#Rao Yo!
cluboftigerghost · 6 months
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ecle-c-tic · 11 months
Exercise is wayy more fun when you do it to be able to do cool tricks (like run fast, jump many times, carry alll of the groceries, get book on bottom shelf) rather than bc u want to punish yourself for not looking photoshopped
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kang-yina · 2 years
🎶 Yo no hablo español
Yo only hablo portugués
Yo only hablo portugués
Y tú madre es puta
Por que tú não me escuchas, no?
Yo no hablo español
Yo no hablo español 🎶 /ref
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rainisawriter · 9 months
You’re All That I Adore (Ito)
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Genre: Fluff, slice of life, domestic, slight angst
Word Count: 4,367
Pairing: First Person x Ito
World: High&Low
A/N: 100% self indulgence right here because this man has my heart in a fucking Cobra twist. Seriously, send help.
I put a cigarette between my lips, lighting the end before taking a long drag. The sun was shining brightly above against a bright blue sky, not a single cloud in sight. Cicadas were chirping happily in the distance, not the least bit bothered by the heat that was currently engulfing the Sword district. 
“There she is!”
“Huh?” My gaze fell on a group of guys standing in the shade of the foot bridge. There were six of them, wearing the same black uniform and carrying metal bats and pipes. “Who the hell are you guys?”
“Nishiya-san sends his regards,” smirked a black-haired male, pointing his bat at me.
My brow furrowed as I searched my brain for the name, but I was coming up blank. “No idea who that is, bro.”
“Get her, boys!”
All of them rushed at me at once, screaming out as if they were going to war. I sighed deeply, pinching the end of my cigarette to put it out before sticking it behind my ear. A bat swung at my head and I quickly stepped backward, grabbing the bat so I could tug him closer, my fist slamming against his face. I felt a pipe hit my shoulder blade and I cursed, spinning around to slam my foot against the guy’s stomach.
One guy tried to punch me but I grabbed his wrist and squeezed hard. He cried out in pain, trying to pry himself away but I kept my grip, using him as a shield when another swung a pipe at me. The pipe hit him in the head and he went limp. 
“Attacking your own guy?” I tsk’d, punching the guy in the face. “That ain’t cool, man.”
I could sense the last two guys coming up behind me and I ducked, the bat swinging through the air. I kicked my foot back, connecting with his shin before I grabbed the front of his shirt, throwing him into the final guy. They collided hard, falling back into the river with a satisfying splash.
I glanced up, seeing Tsukasa jogging toward me, his brow furrowed as he looked around at the fallen boys. “Yo, Kasa.” I lifted my hand to him before putting the cigarette back in my mouth and lighting it again. “I thought I was coming to see you, not the other way around.”
“I had a bad feeling.” He pushed one of the guys with his foot, causing him to roll onto his back. “These are Suzuran guys.”
“Suzuran?” I repeated, scratching my cheek. “The hell are they?”
“It’s a school in Toaru city. Fujio went there yesterday to challenge Rao… is that why they attacked you?”
I inhaled deeply, turning my head so I didn’t exhale the smoke into his direction. “They didn’t say anything about Rao, but they did mention a Nishiya.”
“I don’t know who that is,” he shook his head, long fingers wrapping around my wrist and tugging me along the path. “It’s possible that it’s just a coincidence…”
“You don’t sound too sure about that.” I watched him closely, taking in how his brow remained furrowed. There was clearly something bothering him and it had been for a while. I came to a stop under the foot bridge, tugging him around to face me. “What’s goin’ on, Tsukasa?”
His lips parted, no doubt to say nothing but he seemed to change his mind. His gaze met mine, filled with worry. “I have a bad feeling. I have for a few days now and it’s not going away. It feels like… the calm before the storm.”
I hummed in realization. “So, that’s why you called me.”
He nodded. “I didn’t want to bother you because I know you’re busy, but… I’m really worried, Ren. This feeling won’t go away and I would feel a lot better knowing you’re close by.”
“Hey,” I called out softly, resting my hand on his shoulder. “You know if you ever need me, I’ll be here. You’re my baby brother, Tsukasa, and I will always protect you.”
He smiled warmly, nodding his head. “Thank you.”
“What’s got you so worked up, though?”
“The other schools in Sword keep being spotted near Oya. It’s as if they’re watching us.”
“Yeah, but that’s nothing new, is it?” I wondered, leaning back against the metal railing that separated the path from the river.
“No, it’s not, but this feels different. I don’t know why, it just does.”
“If you keep frowning like that, you’re gonna get wrinkles and lose half your fanbase.”
He scoffed, sending me a look. “Are you saying people only like me for my looks?”
“Only part of them,” I grinned, ruffling his blonde hair. 
Tsukasa smacked my hand away but it had no malice. “Thank you.”
“You said that already.”
“I mean it. I feel a lot better having you here.”
I grinned, throwing my arm around his neck. “I’m always happy to assist.”
“We’re going to see a movie tonight. Are you in?”
“Nah, can’t go. I’ve got plans with my boyfriend. Been ages since we had any time together. Something always seems to come up on either end.”
“That makes sense, you’re pretty busy, aren’t you?” A frown tugged at his lips again. “Sorry for bothering you.”
“It’s no bother at all. Listen, Tsukasa,” I paused, grabbing him by the shoulders and staring him dead in the eye. “If you ever need anything, no matter how small, you better call me immediately. I don’t care what time it is or how busy I am. I’ve always got time for you.”
“I know,” the corner of his lips twitched upward, eyes shimmering with warmth. “Th -”
“If you say thank you one more time, I’m gonna throw you in the river.”
He scoffed in disbelief. “You’re so rude.”
“Yet you still love me,” I grinned, patting his shoulder.
I stifled a yawn as I stepped into my apartment, being greeted by the smell of food and the sound of sizzling meat. A smile tugged at my lips as I stopped in the doorway, watching my boyfriend as he cooked dinner. I approached slowly, wrapping my arms around his slim waist.
“I’m home,” I mumbled, nuzzling against the side of his neck.
Ito smiled, leaning back against me as his free hand came to rest over my arm. “Welcome home, anata.”
“Sorry I’m so late.”
“You’re just in time. Dinner’s almost ready.”
“It smells amazing.” I pressed a kiss to his neck before pulling away to grab a soda from the fridge. “What movie are we watching?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Should I be worried?”
“You’re gonna love it,” he promised, dark eyes meeting mine.
No matter how many times he looked at me, my heart skipped a beat every time. He was so beautiful and his gaze was always filled with love for me. No one has ever made me feel so much warmth and love the way he does and, honestly, I’m beginning to believe in soulmates. If they exist, he’s definitely mine.
“You’re staring at me again,” he scolded lightly, sending me a look as he lifted the pan off the stove.
“Sorry,” I muttered, settling down at the table.
After dinner, we set our plates in the sink and headed into the living room. 
I fell onto the couch, watching him as he pulled a box from beside the TV, holding it up proudly. I grinned at him when I read the title. “You bought The Lord of the Rings?”
“Extended edition.”
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
“Every day,” Ito chuckled, setting the first movie into the DVD player before settling down beside me on the couch. He brought his legs up, leaning against my side. I threw my arm around him to pull him closer, and he rested his head against my chest. “I forgot to get the blanket.”
“Forget it.” I held him tighter, running my hand up and down his side. “We can get it later.”
“If I catch a cold, I’m blaming you.”
“It’s summer, babe.”
“Summer colds are a real thing, you know.”
I clicked my tongue. “Fine, go get the damn thing.”
Ito laughed, pressing a kiss to my cheek before standing up. I watched him disappear down the hall before reaching forward to grab the controller, starting up the movie. He returned a moment later with the blanket, flicking off the lights before settling back at my side.
Honestly, I clocked out for most of the movie. How could I possibly focus when I had such a beautiful man just inches away from me? Every time he moved, I could smell his shampoo mingling with the light cologne he wore. It was a pleasant smell that always left me feeling calm and at peace. Even so, I found myself thinking about Tsukasa. He was always so level headed that it was rare to see him so worried.
“Do you think it counts?” wondered Ito softly, glancing up at me with his dark, beautiful eyes.
I glanced at the screen, realizing it was the scene of Legolas and Gimli seeing who could get the most kills. “It definitely doesn’t. The guy was dead when he shot him.”
“He was twitching.”
“Doesn’t matter. A body can still move even after death, but the body is still dead. He shot a dead body which definitely doesn’t count. Gimli wins this for sure.”
“Most people side with Legolas.”
“Because they’re simps.”
His lips parted but he was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing on the other end of the couch. 
I scowled at the TV, pretending not to hear it.
“You should answer it,” he told me softly, hand resting in the center of my chest. “It could be important.”
“It could be not important.”
“Anata,” he sent me a stern look before reaching over me to grab the phone, holding it out to me.
I took it with a scoff, seeing an unknown number flashing across the screen. “Hello?”
Ito grabbed the controller to pause the movie.
The sound of music could be heard in the background, along with the giggles of a woman. “Hey~”
My brow furrowed at the familiar voice. “Masaki? Are you drunk?”
“What? No~” he giggled, slurring his words. “I’m not drunk, silly, you’re drunk!”
I heard the girl giggled again and I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. “What do you want?”
“Hey, hey. Can you come get us?”
“I’m not a fucking taxi service. Call your brother.”
“But -”
“Idiot,” I muttered under my breath, tossing the phone onto the couch.
“I still can’t believe you’re friends with Amamiya Masaki.”
“It’s not as cool as one might think.” I stifled a yawn, rubbing the back of my head.
Ito glanced at the clock before standing up, holding his hand out to me. “Let’s go to sleep, love.”
“Are you sure? It’s still kinda early.” I slid my hand into his and he pulled me up easily, leading me toward the bedroom we shared.
“I had a long day and it seems like you did, too.”
I couldn’t argue with that. Besides, there was nothing better than cuddling with Ito before bed. I got changed before him, sliding under the cold covers and sighing in content. He turned the light off before sliding in beside me, curling up against my side with his head resting on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and he hummed in satisfaction.
I didn’t want to go to sleep so quickly, but my eyes felt heavy and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay awake much longer.
“Anata?” called Ito, his voice so soft I almost didn’t hear it.
“Hm?” I shifted to try and wake myself up a bit, my hand rubbing up and down his back.
“I love you… you know that, right?”
“Mhm. I love you too, Ito.”
“No matter what happens, don’t forget that, okay?”
I wanted to question what he meant, but I could feel my consciousness leaving me. I held him tighter, resting my cheek against the top of his head. “I won’t.” The last thing I registered was the feeling of his fingers curling around my t-shirt.
The sound of an alarm ringing through the room forced me from my sleep and I groaned, rolling onto my side. I could feel Ito shift as he started to get out of bed so my arms shot forward, wrapping around his waist and tugging him back onto the bed. I wrapped myself around him, nuzzling against his neck.
“I don’t wanna get up yet.”
He chuckled. “We both have things we need to do. We can’t stay in bed forever, love.”
“Just five more minutes. Please?”
“Only five,” he conceded, relaxing into my embrace.
I pressed my lips to his neck and hummed. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
“Me too. I think you’d grow tired of me after a while, though.” His tone was lighthearted and joking but it made me scowl, increasing my grip on him.
“I’ll never get tired of this, of you.”
Ito slowly turned around to face me, his gaze flickering to my lips. I didn’t hesitate to close the distance, my hand going to his cheek as our lips met. I poured every ounce of love I had for him into that kiss, as I did every single time we kissed. He needed to know how much he affected me, needed to know how much I love him. Honestly, I don’t think there are words in any language to explain it. I can only hope he can feel it, too.
My tongue brushed against his bottom lip and he didn’t hesitate to open his mouth, arms going around my neck to pull me closer. My phone started to vibrate on the nightstand and I groaned, breaking the kiss to hide my face in his neck.
“For fuck’s sake.”
Ito chuckled, running his fingers through my short hair. “We need to get up anyway.”
“Don’t wanna.”
He pushed me gently and I groaned, rolling off him so he could get up. “You have a meeting today, don’t you?”
“Oh…” I blinked up at the ceiling. “I forgot about that.”
“I figured you might. Come on, up!” He grabbed my hands, pulling me up and out of the bed despite my protests. Said protests were quickly silenced by his lips. “I’ll make breakfast. You better not go back to sleep, anata.”
“Sure, sure.” I grabbed my phone, finding a missed call from Fujio. I sent him a quick message before hopping in the shower. He had replied by the time I got out, telling me that he was going to go visit Rao this afternoon with Tsukasa and Jamuo. I replied that I would meet them there before getting dressed.
Ito glanced at me when I entered the kitchen, a smile on his lips. He was already dressed and ready for the day. “You actually listened to me this time.”
“I can’t be a pain in the ass all the time, you’ll get tired of me.”
“Never,” he chuckled, pecking my lips. He set two omelets down on the table before sitting across from me. “What time is your meeting?”
“Uh…” I tugged my phone from my pocket, checking my messages. Shit, the meeting is happening at the same time I’m supposed to meet Fujio. Maybe I can talk Hiroto into going instead. “Noon.”
“Be careful, okay? There have been a lot of… unsavory guys around lately.” His nose wrinkled, annoyance flashing through his eyes. 
“Careful is my middle name,” I replied with a grin, earning a disbelieving look in return.
“Last time I checked, it was reckless.”
“Same thing.”
“Not even close.”
After we finished eating, he gathered the plates and set them in the sink. “I’ll wash them when I get home. I have to get going.” He pecked my lips and I looped my finger around the ring hanging from his choker, stopping him from pulling away. He hummed, moving his lips against mine. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Be safe, babe.”
“I will.” With one last smile, Ito left the apartment.
I felt anxiety coursing through my veins like lava, not letting me stay still for more than a few seconds. Fujio was supposed to have been here five minutes ago but there was no sign of him and he wasn’t answering his phone. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem but with everything that’s been happening lately, it had me on edge.
Oya had been attacked.
No, attack wasn’t the right word.
Oya had been slaughtered, half of their students taken out like they were nothing. Even Tsuji and Shibaman, two of Oya’s top fighters, had been put out of commission. Worse yet, Tsukasa had been taken.
My heart clenched painfully at the thought and I started to pace faster, barely containing the urge to punch the wall beside me. I had promised to always look after him, to protect him with my life and yet… he had been taken right under my nose. I didn’t even know until I had gotten the call from Fujio.
It made me question everything.
Before meeting Ito, I didn’t believe in love. I didn’t believe that love was possible for someone like me. I was a firm believer that love made you weak, it softened your resolve… now, I’m starting to think I was right in believing that. If I wasn’t dating Ito, if I wasn’t so madly in love with him, would I have noticed Tsukasa’s absence? Would I have put more faith into his words when he told me he was worried? 
“Goddamn it!” I cried, slamming my fist against the brick. It cracked beneath my fist, blood trickling from my skin.
My head snapped up at the sound of Fujio’s voice. There he was, standing tall as he approached with the rest of Oya behind him. They weren’t alone, though – Housen was with them.
Fujio gave me a determined look, holding his hand out to me. “Let’s go get Tsukasa back.”
“Yeah,” I slapped my hand against his. “I’ll kill all of them.”
“Motherfucker!” I growled, slamming my fist into the face of Amagai’s thug. God, we knock down one and five more appear. How many losers does this bastard have in his pocket?
Todoroki put his hand on my shoulder, glaring at the group standing in front of us. “We have to get through them to get to the gym.”
I huffed in annoyance, wiping the blood from my cheek. “Yeah, leave it to -“
The sound of scraping metal made everyone pause. I turned around, muttering under my breath, “What now?”
Large metal shelves and scaffolding had been chained together and put up at the exits, preventing anyone from entering or leaving Senomon. What was once an impenetrable barrier now shook and trembled before slowly falling to the ground, half laying atop the hood of a broken down car.
I recognized Rao immediately from when we had approached him at Kasumi house, his towering figure inspiring fear in the thugs we were facing. I heard their scared whispers, voices trembling.
“That’s Suzuran!“
“Shit, we’re so dead!“
“Rao is unbeatable!“
Amagai took a few steps back, a nervous look on his face. 
“This isn’t your fight, Suzuran!” cried Saboten, his voice shaking despite how hard he tried to steady it.
My eyes scanned the five guys that had arrived with Rao, wondering if they had appeared as friend or foe. All thoughts left me, though, when my eyes locked with one of them. Despite the mask covering half of his face, I’d recognize those beautiful eyes anywhere. 
“Ito…” I muttered, my brow furrowed. What was he doing here? He’s part of Suzuran? Part of Rao’s faction?
He sent me a pleading look, slowly lifting his hand to tug down the mask. His beautiful face didn’t fill me with calm like it usually did, unable to Pentwater the strong feelings swirling within my gut. Confusion, frustration, worry. They were too strong.
“Fujio is my friend,” Rao said simply before rushing forward and beginning to clear the way.
Ito’s lips formed my name but no sound escaped him.
I turned away, fists clenched at my sides. I had to stay focused on Tsukasa, I had to save him. With a roar, I rushed forward after Rao, helping him clear the way. I dodged a pipe, kicking him hard in the gut before elbowing another in the face. Someone brought a metal chair down across my back and my vision blurred for a moment, the sound around me becoming muffled.
“Ren!” cried Ito, rushing toward me, a terrified look on his face.
I shook my head, taking a deep breath. Before he reached me, I cried out in anger, grabbing the chair from the guy before slamming it across his face. 
“Let’s go!” Fujio ran past with Todoroki close behind. 
I clicked my tongue in annoyance, throwing the chair onto the ground before rushing after them. I wanted so badly to look back at Ito, I could feel his eyes burning against my back, but I had to stay focused. 
Tsukasa was more important.
“Fucking hell,” I muttered, wincing as I touched the back of my head. “Am I bleeding?”
Todoroki pushed his glasses up, glancing at the back of my head. “You’re fine.”
Fine was a gross understatement. The battle against Senomon was over and Oya had come out on top, but I had to wonder if it was truly a victory. All of us were beat to hell and poor Tsukasa could barely stand. Worst of all, he stopped me from beating Amagai within an inch of his life.
“I need a vacation,” I muttered, body tensing when I felt someone occupy the spot Todoroki had been only moments ago. I didn’t even have to look to know who it was.
“Maybe we can go to the beach.”
Where the hell do we go from here? Both of us lied to each other, keeping secrets like our lives depended on it.
Ito had believed that I was a simple bodyguard working for one of the clubs downtown. He didn’t know that I was a debt collector and part-time Oya student.
Meanwhile, he had told me that he was a first year in college, working part-time at a cafe. 
Honestly, we should have been able to see through the lies, right? We spent so much time together. We know each other’s ticks and tricks. Apparently, neither of us can tell when someone is lying to their face.
“I’m sorry,” I told him softly, keeping my gaze forward. I was afraid I would break if I looked at him. “I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“You’re not the only one,” he replied softly, his shoulder brushing mine as we walked. “I lied, too, though I think mine’s worse…” He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. “When we first met, I knew you would become the most important person in my life but I was afraid. If you knew I was just a second year, I was afraid you wouldn’t give me the time of day.”
I shrugged a shoulder only to wince as pain shot through my body. “Fucking hell, that’s gonna hurt in the morning.”
Ito’s face filled with worry, scanning me for any visible injuries. “We need to get you home and get your injuries taken care of.”
“I’m fine.”
“Now is not the time to be stubborn,” he scowled, eyes narrowed at me. His slim fingers wrapped around my wrist, tugging me through the crowd. “I’m taking you home.”
My eyes met Tsukasa’s and he smiled encouragingly, nodding his head to let me know he was okay. Total bullshit, I knew, because he was beat pretty bad, but I knew he was safe. It would be some time before they let him out of their sight and I really didn’t feel like apologizing in front of the whole of Oya.
When we got back to my apartment, he made me sit on the couch while he grabbed the med kit from beneath the sink. He sat on the coffee table in front of me, a frown tugging at his lips.
“What hurts the worst?”
“Uh… everything?” I muttered, holding my pounding head. 
“You might have a concussion,” he mused, resting his hand gently on my head but it still hurt, making me wince. “Sorry.”
I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his shoulder.
“Do you…” his voice was soft, vulnerable. He had always been the kind of guy that was calm and collected, just like Tsukasa, so hearing the tremble in his voice hurt. “Do you want to break up?”
“I can’t imagine my life without you,” I admitted.
Ito gently pushed me backward before straddling my lap, his forehead against mine and his hands on either side of my neck. I reached for his waist on instinct, tugging him closer.
“I love you,” he whispered, lips brushing against my own with each word.
“I love you, too.” I claimed his lips as I had done so many times before but this time felt different. It was more passionate, more overwhelming. I felt as if I was drunk off him, unable to think about anything else. He invaded my every thought, overwhelming my every sense. He was my everything. He always had been.
“Marry me,” he breathed out, dark eyes shimmering with love as they met mine.
I scoffed in disbelief. “We’re a bit young for that, don’t you think?”
“No, because I know you’re the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. I want to make sure everyone else knows it, too.”
My lips slid up on their own, my thumb rubbing gently across his hip. “And what if you’re wrong?”
“I’m not,” he replied without hesitation. 
“But if you are?”
“Then you get to say, ‘I told you so.’“
I snickered at the look he sent me, nuzzling against his neck. “I can live with that.”
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Y'all know any religious Kara fics where she practises her religion to Rao, I need more fics like that
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l3gacies · 1 month
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【 aditi rao hydari  //. demi woman  //. she/they 】 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… NADIRA KHATRI into The Hub. You are registered to be THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and have been given citizenship for THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS under the Expatriate Act. According to the data compiled, your most notable qualities seem to be CHARMING  & NAIVE. Please confirm that you are NEUTRAL GOOD. From what we’ve gathered your place of employ is currently for the MATA HARIS as a FALCON / HEAVEN’S NIGHT as a BARTENDER.  We strongly advise that you provide the correct information pertaining to your background to ensure proper safety precautions: are you a _ DEFECTIVE HOST_ or _HUMAN_? A deeper dive into our archive suggests that you are FRAGMENTED MEMORIES FLASHING THROUGH YOUR MIND AS YOU WANDER THE STREETS OF JAPAN, FLASHING DOE EYES AT UNSUSPECTING CUSTOMERS IN AN EFFORT YO GAIN INFORMATION, HINTS OF YOUR PAST LIFE HOVERING JUST OUT OF REACH, A SHATTERED MIRROR LAYING AT YOUR FEET AS YOU SEEK TO FORGE A NEW IDENTITY. Though we noticed you, too, are similar to ANASTASIA ROMANOV (ANASTASIA), GISELLE (ENCHANTED), DOROTHY GALE (WIZARD OF OZ), COSETTE (LES MISERABLES) ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ᴠᴇʀɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! Please comply to all regulations and laws. It is our hope that you enjoy your stay. 【 alyx //25  //. she/her //. est // 】
full name: nadira khatri
age: thirty-seven
gender / pronouns: demi woman; she/they
orientation: pansexual
occupation: bartender at heavens night
affiliation: falcon for the mata haris
family: n/a
faceclaim: aditi rao hydari
inspiration: anastasia romanov (anastasia), giselle (enchanted), dorothy gale (wizard of oz), cosette (les miserables)
Nadira is a host that was created as a means to spy on the Gestalt Bureau's rivals. She was one of the company's darling hummingbirds, flittering from one CEO's arm to the next, all in an attempt to get them to lower their defenses and steal any secrets that may help the bureau stay on top. She was programmed to be charming but demure, the classic wide-eyed girl in awe of the powerful figures around her, and she adored the programming she was given.
Her destiny shifted during her last mission. The figure she targeted was someone who was powerful and actively opposed the Gestalt Bureau and everything it stood for. She was meant to simply do reconnaissance during her mission and establish a connection with the target, but during her evening, she learned information she wasn't supposed to know. This made her a liability, and unbeknownst to her, someone had been hired to track her down and take care of the "loose ends".
One evening, as she was walking home from the Bureau, she encountered the individual hired by her target. The individual overpowered her and ended up erasing the information she learned regarding her target, as well as most of her memories of her current life. When she awoke, she was alone in an alley with no name, no memories, and no idea what to do next.
Luckily, she was soon found by MALCOLM HAYES and brought to the MATA HARIS. The group took her in with open arms, and the fear she felt in that alleyway soon melted away. Being with the Mata Haris made her feel safe, and it allowed her to recover and begin to plan for the future.
With a newfound confidence and a job that allows her access to a wide variety of people, she began to believe she could learn about her past and what happened to her and use that information to move forward in life. The only question is: in a city as large as Tokyo, where does she begin?
Her last target and the person who ordered for her to be "erased"
The assassin/hitman that was assigned to take out Nadira
Previous marks of her, either enemies who realized she used them for information or former flames who never learned her true purpose
Gestalt employees who helped build/program Nadira
Fellow hosts who may recognize her
Members of Lazarus who recognize her as a defective host and want to recruit her
People Nadira suspects may know about her past--- bonus points if they don't know who she is at all
Fellow Mata Hari members
Fellow Heavens Night employees
Anything and everything!
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mirandaroggio · 1 year
Jeff Satur เจฟ ซาเตอร์ : Goodbye Not Goodbye - Thai Lyrics / Rom / Eng sub / Esp / Pt-Br
I started learning Thai in February until I came up that this song has no subs so I decided to translate it 3 months later. I want to thank Jeff for encouraging me to learn a language that I’ve always thought it would be extremely difficult, but I ended up understanding a song in just one night.
My apologies for the mistakes in the translation. I won’t apologise for the romanisation because it took me 3 days to not describe it as karaoke because it pisses me off that there’s no official way to do it.
That’s it. Hope you enjoyed this and support #JeffSatur.
ก่อนดาวทุกดวงจะหล่นลงมาgaawn dao thook duaang ja long lohngmah
Before every star falls down
Antes de que caigan todas las estrellas
Antes que todas as estrelas caiam
hai khwaamsiiajai thee rao dtawng laa
We lament that we have to bid farewell
Nosotros lamentamos tener que despedirnos
Nós lamentamos que temos que nos despedir
thee ying yim kheuu ying gep namdtah
The more we smiled, the more tears we keep
Cuanto más sonreímos, más lágrimas retenemos
Quanto mais sorrimos, mais lágrimas mantemos
I need you now โอ้โอI need you now, oh o
Te necesito ahora, oh o
Eu preciso de você agora, oh o
[A]ต่อให้แสงลับไปเธอจะไม่มีวันที่จะลับตาฉันไปdtaawhai saaeng lap bpai thuuhr ja maimeewan theeja lapdtaa chan bpai
Even if the light fades away, you will have no chance to be out of my sight
Incluso si la luz desaparece, tú no tendrás chance de estar fuera de mi vista
Mesmo que a luz desapareça, você não terá chance de ficar fora da minha vista
ถึงอาทิตย์ไม่ขึ้นทางเดิมที่ตรงนั้นจะยังมีฉันรู้ไหมtheung aathit mai kheun thaang deerm theedtrohng nan ja yang mee chan ruu mai
Though the sun doesn’t rise in the same previous way, there will still be me, do you know?
¿Aunque el sol no salga del mismo modo que antes, aún estaré yo, lo sabes?
Embora o sol não nasça da mesma maneira anterior, ainda estarei eu, você sabe?
[B]Goodbye is not goodbye
Adiós no es adiós
Adeus não é adeus
จากนี้ไม่ต้องร้องไห้jaaknee maidtawng raawnghai
From now on don’t have to cry
A partir de ahora no tienes que llorar
De agora em diante não tem chorar
เพราะฉันไม่เคยไปไหนphraw chan maikheeuy bpai nai
Because I’ve never left anywhere
Porque yo nunca me he ido a otro lado
Porque eu nunca fui para outro lugar
ยังยืนข้างเธอในใจyang yeuun khaang kheu naijai
I'm still standing beside you in your heart
Aún estoy de pie a tu lado en tu corazón
Ainda estou de pé ao seu lado no seu coração
ให้เพลงนี้คอยปลอบในคืนที่หัวใจอ่อนล้าhai phlaehng nee khaawy bplaawp nai kheuun thee huaajai aawnlaa
Let this song keep consoling your exhausted heart on this night
Deja que esta canción siga consolando tu agotado corazón en esta noche
Deixe esta canção continuar consolando seu coração exausto nesta noite
แววตาของเธอมันบอกเรื่องราวwaaeodtaa khaawngkheu man baawk reuuangraao
The expression of your eyes tells a story
La expresión de tus ojos cuenta una historia
A expressão dos seus olhos conta uma história
ว่าโลกทั้งใบมันช่างเหน็บหนาวwaa lohk thang bai man chang nepnaao
Tells that the whole world is truly cold
Cuenta que el mundo entero es verdaderamente frío
Diz que o mundo inteiro é verdadeiramente frio
phuukun maakmaai dtaae chang diiaodaai
There are many people but truly lonely
Hay tantas personas pero verdaderamente solitarias
Há muitas pessoas mas verdadeiramente solitárias
ได้แต่ร้องไห้กับดาวdaidtaae raawnghai gan dao
Can only cry out with the stars
Solo pueden llorar con las estrellas
Só podem chorar com as estrelas
รอเพียงสักวันที่เรานั้นจะได้เจอ (ฉันจะได้เจอ)raaw phiiang sakwan thee rao nan ja dai juuhr (chan ja dai juuhr)
Just wait for that day when we will get to meet (I will get to meet you)
Solo espero ese día en que podamos encontrarnos (Yo podré encontrarte)
Apenas espero por aquele dia em que vamos nos encontrar (eu vou te encontrar)
จะไม่ให้เธอเหน็บหนาวja mai hai thuuhr nepnaao
I won't let you be cold
No te dejaré tener frío
Não vou deixar você ficar com frio
ขอเพียงไม่นาน (ขอเพียงไม่นาน)
khaaw phiiang mai naan (khaaw phiiang mai naan)
Just ask that it won’t be long (just ask that it won’t be long)
Sólo pido que no pase mucho tiempo (sólo pido que no pase mucho tiempo)
Apenas peço que não passe muito tempo (apenas peço que não passe muito tempo)
ให้ฉันได้โอบกอดเธอhai chan dai ohpgaawt thuuhr
To let me be able to embrace you
Para dejarme poder abrazarte
Para me deixar poder te abraçar
Lyric, Melody, Music Arragement: Jeff Satur
Released on: 210315 Miniseries มินิซีรีส์ perfect #Ingredients #ส่วนผสมที่ลงตัว SuuanPhasohm Si LohngDtuaa https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4DCG8d7KtbmAxfQmDxY1CTK8h4KNRI-
Listen on https://open.spotify.com/track/39aGL9R7WtF4xOdeH95wiM#context
English ver https://youtu.be/9cVwB7OWjts
IG, Tw, Tiktok : Jeffsatur
FB: jeffsaturofficialfanpage
UNBAG!! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4DCG8d7KtZr9s4jEfQswMfvmlxVoMgK
#1Two12TheFinalNumber #เจฟซาเตอร์ #JeffGame #วรกมลซาเตอร์ #Saturdayss
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jules-has-notes · 5 months
Aca Top 10: Summer Hits 2015 — VoicePlay music video
VoicePlay had kicked off their "Aca Top 10" series with the hits of summer 2014, and the next year gave them just as much good fodder to draw from. Their continued busy schedule provided the same impetus for another medley they could record in a way that didn't require much editing, but that doesn't mean they cut corners on their musicality or the party vibes.
title: Aca Top 10 — Summer Hits 2015
original songs / performers: "Time of Our Lives" by Pitbull & Ne-Yo; [0:23] "Want To Want Me" by Jason Derulo; [0:40] "Honey, I'm Good" by Andy Grammer; [0:56] "Sugar" by Maroon 5; [1:09] "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten; [1:20] "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, featuring Kendrick Lamar; [1:30] "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth; [1:40] "Watch Me" by Silentó; [1:52] "Can't Feel My Face" by The Weeknd; [2:07] "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon
written by: "Time of Our Lives" by Armando "Pitbull" Pérez, Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald, Henry "Cirkut" Walter, Shaffer "Ne-Yo" Smith, Vinay Rao, Stephan Taft, & Michael "Freakin" Everett; "Want To Want Me" by Jason Derulo, Ian Kirkpatrick, Samuel Denison Martin, Lindy Robbins, & Mitch Allan; "Honey, I'm Good" by Andy Grammer & Nolan Sipe; "Sugar" by Mike Posner, Adam Levine, Joshua "Ammo" Coleman, Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald, Jacob Kasher Hindlin, & Henry "Cirkut" Walter; "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten & Dave Bassett; "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Kendrick Lamar; "See You Again" by Cameron "Wiz Khalifa" Thomaz, Charlie Puth, Justin "DJ Frank E" Franks, Andrew Cedar, Dann Hume, Josh Hardy, & Phoebe Cockburn; "Watch Me" by Ricky "Silentó" Hawk & Timothy Mingo; "Can't Feel My Face" by Ali Payami, Savan Kotecha, Max Martin, Abel "The Weeknd" Tesfaye, & Peter Svensson; "Shut Up and Dance" by Ben Berger, Eli Maiman, Ryan McMahon, Nicholas Petricca, Kevin Ray, & Sean Waugaman
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
release date: 3 September 2015
My favorite bits:
the cool percussion riff Layne puts in as a radio edit during "Time of Our Lives"
the breakdown moment in "Honey, I'm Good"
Tony's fantastic side-eye as he sips his coffee during Earl's solo on the first two lines of "Bad Blood"
Eli leaning on Earl's shoulder, and Geoff and Layne gazing fondly at each other during "See You Again"
once again giving the most attention-seeking lyrics to Tony, who's actually quite shy (but performs it well, nevertheless)
Geoff's concerned expression as he makes sure that he can, in fact, feel his face
everyone else cutting out the first time Tony sings ♫ "shut up and dance with me" ♫
Layne gleefully tossing the final sign at the end of a successful take
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A full arrangement of "Shut Up and Dance" was part of the Disney Sessions collaborations VoicePlay did with the cast of Newsies as part of the 20th anniversary celebration for Disney On Broadway earlier in the year.
They also included a snippet of "Bad Blood" in their Patreon launch video.
It seems as though the arrangement process happened about a month before they released the video, possibly during their downtime on a cruise ship.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Click to read After Rahul Gandhi's attack on Trinamool, Congress says 'Want Alliance'
The congress has had doubts about how it wants to deal with other opposition parties. Raipur: Congress’s yo-yo on how it hopes to deal with opposition parties ahead of the 2024 election swung to the side of appeasement on Friday with a senior leader claiming it wants to make amends with regional heavyweights like Mamata Banerjee, Nitish Kumar and K Chandrashekar Rao. Just two days after the top…
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dailynews9 · 2 years
UKSSSC paper leak : STF searching for UP gang leader , aide
UKSSSC paper leak : STF searching for UP gang leader , aide
Dehradun : The STF , after arresting 34 accused in the UKSSSC paper leak case till Sunday , has now revealed that the main accused who was the leader of the cheat ing mafia was Ambedkar Nagar resident Syed Sa dique Musa , who has ” gone underground ” ever since the crackdown started . According to STF offi cers , Musa is absconding along with his close aide Yo geshwar Rao , a resident of Lucknow…
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imtheinvisiblequeen · 2 years
♾ 💛
Hello my lovely Rao 💙 thanks for the ask 😁
The Song: “Cuando El Amor Se Convierte en Poesía” by Il Volo
The Lyric: “Yo te amo y lo quiero gritar / pero la voz del alma solo sabe cantar”
The translation: “I love you and I want to shout it / but the voice of the soul only knows how to sing”
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appropriatelystupid · 3 years
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You don't want to believe it, but I always tried to protect you.
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ecle-c-tic · 4 years
I hate to admit it but ..... 😔
 I am, indeed, a Honky Cat.
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axomlyrics · 3 years
Care Ni Karda Lyrics - Chhalaang | Yo Yo Honey Singh
Care Ni Karda Lyrics – Chhalaang | Yo Yo Honey Singh
Care Ni Karda Lyrics In Hindi from “Chhalaang”, Sung by Sweetaj Brar, Yo Yo Honey Singh. Music is given by Yo Yo Honey Singh. The Punjabi song lyrics were written by Alfaaz, Hommie Dilliwala, Yo Yo Honey Singh. featuring Rajkummar Rao, Nushrratt Bharuccha. Care Ni Karda Lyrics Tu to saadi care ni kardaTime spare ni kardaTu to saadi care ni kardaTime spare ni karda Ve main hi tere pichhe pichhe…
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heyhandsomeblog · 4 years
Care Ni Karda Lyrics is Latest Hindi Songs 2020 sung by Yo Yo Honey Singh & Sweetaj Brar
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ilyricshub · 4 years
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#CareNiKarda #Chhalaang #YoYoHoneySingh #RajkummarRao #NushrrattBharuccha #Alfaaz #HommieDilliwala
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