robotnik-mun · 1 year
You know what’s a neat little thing that I don’t think gets a lot of mention in Pre-Reboot Archie?
The fact there were Things about Mobius Prime that surprised Eggman.
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God but issue 92 *sucked*.
But, anyway! Point is- I do actually appreciate these attempts to illustrate that Eggman’s life prior to coming to Mobius Prime and becoming Eggman were not identical to Robotnik Prime’s own, even taking into account the main diverging point of him Roboticizing himself.
Especially when, according to one bio, when said Roboticization happened-
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Yep- Eggman was Roboticized a full three years before Robotnik Prime died in Endgame. Which, given that at this point the Robo-Robotnik from Issue Nineteen and Issue Twenty Two were explicitly one and the same (as established in issue Seventy Five), means that the Sonic and company of his zone were partially cyborgified when they were twelve or so... and then nearly killed Robotnik at that age. Eeeesh...
Anyway. I find it fascinating to consider, because some of these differences can be accounted for by the fact that Endgame never happened, while others imply there were other points of divergence even before then.
For example- Eggman being shocked at the existence of Echidnapolis at first seems a bit odd, since given that by the time he finally got his body back on ‘his’ Mobius and obliterated it, you’d think it’d be pretty clear there was an Echidna city on Angel Island by that point. It makes sense that the old Robotnik never knew about it given that he was dead before it came it back, but you’d expect Eggman to know. Yet he is completely surprised. It seems like an oversight... until you remember Endgame.
One of the explicit results of Endgame was that the Ultimate Annhilator’s overloading and subsequently blowing up released energies that weakened the barriers between Zones, and because of that, Echidnapolis and Cavem Canus both were being forced back into the Prime Zone at the same time, resulting in the destruction of the latter. If not for that though? Echidnapolis would never return, and its entirely possible that without Endgame forcing the issue it may never have returned to Angel Island even by the time Robo-Robotnik finally came back and destroyed everything. Now, I don’t know when Guardians in Archie are allowed back into Echidnapolis and told the whole story of things, but I wanna say Eighteen or so. So, Knux would have at least a few more years before finding out the truth of his people, and that knowledge might haven ever left him or Sally.
Kinda makes me wonder how that world’s Julie-Su adjusted to life on Angel Island without any access to the modernity of Echidnapolis...
Likewise though, this would also explain why Eggman didn’t recognize Drago. Since Endgame never happened, he never had any need to associate with Drago or use him in his schemes. It’s interesting how THAT is actually kept rather consistent, that some of the gaps in Eggman’s knowledge are because that One Big Thing never happened.
But then you get the info about Colin, and more intriguing possibilities arise as to how different Eggman’s world was. See, in the Prime Zone, after the Great War Colin led a migration of Overlanders into space to find a new world and as such missed out on Julian taking over Mobius and all the other fun stuff that followed. The quest for a new home was a failure, and Colin’s group returned to Mobius (and unintentionally helped alert the Xorda to the fact life was still on what used to be Earth. Way to go there, Colin).
Eggman’s words here though spell out that he Roboticized his own Colin a while ago, meaning that on HIS Mobius? Colin for whatever reason never left the Great War. And while I doubt it was planned out this way, this would also explain why Eggman never anticipated the Xorda- on his own Mobius, Colin never leaving Mobius means that the Xorda never find their way back to Mobius or try to destroy it, so Eggman is as off-guard as everyone else.
It also makes me wonder if  there is some kind of intrinsic difference in the Roboticization process of his own Zone or some kind of subtle difference between the Overlanders of Mobius Prime and the Overlanders of the ‘Cyber Zone’, because that might explain why Roboticization doesn’t work properly on Overlanders... in the Prime Zone anyway.
Where am I going with this? Nowhere in particular, I just find it kind of interesting to note that there WAS an effort made to establish that Eggman’s life was different from Robotnik’s in Archie, small as that effort was. It wasn’t enough to really salvage the whole ‘Replacement from Another Zone’ conceit, especially given how often the writers resorted to spelling it out over and over again. The whole plot point was INCREDIBLY confusing and convoluted...  but all the same, I appreciate that effort and find it fascinating, even if it never went anywhere and probably never could.
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panic-flavored · 1 year
With this new robot tail I require and request tail comparisons to see just how attractive a big tail would be to merfolk ie how attractive Stone sees him
Honestly just want art of them together swimming lmao
I love your art so so much. Props for making so much art.
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it takes very little to urge me to draw these two atm, they own my soul 乁(ツ)∫ I'm glad you're enjoying them just as much❤️
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palmer-dudum · 8 months
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Drew some random ass characters Cuz why not
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the-julian · 5 months
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Here, have a Robo Robotnik drawing.
I really like this guy for some reason.
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yume-aeae · 1 month
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hey did you know that
that custom followers and categories for it are real
did you know
in dr robotnik's ring racers
custom follo
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ninebaalart · 6 months
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Hulk Hogan Eggman
In the archie comics, a robot version of Robotnik from another universe where he won came into the main Archie universe to take it over, and in the process he chose a new prebuilt body resembling the Sonic Adventure design of Eggman to do so. We see a bunch of other bodies that were choices as well, and one of them is this Hulk Hogan looking mfer. What if he chose that body instead, I wondered...
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camomomomo-blog · 8 months
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Some 3D modeling and story structure school stuff laying around!
Pt. 1, and more to come!
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galionne-speeding · 6 months
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A big guy. A D.U.F.U.S. even.
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bunbundraw · 1 year
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sonic drawings from January 2022
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
people rightfully make fun of ken penders a lot but how come barely anybody complains about how he thinks of himself as this creative genius when most of his characters are just recolors or already existing characters with barely changed designs but they're actually from an alternate universe or their child or parent or whatever. the only character of his that a lot of people actually like is scourge but people only like him based on what other writers and artists did with him. hell he didn't even make the design or name that everyone associates with scourge the original version of the character penders made is just. evil sonic with a leather jacket and sunglasses. yet he still takes credit for all those other people's work and makes money off the green design specifically. exploding him with my mind
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ramblingsonic · 4 months
THAT is FUN. Robo Robotnik & Scourge are BACK BABY!!!
Really though, given their teamup when the comic introduced Robo Robotnik, it's fun for them to bring that back.
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Round 2 - Right Side
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This poll is for the ship of Robotnik/Robo Robotnik from the Archie Comics vs the crossover ship of Eggman/Satan from Puyo Puyo All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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diary-of-dr-eggman · 30 days
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Dear Diary,
I'm still laughing over my latest creation, Heavy Shinobi. He's part samurai, part ninja, and all brawn. And boy, can he swing that oversized katana!
I sent him out to terrorize the locals and he came back with a hilarious report. Apparently, he scared some old lady so badly that she dropped her grocery bags and ran away screaming. Then he tried to ambush a group of kids playing in the park, but tripped over his own feet and fell into a fountain. And to top it off, he got lost on his way back to the lab and ended up wandering around the city for hours, eventually stumbling into a karaoke bar and belting out "Ninja Rap" in his booming voice.
I don't know why I bother with these ridiculous experiments, but it's certainly entertaining. Maybe I'll send Heavy Shinobi on a mission to conquer the local sushi restaurant next. I'm sure he'll make quite the impression.
Until next time,
Dr. Eggman
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m0mazosmissy · 1 month
So i was playing Dr Robotnik's Ring Racers, and i was like "Hmmm, it's good that this game display the songs names like Touhou does"
Then the realization hit me like a fucking truck
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charlagomorph · 1 month
you should play dr robotnik's ring racers
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krissiefox · 1 year
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - Sonic is Running (Screenshots & Review)
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Now it's time for some political satire, Sonic Style!
This episodes starts off with a bang as Momma Robotnik breaks into Robotnik’s fortress to visit her son. Sadly, she's missing her cool mustache again in this episode, but it is still always fun to hear Kathleen Barr doing her thing. :D
She tells Robotnik that a friend at the home was telling her about their own child, who was president of their schools gardening club. This made Momma realize that Robotnik had never been president of anything, so she's come to make sure he fixes that! After being bullied for a while, Robotnik eventually caves and decides he is going to run for president of Mobius.
He has Scratch and Grounder start putting up flyers all over Mobius, which is how Sonic and Tails find out what's going on. They treat it as  a source of amusement at first, since they don't see him having any chance of being elected. After the flyers are hung up, Robotnik also recruits Wes Weasely as his campaign manager. Unsurprisingly, Robotnik’s approval rating is at rock bottom, and his opponent Henry Walrus is largely favored by everyone.
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“Mah gawd! She’s going for the chokeslam!”
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“Here’s Some News!” Collie Chang, the cool car reporter gal,  is back to report on the presidential race in this episode.
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In light of this fact, Robotnik decides to start using more manipulative tactics. Wes Weasly builds him a robot wife (creepy!) and a robot dog to improve his image, akin to that of a hetero-normative kitschy American "ideal" president in our own world's USA. I would think he would also use Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts to show that he has "lots of children" too, but he has decided to simply leave them in charge of manual labor activities for the campaign, figuring they'd just mess things up on camera, I guess.
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Wes Weasely creates “Robo Wife” and “Robo Dog” to improve Robotnik’s image. Robo Wife is clearly sentient, so that’s pretty rapey!
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“Robo Wife” (the poor gal never gets a proper name) does have a pretty fun design. I like her big goofy smile. She’s also voiced by Kathleen Barr! Thankfully, she’ll be free of this bullshit situation by the end of this episode.
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On a less creepy note, we also learn that Robotnik has a pet snake in this episode! His name is “Spalding”. But Is he a captain?
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“Robo Dog” was made with a literal heart of gold. He enjoys biting Robotnik on the foot!
Soon, Robotnik’s campaign gets even more sleazy when he films a TV campaign ad that is designed to mind control its viewers. This ad is probably the best of political satire in this whole episode, as it eerily mirrors the same creepy rhetoric that regressive conservative candidates are still using today in the year 202.
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“"Haven't you ever wanted to return  a simple time on Mobius? when we had simple virtues? and simple people? remember simple family values, like apple pie? and mom?
isn't it time we had a president who cares about apple pie, mom, and the Mobius flag?"
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Damn. Not too far from the kind of creepy campaign ad you'd see from ted cruz or something....
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When the ad first airs, Sonic is at Bert's Diner, where Bert and Roxy have made a special chili dog dish for Sonic. That's nice of them! Robotnik’s campaign ad comes up on the TVs inside the diner, and Sonic is having a laugh due to the obvious propaganda and the constant screw-ups in the ad. To Sonic's surprise though,everyone else in the diner immediately says they're going to vote for Robotnik! Sonic is confused but starts to notice the subliminal hypnotic effect in the ad, which doesn't affect him due to the fact that whatever gives Sonic his speed powers apparently also affects his perception of time around him. That's an interesting fact about Sonic that doesn't seem to have come up before!
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As Sonic expresses his dislike of Robotnik, the brainwashed occupants of the diner threaten to violence him (again, a sadly accurate prediction of American politics in 2023). He heads outside and runs into Tails, who thankfully didn't get exposed to enough of the ad to get hypnotized himself. Sonic decides that A - he himself is now going to run for president as well and B - if Robotnik is using dirty tactics, he's going to start playing dirty too and gets right to engaging in all kinds of acts of sabotage, up to and including more of the vandalism that he said was "stupid and illegal" in the very previous episode. Hey, Sonic...?
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In one scene, Robotnik is trying foods from different cultural stereotype characters. Sonic keeps sneaking in and replacing their foods with literal garbage, which Robotnik eats! It’s a pretty effective gross out scene and I almost feel bad for the guy.Robotnik eventually loses his temper and tells everyone their food resembles the contents of a dumpster, losing popularity.
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A lot of the stuff he does is understandable, but one of the more surprising stunts he pulls is dressing up in a Marilyn Munroe-like disguise, and getting Robotnik interested in cheating on his Robo Wife! Sonic plants lipstick stains on Robotnik, which makes his robot wife very upset, of course. I feel bad for the gal but considering she was designed to be a sentient "love slave" (which is super rapey), at-least this helps her to lose interest in Robotnik and hopefully find a happier life for herself.
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All of  Sonic's sabotage efforts do a great job of getting Robotnik to look foolish over and over again, as well as lose his temper and lash out at everyone around him, even his own brainwashed supporters. Sonic eventually wins the election due to this, and since his goal was simply to sabotage Robotnik, he immediately resigns his presidency and hands the victory over to Henry Walrus. We never learn much about Henry, so all I can hope for is that he'll a do  a good job! It's also interesting to see that's at-least suggested  that Mobius has a singular world government as opposed to all the silly tribalistic divided governments of our own world.
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Collie is a tall gal! Also, I notice that her tail seems to disappear and reappear throughout this episode...
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In the Sonic Says segment, Sonic teaches Tails about the importance of dental care as the poor little fox has possibly gotten a cavity from not brushing enough. Considering I have to get a dental crown myself next week, the timing of this is one showing up in my cue was a a painful reminder of how stupid it is for me keep passing out on the couch at night instead of brushing my teeth and actually going to bed. Don't be lazy like me, kids.....brush yo damn teeth....
Overall, this episode is pretty alright. While it feels a bit all over the place and rushed at times, it's a fun theme and I especially like that Robotnik’s TV ad poked fun at the creepiness of republican campaign ads obsessing over "tradition" and superficial things like flag worship. It definitely also gets bonus points for featuring some of my favorite side characters like Momma Robotnik and Wes Weasely, as well. Only a few more episodes left to review!
Til next time folks, stay cool and be good people!!
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