#alfonse icons
the-blue-sandglass · 1 month
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A mixed icon set from FEH Books 6-7!
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moe-broey · 3 months
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I made transparents!!!!! If. You Want 🫡 (Free to use!!!! They might be a little rough around the edges here and there, but I mean, if you're making an icon or something like that, I feel like you'll hardly notice it! Hopefully.)
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forblazes · 2 years
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siblings who, together, represent askr's future. they have come to participate in the celebration and to make a resolution to keep up their hard work in the coming year.
day three: favourite feh holiday alt, from elwindss’ fire emblem edit prompts
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slyfire · 1 year
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pansexual alfonse icons~
feel free to use these icons without credit.
all media used are from official sources.
i hope you enjoy them!
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bi, genderfluid, and any pronouns except they/them alfonse icons
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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fairymint · 10 months
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jokingly scared who y'all think that I could play as- pokemon or otherwise;
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lgbtq-fire-emblem · 1 year
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Trans Alfonse moments !
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ness-plays-wizards · 2 years
Alfonse Route Chapter 6 (11-15)
Last week on the Alfonse Route, Klaus describes the security system around the disease curing MacGuffin (which is called the Elixir Seed btw) in the kind of detail you don’t tend to find outside of heist stories, so I’m possibly going to have to add “giving me false hope of an interesting story” to my ever expanding list of grievances with him. Then Liz goes to see Alfonse and he invites her to walk around town with him.
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So Liz and Alfonse end up in what actually looks to be a fun slice of the Gedonelune town. He asks her what she was doing in the Gedonlune laboratory, and she tells him Klaus asked her for a favor again. Alfonse starts to get angsty but before Liz can ask him what’s wrong, he puts his happy mask back on, then takes it back off when he realizes someone is following Liz. They think its another reporter, so they quickly escape through some alleyways. Liz asks where they’re going, and Alfonse says this,
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Ah yes, the epitome of romance: booking it and hiding from the paparazzi.
Idk why I keep calling them the paparazzi. It’s a more fun word that reporter. Also apparently I’ve been spelling it wrong the whole time. 
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So Alfonse brings Liz to what does NOT look to be a good hiding place because it’s out in the fucking open. But at least the scenery is nice. Alfonse explains that the harbor is somehow secret, and that its basically his happy place, where he goes after bad days. He reveals he shared it with Liz because she’s special to him. Liz is touched.
So Alfonse also reveals that before he travelled the world research potions, he travelled the world researching dragons, even though there was a perfectly good magically fossilized dragon right on the Gedonelune school grounds. Alfonse asks Liz if she’d ever be interested in helping him translate Dragon, and she agrees. He asks her why she wants to help him, and she replies that he inspires or smth. Alfonse tells her not to hesitate to ask him to return the favor.
Liz comments that Alfonse really loves researching, and he sadly reveals that his obsessive researching has hurt people before.
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So I guess that’s why his fiancee left, then?
Because yeah, this shit was a plot point all the way back Klaus I.
Alfonse also mentioned leaving his brothers, and as much as I’d like to harp on the fact that he’s obviously a Goldstein, this one is not as obvious as some other ones because the concept of having brothers is not exclusive to Goldsteins.
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So this happens even though that girlfriend is presumably an ex by now. Then the paparazzi catches up to them. They recognize Liz as Klaus’s “Fiancee” and ask her what her relationship to Alfonse is. Their minds jump to cheating, like, immediately. Liz gets overwhelmed, and then we get it. The iconic moment.
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And then Liz acts surprised even though it was really obvious to literally everyone.
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Except Zeus, apparently.
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Chapter 1: Summoner's Woes
In this you have come to a (potentially) devastating realization
TW: separation from loved ones, self blame
You gazed into the mirror with an anxious expression on your face as you kept running your hands through your hair, suddenly a knock is heard from your bedroom door.
(Y/N): Who is it?
Alfonse: It's Sharena and Alfonse, may we come in?
(Y/N): Y-Yeah.
Your door creeks open and the two royals come inside.
Sharena: Hello. What are you up to?
(Y/N): Nothing much just... trimming my hair.
The young princess couldn't help but notice you speak with a tone of sadness.
Alfonse: You've been in here for some time, far longer than reasonably needed to simply "trim hair". What's really happening?
(Y/N): N-Nothing.
Sharena: (Y/N), I can tell by your tone that you're upset, please tell us why.
You look the two of them in the eyes then take a deep breath.
(Y/N): It started when I summoned Alfred, I was all happy we made a new friend, but then he mentioned his flower crown not wilting and I began to notice other things about the other heroes, it all boils down to none of them aging in Askr and time stopping in their worlds while they are here, but I continue to grow, my hair gets longer and longer.
As you are listing these things Alfonse chimes in.
Alfonse: So, what's the point?
(Y/N): I've lost the connection to my world.
The two gasp in shock
Sharena: So you're homesick.
(Y/N): No, if I ever wanted to experience my world again, I can just visit Tokyo with Itsuki, our worlds are so similar you can't tell the difference just by looking, but I can never see her again.
Sharena & Alfonse: Her?
(Y/N): My sister, she was the only one in that world that helped me through the pain, my parents cared about me but were too busy with work to notice anything. She always listened to my problems and let me get it all out and I let her do the same, and now I'm not there for her anymore, no one is there to help her heal after a bad day, I.. I.
Tears were starting to form blurring your vision
Alfonse's eyes went wide in shock while Sharena simply covered her mouth whilst holding back tears of her own.
(Y/N): We helped each other through our hardest times and now I'll... I'll (gasp)
Sharena quickly and without warning wrapped her arms around you while Alfonse sat next to you leaning on your shoulder.
Alfonse: You're not to blame for this, no one is,. If we had a choice in who we summoned, it would most likely have been one of your military, we never would have met.
Sharena: I know how deeply you care for everyone, losing your sister must be difficult. Please, cry as much as you need neither of us will judge you for it.
At this point you can't hold the tears in any longer as you start bawling. Once your tears are dried the two nobles leave.
Alfonse: Goodnight Summoner.
Sharena: Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need someone to talk to, there are so many people who care about you, so if Alfonse and I are busy, I know one of the heroes will lend an ear.
You simply nod and let them be on their way. You turn back towards the mirror to finish trimming your hair when you notice your phone is on.
(Y/N): That's weird, I always turn it off whenever the others are around, so why is it...
Before you can finish your query, you notice a certain app begins to emit a golden glow. Which app?
(Y/N): Genshin Impact.
You sit and ponder a moment.
(Y/N): Why is it glowing like that?
Curiosity gets the better of you and you tap the icon. Suddenly a blinding light emits from your phone, just like before, however unlike before, this light encompasses the entirety of Zenith. Suddenly the light fades just as suddenly as it appeared.
(Y/N): What was that?
Notes:as you can see I used a different writing style for this one, I'm experimenting to see which one I'm most comfortable with. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this rather angsty chapter in my crossover series.
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the-blue-sandglass · 6 days
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Part 2 of the Book 8 Midpoint icons, this time featuring all the boyos/men! Damn, we fed well in this department-
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moe-broey · 3 months
I am.... a little tempted........ to make a new icon...........
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childofaura · 1 year
I have a suggestion for you. What do you think of Edward Bosco? He is a personal favourite of mine and he voices my boy Líf. I don't know if you know this voice actor but I'm curious about your opinion on him.
… Ah shoot. I’m kind of stand-offish about him, because he’s still active friends with Daman Mills. Who you keep as company shouldn’t be a judge of personal character, I know, but I’m still trying to wrestle with that whole fiasco and my personal feelings on it.
But this isn’t about that, and I don’t think for a second that anyone who likes Edward Bosco should be judged. He’s a fucking talented actor and he was amazing in his roles in FEH. And outside of that, whether you like or hate Hazbin Hotel, it must be said that his work as Alastor is iconic as hell and there’s clear enthusiasm in that role. So one more time: I don’t and won’t judge anyone and no one should be shamed. And to everyone reading this who might get judgemental or angry: Don’t, please. I’m just gonna treat this like a normal VA review.
ANYWHO, Edward Bosco (and the urge to type “Dante Basco” is overwhelming XD) is the voice of Lif, Gustav, Luke, Keld, and Klein.
Performance-wise, Edward is fantastic. We were so SO lucky to get a mid-book cinematic with voice acting, because hearing his exchange with Alphonse was heartbreaking. Especially, “Losing my mind, how could I not?” That was our Al, our poor, broken Al. And his lines as Gustav, man, that Fallen. banner was the best banner we’ve had in years. I haven’t heard much of his Keld, but I have heard his Luke and while I think he captures Luke’s energy perfectly… man that voice is a little mismatched. Why not make the voice higher like you did for Klein?
Which transitions into my next segment: Edward was perfectly cast as Lif, Gustav, and Klein. The deep somber voice for Gustav, the desperate dreading voice of Alfonse, the mild-mannered voice of Klein… but again, his Luke was not a good fit. I don’t mind having a surprisingly deeper voice for a character, Armen Taylor’s voice for Ranulf was a shockingly perfect cast. But not Luke, Luke looks like he’d be voiced by Joe Brogie or Zeno Robinson or Ray Chase. So yes on the others, absolutely not on Luke.
Given all of those characters though, range is an absolute yes. I wouldn’t be able to tell that Lif and Gustav were the same actor if we didn’t have their credits on FEH. He’s shown that he can (most of the time) gauge the right pitch for a character’s voice and all he needs to do is change the energy.
So in total, Edward Bosco is a 9/10. No matter what my reservations are, he’s a damn great actor.
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mecharlie-fox · 1 year
FEH: Summoner Growth
I saw another fandom do this and I was actually thinking about doing it myself until I realized that... I don't have 12 artworks of my character from that fandom. So I decided to make a Summoner now for FEH with the assets of shinybellsprout (https://www.deviantart.com/shinybellsprout/art/Fire-Emblem-Heroes-Icon-Template-3-1-740573902) from DeviantArt and the Background from the wikia.
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I used the combat background from Vanaheimr because my Summoner came from that realm.
The borders are from the icon thingy you see in-game and you can find them from the DA link above. So it indicates which Valen "units" were initially released as 4 stars and 5 stars, with the pink ones being the Support units (basically drawings that I really, really love). Of course, the weapon symbols are self-explanatory.
And here's the second version of it. As Alfonse and Lif have art that they're going at each other, so does Valen and her other version - Anselma.
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Happy Summoning!
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transxenoine alfonse icons
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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fairymint · 1 year
it's probably gonna be a long while, but! and I was gonna mention this today anyways! There are some non-pkmn muses I'm planning to bring back from the archive when the mood hits; These're just from icons i have; in the future i could add just about damn near any pokemon muse with little warning tbh
Bendy Shovel Knight Sammy Lawrence Chrom Boyfriend Shopkeeper and Ninja (the messenger) Bowser Fall Guy Kirby (specific portrayal by 17 y/o me) Alfonse Samus
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Icon Commission done of a Warforged Paladin (Heavily based on Alfonse Elric from FMA)
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