My tag for this series is 'fairy tales'.
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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Els comtes reis catalans del llinatge dels Beŀlònides.
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nevebennett-viscom · 11 months
Analysing my narrative
- Its a book to read with parents, some words are to push vocabulary, Make children enquire about meanings and new words expanding their linguistic skills.
- repeated phrases in cycles means that it is a known flow for easy understanding.
- alliterative animal names to teach children superlatives and describing words
- Torodov theory 
 “This particular tale concerns Peronella, a beautiful young woman who is dissatisfied with her marriage to a poor man in the city of Naples. She wants to have an affair with a handsome young man, Giannello Scrignario, and plans an illicit meeting with him while her husband is working.However, Giannello has to hide in a barrel when the husband returns home early. Unfortunately for the lovers, the husband has found a buyer for the barrel. The quick-witted Peronella claims Giannello is inside to check that it is sound and is considering purchasing it for two silver pieces more than the other bidder.The offer is accepted and, while the husband cleans the barrel and takes it to Giannello’s home, Peronella and her lover are finally able to be alone.Todorov suggested the marriage was the equilibrium. When Peronnella receives her lover, this breaks the sacred union of marriage and so the story moves into a state of imbalance. By disguising the situation and convincing her husband that Giannello is only there to inspect the barrel, Peronnella is able to achieve a new equilibrium where she can realise her desires.”
13 “Whose Woods These Are I Think I Know”: Narrative Theory and Diana Wynne Jones’s Hexwood(pp. 251-267)MARTHA HIXON
Young adults, and the books written for and about them, are keenly interested in growing up or in achieving autonomy through the development of an individual sense of self and how that self connects to the world in which the young adult is expected to function. In other words young adults are very much engaged in the writing of their own adult stories, and the literature produced for this audience provides vicarious experiences of doing so. In fantasy fiction for adolescents, the achievement of such agency typically occurs in connection with the fantasy element: the emergence of magical powers for...
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goblinism · 5 years
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Peronella, my goblin cultist
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lovecraftsgarden · 6 years
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Sclerophora peronella
It’s a pin lichen! It’s so smol!
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De Salses a Guardamar i de Fraga a l’Alguer: les comarques de parla catalana una a una. 40/88: la Llitera (la Franja de Ponent).
Llitera is a very rural district, where most villages have a few hundred inhabitants. It’s located at the border with Aragon. Its cultural capital city is Tamarit de Llitera.
A popular element in the festivities of Llitera is the “totxets” dance (ball dels totxets), a traditional dance where the dancers use wooden sticks. It’s said that this was first danced in the year 1150 in town of Camporrells in the wedding celebrations for Ramon Berenguer IV Count of Barcelona and Peronella, the heiress to Aragon.
Photos from Breit, Santialpino, Diego Dielso, los caminos de santiago, Guadalupe Cervilla, somos Litera, Ajuntament Tamarit de Llitera, EscapadaRural.
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boudhabar · 5 years
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Peronella lesueuri
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castellsipalaus · 5 years
Fortaleza de Monzón
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La fortalesa de Monsó és probablement d'origen musulmà, doncs els àrabs que van escombrar el regne visigot de la Península Ibèrica s'hi van establir només tres anys després de creuar l'estret de Gibraltar, cap al 714.
Les vicisituds del territori comprès entre el Baix Cinca i la ciutat d'Osca va fer que durant prop de tres segles fos escenari de lluites entre diverses famílies d'origen àrab: els Banu Qasi i els Banu Amrus entre elles. La caiguda de la comarca en mans del rei aragonès Sanç Ramires (Sancho Remíriz, en aragonès) el 1089 va marcar el futur del castell.
En aquesta època, es va situar a la frontera entre el regne aragonès i els comtats de Barcelona i Urgell, i quan el 1137 el comte Ramon Berenguer IV de Barcelona va esdevenir príncep d'Aragó pel seu matrimoni amb l'infanta Peronella (Peironela, en aragonès), Monsó acaba passant a mans de l'orde dels Templers.
És en aquest context quan, després de la mort del rei Pere el Catòlic a la batalla de Muret davant dels exèrcits francesos comandats per Simó de Montfort, el castell fortalesa esdevé presó. Els templers hi van custodiar el rei minyó Jaume durant tres anys, del 1214 al 1217 dins les seves muralles.
El futur Jaume I el Conqueridor va compartir captiveri amb el seu cosí Ramon Berenguer V de Provença a Monsó, sota la tutela del gran mestre templer Guillem de Montredon. Sembla que els anys de reclusió en aquesta fortalesa van forjar el caràcter i el sobrenom: va conquerir els regnes de Mallorca i València, i va casar-se tres vegades i es diu que va tenir forces amants.
El bastió templer que va acollir a Jaume I va convertir-se en objecte del desig pel seu descendent Jaume II, qui el va atacar el 1309 després de l'ordre de dissolució dels Templers dictada pel Papa Climent V.
L'estructura actual del castell mostra les reformes sofertes durant segles, però sobre tot les del segle XVIII, després que la Guerra de Successió fes necessària una presència militar a la frontera entre els ja dissolts territoris del regne d'Aragó i el principat de Catalunya.
Després, les guerres contra el francès, a principis del segle XIX, les diverses guerres carlines, al larg del mateix segle, i, finalment, la guerra civil del segle XX, van acabar de donar forma al principal tret característic del perfil de la ciutat de Monsó.
Foto: monzon.es
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boccacciodecameron · 3 years
He can’t do nothing for me.. 😒
Peronella, Seventh Day, Story 2
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michellesreads · 4 years
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Random book recommendation from my coworker @midnightmastermind_ This is the perfect book to read during this time. Here is the synopsis: In the summer of 1348, as the Black Death ravages their city, ten young Florentines take refuge in the countryside. They amuse themselves by each telling a story a day for the ten days they are destined to remain there—a hundred stories of love, adventure and surprising twists of fate. Less preoccupied with abstract concepts of morality or religion than with earthly values, the tales range from the bawdy Peronella hiding her lover in a tub to Ser Cepperello, who, despite his unholy effrontery, becomes a Saint. The result is a towering monument of European literature and a masterpiece of imaginative narrative. . . . . . #bookstagram #books #book #booklover #bookworm #bookish #reading #bibliophile #instabook #bookstagrammer #booknerd #bookaddict #quarintinereads #booksofinstagram #bookaholic #read #bookphotography #bookshelf #instabooks #booklove #readersofinstagram #bookblogger #igreads #booksbooksbooks #booklovers #love #reader #bookcommunity #quarantinerecommendations #thedecameron https://www.instagram.com/p/B92aPgZAUKn/?igshid=7776uwlqsza
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myowncentralperk · 6 years
“Catalonia never existed as an independent territory. It was called the Crown of Aragon, not the Crown of Catalonia.”
The Crown of Aragon was born out of the marriage between Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, and the queen Peronella of Aragon, and, with time and the conquest of muslim territories, more lands were added. The kings that followed were Kings of Aragon AND Counts of Barcelona.
And even thought the capitol was supposed to be Zaragoza, the ‘de facto’ capital and leading cultural, administrative and economic centre of the Crown of Aragon was Barcelona. And as time passed the cities of Valencia and Palma also acquired importance. 
Put in contemporary terms, it has sometimes been considered that the different lands of the Crown of Aragon (mainly the Kingdom of Aragon, the Principality of Catalonia and the Kingdom of Valencia) functioned more as a confederation than as a single kingdom. In this sense, the larger Crown of Aragon must not be confused with one of its constituent parts, the Kingdom of Aragon, from which it takes its name. 
But I guess it’s hard to access this information, right? I mean, it’s right there in Wikipedia but reading and learning new things takes so much time…
Edit: Also, this is why we call it Catalan countries, not catalan country, to refer to those territories that spoke/speak Catalan. Because they were different countries under the same language and cultural baggage.
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Menu vint-i-dosena setmana, de St. Germà i Sta. Peronella. #amanida amb #veratmarinat #saltatdefesols #flamdetonyina #tallarines al #pestorosso #llobarro #secretdeporc #hamburguesavegetal #sopademaduixa #pannacotta #menu #lacasilladenbas #garrotxa #lavalldenbas #cuinadeproximitat #dijousarròs #cuinadetemporada #menjarbé #menjarbo #postrescasolans #foodphotography #lovefood (en La Casilla d'en Bas) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCz9N-iL75/?igshid=1ov72hxe4wqrj
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kunst-kultur · 4 years
#38 2. NOVELLE/ 7. TAG: "Peronella versteckt ihren Geliebten in einem Fass..." Kurzhörspiel auf Deutsch mit Bardo Böhlefeldt: https://t1p.de/qbw8 Mehr: https://www.burgtheater.at/decameron-19 mit 100 internat. Schauspieler*innen kunoweb.de @burgtheater
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tmnotizie · 5 years
SANT’ELPIDIO A MARE – Si apre la stagione teatrale al Teatro “L. Cicconi” con un’anteprima di stagione, fuori abbonamento, ad ingresso libero, nella serata di giovedì 17 ottobre, dalle ore 21.15. Tullio Solenghi si esibirà nello spettacolo “Decameron. Un racconto italiano in tempo di peste”.
Solenghi affronta, con la sua consueta finezza, una delle più belle novelle del Decameron rendendola viva come un cabaret contemporaneo, utilizzando finemente la lingua originale di Giovanni Boccaccio, restituendola chiara e divertente come un copione di oggi. Uno spettacolo comito e colto adatto a tutti. Si tratta di un progetto firmato da Sergio Maifredi in collaborazione con lo scrittore Gian Luca Favello.
“Il pubblico potrà ascoltare nella lettura integrale sei tra le più note novelle scritta a metà del 1300 da Boccaccio: Chichibio e la gru; Peronella; Federigo Degli Alberighi; Masetto di Lamporecchio; Madonna Filippa; Alibech. Il nostro lavoro – dice Maifredi – non è stato attualizzare Boccaccio, ma conservarne e curarne il suo essere contemporaneo, non traferirlo nel nostro tempo, ma mantenerlo contemporaneo a noi. Boccaccio ha il merito di aver elaborato il primo grande progetto narrativo della letteratura occidentale, inserendo i cento racconti in un libro organico capace di rappresentare la varietà e complessità del mondo. A tutti è concessa una storia, dal re agli operai”.
“Si tratta di uno spettacolo ad ingresso gratuito – dice l’Assessore alla Cultura Gioia Corvaro – che di fatto apre la nostra ricca stagione teatrale. Si tratta di uno spettacolo che avevamo previsto a maggio, in occasione del Festival Libri a 180 gradi ma, a seguito del rinvio dell’iniziativa per maltempo e tenendo conto degli impegni dell’artista la proponiamo giovedì sera”.
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ansiklomedia · 5 years
Boccaccio Opera Konusu (Franz von Suppé)
Boccaccio Opera Konusu (Franz von Suppé)
Üç perdelik operettir. Franz Zell ve Richard Genee. Franz von Suppé 1879 Viyana. 1957 Ankara. Giovanni Boccaccio, Palermo Prensi Pietro, Scalza, Beatrice, Lotteringhi, Leonetto, Isabella, Lambertuccio; Peronella, Fiametta. 14. yüzyıl ortalarında Floransa.
Floransa’nın bir alanında halk neşeyle yortu gününü kutlamakta, beri yanda bir gezgin kitapçı çapkın ozan Boccaccio’nun gizli…
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