#achi liveblogs
kariachi · 2 years
And the final liveblog of the day, another Static Shock one. We’re doing ‘Showtime’.
The bustling Dakota downtown scene
Hi Puff. Hi Onyx.
Hi Virgil. Hi Richie.
“Where did you come from“ They’re superheroes, they just show up places.
Beating people up with their friends
Static’s on tv
Wow the production values on that commercial are shit. That’s like, powerpoint effects.
I don’t know what’s more offensive, advertising somebody’s show without approaching them about making one, or doing so with effects like that. Insult to injury.
Sir what sort’ve madman expects someone to watch and ensure soymilk has been added to a drink they ordered with soymilk? Like if this was an allergy yes but I am doubting that
Yeah this guy’s an asshole.
Brandon don’t deserve this.
Ah, you’re Rast. The asshole with the shit effects in his commercial. Rude man.
Brandon at this point give up and find a new gig. What’s this guy gonna do, how much influence can he have if he can’t even afford effects passed the powerpoint level?
Virgil in no way believing his name came up first when the idea of a reality show about superheroes was pitched.
I don’t trust a word that comes out of this man’s mouth. He could tell me the sky was blue and I’d check.
Rast: ‘I had to advertise first to try to pressure you into going along with it’ Virgil: ‘Yeah no’
Walk away and never return, Virgil.
Bunch of kids just vaguely hanging around outside a tv producer’s office
Trying to guilt Virgil into this shit
Not bad money these kids are making. Actually for that money play that shit up, get Static to come down, how many hours can you squeeze out of this man? Have your parents taught you how to squeeze money out of an employer? Somebody get these kids a mentor and a union
Welding supplies and a microscope. I worry sometimes about what Richie is up to.
Oh boys. Oh boys you do not deserve the shit you are gonna have to put up with. You haven’t signed anything have you?
Not even one episode of this show in and they’ve got Virgil sat there for make-up and hair to make him look perfect for the camera.
Damn, tech dude is rude. Also you may want some insulation for that transmission box given, ya know, electricity powers
How do you mistake Richie for a delivery boy the guy is in fucking costume! If nothing else you’d think they’d be given a picture of the co-star.
Oh gods and they’re late for patrol due to all this. If this is supposed to be the second fiddle it can’t interfere with the heroing like that. Or, well, third fiddle I would hope at least at their age. Preferably fourth or fifth but I admit that’s a bit much for superhero works
Oh this is gonna be a shitshow
This is why reality tv around crime is never a good idea. To make a show you need content, which means crime, and if it’s not there you gotta build it up or make it yourself.
They track down some crime in progress, committed by yet another bought of ugly on these shows I am watching today. First the hair on that one bastard, then the outfits in Power Play, and now this fucker’s outfit.
Ya know so far this fight makes for worse tv than the one against Puff and Onyx woulda.
Also, just had a thought, can you imagine trying to film Static and Gear vs Hotstreak? You know all it would take is for him to get annoyed at the cameras or the noise of the helicopters or a passing leaf and suddenly you fuckers plummeting and on fire.
Ah, the meta jokes that don’t work when you’re watching a show recorded without commercials
Virgil, Virgil do not just run into a fight like that because some schmuck with a camera crew is getting impatient, have some sense we know you own at least a bit
And he gets his butt kicked. Poor Virgil.
This dude is just plagiarizing our boy
Richie is also a good friend
Rast making a big to-do about Virgil not winning that fight making the show bad and Richie looking about one Virgil’s wingspan away from getting in his face over it
‘Were it not for my much more moral bestfriend being between us I would strike you down’
And lo but the boys are fighting. Because Virgil’s upset this new guy one-upped him and Richie’s upset Virgil just ran off on his own without a plan just because there was a camera there and Virgil’s upset Richie’s upset and it’s just a mess
Oh damn Virgil. Seriously responding to Richie claiming he doesn’t even want to be on a show by pointing out that he was a solo act before he got his powers. Neither of the boys looking their best in these episodes, which is the point of watching them but still
Virgil: ‘I think I may have fucked up’
Somebody throw Rast into the bay. It doesn’t have to be to his death or anything he just, needs to get tossed in the bay
Got a nice chase with whatever his name was, Static dealt a damn good blow, but it seems to have only charged up the enemy. So he tries again. And again. Virgil you are smarter than this.
And Virgil gets his shit wrecked. Rast not as much as I would like, though I suppose the crew is blameless.
Virgil’s family wish to watch his show. Or at least his sister does.
The Hawkins have a doublewide door.
Apologies between our boys! Richie was jealous but he shouldn’t have let it get him moody, Virgil shouldn’t have been showboating at the expense of everything ever. Both are in the wrong, and now they can do better
I love how, much like Bruce jumped from “hm, I look to be covered in fur“ to “I think this guy may have actually been a werewolf“, Virgil and Richie jump from “this guy can take in electricity to make himself stronger“ to “I think this guy might not actually be a metahuman“. Both massive logical leaps when a simpler explanation exists.
Boys investigating shit, sneaking in to look at footage for clues
Sir you are not about to replace Virgil with Adam, you are not even gonna try! You leave him outta your mess he deserves better! As if he doesn’t have enough to worry about with his brother running around starting shit...
I do not approve of heroes using their powers on people to sway them to their pov, Virgil
These men should not be trusted with a briefcase of valuables
*gasp* Whats-his-name can speak!
Transmitter was somehow transmitting Static’s powers. How? Who the fuck knows. But that little matter is handled now. Now it’s just to wait for this dude to run out of juice.
And he’s blasting down helicopters. It was only a matter of time.
Virgil’s really upped his game in the season since the last episode.
Well, dude managed to get some distance before he ran out of power and Richie got his ass.
Brandon turned to supervillainy to fund his artistic passions
Rast can’t even be polite enough to listen to the monologue of the villain he created. Rude ass bastard.
Look, boys, I’m just saying, let Brandon go, just long enough to knock one of Rast’s teeth in. I think it would do wonders, just amazing things would happen.
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
day 4 of whatever sickness i’ve contracted. i am miserable and in bed and hate everything
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queenerdloser · 2 years
me once a month: hm why do i have these cravings for savory bread and chocolate....??? i must consume All The Garlic Bread and eat my weight in chocolate right now or i’ll die. weird.
me, a day later: ah
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the-evil-pizza · 5 months
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bearsinpotatosacks · 4 months
Rewatching star trek beyond so liveblogging it
God this film feels like coming home. Let me be a pharmacy assistant on the Enterprise please my life would be fixed
So does Bones just steal from people's lockers? Also they have lockers?
Oh LoRDy
I wish I could’ve been into star trek when this came out
Someone medicate Bones, man's so stressed out honestly
This film really makes me want star trek 4, make it a motion picture, getting the band back together thing
Love the way we see yorktown as massive and impressive then zoom in on the spaceport to make it seem lived in
Sulu's daughter has a toy enterprise
Fuck, prime Spock’s dead
The parts where they show prime spock really make me want a crossover between tos and aos, and it hurts that I'll never see it, guess i'll have to live in fanfic
Love the practical effects of this film
Also is Jim’s outfit in this scene, grey with yellow shoulders, the formalwear? If so I like it
Lovr Uhura's communications panel
Chris Pine's reactions, the cinematography, the set design, the sounds, fuck I love this film
Gonna start saying "i can't engage the warp drive" when i stall a car
Would love to see the borg in aos
Love the character consistency of Bones not carrying a phaser but spock is
Love Bones' portable scanner, i would watch a fake documentary about star trek tech
Does anyone wonder what happened to all the personal belongings that were destroyed on the Enterprise?
Jaylah’s coming soon 😆
There she is!
How many languages does she speak? English, her own and whatever those people she beat up were speaking?
Notice how Bones is still cut on the forehead while he's helping out Spock
Also why does Jaylah know about Krall’s plan? Is that why he shoots people down, try to find the Abornath then kill them to be immortal?
Just realised that Jaylah’s tech was probably from her ship before she got to Altamid, that's why she knows how to use it, her stick, her traps, the parts she got for the franklin (as well as other ships), makes me want to know what her people were like
How long has Jaylah been there?
Love how Bones is ready to throw hands
Bones dancing to achy breaky heart when?
Also Jaylah isn't introduced to Spock and bones, they just get beamed aboard and then spock collapses
Oo Krall’s looking more human
"You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?" Spock’s face 🤣
I really want to know about Jaylah’s family
This film literally proves that my "Jaylah is actually really fucking traumatised and definitely has (c) ptsd" agenda is canon
Also Scotty has his grandma's china hc
Love how Jim respects his crew
Also jim kirk is so Maverick/tom cruise coded it's insane. Bikes, dead dad, cocky attitude, shipped with someone who’s "ice cold"
Uhura has got to be traumatised after seeing a crewmate literally eaten in front of her
Jim Cruise is here! Tom Kirk!
After getting into top gun, the star trek navy inspired titles are funny to me, at least in aos by how quick they get them and how young they all are
Not sure why Jaylah’s fighting gives me kill bill vibes
Also jaylah has blue blood!
Love how sulu gets the dramatic line "they're going to destroy yorktown"
How long did it take to get the ship ready to fly? I mean, it's been at least a day and a night, the day they arrived, nighttime then they all got rescued and brought back together the next day just wondered how long it all took to happen
Also seatbelts!
Sulu would’ve won top gun
"I acknowledge and respect your concerns" Someone's been to therapy
"How do we get them to stop talking" is spoken so shatner
Just realised why certain jobs are the colours, yellow: anything running the ship (captain, pilot etc), red: anything about how the ship runs (engineering, communications, security), blue: science and medical
I love how the end of this film is similar to battleships where they use an old ship to defeat an alien ship
The picture of the original crew! He took it with him! I need a crossover now! I love how they used a more brassy theme there, makes it sound more original, more nostalgic
They had the chance to do futuristic dress but they just look like dudes from 2016
If they could just do an animated series for the aos crew...
Also the og theme at the end 🥲
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liveblog ghosts S5ep 5
this is it. The ep I'm fearing the most. I will cry and scream probably omg this is it isn't it.
Spoilers and feral babbling ahead probably
i am 1 sec in had to pause I'm so nervous about Caps death and my soft boy Havers
-annie-versary ☺️
-a new math meme from Robin😍
-i thinks it's gonna be a you don't connected shit Kind of EP xD
-oh phew Larry and Ben that's a relief
-a decapitated Doll how nice
-already kicked the bucket list 😂
-i am screaming Julian and Fanny 😂😂
-no rhythm? No legs 😂
-oh another Fan theory is adressed☺️
-"kitty ma Love" awww
-nicht 😱
-i love Cap so much
-phew Julian for a Moment I thought He would be creepy
-now His Body is Like a horse xD
-snuffles, Macy 🥰🥰 I need to Finish writing that one wip
-oh No this is where the flashbacks start
-oh No it isn't. Omg how Long is her Hair
-i want the flashbacks 🙁 I think.
-omg Fanny let her Hair down🥰
-ich bin so ufgregt omg Had to Stop again to whine to my sis
-fuck it's starting
-or Not
-why musst they tease me Like this
-atomic Kitty 😂
-awww Mike xD i know the Feeling though
-no sireeeee xD
-i scared 😂😂😂
-omg coming Out now maybe??
-pat Thomas hug😭
-omg omg now it's starting
-he broke in omg
-omg omg omg that explains IT the little rascal
-holy fuck i am screaming i screamed Out loud Hes there Hes looking at him holy fuck
-the Sound I Made was Not human. It's him my babes my soft boy omg im so nervous
-he has scars now but they weirdly suit him
-i can't tell If He looked Happy or Not
-was will der Heini denn jetzt geh da weg !
-havers Looks nervous or displeased I can't tell
-oh Shit no. He Just wanted to see him again
-oh fuck it's a Heartattack. Thank god. The horrible stuff I imagined isn't true after all!
-hes running to him 😭😭😭😭
-i know😭😭
I am sobbing. For realsies my eyes are leaking
Anthony 😭😭 James 😭😭😭(aka Teddy)
The hands😭😭
Omg was ist Havers swaggerstick??!!
I am going insane
How soft He Said james. His soft little smile.He Loved him No one can Tell me otherwise
The tear in Cap's eyes
He couldn't even Touch His face because the Guys stood there and watched😭😭
I have to Update the how Havers smiled at him Post😭😭
Peter again with the microexpressions 😭😭😭😭😭
Poor Cap😭 poor Havers😭😭
I can already hear some say that this still doesn't Show If Feelings were reciprocated. I feel it does. Even without a tear from Havers.
I need a small pause i played this little Clip so many Times know
Cap broke into that Thing to See Havers again my Heart I am screaming
-Fanny 🥺
-could we Count him telling the Story in a way as coming Out?
-mike 🥰
-achy breaky Heart 😂
Cap's Dancing omg screaming again
-julian omg😂😂😂
-i love Green on alliaon
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the-twitchy-life · 2 years
okay I’m apparently gonna be liveblogging the ‘rona, as you do.
It started of as “a bit achy around the joints, but really just congested,” and now it’s “ugggghh my body is just sore...”
And I haven’t been sick for 2+ years so it’s like it’s an entirely new experience! My body’s like, “Oh, is this another vaccine? Perhaps you’ve been cross-contaminated?” And it’s like NO YOU’RE SICK, GO DO SICK THINGS.
So my immune system, wildly out of practice, is doing all the sick things.
And in the meantime I’ve got to stay in my room as much as possible so I don’t infect my roommates- though luckily one’s got a bf they can stay with and the other two have rooms pretty far from mine.
So I’m just chilling in my room, windows open with a fan going, deciding if I want to take anything stronger than Flonase or naproxen sodium/ibuprofen/acetaminophen, because those are pretty much the only drugs I can take that won’t send me into an overmedicated coma.
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misc-merde · 3 years
alright folks it's time for mercer liveblogs their vax2 experience! if you're looking for stuff to expect, i just got the moderna second dose this morning so i guess that's the context for ya
only like four hours in, not so bad yet. took ibuprofen at like noon or so so that's probably helping. but achy and honestly fairly tired tho. also feeling a little warm? tho that could just be that it's been warmer lately and also i'm looking out for that so who's to say
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kariachi · 2 years
I have a commission! Which means research which means notes which in this case means liveblogs!
Got one Batman:TAS episode to go through and a few Static Shock ones, so we’re starting with Batman because that’s the property I have the least experience with and will need to percolate in my little brain longer.
How the fuck do the cops in Gotham have a goddamn dirigible for this opener? Are helicopters too loud for the Gotham aesthetic, what the hell?
Actually, actual show time. We’re doing ‘Moon of the Wolf’.
Zoo security guard wandering around with what I have to assume is the most unassuming guard dog on the face of the earth (seriously, is that a fucking labrador?), dog starts growling, man’s immediate response is ‘what is wrong with this dog’ like dude this is your job
I’m thinking if your guard dog is looking to lunge at a jogger going by you need to invest in a new guard dog. I mean we know better as the audience, there’s trouble afoot and the jogger is just wrong place and time, but these fuckers don’t and that should be a red flag.
Welp, that is certainly a werewolf. Very typical ‘big, furry, mannish wolf’ design. The glowy green eyes are a nice touch, and the long pointed ears. I specifically need to note these things because there’s going to be contrast between types of werewolf in this piece and yeah, this is pretty far from my werewolf design from my last SS piece which was more of a ‘wolf stretched over a human framework’ sorta deal. Think I’ll be able to get some good interplay.
No tail, can’t remember if I gave Richie a tail but that’s for the reread I’ll be doing as part of my non-episode research so, just good to note.
Got a bit of a bat-ish look from the angle I’m paused at, with all the teeth seemingly at the front of the mouth and the big ears, the hunched posture. Let’s see if they go anywhere with this...
That dog was here to fight a werewolf right up until he got launched like 30 ft due south. Like ‘yeah fuck the human I’m out‘
I can’t be sure but it looks like this fucker has a sort’ve vaguely ape gait, with the long forelimbs being used in locomotion but it a distinctly ‘I’m not technically a quadruped’ manner...
“No! Stay back! Keep away from me!” Sir what were you expecting that to accomplish? It’s a fucking werewolf.
Batman shows up to fight the werewolf and the look on this thing’s face before he gets kicked in it, like “I’m not here to fight, I just wanna eat a security guard, why can’t I just live my life?”
Also will somebody get this fucker a napkin, drooling all over the place
Yeah, that’s definitely a gorilla-inspired gait, the bat sorta look, still very world with the full werewolf mane, is a nice design
This fucker really just chucked an unconscious man into a river to get him out from underfoot. And Batman immediately dives in to save the guy from drowning, because he does have at least one moral.
Werewolf watches this happen and just leaves. “Well if you’re just gonna fuck off then so will I, so there“
Okay I like this bit right here, Batman having to read a guy’s nametag and being audibly unsure about the whole thing as he addresses him. That’s just fun to see from Mr Always On Top Of Things
“You’re a very lucky fella” Bruce his dog abandoned him, he was attacked by a werewolf, he almost drowned
Bruce, we do not interrupt people, which yes I know a cop is not a people but you seem to think they are so the point still stands. Let Gordon make his call then address him, it’s not like you’re that worried about the werewolf getting somebody else tonight or you’d be tracking it down right now.
“-a mugger in a werewolf mask” Oh Bruce you are in for a week. Also you don’t know it was a mugging. Looking at it even from your limited perspective I’d assume it was a much more serious act you were interrupting. Most muggers don’t knock fuckers unconscious and then pick them up, pick their pockets yeah but that’s like, kidnapping or murder territory. Especially given he then threw the fucker in the river, that does not sound like ‘he’s just a mugger’ to me.
Somebody stole a pair of timber wolves from the zoo. A breeding pair from the looks of it. Looks like either a pair of northern Rocky Mountain wolves or just the largest timber wolves ever born. Honestly just the largest timber wolves ever born either way given the male’s supposedly 175 lbs and the Rocky Mountain ones get up to 150. Female’s 148 and described as ‘medium’ sized. Ya know what, I’m just gonna say these are Dakota timber wolves, because I already write Dakota as being fucking weird.
(Actually have some Dakota-centric ideas in the head which is not good for a week with a commission but who knows, maybe shit’ll get worked in or maybe I’ll just write the Dakota shit later)
Wait no they straight up call then Alaskan timber wolves which makes even less sense because that subspecies only reaches about 100 lbs. So yeah, for the purposes of Achi Writings these are Dakota timber wolves. They’re listed as Alaskan because somebody was defrauding the zoo.
Batman notices he’s covered in fur, waves off his consideration noises with a “just had a disturbing thought, that’s all“. Guys I think Batman thinks somebody made a werewolf suit out the stolen wolves. I mean I doubt he thinks it’s an actual werewolf, though I’m open to being proven wrong.
*gasp* He does think it’s an actual werewolf! I don’t know why he jumped to that conclusion besides “you know what, it’s Gotham, this may as well happen”, but that applies to the ‘somebody stole a pair of wolves, skinned them, turned them into a werewolf costume, and it wearing it while they attack zoo staff’ concept so...
Watch, it turns out I’m right, those are Dakota wolves, Batman’s heard rumors about it and is just like “you know what, I wouldn’t be surprised-”
Batman really dropped the ‘what if he wasn’t wearing a mask’ bombshell and just immediately jumps out the window before Gordon can ask him if he’s finally completely lost his mind.
Ya know I was gonna be concerned for this presumably night watchman but now that I’ve seen his haircut, yeah just eat him
This werewolf is really tearing down a small building to get at this guy. Like I don’t blame you, his hair’s atrocious, but still.
Ah, okay, the man is I presume working with the werewolf. Why you would work with someone with hair like that I don’t know, maybe being a werewolf fucks with your sense of taste.
The transformation is quick but painful, it appears. Also has a timelimit for how long the fucker is wolf, it looks like. Yeah, I don’t think that’ll quite apply for the majority of fic purposes but for early stuff it’s important to know.
Mr Bad Hair, why the fuck did you have a werewolf committing a hit on a security guard? It’s Gotham, you couldn’t have just given some fucking street urchin a quarter to put a bullet in him?
Also it was a fucking murder attempt I was right, though not for the reasons I thought. Up yours, Bat, I’ve outdone ya
I would like to congratulate amateur photographer Bruce Timm for getting a rare photo of Batman in action, getting it in the paper, and being properly credited.
Sir, what is your damage?
‘Anthony Romulus’, gee, I wonder who the werewolf is.
(I do have thoughts in my head of some potential joking around between Virgil and Richie about how on-the-nose the names in places like Gotham are. No promises it’ll get into the work but the idea of Virgil joking about Batman’s real name being Vlad is just too good.)
Werewolf pledging millions to charity in exchange for a Batman encounter. Was already pledging a million just because (*cough*taxbreaks*cough*). Which honestly is better than most rich fucks, but still doesn’t earn him points until I find out how much he’s worth. The richer you are the bigger chunk I expect from you if you’re going to earn any sort’ve points for this shit. Also the charity isn’t given or even described it’s just ‘a local charity’ like dude come on.
Oh my god. I think I’m seeing why this guy is working with Mr Bad Hair. Fucker looks like Ruber from Quest for Camelot! Seriously! His great-something grandson running around getting turned into a werewolf, which honestly seems like something Ruber would approve of.
Man straight up admits he is donating money for tax purposes. Though he’s also talking to Bruce “yeah I’ve got more money than god but I donate it to charities tied to my family” Wayne so... Let’s see if we get any commentary. Come on Bruce.
Ah so he has decided on a charity, the Gotham United Fund. I was concerned maybe he intended to have them fight to the death for the 2.5 million.
Bruce doesn’t look best impressed but also isn’t saying anything. Come on Bruce, use your words. And who’s this chick they’re working out with, do you have a name, miss? You seem nice as one can expect from what I assume is another rich fuck, I don’t wanna have to call you by a silly alias if there’s another option.
No name for Miss Lady so I’ll just be calling her that until I get one.
Bruce is watching a documentary on Alaskan timber wolves. That won’t help, Bruce, they’re clearly from Dakota.
Meanwhile Alfred’s back there fixing up the Batmobile.
Bruce just shuts off the documentary partway through. There could be valuable information in there.
“The hairs check out as genuine wolf hair, but it could just mean shaggy was wearing an extremely fancy mask“ Sir, sir how fancy do you think werewolf masks get? Or are you coming to the ‘he might have skinned the stolen wolves’ theory because it is still very much there for you and very Gotham.
A dozen directions, what directions Bruce? We’ve seen one. Give us at least another.
Bruce being rude to his not-dad. Alfred raised you better than to not say thank you damnit.
Does Ruber II really have a little mini parthenon as a wing of his house? Seriously? Dude tone it the fuck down.
Swear to god it’s like if Ruber’s line bred with the Morningstars...
This man really locking Batman in his house and hitting panic buttons like, sir you know if Batman vanishes people are gonna look at you. And heavens forbid they find wolf hair because the police already have shit going.
‘I’m a busy bat, places to be, crimes to foil, you know how it is’
Batman sitting here fucking sweating, like sir, sir have you noticed you’re locked in? I hope so because otherwise you’re sweating over somebody writing out a check to charity.
Hold up I gotta check something- This motherfucker writing out a check for 2.4 million when he said 2.5, I know he’s probably not intending for it to leave the room but still. Principal of the matter.
Ah, the button did not just double lock everything it also fucked up the air or something. Werewolves are immune to gassing apparently. Wonder if it’s a specific gas or if they like, can’t be put under anesthetic and shit
Okay the werewolf I can get being immune to whatever gas is being used but wtf is up with you Bad Hair?
Milo. Bad Hair’s name is Milo. Honestly I’m tempted to use it because that’s somehow worse, but I don’t respect him enough for that.
Oh, having some regrets Ruber II? Gassing the hero of Gotham after trying to murder some random schmuck?  Luring him in with a promise of millions to charity? No, wait, can’t be that you were talking about tax havens earlier.
Didn’t even bother with the mask, just took off the belt and chained him down as werewolf chow
Serious, what is Bad Hair’s deal? What is his motivation here?
Did you feel this torn up over killing Hamner, Ruber II? Or is ‘supercide’ where you draw the line?
Bad Hair holding a cure to werewolfism over Ruber II’s head. Like, dude you have enough money you know you can just lock yourself away during the full moon or whatever? If you can promise 2.5 mil to charity and are hanging out with Bruce Wayne odds are you can afford to set up a nice little space to spend your wolfy-time in. Talk to Bruce, he’s supposedly a nice guy, would help you find a cure that you don’t have to murder people for.
Remember kiddos, communication is key.
Flashback time
Man really said ‘I want to win so bad I’m gonna go to a mad scientist with the worst hair imaginable and take experimental drugs from him’.
Timber wolf steroids and estrogen. I’ve heard people call werewolves gender goals but this is taking it a bit far.
Ruber II deserves this shit, worse than his grandpa. At least that fucker tested shit on a chicken.
Bad Hair really was plotting werewolf-brand extortion from the start. Why, still no fucking clue
Got turned into a werewolf and still was only marginally better than the competition.
Ah, rich fuck bullshit. As in fucks becoming rich, apparently.
Man threw Bad Hair down a flight of stairs- objectively the right move- for the audacity of expecting payment- I know this is probably supposed to be ‘the werewolfness changed him’ but he’s a rich fuck so come on
Yeah, no way this man earned fame and fortune and won and Olympic class event all in under a month. Man was already rich and just got richer I promise you this.
Please tell me this man did not hear Bad Hair go “I can’t reverse the process but I can complete it“ and decided he would rather be all wolfy rather than like 15% wolfy.
Ruber II please tell me you are not surprised to find out the weird wolf shit turned you into a werewolf while you are standing there covered in fur and with sharp teeth and claws and pointy ears.
Man claims advanced werewolfism can be cured and this fuck just rolls with it again. Takes longer to decide but still just fucking rolls with it. Like, sir please. At least take a week to think on it, you may find out you like this shit.
End flashback
At least make him prove it is an antidote rather than just like, some super lycanthropy potion.
Oh look, it’s Hamner again. Hey dude. We gonna find out why people want you dead?
Okay is this another flashback or did somebody return the wolves? Also those are definitely not normal wolves.
Oh look, a cop. Hi cop. Do me a favor and look after this guy, I like him out of spite.
Why am I not surprised to find a Gotham City cop is going immediately to police brutality and threats of murder in the dead of night against a suspect. Why did I even dare to hope for a brief instant that maybe this show was trying to not pull that shit so much.
I know Officer Ass isn’t gonna get eaten or his head caved in but damnit I can dream. In fact I can make it happen. I am writer hear me roar. Officer Harvey Bullock, I’ve got your number
So Hamner took a couple grand in exchange for letting the wolves get stolen and then apparently returned and presumably was being killed as a witness.
You really gonna get pissed when the guy says for all he know the dude who paid him coulda been you? When you were just threatening to feed him to wolves for the crime of letting the wolves be briefly stolen? Yeah Officer Ass gets to die. Probably not on screen ‘cause I got thoughts in my head, but he’s getting eaten by a werewolf.
Come on, eat Bad hair
‘I’m going to taunt this werewolf and then stand there with the antidote in my head talking shit as he transforms- No wait, why are you attacking me?’
Bad Hair just because a shed dropped on him doesn’t mean you don’t wanna run
Bruce got himself free because of course, just before being attacked. Bad Hair, meanwhile, is pretending to be dead.
Cops in this city just assholes who can’t follow direction
Struck by lightning and fallen into the fucking river, what a way to get taken out.
Okay, so Bad Hair is alive and being taken to hospital, what about our fluff Ruber II?
“No trace of wolfie, we checked the shoreline for miles. But it four weeks there’s another full moon, then we’ll know for sure.” I’m- I’m sorry are they not even going to look for a body? Because it really sounds like the position here is ‘either this guy is alive and will attack in another month at which point we’ll handle it, or he’s dead in the river in which case fuck him our job is done’. Like, who sees somebody get struck by lightning, fall into a river and then just checks the shoreline for them? Even a monster, you’d at least want to trawl up the corpse!
It’s nice to have confirmation he’s not dead there at the end, but still. Nothing about Bruce’s reaction, I mean they knew each other? And we’re just gonna leave the PD being, that?
Officer Ass has to go. Other than that, I think I can play around with some shit here.
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Bonus Question Answers! (live action heat 2)
I asked a silly question! You gave me incredible answers. SO VERY MANY INCREDIBLE ANSWERS. Now, I present my favourites, but pity me, because it was SO HARD.
If your answer is listed below, you’ve earned an entry in a random draw to win a GIFTENING liveblog OF YOUR CHOICE
Q: What is your favourite Least Known And Probably True No Really I Swear Jet Wolf Fact?
* Once ate a sweater in a blind rage between chapters of the manga  -- Achi  [TRUE, except it wasn’t just one]
* Jet Wolf is Neither A Rock Nor An Island -- @amberlilly [YES EXACTLY DON’T LISTEN TO THE LIARS]
*  Jet wolf's liveblogs average both .05 scenes per minute but at 1000X the words per scene. With roughly 75.5% of those words being in the hashtags alone. (And we wouldn't have it any other way.)  -- forgottenfae  [I haven’t done the math, but that sounds about right!]
* The trigger word for her agent activation is "McElroys"  -- Holligay  [HAHA I HATE YOU GO TO HELL]
*  Jet Wolf's is a secret agent, fighting against a netherverse's plot to take over the world via toilets. She secretly saved Doc's life that night, but no one will remember it as anything but just a drunken toilet punching. -- @kumeko  [THANK YOU FOR RECOGNIZING MY TRUE HEROISM THAT NIGHT]
* [redacted]  -- lott  [I didn’t post what you said because it was too sweet and I got all, like, with feelings and shit and it was gross]
*  Jet Wolf knits to grind for DEX increases, eventually this will give her perfect balance and the ability to pick pockets  -- Nax  [Any day now! Come to me, sweet stat increase!]
*  Despite the obvious answer, her fursona is actually a purple plush cat  -- Revieloutionne  [Everything about this is wrong in every possible way, amazing.]
* Jet Wolf is actually six tiny Jet Wolfs in a trenchcoat. When released they will chant 'Usagi loves Rei Usagi love Rei loves...' to infinity until gathered again. -- @somebitofeverything  [Do not underestimate the might of the Six Tiny Jet Wolfs]
*  Jet Wolf contains trace amounts of asbestos. If you have been exposed to Jet Wolf and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation. @thatpreciousthing  [I laughed at this when it came in, and I still laugh every single time I see it, thank you.]
I’ll be drawing for the bonus liveblog around the start of THE GIFTENING 2020 (which will be Monday, 11 January 2021). Each bonus question is another chance to earn an entry! AS WE SEE I CAN ABSOLUTELY AND SHAMELESSLY BE BOUGHT.
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multsicorn · 4 years
[liveblogging the untamed ep 33, wei wuxian has finally come back to life]
WHAT KINDA FANFIC BULLSHIT IS THIS, (i mean that in the best possible way).  Wei Wuxian waking up in his mutual love interest’s house after coming (basically and quite literally in this case) back from the dead, after said love interest has nursed him back to health!  well the stringed instrument playing over the clip show scene at least looks like that.  definitely, after lan wangji has defended him, and was playing him their song, and now that Wei Wuxian’s finally woken up he’s wandering all over looking for Lan Wangji after all, and having all sorts of feelings and memories about when they first got to know each other.
and all those suppressed but strong emotions!!!  ‘you looked for me.’  *heartwarming, single tear.*  Lan Wangji’s FACE just when he thinks about Wei Wuxian being dead!!!  Even though - well, especially cause - Wei Wuxian is now clearly alive again - there’s some sort of relief, some sort of joy, that overlays the years of sorrow, but their imprint is still THERE.
Anyway: I wonder if we will get, later, why Lan Wangji waited three years to look for the body.  (Was he hoping that Wei Wuxian, after all, wasn’t dead?).  And the question of ‘do you believe me that I don’t know where I was’ draws such poignant parallels with the earlier period when Wei Wuxian was missing for only (!?!?) three months, when he was in the burial mounds, and they also thought he was dead then, and so.... did that help (and also, not so much help) Lan Wangji to ~hope all this time??
I’m still not sure what Wei Wuxian means when he asks ‘did you really believe me back then’? - does he mean believe in me?  Believe that I was fundamentally good, if not completely right, and myself, not corrupted?  Or what, exactly.... and I also wonder if we will find out about Lan Wangji’s scars.  I’m guessing - wondering, anyway - if he was disciplined for what he did in that final battle, by his elders in the strict Lan clan.
Cause there’s just... this amazingly achy distance between them.  Or I don’t know, maybe I’m imagining it, maybe it’s all in my head.  But after one of you has miraculously come back from the dead, y’know, you’d think whatever remaining issues exist would pale in comparison to that?  They work together as a team wonderfully - and I love just how into understanding everything about cultivation they both are, how it’s something they clearly both love doing, and are good at doing, together! - but there’s these unanswered questions.  And it seems that they still haven’t settled - maybe because of said questions (or maybe not) - what is this.  What are they.
... and I want that for them, even though there’s sixteen episodes left and they do need an arc!  They are *raises fingers* this close and it just makes me want all the more.
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timemachineyeah · 5 years
A few weeks back I came down with what was probably Rotavirus. Whatever it was, I experienced extreme symptoms (vomiting, etc) for over a week (got very close to checking myself into the hospital) and it was rough. 
And then following that, almost immediately, my SSRI Rx ran out. And wasn’t being auto-refilled like I’d expect. It took well over a week of calling the pharmacy, calling the doctor, leaving messages, following up, to find out that my doctor wouldn’t process the refill because I hadn’t been seen recently - but more than that, that I couldn’t be seen because I’d lost my insurance. 
This resulted in a mental health backslide I am still working through (even though I am now back on my medication), and also just atrocious migraines that made functioning nearly impossible. 
This in particular is hard for me to give myself leeway for because it’s not as “real”, given it’s related to antidepressants and mental health. 
I got that sorted. And now I have strep. The sore throat isn’t all that bad actually (wouldn’t have even suspected strep if my roommate hadn’t had it last week), but the achiness and headache are unbearable. I keep thinking I’m mostly fine and then needing to sit immediately, gazing into the distance unable to do anything, wanting to just curl up. 
And on top of all of that, my cat is dying. Like, to the point where I wonder each morning if this is the morning I’ll wake up and see he’s in a coma or seizing or in a pool of vomit and it’s Time™. Right now he does okay, by certain definitions. He’s got just exactly enough quality of life, enjoyment, treats, desire for pets, for me to not be taking him in for that last vet trip yet, but each day I look at him and wonder How Much Longer. Is it Now? How about Now? He’s literally skin and bones. You pet him and all you feel is vertebrae and ribs. He’s wobbly on his feet. But he also just crawled up beside me on the couch and settled in. He still likes my company. He still eats (though not anything solid - these days his diet is mostly baby food with clam juice or egg whites for taurine). 
But he’s definitely in stage 4 kidney failure. And I don’t know when that last thread will break. Tomorrow? In a week? A month? Could we get half a year? When am I being selfish?
This all has resulted in nearly a full month of being kind of shit at staying on top of things, of being productive. I’ve been sick 24/7 for so long that I’ve started asking my roommate “Did I steal a rock from a national park??? Did we disrupt a mummy’s tomb??? Did I cut someone off by accident while driving and actually they were a capricious fairy???” and my roommate shrugs. 
But it’s making me feel terrible about myself. I don’t know where the balance is. I beat myself up for what I’m not doing. I beat myself for the things I do do, because they’re the Wrong Things. I beat myself for how much work I’ve missed (A LOT). For how Fake™ all these excuses sound back to back even though IT REALLY DID HAPPEN THAT WAY. For all the commitments I’ve let slide. And then if I try to do something and can’t, some part of me feels like I’m gonna get caught™ being “not sick” if I do some other productive thing I might manage. And I’m so aware of how absurd it sounds to be Sick™ for an entire month with a rotating series of excuses, even if they are all true, that I’m hyper aware of the judgment of others who might try to be evaluating my fakingness, even though those people aren’t doing that and that’s not how things go. 
I want to play The Sims, but if I do so off-stream I’m wasting time, and if I do so on-Stream I’ll strain my voice (I also don’t SOUND much like I have strep and that makes me feel like a faker). I want to liveblog Hunter x Hunter but I worry I’ll get five minutes in and then have to stop and that feels worse somehow than not doing it at all. I’m not sure I have the presence of mind. I’m not sure I have the stamina. Also all these things are done in the nice new office space I made for myself with my family’s money to WORK, and if I turn on that computer and don’t sit down to edit videos for my terminal baby cousins I’ll feel like a literal monster, but that’s also the kind of tedious and emotionally draining work I definitely can’t focus on right now. And all of this is compounded by having missed SO MUCH WORK. And I know it’s brainwashing that we were raised to think if you missed school/work then do anything else you’re a faker, but I still!!! Kinda worry!!! That’s what it means!!!!
Plus I need to be focusing on making money- getting freelance work! Applying for a second job! I’ve done some of that, but not the dedicated sessions I’m used to. Just a thing here or a thing there, because for a month I haven’t had the capacity to maintain that for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
I did all this work leading up to the end of the year last year to put myself in a place to be more successful this year, and it hasn’t been wasted! I know it hasn’t! I know I can still do all those things, and it’s already been going pretty well! BUT, a straight month of being basically entirely nonfuctional has really harshed that Very Good and Very Healthy and Very Optimistic momentum I had. Like, I was making such consistent headway with such clearcut plans and such self-determination. I don’t need to feel on top of the world or anything like that, I just don’t know where to start in regaining that sense of pride I had. It’s also given me a backlog that makes me feel overwhelmed, feeling like I’m doing the “wrong” thing no matter which thing I decide to tackle first, because there’s so much OTHER stuff I also intend to do, and so many people in so many arenas I’m letting down constantly. 
It’s gotten to the point where doing things feels almost as bad as not doing them, and IDK how much of that to blame on mental health and how much to blame on stress and how much to blame on unreasonable expectations and how much might really be my fault for not maintaining a better schedule or consistency though all this but regardless I know I need to get the fuck over myself and get back on the horse.
I just. I need some reassurance, I guess. I feel like I’m taking advantage of people - my parents, my boss, my friends, the people who work on projects with my or follow the stuff I do online. How do I feel like I’m offering something instead? How do I feel like it’s okay that things kinda stalled unexpectedly after having such good momentum before? Where do I get faith that I can work towards getting that momentum again? How do I convince myself I’m capable of this? 
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aadhiskanmani · 6 years
Ishqbaaaz :24/04/18 Liveblog
Fasten your seatbelts people this isn’t going to be sugar coated oh so fangirly gaga caz well i ain’t gonna support studpidity
so let’s start shall we 
what do we have today ? a contrived MU on the way and a fake shaadi of billu number121213332323233323 yeah below is my reaction to what i heard but phir bhi giving it a try
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hits the play button
so we have  a bechain billu marooing phere in the room trying to dial his biwi ka number but biwi is too bujy sitting on a purple sofa praying to god ji that pileaj danton wali ki bakwaas jhoot ho . Kya God ji available hain yeh prathna sunane ke liye?? I am afraid nahi 
moving on billu ji picks up his fancy sherwani and goes in his head pichli baar se toh bohat achi hai let me call biwi to ask should i bring it home  but too bad no answer phirse
suddently the spider senses get a full charge and dono mian biwi take ek doosre ka naam
Mr billu: aisa kyon lag raha hai anika aas paas hai
me Well idiot caz she is
and there they go out the door  and we have PIYAAAAAA MILENGEEEEEEEplaying in BG
what apt lyrics jisko dhoondo bahar bahar woh bhetha hai andar chup ke
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i see i see what you did there smart yes anika is dhoonding shivaay in galliyan of the house but shivaay is andar chup ke bhetha in the room 
akal ke parde peeche karde ghoonghat ke vadh khol dein
Bhai too much of an expectation akal ke parde peeche kar diye toh  thos INTANSEEEEEE GAlat fehmi nahi hofgi na
anyway now they are walking in galleries randomly
OH almost there almost there 
SHIT the big giant heart is replaced by a white decoration thingie this time and they miss each other as usual 
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 chalo exected tha wah wah kya announcement by mr ke anika kaise ho sakti hai kyon bhai taxis ervice exist 
now back to bhitar to chupfy and get ready
bua drags mrs back dhamkaooes her to watch the tamasha of barbadi and khidkitod anika becomes bheegi billi and sits there
oh Head of nakara Board MR and Mrs Tejvi arrived
CEO nakara tells choti maa go by the plan
President  Tej tells roop she needs medical help
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mr Tej is telling others they need medical help HAHHAH
some random bullshit is happening that am not bothered to listen but great display of teamwork by TinkY kya solid Team hai bOss if only the situation wasn't this bleh i would’ve enjoyed 
moving on Mr junior nakara ops i meant Rudy takign aashirwads from random pandit  to be a fake pandit and wait he did not even put the fake beard on just glasses and fake bun and lo ho gaya disguise sab andhe hogaye
oh wait never mind i missed billu ki meeting with his new hone wali bahu
itna tilmilaya billu end main again looks at the sherwani main bata rahi hoon iska dimaag isme hi phasa hai and he is alkso bitter ke achi sherwani ab kyon mile
uttawla toh main hoon apni anika ke paas jaane ke liye OH yeah sure dumbass but you are messing up
okay back to pundit rudy trying to be funny sorry hassi nahi aa rahi  rofl rofl FInally hum kuch kar rahein hai man isko bhi pata hai kitna nakara hai
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rofl rol saaath wale nakara ne get up iss liye  kia ke dhoti sambhale wah bada kaam kia isne iss purre plan main aaj toh chocolate milk banta hai Boss
chalo in mandap sorry guys i have no jigar to watch this
cut to MS part  why is mr shivaay smiling while remembering hate wedding weird hai happy wali kare yaad oh ya phir must be costumes ka asar pehli shaadi wali hain na unse milti jhulti
oh ho Biwi is watching this and thinks mr ne pehna dia almost mangal sutra 
Question so we have view blockage in form of Pinky  in mid but why is MRS not going to the side to get a clear view she isn’t’;t tied but ek hi jagah bhethi bol rahi hai ap aisa nahi kar sakte?? khidki bhi bohat wide aur badi hai room bhi. thoda sa side main ho clear view milega??
meanwhile he tells the random girl to tie it herself and she obliges too without a question?? is she also getting Blackmailed into this isi liye khud se pehan liya???
Oh man and we have worst acting here from the Actors who are effortless and flawless  but aaj sorry are at their worst i died laughing at yeh aapne kya kia are we serious??
screen freeze
phew done
sorrynotsorry for putting my actual thoughts out there
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ab kal dekhte hain what level of contrivedness it goes too for now
-5/5 for this bakwaas track and episode
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peachblushed · 4 years
new weed liveblogging
first dose didn't get me very high, unfortunately—even two hours later, i wasn't feeling much. so i took a little bit of a different brand and it's just now hitting me. it's nice. it took a little over an hour for this second dose?
so... i indulged in a little bit more, both because i wouldn't mind being higher, and because i really would like to be high for longer. i've been tense and achy for a while now, and even kinds without cbd tend to help that, some.
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queenerdloser · 5 years
i was going to finish cleaning my apartment for my sister’s visit but i got some kind of head-cold yesterday and honestly i feel like Death so all i can do is lie in bed and hug my new whale plushie and wait for the end
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay y’all, next liveblog, first Static Shock one of the day. Doing ‘Power Play’.
Boys at least put some boards up at those busted windows, you are gonna catch your deaths of cold
I am embarrassed on Richie’s behalf over that look. Child wtf are you doing, are you using a sweater for a fake cape? Are you nine? Boy is playing superhero which is sweet in that ‘ah kids/teens’ way but also the secondhand embarrassment is real.
Hi Virgil.
Virgil Hawkins, kicking back, watching his best friend play superhero, waiting to see how he saves the day
They’re good kids damnit
Richie is self-conscious
Boy is just not in the mood for fun now that the actual amateur superhero has arrived.
A jealous noodle.
Well that went from zero to ‘taking my toys and going home’ quickly. Richie he wasn’t making fun of you, it wasn’t even ribbing, he was just trying to goof off with you.
Richie almost hits some random bastard scootering through a construction site because he was too busy being huffy over his imaginary Virgil motivations, crashes and immediately goes to check on the person because as I said they’re good kids. Not perfect, but good.
Damn, old man straight up looks evil. And glowy sparky powers because of course glowy sparky powers, what other kind are there
Old man almost gets run over, sparks all over Richie, then fucking gaslights him about it.
Where the fuck did these guys come from? Just turn and suddenly there’s a jungle gym and people sitting on it. Why is there a jungle gym? Why is it in the middle of the road? What sort’ve Keep Dakota Weird (You Have No Choice) shit is this?
Do you boys really have nothing better to do than shit on strange jungle gyms and laugh at people? Somebody give these guys a hobby and the means to do it.
And then in the next shot they’re gone. I know the situation because while it’s been a good while I have seen this episode, but I’m still going to say it’s all ghosts just for the fuck of it.
Okay the jungle gym isn’t int he middle of the road even though it looked like it was in fact there is a road where it looked like it wasn’t a proper one and just- This is some Dakota bullshittery, everything’s a fucking mess
“Suddenly everybody’s gone but me, and the whole place totally gets this haunted house vibe-” ‘and the terrain was entirely different and it’s not even Thursday-’
Richie: ‘Something is weird’ Virgil: ‘I’ve been saying that about you for years but nooo’
Ah friendship
Richie Foley ran in front of an out of control truck to save a dog which is very sweet but also child no!
Welp Richie’s got some sorta powers going on. And lucky that because I really don’t think Virgil needed the guilt of ‘I was gone for a minute and a half and he jumped in front of a truck’ on his conscience.
Boy fucking wrecks a truck with a forcefield in front of god and everybody
Actually I have thoughts in my head already for a bit for the story and I might be able to call back to this episode with some things...
Imagine if instead of the drug allegory they had going in this episode instead the rest of it the dog spent following them around and it turned out that all the old man did was give Richie better luck and it’s actually the dog using it’s own powers to protect him because he tried to help it.
Virgil please! In case there was any doubt these two are teenagers. Fucking ‘I know I’ll throw part of a car at my friend, that’ll make him use these powers again’
Virgil: *mentions sidekick-hood* Richie: *immediately indignant*
Okay, slow down kiddo, not every piece of scrap in the yard needs to be forceblasted
I am watching this scene and wondering how these boys survive this show. I’m sure Virgil’s mother is up in heaven thinking the same damn thing.
Virgil is so encouraging. Is a good friend. Even if he is very very much a teenager.
Virgil, sensible enough to notice when Richie has gotten too far into the air. Boy is gonna break his damn neck.
Or is gonna get seen, I suppose. Look it’s Dakota and the second season of the show I don’t think people are gonna care about someone flying in the distance at this point.
Well that is the worst moment for your powers to give out. This is why we test with care, children.
Richie is not happy with being saved even though he was falling out the damn air to a plausible broken neck.
The boy has powers for fifteen minutes and has a crisis when they go away. And you don’t even know for sure they’re gone, you could’ve just run out of juice. Not everybody can be perpetual energy weirdos like Virgil and Hotstreak.
Richie: “I’m just not hungry, Mom“ His Mom: *alarm bells ringing*
Richie please avoid the weird haunted place
Who dressed this guy? His outfit is atrocious. Not as bad as Bad Hair’s hair, but still. Also fucker your boss is looking to recruit people try not scaring the shit out of them. Poor fucking workplace behavior.
Don’t you look all judgy Thing 2, your outfit’s shit too.
Seriously, how do you trust a man that looks like this old man looks? It’s like Ebeneezer Scrooge started to melt.
Richie look at them. The leader is a wax figurine of the epitome of greed and the other two look like a athletic goods store and a road crew supply garage exploded respectively.
‘Run’ and ‘Jump’? Seriously? Once again, the actual name is worse than the nickname and again I am going to continue to refer to you two as Thing 1 and Thing 2 because I don’t respect you.
‘Ragtag’ my ass, I’m gonna call you Scrungle. Ebeneezer Scrungle. Scrungle apparently is another Bang Baby but he only got the power to give other people powers, which one has to wonder how that works in the context of the show. I mean, does he melt many people trying to get fuckers?
Richie please. Richie look at Scrungle, actually look at him, and tell me this is someone you should be accepting powers from. It might actually be safer to go to Alva. Look at him, he’s the sorta guy who cuts his coke supply with ground up lead paint because it’s a cheap filler he can get off the walls of condemned houses.
Goddamnit Richie. Did nobody teach this child Stranger Danger?
Virgil on the hunt for his friend who is being an idiot.
He can use his powers on phone lines to place calls, because of course he can.
Unknowingly spills that he is not currently in possession of a Richie to Mrs Foley, who believed he was
Everything that could go wrong with that crane did go wrong, all at once, goddamn
I am officially a fan of the one dude who just scooped his woman up in his arms and hoofed it out of danger. You, sir, get the Achi Seal of Valor. I hope they have long and happy lives and remain close no matter if the relationship lasts.
Virgil is struggling, though not as bad as the civilians
‘Push’, really? Richard what the fuck. You did not let that man name you did you? Please, for the love of all that’s good in this world
Name him and dress him, somebody save this boy from his own bad decisions. Ground him, smack him with a fish, something
Ladies, please, leave yourselves some dignity, don’t hang on a man dressed like that. Yes I know the times were weird but for your own sakes- There’s better out there.
Virgil is having a time, poor kid
Virgil after a point you don’t have to haul the damn thing, just drop it from higher you can’t do more damage
Well, Richie made an attempt. A half-hearted and shoddy attempt, but an attempt at giving Virgil some credit. Surely you can do better than that
Damn, fuckers are just cold. A bit of fucking gratitude would not go amiss you ingrates.
“Where did you get your powers“ Bitch this is Dakota you know damn well where he probably got his powers! Same as every other fucker in the city.
Welp, time for the boys to fight
Stow the ego, Richard. It’s already undue and that outfit is not a costume so much as a crime in and of itself.
Richie isn’t even making up a lie about the powers, he’s just straight up ‘I know something and you don’t’ about it.
Richie is not normally a bundle of attitude and secrets and bad clothes (no I will not drop that it’s my liveblog) and Virgil is rightly concerned. Also still very much a good friend.
Virgil seeing the two and the four and algebra-ing shit out
Richie you need to chill with this imagining Virgil’s motivations thing.
And Virgil, with every best intention, says the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Richie! Violence is uncalled for!
Virgil: *shocked* Richie: *has a heartbeat of wtf did I do before running off*
Oh look, he returns to Scrungle to beg for his powers.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 really just exist to sit there in ugly outfits and laugh at people
Well at least Thing 2 is being polite while explaining the plan for them to rob a museum. More than I ever expected of him.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 are trying to be encouraging. Don’t even give Richie shit about wanting to be a hero, just pulling a ‘you gotta do what you gotta do to have the powers you need’.
Guys please.
Richie is drawing a fucking line. He’s fine with secrets, not so much with grand theft redux
Great, you two to handle this shit yourselves, Richie is out
Richie using his powers to set off the museum’s alarm so it closes up and calls in back-up, because fuck these guys and their plan
Well, Richie tried a two-on-one and didn’t do bad. The whole ‘powers are only temporary’ thing is his biggest problem
Thing 2 fucking licking himself, dude what the fuck
Hi Virgil
How does this boy magnetize literally fucking everything? Swear this show thinks electricity is magic, like it was written by some timetraveler from the 1500s
Thing 1 really thought it was a smart idea to stand directly over the superhero with electricity powers? Really?
Static goes to confront Scrungle and is quickly taken in by the ‘I am a sick old man’ routine. Boy please tuck the hero away for a heartbeat in exchange for some caution.
Ebeneezer Scrungle is capable to stealing powers and is essentially eating poor Virgil Aggy style. He’s not as good at it though, Aggy’d have him all eaten up by now
Richie to the rescue
Richie nails an old man with a folding lounge chair
Richie no. Richie do not fall for the ‘help me I’ll fall’ ploy. If nothing else grab somethign for him to grab rather than grabbing him yourself
Welp. He fell. Right into the trash where he belongs
Boys settling differences the way god intended- via gaming
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