#Wukong's Diary 3
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Wukong's Diary 3 (2020) 大神猴3情劫篇
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Director: Tan Qiao
Starring: Xie Miao / He Landou / Jin Yana / Lin Yu / Yi Zhengfu / more...
Genre: Action / Fantasy
Country/Region of Production: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Date: 2020-05-29 (Online in Mainland China)
Duration: 93
Type: Reimanging
The film tells the story of the Monkey God Sun Xiaotian (played by Xie Miao) who came to the world ten years later due to a sudden and mysterious fire. After struggling to get rid of the entanglement of his fan girl Shi Piaopiao (played by He Landou), he finds that the former him was buried in a sea of flames, and his old partner Yang Jiuli (played by Jin Yana) Dongfang Mo (played by Lin Yu) have turned against him and became strangers. His friend Di Ting (played by Yi Zhengfu) turned dark and became into a demon... Everyone is waiting for the appearance of the savior Sun Xiaotian ...
Source: https://en.hkcinema.ru/film/38350
Link: https://www.nunuyy2.org/dianying/65043.html
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ritz-writes · 1 year
Lego Monkie Kid Spotlight AU
What if, when Macaque came back, he didn't want revenge. What if did at first, just a few fights with Wukong that he lost every time, but eventually went "whats the point in this?" and moves on? What if he went to one of the few things that still brought him comfort: Theater.
Welcome to the Macaque-Preforms-In-Musicals AU, aka Spotlight AU
Everything is exactly the same. But one day, MK drags Wukong to a musical Mei got tickets for, Heathers to be exact (cuz i say so). Mei got three, and the third was supposed to be for Tang, but he got hella sick before and couldn't go (he was VERY upset about it. poor guy) so MK convinces Wukong to tag along so the ticket didn't go to waste. Wukong is in his hoodie, all slumped in his chair, thinking this was a waste of time and maybe he could just nap until the end. And that was his plan, really. He tries to block out the noise, tries to just sleep, but then hears-
"September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary-"
And he sits up cuz he KNOWS that voice. He knows it like he knows his own. He sits up and, lo and behold, Macaque was center stage as Veronica Sawyer (also cuz i say so). Wukong is in shock. He hadn't seen Macaque in years, and now he was performing in a musical? He wasn't surprised at that, at least. He knew how much Macaque loved performing.
He just... wasn't expecting it. He also wasn't expecting to get jealous during Dead Girl Walking, or to cry during Seventeen. And when MK saw him crying, borderline sobbing, he just assumed Wukong REALLY liked the musical.
MK and Mei have no idea who the darker monkey is, of course. They just see an actor with an amazing voice and hella good skills. Wukong knows though. He hardly pays attention to the story, eyes zeroed in on Macaque alone, ears only tuned into his voice. It was weird, seeing him so close (cuz of course Mei had to get seats close to the stage) without them trying to tear each others throats out.
And when the musical came to an end, he stood with everyone else, clapping. Macaque is all smiles and sweat, bowing with his fellow cast members. His eyes go over the crowd and eventually fall onto a familiar shade of gold. He didn't flinch, he didn't react, but his smile faltered ever so slightly. And as soon as the curtain fell, he ran to his dressing room to try and breathe.
He did all of this to AVOID Wukong. He knew the king never liked the theater arts, only ever enjoying the ones Macaque were in or held. But now he was here, clapping with tears in his eyes.
When he leaves to go home, Wukong's waiting for him. He tries to talk to him, his words stuttered and awkward, but Macaque shuts it down fast.
"I don't want to hear it, Wukong," he says. "Leave me alone. I've moved on. You should to." And walks past him.
Wukong was hurt, but not surprised. He tries to honor Macaque's wishes, TRIES to leave him alone... but apparently MK thinks Wukong would LOVE to keep going to musicals with them.
He tries to say no, but can't really come up with a good excuse. I mean, he can't rlly say 'sorry kid, but my ex that i kinda sorta killed is starring in a lot of them and he still doesnt like me and asked me to leave him alone. so i cant come with you, sorry.'
So he goes, but with a better disguise. That better disguise being a different colored hoodie and sunglasses. Cuz macaque totally wont recognize him that way.
I literally came up with this last night, so I haven't worked out all the details yet. This is a shadowpeach au tho, and they do eventually make up <3
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biggreenneatbox · 5 months
Bumbleby Big Bang Post #2
...okay, so full disclosure: this isn't an official second BBB post from me. Clickbait-y title is clickbait, and I do apologise.
We are only supposed to have 1 story entry per person per year, understandably to not overload one's self with too many projects, and not only have I already uploaded on 13th December, but the last post was yesterday, Christmas Eve 2023, by the incredible pugoata.
Even then, this subject was discussed rather at length within the BBB Discord Server little over a month ago, even as a silly little idea a few people threw around. As per the rules of the Big Bang:
"Do not discuss your BBB ideas in the server, or in public, at all"
As this was indeed a BBB idea discussed within the server, it cannot be entered officially as a story.
But from the simple question posed "What would it look like to write a Bees Story from a perspective other than the Bees?", that stupid idea was in my head. And then due to a mental health nosedive, I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands, and a crazy idea in my head to follow through with after that brief talk.
And thus, 3 weeks later, this. Despite waiting until Christmas Day itself to post, it is not itself a festive story. Just wanted to put that out there before expectations were formed.
I held off posting so that everyone could enjoy the fruits of everyone who worked on their BBBs' labour, but now with that buffer out of the way, I'd give you something for the next couple of days worth of binging. I thought I'd also offer out to anyone who wanted to give it a shot:
Any artists who want to draw part of this story - so long as you credit this story as the inspiration, you have my full permission to do so!
So behold, my second (albeit unofficial) story written for this year's BBB:
The Diary of The Bumbleby
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"The Diary of The Bumbleby (or: The near comprehensive written chronicle of how basically everyone on Remnant was aware of Yang and Blake's romantic feelings for one another before Yang and Blake themselves were)" - by Weiss Schnee - Chapter 1 - FeugoFox42 - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]
All images were made by me using the website Hero Forge for custom D&D Miniatures, as I cannot really art properly but I wanted there to be something for people to look at that could be thrown together fairly speedily.
There are the rest of images below the cut that should appear in the story (hopefully 🤞), but it does contain minor spoilers within, so proceed with that knowledge at your own discretion.
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Yang Calabrone (née Xiao Long)
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Blake Calabrone (née Belladonna)
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Maid of Honour Ruby Rose, and Best Woman Weiss Schnee
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Blake's Bridesmaids: Ilia Amitola, Sun Wukong, and Nora Valkyrie
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Yang's Bridesmen: Oscar Pine, Lie Ren Valkyrie, and Jaune Arc
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Parents of the Brides: Ghira and Kali Belladonna, and Taiyang Xiao Long
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Wedding Officiant and mother of a Bride, Raven Branwen
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Ring Bearer Extraordinaire and the Bestest, Fluffiest Boy on the face of Remnant, Zwei
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Wedding Stylist and Wedding Photographer respectively: Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina
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Maître d’: Old Man Shopkeep
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Qrow Branwen and Winter Schnee
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Guests (in no particular order): Flynt Coal; Neon Katt; Fox Alistair; Neopolitan; Fiona Thyme; May Marigold; Emerald Sustrai
And finally...
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...yeah, you're gonna have to read the story to know what the fuck that is about
Please, enjoy this random crack fic, and Merry Christmas!
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sublieu · 2 years
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╰┈➤❝ [⋆· *Demi Demon Ruts༉‧₊˚.] ¡! ❞
Warnings: cumflation, cunnilingus, [semi] finger fucking, flirty/perverted Mk, ruts, marking
A.n: I'm still gonna do a fic on him. Don't think I'm not gonna.
Mentions: @mortal-mayhem @zmzsnakes @yellowaxol @fallenplantation
Ah yes, the time of mating season, where demons, animals, gods and goddesses come together to be rid of their awful punishment their body decides to lay upon them.
But for Mk, this affected him worse.
He could barely concentrate on working, helping and partying. It was as if the whole world was colliding in on him, and now he's stuck in his room hiding away and trying to bear through the suffering.
Mk was confused, everything felt fuzzy and dizzy. The room had an unbearably thick smell, as if you were there attempting to comfort him as he wore your favorite oversized shirt that you 'borrowed' from him. Until Wukong showed up.
"Kid, you've been missing trainin- jesus christ did you spray the place or something?!"
Wukong yells as he coughs and wheezes, Mk just hid deeper inside him fluffy blanket, he felt as if he was gonna die from embarrassment when everything suddenly clicked for the golden brown monkey.
"Mk, are you going through a *pfft* rut?"
He stutters as he fails to hide his laughter, plopping down on his bed whilst continuing to laugh at the brunette's misery. Patting down his back and hearing him purr shortly after.
"How is this even possible?! I'm not even a demon much less a demigod!" "Well, technically.. you are a demigod, but that still means you're gonna suffer ruts like every other demon does."
Wukong sighs and pulls the blanket away, his heart breaking when he sees how much poor Mk was suffering as tears ran down his eyes. Silently sobbing as he held his knees together to ease the pain for him in a way.
"Kid, I can find a way to help you deal with your situation buuutttt it's gonna cost you" "Anything Wukong please!"
Mk sobs and begs, the demon groans as he scratches his head, looking for bugs as gets up and summons his Nimbus to collect some ingredients.
"You're gonna need to isolate yourself for atleast 2 weeks, not only that, you have to keep physical touch to an absolute low. Which means your little girlfriend and your friends are gonna have to keep a far distance from you for the time being" Wukong starts as he picks up and empty bottle he could find around Mk's room that he wasn't using at the moment.
Mk laid there as he tried to rest, his eyes slowly starting to drift as Wukong's last sentence was a blur.
"Oh and do not touch yourself, no jerking off nothing. Understand? I'll tell Pigsy and your friends to let you rest for the next 2 weeks" the demon continues and stands on his Nimbus before flying off to let his apprentice rest.
Diary entry #1
So I just cleaned up my room (finally) and is currently eating noodles Pigsy made for me. Honestly if it wasn't for him Mei would have to cook and I'm scared of her cooking cus the last time the fish stew she made for me actually bit on my fork. IT BIT MY FORK. Signing off, finna watch tawog and get some more rest -Mk.
Diary entry #2
Y/n just came by my house to drop off groceries today, honestly I love her so so much, she even got me my favorite chocolate too! I'm gonna repay her one day, I'm saving up to buy her V.I.P tickets to that new movie [movie name] that she's been talking about. Lets hope I can save enough to buy her something after. Signing off today again to rest -Mk
Diary entry #3
Just came out of the shower, honestly the cold feels nice for once. I couldn't help but think about y/n today again! I wonder what she's doing? probably playing games or reading something, I just love how cute she looks whenever she's doing something. I could listen to her talk all day and still say nothing cus she's so cute! Signing off today, gonna make some food and go sleep -Mk.
Diary entry #4
I woke up to my 'friend' today, obviously I didn't want y/n or anyone else to come and see me like this. Who knows what they could think! so I touched myself for the first in weeks, I might buy y/n those cute paw stockings she loves so much -Mk.
Diary entry #5
It happened again when I was showering, first I'm thinking about making breakfast and now I'm thinking about y/n bending over just to reach the sugar container. God the way she looks in that cute miniskirt she always wear around the house just makes me feel... fuzzy... -Mk
Diary entry #6
... Nothing new today, same old thing. Read, eat, watch a movie and text y/n.
Diary entry #7
I'm calling her... I can't stand staying in this fucking house alone
Mk writes and proceeds to reach for his phone when out of the blue, Wukong contacts him to check in on how he's doing; Stirring what seems to be a pot in the background as Mk continues looking on his phone.
"Hey Mk!! How ya holding up?"
Wukong starts and wipes a sheen of sweat from his face. Mk responds with an I'm good as he calls y/n, as if completely ignoring his question and paying attention to you.
"M'doin great, You wouldn't mind coming over for some video games or something? - No no it's just the two of us! Promise! - You will? Aww thanks, I'll unlock the door k?"
Mk smiles and hangs up his phone, leaving Wukong confused and slightly worried.
"Mk. who exactly are you calling over?"
He asks and stops stirring as he looks around the boy's room then back to him when he notices how fidgety his fingers were before putting two and two together.
"Mk. No-" "Oh cmon Wukong! I won't bite, too hard atleast" "Mk I'm serious- DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON M-"
Wukong threatens before being hung up by Mk, stirring even faster in an attempt to hurry and bring back the medicine when Xi stopped him and told him to stir as gently as possible.
Whilst you stood at Mk's doorway, fixing yourself one last time before hearing his door click and open to see him heaving and wheezing as if he just ran down the steps. You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and entered the well lit house, completely ignorant to the sound of his door clicking and locking.
"So what're you planning to play first? Dance dance revo 3 or Wukong mashup?"
You'd start up a conversation as you were ready to setup his gaming station, placing the games on his carpet when he kneels down beside you to pick. Ultimately choosing dance dance revo.
After hours and hours of just you two giggling and having fun, Wukong texts Mk stating he's almost done making the remedy. Ignoring the message and paying attention to you as you continued dancing.
The way how you were just so steady to the beat, your boobs would jiggle to the slightest movement of your body alongside the sheer amount of sweat you were producing. He was in awestruck as you sat down on the carpet for a breather.
(ง•ᴥ•)ง♪ (◕3◕)╯♫ (¬ᴥ¬)◠◡ ♬ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)╯♩ 「ᵔᴥᵔ」♫ (¬ᴥ¬) ♬ (ツ)♭
Your bra would reveal itself to the white shirt you were wearing, making you all the more delectable for him. Mk was already struggling just seeing you move and now this? it was almost as if you were subtly punishing him. Whilst distracted, you crawled in between his legs to hug his waist and giggled after he looked down at you, god you were just so cute, how could anyone resist you?
He gave you a quick forehead kiss before slowly trailing down to your lips, things already getting heated between you both as you were quick to take off the other's clothes, leaving you both naked and flustered.
His hands would grab hold of your butt and pulled you closer to him, sloppy, wet kisses would trail from your lips all the way to your chest as he puts his hand down your panty. His cock throbbing and leaking pre the more he played with your body.
Heavy, ragged breaths escaped your lips as you attempt to close your legs. Only for him to pry them open and go down to your dripping pussy, kissing your tummy and licking your clit, sucking on the bud as he pushed two fingers inside. Chuckling at your whimpers and pleas.
You looked so pretty from this view, little tears running down your eyes as you bit your finger hard enough to leave it slightly bleeding. But you couldn't care at the moment as his tongue was already past your slit and inside your velvety walls, until he stopped, popping his tongue and licking his lips as he pulled you closer; His cock pressing at your little bundle of sensitive nerves.
Mk would push the tip inside before snapping his hips upwards inside, making you jump whilst Mk pushed you back down on the carpet. He snickered and kissed your forehead as he held your hand and cooed praises at you, your pleas for him to fuck you comforting him as he gave you a soft thrust up inside you.
You were always wondering why he wore his hair upwards if he looked so cool, and now you finally got the reason why; His sharp teeth alongside the subtle glow of his eyes left you in fear and pleasure.
As your legs wrapped around his waist, it seemed as if he picked up in speed. His thrusts getting faster and rougher as you played with his hair, your moans of his name slip off your tongue like butter as you'd clench your toes from the thrilling pleasure. Your eyes flashing to white when you came for the first time, clawing at your neck and grabbing onto his hair to limit his movements. That ultimately not working as he kept pounding your pussy like it was a toy.
He kept muttering your name as if you were about to disappear if he didn't hold onto you long enough, moaning about how snug and inviting your body was, as if you like molding jelly. Soft to the touch and comfortable to hold, almost like a pillow.
You gave him a soft kiss which he immediately returns, his hands securely colliding your hips to his, you were gonna have marks later for sure you thought.
"Keep going~" "You're doing so so good Mk~"
You whisper to his ear, cooing and coddling him even though he's fucking to cloud-9. Your hands reaching to hold his as your climax was coming closer and closer, almost feeling him kissing your womb as you told him to go faster. Throwing your head back and looking into his eyes a second time, seeing that the glow changed to pink and his growling was being ever so evident. Was he staring at you or was he so distracted by your body he couldn't even look at you. But he was actually close to cumming soon too, getting ready to flood your ovaries with his sticky, warm cum.
Your eyes were flashing to white again, your manicured nails digging into his flesh and leaving cuts all over his arms as he fucked every bit of his cum inside. Your belly bloating as he rested on your chest after pulling out, most of his cum seeping out of you and onto the carpet you shared as you both started laughing and share a kiss.
"Didn't your mentor say that we shouldn't be around each other for two weeks?" "Honestly fuck him" "Wooooow real fucking nice Mk"
Wukong sarcasticly speaks up and caused you two to jump up and scramble to cover up. He sighs and throws the bag of pills and liquid for Mk to hold as he made orange juice.
"You guys even fucked on the carpet, seriously? the carpet? Couldn't you have atleast done it on the couch? And you call me and macaque fucking animals".
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
The original shadowplay script was probably 10 hours long bc macaque kept adding super important scenes, super important to show the hero and the warrior gay bond. Saddest day of his life was him having to trim it down
Macky's journal, transcribed by me
"Dear diary,
i never thought i would experience a day worst than my death, but that day was today. Apparently, the Megapolis Theater does not allow scripts that over exceed 3 hours, forcing me to either cut out 7 beautiful and crucial scenes from my shadow play or not have a play altogether. and i thought Wukong had an ego--"
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tickledpink31 · 1 year
I don’t know why but ever since you’ve described Marisol’s personality I keep imagining her doing things captain holt would do in b99. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0zJLltYWtNA&pp=ygUXY2FwdGFpbiBob2x0IGxpdHRsZSBraWQ%3D
Example 1!-
Wukong: Drumroll please.
Mari: (slow tapping)
Wukong: that’s your drumroll?
Mari: when a tempo isn’t specified, any reasonable person would default to lento.
Example 2!
Mari: Pay no attention to him, Sanzang. He’s very emotional, Sanzang.
Sanzang: why are you saying my first name?
Mari: Well, Sanzang, I remembered reading an article in a medical journal that said one destabilizing aspect of incarceration is the constant dehumanization, Sanzang. You need to be reminded that you are more than just a number, Sanzang. You are Sanzang… Sanzang.
Sanzang: Yep, that fixes imprisonment.
Example 3!
Mari: feel free to consult the script I’ve prepared.
Bajie: okay but it’s a little stilted. “I am feeling trepidation at the prospect of a parentless existence.”? No kid talks like that.
Mari: those lines were lifted, verbatim, from my girlhood diary.
Example 4!
Mari: Does anyone have a few words they would like to say?
Wukong: wup, no one say anything, I want her to say stuff. Speech for wukong (whisper). Speech for wukong, go!
Mari: very well. Your absence was noted.
Wukong: Yes.
Mari: Drinks are on me, there’s a two drink maximum per person.
Wukong: here she goes.
Mari: it is non transferable. Your guests will pay their own tab
Wukong: oh yeah.
Mari: Valet parking is not included.
Wukong: Solid protocol.
Mari: tomorrow’s briefing will be 15 minutes earlier than usual.
Wukong: Wonderful, she’s so bad ass.
Mari: And I’m very proud of you Sun Wukong. We missed you.
Wukong: Aw, you ruined it☺️.
No, but this is actually Mari though! I didn't expect that comparison.
She says things in the most deadpan tone, hard to read, speaks formally, terrible at comforting people even though she wants to better at it. The diary and the drumroll bits screams Mari.
I see Mari as a pragmatic type of person. Maybe it makes her a bit emotionally detached and sometimes literal-minded, but she's mature. This is why she wasn't as scared or hurt when Wukong came to beat the shit out of LBD while she was still being used as a vessel. She understands that Wukong has to finish the job or the world is doomed.
Angst aside, this is hilarious. I can just see her, in the most monotonous tone, saying, "I went to Barbados with Wukong for our honeymoon. We wove hats out of palm fronds and swam with the stingrays. I've never been happier." Then she has conversations with her mom like Rosa and Holt do.
Some other things I think she would say:
Mari/Xiaodie holding her 10-foot caterpillar plushie and one of Wukong's baby monkeys: You have disappointed all three of us.
Mari/Xiaodie to Sanzang after saving him, monotonous as ever: Ouch. You landed on my ribs. I am in... incredible pain.
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light-imperfected · 9 months
monkey blast in your inbox!! (feel free to answer only the ones you want <3)
⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship.
👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them
📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours.
📱for a voicemail my muse left yours.
🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours.
✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours.
👀 for my muse to compliment yours
😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate.
holy shit
⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
gabriel is soooo insecure about having a crush on a guy. for v1 it's easy because he knows it'll never be reciprocated in a normal way (i.e v1 will keep hunting him for sport), but for wukong??? the angel's never been in a relationship before!! turns out they're really hard and he's very insecure about it!! and he doesn't even know wukong's history yet lol. (rereads this) i'm not sure i know what a headcanon is, actually
☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
gabriel's very boring and he never remembers that his phone has a camera. name is "Monkey King," with the default ringtone. profile picture is a very blurry photo of a monkey in wukong's house before wukong popped into the picture and demanded it be set as his icon. ("hey angel, nice shot! give me your phone")
last text:
[text]: (image of a baby macaque) [text]: Like you?
we need answers sun wukong. and also ur baby pictures
👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship.
i don't really know what this means but i'll give it a shot anyway: peach cobbler. the i'm doing 👍😎👌 gay stuff t-shirt. breathless laughter.
👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
gabriel can gush about wukong for about three seconds before he feels a strong urge to curl up into the size and shape of an orb. he's not sayin' shit
😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them.
Gabriel glances to the side, rocks forward a bit, and says very fast, "You're good at fighting and also you're funny but you're nice when it actually matters." And then he glances back at Monkey King's heart-masked face, the gold of sun slipping through fur, and mumbles, "and also you're cute."
📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours.
He crumples a piece of scrap paper with small neat handwriting on it in his hand. Nope! (it has at least one doodle of monkey king on it, and whenever he writes his name there's a heart dotting the i)
📱 for a voicemail my muse left yours.
probably doesn't leave voicemails... he gets too nervous. working up the courage to call wukong and then no one picking up....! yeah he'd just hang up and go stand in a closet for a while
🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours.
gabriel's mostly viewed rain as an inconvenience to his work & has never allowed himself to view it with wonder or joy. not sure what wukong's stance on getting soggy is, but i would like gabe to frolic in a downpour and end up soaked at the end. at first he does try to scoop up wukong and carry him home like a damsel in distress, though
✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours.
👀 for my muse to compliment yours.
gabriel points further upward in this post, then very carefully and awkwardly pats wukong on the head like he's a weird cat.
😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate.
freezing up, stuttering, trying to cover up being embarrassed, squeaking, covering his face with his hands ("it's already covered though?" yeah lol). please note that "being super affectionate" for gabriel includes things like "holding his hand" or "saying nice things to him"
whew. thanks sunny (+)7
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starsfic · 3 years
A Monkie Kid AU, where the Monkey King is like the Avatar where a new Monkey King is selected after the last one dies
1. Sun Wukong died during his battle against DBK.
2. All Xiaotian has are Wukong's diaries and recordings and whatever else is there.
3. There's no system in place to figure out who's the next.
4. So Xiaotian literally had no idea until he accidentally pulled out the staff.
5. He's drawing and writing everything down.
Send me an AU and I’ll give you 5 HCs
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
(About impersonate chp 4)
When I read this fic shortly after watching the show, at the end of chapter 3 I thought to myself "OH IS HE STUCK LOOKING LIKE MACAQUE?? DOES HE WANT TO KEEP THE DISGUISES BECAUSE HE C A N T CHANGE BACK???"
But then I came on tumblr and saw a bunch of your posts talking about wukong wanting to keep up the charade, that way Mac wouldnt have a reason to run off.
And I was like "oh, lol. Guess I was wrong, but that's a neat reason too!!" And accepted that
I wasnt expecting the Reason Why to be wukong messing up his magic after limiting MK's powers, and I Am INTRIGUED. That's such a good reason for it (I mean , not for mk or wukong, but for us as readers of lol)
(Also LOVE how Macaque black mails him with his own diary, and then Wukong steals it back)
ah, i see you’ve fallen for my plan, exactly how i planned it-
this wasn’t even originally going to happen in the fic i’ll have you know i just thought “wouldn’t it be funny and catch people off guard if i did this” and yknow what??? it was
that whole chapter was 100% just train of thought writing (majority of my writing is that, actually) but im so glad you enjoyed it
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serena-inverse · 3 years
Dragonfly/Monkie Kid Comic Masterlist
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A master-list of all the comics, stories and artwork I’ve created around my Monkie Kid OC Dragonfly, most of which involve her interacting with Sun Wukong or the Six Eared Macaque!
(You are welcome to send in questions to Dragonfly, Wukong or Macaque via my ask box!)
This page will be updated as I add new pieces!
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Information on Dragonfly
Dragonfly’s Profile Page
An explanation on how Dragonfly’s portal abilities work.
The Comics in Chronological Order
Comic 1: Meeting Macaque Part 1
Comic 2: Meeting Macaque Part 2
Comic 3: Meeting Macaque Part 3: Friendship with Mac
Comic 4: Meeting Wukong Part 1
Comic 5: Meeting Wukong Part 2: Cake with Wukong
Comic 6: Some of Dragonfly’s History is Revealed
Comic 7: A Photo Diary of Dragonfly’s Adventures with Wukong and Macaque
Comic 8: ???
Miscellaneous Doodles/Pictures/Stories
Doodles to summarize Dragonfly, Wukong and Macaques relationship
How Dragonfly got her Fangs
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actual-lich-queen · 7 years
tagged by @galadrieljones​ 
Name: Andee
Nickname: There are some who call my Minty
Zodiac: Leo
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff. Me and Pottermore don’t agree on this. But it’s Hufflepuff.
Height: 5′5″
Ethnicity: Whitey McWhiteface. Specifically English, Scottish, German, Swedish, and Dutch white.
Favorite fruit: Strawberries
Favorite season: Summer, I used to say Autumn, but then I realized all the stuff I love to do is summer stuff. Beaches. Fishing. Hiking. Camping. Summerstuff.
Favorite book series: Discworld? Does that even count? I’m going with it. Even if we’re stretching the definition.
First book series: Proooobably either Berenstain Bears or Narnia depending on what you want to count as a book series I suppose.
Favorite fictional character: Tiffany Aching, Sansa Stark, Rincewind, Revan, Red Sonja, Squirrel Girl, Batgirl, Sun WuKong, Gengar, Princess Leia, Sailor Moon, Alistair, Merrill, Princess Peach, Commander Shepard, Garrus, Ganondorf, is that enough? We’ll call that enough.
Favorite flower: Poppies, Peonies, Lilac, Lavender
Favorite scent: Lavender
Favorite colors: Depends on what it’s for! Wood? Dark cherry! Socks? Blue!
Favorite animals: The ones that will tolerate me cuddling them
Favorite bands: Headbands! (ba-damp-tch)
Average hours of sleep: 6-ish
Number of blankets: 2 in warm weather 3 in cold
Dream trip: Hiking in Hawaii sounds nice right now
Last thing I googled: How to spell Berenstain.
Blog created: When the world was young.
Blogs followed: 400-ish
Follower count: 200-ish I worry about this.
What I usually post about: You might mistake this for a Dragon Age blog right now. But I throw in diary stuff now and then.
Do I get asks regularly: Nope!
tagging @smorgsbord 8D
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