#again: this is just a work of fiction
lazylittledragon · 5 months
my posts asking about potential dadstarion have received literally every possible response which is both unhelpful and also reassuring that i can do whatever i like
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communistkenobi · 4 months
I don’t like when people ask how many books you plan to read/have read this year one because I think that’s a weird relationship to have to books and two because I think even reading a chapter or a portion of something is valuable. this is especially true with non-fiction but even with fiction I think any amount you read, even if you don’t read the entire thing, is not a failure or ‘incomplete’
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charlieconwayy · 7 months
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Favorite Character Meme [5/5 Relationships]: Shawn & Turner
"Turner took care of you, he loves you. And you love him."
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captain-astors · 8 months
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Creature. (The rendered ones are referenced from manga panels)
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
Have I mentioned lately that creating AUs is the most fun thing ever? You get to take a story you love and then mash it against another type of story you love and fit all their pieces together like they're a jigsaw puzzle. You get to find all the unexpected points of similarity where the stories fit together really well, and see the places where their differences change and make commentary on the original stories/genres in really interesting ways.
And then once you fit the pieces together, you get to look at the new world you've made and see how these characters in this specific world have different conflicts and explore new themes, and you get to play with another level of puzzles as you figure out what this means for this story.
It's the most fun ever. It's my favorite game.
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essektheylyss · 2 months
hi hello hi I need to scream for a sec but I HAVE A SHORT STORY IN A PRINT ANTHOLOGY! like a real actual physical book!!! the anthology as a whole is about resource scarcity and specifically the moment a resource runs out, and true to form I wrote a funky thing about time and grief and messy familial relationships and gardening. cuz what is there to do when something ends other than to keep maintaining your plants.
this isn't even to say you should totally buy this thing but if you do want to check it out, it's available for preorder
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gideonisms · 4 months
I will admit I hate the trend towards measuring how Healthy fictional relationships are. they're not breakfast cereals! we don't need to measure the amount of fiber! even if it did matter how much fiber a fictional relationship has "healthy" is also a very general, vibes-based word for concepts that I think we probably should get more specific about
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purpleshadow-star · 2 months
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Pic context: Talking about the exy stadium at USC considering the fact that USC is a real school
I love how Nora just invents things in order to avoid complications with real-life things.
Like, using USC's football stadium as the exy stadium too would take a lot of work to figure out how that would be possible. Solution: invent a new stadium!
Having the characters play a real sport that already exists would mean looking into all the rules and regulations and history, etc, and there could be multiple elements of the sport that work against the plot of the story or complicate it in some way. Solution: invent a new sport!
I mean, it gives her full creative control over what happens in the story, and we as readers get to learn about a cool new thing without feeling the need to fact-check every element. Tbh, it makes so much sense to me.
Like, go off! Make stuff up! It's your world. We're just reading and enjoying and becoming obsessed with it!!!
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vaguely-concerned · 11 months
It was worse, when I was a kid. I remember the time you caught me telling her 'I love you'. And I can't even remember what you said, but I remember that I had you on your back -- I put you straight on the fucking ground. I was always so much bigger and so much stronger. I got on top of you and choked you 'til your eyes bugged out. I told you that my mother had probably loved me a lot more than yours loved you. . . . Were you ten, Harrow? Was I eleven? Was that the day you decided you wanted to die?
You remember how the fuck-off great aunts always used to say, 'Suffer and learn'? If they were right, Nonagesimus, how much more can we take until you and me achieve omniscience?
I'm never not thinking about this part of harrow the ninth. what a fucking perfectly distilled microcosm of gideon's and harrow's childhood. two children clawing at and choking the life out of each other over the entirely fictional premise that either of their mothers ever loved them.
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hauntedpearl · 5 months
thinking thoughts about things and such but I do wonder if cas had, say, an amnesia moment or whatever and dean did dean things which would include kidnapping him and keeping him in an underground bunker etc etc you understand. like if and when cas does come back to himself. i do wonder. if his freaky ass would be so into it that he'd jump dean's bones about this violation of human rights. i do wonder.
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makapatag · 10 months
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friendly reminder that i have a high fantasy southeast asian-inspired web serial named PRINCESS MURDERS THE HERO that is also an examination of the Hero's Journey and a meandering joyful exploration of Southeast Asian folklore and violence
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princessmurdersthehero.com and yeah its set in Gubat Banwa! check it out im getting to finishing the outline for the next arc and im getting all one piece experimental with it (its also a university arc lmao)
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eve-cower · 4 months
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Date sans
Kiss sans
Propose to sans
Marry sans
Have a lifetime lasting relationship with sans
Go on many picnics with sans
Play games with sans
Travel the world with sans
Listen to the stories and laughs of sans
Fall asleep each night and wake up each morning while looking at sans
Have children with sans
Build a house with sans
Watch our children grow up while we are expecting our fourth with sans
Watch the stars twinkle in the night, as we rest, shoulder to shoulder, with our children sleeping next to us with sans
Watch our children grow into warm, self sufficient, caring and capable adults, with sans
Retire to a farm next to the woods with sans
Have our children and grandchildren come to celebrate holidays together with sans
Take long hikes into the woods while holding hands, remembering all the amazing events we had in our life with sans
Grow old with sans
Pass away while at home, surrounded by family, holding hands with sans
As the void takes me, take the sight of a smile, covered with a stream of never ending tears, and feeling the warm embrace and kiss of sans
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padfootastic · 2 years
thinking of toddler harry who’s very, very attached to his godfather sirius (as he should be, really) and gets pissy whenever he goes for work. (yes, sirius is a 9-5er here. suspend all disbelief, folks)
so, to get a handle on the tantrums, sirius dresses harry in his own little formal clothes, robes and over cloak and silver clasp and fake wand holder and all.
‘look, siri, im just like you!’ harry says, every morning like clockwork. once they look absolutely alike, hair combed and tied neatly (little butterfly clips in sirius’ curls, ofc), they set off for the day. sirius conjures a little size-appropriate desk for him that he can sit at, gets him a briefcase and all. when u open it, it has all sorts of colouring materials, beads and strings and charms for DIY, and a little notepad with a pen for Serious Stuff.
throughout the day, sirius gets his work done while harry carefully does his own stuff. whenever he gets too fidgety, sirius sends him out on a ‘mission’—going out and evaluating how the rest of the employees are doing their work. harry, of course, takes his task super seriously and tries to emulate sirius’ Grown Up Face very diligently, walking with his hands behind his back and an adorable little frown on his face. of course, he’s so short he can’t actually see what anyone’s doing but everyone’s accommodating enough that he has enough information to relay it back to sirius in his office.
at the end of the day, both of them take their cloaks off the hanger, simultaneously sling it over their shoulders, and wave a goodbye to the remaining members in the office. when they get home, harry is still meticulously copying sirius’ actions so he neatly sets his shoes to the side, hangs his cloak on the rack, and falls face first into the sofa with an exhausted sigh of relief.
‘being a adult is hard, padfoot,’ is the last thing he says before drifting off to sleep.
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bobmckenzie · 8 months
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ice cream date ! 🍦
in all the hubbub of the september prompts I never posted this ADORABLE commission I got from @cupiidzbow !! I've had it as my lockscreen like all month and it makes me SO HAPPY every time I see it :'D
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sollucets · 7 months
guys i am trying Really hard not to have public opinions about of this morning... pray for me
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zoppzoop · 4 days
worked out today after quite a while!!! felt good to know that even after all the cracky bones and long days spent sitting at my desk, I haven't lost too much of my flexibility, although my stamina has dropped down WAY too much. hopefully I can wake up early and go for a run tomorrow and slowly build it up!!
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