#princess veronica icons
the-blue-sandglass · 1 month
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A mixed icon set from FEH Books 6-7!
Like/reblog if used!
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six-costume-refs · 1 year
You mentioned Six Korea was a replica production, what exactly does that mean with reference to the other productions?
Hey! Yes, my apologies for not defining that! “Replica production” is basically used to describe any production using the same designs and choreography (usually in tandem with any directing/cut song/etc directions) as a prior or pre-existing production of that show. For example:
- if a Broadway show opens an associated national tour, that tour is almost always a replica of the Bway production
- sometimes we see revivals that are replicas of an earlier production (this usually happens because a production closed and then reopened because that initial production had gained significant interest since, like Beetlejuice, or because the original production is just too iconic to change, like A Chorus Line)
- international productions that keep the same base design/choreography/etc as original Bway/WE would be categorized as replica
Note that all replica productions aren’t exactly identical. There’s often some variance or changes. Sometimes that’s in materials, based on differing budgets and/or supply. @operafantomet does a fantastic job of cataloguing a lot of the changes in replica, semi-replica, and non-replica Phantom productions (here’s a post showing some of the variance in replica Star Princess bodices). Sometimes it’s in choreography or blocking, with some slight changes made to adapt a show to a different stage and all the changed technical aspects that exist there (different dimensions or set-ups). The musical Fun Home was built to be performed in-the-round, so when they switched to a national tour they had to re-block the production to work in typical proscenium theaters. Even Six has some of these changes - all current productions are technically replicas, but of course many of the productions use different materials and have some changed staging!
On the other hand, non-replica productions are new productions that don’t take heavily to the point of near-replication from prior productions, often with a different creative team. Nearly every revival is non-replica. Some international are as well; take this as an example of Anya’s red and gold dress from Anastasia as an example:
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Left is Veronica Stern, currently Anya in the replica 2nd US Tour. Right is Pia Piltz, recently Anya in the non-replica Finnish production. The Finnish designers did take some loose inspiration with the color scheme, updo, and silhouette, but it’s obviously not anywhere near identical, is designed by someone else, and is part of a non-replica production.
Or with regards to recent UK productions, the current Newsies production very notably doesn’t use the initial choreography/staging/design of the initial Bway/US Tours and would be referred to as non-replica as well (it’s adapted brilliantly actually, I’ll talk about that sometime).
You also may sometimes hear the term “semi-replica.” It’s not half as common and not really an official term in the same way that replica and non-replica are, but people sometimes use it to describe productions with both replica elements and entirely original elements. Phantom has had a few productions that people will sometimes describe as semi-replica; the pared-down production that opened on the West End post-lockdown would be one example (again, if anyone is interested in examples I’ll refer you to @operafantomet).
Hope that clears things up!
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maicons · 10 months
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Princess Rising
Veronica icons! Likes/reblogs are appreciated if you save ♡ !!
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rejectedfables · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Character: Draco Malfoy (HP) Why I love them: I don't. I love the version of him I frankensteined together from fics I read/wrote as an undiagnosed autistic preteen who wished I knew how to be meaner, and was hopelessly demisexually gay for a brunette with glasses.
Character: Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) Why I love them: Emotionally neglected ADHD powerhouse who thinks "what do 600 hot girls look like? Me with titties and pigtails 600 times obviously" followed by "what do 600 hot boys look like? All my male friends with bedroom eyes OBVIOUSLY" and somehow hasn't figured out he's into dudes and is probably genderfluid. The Haku and Zabuza arc came SO close to "child soldier figures out that making children into soldiers is bad, actually, and resolves to create a better society where fewer people needlessly suffer" but then I think the author got old and forgot his own trajectory in favor of endless spectacle creep and, idk, something about the moon crushing Konoha or whatever. I lost interest in the story, but not the BOY. Also his relentless fixation with that dark haired cool guy he kissed one time makes every other character feel awkward, and I relate to that.
Character: Urameshi Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho) Why I love them: LOVE me a guy who even HEAVEN writes off as an irredeemable asshole surprising everyone with an act of selflessness. Love me an asshole who dedicates his life to love and friendship. Yusuke's narrative is basically "Obviously all yokai are evil. Wait, some aren't (some of my best friends are yokai)? Wait, most aren't (I actually really enjoy the yokai world/community)? Wait, I'M a yokai? (THAT'S why I am the way I am, and actually that's not evil it's just different)??? So there's evil humans AND evil yokai but neither are inherently bad, MOST are just regular people on both sides, and both are worth protecting" and anyway this is a neurodivergent and queer allegory to me, which slaps severely.
Character: Shi Qingxuan (Heaven Official's Blessing) Why I love them: Gender
Character: Luke Fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) Why I love them: Nobody's doing character growth like this little shit. An icon. It takes like 30 hours of gameplay for him to become likable and when he does it's somehow genuinely worth it.
Character: Changheng (Love Between Fairy and Devil) Why I love them: (I'm picking only one character per story, which is the only reason Xiao Lanhua and Dongfang Qingcang aren't also on this list.) You're telling me the God of War's narrative is a "tragic princess, betrothed since childhood, can't escape her family's expectations, constantly has to put everyone else above herself, until finally she snaps" story blended with "man who has been forced to live in war, falls for the first person who acknowledges that he, too, needs protection, ultimately rejects the violence he's been forced to endure and enact in favor of pursuing peace" and I'm what? NOT supposed to go insane? Also his nose freckle gives me heart palpitations.
Character: Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars, specifically season 1) Why I love them: What an excellent example of a badly coping shithead jerk fuckup boy who would be SO soft in any context where he's not under constant threat. Something about his mouth-breathing under duress compels me.
Character: Kyo (Fruits Basket) Why I love them: Badly coping under duress, the entire system is stacked against him, anger management issues and the snatched waist of a 90's manga twink. What can I say, a feral cat finding stability and love gets me every time.
Character: Xue Yang (MDZS) Why I love them: Irredeemable asshole feral cat ass man, coping badly at all times with all things but holding it together with a winning personality (gratuitous violence and bad jokes). Falls SO hard for the first person to show him love and kindness, becomes SO soft when not under threat for the first time ever, and then fucks up SO badly he ruins his whole fucking life. Spends more time trying to get back what he lost than he actually HAD what he lost. He's irredeemable. He's irredeemable. He makes apple rabbits for A Qing because she's sad. He's irredeemable. He doesn't pull a weapon on Xingchen even when Xingchen has already stabbed him and he's renowned for violence and revenge. He's irredeemable. I starting writing a post in his defense and hit the character limit halfway through my 'notes to flesh out later' bullet pointed list. He's irredeemable?? Xiao Xingchen could, though, is all I'm saying. The deeper you look into his actions the more humanity there is to find. I'm rotating every single thing about him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
Character: Chu Wanning (ERHA) Why I love them: He's hopelessly demisexually gay for literally just one guy. His story is gratuitously tragic but with a happy ending. Autistic Yearning incarnate. He's a burnt out husk of a blushing virgin, and the horniest person alive. Would readily die for his convictions, but won't ask for help. Prettiest wife anyone could ever wish for, with a strong masculine jaw. Total knockout gorgeous with body dysmorphia. Hyper competent with zero emotional intelligence. Widely respected and beloved with intense self loathing. He's never not masking. He's an atticked wife, he's a bossy husband, he's a piece of wood. He's 45. He's 6. He's 20. He's 32. He is catnip for me.
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goddessalexissara · 1 year
Predicting What The DLC Emblems Will Do
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[Image Taken from https://twitter.com/FeEngage ]
Hey. so today I wanted to go over characters that were datamined to be the remaining DLC Emblems in Fire Emblem Engage. Talk about what they might bring to the table and what I think of them. Overall, I think this is a bit of a let down of a showing that both could have been bigger but also simply had more interesting roster choices. That said this is also by far not the most boring list, many many people speculating were like "it's obviously gonna be my favorite sword lord they didn't include" and obviously, they were wrong. I think overall, the DLC Emblems could be a lot better and I do hope there is at least some kind of surprise awaiting us to improve this showing like skins or something.
That said, I am still excited for the story expansion and these, well I don't think any of them would get me to play the game again, I do think I'd consider using all of them in a fun to play the DLC story, although we'll have to see what they bring to the table.
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Veronica is the hero who really brings the widest net of possibility to the table. Even in terms of looks she has 3 very possible looks that simply could happen to be the look they chose for her. I believe Veronica: Princess Rising is the most likely version we'll see given she was the app icon for quite a while, they marked the shit out of her, and it seems to be her new default form and it is her form when she joins the heroes.
Her main gimmick likely focuses on summoning heroes while her top end weapon is probably Enclosing Dark, the tome from her most recent weapon with her earlier weapon probably being Élivágar, and Ífingr. How these weapons translate into FEH I am not sure but I imagine them being very flashy and aggressive tomes, emulating dropping specials on foes in Fire Emblem Heroes. She will probably give proficiency for Staves and Tomes.
Summoning Heroes is such a wide pool of possibility though, it could work like the summoner class from Sacred Stones, like Tanith's signature ability on Path Of Radiance, like Duplicate in Fates. For this, I think we'll likely see it summon 2 heroes that are random, simulating a gacha. I think they work in 3 tiers. 3 Star - Embla/Asker Solider, generic weak units, probably die in one hit, scaled to the emblem wearers level. 4 Star - Asker Trio, fairly weak but more useful, able to take a hit. 5 Star - summons more popular OCs Leagjarn, Fjorn, Lief, and Thrasir who will all have little signature abilities. Perhaps her Emblem attack will lock in for sure generating a rare 5 star or maybe even multiple.
As much as there is to be critical of heroes about in terms of a DLC emblem ring Veronica is honestly loaded to the brim with potential on what she could bring to the table, a lot of emblems I'll be staining to find out what they do over already existing rings but Veronica I could pitch like, 12 different ways she works.
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With no flying characters at all being represented in the emblem rings, it's easy to bet that Camilla will be very focused on providing fliers what they need. Camilla was a power house in her own game and with a huge fan base behind her I am sure they will want her to stand out and feel like a power house in the game. I think she is likely to add splash damage to the game as well, with her Savage Blow Skill and her personal skill allowing her to be a support unit will likely be reflected.
Camilla could bring in the Fates exclusive magic to the game. While most of that is on t he Hosido side she could be based in post game Revelations or in her Brave Alts alternative universe. In her core class she can't reach a high weapon rank of any weapon I think liberties will be taken here. Perhaps she provides Sanngriðr as an aggressive staff, Bölverk her fathers Axe, and her most basic weapon being something like Dragon Spirit. She will likely give a proficiency in Tomes, Axes and Staves.
I think the design ethos for Camilla is going to end up being duel natured where she is both an offensive and support unit with no defensive offerings outside of what she provides for others. I think her passive will be twofold, buffs nearby allies and also when the person using Camilla attacks, enemies with in two spaces of attack target are dealt splash damage. I think her Engage attack with be a reference to her Musou attack from Fire Emblem Warriors much like Marth and Corrin both taking from Super Smash bros. It'll be big damage with huge splash damage, potentially even dealing damage to every non boss enemy on the map.
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Soren is a weird choice, a character I really like but not nearly as stand out as any Laguz or Elenica in terms of what mechanics he can bring to the table. We can assume the Adept skill he gets would be carried in allowing any attack, maybe locked with tomes or maybe after passing a skill or speed check like in his games would get brave hits. This would allow Soren to be a hyper aggressive emblem, perhaps that wanted the unit to be alone given Soren is a bit more of a loner then most of the other emblems.
Soren being a master of wind tomes could likely bring in powerful wind magic like Tornado and Rexcalibur. As a reference to Ashnard he could give Gurgurant. In that spirit he could also negate criticals like Ashnards abilities and weapon both do. There could be things to do with Soren being a tactician or being part of Griels mercs, calling on other characters or allowing for some tactical shifts. Perhaps Soren could have a radius that allows people to shove each other inside of as a reference to PoR and RDs mechanic. Soren could also provide "drive' effects that provide passive buffs for allies with in two spaces depending on what type of unit is engaged with Soren.
Overall, I think that this gay tactician will be a great emblem ring for Mage units and a mostly aggressive ring with any support it might provide not being the focus. While there is potential for a more support oriented role and despite Soren being a tactician, Soren is more of a selfish character and I do think that will be reflected in his kit.
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I'm more then willing to bet that Hector brings in more support for Armors and Axes, alongside what became his Fire Emblem Heroes staple, Distant Counter. I believe the big selling point of Hector will be the ability to counter ranged attacks, I am not sure if it will be "any range" only one space away attacks, any range but has to pass some kind of check like Lyn's speed check for Vantage or just a roll with a perfect chance if on an armor unit. Regardless this passive alone if it happens would basically lock in Hector as one of the best emblems even in it's weakest form being able to simply counter attack mages and archers is a massive boon for so many units and lets them avoid using weaker 2 range physical weapons.
If any ring was going to be a purely selfish ring it be Hector. The armor lord is a brawler through and through and I think Hector will make any unit a mixed phase power house given you aggressive tools in both phases of combat. I wouldn't be shocked if at higher bound level Hector gave Unbreakable as well as "Reduces Effective Damage" abilities. Given that Hector is an armor unit It makes sense for Hector to give you all the tools to enemy phase wipe out with no worries about what tools your foe is packing, mage, archer, armor slayer, weapon triangle, fuck you, I'm Hector.
Hector will likely provide a Brave Axe for multi attacks even if your slow, Wolf Beil to be effective against Cav and Armor units and Armades to bolster your defense and provide you with effective damage against dragons [maybe corrupted instead]. I believe these weapons are the most likely since two are signature Hector only weapons and the other is a weapon he has in Binding Blade.
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Chrom and Robin
I had no idea what Chrom brings to do this duo given he is in fact, made totally redundant by his daughter, Ike and Marth all existing in the game already, yet he was here. That's when it hit me, this unit has the potential to be the ultimate support unit, representing the boyfriends love for one another that was so strong it defied fate.
Unlike Erika and Ephraim or Edelgard (With Dimitri and Claude) I belive Chrom and Robin will always be working together and not have a mechanic where you switch between them. I think they will provide a Support boost where units equipped with them gain support levels faster. I think in addition to that they are likely to provide the Liberation boost to nearby allies helping others engage faster but perhaps only when your actually engaged with this unit. Pairing well with that maybe boosting damage done with back up attacks which would have them pair well with Lucina could also be a factor. They could also give the ability to hit the weaker of defense or res as a passive ability letting them make any unit a threat to more or less every unit in the game given how rare it is to be good at Res and Def. That way this unit does offer something offensively outside of passive support.
I think we'll see Falchion [Sealed], Thoron, and Destiny's Bow. We'll see the weakest version of the Falchion in the game as a basic weapon, good against dragons, maybe heals you a bit after combat. Thorn is the spell most commonly associated with Robin being part of their kit in smash bros and in their appearance in Fates is their default weapon. Destiny's Bow comes from Fire Emblem Heroes on the Robin and Chrom V-day alt, I think it will be some kind of special bow so I figured, why not throw out that one. If it is Destiny's bow it probably boosts damage they deal by amount of allies near by and effective against armors in addition to fliers.
That's just what I think these units will do, what do you think? Do you have different ideas for these characters, do you think the Datamines are wrong, do you hope there is more secret Emblem Rings we don't know about or do you like the roster?
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chmerical · 1 year
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ㅤ𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗱. 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀. 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀. 𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹. 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹. 𝗹𝘆𝗹𝗮.
welcome  to   #𝗰𝗵𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹,  a  collection  of  muses  from  my  favorite  films,  shows, anime,  and  video  games  as  well  as  original  characters  based  off  of  my  favorite  albums  &  films.  affiliated  with  #𝘴𝘺𝘭𝘬𝘴𝘩𝘦  #𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘹𝘴𝘪𝘯  #𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥  #𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵  #𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴  #𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴 #𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯  #𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘧𝘷𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴  #𝘥𝘤𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘦  #𝘤𝘢𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 #𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭 ( princess daisy / bowser )  #𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦 ( rue bennett / alice liddell ) #𝘭1𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘴  ( damon salvatore / veronica sawyer )
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blogroll :
lyla - @lyrates minako - @amoriscustos gloria - under construction
001. for the sake of my sanity, i’m remaining mutuals only! i’m very open to interacting with all kindsa muses, but i can't follow everyone back. i just wanna avoid forgetting & getting overwhelmed.
002. no minors please!! this is a 21+ blog, please respect that!
003. this is a safe space. i will not tolerate any bigotry and toxicity. i want to reiterate that homophobia, colorism, racism, islamaphobia, antisemitism, transphobia, and hatred of any sorts will earn an immediate hard block, no exceptions. we are way too grown to be misbehaving. on that note, i do not, in any way, shape, or form condone pro-shipping or anything of the sort. keep that shit away from me, thank you.
004. due to the nature of the fandoms i write in, my blog will contain darker themes such as: death, violence, drugs, alcohol. that being said, i will not write the following: inc*st, s*xual assault, extreme violence, explicit sexual content.
005. in terms of SHIPPING, i’m super open so don’t hesitate to reach out! i will say chemistry is a must! i’m open to all ships, familial, platonic, romantic.
006. first off, i wanna say thanks for reading through everything! my name's fio, i'm 29 ( super close to 30, flirty, and thriving ! ) and i work admin for a swim school as well as do teaching artistry where and when i can. i have adhd & tons of anxiety, so i do have a tendency to dip in terms of communication, but that in no way means i don't want to write with you or i'm no longer interested in our plots! i'm a just a bit of a mess sometimes ♡ 
007. CREDIT!!! pinned and header graphics made by #reginaldedits. base icons for: jane and envy were purchased from #cerberuscommissions. PSDs used: #jaynedits & #ariapsds. carrd by: #hellscommissions.  all other graphics were capped & made by me & adapted bios/headcanons & ocs are written by me 
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lennoxlorian · 10 years
2013 Reading Challenge
So, I have decided to challenge myself to read 30 books by the end of the year! Hopefully, I’ll get to read more!
Here’s the list:
BZRK by Michael Grant
Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
Bloody Valentine by Melissa de la Cruz
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
Legend by Marie Lu
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Lost In Time by Melissa De La Cruz
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
The Compound by S.A. Bodeen
Icons by Margaret Stohl
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Gates of Paradise by Melissa de la Cruz
Proxy by Alex London
Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Tithe: A Modern Fairie Tale by Holly Black
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Looking For Alaska by John Green
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
Prodigy by Marie Lu
Paper Towns by John Green
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Finished on December 31, 2013
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docrotten · 1 year
THE WEREWOLF AND THE YETI (1975) – Episode 189 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“I … I should never have come with you. We’re going to be killed. We’re going to be killed. I hear the demons of the red moon like the other time. I know they’re here. We’re going to die. AAYYIIIEEE!” Yup. In hindsight, bad decision. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they make their first trip to the Himalayan Mountains (just kidding, it’s really Spain) to catch Paul Naschy taking another turn as Waldemar Daninsky in The Werewolf and the Yeti(1975).
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 189 – The Werewolf and the Yeti (1975)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he’s captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.
Director: Miguel Iglesias Bonns
Writer: Paul Naschy (as Jacinto Molina)
Selected Cast:
Paul Naschy as Waldemar Daninsky
Mercedes Molina as Sylvia Lacombe
Silvia Solar as Wandessa
Gil Vidal as Larry Talbot
Josep Castillo Escalona as Professor Lacombe
Luis Induni as Sekkar Khan
Ventura Oller as Ralph
Veronica Miriel as Melody
Juan Velilla as Norman
José Luis Chinchilla as Temugin
Ana Maria Mauri as Princess Ulka
Fernando Ulloa as Lama
Gaspar “Indio” Gonzalez as Tigre
Pepa Ferrer as Yanika
Victor Israel as Joel
The Grue-Crew return to another Waldemar Daninsky werewolf adventure featuring the Spanish horror icon, Paul Naschy, in The Werewolf and the Yeti (1975, aka La maldición de la bestia, Night of the Howling Beast, The Curse of the Beast). For this installment, Waldemar gets a new “origin” to his cursed lycanthropy. We follow him to Tibet in search of the mysterious and elusive Yeti; instead, he finds a string of monsters and madmen to best before finally facing the Yeti himself: two cannibalistic cavewomen, the villainous Sekkar Khan, and his ruthless bandits. Blood, nudity, and the Wolfman – what else do you need? Maybe, more Yeti? Join the crew as they revisit this misbegotten and misunderstood Naschy gem. 
At the time of this writing, The Werewolf and the Yeti is available to stream under one of its titles on Tubi, Plex, and Shout! Factory TV. It is also available on Blu-ray from Scream! Factory as part of The Paul Naschy Collection II. Other films in the collection are Hunchback of the Morgue (1973, El jorobado de la Morgue), The Devil’s Possessed (1974, El mariscal del infierno), Exorcism (1975, Exorcismo), and A Dragonfly for Each Corpse (1975, Una libélula para cada muerto).
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Bill, will be Dario Argento’s first directorial effort, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970, L’uccello dalle piume di cristallo). There’s always room for Giallo!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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the-blue-sandglass · 2 years
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Matching Fire Emblem: Heroes Book 6 icons, featuring Veronica and Letizia! Like/reblog if used, credit is not needed but appreciated!
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royalcessy · 5 years
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I got bored so I made a bunch of lesbian flag icons! Like/Reblog if you use them 💖💕✨🌸💗 Also I had fun making these so send me some requests and I'll make more!
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Tagged by @messyourprettyhair and @fandom-hoarder to list 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms. For simplicity’s sake, I’m keeping it to visual media because... uh, pretty gifs make everything better.
In no particular order:
1. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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My girl, my love, I adore her beyond reason. 
2. Nadja (What We Do In The Shadows)
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She’s an icon and I want to be her.
3. Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
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I love all of them, but Rei was always my favorite.
4. Nina (Ultra Maniac)
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Okay yeah, this anime is way too young for me but it’s cute and sweet and Nina is the most precious witchling ever. It’s a comfort watch. I should rewatch soon.
5. Jessie Bannon (The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest)
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Sadly, a very easy choice as she’s one of the only female characters. At least who appear in more than one episode. But she’s awesome. And that’s another show I need to rewatch.
6. Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
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She’s snark, she’s sass, she’s a marshmallow in plate armor. I refuse to acknowledge anything past the movie because V Mars is gonna live happily ever after in a noir ‘verse with Logan, dammit.
7. Gabrielle (Xena, Warrior Princess)
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She’s a writer! She starts out determined and knowing nothing, and learns how to fight for herself and those she loves. She’s Xena’s soulmate and it was absolutely a romantic relationship.
8. Bela Talbot (Supernatural)
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Didn’t think I was gonna leave SPN off this list, did you? Bela was complex and dangerous, a sometimes ally and frequent antagonist and there was so much to her story that we only ever got hints of. I still headcanon that hers was the first soul Dean tortured in Hell.
9. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
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I really like her. Like, cancel JK Rowling and take away her platform, but Luna is such a lovely character. I really liked her friendship with Harry.
10. Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After)
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I have a deep and abiding love of fairy tales and adaptations of fairy tails, and this is one of my favorites. One of the hardest tasks in adapting a classic fairy tail is giving the heroine agency and personality, and this one succeeds spectacularly. I love everything about it. 10/10, one of my favorite movies ever.
Tagging: @ohnoitsthebat @wendibird @sorryimnotthatkindofdoctor @wincestismyguiltypleasure @sweetaspiesammy and whoever wants to give it a go.
Honorable mention: Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
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Because he frequently fulfills the feminine role in the narrative. And because of dem tiddies.
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laurapetrie · 5 years
types of girls, old hollywood actresses edition
carole lombard: no filter whatsoever, salty language, childhood pictures of your boyfriend in a heart-shaped frame on your nightstand, eating fairy floss and popcorn and riding the bumper cars at the amusement park, laughing till it hurts, becoming overly attached to your dog, drawers full of lacy lingerie, dancing in central park at 3 in the morning audrey hepburn: getting noticed in chorus lines, fudgey chocolate eclairs, dressing your dog in diamond collars, dropping everything for your family, pink ballet slippers, having a perfume made just for you, carrying boxes of pasta and oil with you wherever you go ginger rogers: hot fudge sundaes, tap shoes, pink silk lounging pajamas, charleston dancing your way to the top, kissing in taxi cabs, twirly dresses, backstage gossip, soda fountains, dressing tables covered in frilly bows gene tierney: chewing jellybeans during dress fittings, orchid pink pajamas embroidered with sequins, winking at your fiance as you elope, beribboned lingerie, getting a screen test without even trying, dating JFK katharine hepburn: chocolate chip brownies, walking around the set in your lingerie instead of wearing a dress, mink coats and blue jeans, old money, witty banter, feminist to the core, using the staff entrance at claridge’s because you’re wearing pants, movie magazines, ice cream sundaes with chocolate sauce from the drugstore natalie wood: flawless eye makeup with lashes a mile long, making dates on your pink rhinestone phone, breakfast in bed, pampering yourself with fragrant baths and colorful tubes of lipstick, giant chocolate bars from the ice cream parlor, more stuffed animals than anyone could possibly want, terrible taste in men, grabbing a hamburger at the drive-in lana turner: skipping school to have a milkshake, hair ribbons, a pink silk boudoir, ill-advised romances, dripping in fur coats and diamonds, new year’s eve celebrations with the love of your life, tight cashmere sweaters in candy colors, splashing in bubble baths, roller skating veronica lake: best resting bitch face in hollywood, wearing your hair in loose waves, becoming such a fashion icon that the government has to intervene, having to be pinned into your evening gowns because you’re a tiny pixie princess, cooking while drunk, alienating your co-stars, not getting enough credit for your wit, sparkly dresses vivien leigh: boxes of chocolates from charbonnel et walker, the theater scene in london, reading shakespeare with your husband, dark chestnut hair and porcelain skin, sending sexually explicit love letters that should never be read by anyone, being the only girl at boarding school who’s allowed to play with fancy dolls, 100% a cat person, high tea with scones and jam grace kelly: enjoying a chocolate malted at the diner with your girlfriends, long white gloves, dancing in the hallway in your ruffled lingerie until the elevator bell dings, drama school, training to be a princess, older men, elaborate wedding gowns, going to the midnight movie in your pajamas, surviving solely on strawberry milkshakes and pound cake 
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Iconic female characters from every type ?
ISFP - Arwen (Lord of the Rings)
ESFP - Buffy (The Vampire Slayer)
ISTP - Mulan
ESTP - Scarlett O’Hara (Gone with the Wind)
ISFJ - Cosette (Les Miserables)
ESFJ - Dorothy (The Wizard of Oz)
ISTJ - Katniss (The Hunger Games)
ESTJ - Angelica (Hamilton)
INFP - Sarah (The Little Princess)
ENFP - Anne Shirley or Jo March
INTP - Samantha Carter (SG-1)
ENTP - Shuri (Black Panther)
INFJ - Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
ENFJ - Emma Woodhouse (Emma)
INTJ - Ripley (Alien)
ENTJ - Mary Poppins
- ENFP Mod
1 - Elinor Dashwood (Sense & Sensibility)
2 - Maid/Lady Marion (Robin Hood)
3 - Catherine the Great (The Great)
4 - Rose de Witt Bukater (Titanic)
5 - Evie (The Mummy)
6 - Veronica Mars
7 - Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice)
8 - Eowyn (Lord of the Rings)
9 - Melanie (Gone with the Wind)
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tuiyla · 4 years
A Definitive History of Bubbline
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With “Obsidian” coming out in two days, it really is time for a definitive history of Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship. And by that I mean the tumultuous road that led us to “Obsidian” from a production and fandom point of view. For a list of Bubbline episodes, check out my Bubbline Guide (and part two) - which I need to update, I know I know. For this post, I wanted to highlight how far this pairing has come and what Bubbline means to queer representation in children’s cartoons.
This is less of an analysis and more of an overview with links to more information on specific incidents to keep it (relatively) brief. I say it’s a definitive history but it isn’t an exhaustive one, so do check out the links included to learn more about how we got here. I realize not everyone cares about these kinds of things but I think it’s important to know how hard Adventure Time’s creators had to fight. Bubbline is a pioneer ship in many ways but it doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves.
Initial Concepts
As is the case with much of Adventure Time, the initial concept of who the characters of Bonnibel and Marceline were going to be is very different than what we ended up getting. @gunterfan1992 explores this and other production tidbits in depth in his book so I do recommend checking that out. The short version is that these two were created to be opposites and with a Betty and Veronica type dynamic in mind where they would both be love interest to the protagonist, Finn.
This didn’t quite end up being the case but remnants of this concept are seen in “Go With Me” (March, 2011), the episode with the first on-screen Bubbline interaction. As Marcy helps - and sabotages - Finn in asking Bonnie out, she also becomes a potential love interest for him but she shuts him down immediately. So while Finn’s crush on PB continues, the notion that Marceline would be part of a love triangle is dismissed. Instead, this first Bonnie and Marcy interaction established that the two already know each other and there’s some bitterness in that past.
“What Was Missing” and the Mathematical Controversy
A potential preexisting relationship between the two was further explored in “What Was Missing” (September 2011) just a season later. The episode was written and storyboarded by Rebecca Sugar and eventual showrunner Adam Muto. Sugar was responsible for much of the character depth added to Marceline and later even played, quite aptly, her mother in the Stakes miniseries. It was Sugar who wrote the now beyond iconic “I’m Just Your Problem” based on personal experiences and suggested that Marcy and Bonnie be queer characters with a complicated romantic past.
“What Was Missing” was hugely important in how it hinted at a complex relationship through character interactions, Marceline’s song, and the last scene twist with PB’s shirt. The AT crew were supportive of the idea and sneaked in plenty of queer subtext, but this is where I have to point out that 2011 was a very different time and it’s thanks, in part, to Bubbline that things have changed. Autostraddle’s article from back when covers what is now known as the Mathematical controversy. Audiences picked up on the subtext and Cartoon Network was not having it. The popularity of the ship soared but the execs were not taking to queer implications kindly.
Great Bubbline Drought
So, the ship has sailed but controversy looms over it. “What Was Missing” s subtle by today’s standards but it was enough to keep Marceline and Bubblegum apart for two years on-screen. Each character went through wonderful development in the meantime, as did the show itself, but there’s a certain sense of bitterness to what came to be known as the Great Bubbline Drought. CN got so afraid of the potential backlash that they waited two years to have a new episode featuring the pair, “Sky Witch” (July 2013), by which point Sugar had left AT to work on her own show, Steven Universe. I’m happy that Sugar got to create her own show and push for even more queer representation, but it’s also sad that she never got to write more for the ship she pioneered.
“Sky Witch” still happened, though, and featured even more subtext, from PB’s side this time around. The shirt returned and there was hope as Marcy and Bonnie were seen hanging out together more often (”Red Starved” and “Princess Day”). Another controversy threatened to emerge in August 2014 when Olivia Olson, Marceline’s voice actress said that creator Pendleton Ward had confirmed a pre-show Bubbline romance. It was a messy ordeal with deleted tweets and questions about whether the two could get together again in the series. Fortunately, though, things changed in the three years between 2011 to 2014 and another Bubbline drought didn’t follow.
The Season That Changed Everything
It took another two years after “Sky Witch” but the ball was finally, inevitably, relentlessly rolling. “Varmints” premiered in November 2015 and three episodes later, the Stakes miniseries kicked off. What season 7 meant wasn’t just breadcrumbs and (not so) subtle songs anymore: suddenly, there were too many Bubbline moments to count. “Varmints” served as a follow-up to “What Was Missing” and a final reconciliation, and though Stakes was primarily about Marcy, it also developed her relationship with Bonnie. Afterwards, it became clear that Bubbline was heading somewhere.
It’s worth noting that the cultural context also changed between when “Sky Witch” and “Varmints” aired. In December 2014, The Legend of Korra ended with Korra and Asami beginning their romantic relationship, and Rebecca Sugar was making Steven Universe more and more explicitly queer by the day. Adventure Time started the ball rolling but now it wasn’t alone as a popular Western cable cartoon with queer characters. However, Bubbline was still very much subtext at this point, just with significantly more hope of becoming more.
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Late Series Entanglement
But at what point does subtext become plain text? Bubbline fans sure did have fun with that question between Stakes and the finale. Bonnie and Marcy became near inseparable, with most of their major appearances involving one another from this point on. These included the meet the adoptive dad date “Broke His Crown” (March 2016), the Elements miniseries (April 2017) and the nigh on obnoxiously on the nose “Marcy & Hunson” (December 2017). In fact, all but two of Marceline’s major appearances from season 7 on included Bonnie - the exceptions being “Everything Stays” as part of Stakes, and “Ketchup”, which really wasn’t any less gay.
Bubbline moments really did become too many to count, with the vast majority of them having romantic implications. And with queer representation becoming more and more prominent in Western animation, canon Bubbline romance seemed like a question of when rather than if. I’d like to point out here how this was often frustrating, though. After the very rocky start, this relationship was thriving and was really basically confirmed, but that last little push to make it undeniably a part of queer history was still needed.
“Come on!” - The End and Beyond
The almost three years that passed between Stakes and “Come Along With Me” (September 2018) were much more tolerable than the Drought; after all, there was plenty of Bubbline content in the later seasons. The big question as the finale came was whether Adventure Time would fizzle out on its early pioneer of a wlw ship or follow through, once and for all. Almost four years after LoK ended and just before season 1 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power dropped, Marcy and Bonnie had an emotional moment, kissed on screen, and ended the series together.
The intricacies of why a kiss was needed as a signifier of romance is a discussion for another day. But wouldn’t it have been strange after almost a decade of build-up for them not to seal the deal with a kiss? And to think it almost didn’t happen, as by that point it was so obvious they were together. Again, I direct your attention towards Paul Thomas’s book, he explains how it was storyboard artist Hanna K. Nyström’s call to add this final detail. Because, come on! Sometimes, you need to be as clear as possible, and that’s the case with queer representation in animation.
Since the finale, the comics have been continuing the Bubbline train - which are not technically canon but one can have fun regardless. In any case, the existence of Marcy and Bonnie’s relationship, of their queer identities, is not something that can reasonably be denied. It was a long road, and, make no mistake, an arduous one, but this is the story of a win. A win for storytelling and a win for wlw relationships.
We’ll Build Our Own Forever
So, there you have it, a Bubbline timeline of sorts. In March of 2011 we had the first on-screen interaction and now, in November of 2020, we’re getting a 45-minute-long special with the two of them as the central characters. They’re canonically in love, with King Princess covers of Bubbline songs and more. I tried to contain myself, for once, and not write too much. I think it’s important that people have a general idea of just how monumental all of this is and how, even just 9 years ago, “Obsidian” would have been totally inconceivable.
Some of this might have come as a surprise to you. It’s certainly not been easy to get to where we are now with Bubbline and it’s yet to be seen how open “Obsidian” will be about the relationship. I’ve been talking about Bubbline for years and attempted to chronicle their relationship many times so I’m happy I’ve finally done it from this perspective as well.
Adventure Time: Distant Lands “Obsidian” is streaming on Nov 19 on HBO Max. If you can, stream it so we can show that there’s popular demand for stories like that of an angry vampire and a despotic piece of gum.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals
pretty much an hc’s for funsies type of thing. which characters are absolute nerds for musicals and which ones couldn’t care less? i know not everyone likes musicals but if this is your thing, feel free to read! 
Hinata: he’s one of those people who watched Shrek the Musical unironically and ended up getting really hooked on it but no way is he going to tell anyone
Kageyama: thinks that the Shrek trilogy are counted as movie musicals because ‘the characters sing and everything’. will fall asleep in a theatre so don’t bring him you’ll be disappointed
Tsukishima: loves Avenue Q and The Producers because the humor is right up his alley. also has tASTE and his fave is probs something like Hadestown because it is the best musical. loves to break down the lyrics and listens to an album non-stop when he’s obsessed
Yamaguchi: he tried to watch Grease but ended up throwing popcorn at the tv-screen because of the blatant sexism. yams is not About That. gets his recommendations from Tsukki and has never looked back
Tanaka: likes anything with awesome choreography and really cool special-effects like Hamilton or Be More Chill. when you ask him about the story though he’s like ???
Noya: doesn’t get the concept of musicals. ‘she’s singing about the guy but he’s right there??? doesn’t he hear everything????’ ‘WHY ARE THEY SINGING JUST FIGHT ALREADY’
Ennoshita: also has Taste. watches pretty much anything and loves to keep track of new productions and new casting. if you ask him about his favorite musical he’ll probably specifically mention the cast and where it was performed
Asahi: y’all are gonna hate me y’all are gonna hate me but JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR haha jk. one hundred percent a Dear Evan Hansen kinda guy because he relates to the main guy’s personality. has waving through a window on repeat
Sugawara: LOVES the classics: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon. knows every song and movement by heart. sings them everywhere. would not listen to anything else. also Moulin Rouge because he’s one Classy Bitch
Daichi: appreciates any good musical recommended to him but the kind of person who presses ‘shuffle’ when listening to the recording and all the fans around him die inside. does this more than once just for that reaction
Kiyoko: loves anything with awesome female roles, particularly Legally Blonde and Six the Musical. raises an eyebrow at you if you say you like Grease and you land on her list of people she would barely talk to
 Yachi: practically raised on disney movie musicals. loves to watch and re-watch videos from Broadway Princess Party a lot. is basically a disney princess herself and loves to put some songs on when she cleans the house. 
Kuroo: one of those people who got really into Hamilton back in the day. would sing the vocals, the back-up vocals, the chorus parts, and hum the intros. says he’s a musical fan but that’s the only one he’s watched/listened to.
Kenma: someone recommended Be More Chill to him (probably tsukki) and he ended up actually liking it. once in a while you’ll hear him humming ‘christiiiiIIiine’ under his breath. likes to listen to michael in the bathroom at 2 am
Yaku:  hates musicals ever since Nekoma had a movie night and then decided to watch Lion King and lev dead-ass lifted him up over his head like what rafiki did to simba in That Scene. 
Lev: another one who likes disney musicals but like, the basic ones (frozen, tangled, beauty and the beast). mostly because they’re his sister’s favorites tho. has more than once did the whole ‘do you want to build a snowman’ thing with alisa and probably his teammates
Oikawa: thinks that liking Heathers makes him edgy it doesn’t. practically paid hanamaki and matsukawa to sing Candy Store with him and using iwa as veronica. absolutely vibes to the Mean Girls musical
Iwaizumi: a hard High School Musical stan, now and forever. thinks that Ryan and Chad are definitely gay. one time oikawa was giving them a pep talk and said ‘what team?’ and iwa yelled ‘WILDCATS’ and then everybody looked at him because they KNEW they KNEW HE NEVER GOT OVER THAT PHASE-- 
Matsukawa: Cats. The Movie.* wrote a long-ass thread on twitter about why the female cats should be given six boob and tagged Tom Hooper. was blocked.
Hanamaki: *see above. probably had his sexual awakening when he saw Idris Elba as a sexy cat. there’s nothing gendered about a sexy cat
Kyoutani: likes the leather jacket aesthetic in Grease. looked up the lyrics to ‘Greased Lightning’ once and shut off his laptop when he saw the innuendos. may have tried to replicate the choreography at one point but fell off a table
Yahaba: a romantic at heart. has a copy of the West Side Story DvD and loves to sing ‘Maria’ and ‘One Hand, One Heart.’ he and Oikawa love to duet ‘I Feel Pretty.’ also tried to copy the choreography and sUCCEEDED
Ushijima: you’ve taken him to see an array of musicals, from the much-loved classics to the inventive modern musicals. every time, you glance at him hoping for any reaction. he always leaves the theater saying ‘it was good.’ only one musical has managed to make him crack a smile: The Muppets (the movie ver.)
Tendou: another boy with Quality Taste. is a hardcore stan of any musical by Team Starkid (also loves that they’re all on Youtube). makes so many references to them but nobody else understands. will yell ‘TIGERFUCKER TIGERFUCKER’ out of the blue
Shirabu: thinks that La La Land is Peak Taste. got angry when tendou showed him a video of ryan gosling scenes in the movie but it’s all replaced by barry, the bee from Bee Movie. now La La Land is ruined because he keeps on remembering ‘you like jazz?’ in barry’s voice 
Semi: tells you that he just doesn’t watch musicals but he secretly had such a Les Miz phase. writes enjolras x reader fanfics and his longest one was 200k words. if he hears anything that vaguely sounds like ‘do you hear the people sing’, a tear will fall out of the corner of his eye
Goshiki: was looking for slime tutorials one and stumbled on ‘not hamilton just a 2 hr slime tutorial’ y’all kno what i’m talking about and watched the whole thing. was disappointed that there weren’t any slimes but is now into hamilton
Akaashi: knows and understands the peak performance quality and biblical philosophy of Jesus Christ Superstar. doesn’t tell anyone about it though because they all assume its all church music. ‘it’s not’, he sobs. ‘it’s more.’
Bokuto: akaashi recommended Jesus Christ Superstar to him and he watched it, thinking that he’d see jesus playing an electric guitar. he was very disappointed and sulked about it for a week. LOVES disney musicals though
Atsumu: was one of those kids who would look up the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on youtube and stumbled in to A Very Potter Musical. ever since jk rowling’s snake side came out he began accepting that fan musical as canon. likes to piss rowling off by posting screenshots of the musical and saying its from the movie
Osamu: the Disney fan but with Quality Taste. loves Hunchback of Notre Dame, Princess and the Frog, Prince of Egypt, and Anastasia (the last two aren’t disney but animated musicals). cries at the sound of Phil Collins’ sultry voice. 
Kita: is in love with Phantom of the Opera because his grandmother loves listening to it. he’d sing THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK pretty much every day until his teammates catch him singing in the locker rooms while they were changing AND NAILING ALL OF CHRISTINE’S HIGH NOTES LIKE ITS NOTHING
Terushima: doesn’t like musicals so his friend recommended that he watch The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals by Team Starkid because of the crackhead humor. watched Robert Manion perform and ending up going on google and searching ‘does watching men move their hips real nice make me bi?’
Koganegawa:  y’all are gonna be surprised but this one’s a hardcore Wicked fan. has watched all of the different castings of it. he loves to imitate Elphaba’s iconic ‘FIEEEEROOOOOOO’ line in the showers and records it, just to see if he’s close to how it sounds onstage. has Idina Menzel’s autograph
Futakuchi: bitch does nothing but roast everyone else’s musical tastes. hamilton? ‘wow, mainstream much?’ dear evan hansen? ‘psshh, basic.’ be more chill? ‘think you’re edgy or something?’ the greatest show? ‘what are you? five?’ his favorite musical is actually Cats
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