#Steve McGarrett Fanfic
kaenbl4ze · 1 month
Hi! I just reread Read You Lima Charlie for the millionth time. It's probably one of my favorite SEAL Buck fics, and I've combed through the whole tag multiple times. I know it's a bit of an older fic, but do you have any plans on continuing the AU somehow? I'd love to read more of that AU or hear your headcanons if you have any!
Hello hello! Thank you so much, you have no idea how excited I am to hear that! Please do feel free to ask any and all questions about the AU or my headcanons and I'd be more than happy to answer <3
I know it's been a hot minute (sorry heh work and life got a bit hectic) but I do have a draft of a fun little sequel sitting in my google docs which I've been writing on and off. Alas I am a perfectionist and also a slow writer so it's been in limbo.. BUT it is definitely there and almost done and will come out at some point! I hope!!
In the meantime thank you for reading and asking about it and being so patient and i love you so here's a little sneak peak action scene from the draft:
[tw graphic depictions of violence, blood/gore, death]
“Where’ve you been?” Steve’s eyes did a quick sweep over Buck’s body, analytical, checking for injuries. Noticed Buck’s empty hands. “Where’s your rifle?”
“I was doing the laundry!” Buck replied through gritted teeth, eyes wide with exasperation.
He looked back around the corner of the building as Steve spoke behind him; soldiers dragging off the wounded away from the blast site, his teammates spread around with the other troops and suppressing the flow of insurgents, a few enemy fighters slipping through the gaps in fire, spraying bullets into the base in wide sweeping arcs before being shot down. 
“I don’t have a sidearm to give you. Head back to the armoury, grab your shit – give Command the sitrep on your way.”
Buck hummed in the affirmative, still scanning the combat zone, and was about to turn around and heed Steve’s instruction, but at the last moment caught sight of a combatant sneaking around behind a stack of crates. Slung over the man’s shoulder was a rocket launcher, and time seemed to slow as he swung the weapon around, gripped it tight, and levelled it at a cluster of infantrymen.
Buck saw red.
“Buckley!” Steve hissed, clawing at Buck’s sleeve in an attempt to stop him from sprinting towards the stray tango, but Buck slipped through his grip. He was too fast. Too focused. The last thing he heard was Steve muttering under his breath, “I swear that Kid is not right in the head.”
Planting a foot against a wall mid-run, Buck used his momentum to bound off and vault one-handed over the crates. He was airborne for half a second before colliding with his target in a spear tackle, bringing them both tumbling to the ground. The launcher clattered across the floor, and the two men engaged in a tangled mess of hand-to-hand combat.
Buck channelled his silent rage into the fight – got the large man into a grapple, caught an elbow to the mouth in the process, twisted the man’s arms as he yanked at Buck’s clothes. Buck had no gun. But he remembered, belatedly, that he did have a knife. Regrettably not one of his fixed-blades, but a folding knife that he had slipped into the pocket of his shorts a few days ago while rearranging his loadout. It would have to do.
The guy was a dirty fighter, strong, but he was sloppy. Poorly trained. More holes in his form than swiss cheese, and Buck fully intended to exploit them.
Buck ate a punch straight to his nose; didn’t let the sharp flash of pain or the momentary blur in his vision slow him down. He lunged straight for the opening in his opponent’s stance that he knew would be left undefended, torquing body mass and manipulating limbs to get the man into a one-armed chokehold against Buck’s chest. He quickly reached into his pocket with his free hand, flicked the lever to deploy the blade, and plunged it deep into the man’s neck right where Buck knew his jugular rested. 
With a jerk of his arms, simultaneously pulling the knife towards himself and twisting the man’s head away, he was met with a spray of hot blood and a wet gurgle.
Steve rounded the crates with his weapon raised right as the body dropped to the ground with a dull thump. Buck hung his head, catching his breath from the exertion and letting the blood from the blows to his face drip from his nose and dribble out of his mouth. He ran his teeth over his bottom lip to cut off the string of bloody saliva, then spat out the viscous mess into the sand. Beside him, Steve strode forward, glanced down at the body, and exhaled sharply through his nose.
In his peripherals, Buck caught a flash of movement. He whirled around instinctively, and in the same motion whipped his arm and let the blood-slick knife fly out of his hand. 
Two bullets from Steve’s rifle landed at the centre of the combatant's chest just a moment before Buck’s blade hit its mark, buried up to the hilt in the hollow of his throat. The man stumbled, eyes wide, and collapsed to the ground as his legs buckled beneath him. His weapon flew out of his hands in the fall, and his momentum carried his body a couple more feet before it finally slid to a twitching stop.
Buck straightened, scrunching his nose tentatively and sniffing. A deep buzzing sensation underscored the cacophony of battle around him, heartbeat steady and powerful in his core, fingertips thrumming with energy, vision crisp and vibrant. He blinked. Then, he turned to Steve, nonchalant.
“I had that.”
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hawaii5-0gurl · 2 years
Too Tired to Move
Characters: Steve McGarrett X Reader
Word Count: 1270
Warnings: Fluff, I think that’s it. 
A/n: Thank you for the request & the kind words darling. I’m sorry it took me FOREVER to write it, but I finally had some time, and I needed some fluff.
Requested By: @NattyAssasian (it won’t let me tag you/ it says you don’t exist)
Could you do where it’s like 2:00 on the morning and Steve wakes the reader up because he is too tired to get something to drink and it’s just a lot of fluff please? I love your work btw! :)
Feedback is always welcome. The Good and The Bad, it helps me as a writer.
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If you want to be Tagged in future Fics- Tag Yourself Here
Requests are always Open (fair warning I am a SLOW writer)
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After a long day at work, you and Steve are finally getting home at around midnight. This last case had been hard on everyone. All of you were working day and night for the last few days, which translates into not much sleep for anyone. Once the two of you were in bed, you felt sleep taking over your senses. Unfortunately, it was taken from you almost as fast as it had come.
“Y/n, are you awake? Y/n?” You felt a hand nudging you. You tried to ignore him with all your might, but if he is anything, he is persistent. “Sweetheart?”
“Steve. I love you but leave me alone please.” You reached your hand up to where his hand is on your shoulder, and you just put your hand on top of his.
“Y/n…” he moved his head to your shoulder and whispered into your ear. “Y/nn…”
You turn your head to the side to look at him. “Whaaaat?” you whined like a child.
“Can you please go get me water?”
“Are you serious right now?” you rubbed your eyes, before looking to the clock on your nightstand, to see it was 1:55 a.m. “It is almost 2 in the morning Steve.”
“I know but I am too tired to move, I feel like if I try to get up, I will just fall to the ground.”
“You are so dramatic.” You fully turn to look at him, only to see a pout on his face. “Ugh, fine.”
You move to get out of bed, but before you actually get up you sit on the edge of the bed. You rub your eyes before getting up and heading downstairs. When you were halfway down the stairs you hear Steve yell “I LOVE YOU!”
“Yeah, yeah.” You mumbled to yourself.
You walked down the rest of the stairs to the kitchen, going to the fridge to grab a few water bottles. The thing is that once you opened that door… Your stomach was starting to growl. That’s when you realize that you and Steve didn’t eat dinner. So, you decided to get a small snack. You grabbed some crackers out of the pantry. Then you made your way towards the doorway. Only to be stop once you saw the cookies on the counter, you grabbed one on your way back up the stairs.
When you came back into the room Steve was laying on his stomach, facing away from the door. You placed your snack and the extra waters on your night table. You sat down with your back up against the headboard. You started rubbing your hand over Steve’s shoulder to his upper back. He turned his head to you with a smile on his face. You handed him his water, he mumbled out a thank you, then you turned to pick up your crackers.
When you had your crackers open on the bed in front of you, you felt Steve move closer to you.
“What do you have?” He was slowly stretching his neck back to see.
“A snack. I realized when I was down there that we haven’t eaten since lunch, but I didn’t want a full meal since it’s almost two in the morning.”
He reached over to grab at your crackers when you moved your leg to block him.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to grab a cracker, my loving wife just denied me.”
“Didn’t they teach you manners in your seal training?”
“Not exactly…”
“Well, I know that your parents must have.”
“I guess…”
“Then use them Mr. Grabby Hands.”
“I’m about to show you grabby hands if you don’t share.”
“What happened to “I’m too tired to move”.” You used your most whiny voice and placed the back of your hand on your forehead as you leaned back for dramatic effect.
What you didn’t expect was him to pull you to him and lay over you, pining you down.
“Get off of me.”
He wasn’t paying attention to you; he was currently pulling crackers out of the box. Once he had a sufficient amount, he rolled off of you.
“You’re a brat you know that.” He looked at you with a smirk on his face, as he chewed on one of the stolen crackers.
“Says the one who went full gorilla to get a few crackers, instead of asking nicely.”
The two of you just laughed at each other for a little bit. Once the laughter died down, you put the crackers on the nightstand and picked up the cookie. Then you looked over to Steve. He was smiling at you.
“Can I please have some of your cookie? It looks amazing.” Now he was looking at you with puppy-dog eyes.
“Oh, now you know how to use your manners.”
You took the cookie and tried your best to break it in half. Unfortunately, one side was bigger than the other. You tried to hand the bigger portion to Steve, but he reached for the smaller one. You looked over at him with a smile on your face.
The two of you silently ate your cookie, once you both were done you laid down next to Steve. He pulled you closer to him, resting his head in the crook of you neck.
“What’s wrong?”
“Obviously, there’s something.” You start running your hand over his head, causing him to relax.
“I was just thinking.”
“About…” You waved your hand in a prompting motion.
“How lucky I am.”
You just rolled your eyes and giggled at him.
“How so?”
“I have an amazing life. I have a wonderful job, even though sometimes the hours are terrible it’s still great. I have an amazing team that makes it worth going into work. And last but certainly not least, I have a beautiful wife, who even though she denied me crackers, is still willing to share her cookie with me.”
He shifted so that he could look at you.
“You have made my life a hundred times better the day you bumped into me.”
“You bumped into me.”
“No, I’m pretty sure you bumped into me.”
“Nope, you bumped into me. I wasn’t even moving. How can I bump into if I wasn’t moving?”
“Well…” He took a few seconds to think about it. “Huh… you were just standing there.”
“You’re such a dork.” You just laughed at him.
“Yeah, but you still married me anyway.”
“I did… To be completely honest, it was because I knew you were the one after you gave me the biggest piece of cake at your birthday party.”
“Oh, so the cake sealed the deal for you.”
“Yes.” You said it with no hesitation.
“Wow, and here I thought it was my devilish good looks and my charming personality.”
“Nah, I’m more of a cake and sarcasm kind of gal.”
You just smiled at him. He on the other hand had a smirk on his face. He moved his hand to the side of your face.
“You’re lucky I love you.” Then he lowered himself to kiss you.
“I love you too.” You pulled him back into another kiss.
“We should go to bed; we only have a few hours before we need to be back at work.” He was still hovering over you.
“Well then you need to get off of me.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, rolling over slightly binging you with him.
“Goodnight brat.”
“Goodnight gorilla.”
Not long after this, the both of you were asleep only to be woken up by the annoying noise of your alarm clocks hours later.
Ohana (Everything)
@camillyb @gurkiloni @wanniiieeee @fanfictionaddiction99 @coffeewithoutcaffeine @darkastartarus @daniig95 @veronicapaula @stephv213​ @paintlavillered​ @peaches-1999​ @doloreschanal ​ @jamie2305 ​​
Steve Taglist
@drakelover78 @rory-cakes @luckyladycreator2 @iamasimpingh0e @esposadomd 
@hails-halstead @healojane @summer-children @multiplecelebritycrushesat16
@breadsquash @where-thesundoesntshine @isoldeahlstrom  @remembered-license @acesgunner95
I CAN’T TAG YOU GUYS- @NattyAssasian @etherealpqrkers​
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howtokillavampire · 7 months
trick or treat!!! mcdanno please!!! 🎃👻🎃
i hope you enjoy!!
here's the ao3 link, or you can read it here!
Just Another Late Night - 500 words - McDanno
It had been a long night for Detective Williams. He had been following a lead on a new up-and-coming drug dealer who’s been preying on high schoolers. He would set up on the corners where lots of kids walked home and poach the older-looking ones.
It was disgusting. 
So, naturally, Danny had assured the rest of the 5-O to go home and get some rest while he refused to take his own advice. 
After a few too many cups of coffee and a little bit of reckless driving due to sleep deprivation, Danny made it home. As he approached the house, he saw a dim light coming from Grace’s window. He parked the car and made his way to the front door. As he pushed open the door he was hit with a wall of peaceful silence.
Sometimes, Steve, like an absolute maniac, would stay up for Danny on his late nights. Or set an alarm for 4 a.m. so he’d be awake just as Danny got home.
But not tonight. The lights were all off and only the gentle hum of the A/C could be heard inside the house.
Danny slipped his shoes off and crept up the stairs. He tip-toed into the master bedroom and was surprised to find the bed empty. It wasn’t the most unusual thing, occasionally Steve needed some air and would go for a late-night jog. Their neighborhood was safe enough, and Steve could take care of himself. 
He slipped out of his work clothes and into an old worn t-shirt and fresh boxers, deciding that he would shower in the morning. He crept back into the hallway and made his way quietly to Grace’s room. He gently nudged her door open and peered inside.
The lamp on her bedside was still on. Danny quietly made his way across the room, and as he reached for the lamp he stopped short. The sight of the bed made him hesitate.
Grace was curled on her side, arms tucked in, perfectly secure under the blanker. And to her left was Steve, lying on his back with a book in his lap and his right arm wrapped around Grace. The sight caused a warm feeling to blossom in Danny’s chest and spread deeply throughout his body. The two people he cared about most in the world, nestled right here.
After giving himself a moment to will away the tears. Danny reached forward and gently removed the book from Steve’s hands. He leaned over the bed and gave both of them a kiss on their foreheads before turning off the lamp.
As he left the room, he stopped short in the doorway, casting one last glance at the two now curled together on the bed. It was a sight he’d never get tired of.
He closed the door softly and made his way back to his bedroom. He climbed into bed, lavishing in the excess of mattress space he was now entitled to, and spread out like a starfish. He pulled the covers up to his chin, wiggling below to get comfortable. As he drifted to sleep, the image of Steve and Grace looking so utterly safe and content played inside his head. 
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jakeonao3 · 26 days
what's my name
mcdanno, 6.4k words, rated M
“You alright?” Steve doesn't say anything, so Danny asks worriedly, “What’s my name, huh?” Steve looks at Danny’s face, like he’s trying to remember something but it keeps slipping out of his mind. After what feels like hours, Steve says, “Someone important, but I can’t remember who exactly.” Danny swallows a sob, not wanting Steve to feel at fault for not remembering him. or: What if after S09E01 Steve didn't remember who Danny was?
tags under the cut
Additional Tags: Episode: s09e01 Ka Owili Oka'i (Cocoon), Post-Episode: s09e01 Ka Owili Oka'i (Cocoon), Temporary Amnesia, Sad Danny "Danno" Williams, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Tani Rey & Danny "Danno" Williams Friendship, Danny "Danno" Williams Needs a Hug, Hurt Danny "Danno" Williams, Hurt Steve McGarrett, Lou Grover & Danny "Danno" Williams Friendship, Love Confessions, kind of, Friendship/Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Misunderstandings, but like for a second, Background Case, Implied/Referenced Torture, Abduction, Kidnapping, Mentions of Blood, First Kiss, Hospitals, Getting Together, Idiots in Love
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commandersmoothdog · 9 months
He gets chided plenty for his abrasive actions. He's hotheaded, he's shoot first and asks questions later, he's impatient. Maybe so. But he's also tactful when he needs to be.
He pays attention.
When it comes to Danny, he pays too much attention. Steve notices how other people's stare linger. Deep down he can't blame them, he's the same. The difference was with those who were too bold. Those who saw Steve standing right there next to Danny and didn't think they were together like the rest of the fucking island. The smile directed at Danny was too flirtatious and every other sentence was some sort of invitation for some one-on-one time with his Danno.
Steve would have been his usual self. Could have interjected himself and stated a visible claim to Danny. That's usually how things go.
But no...this bastard needed to learn a lesson. One that Danny has engraved into Steve in the past year, and that was that Danny was his as much as he was Danny's.
His movements were subtle. The only one who did notice them was his Danno. As much as Steve was tempted to reach over and touch his Danno int he way he's studied and proven to drive him wild...he held off. Instead, he began by stroking his own thigh. Slowly. Others would think it an impatient reflex born out of boredom. It drew Danny's attention to his crotch, and Steve had to repress from smirking as Danny's stare lingered.
If he widened his stance, spreading his legs when they were along usually meant giving Danny space to become comfortable.
The way Steve's come to play these jealousy games, it was never with anyone else. His attention, his devotion, it was all directed at Danny.
Danny who was always aware of Steve in general, but when his gaze was set like this? He stammered and found it hard to focus. The idiot trying to keep his attention kept clearing his throat and trying to bring Danny's attention back to him...but all Steve had to do was stand there, and Danny's focus was majorly split with the bigger part on Steve.
His desire for Danny finally reached a point that Steve couldn't do nothing about. Checking his watch, he approached Danny and unnecessarily, just because he could really, he spoke into Danny's ear, "Time to go, Danno."
Danny, bolden asshole that Steve loves so much, cupped him. Was it a game for him too? A display of equal loyalty that formalities will be formalities but to let people know to never think they had a real shot all along? "About fucking time, you tease."
Steve kissed Danny then. Not giving a fuck who saw them. Possessiveness when it came to Danny has gotten better at being controlled, didn't mean it wasn't there as strong as ever. Ignoring the rest of the world, Steve replied to Danny, "Teasing is just foreplay...I'll get you off, don't worry, babe."
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sgtbarnes107 · 9 months
I blame all my beloved H50 fanfic writers for almost driving me to the point of financial insanity.
Was about to place an online order to have Malasadas shipped from Hawaii to my home in Tennessee.
Seriously I was that desperate to finally have a malasada that I would have actually spent over $100.
Y’all are breaking my brain and I absolutely adore each and every one of beautiful souls.
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bennyokelly · 3 months
Undertow - Longtime_secret_writer - Hawaii Five-0 (2010) [Archive of Our Own]
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jensensboyjared · 3 months
I binged 6 seasons of Hawaii five-o in a month and a half. Yesterday, in an imnsonic night, I kept thinking about what would happen if Steve and Danny got drunk and slept together, especially how Danny would freak out the next morning. And a fanfic was born:
"Oh, fuck! Fuck. Fuck." Danny thinks, he slept Steve — his very male, red-blooded, military, American posterboy, Steve McGarrett!
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queenofthetired · 1 year
Looking for a lost fiction
Hey. I’m looking for a Mcdanno fanfiction, it’s ABO (alpha beta and omega) where a new agent joins the team (I think by the governors request). The new agent takes a liking to Danny (who’s an omega) and Steve (alpha) gets very jealous and territorial.
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Summary: lunch break offers conversations about worst kisses
Warnings: nothing (only my ugly writing probably)
Word count: 1k
Finding myself eating shrimps for lunch has become quite the habit for me since I’ve started to work at the Five-O. Not that I mind, Kamekona’s ability to put those little commas in every dish and make it taste amazing is outstanding.
I transferred to Hawaii a little over a year ago, after my previous team was dismembered. Originally I had to get into HPD, but my curriculum caught the attention of the governor who presented me to Commander Mcgarrett… from that point after my life completely changed.
Working in the Hawaiian finest task force has been a blast… literally. It has been fun and, after so long, I finally feel like I've found Family; I also get blown up or shot at almost daily, but that’s beside the point and every time it feels like a little “get closer” moment. That’s what happens when you work with those five people. It’s almost like they attract bombs and bullets.
Somehow, the picnic tables at the truck always end up being witnesses to the most unhinged conversations between me, Danny, Kono, Chin, Lou, sometimes even Kamekona himself and Steve… today the topic, rigorously picked by Kono, is our first kiss.
“Oh, come on! It can not have been that bad!” that’s what she said, to which i replied “Kono, believe me…. It was, like, really bad”. I can't help but laugh at the memory. “In our defense, we were inexperienced teenagers, but still… it was bad and not even because we didn’t know how to kiss, but because the atmosphere and location were awful.” It was stupid of me to think that this would have been a good enough explanation for my nosey friends, in fact i shouldn’t have said a thing to begin with because now they will pester me till i don’t tell them every single detail.
“Surely you can go into more depth about it, no?” Lou chimes in with his usual sarcastic and witty tone, wiggling his eyebrows as everyone nods their heads in agreement. I roll my eyes and mutter to myself “I need to learn and shut my damn mouth”; after a moment of silence I sigh “it was during a game of truth or dare when I was a sophomore in high school, while on a school trip to a ranch.” “There are so many things in what you just said that sound so wrong, but please… continue.” I stick my tongue out at Danny after he, of course, comments on what I just said. “Anyways…you know how it goes. The same, overplayed movie cliche: I pick dare so I have to kiss the person I think is hot in the room. It was a disaster. We didn’t know how to kiss and we were in a stable, in front of everyone else and there was also a very strong smell of shit,” I explain “would not recommend.” Laughs erupt, obviously. “You could say it was a shitty situation.” “I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, Chin.” Seriously, that was a lame joke, but I can't help the chuckle escaping my mouth because, considering everything… it was, indeed, a shitty moment and the joke was just begging to be said.
At the end of our lunch break I stay behind to clean up, I hate to leave a mess for other people to clean. I guess that the few years of serving at restaurants in my teens really left an impact. Staying behind, though, gives me the opportunity to talk to Steve: “you have a habit, you know that?” “What habit?” he replies a bit confused as he puts the beer bottles in the trash. “You observe people having fun, more than you actually join in the conversation… you tend to do that quite a lot.” Looking at him, I just smile softly. He looks like a big tough guy, but he’s really a big softy. That’s one of the reasons why it was impossible for me not to fall for him. Steve always avoids sharing his feeling, what he doesn’t realize is that he has certain habits that show how he's really feeling and what is going through his head; some are more obvious than others: passing his hand on his chin when he’s mad, clenching his teeth when he’s irritated but can’t say anything or arching an eyebrow when he’s confused or he’s judging you… others are a little harder to identify because they are not something we all do:: him looking at the people that he loves having fun and smiling to himself being the first one. He’s not the type of guy to sit down with you and have a heart-to-heart conversation with you, but he will call you up and invite you out to do anything, just to distract you from whatever you have going on and he will remember everything that you told him about, even the smallest detail.
“I just like to see other people have fun, you know…” he shrugs. “Yeah…” I start “well, how about your worst kiss?” I ask, as we walk to his truck, ready to get back to work. “Oh man…” The cryptic response makes me chuckle. “Oh come on, it can’t be worse than mine…” Both the passenger and driver doors are closed shut. “I mean… we went to my house after the date and we were having fun, till my dad got back home earlier from work and found us making out on the couch. It was pretty embarrassing and then I had to listen to my dad giving me the talk…” “ow, that’s- yeah…" I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head as he starts the engine, driving then towards the Ali’iolani Hale palace.
When the car comes to a stop and we exit it walking toward the entrance, getting a message from Kono about a pretty big twist in the case we are working on, that leaves us rushing to the office and impatient to catch another criminal.
Author: thank you @mayberrycryptid for the prompt idea💕. I hope you and everyone else that read it like it. Also let me know your thoughts. I had fun writing it!
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hawaii5-0gurl · 2 years
Coming for You! Masterlist
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(New Header! I like this one more than the old one!)
This is going to be a mini-series... I think...
Paring: Steve McGarrett X Reader Williams
Characters: Everyone... also various OMC & OFC
Warnings: Past Abusive Relationship, Angst, hidden pregnancy, Violence, Language, Kidnapping, Possible (almost) Harm to a Child, Scared Children, Upset/ Pissed off Steve, Upset/ Pissed off Danny, Asshole Ex
(There is more but once again my stupid brain is not working...)
A/n: This was going to originally be Reader X Danny but as I was writing it, it seemed to me that she would fit more with Steve. Or my brain subconsciously decided that this needed to be a Steve story? Who really knows?... So, I just made her a Williams instead.
Summary: After Danny helps his pregnant sister get away from her abusive ex five years ago, Y/n is finally able to have some peace. She has started over. Loving the life she has created for her and her son, that is, until the unthinkable happens.
(I suck at summaries... I will try to come up with something better later.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Tagging My Ohana and Steve Taglists: Just to let you know 
Ohana (Everything)
@camillyb @gurkiloni @wanniiieeee @fanfictionaddiction99 @coffeewithoutcaffeine @darkastartarus @daniig95 @veronicapaula @stephv213​ @paintlavillered​ @peaches-1999​ @doloreschanal ​ @jamie2305 ​​ @esposadomd @drakelover78
Steve Taglist
 @rory-cakes @luckyladycreator2 @iamasimpingh0e 
@hails-halstead @healojane @summer-children @multiplecelebritycrushesat16
@breadsquash @where-thesundoesntshine @isoldeahlstrom    @remembered-license  @acesgunner95
I CAN’T TAG YOU GUYS-  @NattyAssasian  @etherealpqrkers​
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Merry Christmas @munstysmind! I had you for the @occreatorexchange Christmas Gift Exchange.
I hope you like the photo edit/poster I made for your Hawaii Five-0 OC story, Your Weakness.
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I enjoyed reading your story. I look forward to reading more one day and seeing what happens with Steve and Harper. I want to know more about them. I even started watching the show because I wanted to know more about Steve and his team.
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jakeonao3 · 1 month
pass me yourself
mcdanno, >1k words, rated M
They're having dinner at Steve's when something happens that makes Danny make the first move. or: Steve presses against him to get a spoon and Danny turns around and kisses him.
tags uder the cut
Additional Tags: First Kiss, These Idiots, Idiots in Love, Love, Affection, Affectionate Insults, Making Out, Grinding, Dry Humping, Sex Talk, kind of, Dinner, Cooking, Affectionate Danny "Danno" Williams, Affectionate Steve McGarrett, Domestic Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Resolved Romantic Tension, Implied Sexual Content
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Hawaii five o fanfic
Hello my little beauties I made a post a few days ago saying Doris shipped McDanno more than McRollins. I love all four characters involved here (Steve, Catherine, Rachel, Danno) and am considering writing a fanfic. So my question is do we want it to start off kind of canon compliant with Steve/Catherine Danno/Rachel and it turns into McDanno due to Rollander pressuring them togerher or McDanno from the start with Rachel and Catherine just being their best friends?
PS does anyone know Rachel’s canon last name after her divorce with Stan?
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“I may teeter the line between pretty stupid and pretty beautiful, but the important thing being is that I am always pretty!” a very tipsy but not exactly yet drunk, Steve McGarrett stumbling home wanting a smooch from his husband, having just been delivered by the other now out and proud navy buddied who’s op that night was getting Steve home because it’s the only way to shut him the fuck up about his Danno who he obviously missed so damn much, but it’s very much not Steve’s fault that this reunion fell around the same time Danny was getting back from Jersey after visiting for his sister’s birthday. 
Danny’s listening to him ramble about how one of his friends called Steve pretty annoying but Steve corrected him. 
The imagery could be added with Steve tripping and stumbling to the ground before ninja-ing(tipsy) onto the couch desting his head on Danny’s lap. Trying to get comfy and hug Danny while in this position. Telling him about his night, momentarily forgetting his goal before he’s reminded again and trying his best to get a kiss. 
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brinleyparke · 6 months
I have added 2 new prompts to the Pre-Series Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas/Prompts Masterlist.
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