#Not that he knows that
puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 209
Now Jason was planning on, well, a lot of things, when he came back to Gotham. He had a lot of plans, several of which had to do with the old man and even more that had to do with cleaning up Crime Alley, making it safer and all that. 
What he was not planning on was to find some sort of lab in the basement of where he was planning on setting up a safehouse. Nor was he planning on finding several literal children in cages inside said lab. Oh and Lazarus Waters- but children! With muzzles! Being experimented on!
Now he’d like to say he had a plan in what happened next, but if he’s honest everything had gone Green and he didn’t remember what happened next, only that he’s back home with said children and covered in blood. Oh and everything smells of smoke. 
… And apparently there’s more of these things dotted around Crime Alley with the rest of these kids, er, siblings? Family? Fright does mean family? Okay kids, he’s not turning into Bruce but you can stay here while he deals with this… however long that takes. 
He better not be turning into Bruce he swears-
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astarionsblueundies · 4 months
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A scene from the wip fic, in which Astarion sees what he can do about making the process of feeding a little more comfortable for his generous friend, Ashe.
Pairing: Tav/Astarion Rating: idk, not E Word Count: ~5,700
(For context, this is after the Act I Gur encounter. Astarion has been consistently feeding on Ashe, but they've otherwise not outwardly expressed any romantic interest apart from his incessant flirting, which Ashe can't trust since he does it with anyone. She's positive her crush on him is quite unrequited.)
Beside the crackling fire, a comfortable silence settles over camp as everyone winds down from a long day of unfortunate but necessary violence and deception. Ashe still doesn’t feel cut out for these things, but she bumbles her way through them nevertheless, and she hasn’t died yet—not permanently, anyway.
Bumbling is better than dead, she supposes.
With another sunset come and gone, she sits cross-legged on her bedroll, fiddling with the corner of a worn page as she reads a fun little tale about life in The Nine Hells. She wasn’t expecting a slice-of-life story when she looted the book off an infernal corpse, but it’s been page-turningly delightful so far. 
Astarion, on the bedroll adjacent to her, flips through his usual much larger and dustier tome. Ashe doubts his is nearly as fun, but she’s curious about it all the same. Someday she’ll ask about it, but for now she’s engrossed in reading about how much chain devils enjoy karaoke.
While some of her other companions usually take advantage of the fire’s warmth to bed down, it looks like it’s just the two of them tonight. The air is still quite warm despite the night’s light breeze, so it seems that most are sticking to their tents.
Ashe doesn’t have one for whatever reason, so fireside it is for her. 
Astarion always chooses fireside as well. He hasn’t said so explicitly, but Ashe suspects he enjoys the heat in the same way a lizard might. She’s positive he wouldn’t appreciate the comparison, so she’s kept this hypothesis to herself. 
As the hour grows late and Ashe’s eyelids grow heavy, all is peaceful for a single, rare moment. So much so that even the low, sudden hum of Astarion’s voice startles her. “I saw that, you know,” he says. 
Ashe snaps up from her book, brows knitting together as she meets his gaze, which is startlingly on her, by the way. She wonders how long it’s been like that. “Wh-what?”
He barely elaborates, “Earlier.”
She blinks, clearing her throat. “Sorry, let me rephrase that… what?”
“Back there with the Gur,” he elaborates more with an incline of his head. “That little move you made—stepping in front of me like some sort of bodyguard.”
“I—” she stalls out, tamping down the wave of heat rushing to her cheeks. He wasn’t supposed to pick up on that. Clearing her throat, she gathers her wits about her and blusters out what she considers a very reasonable retort. “Well of course I did. He was after you. What did you expect, that I’d just step aside and hand you over?”
“Oh, don’t make it sound so ridiculous. I’m sure it’d be tempting for some,” he muses, waving his hand about in the air, “on a platter even.”
“Please. I doubt they even make platters that big. Be reasonable, Astarion,” Ashe scoffs, trying to keep the amusement from her voice as she imagines an entire Astarion folded up cartoonishly on an oversized platter with an apple stuffed into his mouth. A little garnish on his hiney. “Regardless, no. It wasn’t all that tempting. Despite your concerning penchant for chaos, I happen to want to keep you around. So yes, I stepped between you two.”
“Mm. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or insulted, dear.” Judging by the look on his face, it’s definitely the former. He loves this. “You don’t think I can handle a single Gur?”
She gives him a tired look. “It’s not about that.”
“No? Do tell. What’s it about then?” Of course he wants her to indulge him.
“I-I don’t know, Astarion,” she huffs, marking her page with a dog-eared fold and clapping the book shut in her lap. “I didn’t really think about it, I just kinda moved, okay?”
Did she mention he loves this?
His brow arches and his face settles into something charmingly arrogant–which is annoying, by the way. 
“Oh? Feeling a bit protective, are we?”
To deny it outright would be silly at this point. Best to just be difficult about it, Ashe decides. 
She takes a beat to stare before clicking her tongue. “Perhaps. Is that acceptable to you?” she asks, feigning concern like she’s just performed some sort of grave clerical error. “I can certainly refrain from all protective or otherwise favorable behaviors towards you in the future, if you so wish.”
He smiles and lingers an amused look on her. “No, no. I suppose I’ll allow it.”
“My, so very gracious of you. Thank you, Astarion. Thank you so much for letting me shield you from monster hunters and whatever other scary things might come crawling after you.”
“You’re most welcome, darling,” he hums, looking pleased as blood punch with himself. “I suppose it was rather cute, in a way. You volunteering to be my darling little meatshield.”
“Yes, well, just so you know, if a Shadowheart hunter showed up, I’d have stepped in front of her too. There are plenty of people I would meatshield.”
“Ah,” he pouts—dramatically so, “and for a moment there you had me thinking I was special.”
“Oh, I could tell. Hence my clarification.” With a shake of her head, she shrugs and lets out an overly apologetic sigh. “I’m sorry to say, Astarion, but you’re entirely ordinary. Not special. Boring even. It simply can’t be helped.”
“Boring,” he balks with an incredulous laugh before angling his head to tip low. Like this, his crimson eyes glint playfully in the shadow of his brow as he levels a dangerous look at her. A certain predatory quality seeps into his words, smooth and low. “Do you find it dull whenever my teeth sink into your neck as you slumber, dear?”
“Dull? Oh, no. No, I find that quite sharp, actually,” Ashe retorts, blinking at him innocently, tamping down an expectant little smile because she knows just how much he loves a stupid play on words.
And by ‘loves’ she means ‘despises eternally’.
He does indeed look offended, which pleases her greatly. “You think yourself pretty clever, don’t you?”
She hums thoughtfully. “I’d consider myself a medium amount of clever, depending on the day. Why do you ask? Oh dear,” she clutches her hypothetical pearls, “was that too close to a pun for your liking?”
“Entirely,” he deadpans, not quite keeping his smirk at bay.
“I’ll admit, it was low-hanging fruit. I was feeling a bit audacious. In my defense, you do make it fun.”
“So my suffering amuses you, does it?”
“Only when I inflict it,” Ashe clarifies. “Anyone else will be immolated, of course.”
“I see. Well,” he pauses, fingers idly pulling across and playing with his bottom lip as he watches her intently, clearly enjoying himself in their little back-and-forth, “any more of this rampant audacity and I may have to take drastic measures. Best be careful, darling.” 
“Oh, that shouldn’t be necessary,” she assures with the utmost confidence and a pat of the book in her lap. “I think I got it out of my system. I doubt I’ll blight this world with another pun until tomorrow morning at least.”
“Do try then, dear,” he says, his tenor slipping into something dreadfully concerned. “I’d hate to have to bleed you dry tonight.”
“Ah, the price of a pun?”
“Steep, I’m afraid. Delicious too, but that’s beside the point.”
With a soft smile, she just looks him over for a thoughtful moment. “You know, Astarion, I will give you this.” He holds her gaze with amused anticipation and a raised brow. “That truly is a remarkable talent you have—making death threats sound so very charming.”
“Mm, you flatter me, dear. My years of experience are finally paying off.”
“Yeah, yeah—masterful delivery,” she yawns, setting her book aside and tugging off her outer layer of clothing to get ready for bed. The shirt that remains beneath is a simple cotton tank top. It reveals her neck and the faintest of wounds from the night before—mostly healed now due to a cure wounds cast on her during the day’s battles.
She can practically feel the weight of his gaze on it though. How it lingers there like he’s counting the beat of her pulse, now more rapid than it had been only a moment ago. As much as she enjoys and has grown comfortable with his company, he still manages to make her nervous with just a look sometimes.
Earlier in the evening she’d told him he could ‘visit’ her that night, and he graciously took her up on the offer as he always does. 
With his very elven lineage, he doesn’t really sleep. He simply rests in a state of deep meditation for about four or so hours, and gets up refreshed, good as new—she’s jealous, by the way. It’s usually at that point in the night that he wakes her, by way of opening a vein. Not the most pleasant of wakeups, she’ll admit.
He’s gotten much better at knowing when enough is enough at least. Credit where credit is due, or something.
“Did you want to just do this now?” Ashe hesitates to ask, looking over at him. She knows it’s early, but this way she can sleep through the night unbitten. This way, she can be more aware during it. 
Why she wants to be is something she doesn’t dwell on too much. The answer might prove concerning on a personal level. Ashe likes to ignore that level.
“Hm?” He blinks, humming in questioning like he didn’t quite catch what she said, mind elsewhere.
Her small fingers climb up her shoulder and find the strap of her tank top. She pulls it to the side and lolls her head the opposite direction, neck elongating. A delicate curve with a thumping pulse. Keeping her eyes on him—tired as they are—she says, “I just figured now seemed as good a time as any? The camp is quiet. You… did want to feed, didn’t you?”
Realization quickly gives way to a look of heady satisfaction on Astarion. Anticipation. She is offering herself to him, albeit early, and the expression on his face alone tells her yes, he’s appreciative of this. “Of course, of course, far be it for me to deny your… generosity. I was simply taken aback by the early hour is all.”
“I—I mean it’s not a big deal either way,” she says quickly. “If you wanted to wait for some reason, that’s fine. I just figured since everyone seems to be asleep or occupied anyway, we could just do it now. Sometimes waking up like that can be, mm… a little jarring?”
“Oh?” This actually puts a crease between his brow as his eyes flit over her. It’s almost unnerving, the rare occasions his concern seems genuine like this.
“Which is fine!” Ashe fumbles to assure. “It’s nothing I haven’t agreed to.”
His head tilts to the side, eyes appraising her carefully now. Studying her. “Should I be going about it differently, darling?”
“I… I don’t know… maybe? I wouldn’t mind trying something else, anyway,” she admits, picking at her cuticles. “I-I think if I were a little more alert when you actually bit me, it might be less, erm, alarming?”
“Well, I certainly don’t mean for you to be awoken in a fright. I’ve only done it the way I have for the sake of discretion and timeliness for you, but I’m more than happy to… revise the process—with your input, of course.”
“Okay,” Ashe agrees. “Thank you, I—yeah, we can try that.”
“Good.” He smiles. “Now, how would you like me to go about it then?”
Ashe blinks at him. “I—" Her brain is entirely, annoyingly blank. As it turns out, knowing what she doesn’t want and knowing what she does want are two very different things. “I’m… not sure...?”
Astarion hums in consideration, gears turning behind those luminous eyes of his. “Well, how about this,” he proposes, setting his own book aside. “Why don’t you lie down. Get yourself all cozy and relaxed as if you were asleep, and we can work through some options together. I do have some thoughts. Think of it as a little… oh, I don’t know, a roleplay exercise.”
“A-Alright,” she agrees with a nod, swallowing thickly as she lies back, not entirely sure what he means, but trusts that he knows what he’s doing. “Yeah. That’s—okay, yeah. That sounds like a good idea, I think.” 
“You’re going to hurt my ego sounding so surprised like that, you know.” He gives her a chastising look as he moves languidly to position himself over her.
She’d normally have something borderline rude and/or snappy to retort with. Your ego is that fragile, is it? But right now, he’s leaning far too close for her brain to function on that level. “Sorry,” is all she manages in a whisper, not quite able to look him in the eye.
He lets a breath of a laugh from his nose, looking down at her. “Not to criticize your form, dear, but I’ve seen split lumber more relaxed than this.”
“I’m sorry—I just,” she huffs, grumbly in her admission, “You’re making me nervous. I don’t know.”
“Nervous?” he chuckles quietly, settling in even closer. “There’s no need for that. Your job is simple. I’ll be making some… suggestions, and all your pretty little self needs to do is decide if they suit your liking.”
Her mouth slants to the side as she chews on her cheek, regarding him and not feeling like he’s being terribly disingenuous right now, which is nice. “That’s all?” she questions.
“That’s all. You have my word.”
“Okay,” she breathes, letting the tension leave her as best she can.
“Much better. Now, you don’t normally sleep with your eyes open, if I recall correctly?”
After a quick indignant huff, she shuts her eyes.
Leaning over her, he keeps himself propped up. “Keep them closed,” he murmurs. “For as long as you think you’d stay asleep, keep them closed, darling.”
She says nothing, just continues to lie still in response. The small, approving hum in his throat makes her think it’s the correct response.
“Now…” he whispers, shifting to hover over her even more. “What if I let you know that I was here like this… with a little gentle pressure.” His movements have a cat-like grace as he swings a leg over her, his knee finding purchase in the space between hers. He settles atop her with a saccharine promise, “Nothing painful. Just my body to yours.”
Ashe does all she can to stay calm, lips pressed together tightly, a measured breath shaking out of her nose. Because right now his thigh presses to a spot between her legs and it’s talking all of her to resist the instinct to move against it. To push her hips up and find relief on that leather-clad thigh of his.
A way to ease the fire suddenly burning inside her.
“Well?” Astarion murmurs, and his face is so close to her ear now. “Are we okay with this so far?”
Ashe has to swallow before deciding to just nod. She worries too much about how she’ll sound. What her voice might give away.
“Good,” he purrs, lips just ghosting over the shell of her ear. “You know, I usually try to stay off you as much as possible, but this position gives me much better leverage.”
He takes a moment to inhale slowly. Deeply. Is he… smelling her? If so, the satisfied exhale he looses makes her think he likes it. Nosing at the crook of her jaw, he coaxes it to tilt to the side, leaving her neck undeniably exposed to him. 
“There,” he breathes, “that’s perfect.”
Ashe can’t help it. She cracks her eyes open to look up at him. He’s staring down at her just as she suspected, and a smirk crawls across his face as he notices her peek.
“Surely that wasn’t enough to wake you yet, my dear,” he questions.
“I… don’t know.” Her voice is small and airy. Her tongue moves behind her lips in an attempt to find to moisture.
“Well then,” he contemplates aloud, eyes like perfect jewels as the reflection of embers shine within them. “I suppose I’ll just have to continue until you do, hm?” 
Her stare latches onto his for a moment longer, wondering what exactly she’s getting herself into, and moreover, if it’s worth it. With a reluctant nod she apparently decides it is, closing her eyes once again.
“Here’s what I’m thinking…” Astarion dips down. She can feel each whisper of breath against the thin skin of her neck. “I’ll linger here like this. Let you feel my weight. Let it slowly rouse you.” He settles further as if to make a point and— 
Gods… Gods above, does he realize where his thigh is? Can he understand what it’s doing to her? 
He continues on as if he doesn’t, she’s not so sure about that though. There’s something dark in his voice that straddles the line of hunger and fed. Something insatiable.
“Then… I’ll let you know where I’ll be biting you. Mark the spot, so to speak… no surprises, on my word.” Astarion leans in, hovering over the curve of her neck. Her breathing halts entirely as she waits in nervous anticipation. His tenor sinks low, hardly even a whisper, “Right here, darling.” He punctuates it with a slow, sweet press of his lips to her rabbiting pulse.
And this… this is the thing that makes her breath hitch. 
It’s slight. She keeps it contained in her nose, holding it there tensely. Her hand moves on its own, twitching to grab at his arm as if to steady herself, despite laying flat and still already. 
His lips quirk at this. She can feel them against her, stretching into a smarmy little smirk like he’s just won a bet. 
He lingers a moment like this—his cool skin somehow searing like a hot brand against her—and pulls away ever so slightly. “That’s good, just like that, darling,” he murmurs, the simple praise flooding her face and, um, other areas… with a rush of heat. “You hold onto me and keep quiet. I’ll go on, and… once you feel awake. Once you feel… ready for me,” his voice dips into this low, almost-purr, “you just give my arm a squeeze. That’ll be our signal.”
Ashe takes a deep breath through her nose. For a moment she thinks it’s fine. She can do this. Tamp down whatever bodily reactions are rapidly swelling within her. Sort them out later. Alone.
But then he moves back in and opens his mouth against her neck and—
Composure be damned.
The gentle scrape of canines raises goosebumps across her flesh like brail, and she prays he cannot read whatever it says about her. It runs an undeniable shiver down her spine that she only manages to partially subdue and—ah, his tongue, what the hells is his tongue doing?!
It presses to her pulse unabashedly. Flattens soft and lavs it as if begging for entry. Priming her.
Ashe’s breath stutters out in such a way that makes her chest jump with erratic little spasms. She tries so hard to subdue them with only mediocre success.
His teeth tease at what’s to come as he continues to lavish her neck with sweet, suckling affections. It’s like he’s drinking from her already, but no skin is broken yet. This part isn’t for him.
It’s as he said, he’s just marking the spot.
She nearly lets slip a hot, panting breath. Nearly.
Don’t make this weird. Don’t make this weird. Don’t make this weird.
Her lips press into a tight line, forcing a stuttering exhale from her nose instead. No embarrassing sounds allowed. No, sir. She is sleeping—or pretending to anyway—not panting like a dog in heat, thank you very much.
Oh, but it’s taking everything. If she didn’t know better, she’d say he seems amused by her resistance. Like she’s just posed a fun, unexpected challenge, and oh, how he loves a challenge.
Humming low and quiet against her, he sounds coaxing. Soothing. He sucks and nips at her flesh tenderly like he knows she’s fighting to stay in control, and he wants to assure her it’s just fine to lose it.
With a hand laid on his bicep, her fingers curl around it, but don’t quite grasp. She should though, right? Squeeze him? Surely him sucking on her neck like this would be enough to rouse her, as he would say, then he can proceed to drink and they can be done.
But Gods, she doesn’t want to be done.
The way his body feels pressed to hers... His thigh still tempting her hips to roll up just to see what it would feel like. How very kind he’s being with that tongue that so often only gives a lashing. 
She’s never felt a thing like this.
So she should stop him, yeah, but she doesn’t. It’s a selfish thing, to want more of this honeyed feeling pooling deep in her abdomen and spreading warm throughout. But he’s always telling her to be more selfish, so….
The weight of his body blankets her even more. Even heavier. He settles atop her further. It should be suffocating, but instead it feels… safe?
Is that stupid? Feeling especially safe beneath the vampire spawn charlaton about to feed from her? 
Yeah, probably. But it doesn’t matter because just then he shifts. His thigh rubs deliciously against the heat between her legs and—ah… ahm—
She realizes with no small amount of horror that this little slip of a noise, barely a breath on the breeze, has come from her. 
Worse yet, her hips move on their own, tip up to meet the broad plane of his thigh without so much as a fleeting thought. It’s a shy response. Experimental. A barely-there lift of her hips, just wondering at how it might feel.
Very good, by the way.
By the Gods, she needs to get a hold of herself. Shoot some frantic prayers to Tymora. If Ashe is lucky, Astarion will just assume all that was simply her, y’know, adjusting herself or something. As one does. All normal things.
And if she’s really lucky, she won’t do it again.
The last thing she needs is Astarion realizing the intensity of this ridiculous, unrequited crush she has on him. The absolute fool she is for him. How his mouth humming and lapping at her neck has all but unraveled her and so badly does she want to just unseal her lips and let his name fall from them.
Her hand grips his arm in a panic, suddenly in fear of what else her body might do if she doesn’t stop this.
That’s the signal. She knows that he knows because his ministrations come to a pause.
“Yes?” He pulls off enough to whisper against her neck and she feels his absence with a longing ache. “Feeling ready now, are we? Present and in control of our faculties?”
She wants to scoff. He’s awfully presumptuous about her stupid faculties. She certainly wouldn’t consider herself in control of much. Precisely why she needs him to proceed, like, now.
Squeezing at his arm once more, her fingertips sink into his lean muscle and stay like a vice grip, holding tightly in both confirmation and anticipation. 
While her neck is still stretched out for him, her head tipped back and angled away for ease of access, she manages to shakily nod.
“I’d like to hear you say it, darling,” he murmurs low. “Just this once. Just to be sure. I only need to hear you say ‘yes’.” 
Oh, of course he’s going to make her speak.
He really is evil.
As if her lips haven’t been sealed tight in a desperate attempt to keep any and all noises held at bay. After a thick, audible swallow, she manages to breathe out a flimsy, “Y-yes,” that sounds just as pathetic as she feared.
No time to dwell on it. There’s only a flicker of a second between her consent and his mouth bearing down on her once more. This part she knows well enough.
Or does she?
It’s different this time. He’s not chomping down on her like it’s a freaking timed trial. Some task to cross off his to-do list. 
No, his teeth sink. 
They ease into her languidly, like she’s something to savor tonight.
The pain is still there, sure, but she’s ready for that. What she’s not ready for is what comes with it—or more accurately, what far overshadows it. 
What makes her back jolt into an arch and her chest press against his in surprise. What makes her let out a gasp and do everything in her meager power to hold back the litany of little puffs and noises begging to spill from her.
Astarion groans deeply like she really shouldn’t. Slips a hand beneath the small of her back and keeps her tightly against him as he continues to indulge in her, drinking and drinking like a desert-stranded man to an oasis.
Her hands search for him to hold onto, pawing blindly until they find his arms. The cotton sleeves of his shirt twist between her white-knuckled fingers.
He’s never had her like this. The way he lets the blood pump into his mouth and fill it. Lets it pool and spill a little—decadence—before he drinks it down.
The pain ebbs until she can hardly even find it amongst the waves of gasping pleasure washing over her. Pulling her under. Sweeping her off into the sweetest of undertows.
She’s slipping away and she couldn’t care less. Not of that, and not of her lips that finally fall ajar. The hitching sigh, surrendering from them just one thing—his name.
And that might be music to him because he redoubles his efforts. Tugs her tighter. Adjusts his jaw wider. Sinks his teeth deeper. Rolls his body against hers as he rakes his other hand into her hair to hold her still at this perfect angle.
She’s at his mercy—not something he’s known for.
She should be worried. Maybe a small part of her is. This is the most he’s ever drank from her, but it’s also the most incredible it’s ever felt.
As the strength saps from her grip and dark spots dance at the edges of her vision, she paws up his back until her fingertips are met with soft curls at the nape of his neck. Folding her fingers into them, she whispers another soft plea.
“Astar… star…” Her breath grows airy. It’s hard to even get a word out. Her fingertips feel numb as they gently comb through his hair—she’s always wanted to do that. “Star…?” She whimpers once more, scratching tiredly at his scalp. “Stop… please? Star?”
Suddenly he tears back with a startled gasp. Like a drowning victim sucking in their first breath as they come back to themselves.
Her head feels heavy, all swimmy as she stares up at him in a daze.
“Sorry,” he breathes, his face too blurry for her to make out any particular expression. “I… got a little lost there for a moment, but you seem alright, yes?” he asks, not without an anxious uptick. “Ashe?” he prompts when she doesn’t answer straight away, tucking a hand beneath the back of her head, angling her to look at him.
“Hm?” she hums absently, head lolling until he rights it again and pats her cheek to bring her to attention.
“Yes? You’re… alright, yes?”
“Oh, mhm, I’m—sorry, yeah, I’m just… a little light-headed… I think.” She blinks a few times, vision slowly swimming back into focus with Astarion front and center staring down at her. Now, maybe it’s the blood loss talking, but with the twinkling night sky as his backdrop, she thinks this is the most beautiful he’s ever been.
She’s breathless. Speechless. Shameless in her staring adoration.
“You’re sure?” Astarion presses with an odd smirk, his brows knitting with something torn between uncertainty and amusement. She must be making a dumb face, but she doesn’t have it in her to care. “You’ve got this sort of, ehh… lobotomized look about you. Ugh, tell me you haven’t let Volo near you with that ice pick.”
“No…” she whispers absently, clearly distracted.
There’s not a single cloud in the sky that night. The only thing blocking the moon is Astarion’s stupidly pretty head, but the glow still radiates out from behind. Illuminates the wispy edges of his soft curls with this ethereal glow. It makes him look like an angel—damned deceitful lighting. 
But right now, even amongst all the stars in the sky blinking down at her, he outshines them all.
“Beautiful,” she mumbles, thoughtlessly reaching out for his face like she’s in a trance and doesn’t realize how fully weird this is.
Astarion chuckles low in his throat. “You’re talking about me?” He questions as her hand clumsily finds him, feeling at his cheek like a blind person prepping to sculpt him. “Mm, well, perhaps you have your wits about you after all.”
Bold of him to assume. For the record, her wits seem to have gone on strike, and who knows when they’ll resume working.
“Ah hah, this really is a gift,” he says, clearly satisfied judging from how stares down at her. “Look how flushed you are for me, even still,” he brushes a knuckle over the apple of her blooming cheek, “even after I’ve had my fill. I must say, this was one of your better ideas, or at least… as long as it was good for you? Did you find this more… palatable?” he asks like he doesn’t already know. Like he couldn’t freaking tell.
He’s either toying with her or she did a better job than she gives herself credit for.
“I—yes,” she whispers with a swallow, still recovering from whatever daze he threw her in. ”It was fine.”
“Fine,” he repeats. Draws out the word with a tone just dripping with heady amusement, his smirk stretching into a smile. “I couldn’t agree more. It was quite fine indeed. We should do it again sometime—up to you of course.”
“Yes, I-I’ll—” she nods with a swallow, trying to string together a sentence with little luck, “yes, I’ll um, I’ll let you know.”
“Well, I look forward to it then,” he murmurs, leveling her gaze with those heavy-lidded eyes of his. “Sweet dreams then, darling.”
And with that he’s starting to shift off of her. She blinks up at him, absently touching her neck. Bringing her fingertips close to her face, they remind of her morning dew on roses. Wet and red.
“Oh? Did I miss some?” Astarion questions, his long fingers wrapping around her petite wrist.
Ashe stares in awe as he pulls her hand close. He leans in. Tethers her hazy gaze. Brings her fingers to his pouty lips and parts them to take her fingertips in his mouth. “Mm,” he hums, using his tongue to reclaim every bit of her that he’d left behind. “Your blood is even sweeter tonight, darling,” he says, finally returning her hand. She lets it fall to her neck once more, absently feeling at the two neat little wounds there. “No wonder I can’t get enough.”
When she glances at her fingertips again, a fresh daub of red adorning them, a thought occurs to her. A stupid, impulsive one.
“Wait.” Her voice is like gossamer silk, nearly floating off in the cool night breeze. Astarion waits.
Flush-faced and heavy-lidded, Ashe holds his gaze as she brings those fingers to her own mouth this time. He watches intently. Slowly now, she finds the corner of her lips. Presses down. Smears a pretty streak of glossy rouge across them. 
“Oh,” Astarion murmurs with a roguish realization. “Oh, so that’s what you want.”
“If you want,” she whispers, a tinge of sadness peeking through, even in her mystified state.
He breathes out a laugh. “Why, I can’t think of a reason I wouldn’t want that.”
She smiles slow and somber, reaching out to take a curl between her fingers. She misses and nearly pokes him in the eye, but eventually finds one. “You’re just so beautiful, Astarion…” she exhales deeply, pulling her hand back to clumsily feel at the ugly scar blanketing nearly half her face. “And I’m just me.”
Astarion stares. There’s a flicker of some indiscernible expression tugging his brows together before his face takes on its usual wolfish humor.
“I mean this is the nicest way possible, darling, but for a smart girl, you can be rather lacking.”
She doesn’t respond because suddenly his mouth is on hers. One of his hands rakes through her hair to cup the back of her head and pull her up to better meet him. 
Her lips part with a gasp as his tongue swipes languidly across them once. Twice. He cleans her blood from them with a satisfied noise humming low in his throat before pressing his lips flush to hers.
It nearly stops her heart. 
He can’t possibly understand how long–how much–she’s wanted this. A shaky breath blusters from her nose as he holds the kiss. Draws it out. A whimpering sigh slips from her, vibrates against his lips, and he answers back with an approving groan.
When he pulls away, she can do nothing but blink at him like a hot-cheeked idiot. Despite her obvious lack of blood, it still manages to feel like it’s bursting in her chest. 
“There,” he says, a devilish smirk playing across his lips. “All cleaned up and ready for bed, you precious thing.”
“Goodnight, Astarion,” is all she can whisper. Brain no function.
He lingers on her a moment longer with a thoughtful tilt of his head, expression unreadable, and says, “Indeed it is, my dear. Indeed it certainly is.” With that, he’s pushing to his feet and wishing her sweet dreams. 
Ashe isn’t certain she’s not already in one.
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lunarflare64 · 2 years
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What if the first time Pariah Dark transported a city to the Infinite Realms, it's citizens didn't quite make it to the other side fully alive?
I just wanted to draw something, literally anything, so everything outside of Danny's pose was a spontaneous choice. I came up with a tiny bit of lore for this place as I went though so I might go into that one day
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joyridingmp3 · 2 years
my boss made a transphobic joke to me today. i NEED this job but i couldn't bring myself to laugh. literally just looked at him like -_- JHSFKJHASFJKHA
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butchfalin · 5 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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qrowpilled · 8 months
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 20 days
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Knowledge Revenge.
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charlesoberonn · 3 months
Tell me you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history
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ofswordsandpens · 4 months
I can't remember how much of this is implied canon or my own interpretation, but I fully believed that Chiron recognized Percy was a son of Poseidon from the fountain incident with Nancy Bobofit, knew that a child of the Big Three being claimed would be a total shit show, and simply chose not to say a word about it
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t4tails · 1 month
"he would not fucking say that" but its about a character being a leftist. he would not fucking believe that
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jell-o101 · 7 months
I'm ignoring the part of the internet who is going "Oh no" at this.
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Bowser really is the type to love you if you became a worm lol
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 months
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don't ask him about that it's private
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shcherbatskya · 9 months
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starting a collection. pierre talking to natasha in war and peace
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xekstrin · 29 days
One of the most memorable interactions was Saturday. Into our booth strolls a small family, tempted by free samples of freshly brewed tea. We chatter and give them the spiel, that the tea is character merch and we’re a cozy health-based app called Forage Friends.
The young girl zeroes in on our pride pins.
“They have my pin!” She says excitedly. “They have my flag!”
The dad blinks. He is surprised, but also calm and positive when he sees it’s the lesbian flag. “Oh. That’s… different from what you told me.”
“That was months ago, dad.” And she rolls her eyes. Definitely a teenager.
I turn to him and say, “Yeah, dad.” And we share a little laugh about it.
He says, “No, it’s great. That’s amazing, honey. It was just news to me.”
“Well, I guess I just decided to stop lying to myself. About liking guys. Like right now.”
A little lesbian just came out to her dad and he was super cool about it.
I’m standing there in my tie-dye mask and my cheery blue apron pouring tea and making small talk and I’m trying really hard not to cry or compare it to my experience, the fire & brimstone, the disgust, the conditional acceptance as long as I never bring it up.
So as this beautiful bonding is going on, the girl’s even younger brother turns his gaze around. He’s in a snorlax hoodie and bored and wants to go look at the swords across the hall. But on the other side of our booth….
“WHY DO PEOPLE DRAW THAT?” He asks loudly, and we all turn to our neighboring booth.
Our neighbors were extremely lovely people. Every time we had a break we would talk, and we became good friends over the weekend. They kept apologizing that their booth was next to ours and we kept repeating that it was totally fine. Their booth was great. I even bought their merchandise.
The thing that was so contentious, that they felt the need to apologize for, was that they were selling explicit titty hentai stickers of popular characters. They were censored with little yellow R18 labels but the content was very clear.
So back to the family: I freeze and immediately go somewhere else to let dad handle this question. With adult customers I’ve been loud and positive about our neighbors. (“Man, how has it been boothing next to them?” It’s been great! They bring a lot of foot traffic and they’re kind and wonderful professional neighbors. If anything it’s a fun juxtaposition. We believe in artistic freedom. I bought a sticker too!)
But this is a kid, it’s not my place to explain anything…. But I was extremely curious about what this chill dad would say.
“Well,” dad says with a long measured silence between each word. “Sometimes people are horny.”
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lowkeydivine · 2 months
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Underrated panel
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burnt-squid · 10 months
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if we get some kind of reunion between these two in btsv i’ll bawl my eyes out
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