#Panamerican Games
blocodibujo · 6 months
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Miren, es Fiu, el pokémon favorito de todos (aka chilean Natu)
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dedibelyegei · 7 months
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Újabb tengerentúli bélyeg, ezúttal azonban ámerikai. Mint látható ez egy eseményhez kötődő darab az '59-es chicagoi Pánamerikai Játékoknak állít emléket, melyet első alkalommal rendeztek meg az Egyesült Államokban ekkor, egyébként meg a harmadik volt a sorban. Még 1932-ben állapodtak meg, a los angelesi-i olimpia után az észak- és dél-amerikai országok, hogy rendeznek majd egy olyan sporteseményt, amin a teljes amerikai kontinens minden országa részt fog venni. Végül 1942-re tűzték ki az első esemény időpontját buenos aires-i rendezéssel, azonban a világháború miatt ez végül csak 1951-ben valósult meg, ez volt az első igazi Pánamerikai Játékok esemény. Azóta ugyanúgy négyévente megrendezik, mint az Olimpiát, mindig az azt megelőző évben. Idén is lesz ennek megfelelően egyébként, a rendező Santiago de Chile, október 20-án kezdődik. 36 sportágban versengenek az országok a játékokon, többségük olimpiai sportág, de vannak azért kontinens specifikusak is, mint pl. a vízisí, 3x3 kosárlabda, vagya breaktánc.
A bélyeg, bár mindjárt 65 éves lesz és egyébként légipostabélyeg, nem képvisel jelentős értéket, mivel majdnem negyvenmillót nyomtak belőle, nagyjából 100 forintért hozzá lehet jutni.
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daisyberryy · 9 months
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l0n4t1csfan65 · 3 months
i found this and why
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chocochococoffee · 6 months
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the CEO of Sex and CEO of Fiu
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luchitohamilton · 6 months
lewis’ twin aka fencer aka miles is in chile??? maybe i should go to stgo…..
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thomas-mvller · 6 months
Picture this: chile wnt was set to play at panamerican games (which is roughly the american continents' olympics) and for whatever reason the chilean football asociation decided to sign up ONE goalie only FULLY AWARE said keeper had permission to be absent from her club for two weeks only, so they were given two options: drop out from playing the final in exchange of a silver medal or playing by using a random player in goalie position to fight for the gold medal.
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Guess what option they chose
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treetownconfessions · 9 months
when I was kid there was a show made for Panamerican Olympics games of 2011 and the villain lowkey looks like evil Sniffles
the thing...the thing behind those sniffles-kind people...this could be?...is that...flippy from happy tree friends?
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happypuppypuppy · 1 year
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Daniel Gregorich Hechavarría, 🇨🇺 cuban wrestler of 87kg, was born in 1996, Arroyo Naranjo.
Bronce medal in Panamerican Games 2019 in the 87kg category.
Gold medal in Central American & Caribbean Games 2018 in the 87kg category.
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analogiclogique · 6 months
A brief requiem in the caption:
Hi. I've written and re-written the caption for this picture, to jumpstart the tiny Fujioka series with my thoughts and sensations when I visited the band's main hometown. I also intended to write something fun to celebrate 150 followers. But today it sounds impossible, because the worst thing happened last week.
When I look at the boy that's crossing with his bike in this picture, I think of him as a child, walking down these same streets, by himself or with his mom, or with his friends, cross that, his musical brothers. How did he cope with the summer heat? Did he use the same vending machine I used when I arrived at the station that unbearably hot Tuesday morning? Did he feel the sweet aura of home I felt when my tired feet walked the street up from the station?
Before the news was confirmed, I went to a volleyball game with my family for the PanAmerican Games, and randomly ran into a seat assignment sign with the letters B-T. I uploaded a story saying "The things that you love are always around you."
This is now more true than ever.
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cladestruction · 6 months
panamerican games are over! my time volunteering was actually quite short and not thaaat eventful, but i was very happy and i'll forever cherish the experience. as always, i have a lot of thoughts about it and i'd love to write them down and share them with you guys! as for now tho, i have to work on a couple of papers for uni. and your girlie here also submitted an application for volunteering on the parapanamerican games so yeah! things do be happening latelly lmao
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hwiyoungies · 8 months
really hoping that argentina and brazil bring these volleyball teams for the panamerican games because i really really wanna see them play live
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l0n4t1csfan65 · 6 months
ameriko and kinas's lost child
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Also kinas have a romantic day with ameriko and make him pregnant and ameriko give birth to this sun called caue
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juieon · 10 months
i'm going to end up seeing tbz at a night club i'm not even joking why can't they just build more venues for concerts and festivals everything is old except for the arena everyone comes to and it's such a nice place but we need variety.... no new stadiums no new arenas nothing and the one good arena is limiting bc they don't make concerts at half capacity anymore like they used to years ago and the biggest stadium is always used for whatever the government wants so half the year it's under maintenance or not available for concerts bc they need it for sports shit idc about the panamerican games i want to see blackpink
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ukissmyface · 10 months
sadly Chile didn't get dates because their biggest stadium is busy with the panamerican games this year and I guess she wasn't up to modifying the stage that much to fit into any of the smaller ones
That sucks!!!! But it's a very logical reason tbh, if she had decided to modify the stage to fit in a smaller place, the ticket sale would have been way worse than it was (and is) bc the smaller the venue, the less amount of fans get to go and the more ppl suffer trying to buy tickets. I really hope she comes back to latam and adds more dates after seeing all the support she has here.
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lipid · 1 year
the 2011 panamerican games seem like a whole other eon to me
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