Hot take but I think what we saw in chapter 13 was necessary.
I don't think a lot of people realize how important it is for Araki to portray what he did, even if it extremely difficult to take in. Let me explain.
Araki has discussed about topics like racial and class disparity through both Steel Ball Run and Jojolion, but JOJOLands is different because the discussions are now very direct. We had Chapter 1 open up with police brutality and Chapter 13 open with intense bullying; both acts were committed by people of higher social standing/power and seemingly White (or white passing) and both are harming a dark-skinned queer individual. Not only that, remember that Hawai'i is an island stolen and colonized by the US and many indigenous individuals who were supposed to live and maintain kapu are being forced to endure housing problems, loss of culture, etc. due to gentrification and exploitation of its lands. 2020 was when we saw global protest towards the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor due to police brutality, which has spread as far as Japan in terms of demonstrations and rallies. Araki has made it clear that he tries to take real world experience into his writing, and this is no different. He is also no stranger to portraying law enforcement throughout his parts without glorifying or downplaying their behavior.
As a mutual of mine (who themselves identify as a black GNC individual based in US) has put it, those who identify or even appear as Black while identifying as trans-femme or women are subjected to some of the worse kinds of oppression possible in America. Queer women of Color are one of the most susceptible to sexual violence-- especially when they are young, and the darkness of their skin really plays into it. This is transmisogynoir; it is a hard pill to swallow and acknowledge, even if it feels excessive, and its a multilayer of oppression that connects a person's racial identity, gender, and sexuality as targets of discrimination. It's the fact that one is POC, a woman, AND queer that makes one a target--- not just one or the other. You can’t turn a blind eye to this because it happen constantly throughout America's history and American society even today, but you can't simply water it down or downplay it. In fact, many victims of transmisogynoir have no choice but to downplay their experiences because of their Black identities or because they appear too dark to be taken seriously; when they, especially if they are Black, try to hold people in power accountable, these individuals are suddenly labeled aggressive, indignant, etc. and they are further discriminated for attempting to speak up. Dragona downplaying the bullying isn't them just trying to avoid further conflict but a reflection of how many who were in similar situations like Dragona are forced to simply forgive and forget the trauma they have to endure. To downplay it ourselves is reinforcing the narrative that individuals like Dragona in real life should remain silent and endure their harassment rather than rightfully protect themselves and others from it.
Another thing to add is that the way Japan portrays and treats the LGBTQ community, particularly the trans community. In Japan, the process to legally change your gender is complicated and requires a lot of steps that include, but not limited to, being diagnosed with gender identity disorder, proving you have no kids/guardianships, and sterilization. This causes a lot of individuals to be forced to quickly transition as a means of getting their gender recognized, which takes away the time to let them explore at their own pace, and this is due to how the process can lead to hindering career and life opportunities that wouldn't be hindered had they already transitioned or stayed closeted. Many Japanese trans individuals unable to go through the process quickly either remain closeted or move away from Japan to transition at their own pace. So, as a result, the trans community and its struggles is not as noticed compared to outside of Japan. Another thing to add is that the trans community in Japanese media is often portrayed as comedic relief or a gag. Oftentimes, the trans character or character who diverts from gender conformity (i.e cross-dressing, acting more flamboyant) is the butt of the jokes. Some thing to note is that, when Dragona was first introduced, a lot of people thought that Araki put Dragona in simply for comedic purposes. I had people joke about how Dragona is just there because they believed Araki is trolling. Not only that, the racial issues that Japan has often results in jokes towards non-Japanese individuals in media, especially if they are of darker skin color.
So, Araki putting Dragona in these difficult situations is also meant to subvert expectations that his Japanese, and possibly Western, audience may be expecting. The expectation was to laugh and toss Dragona aside as a single-dimensional character, but Araki instead forced us to face the trauma through Dragona's experience head-on. We are made aware of Dragona's situation, how real and difficult the struggle is, and we end up emphasizing with it rather than laughing at it. Through this, we get a glimpse into real life experiences of trans POCs without it being downplayed and have it show how Dragona is a fleshed-out character with importance to the series. As some have put it, this chapter proved that Dragona isn't just a side character but arguably a complex individual on the same level of importance as Jodio. I don't think it would have been easy to have the same impact if another approach was taken.
While talking to others who identify as trans and/or GNC about their thoughts on the chapter, I was told by many of them that, while Dragona's experience hits close to home and was hard to digest, they appreciate seeing it being expressed and hope it will help other people understand their struggles. One noted how the introduction of Smooth Operators with the backstory as empowering, seeing the Stand as a symbol of surviving the trauma that comes with trans discrimination. I do find this a bit telling with how many people online who are against Araki's portrayal barely mention what trans/GNC people have said about it.
My main concern, as well as what I see people have rightfully critiqued, is the excessive trauma reinforcing the fetishization and violent voyeurism towards trans individuals; it also reinforces the problematic narrative that dysmorphia can only happen as a result of trauma and the trans experience can only be full of pain. There's also the issue that Dragona's experience also happened while they were under age and their harassment is similar to that of Lucy. It's a common trope in Western media to put marginalized people into these situations while upping the ante simply for clicks and pleasure, and even worse when the character portrayed is a minor. As I reiterate, it is a very uncomfortable chapter to read and I don't find it enjoyable at the slightest. Just because I understand why it is necessary doesn't mean I condone the approach done. I also understand Araki as a Japanese man can only relate and portray a queer American's experience to an extent. But, at the same time, the exposure was necessary because it gives us the awareness and a voice to trans people that is lacking within media even today. We need to be aware and acknowledge what our BIPOC trans community goes through as a means of being better humans--- and especially our younger community members. We need to make our society safer for them so they can thrive and have the respect they deserve. Oftentimes, that starts with how they are portrayed and how their experiences are portrayed. While it is still a journey and not every representation will be perfect, we can't simply toss it aside and bash those who try to show something realistic just because it is uncomfortable.
I only hope that Araki wrote Dragona and these scenes as a result of doing extensive research and reaching out to actual POC queer individuals, particularly transfemmes/women, to understand their experiences and have their blessings to use their words to shape Dragona. I feel like that would show that Araki was serious about discussing these issues through his characters rather than simply using Dragona's traumatic experience it for entertainment. I have higher expectations for Araki now, knowing that it may not be the last time he shows a character experience harassment and possibly have Dragona be harassed again, so I will keep my eyes open for this.
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faglaios · 8 months
stop woobifying simon we have to lust over prismo like real men
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roaringheat · 9 months
You've gotta be shittin me im goin a little insane over the way Charles asks Arthur to help him by saying "Do it for me" and then repeating it just a little more firmly when Arthur doesn't immediately give in ohhhhhh my god
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chongoblog · 1 year
thoughts on libertarians?
Hope you weren't expecting a simple answer to this one lol
So libertarians. I used to consider myself a libertarian back in high school if only because I didn't like the two big parties (still don't, so some things don't change) and thought a third party was best, and I very much liked the idea of "Hey! Limit government intervention on your private life". I was especially taken by the motto of "Your Liberty To Swing Your Fist Ends Just Where My Nose Begins". If you're unfamiliar with the expression, it basically means "you should be free to do what you want so long as you aren't bringing harm to others". And I basically had that as my bottom line for a very long time, and to this day, still have it as one of my core ideals.
The issue with today's libertarians is that they have no idea what a nose is and just wants to swing fists.
A good example of this is their stance on the war on drugs vs their stance on mask mandates/vaccines. The War On Drugs is absolutely a sign of the government using its power to bring harm to people unjustly (especially minorities), and they oppose the war on drugs rightly so. The issue is that they believe that being told to wear a mask is infringing on their very freedom even when it's during a pandemic that is highly asymptomatic and is spreading through the air while killing a large number of people.
But the biggest difference of opinion I have with libertarians is their stance on regulating businesses. Because a person is a person whose primary goal is to live their life, but a business? A business's bottom line is to create profit. Without regulations, they will do whatever they can, regardless of whose nose is in the way, to make that profit. You'll see that a lot of the people who think that businesses should be unregulated are really just people who don't understand why those regulations are there in the first place.
The most extreme types of libertarians (the "ALL TAXATION IS THEFT" types and the AnCaps) have points that sound like they make sense if you just really don't like paying taxes, but if you put more than seven seconds of thought into it, you'd see that it would quickly turn into the authoritarian state that they fear, except instead of it being led by elected officials, it's led by Amazon. And with elected officials, you at least have a chance of it not being incentivized by profit.
The one point of agreement I have with libertarians is that so long as a person is not hurting others, then they should have the freedom to live the life they choose to live (but depending on their stance on trans rights, we might oppose that in many ways as well).
So bottom line: Libertarians can appear based if you sum up their ideology into five words, but ideologies shouldn't be defined in five words because shits way more complicated than that.
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deathskrang · 2 months
i think about zim and the tallest and their inherently, nearly parasitic relationship to each other a lot.
i think about how all of them are, objectively, mostly blind to this fact as well, zim blinded by the swift and stark obedience that he performs under the delusion that he is doing something for the good of his leaders and his empire, and the tallest blinded by their total arrogance and rage over the fact that zim cannot read any of their cues that he is a nuisance. still, it is so obvious that the back and forth is there.
i know that this particular example probably wasn't purposeful in florpus and was mostly just so the audience could see dib's point and the narrative similarities between zim and him, but i think a lot about zim's silence when dib says, "you know, my dad doesn't appreciate what i do, either" after zim explains how the tallest are not coming to bring him back home. i think a lot about that. the impact and the implications behind one simple sentence from dib. i imagine, to zim, this sort of felt like a slap in the face. the first word besides "my tallest" that's ever explained how zim wants them, how zim, in his own way, almost loves them. and it's a word from earth. it's a word that implies a built in, unconditional caring between human beings. it's a word that zim had just said in a mocking tone of voice to dib moments ago in reference to his plan to replace his real dad. and, suddenly, in a single instance, the weight of the word has seemed to hit him.
i think the saddest part of this parallel is that dib has the understanding that because he and his dad are biologically related, unconditional love is the expected thing, it's the supposed natural progression of things. zim and the tallest, though—they don't have any of that. you could argue that they're barely even acquaintances. there is no understanding of what is supposed to happen with them. there is no built in hope of having them step up to the plate the way dib hopes with his dad. i don't think zim truly understands this, though. as if zim can completely comprehend isolation. isn't that apart of an invader's duty? isn't that what he was trained to do? and isn't zim an invader? isn't he?
after all of this, after all of florpus, long after dib had first used that word, dad, in relation to the tallest, how dib said his dad doesn't appreciate what he does, one of the last things zim asks the tallest as he is witnessing their last moments across that transmission is: does this please you? in other words, do you appreciate what i have done for you?
dialogue wise, this is emotionally wrecking enough, but i think, visually, it is equally if not more disarming and depressing. i really, really, really love the imagery of the scene right before it cuts to the tallest burning in their puppet florpus flames. because it's a silly visual gag, yes, two flailing tallest puppets—but zim talking to two distorted tallest silhouettes, not noticing (or, rather, caring about) the difference between this and their usual way of appearing when they're in a transmission—zim talking to a literal representation of how the tallest have always existed in his head, as two distorted silhouettes, as delusions—that is insanely succinct in describing the true detriment of zim and the tallest's relationship to each other, at least to me.
this is, in my opinion, the most fucked up imagery in florpus, maybe even the entire series to me—and, most likely, none of the invader zim crew meant it to come across quite like that. zim's performance of normalcy in the face of what he is unaware is the tallest's last living moments. the delayed video feed in the transmission, shortly followed by complete and utter panic from the tallest, who were possibly oblivious to the fact that zim had even contacted them amongst their chaos. zim almost seeming as if he is staring at his own reflection in the screen rather than right at the tallest. a physical representation of what their entire relationship has been built on since the beginning—a blurry idea, a vague delusion of a bond that is in actuality no more than a fatal, life long misunderstanding on each end. it's the most palpably gut wrenching thing in the whole film for me, and i don't care that none of it was probably meant to pack that type of punch. it's always hit me hard.
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swordfright · 1 month
I also think the dsmp kinda talks about empathy. The characther rarely put themself in others shoes to see the things through their airs. Actual empathy it's undertanding why someone thinks the way they thing and putting youself in their shoes. A lot of the characthers dont do that. With c!dream no one ever put themself in his shoes, they all see him and go "well I'd have do this in your place and so you should do the way I think it should happen" showing a lack of empathy and more a attempt to justified their view on this person and hear their opinions of him repeated back. And the ones who do are "good" and the ones who dont "bad". The prison arc it's the extreme point of this I think, while exile shows cdream's own lack of empathy for ctommy I think prison arc shows this in a more extreme level in how csam and cquackity talk about cdream.
That's why for me it's not a coincidence that ctommy, someone who wanted to undertand cdream before but more to support his vision of him, is forced to literally put himself in cdream shoes. That's the first time he could actually feel empathy for him. He undertood that cdream it's not him and the reasons for why he did what did might not have been good but that's not the thing, the thing it's that they were good for him and he thought that's the solution and ctommy undertanding that's how cdream saw the world and trying to talk him about it and make him see his methods werent good. In that moment, true empathy was showed and that's a thing that lacked on the characthers of that server bc everyone was so focused on themselfs and never tried to think in how others think and feel until it was too late.
Sorry for the long paragraph, I really like to talk about this thing with the lore
God yeah the empathy stuff is so so interesting, especially considering that cc!Dream stopped streaming from his character's POV, which kind of like...forcibly cuts c!Dream off from the audience. Which makes his character harder to empathize with, I'd argue, because you're no longer able to see the story from his perspective the way you can with other characters. Super fascinating move. IIRC cc!Dream said he did that because he was already a big creator and wanted to give smaller creators the spotlight (i could be wrong, feel free to fact-check this as you see fit) but like...regardless of what his intent was, he cuts c!Dream's POV out of the narrative more or less right as c!Dream starts pivoting to a more antagonistic (or i guess antagonist-adjacent, in some ppl's view) role in the story.
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gokubrain · 7 months
watching fusion reborn again and i need to talk about it before my head erupts tw for insane delusional rambling about a non canon anime movie that came out in 1995
the whole scene where theyre discussing fusion is like such a vital kakavege moment in history LMAO like it starts off with goku diving into a pile of NEEDLES (which he has a phobia of, if u dont recall) without hesitation to catch vegeta and safely escort him to the ground. wild detail to add guys but what do i know lmao
the conversation uses crazy language like goku saying “youre going to fuse with me” and “there’s no other way, you must know that” among other lines implying he knows vegeta well enough to predict his reactions in this situation which you KNOW is my shit i love when goku and vegeta show that they know each so well
goku’s stupid “vegetaaa youre already dead” followed by the weirdly long animation of vegeta’s annoyed face isnt relevant but it is super funny
also not that important but the way goku and vegeta say each other’s names over and over again its like every other word out of their mouth is each other’s names it’s so gay dude
then the scene after where goku runs to vegeta’s aid only to stop before touching him cuz he knows vegeta doesnt want his help, this kills me this kills me so bad
then of course the line “i guess fusion is out of the question huh. you have your pride as a saiyan prince and everything” this is the kind of line that whenever i hear it i need to be sedated in order to calm down like oh my GOD. goku is just unreal. he knows and cares about vegeta SO much he’s so understanding of vegeta’s feelings he’s so fucking crazy in love with him it makes me nauseous not to even mention that this like definitely makes vegeta reconsider fusion after hearing because almost immediately after he says “kakarot, perform fusion with me” AND AGAIN WITH THIS CHOICE OF LANGUAGE.. perform fusion with me.. no suggesting no asking just straight up “okay kakarot we’re doing it.” it wasnt we’re going to perform fusion, or i will perform fusion with you, but simply perform fusion with me. wild dude. insane.
AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THEIR FINAL INTERACTION. vegeta saying “kakarot i never want to perform fusion with you again” with the biggest smile ive ever seen him have and goku laughing in response and just saying “see u later vegeta” GODDDUUGGHHH WHAT THEFUCK !!
fusion reborn is a banger of a dbz movie dude esp for kakavege fans like its the best argument we have in kakavege’s name lmao. its just goku and vegeta being vulnerable with each other and fighting a bad guy together and having fun with literally no one else involved its just a fun little adventure they go on together that no one ever really knows about <3
TL;DR im pretty normal overall about fusion reborn…!!
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tiredinwinter · 1 year
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"Put some bloody clothes on!" Fanart for @avocadoguru 's Lupus Noctis <3
Wolfrry got me in a chokehold. Please someone send help haha The hat scene in chapter 2 fucking killed me aaaaaaa
Also I guess this is me outing myself as the one wanting to create fanart about the series lol
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teeth-cable · 6 months
Have you seen The Amazing Digital Circus yet?
If so, what's your opinion on it?
I LOVE TADC! It’s my favorite indie show at the moment! There’s just so much I like about it but my main ones are
1. The setting and execution being unique. A horror-like project taking place in an late 90s/early 2000s digital game is not a new idea and same goes with characters being stuck in a purgatory however it’s how the artists reinvent those idea that makes it new. The digital Circus made its own aesthetic that makes it stand out from other projects with similar concepts and designs. When I first watched the pilot, one of many things that stuck out to me was how new the story ideas felt. I couldn’t think of any other pieces of media similar to TADC beside for surface-level comparisons. The TADC created its own aesthetic and knows what it wants to be and I like it!
2. Soundtrack. Speaks for itself, the soundtrack for the pilot is so good especially Your New Home. That song is very catchy and emotional too. It has such a unique melody, everytime you hear the first few notes you instantly recognize it. It does a great job highlighting the dread and existentialism crisis of Pomni’s situation. I recommend to give it a listen if you haven’t.
3. The characters dynamics. I just love how the characters interact with each other. The majority of the jokes comes from characters’ interactions and dynamics and how well everyone plays off of each other. The best example is Jax with everyone, Jax is a funny jerk who likes bullying his peers. It’s funny to see what creative ways Jax will bully the other people whether it’s being sarcastic and making quips at them, or though goofy pranks and how the characters react because of their contrast in personality. Every character beside Jax is openly stressed or worried in someway while Jax, at first seem like a chill layback dude.
4. The characters differences. I adored the differences between each character from how they talk to their poses. After watching HH and HB, I learned to have an appreciation for character differences. It’s just refreshing to see characters allowed to be different instead of the same tired reused tropes and repeating the same type of dialogue again for every character.
5. Mystery and lore. There is so much to explore in the pilot, it’s make you wanting more. When going in to watch the pilot, I made the mistake of thinking the series will be predictable. I didn’t see how they could make this premise work because by the end of it, Pomni will go insane but then I watched the pilot and was speechless. The pilot does a good job setting up questions for the audience to ask. If Caine lied about the exit, what are other things did he lied about? How long has the cast been stuck in the circus? Who are these people? Are they previous game developers? Who were they in their previous lives? What is the company’s motivation to create the headset? What are the abstractions in game? Are they viruses to the game program? Who were the former cast? What horrors has Kinger seen to be as paranoid and easily frighten as he is now? Do the abstractions still have a consciousness? You just want to find out more about the lore to solve the many mysteries in the show. I find it impressive Gooseworx was able to stir up the theorists because they have admitted in an ask, there are already theories floating around that are almost right about the show.
One problem I did have for the pilot were the scenes containing the Gloink Queen. The pacing of the pilot was fine until we got to her then it was slow. I feel it dragged longer than it needed too but beside that, my issues for the pilot ends.
I can’t speak for the fandom on other platforms but the tumblr one is great! Most of the time everyone is being respectful towards each other and I love seeing what creative theories, AU, fanfics, and art the fans created. The only people causing drama are the anti-shippers, and it’s just dumb. All of the cast are adults, if age gaps ships makes people uncomfortable, that’s valid but they shouldn’t make it into other people’s problems. Gooseworx themselves admitted they don’t care for romance and they don’t want fans in the fandom getting harassed over shipping.
Overall despite what issues I had for the pilot and fandom, they’re overshadowed by the positives and I can’t wait to see the full show and the fandom’s growth.
#꧁rambles꧂#➥asks#the amazing digital circus#The TADC is the indie show and fandom I needed#After a year of critiquing Viv and her shows and being a fandom as toxic as HH & HB I just needed a break#I’m still active as you can see but barely posting and critiquing the shows anymore#I do check the critical tags every now and again to catch up and I’m just not interested in consuming any Viv’s content anymore#The last Ep I saw from HB was Unhappy Campers and the last video related to HH was the Happy Day in Hell one#I kinda don’t see the point of being very active on my HH amounts when I’m no longer watching Viv and I think everything to Viv is regressi#Viv is getting more careless about how she presents herself online and people are starting to noticed how much of an ass she really is#responding on a funny shitpost of “If the TADC was written by Viv” lightly making fun of her and she blew up once again#I’ve seen creators with a decent size following in other platform not just Twitter called her out and Viv and the fandom is be the-#reasons why Hazbin will fail#Her fandoms are notorious for being toxic/ fans going out of their way to attack not just haters but anyone who doesn’t praise Viv 24/7#Viv is actively creating toxic environment in her fanbases so she can protect herself from criticism and allegations behind her fans#But because of this Viv is contributing to the future downfall of Hazbin because no one wants to be associated with her because of her fanb#There’s just no reason to stay around#If the reaction to the Prime’s video Happy Day in Hell from outsiders is mixed then the reaction will be too for the full release#Plus the general attitude towards Viv has changed over the last three years#Despite her previous controversies she was see as a respectful creator but now views are mixed#People see her as the indie creator whose show took a nose drive in season 2/doesn’t pay her employees/is immature/and is now seen in a-#more negative light
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cyarsk5230 · 10 months
Don’t date a bad bitch if you can’t handle one
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recordbodycount · 1 year
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databent · 2 months
why the fuck is it that some people cant seem to acknowledge that people can just... be disabled. not through any fault of their own, not because something "happened" to them, just because, you know, sometimes people have disabilities. like, come on
#.pdf#rd#kd#just a warning these tags are long. like. really incredibly long. i had thoughts.#sorry for the vague ass post i'm just upset about some stupid shit my dad said yesterday.#namely: outright telling me that he doesn't believe i have non-24 (circadian rhythm disorder).#and that even if i do he doesn't believe it's possible for it to actually be a lifelong and disabling condition.#*also: this post isn't meant to imply that disabilities that did have some inciting incident are more accepted or anything.#it's just that i'm frustrated with the “you're disabled? why? what happened?” sentiment a lot of people seem to have.#nothing happened to cause my disability. i'm just like this. no i can't change it. what the fuck do you want me to tell you?#i'd guess it probably has to do with society's focus on work and productivity and career-mindedness above all else.#and when someone comes along that doesn't fit in with the way things are structured it just doesn't compute.#because the idea of people who can't dedicate their entire lives to working is so fundamentally contradictory to their view of... i don't-#-know. meaning in life? fulfillment? that they feel a need to reject the possibility altogether.#this is mainly when dealing with invisible disabilities from what i've seen. because i think there's a tendency to view visibly disabled-#-people as belonging to a different category altogether. which of course is its own issue but i'm not visibly disabled so i don't feel-#-like it's necessarily my place to speak on that.#anyway. i just want my struggles to be acknowledged as real. because they are. and i need people to understand that I Have A Disability.#albeit one many people don't even believe could be real because there's a sort of belief that circadian rhythms are purely a product of-#-external forces like sunlight so “you can't possibly have yours be different and have you tried just going outside more?” sigh.#sorry i also just remembered my dad telling me he doesn't believe i can have something so rare because the chances of having it are too low.#which is some ridiculous logic to me. rare doesn't mean it's impossible. some amount of people have to wind up with it regardless.#i just lucked out i guess.#n24 tag
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alwayskvetching · 3 months
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this 🍰 brought to you by my synchro skating team ⛸️
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barredandromeda · 19 hours
i actually highkey hate him now
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kcyars189 · 10 months
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chlotual · 3 months
tinashe show was so fun n good btw probs one of the best concerts ive been to by far
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