starryluminary · 1 year
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Que hermosa que hermosa que hermosa que hermosa
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perhaps.... flowey and/or undyne?
(very tempted to ask about asgore but)
hi! this is several months late! i apologize!
ask game
anyways, i’ll start with flowey
first impression
not too different from most of the fandom’s impression of him. little more than a weird two-dimensional villain character. i didn’t even realize that he is not a separate person from asriel for a good while. like, come on. there was a whole dramatic twist and everything. it should not have taken me as long as it did. (the fandom didn’t exactly help though -_-)
impression now
he is my favoritest boy in the whole entire world and, in my opinion, the best character in the game (though chara is still my personal favorite). it’s sad to see him get watered down to just “evil flower” and “poor little goat kid”, cause there’s so much more to him. he’s a fantastic character and he means so much to me.
favorite moment
i can’t chose between these:
“…why are you being……so nice to me? I just can’t understand…”
“I’m not ready for this to end. I’m not ready for you to leave. I’m not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again…”
in the true route you don’t have to forgive him, but you can still comfort him
when he talks to “chara” when you try to reset after the true ending, showing that he truly cares about frisk and the others and that he’s grown as a person and that he’s ready to say goodbye to his lost sibling
when he takes care of toriel in the ruins
matching red scarves
idea for a story
sometimes i wonder what would happen if he ended up being the sole surviving dreemurr and the king of the underground… hmm.
on a more lighthearted note, i would really like to see him form a sibling bond with undyne as well as frisk. it would absolutely melt my metaphorical heart. big sister undyne my beloved <3
unpopular opinion
flowey is NOT emotionless! where the heck did people get that idea???
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hello???? he is THE MOST emotional character in the game!!
him staying a flower isn’t a bad ending for him. and not being able to feel love doesn’t make him any worse or less of a person. he doesn’t need to be ‘fixed’. he needs support and guidance. the only thing i think could happen if he suddenly returned to his original form is cause him to panic because he’s not ready to let anyone else (especially his parents) know who he is. i don’t think either ending is worse exactly. they both have a lot of potential that often sadly falls by the wayside because of common perceptions of ‘flowey’ and ‘asriel’ that wouldn’t be so pervasive if people had a better understanding of his character. so anyways, yes. it is okay that flowey doesn’t feel love. —signed, a real life loveless person
i think the loss of his soul and him being reincarnated as a golden flower is a metaphor for how his grief/trauma/actions/etc. have changed him as a person rather than him. literally being a different person. others have said it better than me, but, like, the only time he kinda separates himself from his past identity is in the true route, and i think he does it mostly out of shame. he wanted ‘asriel’ to be remembered fondly and put to rest because he can never again be that same sweet, innocent, loving, little boy everyone knew him as. if his parents found out who he was and what he had done, surely they’d be devastated and disgusted with him. if chara was alive to see what a disappointment of a friend and brother he was, surely they would be too. why would they not? he can never redeem himself. he can never be worthy of mercy. (he just can’t understand). so he plays the villain, the sinner, the good-for-nothing, the miserable creature, the one who came back wrong, because he just can’t reconcile himself with the fact that he’s still that same person, just changed and evolved over timelines. frisk has seen who he is. the good, the bad, and the ugly. and yet they still see him as a person, worthy of mercy and a second chance at life, despite everything (it’s still you)
favorite relationship
i’d say the ‘relationship’ between him and the player (aka: me specifically because flowey is already supposed to mirror the protagonist, but he and i have so much in common it’s scary so that makes things really interesting) but i dunno if that counts, so i’ll say his friendship with papyrus.
favorite headcanon
one of my favorite flowey headcanons is that the first soul rebellion in the omega flowey battle was staged. it just adds a whole nother layer to fight.
also the headcanon that he needs glasses. the world needs more pictures of flowey wearing glasses.
now undyneeeeeeee
first impression
i always thought she was cool, though i wasn’t as invested in her character because i was more focused on other characters (papyrus and chara to be exact)
impression now
she is totally awesome and definitely one of the coolest characters in the game, but i’m starting to realize and appreciate more and more that she is not larger than life. she has her own flaws and insecurities that make her complex and real. it took me while for me to get a feel for her character, but this fic series certainly helped a lot. it’s one of my all time favorites and i highly recommend it (heed the warnings though. it gets pretty rough)
favorite moment
ah. this is. another really hard choice.
that moment of cognitive dissonance when frisk gives her water after she collapses from the heat
the scene where frisk visits her house and she slowly begins to realize that she might be wrong about them and lets her guard down and opens up to them
at the end of the undying battle when she’s on the verge of death but still smiling triumphantly
those are just the ones off the top of my head. there’s probably more that i’m forgetting. she’s got a lot of great moments
“Don’t ask me what a grooty is!”
idea for a story
i really want to know her origin story. where did she come from? who were her parents? what was her childhood like? i am putting my hands on her shoulders and i am shaking her like a rag doll. i want to know. everything.
unpopular opinion
she absolutely should have been the fan favorite instead of sans. i don’t know what happened but i am very confused as to how she isn’t way more popular than him. no hate to sans by the way. he’s a great character and he deserves to be popular. undyne is still outrageously underrated and i will never not be mad about her getting overshadowed and watered down by the fandom at large.
favorite relationship
man i dunno. i’m stuck between papyrus, alphys, and asgore (i also think her and toriel’s dynamic has so much underutilized potential).
favorite headcanon
my favorite headcanon about her is that she’s autistic. because she is. so autistic. and you cannot convince me otherwise.
yes thank you i am grateful for any excuse to talk about asgore
first impression
i didn’t really think about him all that much, but it always made me sad when i saw people hating on him or treating him like a joke. i knew he wasn’t the greatest person, but he wasn’t a bad person either. i always liked his design too. very nice and fluffy.
impression now
………this man has been plaguing my adhd-ridden mind for the past year and BY GOLLY has it been a miserable experience for all parties involved. if i’m being completely honest here, out of all of the characters from undertale and deltarune, asgore has had the most emotional impact on me. haha. you’d THINK it’d be chara, or flowey, or… hell, even berdly! BUT NOOOO, KING FLUFFYBOY HAD TO CAUSE ME MORE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE THAN ANY OTHER FICTIONAL CHARACTER BARRING GOD HIMSELF. and, yes, most of that emotional damage was because of that one scene from that one neutral route (which i’m still not sure if i’m ready to talk about directly), but also because of literally everything else. literally everything about this guy makes me want to burst into tears. and part of what makes his story so painful for me is that i relate so many of his struggles. i’ll spare you the details, but i just see SO MUCH of myself in him, and it means so much to me to know that he gets better. pain and suffering aside, i just think he’s a really fascinating character and i care about him a lot.
favorite moment
okay, at first i thought of the moment where he destroys the mercy button (which is still a phenomenal moment) but, then i took a good look at another scene.
in his regular battle, he bows his head, hiding his face in shadow, resolved to kill or be killed, but giving frisk every chance he can think of to ensure that they are not the one who is killed.
but in his lost soul battle, frisk looks him in the eyes and promises him that they won’t hurt him. no matter what. that moment shakes me to my very core.
idea for a story
i really want to explore what would happen if frisk were to absorb his soul and cross the barrier to find a way free monsterkind peacefully.
unpopular opinion
asgore is not a Hawaiian-pattern shirt guy. he is a floral-pattern shirt guy.
favorite relationship
him and chara!! (him and frisk is a very close second) i LIVE for the parallels.
favorite headcanon
i like to think that he became king at a really young age basically right after the war happened and his parents left huge shoes to fill. i mean, his tendency to laud his children as the hope for everyone’s future when they weren’t ready for the responsibility had to have come from somewhere, right?
(i don’t think he was a child king, but i can’t see him having been more than a young adult when he was coronated. old enough that it would have been legal, but young enough that he was still grossly underprepared and largely depended on others for guidance in executive decisions. writing laws and giving orders had never been his forte. his strengths lied more in giving speeches, helping with manual tasks, providing moral support/comfort/encouragement, connecting with his people personally. he was always very good at being part of a community, but he was never an excellent ruler)
okay i’m tired byeeeeee
i really want to explore what would happen if frisk was to absorb his soul and go to the surface in search for a way to unite humans and monsters and break the barrier. i have a whole bunch of ideas for this, but unfortunately i have so many other works in progress that starting on this now will just add to the ever-growing pile
Unpopular opinion
asgore is not a hawaiian pattern shirt guy. he is a floral pattern shirt guy. i said what i said. feel free to unfollow me for this /joking
Favorite relationship
him and chara (him and frisk is a very close second). i live for the parallels
Favorite headcanon
i like to think that he was became king at a young age pretty much right after monsters had been imprisoned underground and his parents left huge shoes to fill. i don’t think he was a child king, but i can’t see him being more than 18 or 19 when it happened. i mean, his habit of lauding his children as the hope for everyone’s future when they weren’t ready for the responsibility couldn’t have come from nowhere, could it?
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starlightshore · 3 years
barring the no mercy route being an influence in this case, how would you describe chara's personality? I cannot describe them well at all despite them being my favorite character. they're too complex lol. all of the meta i can find at this time as them described at both extremes of innocent & evil but i don't think that's accurate
TW: discussions of canon dark topics such as abuse , death and suicide
i love talking about chara, i've talked about them at length before lmao. thank u for giving me a chance to talk about my beloved child.
you can actually read a character exploration i'm doing in a mini-arc for Askfallenroyalty. actually, if you want one condensed post, this comic sums up chara's motives
My interpretation:
chara is an abused kid and suicidal kid*(1) who ran to mount ebott to die.*(2) upon learning that monsters are made of love and humans aren't*(3), chara began to hate humanity. the deltarune prophecy*(4) makes them to be The Angel despite being a human. Feeling undeserving of this title and obligated to fulfill it, Chara wanted to be a good kid more than anything.
But then the buttercup pie incident happened. They've accidentally*(5) poisoned asgore and came up with a plan to ensure the prophecy could be fulfilled and take a hit against humanity. Two birds with one stone -who cares if it's also a personal win too? then obviously the plan goes up in flames and they and asriel are murdered. then asgore wants to kill of all humanity.
your influence*(6) gets Chara onto a path of redemption or a path of destruction, mirroring the deltarune prophecy's two main interpretations.*(7)
in summery: chara is a scared kid trying to fit into a world that demands violence by the past actions of the previous generations. The war massacred monsters and locked them up with a kill-solution -ensuring that further violence would be needed to be free, thus continuing the cycle of violence.
chara is just a kid. they knit, they make macaroni art, they loved their family and had a best friend forever.* (8) but they're also vengeful, they cared so deeply for monsterkind they were ready to die and had no idea they'd be awake as a soul, they were prepared for death. they're complicated, you can't have one side without the other. while i’ve never wanted to murder anyone, i can still relate deeply to chara and see myself in them a lot. the tragedy of them -the fact they never really got a “happy ending” like everyone else just haunts me and it’s why I spend so much time making AFR. I just... love this character so much, i want this kid to be happy. (not that it could ever be easy to get there, happy endings aren’t free.)
And frankly, seeing this hurt kid get demonized just rubs me the wrong way, and it feels completely against the morals Undertale tries to tell with it’s story. I see it as a cautionary tale against violence and dehumanizing others for the sake of hate and violence. how kids can be influenced by the violence -or kindness around them. you don’t need to forgive the ones who hurt you, but killing them is not always the solution -though sometimes necessary as framed in the Undyne the Undying fight.
People get both Undertale’s themes and chara wrong the most, and for the game that’s meant the world to me it bothers me more than it should lol. It’s a Good Story, and I don’t mean to frame my interpretation of the character or themes as 100% canon and I know Mr.Fox’s brain to confirm it kinda deal, but with all the time I’ve spent analyzing and thinking it over I do think it’s not off in the general direction of it lol. And besides the author’s intent isn’t really the end-all-to-be-all. It’s what you get out of the story and the themes that matter and stick with you. No one can take that away from you.
Sources and evidence:
"* If you're cuter, monsters won't hit you as hard." -faded ribbion flavor text * "The ends of the tools have been filed down to make them safer." -gardening tools in New Home (and iirc Toriel's home as well, too lazy to double check rn) * Where are the knives. -no mercy chara (this and paired with the previous imply there are no sharp objects in reach of chara's home because chara can't be trusted with sharp objects out of self harm. This doesn't necessarily mean abuse but paired with them hating humanity so deeply, being suicidal and a child it paints a picture of abuse.
"* I know why (chara) climbed the mountain.* It wasn't for a very happy reason." -asriel post pacifist epilogue dialogue
"* Love, hope, compassion... * This is what people say monster SOULs are made of. * But the absolute nature of "SOUL" is unknown. * After all, humans have proven their SOULs don't need these things to exist." -Library book on monster souls)
* Legend has it, an 'angel' who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom. - gerson
"* It takes at least a human soul... * And a monster soul. * ...* If you want to go home... * You'll have to take his soul. * You'll have to kill ASGORE." -Alphys. Because boss monster souls are the exception and can persist after death for a short period of time, Chara could of killed any of the family members to escape the underground. this implies escaping wasn't the goal -it was to die (considering they already attempted suicide to fall underground the first time, this is explicitly suicide.) the plaque doesn't mention or speak like monster/human fusion's consumed soul would be aware. chara had no way of knowing they'd be awake. also the whole thing with the pie is a prank. cups of butter. -> buttercups. putting flowers in a pie is a joke to do, we see Chara is similar to Toriel (they mimic her speech in the no mercy monologue, they say “greetings” as she does like how Asriel says “howdy” like Flowey does. Chara makes puns and jokes in the flavor text all the time.
https://imgur.com/a/zP18P -dog food bag at different LV. "When the protagonist first encounters Mad Dummy, they are given the option to beat it up. Choosing to beat it up prompts one of three responses depending on the protagonist's LOVE." (source: undertale wiki)
If the protagonist’s LV is 1, the response becomes "(You tap the dummy with your fist.) (You feel bad.)"
If the protagonist's LV is between 2 and 4, the response becomes "(You hit the dummy lightly.) (You don't feel like you learned anything.)"
If the protagonist’s LV is between 5 and 7, the response becomes "(You sock the dummy.) (Who cares?)"
If the protagonist’s LV is 8 or higher, the response becomes "(You punch the dummy at full force.) (Feels good.)"" This implies Chara (who is the narrator) will feel different about the dog food -which references the classic phrase of "glass half empty/full" showing your out look in life. Then hitting the dummy show's Frisk's out look on violence depending on LV. Note that by the end of it, it's no longer "you feel..." but "feels good" This is Chara.
      7. “* Lately, the people have been  taking a bleaker outlook...* Callin' that winged circle the  'Angel of Death.' “ -gerson “* Only the fearless may proceed. * Brave ones, foolish ones. * Both walk not the middle road. “ -the first plaque in the first puzzle room with Toriel. The idea is to walk on both the left and right sides -you can’t go half way in the middle. this mirrors the “true” endings are only accomplished if you stick to no mercy or pacifist only.
     8. literally their home in New Home is a treasure trove of pre-game chara characterization.
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
so i'll try to go in order here. uhhhh... there's a LOT i have to say. first: toriel giggling sprite my beloved
ralsei's, uh... kinda sus. the whole "recruiting" thing REALLY sketches me out. and he looks kinda... smug, all the time, like he knows what's going on.
so before i entered the city there was that pre-city area? that looked very much like the city? except it had different music? and i thought they'd cut welcome to the city and i was SEVERELY disappointed. but then they didn't! just something i wanted to mention
throughout this game i went from despising berdly to feeling bad for him to not really liking him again, but not hating him as much as before. he'd better stay the fuck away from susie though
the queen is the best villain. she's the kind you love to hate! she's literally so funny AND her boss battle is actually tough (rip to the king but he just. wasn't a formidable enemy at all lol)
the puzzles in this chapter were genuinely really impressive! i especially loved the word search puzzles and the ice-ee undertale word search reference💙
that being said. the mouse puzzles were SO fucking infuriating. i caused poor noelle a LOT of grief with those and i feel bad.
SPEAKING OF NOELLE!! the scene where she and kris are walking through the puzzle, the one that spells "december", and she's talking about when they were kids, how she loved sneaking out? beautiful. the cinnamon tography <3 also i guessed dess's full name was december a while ago and while i guess it was obvious, it's nice to have that confirmed!
also, i love that susie and ralsei are real friends in this chapter! he taught her a healing spell!!
ugh. fucking berdly. so smug and pretentious. i love queen's desire to be as far away from him as possible though
i also like his backstory. it gives his behavior, even if it's still annoying, at least some context. i get the feeling of feeling like if you're not smart, people will forget about you, and that's scary.
anyways. time for me to talk about the only thing that matters in this world: suselle. i mean, did the gays win in this chapter or DID THE GAYS WIN IN THIS CHAPTER?? THEY RODE A HEART-COVERED FERRIS WHEEL AND HAD A HEARTFELT, TENSION-FILLED CONVERSATION!
"did you ever wonder why the real susie never picked on you? well, maybe it's because... when you were both new to class, you lent her one of your pencils, like... maybe a dumb one with candy canes on it or something, and... even though it didn't actually taste like candy, she... remembered your smile." okay god thanks toby it's not like i needed my heart or anything
SERIOUSLY. TOBY "i'm gonna give the gays everything they want" FOX IS BACK WITH ANOTHER BANGER LADS
the way my heart BROKE when lancer turned to stone good god thank GOD our boy's okay
also!! kris and ralsei's little moment on the swan boat💙 i wasn't a kralsei shipper before but uh... that may be starting to change
it's hard because ralsei's still suspicious but at the same time i love him and want him to be happy. i don't know how to feel
also, if darkners outside of their dark worlds turn to stone after a while, why didn't ralsei? that's, uhhh... VERY sus. very weird. mr fox i need ANSWERS
seriously the thing that peeved me about ch1 was that the last save point was on the battle stage and if i wanted to play the epilogue again, i had to. do that entire battle all over. BUT NOW THAT'S BEEN FIXED!!
on that note: "looks like a car. this one has a man in it. he waves at you happily." AND THEN THE MAN'S GONE??? HEY TOBY???
and yes yes i KNOW kris slashed toriel's tires. that was extremely troubling. but THEY MADE PIE TOGETHER!!
"leave the chalk alone, kris" TORIEL!!
sans and toriel making egg puns and asgore running in and going "don't forget me, your eggs-husband!" is the FUNNIEST sitcom moment type thing ever. GOD.
on the other hand sans let me meet your brother god dammit i'll kill you
RUDY... "who got you these flowers?" "is it weird for a married man to get flowers?" "so your wife did?" "oh, no! kris's dad did!" "...not even gonna try to understand this..." TOBY STOP ITTTT YOU'RE GIVING THE ASGORUDY SHIPPERS FALSE HOPE. YOU KNOW YOU'RE JUST GONNA KILL RUDY. YOU'RE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND!
seeing kris repeatedly they-themmed by multiple characters makes me so happy <3 poor kid... "college summer vacation when" "you opened the door with your eyes closed. you saw nothing" kris....
the staticy tv appearing in the dark and a toothy smile slowly fading into view in the center and lingering there ominously for far too long >>>>>>> every hollywood horror movie ever god. GOD
snowy and monster kid checking out the red door. implying there's something in there. something that kris knows about. knowing we won't get any more deltarune content for 5+ years does NOT fill me with determination
also. gaster's symbolic theme being mus_smile. and the final image in the game being a smile. god. gaster's COMING lads.
onionsan hears a song at night... a familiar song... memory, perhaps? or maybe a certain... four-note arpeggio that's hidden in a sound test room in undertale? who knows? guess we'll just have to wait for chapters 3/4/5.
this concludes my ramblings for now, but don't get it twisted- this is FAR from the last post i'll make about ch2. this whole chapter was absolutely amazing! brilliant! showstopping!! i'm genuinely soooo super impressed and excited for the chapter 3/4/5 bundle!!!
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missholoska · 3 years
What do you think was your favorite part of chapter 2?
Also have you heard of this route’s version of the genocide route? Because it’s arguably more horrifying than UnderTale’s… I think it’s called the snowgrave route or something
[deltarune spoilers]
oh boy I cannot pick just one favourite part so here's a few faves:
the traffic jam outside the library makes me lose it every time. the way that weird musical honking starts with zero context the moment you step outside the school, and then walking over like 'what the hell is this noise' to see Undyne lifting an entire car just because she can, the whole bit somehow clicks something in my brain that immediately makes me start crying laughing
Queen showing up drunk on battery acid before Berdly's awful statue appears. every line in that scene is pure gold
the Suselle ferris wheel scene is a treasure
obviously Toriel and Sans punning at his store was extremely relevant to my interests
there's a ton of single lines and small segments that stood out to me as well but this would get real long if I listed them all jhsdgjh
...as for the Snowgrave route:
I finally watched a playthrough of it yesterday and yeah wow it's worse than UT
unfortunately I'd already heard spoilers for all the main beats of the story, but the visuals and smaller details were new to me and those caught me off-guard :'D the enemies just being frozen in their moment of death, staying in the overworld forever?? that's horrible I love it
since I'm late to the party I don't think there's much I can say that hasn't already been discussed, but I think part of what added to it being worse than UT is just how quickly everything goes to heck; UT's geno route starts slow but keeps ramping up that horrifying feeling for the rest of the game with many beloved characters going down in one hit and few bosses putting up any fight, but here, chapter 1 and the first parts of chapter 2 are just a normal fun adventure! even if you choose to fight, barely anything actually changes! and then the moment you start this route things start to go so wrong so fast, and all of it's within just half a chapter out of several. if one chapter can turn this dark in such a short span of time, how much worse can the full game get?? and how is there only one ending if you can do things like this?????
also one post I saw a few days ago (which I only glanced at before realising it was a huge spoiler and scrolled away, so no idea who posted it) pointed out that Noelle in this route seems to mirror the way Chara becomes corrupted by the geno route, and given the things Noelle says about "the enemy" and "getting stronger"? I absolutely believe it's intentional. someone who's just unwillingly along for the ride at first, eventually taking part of their own accord, having a whole thing about being in control... it all fits too well and it could be so interesting if the full game expands on that concept.
having said all that though, my opinion of it is similar to the geno route in that it has its really cool moments and I get why it's popular, but in terms what I like to draw and focus on I don't think I'll do anything with it myself. it's not a route I'll ever play personally and the the exact opposite of the type of content I enjoy creating, but I do appreciate the story it tells at least o/
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Rating: G
Summary:  Papyrus's New Year's resolutions include: trying new fashion choices, helping his brother talk about his feelings, keeping his friends from murdering each other over Monopoly, and admitting his crush on Mettaton.
Word Count:  4333
“Hmmm… I feel a little… nervous.”  Papyrus tugged at the end of his shirt.  His very long, very tight shirt.  That aspect felt more embarrassing than the fact that Mettaton’s face was cross-stitched into it.  “This outfit is very different from my battle body.”
Sans blinked.  His grin stayed tight, but still not as tight as this strange shirt.  The red-and-pink fabric clung to the invisible magic that filled out his form.  His usual crop tops covered just his ribcage, but this full-length shirt… it showed his abs.  A full six pack of them.  It was weird.  
Of course, he knew that if he had physical muscles, he would surely have such a buff physique.  A skeleton’s clothed form was based on their perception of their true self, after all.  Sans was lazy and round.  Papyrus trained daily, and his magic chiseled his form to show it.
He just hoped he didn’t look too chiseled.  He didn’t want to intimidate anyone with his handsome figure.  Though… perhaps a certain robot wouldn’t mind...
“You don’t have to wear it, bro.  I’m sure the bucket of bolts will understand.”
No.  No, the ‘bucket of bolts,” the fabulous Mettaton himself, would not understand.  He would wonder why Papyrus didn’t wear his Christmas gift to the New Year’s Eve party.  And then Mettaton would never believe how much Papyrus cared for him…
“No!  Change can be refreshing.  New year, new fashion!  Yeah!!!”
“...Alright.”  Sans shrugged.  
He wouldn’t understand.  He was wearing the same dingey hoodie he’d worn every day in the underground.  At least it smelled a little better now that Toriel was around to occasionally wrangle it off of him and throw it in the wash.  (Sans always complained, but Papyrus had caught him sniffing it and smiling dreamily each time.)
“You could stand to freshen up too, you know!  Don’t you want to impress Miss Toriel?  HMM??”
He elbowed his brother in the ribs (nyeh heh) but it wasn’t as effective as usual.  This shirt had long sleeves, which left Papyrus’s arms looking more filled-out than in his battle body.  And thus, his elbow had less boney-nudging power.
“Hey.  Don’t try to jack-et up my style. ‘Sides, if Tori didn’t like the hoodie, it hood have ended up in the garbage ages ago.”
“Oh my gosh!!! Both of you belong in the garbage then!”
“Only if you’re there too, bro.”  Sans winked.  “Come on, I think we’re late enough to make an entrance.  I know a—”
“Geez, Sans, I know you can teleport.  You don’t have to be dramatic about it!”
Sans’s browbones scrunched.  “You really are nervous, huh?  It’s gonna be fine, bro.  You’re gonna knock that robot’s socks off.  Y’know, if he had socks.”
Sweat beaded on Papyrus’s forehead.  He wasn’t surprised that Sans had guessed the source of his anxiety, but that didn’t mean he had to admit it.
“N-no I’m not nervous!  It’s just… hot in here!  Let’s take that shortcut and hope that Miss Toriel has been banned from the celebratory cider!”
“Yeah, it’d be a shame to have to lock her in her own garage this time…”
Sans casually slipped his arm through Papyrus’s and led them towards the bathroom.  Of course, when Papyrus blinked at the entryway, they were suddenly walking through the tall doorframe into Toriel’s living room.
It wasn’t covered in Mew Mew- or Mettaton-bits.  That was a good sign—Papyrus would’ve hated to miss a live chainsaw fight again.  At the Gyftmas party, he’d been too busy wrangling Toriel to watch.
Sound always took a second to catch up with Sans’s shortcuts, so Papyrus felt Undyne’s smack on his back before he heard her.
“ACK!”  He jumped before attempting to cover it with a cough.  Undyne laughed.
“Dude, I know you don’t have to breathe!  You can’t fool me!”
“It was a courtesy scream! Of greeting!  Because I know how much you love to be intimidating!!”
“Heck yeah I do!  Thanks, Papyrus!”  She slugged him again for good measure, this time on the shoulder.  It felt weird, with his bones covered in layers of protective magic and fabric.  “Lookin’ good, by the way!  I haven’t seen you in a full shirt in… geez, has it been a year?  I almost didn’t recognize you!”
He tugged at his collar, though it wouldn’t keep him from sweating.  Toriel kept her house cool, at least.  Probably because she was covered in fur.
“I know, I know.  It still feels unseemly for a royal mascot to be seen out of uniform…”
“Nah, it’s all good!  I’m sure all the monsters with two good eyes won’t have a problem recognizing the Great Papyrus.”
He felt his cheeks warm.  “Nyeh heh... heh… so it doesn’t look weird?  Sans said it was fine, but you know Sans… he only wears the same smelly outfit, day in and day out!  I can’t trust his fashion sense.”
“Then trust me.  I practically invented fashion!  Like, if you replaced Mettaton’s face with… a spear!  Or an anime princess with a sword!  IT WOULD INSPIRE FEAR INTO THE HEARTS OF YOUR ENEMIES!”
Papyrus hunched his shoulders and scratched the back of his neck.  At least the shirt didn’t have a high collar, so he could still feel the tips of his vertebrae.  
“I’m not sure fear is the emotion I am going for.  Perhaps… grandeur?  Or even… admiration??”  His skull heated a bit more.  Oh, he hoped his cheekbones weren’t stained pink.  He hadn’t intended to keep his feelings from his best friend… but Undyne and Mettaton butted heads so often.  He just wanted everyone to be friends!  
Especially his best friend and the robot he maybe-sort-of had a crush on!
Undyne took a step back, squinting at him with her one good eye.  Darn it, she was so perceptive!
“B-but I didn’t say it was romantic admiration!”  Papyrus clarified.  “It is—”
“OH MY GOSH!!”  Undyne interrupted, her voice echoing over the human program Toriel had on TV.  “YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON—?”
“SHHHH!”  He slapped her hands over her mouth.  She batted at them with her face-fins, her muffled shouting seeping through his gloves.
Eventually she quieted.  Probably because the whole room was staring at them.  Sans and Toriel on the couch, Frisk squished between them.  Flowey on the windowsill, leaves crossed and faking disinterest.  Alphys with wide eyes, as if predicting what Undyne was about to shout.  And Napstablook, Mew Mew, and…
Papyrus didn’t need to gulp.  He did anyway.
“DARLING!”  Mettaton spread his arms wide as he strutted towards Papyrus.  His heeled boots somehow made a loud CLICK-CLICK-CLICK, even though the living room’s floor was carpeted. “Oh, you look wonderful!  Positively ravishing!”
He stopped at arms’ length, then scanned Papyrus up and down.  It felt like his robot vision could see right through him.  Not that there was much to see—just normal bones.  It was still rattling regardless.
“Th-thank you!  The Great Papyrus strives to always be ready to be ravished!”
Sans spit out his drink.  Thankfully it was just water, and not anything more intoxicating.  With Frisk present, adult drinks would be off-limits.
But it still left a puddle on the floor, and wet bubbles gurgling out of Sans’s eyesockets.
“Oh dear.” Toriel bit back a giggle. “Frisk, do you mind getting your dunkle a towel?”
Frisk nodded eagerly, shooting Papyrus a wink before scampering off to the kitchen.  Double dang it.  Even Frisk could see right through him!  Of course, Frisk was a master of flirtation, even if none of it had wooed Papyrus in the end.  Perhaps the child could help him… if he survived this current encounter. 
He straightened his spine.  He was the Great Papyrus, and he would not be intimidated by a soul-fluttering crush.
“I um—I mean—”
Undyne pushed in front of him before he could come up with a super-effective conversation saver.
“Dude, you got Papyrus a shirt with your face on it?  Why didn’t you pick out something cool?”
“Please.” Mettaton snorted, even though he also didn’t need to breathe.  (They had so much in common!!) “You’d have me embroider your human cartoons instead, wouldn’t you?”
“Uh, YEAH!”  Undyne was one of the few monsters who could almost match Mettaton in height, and she made use of that fact.  Their noses—er, Mettaton’s nose and where Undyne’s nose would be—were nearly touching.  Papyrus wished that meant they were about to hug and make up, but Undyne always kept her friends close and her enemies closer.  She’d be more likely to strangle the robot than hug him.
Alphys hovered near her girlfriend, but her stammering was too quiet to break up the intense glare-off.  That was too bad; Alphys was the one person who was beloved by both Undyne and Mettaton.
“You care about Papyrus, right?  Don’t you want him to look as cool as possible?” Undyne continued.
“Of course I do.”  Mettaton nudged her back with one gloved finger.  “Papyrus is the very epitome of cool. And thus, the only accessory that could possibly accentuate his natural style is my face.”
Papyrus blinked.  Maybe Alphys wasn’t the only person Undyne and Mettaton both respected.
“WOWIE!! You… think I’m that cool?”
“Oh, don’t sound so surprised, darling.  I don’t cross-stitch for just anyone.”  Mettaton winked—or maybe it was just a blink; his bangs covered the other half of his face—and then turned on his heel.  “You may join Mew Mew, Blooky, and I in the kitchen if you’d like. Mew is absolutely desperate to be crushed at Monopoly.”
Mettaton rolled his eyes.  “Seriously.  What is the point of an insult if it doesn’t include at least one clever pun?  No class whatsoever.”
“Exactly!”  Papyrus agreed.  
“Hey, Me and Al want in on some metal butt crushing!”  Undyne bent down and seized her girlfriend in a headlock, making Alphys’s face burn red.  Papyrus wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or lack of oxygen, since that was her natural state around Undyne anyway.
“W-well, a-as long as all c-crushing is metaphorical…”
“Darling, the only Metta-phorical thing at this party is me.”
“UGH!!  Papyrus, how can you hate Sans’s puns and put up with this?” Undyne threw her arms in the air, which had the side effect of releasing Alphys.  “Come on, babe, I’m gonna need you to come up with our battle strategy!”
“Umm, you do know that Monopoly isn’t a fighting game, right…?”
Mettaton, Undyne, and Alphys all trailed into the kitchen with various levels of excitement.  Papyrus was about to follow them when he caught Sans staring again.  
Frisk was wiping his face with a snail-embroidered dish towel.  His brother didn’t even blink, and his eyelights had gone oddly dim.
“Brother?  Are you alright?”  Papyrus leaned over the armrest and said in as quiet a voice as he could manage.  “Did you want to play Monopoly too?  You can be on my team!”
“Nah, it’s all good. I think Tori, Frisk, and I are gonna play Uno.  It’s a lot easier for a lazybones like me.”  He winked, but Papyrus wasn’t fooled.
“Sans.  You made a New Year’s resolution to be more honest about your feelings.  As is the time-honored tradition, you must keep your promise or risk a year’s worth of bad luck!”
Toriel and Frisk shared a glance.  Had they seriously not heard of this tradition?  Frisk had an excuse, being both a human and a child, but Toriel was hundreds of years old!  
“Uh. Bro. I didn’t make any kinda resolution like that.”
“I know!  You were too busy boondoggling, so I made it for you!”  Papyrus grinned.  “It’s already written on the refrigerator at home, so don’t even try to get out of it.”
Sans let out a long breath through his nasal cavity.  His smile looked strained.
“Alright.  You’re always better at comin’ up with that kinda stuff than me, anyway.  But it’s no big deal this time.  Really.  I’ll tell ya after your Monopoly game.”
Papyrus’s browbone furrowed.  “Okay… but Toriel and Frisk are my witnesses!  You can’t wriggle out of it this time!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, bro.”
After one last knowing look, Papyrus left him in the living room.  Perhaps he just wanted some alone time with Toriel, but that look… it had definitely been focused on Papyrus.  He wasn’t so smitten by Mettaton’s charms to ignore that.
But Papyrus trusted his brother.  And he trusted his own ability to pin Sans down by his gross hoodie until he got answers, if necessary.
“I hope you guys saved me the car!” Papyrus called as he plopped down at the kitchen table.  
The empty seat just happened to be next to Mettaton.  Had Undyne been wingmanning… (wingwomaning… finwomaning…?) for him already?  Maybe he should’ve revealed his crush earlier.  Her letter had managed to woo Alphys, after all.
“Oh no…” Napstablook said quietly. “We, umm, didn’t bring that Monopoly…”
“We brought Monster Monopoly!” Mew Mew brushed her hair out of her face with a paw.  “It’s way cooler, mew~”
“It’s, umm, a-actually… Pocket Monster Monopoly, if we’re being specific,” Alphys said from her spot in Undyne’s lap.  
“POKEMON!” Undyne grinned.  “You remember watching Pokemon with me and Al, right, Papyrus?  There was the epic fight between the Charizards, and then there was the lab that got Alphys all spooked, and then Ash got turned into a rock and you started crying—”
“I remember!”  Papyrus cut her off.  Not because he was embarrassed—it had been perfectly reasonable to cry when the human was resurrected by the love of the strange monsters.  But Alphys might not want to think about the anime lab that had been reminiscent of her old home.
“Great!  Then pick your mon!”  Undyne reached around Alphys to push the two remaining pieces towards him.  
One was an orange lizard Pokemon with flames on its tail.  Was that Charizard? Papyrus had expected Undyne to pick that one, but she’d chosen a blue turtle-looking Pokemon with canons coming from its back.  Alphys had presumably let her pick, or else they would’ve had the round pink Pokemon.  Mettaton had chosen that one, and was cooing it it as he balanced it on his fingertip.
The other available option was Pikachu.  Everyone liked Pikachu.  Papyrus set that figure on the starting square.
“Excellent choice, darling.  Now it’s time for the real show!”
The real show turned out to be a three-hour long battle royale.  Despite Alphys’s insistence that Monopoly wasn’t a fighting game, the board game was interrupted by three and a half chainsaw battles.  Two of those were stopped by Toriel entering with slices of pie and fistfuls of fire magic, respectively.  The other two were settled by Sans distracting Mettaton with bad puns, and flashing his blue eye socket.  Drama queen.  It worked though, startling Mettaton and Mew Mew into calling a draw.
“Not that it matters, since Al and I are winning anyway!”  Undyne grinned, stacking her paper cash into a tall tower.  “I’d like to see your MTT-brand resort come back from that!”
It was true.  If anything, Mettaton and Mew Mew were battling for last place.  Each of them only held a few mortgaged properties to their name, while Team Shellshock (as Undyne named her and Alphys’s duo) had racked up monopolies on the two highest-priced sides of the board.  Napstablook had owned the two purple spaces at the beginning of the board, until all the fighting drove them to vanish into the ground.  They later reappeared the living room, chatting quietly with Toriel, Frisk, and Sans, and occasionally calling out “Oooo-no.”  Papyrus wondered how he was playing the card game with no arms.
Papyrus himself was rather satisfied with owning the orange properties before Free Parking.  His stacks of houses caught the other players as they escaped from jail. Plus, Tangela and Victreebel were rather cute.
“Do you hear her, Papyrus?” Mettaton raised the back of his hand to his forehead and leaned dramatically into Papyrus’s space.  “Insulting my brand when she hasn’t even had the nerve to duel me!  Of course, I would have to show her mercy, on account of her being Alphys’s one true love.”
“You? Show ME mercy??” Undyne stood abruptly, accidentally dumping Alphys onto the floor.  “Oh, uh. Sorry babe.”
“I’m used to it…” Alphys muttered.  “Maybe I should just stay down here…”
“No!  No more fighting!  The Great Papyrus will not allow this lighthearted board game to devolve into yet another brawl!” Besides, he really did not want to find out what Sans would do if the others caused any more damage to Toriel’s house.  The scorch marks on the tile would already take hours to buff out.
“Very well, darling.  I’ve showed off all of my moves for the night, anyway.  I wouldn’t want to let my performance go stale.”
“Oh, like it wasn’t stale to begin with,” Mew Mew said.  Mettaton glared at her before—to Papyrus’s surprise—the robot rested his head on Papyrus’s shoulder.
“Wake me up when Mew comes up with some more original material.”  His metallic eyelids slid closed.
“It’s Mewtwo to you, bolts for brains!”  Mew Mew pointed to her character, the purple Pokemon from the movie.  
She’d landed on Alphys and Undyne’s Nidoking space again, but neither of the girls seemed to notice.  Undyne because she was busy snapping a not-so-discreet photo of Mettaton on Papyrus’s shoulder, and Alphys because she was still under the table.
In response, Mettaton just started emitting tiny Zs.  Papyrus was careful not to move and possibly disturb him, even though his bones wanted to rattle with nervous energy.  No one had ever slept on his shoulder before, let alone a handsome robot.  Normally he was simply too bony to be comfortable.
Maybe this new shirt would have to become a permanent part of his wardrobe.
“Enough. ENOUGH. ENOUGH!!!  I refuse to play under these conditions any longer!!” Mew Mew shoved herself back from the table.  Her tail lashed back and forth, and the bells in her hair jingled angrily.
“Mewtwo—” Papyrus called, but she was already in the living room, opening the door to leave.  He sighed.  Why was it so difficult to be friends with everyone…?
“Oh!  Uh, h-hi, Asgore!”  Mew Mew’s voice was suddenly respectful.
Asgore?  Papyrus had thought he wasn’t invited, since the party was at Toriel’s house.  He tried to crane his neck to check on Miss Toriel, but couldn’t turn far enough with Mettaton’s weight on him.  Well, Sans and Frisk would surely be there with her.  Hopefully with enough moral support, the two Dreemurrs could get along.
If not, they probably couldn’t do much more damage than Mew Mew and Mettaton already had with their chainsaws.
“He made it!”  Undyne grinned toothily before throwing Alphys over her shoulder and jogging to join them in the living room.
Which left only Papyrus and Mettaton in the kitchen.  Alone.
Stars, he hoped Mettaton couldn’t tell how sweaty he was.
“Finally,” Mettaton murmured, wrapping his arm around Papyrus’s not-bicep. “As much as I adore the spotlight, every star needs a moment to regain their shine.”
Papyrus blinked.  Mettaton’s fingers tap-tap-tapped over his sleeve, a rhythm that was both comforting and baffling.  What was he doing?  Had he been faking sleep this whole time?
“I… are you alright, Mettaton?” He settled for asking.
“Oh my.  I am being awfully forward, aren’t I?”  He let go of Papyrus’s arm, but still left his head resting on his shoulder.  His dark hair obscured his eyes from Papyrus’s angle.  “This… isn’t something I’m used to, you know.”
Papyrus cleared his throat.  “I, the Great Papyrus, know many things!  But you will have to be more specific.”
Mettaton chuckled.  “Very well.  I am not used to cuddling with such a sweet, sincere, and devilishly handsome skeleton.”
His jaw dropped.  Literally.  It clinked off of Mettaton’s shoulder and landed in Papyrus’s lap.  He had to reattach it before he could ask the question that pounded in his soul.
“Are you… flirting with me?”  He didn’t have his dating handbook with him!  Or a plate of emergency spaghetti!! How was he supposed to secure Mettaton’s affections??
Though… Mettaton seemed affectionate enough already, without any of those things.  Could it be… that he just liked him?
“Finally!  I made a bet with Alphys on how long it would take you to notice.  The suspense was absolutely killing me, darling.  You do know how to create dramatic tension.”
“Mettaton.”  Papyrus scooted his chair back, leaving him space to grip Mettaton’s spiked shoulders.  “You… like me?  Romantically??”
Mettaton’s smoulder looked a little less confident than usual.  “Is that so surprising?  You’re the only one who shines as brightly as me.  Your energy… your passion… you give one hundred percent to everything you put your mind to.  That’s what makes a true star, darling.”
“Wowie…” Papyrus breathed.  His head felt like it was spinning.  Of course Mettaton, being an actor, would be good with words, but… these ones felt sincere. “Would you like to… maybe… go on a date??”
The robot blinked before shooting his signature dazzling smile.  “I thought you’d never ask, darling.”
“Are you two done flirting?”
Papyrus jumped at Frisk’s voice.  Their head had poked through the entrance of the kitchen.
“Of course not!  I, the Great Papyrus, have barely begun flirting!”  He puffed out his chest, and Mettaton laughed.
“Fabulous!  That’s the confidence I want to hear!  It’s no wonder you were able to help Alphys.”  Mettaton’s smile softened.  It was something Papyrus had never seen before, something that had certainly never been captured on film or broadcast on television.  He would like to save that smile forever, if he could.  “I must thank you for that, by the way.  I… haven’t always been the greatest friend to her.  But you were able to do for her what I should have.  She has positively sparkled since your self-confidence lessons.”
“I am glad to hear it!  Alphys is a wonderful friend, and she deserves to feel wonderful about herself!”  He beamed.
“Keep flirting if you want, but you’re gonna miss the ball drop,” Frisk called again, and then their messy brown hair disappeared back into the living room.
“It can’t be that spectacular,” Mettaton scoffed, though he hadn’t stopped smiling. “Now, if I were swinging in on the disco ball… now that would be a way to ring in the new year!”
“We’ll have to plan that for next year!  I can’t wait to build a giant disco ball.  It will be just like building a puzzle… but spherical!  Nyeh heh heh!!”
“I’ll be looking forward to it, darling.”
And then, before Papyrus could blink, Mettaton gave him a quick peck on the cheek.  Warmth pulsed through his bones, even though Mettaton’s metal lips were cold.
“Nyeh! Heh!!  Heh???” He melted back into his chair with a hysterical giggle.  He could see the appeal of Sans’s hoodie now.  It would be nice to have a hood to hide his blush in.
But Mettaton was giggling too.  The sound mixed with the cheers from the living room as the clock struck midnight.
“Happy new year, darling.”  Mettaton winked.
“Happy new year!”  Papyrus pulled him into a hug that probably would’ve crushed someone not made of metal.  But Mettaton was, so everything was fine.  “Have you regained your shine now?”
Mettaton squeezed him back.  “Oh yes.  I definitely have.”
“Some party, huh?” Sans yawned when they arrived home hours after midnight.  It was a miracle he’d stayed awake this long.  He’d even helped Toriel clean up, despite leaving Papyrus to clear the mess from his holiday party last week.  Sans definitely had it bad, but at least Toriel was a good influence on him.
“It certainly was!”  Papyrus beamed.  “I’m sorry I did not spend much of it with you.”
“‘S alright.  Frisk filled me in on everything.”  Sans winked.  “I gotta admit, I was worried at first, but I’m happy for ya.”
“Worried?”  Papyrus squinted.  “Wait… is that why you were acting weird earlier?  I thought it might be about Miss Toriel.”
He chuckled. “Not this time, bro.  You, uh… I don’t want you to think I don’t believe in ya, because I do.  If anyone could get a superstar boyfriend, it would be you.”
Papyrus’s face warmed.  He wasn’t sure that Mettaton was his boyfriend yet, but… he could be!  Eventually!! The thought was nearly enough to make him see stars.
“But, uh, I just didn’t want him to lead you on.”  He shrugged, hands in his pockets.  “I’m glad he’s head over stiletto heels for you too.”
“Awww!”  Papyrus squeezed his brother’s shoulders with one arm, the other grinding his knuckles against his skull.
“Hey, hey.”  Sans pretended to struggle, but he was laughing.  “Watch the skull.  These things bone’t grow on trees.”
That pun was absolutely horrible, but Papyrus elected to ignore it for now.
“Thank you for caring, Sans.  And thank you even more for not scaring him away.”
“Me? Scare anyone? You must be thinking of a different Sans. That would take way too much energy.”
“Oh, you can’t play innocent with me!  You were going to give Mew Mew and Mettaton a bad time if they broke Toriel’s dining table!”
Sans’s eye sockets widened, as if he’d already forgotten about breaking up the fourth chainsaw fight.
“Heh. Nah, all I had to do was spook ‘em a little.”
“Spooking and scaring are synonyms, brother!”
“But I didn’t scare him away.  In fact, I think I scared him towards ya.” He winked again.  “You’re welcome, bro.”
Papyrus just shook his head and let out a soft nyeh-heh-heh.  By the time he blinked, Sans had disappeared, probably shortcutting himself to his bedroom.  It was rather late, even for Papyrus.
He flopped in his bed, still in his long-sleeved MTT-brand shirt, and dreamt of the fond memories to be made in the new year.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
A Way Out
((An OC insert where my girl Adrienne loses everyone she's ever cared for and has to face off with Chara. She would've lost too, if it wasn't for the guardian of negativity himself, deciding to intervene and save her ass. She's healed up and taken back to the castle, and when she wakes up, he has what seems like the best offer she's ever been given. Does she shake his hand and accept the offer, or does she refuse and die?))
Adrienne had felt her heart sink at the unfortunate discovery she'd made; the dust scattered over the snow, pieces of armor, and an all too familiar tattered red scarf. Tears pricked at her eyes and a lump formed in her throat as she reached out, her shaky hands delicately plucking the scarf from the snow. She gently brushed the snow and loose dust off of it, then wrapped the item around her slender neck in the same fashion she'd always seen Papyrus wearing it, briefly glancing down at the ground. At the sight of tracks clearly left by sneakers, her eyes widened, tears now freely rolling down her face.
She knew exactly whose sneakers left the trail, and her heart sank even further. Not wanting to waste another moment, she began to race toward judgement hall; from having visited a few times before, it was fairly easy to find. As she reached the hall, she sucked in a deep breath, placing a hand on the large wooden door and pushing it open.
And she immediately wished she hadn't. 
Aside from leftover bone attacks made by Sans and the fallen human's blood, she let out a choked sob; at the far end of the hall, there was an unmistakable pile of dust, and what was clearly her best friend's favorite jacket. Grey eyes widening again, she ran to where the jacket laid, falling to her knees and gently running her fingertips over the fur lined hood. Her heart broke as the realization finally sunk in; she'd lost two of the only people she had ever truly cared for.
It began with Queen Toriel, and was followed later by King Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Grillby, and even Flowey. Not even the innocent monster children had been spared, and the fallen human had left everything in ruin. Not a single monster remained.
Scooping up the jacket and hugging it close to her chest, she let out a loud, broken sob, her voice echoing fainting in the vastness of the corridor. Wailing in agony as she mourned her lost friends, she failed to notice the figure approaching behind her.
Hearing the absolutely deep sigh, she found herself scooting away from its source, clinging to Sans' jacket as if it were a lifeline. The figure peered at her through glowing crimson eyes that were partially shrouded by a brown fringe. Once a normal child, it's lips were now curled upward into an amused grin, "And then there was one. Hold still, girlie, and I'll make this quick." 
This wasn't a child anymore... whatever it was, it was the physical embodiment of evil itself.
Adrienne loosened her grip on the jacket, her body trembling as she slowly slid the item on and zipped it up, careful not to snag Papyrus' scarf. Rearranging her look of complete brokenness into a weak attempt at defiance, she growled softly, teeth bared, "You.... What have you done?" 
Casually shrugging and holding up a knife, the figure smiled again, tilting its head, "I killed them, you dummy. With all the blood and dust, what else could I have done?" 
She could hardly believe how casual and relaxed this being was; they admitted to murdering everyone she'd ever loved, and they spoke of it as if it was nothing more than a mundane task. Her stomach churned, and she hissed, "You're the worst... How could you do something like this? What did they ever do to you?.... All... all my friends are gone now, because of you." 
Humming softly in confirmation, the figure only grinned proudly, completely devoid of remorse and regret, "I know. I did it because I wanted to... didn't think I really needed a reason." 
The teen rose to her feet, balling her hands into fists, "If you keep talking like that, I'm gonna kill you. Unless you have something constructive to say, shut the fuck up." Still totally at ease, the figure raised an eyebrow, "Wow, that wasn't very nice, y'know." It took a step closer to her, and in response, she took a step back, her attention focused entirely on the entity before her. Sighing, the figure made a face, seeming to be contemplating something before speaking, "Something constructive, let's see... well, our buddy Papyrus, for starters. You wouldn't believe how much of a fight he put up. If I was even a little bit careless, he would've had me. And then Sans... well. We know how Sans can be. He saw what was left of his baby brother, and he came at me with all he had. It didn't take long for him to run out of magic. If it helps you feel better though, he was thinking about you when he was turning to dust. He called out to Papyrus, and then he called out to you... you must be pretty special to him, huh?" 
Adrienne felt her bottom lip tremble as she stared at the figure, her disbelief fading and giving way to grief. She allowed herself another moment of silence, more tears rolling down her cheeks, before her left eye suddenly flared up, igniting with her magic as her look of sadness shifted into a scowl, her voice calm and unexpectedly even, "...You have until the count of three to get out of my sight. If I reach three, you're dead." 
The figure, visibly intrigued by her now glowing eye hummed, lips curling into a devious grin, "Well well, that's a pretty eye you've got there. When I kill you, maybe I'll take it for myself." Adrienne scoffed, choosing not to respond as she began her countdown.
The figure remained where they stood, still wearing the same stupid, smug, evil grin. Totally unphased by the situation. 
As a multitude of bone attacks and icicles began to form, the figures grin started to falter and they unconsciously took a step back away from her, suddenly appearing much less confident than before, "Hey... What the hell is all this about?"
Their question went unanswered, and her eye began glowing much brighter, "Three." 
All of the attacks shot at the figure at once, several of them managing to impale their small, deceptively fragile form.
Adrienne flipped the hood of the jacket up over her face, her voice shaking as she approached the figure, stuffing her hands into her pockets, "I warned you, brat... don't you ever come back here again." Her moment of silence didn't last, interrupted by the faint sound of buzzing, resembling the whir of a machine somewhere. Summoning more bone shaped ice attacks, she slowly turned to look around, surveying her surroundings. 
What she wasn't prepared for though was the figure she'd just killed, standing several meters away and grinning at her, in perfectly good condition again. It must've seen the confusion and disbelief written on her face, laughing softly, "Resetting is such a wonderful little skill I have... sure, you can kill me if you want, but no matter how many times you cut me down, I'll always come back. That's something Sans had to learn the hard way too." She launched her ice attack, but this time, the figure dodged and darted at her with an unforeseeable amount of speed, her eyes widening in fear as she sidestepped the first attack, grabbing the figure by its wrist and trying to turn the blade against it instead of herself. Then to her horror, multiple other knives, all glowing a vibrant shade of red, began to materialize in the air around her. She tried to release her grip on the figures wrist, but to no avail. No matter what she did, she couldn't make her hand let go of the figure. 
As the blades all slowly turned to aim at her, the figure grinned, their facial features contorting into what she could only describe as a demonic expression. Her heart began to race, and the figure tilted its head, amused as the first knife came sailing downward and plunging into one of her arms, earning a shrill scream from her. The blade had pierced her arm, and she screamed again as it ripped through the opposite side of her arm as well, blood immediately beginning to seep out of the injury. A second knife flew at her as well, sheathing itself in her back, dangerously close to her spine. Another scream tore out of her again and she sobbed brokenly, in too much shock to move her body.
The figure grinned maliciously, moving closer and resting a hand on her face, gently shushing her. When she became louder instead, she felt a sharp pain in her left eye; the figure scowled at her, their thumb now almost fully lodged in her socket, "I asked you nicely to shut up. No one wants to hear your pathetic whining." Screaming again as they scraped a nail against the back of her socket, a familiar warm, red substance ran down her face, she felt her body twitch, all of her partially materialized ice attacks dropping to the floor.
The figure watched her quietly for a moment before almost purring, refusing to remove their thumb from her socket, "And here I thought you might actually be a challenge. Tch. Shame... I'm disappointed in you. I'm sure your beloved skeletons would be pretty let down too." Squeezing her good eye shut, she whimpered, her tears seeming to multiply as she weakly whispered, her voice trembling, "If you're gonna kill me, then do it already, damnit." 
A third knife came sailing down, sinking its blade into one of her thighs and earning another pained scream. The figure scoffed at her, raising an eyebrow, "Since when were you the one in control here?" 
Before she was able to form a reply, a black mass appeared, phasing out of the shadows and watching the two of them with a single cyan eye, clearly interested in what was happening. A tendril coated by what looked to be tar shot out from the mass, wrapping tightly around the figures neck and roughly yanking them backward, causing Adrienne to collapse on the ground, yelping in pain and pressing a hand over her empty socket. Hearing the sounds of another battle, she turned her attention away from the figure and the odd black mass, looking toward the pile of dust that used to be her best friend.
She blinked, silently weeping as his form appeared. Though ghostly in appearance, he offered her a warm, sharp-toothed grin, his single gold tooth glinting under the light of the hall. Letting out a soft sigh, the apparition offered her a hand, his gruff voice low, "C'mon kiddo... Let's get your ass back to bed. It's late, y'know."
Her voice shook, only coming out as a whisper as she raised a hand and reached out to the apparition of Sans, "I know, Sans... 'm sorry I left..." As her vision became blurry, the apparition solidified, but she could've sworn she watched it turn black.
Feeling each of the knives be removed from her body, she could only whimper, too weak to fight as the black mass moved closer, the warmth of healing magic surrounding her wounds and sealing them up. Her eye had even been restored, much to her pleasant surprise. She was lifted up by an inky tendril, drifting in and out of consciousness as she was carried out of the hall.
Beginning to awaken later on, she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, squinting as she took in her surroundings; she was in a luxurious black and deep purple bed with satin and silk covers, and there was so little lighting that it was nearly impossible to see. Goosebumps prickled at her skin and her heart stopped as she looked down at herself, seeing that her scarf and jacket had vanished. Eyes wide as she began to panic, she pulled the covers back and slid out of bed, taking a single step and yelping as the muscles in her legs convulsed, giving out beneath her. Before she had a chance to hit the thinly carpeted floor, some unknown object looped around her waist, easily catching her.
Though she was relieved, she was also unnerved; who could've caught her? The room was so dark, so how could this mystery person have been able to see where she was?
A deep chuckle could be heard from in front of her and a chill ran down her spine. As a single cyan eye opened and cast it's eerie glow down on her, she froze, immediately remembering the battle in judgement hall. At a loss for words, she could only stare, watching as the goop covered skeleton cocked his head to the side, "If you wanted these so badly, you could've just asked, little one." A tendril snaked out from behind him, her jacket and scarf held loosely in its grasp. Despite the feeling of another tendril still around her waist, she acted on impulse, reaching out to the items of clothing, desperation crossing her expression. The black mass simply tsked and moved her closer to himself with the first tendril, lifting her again so they could be eye level with each other, "Ah ah, not yet. I'll return them to you, but you have to answer some questions first. Do you think you could do that?" Adrienne swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded slowly. Pleased with her compliance, he hummed, "Good... That'll only make things easier. You're in no shape to fight anytime soon, and I really wouldn't want to have to hurt you." Her eyes widened and her pulse quickened, earning another chuckle from him, "You're adorable this way... maybe I'll keep you around. Who knows. Either way, do you have a name?" 
The teen nodded again, her voice barely audible, "...Adrienne. My name is Adrienne." "'Dark one', huh?... That's interesting. Now tell me, what were you doing when I found you in that hall?" Memories flickered in her mind and she cleared her throat, hesitating a brief moment, "I was trying to avenge my friends. That human... the one I was fighting. They killed everyone, everyone I had ever cared for. I was alone and upset, and I wanted to make the fallen human pay." The mass made a soft sound of understanding, listening intently before posing another question, "The people you lost... what were they to you? Just friends and acquaintances? No mate, by any chance?" Cheeks flushing a faint shade of pink, she shook her head, "No, I didn't have a mate... they were all my friends, and some of them were even like family to me, though. They cared for me when no one else would."
Tugging her closer to himself, he lowered his voice slightly, "I see. If you could get them back, how much would you be willing to sacrifice?" The teen furrowed her brow, "I'd give anything. If it meant I could get them back and that I wouldn't lose any of them again, I'd even give up parts of myself." A clearly interested, satisfied purr rumbled in his chest as he pressed further, "Would you be willing to sacrifice your humanity?... All your morals and concerns, all your logic and your fear? Your soul, perhaps?" Frown deepening, she nodded slowly, her voice a whisper, "Yes. If I could have back the monsters I love, then I'd give all of it away. I'm nothing without them." 
The black mass grinned widely, offering her a bony hand, "My name is Nightmare, and I can make that happen. All you have to do is shake my hand, Adrienne." She stared at his hand for a moment, clearly hesitant to do as he'd asked. Grin faltering, he sighed, "I can feel how sad and lonely you are without them, and I know you're scared. In order to get them back though, you must trust me. As of right now, I mean you no harm. I'm your ally here, and I protect my own. You'll be safe, and you'll be with me, along with others that can understand the pain you're feeling. You won't be alone anymore." Hope blossomed in her chest and she looked back at him, meeting his gaze, "If I agree, you promise you'll get back my friends?" The goop covered skeleton hummed in confirmation, "Of course, little one. It's a promise." Sucking in a deep breath, she reached out and shook his hand.
Tightening his grip on her hand, he pulled her closer, delicately pushing her hair back out of her face to examine her eye, "I'm so glad you agreed... You won't regret this, Adrienne. I'll need to change the mark on your eye though. It'll be my mark instead of the old one, and even though it'll be different, your magic will remain totally unaffected." She hummed softly in understanding, trying her best to hold still as he continued observing her eye. Then to her surprise, his pointer finger and thumb shifted, holding her eye wide open as a third tendril appeared, drifting closer to her face. Feeling her anxiety spike, Nightmare smiled slightly, "Don't move, alright? It may sting and cause your eye to water up, but that's normal and the stinging will eventually go away." 
She took a deep breath, doing her best to relax again as she listened quietly, hearing Nightmare begin to chant something unintelligible under his breath. As the tendril moved closer, the very tip of the appendage pressed into her eye just over her iris and pupil, and she hissed, balling her hands into fists. The appendage receded, vanishing behind Nightmare's back, and that's when the stinging began. At first it was tolerable, but as it grew more intense, her eye watered up and she squirmed, whining softly in discomfort. She raised a hand to rub her eye, but a dark, skeletal hand firmly grabbed her wrist, stopping her, "Not a good idea, little one. If you do that, you may just go blind." She whined again and he chuckled, placing his free hand on her head, "It'll be over soon... until then, I think some more rest would benefit you." A wave of sleepiness washed over Adrienne and her body went limp, her eyes slowly drifting shut. Once he was sure that she was fully asleep, Nightmare delicately placed her back down on her bed, laying the scarf and jacket beside her.
Leaning over her, he carefully opened her left eye again, his grin becoming darker and much more malicious as he took note of her eye's condition; the white of her eye was now black, her iris had vanished, and all that remained of her pupil was a small, white crescent moon shape. 
It'd be interesting when she woke up again, and he almost couldn't wait to see what would happen.
As she began to stir a while later, she took notice of the scarf and jacket beside her, slowly sitting up in bed and slipping them on. She tried her hardest to remember the events that took place in judgement hall, but all she could think of was finding the ashes of the skeletons brothers scattered everywhere. She remembered fighting, blood, and getting her eye gouged out, and she remembered the apparition of Sans.
Her lips curled into a wide, manic smile, and despite the tears running down her face, she began to laugh. 
She laughed and laughed, until her sides ached and her face was stained red from tears, and as she got out of bed, her heart leapt in her chest as the sight of the apparition of Sans passed by her open doorway. Eagerly bounding after him, she called out his name, eyes wide and full of excitement and curiosity. Reaching the end of the corridor and seeing that he was nowhere in sight, she made a face, pausing to glance at herself in a mirror.
Seeing her eye, she burst into another fit of laughter, and her entire world went black.
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messedupessy · 4 years
essy!!! essy,,,,,,, tell me,,,,,,,,,,,,, Swapfell Things,,,,,,,,, anything u want anout your take on it,,,,,,,, go buckwild i want to know All
Yess bless you Ethan for sending this in I appreciate ya af UwU ❤ 
So ok let’s go yes, WARNING tho, there might be some rly dark shit I will be writing down below, some of it might be triggering so read on your own risk.
In my SF there is only one run that Fidget, aka SF Chara, can do, which is pacifist. They are completely unable to even attack, the fight button is completely broken for unknown reasons, so all they can do is talk and show mercy. Which they would have done anyway since they are just a really sweet and kind kid.
They are pretty much the only one out of them kids who have and never will do a reset. Firstly because they don’t know how but it’s not really needed either, since they ended up doing a full pacifist first try anyway. But they have died the most out of them kids instead.
Bubba, SF Temmie, tried to kill Fidget when they fell down, in the hopes that if they got Fidget’s soul they might finally be able to return home to their family. 
The battle Fidget has with Scratch in Snowdin, is him challenging them in the hopes that if he defeats and captures them, he will finally get the respect and recognition he deserves. 
That he might finally be taken seriously and stop getting constantly bullied by pretty much every monster around, he starts out pretty confident but ends up losing his cool as the fight goes on, especially since all Fidget can do is talk and show him mercy which greatly upsets him.
Eventually, he ends up bursting into tears, unable to understand why Fidget keeps been so nice to him. They then as a final blow offer him their friendship, which upsets and flusters him so much he literally escapes, runs away and hides away in his room. 
Where Fidget later ends up finding him, they hang out, and Scratch ends up deciding to help them out throughout the underground to the best of his abilities. 
Claws aka SF Alphys can’t talk normally thanks to an extreme injury she got on her throat, she has to use one of those devices which you press against your throat, which she got from Stitches aka SF Undyne, that she usually has strapped to a collar against her throat. 
She isn’t that talkative to start with though, she prefers to keep her sentences short or just let out grunts.  
She lets Stitches experiment on her, which is why she is extremely tall and overly buff compared to other Alphyse’s, her arms are massive. In fact she asked Stitches for it, as she wanted to be stronger and more useful to the crown, and so to be close to Stitches as she loves her.
She is pretty sure Stitches don’t love her though, she is pretty certain that Stitches is just using her, but she is completely okay with that. 
She loves Stitches no matter what and is hers to command, all Stitches has to do is say the word and Claws will literally betray the whole underground, even the royal family who she is very, very loyal to, she is just more loyal to Stitches. 
Stitches, on the other hand, is unsure how she views Claws, she has settled on her being a very important experiment and pet for the time being. Who she enjoys spending time with even outside of experimenting, Claws is hers to use, to love and hurt only.
Stitches do not handle failure well at all, she is prone to extreme anger tantrums where she literally destroys her whole lab. Claws know that Stitches gets absolutely miserable over said destruction, so she usually steps in and takes the brunt of her anger, letting Stitches claw and scratch her until she calms down.
Lord Carnation, aka SF Grillby, has a massive castle in the middle of Hotland. He lives there with his very beloved daughter Amaranth aka SF Fuku, who he pretty much have locked up inside of said castle, as he fears if he let’s her leave she will end up dying/getting killed, just how his late husband did.
He spoils her as much as he can, showers her in beautiful dresses and gifts while making sure she got everything she possibly can need. Amaranth on the other hand, hates it, she hates been locked up, she despises dresses so much and she just wants to be able to be herself and have proper freedom.
But she stays, as she do love her father and knows he only wants what is best for her, fearing that if she truly left he wouldn’t be able to handle it. But unawares to him so do she escape the castle constantly at night so to hang out with her girlfriend.
Regal aka SF Toriel, she lost her horns in the war, so she wears these massive fake horns instead. Which is covered in overly expensive stones and other fancy materials.
Tuffet, aka SF Muffet, got a rockabilly bar. And under her bar counter she got a literal shotgun, which she brings up to get her patrons to behave when they get too rowdy.  
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mtt-metal-crusher · 6 years
updated my fics page on my blog! Here it is in post form:
Multichapter fics:
Mettaton’s Skeleton: (rated explicit, smut optional) A story following the love life of Papyrus and Mettaton as they grow and change as people. Like a romantic comedy if romantic comedies have robots telling dirty jokes in every chapter.
Master Pretender: (rated explicit, smut optional) Papyrus and Mettaton are easily drawn to one another, their personalities mesh beautifully and Mettaton feels like Papyrus is the one man who can fill that gaping hole in his life. But he can't have him, not morally anyway. And the man he's engaged to isn't quite so easy to get rid of either...
This doesn't stop them in the slightest.
Paranoid Android: (rated Teen) Mettaton has been coronated king and suddenly he feels as though it's the best thing that could possibly happen to him. Afterall, what could possibly go wrong under his rule? Losing his mind and possibly everything else in his life wasn't what he was expecting in the slightest.
The Merman and The Prince: (rated Teen) Mettaton, a merman who is in love with the human world, finds he would do anything to be a part of it. When he sees a human who catches his eye, he can't think of anything else but seeing him once again. His only barrier is the long-lived animosity between the humans and merfolk. If Undyne found out that Mettaton was in love with a human, all hell would break loose. Though, Mettaton has never been known to play by the rules...
One-shots and short fics:
Turning Tables: (rated explicit) Mettaton is incredibly stressed from work that never seemed to end. Papyrus offers to help him destress in the most innocent way possible but Mettaton seems to turn all of that on its head.
TLC: (rated explicit) Of all the days of the year, Papyrus' birthday is certainly the most important. Such a sweet and loving boyfriend deserves the best birthday in the world, and Mettaton intends to deliver…
Love to Love You, Baby: (rated explicit) Meeting in secret in the Underground, Mettaton and Papyrus often find themselves lacking for time to spend with each other. However, with a dash of Papyrus' enthusiasm and Mettaton's willingness to please, it seems absolutely anything is possible.
Even sexy times with everyone's favourite sexy rectangle...
Thumpity-Thump: (rated General Audiences) Mettaton and Papyrus get "lost" in the woods, so naturally, they find their own way to fill their time...
A Night To Not Remember: (rated explicit) Papyrus, having been a long-time fan of the famous Mettaton, attends his party in high hopes of getting to know him. Luckily for him, he gets to know him very, very well. (A very silly fic, written with humour in mind).
A Favour for the King: (rated explicit) King Mettaton finds out just how talented his skeleton agent is and asks for an innocent favour. "Innocent" is not the best word to describe the result.
No Uninvited Callers: (rated General Audiences) Humantale papyton. Mettaton and Papyrus are dating and what better way to spend the holidays than cuddling up on the sofa with your beloved? Well, not everything is so simple when your friends are out to annoy you...
A Series of Undertale Requests: (rated General Audiences) Several undertale requests involving various characters and ships.
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stripestheboar · 7 years
So. This is going to be my first ever request completed. This is from @mmog1, who requested a story on Asgore and Toriel, and their relationship after the Underground. Since he gave me free reign, I went a bit farther. I originally meant to make it 2000 words or so, but it’s above 5,400. I couldn’t help myself.
Warning: Shippers beware. This contains Asgoriel, though, it’s not all the way through. From the title, I think you can tell where their relationship is going to go. If you like Asgoriel, this might not be in your best interest. If you dislike it.... eh, still might not like it. Just give it a try. I don’t personally ship this couple. Well, not present them I don’t.
"You may now kiss the bride!" Asgore quickly leaned in to capture his beloved's lips on his own. The experience was just as perfect as her. Reluctantly pulling themselves apart from the warm embrace, they turned to the crowd of cheering monsters and humans. It was a bit louder than he would have liked, but Toriel didn't seem to mind one bit. As they walked back down the makeshift isle of the outdoors, their peers and subjects around them congratulated the two on their marriage, which they kindly returned with gestures of thanks. There was everything any the typical wedding would have, just multiplied to support a much wider audience. The the cake they had got a bit messy; Asgore had a bit of trouble trying to kick the frosting off of his nose. The Captain of the Guard, the Royal Scientist, and a few higher ranking human peers made speeches congratulating the two. Asgore could always tell when Toriel was blushing from under all that fur. The dancing was as elegant as expected. The Captain, Fairfeather, spent hours on end just trying go get the king to memorize the movements and get them down. Toriel, it seemed, was a natural at this. With he dressed in his usual golden armor and robes and her in a dress of a soft sunshine, they truly looked fit for royalty. She even wore flowers atop her head, fitting in between her horns and her ears. They were buttercups, and they looked absolutely beautiful on her. "So, is this a wedding fit for a queen?" Asgore asked with a sheepish grin as he concentrated on moving his feet in the right directions. Toriel giggled some and raised herself some to plant a quick kiss on her husband's lips. "I'll have to get used to that title," she said in that soft voice that made his knees weak and his horns a bit too heavy. "However, you, my dearest husband, will refer to me as just Toriel. That's an order," she joked. "That will be rather hard when you rule my world," Asgore chuckled, trying his hand at one the jokes she liked so much. Her reaction was immediate as she bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back her laughter in an environment where they were surrounded by their subjects. "Alright, I suppose you can call me queen, but only if you'll stay by my side as king," Toriel comprised after she had calmed herself. Asgore couldn't help the loving grin that tugged onto his lips. "Of course, my love. Together forever, yes?" The queen had her eyes grow blurry as a smile graced her face. "For all of eternity. I love you." "I love you." Asgore hummed ever so gently to himself as he carefully watered the flowers of his garden surrounding his throne. He didn't water the flowers very often, just every week or so. And it was around this time of the week that he always realized that their might just be a bit too many flowers. He never heard it said aloud, but he always saw it whenever Undyne had to play hopscotch just to avoid stepping on a single one. She's gotten good at it, too, the sweet young monster. Every so often, Asgore will stop to go back home and refill the watering can so he could delicately finish up the rest of the flowers. This process took him a good two hours in total, but it was always worth it in the end. When he was done, he would sit on his throne in silence, gazing over the sea of beautiful gold. As was his unabashed routine, he would gaze over at the spot beside him, almost as if something or someone was going to be sitting at his side. Perhaps a child or two playing in the grass where he could watch. He still thought about them. It had slowed to the point where thoughts of them had only come once every day. He thought of her whenever he passed by the covered up throne and made his way to the barrier. Gazing up at the shimmering light filtered through the barrier, he would squint his eyes, trying to catch just a glimpse of the sun. Though, time and time again, it was to no avail. All he could see was what it left behind, and what it promised for everyone. Just one more soul. That's all they needed. And then, everything would be made right again. He just had to be patient. He hummed to himself as he got to the last patch in the garden. It was such a beautiful day outside, he noticed. Birds were singing their sweet songs. His flowers were blooming so beautifully. On days like these, it would be so perfect for a picnic. Perhaps a nice game of catch. Kids tended to love this type of day. What a beautiful day to spend time with the family. Echoing footsteps soon caught his attention as the last of the water was draining from the can. He heard them stop almost as soon as they had entered the throne room. "Oh, is someone there?" he called, not yet turning to meet his guest. "Just a moment! I'm almost finished watering these flowers!" Asgore and Toriel watched with their fellow monsters as the humans conversed from above. He used his staff to keep a few lone monsters from charging up and attacking. He tried not to wince from the calls of "coward" and "false king" from behind him. He remained stoic as the mages waved their staff, the air shifted, a loud rumble shook the ground, and the twilight turned into a dim fade as the barrier was placed. However, he couldn't help the tears that blurred his vision as he heard his wife break into sobs beside him. At first, all was silent as the monsters began to process what had just happened. And then, there was chaos. Panicking and screaming soon rang through the caverns of their new prison. Toriel dried her tear and rushed into the crowd to try and calm some of her people down so there would at least be some coherence. The only light that could be seen was the dim spots from some of the fire monsters scattered along the large crowd. Asgore went with his wife and ordered a few guards to try and keep the overwhelming number of monsters calm. Soon enough everything was as quiet as they could make it. The guards and the royal couple immediately got to getting things in order. Heat-based and water-based monsters were obviously kept separated. The monsters more used to the colder climates were at least thankful for the coolness of the underground. Many of the more water-bound subjects had run off to find a source of water to survive in while led by a few guards. Asgore was hopeful they would find something of the sort, as it would show there was some opportunity to be made from the darkness of their new home. Toriel was by his side as he tried to console his people, doing her best to do the same. He had most of their subjects stay in the area as the guard went to explore the area, seeing which areas were safe and if the caverns were even big enough to store all of them. A few flame elementals were happy to make fires to brighten the dark and gloomy cavern. While the caverns seemed so large and vast at first, they really were quite small once you got used to them. Agore rested by a fire with his wife, listening to the pained sobs of the monsters who had lost loved ones just mere days before. His heart broke at the sound, but he tried to remain the hardened and honorable king his monsters wanted him to be. And yet, he could feel that facade chipping away with the whispers of his betrayal. They called spineless and unfit to hold the throne. It made his soul grow heavy. "Don't listen to them," Toriel whispered, gently taking his large hand into hers. "You were right to show mercy to him, love. You've done nothing wrong. You are a kind and honorable monster. If they want to be angry at anyone, they need to be angry at me. I was the one who stopped you in the first place." Asgore felt a slight grimace grace his face at the thought of the memory. It wasn't a pretty one, either. His staff had been at the throat of their general, ready to come down and end an entire war with just the life of one human. There would be no more suffering. No more losses at the hands of the humans. However, her cries had rung out above his heavy breathing. He had shaken heavily as indecisiveness had crawled up his back and locked his arms in place. The more she cried for mercy, the more his mind began to change. Before he knew it, he let the man go. Now, weeks after the final assault, he wondered what would had happened if he had just gotten done with it. Would they still be trapped down here? His thoughts were interrupted when Toriel leaned forward and planted a quick kiss onto his lips. "We will make it through this, Asgore. We just have to stay determined." Asgore felt a smile grace him, something he hadn't done in nearly a month. "Of course, Toriel," he agreed, gently squeezing her hand in a show of his affection. "I will stay determined. As long as we have the support of our people and with you by my side, I will always stay determined." The two shared another kiss before breaking apart. "So, what will you name our new home?" Toriel asked, folding her hands back into her lap. Asgore smiled, having thought this particular question over. "I will dub this new land 'New Home'!" He gave a confused look when his wife burst into tear-filled laughter. "Hello, humans! I am The Great Papyrus! I will do the honors by allowing you to be one of my first new human friends!" Needless to say, the two humans just enjoying their morning in the park were surprised by the 6'5 skeleton monster that had just burst out of the bushes beside them. They blinked, screamed, and ran for their lives and Papyrus waved them goodbye. "Goodbye, humans! Perhaps we should have spaghetti, later?" "I think you scared 'em off, Paps," Sans chuckled as he stepped over to stand with his brother. "That's not very HUMANe of you, bro." Papyrus crossed his arms and scoffed at the less than impressive pun. "Really, Sans? You can't even wait thirty minutes out of the Underground to tell a pun?" "Whoa, you got to see more humans?" Undyne shouted, running over to the two. "Nice! Where are they?" "Paps scared 'em away," Sans said, jerking a biphalangeal digit over over to the taller skeleton. "Aw, nice one, Papyrus!" the guard congratulated, raising a hand for a high five, which Papyrus gladly gave as hard as he could. Alphys soon came trotting over as fast as she could, huffing and puffing as she did so. Her form wasn't exactly built for running. "Hah, Undyne? I- hoo! Y-you run r-really fast, Undyne. Wh-where are- oh! Have you seen any humans?" she huffed as he was doubled over, hands on her knees. Undyne gladly answered her new girlfriend. "Papyrus saw some, but he drove them away. Nice one, Pap!" "Now what is this about driving humans away?" Asgore asked as he approached the small group. "I thought we were befriending humans, not having them fear us. Papyrus, you aren't tormenting the humans, are you?" Papyrus seemed to flush a bit, despite being a skinless skeleton. "Hey, where's Tori and the kid?" Sans suddenly asked, tilting his body a bit to get a glimpse behind Asgore's huge frame. "Geeze, they're lost already? I know this place is huge, but come on." As if on cue, the familiar shape of a large boss monster and her small human child were seen on the horizon. As the two got closer, Asgore felt a soft smile appear over his face upon noticing one of Toriel' large hands enveloping Frisk's smaller one. It was odd to think how much this small image reminded him so much of his Ariel and Chara. It seemed that she couldn't help but be the mother after all these years. Frisk smiled up at the group once they were close enough. They really were a sweet and innocent young thing. Well, innocent couldn't really be included on the list after he had just, well, you know. Asgore was a bit surprised this human still had good will towards monsters, much less accept to be their ambassador. It must have been an absolute hell to get through the entire Underground without dying. "Hello there," Toriel greeted once they were immersed within the group. "Is there anything we've missed? Sorry for our tardiness." Papyrus was the one to answer her. "That's quite alright, Lady Asgore! We had only just started our little adventure into the world." Asgore couldn't help but notice the way Toriel's ears twitched slightly at that forbidden name. She'd have to have a little chat about it with the skeleton, he could already tell. "So, Asgore, what's our next course of action? Gonna confront the humans?" Undyne asked, her hands on her hips as she got excited for their next plan. The king promptly took up his title, having already thought of what to do. "I suppose now we should our go and meet the human leader. Won't we be quite the surprise?" He gestured to the large castle in the distance. It should still be in use around now. It hand only been a little over a century, after all. Though, a lot could happen within a century. The horizon had a clearer view than he had remembered. He wondered how long it had taken the humans to demolish his castle. "So, what're we going to do?" Sans asked, hands stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie. "Y'know, the non king type people?" The king smiled in amusement at the tiny skeleton. "Well, you'll be coming along with us, of course," he chuckled. "After all, you and your brother are both as important to this group as the rest of us, having been there at our most important hour." Asgore's words seemed to get Papyrus really excited; he could practically see the skeleton ready to jump out of his boots. "Gah, I-I knew I should've worn my, um, better coat this time," Alphys muttered to herself, sweat already dripping down her scales. "Aw, don't sweat it, Alph," Undyne said with a grin, giving Alphys a pat on the back so hard, it made her squeak and lurch forward some. "You already look ready to meet royalty. I mean, look who we're with." She looked up at Asgore, crossing her arms some. "So, am I gonna have to bring out the armor or what?" The king merely shook his head. "That won't be necessary. We're trying to make friends, after all. Besides, I'm sure that once Frisk here explains what has happened, it will go over fairly smoothly." Frisk gave Asgore a thumbs up to confirm his idea. "Though, Undyne, should anything go awry, you have no need to protect Toriel and I. Just make sure the human, Alphys, and the others make it out-" Asgore was suddenly cut off my a rather loud throat clearing from his former wife. He blinked in surprise and looked over at her. Ooh, she had that glare in her eyes. He was in for a stern lecture, wasn't he? "You all go for a head start," Asgore said rather firmly. The others seemed to know what was going on and promptly left, but not without a "good luck" from Undyne first. "So what appears to be the problem?" Asgore questioned, turning to face the queen. "You are just impossible," Toriel sighed, pinching the bridge of her muzzle with a huff. "I am not your wife anymore, Asgore, and nor am I the queen of the Underground." "Well, I'd assume so," Asgore said, looking her in the eyes, despite how painful it was. "After all, we're on the surface now." Toriel did not take kindly to humor being injected into the situation, something he used to do to appease her back when they were still married. "I coming with you all to the castle, but you are foolish to think that I will stand by your side as you speak to their leader. I will be standing with the others as you do your part." The king immediately frowned at this demand. Did she really expect him to lead the monster and keep the peace between monsters and humans without her? For years, she had always been a symbol of peace and mercy for monsters. She was one of the reasons the war had even ended as it had did. And yet, she wouldn't take up her old position for the sake of the kingdom. He should have figured it beforehand, though. As regal as Toriel was and as fair as she could be, she was never one for the title of queen. As a woman who wasn't even fond of the idea of punishment, her mercy had always been a weak spot of hers. She truly did love her people, but sometimes he would hear them question if she could really rule a stable kingdom. Especially when the humans started to come. "Toriel," Asgore spoke, trying to sound as soft as possible, "please. I can't do this without you. In new stage of our lives, the monsters need you to-" "The monsters have had you for over half a century with just you and they can last another half century more," Toriel snapped, though she kept her voice low. "When we eventually do go to meet with the humans, I will appear not as your wife, not as your queen, not as your partner, but as another one of your many subjects, and you will address me as such." Had the moment been any lighter, he might've pointed out how she was the one commanding him right now. "Are we clear?" Asgore gave a tense sigh as he allowed himself to relax. "We are clear, Toriel. I understand your reasoning." He saw the other boss monster relax, though she seemed surprised he took it so easily. "Thank you, Asgore," she said with a sigh. "Now. Let's meet with the others before they get too far ahead. Who knows how far Papyrus has gotten already?" And with that, she promptly walked off. "Asriel, dear! We do not pull at the grass," Toriel scolded lightly, giving the small boss monster a small little bop on the head at a warning. Asriel looked up at his mother dropping the bits of grass caught in his hands. "Fiiine," he sighed, the beginnings of a pout starting to form. "Now now, I don't want to see any pouting. Princes don't pout," Asgore chuckled, watching the two sit in the grass from his throne. "If you pout, your mother might not let you have any pie." At the suggestion of no more pie, Asriel squeaked a "no!" and hid his face in his shirt. The loving father couldn't hide his amused grin, slowly sliding off the seat of the throne to rest in the grass with his family. Asriel just mumbled a few incoherent words. "Don't act like you don't have a nuisance about yourself as well," Toriel giggled, turning to Asgore as she lightly tugged that large golden beard of his. "You, sir, need to trim this beard." Asgore blinked and looked down at her hand. "My beard? Never. It's proof of how old I've gotten since we've had Asriel," he defended, and it was true. Being able to age again after decades of staying relatively the same was one of the biggest reliefs of the century to the couple. "Maybe so, but that's what you have your horns for, Fluffybuns," she pointed out, giving one of his massive ivory horns a good knock. "It's already a difficult sleeping situation with those things. I don't want that beard of yours to get in the way of our nuzzles. Remember? Nose Nuzzle Champs '98?" "Of course I do, love," Asgore chuckled before giving his wife and affectionate nuzzle. "Nuzzles!" Asriel suddenly shouted, leaping at the cook in between his parents just so he could try and hug them both. Both parents smiled at their child. As was routine for them, Asgore picked up Asriel and threw him into the air several times, much to the delight of his son. "I don't know how we're able to care for both a kingdom and a child at the same time," he said, only talking his eyes off of Asriel for a moment to glance at Toriel. She herself gave a shrug at the idea. "I'm not sure. If you feel too confused, though, I could always give you a tuTORIEL." Asgore caught his son one last time and gave her a look. "How many times are you going to make that particular joke?" he asked. "As many times as the opportunities allow it," she giggled. "Mama! Can we go walking again?" Asriel asked once he was set back onto the ground. Toriel thought the suggestion over and nodded. "I'm sure that we could take a visit to Hotland or maybe even Waterfall," she thought aloud. "No! The Ruins!" he said, hopping up and down in Asgore's lap in excitement. Toriel gave a slight grimace. "The Ruins? But that's on the other side of the Underground. That's awfully far, dear." Despite Toriel's firm stance on this, the whines of her son broke her within minutes. "Alright, alright. I suppose we can take the ferry to Snowdin and go from there." Asriel's small fists pumped up in victory. "Yay! Thanks, mom!" He quickly hopped to his feet and ran to the doorway of the throne room excited. Toriel giggled and slowly came to a stand. She strolled over and took one last look back at her husband. "Bring back something interesting," he joked, watching them both take their leave. Asgore watched the water begin to simmer lowly. That should be about enough. He dipped the packet of crushed leaves into the pot. "Alright, just a few minutes and you'll be perfect," he rumbled to himself, something he tended to do often with him living alone and such. With it being one of his only times away from the throne, he felt the need to relax, and tea was just the way to help him do that. He lifted his head suddenly upon hearing a firm knock on the door. "Coming!" he called, removing the apron he wore. Such large hands could be rather clumsy after all. He didn't bother to check through the peephole before opening the door. He just assumed it was royal business or maybe a neighbor, despite himself looking less than royal with his "Mr. Dad Guy" sweater and sweatpants. Don't judge; the humans had a large array of clothing that he happened to like and decided to buy. The mysterious monster behind the door turned out to be his ex wife and former queen, Toriel, wearing a sour yet restrained expression. It had only been a few months, but these looks always made him a. It nervous. He wondered why she was here of all reasons. Asgore gripped the arms of his throne tightly as he heard the thundering feet of his wife storming through the castle. It had only been a matter of time before she found out. He just kept his head low, preparing for what came next. "Asgore," Toriel greeted firmly. "Toriel," Asgore greeted back. "What brings you here?" "Frisk," she sighed. "They and Alphys mentioned they had something to confess to us. Apparently it involves Flowey." Ah yes, the flower. He had experienced a few unpleasant encounters with the potted houseplant. "I see. In that case, would you like to come in. I have tea preparing in-" He was cut on by Toriel curtly entering through the small space Asgore had provided for her. His eyes flicked up to see the stiff, enraged form of his queen. He straightened up in his throne. "Ah. Good evening, my lo-" "Save it, Asgore!" she snapped, voice hard, but sounding on the verge of cracking. He hated to make her so upset like this. Asgore remained tight-lipped in order to hear what his wife had to say. "So, where are Frisk and Alphys?" Asgore questioned, checking up on his tea as Toriel rested on the couch. "On their way," she answered rather curtly. "They should be in here within minutes. Hopefully." He came back into the room, awkwardly sitting in the armchair by the fireplace. Usually Toriel would be the one in the armchair. Well, that was how it used to be, anyways. "What is this the guards have been telling me?" she demanded, rapidly approaching the king as he came to a stand. "A decree? To kill all humans that come down here? Are you serious, Asgore? What are you thinking? What about Chara, hmm? Would you have killed her if she had fallen down after this decree?" "Of course not," Asgore shot back. "It's because of our children that I am forced to do this." The king sat in silence with the former queen. Not a word was spoken; just the deafening quiet brung pain to him. He needed to speak up. "Look, Toriel, our children our dead!" he yelled shakily. "And we cannot even confront the fiends who have committed this crime! Chara and Asriel were proof that our races could come together as one; they were the hope of the entire Underground. And now, they're dead. My back is up against the wall; I cannot just sit by as our people are murdered with nothing we can do about it! The monsters are begging for a way out. We have been trapped here for too long, and all because YOU stopped couldn't even give the life of a single human that had killed many of our own. Listen, Doctor [̢̕͜R͘҉͢E̢̛͘D̷̨A̸̶͝C͠҉̕T̢́É͠D̛̕̕]͏ has informed me that all we need are seven human souls. Seven human souls, and that's it. Toriel, tell me, what is worth more to you: the freedom of thousands or the lives of seven?" "Look, Toriel, I can't stand this," he sighed. Toriel looked up at him, seemingly surprised that he decided to break the silence. "I will not lie. I do miss having you around, back to the way we used to be. I understand why you hate me so, and I understand why you did what you did. And I apologize. I apologize for what I had resorted to and all of what I subjected our people to: asking them to kill for freedom. But, should I ever have the chance of undoing it, I wouldn't. A way to escape the Underground was what gave monsters hope. It gave them a reason to get up in each day and look forward to the next. With each soul taken, they became more and more hopeful for our future. I truly do hate what we were forced to do, but to finally see monsters happy and ready to take on the challenges of each day after forty years of stagnation, it gave me hope as well. I do not ask for friendship or even forgiveness, but at least an understanding. As much as we have fought, I do not enjoy the way you look at me with scorn each day. I would greatly appreciate it if we could look at each other just once and without hate. Please. I just want to move on, as monsters and humans have." "Asgore, these souls you speak of aren't just some tools to be used! These are humans, beings like us who have family and children and lives just like we do! There is no difference between us other than our magic. They've done nothing wrong but to be what we aren't. These are humans like our Chara. They have kind souls and don't deserve to have them taken away because of us. No one deserves death, as it only shows that we are just as awful as them for slaughtering in the name of our kingdom. We have made a home here. Everyone is happy. There has to be some other way for us to-" Toriel was silent for a while, most likely processing everything Agsore had just laid out for her. "I do understand you, Asgore," she said finally. "I understand what you did and what it's done for our people. Of course, I'm a bit bitter that you'd still kill the fallen humans even after Frisk had freed us anyways. Though, it's made me realize that I was never one for royalty. I could never make such sacrifices for the good of monsters. I just wanted us all to be happy. We had made a home in the Underground. We were finally going back to our old lives. Even then, I know monsters would never be truly happy until they got to see the sun and the stars once again. Despite that, you ordered for the deaths of seven humans. Humans just like our Chara, and they could have very much been one of them. And for that, I don't know if I could ever truly love you like the way I used to. Asgore, you are a great monster. You made me happy for many years, and although I don't want to get back together with you, I am willing to take up your offer of moving on. As friends." "THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!" Asgore exploded. "There is no other way out of here! No one can help us but ourselves! We have to do what we must to get back to the surface, and if that involves slaying seven humans for it, then so be it! I will not just sit here and watch our kingdom rot away because of them! I will-" "ASGORE DREEMUUR, YOU SPINELESS COWARD!" she screamed. Asgore shut his mouth almost instantly. She was breathing heavily, tears blurring her eyes. "What happened to you?" she whispered. "The death of our children was a misunderstanding and nothing else." Asgore felt tears drip from his eyes, trailing down his face as his knees grew weak. "They killed them," he rumbled lowly. "I just want to make things right once again." He lifted a hand to gently touch his beloved wife, but she stepped back and out of his reach. "No," she whispered, shaking her head. "No. I won't let this happen. Over my dead body. If you won't stop, then I have no choice but to stop you myself." She removed the golden crown from atop her head, just between her horns. She looked down at it, grimacing before throwing it down and storming out of the room. Asgore watched her, not going to to stop her. He just watched the crown roll on it's side before falling over, right next to the only golden flower within the large room of grass. "Thank you," Asgore rumbled with a smile. "I'm glad. I'd like us to at least be friends once again. That would make me happy." Toriel nodded and returned the soft smile. That has to be the first time he'd seen her smile at him in over half a century. He realized it was long past the time his tea was to be ready. He looked over at Toriel with a smile. "Would you like a cup of tea?" he asked, peering down at her. The monster nodded and stood. "Yes, that sounds lovely." And so, the two monsters went into the kitchen to serve up some tea, striking up a conversation with each other. He made it just as he knew she liked it. As it turns out, Golden Flower tea was still her favorite, too.
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
I remembered this undertale/at4w xover I'd put a lot of effort into a while ago and i still love a lot of the parts of it. highlights from the notes i made for sketches i did/planned before switching fandom focus:
- Frisk is Pollo since there was a joke clip about Pollo not being able to talk when first created. Chara is Mechakara, the AU version of Pollo Frisk who killed their Linkara Sans and wears them as a makeshift suit because of course they do. - Sans walking in on this copy of himself talking shit about the show’s audience during a review. The copy standing up and laughing, voice shifting away from sans’ own voice, before sans just sits down and starts to review a comic. When the copy (Chara) calls him out on this, Sans just "oh, right. you're still standing there." before his eyes go black and the gaster blaster appears and shoots Chara off frame before San returns to the comic. rip chara - Papyrus is Allen, Linkara's friend in the FBI or whatever who Linkara was super distrustful of, but Allen gave him a chance when he saw Link's show and saw he was a chill dude. Paps as the only reason a sniper didn't take sans out already. paps with a speech about how he knows Sans isn't happy about the government getting involved in his life (side effects of getting a space ship with weapons on it), but paps just wants to be his friend and he thinks sans is a good person that can be trusted. later on sans admitting paps is the best friend ever though. - "LAST YEAR [FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY] I GOT YOU A JOKE BOOK." "and it was a good joke book." - paps offering to take sans home because he is super drunk. sans "no, /i/ am taking /you/ home, because /i/ can teleport" - “LET’S GET YOU TO BED, OKAY?” “okay…” “OKAY!” “hey, papyrus?” “YES?” “thanks for getting the snipers recalled.” “DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT, SANS! YOU SLEEP WELL, OKAY?" I forgot how much I loved paps as allen - paps admitting he’s doing his job because, while the government may have lots of issues with it, he believes in helping out as many people as he can. I fucking forgot how much i loved paps as allen -"(having expected the pizza delivery person, showing a look of betrayal)...you're not pizza" "I'M SAUCIER THAN PIZZA!" I fucking forgot - the underfell AU was the mirrorverse. it was literally just underfell AU Sans in a version of the evil spock beard - toriel was liz and that was good. for a while there tori being the only one sans felt could carry on his series (and fill the pun quota) if something happened to him - 'also, can the Linkara Lost arc just be called Sans Sans for this, i really need that.' nice one past me - Undyne was Jaeris. Her thanking Sans for helping to finally get her back to her home dimension. him reminding her he stranded her there in the first place. Her frowning immediately. "Oh yeah.... Up yours! ...Thanks, but mostly up yours!" - this isn't even the xover i just had a note about this and i still love this line for Link and Jaeris after Jaeris hugged him in thanks for helping him finally get home for the holidays “You know they’re gonna write fanfic about this.” “Who cares!? I’m not gonna be around to read it!” Jaeris is honestly the best char with the best lines no lie - Monster Kid was 90s Kid and Flowey was the Entity. instead of "I see you Linkara" scribbled in the book as a challenge, it was "I see you Trashbag" - “I am the outer god that looks in and beholds a world that lacks a best friend.” - Alphys was Linksano but more importantly Metaton was Eliza, the foam lizard linksano gave sentience to so he could give her as a gift to linkara. Alphys: S-so you don’t l-like it? Sans: i’m not saying that. i just...wish you wouldn’t play god around christmas time. Alphys: So w-when IS a good t-time to play God, then? Sans: never would be nice. - sans asking frisk if they ever wonder if they'll end up like chara, "hating humanity and hating [him]". Frisk assuring Sans no, they never wonder that, before finding out though that Sans does worry about that. frisk assuring sans they're friends, they hold absolutely no ill wishes towards sans and will never turn against them. later on when frisk sacrifices their life to stop chara in a wrath of khan spock dying moment while reviewing a comic based on that movie: *You tell him... you stopped the other you. "...they aren’t you..." *You remind him he said he was afraid... you might become like them. You hope... this proves otherwise. "...you didn’t have to prove anything. you’re nothing like ‘em, kid. you’re my friend..." - PAPS FUCKING DYING IN THE MOVIE THANKS TO CHARA AND THEN THEY FIND A PLANET THAT CAN HEAL AND RESTORE PEOPLE AND SANS INSISTING THEY BRING PAPS' BODY DOWN TO SEE IF HE CAN BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE “How long do we wait?” “long as we have to.” “...I hate to say this, but he might have been gone for too long.” “...i know... but i had to try.” - Holographic sans threatening to rip Monster Kid's heart out of his fucking body if he keeps interrupting. sounds about right, that tracks.  - this bit but holo and real sans. it’s just such a badass fucking scene i love it so i gotta include it in the xover - 'I don’t know if One More Day would be the BIGGEST point of anger for sans, at least enough where it’d be the one worthy being used in the ‘fix it or i total your company’s building’ ultimatum holokara gives, but i do think it’d piss him off just like it does for linkara. I think every reboot, either within the narrative or not, would to a point. same with the ‘proactive’/killer portrayals of commonly just characters or the needless shock deaths of beloved characters. It’s all got the same feel of resets and genocide runs and even if this sans hasn’t gone through all that, there’s an echo across the verses that’s strong enough to frustrate this sans every time he sees it in a comic. Just one of those things that’d push him close to a snapping point if he doesn’t get a helpful little nudge to be careful about what he’s willing to do for the greater good.' - sans teleporting out instead of just running but frisk pushes them back in frame and tells them to just do it. Sans not happy with this. - re one of the commercial bumpers where he wore his sniper cosplay: “that pyrope’s a spy!” - “[no, i trust you just fine. i don’t trust the technicians.] you can vouch for them all you want, but they’re not you, so i don’t trust them, papyrus.” - River Woman was Moarte oh no???? that’s actually pretty good??? - I literally never settled on a harvey??? I briefly considered Asgore because of dead kid and Grillby becaue of similar clothing style and relay with sans to harvey re linkara. but i never had a concrete harvey picked out.
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missholoska · 5 years
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At long last, it’s the goats’ time to shine ✨🐐
(For anyone unfamiliar with my Swap content, see the character sheets for Papyrus & Sans, Undyne & Alphys, and more about Underswap MH here!)
Before the usual further rambles under the cut I want to properly explain one little detail in Asgore’s info box: Asriel being his nephew. I didn’t change this just for the sake of it! It has to do with everyone's roles and actions making sense to me and keeping certain details intact, and I'll talk about it more in Asriel's character sheet but here's the shortest way I can explain it:
Basically Asriel being alive in Underswap and still being Toriel and Asgore's son without any of them aging doesn't really make sense to me, and physical distance doesn't seem enough reason for none of them to have aged a day in 100 years, as Boss Monsters should. I've also seen (and liked) some Swap takes where Asriel instead has only a distant relation to the Dreemurrs or even none at all, but speaking purely for my Underswap it just feels kinda sad for him to have nothing to do with them.
So my middle ground for both of these points is Swap MH Asriel is their nephew instead, allowing him to have a close family bond with both Dandelion and Orchid without any of them aging, and lets him be separate enough to live his own life in Snowdin in UT Monster Kid's role. His parents are dead and about as relevant as MK’s biological parents, which is uh. not at all, but that’s just how it's gotta be.
As I've often said with Underswap MH, I don't mind if this doesn't appeal to everyone! I know it might be odd even with thought-out reasons for it, but in the end I'm still just doing what I want with my version.
anyway on with the enormous amount of extra info for these two:
Because they have no biological children (and to be clear, it's not that they can't have kids, they just didn't), Dandelion and Orchid are physically younger than their UT counterparts. Personally I don't think they were that old when they gained their Boss Monster immortality and I headcanon UT Asriel as 10 when he died, so I see UT Toriel and Asgore as being physically around their late 30s and early 40s respectively.
It took a while to figure out why Orchid would ever kill the six humans because it always felt out of character for a Swap Toriel who retains some of UT Toriel's personality. I can't see her killing anyone voluntarily at first, but UT Toriel is able to kill UT Frisk accidentally, so likewise killing the first human to fall after Swap Frisk was not intentional. She still tried to reason with every human who faced her, but being unable to convince them to stay in the Underground in peace and already having blood on her hands, was resigned to her duty.
On Dandelion's side of events, he still has UT Asgore's traits of being prone to anger in grief and somewhat cowardly about his duty, hence him still calling the declaration of war on humanity but then backing out on it. Feeling like he'd betrayed the memory of their children and knowing he'd hurt Orchid emotionally, he exiled himself to Ruins, assuming that in his absence she would call the war off again.
Orchid's reason for not using a human soul to cross the barrier (i.e. exactly what UT Toriel calls Asgore out on) is that taking the first child's life traumatised her on top of her grief in not wanting to follow the doomed footsteps of her adoptive children. As she's still Toriel she still considered doing exactly that, but wasn't emotionally capable of it and is very aware of her hypocrisy.
...basically if you think the eternal fandom slapfights over whether Toriel is just as bad as Asgore or either of them did nothing wrong are a mess, it's definitely even more complicated in Underswap MH. They both made wrong decisions in grief, but in the end both deserve mercy too.
Orchid's throne room, rather than being covered by a bed of golden flowers, features the same black tree seen in front of UT Toriel's home, with red leaves covering the floor (meanwhile the Ruins has no red leaves). Her throne sits directly in front of the tree and the room is darker, and the original game's room of coffins in New Home is nonexistent as Orchid buried the fallen humans in the throne room to show them what respect she could.
Instead of trying to destroy the Ruins' exit like UT Toriel, Dandelion leads Chara there when they ask to leave and tells them the monsters on the other side will try to kill them. He apologises and says it is his fault for that, and the least he can do is give them the choice to stay with him in safety or prove that they can survive out there, and as mentioned above they can always change their mind and come back.
Dandelion could hypothetically still do the orange/blue eye-flashing attack UT Asgore does, but doesn't because he's the tutorial boss. In Orchid's battle, the orb of her sceptre flashes orange or blue before she attacks with flames of the same colours (she'd also destroy the mercy button with a column of fire).
I spent too much time thinking about whether Orchid should still speak without contractions like UT Toriel, because speech styles are mostly swapped but it's such a Toriel thing, so... I decided her natural thoughts/spoken words still lack contractions, but she forces herself to use them fairly often to try and keep up with modern speech. Meanwhile Dandelion mostly speaks without contractions, but occasionally some slip out.
Given that I'm a Bigtime Soriel Shipper™ it's probably worth mentioning that the role equivalent of UT Sans and Toriel's friendship between Noodle and Dandelion remains platonic, primarily due to Noodle being aromantic. But Dandelion is panromantic and Noodle would definitely be his wingman if anyone took his fancy, and their bond is incredibly important to them both! They basically have one of those friendships where sometimes you just make small talk and chat about mutual interests, and sometimes you both unload your entire life's emotional baggage and support each other's mental health.
and yes because I have to give a mention to my beloved Swap Soriel: Neptune initially has no intention of telling Orchid about his feelings for her because he doesn't want to make their friendship awkward, but he ends up blurting out how much she means to him when she's feeling especially bad some time in post-pacifist. As mentioned above she doesn't feel the same at first and their friendship continues (no man has ever been as genuinely happy to be friendzoned as Neptune), but she begins to return his feelings before too long. There's actually so much more depth to their friendship I'd love to share immediately, but trust me it'll be much better in comic form ;v;
I've forgotten the flower meanings of dandelions I read while I was looking up yellow/gold flowers to name Asgore after, but most of the reason I chose that for him is because I see Asgore as part lion and he is very fine and dandy. As for Toriel, apparently purple orchids represent things like royalty, respect and dignity which sounded fitting!
I swear I absolutely will not let my current pattern of procrastinating on the next character sheets for a whole entire year continue, I want to get the last three done much quicker!! Chara and Asriel will be next :D
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