fandomdynamics · 11 months
“You can’t heal in the same place that made you sick.”
Keep this in mind when y’all are yelling for 4 minutes. Yes, it would be great but understand the situation now Biu has to be put in to do this.
He is more important than a tv series. At the end of the day, everything is more important than this. Exposure to abuse, suicide, self-harm, hate, and sexual assault?
Don’t tell me that’s what you want your “fave” to go through. Yes, he deserves the show. He worked for it. But he doesn’t deserve the environment he will go back to.
Keep your fetishes out of real life. Go simp over someone else and understand this is more than just a series.
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theesotericecho · 27 days
I Am Not My Trauma: Healing Feminine Power After an Abusive Relationship
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Break Free of False Bonds,” urges this enigmatic text by David Sawin. What secrets lie within @theesotericecho.com? (Credit: David Sawin & Gemini Advanced)
Author: David Sawin
Date: March 30, 2024
It may seem, in those raw, wounded moments, like the pain will engulf you entirely. Like the person you used to be, the hopes you cherished, are lost forever. This is not a sign of weakness; it is the stark reality of trauma. Abuse is a violation, not only of your body, but of your very essence. But hear me now, with the certainty of the changing tides, you are not defined by this experience.
Every breath you take is a defiance, a proclamation that you refuse to be swallowed by the darkness that was unfairly imposed upon you. Your very existence is a testament to your strength and resilience. No matter how heavy the burden, there is a fire within you that cannot be extinguished, a light that will guide you through even the darkest of times.
In the face of adversity, you have the opportunity to redefine yourself, to carve out a new identity that surpasses the pain inflicted upon you. Your scars may tell a story of suffering, but they also bear witness to your survival, your unwavering spirit that refuses to be broken. You are not a victim; you are a survivor, a warrior with the battle scars to prove it.
Remember, healing is not a straightforward journey, and it’s okay to have moments of doubt and despair. Embrace your emotions, for they are a part of your path to reclaiming your sense of self. Reach out for the support and love that you deserve, surround yourself with those who uplift and empower you. And in moments of solitude, find solace in the knowledge that you are not alone in this journey towards healing and restoration.
You are a masterpiece in the making, a mosaic of strength and vulnerability, resilience and compassion. The person you once were may seem lost, but within you lies the potential to craft a new narrative, one that is not defined by the pain you’ve endured. Your story is still being written, and it is overflowing with the promise of growth, love, and unshakeable strength.
Are You in a Narcissistic Controlling Relationship?
Identification is Key and a good place to begin:
Take a moment to reflect on the following statements and consider how they resonate with your current relationship dynamics.
My partner often belittles or criticizes me, making me feel unworthy or inadequate.
I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around my partner, fearing their reaction to even minor actions or words.
My partner frequently blames me for their own shortcomings and failures.
I find it difficult to make decisions without seeking my partner’s approval or validation.
I often feel isolated from friends and family due to my partner’s disapproval or manipulation.
My partner exhibits intense jealousy and attempts to control who I interact with.
I frequently second-guess my own perceptions and reality, feeling confused or gaslighted.
I feel emotionally drained and anxious in the presence of my partner.
My partner displays a lack of empathy and frequently disregards or invalidates my feelings.
I have trouble envisioning a future that is not centered around my partner’s desires and demands.
Reflecting on these statements can offer insights into whether your relationship dynamics align with traits commonly associated with narcissistic control. It’s important to prioritize your emotional well-being and seek support if you recognize concerning patterns in your relationship.
For immediate assistance and guidance, consider reaching out to organizations such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit thehotline.org for additional resources and support. Remember, you deserve a relationship built on mutual respect, empathy, and genuine care.
The Burden Left Behind
The impact of abuse can be long-lasting, affecting every aspect of a person’s life. Whether it manifests through overt aggression or insidious manipulation, the effects are deeply damaging. The abuser seeks to chip away at the victim’s sense of self, replacing truth with lies until doubt clouds even the most certain memories. The insidious nature of this behavior also results in isolation, wherein the abuser’s voice becomes the dominant and seemingly the only one that matters.
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When “Just Move On” Isn’t Enough
Well-meaning people may tell you it’s time to get over it. Society has a short attention span for pain, especially the unseen kind. But trauma doesn��t work on a schedule. Healing weaves in and out, demanding patience and a fierce gentleness with yourself. Some days you’ll find strength, others you’ll just want to curl up and shut the world out.
Both are okay. It’s essential to recognize that healing is a nonlinear journey, and it’s okay to embrace the fluctuations in emotions and energy levels. Embracing the process means allowing yourself the space to experience the highs and lows without judgment. It’s about understanding that healing isn’t a destination but a continuous evolution, and each step, no matter how small, is significant. So, be gentle with yourself and honor your unique path to healing. Remember, it’s okay to not be okay, and it’s okay to ask for help when needed.
The Path to Rediscovery
Therapy, particularly with a practitioner who understands the unique dynamics of abuse, is often the cornerstone of healing. It’s a safe space to unravel the tangled mess left behind, to find your voice after so long being silenced. Yet, therapy alone isn’t a magic wand. Healing also means finding healthy coping mechanisms to replace the old, destructive ones. It means building a support network of people who uplift and understand you. It means learning to set boundaries and to prioritize self-care.
It means embracing the journey of self-discovery and growth, acknowledging the pain while striving for a brighter future. Healing is a multifaceted process that encompasses emotional, mental, and physical well-being, and it often involves a combination of professional guidance, self-reflection, and the cultivation of a nurturing environment. Each step taken, no matter how small, is a triumph on the path to restoration and empowerment.
Reconnecting: Rediscover the hobbies, the passions that once sparked joy. It may feel forced at first, but this is about rebuilding the YOU outside of the trauma.
Finding Your People: Support groups or connecting with other survivors can break the crushing isolation. Knowing you’re not alone is powerful medicine.
Rest, Without Guilt: Rest isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Your body and mind have endured a battle; allow them to recover.
Feminine Power, Reforged
As you heal, you may find your definition of power evolves. Femininity isn’t about shrinking down or always pleasing others, lessons abusers often try to instill. True feminine power is the resilience to keep rising, the compassion you extend to yourself, and the fierce setting of boundaries to protect the peace you’ve fought so hard to find. Embracing your true power as a woman involves recognizing the strength in vulnerability, the wisdom in self-care, and the courage to stand firm in your convictions.
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It’s Never Too Late
The journey that lies ahead is uniquely yours to traverse, and it is bound to present its own share of winding paths and unexpected detours. Embracing this truth is pivotal, for in doing so, one can liberate themselves from any perceived shortcomings. Acknowledging setbacks not as failures, but as integral parts of growth, is an empowering realization. It is a testament to resilience and an affirmation of the intrinsic capacity to overcome obstacles.
Furthermore, seeking assistance repeatedly should be seen not as a sign of weakness, but rather as a courageous act of self-care and a testament to the unyielding determination to heal. Remember, the voyage towards healing is an enduring one, comprised of myriad profound moments where one reclaims their sense of self. Each step taken in this direction is a statement of strength, an unwavering declaration of the fortitude that has forever dwelled within.
[The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or thehotline.org]
[RAINN: rainn.org]
Remember: You are worthy of love, of joy, and of defining your own life. You are not your trauma.
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While Ron Swanson, the fictional character from "Parks and Recreation," is known for his gruff demeanor and occasionally stern approach, it's essential to note that his behavior is meant to be comedic within the context of the show. Portrayed by actor Nick Offerman, Ron Swanson is a caricature designed for humor, and any depiction of abusive tendencies should be understood as exaggerated for comedic effect.
In reality, abuse is a serious matter, and it's crucial to distinguish between fictional portrayals and real-life behaviors. Ron Swanson's character often exaggerates traditional masculine stereotypes, showcasing extreme independence, minimal communication, and a love for privacy. While these traits might be entertaining within the fictional world of "Parks and Recreation," they should not be taken as endorsements of abusive behavior.
It's important to approach discussions about abuse with sensitivity and recognize that real-life situations require careful attention and support. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, seeking help from friends, family, or professional resources is essential. Comedy in fictional portrayals should not trivialize or undermine the gravity of abusive dynamics in real relationships.
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mobstersandlobsters · 5 months
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mimispeakout · 1 year
For a moment I ask that you imagine you're a child. Your first 9 years old your life you've known a lot of pain and abuse at the hands of people you should be able to trust. Imagine CPS taking you from the people who have hurt you, and telling you that everything is going to be okay. Now imagine being put in foster care where these abusers hide in plain sight. You spend most of your nights lying awake praying it doesnt happen again. Praying someone can help you and stop it. Imagine for a moment being able to see what others don't. Knowing what these people are like behind closed doors, knowing how they present themself to the people whos job it is to protect you. Imagine hearing the sound of suspicion and thinking someone is finally going to help you... and hearing the excuses your abusers make and how well they convincingly explain innocent reasons for red flag behaviors. Now imagine growing up and still having acess to that ability. You don't realize until it happens to you the dangers that are truly around us. You turn on the news and you find yourself shocked that something like this could go on under peoples noses. You ask yourself how people didnt see the signs. How the signs were ignored. You don't think this could happen in your life but fact of the matter is. It probably is happening around you. In your own family, schools, neighborhoods, daycare. Its a scary thought to carry and it seems to be too much for most to handle so people choose to be oblivious and only take precations after the abuse has happened. And even then... the damage has been done. What does it matter now? Its grossly under reported as this tends to be a taboo topic in many peoples lives. Nobody wants to have to make the hard decisions to call their loved ones out for something so unthinkable. Nobody wants the embarrassment or judgement from those around them. Nobody wants to be accused of lying.. Nobody wants to stand before a judge and say the thoughts on their mind or turn their lives upside down..but heres the world we live in. You see the signs, you take precautions to prevent it. Youre hyper-vigilant. You don't see them youre oblivious, or worse...compliant for not knowing and stopping it. Not protecting your child. It's not an easy decision to be the whistle blower in these cases. Its terrifying. What comes of it if you suspect it and youre wrong? So many questions to ask... but in these moments we don't have a lot of time to respond. You either sit back and hope youre wrong, or you do what you need to to find out the truth. Which can ultimately turn everybodys world upside down. It's sad to believe most people don't posess the ability to see obvious signs and indicators and children grow up suffering. I've made the mistake in having more faith in the justice and family court systems than they deserve. I have watched as my life and family have been torn apart with the words" Best interest of the child" attatched. As a parent you know what is best for your own child. The courts see every child as one. Every case is cookie cutter decisions being made based on knowledge and experience of past experiences from their own eyes. So what makes me so different for doing it myself? What makes a mother coming to the courts asking for an order of protection against her ex crazy... what is so crazy about asking for full custody pending investigation for wanting to know either way if the man she trusted to bring children into the world with and raise with her could have done every mothers worst fear? Questions I ask daily and have not yet received answers to.
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tovahsfine · 1 year
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Some important tweets /⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ CN / Abuse, DV, M*rder. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ID Slide 1 / People have pathologized my stance on pandemic precautions by dismissing it as an inability to cope with change but I would just like to say that I am actually doing great at adjusting to the objectively different reality we are living in now. It's everyone else that cannot deal. @/PxnziSchemes on Twitter⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ID Slide 2 / I spent my twenties being told that I had to put up with toxic, abusive situations to get ahead and be successful and I'm spending my thirties being like, "oh so you're abusive?? This place is toxic? I'm leaving. Good day." @/YikesOnBikesEtc on Twitter⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ID Slide 3 / I'll never forget when I called out my abuser and someone said I should "kill the cop in my head" & read books about TJ. Whew, some of you transformative justice folks just use the medium to protect your abusive friends. @MayowasWorld⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ID Slide 4 / Capitalism robs people of time and the ability to think creatively, compassionately and critically. When people are unable to think they unfortunately rely, knowingly or unknowingly, on others, usually those in power, to think for them. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Relying on other people as thought leaders isn't terrible if the people you rely on genuinely care about the most vulnerable people in our society.⁣⁣ However, most of us rely on people whose goal is not that we be cared for, but that we continue to work, buy and dislike ourselves. @Nellie_Scales⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ID Slide 5 / Only believing abuse allegations if there's a conviction in a court of law means you don't believe victims, period. More than 90 out of 100 victims will never be affirmed in court. Putting your faith in the court system is tacitly upholding the status quo against survivors. @KatTenbarge⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I wish they could say that to Nicole Brown⁣⁣ Simpson's face, but they can't. @LeaveHeardAlone⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ "You won't ever know the worst that happened to Nicole Brown Simpson in her marriage, because she is dead and cannot tell you. And if she were alive, remember, you wouldn't believe her." @KatTenbarge⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣ #SocialJustice #DomesticViolence #WearAMask #PandemicLife #AbuseAwareness #Ableism #AbleismIsTrash (at Everywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVqkOBrVMf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aimeaustin · 1 year
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The Casey Cort series. 10 #books over 8 years. #caseycort #legalthriller #cleveland #ohio #custody #juvenilejustice #criminaljustice #fostercare #kidnapping #abuseawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYentbLLAI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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endyedesonnews · 2 years
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PURE TABOO : FAMILY SINNERS. Father And Daughter Banished From Nnobi Town Anambra For Having Sex & Doing Different Styles. She Has 2 Children After Her Father Impregnated Her Two Times .............. A lady and her father have been banished from Nnobi community of Anambra state for engaging in an incestuous affair that produced two children. She gave her name as Queen Bassey and further revealed that they are from Cross River state. The lady who was interrogated by some members of the community, revealed that she was deflowered by her father who made her become his wife by placing her on oath kolanut. This reportedly occurred after his wives left him. Queen went on to say that she can’t explain why she allowed the incestuous affair to go on for long. GUYS, WHAT DO YOU THINK? ,..,..... #anambrastate #fatheranddaughter #incestment #daughterchallenge #abuseawareness ............. LINKS YOU MIGHT LIKE ( OPTIONAL TO CLICK) 1. Visit My Blog For More News : www.edesononlinenews.com 2. I Register Business Names, Limited Liability Company, NGO, Social Clubs, etc At Corporate Affairs Commission. I Do Nationwide Newspaper Publication. 08136125128. 3. I Design Websites, Blogs & Graphics. I Publish Apps On Google PlayStore. 4. Know More About My Products And Services On My Company Website: www.edesoninfotech.com.ng 7. Connect With Me On LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/endy-edeson-54a55819b 8. Follow Me On Twitter : twitter.com/endyedesonnews 9. Follow My Official Facebook News Page : Edeson Online News 10. For Enquries Or Business Deal Message Me On WhatsApp 08136125128. .... (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch2-SICsmPe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cuddlewithpurpose · 2 years
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#abuse #abusesurvivor #domesticviolence #verbalabuse #mentalabuse #physicalabuse #courage #abuseisabuse #abuseawareness #narcissisticabuse #abuserecovery #emotionalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #emotionalabuserecovery #mentalabuse #mentalabuseawareness #verbalabuseisstillabuse #physicalabusesurvivor #trauma #traumarecovery #traumahealing #traumabonding #traumabond #traumasurvivor #emotionaltrauma https://www.instagram.com/p/ChqNbp6sbGj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malialaka · 2 years
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Someone flagged our Puleanaana post: if you are reading this, deketing a journal doesn’t stop the oli reverberated back with a tesoinse of the demand for support of House Milu x LaaNui of our maternal line that predates Paiea birth who responded with a month of rainstorms as requested. Nor will it stop the Puleanaana to tell us how this land of religious practices are being turned into a business lost and where the culprit is or how deep are these pockets… with a reply over night on this moon thrice its size; and an illegal #federalloanfraud of $10 billion dollars by Susan Case and Grove Farm was responded as well as the fire in the loins of Pohakuloa. You think this mānā that was shared with the younger of elders would just disappear? No, the wave of Aumakua was sent of, and so did the algorithms when we #sharealoha . Scorching of the #Ea -rth was the doing of your society and grandparents , your grandparents didnt teach the military how to be stealth enough to clean as if they never arrived, yoir mistake was you let the grass catch afire…and it lead a trail. It, the ancestors, showed is the #burnsfield of Big Island, the island whos true name is hidden and prevailed that its elders showed is its true name. With every Puleanaana, every documentation of admittance arises for the literacy the #federalgovernmentgrant needs to prove your #illegalacts. WE, all us nerds know, you may dekete yhe visual asoect, but you can’t delete the code scripts no matter how much you screw with our media communications accounts…and as students of our elders this is #childprivacyrights #abuseawareness . #lonoikamakahiki is coming, it doesn’t apply to Americans and those who are not Hawaiian nor religious Hawaiian. Think about that. Using the Native Hawaiian Rehabilitation 1920 Act and the 30 year initiative works of @maliaandcompany that were successfully executed, to aquire funds illegally and pay pirates to harm her and others to hide your bombing of burials and erase history. #plantationdaysfestival has ended we are now in Karakiri, god can enter and man cannot. The demigods refuse to die, for more than 600,000 yrs, the lines have refined, they will not die today. #abracadabra https://www.instagram.com/p/ChPWinBLxMpldhdSOA_rxGpKhMs9IKOFEdX12Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kenichispices · 2 years
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onlinecounselling4u · 2 years
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⚠ Beware of our children! 👇 1: Warn your daughter or son not to sit on anyone's lap, no matter the situation, including uncles. 2: Avoid dressing in front of your children from the age of 2. 3. Never allow an adult to refer to your child as "my wife" or "my husband" 4. Whenever your child goes out to play with his friends, be sure to find a way to find out what type of game he plays, because young people abuse themselves sexually. And this is not new... 5. Never have your child visit an adult with whom he is not comfortable, and also consider whether your child becomes a big fan of a particular adult. 6. Once, a very cheerful child suddenly becomes shy. You may need to be patient and cautious, as well as clear up a few questions about why you are behaving. 7. Educate carefully about the correct values ​​of sexuality. If you don't, society will teach you the wrong values. 8: It is always advisable to review any new material, such as cartoons you just bought from them, before you start watching them. 9. Make sure to enable parental controls on your cable networks and advise your friends, especially your children's. Visit frequently. 10. Teach your children from 3 years to wash their private parts well and warn them never to allow anyone to touch them (remember, caring begins at home and with you). 11: Keep away any associated materials that you think could endanger your child's mental health (this includes music, movies, and even friends and family). 12: Once your child complains about a particular person, don't keep quiet. Remember, we are the parents who raise future parents. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #abuse #abusesurvivor #abuseisabuse #abuseawareness #abuserecovery https://www.instagram.com/p/Celyx0Tvtl6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cjoatprehn · 9 months
Hello. I live. I have a thing to let y’all know about.
This is the Author of F You, Sincerely Anonymous book. A book to bring awareness and closure to folks who have experienced abuse and SA.
Her words to me after I told my story.
“As of now this is what I think I’m gonna do- I want to get at least 10 stories to start off, hopefully more. Once I get 10 I will start writing your story and putting your letter in the book. Once I write it I will send it to you for you to read over to make sure it does your story justice. If I don’t get to ten stories I probably won’t be able to go through with the book and if that happens I will let you know but hopefully it won’t. So if you know anyone else who might be willing to share their story please tell them about this or send them my video.”
This is the video she told me to send:
If you have and are ready to tell your story—please message or email her at [email protected]
She said to let her know to follow you if Tiktok messages don’t go through if you decide to message through tiktok.
Current Status: She’s at 2 stories! 8 more until minimum!
If you know someone or have experienced such, please reach out to this author and tell your story.
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