triffany-lottablog · 10 months
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Do ya like waffles
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peonierose · 3 months
Round Robin: Chapter 5 - Don’t call me Angel
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Book: OH & TRR crossover
Characters mentioned: Luna Auclair (F!OC - OH), Bryce Lahela (M!MC - OH), Tobias Carrick (M!MC - OH, Maxwell Beaumont (M!MC - TRR) and Bertrand Beaumont (M!MC - TRR)
Words in total: 3,373k
A/N: Masterlist for Round Robin @choicesprompts I’m participating for Round Robin for the 1st time and I really hope I could do the characters justice 🥰
Side note: Thank you so much for helping me with this story and helping me get inspired @aallotarenunelma & @annieruok94 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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A few weeks ago…
The phone rang somewhere in the house while I was in the middle of an art project.
A few seconds later I heard footsteps and when I turned around I saw Bryce appear in the doorway, handing me my phone.
”Who is it?“ I asked and turned to my canvas again.
”No idea some fancy talking guy said he wanted to talk to you.“
”Is he sure he got the right person?“ ”Beats me.“
I furrowed my brow and pushed my dark blonde hair out of my face and accidentally got some teal paint in my hair. Good thing it’ll wash out.
”Hello?“ I wiped my paint covered fingers on a cloth I kept handy when I painted.
”Am I speaking to Ms. Luna Auclair?“ A deep voice with a slight accent can be heard from the other end.
”Yes. And who is this?“ I put the phone on speaker and got up slowly as I took my brushes to the sink to wash them.
”My name is Bertrand Beaumont from House Beaumont in Cordonia. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.“
”Hmm. Sorry doesn’t ring a bell.“ I say not able to resist teasing him. Bryce snickered next to me.
”You’re so mean.“ He mouthed, and I kissed his stubbled cheek, making him smile.
I turned back to the conversation, putting Bertrand out of his misery. Poor guy must’ve thought the worst of me.
”I’m just kidding Mr. Beaumont I know who you are. So what can I do for you?“ I turned off the faucet and put my paint brushes upside down so they could dry.
”I could use your help.“ He sounded hesitant, which made me instantly curious.
”Help with what?“
”We have our PR firm that we founded, and we’re trying to give some people a better public image.“ I took my phone into my hand.
”What does that have to do with me? I’m not a PR person. I have a bachelor's degree in fine arts, and I’m currently teaching art at the University of Hawaii.“
I took a look at my half-finished painting sitting on the easel, and decided to let the painting dry for now. I’ll keep working on it later.
When I closed the door Bryce and I walked towards the backyard, where we sat down in our beach chairs, while Bertrand’s voice kept coming out of the speaker.
”I’m very well aware. But I know you’re someone who’s skilled as an artist. And I know you think outside the box, and that’s exactly what we need.“
”I will need more information than that if you want my help.“ I could hear some commotion before another voice replaced Bertrand's.
”Luna right? Hi I’m Maxwell, Bertrand’s brother. Look, my brother's social skills suck sometimes. I have the cliff notes version if you want it?“
”Um…sure fire away.“
”Alright. A few weeks ago there was a bit of an…let’s call it an incident. Tobias Carrick was caught making out with the daughter of one of the hospital directors of Mass Kenmore. Someone apparently posted it online. Of course, it’s gone viral. The damage is done and he could get fired. Because apparently it’s unethical.“
”Poor Tobias. He’s a good friend of me and my fiancé Bryce so he has our sympathies especially since this a massive violation of their privacy to put the video online. I’m really sorry he’s going through that.“
I looked at Bryce who was as surprised as me to hear about this.
”Both Bertrand and I feel terrible, because Tobias seems like such a great guy and then for someone to swoop in and destroy his image like that. This is actually where you come into play. Let’s just say we’ve tried other people to fix his image, but it didn’t work.“
”Like I told your brother, I’m not a PR person. I have zero experience.“
”That’s not what we’re looking for. I’m talking about your other accolades. You’re not only one of the youngest people to finish your bachelor degree, but one where all your professors had only glowing compliments for you. You also published your own book, called Kala Kala - Overcoming anxiety with the help of art. Very nice read. I loved it, it’s also super colorful by the way. Not only do you teach art at the senior center, you’re an active member at arts on the fence, a non-profit organization in Honolulu, Hawaii. You love malasdas and are allergic to ginger. Should I continue? I’ve got more.“
”I…no…that’s fine. But how did you find out that much about me? Not everything is available online.“ I was wondering how the hell they got my phone number, and all the things in my bio Maxwell just mentioned. Why would they even be interested in seeking out my help?
”Let’s say a mutual, redhead found out about it. She bought some of your art, and she said you could be a good fit. I think the phrase »ovaries of steel« was mentioned.“
I gasped in awe.
”You don’t mean Olivia Nevrakis do you? Because then I’m so in. I’d love to meet her. And of course help out in any way I can.“
I heard a whoop and a sigh.
”Is that a yes?“ Maxwell asked unsure.
”Hold on a sec.“ I muted the conversation.
”What do you think B?“ I asked Bryce and I could see his beautiful face, that I could sketch every single day and not get tired of looking at.
”I mean I’m sorry Tobias is going through this. He’s our friend, but are you sure you’re up for it?“ His brown eyes were filled with worry as he gently caressed my stomach.
”I’ll be fine. Women have gotten pregnant before and have worked until they’ve given birth.“ I said with more conviction than I felt right now.
”I know you’re trying to be strong but okay. If you’re really sure, then I’m okay with it, but the smallest hitch, and we’re going back home. And don’t think of going alone. I don’t care who they are. You’re my fiancé and the mother of my kids. So they better believe I’ll be going with you.“
”I love your protective mode.“
”Out of all the things I’ve said, that’s what you focused on?“
I grinned and then I unmuted the conversation.
”Maxwell? I’m in.“
”Thanks Luna. I promise you won’t regret it.“
”I better don’t. Otherwise, you’ll hear me yell at you.“
Maxwell chuckled.
”You got it. There’ll be a private jet to pick you up. I’ll send you the arrival date. Can’t wait to meet you. From the pictures I’ve seen, you're really beautiful.“
”Careful there Casanova.“ Bryce chimed in, and I grinned as I pushed my hand through his soft brown hair, making him relax.
”No worries, I know she’s taken. We’ll see you soon in Cordonia, bye.“
Before I could say anything else the phone call ended. Bryce and I just stared at the phone and then laughed at how surreal the situation was.
Who would’ve thought I’d meet members of House Beaumont?
Though it looked as if a new adventure was coming our way.
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5 days later
So here I was on day five not making any kind of improvement whatsoever.
I’ve tried talking to Tobias, but nothing worked to get through to him.
He acted as if nothing was wrong and there’s no part where he could lose his job. He’s been painted as the bad guy but doesn’t seem to care.
I got up this morning, let Bryce sleep in a little, as I went down to the pool to figure out a new strategy for how to fix this mess.
That’s when I saw Tobias flirting with a woman by the pool.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m trying to repair his image, and he’s out here flirting? Oh, hell no!
”Having fun?“ I asked when I stood next to him. Tobias turned his light green eyes to me, focusing on me rather than the woman he was just talking to a minute ago.
As if he wasn’t already good-looking enough, the smile he threw my way made his face even more beautiful.
”Good morning to you too, gorgeous.“
”Sorry buddy but that charm is wasted on me. I’m engaged and I’m expecting.“
”Does that mean I can’t flirt with you?“ Tobias smirked.
”You can. But it won’t have any effect.“ I said and took a towel from the rack and threw it at him.
”Get dressed.“ I said, and he took the towel, but didn't move. He threw an apologetic smile at the woman who was sitting next to him. She slipped him a small piece of paper and left. He watched her walk away and nodded his head in appreciation.
I cleared my throat, and he turned his gaze on me.
”Let me guess you have another glorious idea how to restore my image?“
”You can call it that. You have 10 minutes to get dressed and be back.“
”Let’s make it 15 alright?“ Tobias laughed.
”Now it’s 10 minutes.“
”Does that tone ever work on Bryce?“
”I’m not going to repeat myself.“
”Now you sound like a school teacher.“ He replied but got up. That’s progress I guess.
”Look, I was assigned to give you some sort of glowing makeover for your reputation. If you don’t want it? Fine. I have better things to do.“
Tobias stared back at me, his charm gone.
”Like what? Be all sunshiny? No offense, but don’t you ever have a bad day or get angry? In all the time you’ve been here you’re always smiling and never losing your cool. You’re more like a robot.“
His comment hit me more than I thought it would, so I got up in his face. Which is hard since he’s taller than me, but I made it work.
”Don’t mistake my bubbly personality for being just that. There’s a lot more to my character and my personality than being happy and positive. You don’t know me that well if your words are any indication.“
His eyes widened for a fraction.
”My bad.“
”And that was lesson number 12.“
Tobias rolled his eyes.
”What I don’t get is why they even assigned you to me? We’re polar opposites.“
”You know what’s interesting? In our whole convos, you’ve avoided talking about this whole incident that led up to this moment right now. You keep acting as if you don’t care, and it’s no concern of yours. But you avoid talking about the core problem.“
Tobias crossed his arm.
”Please enlighten me.“
”You’re not a bad guy. But you’d rather have people believe you’re a dick then let them think you have a heart. That’s interesting.“
”Are you done psychoanalyzing me?“ His voice sounded more and more irritated.
”If you think that we’re done? Then you don’t know me at all. We’re just getting started. Get dressed. And don’t be late. If you’re not down in 5 minutes I’m leaving. So dealers choice.“
”Fine, I'll go get dressed. Doesn’t mean this conversation is over.“
”Now it’s 9 minutes.“ I said and watched him quicken his steps while I sat down and enjoyed the nice view of the ocean.
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10 minutes later…
”What is this place?“ He asked without really seeming to pay attention.
”It’s called a room. With walls and windows. And sometimes there’s even a door.“
He snickered.
”I know what a room is. I meant what are we doing in this room?“ He looked at all the cans of paint I had people assemble for this exercise.
”That’s the fun part. Team building exercise. It’s also pregnancy safe, which is a plus.“ I grinned, but he just looked at me and didn't reply.
”The point of this exercise is to let go of past hurts. Look at it this way, you can just let all your anger out. I like to call it angry painting.“
I take a can of paint, open it and see the color coral crush. I took it and threw some at the wall.
Tobias regarded me and I handed him another can, he took but stared at it as if it’s been touched by Medusa herself.
”Do you even know how to get angry?“ He looked at me skeptically as he kept holding the pint can in his hands.
”Excuse me?“
He opened the can of paint and a soft canary yellow joined the coral crush tone on the wall.
”Look, all you’ve said is how I have a heart and I don’t let others see it. But you don’t even know me. How do you expect me to trust you?“
”Is this finally the heart-to-heart you’re giving me? One that the others failed to get?“
”Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to partner up.“ He set the can down and was about to walk away.
”Giving up so soon? That’s a shame.“
”What?“ He stopped and slowly turned my way.
”I know you’re the type of guy who likes to do things rather than sit around and talk.“
”You’ve been paying attention? I’m shocked. Everybody knows I’m competitive, that's not a secret.“
”Of course I’ve been paying attention. You know I have bad days and angry moments too. I’m not just some blonde bimbo, who can’t count to three. I notice a lot more than people think.“
”Such as?“ He raised his eyebrows daringly as he leaned against the door frame.
”When you get nervous you bite your lip and clench your left fist. Which would lead me to believe you are left-handed.“
I kept going.
”Whenever I ask you a personal question or try to tackle the issue, you laugh it off, meaning you’re not ready to talk to me or improve your image. You think it’s fine and it doesn't need any polishing. If people don’t like you or think you’re a dick that’s on them.“
Tobias doesn’t say anything.
”I’d wager you’re someone who likes to do things his way or the highway. You don’t play well with others because you like to be in control. It’s hard for you to give anyone even an ounce of your trust because you believe trust is earned. You said it yourself I don’t know much about you, so why should you trust me? So did I get any of that right?“
Tobias didn’t say anything. He didn’t even move a muscle.
”Your silence indicates I got something right.“
”Even if you did get it right, it doesn’t mean I need your help.“
”So what you’d let your image get destroyed and let others decide on the narrative rather than trying to fix it? That doesn’t sound like the Tobias I got to know.“
”I can’t control what people think.“
”Maybe not. But you can let them see that there’s more to you. Do you know what I see right now?“
”Someone who’s been hurt in the past, and now you’re hurt again. But you’re trying so hard to bury those feelings that you’re drowning in them.“
”Sounds like a therapy session.“ He mumbled.
”Art is therapy. Did you know I basically got bullied out of the art gallery I worked at in Boston?“
He shook his head. By the look in his eyes I could tell I got his attention.
”I had no idea, but I’m sorry to hear that. Why did you get fired?“
”I quit. I’ve been struggling with anxiety for years. And they’ve seen me as someone they can demean and push around. My voice was snuffed out. I’ve always seen art as freedom, choosing to make art work for you. Art has helped me find an outlet, find my voice. Let me be creative and put paint on a canvas when I can’t name my own feelings.“
He rubbed his neck as if uncomfortable by my word vomit.
”I had no idea. And I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a dick. I just…“
”You needed to vent so you let it out on me. I get it. We all lash out when we’re angry. Usually at the people we’re close to.“
”But you seem so calm and composed. You and Bryce never even fight. You’re so perfect.“
I threw my head back and let out a laugh. Making it echo from the walls.
I turned back to Tobias who was looking at me as if I grew another head.
”Do you really believe that? Of course Bryce and I fight. We have disagreements all the time. But we’ve learned how to handle them. Even if we don’t speak to each other for days, it doesn't mean we hate each other. But it means hey I need space I’ll talk when I’ve cooled off. We found our rhythm. We love and understand each other.“
He sighed and sat down, leaning on the wall that was just covered with paint, he winced when he realized it, but he didn’t sit down somewhere else.
”What a mess I’ve created, but maybe you’re right.“
”I must have a fever, or did you just say I’m right?“ I grinned and he smiled back.
”No you heard me correctly. You’re right. I’m scared to end up alone. So that’s why I pushed Chloe away. The woman from the video. We’ve gotten pretty close, and I don't know I panicked. I mean whoever took the video had no right to do that, but I guess people judge me and say how I’m sleeping with her because I’d like to get to the top. But that’s not true. I like the job I have. I have no desire to work in an office. I love working with patients. Hearing them tell me what’s wrong and finding a way to make things better for them.“
”Could it be that you’re scared you won’t measure up? Wanting to prove others wrong? You’d rather be the one who ends a relationship rather than the one who gets his heart broken?“
”Yes to all of the above.“ He nodded.
”Alright. That’s something we can work on.“ I said with renewed energy.
”How? We can’t just fix this mess in a matter of days.“
I smiled softly at him.
”No. But we can slowly build towards improving. You know there is a Hawaiian proverb my grandma always uses: A’ Ohe Pu’u Ki’eki’e Ke Ho’a’o ‘Ia e Pi’i.“
”Uhh…meaning?“ He asked.
”No cliff is so tall it cannot be climbed.“
”I kinda like that phrase.“ He said thoughtfully.
”Yeah it’s beautiful. You know what else? You’re not broken. It just means you haven’t figured out the right formula. I don’t want to turn you into someone you’re not. I just want you to realize that if you keep pushing people away who’d like to be in your life you’ll end up all alone. And that’s not what I want for you. You’re smart, funny and good-looking. Don’t let it go to waste.“
Tobias shook his head as grinned at me.
”You know? Now I understand why Bryce fell for you.“
I grinned at him.
”I told you so. There’s more to me than you might think.“
”I can see that. Also, please tell me I’m not the only one you boss around. At least tell me you do that to Bryce too.“
”Oh trust me I do.“ I laughed again because it felt as if we reached a good point. And I’m glad I could get him to open up.
I can see a big grin forming on Tobias face and I already knew there’s something snarky coming.
”Also I did get something right on the first try.“ He grinned.
”Let me guess how to do sex right.“ I sighed.
”No. It was actually how to pick friends. Maybe after we solve this mess I can try and restore some of my friendships.“
”You got this Carrick.“ I slapped his arm.
”Now you sound like Lahela.“
I winked at him.
”Now what?“ He asked after getting up.
”Now we slowly improve your image. With me by your side things can only get better.“ He laughed out loud and we continued to throw paint at the wall. We might’ve not solved everything, but we’re getting there.
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artbyifer · 1 year
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Next round of Furry/fursona/humansona roundrobin with @glassesblu
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seanthe1andonly · 2 years
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Lovely day on Wednesday. Great way to start the hoilday in Devon. Exploring the river dart from Dartmouth to Totnes. @dartmouth_steam_railway #dartmouth #boats #steamtrain #dayout #ferry #dartmouthcastle #history #memories #riverdart #englishchannel #fishingboats #roundrobin #hoilday #paingnton #weatherchanging #hot #trees #photography #devon (at River Dart) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIC3UVspGT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mikesets · 9 months
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Last Great American Whale (new) w/ looping Mr Bojangles Pink Penguin song (+ spider + set them up round robin) Margaritaville (new)
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theoszczepanski · 1 year
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Da oggi in tutte le librerie Odino Buzzi. Cronista Detective, a cura di Andrea Artusi e Mirco Zilio. In occasione del cinquantesimo della scomparsa del grande autore bellunese, l’Associazione Internazionale Dino Buzzati e Round Robin hanno affidato a un nutrito gruppo di autori del mondo del fumetto italiano il compito di omaggiarne la figura con un’opera di fiction inedita. Il risultato sono quattro racconti ambientati negli anni ’60 dai quali emerge la figura di Odino Buzzi, giornalista con uno spiccato talento investigativo in grado di risolvere casi particolari e fuori dall’ordinario. Una narrazione di straordinaria qualità che si collega idealmente al Buzzati fumettista e ne perpetua lo stile innovativo e lontano dalle convenzioni. Sceneggiatori: Mirco Zilio, Ivo Lombardo, Davide La Rosa, Marcello Bondi, Andrea L. Gobbi e Alberto Toso Fei. Disegnatori: Andrea Artusi, Michela Di Cecio, Ivano Granato e Theo Szczepanski. Grafica e lettering: Marica Padoan.
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rookeryyy · 3 months
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:D aka a gift for my buddy @triffany-lottablog of their bugsnax oc for getting me cattails: wildwood story and don't starve together <333
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choicesprompts · 5 months
Round Robin #2
A round-robin consists of each participant writing a chapter and then passing the story to the next writer. Who knows what the final product will look like?
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It's time for another round-robin! The last one was really fun and even spurred a few follow-ups! You can find it here.
Tagging last year's writers: @angelasscribbles @harleybeaumont @karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @twinkleallnight @kingliam2019 @alj4890 @jerzwriter in hopes that you will sign up to do it again!
This event will kick off Friday, February 16th, 2024.
Writers must sign up to participate. If you would like to be added, please let me know by midnight on Thursday, February 15th, 2024.
Readers may request to be tagged at any time before or during the event.
The Rules: Guess we need to cover the guidelines!
Writer order will be determined randomly
Each writer will have four days to complete their chapter
Each chapter must be at least 300 words in length
Each chapter must be no more than 2,000 maximum
Post your chapter with tags @choicesprompts and hashtags #choicesprompts and #roundrobin
I will write a short intro/kickoff chapter like I did last year. If anyone has ideas or suggestions for topics or opening lines, please feel free to respond here or message this blog or @angelasscribbles with those or any other questions or suggestions you might have.
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whatsyourcolor · 1 year
I love Kogami, but let’s be honest, his morality has remained the same throughout all of Psycho-Pass. Despite him trying not to kill (as seen in the Sinners movie), he decides that the way to remove a scourge like corruption is by killing Garcia. Sure, he could say he did it for a good cause, but his actual motive it’s deeply personal. He loves Tenzing. He wants to protect her. Garcia hurt her. Tenzing survived, so I question how necessary it was for him to kill Garcia. But even if she had died, what would killing Garcia actually accomplish?
It’s true that peace is fragile, so exposing the truth of what the peacekeepers were doing might bring all treaties to a halt and threaten the peace that was being created. Kogami killing him and taking all the blame for everything cleared the peacekeepers’ reputation so that peace treaties could continue unimpeded. And still, is this heroic? Did he learn anything? Is he just a killer?
What would’ve Akane done in that situation?
We know what Akane does in Providence and we know he disagrees with it. Does he think that if he stains his hands, innocent hands won’t have to be stained? And yet, Akane didn’t kill anyone. Tenzing was unable to kill. All Akane did was FINALLY take a stand against the system, taking it by surprise before it could adapt to the threat, provoking (one hopes) a questioning of the system by the people. This is what she’s constantly typing about on her computer in S3: what will people do when the truth about the system is known?
And yet this provocative question could’ve been explored so much more deeply in Season 3. I guess what Akane’s acts caused was a slight vacuum of power that the Roundrobin people, mafias, and church leaders tried to fit into unsuccessfully. At the end, the system had won again.
Going back to the theme of Kogami killing, I think the only time his killing may have been justified is precisely in Providence, when clearly he’s trying to save Akane’s life. She’s in danger, with a gun pointed at her head. So he kills this time to save someone, not for revenge or because he feels betrayed. Mmm… maybe that’s growth?
Maybe he killed Garcia because he’s so cynical about what Akane deeply believes in that he knew peace wouldn’t be accomplished by exposing Garcia and his crimes and trusting the law to bring justice and transparency? Did Akane shoot Kasei just to show how stupid he is and how much the law is actually needed, otherwise everyone would just go killing any person they thought was bad? (Of course she didn’t, she had bigger plans that threatened the very existence of the system, but that act of killing should’ve given Kogami something to think about).
I don’t remember him killing anyone in Season 3. Maybe he’s actually trying not to kill anymore? If he isn’t, that’s good. If Akane is able to change his mind (even if she had to go to jail for it) maybe there’s hope for humanity?
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triffany-lottablog · 11 months
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whomst-yall · 11 months
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artfight yippee!!! this is the lovely smitty sweepstake by @kipper-the-dog/roundrobin on artfight (<- account link)
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TRR FotW - May 21-27, 2023
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18+ = Adult/Mature Content 🔥 = Explicit Material/NSFW 🔹 = Submitted to CFWC
Anytime, Anywhere | Liam Rys x MC - @alj4890
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia (Series) | Liam Rys x M!MC - @justcallmefox89 Chapter 14
Cocktail | TRR MC - @dcbbw
Ghosted (Series) | Liam Rys x MC - @kristinamae093 Chapter 2: A Plan 18+ 🔹
The Lighthouse | Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis - @socalwriterbee 🔥18+
Love Everlasting (Series) | Liam Rys (Marquise) x MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 12 - Part 1: Best Birthday Ever 18+ 🔹 Chapter 12 - Part 2: Best Birthday Ever 18+ 🔹
The Moments Between | Drake Walker x MC - @bebepac 🔹
Never Have I Ever (Series) | Bertrand Beaumont x MC - @harleybeaumont Chapter 14: The Beaumont Bash 18+ 🔹
One Night in Cordiona Part 3 (RoundRobin) - @harleybeaumont 🔹
The Promise | Liam Rys, F!OC - @alj4890
Savage Love (Series) | Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 32: Closure 18+ 🔹
Sleepless in New York (Series) | Drake Walker x F!OC - @karahalloway Chapter 10: Darkfall 🔥18+ 🔹
Snap | Bertrand Beaumont x MC - @alj4890
... Sometimes Not (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Part 2: Left to Chance 🔹
Ti Amo Molto | Liam Rys x MC - @tessa-liam 🔥18+ 🔹
Vancross (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 15: I'll Be With You 18+ 🔹
Victim of Love (Series) | Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 5: Down the Rabbit Hole 🔥18+ 🔹
When in Rome: Dented | Leo Rys x F!OC - @queenrileyrose
Serendipity (Series) | Drake Walker x MC, Bryce Lahela x MC - @deb-1106 and @walkerismychoice Part 4
Main CFWC FotW ListOpen Heart FotW List
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seanthe1andonly · 2 years
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Fantastic day out on the Dartmouth Steam Railway and River boat. Going down to Kingswear on the train was incredible experience to see the beautiful coastline. We had a lovely look around Dartmouth and grabbed a bit of lunch. Before cruising up the River Dart to Totnes. Ended the day with a open top bus trip back to Paington. @dartmouth_steam_railway #roundrobin #steamtrain #boatcruise #opentopbus #dayout #riverdart #kingswear #dartmouth #totnes #paingnton #trip #sailingboats #british #pub #shopping #cafes #lensball #photography #trees #hoilday #devon (at River Dart) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgH9k3Vs55P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
Release, Akane Tsunemori!
Kudos to this man who did risk his life just to pull Akane out of prison.
Roundrobin (a sort of gambling game which utilizes the Bifrost System to calculate odds) is not an easy game for it cost the players life if he/she loses. Much like the case of Kyoko Saionji and Haruki Shirogane.
But one guy took all the risk just to bargain for Akane's freedom. So Kudos to this guy, Shizuka Homura!
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Meanwhile, Kogami...
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Is busy counting the sticks of cigs he lit 🤭😅😜
LOL, but he did follow Frederica's orders to let Asuzawa escape. For the sake of "Justice".
And did manage to pick our girl from the correction facility just as he promise.
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while mumbling at a road by the end of PsychoPass Providence 🤣
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tamymew · 11 months
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4 more :] a colorful bunch today Characters: Ran for Shegoran! Rhubard for Roundrobin! Zymph for The_View-Monster! Mapu for Megaduda4_4!
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cheerclaw · 11 months
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ocs by: Fizzypops || Kratt09 || Eirlinaus || Roundrobin || squiingus || CoolattasLab || Shreks_Stepfather || SAWT00THED || RioBlitzle || Basil-kat
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