#Not Harlock Related
"Who shall see the clouds gather, the heavens bending upon crumbling hills, the sea heaving, the abyss yawning, the old darkness beyond the stars falling upon fallen towers?" 
- J. R. R. Tolkien - The Markirya Poem
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beesgav · 1 year
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if you’re curious as to why I’m on this kick again it’s because I watched Harlock Saga recently
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mikurulucky · 15 days
More Tochiro headcanons because I just thought of these today, and they're mostly about his adhd and coffee, since he's sometimes seen drinking coffee in Endless Orbit SSX.
So, this is the 30th century, some progress has been made in regards to how neurodivergency and mental illness is viewed and treated in many places, especially in Japan prior to earth's invasion. It's not QUITE as taboo anymore, but there was still some work to be done, especially amongst the older generations on Earth. There were some steps forward and some steps backward, after many MANY generations and political movements on Earth. With that context in mind, I can move on to the actual headcanons about Tochiro specifically.
Tochiro was diagnosed with ADHD-PI when he was young, and one of his teachers was the first to notice his fidgeting and attention issues. His mom was the one who got him tested and his dad was a bit apprehensive at first, still holding onto some dated views on mental health.
Tochiro used to be on welbutrin for his symptoms, which only helped a bit with motivation issues. After the Illumidas invaded earth, he lost access to medication as an adult, especially after joining the army as an engineer. He was already a semi-regular coffee drinker, so he ended up drinking it more regularly to compensate to somewhat mixed results.
With THAT in mind, coffee only rarely wakes him up. He mostly drinks it to relax his mind. It's why he regularly drinks it on the Arcadia. (his mind rarely shuts up, and the coffee calms the mental noise and even makes his focus easier when doing important tasks on the ship..... sometimes it helps his focus a little TOO well, though he's prone to hyperfixating on tasks anyhow, the coffee just sometimes enhances that hyperfocus for him)
If he feels like he NEEDS the caffeine, he won't be too picky with the coffee. He'd wait for it to cool enough that he can quickly chug the coffee and get it over with.
What he CAN'T stand, however, is coffee grounds in his coffee, they're a sensory nightmare for him, especially compared to Harlock and Tadashi's reactions to feeling coffee grounds floating in coffee. They're mildly annoyed by the grounds, but Tochiro is outright grossed the fuck OUT by floating coffee grounds and that can lead sensory overload if he's already on the edge of an overload from other unpleasant stimuli like bright cool lights, as one example, (the Arcadia's lights are mostly warmer lights to accommodate this sensitivity and Harlock does prefer warm lights as well, so they both win)
He prefers hot coffee over ice coffee. But again, he won't be picky if he absolutely needs it and iced is the only kind he can get for whatever reason. Easy to chug down in a pinch, but the downside is the temperature can feel uncomfortable in his mouth and especially on his teeth
Tadashi makes sure Tochiro doesn't overdo it on the coffee as does Harlock and occasionally La Miime. Tochiro overdid it on the coffee once and needed medical attention because of it, and he STILL felt sleepy during and afterwards.
He typically doesn't drink coffee and alcohol at the same time, but he did try irish creme in coffee once prior to the invasion in his early 20s.
Oh, and he likes his coffee black most of the time. He knows good coffee when he tastes it (and Tadashi knows how to make some good coffee even with the cheapest grounds the crew manage to get)
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majestydeerakuma · 9 months
I had a dream where I was hanging out with Captain Harlock
It was a good dream!
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general-kalani · 2 years
Continued from here, closed rp with @fallesto​
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Such a harsh response. Over simply talking briefly on his history?.. He wasn’t enjoying this alternate galaxy he’d managed to land himself in. After all, he was looking to see if anyone would believe him in the first place over what he ‘claims’ to an extent.
Oh well, always next time for old stories from a hundred years ago...
Or was it longer now?
He’d have to recount the years.
“Alright, fine. What are your limits for bounties you take? Anything you won’t do? I assume kids of course but other than that? Perhaps you won’t target politicians?.. Oooh politicians, if you do take those there are a few in mind I wouldn’t mind getting off my back.”
Oh those politicians... Elites... His blood boiled thinking them over, the highest bounty a galaxy would ever see on his head alone just because he wanted to fight for freedom.
He’d just have to stay as a space pirate in his own galaxy. Maybe here, in this alternate one, he could have a little fun.
“How much you going to make me pay just because I want to talk anyhow? You take gold?”
If he knew his luck, which he did at this occasion unfortunately, this wouldn’t be to his favour and he’d have to somehow turn all his gold into a secondary currency...
It would probably be easier to take his Arcadia to become a nuisance here too as a pirate.
Just as it was getting good too!
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emblazonet · 2 years
General Thoughts upon Finishing Captain Harlock
It only took us seven months but we made it. 
Nonspoilery feels: could’ve done a lot more interesting stuff with villains, did not. Annoying child character ruins fun. Sentient ships are cool. I was more interested in the possiblities of the world rather than what ended up happening. 
I will make a list in bullet form because I like bullet points.
The intro song continues to slap each and every time. I enjoy the end theme too
If I EVER have to hear Mayu’s stupid fucking ocarina tune again I WILL scream, it’s the only piece of music in the whole show I didn’t like
After the one (1) Kei episode there was no more shamisen and that was a crime
Where were the other Kei episodes, show
They could have probably cut Tadashi Daiba with no consequences tbh he was really annoying and his arc was painful
The show could not have cut Mayu and made sense but oh my god I want it to, I enjoyed 0% of any Mayu content. Please give me a refund of every minute I had to spend looking at her terrible proportions.
The villains did not work for me at all. I was hesitant about the concept of ‘all the enemies are hot womenz but they’re actually plant aliens!’ to begin with, but the vibe was kinda cool. But then the story proceded to do nothing to them that made them feel interesting or like a threat or.... anything? Nothing was scary about them actually? It’s just ‘oh my god hot women MIGHT have a different agenda ooooh spooopy’ like. Wat.
The best thing about the Mazons was like the two episodes where they had internal conflict and then the rebels got killed on the snow planet. That was cool. There should have been a lot more of that.
Really wanted Queen Rafflesia (my subs had ‘Lafresia’) to just like. Be more interesting. I really liked a lot of aspects of her character but they coulda leaned into it harder.
Some of the animation really impressed me (anytime they rotated spaceships and other vehicles!) but having such a wide, like, size disparity in adults for cartoon reasons threw me considerably. It wasn’t entirely my thing I guess. But all the pirate design aspects ruled
I love you Miime
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rz-jocelyn · 1 month
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[NEWS] Sato Ryuji has been Cast in the TV Drama "With You I Bloom: The Shinsengumi Youth Chronicle"
"With You I Bloom: The Shinsengumi Youth Chronicle" (Japanese title: Kimi to Yukite Saku ~ Shinsengumi Seishun Roku~) is a live action adaptation of the manga called "Shinsengumi" by Tezuka Osamu.
It tells the story of Fukakusa Kyujuro a young man who wants revenge for the death of his father, and joins the Shinsengumi in search for this justice.
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Sato Ryuji plays a mysterious man who comes to Kyujuro's aid when he meets the enemy who killed his father.
[1] This isn't the first time Ryuji has had a connection to Tezuka Osamu's works. The Brow Beat (his band where he is the main vocalist) has released "Tsumugu", which is the "BLACK JACK" manga 50th anniversary theme song.
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To purchase the physical single of "LOVE LETTER" which includes the song, please refer to this link: HERE
To stream/download the song, please refer to the links below.
Apple Music: HERE
Spotify: HERE
The band is also collaborating with the "BLACK JACK" manga and goods from this collaboration are currently available online. To purchase the goods, please refer to this link: HERE
[2] Miura Ryosuke, who has co-starred with Ryuji in "Jujutsu Kaisen The Stage" and "'Galaxy Express 999' THE MUSICAL" plays Serizawa Kamo.
They both played Gojo Satoru and Itadori Yuji respectively in Jujusute, and Captain Harlock and Prider/Count Mecha respectively in the 999 musical.
The Blu-ray/DVD for "Jujutsu Kaisen The Stage -Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event & The Origin of Obedience-" is currently available for pre-order. For more information on how to pre-order it, please refer to this link: HERE
[3] Also included in the cast are Ryuji's co-stars from the "Musical Touken Ranbu", Takano Akira and Sakamoto Shogo, as Shinsengumi members. Akira (Hizamaru in Toumyu) plays Kondo Isami while Shogo (Horikawa Kunihiro in Toumyu) plays Hijikata Toshizo.
In Toumyu, Ryuji plays Kashuu Kiyomitsu, who is a sword owned by Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi. In KimiYuki, his identity is speculated to be Sakamoto Ryoma.
[4] Ryuji and Nagata Takato, who plays Yamanami Keisuke, have also co-starred in the TV drama "Sheasuru Ra! Instanto Ramen Arenji-bu wo Hajimemashita".
[5] Additionally, Kan Hideyoshi and Mokudai Kazuto play original characters who are part of the Shinsengumi. Along with Ryuji, they were part of "Kamen Rider Geats", playing Ukiyo Ace (Kamen Rider Geats), Michinaga Azuma (Kamen Rider Buffa) and Jitto/Zitt (Kamen Rider Regad) respectively.
On a related tokusatsu note, Ryuji also made his entertainment industry debut in "Kamen Rider Fourze" as Satake Teruhiko (Hound Zodiarts) and Miura Ryosuke plays Ankh in "Kamen Rider 000".
[6] Kan Hideyoshi and Ryuji have also co-starred in the movie "HiGH&LOW THE WORST X" where Ryuji plays Nishikawa Yasushi and Hideyoshi plays a member of Barasho.
[7] Kawai Hayato, the director of KimiYuki, also directed the TV drama "Kizoku Tanjou -PRINCE OF LEGEND-", which Ryuji was in.
To watch Sato Ryuji's appearance on "With You I Bloom: The Shinsengumi Youth Chronicle", please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: For more information on how to use the site to watch, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x )
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duckprintspress · 1 year
June 2023 Releases: 6 All-New Titles from Duck Prints Press Just in Time for Pride Month!
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Happy Release Day, Everyone! We publish new short stories and novelettes for our General Imprint on the fourth Thursday of the month, and here we are with five new short stories and a novelette! 
June 22nd Releases:
Title: Of Loops and Weaves Author: Catherine E. Green
F/F, Getting Together, Maximum Fluff
Robin loves to sit in the local coffee shop, crocheting a sweater for her friend Dee, who she hopes will become more than a friend.
She doesn’t expect to need to frog a chunk of project.
And she really doesn’t expect Dee to walk in on her doing so…
Title: Solarpunks: Viva la Revolución (a story in the Solarpunks ‘verse) Author: J. D. Harlock
Found Family, Utopian Future, the Very Teenage Urge to Rebel Against Authority
The future is perfect, with strong community ties, collective ownership, plenty for all, and an ideal balance of private life and public life.
In such a setting, what’s a group of bored teenagers to do to shake up the order of things?
Sami, Ros, and Amara aren’t sure…but Sami has a plan.
Title: Seal Island Author: K. B. Vimes
M/M, Queerplatonic Relationship, Ace Trans Main Character, Selkies
Michael has always known he was a boy, and always known he didn’t fit in with either the boys or girls around him in the quiet fishing community where he grows up. To escape the insistence of his friends and family that he become a “proper young lady,” he seeks refuge on the island in the bay where the seals sun themselves during the summer.
It’s not until he’s 18 that he realizes he might be able to make the island a more permanent home. Will the seals welcome the young man who’s never felt like he’s belonged?
Title: More Than We Deserve Author: Nicola Kapron
M/M, Finding a Slice of Hope Amidst Dystopia, Trans Main Character, Spies and Super Soldiers
Every year, the employees of The Winterborne Group have to fill out Form 301-A, checking off boxes related to gender and sexuality to enhance the megacorp’s diversity numbers. 
This year, Dice uses this opportunity to finally, after years of passing, tell the company he’s trans.
That’s not the problem.
The problem is that Grey, Dice’s favorite company-owned Horizon super soldier, has asked for Dice’s help completing his Form 301-A.
Title: Live Like There’s No Tomorrow (a short prequel story in the Welcome to PHU ‘verse) Author: Tris Lawrence
Family Feels, Surviving Cancer, Finding Hope Through Everyday Struggles
Middle-school student Jackson is not particularly upset about his cancer; the doctor’s assure him he’ll recover, and his biggest concern is that his friends will be a grade or more above him by the time he’s able to get back to school.
Well, that and that he’s sure that his mother is keeping a secret from him, but he can’t figure out what that secret is and she’s not talking about it.
Title: Moongatherer Author: Willa Blythe
F/F, PTSD, Recovery From Trauma, Bonding While on a Quest Together
The Summer Solstice is approaching, the day when the sunlight lasts the longest and the dangers of being out in the world, exposed to the harsh rays, is greatest. As is their way, Clan Firefox has once again chosen two representatives to travel to Moon’s Rest and make an offering to the Goddess to bring the moonlight back.
No one is surprised that Pomegranate will be making the journey.
But everyone is shocked when Honeycomb is selected, and no one more so than Honeycomb herself.
And, as they set out on their journey, all Honeycomb can see is the memory of harsh solar rays and burning fires…
Maybe during this journey, these two young women can find more than they ever thought to seek…
Think they all sound amazing? Well, you should, because they are. And we’ve got you covered – you can buy ALL SIX of these new titles in one awesome bundle – and save 20% off the list price for buying each story individually! 
Come on over to the Duck Prints Press webstore and find your new favorite short story! And, while you’re at it, don’t forget to check out the anthology we’re Kickstarting!
Want more stories, and to support our awesome, queer-owned, fandom-based small business indie Press? We rely on your backing on Patreon to keep our prices low and maximize the royalties we pay to authors! Support us, and get free stories every month – the higher your backer level, the more you get!
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hushpuppy5-blog · 1 year
I found this document called "The Asexual Manifesto" and thought it was interesting in how it addressed asexuality amongst women in some 1970s feminist groups:
The Asexual Manifesto (1972) was recently found by Caoimhe Harlock on Twitter.  It is available as a pdf.  I have transcribed it below for better accessibility.  The format mimics the original, except for the placement of the footnote on the first page. The Asexual Manifesto was also excerpted in Shere Hite’s book, Sexual Honesty (1974); I have separately transcribed the excerpt and noted what was left out.  Feel free to use this in any way.
--Siggy, 6/22/2019
I wrote an article explaining some of the context of the Manifesto. --Siggy, 8/9/2019
The Asexual Manifesto
Lisa Orlando, Asexual Caucus, NYRF *
* In September 1972, the Co-ordinating Council of New York Radical Feminists formed caucuses based on similarity of sexual orientation.  Each caucus was to explore its members' personal and political attitudes about their sexuality and communicate these views to the larger group.  Barbie Hunter Getz and I realized that we would not feel comfortable in any of the proposed caucuses (heterosexual, Lesbian, bisexual) and formed our own.  Out of this caucus came a paper of which the “Asexual Manifesto” is a revision.  That the paper’s plural form has been retained does not imply that all the views expressed in this final version necessarily reflect the views of both the original co-authors.
I. Origin and Definition.
Our experiences with sexuality have not been congruent with our feminist values.  As our consciousness became raised on this issue we began to see how sex had permeated our lives and the lives of others.  We categorized our relationships in terms of sex ----- either friends or lovers.  We engaged in a "sizing up" process, however subtle or subconscious, with each new person, accepting or rejecting her/him as a possible sexual partner even if we never intended to become sexually involved.  We arbitrarily rejected whole groups of people as unsuitable for intimate relationships because we assumed that such relationships, by definition, necessarily included sex.  Often we chose to spend time with people simply on the basis of their sexual availability (the “bar scene”).  As we became aware of this in ourselves, we became painfully aware of how we were being objectified by others.
Asexuality is an outgrowth of this consciousness.  It is a concept we have come to employ out of the wish to communicate ----- not merely through being but also through language ----- our struggle to rid ourselves of sexism in our personal lives.
In this paper we have used the terms “sex” and “sexual” to describe any activity one goal of which is genital excitation or orgasm.  Physical affection and sensuality (including kissing) are not, by this definition, sexual unless they are directed towards the goal of genital excitation.
We chose the term “asexual” to describe ourselves because both “celibate” and “anti-sexual” have connotations we wished to avoid: the first implies that one has sacrificed sexuality for some higher good, the second that sexuality is degrading or somehow inherently bad.  “Asexual”, as we use it, does not mean “without sex” but “relating sexually to no one”.  This does not, of course, exclude masturbation but implies that if one has sexual feelings they do not require another person for their expression.  Asexuality is, simply, self-contained sexuality.
II. Philosophy
Our philosophy of asexuality grew out of our personal ethics, which have been reshaped by our feminist consciousness.  To us, as to many other women, feminism means more than the fight against sexism.  It means "sisterhood" ----- a new way of relating, perhaps a new way of life.  Feminist morality, at this stage in history, can only be defined as antithetical to the oppressive values of our society (e.g., competition, objectification).  On a personal level, it is reflected in our beliefs that: we should attempt to relate to others in their totality as much as possible and not view them as objects existing for the gratification of our needs; we must not exploit others ----- that is, use them “unjustly or improperly” ----- nor allow ourselves to be exploited; we must not be dishonest with ourselves or those we respect.  In addition, we believe that we each have the responsibility for examining our behavior, determining how it has been affected by sexist conditioning, and changing it if it does not meet our standards.
As feminists we had decried the sexual exploitation of women by men without seeing that we too had used others “unjustly and improperly”.  Interpersonal sex is not an instinctive behavior pattern; it is behavior we have learned to use for the satisfaction of a need (for orgasm) which we can easily satisfy for ourselves.  We came to see this use of others as exploitative and realized that in allowing others to use us in this way we were acquiesing in our own exploitation.
In our attempt to be honest with ourselves, we tried to determine what our real needs are.  We saw that we have needs for affection, warmth, skin contact, which we had been taught to satisfy through interpersonal sex.  As we began to satisfy these needs in our "friendships," our need for and interest in sex diminished.  We also realized that we had a need for intimacy, a state we had always seen as "completed" by sex.  In retrospect, we realized that we, and others, had used sex as a means of self-deception, as a way of avoiding real closeness rather than achieving it.
We had struggled against our conditioning in many ways, especially in terms of roles, but we had avoided examining the basic conditioning which had shaped our sexuality.  It is difficult even to speculate on the nature of "ideal sexuality" (uninfluenced by sexism) but we are certain that it would not occupy as much of our lives as it does in this society.  We live in a culture of "fetish-worshippers" who regard sex with an extreme and irrational amount of attention.  Just as many of us were conditioned to direct our energy into the preparation of lavish meals, creating a fetish out of a simple need to avoid confrontation with the emptiness of our lives as women, so we were conditioned to seek sexual satisfaction in convoluted and circuitous ways.  Since our involvement with feminism, our lives have been increasingly meaningful and we no longer feel the need for fetishes.
In examining our experiences relative to our values, we have come to asexuality as a stand and a state of being concurrently.  Interpersonal sex is no longer important to us, no longer worth the distorted and often destructive role it has played in relationships.  It no longer defines our relationships or in any way constitutes our identities.  As asexual women, we do not (1) seek, initiate, or continue relationships in order to experience interpersonal sex, (2)use others for the satisfaction of our sexual needs or allow ourselves to be so used, (3) attempt to satisfy other needs (e.g. for affection, warmth, intimacy) through interpersonal sex, or (4) perceive others according to their potential, or lack of it, as sex partners.  In essence then, our asexuality reflects a rejection of interpersonal sex as long as it cannot meet our conditions: that it be both congruent with our values and totally incidental and unimportant to our relationship.
III Politics
Basic to the liberation of women is the destruction of sexism, one manifestation of which is the sexual exploitation of women by men.  Asexuality is a step towards achieving this goal at the personal level, as it eliminates one means by which men oppress us.  Through our asexuality, we have excluded sex as a goal and, essentially, even as a possibility in any relationships we may happen to have with men.
Because of the patriarchal culture which has resulted from institutionalized sexism, the exploitative behavior, standard in such a culture, has made it extremely difficult for women to realize their own independent, more humane style of relating.  Most women consequently reflect, in their relationships with each other, some of the exploitative behavior patterns characteristic of our male oppressors.  One area where the oppression of women by women may occur is, again, the sexual; this oppression too must end before we can be truly free. Through asexuality, we have rejected sex as a goal in our relationships with women, thus avoiding the sexual objectification, exploitation, and oppression of our sisters.  Here too, we reject any possibility of sex unless our conditions are met, and we thereby prevent ourselves from being sexually exploited and oppressed.
To destroy a particular culture’s basic myths is to undermine its very foundations.  Patriarchal culture, based as it is on sex differentiation, has constructed some of its strongest myths around sexuality.  We believe it is of prime importance that feminism direct itself to the exposure and destruction of the current patriarchal mythology which, through deception, reinforces our oppression.  Those myths most responsible for the distorted role sex plays in women's lives are:
Interpersonal sex is essential since the sex drive is a powerful force in human life and, if unsatisfied (through interpersonal sex), tends to produce unhappiness or possibly illness,
It is important that any sexual excitation always and/or immediately be satisfied,
Sex is essential for closeness in a relationship, no relationship being complete without it,
The ultimate closeness in a relationship occurs during sex and/or orgasm,
The needs for physical affection and sex are basically the same,
It is almost impossible satisfactorily to express affection physically without sexual excitation also occurring,
Women who have little interest in interpersonal sex, or who rarely if ever reach orgasm, are somehow inadequate.
While all these myths may not be credible to all women, some women believe some of them some of the time.
Finally, we see a conflict between, on the one hand, the time and energy necessary to our struggle as feminists, and, on the other hand, the time and energy necessary to develop and maintain relationships in which sex is a goal.  If we would use our energy efficiently, a choice seems indicated: to struggle against sexism or to struggle for satisfactory sex.  Although it may be said that to turn one’s back on a problem is not to solve it, we think the truth of this statement is relative to the importance one places on the problem.  If we saw interpersonal sex as important, asexuality would be a cop-out; since we do not, it is instead a means of withdrawing our energy from an area in which we feel it is being wasted.  
We see asexuality as an efficient "alternative life-style" for revolutionary women but we do not claim that “asexuality is revolution.”  We call ourselves “self-identified women” but we do not demand that all feminists adopt this title.  Our statement is simply this: as a result of examining the nature of our sexuality and reclaiming it from the sexist misconceptions surrounding it, we are able to form and maintain relationships in a way which both reflects our values and is effective in our liberation struggle.  For us, asexuality is a committment to defy and ultimately to destroy the baseless concepts, surrounding both sex and relationships, which support and perpetuate the patriarchy.
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 25 days
A bit more of an obscure char (well, obscure in the US at least), but Tochiro Oyama from the Captain Harlock series is totally autistic ^_^. There's quite a bit about him that I can relate to as someone who suspected I was autistic for years now.
Tochiro Oyama from Captain Harlock is Autistic!
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missilemarz · 1 month
it’s kind of sad for me that my harlock stuff is what performs worst in terms of notes and stuff cause that’s what I’m most interested in
idk just really bummed lately about art in general and it’s been really demotivating . I’m grateful of course some of my other art has done so well on here but it confuses me and makes me sad my recent harlock-related stuff does so bad .
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My current main f/o is Tochiro from the Captain Harlock series. Though the funny thing about Leiji Matsumoto's character designs is how he uses a particular archetype for each character type, so there are other characters related to Tochiro in some way and resemble him. So I ended up with Nobotta from Otoko Oidon, one of Leiji's earlier works, as a secondary f/o, which is odd since me crushing on a relative/ancestor of another crush is pretty rare for me.
I just imagine a different version of myself in another timeline with either of these two, especially since alternate universes are kinda Leiji's bread and butter for the most part, so that makes me feel a bit better about this. But either way, this just goes to show I have a thing for nerdy dorks.
And either way, my f/o is pretty niche, especially my current secondary f/o, he's more well known in Japan than here in the US. It's just me and my feels here.
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mikurulucky · 5 months
Just a comparison of the line delivery in both Arcadia of My Youth and Endless Orbit SSX. Seeing as the former is a feature length movie, ig it kinda required a somewhat more realistic line delivery while the series has more of the usual anime over-the-topness to it.
And as an added bonus, a comparison of Kei Tomiyama's take on Tochiro's voice and Keaton Yamada's take in Space Pirate Captain Harlock. Both voices have a certain softspoken element but with slightly different vibes (though I can't put my finger on what those vibes really are).
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UPDATE: A clip of Koichi Yamadera's take from the Queen Emeraldas OVA! Not bad tbh. ^_^
UPDATE 2: To show off a bit more of Yamadera-san's take on the character, I added a clip of him from the Harlock Saga ova. Kinda shows off Tochiro's intimidating side.
Honestly, Kei Tomiyama's Tochiro will always be my favorite, but Koichi Yamadera's take is a pretty close second imo.
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thehorrortree · 6 months
Deadline: March 15th, 2024 Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25 Theme: Dragons Eye to the Telescope 52, Dragons, will be edited by J. D. Harlock. Even though no one can agree on what exactly dragons are, nearly every culture has mythologized them in some way. From their size to their design to their abilities to their origins, tales of dragons are as diverse as humanity itself, with some of the earliest poetry in the English language revolving around them, reinventing what dragons were perceived as for the time. In this dragon-themed call, we want your take on dragons. Feel free to draw from traditions outside the predominant Western narrative to develop an original take on these fearsome creatures or introduce under-appreciated interpretations from your own cultures. Not only can you twist the idea of what dragons are as you see fit, but you can place them in genres outside of traditional fantasy, where they have often been underutilized or absent. Poetry that rhymes is more than welcome, and I'm open to a genre approach to submissions as much as I am to a literary one! Submission Guidelines SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Use the form at bit.ly/SFPAettt52 to submit. Please submit 1–3 unpublished poems in English (ideally, attached as .docx or .txt) and include a short bio. Translations from other languages are acceptable with the permission of the original poet (unless public domain). Inquiries only to [email protected] with “ETTT” in the subject line. Deadline: March 15. The issue will appear on April 15, 2024. Payment and rights Accepted poems will be paid for at the following rate: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25. Payment is on publication. The Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association normally uses PayPal to pay poets, but can also send checks. Eye to the Telescope is an online publication. Therefore, First Electronic Rights (for original unpublished poems) are being sought. Who can submit? Any human writing speculative poetry. Please no AI-generated works or AI-human collaborations. What is Speculative Poetry? Speculative poetry is poetry which falls within the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror, plus some related genres such as magic realism, metafiction, and fabulation. It is not easy to give precise definitions, partly because many of these genres are framed in term of fiction rather than poetry. A good starting point is “About Science Fiction Poetry” by Suzette Haden Elgin, the founder of the Science Fiction Poetry Association. Despite its title, this article is applicable to all forms of speculative poetry. Tim Jones, editor of Issue 2, had a go at defining science fiction poetry on his blog, in two parts (These blog posts date from 2009, and the Voyagers anthology has since been published. These posts do refer specifically to science fiction poetry, rather than the broader field of speculative poetry.): timjonesbooks.co.nz/2009/02/08/what-is-science-fiction-poetry-part-1-definition/ .timjonesbooks.co.nz/2009/02/15/what-is-science-fiction-poetry-part-2-history/ What Is the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA)? As the SFPA says on its website at sfpoetry.com, “The Science Fiction Poetry Association was founded in 1978 to bring together poets and readers interested in science fiction poetry. What is sf poetry? You know what they say about definitions—everybody has one. To be sure, it is poetry (we’ll leave that definition to you), but it’s poetry with some element of speculation—usually science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Some folks include surrealism, some straight science.” See the SFPA site for lots more information—and please consider joining. Via: Eye to the Telescope Magazine.
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general-kalani · 2 years
❛  i don’t think we’ve met yet but you looked like you needed someone to talk to.  ❜ ( for Harlock! )
Rp prompt from; here!
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It was interesting to him that someone he didn't know willingly came up to him. Surely they saw the bounties for his head before they approached!
Or maybe the bounty board still portrayed him much uglier than he was still.
He had to strangle those people if he ever met them! The audacity to do such a thing just because he was so well known...
“... I don’t think we’ve met either. Pleasure to meet you, as short as this meeting may be.” His eye scanned them over briefly before he smiled a little. “Interesting that you say I needed someone to talk to... Well, what did you want to talk about?”
It would hopefully get rid of this boredom he had while on this world...
Though he was focused on one thought.
Why had they approached?
Even if it was for a mission it’s not often people did this. With the Gaian Sanction coming after him for merely existing now...
Were they, perhaps, a spy? Planning to infiltrate his crew?
Wouldn’t be the first time...
He’d just have to wait and see.
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seriously-mike · 11 months
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I will never understand how AI image generation works.
Remember my second artist style imitation test? I blanked the negative prompt and ran it again on the updated Dreamshaper V7 dataset (not that 6.3 wouldn't work, the thing is heavily trained on anime since version 4) aaand...
PISS CUNTING SHIT FUCK BRUSSELS. How overly fucking specific do you have to be to just shitcan the entire anime style over very specific failure-related keywords? Suddenly, it works. It nails the style of a lot of mangakas.
Naoko Takeuchi - a swing and a miss. Midjourney does it better (after all, why wouldn't it).
Leiji Matsumoto - it's not as obvious here, but I tried with the first test (Keira Knightley as a post-apocalyptic soldier) as well and got some old-school anime vibes with simple bold shading. Sure, a lot of newer generic anime is bleeding in, so it's not 100% Captain Harlock, but it's there.
Studio Ghibli - two words: FUCKIN' FINALLY. Just like I said that asking for Hokusai gave me Hayao Miyazaki, applying a large enough hammer to the workflow gave me Miyazaki when I asked for his style (politely).
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