#Presidential Candidates
decolonize-the-left · 4 months
I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race.
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It's time to actually put the people in America first. We do that by meeting everyone's basic human needs. This includes guaranteed housing, universal healthcare and education, UBI, and environmental/infrastructure reform. In doing this, we give people a fighting chance to create a more sustainable model for society that ensures the general welfare of people within our borders for generations to come.
1) Housing- Decommodify housing and eliminate rent, mortgages and property taxes 2) Healthcare- 100% coverage including vision and dental 3) Education- universal education up to and including doctorate level studies 4) UBI-a monthly disbursement based on the cost of living in a resident's state 5) Environment/Infrastructure reform- Abating the damage caused by climate change through sustainable development and creating an infrastructure that fosters community
The Jasmine Sherman for President campaign envisions organizing through various strategies. They aim to leverage social media and technological advancements for rapid outreach to a wider audience. Direct action and mutual aid will be prioritized to attract like-minded individuals and build a strong support base. The campaign will also focus on nurturing relationships established through past coalition-building efforts, aiming to strengthen connections and amplify the campaign's impact. By combining these approaches, Jasmine Sherman's campaign aims to effectively engage, mobilize, and expand its reach in pursuit of its organizing goals
Source on ballotpedia
Their campaign site:
Jasmine Sherman wants to help the at-risk and vulnerable communities by providing Guaranteed housing, Landback, Universal basic income, Free Education, and Universal healthcare, for all. They also believe in the rights of the child, the rights to gender affirming care, ending the disability restrictions, restorative justice, abolishing the police, abolishing prisons, triple bottom line accountability for corporations, reparations, a progressive tax, an index living wage, immigration policy reform, sustainable energy, decriminalizing all drugs and sex work, age caps and term limits for all elected officials, and rewriting the constitution.
They seem like a very good candidate and I hadn't heard of them before, tysm for bringing them to my attention!
Looks like the Green Party has ballot access in 46 states as well! Additionally, The Green Party will host a primary debate on May 11th. Definitely something to pay attention to!
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deadpresidents · 19 days
Which President, in your opinion, was the most reluctant to seek the position? Which wound up hating it the most by the end of his term?
I am a strong believer that nobody truly becomes President of the United States "reluctantly". That's not exactly the kind of job that seeks you, especially the modern Presidency.
For a significant slice of American history, many of the people nominated for President acted as if they were being called upon to run when, behind-the-scenes, they were very active in building their campaigns and corralling supporters. Until the 20th Century it was frowned upon to openly run for the Presidency, but almost all of the Presidents wanted the gig.
I'd say that George Washington was probably more reluctant than most of his successors and likely would have preferred retiring to Mount Vernon after the Revolution, but I think he also recognized that he was the guy who needed to be the President that set the precedents. I think Ulysses S. Grant would have been perfectly happy to not be President, but once he was elected in 1868 he also wanted to keep the job. He even tried to run for a third term in 1880.
That 1880 election might have been the one case where the winner -- James Garfield -- genuinely wasn't interested in the Presidency at that point. He had gone to the Republican National Convention to support fellow Ohioan John Sherman (and defeat Grant's hopes for a third term) and gained some major attention after giving a well-received speech placing Sherman's name in nomination. When the candidacies of Sherman and James G. Blaine -- another anti-Grant candidate -- stalled, Garfield became a compromise choice and was eventually nominated on the 36th ballot. Garfield was apparently legitimately shocked by the events leading to him leaving Chicago as the GOP nominee.
By most accounts, William Howard Taft was far more interested in a potential seat on the Supreme Court than becoming President. At heart he was a judge and believed himself to be better suited for the judiciary than the Executive Branch. But Taft turned down three offers by Theodore Roosevelt to be appointed to the Supreme Court (in 1902, 1903, and 1906) because he felt obligated to complete his work as Governor-General of the Philippines and then Secretary of War. But Taft's wife desperately wanted him to become President and by the time of President Roosevelt's third offer of a seat on the Court, Taft was already being talked about as Roosevelt's hand-picked successor in the White House. And, as with all other Presidents, once he had a taste for the job, he didn't want to give it up, running for re-election in 1912 against his former friend, Roosevelt.
Gerald Ford is the only other President who hadn't spent a significant portion of his political career with his eyes on the White House. Ford spent nearly a quarter-century in the House of Representatives and his main ambition was to be Speaker of the House, but Republicans weren't able to win control of the House when Ford was in Congressional leadership positions. But even with Ford being a creature of Congress, he did attempt to put himself forward as a nominee for the Vice Presidency, first in 1960 and then in 1968, and Nixon kicked the tires on picking him as his running mate in 1960. No one wants to be Vice President without seeing it as a potential stepping stone to the Presidency, particularly at that point in history before Vice Presidents were empowered with some real influence within the Administrations they served in.
As for who wound up hating it by the end of their time in office, I think it's safe to say that John Quincy Adams didn't shed too many tears when he was defeated for re-election in 1828. And I'm sure he wouldn't use the word "hate", but nobody can convince me that George W. Bush wasn't thoroughly ready to escape Washington by late-2007. There were times in 2008 when he seemed like he just wanted to hold a snap election like they have in parliamentary systems and go home to Texas. If some Presidential insider published a book that said that Bush asked if he could just give the keys to the White House to Barack Obama in July 2008, I wouldn't be the least bit shocked.
On the other hand, if there were no term limits, Bill Clinton would have been running for President in every election since 1992 (and the crazy thing is that he's still younger than both of the presumptive 2024 nominees). I'm kind of surprised that he didn't make an effort to repeal the 22nd Amendment in the past 20 years. Clinton loved being President and was trying to find something Presidential to do until minutes before his successor was inaugurated in 2001.
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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this is the link to the video
Green Party 2024 presidential candidate Cornel West responded to criticism from Democratic strategist David Axelrod that his candidacy could be a "spoiler" that helps former President Trump win during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper.
"Brother David Axelrod looks at the world through the lens of the establishment. Well, of course, from the lens of the establishment, he is concerned about reproducing the establishment," West said.
Cooper suggested: "David Axelrod, he seems more interested in preventing former President Trump from getting re-elected more than I'd say recreating the establishment."
"No, I'm talking about the Democratic Party establishment though, brother. Axelrod, you see what I mean? You would agree. You're very much part of the Democratic Party establishment," West said.
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: I want to ask you, Senator Manchin, up in New Hampshire tonight, he seems to be testing the waters there. He says the parties are too far to the left, and to the right. What do you think of his politics?
CORNEL WEST: Well, you know, I just read the pamphlet "Common Sense." And my God, they had the audacity to rename that after the great Thomas Payne's revolutionary pamphlet of January 10, 1976, that was critical of all forms of hierarchy in the name of the dignity of those last, don't call everyday people.
I don't think that the No Labels party with their hundred million dollars flowing already, fundamental focus on what I'm concerned about, which is the plight of poor and working people trying to come to terms with the cop cities. Why do the critiques of the cop cities trying to come to terms with striking workers, be there in Hollywood, be there on Amazon, be there at UPS, coming to terms with the eco side, with the fossil fuel companies, steel, corporate greed running out-of-control.
You know, we're at a moment now, my brother, where if we don't come to terms with this massive callousness and indifference to the plight of poor and working people, we're going to lose everything -- the planet, democracy, our qualitative relations with each other. That's how life and death like our situation is, my brother, very much so.
COOPER: You know, the concern, certainly. I mean, you've been asked this question a million times from a lot of Democrats and Republicans against Trump that a third party candidate like yourself could siphon votes away from President Biden. David Axelrod, recently tweeted, saying: "In 2016, the Green Party played an outsized role in the tipping of the election to Donald Trump. Now with Cornel West as their likely nominee, they could easily do it again. Risky Business."
Now, I know you've said you don't believe Jill Stein made that big a difference in the vote count in 2016. In Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, her votes did exceed Trump's margin over Clinton. So how do you answer that critique that you will be siphoning votes away and potentially leading to a Trump victory?
WEST: Well, a part of it is, it is that nearly 40 percent of our precious citizens every two and four years decide not to vote at all, and we know that the so-called spoilers, which is a category you can imagine, I don't accept at all, it was two-thirds of those who voted, it could be a Gary Johnson, assistant Jill Stein, brother Ralph Nader, whoever -- people say they would never vote for the two parties.
And I can understand those two parties become too corrupt. Their politicians are too conformist, too many of the policies themselves are just cowardly, will just say anything. What about truth? What about justice?
Truth and justice is bigger than all of us, bigger than every party, every race, every person. If you're concerned about truth and justice, then you can't be cowardly, complacent or conformist.
And especially if you're looking at the world through the lens of those who are incarcerated, those who are in ghettos and hoods and barrios.
Brother David Axelrod, he looks at the world through the lens of the establishment. Well, of course, from the lens of the establishment, he is concerned about reproducing the establishment. My God. My God. There is no doubt about that.
In the 1850s, both parties supported slavery, like he does with the Labor Department.
COOPER: But I think he is probably -- I think he seems more though -- I mean, you know, David Axelrod, he seems more interested in preventing former President Trump from getting re-elected more than I'd say recreating the establishment.
WEST: No, I'm talking about the Democratic Party establishment though, brother. Axelrod, you see what I mean? You would agree. You're very much part of the Democratic Party establishment.
COOPER: I mean, his interest -- and I don't want to speak for him, but you criticize the president.
WEST: Absolutely.
COOPER: You criticize President Biden saying recently that he contributed, in your words, I'm quoting, "contributed to a crime against humanity when he became the architect of the mass incarceration regime in the 1990s." You're referring to the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act that then Senator Biden sponsored.
You also said it is: "... very clear that his cognitive powers are in decline." You have had a remarkable career. You've championed those whose voices have been silenced all your life, we've had you on the program a ton of times talking about that.
You've never run a large bureaucracy or had any major governmental leadership role. Isn't that important to actually governing as president?
WEST: Oh, absolutely. I'd have to bring in people who are experienced, but the important thing is your vision and the lens through which you view the world. Policy is something that can be worked out in light of vision. If your vision is one of militarism abroad, then you're going to be preoccupied with wars and militaristic adventures. We've known Biden has got a long history, I don't think he has actually seen a war that he hadn't supported.
I think the invasion and occupation of Iraq was a crime against humanity. How many precious hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed based on a lie? Well, Biden was running interference in that regard.
I think mass incarceration in the United States in the last 40 years is a crime against humanity. I've taught in prison for 41 years. I've stayed in contact with the rich humanity of my brothers and sisters who have been incarcerated and many have done things they didn't and shouldn't have done. Many are there because they're innocent.
But the important thing is, it is sites -- they are sites of barbarity. We ought to be ashamed to live in a country when you look at the conditions of our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated.
It is not just the 1994 crime bill. You can go back to the Biden-[Strom Thurmond] bills of '84 and 86, and '91, and then '94. You see what I mean? So it's just a matter of trying to be truthful.
I'm not trying to trash brother Biden, I am really not. I'm trying to make him accountable for his actions in light of how the wretched of the earth are treated in this nation and around the world. And that's true for any politician, be it Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Trump -- all of them have to be measured by the same standard of truth and justice.
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justrantingtopunks · 10 months
To those who keep perpetuating the misconception that Marianne Williamson is anti-vax, hopefully this recent interview helps clear things up about that for you!
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progressivegraffiti · 11 months
Can presidential candidates Marianne Williamson and Cornel West cancel cruelty with agape love?
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chongoblog · 6 days
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I have never felt more patriotic than I am in this moment
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martyschoenleber · 2 months
Nine Biblical Reasons to Reject Donald Trump as a Candidate for President
Wednesday is for Political Controversy I don’t want to write this post.  Despite the fact that I wrote a book with the title Picking a President or Any Other Elected Official, I’m not a really political person.  I’m a registered Independent. Have been all my life. I wish all Christians were registered Independents. I don’t think it is wise for Christians to be identified with either or any…
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pastdaily · 2 months
Eisenhower - Republican Convention - 1952 - Past Daily After Hours Reference Room
Become a Patron! https://pastdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/eisenhower-acceptance-speech-1952.mp3 As Convention season gets closer (and one can only guess what 2024 will be like), here is a sampler from another Republican Convention – seventy-two years ago – July 20,1952. General Dwight D. Eisenhower delivers the acceptance speech for his party’s nomination on July 20, 1952. Eisenhower had…
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sentinelleblr · 3 months
"So, for anyone unclear on the concept that RFK Jr.’s candidacy is a poison pill designed to undermine Joe Biden’s candidacy, there can no longer be any doubt. A major Trump donor gave $15 million to the super PAC that paid for RFK Jr.'s Super Bowl ad. Tell a friend. If you know anyone who is thinking about supporting RFK Jr., please tell them that Trump donors are bankrolling RFK’s campaign and ask them to think long and hard about why Trump's supporters are promoting RFK Jr."
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deadpresidents · 1 month
How many presidential rematches have there been?
When it comes to the major candidates in a general election, this year's election will be the ninth rematch:
•John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson: 1796 & 1800
•John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson: 1824 & 1828 (William H. Crawford and Henry Clay were also candidates in 1824)
•Andrew Jackson vs. Henry Clay: 1824 & 1832 (John Quincy Adams and William H. Crawford were also candidates in 1824; John Floyd and William Wirt were also candidates in 1832)
•Martin Van Buren vs. William Henry Harrison: 1836 & 1840 (Hugh L. White, Daniel Webster, and Willie P. Mangum were also candidates in 1836)
•Grover Cleveland vs. Benjamin Harrison: 1888 & 1892 (James B. Weaver was also a candidate in 1892)
•William McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan: 1896 & 1900
•Dwight D. Eisenhower vs. Adlai E. Stevenson: 1952 & 1956
•Bill Clinton vs. Ross Perot: 1992 & 1996 (George H.W. Bush was also a candidate in 1992; Bob Dole was also a candidate in 1996)
•Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump: 2020 & 2024
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smalltofedsblog · 4 months
The Real Versus Perceived Power Of The U.S. Presidency
Many of us in the military combat veteran community, who have also worked for years with the federal government, have become concerned about the public view of the Office of the President. Please note George Friedman bringing reality to our expectations below.
"THE REAL VERSUS PERCEIVED POWER - The American presidency is designed to disappoint. The winner depends upon what other institutions, nations and reality will allow."
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the-twentieth-man · 9 months
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ehzdesign · 10 months
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As regards the 2024 Presidential Election's Potential Candidates I just want to make it clear that I Like Ike and so if anyone out there can bring him back from the dead before Jesus returns that would be appreciated.
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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More and more Republicans are entering the race.
Chaotician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) in "Jurassic Park": "That is one big pile of shit."
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Ron DeSantis gets cocky with Piers Morgan, until he's asked if he'll run against Trump (video) Gov. Ron DeSantis puffs up enough to tell Piers Morgan he could beat President Biden in 2024, but ask him if he's running in the primaries — in which he'd have to face his bullying nemesis, Donald Trump — and his confidence collapses like a dried up soufflé. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/22/ron-desantis-gets-cocky-with-piers-morgan-until-hes-asked-if-hell-run-against-trump-video.html
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Marianne Williamson Launches Presidential Campaign
Presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson says "This country is drowning in information & starving for understanding." Her powerful message helps us understand why our primary & collective task is to build #EconomicJustice.
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