#reis catalans
negreabsolut · 1 year
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Els comtes reis catalans del llinatge dels Beŀlònides.
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spacespheal · 7 months
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Inktober day 11: Vella Quaresma
Vella Quaresma, also known as Jaia Quaresma (in Mallorca) and Àvia Quaresma (in Menorca) is the representation of Lent in the Catalan Countries, her name translates literally to "Old Lady Lent" or "Grandma Lent".
Lent, in Christianity is the 40 day period between Ash Wednesday and Holy Thursday. It's a time of fasting and abstinence, mirroring the 40 days Jesus spent alone in the desert. In Catalonia it's tradition to not eat meat and instead eat fish, specially on fridays.
Vella Quaresma, as said before, is the representation of Lent and the opposite of "Rei Carnestoltes" (King Carnival), who's a character who presides all activities during Carnival just before Lent. While Rei Carnestoltes represents fun and transgression, Vella Quaresma represents abstinence and penitence.
Vella Quaresma is represented as an old woman dressed in common people's clothes with seven legs. She's normally holding either a) a cod and a basket full of chards, b) a cod in each hand, c) a cod and a skillet or d) seven "arengades" (sardines salted with brine). Her seven legs represent the seven weeks of Lent, and at the end of each week a leg is cut off.
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gametriprant · 4 months
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So usually for 6th of January in Spain there's this dessert, that has a king figure inside and a bean. If you find the king you get to wear a paper crown. If you find the bean, you pay for it.
But finally someone made a Republican version :D.
(In Catalan it says "no king no crowns". Instead there's a caganer and a barretina to wear)
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0-rai · 4 months
Uh, hapy crismas
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El 25 de gener (“The 25th of January”) is a song by the Catalan band Manel that we could maybe describe as... doubtful post-Christmas music?
I really like the song and its lyrics. I’ve translated them here. Read until the end and let me know what you think what the story is talking about!
But before we get to the lyrics, I’ll give some context for people from other countries who might not be familiar with these characters. According to the tradition, the White King (Melchior), the Blonde King (Gaspar), and the Black King (Baltazar) are the Three Wise Men, who in Catalan we call the Eastern Kings (els Reis d’Orient). These kings were magicians and astronomers, and they followed a shooting star that would lead them to the birth of a child who would be the Messiah. On the night of January the 5th, they reached the barn where baby Jesus was, and offered him the gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.
For this reason, Catalan people and other cultures with a Christian background celebrate the day of the Three Wise Men as our equivalent of what Santa Claus is to the USA. The Three Wise Men bring presents for all children and families meet to eat a cake.
This song is set after that event, on the 25th of January (a date they probably chose as the title as a reference to the most famous traditional Catalan Christmas song, titled El 25 de desembre, “the 25th of December”), when the kings are on their way to return back home.
These are the lyrics:
Segons els pastors de l'últim poble darrera els horts veurien uns pins, passats aquells pins el camp d'oliveres i, al fons, tres camins.
According to the shepherds from the last village behind the orchards they would see some pine trees, and past those pine trees, the olive trees field and, in the background, three paths.
Han pres el trencall i s'ha obert la clariana i han ordenat als homes descans. Al camp d'oliveres tres reis s'acomiaden i encaixen les mans.
They’ve taken the detour and the clearing has opened and they have ordered their men to rest. In the olive tree field, the three men say goodbye and shake their hands.
Melcior aixeca el cap i veu la muntanya que abans que enfosqueixi ha d'estar travessant i es treu la suor amb el coll de la capa tacada de fang.
Melchior raises his head and sees the mountain that he must be crossing before it goes dark and he sweeps away his sweat with his cape’s collar stained in mud.
I no vol ni pensar que les forces s'acaben i ni us imagineu com s'emprenya quan, en beure en el riu, només troba la cara d'un home gran.
And he doesn’t want to even think of the strength coming to its end and you can’t even imagine how angry he gets when, as he drinks from the river, he only finds the face of an elderly man.
El rei dóna l'ordre pel toc de corneta pensant en aquells que, no fa pas tant, li besaven l'escut i entregaven les armes agenollats.
The king gives the order for a bugle call thinking of those who, not so long ago, used to kiss his shield and turn in their weapons kneeling.
Des de dalt del camell fot un crit el rei negre, que faci el favor algun bon soldat d'aixecar el cul de terra i fer un ràpid recompte de racions de pa.
From on top of the horse, the black king shouts for some good soldier to raise his ass from the ground and quickly recount the rations of bread.
Qui pogués creuar el bosc i trobés una barca! Qui abans d'adormir-se amb el braç estirat notés com els dits mica en mica retallen l'aigua del mar!
Who could cross the forest and find a boat! Who, before falling asleep with his arm straight out, could feel how his fingers slowly cross the sea’s water!
Qui arribés a palau i triés una dona, arranqués unes roses i li allargués un ram! Baltasar té el desig corrent per les venes com si fos sang.
Who could reach the palace and choose a woman, pick a few roses and hold out a bouquet to her! Baltazar has desire running through his veins as if it were blood.
Gaspar pot sentir clavats a l'espatlla els ulls d'alguns patges que estan esperant un cop d'atenció, potser una mà alçada, una ordre reial.
Gaspar can feel fixed on his back the eyes of some page boys who are waiting for a shout of attention, maybe a raised hand, a royal order.
Un dels homes canta enmig d'una rotllana amb la veu més dolça que hagueu sentit mai una cançó antiga que el rei taral·leja amb els llavis tancats.
One of the men sings standing in the middle of a circle with the sweetest voice that you have ever heard an ancient song song that the king hums to with sealed lips.
El patge més vell es gira i comenta mirant un segon de reüll cap al cel “sembla mentida que bé que vivíem seguint un estel.”
The oldest page boy turns around and comments quickly glancing for a second at the sky “It’s hard to believe how well we used to live following a star.”
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res--publica · 2 years
no but like the king was right when he said: "Açò és or, xata"
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perqueheplorat · 23 days
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S'ha anunciat el repartiment de Mar i cel 2024!
Aquí el teniu. Hi afegeixo algunes obres on han sortit els actors que potser reconeixeu.
Blanca: Alèxia Pascual (ex-concursant d'Eufòria)
Saïd: Jordi Garreta
Ferran i Arquebisbe Ribera: Eloi Gómez (sens dubte, un dels actors joves amb més experiència al teatre musical als escenaris catalans: L'alegria que passa, El petit príncep, El despertar de la primavera, Golfus de Roma, Next to Normal, Paràsits el musical, Sweeney Todd...)
Joanot: Abel Garcia
Felip, Duc de Lerma i Caporal: Bittor Fernández (l'actor que fa de Titó a l'S3, que també té experiència al teatre musical en diverses obres per a públic familiar i El despertar de la primavera, Cantando bajo la lluvia, Carrie, The producers)
Hassèn: Albert Gràcia (llarga experiència també en el teatre musical espanyol i català, a produccions a Madrid com El rey león i La bella y la bestia i vàries a Catalunya, incloent-ne amb La Cubana)
Idriss: Berta Luna (ex-concursant de La Voz Kids, si no m'equivoco serà la seva 2a obra professional després del Médico)
Don Carles: Xavi Fernández (qui ja havia interpretat aquest paper anteriorment als revivals del 2004 i del 2014-2016)
Mare de Saïd i Teresa: Clara Renom (ja ha cantat anteriorment obra de Guinovart en versió concert)
Malek i soldat: Sergio Escribano (també amb participació a musicals a Madrid i al País Valencià)
Maria i dona morisca: Candela Díaz
Osman i soldat: Esteve Roig
Salam, baró de Dénia i soldat: Cisco Cruz (Maremar i El petit príncep)
Rei Felip II, Albanès i soldat: Albert Mora
Reina Margarida, Carme i dona morisca: Anna Alborch (guanyadora del Premi a Millor Actriu de Musical dels Premis Butxaca 2008 pel seu paper a Ruddigore o la nissaga maleïda, ha participat a molts altres musicals inclòs Scaramouche)
Saïd nen i Montserrat: Estel Aparicio
Rosa i dona morisca: Carme Giner (cantant de música tradicional valenciana, ha aparegut en diverses sèries d'À Punt com ara L'alqueria blanca)
Abderrahim i Idriss 2: Biel Llongueras
Pare de Saïd: Guillem Ripoll
Mohamed i soldat: Guillem Fole (L'alegria que passa)
13 músics a l'orquestra
Enhorabona per aquest repartiment tan prometedor!
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dddivination · 8 months
hello study crew! i created this studyblr so i could keep track with fellow students of our academic journey and day-to-day productivity. like or reblog this if you wanna be mutuals ! (only studyblrs please - for other reasons, my main account is @harrysmmm )
some things about me:
name: you can call me moon 🌙
age: 21
pronouns: she/her
city: paris, france
sign: scorpio sun, gemini moon, sagittarius rising
mbti: enfj
enneagram: 3w2 sx/so 369
hogwarts house: gryffindor
education matters:
studies acquired: major in political sciences - in france and italy
MSc: international relations - in france
languages: english (C1), french (C2), spanish (native), italian (basics), catalan (listening)
interests and projects:
i’m writing a music album. songs are already written, i’m working on the instrumentals.
i write on tumblr on my other account. i mainly write for harry styles and harry potter related.
i love reading! non fiction as well as fiction.
i like taking pictures of random things and post them on pinterest.
i study psychology, emotional intelligence, trauma and anxiety a lot. i love learning about it !
some favorites:
fav color: yellow
fav number: 3
taylor swift ! fav albums: red (tv), folklore, evermore, midnights
lana del rey, fav album: nfr
fav book: stoner by john williams
fav movie: belle époque (1992)
fav tv show: gilmore girls (team jess)
fav saga: harry potter
my boyfriends: harry styles, draco malfoy, ryan howard, jess mariano, andrew garfield, chuck bass, laurits seier
light & dark academia
gonna keep updating about my progress! would love to get to know more people in studyblr🖤
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llurinana · 11 months
studyblr intro
about me:
name: rina
pronouns: she/her
age: 21
mbti: infp
field of study: english history/linguistics
languages: spansih, english, catalan
learn new languages (I'm interested in Japanese, Korean, Italian, French... and LSE (spanish sign language)
maybe learn coding/3D modelling
improve my habits: skin care, drawing and reading more, working out, better sleep schedule -oof-, drink more water/eat better...
finish my degree
learn to crochet and sew
finish more books and games than the ones I buy
get a job soon and get an ipad and others things in my wishlist
be consistent with my habits
my favs
fav color: sage/forest green
fav artists: mostly rock/pop (mitski, lana del rey, arctic monkeys, the black keys, måneskin, and I also listen to a bunch of kpop groups too!)
fav films: spirited away, the crow, the matrix, how to train your dragon, donnie darko...
fav TV shows: supernatural, dark, merlin, love death & robots, black mirror...
fav animes: nana, paranoia agent, neon genesis evangelion, bungou stray dogs...
fav videogames: skyrim, alice madness returns, animal crossing, valorant, gris, the witcher, hollow knight, minecraft, assassin's creed, the sims...
fav season: autumn
fav genre: sciencie fiction and fantasy
as for this studyblr goals, my plan is to share some of my days and help me get motivated, but I'm not sure how long it will last since I am usually bad posting at social media... but I definitely want to check other studyblr's and get motivated with them ❤
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negreabsolut · 2 months
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Borrell II, comte de Barcelona, per Joan Francesc Oliveras Pallerols. Borrell II (927-933) fou comte de Barcelona, Girona, i Osona (947-992 o 993), i també comte d'Urgell (948-992 o 993). Fou el segon Borrell de Barcelona perquè el seu oncle, Guifre II de Barcelona, també tenia per nom Borrell. El seu testament és datat el 24 de setembre de 993. El seu govern és conegut perquè el comte es negà a renovar el pacte de vassallatge amb el rei de França, que aleshores era Hug Capet, el qual havia menystingut el govern dels comtats de la Gòtia. Malgrat que amb aquest acte de Borrell II es considera que comença l'independència de Catalunya, el fet és que els comtats catalans ja es governaven sobiranament un segle abans, quan el poder del Regne dels francs es veié debilitat per problemes interns.
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mbet0bell0 · 1 year
voy a hablar un poco de la historia de el Real Madrid , este club es el mas grande de el mundo con 14 copas de Europa ( siendo el máximo ganador de ese torneo) y 35 ligas , pero ¿ Como inicio su historia ?
En el año de 1902 fue fundado por el catalan quien originalmente fundo el club , pero le dio mas importancia Juan Prados , Julián Palacios ( Primer presidente de el Real Madrid ) , La popularidad de el club creció por España que organizaron un torneo en honor a el rey Alfonso xvll , la iniciativa fue fundada como la copa de el rey y así el Madrid tuvo mas peso en el futbol Español y todo lo demás ya es historia
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error404vnotfound · 7 months
top Catalan town moment: there's an old man picking olives from the trees in the middle of the roundabout
disu rei dont let them go to waste
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purasangree · 11 months
Vamos a ver si con Marruecos, y su rey, detrás de su candidatura, el apoyo de los asesinos de ETA, los delincuentes catalanes, los perro-flautas, y la compra de votos a rumanos, subsaharianos y sudamericanos, puede seguir gobernando, pq los ESPAÑOLES NO TE PUEDEN NI VER, 🐀 DE DOS PATAS, FELON!.
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On the night of January 5th, children carry their lanterns to welcome the Three Wise Men.
That evening, the Three Wise Men (in Catalan, els reis d'Orient, meaning "the Eastern kings") arrive to every town and city in a cavalcade. According to Christian mythology, they are the three magician kings who followed a shooting star 💫 that would lead them to the arrival of the Messiah, which led them to where Jesus had been born. They brought him the presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
When children wake up on January 6th, they will find the presents left by the Three Wise Men. 🎁
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ellavaday · 2 years
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venedita's look for the heroine runways was a homage to women in art, specifically she mentioned the surrealist painters remedios varo and maruja mallo but it didn't make the cut of the final edit of the episode; since history of art usually leaves out the women that also were artists and her love for art comes from her favorite school teacher (if you want the importu art history lesson, it's under the cut)
maruja mallo and remedios varo were two of the first women to study in the san fernando fine arts academy in madrid, varo lived in the student residence of the time (colloquially known as the factory of early xx century geniuses, she lived there around the same time as federico garcía lorca, margarita manso, luis buñuel and salvador dalí)
of maruja mallo dalí described her as 'half angel, half shellfish', she was part of the generación del 27 movement and las sinsombrero movement (the hatless women, a group of female thinkers and artists from the generation of 27, they were called far more unsavory things than that, the name comes from a stroll in sol in which mallo, manso, dalí and lorca went out purposefully without a hat which was scandalous back then as a gesture of freeing ideas and opening minds); she was well known for her painting and sculptures, started first in new objectivity and magical realism and then evolved into surrealism, she scaped to buenos aires after the civil war started then moved to new york in the 50s and back to spain in 1962, in her work she used gender references in her paintings as she painted androgynous figures and large mythical females that signaled her freedom from the male-dominated artistic world
remedios varo is not well known in spain but the bulk of her work can be found in the mexican museum of modern art, she moved to barcelona and formed part of the logicofobistas catalan surrealist movement (logicofobistas means phobia to logic), she moved to paris to escape the civil war and then to mexico city when the nazis invaded france; she was interested in a myriad of subjects present in her work from alchemy to psychoanalysis, she's best known for giving everything she authored an air of mysticism, mixing science with esotericism, and bc idk what else to do with this knowledge here's two pieces of trivia: she made the set designs of la aldea maldita by florian rey and worked in the costume design of many plays and ballets with marc chagall and leonora carrington
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minglana · 2 years
5 Myths about the Aragonese language
(Transcription and translation under the read more)
Transcription: De seguras que en bella conversación arredol d'as lenguas hetz sentiu bella figuración despectiva sobre l'aragonés. Per ixo, hue imos a contar 5 falsos mitos sobre la nuestra lengua.
L'aragonés ye una lengua muerta. No, perque l'aragonés s'ha charrau sin interrupción dende lo suyo orichen en o sieglo VIII dica l'actualidat.
L'aragonés ye un dialecto d'o castellano. Falso, perque l'aragonés ye una lengua romance com francés o portugués, catalán, u l'italiano, que deriva d'o latín con una evolución propia i diferent d'o castellano.
L'aragonés no existe, ye un invento, u ye una lengua sin historia. No, no, no, no, perque l'aragonés ye una lengua natural como cualsiquier altra, i mesmo, en a edat meya, fue lengua oficial d'o Reino d'Aragón i fablada por reis como Pedro IV. Tamién s'ha feito servir pa documentos publicos como fueros u actas notarials, encara que con os anyos se vio relegada a l'ambito mes rural.
L'aragonés ye parlar basto u mal. Falso, perque l'aragonés, como totas las lenguas tien diferents nivels linguisticos, mes cultos u menos cultos, con os suyos vulgarismos i cultismos.
Esta de seguras que os l'han dito bella vez: L'aragonés no sirve pa cosa. Pues no, l'aragonés fa parte d'o patrimonio inmaterial d'a nuestra tierra, ye riqueza cultural, i como cualsiquier lengua, ye un patrimonio d'a humanidat. Amás, con as suyas caracteristicas, define una traza de veyer i estar en o mundo.
Translation: In a conversation about languages, you've probably heard some despective comments about Aragonese. That's why today we are going to tell you 5 false myths about our language.
Aragonese is a dead language. No, because Aragonese has been spoken without interruption since it's beginning in the 8th century until today.
Aragonese is a dialect of Spanish. False, because Aragonese is a Romance language like French or Portuguese, Catalan, or Italian, that comes from Latin, with its own evolution, different from Spanish.
Aragonese doesn't exist, it's an invention, or a language with no history. No, no, no, no, because Aragonese is a natural language like any other, and equally, in the Middle Ages it was the official language of the Kingdom of Aragon and was spoken by kings like Peter IV. It has also been used in public documents like fueros or notarized documents, although as time has gone by, it has been relegated to more rural spaces.
Aragonese is talking bad. False, because Aragonese, like every language, has different linguistic levels, more or less cultured, with its vulgarisms and cultisms.
You have probably been told this one at least once: Aragonese is useless. No, Aragonese makes up part of our land's intangible heritage, it's cultural richness, and like any other language, it's part of the world's heritage. In addition, with its characteristics, it defines a way of seeing and experiencing the world.
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