#ahhhh this was so long omg i am so sorry
EMBARRASSING: local fool didn't realize he lived within driving distance to a really cool epic cave system, now has to rectify the fact that they haven't visited in the half a decade that she has lived nearby posthaste
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rosedom · 3 months
AHHHH HELLOOO sorry i usually dont request much, haha this is actually my second request in all of my tumblr story ever but...i saw you decided to write for gaming and i just couldnt resist, i love your writing a lot and i just think its so immaculate hahaa. Could you write an scenario where male reader is stressed from work (imagine he has an important job like a doctor or something whatever you want is fine :)) because he has been working days nonstop, so much that his boyfriend is all worked up and horny for him so when reader comes back he finds himself straddled by him while hes begging for fucking? With cockwarming, breeding kink and cowgirl position. Could that be with Gaming, Lyney and Gorou? SORRY IF IM ASKING MUCH I DONT WANT TO BE A BOTHER😭😭 i just dont know how to request but thanks for reading all of rant. And again, thank you and sorry for bothering😔 have a nice day/afternoon/night!
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"an unnamed player has invited GA-MING, LYNEY, and GOROU to play . . . an apple a day
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!top!male!reader, sub!bottom!ftm!characters, vaginal sex & riding, breeding kink + creampies, creaming (lyney), gratuitous praise + petnames .
A/N : aa u are never a bother !! i am SO SORRY this took so long for me to get to, omg . . . but i had sm fun with this (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Patient after patient after patient, each one with a more downright stupid trouble than the last. Your day had started with a young man, clearly fresh out of Millelith training, complaining of a tummy ache, of all things! He had clutched his stomach and moaned and groaned, and all you could prescribe him was bedrest. It’s not like you were going to waste medicine—medicine that some people needed—on someone who ached because he didn't eat fucking breakfast. 
The next patient was an older woman, here only for her biannual check up. You'd greeted her, said a sweet, “Good morning, madame,” but all she did was turn her snobby nose up at you and demand you not waste her time.
“Madame, you have a serious—” 
“I know, young man.” You had heaved a sigh, letting her boss you around for the length of her appointment before sending her off with the exact same specifications as last time: take vitamins, get ample rest, stop talking back to people just doing their jobs. (Though, that last one there was merely something you wished you had said.
Too bad the customer—in this case, patient—is always right, huh?)
But, by the end of the day, you wish, instead, that you had simply elderly after elderly; their disrespect pales to the absolute headache that the rest of your patients put behind your eyes, pounding at your skull—bam, bam, bam.
Wham bam-thank-you-ma'am, all throbbing incessantly behind your eyes and making you wanna hurl—except, god, you’re the fucking doctor, and who’s there to take care of him when he’s a little under the weather? You’ve got your boyfriend, of course—your perfect boyfriend, light of your life, apple of your eye, yet he’s home, and you’re here, and you’re bloody exhausted. 
“I need to go home,” you murmur—quiet, lest your own voice make you lose the last of your thin-threaded sanity—, already stripping yourself of the itchy scrubs you wear during the long days. 
“But sir—” the nurse asks, meak, but her voice is still too loud, too shrill for right now. 
You huff. “I’ve worked for fourteen hours.” The tired gruff to your own voice makes you cringe. You can feel the way it tumbles from your chest, rattling you, your overly sensitive eyes and brain and head and fuckin’ everything, at this point. “Refer to the doc on duty, now.” 
The nurse nods, once. “Have a good night, doctor.”
You bid farewell—a kind apology with a promise to make it up to them, to bring them coffee, maybe, or some cookies—, and you take the slow walk home. The sky is dark and the fireflies are out, the gentle glow illuminating the path. With nothing but your own thoughts and the night to accompany you, you feel your headache gradually ease. It throbs, still; but each bump in your skull is gentler, now: it’s easier to ignore. 
Although the porch light is too strong—the lantern bright and attracting the nighttime bugs and moths—, the foyer of your home is dark. Your aching head is grateful for the reprieve—for the silence that envelops you in totality the second the door clicks quietly shut behind you—, but something other than tiredness pulls at your heartstrings: your sweet boyfriend, clad in only a shirt of yours, toeing into the entryway. 
“Honey?” He wipes the sleep from his eyes, softly smiling at you. “Hi.”
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“Ga-ming, honey—” honey, because Ga-ming unabashedly stole the pet name from you, first, “—you didn’t have to stay up for me.” 
As if on cue, his jaw cracks open in a yawn: this, you do not need the lights on to see. Your heart aches with your head, knowing that he had stayed up just for you. “Honey,” you repeat, sliding off your jacket and stepping up to him. You take his waist in your hands, bunching up the shirt he stole from your closet.
“Quit with that,” he murmurs, tilting up his head for a soft kiss. You grant it; but when you go to pull back, to keep the kiss gentle and chaste, Ga-ming presses forward, darting that little tongue out to lick at the seam of your lips; his hips, too, come bumping against yours, pressing into your thigh, pant to skin—
“Ga-ming?” you repeat, breath leaving you in a low huff. “You’re—” bare. 
Utterly, wholly bare: an expanse of warm, slick skin against your clothed leg. “‘m ready,” he mumbles while he takes to mouthing at your throat. His lips soothe you, somehow; it’s a reprieve, a stark contrast, to the pounding at your skull. 
“Ready?” you whisper, tilting your head back, letting your hands guide the steady roll of his hips onto your lap. 
He nods. “Ready for you,” he enunciates as he softly whines. 
Ga-ming—your Ga-ming—, your boyfriend, your love and light of your life: right here in front of you, on you, all needy for you, offering himself to you, wholly ready for the taking. 
“So please,” he continues, his cock dragging heavy across the seam of your pant; “fuck me.”
“Oh, honey,” you murmur; then again, an “oh, honey,” because you’re still half-dressed up in your clothes—though they’re only soft and bland, made to fit under the rough scrubs you had abandoned at the office—, and Ga-ming is naked save for the shirt draping across him, the low hemline covering the absolutely sinful way he grinds down. It’s a dirty move, a down, down, down that gives his sensitive cock friction against your pelvis. 
“Please, please, ‘m ready, I said—” his words abruptly drop off, a high cry in his throat that sends him to hide his overly-warm face in your neck. His skin burns against you, a feverish-hot that makes you chuckle, makes the throb in your head go away, just-so. “I said I-I was ready, so, please!”
You coo, quiet, bumping your hips up once. The jerking motion makes him cry out, but he manages to keep himself upright, right-side up but entirely unmoored on your cock. “Go on then, little lion. Take what you need, yeah?”
Whimpering a quiet, “Y-yeah,” he begins riding you, slow, steady—but slightly off-balanced—rolls of his hips that makes him whine, makes you groan low n’ deep in your chest. You let your hands rest on his hips, the fabric of his shirt falling over your wrists, and gently guide his motions. Once you’ve helped him establish himself, he begins riding you harder, more desperate.
Silent tears—though, are they truly silent, loud as he is moaning out for you?—dribble down his cheeks, falling to his shirt and soaking the collar of it in salty evidence of his abject pleasure. His abdomen is tensing and relaxing and tensing and relaxing again, all in a rapid loop, in and out and in n’ out, and then there’s a fucking bulge right below his navel when he sinks down hard n’ deep on your cock; and you’re sent over the edge at the sight, moaning through your teeth as you fill Ga-ming up with hot, sticky cum.
“Oh, oh—” he cries, grinding down harsh to get all your cum in as deep as possible, deep ‘nuff to breed him— “bred me, bred me so well, oh—” You groan at his desperate babbling as his thighs jerk around your hips, just before they give out on him entirely. He falls bodily into your chest, heaving through his own orgasm as weak mewls tumble from his prettily parted lips. Each sound is smeared into your throat while you laugh, light and breathless, jostling his overly-sensitized body and making him flinch. 
“Sorry, honey.” You kiss at his temple, and, the whole while, his small cunt is left to unconsciously milk your cock, left to assure that loud, insecure part of his brain that he’s wanted, that he’s bred all nice n’ full because he is loved. You’re long done, now, but the undulations make your body warm, soft, safe—just like Ga-ming is, comfy in your lap and wholly protected. “Thank you.”
He shakes his head against you, nuzzling into your throat with a heavy sigh. “You don’t have—hafta thank me,” he mumbles, a lick at your Adam’s apple to seal the deal. “I wanted ta.”
Tucking up the blankets around him, you grin. “Then can you warm my cock, lil’ dragon? Just for me?” You run your fingers lightly up his clothed spine, delighting in the shiver you can feel, one that runs the length of your cock as he’s snug on it. “Since earlier was all about you?” You raise the end of your sentence in a lilting tone, meant to tease, and Ga-ming huffs at you. 
And, n further retaliation, he clenches around you; the soft squeeze—all wet n’ warm, smearing your own cum across the base of your cock and leaving the mess of both of yours to dribble down the minute space between your bodies—forces you to calm your breathing, to take in the delicate scent of what is undeniably Ga-ming mixed with the smell of your own shirt, your own cologne. 
You laugh, then. “‘m sorry,” you say again amidst giggles, ones you’re careful you confine only to your upper chest lest the movement be too uncomfortable on both of your oversensitive groins. 
He doesn't reply, snuggled up comfy on your lap and stuffed full of your cock n’ cum both. Instead, he only noses into your neck further before his breathing steadies, lulling you to sleep, too.
It’s in your final moments of consciousness that you realize your head no longer hurts. 
(You suppose you now have the evidence that, yes, an orgasm is sufficient enough a cure for headaches.)
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Under Lyney’s palm, a small floor lamp clicks silently on. The light is admittedly dim, but, to your sensitive eyes, the bulb is blinding. You cringe and cover your eyes; but it only serves to shield you slightly, because you’re still upright in the foyer, and your body is rather weak. “Lyney,” you tiredly murmur, lifting your palm just enough to see the ground lest you trip. 
You bump into him, laughing lightly, but his worried hands jump to your arm. “Hey—”
“I’m okay.” You’re quick to calm him, placing your free hand on his in a tender gesture as you make way to the living room. “Just a headache, ‘s all. Ya shouldn't have stayed up f’r me.” Earlier, it hurt to even think; but here, with him, the pain is easy to ignore, in the face of his own self destruction.
He grumbles at you, though, says something you can’t quite catch and drops his hands, pads over to the lamp to flick it off. The return of darkness is soothing. 
He smiles at you, then; or, at least, you think he does. It’s difficult to see in the dark, and you can’t strain your eyes without hurting yourself. “I wanted to!” He takes three long strides before he’s standing in front of you, draping his arms across your shoulders. The position makes his (your) shirt ride up on his belly, and— ”I missed you, y’know,” he murmurs, suddenly all soft n’ deep, looking up at you and bumping his forehead against your chin. “A lot, really.” 
He quickly silences you with a kiss. Against your lips, he pulls back, murmurs, “I missed your cock, especially.”
Laughing against him, you lean up ‘til he can no longer reach you. He pouts at you when you reply, faux-snark, “only my cock, huh?” Your bottom lip juts out—a mirror of Lyney’s own, a magic trick of his you took for your own; it’s a devilish trick, one you play right alongside puppy-dog eyes you know he’s soft to. “How cruel.” 
He huffs at you, pulling you down by the collar of your shirt to kiss the mirth off your lips. “I was tryin’ to be seductive,” he grumbles, knocking against your chin and beginning to push you backwards into the living room. “But nevermind!”
You want to say, “Hey, now:” disagree with him and keep on pouting and go, “hey, hey, hey,” all offended, but the backs of your knees come into contact with the edge of the sofa, and you’re well and sufficiently distracted from that idea.
“Sit,” he gently commands you—merely the illusion of choice—, giving you no choice in the matter with the way he’s pressing you down into the cushions. You go easily; you sigh in relief when the softness begins enveloping you—a pillow’s snug right in the middle of your back, and you briefly wonder if Lyney had planned this. He murmurs, “there you go,” quiet n’ soft, and you’re taken by the way this man gives to you. 
He wears his heart on his sleeve, truly; except, right now, the sleeve is yours (just like his heart belongs to you and yours to him in turn), and it's bare, and so is the expanse of his long, pale thighs, the hem of his boxers peeking out beneath the shirt. He stands in front of you, between your legs, makes sure you’re down and that you’re gonna stay down, but your eyes aren’t really tired, not anymore, staring at Luney—your Lyney—before he huffs and sits bodily onto you, straddling your lap with his knees sinking into the cushions on either side of you.
“Lyney,” you murmur, reaching out to take hold of his thighs. The position makes the shirt rise up on his belly, exposing the soft, rippling muscles there; but, in the dark, all you can go by is what you feel against your own stomach, his bare skin pressed to your thin shirt. “I was kiddin’, sweetheart.”
“I know you were,” he snaps at you, mean-like, but he brings his arms around your shoulders all sweetly and nuzzles into the side of your head. “But I wasn’t. I—I really did miss you; and your cock. If you—if you wanna, of course.” 
“Of course I want to, Lyn,” you mutter, tilting your head up to kiss beneath his chin. “I’m just a little tired.”
“A little?” He huffs, again, before sighing. “Just—let me do the work, alright? I’m already...” he pauses, tilts his head to the side, breathes in and out sharply.
You hum at him to go on. 
“‘m already prepped.” Oh. 
“Oh?” You grin, bringing your tired arm up to cup his cheek. He leans into your palm and his eyelashes flutter, brushing against your skin. “Go ahead then, sweet thing.”
And go ahead he does, smiling into you before he abruptly leans back ‘nuff to chuck off the shirt. You whine, say, “hey!” but there isn’t any bite left on your tongue when Lyney starts tugging his boxers down, too. He’s impatient, pulling at the seam and groaning curses at the fabric—as if it’s the damn boxers’ fault that he’s in a position that prevents him from taking them off. 
He relents, tilting this way and that and finally—after painstaking minutes later, ones that, under no circumstance, should be arousing, but the anticipation, the wait: it all makes your dick chub up in your own pants—Lyney’s left naked in your lap. The fabric hangs off his foot, and you reach down to tug it the rest of the way off for your sweet boyfriend as he busies himself unbuckling your own belt, loosening the tough leather enough for your pants to droop and enough for him to reach a hot hand into your briefs. 
“Eager, huh?” you tease, lifting your hips—and, subsequently, him—to let him get your dick out of your pants. Neither of you bother pulling down your own pants, not after Lyney spent so long on his boxers alone. He doesn’t dally. “My sweet Lyney.”
He sighs, again—he’s rather dramatic tonight; but, then again, when isn’t he? It wouldn’t quite be your Lyney without some theatrics—, spitting into his palm and lathering up your cock with it while he makes to straddle you more fully. “Thought you were tired,” he grumbles, hovering his, indeed, wet n’ slicked up and entirely prepped cunt over your thick cockhead.
“Mhm.” You set your hands on his plush thighs once he hooks the head of you into his loosened hole, groaning low and pleased in your throat while he softly whimpers at the barely-there stretch. He prepared himself well. “But when you’re lookin’ so pretty for me, I can’t help being wide awake. Wouldn’t wanna miss this sight for the world.”
With your eyes now adjusted to the light—and, oh, you consider how the throb of your head is a bygone memory now—, you can see the way his cheeks darken just-so, puffed up in exertion as his groin meets yours. You’ve got your cock stuffed up balls-deep in him, and he leans into you once he’s fully settled. 
He moans, less out of outright pleasure and more out of total contentment, comfy and warm on your lap as your arms knead at his thighs. His arms squeeze around your shoulders, and he quietly asks, “Gimme a minute.”
Nodding, you simply bask in the steady heat of him, letting him adjust and recognize that, yes, you’re home, now, and you hadn’t really left him at all. “I missed you,” you murmur rather suddenly, your voice quiet but still stark in the silence of the night. “Thought about you durin’ my shift.”
“You did?” His voice is rough but wispy, a little out-there and entirely gone. He’s slipping into that mindset he always does when he’s left to warm your cock—regardless of if it were by his volition or your own—, but he begins to subtly grind his hips against you, mewling at the hot sparks of rapture from his cock rubbing just right against you. 
“‘Course I did,” you continue, moving your hands to his hips instead to help move him along. His arms tighten around you and he moans directly into your ear.
From then on, it’s quiet: quiet, that is, save from the obscene slick noises of the lube Lyney used to prep himself earlier with his own slick, your pre-cum mixing up and making a mess of thick liquid between both of your thighs. His moans are barely audible, these soft, gentle lil’ uh, uh, uh’s punched out of him with each tender grind down. 
You think, even, that you’ll both cum like this: quiet, nothing but the sounds of your connection and heavy breaths, moans, groans as you fall over the edge. But then Lyney starts bumping his groin against yours even harder, grinding down deep on your cock and rubbing against your full balls, and he starts babbling for you to “breed me! Please—”
“I-I’ll breed you,” you groan, leaning your head back into the sofa cushions and chasing your release, chasing the release you both want, the one he wants so desperately stuffed up deep inside him. “Gonna fill you right up, just like you want, sweetheart.” 
He babbles more—a mix of syllables and words, more pleas for you to breed him—until he’s silenced by his own high-pitched whine, cumming around you and slathering you in creamy-white. The steady clench and release of his cunt forces you to your own end, thick cum slowly leaking out from the edges of his cunt and your cock. (You can hardly tell what’s your leaking cum and what is his own.)
“Thank you,” he mumbles, already beginning to doze. “Th’nk you:” quieter, more muddled against your ear.
You grab the throw you have across the sofa’s armrest, rucking it up around the two of you; you cocoon Lyney safe in your arms and on your softened cock. He’s nodded off, now, and he misses your words: “You don’t have to thank me,” you say anyway, even if he doesn’t hear you, “I love you.”
The cum’ll be sticky, later, when you wake up; but for now, it’s perfect. It’s perfectly warm and entirely cozy, wholly snuggled up with the love of your life. Your headache, the stressors of the day—they’re all forgotten in his presence. 
You’re so, so glad to love him. 
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“Hi, puppy,” you coo. The sound of your own voice grates you, but you ignore it to sweetly smile at your beloved. He stands there, motionless for a moment right there at the threshold before the foyer, until he shakes his head with a barely-there laugh. “Gorou?” 
He tilts his head to the side—this you can see, the silhouette of him in the moonlight—before he takes a tentative step forward. 
Then another. And another. Another, another, another, ‘till he’s standing in front of you and leans up to kiss your jaw. “Hi,” he repeats, voice ruff (hah!) and hoarse, a little too much so. “Missed ya.”
You tilt your head back to let him mouth at you, and your hands subconsciously come to clutch at his hips, and— “Oh, Gorou,” you mumble, pleasantly aghast, because your hands come into contact with bare, slick skin. “Pent up?”
With a quiet whimper, he tilts his hips forward, into you, pressing against the contact of your fingers on him. You slowly slide your one hand around, sneaking a large handful of his ass before you dip into his cleft, shuddering when your fingertip easily glides across his slicked, open cunt. 
“I-I wanted you, so bad,” he starts to mumble, shy, tucking his head into the meat where your shoulder meets your neck. Without any prompting, you adjust your stance, pressing your knee into his cock and making him jerk forward with another whimper high in his throat. “Oh!”
Slowly, his hips begin grinding—it’s a weak movement, testing, making sure you're really okay with this, right now. He moves unsure against you until you begin bumping your knee, letting his slick make a mess of your pant leg. “Go on,” you goad him on, soft, holding him snug against you. You can feel his cunt clench even through the fabric of your pants, a rapid rat-a-tat-tat against you that is oddly reminiscent of the headache you can feel begin to dissipate. “Take your pleasure, pup.”
He nods vehemently against you, beginning to hump as his tail swishes side to side, side to side, hypnotizing you just slightly. It’s hard to parse it out in the dark, but the shadow of it is undeniable behind him. Each bounce of your leg makes Gorou whimper, and he’s quick to crane his neck up for a kiss to muffle himself. You grant his request easily, but only for a minute; after, you gently part from him to murmur, so quiet that only he could possibly hear, those big, soft ears of his twitching as he strains, “What else do you want, honey?” 
“Want you,” he whines, grinding harshly once, twice. “Want you inside me, want you to breed me.” 
You didn’t expect that, but you’re a doctor, after all; it’s kinda in the job description to roll with the punches, so you do. “You wanna get fucked full of pups?” you ask, teasing and light, but Gorou’s mouth parts as a loud whine crawls out of his chest.
“Yes! Please.” Thick tears begin to drop from his eyes, saltwater dribbling onto the bare skin of your throat. “Now, now—breed me now,” he begs, and you coo at him, bringing your hands to curl into his hair, rubbing soothing circles into the base of one puppydog ear. 
“Patience, pup.” 
And, because he’s Gorou, and Gorou is nothing but a good boy, he nods, rapid-quick movements of his head, and begins to slow on your thigh. Heat shimmers low in your belly as he steps back from you on shaky legs, a wet splotch across your leg from his cunt. You bring a hand down, meaning to scoop it up off your pant, but your finger brushes two distinctly different textures: his natural slick, and fuckin’ lube. “Did you prepare yourself for me?”
“Y-yeah,” he mutters, tail tucking itself between his legs. You almost cringe at that, knowing he’s smearing himself into his own fur, but if he doesn’t mind, then you won’t either; besides, it’s hard to truly care when your boyfriend is so bashful in front of you. “I—I missed you, ‘nd wanted to be ready for you.”
The image of Gorou, ass up on the bed with four of his fingers stuffed up inside of himself flitters across your mind, makes your cock throb in your britches. Your erection was easy to ignore, earlier; but now it’s abject torture. 
However, it’s not nearly as torturous as it was for your boyfriend, and you know this. You know he didn’t cum, know his fingers are far too short to truly reach in deep and press against his g-spot, know his wrist can’t comfortably bend to jerk himself off and finger himself at the same time. So you coo, soft, “Sweet boy. Where’s your toy?”
“Charging,” he mutters. 
You grin at that: it’s perfect. “Can you go get it then, puppy?” 
With an audible swallow, he nods, rushing for your bedroom. You follow behind him, lethargic but so, so turned on; and while he’s grabbing the vibrator from the corner, you shuck off the rest of your clothes and plop yourself down on the edge of your bed. 
He must not expect you to have followed him, however, because once he turns around, he jumps, ears flattening to his head in embarrassment. You only laugh and pat your lap. “C’mere.”
Quickly—and toy in tow—, he shuffles over to you. He stands awkwardly in front of you for a moment before you murmur, “I said c’mere,” and tug him to straddle your lap. The position immediately forces his cock—slick n’ thick, out of its hood and throbbing incessantly—against yours, and he mewls helplessly for a moment, grinds once, twice again, before he grabs the lube to the side of you. 
You hadn’t even noticed it there, but now that he’s grabbed it, pointed it out, you feel other wet spots beneath you. He fuckin’ masturbated here, right on the duvet you both sleep under, thinkin’ about you and only you. You’re taking out of your musings when he slathers up your cock in lube, messy and sloppy, and then he’s rising, positioning you, and sinking right on down.
“Mm!” he cries out, swiveling his hips to take you in deeper, deeper, deeper. You groan at the lube-slick combination that smothers your cock in Gorou, Gorou, Gorou. “Breed me, breed me!” Each meak plea makes your cock pulse inside him, and he mewls at each throb inside him. “Please!”
“I got you, pup,” you murmur, your edge so close you can taste it on the tip of your tongue. “Just make yourself feel good, and I’ll breed you, okay? Okay, puppy?”
“Okay, okay—” 
You grin. “Good boy,” you say, and then he’s tumbling over the edge and bringing you right down with him. You groan into his throat, feeling the vibrations of his whimpers n’ whining moans as he’s getting thoroughly bred. Your hands ruck up his shirt to hold his sides and soothe him down from his high. “You did so good for me, sweetheart. Bred you just like I promised I would, hm?”
He weakly nods. “Thank you,” he mumbles, nosing at your throat. 
And, well. You’re bloody exhausted, and you promised to breed him, and he can’t keep on being bred if you pull out. You tell yourself you’re only upholding your promise as Gorou falls asleep on your cock, breathing deep on your lap: tell yourself that it’s the lingering tiredness that suddenly seems to hit you in full-force that keeps him warm and snug on you. 
Really, clean-up can wait. 
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i got a lil' carried away on lyney's part ,, o(*^@^*)o also, none of these were really cowgirl 'cos reader was sitting up for it . . . i couldn't think of how to have him lay flat in these scenarios LOLL
13 MAR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
707 notes · View notes
luvhotchner · 4 months
omg hi!!! i love your social media AUs and so I wanted to submit a request! totally understand if you don’t wanna do it but yeah, so maybe like an instagram au where reader is posting about aaron being all sweet and taking her out to dinners and in general being all romantic and the bau is like since when?? they’re all surprised by how nice aaron is being! i’d love to see this thank u!!!!!!!
━ Heart Eyes
summary: the soft launch of their relationship shocks the team.
warnings/pairings: hotch x BAU!gn!reader (but reader wears long nails), swearing, established relationship, just a lot of fluff tbh.
ahhhh thank you for the request!!! sorry it took so long but here it is and i hope you like it! ❤️
first instagram au! tell me what you think! fic under the cut!!
━ ★ ━
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♡ liked by thedavidrossi, itgirl_emily, and 578 others.
👤 : aaronhotchner05
view all comments…
chocolatethunder SORRY WHAT.
↳ y/n.y/l/n 😋
bbygirlgarcia i. knew. it. I FUCKING KNEW IT.
aaronhotchner05 i’m so in love with you ❤️
↳ y/n.y/l/n thank you for dinner and for keeping up with me and my shenanigans 😘
↳ aaronhotchner05 your “shenanigans” are what make me love you.
thedavidrossi no wonder aaron is only nice to y/n.
↳ spencerwreid oh shut up he’s nice to you too
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♡liked by y/n.y/l/n, chocolatethunder, and 136 others.
aaronhotchner05 y/n told me to post this because it’s “aesthetic”.
👤 : y/n.y/l/n
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y/n.y/l/n no, i just like to look at your hands 🥰
↳ aaronhotchner05 ugh you’re awful.
↳ y/n.y/l/n shh you love me!!
↳ aaronhotchner05 yes, that i do.
↳ y/n.y/l/n since always???
chocolatethunder WHAAAAAT?? FIRST THE DINNER AND NOW THIS LOVEY DOVEY SHIT?? WHAT IS MY LIFE??? i don’t believe my eyes.
↳ y/n.y/l/n well then believe it cause he is the best boyfriend EVER!! 💞💖💓💗💝💕
↳ spencerwreid my jaw is on the floor. the floor is unsanitary. i don’t like this situation at hand.
↳ itgirl_emily ur dramatic.
bbygirlgarcia i’m going insane. i’m going insane. IM GOING INSANE.
↳ aaronhotchner05 one psych eval coming your way.
thedavidrossi i’m with the others when i say im shocked, but im really happy for you kids ❤️ take care of them, aaron!
↳ aaronhotchner05 i will, thanks dave.
↳ y/n.y/l/n you all could learn a lil something from papa rossi over here.
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tojisun · 7 months
OMG ive got smth else for u
Give by sleep token is sooo biker!simon coded ahhh😩😭😭
anon u are too sick for this one now im genuinely spiralling??? how do i move on!! HOW DO I LISTEN TO SLEEP TOKEN WITHOUT ENVISIONING BIKER!SIMON???
this fits sooo well with that one consistent brainworm that wont let me go since it manifested – it’s from when i was answering honey’s ask!!
how a subset of biker!simon is him and you being friends for a while but you’re with a partner who doesn’t appreciate you and love you the way you should be, and simon ofc doesnt wanna just be like “i can treat you better sweet girl” BUT ONE DAY HE WHISKS YOU AWAY WHEN YOUR PARTNER DID SMTHN THAT ENDED UP WITH SIMON HAVING SPLIT KNUCKLES, HIS HELMET STRAPPED ON YOUR HEAD, AND HIM AND YOU ON HIS BIKE AS HE DRIVES YOU AWAY AHHHH
on my knees right now???
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the way you’re crying in his arms, pressing your face on his back and it’s a little awkward because of the helmet and simon’s feeling the ridges of the visor dig into his back, but god simon’s trying his best not to explode. trying his best not to just swerve into the nearest empty lot because he wants you as far away from your shit of a boyfriend.
and when he finds an empty park, away from the suburbs and from the bastard who made you cry, simon pulls over and tugs at your helmet to take it off before scooping you in his arms and tucking your face on the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. he holds you close and he holds you tight, letting his silence wrap around you. he kisses the top of your head, breathing you in, feeling his own blood calm down because you’re in his arms now. safe, loved, cherished.
the way when you ask him why’s he being too kind, too considerate, simon bites the words that threaten to spill because you deserve more than a rushed confession. so he just presses a kiss on your forehead and tells you he’ll always be here for you. always be here to help you throughout.
you end it off with your boyfriend that same night, your body shuddering with sobs but god you feel better. feel lighter.
and it’s gradual – the way you fall in love with simon. the way your eyes see him as more than your best friend, more than your platonic soulmate. and you’re scared to fuck things up, but god the way simon looks at you, all adoring and reverent, makes you weak.
the words spill from your lips on a thursday morning when you dropped by simon’s place only to see him tinkering on his bike in the garage.
you’re about to crouch down and settle on the floor the way you had always done before but pause when simon tells you so.
“i got y’somethin’,” he says, blushing just a bit. you watch as he walks towards the cleared-out corner of his garage, just noticing the covered lump there.
he turns to you with a smile and tugs at the sheet, revealing a pretty, pink, velvet loveseat.
“so you don’t have to sit on the floor w’me,” he says after a while, taking your silence for confusion.
“it’s… mine?”
simon laughs, something boyish. “yeah. all y’rs, doll. i’m used to the hard surface but i see you rubbin’ at your ass when i take too long so i got you this to help out.”
what the fuck?
he blinks. the smile slipping from his lips. “i mean, you don’t have to use it.”
fuck. you said that out loud? stupid-
“no, si, oh my god! it’s perfect!” you scramble to tell him, practically running towards where he’s standing. “i’m just- i don’t know- no one has ever-”
to your horror, tears began pooling in the corners of your eyes. simon stares at you in surprise, his face falling as worry lines his beautiful features. you try to assure him that you’re doing okay, but a pathetic wet sob lurches out of your throat instead.
“fuck,” you say, aggressively wiping at your weeping eyes. “i’m so sorry for this, si. i just- i fucking love you so much and i don’t know how to-”
you startle when big hands pull your fists away from your eyes. you see simon staring at you in shock.
“you love me?” he asks, almost breathless like he is afraid of being wrong. afraid that if he spoke any louder, it will lead to you rejecting him.
but how could you ever?
“i do,” you tell him. “i love you so much, si. i think i always have-”
he cuts you off again, but this time with his lips. his big and callused hands are gentle as they cup your cheeks, pulling you closer to him like he still can’t believe that you love him back.
“i love you too, sweetheart,” simon murmurs on your lips when he finally pulls back, your breaths passing through each other in gasps. “i fuckin’ love you.”
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so clearly i went fucking bonkers-
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simplhee · 6 months
be my +1
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synopsis: when streamer heeplays needs to find a plus one to go with him to the Streamer Awards, what does he do? he makes a google form of course! and what happens when up-and-coming streamer y/n jokingly fills out the form, catching heeseung's attention? stream starting soon: be my +1 !!!
lvl 6. - women in stem ✨ [smau + written 336 words]
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========= LIVE =========
as the clock ticked closer to midnight, the dimly lit room was bathed in the purple of LED lights, the soft glow of the streaming setup casting a haze over the cozy space that would be there for the remaining 22 hours. the plush gaming chair was pushed back so that you could sit back down, a drink now in hand as your headset covered your ears once more. chat became even more lively, the ping of donations and new subs joining the chorus of the stream.
🜲 yunjinlover: i am just a partner whose lover has gone out to sea 💔 (you’re just going to school)
pikachuus: we’ll miss you TT
mochimoshi: the loml is leaving me
🜲 chaewonshusband: are the other roomies in uni too?
“yes! all the other roomies except yuqi are in uni right now” a smile on your face as you reminisce on the memory of yuqi’s graduation. some chatters had their fun calling yuqi old before being scolded by the woman herself, a laugh escaping your lips before telling yuqi not to ban anyone.
duckpuck: rip to the one chatter you will be missed 
nightwingsbooty: hella studious 💪
horanghaesssss: what majors are everyone?
“I can’t remember off the top of my head but jen is studying business while the others are cs, engineering, or game design majors…i think. personally i’m ____ which is fun i guess”
🜲 tokkiteok: fun!!!!
ohnaurs: omg women in stem✨
sunshinehoody: do you have a plus one for the streamer awards?
“ahhhh currently no, but honestly i don’t think i’ll have the time to find a date with having to juggle school and everything.”
“but who knows, mayb i will find someone by then”
babyricky: omg wifeyyyyy 😍
hakudragon: you can step on me and i’d say thank you.
“woahhh there chat calm thyself. y’all are SIMPSSSS”
you giggled to yourself as chat tried to fight their simp allegations, “hey you know i’m just kidding chat, n e ways anyone up for some community games?” 
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previous ✿ masterlist ✿ next
note: hi y'all sorry for the long wait I was in uni lol
pairing: streamer!heeseung x fem!reader content/genre: strangers to lovers, college au, streamer au, fluff, crack, (potential) angst, smau warning(s): swearing, ignore timestamps taglist is still open !!!
©️ simplhee 2023
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harringtonswriting · 11 months
Omg Bree that list!! I would love to read 25. goodnight kisses with Bradley?🥺
ahhhh thank you so much Nova!! <3 i am SO sorry it took me so long to get this finished, but i hope you enjoy it!! god this was so adorable to write and i really, REALLY appreciate you picking this one bc it was such a cute idea <3
This was the best first date you’d had in a long time. Probably the best first date you’ve ever been on, if you’re being honest, but that’s not something you’re going to admit to your date. You didn’t want to give his ego that big of a boost this early, and also didn’t want him to think about your dating history being any sadder than he might already think it is.
Bradley Bradshaw had asked you out the night you met him at the Hard Deck, where he was drinking with his friends and you’d been convinced by yours to come out for some drinks and the promise of some very pretty Naval officers to look at. Which, you were happy to find, there were plenty of. Bradley included.
You’d thought he was just another good-looking flyboy when he’d walked up to you at the bar top, though his endearing smile and his outrageous taste in fashion had you intrigued enough to say yes; you had no idea how he still managed to look attractive wearing bright blue and magenta, but that coupled with his 70s-esque mustache and very pretty, big brown eyes ended up winning you over. You’d put your number in his phone, let him buy you a drink, and your friends teased you for the better part of an hour about giving your number to the first pilot who talked to you. But there was something special about Bradley, something genuine and funny and maybe you were a little tipsy, but you didn’t regret giving him your number.
Bradley messaged you the following afternoon to ask you to dinner this coming Friday night, and after the initial awkwardness (he’d responded to you with just a thumbs up emoji and you’d used maybe a few too many exclamation points), the two of you fell into an easy rhythm of texting back and forth. You find yourself enjoying talking with him, and looking forward to seeing his name pop up on your phone.
All too quickly, though, Friday night arrives and he picks you up in what is obviously a very old, but very well loved, truck. He’s got sunglasses on, big mirrored aviators, but no Hawaiian shirt tonight (he’d later tell you that he’d received advice that he should wear something a little more toned down for the first date, and you couldn’t say that a black t-shirt and jeans didn’t suit him just as well as what he’d been wearing the night you met him). He’d lifted his sunglasses off his face, clipping them on the front of his shirt as he got out of his truck, and a wide grin split across his face as he caught sight of you coming out of your house.
“You look amazing,” he says, and the words come out loud and earnest–it’s a genuine compliment, and his smile is infectious to boot. You smile as you return the sentiment.
“Not so bad yourself. I like this look,” you tell him, and you see him puff his chest out just a bit. As you walk towards him, he reaches into his truck and comes back out with a bouquet of sunflowers tied with a yellow ribbon. He holds them out to you, and you take them from his hands.
“These are for you,” he says, and you look down at the flowers. They’re beautiful, the loveliest shade of yellow from soaking up the warmth and love of the sun. “I didn’t know what you liked, but they reminded me of your smile, so I hope these are okay.” Bradley’s just a little bashful, and you rest one hand on his forearm.
“They’re beautiful,” you tell him, and it’s the truth. They are, and the fact that they reminded him of you? You don’t know how he can say that with a straight face, and if it came from anyone else you might be embarrassed. You still are, a little, but you’re just a little pleased, too, that he’s been thinking about you. You take the flowers inside, quickly putting them in a tall glass of water before heading back out to where Bradley and the Bronco are waiting. You head around to the passenger side door to pull it open… but it won’t budge. You try again, but still no dice. Oh, god, did you break his car? This is a classic, right? That’s what a lot of older cars are. He gets you beautiful flowers and you break his car. Wonderful. You look at Bradley, and he grimaces. Oh no.
“The, uh, the door sticks sometimes. Lemme get it for you,” he says, coming around to fiddle with the handle before the door pops open. You feel some relief, then, knowing that you didn’t just bust his car, and you climb in and he shuts it behind you. Then he’s getting in on his side, and the two of you head out to the restaurant he’d told you about for dinner.
It was a place that Hangman had recommended, Bradley told you, but he only decided to take that recommendation seriously when Phoenix, Payback, and Fanboy had all confirmed it was good. And you’d have to remember to thank Bradley’s friends the next time you see them, because they were right. It was a small place, not too far from the Hard Deck, with the best food you’d had in a while. The atmosphere was friendly and it was busy enough that you and Bradley had plenty of time to talk between your server’s check ups, but not too busy that you felt rushed or couldn’t get a table.
The two of you got through the basic first date talk pretty quickly; he’s a much better listener than the last few guys you’d gone out with, and actually asked you some questions when you were telling him about some work drama you’d been dealing with. You enjoy the way his big, beautiful brown eyes crinkle at the corners with crows feet when he smiles, and how he scrunches his nose when he laughs. He also talks with his hands, you’ve come to realize, and he nearly knocks his glass of water off the table no less than four times as he’s telling you a story about what had happened at work earlier today.
“Anyway, so the radio was totally shot, right? So I’m inverted above Coyote, Phoenix and Bob are freaking out, there’s no way to communicate and we still have half a training exercise to complete. Can you believe that?” Bradley has his hands in an awkward position, trying to give you a visual as to what things had looked like. You can tell by the way he talks that he absolutely loves what he does, and he loves being able to fly. And there are very few things more attractive than seeing a man get so excited to tell you all about how he managed to get his plane upside down and scare the shit out of his friends and co-workers when no one was able to talk to each other in the air.
Dinner is over all too quickly after that, though, but thankfully nothing gets spilled during the rest of Bradley’s animated descriptions of his completely serious job duties. After you’d left the restaurant, since it was still light out, Bradley suggested that the two of you take a walk together along the beach behind the Hard Deck. He swore up and down that watching the sunsets from there were phenomenal, and, not wanting the date to end just yet, you agreed to go with him. He drove you there, and the two of you left your shoes in the back of his truck while you walked along the sand, continuing your conversation from dinner.
Bradley was absolutely right about the sunset, too; it was gorgeous, seeing all the blues and pinks and oranges, and every colour in-between, painting the sky in front of you and the water softly splashing against the shore. The two of you stop walking and talking as the sun hits the horizon, the cool water gently lapping against your feet and washing the sand all around. You swear you feel the back of Bradley’s hand ghost against the back of yours as the two of you stand there, side by side.
There’s a soft breeze blowing, putting a little chill in the air, and you find yourself shuffling a little closer to Bradley. Warmth radiates off of him, and as you look at him out of the corner of your eye and see him bathed in the burnished glow of the setting sun and how it gleams in his eyes, you think all the warmth and light of that sun must have been soaked up into him. And the more time you spend here with him on the beach, the happier you are that you didn’t let the date end after dinner–and that you gave him your number in the first place.
Once the sun has fully dipped below the horizon, the two of you make your way back to Bradley’s truck as the night sky faded from dusky twilight to a deep blue. You do keep a few steps behind him, though, to admire the way he fills out his t-shirt and jeans from the back. He’d once again popped the passenger door open for you, and closed it for you before he made his way back over to the driver’s side. Then, once he’s situated in the driver’s seat, he’s peeling out of the parking lot and heading back to your place.
The windows are rolled down as Bradley’s truck speeds along the road, and the cool breeze from earlier is back and blowing through the cab of the truck. The drive passes by all too quickly, with you needing to give Bradley directions the closer you get, and before you know it he’s pulling into your driveway. He parks the truck and turns the engine off. A beat of silence passes between the two of you before you turn to him and smile.
“Thank you for tonight,” you tell him, and you catch a flash of his teeth as he smiles.
“I should be thanking you. I’m glad you let me take you out.” He’s so earnest, maybe just a bit too earnest, but you have a feeling that he’s not quite as slick as some of his friends had been at the bar when you’d met. Which wasn’t entirely a bad thing; as pretty as the green eyed blond who’d been chatting up your best friend had been, he seemed just a little too full of himself. Bradley was much more your type (though you’d probably wait to admit that, that’s more of a post-third date kind of thing, if you got a third date, that is. You hope you do).
Though you don’t really want to date to end, judging by the time glowing on the dashboard of the truck (which Bradley had insisted was only thirteen minutes behind and it had been since his father owned it, and was lovingly referred to as running on ‘Goose time’, which you hoped he’d explain in the future), it was getting pretty late and you weren’t sure if he had to work in the morning. If he did, then he probably should have been at home a while ago.
“I should probably let you get going.” You unbuckle your seatbelt and grab your bag, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think you almost saw a pout cross Bradley’s face. But he nods, unbuckling his own seatbelt.
“At least let me walk you to your door,” he says, and before you can protest he’s popping open his door and you watch him jog around the front of his truck to your side. He fiddles with the door handle for a minute before he gets it open, and when he does he offers you his other hand to help you out of the Bronco. You take it, and once you’re clear he closes the truck door–and doesn’t let go of your hand as he walks all the way down the driveway, up your front steps, and stops in front of your door.
The two of you stand on the porch, his calloused hand still clasped around your own as the dim, yellow light shining above your door illuminates the space around you. A few moths are bobbing and weaving around said light, a few of them getting a bit too close and dropping down before flying back up again in an endless cycle.
“Is it alright if I kiss you goodnight?” he asks, voice a little huskier than it had been all night as he breaks the silence, and you feel cool relief flood through you when you nod because yes, absolutely, you definitely want this man to kiss you, and it feels good to know he wants to kiss you, too.
You hadn’t been quite sure what to expect, though; would he be eager? Pushy? Sloppy?
Thankfully he’s none of those things–sure, Bradley’s lips are more than a little chapped, but that’s not surprising given what he does for work. But they’re also warm, and the gentle pressure behind the kiss has you closing your eyes and leaning into him. His mustache tickles against your skin, brushing against it as his mouth works against yours.
When you pull back due to the rather unfortunate need that your body has for oxygen, you take a moment to scan his face in the dim porch light. He’s got scars on his cheek, chin, and neck, you realize, and they gleam almost silver as you take them in. There’s a tiny smattering of barely there freckles that dot his nose, and one of his deep brown curls is hanging loose and slightly over his forehead. You wonder what it would be like to reach up and brush it away, but decide that the first date maybe isn’t the right time for that. His eyes are crinkled at the corner, crow’s feet softening his deep brown eyes as he looks down at you.
“That was… wow,” he tells you, which is probably pretty close to what you’d have said, because he’s not wrong. “I mean, better than just wow, but this is probably where I should get going before I make a total fool of myself. Thanks again for tonight.” He squeezes your hand one more time before he’s turning and stepping back off your porch to head towards his truck. You dig your keys out of your bag and unlock your door.
“Get home safe,” you call after him, and he waves back at you over his shoulder with a loud laugh. You step inside after you watch him get into the driver’s side, and close and lock your door as you hear the Bronco speed off into the night.
And about half an hour later, while you’re laying in bed, your phone screen lights up with a notification from Bradley–he’s home safe, he just wanted to let you know so that you don’t worry about him, and he’d love to take you out again, if that’s something you want. You look over at the sunflowers on your dresser, yellow ribbon still tied around them, and you can’t help the smile on your face as you tell him a second date is more than alright with you.
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what-the-fic-khr · 3 months
Hiiiii! Recently discovered your page and am currently enjoying scrolling through. Just saw your tea prompts and just wanted to request for Giotto with milk tea and/or pomegranate tea(your choice hehe) anyways, hope you have a nice day!
ahhhh I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog, thank you for checking my stuff out!! I chose to do both prompts but a little different; I had a really clear plan and story so I turned the two answers into a longer, more cohesive story combined instead of two separate scenarios. I hope that’s alright, and that you like it!! my first time doing so but I really wanted to write this out and the two prompts really fit well so,,, (side note, he’s so pretty in the manga…… adore him omg)
character/s: giotto, g, ugestu asari, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: —
warnings: discussions of being chased and beating some dude up (a little bit), very minor injuries
prompt: tea prompts (milk tea, pomegranate tea)
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milk tea; what are their kisses like?
I think his kisses are very gentle. soft. he’s always very soft; he’s never had a reason to be otherwise with his partner. he’s such a gentleman… so romantic. unless, of course…
His Guardians had been split up, and while he worried, he didn’t have to worry too much. They all knew how to fight, how to protect themselves.
You did not, however. You weren’t a fighter. So the fact you were not by his side…
Giotto and G straightened when some bushes to their left rustled, tense as they waited to see who would come out.
“Ahh, Giotto, G…! I finally found someone…!”
…unless, of course, he was really worried about your safety. if he could get you back in his arms, reassured you’re safe… I think that’s one of the very rare times he’d be anything but soft; he’d be firm and insistent, overwhelmed with his relief that you’re okay
“My dear!” Giotto took long strides to reach you and you preened when he took your cheeks into his gloved hands, lifting your face up gently. You let out a short, muffled noise when he kissed you, strong and firm. You made sure to relay your feelings in return, head tilting.
“You’re alright…” He spoke quietly, lips brushing yours as he did. You wrapped your arms up and around his torso, underneath his cloak so you could grip at his vest tightly. “And you’re hurt… I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, resting your chin on his chest gently so you could look up at him. “I’m okay… Just a few scrapes here and there. Ahh, I was being chased and it was scary…!”
You pulled back to show him the palms of your hands and G finally joined after giving you two a moment, eyeing over the scratches on your hands.
“I can’t fight, but… I broke off a branch and just.” You huffed softly and G had to stifle a snort. “Just… beat him over the head until I could run away again.”
Giotto released a soft breath, head tilting. “Good job, my love. You did well on your own, all things considered.” He took your hands gently, turning them over to bring your knuckles to his lips. “Still, I have to apologise for letting you out of my sight… I won’t let it happen again. I’ll be there to protect you next time, I promise.”
“Ehh?” You shuffled on the spot, cheeks warming. “Oh, it’s not your fault at all, Giotto…! I’m okay!”
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
very familial with him. you doing something very close with his Guardians. if his Guardians can truly learn to accept you, become close with you at the same time as he falls for you… he’s sure that’d be the best outcome. his whole relationship he gauges his Guardians reactions, too. so if you can all be just as close, like family, I think he’d happily fall in love with ease after that point
“Primo.” G nodded down at you two once before nodding in the direction you came from. “It’ll be no good letting them run around. I’ll go find the one they ran from. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, you’re going?” You had reached out to grab one of G’s sleeves, eyes wide. “Ah, I know you can fight… Be careful, okay? I wouldn’t want you to get hurt, especially if I upset him further…”
G hummed lowly, reaching up to pet your hand gently twice before squeezing in reassurance and then returning your hand to Giotto’s. “Appreciated, but I’ll definitely be fine, so there’s no need to worry. One of the others should be back soon - they better be, anyways.”
“Right, of course.”
You watched G wander off before jumping when he stopped short of the bushes to point across the clearing. “Hey! Get over there and help them out; they’re injured!”
“Pardon? Of course!”
You turned quickly to look over your shoulder at Asari, smiling crookedly and holding up your hands along with Giotto’s. “Just a few scrapes, so don’t worry too much.”
“Yes, they made it out on their own.” Giotto sounded a bit proud as he said this, turning you gently to face Asari. “After beating him themselves.”
Asari blinked in surprise at this before smiling, watching you hold up your hands, palms facing him. “Oh my. Did you? Excellent work. I’m glad you’re alright. Let me see them.”
“Yes! I’m not strong by any means, but…! They don’t hurt much, so if you need to we can wait until we return to the estate.”
“That won’t do. We should treat them here while we have the time. Is that okay?”
You could feel Giotto squeeze your shoulders, encouragingly, reassuringly, and you acquiesced.
There was something about watching you get tended to by one of his Guardians; one nagging thought that this may only be the first time… and not the last that this will happen. But a greater thought that you truly were cherished by the Vongola, and for now he chose to focus on that one instead.
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just-consume-it · 8 months
This episode was so good!!!! Loki has never been more scary and threatening. I feel like he’s always had a good villain story but I’ve never really felt that fear until this episodes. Loki is exploring all emotions in this season and I am here for it.
Some of my FAVORITES were-
The JEALOUSY in Loki’s eyes when B15 said “have OB check it out”!!! He was NOT happy
When X5/Brad was verbally abusing Loki and he retaliated, trying to scare him, I thought that was peak scary Loki. I THOUGHT WRONG!!! He was MENACING when he was torturing X5, literally trying to put the fear of God in him. At first I was like “this is kinda hot” but then it slowly devolved into feeling a little bit of fear…
Also, did you see Loki getting so upset and defensive of Mobius when he was getting grilled? It was so cute. And when he tried to comfort him after and be there for him… AHHHH
Andddd Casey fangirling over OB made my day wtf
Sorry this is so long! I rant here bc no one else I know watches it 😭
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
ahhhh i immediately went here after i saw that your request is open again! 😖
if you don’t mind i would like to request a headcanons or mini imagine with the prompt where we help the boys (murayama, fujio, binzo, shibaman, or any other characters that you want) tend to their wound after a fight and there’s this unintended close proximity where we didn’t realize how close we are ughhh and there’s tension that’s building up ⬆️🆙 something like that you know lolol or whatever comes to mind
anywayyy yeah i just want to request that since i’ve been reading your work religiously 😩 you are the reason i open tumblr everyday to check if there’s something new ughh really love your work‼️🥰💕 especially the instagram inspired post‼️it’s so much fun to read omg please keep it going 🤤😈
i ramble too much lol anyway have a great day and please don’t push yourself too much and keep up the good work‼️💕💕
How would they react to being so close while you are patching them up ? | Hcs
(Murayama/Fujio/Binzo/Shibaman/Tsuji/ Magoroku)
a/n: Heey lovely anon! This message was sooo cute and it made me really happy. I havent been feeling so good for 4-5 days and struggling with writing so much :/ I am sorry for late update.  And i will keep writing for you and people like you cause you give me that motivation i need jxkdkd Thank you so much ! This means a lot to me ❤🥺 Here is your request, i hope you like it 💕🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of scars, blood, fights
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No shame team : Murayama / Fujio
• Probably got into a fight with someone for some ridiculous reason
•  He just likes to fight and enjoys showing his strength
•  And quite proud of it
•  He will shamelessly come to your door and ask you to clean his wounds with a stupid grin.
•  "Baby, you should see their faces too."
•  This is how he defends himself...
•  After you've scolded him profusely, he'll probably be pouting and wait silently for you to clean his wounds.
•  Neither of you realized your position until now because of his ridiculous jokes.
•  He'll be the first to notice how close you are  to his face while you were cleanning his face with full concentration biting your lip.
•  Watching you with all his attention
•  When you feel his gaze on you, you will look at him and realize how close you really are.
•  Even if you feel embarrassed, I don't think he is at all ashamed. He wants to kiss you right now and it's hard for him to stop when you are this close
•  That charming and suggestive stare... He will gently put his hand on your cheek and give you a long kiss
•  He likes it when you shy away from each other and look away immediately...
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It's okay team : Binzo / Shibaman
• Loves fighting for fun but he's so grumpy when he gets hurt
•  He's definitely not very proud if he lost a fight
•  He probably doesn't plan to tell you but he likes you to take care of him.
•  "Baby, you should see their faces too."  2
•  He doesn't like being scolded so you can't deal with him.
•  He will surely justify himself...
•  He will make no sound even if it hurts because he doesn't want to hurt you anymore
•  He doesn't like to see you worrying about him but right now you're so cute
•  He is aware that you are too close while cleaning the wound on the corner of his lip and is afraid that you will hear his heart.
•  He'll smile when your eyes meet and he'll just smile if you get uncomfortable and back off
•  You're so cute when you're embarrassed
•  But if you don't mind and ask him why he's staring at you, he'll probably want a kiss from you.
•  He'll point his lips with a silly grin, sometimes like a child...
•  He will definitely be pouting when you give him a kiss on the cheek :))
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Freaked out team : Magoroku / Tsuji
• Calm and cold character, loves fighting but not a big fan unless it is necessary
•   He is strong, doesnt get easily injured
•   But if he gets hurt he's definitely hiding it from you
•   He doesn't want to upset or worry you, or doesnt want you to cry for him.
•   He knows that his face and body are in really bad shape this time, so he wont be seeing you for a while.
•   But it didn't go as planned
•   When you have seen him by chance, he didnt like the worried expression on your face.
•   You also see the blood and wound in his all body....
•   You're both very quiet, he'll let you take off his t-shirt and clean the wounds on his shoulder and neck
•   He hates to see you touch the scars with fear and the worry in your eyes every time
•   But there's something else that's making him even more nervous right now.
• You're so close to his face and neck, and that closeness made him shyer.
• You suddenly backed away when you realized how close you were as you cleaned the wound on his chin, and he too will nodded shyly when you say sorry
•  He is not bold or teasing like the others, but I'm sure he'll give you a pretty passionate kiss if you don't bother and back off...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane
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nereidprinc3ss · 27 days
HII ITS 🧸. ok before i start everything i know you’ve been told this before but i seriously just adore the way that you can capture spencer’s character like 😭😭😭 you cannot convince me you weren’t in the writers room when they were coming up with the essential parts of doctor spencer reid 😭 and on top of that the way you portray the other characters too like i actually am about to make this so long IM SORRY. but even in the prequel i can HEAR the way penelope would have asked reader about her first and last name and more personal info LOL and even spencer’s response to her and the dynamics in that GODDD like i can literally see that playing out in my head!!! same with emily both in andromeda and in bandages (even though that’s not part of the series) I CAN LITERALLY HEARRR HER saying you guys are funny and even this part: “Wh—I mean funny! Are you going to listen to me pee, you weirdo?” IS SO HER EVEN DOWN TO THE “wh-“ LIKE I CAN HEAR THAT CUT OFF WORD AND SEE IT PLAYING OUT. blows my mind because it seems so seamless and easy while i’m reading but then i think about it from your perspective as an author and i am in so much awe at how talented you are to be able to capture the aspects of these characters so well FROM WATCHING THE SAME SHOW THE SAME WAY WE DID. LIKE ITS NOT LIKE YOU GOT SPECIAL TUTORING BEHIND THE SCENES you are just That good and it’s insane you really are just HER like idk what else to say. i’m going to send another ask dissecting the parts as promised cause this is just so long 😭 btw this is just rambling so plz don’t feel pressured to reply or anything! love u
girl you rlly know exactly what to say to me to actually have me like squealing and blushing like irl IM JEIROEOFOEOEOOD ilyilyily this is so insanely kind wtaf
this makes my heart so happy like u don’t even know. it’s such a random thing that im obsessed with but getting down the characterization of someone accurately makes me feel so good and hearing from you that you appreciate all the little parts as much as I do just OMG it is so awesome!!!!!! ahhhh!!!! i was rlly happy with emily’s little feature in bandages too im genuinely ecstatic that u pay as much attention as you do to the details never ever ever stop ILY SO BAD!!!!!! SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!
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ughscara · 5 months
THE COLUMBINA THEME/?!?!?>!>D QWJDKWBQQ OH MY GOSHHHHH IM BKFBEFE I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE A BINA FAN AHHHH YOU HAVE IMPECCABLE TASTE AS ALWAYS... it is so so pretty i am eating it up... i am going to miss Kuni with the otter but this is just *chef's kiss* (i also hope you are doing well, your reblog made me 🥹❤️❤️❤️)
AND YESSS THE KUNI BDAY ART ARGHHH,, i can just imagine reader being a few possibilities with him... 😭 either you're the one who tagged along with him to the House of Daena just to see what he's up to all the time but then your brain just dying (like Paimon 😭) from all the long texts overload (me tbh). And Kuni would be rolling his eyes at your dramatic self and be all like i told you so... 🙄 Or you're just peacefully reading those long books and your lover is just like... huh. I know he'd scoff and mumble under his breath but he'd drape some of his clothes over you if you fell asleep... ❤️ (ignoring the presence of his sort-of admirers on the other side of the room)
(this was all over the place and probably very messy but it just came to me ❤️ luv you!!)
AAA SUZU !! 🩷🩷
thank you thank you thank you!!! omg i am figuratively kicking my feet and literally smiling so big rn okay — first and foremost, YES (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ i am a 'bina fan since the day she showed up in the winter night's lazzo trailer~ as for kuni and his little otter buddy, don't you worry my dear mutual; here's the screenshot for your perusal alongside another one <3 ( as for me doing well, i am indeed doing well! i hope you are too dear 🩷 )
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now that you presented me with his second mini illustration.......... i have brainrot to share in correspondence to yours ( LISTEN my brain is always cooking i'm not sorry )
when i was just inspecting every little thing about his second mini illustration and literally giggling at how cute it was and all — it kinda threw me back to the time i first thought about my academic rivals + roommates concept with kuni .. but now that you presented me with your side of the brainrot which thank you btw it's so *chefs kiss and totes adorbs*
so here's to another episode of 'yame and suzu cooking kuni brainrot ~
“what even...?”
you uttered under your breath, a book in hand as your eyes continued to skim through a lengthy page after another. honestly, you're skipping through almost everything you read through — some part of you admiring the amurata darshan for being able to understand all of this. maybe you should have listened to your lover's recommendation and read something else.
curious, you eye him from the side to see how he's faring. of course, you were aware that this wasn't as much of an issue to him as it was to you, and you envy the ease he found in being able to read through his share of research without complaints.
the wanderer's eyes were quick to meet yours, and he was just as quick in raising a brow at you in what you presumed to be curiosity on his end as well. but that wasn't the case...
“having difficulty?” he murmured with a subtle smirk of amusement. he was aware, not when the confusion practically clouded the light of curiosity in your eyes. yet you affirmed anyways. “i won't shy away from admitting that i am ‘having difficulty.’” you parroted his words with a little smile, deciding it's best for you to just put the book down. you could hear him chuckle a bit dryly at your affirmation, uttering a barely audible ‘i told you so’ only for you to hear. the amusement that adorned his face softened a bit as he heard you hum in response.
“actually — love, can you pass me the book you recommend at first?” the moment he heard that endearment, a rush of warmth rose up to his porcelain cheeks as he hung his head slightly lower to allow his hair do the covering for him. “mhm.” the wanderer hummed in response whilst reaching over to said book next to the small box you brought with you for him. his pinky finger coming into contact with the ocean blue colored gift box for a moment before he took the book and passed to you all the while avoiding your gaze.
with a simple thank you on your end, the area fell silent once more. just the distant sound of students coming and going, chatting about their deadlines or some who were studying in solitude. it's a kind of quiet that allowed you to focus in a way, especially while the wanderer remained by your side; it felt ideal. staying alone together in his favorite corner in the house of daena.
surprise surprise, what he ended up recommending you wasn't a book. but a collection of research papers from the vahumana darshan — researches trying to pinpoint the mystery behind tatarasuna's sabotagement, researches investigating the ancient civilization of the sumeru desert... it felt like skimming through a collection of reports. you gave him a threat-less glare upon seeing that accomplished smirk on his face. but you digress.
you spotted a familiar handwriting shortly after however, his handwriting, and you were quick to begin reading the first research paper simply and straightforwardly titled ‘societal issues in inazuma.’ it was the commentary he mentioned he wrote out of boredom while he was occupied with cooking lunch for you. a smile crept up to your lips at the resurgence of the memory.
that style... how much of a reliable yet unreliable narrator could he be? certainly the former when it came to discussing anything regarding what was once his homeland. and you adored every word spoken in this research paper. sure, it was harsh at some points, but that was just how your wanderer was; straightforward and to the point. hence the reason you felt such immense joy reading the commentary he wrote.
this time around, it was his turn to eye you from the side. indifference fading into a very slight surprise as he saw you smiling whilst reading his research paper, but he paid it no mind. at least you were having some form of fun like you usually tend to.
a while would pass, the once distant sounds of the students became more and more prominent as at long last, he finished the forsaken paper he was writing. and from the corners of his eyes; the wanderer spotted your left forearm on the table. naturally, he was quick to turn to face you and be greeted with your arms on the table and resting your head on your arms, the research papers you read neatly yet messily set aside... sleeping here of all places?
“idiot,” he mumbled whilst getting up from his seat, carefully not making a sound as to not disturb your peace. “this is exactly why i told you to stay home.”
but even then, as he complained to your sleeping self with his ‘i told you so’s, he didn't hesitate in slowly taking his white haori and gently draping it over your sleeping figure, watching you as you breathed in and out softly. and for a moment, he stood there; simply watching you. his anemo vision that now hung over your shoulder began to shine and dim at a familiar rhythm that resembled the same sweet melody he'd sleep to in your shared home, the sight allowed for a subtle smile to adorn his face that if one were to look closely, would be greeted with a softness that'd seem uncharacteristic.
whispers could be heard from behind him, the contentment and softness dissipated in an instant as he shot a glare to those students whispering behind his back, and that was enough to have them scurry away to someplace else.
a sigh escaped the wanderer's lips afterwards as he turned to look at you again. perhaps he'll let you have your little nap whilst finishing up the second thesis he had.
yes, that's a decent enough excuse to have you stay by his side for a little longer.
OMG please don't worry about the ask being messy or all over the place, seeing you here genuinely brought a smile to my face! ( what a delight to wake up to too 🤭 ) and of course, love you too friend! 🩷🩷 remember to take care, stay safe and i wish you a wonderful and kind day ~
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scuderiahoney · 4 days
1. in motion alex and lily ( and alex and lily in general) have to be roman empire cuz THEYRE LITERALLY SO CUTE I CANT
2. they called bunny first omg shut up.
3. have you watched red white and royal blue? cuz the 'osc' and the relived bunny is so alex and henry saying "alex" "baby" coded
4. oh i just know sebs gonna be kicking his feet and shit (figuratively) when he finds out about bunny and osc
5. rip bunny and lily you would love taylor swift
6. Oooh back story time.
7. "ive always got time for you" SCREAMING. CRYING.
8. well thats a traumatic backstory. Im sad now, and oscar's response??? Its not giving unwanted pity or sympathy and its not completely dismissive because she has "gotten over it", because you don't really get over that you know. And he's reassuring her not in a way that feels like pity but empathy
9. OSCAR PIASTRI HAS 3 BRAIN CELLS 1 is for his chosen sport, one is for his sense of humour, one is for emotional intelligence.
10. He's so real for the max comment 😭😭 reminds of that vid where max goes "my dad did that a mechanic once witha fork" and daniel just goes😃🧍wut
11. oscar encouraging bunny to try football (I can't use soccer for the LIFE of me lee im SORRY thats just not right) makes me so SOFTTTT
12. Lily and alex stop being couple goals challenge FAILED
13. i mean bunny its not really that hard figure it out unless you're max and lando (completely fuckin oblivious)
14. I have no clue how hockey works BUT AHHHH THEY WON AHHHH
15. one more game. One last data point. what if i cry huh? What then?
16. List of things to hold against lee 1) lando's plot line in motion 2) strawberry wine chap 3. 3) the CHARLES APOCALYPSE FIC (basically any angst cuz im a wittle baby)
17. Stairs why stairs huh what. OH HI OSCAR (its 2 am forgive me)
19. Carlos oscar beef persists in every universe (except in that one fic cait wrote.. but that was also sorta beefy with sexual tension)
20. MAX YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO THE HAIR COLOUR AISLE AND BUY THAT BLUE DYE. Oscar is about to dye laughing (get it) his zendaya laugh when he finds this lore
21. DID NO ONE BET ON THEM? i was expecting a "you owe me a twenty" somewhere
22. Lando you stupid stupid fool,(yes sir id like this one for my self please)
23. "Eachother apparently" lee i love the way you write stories but i lOVE your dialogues even more 😭😭😭
24. Imagine oscar being like "charles. YOU NEED to switch seats with me." esp if he's sitting in the dead centre between max and lando
25. Honestly i totally get bunny cuz i was crying all over when out volleyball team one the state level and this is like NATIONALS
26. logan 😭😭
27. nooo max, pookie noo (this is me adding to this after monaco., it was indeed pookie no but osc podium charles win yay!)
28. jos verstappen couldn't be half the person max is.
29. Hey Mr. bartender? can i get two "your happiness is more important than some stupid trophy." With some extra unconditional love on top thanks.
30. lee a question why is max doing "sappy stuff later, we should celebrate", "angry on bunnys bf later, we should celebrate" . Like i get half of the reason but their seems something a lot more deeper than just wanting to celebrate hardwork and "last time" thing
31. Max and lando are so done w their bullshit (they only know a few hours) and charles is done w max and landos bs cuz he's known MUCH longer and HE ISNT COMPLAINING AS MUCH AS THEM
32. Bunny the mother hen ahhh
34. oh they remember the kiss, i thought they would be hungover enough to forget all the best osc bby
36. Long live carcar beef 🫶
DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE YOU FOR THIS. my response got long so it’s under the read more:
1. Alex & Lily guest starring in every fic bc they are the blueprint
3. i have not but i did read the book & yeah. That’s the energy.
7. it’s all i want tbh why can’t i find a guy like the fictional ones i write
8 & 9. emotionally intelligent osc my beloved!!!
11. you should see the arguments cece and i have had while i was asking for help workshopping this fic. there’s a lot of *soccer *football. i still have not convinced her but in my defense they’re at an American uni they would call it soccer
16. i will NEVER escape the wrath of strawberry wine part 3 no matter how much fluff i write. still in @theemporium ‘s doghouse months later
17. oh hiiiiii osc!!
19. omg @leclerced ‘s carcar fic my beloved 😵‍💫 ty for the reminder i should rlly go reread it
20. Oscar just wakes up to blue haired bunny & nearly died of shock
21. tbh i just didn’t think of it but George and Alex definitely did!! they’ve had a running bet going since before spring break i feel like.
23. THANK YOUUUUU dialogue is so hard to get right so i am kicking my feet over this
24. 👀👀👀
27. biiiiiig mood
29. hi bartender me too pls
30. i think i get what you’re saying but it’s really not meant to be him avoiding it or anything- he just knows they have a flight home to bug Oscar and a few weeks left to be sad about things ending, and events that they’ll get to be sentimental at. but this is the only chance they have to be at a bar after they win the championship so he wants them to have fun!! (and then he himself gets sad but. he’s trying to make sure they all have a good time)
31. Charles is so so over it he’s caught them making out already, this is old news to him. max & lando are scandalized
34. poor oscar. godspeed dude.
35. supportive seb!!!
36. carcar beef always & forever
thank you SO much for reading & letting me know what you thought ily!!
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pangolinsandnewts · 3 months
DTIYS Winners!!! (four months late I'm so sorry)
First off I want to preface this by giving my sincerest apologies. I'm so sorry it took me this long to post the results. I hope all of the participants can forgive me and my brain's 'out of sight out of mind' policy. As a token of my appreciation, every participant can request a small doodle if they want one!
Now, onto the submissions!
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This is soooo cute! The stylization of the waves and the patterns is immaculate!I also love the inclusion of the amulets as the dots of the yin yang symbol! Pure genius
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AHHHHHHHH ITS SO COOL! The water details and the lightning are really nice and the cloud spirals are awesome! Everything about this is just *chefs kiss*
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squiggly!!!!!!! I am in awe of the way you did the shapes its so unique and beautiful! I love the use of original colors it looks so good! I feel like I could run my hand through the water and it would ripple :D
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Berry give this to your sister I need to compliment her wonderful artwork! The lightning and clouds are awesome, and I love the stripes and dots on the water the texture is really cool :) Nya and Morro both look really good, I love the way you drew them!!
THIRD PLACE: @morrogatari
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OMG LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DETAIL THE HAIR THE EVERYTHING IT MAKES ME SOO HAPPY AGHGHHGHGHH :)))))))))))) Alo hair the best hair i have ever seen teach me ur ways :0 I love the water background its very well done! and Nya looks so hot
SECOND PLACE: @miss-phamtom-1
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UR ART STYLE IS SO SKRUNKLY IM GOING TO DIE!! They are so shaped!!! :000 their markings is so well detailed actually the whole thing is so well detailed ITS SO PRETTY :D The more I look at it the cooler it gets!
FIRST PLACE: @alizibtheterrible
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SHAPED!!! SO VERY SHAPED! THE ANATOMY IS IMMACULATE! They look so monstery I love them so <3333333333 THE. TAILS. HGGG. AHHHH. ANd everythings glowy and cool and the MOVEMENT AHHHHHHHHHHH :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Yeah. YEah. WOOOO.
okay im normal now
Once again a big thanks to everyone for participating it means the world to me! I am very sorry that this post is so late. Check out my original post for prizes and I hope everyone has a good day!
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
crimson rivers thoughts (17)
@tastetherainbow290 this is so long sorry 😭😭 please forgive me for breaking into song several times the choir kid in me can’t help it
chapter 41
no way mcgonagall knew and just let this happen
THIS WAS DUMBLEDORES IDEA and just when i thought he couldn’t get worse 
voldy wanted to kill james regulus AND sirius? oh my
i know regulus and sirius both make it but. oh my.
god i hate dumbledore
ariana dumbledore reference??
black family reunion at the HUNGER GAMES ?!
yaxley and lestrange too?! 
alice 💔
district 10 is gonna be like that one couple in catching fire the nerdy ones i can’t remember their names
i can’t remember if marlene has had a pov or not but i really hope she doesn’t die
genuinely i can’t remember how catching fire ends and i can’t ever watch the hunger games without thinking of crimson rivers again
“i hate him” take it back james you don’t mean that
dorcas making regulus look dangerous 
dorcas making sirius look plain
remus pov switch
🎶i know you get deja vu🎶
oh. he doesn’t know.
“it’s not fair” i am in shambles 
 chapter 42
aberforth pov jump scare
why did dumbledore murder his lover ☹️
i am appreciating the sibling dynamic of albus and aberforth
i feel so bad for dorcas rn
oh ok dorlene is dorlening again
hanky panky
oh marlene is kicking dorcas out now 
what is the ring for
oh a mission what is this about 
effie and monty?!
ok i love kingsley
i really want remus and lily to reunite
im scared for this mission
aberforth pov again
i like that their code words are their patronus
aberforth is in on it!! 
oh no what’s gonna happen to district 6
“she never killed anyone, until now” 😯
MARY ?! 
oh no effie
“Our boy's boy's boy.” this should not be as funny to me as it is but i’m glad to be laughing in the midst of all this
andromeda too
aberforth what are you doing
ted 💔
this was a hard chapter
i’m taking a break to rewatch the jegulus short film for the millionth time
chapter 43
please let this be lighter
“the hallows already know them, or they believe they do” this is giving me such. a feeling. idk the word 😭 but like yk how people idolize celebrities and think they know everything about them? like that
platonic moonwater <3
sirius and james are talking
remus leaping to go find sirius
they’re kissing ahhhh
"I love you more than the tides love the moon. I'm as temperamental as the ocean, and just the same, I'm at your mercy. Give me a ship, and I will wreck it at your command." 
hanky panky? hanky panky. 
spine realignment 😭😭
james stop you’re being mean
“He shuts the door gently, locks it, and goes to start a bath. At least there, when he cries, he can lie to himself about why.” 💔
why did i forget slughorn is in the phoenix
dorcas making a plan
effie is okay hooray
“I'm quite in love with Marlene McKinnon." DORLENE!!!!!! ❤️
chapter 44
this chapter is literally called bad decisions. oh my. 
“brief depiction of violence (you'll probably like it, bc it's james being sexy)” 😭😭
“sirius and the other one” JAMES stop being so stubborn
yk im not even mad about james beating lucius with his cane
frank just “you can’t do that james”
then it just cuts to remus and sirius Hanky Panky 😭
pandora: james assaulted lucius 😧 sirius: haha nice
bellatrix is so bellatrix
regulus you traitor
🎶you betrayed me and i know that you’ll never feel sorry🎶
everyone just mocking sirius 😭
“Choose me. Pick me. Protect me." so pick me. choose me. love me.
“Reflexively, James smiles at him, lopsided and warm, because, for just a moment, he's living in a world where seeing Regulus fills him with joy, with delight, with love.” 
regulus here to fight?!
“i hate you so fucking much” and then they start kissing 😭 honestly so real
giggling my feet rn
A PARTING GIFT JAMES YOU DIDNT i wish you could’ve seen my face when i read this oh my god
sirius evaluation time
oh my regulus what
sirius what are you doing
oh? eat i guess 😭
why is regulus visiting lucius 
🎶i don’t smoke except for when im missing you🎶
they’re having dinner. hmm.
evan 💔
he got the lowest score 😭 shocking im shocked who would have guessed this
chapter 45
cream cheese bagels!! (i’m tagging you in my mind runar)
of course james hates bagels now why is he so petty
🎶you know how scared i am of elevators never trusted them🎶
augusta always suspicious of frank and alice 😭
oh james and regulus are alone again
and they’re kissing
Hanky Panky in the elevator 😭
really just out here ruining all dorcas’ hard work
sirius knows exactly what they were doing
james “i don’t want to talk about it” potter
narcissa pulling the baby card?! ok peeta
quillkiller is quillkillering
“He's going to die never hearing Regulus say he loves him” ☹️ prove him wrong reggie
augusta you icon
sirius you menace
“my moon” ❤️‍🩹
regulus interview time
jegulus ☹️
yes regulus
REGULUS “IF IT WASNT FOR THE WEDDING” BLACK is everyone peeta in this chapter
me when i lie
i’m giving you an all tomato. which means you give me the whole tomato, or else. (please get the ref)
alphard ?!
omg were they lovers i’m so here for this
oh no marlene
ew voldy booooo 🍅🍅🍅
"There will be one winner. I do not care what it takes, but you will not allow it to be Sirius or Regulus Black, am I understood?" 😧
no no no please let james say goodbye to sirius and regulus 
chapter 46
remu ❤️‍🩹
“Whether it's me or him or both of us, James, you won't."  don’t hurt me in this way
god i’m gonna cry
SPINE REALIGNMENT sirius please 😭
regulus volunteering for james to spite sirius 😭
remus and regulus friendship ❤️‍🩹
the stapler 😭 lily 
"I'm not waiting around for you to be too late this time." ahhhh marlene
“No one or nothing can have it, because it belongs only to James” 🤭
parting gift mention 😧
why is this so sad omg i can’t handle any more angst
they’re kissing!
"I would have married you”
so much hanky panky in this chapter 
wolfstar ❤️‍🩹
if this was anyone but remus and sirius it would give me the ick
they’re so cute i love them why do they have to say goodbye
🎶why do you have to say goodbye🎶if i say goodbye the nation learns to move on it outlives me when im gone🎶 
they’re not Just Friends anymore!!!
“always too late” ☹️
dorlene is so sad in this omg. but i guess everything is so sad in this 😭
dorcas cutting marlene’s hair
jegulus ☹️
“I do everything I do because I love you!" “So do I!" 😯
“It's the first time James speaks his name since telling him that he hated him.”
this physically pains my heart to read. i just want them to be happy. 
"Would you marry me?" jegulus getting engaged?! 
i don’t think im gonna read another chapter today… since they’re going in the arena…
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arcticzuko · 3 months
hii! saw your spy x fam post about the recent chapter and i agree with everything you said. in fact! i think anya's big reveal to damian is going to be a pivotal moment for both their characters bc remember that theory about the desmonds being essentially believed to have taken part in project apple and maybe the experiments anya was once a part of?
well if that turns out to be true... maybe at some point in the manga, damian and denovan's relationship will have slightly improved and denovan asks him if he knows someone who seems suspicious (someone who he thinks possesses supernatural abilities)... and that's when damian remembers anya's words...
and denovan gives damian a promise that if he tells him, he's gonna give him his approval/he's gonna be proud/he'll give him everything he ever wanted (his love. sobbing), etc. and all those promises damian has always dreamt of. but now damian will be torn between chasing for his father's approval (which he longed for all his life!) or protecting his crush's friend's ultimate secret.
Any's actions will 100000% have consequences. ENDO IS COOKINGGGGGGGG AND WE'RE HERE FOR IT AHHHH
this slowly turned into a weird theory. I'm really sorry but none of my friends read the manga and i NEED AN OUTLET 😭
omg don't apologize haha!! you make such a great point with project apple!! i can totally see damian being put in a position where he has to choose between anya or his dad :')
I really am SO CURIOUS to see how Endo continues to develop damian's relationship with his father... I feel like first Damian needs to do something that will capture his fathers attention, so maybe he starts getting more stella stars idk. Either way... angst is probably on the horizon!! I'm not sure if i'm ready haha~
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lostfracturess · 2 months
Hii Niciii!!
Out of pure curiosity, I was wondering what are your plans with symptoms and causes? Like how many more chapters are you planning, where are we in the story right and so on.
Also love the series A LOT! Like I am someone who is completely against drugs and any form of substance abuse, but this story is an exception (drugs still aren't okay though) And the characters you've written are amazing- as someone mentioned it before, they are ALL interesting.
But yeah I'm just curious, don't want to pressurise you or anything- Would love to know what you plan to do with this story, get a glimpse of your mind!
thank you so so much!! so happy to hear you enjoy the series <3 i'm not quite sure how many more chapters will follow because i just have a rough outline of the plot and don't plan too much ahead! guess were somewhere down the 60 % line with the story haha.
i'm aware that such long fanfic's are not that popular, but i just enjoy writing long ass stories and hope you'll stick around. still want to write a few things about s&c gojo and his beloved, delve deeper into his past and shed more light on all the odds they have to face against their relationship <3
overall the story will have a happy ending but the next chapter(s) might be more hurt and angsty again (who would have thought). also sorry for everyone wanting to read more fluff ahhhh.
anyway, so glad you like the story and find the characters interesting!! this is always my worst fear, that the story or characters get boring tbh. so your reassurance is greatly appreciated!!
also off-topic, but i've been listening to "those eyes" by new west all day and this song sounds like how i picture gojo's love in this story. could cry thinking about it omg.
hope you have a great day and an even better week!! <3
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