#Vigilante doesn't appear anywhere in the AU
solunest · 1 year
"You had small pins hidden in your clothes and even a couple in your hair, which was done up in a red ribbon you had, deciding to throw it on you, at the last minute. You thought the ribbon looked nice and you wearing it reminded you of some vigilante debonair." - Ch. 1 Quest to Gift a Coat
Hello??? Does this mean that Little Sleuth could possibly know Vigilante? Like...are they in the same universe???
*glances away whistling*
ahahaha...what if...by some devious design...
That Heavenly's experience came from somewhere?
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According to a line in Ep1, Vampirism exists on the boiling isles. How do you think Skarlow would work if in an AU where either of them were a bit vampy?
Oh this is such a cool idea. I actually forgot about the canonicity of vampires, so let's imagine it a bit, shall we?
Given vampires being usually aristocratic and rich, I think Skara would be the more likely of the two that would be vampires, probably born into it. She'd love being a vampire, unquestionably, using it for all sorts of shenanigans like scaring friends.
Before dating Willow, Skara would have to use magic to try and apply makeup to herself, since she wouldn't be able to see herself in the mirror. Thankfully, Willow is more than happy to apply it before school. Even if Willow isn't always great at it, and may put on a bit too much eyeliner, Skara doesn't mind, given A) the closeness she feels with Willow and B) the fact she can't see it.
If you see a tiny bat with black fur and silver highlights hanging around (or on) Willow, it's Skary. She likes to transform into a bat every chance she can and often likes to do so with her girlfriend, who makes her feel safe and soft. It can be awkward though, if she nuzzles against Willow's cheek and forgets to maintain the form, forcing her to change back suddenly, making Willow have to try and balance Skara on her shoulder for safety.
One of the downsides of being a vampire is that you can't enter a private residence without permission, even if it's your girlfriend. Skara often can get excited for a date and fly over as a bat as fast as possible. Once, she tried to appear on Willow's balcony and slammed so hard into the invisible barrier around it created by Skara's vampire-ness that it almost concussed her. Willow had to write up a contract allowing Skara inside her parent's apartment whenever she wanted to stop her from accidentally hurting herself more.
While Skara's wardrobe doesn't change much, she does like to imagine herself in a more aristocratic wardrobe to impress Willow. Trying to wear the actual clothing makes her feel stuffy though, so she sticks to her usual wardrobe, which Willow honestly prefers and finds cuter.
While Skara would more likely be the Vampire, Willow could also become a vampire if she were bitten, so it's not unfeasible that she could be one first.
Despite vampires natural strength, Willow would still maintain her strict workout regimen. Partly because she likes working out, partly because vampire strength doesn't give her muscles for Skara to swoon over.
Willow loves to use her vampire powers to help others and prortect them from harm, sometimes going out at night like a vigilante to take a bite out of crime. Unfortunately, Skara knows this, and occasionally likes to pretend to be in danger so that Willow can sweep her away. Willow doesn't mind spending time with Skara, of course, so she always swings her home, kisses her hand daintily, and flys off to help the citizens of Bonesburough.
Vampires don't turn to dust in the sun, but they do burn easier than most. And while holy water doesn't hurt vampires either, boiling water can still hurt like a Titan. So, Skara bought Willow a lovely sun hat/umbrella for Willow, which she wears anywhere she can.
Both girls would probably become vampires at one point, wanting to spend eternity together and whatnot (which makes Luz giddy with fangirling excitement). If Skara does it, she'll make it a whole ordeal, a loving ritual between her and Willow. If Willow does it, she'll simply kiss Skara first and then take a bite of her neck right after. But, either way, both girls would be happy to have someone they love to spend eternity with.
The two of them are still capable of having kids, even as vampires, and so after a few years or so they have themselves a little bundle of joy or two they love to help grow into fine, young Vampire Witch's.
Despite their vampire nature, both girls would be happy spending eternity in a little cottage in the forest. Willow would grow a garden, Skara would sing lovely tunes with nature, and at night they'd take to the sky as bat's, flying alongside their Palismen into the sky.
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artist-l-e · 2 years
The Anti-Heroes AU
Time for another, slightly more mature-ish AU for Miraculous, entirely inspired by the mind control butterflies from Peacemaker.
More under the cut.
Okay, so in this AU, akumas would bury themselves in people, namely their heads, like their inspiration source.
And unlike the Miraculous canon, they don't change the victim physically. In fact, the victim may continue on normally with their day even after becoming infected with an akuma. Few would notice any changes.
That is until the victim comes into close proximity with one of our heroes.
When that happens, the akuma takes over. The victim loses any personal agency, dropping whatever they were doing with a wayward stare before seeking out the heroes. It is also around then when they'd display any kind of mild superpower to be used in combat.
Since our enemies are so plain and normal looking, our heroes thus act in secret. Their goal would be to knock the victim unconscious somehow and to surgically remove the akuma from their bodies.
Ladybug here takes on the bulk of the surgery aspect, though she can engage in combat if needed/wanted.
She takes her task very seriously, perhaps even having given up on her own dreams and aspirations to learn how to be the best she can be from Master Fu.
Master Fu himself would have the power to maintain a magical room that can appear anywhere in which the heroes bring the akuma victims, going by the name of the irregulars, for surgery.
Since he is older, he'd teach Marinette all she needs to know, but feels some guilt for having to rely on her and Adrien's help, thus trying to make it as painless of a situation to be in as possible.
Chat Noir, meanwhile, takes on the bulk of the fighting. He'd be the most out and about to try and locate any irregulars, taking them out and bringing them to Ladybug to fix.
He likely suffered a lot from the isolation during his childhood, being a pretty closed off fella who doesn't talk about his emotions all that much and thus tends to be a little more brutal when fighting unintentionally.
Him and Ladybug are likely at odds over that, but he tries to better himself, taking their vigilante work equally important as for caring for her opinion.
They use their powers a little less often in this, likely don't have to call out their powers to use them and are likely in their early to late 20s instead of early teens.
Sad to say, but this AU wouldn't have kwamis, as they don't really fit in here. Sorry.
Hawkmoth, on the other hand, may suffer a bit more from the use of his abilities.
Gabriel is likely even more of a shut in, leaving his son to take care of him while hardly engaging with him and still controlling him despite him being an adult now.
As for his hideout, it would likely be covered in bundles of egg sacks of his akumas. He's likely able to create more than one at a time, sending them out to find hosts at night.
But before they can be send out, they likely consume a teeny tiny bit of Gabriel's body. His entire right arm, parts of his waist on the right side and teeny tiny bits of his face are likely peppered with teeny tiny dents, with his arm likely being quite disfigured.
Adrien likely suspects his dad is really suffering from some mental breakdown after Emilie died/disappeared and the doctor he got to look at his dad is likely under Gabriel's control, hence why nothing really changes/happens there.
It's likely Paris is somewhat aware of what is going on, as people would be found with surgical scars passed out on the street as for a few shaky pictures of the heroes, namely Chat Noir, and are on edge over these events.
Maybe at some point, they'd learn the truth and people would have regular check ups in the hospital to find akumas hiding in them and Ladybug and Chat Noir's workload would be eased.
But at the start, they can only do so much about the messy situation they're in.
And that's about all I got so far for this AU.
Don't forget to like and reblog if you liked it and do PM if you got inspired, I'd love to see what you all got to this ^^
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