murder that would make her half way interesting.
The L and Light chase scene is cool, but it’s over too soon. I am really disappointed at how few scenes they had together, their dynamic is key to Death Note.
Ok so the murder couple ARE trying to kill each other. Or at least threatening to unless the other one passes their weird tests of love? Yawn. The ferris wheel scene is overdramatic to the point of farce.
Although kinda makes sense once it’s explained Light made it all happen and got some criminals to help him before killing themselves. Smartest thing Light’s done the whole movie.
I’m guessing the ending is supposed to suggest L wins. Does he write Light’s name on the Death Note page he finds? Would he? It goes against all he stands for, but he is angry and upset.
I’d argue it’s actually a no-one wins ending. Light’s dad has evidence that his son is Kira, but still loses because his son is Kira. L lives, but is devastated by Watari’s death.
Overall, I can say that the hype about this adaptation being bad is completely justified. There’s some cool scenes and some of the characters are done well, but so much time is wasted on boring and stupid scenes. It would have benefitted from more Ryuuk and more L, but that’s just my opinion.
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trans-l-lawliet · 2 years
Realised Harry Styles could feasibly be cast as Light Yagami in the new Netflix adaptation
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tvtalk247 · 2 years
I finally decided to watch Death Note on Netflix.
And man, it had potential but the annoying ass teenagers ruined the concept for me. Especially the girlfriend.
And Lakeith’s character came off as a weirdo crackhead instead of a smart detective 😂😂
I know this is probably based on some comic so just know these comments are based on solely the Netflix film.
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theacevampire · 2 years
So... Netflix is really doing another live action Death Note adaptation, huh? source
At least (or so) it's going to be a series and not a movie, so that's a win, I guess? Since they're not about to cramp all the explaining of the rules into two hours...
And the Duffer Brother's are in charge, so that's at least something. I kinda hope they bring back Willem Dafoe as Ryuk because that was literally the only good thing they did in the movie (you know, the one that doesn't exist)
Netflix, please don't mess this up again, I beg you...
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Will say while Netflix's Death Note sucked ass Willem Dafoe is like the perfect casting choice for Ryuk
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burningarchitecture · 2 years
I'm just hoping a lot of stranger things fans aren't going to get into death note because that'll mean so much discourse resurfacing... Morality of liking immoral characters... Light Yagami misinterpretation.... L babyfiers. Oh lord spare us 🙏
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zimthandmade · 5 months
Okay, look. I read @mihaelkeehl s tag under my recent post about M2 in their 30s and I had way too much fun with the idea--
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I threw a whole ass Netflix page together for them lololol
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