#Shepard x Josephine
spectres-scribbles · 6 months
Starborn Saviour
[Starborn Saga on AO3]
Chapter Masterlist:
Act I:
[The Wrath of Heaven] - [Milky Way I] - [Interlude I] - [The Threat Remains: Haven] - [The Threat Remains: Haven II] - [Interlude II] - [The Threat Remains: Hinterlands] (WIP)
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missmrah · 7 months
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Another comm for @spectres-n-knights for their Bioware crossover fic: Starborn Saviour. Love of all things Bioware really knows no bounds xx
A huge thank you to the incredibly talented @jadenite for graciously allowing the use of their beautiful costume design for Josephine, check out their other fabulous ✨Inquisition costume designs✨ I would commit crimes to have been able to dress my whole party like this in game!!!
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antivanruffles · 1 year
First lines meme
Ok @linguini17 tagged me to post the first line of my last 10 fics.
How good it is (Hunter x Hunter, Gon/Killua)
They were sharing a bed again, just like when they were younger. 
2. The Letter (Hunter x Hunter, Gon/Killua)
Dear Gon, 
I hate you, and I never want to see you again. 
3. Little Less Lonely (Together) (Mass Effect, F!Shep/Kaidan)
The first time she realized Kaidan was different, it was because she felt heard.  
4. Welcome Home (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cassandra/Varric)
The whole thing had gotten so blown out of proportion.
5. Better Left Unsaid (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Josie/F!Adaar)
“The Inquisitor is at it again, I see.” Leliana didn’t even bother to hide her amusement as she came to a stop next to Josephine.
6. Waiting on You (Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy/Kotallo)
There were times when the waiting was too much.
7. Always Yours (Hunter x Hunter, Gon/Killua)
Killua was half asleep, the movie long forgotten as he rested his head on Gon's shoulder.
8. Campfires & Consequences (HFW, Aloy/Kotallo)
Overall the journey had been relatively uneventful.
9. Here With Me (Mass Effect, F!Shep/Garrus)
Shepard sighed and leaned back in Chakwas' chair. 
10. It Led Me to You (Hunter x Hunter, Gon/Killua)
He wasn't sure how they got here.
Tagging literally anyone who wishes to participate.
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omgkalyppso · 2 years
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Jolene Shepard. Paragon. Colonist. War Hero. Romanced Garrus. Vanguard.
final, ME3 face code:
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Josephine Shepard. Renegon. Colonist. War Hero. Romanced Javik by accident and Samara intentionally. Sentinel.
I want to redesign her now that I'm thinking of her, and now that I'm gayer and feel less obligated to restrict myself to what the character creator allowed.
final, ME3 face code:
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Celeste Shepard. Paragon. Spacer. War Hero. Romanced Kaidan. Engineer.
final, ME3 face code:
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Victoria Shepard. Renegade. Earthborn. Sole Survivor. Romanced Liara. Adept.
final, ME3 face code:
Do those face codes still work? I have no idea and no immediate intention to get legendary edition. But I am thinking of them again.
Can you believe I originally made those comparisons to share on the bioware social network?
I didn't play Celeste for a while when the face code imports weren't working for all save files when ME3 came out, and when it did, it provided another base I had to edit to my liking. I was still most surprised by Victoria's import when it couldn't even get the hair right.
The ME1 asnd ME2 photos were taken with a mobile flip phone because I was playing on xb*x 360. dfsgsdfgfsdf
I have another face code saved for another Shepard but no surviving screenshots of their face. dsfgsdfgsdf
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mass-effect-galaxy · 3 years
Shepard in Thedas - Part 19 [N7: Under Her Skin]
and Josephine: Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune 
 I don't see Jane Shepard as someone being into S/M. On the other hand, I like the idea that this is the secret between her and Bull.
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moth-oclock · 4 years
My Bioware Protagonists Rated from Most to Least Flirtatious
1. Alice Trevelyan 11/10- A Disaster Pansexual with too much seductive power. Will proudly fuck her way out of any situation. If she had access to the Inquisition’s video game she would have multiple save files to experience’s everyone’s romance. Dislikes Skyhold because it’s too far away from the nearest brothal. Upon getting in a serious relationship it occurs to her that she might have a pathological problem. Hits on Lord Adorno Ciel Otranto out of habit while trying to stab him to death for Josephine’s love. Allergic to actual emotional intimacy. 
2. Margot Shepard (Pre-Death and Resurrection) 8/10- Look she’s in space literally all the time with a very attractive crew and constantly stressed over basically everything, fucking sue her. And if hitting on the beautiful Asari scientist or her surprisingly muscular biotic Lieutenant helps her keep her mind off of the terrifying implications that come with a species that can and will eliminate any remnants of intelligent civilization, then for the sake of the mission, she will do it! Because she’s patriotic like that. 
3. Frieda Hawke 7/10- Between carrying what’s left of her family’s legacy and swearing vengeance upon those who have wronged her and her companions... she finds it to be a good stress release. She doesn’t see it as a partially romantic thing, just another form of banter. This causes a bit of an issue when she figures out her entire friend group are low key in love with her, but that sounds like a problem for future Frieda!
4. Edwin Cadash 6/10- Edwin only really begins flirting while he’s detained to fuck with his interrogators. He accidentally forgot to stop and now he’s in a serious relationship with Cassandra and can’t imagine his life with out her. ...Whoops?
5. Margot Shepard (Post-Death and Resurrection) 4/10- Sure she flirts but not as much as before and her heart’s not in. Death and pining for your emotionally distant asari lover kinda does that to you. Liara please come home, it doesn’t matter if you are now committing crimes she still loves you. 
6. Rowan Ryder 3/10- She cannot flirt. She is trying her best, really she is but words are evil and difficult and girls are just so pretty. Has been trying to compensate with puns... it actually might be working? 
7. Nava Surana -4/10- Should not legally be allowed to flirt. She is dumb, so dumb to human emotion. Can barely process friendship, flirting or any kind of attraction breaks her brain. Cullen calls her his temptation and says she is an ill advised infatuation? Wow Cullen must have really wanted to be a mage. Zevran says she’s too beautiful to kill? Well he did do a really bad job killing her, so that must be a medical condition. Leliana compliments her hair and says she is fond of her company? Awww Leliana is such a sweet friend and she has beautiful hair too... objectively speaking. Just barely makes it past call female pretty and hand over flowers and nug. Still has to be lured to bed with promises of pressed flower collections.
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spectres-n-knights · 7 years
Starborn Saviour - Prologue
Title: Starborn Saviour Crossover: Mass Effect/Dragon Age Genre: Adventure/Romance Pairing(s): Shepard (M)/Josephine M (main) Aeducan/Morrigan (featured) Hawke (M)/Fenris (featured) Shepard(M)/Ashley W (mentioned) Shepard(M)/Miranda L (hinted) Author: Spectres'n'Knights Disclaimer: Mass Effect universe and Dragon Age universe © BioWare Any character you haven’t heard of © me
Summary: Cassandra had been baffled when some of the Inquisition’s soldiers had brought in a warrior wearing the most unusual set of armour that she’d ever seen, with bizarre objects attached - somehow - to said armour. The man also had numerous injuries that should have been fatal, as if he had survived an explosion he had been in the centre of. Novelisation of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Shepard Inquisitor. Default MShep/Josephine
Location: Serpent Nebula / Andraste System / Thedas / Base of the Frostback Mountains 21 years and 11 months after the end of the Reaper War
Master Dennet was just over seeing the last of his horses when Shepard and Josephine arrived at the stables.
“Master Dennet.” The marine greeted the Fereldan man as they drew level. “These the last of your charges?”
“They are, Your Worship. Lady Montilyet, your carriage is waiting for you. I didn’t want to leave until I was sure that you were away first.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Shepard apologised, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Not blaming you, Your Worship. With what you’ve been through, I figure you’ve got the right to be a little slow.”
“Hey, where are you going? Get back here!” one of Dennet’s hands suddenly called out, drawing Shepard’s attention away from the horse master. Stepping to the side, the vanguard saw his Brecilian Sure-Foot mount, Josmaël, striding towards him with the incensed stable hand chasing after him.
“Hey, bud,” Shepard softly greeted the Hart when the beast came to a stop in front of him. Reaching his remaining hand up, he stroked the majestic animal’s head. “I’m afraid that you won’t fit in where I’m headed. You’re better off sticking with Master Dennet.” Reaching to one of the Hart’s ears, he began to scratch the skin under it. Within moments, Josmaël had closed his eyes and had tilted his head to further the point of contact.
Man and beast stayed that way for a little while until Shepard drew back, catching the Hart’s lead rope as he moved and led him over to the hand.
“He should behave himself now.” Shepard told the stable hand as he handed off Josmaël’s lead rope. The teenager stared at the Spectre, wide eyed. “I may have spoiled him a bit. Just give him a carrot or two when he starts to play up, that should make him amenable.”
“T-thank you, Your Worship,” The young lad stammered a little as he gripped the rope, and Shepard saw that he was fighting to stop himself from dropping his gaze to the former Inquisitor’s missing forearm. “And I will.”
Shepard turned back to Dennet as the Hart was led away, offering the older man his hand. “I can’t thank you enough for supporting the Inquisition, Master Dennet.”
Dennet took the offered hand and shook it. “I was proud to help, Your Worship. And may I say something? You might not have been born here, but with what you did for us, I dare say I can speak for us all when I say you’re one of us now.”
Shepard could only nod, the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat keeping him from talking.
Josephine seemed to know what he was planning to say next and she spoke his line for him, “Safe travels back to your farm, Master Dennet.”
“The same to you, Lady Montilyet,” Dennet returned graciously before taking his leave of the pair.
“Shall we, Milady?” Shepard gestured to the coach once his ability to speak had returned.
Josephine nodded her head and took his arm as they walked towards their ride. Their gear had been brought down from Skyhold much earlier in the day, so all the pair had to do was board and they would be on their way.
As they neared, the coach hand opened the door and the Spectre helped Josephine into the carriage before turning to address the coach driver. “There’s a small forest with a clearing in the middle a couple of kilometres south of here,” Shepard told the man - he’d seen the spot countless times during his travels to and from Skyhold and had advised his XO, Miranda Lawson, to send the shuttle there for extraction. “Take us there first.”
Though the coachman looked perplexed at the order, as it took them away from their intended route to Jader, the man acknowledged the instruction with a nod of his head. “At your order, Your Worship.”
Nodding his own head, Shepard climbed in - slightly struggling without a second hand to grab onto things with - to join Josephine. After the door was closed and the coach hand had taken his place by the driver, they lurched briefly as the horses moved off.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
The pair spoke of old and familiar topics during the first part of the journey to try and keep their minds off of what was about to happen for just a little while longer. But Shepard didn’t fail to notice that despite their mutual distraction attempts, the closer they got to their destination the more Josephine’s lower lip began to tremble.
When the first tear rolled down the Antivan’s cheek the marine put his arm around her shoulders and drew her close to him. She went without a struggle, burying her face into the crook of his neck.
The rest of the journey was spent in silence.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
When they arrived, Shepard stepped out of the carriage first, his eyes scanning his environs to see if there was anything amiss. Seeing no signs of danger or - more importantly - cloaking distortions, the Spectre sighed. Miranda had given him a general ETA for the shuttle’s arrival, but the marine knew that that was bound to change if EDI detected any movement in the area that wasn’t the Normandy’s CO.
And the last of Dennet’s plant of horses definitely counted as movement.
Part of him had been hoping and praying that the horse master would be well past the area by the time he and Josephine got there.
While having to say goodbye immediately would have been hard, akin to ripping off a band-aid, it would be over and done quickly and they could be on their respective ways. But waiting? It was going to be nine shades of hell to get through. Josephine was already in an emotional state and that was only going to get worse with time to fret. And as she became more distressed, Shepard knew that he wouldn’t be far behind her.
“Any sign?” Josephine asked as she stepped out of the coach once he had let her know that the coast was clear.
Shepard shook his head as he turned back to face her. “EDI would have alerted Miranda to Master Dennet’s movements through the AO. So no shuttle.”
“And how long before she deems it safe enough?”
“An hour or so, most likely. Miranda knows my stance on over exposing Thedas, so she’ll only send the Kodiak once she’s absolutely certain that things are quiet down here.”
“We wait?” Josephine asked as she looped her arms around his remaining one.
“We wait.” He confirmed.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
With time to kill, Shepard’s mind had begun to wander to what Thedas was about to face.
The marine didn’t know if Solas was expecting this move from him, but he had no choice. He would need to be at a hundred percent if he had any chance of turning the Elvhen Rebel away from his destructive path - hopefully without resorting to violence, but he would need to be prepared if the hedge mage left him no choice - and protect Thedas from the untold horrors that could rip its lands apart.
But leaving to get the necessary treatments to fix and replace his missing forearm as well as the various implants and eezo nodules throughout the affected area meant that he would have to say goodbye to the woman that was currently clinging to him like a second skin: Lady Josephine Montilyet; eldest child of the noble Montilyet family from Antiva. Former Ambassador and chief Diplomat for the Inquisition, she was an eminent figure in diplomacy, forging relations with grace, charm and careful favors. She had worked for years as chief ambassador from Antiva to Orlais prior to the Inquisition’s rebirth. But when the unrest in Thedas had hit boiling point she had been asked to join the Inquisition, where she had tirelessly played her part in restoring the ancient organization to its former glory.
And she was also the love of his life.
Funny how a man has to go to a completely unknown planet to find the one for him. The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways, the vanguard couldn’t help but think with a slight smile.
But he couldn’t muster any more happiness then that, not with Josephine’s face once again nestled in the crook of his neck. He could feel her tears as they trickled down his skin, feel her petite form tremble against his every time she heard what she thought was the Kodiak’s engines, heralding the shuttle’s arrival.
She had been this way ever since he had announced his intention to return to his world once the Inquisition’s disbandment was complete.
As her family’s heir apparent, he knew that she had an obligation to her family and he also knew that she did not take her responsibilities lightly. But he was the man that she loved and he’d just gone through something terrible and she’d made it plain that she wanted to be there for him and support him throughout his recovery.
But he, knowing that what he was about to undergo would not be pretty, hadn’t wanted her to see him that way. It was only after promising - truly, making him repeat his vow many, many times promising - that he would return, that he had managed to convince her that her family needed her more then he did at that moment that she’d accepted it.
But she had made it quite clear to him that she would still hate seeing him go.
And damn if she wasn’t true to her word, the marine thought as he did his best to comfort her.
Suddenly his radio crackled to life, and Shepard tilted his head to mask the movement of his remaining hand to cover his ear so he could hear the communiqué.
“Shepard-Commander, this is Ghost. Are you receiving this transmission?”
“I copy, Ghost. Go ahead,” Shepard replied in a soft voice so that only Josephine could hear his side of the exchange.
“The Kodiak has landed. I am en-route to your position.”
“Affirmative,” the geth Hunter responded.
“Where are you coming from?”
“I am currently north-east of your beacon.”
“There’s a clump of three trees, on the edge of the forest, due south and about two hundred meters away from where I’m standing. Stay there, I’ll come to you,” Shepard told the synthetic.
“Understood, Shepard-Commander. I will wait for you at the designated area.”
As Shepard lowered his arm, Josephine drew back a little.
“This is really it?” she asked, her voice wavering.
“It is,” he confirmed.
Josephine’s face crumpled, and she buried herself against him again.
Hating to see her this way, the Spectre began to stroke her ebony hair, mindful of not mussing up her hairdo, as he softly started to sing to her.
~We read the wind and the sky When the sun is high We sail the length of the sea On the ocean breeze At night we name every star We know where we are We know who we are, who we are~
He had sung this song countless times whilst he’d been here, staring up at the night sky, hoping and praying that the Normandy would find him.
But now, his perspective had changed and as he began to sing the next verse, he pulled back a little ways so that he could make eye contact with her in order to stress the message he was trying to get across.
~Aue, aue, We set a course to find A brand new island everywhere we row Aue, aue, We keep our island in our mind And when it’s time to find home We know the way~
You’re my island now, my home, and I’ll be back by your side just as soon as I’m able.
The song and his silent vow seemed to settle her a little, but he knew it wouldn’t take long before she was openly weeping again.
Also knowing that it wouldn’t take Ghost long to reach them and that it was time for them to go their separate ways, Shepard raised his hand to her chin and tipped her head up as he lowered his. Their lips met, and as the marine focused on pouring every ounce of emotion he possessed into the kiss to reassure Josephine, her hands were moving also, one gripping the front of his armor while the other went to the back of his skull, her fingers threading through his short sable locks as she returned his emotion and passion ten-fold.
Eventually, however, the need to breathe forced the couple to part.
Shepard rested his forehead against hers and they remained wrapped in each other for a time before he, reluctantly, stepped away from her.
“Here.” With a slight struggle, the Spectre removed his long coat and placed it over Josephine’s shoulders. “Not exactly matching fashion, I know. But you’ll need it more than I do.”
The act brought on a fresh wave of tears and she wrapped herself around him again.
“I will be back, Ke aloha, you have my word,” Shepard vowed to her, his voice slightly gruff as he fought not to cry himself.
“I know you will. It’s just…” she trailed off.
“I know,” he murmured as he gently ran his hand up and down her back.
And he did.
Saying goodbye to Cassandra, Varric, Dorian, Bull and all of the others had been hard enough. Saying goodbye to Josephine - even temporarily - was a hundred times worse.
To try and make things light again, Shepard suddenly spoke up. “Y'know, I know you said I can be irresistible, but this has got to be a new record or something. I mean, you’ve hardly taken your hands off of me since we got here.”
The comment, out of place as it was, got the desired effect and Josephine began to smile as she lightly smacked his chest plate in response. Shepard could still see the lingering sadness in her eyes, but she seemed to understand what he was trying to do and was grateful for it if the giggle she let out was anything to go by.
He took a step back and bowed deeply before her, offering his remaining arm to her - the action a replica of his actions at the Winter Palace three years prior, “Your carriage awaits, Lady Josephine.”
She took his hand. “Thank you, Captain Shepard,” came her gracious response as he straightened up and chauffeured her to the carriage.
As he helped Josephine get back into the coach, Shepard’s eyes drank in the sight of the woman he loved, doing his absolute best to commit every last detail of her appearance to memory for the long months of separation that lay ahead. She was dressed as someone who was used to finery and yet her outfit was not ostentatious or overstated. Her bodice was a deep royal purple that was surrounded by draped and pleated satin. Often in Skyhold, he had been enthralled when the yellow fabric would catch the light from the candle on her ever present clipboard, making it shine like gold and turning molten whenever she moved. More than once she had caught him staring and had blushed in response at the attention.
Once she was in and seated, he went to step back, but Josephine grabbed his hand to stop him.
“Te amo. Voy a extrañarte tanto.” Josephine murmured to him in her native tongue as a few tears rolled down her cheek.
“Eres el amor de mi vida, querido. Yo regresare. Te prometo,” he responded without hesitation as he reached out to wipe away her tears with his thumb before cupping her cheek.
She smiled warmly at him before she closed her eyes and leaned into the caress.
“Beg your pardon, Your Worship,” the driver hesitantly spoke up, breaking the couple’s moment. “But we need to get going if Lady Montilyet is to catch her boat back to Antiva.”
Josephine just let out a sigh in lieu of words.
“Don’t think of it as goodbye, just ‘see you around,’” Shepard offered as he lowered his hand.
“I know. I just can’t help but worry that the Citadel Council will-”
“I’m not going to turn my back on Thedas,” the Spectre cut her off, his tone hard. Realising that his anger was starting to get the best of him - and that it was flaring because of Josephine’s distress at their impending separation - he stopped and took a few calming breaths before he continued. “I won’t. I can’t. Not now. And anyone who knows a thing about me knows I don’t make those types of vows lightly. And as for the Council,” Shepard shrugged, “well, them being displeased with the decisions I make isn’t exactly anything new. Nor is my reaction and response to them trying to shut me down. I’ll be back. Rain, hail or shine.” At her look of disapproval, however, he quickly added, “But the Council aren’t stupid. They know that I know Thedas’ culture and am a respected individual within these lands. There’s no better person suited to an ambassadorship to bridge relations between them and a nearby planet that, until now, they had no idea was even there. Thedas may not be space-fairing yet, but the planet is still unique and may have mining resources that are valuable to the Council.”
Though he could see she was still worried, and she gave a smile at the later part of his speech, she seemed to choose to let it go so that their departure was on a more positive note and simply offered, “Take care.”
“I will. And I’ll be back before you even know that I’m missing.”
Josephine gave him a half smile. “If only that were true.”
With a final nod of his head and a brief peck to Josephine’s lips, Shepard shut the coach door before stepping back to where his bags were.
“Safe journey,” the marine offered to the driver.
“The same to you, Your Worship,” came the man’s reply as he flicked the reins to get the horse team moving. The carriage circled around him, allowing him to blow a final kiss to Josephine, before returning to the road and setting off for Jader.
It wasn’t long before Shepard could hardly see the coach in the distance. He continued to stand there, however, long after the carriage had vanished from sight, just watching the road and softly singing to himself.
~Down the way where the nights are gay And the sun shines daily on the mountain top I took a trip on a navy spaceship And when I reached Thedosa I made a stop
But I’m sad to say I’m on my way Won’t be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave my lady-love in Antiva town
Sounds of laughter everywhere And the dancing girls sway to and fro I must declare my heart is there Though I’ve been from Sol to Galactic Core
But I’m sad to say I’m on my way Won’t be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave my lady-love in Antiva town
Sad to say I’m on my way Won’t be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave my lady-love in Antiva town~
After what felt like twenty minutes or so his radio sprang to life once again. “Shepard-Commander-”
“I know, Ghost,” Shepard cut the synthetic off. “Just… give me a minute.”
After a few more minutes, Shepard snapped out of his funk and picked up his bag, hoisting it onto his good shoulder before turning and striding to where the Hunter was waiting.
“Are you alright, Shepard-Commander?” Ghost asked the human as Shepard came to a stop beside it.
Even though the geth was cloaked, Shepard could still just make out through the distortions that the flaps around the Hunter’s optic were posed to make it look curious about what it had just observed.
“Not really, Ghost,” the Spectre admitted as he tried to fight off some of his melancholy. “But that’s for me to deal with. Do a lap around the perimeter, check that there’s no one close.”
“Understood, Shepard-Commander. Executing command.”
With barely perceptible foot falls, the geth left to attend to its task.
Following Ghost’s example, Shepard set off towards the clearing.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
Ten minutes later, Shepard entered the clearing where the shuttle was parked.
After putting his luggage down, the Spectre had practically fallen into one of the shuttle’s seats, grateful to be out of the hot sun as his heavy plate was practically cooking him alive.
“You okay, Captain?” Hawthorne asked, watching Shepard as he tried to get comfortable, the scale mail the marine was wearing making that near impossible as it dug into his skin despite the cotton undershirt he was wearing. But while the sight of seeing Shepard in such old-fashion armour should have kept Hawthorne’s attention, the shuttle co-pilot’s gaze kept falling to the Spectre’s missing forearm.
Shepard noticed his eyes roving and sighed. “I’m fine, Lieutenant. These kinds of injuries might not happen that often nowadays, but they still do happen. Wounds of war and all that.”
“That’s not what I…” Hawthorne started to say but then trailed off.
“Ghost reported that you… ah… were with someone when he got a visual lock on you…” Cortez took up the line of questioning.
Shepard raised an eyebrow at the bold question. “Prying, Lieutenant?”
“Uh…” the shuttle pilot looked down sheepishly at his CO’s penetrating stare.
“I’m fine, Cortez. And this isn’t - wasn’t - goodbye,” Shepard clarified, dropping his steely facade. “Just 'see you later.’”
“You’re coming back? After what’s happened?” Cortez asked, his head jerking back up at the revelation, his surprise at his CO’s decision evident in the look on his face and in his tone of voice, though he kept his eyes squarely on Shepard’s face and not the tied up scale mail. Hawthorne also showed a similar look of shock.
“I don’t have much choice.”
Cortez tilted his head in a 'please explain’ gesture when Shepard didn’t continue.
Shepard sighed, not really in the mood for conversation as his mind was still preoccupied by Josephine, but he spoke anyway. “There are events that have been put into motion here that will cause untold death and suffering if I don’t at least try to guide the one responsible away from his chosen path.”
“Another seemingly impossible task?”
Shepard gave a humourless smile. “It must be a curse.”
To stop any further questions, Shepard raised his remaining hand to his ear. “Ghost?”
“Yes, Shepard-Commander?”
“What’s your report?”
“The Area of Operation is clear of any organics that would be startled or alarmed by the Kodiak’s departure.”
“Good. Egress back to the shuttle. We’ll leave as soon as you’re back on board.”
“Understood, Shepard-Commander. Executing order.”
Shepard sighed tiredly as he let his head fall back against the shuttle wall.
I can only imagine the tongue lashing that Chakwas has in store for me once she sees me. Of all the insane and idiotic things I’ve ever done, this has to be the worst. And this is only the start of something that could be ten-fold worse then what I’ve just been through.
“I am back, Cortez-Lieutenant,” Ghost reported a few minutes later as it’s Tactical Cloak deactivated, revealing the navy-coloured geth sitting in the seat to Shepard’s left.
“Alright, closing the hatch. Next stop; Normandy,”
As he felt the Kodiak leave the ground, Shepard couldn’t help but let his mind wander to all that he’d been through over the last four and three quarter years.
Just another routine mission that turned into something else entirely.
Translations: “I love you. I am going to miss you so much.” “You’re the love of my life, beloved. I will return. I promise”
Songs Used: “We Know The Way” from Disney’s Moana © Disney “Jamaica Farwell” by Harry Belafonte - a few changes made to make it world/galaxy appropriate
Authors Notes: So here I go with another AU novelisation.
Unlike Invictus however, this Shepard is default faced.
For those curious, his name is Jonas-Jeremiah, but he goes by Jon or JJ. He’s Earthborn/War Hero/Soldier-turned-Vanguard. He’s a mostly Paragon Paragade who went the Paragon route with the major decision in the games. He romanced Ash in ME and stayed faithful to her in 2, but broke up with her after the Coup because of her lack of trust in his loyalties and he didn’t romance anyone in 3
As for the Dragon Age side of things; my Warden was Bhartol Aeducan who romanced Morrigan and disappeared with his mysteriously magical lover at the end of Witch Hunt. My Hawke was named Daemon, a - mostly - diplomatic mage who supported his ilk and friendship romanced Fenris despite their differences.
If anyone wants to read both Worldstates to know my various decisions in both franchises, just drop me a line.
As for they story itself, Starborn is Part One of the Starborn saga that will encase DAI, the interim time between the games and - hopefully - DA4.
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deadlymaelstrom · 6 years
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse? (for any or multiple of your OCs)
Aedan & Leliana
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Battle Couple
Beautiful Dreamer
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl
Declaration of Protection
Devoted to You
Marry for Love
Garrett & Isabela
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Anger Born of Worry
Commitment Issues
Eating the Eye Candy
Friends with Benefits
Huge Guy, Tiny Girl
Playing Hard to Get
Maxwell & Josephine
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Caught the Heart on His Sleeve
Crush Blush
Dance of Romance
Devoted to You
Flowers of Romance
Headbutt of Love
John & Ashley
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All Amazons Want Hercules
Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other
Battle Couple
Clingy Jealous Girl
Sleeping with the Boss
“Shut Up” Kiss
Scott & Cora
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Battle Couple
Garden of Love
Holding Hands
Intertwined Fingers
Lap Pillow
Sleeping with the Boss
Ask me about my OC!
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tealenko · 3 years
Ask me for a short fanfic!!
I love to write based on a random sentence or situation, so... if there's something you really want to see on a fic feel free to ask for it!!
Choose a ship / characters and give me a sentence / scenario.
It doesn't has to be a romantic thing, but in case that it is, I'll leave here the ships I enjoy the most.
Feel free to ask for others (this are the ones that I feel I'll do a better job because I'm more invested in them).
If by some kind of miracle I have more than one request 😅 I'll choose the one that I find more interesting to write, but I won't discard the rest... They'll just take longer to do.
I'm a Spanish speaker, so feel free to ask for something in Spanish (The quality will be better in fact 😂)
My favourite ships:
Shepard x Kaidan (I prefer femshep but both are ok)
Ryder x Reyes
fInquisitor x Cullen
Lara Croft x Jacob (I know I'm alone in this one but I need to put it on the list)
Ships I enjoy a lot:
Shepard x Thane / Tali / Miranda / Jack
Ryder x Jaal / Cora
Inquisitor x Dorian / Cassandra / Josephine
Warden x Alistair
Hawke x Sebastian / Fenris
And many more...
Things I won't write about:
I will not change anyone's sexual preferences.
If you feel there's something wrong with your request maybe you're right (but you can ask anyway, and I won't judge if I don't feel comfortable with it, I'll just decline politely 🙃)
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athena1138 · 3 years
I saw this tag post the other day but wasn't on my computer so I put it off. (Sorry if someone has already tagged me in this, I haven't had the spoons to do tag posts lately. I intend to go back through my notes to catch up here in a bit.)
Anyways. The game was to list the names of everything in your WIP folders. I'm thrilled. I also figured it's a good excuse to go see what all I've got in the works and to embarrass myself for my lack of willpower to see anything through. (And this isn't even the shit I have open in docs right now)
So here's mine. The bold and italics are big folders, just bold are subfolders, just italics are sub-subfolders, italics with ---- in front are sub-sub-subfolders. God help me if there's more
(I have a WIPS Unlikely to be Posted folder but it's... not good. So. We'll ignore that one yeah?)
WIPS Posted but still in progress (series)
Chapters for Faded to Be Together 3
Faded to Be Together 5
Faded to Be Together Rewrite
Life Story
the smut
Modern AU Pool Party 10
A Reunion
Asra x Morgana pre-death
WIPS Unposted
Morgana alphabet traits
Morgana learns the truth 1
Alucard and the Beast 1
Critical Role
caduceus x camellia, visitor in the grove
kima and allura daughter
Dragon Age
the flowershop au
----scenes that might already be in the faded to be together doc
Cullen x Lavellan, different now
Sad Solavellan where lavellan is with cullen now
Cullen college fic
ex-dancer lavellan x cullen
the perfect moment, cullen
wardens cousin lavellan x cullen
1st AutoRecovery save of belladonna isn't a person 6
commander fenris
fenris angst 1
Hawke Goes Down 2 i guess 1
Hawke Goes Down
rewrite of fenhawke
A modern AU Dragon Age Inquisition
mythal connection thing
solas roommates 2
one bed
the laboratory
Amnesty Rewrite
matt murdock fic
Mass Effect
shepard post war x garrus
traumatized shepard x vega
vega x shepard
briseis x vega, not the war i have to fight
Star Trek
bones migraine
mark x data in the holosuite
hoo boy that's a lot more than i thought i had 😅 anyways, um, lemme tag some peeps. @incognito-insomniac @innocentflyingbutterfly @gaymingbinosaur @shepav3llan @restitutor-orbis
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miceenscene · 3 years
First Line Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Tagged by @helila
[In order of most recently updated on my Ao3 or otherwise linked.]
20. Star-Crossed: Din Djarin has been alone for a very long time.
19. I am thinking this morning about Frankie. [Triple Frontier, x ]
18. First Contact: Garrus could happily watch Shepard brush her hair all day long.
17. Son of Palaven, Daughter of Earth: “Absolutely not.”
16. Better Late: Spirits, this place was loud.
15. Dream a Little Dream of Me: Wet asphalt shimmered under the pale light of the moon.
14. Shore Leave: It was strange how quickly Shepard’s new apartment on the Citadel had become home.
13. Stars: The Normandy seemed to be holding its breath as they crossed the galaxy, every soul aboard knowing and fearing what waited for them on the other side of the relay.
12. Trust & Confidence [original, unpublished]: There were few rituals as sacred to anyone as morning coffee was to Benjamin Harper.
11. Estos [original, unpublished]: Life outside of Earth is widely believed to have been discovered by Sir Edmund Berrycloth III during the 13th year of Queen Victoria's reign. He fabricated a large metal tube in what was once the prize-winning rose garden of his Yorkshire estate, much to the dismay of his neighbors who minded the noise and eyesore much more than the potential loss of Sir Edmund.
10. Tales from Crypt [original, unpublished]: The sky didn’t seem this far from the ground back in Georgia, nor the horizon so far. Luckily, Cornelius wasn’t heading for the horizon, rather just shy of it.
9. Sure as the Sunrise [HZD, unpublished]: For once, Avad didn’t argue with his nanny about going to bed.
8. Crazy for Loving You: He should have known that a Mako would one day try to kill him, Garrus thought grimly as he dodged for his life away from the flipping vehicle.
7. Whatever Souls Are Made Of: Harvey’s earliest memory was of getting into the car after a very exciting second day of preschool, bursting with enthusiasm to tell his mother all about the book he’d looked at during recess.
6. The Gift of the Junimos: It was snowing again, Harvey noted as he gazed out his kitchen window.
5. Malfunction: Garrus made it three days sitting at Shepard’s bedside, waiting for her to wake up from her coma, before he started crawling up the walls.
4. Atomic Age [semi-original, unpublished]: Winter wasn’t a terribly harsh season in San Francisco. Then again, neither was summer or spring or fall. Days easily twirled by dressed in fog and sunshine and, without noticing till that very moment, Josephine Archer found herself all alone.
3. Hope: Garrus turned over in the bed, his arm brushing across a familiar slope and curve.
2. At Last: Kissing Naomi was Harvey’s new favorite activity.
1. All the Time in the Galaxy: It probably said more about Garrus than about anything else that this wasn’t the first time he’d woken up somewhere he’d never been before with no clue how he got there.
Subject matter aside, I don't see a ton of parallels or patterns. Which I guess is a good thing :D Picking a true favorite is difficult, but I'm very fond of Sir Edmund Berrycloth.
tagging @loversandantiheroes ; @chemicallywrit ; @keeper0fthestars ; @kelenloth ; and anyone else who wants to play
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theunsinkablesappho · 4 years
Nowhere Ships Shit
Once Upon A Time (TV Show)
Regina Mills x Emma Swan OTP: I Saved Myself Because Of You Associated Tags: Swan Queen, SWEN, OTP I Saved Myself Because Of You
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Xena x Gabrielle OTP: The OG Lesbians Associated Tags: OTP The OG Lesbians
She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power
Spinnerella x Netossa OTP: These Kids Are Interrupting Our Marriage Associated Tags: Spinnetossa, OTP These Kids Are Interrupting Our Marriage
Scorpia x Perfuma OTP: Believing In You Makes Me Believe In Me Associated Tags: Scorfuma, OTP Believing In You Makes Me Believe In Me
Adora x Catra OTP: This One Time. Stay. Associated Tags: Catradora, OTP This One Time. Stay
Mass Effect
F!Shepard x Liara T’Soni OTP: The Brawn And The Brains Associated Tags: Shiara, F!Shepard, Liara, Liara T’Soni, OTP The Brawn And The Brains
Jack x Miranda Lawson OTP: Best Mistake I Will Ever Make Associated Tags: Jackanda, OTP Best Mistake I Will Ever Make
Jack x Oriana Lawson OTP: Your Sister IS Going To Shoot Me Associated Tags: Jackiana, OTP Your Sister IS Going To Shoot Me
Samantha Traynor x Ashley Williams OTP: Oral Hygiene, Marine Associated Tags: Samashley, OTP Oral Hygiene Marine
F!Shepard x Tali’Zorah OTP: NerveStimPro Commander Edition Associated Tags: F!Shali, OTP NerveStimPro Commander Edition
Aethyta x Benezia OTP: Of Course I Loved Her Associated Tags: Benethyta, Aenezia, Aethyta x Benezia, Benezia x Aethyta, OTP Of Course I Loved Her
Aria T’Loak x Councilor Tevos OTP: Career Suicide Never Felt So Right Associated Tags: Tevos T’Loak, Aria x Tevos, Tevos x Aria, OTP Career Suicide Never Felt So Right
Dragon Age
F!Warden x Leliana OTP: In Spite Of Duty / OTP: From Our Darkness Together Associated Tags: Leliana Cousland, Leliana Tabris, F!Warden x Leliana, F!Cousland x Leliana, F!Tabris x Leliana, OTP In Spite of Duty (Cousland), OTP From Our Darkness Together (Tabris)
F!Hawke x Merrill OTP: You Are Too Good Associated Tags: F!Hawke x Merrill, Merrill x F!Hawke, OTP You Are Too Good
F!Hawke x Isabela OTP: You Are My Siren Call Associated Tags: F!Hawke x Isabela, Isabela x F!Hawke, OTP You Are My Siren Call
Isabela x Aveline Vallen OTP: The Banter Makes It Better Associated Tags: Isabela x Aveline, Aveline x Isabela, Avebela, OTP The Banter Makes It Better
F!Hawke x Isabela x Merrill OT3: Sea Salt, Charisma, and Innocence Associated Tags: F!Hawke x Isabela x Merrill, OT3 Sea Salt Charisma and Innocence
F!Adaar x Josephine Montilyet OTP: Beauty And The Beast Associated Tags: F!Adaar x Josephine, Josephine x F!Adaar, Josedaar, OTP Beauty And The Beast
Josephine Montilyet x Cassandra Pentaghast OTP: A Sword Named Diplomacy Associated Tags: Joseandra, Cassephine, Josephine x Cassandra, Cassandra x Josephien, OTP A Sword Named Diplomacy
Lena Luthor x Kara Danvers OTP: From Opposite Sides Associated Tags: SuperCorp, OTP From Opposite Sides
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Azula x Ty Lee OTP: Unhealthy Sure But That Is What Makes It Good Associated Tags: Tyzula, OTP Unhealthy Sure But That Is What Makes It Good
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato OTP: Spirit World Honeymoon Associated Tags: Korrasami, OTP Spirit World Honeymoon
Kya II x Lin Beifong OTP: Dear Lady, don’t crush my heart Associated Tags: Kyalin, OTP Dear Lady Dont Crush My Heart
Janey Springs x Athena OTP: You Are A Weirdo But I Like It Associated Tags: Jathena, OTP You Are A Weirdo But I Like It
Steven Universe
Ruby x Sapphire (Garnet) OTP: The Two Of Us Aint Gonna Follow Your Rules Associated Tags: Garnet, OTP The Two Of Us Aint Gonna Follow Your Rules
Steven Universe x Connie OTP: No One Is Staring Now. You Are. Associated Tags: Stevonnie, OTP No One Is Staring. You Are.
Assassin’s Creed
Kassandra x Kyra OTP: Thaletas Who? Associated Tags: Kyssandra, Kyra x Kassandra, OTP Thaletas Who
Kassandra x Xenia OTP: *singsong* GIANT WOMAN Associated Tags: Xessandra, Xenia x Kassandra, OTP *singsong* GIANT WOMAN
Kassandra x Roxana OTP: Olympic Gold At Loving Associated Tags: Rossandra, Roxana x Kassandra, OTP Olympic Gold At Loving
Kassandra x Odessa OTP: Build Ourselves A Legacy Associated Tags: Odessandra, Odessa x Kassandra, OTP Build Ourselves A Legacy
Kassandra x Daphnae OTP: It Was Never Going To End Well Associated Tags: Daphssandra, Daphnae x Kassandra, OTP It Was Never Going To End Well
Kassandra x All Of The Above OTH: Just A Horny Himbo Associated Tags: Ubisoft Cant Tell Me What To Do, OTH Just A Horny Himbo
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
F!Eivor x Randvi OTP: Im Gonna Betray My Brother Associated Tags: Randvi Loves Eivor, Eivor Loves Randvi, Eivor x Randvi, Randvi x Eivor, Randivor, Eivi, OTP Im Gonna Betray My Brother
Oswald x Valdis OTP: Her Soft Saxon King Associated Tags: OTP Her Soft Saxon King
F!Eivor x Randvi x Petra OT3: The Raven The Wolf And The Bear Associated Tags: Ubisoft Cant Tell Me What To Do, OT3 The Raven The Wolf And The Bear
DC Comics
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy OTP: If Your Lips Are Poison Then Poison Me Associated Tags: Harlivy, Pamela Quinn, Harley Isley, OTP If Your Lips Are Poison Then Poison Me
Horizon series (Horizon: Zero Dawn & Horizon: Forbidden West)
Aloy x Seyka OTP: Strange How We Know Each Other Associated Tags: Seyloy, Aloy Sobeck, Seyka, Aloy x Seyka, OTP Strange How We Know Each Other
Tilda van der Meer x Elisabet Sobeck OTP: Don’t You Know That You’re Toxic Associated Tags: Tilda van der Meer, Elisabet Sobeck, Elisabet x Tilda, Tilsabet, OTP Dont You Know That Youre Toxic
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garruson-vakarian · 4 years
ME + DA Friend Pairings
Okay but hear me out...
Shepard x The Warden/The Inquisitor
They would share stories of their heroism and their incredible strokes of luck. They would enjoy each other’s company, but would respectfully leave each other be out of the fear that some conflict would spawn out of nowhere and threaten the world (again).
Jeff “Joker” Moreau x Hawke / Varric Tethras
They would absolutely need tissues from crying out of laughter. No one would be safe from the treachery of their humor. Joker would spin stories at a rate that even Hawke was impressed with... Varric may have met his match. That begs the question, though: How much of  their stories are true?
Garrus Vakarian x Cullen Rutherford
Calibrations, strategy, and weaponry. Need I say more? These two would deliberate on their dreadful pasts and reflect on how they have changed their lives little by little to ensure that those tragedies don’t repeat themselves as long as they are still alive.
Kaidan Alenko x Alistair Theirin
Strong connections to their homeland. Would probably argue over who has the best national anthem, but laugh about it later over a warm homemade brew of Canadian-Fereldan craft beer.
Liara T’Soni x Lace Harding / Shaper Valta (same voice actress!)
Precious cinnamon rolls. All three of them. Each of them are curious about the world around them and are passionate when they talk about their work. However, they would not need to be protected at all costs, for they could easily protect themselves.
James Vega x The Iron Bull (same voice actor!)
They would host public contests to showcase who is stronger. Iron Bull would either hit James or hit on him. There’s no telling which would take place (first). There would be lots of competing and dancing between the two of them. Jimmy and Patches would have trouble getting bored.
Zaeed Massani x Fenris
Vengefully brooding in some corner, no doubt leaving a trail of dead bodies behind them. Zaeed would tell Fenris stories of how he killed a number of slavers as a mercenary, which would make him feel more comfortable in his company. Fenris, in turn, humored Zaeed by explaining how his hate for mages applies to biotics.
Urdnot Wrex x Sten
Severe levels of loyalty to their kin, to the point where they can make questionable decisions out of blind loyalty. They find respect for each other after questioning each other in their decisions and finding that they both learned from their experiences, and that an outsider’s influence may not have been the worst thing that could have happened to them.
Grunt x Oghren
Would absolutely attempt to out-drink each other. Grunt would learn to respect Oghren after he drank four bottles of ryncol and still managed to swing his axe in a 360 motion seven times without falling over. Grunt could do double that, but it was still more than anything a being half of his height could do.
Samara x Wynne
These two would talk about their need to protect others, and how their motherly love has grown to benefit those who need it. While Samara is dictated by the code, Wynne is aided by the spirit that possesses her. They ponder how they are lucky to be born with the gifts they are given, and that they are content with whatever fate has in store for them.
Thane Krios x Solas
I would be surprised if they did not discuss the meaning of life. They take pride in the fact that their role in their own lives is to serve as they are needed, and accept that some powers are greater than their own. However, this would not stop either of them in their endeavors to ensure that the ones they love are safe. Solas would attempt to replicate Thane’s reflective and vivid memories in the Fade, and invite him to experience it to lighten his burdens.
Morinth x Zevran Arainai
A dangerously provocative duo. These two would constantly tease each other into a bed somewhere, where Morinth could attempt to get Zevran to embrace eternity. Luckily, Zevran is smart enough to know when he is about to be overwhelmed by a woman (in a bad way), and can easily weasel his way out of her grasp. Regardless, the cycle continues.
Miranda Lawson x Isabella
These ladies would likely find comfort in talking about the little things that give them so much in common. It would help take away from their hectic lives, and allow peace to be found in fashion catalogs and their fierce independence.
Jack x Sera
At first, Jack would be incredibly annoyed by Sera. I mean, really, really annoyed. That is, until Jack stumbles upon some brownies in her quarters. Sera’s baking skills have improved since the bad cookies, and have evolved into a mastery of a red sand and lyrium brownies. It started out as a prank, but Jack makes sure to carry a few of them with her wherever she goes now, usually to remind herself not to destroy Sera the next time she sees her.
Kasumi Goto x Leliana
These girls would create some kind of secret language they could use to share information in a normal conversation with their peers. Even though they would refuse to share any secrets of their own, they would at least have fun with each other in the new world they have created together.
Ashley Williams x Anders
Both of these characters would share their constant strife with their unpopular opinions, which they do not hesitate to share. While they may find it difficult to get along with their peers because of this, they manage to get along with each other due to their dedication to their morals.
Commander Bailey x Blackwall
Would sit in immeasurable amounts of guilt and silence and avoid eye contact like the plague. Still, they could do that together and have a mutual understanding without speaking a word. The crossed arms would be enough.
Tali’Zorah vas Normandy x Josephine Montiliyet
They would share stories of their people’s history, which took place in ships that led to the success of generations. Each of them would explain the logistics of the ships they speak of, and be shocked in the stark difference between them. However, they would no doubt take notes of the intricate and fragile operations they function within.
Legion x Cole / Justice
An interesting combination, these three are. They have had the most elaborate journeys in self discovery, that they find it most beneficial that they share their knowledge. They also face identity crises, and find the experience most enlightening. They share the fear of becoming corrupted in the world they live in, which is a fear that is often shared with organics outside of the veil.
Mordin Solus x Merrill
Two researchers who are known for their questionable work, Mordin and Merrill would have the most interesting interactions. Merrill would be too anxious to cut Mordin off to explain how her magic works, so she would just silently sit and watch him pace back and forth and wait until he got close to passing out.
Dr. Karin Chakwas x Flemeth
Incredible amounts of wisdom. Essentially cares for others as needed, and they would go out of their way to ensure that others heed their warnings. Chakwas would share her grief about Joker and his resistance to take his medicine, while Flemeth would share her grief about Morrigan and her resistance to take her seriously.
Aria x Morrigan
They have both worked hard to attain their knowledge and power, and they will fight others to the death over what is theirs. However, if they grow close enough, they ~might~ show each other some vulnerability out of the sheer confidence that they are strong enough to destroy the other. However, Aria would remember Nyreen’s ethics and try to ensure that Kieran remains untouched.
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mass-effect-galaxy · 4 years
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Dragon Age Inquisition - Romancing Josephine
“My Lady Inquisitor,
I hereby challenge you to a duel to the death on the matter of Lady Montilyet. Prepare to meet the Maker this Tuesday in Val Royeaux.
Sincerely Adorno Ciel Otranto”
“Dear Lord Otranto,
Ser, I have received your challenge, but I am afraid I won’t make it. I am hunting down a high dragon in the Exalted Plains on Tuesday and am due killing Red Templars for the rest of the week in the same region. But if you don’t mind dying on a weekend, I am sure being able to arrange something for Saturday.
Yours Elissa Trevelyan, Herald of Andraste”
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I am glad they warn you beforehand in Dragon Age. This could have saved me from a number of accidental romances in Mass Effect.
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This mission just got a lot more complicated… 
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dorkousloris · 3 years
author questions
got tagged by cool @dep-yo-tee
im tagging any mutual that read this! >:]c (but seriously you don’t have to <3)
Name: Lori.
Top 5 Fandoms Written:
Pokemon (Like 2013 to 2015, they’re mostly RP stuff through.)
That [One Anita Was Created From] Book 
Star Wars (more or less)
Mass Effect (once in a while tbh)
I used to write fandom stuff a lot but I’m more prefer to write original little things. sometimes its anita stuff, and sometimes its just random things to come to mind. they’re silly, but fun to write! ...I still write fandom stuff but it’s a once a moon thing now.   
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More:
POKEMON! I’ve been itching to bring back my PKMN OCs back and want a better way to write them than when i was sixteen years old! ME trilogy duh! Mostly because with Remastered coming, chances are i might as well write my shepard stuff once i have my hands on it >:) Dragon Age? Maybe! Who knew! They’re off and on through, but once in a while. Okay i don’t know what two other fandoms i can think of, so whatever they are it will be a spur on the moment, because i’m more into writing original stuff these days ;v; 
Stories You Wish More People Knew About:
I haven’t read so much over the years, but I read a few books in the past year through!
Crier’s War & Iron Heart by Nina Varela This is a epic fantasy duology with two WoC main characters; both are sapphic, and it’s a slowburn so like. don’t be me if you read Crier’s War then waited a year to get a hand on Iron Heart because my GODS it is a slowburn smfmd but other than that, words! Ms Varela’s words stun me so much. Especially Crier and Ayla’s narrations!   Oh it’s also a little bit of sci fi? But not like, complex shit, just fantasy meet sci fi but kinda?? It is still good through! 
Ship(s) Written The Most:
Julita (you knew how much i miss them.)
Flonita (but i hope you get to know them now!)
Scar Scarves (Really old oc couple)
Joanna x Lucida (oc couple i sometimes write once in a while) 
A few OC couples I wrote there and here
I think I wrote Josephine x Inq and Liara x Shepard but not that much tbh
im really bad at fandom otp stuff mostly bc of OOC so oc couples are the only thing im best at ;v; 
Character(s) Written The Most:
Anita. So much about Anita. From that to now. Just Anita, I want to write them more in their own world now. 
How Many OCs Do You Have:
Too many! I have two things; a not so updated oc list on my hellsite and a current oc list on my caard thats all. 
How Many Series Do You Have:
too many since high school, especially now if you count my CoG wips? 
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?:
I just... moved on? Don’t want to make a fuss about it tbh. 
Coming Soon:
Anita’s story! I already have a title but it’s going to be a webcomic so watch out for that! But seriously, I am so excited to work on their story; especially it’s just a simple love story about a nonbinary person staying over in a island for a year and realizing everything there changes their life forever and thats all i can say!
Line From A WIP:
I don’t have a WIP and no I can’t use my CoG WIPs since there’s not yet lines in fsmsdmgms
Do You Accept Prompts?
If you see me reblogging prompts posts, then yes i am really, really want to write. its been too long since i write things that comes out of my fingers-- er-- brain? my brain? yes! but ye!
How Do You Feel About Kudos?
Kudos are a good way for people who doesn’t know how to comment or shy so kudos is the best way, but i also learn that having a lot of views is also good so its really depend on how many people actually likes it tbh? 
Do You Read Fic As Well?:
Whenever I feel like I want to read, then yes I do! :)
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rannochs · 4 years
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i was tagged by @malkavianfledgling (thank you!) to make my ocs and their pairings in this picrew! 
grace amell x leliana
marian hawke x fenris
naomi trevelyan x josephine montilyet
riley shepard x ashley williams
and i’ll tag @ladyinquisitor @chuckhansen @octerminal @lvllns @emerius @aloyssobek and anyone else who wants to do this!
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