#alexander lowen
nousrose · 2 months
Why do people keep repeating the same self-destructive behavior? To answer this question, I would compare the character to a shell. To step out of character is like being born or, more accurately, reborn. The cracking of the shell is equivalent to a confrontation with death. Living in the shell seems to guarantee survival, even if it represents a severe limitation on one's life. To stay in the shell and suffer seems safer than to risk death for freedom and joy. This is not a consciously thought out position.
The Voice of the Body
Alexander Lowen
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(Art: Painting by Francis Bacon)
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Narcissists do show a lack of concern for others, but they are equally insensitive to their own true needs. Often their behaviour is self-destructive.
Narcissism denotes an investment in one's image as opposed to one's self. Narcissists love their image, not their real self. They have a poor sense of self; they are not self-directed. Instead, their activities are directed toward the enhancement of their image, often at the expense of the self.
~Alexander Lowen
(Book: Narcissism: Denial of the True Self)
[Philo Thoughts]
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iviaggisulcomo · 1 year
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In ogni processo di cambiamento c’è un elemento di insicurezza. Passare da una posizione conosciuta a una sconosciuta comporta un periodo di instabilità.
Alexander Lowen
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Alexander Lowen, M.D. - The Language of the Body - Collier - 1971
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fuoridalcloro · 2 years
“Tutte le creature di Dio, tranne l'uomo, esistono soltanto. L'uomo non si accontenta di essere soltanto; egli deve fare qualcosa, realizzare qualcosa, creare qualcosa. L'impulso dell'Io a creare produce cultura, [...] ma può anche essere lo strumento della sua distruzione [...]. Affinché ci siano sensazioni, il processo o l'azione devono essere almeno importanti quanto lo scopo. [...] La gente ha tanta fretta da non avere il tempo di respirare o di essere. Essere richiede tempo: tempo per respirare e tempo per sentire. [...] Se prestiamo al processo almeno tanta attenzione quanta ne prestiamo all'obiettivo, fare diventa un'azione creativa e che ci esprime e aumenta il senso dell'essere. Per quanto riguarda l'essere, ciò che conta non è quello che si fa, ma come si fa. Per il fare, è vero il contrario. Quando un'attività ha la qualità del fluire appartiene all'essere. Quando ha la qualità dello spingere appartiene al fare.”
Alexander Lowen - Paura di vivere
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mschocolateworld · 2 years
Niepokazywanie własnych uczuć może dawać człowiekowi poczucie siły w związkach, ale jednocześnie wyklucza możliwość zaufania. W ten sposób samokontrola, która wydaje się cechą godną podziwu, jest przejawem strachu przed miłością.
Alexander Lowen - „Miłość, seks i serce"
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princessofmistake · 1 month
Secondo Freud, noi abbiamo originariamente due oggetti sessuali: noi stessi e la persona che si prende cura di noi. Pensando a questo, Freud ipotizzò che un narcisismo primario sia presente in ogni essere umano.
Alexander Lowen, Il narcisismo. L’identità rinnegata
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bioenergetica-brescia · 3 months
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postersbykeith · 4 months
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maksimlustiger · 1 year
     Ciało poddane ablucji. Metaforyczne zmycie grzechu. Psychologiczne ukojenie duszy poprzez poddanie się oczyszczającej mocy strumienia wody.
     Żebysz tak jak obmywa się ciało z narastających napięć, można było obmyć umysł, czy tez pamięć z nawarstwień traumy.
     W ciele zapisane wszystkie doświadczenia lat , zbierane w pamięci tkankowej w postaci przykurczy mięśni oraz dolegliwości stawów. Po każdym większym stresie bolące kości czy kręgi. Odkładający się w nich kwas mlekowy.
      Nie da się zmienić świata. Można przekonfigurować własne myślenie na pozytywnie ugodowe.
      Można uskuteczniać śmiechoterapię poprzez setne napinanie mięśni twarzy w coś na kształt uśmiechu. Zabieg ten ma na celu oszukanie mózgu dostarczając mu właściwą ilość dopaminy. Ruch mięśni twarzy równa się pobudzanie określonych partii mózgu.
      Dobroczynne jest rozluźnianie mięśni poprzez skakanie i wytrząsanie rąk i nóg. Alexsander Lowen poczynił z tej metodologii wspaniale funkcjonujący sposób terapeutyzowania.
      Cóż.......jednak najwspanialszym sposobem uzdrawiania jest doznawanie i ofiarowywanie czułości . Najprostszy dotyk rąk, głaskanie, przytulenie ma kluczowe znaczenie w uzdrawianiu Samego Siebie i Tego Drugiego.
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divulgatoriseriali · 1 year
Ansia e corpo: la liberazione con Florence and the machine
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Alexander Lowen on how our fears and hurts can become structured in our bodies.
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iviaggisulcomo · 2 years
"Abbandonarsi all’amore non significa abbandonarsi ad un’altra persona, ma a se stessi, al proprio cuore e al proprio desidero d’amore, con un coinvolgimento totale di tutte le emozioni. Quando l’Io rinuncia all’egemonia, abbandona il controllo sul corpo e sui sentimenti e deve accettare la paura dell’abbandono, il dolore della perdita, la rabbia del tradimento. Deve anche accettarsi privo di difesa in tutti i fondamentali momenti della vita: la nascita, l’amore, la malattia e la morte."
A. Lowen
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silfideoli · 2 years
“Chiunque abbia studiato lo sviluppo dell’embrione in un organismo maturo non può fare a meno di stupirsi di fronte a un processo che trascende la comprensione umana. Paragonate al lavoro inconscio di coordinare miliardi di cellule, la miriade di tessuti e i molti organi dell’essere umano, le facoltà della ragione e dell’immaginazione sembrano piccole e insignificanti. Eppure si sono sviluppate dal grande inconscio come il fiore germoglia sulla siepe.”
Il linguaggio del corpo Lowen, Alexander
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myborderland · 8 months
 Costruiamo muri dietro ai quali nascondersi, per proteggerci dall’essere feriti, per tenere dentro il nostro dolore. Sfortunatamente questi muri ci imprigionano.
Alexander Lowen
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runningout-of-words · 3 months
Let your Spotify predict your 2024! Shuffle your repeat playlist and the first twelve songs represent your 2024
Thanks for the tag, @artofdoubt!
Welp, it looks like my On Repeat playlist is currently the Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies soundtrack. So. Those are the only options. Maybe I'll do a second set with my Top Songs 2023 playlist.
January: Carelessly
February: Grease is the Word
March: Sorry To Distract
April: World Without Boys
May: Think Pink
June: I'm In Love
July: Take The Wheel
August: Good Girl Act
September: All In
October: Crushing Me
November: Election Song
December: Pointing Fingers
So there you have it. Based on song title I'm excited for April and June. Based on song content, I'm more excited for September and October. The fact that both gay songs weren't included is homophobic. November's song choice is eerie.
If any of y'all humans are interested in watching Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and have/make a Plex account, DM me. :) I recommend it. Fuck Paramount+. <3
Just so I can have something with some variety that's probably more in the spirit of this thing, here's the version with my top songs 2023 playlist:
January: first death - TK from Ling tosite sigure
February: Cloudy Day - Tones And I
March: Maniac - Conan Gray
April: Better With - Friday Pilots Club
May: Velodrome - Dessa
June: The Edge - Grant, Nevve
July: POP/STARS - K/DA, Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns, League of Legends
August: All Good People - Delta Rae, Vocal Rush
September: Slow Down - Madnap, Pauline Herr
October: Apartment 402 - girl in red
November: Just Fucking Let Me Love You - Lowen
December: forever fifteen - MOTHICA
Well that took a dark fucking turn in December......anyway all these songs are great and you should definitely check 'em out. Lil' bit of a spoiler but content warning on forever fifteen for teenage suicide (hence the name).
Big thanks again to @artofdoubt for tagging me, it's always fun to get interaction from an account that isn't a bot or someone I know in real life. That never happens lol.
For those who feel like it, I'm tagging: @sir-alexander-rowan-knox, @curlzmaster2259, @bioeco, @lepetitmortician, @redfoxraccoon, @escapefromthoughts, @vatican-graffiti :)
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