#Tom Hammerschmidt
halechief · 1 year
claire: how could you? how could you not warn me? francis: to protect you. i was protecting you.  claire: you should take your hands off me. francis: no, look, i understand if you feel broadsided, claire: i don't care about feelings, francis. francis: but listen to me... look, claire, listen to me. claire: you made me look absolutely ridiculous. ill-prepared and ignorant. francis: no! claire - claire: we have one rule, francis. one rule. francis: no, not anymore. not anymore. we don't. claire: i cannot be your ally if i don't know what you're thinking. francis: listen, claire. it would have never ended. alright, fine, we got to stop judiciary, but other committees would have sprung up, just to keep the charges going. oversight, armed services, foreign affairs, intelligence. it would have gone on and on. years and years of investigation. claire: i don't care. you should have talked to me, instead of making a last-minute decision like this. francis: i didn't. i created this confusion . . . in order to take advantage of it. everything that has happened . . . was planned.
claire: [stunned silence] since when?
francis: since before elysian fields. but it was at elysian fields that it hit me. i saw it . . . almost like a light bulb going off above my head. where does the real power lie? the power behind the power. and I understood, claire, that we have to think and act differently than we ever have. because it's no longer about who lives in the white house . . . it's about who owns the white house. claire: this is the presidency. how much higher can a politician go? francis: the real power isn't here. it's beyond here. it's above it, but still working in conjunction with it. look, claire, you and i have always been on the inside. trapped. in the bubble. but going forward . . . with my operating on the outside, in the private sector, and you working from here . . . we can own this house, together. don't you see? i've designed this. i wanted you to be the president. i've made you, the president. claire: am i supposed to say thank you? francis: no. but, you will have to pardon me. pardon me for all of my crimes. as the president, you're the only one who can. claire: francis, i could be impeached if i do that. francis: no, no. look, davis and usher, they're in a position to protect you. they want you to succeed. claire: we can be sure of nothing, francis. everything going on with doug, the leak still in the white house . . . francis: no. that was me, too.
claire: . . . what?
francis: i'm the leak. i've been feeding information to tom hammerschmidt for months, with doug's help. claire: that doesn't make any sense, francis. francis: claire, when you bring yourself down before someone else can, you control the way it happens. this was the only path to get us to this moment where you and i can own it all. claire: [long pause] get rid of the surveillance. erase it. shut everything down. anything you and doug were up to. francis: alright. but you have to pardon me first. and, at the right time, doug. or we could both go to prison.
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supersci · 2 years
House of cards season 4 episode 4
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Just when you think the character can’t get any better, she does, and she doesn’t need any sly one-liners to do it.Īt the other end of the spectrum you have Spacey, who is both delectable, and yet his shtick is starting to get old. There’s no reason for her to be his handmaiden, and to see Claire come into her own with an absolutely commanding performance from Wright was one of the highlights of the season. She knows how to hurt him the most, and she’s done with sitting on the sidelines. Wright has always been terrific, but this year lets us see that she’s probably the only person in the world who could take Francis down because she’s the only one who truly understands him. Season four kicks off with terrific drama by wisely pitting Claire against Francis, and letting her reach new heights as a character. It’s a season that provides the roller coaster we expect from House of Cards even if that means it also comes with the same frustrations. Additionally, the show relishes in the constant twists and turns, with the most notable coming in the middle of episode four when Frank is shot and Meechum ( Nathan Darrow) and Lucas ( Sebastian Arcelus) are killed.
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Almost every plotline serves a purpose, delivers some kind of rewarding payoff, and it further drags us down in the muck of Frank and Claire’s life. This article was originally published on The Atlantic.While Season 4 still has the “Netflix Problem” of being a few episodes too long, it’s tough to say what should be cut this year. 'House of Cards' Season 4, Episode 10: The Live-Binge Review It certainly doesn’t remind me of Claire and Frank. She played hardball with the Vanity Fair editor, but she also authentically swooned over Tom Yates's breakout (and fraudulent) novel, while her husband sneered that its main character was a “pussy.” I wasn’t sure of what to make of that moment. The show has suggested that Frank has a formidable match in Will Conway, but I wonder if Claire does too in Hannah. Her robo-call speech on gun control again demonstrated how her political ruthlessness can dovetail with her personal magnetism and sense for when and how to feign vulnerability. She, of course, is helping that effort by taking an ever more visible role in the policy arena. Recommended: 'House of Cards' Season 4, Episode 1: The Live-Binge Review In Cards land, you can guess at why Frank pushed for chaos in the convention hall: He can manipulate it so that it seems like there’s an authentic groundswell for Claire to be his running mate. But the backroom dealing did give the chance the for the show’s creators to smirkily serve up another all-too-relevant exchange: “A Supreme Court confirmation in the middle of the election?” “Grow a pair.” The prospect of a brokered convention may also turn out to be prescient if the #NeverTrump crowd gets its way in real life. And it’s not clear to me why Cathy Durant wasn’t in the running from the start if she’s such an acceptable candidate to all involved. The Underwood’s machinations with a VP pick and a gun-control bill purposefully sunk by the NRA were, perhaps, not the easiest thing to follow. It also showed that dumb luck is sometimes essential to an investigation: Meechum’s image was on TV at the exact right moment. But Hammerschmidt’s visit to her old block (DC folks, where do we think she lived? Petworth?) turned out to be pivotal because it confirmed that the journalist was onto something. I’m not sure what the point of the phone call with her DUI dad was other than to make her into an even more tragic figure in the afterlife and to remind us of one of the most gut-churning depictions of Father’s Day ever. Tom Hammerschmidt’s investigation has kicked off what feels like the beginning of House of Cards closing its own loop, circling back to people and sets we haven’t seen since 2013. It’s enough to make you miss the astringency of Zoe Barnes, whose ghost haunts this show more than ever. Recommended: How David Hume Helped Me Solve My Midlife Crisis Get ready for more shots of people looking out windows as Paul Sparks mumbles on about clouds and ghosts and sunsets as metaphors for whatever is happening in the plot.
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He, meanwhile, chooses not to sell out the Underwoods because he wants to find a new ending to his novel inspired by them. Both Frank and Claire have an inexplicable attraction to him, but they have the pretense of realpolitik reasons-blocking his book from coming out-to hire him as a speechwriter. No one was asking for the return of Tom Yates, a certified phony whose writing, one hopes, is meant only to be a parody of false depth and not the show’s attempt to offer the real thing.
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cinepun · 7 years
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House of Cards (2013 – present)
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tv-moments · 7 years
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House of Cards
Season 5, “Chapter 65″
Director: Robin Wright
DoP: David M. Dunlap
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stcrtrek · 7 years
doug we BARELY won the election, don't mess this up by giving hammerschmidt ammo to take down the administration.
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things tom hammerschmidt didn't deserve: that
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alec-sin-wonderland · 7 years
"Two freshmen girls are moving into their dorm room together. One of them's from Georgia, one of them's from Connecticut. The girl from Connecticut's helping her mother put up curtains. Girl from Georgia turns to them and says, "Hi. Where y'all from?" Girl from Connecticut says, "We're from a place where we know not to end a sentence with a preposition." The girl from Georgia says, "Oh, beg my pardon. Where y'all from...cunt?"
Margaret Tilden - House of Cards
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Have I mentioned that Tom Hammerschmidt is my spirit animal? Can you believe I ever disliked this man. He deserved better.
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halechief · 5 years
"things you didn’t say at all" w/ knox and her if u want
𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙳𝙸𝙳𝙽'𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝚈 𝙰𝚃 𝙰𝙻𝙻 :   knox aerin.
                     a harsh rain lashes against the windows,  keeping disjointed rhythm to the score of her breaths, which stall in the slightest when she glances up & finds herself already observed.  it’s nothing untoward, she’s returning her scarf to her neck with careful motions, and she imagines it just so happened that they would look up at the same moment. the instant passes, her eyes averted as she raises one hand to smooth back hair that still lies faintly damp, its longer portions clinging to the coolness of her cheek. she’s acutely aware of herself,  even as her eyes gaze ‘round the room surrounding, plucking out the little details with unspoken interest. she’s met him at his place, this final time.  her words of commendation have already been said, thanking him for the information gathered, feigning cool - headedness despite the fact that his findings placed her in a rather precarious position. her husband intended to cannibalize himself in the press, had already begun to offer up his sins to tom hammerschmidt from the veiled hands of douglas stamper. it makes her sick.   the bile she’d swallowed earlier threatens to make itself known again in the wake of her reflection, and she’s quick to clear her throat against it.
                        she turns back, cool gaze meeting his as a tensile smile spreads across her face, her palm skimming down the front of her coat, assuring herself that she is indeed all buttoned up and ready to go.     ❛    you’ve been exceedingly helpful, knox.  i’d say i don’t know how to repay you, but i think we can both agree i’m nothing if not generous.   ❜     there’s a soft trickle of laughter expelled from between parted lips in punctuation, and she crosses smoothly to the door, fist raised, poised to deliver the two knocks against its surface that will indicate to her detail she’s ready to leave     .    .    .    the exact reason for her pause, she doesn’t pinpoint in the moment    ----    but her hesitation allows her a moment to consider him    ;   to note the halo of streetlight that filters in behind his head, dappled through with spots of darkness as the rain cuts through the glow. her lips press together. she wants to say        :        i hope i see you again.  
                           instead, she raps twice against the painted - over door, a tiny wrinkle appearing between her brows as they draw together. the door opens, and a gloved hand extends outside,  holding an umbrella out for the president of the united states as she steps through the door.     ❛    be well.   ❜    she calls it over her shoulder, and when she exits, she does not glance back. 
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bikaidanalenko · 6 years
tom hammerschmidt threatening doug’s life if he hurts his dog >>>> mood
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kalique · 3 years
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suffocatepast · 6 years
Season 6 Episode 1 SPOILERS: The Reign of Claire Underwood
With a sneak peek into the first episode of the upcoming season, how is the sudden disappearance of Kevin Spacey’s character explained? Claire kills Frank Underwood. How she did it? We have yet to find out. With Frank’s waning health in the previous season, I can imagine most of the suspicions were put to rest.
The First Hundred Days
To the public, her first months in office were that of mourning. Burying the previous president as well as her husband is a good excuse to stay cooped up in the White House. Being the first female president also comes with additional adversity. A slew of social media death threats has the FBI and Secret Service taking extra precautions as Claire is about to send off the first tour into Syria. With opposition to her presidency and the previous season’s declaration of war on ICO, an assassination attempt remains expected.
The Fourth of July
Against the warnings of her staff, Claire finds herself celebrating the birthday of America with its servicemen. After thunderous applause, she begins working the line of soldiers heading to their first tour of duty. To her surprise, it’s a female soldier that questions the president’s motives. As much as Claire claims it’s the woman’s turn, sending America’s youth to war without a plan of pulling out doesn’t sit well with many.
A bullet pierces Claire’s rear-window during the return trip. Situated in a more secure location, thoughts of passed presidential assassination attempts run through her mind. Without any bodily harm, Claire perversely sees this as the first real sign of respect she has received in her first hundred days.
Old Ties and New Enemies
Old ties made by Francis come to haunt Claire in the form of new characters from the elite class. It’s a group that Frank tried to collaborate with while still trying to become president-elect. His goals changed suddenly as season five came to an end. Frank exclaims in the last episode that real power comes from those who own the White House, not the ones that live in it.
In this latest season, the elite comes in the form of the Sheperds (played by Greg Kinnear and Dianne Lane). Another power couple, much like Francis and Claire, Bill and Annette Sheperd seek the cooperation of the presidency. Claire, wanting to separate all ties from Frank’s past, shows opposition. With broken promises, the upper echelon of the wealthy stand against Claire and her presidency.
We also have a short scene with a new and tenacious journalist, Melody Cruz (Athena Karkanis). Threatened by previous politicians that she’d end up in a river only adds fuel to Cruz’s fire. As a character similar to Hammerschmidt and Zoe Barnes, I expect Cruz to be a formidable threat when it comes to the media.
What to Expect from this Final Season of HOUSE OF CARDS
Hammerschmidt could investigate Claire’s involvement with Frank and Doug’s crimes. But even then, it’s hard to say whether he has much motivation anymore. Both characters are essentially out of the picture. Melody Cruz will probably take up the Zoe/Hammerschmidt torch in that aspect.
Frank’s passing leaves an ominous presence, but Claire makes it clear his death was necessary. In one scene we find Claire with a trapped bird in Frank’s old bedroom. As she captures the poor creature, it feels almost sadistic; the audience wondering if she will kill it or not.
Doug still stands as a threat with all the Underwood knowledge weighing on his shoulders, but he seems determined to protect Frank’s name. He is currently in a psychiatric ward for the top percentile, still unpardoned, and with added disdain for Claire. I’m just not sure how much more his character can be involved. Yet, he manages to be the barrel of gunpowder ready to explode and reveal all of the Underwoods’ transgressions. Of course, I would love to see some redemption for him.
Claire’s Adversity
The new elite and the ongoing war in Syria are currently the only active conflicts for Claire. We have a general idea of the Sheperd’s influence, seemingly surpassing that of the White House, so anything is possible. The war in Syria will more than likely involve Russia’s Viktor Petrov, so expect odder sexual tension between him and Claire.
I’m excited to see Frank’s better half as president. How is she going to compete with the devious Francis Underwood? She’s already killed her former lover, Tom Yates, meaning first-degree murder isn’t an issue for her now. And she has connections to all of Frank’s crimes. How far will Claire go to solidify her position as Leader of the Free World?
What’s unfortunate is that this season of HOUSE OF CARDS will be its last, and a shorter one at that with only eight episodes. Without an exact release date mentioned, we can hope to expect the premiere near the end of this year. Here’s to hoping Doug receives his redemption!
Source: https://comicsverse.com/house-of-cards-season-6-spoilers/
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tv-moments · 7 years
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House of Cards
Season 5, “Chapter 58″
Director: Michael Morris
DoP: David M. Dunlap
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At this point, I’m just rooting for the show not to kill off Tom Hammerschmidt...
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glamourandgrime · 7 years
House of Cards Season 5 - An empire set to topple over
House of Cards has returned to Netflix for the eagerly awaited season 5.
President Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) and his wife Claire (Robin Wright) face foes on a few fronts; Governor of New York and Republican candidate Will Conway is running for the presidency in 2016 and terrorism is afoot in Syria.
Meanwhile journalist Tom Hammerschmidt of the Washington Herald is still trying to investigate and uncover various skeletons in the Underwood closet.
It’s no secret that House of Cards has been a tremendous success. Much of this has been down to the strong writing, compelling characters and slick pace and direction. Kevin Spacey captures the Frank Underwood character effortlessly; he’s still the villain you love to hate. Robin Wright with her cold clarity as Claire; is the ice beneath Franks fire, and she has proven over the course of the series to be the rock in the relationship. No, make that, the rock in the Presidential partnership. And she’s stunning which doesn’t hurt.
Yet despite it undoubted quality, House of Cards is starting to become a victim of its own lofty high standards. Lets take a step back for a moment to examine this.
Season 1 hit you like a freight train with a pace and a zeal that had you gripped from the opening episode. You knew where it and the Underwoods wanted to ultimately go; the White House.
Season 2 showed Frank making steady progress, now in the vice president position and one step closer to the coveted position he’d hope to capture in the series finale.
In Season 3 the dichotomy changed somewhat. The hunter now had become the hunted. Frank would be now looking over his shoulder, in protectionist mode assessing how best to control others while, defending against enemies. An interesting change of dynamics was now at play where Frank and Claire’s bond would be tested.
Season 4 introduced new adversaries to Franks Throne in Will Conway; ably played by Joel Kinnaman.
The Underwood administration would yet again be besieged with controversy, and Frank and Claire’s resolve would be tested intensely yet again.
Which brings us to season 5. To be honest, not much has changed.
And this is where the cracks are starting to appear. The show is now repeating itself because it’s out of ideas in terms of plot and for the first time, the show is starting to become monotonous. We have seen everything already at this stage; every infidelity, every betrayal, every reconciliation, every fresh start.
Don’t get me wrong, the quality on show here is still way ahead of many other Netflix offerings, but that is part of the problem. House of Cards was too good too fast and simply peaked too soon. There is nowhere left for it to go at this stage, unless something drastic happens in terms of some of its characters.
The original BBC series by the same name was much shorter, so did not have time to stagnate. Perhaps a short life cycle is what the US version needed the most.
This is where other character study series like Breaking Bad excelled. It was long but never grew tedious or stale. It had a much bigger journey to go through and a larger character arc for all its leads, so it took its time. Granted, many critics argued that Breaking bad was very slow in the opening few seasons, and then really picked up the pace and entertainment value. House of Cards is the opposite. It feels like a long distance runner that ran way ahead for the first few laps, but is now tired and falling back to the field behind it.
Season 5 is still very entertaining, but we’re just plain spoiled rotten from what went before. Still check it out though.’
House of Cards Season 5 – An empire set to topple over was originally published on Glamour and Grime
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cryptidmac-remade · 7 years
dont get me wrong i am Loving the new season of hoc but im insanely fuckin bitter that tom hammerschmidt is the one who is writing this take down rather than janine skorsky who was a wonderful character who deserved better
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