#Sg bumblebee
dat-lil-shark · 2 months
Transformer Shattered Glass as Cinderrella
This is the Cursed randome doodle from the poll a few days ago
Keep in mind that this is the shattered glass verse
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I've Seriously thought about giving them dresses, but one of my mutuals pointed a gun at me to stop me from making it more cursed, so I didn't
But if yall want to see it comment it and I promise I will draw it
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cardboardbox27 · 3 months
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Drawing two characters sucks
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asimp4bee · 15 days
Did Mea met Uhm SG Bumblebee or no?
PS I like your art :)
In my older art, she has :)
She doesn't like him. At all.
(I hate how I drew Mea's body before hhhh)
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devilart2199-aibi · 10 months
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Meanie Prime
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kell-eramis · 10 months
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evil women. btw :)
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Honesty a shattered glass version of the Bumblebee movie where they don't replace Bee with a Decepticon and Shatter and Dropkick with two Autobots would be so funny. Since, when Shatter tells the miltery people that the reason why they're there is to hunt down a dangerous criminal from their homw world wouldn't be a lie, and they found also actually talk to Charlie and Memo about their experiences with Bee to piece the whole picture together. So something like this would happen:
Shatter: *holds up a pic of Bumblebee to Charlie* this right here is a manipulative and cruel war criminal from our home world, and he is highly intelligent but a bit inpatient so he was mostly tricking you into thinking he was your friend.
Charlie:*has flashbacks to how earlier that day Bee stuck his hand in an electrical socket and trashed her house because he wanted to see how humans lived*
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bumblecow · 7 months
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Bumblebee pixels
G1 & SG
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Thoughts on Shattered Glass! Bumblebee? :0
Yes, more shattered glass!!!
Warnings: ANGST, Character flip, mean bumblebee, dark themes, mentions of harming other bots and humans, mentions of pain, and killing.
Don't be fooled by his name. He may look cute, but he's got a sharp sting. Bee likes proving that he is capable of just about anything. Which means he's ferocious, determined, hard-headed, and stubborn in the worst way. He's also agile, extremely skilled, and loves proving people wrong. He's also very selfish.
He's still technically a scout. But he's a lot more aggressive. He won't wait for backup. He will go in, quick and hard and he plans on taking everyone out. Then he can rub it in the team's face.
He doesn't always play by the rules and loves getting in cheap nasty shots. Whatever will make him win. He's used many cheating tactics during the battle. No one can call him a cheater if no one survived.
Though he could be called loyal, it's more about self-preservation. He sticks by Optimus and does as he says because Bee wants to survive and not come under Optimus' wrath. Other than that Bee has no loyalty at all. He would happily throw someone else under the bus, and push them into the flames to save himself.
Bumblebee enjoys going to see Ratchet to get new upgrades. He wants to be stronger. He doesn't want anyone to view him as weak because of his size. So if he can get a few new upgrades, that make him stronger and better than everyone else, then he will take them.
Bumblebee doesn't care about his teammates in a sentimental way. He respects them for their own brutal personalities and strengths. He appreciates their art and their ways of bringing pain to Decepticons. But if he came across a situation where it was him or them, he would always choose himself and throw his fellow Autobots to the grinder.
He views humanity as animals, like the rest of the organics, and not as smart sentient beings. He can find them entertaining like someone would view a pet. If he had to get close to a human, he could get behind keeping one in a cage so he could laugh at how tiny and pathetic they were. He would put them through puzzles and challenges and enjoy watching them struggle and cry. But he wouldn't hesitate to crush them if they tried to escape, or if they bothered him. He would be more than happy to get rid of all the organics.
Bumblebee enjoys causing pain to others. He enjoys hearing the way they beg and plead. He loves feeling the power it gives him. He is in control, he is the one in charge of whether they are alive or not. And that fuels his power-hungry ego. He will never be the leader of the Autobots, but in the case of him vs a Decepticon, he can be in charge of them. Having a con beg for mercy, begging Bee to choose kindness, it makes Bumblebee laugh. He loves to toy with them and pretend that he will let them go. See the hope in their eyes, so briefly, before he takes it away. That final face of terror, before he, Bumblebee, ended their life. It fuels him. It makes him happy.
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would a SG Rid 2015 be like
either the decepticons are trying to bring peace to cybertron while bee and a group of rouge autobots are trying to fight back agisnt the new decepticon order by breaking out other dangours autobots
the Autobots have infilrtratred the new deceptcion concil and bascially take over cybertron in sercert as starscream soundwave and shockwave work on trying to save cybertron from the new autobots rulers
I feel like both of these are cool situations
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cybergarage · 1 year
God I’m so obsessed w ur Goldbug and Starscream they’re so cute
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Hey hey, I’m glad you like them ^_^) !
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dat-lil-shark · 2 months
Hello there, I just saw the Cinderella and shattered glass concept. When looking through it, I kept saying that this needs to become a real thing because this was so cool! I love it, also have a amazing day.
Wow I really DID NOT EXPECT this idea to be so popular!! Alright sure! Although I can't really make it a real thing BUT i can make t as real as it can be by making some animations out of it! Time to practice some animations skills anyway!!
However this probably will end up taking a week or two, but I will be posting WIPS in the meantime.
Heres some previews already!
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And a lot of yall also asked for them in dresses! So OF COURSE I WILL DO IT I WANT TO DO IT AS WELL SOOO GODDAMN BAD MAN!!!! HERE YOU GO!! EVERYONE in the Cinderella dresses! GO!!!
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Enjoy your food guys!
And have a wonderful day as well Anon!!!!!!!
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rossum-possum · 8 days
*colors over your RiD 2015 bumblebee*
Omg shattered glass bumblebee-
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asimp4bee · 8 months
Mea and... Mea?? | SG au
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I went on a whim and randomly designed SG! Mea's body at the top of my head
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Sg Tfa drabble
Bumblebee curled tighter in on himself as bulkhead and prowl began brawling for the ninth time that day, ever crash and heavy thud ringing in his audials like bombs going off. He hated loud noises, hated the shrill screech of tearing metal and the reverberating crash of hard blows making impact and the angry screaming anddesperatecryinganduncontrollablecacklesCLAWINGtheirwayoutofhisthroatasheSNUFFEDOUTtheirsparktopreservehisownandhissparkPOUNDINGinhisaudialsandhejustwantedittoSTOPwhywon'titSTOP! He was pulled out of his mind by prime ordering silence.
The pair skulked off to the side as the prime entered the room like an encroaching storm with an expression that filled bee's spark with dread and tore a quiet giggle from his throat. He knew that look, he hated that look almost more than he hated loud noises, that was the look that meant primes twisted mind was busy plotting something big. When prime turned his attention to him his wires ran cold and the giggling became louder.
Prime didn't look at him like other mechs did, with greedy wanting optics like they wanted to devour him whole. Bumblebee knew hunger, hunger was manageable, but prime had no hunger in his gaze. He had greed and want like all the others but instead of the desire to consume, bumblebee saw only a desire to control and own. Prime looked at him like a prized animal he planned to collar for himself, a bird he wanted to cage. "Bumblebee." Bee snapped to attention at primes call and jumped from his perch to his commanders side with a salute like a loyal dog. "Sir." He greeted despite the manic chuckling clawing its way from his throat. Prime didn't take kindly to perceived slights so it was best to simply give him what he felt was due. "I need you to scout out the train tracks cutting through the south side. Case the entire length for possible areas of interception and report back to me when you're done." Bumblebee felt a quiet twinge of relief in his chest. A casing mission meant hours studying and area alone while making plans based off the information he gathered. That was something he could happily do.
It wasn't wise to let the enemy leader follow him, it was less wise to divert in his mission further in order to lure him into the woods. Neither of those had anything on doing such in order to talk to the enemy leader. That was how you got tossed in the stockades on death row for treason, but an unusual feeling smothered his anxiety and urged him on. Ever since the cave-in he hadn't been able to stop looking back on their encounter. There was something about the mech that kept nagging at his mind, something odd he couldn't quite place. The closest feeling he had ever experienced, was in his boot camp days with longarm but even that didn't quite match up. So despite his better instincts bumblebee transformed and offered him a casual greeting. "See something you like handsome?"
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lui-the-cute-snek · 1 year
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Bumblebee doodles from last week
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kell-eramis · 1 year
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and the dance floor is filling up with blood, but oh, lord, you’ve never been so in love
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