#also Neo sir. your fashion choices.
gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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audreyxuan · 4 years
Body and Biology: Cross-Cultural Depictions of the Human Form in Cyberpunk Media
My project will concern the portrayal and treatment of the human body in cyberpunk media, particularly the role of body modification and biotechnology. I will define the history and origins of cyberpunk, a dystopian subgenre of science fiction borne out of paranoia around technology, capitalism, and globalisation. The human body has always played a significant role in the genre, as characters adapt or themselves to reach a perfect ideal, whether for weaponisation or aesthetic self-expression. This paper studies different approaches to the idea of humanity and whether it is inherently tethered to the physical, organic human body. My project covers a total of six media, three from Western countries and three from Eastern countries: Blade Runner (U.S./Hong Kong), Altered Carbon (U.S.), Gunnm (Japan), Ghost in the Shell (Japan), ACRONYM (Germany), and Comme des Garçons (Japan). The first four sources are all filmic media (movies or series) and are listed chronologically to show the role that each one had on the following. The final two sources are fashion labels that have been influenced by the form-consciousness ethos of cyberpunk, and recontextualise the body in two different ways: deconstruction and protection. I will explain the sociological and historical reasons why each media addresses the concept of humanity differently, especially in relation to concepts such as globalisation, free trade, and cultural diffusion. By exploring the idea of the body in relation to technology and modification, we can learn more about what it means to be human.
Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that operates in a futuristic, dystopian sphere. The movement originated from the New Wave sci-fi movement, which sought to dismantle the lowbrow B-movie myths the genre had become affiliated with in the 1950s. New Wave prioritised deep philosophical and narrative concepts over sensationalist storylines and genre clichés, such as the monster movie or the damsel in distress (Parker 2011). The late 1970s saw the start of a technological revolution, as mass-produced computers were offered to the public in 1977 (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica 2020). With unprecedented technological advancement, as with anything new and strange, came a healthy--though some may argue exaggerated--degree of skepticism and distrust. 
Another important factor was that the birth of the subgenre came at the climax of the Cold War. The United States and Russia waged a war of beliefs, battling for ideological control; worldwide economic power and political systems would be determined by this outcome. “It is no coincidence that cyberpunk came of age in the era where capitalism was moving towards global dominance, culminating in its symbolic triumph at the fall of the Berlin Wall,” writes Paul Walker-Emig for The Guardian (2018). Capitalism’s laissez-faire, non-interventionist policy enabled international trade, leading to the rise of globalism and cultural diffusion. It also, however, allowed for socio-economic inequality and gross exploitation, reinforcing frustration among the lower- and middle-class.
The intellectual elements of New Wave sci-fi, the advent of wide-spread technology, and globalisation as a result of capitalism all combined in a perfect storm of paranoia and cynicism, giving birth to the cyberpunk subgenre.
One of the defining tropes of cyberpunk media is its relationship with the human body. The nature of that relationship can fluctuate, but it’s often obsessive and damaging. Whether it’s the anti-establishment sentiment of personal expression or the militaristic goal of creating a human weapon, bodies are enhanced, implanted, and amputated to meet a “perfect” ideal. Whatever the rationale, all modification is derived from an inherent dissatisfaction with the natural human form. This project will examine the portrayal and treatment of the human body in cyberpunk media, particularly the role of body modification and biotechnology. I will consider both Western and Asian depictions and explain the sociological reasoning behind their choices. Finally, we will move past filmic mediums and into the world of fashion, exploring how cyberpunk and its obsession with the body has filtered into the realm of our reality. 
Because of its dominance in the Cold War and its already-established film industry, the United States became one of the prime exporters of cyberpunk cinema. Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, released in 1982, is considered to be one of the first cyberpunk films. The movie follows Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter tasked with killing androids known as “replicants”, originally created to populate newly-colonised planets. After some lead a violent uprising demanding freedom, all replicants are outlawed and ordered dead. Deckard describes the replicants as “more human than human and sometimes the ‘more’ turned out to be a problem” (Fancher 1980). If the replicants are sentient beings with who can think (and perhaps feel) like humans, should they be deprived of rights simply because they do not inhabit an organic human body? The Voight-Kampff machine Deckard uses to determine who is a replicant and who is not is about as reliable as a modern polygraph test, or perhaps even less so. In other words, it provides no safe answers about one’s true nature. The lines between human and robot are so blurred, some fans and scholars have adopted the idea that Deckard himself is a replicant, possibly without even him knowing (Organ et al. 12). 
While Blade Runner takes place in the U.S., there are clear Asian influences, from the visuals to the production (American Film Institute). The city is described as “a futuristic Los Angeles, modeled after the Hong Kong cityscape”, but Scott avoids appropriating imagery for mere aesthetic merit (Zhu 2016). Hong Kong, with its colonial history and fractured national identity, was specifically chosen for its relevance to Blade Runner’s story. In his case study “Hong Kong’s Influence on Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Cyberpunk Cinema”, Ray Zhu writes:
A typical Hong Kong street scene represented in the protracted scenes of cityscape in Blade Runner serve to illustrate a society confused about its own identity, about to implode at any moment. In Blade Runner, the conflict and tension between the Replicants, or cyborgs mimicking humans, and people of flesh and blood parallel the modern day consequences of increasingly expansive consumerism and intrusive technology encroaching on people’s lives. (2016)
After losing funding from an American production company, the movie was backed in part by Hong Kong producer Sir Run Run Shaw, making it a joint United States/Hong-Kong production (Sammon 64-67). Even though the film is helmed by an Englishman, written by Americans, and stars American and European actors, it’s interesting to consider how cross-cultural diffusion had a role in the production of the film itself. 
Much of the film is spent trying to pin down notions of what it means to be human, and a sense of uncertainty is woven throughout. Numerous rewrites and international releases have resulted in seven different versions of the film being released, leaving audiences questioning what the “real” ending is. In one iteration, the movie ends with Deckard and his replicant love-interest Rachael as they choose to begin their life on the run from authorities, their fate unknown (Grab 2013). This sentiment runs parallel to the narrative themes of Blade Runner: questioning what is authentic and what is not, never providing any definitive answers.
Gunnm, a 1993 anime adaptation of manga series Battle Angel Alita, plays with similar ideas of characters being defined by the nature of their bodies. Gally, known as Alita in some versions, is a dilapidated cyborg discovered by cyberdoctor Ido. Not even two minutes in, Ido proclaims “She’s human all right”, despite looking very clearly un-human; she has no limbs, only a disembodied torso of metal and wires (Gunnm 0:01:50). After her first fight, which she ends by dismembering two rival cyborgs, Ido rushes over to her, asking “Gally, are you alright? Is your body damaged?” (Gunnm 0:13:56). Her body is his primary concern. In every aspect except physically, Gally is human. She talks like a teenage girl, thinks like one, laughs like one. But Ido, her protector and father figure, sees her as a body, a weapon--something that happens to have consciousness, but never qualifies as fully human.
In 1995, Mamoru Oshii’s Ghost in the Shell was released. One of Japan’s seminal cyberpunk films, it takes place in a world where people can implant or replace their body parts with cybernetic tech. Major Motoko Kusanagi is a cyborg police agent in Neo-Tokyo, tasked with hunting down the Puppet Master, a hacker who infiltrates cyborgs without their knowledge. The Puppet Master appeals to Major as a fellow cyber-being, leaving her questioning her worth and humanity. By the end, he convinces her to upload his mind into hers, pooling their consciousness and knowledge and effectively betraying her human superiors. 
By the mid-90s, Ghost in the Shell was able to touch on new topics and new tech; during the genre’s inception in the early eighties, notions of Internet networks and advanced AI were still too abstract to be analysed. “The rapid development of artificial intelligence [...] reveals the identity crisis of mankind as they are developing a more close-knit connection with machine over time,” write Hui-tong Zhou and Jing An (136). They explain how the “Ship of Theseus” problem applies to Major’s artificially-implanted memories: “if all of parts of physical body are superseded by machines, and if the memory of one is completely distorted or disappeared, is this human still the original one?” (Zhou and An 138). If her body parts (including her brain) were replaced with technology, piece-by-piece, is Major human? Her ultimate decision to join the Puppet Master suggests not. Ghost in the Shell debates not only the difference between how we should treat robots versus humans, but the essential differences in defining the two.
Almost four decades after Blade Runner, Altered Carbon (2018 to present) was aired, taking many of its stylistic and thematic cues from Scott’s masterpiece. In the future, human consciousness can be uploaded onto biotech devices called stacks, which can be implanted in any human “sleeve”. “Your body is not who you are,” speaks an unnamed narrator in voiceover. “You shed it like a snake sheds its skin.” (S1E1 “Out of the Past” 0:06:55). Like Blade Runner, it takes place in an endlessly-rainy, neon-drenched, globalised metropolis called Bay City, where the main currency is UN credits and characters often switch into Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, or German. The world is highly-stratified, as the rich live in towering skyscrapers far from the streets and slums of the poor. Activist groups demand rights for human sleeves, who can be bought and sold like slaves for billionaires who want a new body. Like modern-day cosmetic surgery, it’s an example of how capitalism lets the rich modify themselves to fit beauty standards. 
Protagonist Takeshi Kovacs suffers from paranoia and PTSD, feeling a disconnect to his new sleeve and seeing his old face in the mirror. He was born as a person of Asian descent, played by Korean-American actor Will Yun Lee, but is resleeved into the body of a white man (Swedish-American Joel Kinnaman). Changing one’s physical identity is perhaps a more interesting concept than the straightforward physical immortality that the stack technology provides. Creator Laeta Kalogridis addresses the fact that switching bodies has particularly important implications for transgender and genderfluid people.“This kind of technology creates interesting intersections between your idea of your physical self and your idea of your inner or spiritual self, or your idea of being fluid in some way, certainly the idea of reassigning your gender,” says Kalogridis in an interview with The Wrap (Maas 2018). The series employs decades-old themes of identity, globalisation, and capitalism that are still, and perhaps painfully, relevant. Paying homage to cyberpunk’s body-obsessive origins but with an added social context, Altered Carbon covers new, socially-conscious ground in the genre.
The conscious examination of the relationship between the body and technology has transcended non-filmic mediums and found its way into various artistic disciplines. From Japanese illustrator Hajime Sorayama’s hyper-sexualised humanoid robots to upcoming biotech-themed video game Cyberpunk 2077, the genre’s unique aesthetic cues have been embraced by every corner of the design and media industry. But perhaps most fascinating is how cyberpunk, given its fixation on the human form, has been appropriated by the fashion world, from high fashion to streetwear. 
Japanese fashion label Comme des Garçons, founded by Rei Kawakubo, is known for “deconstruction and silhouettes that reimagine the human form” (Smith 2017). They are not so much clothes as pieces of art, “objects for the body” that redefine our anatomy (Bolton 157). Her items are often abstract to the point of being unwearable, like an oddly-shaped plaid dress from her Spring/Summer 1997 collection “Body Meets Dress, Dress Meets Body”. This collection was described as “a reorganization of the body, where the symmetry of desirable curves is mocked, literally pushed aside and distorted by tumorous lumps and bumps” (de Perthuis 9). Other releases were driven by similarly disruptive ideas: “skirts and jackets were made entirely of shoulder segments [...] garments came with ‘spares’--one dress would have two more hanging from the shoulders, and jackets had extra sleeves” (de Perthuis 9). Her anti-fashion ethos seeks to evolve notions of clothing, and how it is more powerful as a tool of expression and emotion than as mere visually-appealing aesthetic. “Clothes provide a physical and symbolic barrier between ourselves and the world. Linked to gendered, cultural and social identities, they connect us to others, but can also separate and protect us from their gaze,” writes professor of design and communications Karen de Perthuis (11-12). By challenging the very definition of fashion itself, Kawakubo subverts not only beauty standards but body standards.  
While Kawakubo supposedly works in a self-proclaimed “void of fashion history”, much of what we see on the runways is often a reflection of current trends in underground fashion (de Perthuis 10). In the past few years, independent streetwear brands have tended towards utilitarian clothing that values practicality over all else, owing much of its aesthetic to the world of cyberpunk. Techwear and tactical wear is nearly always black (though may feature shades of grey or camouflage), accented with straps and buckles and made of durable materials like nylon, mesh, and paracord. Popular items include cargo pants, waterproof Gore-Tex jackets, face masks, utility vests, and hooded parkas. German fashion label ACRONYM is one of the leading brands in the techwear scene. The brand’s proprietary features sound like science fiction, like “Sound Forcelock - A hidden magnetic function near the collar to hold earbuds in place while wearing the jacket” or “EscapeZip - Allows the wearer to quickly unzip the jacket with one quick pull” (Li 2016). The label’s unofficial mission statement is “maximum utility and a futuristic aesthetic that blends militaristic designs with a sleek science fiction minimalism”, and their promotional videos use “stylized sci-fi films and anime [as] major sources of inspiration” (Li 2016). ACRONYM’s integration of technology into clothing serves as a form of modification; while not implanted into the body itself, the tech enables and enhances the wearer to move differently and perform better.
Many techwear pieces are reminiscent of cyberpunk’s combat-ready costumes; an ALYX chest rig wouldn’t look out of place on Ghost in the Shell’s Major. The popularity of this militaristic aesthetic, writes Tyler Watamanuk of SSENSE, “crest[s] on a backdrop of heightened conversations surrounding gun violence” (2020). The cargo pants, strappy harnesses, and combat boots remind Watamanuk of an infamous security camera still from the Columbine shooting. Utilitarian style “can trigger memories of terror and violence, fear and panic. [...] Ultimately, the poignancy of an aesthetic is informed by what we collectively associate it with” (Watamanuk 2020). Like Kawakubo’s work, utilitarian style uses clothes as objects to rework our physiques; rather than deconstruct the body, tactical wear armours and protects it. Labels like Comme des Garçons and ACRONYM ask wearers for permission to change their bodies, or sometimes demand it--by putting on a piece of clothing, you become something else.
Cyberpunk emerged in a time of uncertainty, exploring rapid globalisation, economic inequality, international trade, and cultural diffusion. Most importantly, though, it asks the most essential question: who is human, and who decides? Over the past forty years, both the West (Blade Runner, Altered Carbon, ACRONYM) and East (Battle Angel, Ghost in the Shell, Comme des Garçons) have grappled with this idea, each work influenced by the history of their regions. From Fritz Lang’s social drama Metropolis to Cold War allegory Invasion of the Body Snatchers, science fiction has always used fantastical settings to study the emotions, actions, and reactions of people in unprecedented situations. By studying the way we view the body, we can discover what it means to be strong, to be beautiful, to be human.
Works Cited
American Film Institute. “Blade Runner.” AFI Catalog of Feature Films, catalog.afi.com/Film/68260-BLADE-RUNNER.
Bolton, Andrew. Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons: Art of the In-Between. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2017.
de Perthuis, Karen. “Breaking the Idea of Clothes: Rei Kawakubo’s Fashion Manifesto.” Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 7 Jan. 2019, doi.org/10.1080/1362704X.2018.1531621.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Personal computer.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 31 Jan. 2020, britannica.com/technology/personal-computer.
Fancher, Hampton. “Blade Runner.” 24 Jul. 1980, screenplay.com/downloads/scripts/Blade%20Runner.pdf.
Grab, Eiskaltes. “Blade Runner.” Movie Censorship, 7 Jun. 2013, movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=774077.
Gunnm: Battle Angel. Directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi, Madhouse, 1993, youtube.com/watch?v=tofSaLB9kwE.
Li, Rocky. “Master Class: ACRONYM.” Grailed, 30 Nov. 2016, grailed.com/drycleanonly/master-class-acronym.
Maas, Jennifer. “‘Altered Carbon’ Creator on How Show Could Examine LGBTQ Issues in Season 2.” The Wrap, 13 Feb. 2018, thewrap.com/altered-carbon-transgender-stacks-lgbt-laeta-kalogridis.
Organ, Michael K., Susan Jones, Anthony M. Rice, & Grant C. White. “Catching 'tears in the rain': Blade Runner and the archiving of memory and identity.” Australian Society of Archivists Conference: Archives in a Blade Runner Age, 2018, ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1734&context=asdpapers.
“Out of the Past”. Altered Carbon, season 1, episode 1, 2 Feb. 2018. Netflix, netflix.com/watch/80097693.
Parker, John R. “‘New Worlds’: One of the Most Influential Sci-Fi Magazines Returns This Fall.” Comics Alliance, 20 Aug. 2011, comicsalliance.com/new-worlds-magazine-returns.
Sammon, Paul M. Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner. Dey Street Books, 2017.
Smith, Katie. “Comme des Garçons and the Kawakubo influence.” Edited, 4 May 2017, edited.com/resources/comme-des-garcons-influence.
Walker-Emig, Paul. “Neon and corporate dystopias: why does cyberpunk refuse to move on?” The Guardian, 16 Oct 2018, theguardian.com/games/2018/oct/16/neon-corporate-Dystopias-why-does-cyberpunk-refuse-move-on.
Watamanuk, Tyler. “Tactical Fashion: A Modern Love Story.” SSENSE, 9 Mar. 2020, ssense.com/en-us/editorial/fashion/tactical-fashion-a-modern-love-story.
Zhou, Hui-tong & Jing An. “How Cyborgs Define Themselves: On Ghost in the Shell.” International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2018, pdfs.semanticscholar.org/81d9/6083bcaa47cfaa3768b3e994b238224e168e.pdf.
Zhu, Ray. “Case Study: Hong Kong’s Influence on Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Cyberpunk Cinema.” Medium, 31 Dec. 2016, medium.com/@ray.zhu/bridging-the-gap-sci-fi-cinema-and-depictions-of-hong-kong-sar-b15800678c29.
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 years
Quantum Theory Proves That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death
A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe” has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.
Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. Before he has been known for his extensive research which dealt with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.
But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanicsand astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe. It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around.
Lanza points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life, implying intelligence existed prior to matter. He also claims that space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal understanding. Lanza says that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with shells.” meaning that when the shell comes off (space and time), we still exist.
The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist. It only exists as a thought because people identify themselves with their body. They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking their consciousness will disappear too. If the body generates consciousness, then consciousness dies when the body dies. But if the body receives consciousness in the same way that a cable box receives satellite signals, then of course consciousness does not end at the death of the physical vehicle. In fact, consciousness exists outside of constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it. In other words, it is non-local in the same sense that quantum objects are non-local.
Lanza also believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. In one universe, the body can be dead. And in another it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness which migrated into this universe. This means that a dead person while traveling through the same tunnel ends up not in hell or in heaven, but in a similar world he or she once inhabited, but this time alive. And so on, infinitely. It’s almost like a cosmic Russian doll afterlife effect.
This hope-instilling, but extremely controversial theory by Lanza has many unwitting supporters, not just mere mortals who want to live forever, but also some well-known scientists. These are the physicists and astrophysicists who tend to agree with existence of parallel worlds and who suggest the possibility of multiple universes. Multiverse (multi-universe) is a so-called scientific concept, which they defend. They believe that no physical laws exist which would prohibit the existence of parallel worlds.
The first one was a science fiction writer H.G. Wells who proclaimed in 1895 in his story “The Door in the Wall”. And after 62 years, this idea was developed by Dr. Hugh Everett in his graduate thesis at the Princeton University. It basically posits that at any given moment the universe divides into countless similar instances. And the next moment, these “newborn” universes split in a similar fashion. In some of these worlds you may be present: reading this article in one universe, or watching TV in another.
The triggering factor for these multiplyingworlds is our actions, explained Everett. If we make some choices, instantly one universe splits into two with different versions of outcomes.
In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, scientist from the Lebedev’s Institute of physics, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University. Linde explained: Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity. In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.
The fact that our universe is not alone is supported by data received from the Planck space telescope. Using the data, scientists have created the most accurate map of the microwave background, the so-called cosmic relic background radiation, which has remained since the inception of our universe. They also found that the universe has a lot of dark recesses represented by some holes and extensive gaps.
Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton from the North Carolina University with her colleagues argue: the anomalies of the microwave background exist due to the fact that our universe is influenced by other universes existing nearby. And holes and gaps are a direct result of attacks on us by neighboring universes.
So, there is abundance of places or other universes where our soul could migrate after death, according to the theory of neo-biocentrism. But does the soul exist? Is there any scientific theory of consciousness that could accommodate such a claim? According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a near-death experience happens when the quantum information that inhabits the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe. Contrary to materialistic accounts of consciousness, Dr. Hameroff offers an alternative explanation of consciousness that can perhaps appeal to both the rational scientific mind and personal intuitions.
Consciousness resides, according to Stuart and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing. Upon death, this information is released from your body, meaning that your consciousness goes with it. They have argued that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules, a theory which they dubbed orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).
Consciousness, or at least proto-consciousness is theorized by them to be a fundamental property of the universe, present even at the first moment of the universe during the Big Bang. “In one such scheme proto-conscious experience is a basic property of physical reality accessible to a quantum process associated with brain activity.”
Our souls are in fact constructed from the very fabric of the universe – and may have existed since the beginning of time. Our brains are just receivers and amplifiers for the proto-consciousness that is intrinsic to the fabric of space-time. So is there really a part of your consciousness that is non-material and will live on after the death of your physical body?
Dr Hameroff told the Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole documentary: “Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state. The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large”. Robert Lanza would add here that not only does it exist in the universe, it exists perhaps in another universe. If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says “I had a near death experience”
He adds: “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”
This account of quantum consciousness explains things like near-death experiences, astral projection, out of body experiences, and even reincarnation without needing to appeal to religious ideology. The energy of your consciousness potentially gets recycled back into a different body at some point, and in the mean time it exists outside of the physical body on some other level of reality, and possibly in another universe.
Much Love To All
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themelaninmamifiles · 5 years
Don’t Unpack Your Baggage at Your Kids’ Feet
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It’s been a bit since I’ve written my own “think pieces” on MMF, but last night into today I read something so ridiculous that I was left saying “what in the Smokey Robinson is this?!” First, let me begin by saying, I’m a huge fan of Very Smart Brothas. It’s a site that got absorbed into The Root family of websites. But I always like them because they’re equal parts intriguing and shady—and I’m always here for a bit of shade. While I’m not a super fan who goes to their site daily to check out new content, if one of their article posts manages to fight the FB algorithm and win, I usually click through and read it. And if you’re not familiar with VSB or The Root, they’re both black-centric sites/platforms that looks at everything through the lens of blackness. And in the case of VSB, it’s usually taken from an angle of an enlightened black man.
Late last night I was scrolling through FB before bed (a bad habit which I don’t have any plans on changing) and saw a post from VSB written by a guy in an interracial relationship with biracial children. The title was How Raising Multiethnic Kids Reshaped My Blackness. I was intrigued because I’m also a black parent raising a multiethnic child. I wanted to see what he had to say and clicked the link. But the very first sentence was a hot ass mess, and it went downhill from there. The article basically rolls through the psyche of a man who married out to a SE Asian Indian woman and now has to grapple with the idea of raising biracial and multicultural children and how best to expose them to their culture. On its face, this would be a good article, but it wasn’t. 
So I made a hot takes post on my personal FB feed, but I woke up still thinking about that ridiculous article, and decided to rebuttal...a tad savagely. As background if you aren’t familiar with MMF or its previous iteration, TM2B, I am a black woman raising a multicultural child who is half black and half Puerto Rican. So, I feel I can effectively talk about this article and everything I think it got wrong.
1. The first sentences makes being black sound like a life sentence.
My wife is not black.
Our daughters, by no choice of their own, are.
Quite frankly the entire tone of the article continued on in this fashion. But coupled with the picture he posted at the start of his two adorable daughters, it felt more like he was let down that his children didn’t come out super light and ambiguous. I’m not going to go so far as saying he fetishized light skinned children like a lot of people in general do, but he emphasized a bit too frequently how his daughters would be instantly identified as black rather than having people ask them “what are you” their whole life. So, as a result, the whole article reeked of “sigh...I guess they’ll be black then”.
There’s nothing wrong with being dark, or identifiably black or whatever culture you are. And this is the flip side of interracial/interethnic relationships that lead to children. The man’s wife is Indian, so even if she is light skinned, there’s a lot of genetic variation in India. I’ve been to the country (had a fab time!) and can tell you, I saw more people my shade and darker than super light. If you take Bollywood movies at face value for what Indians look like, you’re going to be disappointed. So, anytime two people from two largely varied gene pools hook up, you have no idea what skin color your child is going to have. The same thing happened with Tay Tay. Is she significantly lighter than me? Yes, however, she was born paler than my husband and now she’s his shade and there’s always the possibility she could still get darker.
2. This man mentions his wife’s ethnicity in a cringe worthy manner
Let me backtrack for a sec. While my wife isn’t black, she’s also very much not white. She’s Indian (see: Tandoori, not Thanksgiving), and she’s Canadian.
Sir...just no. Tandoori is not a way to describe people. It’s an oven and a way to cook food. Thanksgiving is hardly a positive thing to mention to Native Americans because, well, see history. I’m not sure if he was trying to be sarcastic or pithy here, but it fell flat and I wasn’t alone. People in the comments on the article page and on VSB’s FB post also called him out for it.
Also, let’s not pretend Canada doesn’t have an issue with minorities or even their own First Nations...that’s being intellectually dishonest. Are they more evolved on the whole than the U.S.? For sure...but I’ve heard plenty of stories from Black Canadians.
3. Black people are not a monolith
This was probably the most irritating part of this awkward article. I hate when people of other cultures try to pigeon hole us but it’s 10x worse when it’s coming from within. We’re not a monolith, we’re not the Borg. We don’t all have the same interests, thoughts, feelings and responses to things. If Joe in California stubs his toe, we don’t all suddenly feel a tingle telling us that Joe is injured. There’s no one defining way to be black. The narrator (a black man) had such a narrow and depressing view of what “blackness” was that if I wasn’t a black person and read that, I’d think being black was probably the worst thing that could happen to someone. According to him black people don’t:
Wear flip-flops
Listen to anything except hip-hop, R&B or soul/neo-soul music
Don’t play acoustic guitar (but like really? How would you come to this conclusion with all the black musicians who—wait for it—play the ACOUSTIC guitar?!)
Don’t go camping (I don’t go camping, however I’ve been hiking and in general do like outdoorsy things)
And apparently if we do the above, we might get our black card revoked. Meanwhile according to the author, all we do is play spades, watch Soul Train, fry up balogne on the weekends and speak solely in AAVE.
I haven’t seriously watched Soul Train since I was in high school. I don’t eat balogne because it’s literally scraps from meat processing plants pressed together into a mystery meat. I play a passable hand of spades but it’s not the first thing I run to at the cookout. And I DO NOT speak in “traditional” AAVE except for the occasional “guuurlll” or “chillllee”. However, I wear flip-flops religiously in the summer, and I live for K-Pop (BTS Army!).
4. I’m confused by what this man expected from “marrying out” but not marrying white.
In the article, he mentions how he married out, but his wife isn’t white she’s Indian. Okay. But his awkward explanation makes it seem like he thought that because he didn’t marry a white person, there wouldn’t be growing pains, disconnects or times where you won’t see eye to eye. What?!
Look, I’m 36 years old, and I’ve spent over a third of my life in an intercultural relationship with the same Puerto Rican man. Yes there are a lot of similarities between us and how we grew up, but there’s a lot that wasn’t the same. And culturally, we’re very different, even if we have shared pop cultural things like Hip-Hop, the Commodore 64 and Disney World. Heck, the hubs is probably closer to Hip-Hop than me because his dad was and is part of the rise of Hip-Hop and DJs as we know it in the Bronx in the ‘70s and ‘80s whereas I just consumed it in passing.
Even two black people from opposite parts of the country like the North and the South would have cultural differences. You could marry the boy down the street and still have cultural disconnects because...#3 WE’RE NOT A MONOLITH.
5. Why are you trying to force your kids to choose “your side” at the expense of your wife’s “side”?
I’m the first to admit that raising multicultural children can be challenging. But making the choice for them and treating them as only black or only Indian is a major disservice. They’re not just one thing. I get it, visually his children are black, but that doesn’t mean that you can legitimately deny their Indian side or downplay it—especially if mom is in the picture.
Right now, my daughter looks more identifiably Latina than anything else, right down to her hair. Although everyone says she has the hubs’ hair and skin and my face so... But the point is, she is Afro-latina. So, she’s going to learn about everything. And the choice of whether she more identifies with being Puerto Rican or black is one that she needs to make. My husband and I can’t force that on her. It’s her identity, not ours.
6. It’s clear you’re still grappling with blackness, don’t lay that at your kids’ feet
This was honestly the biggest takeaway I got from this article. He wasn’t sure how to define blackness for himself, and as a result, he’s trying to shape it in an odd way for his children. And maybe he really does feel like being black is the shit. But the way he caricatured blackness through the scope of this article was piss poor. Whether he’s feeling some type of way because he married out or because he feels his children are (unfairly?) labeled as black are things he needs to work out on his own time and not put those stigmas on his daughters.
Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash
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nezzfiction · 4 years
Team Wise Chapter 7 - Winter (Part Two)
Series Synopsis: Ten years have passed since Team RWBY disbanded. Remnant is in the midst of its Second Great War. And while the Kingdoms wage battle and destruction against one other, a darker, more ancient threat grows in its shadow. Only a select few are willing to set aside past differences to see the greater danger Remnant faces. Only those who possess the wisdom to seek out the truth in the dark—those who are truly wise. To that end, Weiss Schnee assembles her private group of covert operatives.
This is the story of Team WISE.
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below:
Winter (Part Two)
It brings the Cold.
It ushers everlasting Sleep.
When it falls, the world becomes more Silent.
So we may better hear the ghosts of our Memories.
The darkness of night was taking the day.
As the snow began to fall in greater sheets and increasing volume, those who attended the ceremony grew less inclined to endure the weather. Despite their cold-resistant wear, the temperature drop was simply uncanny. With every minute gone by, another dense layer of frost accumulated on any exposed surface.
Finally, it got to the point where many of the paparazzi decided they had taken enough pictures. News reporters retreated to their vans. The disgruntled members of the Board seemed to have had enough of the event as well.
Whitley still had more of his speech remaining, and there was the rest of the ceremony planned. But in light of seeing the disappearing crowd, the young man had no choice but to cut the event short. Not that it mattered to most, in any case.
And so, the official commemoration ended in abrupt fashion. The expression on Whitley’s face was practically wrinkling like crumpled paper underneath.
Weiss, Ruby, and Blake couldn’t help but feel gladdened by the timely parting of the Board and its fanfare.
“—That was rather juvenile of you,” Ironwood commented on his approach.
“I’m not quite sure what you mean,” Weiss replied innocently.
“Of course.”
The General smiled, seemingly grateful for the commemoration’s premature end. His gaze then, went from Weiss to the other two, whose hats and hoods hid their faces. But there was little doubt in his mind who they were. He turned to the Brigadier General before him for explanation, but was only met with an icy stare.
“…More secrets?” he asked worriedly.
“I suppose you can’t tell me why they are here, or what it has to do with what you’ve been up to recently?”
“…It’s better you have plausible deniability, sir.”
“Please, Weiss. I can help you. I promised I would—”
“Thank you… But it’s better this way.”
Ironwood opened his mouth briefly to retort but closed it, deciding this wasn’t the time or place. After a time, he simply nodded.
“If there’s anything you need,” he said softly, “Anything at all, just ask.”
“Thank you, sir,” Weiss revealed a genuine and consoling smile. “I’ll be depending on you in the future.”
“…I see.”
After paying one more glance to Ruby and Blake, Ironwood walked back to pay his last respects to those lost during the Spriggan Campaign.
In spite of the sudden temperature drop, and the prompt departure of government officials, there were many who stayed behind. As if the heavy snow had fallen only to deter those insincere away, it lightened in lieu of those more honest. Families and friends of the deceased gathered quietly. They lit candles and laid flowers. Hushed words and gentle sobbing were swallowed in the cold wonderland that gifted both isolation but also communion.
Weiss was about to make her own way down, when a voice called from behind her.
“I’m sorry,” Blake said.
Weiss was surprised for a moment, but it faded on understanding what the other was referring to. Ruby smiled knowingly, and went ahead to give them privacy.
“The things I said before,” Blake continued with her apology. “About your sister and—”
“You were angry, and it was warranted,” Weiss replied.
“That doesn’t forgive what I—"
“I forgive you.”
“You were angry, and you had every right to be. I understand that. I expected it. I’m also sorry it had to be done that way.”
“…Are you really?”
“Yes…Blake. I really am.”
The two were silent for a moment, which seemed even quieter in the frosty atmosphere. Their issues were still far from resolved, but at least for the time being, a mutual agreement was reached.
“I’ll still be watching you, Weiss.”
“It’s what I’m counting on, Iris.”
After a short nod, the two went down to join Ruby. On reaching her, Weiss saw a trio of familiar figures, who almost looked to be intimidating her partner.
“—Um, hi,” Ruby greeted uncertainly. “You must be Molly. Heard great things about you…”
“Sure,” Molotov furrowed back. “I heard a lot about you, too.”
“Oh. Like…what?”
“Like you were the one who killed my dad.”
Ruby gulped painfully. She noticed the look in Neo’s glare was also particularly murderous.
“…” Molotov tipped his bowler hat over his eyes. “You would be dead too, if Aunt Yang and great Uncle Tai didn’t tell me and Mom not to kill you.”
“…I see.”
“Count yourself lucky, little red.”
Totally not creepy he’s a mini Torchwick.
”—Hey, if it isn’t the little hellraiser?” Coco joined. Fox followed behind, while pushing Velvet’s wheelchair.
The woman in sunglasses picked up the stubborn child, who fought her as much as he could. At the same time, the rest began to mingle and exchange old greetings.
After Yang finished speaking with Velvet, she found Weiss some ways away.
“Mind telling me what you’re thinking, Ember?”
“Hm? About, what?”
“You know what,” Weiss glared. “Neo.”
Yang threw her a narrow look in return.
“Well, it’s not really any business who I sleep with, right? You were the one who broke off whatever we had going on.”
“This isn’t about that, and you know it.”
“…You said Cinder has a spy in Team CFEN. The obvious suspect is Neo. So, I’m going to see if it is.”
“By sleeping with her.”
“It’s one of the best ways.”
“Are you going to sleep with Coco and Fox, too?”
“Only if it makes you jealous.”
“…I’ll be careful.”
“Be discreet,” Weiss jabbed Yang’s chest with her finger of emphasis.
The rest gathered before a certain monument.
Weiss looked on the decorated grave with a sense of serenity and sorrow. It was the place her sister’s body rested. She often thought one of these days, she would simply burst into tears before her. The sense of loss was something Weiss carried with her to this day.
In spite of that, the expression never surfaced. The sadness she felt for her sibling never so much as cracked her mask. Even when she felt like she was dying inside.
Or maybe…
I already cried all my tears that day.
X  X X  X  X
My name is Weiss Schnee.
And I am burdened with Wisdom.
It starts at the tip of my fingers. Always the tip of my fingers. It’s the sensation I remember the most.
I can see the life fading from her. The blood pooling from her back and down my knees. But more than that, I can feel her dying. Winter’s last vestiges coursing through my hands, while I’m trying to keep her alive.
“Don’t be afraid.”
She tells me that, but how can I not be?
How can I not be afraid when I’m losing her?
“It’s okay, Weiss.”
She puts a hand to my face.
“I’ll always be with you.”
Her hand falls to the side. She’s drifting off to sleep, and all I can do is shake her. All I can do is scream her name, asking her to stay with me.
“You’re not alone.”
…And she’s gone.
Winter dies in my arms.
Destiny makes sure I know my sister is dead.
Because with her last breath, I feel the Winter Maiden’s Inheritance merge with my soul.
I was the one my sister held in her last thoughts.
I am Weiss Schnee.
I am also, Winter.
And I am burdened with a power that never should have been mine.
And I have taken a name that does not belong to me.
I can hear her laughing. In this dark corridor of the Witch’s castle, I can hear her. Salem, cackling like some lunatic beast.
The rest of the world comes back to me, and we’re in the ruins of her throne room. Ironwood is unconscious on the floor. My team, or what’s left of them is in the same severe shape.
Velvet might be dead.
Yatsuhashi is gone.
There are still Huntsmen and Huntresses fighting Grimm outside.
I can hear the Witch laughing.
Again, it starts at the fingertips. My fingertips caked in Winter’s blood, and all I have to do is reach out.
A Glyph that normally takes me thirty seconds to cast, is constructed in the blink of an eye. My knight answers my fury and towers over Salem. And I watch as she laughs, while my summon drives a massive blade through her body.
She was already defeated. Winter made sure of that.
And delivered a decisive blow that cost her life.
By the time I’m standing over Salem, her mind and body are already broken. Her regenerative abilities are stunted and overtaxed. I’m ready to kill her. I’m ready to kill this filthy bitch who took my sister away.
She’s still laughing, but she won’t be for long. I’ll silence her once and for all.
…And I will never stop wishing I had.
The Witch plays one last trick.
She’s studied countless Maidens since the first were gifted. In order to Inherit their ancient powers, it requires the merging of the soul. So during that time, and a little after, the spirit of the Inheritor is vulnerable.
And that is when Salem embeds a fragment of her soul in mine. A trick she was used to utilizing, after switching between numerous vessels throughout the ages.
The Witch’s memories become mine. A cruel gift and a worse curse.
“What are you doing?!”
I can hear Yang calling to me.
She’s confused. I can understand why.
Salem’s screeching laughter feels like glass clawing across my skull.
“What are you waiting for, Weiss?!” Yang tries to limp over. “KILL HER ALREADY!”
“She can’t!” the Wicked Witch screams. “She can’t kill me! Can you?!”
I have Myrtenaster lodged right on her throat. I can end it. I can kill her.
“You can kill me, but it won’t change what you’ve learned! You’re too smart for your own good! Hahaha!!!”
“What the hell are you doing, Weiss?! She killed Yatsuhashi! SHE KILLED WINTER!!!”
But I can’t do it.
Even though my heart breaks, even though my heart begs for it, I can’t kill her.
“HAHAHA!!! HahHAhAHha!!!”
All I can do is punch her with the hilt of my sword. I’ll capture her. I’ll torture her into telling me everything she knows. I’ll use her to stop the Four Grimm from bringing the Apocalypse onto Remnant.
Through her bloody mouth, she spits with broken teeth.
“How does it feel to be blessed with knowledge, Weiss Schnee~?”
I hate her. There is nothing in this world I could hate more.
“I knew the moment I saw you, there was a will that would not let me die, if they knew the Truth.”
Just hearing her voice sickens me to my soul.
“Tell me, Weiss Schnee…”
“How does it feel to be burdened with such Wisdom?”
X  X X  X  X
“—So, did the cuckoo bird say anything interesting?” Yang asked.
“Three days of visits, and nothing fruitful,” Weiss gritted her teeth. “A few insights into unrelated matters, but nothing pertaining to our team’s main objectives.”
In the present, everyone was making their way home after visiting Winter’s grave. For Weiss and her team, they would be convening back on the Nautilus. While walking the halls of their secret hangar, Yang spoke to her leader in private.
“You plan on letting the others in on this little secret?”
“Only if the time comes. Currently, there’s no need for Ruby or Blake to know that Salem is alive.”
“Or that you’re waterboarding her on a daily basis.”
“…Do we have to keep Salem alive to find the Relics? I thought the Maidens were in tune with them.”
“And how are we supposed to find the rest, when I can only track Pestilence? Or is there something you’re neglecting to tell me?”
“Well, we know where War is. Famine is safe with my mom—for now. And Death is… okay. Maybe, Death we could use some help with.”
Weiss gave a sympathetic sigh.
“You think I don’t want to dispose of Salem as quickly as possible?”
“…I just don’t like keeping her around,” Yang grunted her dissatisfaction. “Coco and Fox would trip, if they knew we were letting her breathe. Ironwood, too.”
“She’s a means to an end, Ember. Once she’s outlasted her usefulness, I’ll gladly hand her over to Coco for execution by firing squad, or whatever she wants.”
“I don’t like keeping secrets from our friends.”
“As it so happens, that might have been a good thing considering there’s a spy among them.”
“Are you still keeping secrets from me?”
“…Don’t ask me that.”
“I can’t help, if I don’t know what else you’ve got in play.”
“Wisdom is a burden, Ember…”
“I thought you would understand that by now.”
X  X X  X  X
Parked along an extensive airstrip, a number of Galleon-class warbirds were being prepped for deployment. Soldiers and commissioned Huntsmen and Huntresses boarded the aircrafts. Various equipment and supplies were loaded into cargo bays. And from an adjacent building, looking on high at the bustling scene, was a particular government office.
Cinder Fall surveyed the fleet with a discerning eye. While she did so, an encoded message was being played on her earpiece, loud enough only for her to hear. Once she finished listening to its contents, she removed the device and clasped her hands behind her back.
“According to our little bird, the White Queen has tasked her with gathering intel on the Board of Directors. This confirms our other information stating her new team will operate in Atlas for the foreseeable future.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” Emerald Sustrai stepped forward. “I mean, if she’s busy working an angle back home, her hands will be too full to deal with our campaign.”
“Yes…on the surface, it does seem that way.”
Cinder continued to ponder the situation.
“She did well in throwing Vacuo into complete chaos, ensuring we could not take over while the Kingdom is in such a divisive state. The White Queen must know there are only two options left to us.”
“Do you think she expects a direct invasion?”
“At this stage of the game, we both stand to lose more than we would to gain in a head-on conflict. No, she must know what we’re planning. Preparation of our fleet has surely reached her ears by now. So, why focus on Atlas? Why focus on home?”
“Maybe, her brother’s making more trouble than she thought. The White Queen’s always hated the Board of Directors, and now with her brother being the president…”
“…No. The next theater of conflict is obvious. There’s also little doubt of Famine’s location. So, there must be something integral in Atlas she must obtain. Something that supersedes interfering with our campaign immediately.”
“Or she’s just preparing for it,” Emerald suggested. “She could be trying to strengthen the Atlesian Fleet, before coming to face us.”
Cinder scowled slightly. That theory didn’t sound right to her either.
“I suppose in any case, interfering in Atlas affairs is no longer as simple as it once was. Especially with the formation of this new team… She’s taking measures to insulate her core operations from our spies. A slim possibility exists she knows who they are.”
“What do you think we should do? Cut off communications or book them for exfil—or maybe, eliminate them altogether?”
“…They probably haven’t been exposed yet. The intel they gather continues to be valuable. Hm… How is the Third Armada?”
“They are ready to deploy at 23:00, ma’am. Shall I confirm the order?”
“…Do it.”
“By authorization of Mistral’s Lord of Arms, the Third Armada will deploy at 23:00.”
“Also, prepare the Second and Fourth.”
From the shadows, Cinder’s personal assassin stepped into the light of the office.
“Sortie your family with the Third Armada,” she ordered.
“Whoa, we’re really going all out on this?” he chuckled.
“Do you know the light people talk about at the end of the tunnel?”
“Are we talking the good one or the finally sweet embrace of death one?”
“Either or,” Cinder smoldered. “I take pride in my ability to take that light in my hand and snuffing it out. Move up the timeframe for the Third’s departure. Use my authorization to accelerate the deployment of the Second and Fourth.”
“—Yes, ma’am!” Emerald confirmed.
“We’ll place the White Queen in checkmate before she finishes settling her affairs in Atlas. The time has come for War to ravage the land once more.”
At the Fall Maiden’s words, she materialized an ancient Relic of a warrior’s helm. The steel work was elegantly smelted, and some ancient being seemed to whisper from the slit of its mouth and eyes. The bright red plume extending out its back caught fire, burning with an unquenching furor.
Cinder raised War aloft in her out-stretched hand, like reciting a poetic vow to the gods or maybe destiny itself.
“The world will start over again from the ashes of my War.”
“And it begins with Vale.”
X  X X  X  X
Deep in the forests of Vale, the sounds of clashing steel echoed through the trees.
A small black-hooded figure danced through the air, like a swallow in flight. Her nimble body swerved to avoid the slashes of her opponent’s long katana by a thin, but calculated margin. When she saw a slight break in the swordswoman’s attack pattern, she swooped in.
Raven Branwen adjusted the grip of her weapon, aiming the pummel of her sword downward on the other’s head.
A sudden flash of silver light stopped the blow from following through. Raven could feel a familiar sensation binding her arms.
A good move, but not enough.
It’s time to up the difficulty in her training.
Raven’s Aura bolstered, and the invisible wires that were supposed to keep her body in check were cut like fragile string. The girl in the black cowl conjured a short blade in response. Raven’s downward strike and her opponent’s defensive posture collided.
The result ended with the little warrior’s body being knocked into the dirt.
“—Peh!” she spat and coughed. “That’s no fair, Raven! You’ve never done that before!”
“I’ve never seen you try that brand of tact before, either. So, how is that not fair?”
“But, but!”
“Adapt to the fluidity of your opponent, Roi. The moment you think you’ve got your enemy figured out, that’s when you’re most vulnerable.”
“But! That doesn’t even make any sense!”
“No more buts.”
Right as the little girl was about to protest more, the two heard a bird cawing overhead. Then, a shadow swooped down to drop a folded piece of paper in Raven’s hand. The crow fluttered its wings, as it perched on the small Roisin’s shoulder.
“Hi, birdy!” the child greeted.
The crow began nuzzling its head against the child’s neck, tickling her.
“Heehee!” Roisin giggled. “What’s that, Raven? Another letter from the secret pen pal in Atlas?”
“Looks like it…”
“What’s it say?”
“Nothing good,” Raven sighed.
“When are we ever going to meet the secret friend?!”
“Not soon, by what they’re saying,” Raven grinned wryly, as she continued reading the letter’s contents. “Someday, though.”
“Awww! I wanna meet them soon!”
Watching the black cowled girl hop up and down energetically brought the briefest of laughters out of the swordswoman. It made her think of a baby bird trying its best to fly. Speaking of birds, the crow on Roisin’s shoulder was cawing in a panic loss of balance.
Raven wrote down a response to their spy, folded the parchment, and held it out.
“What?! He’s going already?!” the little girl cried.
“He’ll be back faster than he leaves, Roi. Believe me, I know.”
If the crow could scowl, it would probably be doing it at this moment. Eventually, the bird bumped its forehead against the child’s once more in affection. Then, it flew, snatching up Raven’s letter before soaring into the sky.
The swordswoman watched the black speck until it disappeared from sight. For all the technological innovations Atlas had and high-level security is possessed, sometimes the simplest nodes of communications worked best. No digital trace or trail to speak of. No expensive equipment or complicated encryption software. Just good old-fashion messenger birds.
Raven breathed a mixed breath on remembering her spy’s report.
Things sure are getting complicated.
X  X X  X  X
In the private war room aboard the Nautilus, Weiss observed the members of her team around the table. There was still an estranged vibe in the air, not to mention the doubt and suspicions harbored.
Yang crossed her arms defensively, her finger tapping her bicep in rhythm with her bad mood. Blake kept an eye on everything and everyone, as if suspecting something to go wrong. On the other hand, Ruby seemed detached and was merely spectating how the events would play out.
Her partner caught sight of her gaze, and revealed an unreadable smile.
Must be something she learned as a Professor, Weiss thought.
But even with all that in mind, she couldn’t help but express some joy at those gathered in this moment.
They were all here, in one room, for one purpose, under her command. It took some time to recruit them, but her ideal team was assembled and ready.
“Well then, everyone…”
“It’s time for our first mission as Team WISE.”
X  X X  X  X
Happy Holidays, everybody!
This ends the “Prologue Arc” of Team WISE. I hope you guys enjoyed it!
I will continue writing this series, but it will probably occur in short bursts and not as frequently.
That is because I will be concentrating almost all my writing time into continuing Team ENMY.
Anybody who liked this series, please consider giving Team ENMY a read. It’s a lot longer, but I dunno. If you liked this, maybe you’ll like that. Or if you’re just looking for something else to read, there you go.
I’ll see you in the next chapter~♪
P.S. Some Q&A?
Q: Will this series follow more of the canon?
A: Maybe. I tried to include some of the newer content here for some cohesiveness, but there’s going to be a lot of differences regardless. I think you already guessed it, but the Relics aren’t the same as in the show. Salem is different. World settings. Etc. etc.
Q: Do you watch the Rooster Teeth series?
A: Yes.
Q: Sienna’s alive!
A: Yes! I always thought it was a waste of a neat-looking character to just get scrapped following a minor appearance.
Q: Winter?
A: Answered in this chapter. Also, other stuff, which will be addressed in the next arc, maybe.
Q: Team ENMY?
A: Going to continue writing it after this chapter.
Q: What the shit is going on?!
A: Keep reading and find out! (Or at least, whenever I find the time to write more for this)
0 notes
London Travel Guide – Tips for Visiting London
London is among the biggest & most densely populated cities on earth. Additionally, it is a frequent stop on many holiday trips, European vacations, or even last-minute vacations. Everybody wants to visit London! Individuals are interested in it by graphics of bars, museums, theatre, and even royalty. London is actually really just a cultural and fashion capital, a wonderful spot to really go outside, and also an remarkable location to consume. There is always something fresh to complete! The one issue with London is the fact that it is extremely, very costly; it may eat away at your allowance in the event that you are not attentive. Fortunately, you will find a lot of cheap or free things you can do in London which may meet your own time. But simply make certain to budget extra with this particular city — you’ll want it!
10 Top Tourist Attractions in London
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a large, mainly Gothic, church located just to the west at the Palace of Westminster. It really is but one of the very prominent religious buildings at the uk and will be the original place of coronation and burial site for English and, after, British monarchs. The majority of the current building dates from 1245 into 1272 if Henry III made a decision to reconstruct an old abbey from the Gothic design. The construction was later somewhat enlarged: the Chapel of Henry VII has been inserted between 1503 and 1512, whereas both West Front Towers date in 1745.
Palace of Westminster
The Palace of Westminster is the Chair of Parliament at the Uk. The present building largely dates from the 19th century as it was rebuilt after a fire at an excellent example of Victorian neo-Gothic structure. The House of Commons is found to the north of this construction and can be decorated with green leather upholstery, and also the House of Lords is found south west east and decorated with white leather upholstery.
  St. Paul’s Cathedral
Built in the 17th century, St. Paul’s Cathedral is among London’s most famous & most recognizable sights. The Cathedral has been heroically rescued by fire fighters as it had been bombed during the 2nd World War. Its striking dome has been motivated from St Peter’s Basilica at Rome and climbs 118 meters into the crossover during its summit. This had been the greatest construction in London in 1710 to 1962, and its dome can also be one of the greatest on the planet.
  Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is actually really just a massive city square-foot Lord Horatio Nelson’s victory against Napoleon’s navy at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The fundamental monument over the square can be one tall pillar which the amount of Nelson stands over London. His island is surrounded by four gigantic dinosaurs and also a run of enormous fountains. More than an open plaza, Trafalgar Square is arguably amongst the very famed city squares in the world, and it has come to be a societal and political site for tourists and Londoners alike.
  Tower of London
Currently home to the Crown Jewels, the Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It functioned as a prison out of 1100 into the mid twentieth century. This has caused the term”provided for the Tower”, which . Famous offenders Involve Sir Thomas More, King Henry VI, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard and Rudolph Hess. Now the Tower of London is now still amongst the hottest London tourist attractions.
  London Eye
Situated on the banks of the River Thames, the London Eye can be a enormous, 135 meter high observation wheel carrying 32 outside glass-walled capsules. It gives fantastic views over central London. The wheel will not normally stop to undertake passengers whilst the spinning speed is slow enough to allow passengers to walk off the capsules in bottom level. It’s by far the most used tourist attraction from britain, seen by over 3.5 million people yearly.
  Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace may be your most important house of Queen Elizabeth II though it’s possessed by the British country and also really isn’t the monarch’s personal real estate. Even the Fore-court of Buckingham Palace can be employed for Changing of the Guard, a Significant service and tourist appeal. Between May and July the protector changes daily and on alternative days the remainder of the season. Since 1993, the palace country rooms are around the general public throughout August and September.
  British Museum
Buckingham Palace maybe the essential house of Queen Elizabeth II though it’s owned by the British country and in addition is not the monarch’s real estate. The Fore Court of Buckingham Palace may be utilized for Changing of the Guard, a Substantial tourist and service attraction. Between May and July the shield varies each day and on other days the remaining of the growing summer season. Since 1993, the palace country places are round the average man or woman all through August and September.
  Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge is a Joint bascule and suspension bridge from London, Across the River Thames. It’s near the Tower of London, that gives it its name, and it is now an iconic emblem of London. Construction started in 1886 and took eight years to build. The bridge includes 2 towers that are attached together in the top level in the shape of two flat paths that are intended to defy the forces of these suspended segments of their bridge.
  Big Ben
The 150 year-old Big Ben clocktower is just one of the greatest attractions in London. The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock tower , however into the 13 ton bell placed inside the tower also carries its name from the guy who ordered the bell, Sir Benjamin Hall. The presentday Big Ben shot has been assembled in 1858 after having a very first bell of 16 loads broken irreparably a couple of decades prior. The clock has turned into a favorite attraction, and it has appeared in several films. From the film Mars Attacks! As an instance the Big Ben is destroyed with a UFO attack.
  Best Time To Visit
Spring starts early at the U.K., which is best in differently jelqing weather (still: package an umbrella). Mild winters and also conventional xmas markets create November and December hot, too.
  London Transportation
Choose in the metro (known as the underground or tube; one ride starts at $2.60) for trucks, ships, commuter trains and flights. Transport is broken up into zones; so the farther the zone is out of central London, the more costly it’s going to be to arrive. If you should be at the town for a couple of days, buy a wise card, and then also consider per day ($9.90) per a week pass ($49.50).
London Weather
  January is the coldest month, with a mean low of 7 °C and July is the hottest month, with a mean high of 19 °C.
  Money Saving Tips
Visit all the free museums – The Majority of the museums in London are liberated — that the Museum of Londonthe British History Museum, the Natural History Museum, and the Science Museum are great. Get your fill of history without having to spend a pence! The National Gallery and the Tate Modern are free and therefore so are a few of my favorites.
Buy an Oyster Card – This prepaid credit card can help you help save you about 50 percent on each subway. If you anticipate utilizing the tubing alot, make this card! In the event you leave and possess extra on the card, then they can even refund the total amount!
People watch at the markets – Sunday is market day at London. There is the Camden Market, the Portobello Market, the Flower Market, and several thousand more choices. Folks today see, capture amazing photos, and relish local London lifetime without having to spend a dime.
Watch the changing of the guards – The changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace are at 11:30am, and also the horse guards in Whitehall shift at 11:00 am. All these are both interesting and free to see because you ingest authentic British flare.
Just walk and explore – London is a enormous metropolis, and also there are amazing historic buildings all over. I walked four hours and scarcely made a dent to the road I had been going to shoot (thus the requirement to find the Oyster Card.) Nevertheless, as soon as you walk and escape the tourist area across the Thames, then you are going to have to see London exactly the way in which the tourists do. You are able to get free maps of revealing walking paths round the funding from some one of London’s tourist advice shops.
Last minute theater tickets – You’re able to obtain last minute tickets into the theater from the state booth at Leicester Square. Availability varies each and every single day, so make sure you make it early.
Skip the cabs – Taxis are very pricey in London and certainly will eat into your budget by simply choosing them . I remained out past once the tube shut night and the cab to my hotel was 31 GBP! If you commence taking taxis anywhere, you are going to wind up spending tens of thousands of dollars every day, so bear this in your mind.
Master the night bus – To prevent taking costly flights, make certain you receive yourself a map of their nighttime bus paths and that means that you may return to your own hotel/hostel on the economical. These buses move throughout the town and in the suburbs. You might even utilize your Oyster card on those buses. In reality, buses are necessarily the most affordable public transport option!
Stay at a Hola Hostel – Hola Hostels is just really a system of hostels mostly in South and Central America, though they currently have locations around Europe, too. They provide you a 10% reduction with their associates, in addition to additional regional discounts for activities and food. Joining is completely totally absolutely free of charge, and also their hostels may also be devoted to environmentally sustainable techniques.
      London Travel Guide – Tips for Visiting London
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pehpehh · 6 years
moral fabrics
NMP Professor Thio Li-ann: The ‘liberal’ camp wants 377A repealed. Repealing 377A is the first step in their radical, political agenda to subvert social morality, the common good and undermine our liberties. They offer an ‘argument from consent’ –government should not police the private sexual behaviour of consenting adults. They opine this violates their liberty or ‘privacy’. Consent to harmful acts is no defence – otherwise, our strong anti-drug laws must fall as it cannot co-exist with letting in recreational drugs as a matter of personal lifestyle choice. They ask, ‘Why criminalize something which does not “harm” anyone; if homosexuals are “born that way”. Isn’t it unkind to ‘discriminate’ against their sexual practices? These flawed arguments are marinated with distracting fallacies which obscure what is at stake. The ‘communitarian’ camp argues from ‘community values’ – these social conservatives want 377A retained, to protect public health, morality, decency and order. A Keep 377A online petition attracted over 15,000 signatures after a few days. [The latest---71,000+ Keep to 4,000+ Repeal (ST 9/9/18). Like many, I applaud the government’s wisdom in keeping 377A which conserves what upholds the national interest. ‘Conservative’ here is not a dirty word connoting backwardness; environmental conservation protects our habitat; the moral ecology must be conserved to protect what is precious and sustains a dynamic, free and good society. The welfare of future generations depends on basing law on sound public philosophy. We should reject the ‘argument from consent’ as its philosophy is intellectually deficient and morally bankrupt [and deceptive]. Sir, the arguments to retain 377A are overwhelmingly compelling..[to] enable legislators make informed decisions and not be bewitched by the empty rhetoric and emotional sloganeering employed by many radical liberals... Not only is retaining s377A sound public policy, it is legally and constitutionally beyond reproach. Responsible legislators must grapple with the facts, figures and principles involved; they cannot discount the noxious social consequences repeal will bring. The onus is on those seeking repeal to prove this will not harm society. Debate must be based on substance not sound-bites. Let me red-flag four red herrings. First, to say a law is archaic is merely a chronological snobbery. Second, you cannot say a law is ‘regressive’ unless you first identify your ultimate goal. If we seek to copy the sexual libertine ethos of the wild wild West, then repealing S377A is progressive. But that is not our final destination. Third, to say a law which criminalizes homosexual acts because many find it offensive is merely imposing a “prejudice” or “bias” assumes with justification that no reasonable contrary view exists. This evades debate. The ‘argument from consent’ says the state should keep out of the bedroom, to safeguard ‘sexual autonomy’. The liberal argument which says sodomy is a personal choice, private matter and ‘victimless crime’ [causing no “harm”]. But “harm” can be both physical and intangible [psychological]; victims include both the immediate parties and third parties. Because what is done in ‘private’ can have public repercussions. Fourth, some argue that legislators should be ‘open-minded’ and decriminalize sodomy. However,...an open mind must eventually close on something solid. They urge legislators to be ‘objective’ and to leave their personal subjective beliefs at home, especially if they hold religious views which consider homosexuality aberrant....but there are fundamental values beyond fashion and politics which serve the common good. Religious views are part of our common morality. We separate ‘religion’ from ‘politics,’ but not ‘religion’ from ‘public policy’. That would be undemocratic.... Incidentally, one does not have to be religious to consider homosexuality contrary to biological design and immoral; secular philosopher Immanuel Kant considered homosexuality “immoral acts against our animal nature” which did not preserve the species and dishonoured humanity. The issues surrounding S377A are about morality, not modernity or being cosmopolitan. You cannot make a human wrong a human right. What will foreigners think if we retain 377A?... Singapore is an independent state and we can decide the 377A issue ourselves; we have no need of [support from] foreign or neo-colonial moral imperialism in matters of fundamental morality... Sir, there are no constitutional objections to retaining 377A while de-criminalising heterosexual oral and anal sex. Three legal points are worth making. First, there is no constitutional right to homosexual sodomy. [Even Europe's liberal Parliament has recently ruled homosexuality is not an issue of human right]. It is not a facet of personal liberty under article 9 of Singapore Constitution. Nor is there a human right to homosexual sodomy though some like to slip this in under the umbrella of ‘privacy.’ Human rights are universal, like prohibitions against genocide. Demands for ‘homosexual rights’ are the political demands of a narrow interest group masquerading as legal entitlements.... Second, while homosexuals are a numerical minority, there is no such thing as ‘sexual minorities’ at law. ‘Sexual minorities’ and ‘sexual orientation’ are vague terms – covering anything from homosexuality, bestiality, incest, paedophilia – do all these minority sexual practices merit protection? Activists have coined this term to draw a beguiling but fallacious association between homosexuals and legally recognized minorities like racial groups. Race is a fixed trait. It remains controversial whether homosexual orientation is genetic or environmental, perhaps both. There are no ex-Blacks but there are ex-gays. So the analogy between race and sexual orientation or preferred sexual preferences, is false. Activists repeat the slogan ‘sexual minority’ ad nausem as a deceptive political ploy to get sympathy from people who don’t think through issues carefully. Repetition does not cure fallacy. Science has become so politicized that the issue of whether gays are ‘born that way’ depends on which scientist you ask. You cannot base sound public philosophy on poor politicized pseudo ‘science’. Homosexuality is a gender identity disorder; there are numerous examples of former homosexuals successfully dealing with this. Just this year, two high profile US activists left the homosexual lifestyle, the publisher of Venus, a lesbian magazine, and an editor of Young Gay America. Their stories are available on the net. An article by an ex-gay in the New Statesmen this July identified the roots of his emotional hurts, like a distant father, overbearing mother and sexual abuse by a family friend; after working through his pain, his unwanted same-sex attractions left. While difficult, change is possible and a compassionate society would help those wanting to fulfill their heterosexual potential. There is hope. Singapore law only recognizes racial and religious minorities. Special protection is reserved for the poor and disadvantaged; the average homosexual person in Singapore is both well-educated, with higher income – that’s why upscale condo developers target them! Third, 377A does not breach the article 12 guarantee of equality. Homosexuals do not deserve special rights, just the rights we all have. While all human persons are of equal worth, not all human behaviour is equally worthy. We separate the actor from the act. In criminalizing acts, we consider the wrongfulness of the act, the harm caused and how it affects the good of society... S377A does not target any specific actor; it would cover a heterosexual male experimenting with male sodomy.... Public Health Argument Sir, public health and safety is a legitimate purpose served by the 377A ban on homosexual anal and oral sex. In serving public health (and public morality), 377A passes constitutional muster with flying colours. Both these practices are efficient methods of transmitting sexual diseases and AIDs/HIV which are public health problems. These are not victimless crimes as the whole community has to foot the costs of these diseases. Anal-penetrative sex is inherently damaging to the body and a misuse of organs, like shoving a straw up your nose to drink. The anus is designed to expel waste; when something is forcibly inserted into it, the muscles contract and cause tearing; fecal waste, viruses carried by sperm and blood thus congregate, with adverse health implications like ‘gay bowel syndrome’, anal cancer. ‘Acts of gross indecency’ under 377A also covers unhygienic practices like “rimming” where the mouth comes into contact with the anus. Opposite-sex sodomy is harmful, but medical studies indicate that same-sex sodomy carries a higher price tag for society because of higher promiscuity and frequency levels. The New York Times reported that even informed homosexuals return to unsafe practices like bare-backing and bug-chasing after a health crisis wanes. A British Study showed that the legalization of homosexual sodomy correlated with an upsurge of STDs among gays. Common sense tells us that with more acceptance, any form of consensual sexual behaviour increases. Sodomy laws have some deterrent effect. It is rational for the state to target the most acute aspect of a [social] problem. The legal issue is...whether it is reasonable to believe same-sex sodomy poses a distinct [public health] problem. Medical literature indicates that gays have disproportionately higher STDs rates, which puts them in a different category [of risks] from the general public, warranting different treatment. The onus rests on opponents of 377A to negate every conceivable basis for treating homosexual and heterosexual sodomy differently. They cannot... Public Morality Sir, the power to legislate morality is not limited to preventing demonstrable harm. The Penal Code now criminalizes the wounding of both religious and racial feelings (S498). S377A serves public morality; the argument from community reminds us we share a way of life which gives legal expression to the moral repugnancy of homosexuality. Heterosexual sodomy unlike homosexual sodomy does not undermine the understanding of heterosexuality as the preferred social norm. To those who say that 377A penalizes only gays not lesbians---note there have been calls to criminalize lesbianism too. Public sexual morality must buttress strong families based on faithful union between man and wife, the best model for raising children. The state should not promote promiscuity nor condone sexual exploitation [or risks-inherent sexual experimentation.]New section 376D criminalizes the organisation of child sex tours. Bravo. While we cherish racial and religious diversity, sexual diversity is a different kettle of fish. Diversity is not license for perversity. This radical liberal argument is pernicious, a leftist philosophy based on radical individualism and radical egalitarianism. It is unworkable because every viable moral theory has limits to consent. Radical individualism would demand decriminalising consensual adult incest; but the Penal Code is not based on consent as S376F reflects. The state has always retained an interest in regulating conduct in the bedroom – the issue is which type? Radical egalitarianism applied to sexual morality says the state should not morally distinguish between types of consensual sex. It exudes a false neutrality but actually sneaks in a substantive philosophy: Hedonism which breeds narcissism. This extols satisfying desire without restraint as a matter of autonomy. But some desires are undesirable, harming self and society. The argument from consent ultimately celebrates sexual libertarian values, the fruit of which is sexual licentiousness, a culture of lust, which takes, rather than love, which gives. This social decline will provoke more headlines like a 2004 Her World article called: “Gay guy confesses: I slept with 100 men…one of them could be your hubby.” What about the broken-hearts involved? If you argue from consent, how can you condemn any form of sexual self-expression, no matter how selfish or hurtful? Ideas, embodied in laws, have consequences. Don’t send the wrong message. The issues raised in the Petition fall apart on rigorous analysis. Rule of Law vs. Rule of Good Law Sir, government policy is not to pro-actively enforce 377A. Some argue that just keeping this law on the books will erode the rule of law. I disagree. It is not turning a blind eye on the existence of homosexuals here; it is refusing to celebrate homosexuality while allowing gays to live quiet lives. This is prudent, as it is difficult to enforce ‘bedroom’ offences; such intrusive powers should be judiciously used anyway. We have other hard-to-police laws which embody communal standards of public decency, such as laws against nudity visible to the public eye, even if you are at home. Law is a Moral teacher and makes a moral statement; 6 years ago, Singapore symbolically blocked access to 100 porn sites, as a ‘statement of our values.’ We value our values, while remaining realistic. A non pro-active policy does not mean 377A will never be enforced – who knows what another season may require?.. Sir, citizens are not just concerned with the rule of law but with the rule of good law. Laws which violate core moral values will alienate many and bring the system into disrepute. Indeed, many citizens see keeping 377A as evidence the government is defending the right moral values, which lends legitimacy. Criminalising Moral Wrongs – which? Sir, it is true that not all moral wrongs, such as adultery, are criminalized; yet they retain their stigma. But adulterors know they done wrong and do not lobby for toleration of adultery as a sexual orientation right. Homosexual Agenda and Its Social Consequences Conversely, homosexual activists lobby hard for a radical sexual revolution, waging a liberal fundamentalist crusade against traditional morality. They adopt a ‘step by step’ approach to hide how radical the agenda is. Liberals never ask: what happens next if you repeal 377A. Responsible legislators must see the Big Picture. Pro-gay academics identify 5 main steps in this agenda in their study of foreign jurisdictions. Step 1: repeal laws criminalizing homosexual sex. They consider this “pivotal” to advancing the homosexual agenda. Why? Without this, they cannot advance in the public sphere or push for government funding and support for special programmes, such as the New York Gay High School. Governments don’t promote criminal activities. You need to change the criminal law before changing civil law. But decriminalizing sodomy is only the tip of the iceberg which is 1/8 of an ice mass – we must see what lies beneath the water to avoid a Titanic fate. Step 2 is to equalize the age of consent for heterosexual and homosexual sex; in some countries, this is as low as 13. Do we want to expose Sec 1 boys to adult sexual predators? To be sexually creative? Step 3 is to prohibit discrimination based on ‘sexual orientation’. But would this not include all sexual behaviour? “Sex before 8 or else it’s too late” is the motto of the North American Man-Boy Love Association. Should we judge pedophilia or be relativistic and promote “anything goes” sexual experimentation? Sir, to protect homosexuals, some countries have criminalized not sodomy but opposition to sodomy, making it a ‘hate crime’ to criticize homosexuality. This violates freedom of speech and religion. Will sacred texts that declare homosexuality morally deviant, like the Bible and Koran, be criminalized too? Social unrest beckons. Such assaults on constitutional liberties cannot be tolerated. Steps 4 and 5 relate to legalizing same-sex marriage or partnerships, child adoption rights. This subverts both marriage and family, which are institutions homosexuals seek to redefine beyond recognition. Will MOE then commission a book copying the US “Heather has 2 mummies” called “Ah Beng has 2 daddies?” What if parents disagree with their kids studying homosexual propaganda? Is legalizing same-sex marriage progressive? It is if you want a genderless planet where “husband” and “wife” are considered discriminatory terms, to be replaced by “spouse”. [How silly!] We want to be able to say, Majullah Singapura, not Mundur Singapura! Repealing 377A will further batter the institution of ‘marriage’ which we must bolster! This is because the arguments raised to challenge a distinction between heterosexual and homosexual sodomy, equally apply to challenge legal distinctions between lawful heterosexual marriage between man and wife and unlawful homosexual unions. To reinforce the moral foundations of a pro-family policy that permits only heterosexuals to marry, it is permissible to differentiate between heterosexual and homosexual sodomy. To say that 377A discriminates is effectively saying that marriage laws discriminate and are unconstitutional. Legalising sodomy would set a bad example; by signaling approval, it may change both attitude and conduct; coupled with sexual hedonism, it makes a mockery of strong family values. 377A helps to protect against this harm. Academic supporters of the homosexual agenda like my colleague Michael Hor argued online that even if 377A was not enforced, discriminatory policies against homosexuals could be built on the logic of its existence. But taking his logic, repealing 377A would mean the government would be less able to resist claims for homosexual marriage or for promoting homosexuality as a desirable lifestyle in schools, as this would be ‘discriminatory’.These foreign developments warn us that the advance of the homosexual agenda here is not remote. To slouch back to Sodom is to return to the Bad Old Days in ancient Greece or even China where sex was utterly wild and unrestrained, and homosexuality was considered superior to man-women relations. Women’s groups should note that where homosexuality was celebrated, women were relegated to low social roles; when homosexuality was idealized in Greece, women were objects not partners, who ran homes and bore babies. Back then, whether a man had sex with another man, woman or child was a matter of indifference, like one’s eating preferences. The only relevant category was penetrator and penetrated; sex was not seen as interactive intimacy, but a doing of something to someone. How degrading. It was only when marriage was invented by the Jewish Torah that the genie of sexual impulses was forced into the marital bottle, so that sex no longer dominated society – this discipline provided the social base for the development of western civilization. Homosexuals as fellow citizens have the right to expect decent treatment from the rest of us; but they have no right to insist we surrender our fundamental moral beliefs [and freedom of speech] so they can feel comfortable about their sexual behaviour. We should not be subject to the tyranny of the undemocratic minority who want to violate our consciences, trample on our cherished moral virtues and threaten our collective welfare by imposing homosexual dogma on right-thinking people. Sir, Keep 377A and Keep Democracy and Debate We Singaporeans will continue to debate and disagree over controversial moral issues as they arise. We should make substantive arguments and not think with our feelings; the media should present both sides fairly, without bias. However, I have noted a disturbing phenomenon over the 377A debate– the argument by insult. Instead of reasoning, some have resorted to name-calling to intimidate and silence their opponents. People with principled moral objections to the homosexual agenda are tarred and fingered as ‘homophobes’, ‘bigots’, to shut them up. This strategy is unoriginally imported from foreign gay activists, which stifles creative thinking and intellectual enquiry. When you shout, full of sound and fury, and call your opponents nasty names, this terminates public debate. No one wants to be called a bigot. But think about it – if I oppose incest, am I an incestophobe? If I oppose alcoholism, am I a winophobe? If my having an opinion means you are bigoted, then we are all bigots! What is your phobia then? Where certain liberals accuse their opponents of being intolerant, they demonstrate their own intolerance towards their opponents! They are hoisted on their own petard, guilty of everything they accuse their detractors of! One of my colleagues, a young professor, suffered these vicious tactics when the Straits Times published an article this May where Yvonne Lee argued against repealing 377A. This well-researched, cogent article so incensed homosexual activists that they flooded her with a torrent of abusive, lewd emails and wrote to her head of department calling for her to be removed from her job. This appeared to be a co-ordinated campaign. We academics are used to disagreement, but why write to her employer and threaten her livelihood? Why vilify someone and seek to assassinate their personal and professional reputation? I hope the House joins me in deploring these malicious attacks which also assault academic freedom. Ms Yvonne Lee is owed an apology. I would be ashamed to belong to any academic institution that cravenly bowed down to such disgraceful bully-boy tactics. This August, I had my own experience with this sort of hysterical attack. I received an email from someone I never met, full of vile and obscene invectives which I shall not repeat, accusing me of hatemongering. It cursed me and expressed the wish to defile my grave on the day 377A was repealed. I believe in free debate but this oversteps the line. I was distressed, disgusted, upset enough to file a police report. Does a normal person go up to a stranger to express such irrational hatred? Smear tactics indicate the poor quality of debate and also, of character. Let us have rational debate, not diatribe, free from abusive rhetoric and tantrum-throwing. As Singapore approaches her Jubilee, my hope for the post-65 generation is that we will not become an uncivil society borne from an immature culture of vulgarity which celebrates the base, not the noble. I speak, at the risk of being burned at the stake by militant activists. But if we don’t stand for something, we will fall for anything. I was raised to believe in speaking out for what is right, good and true, no matter the cost. It is important in life not only to have a Brain, but a Spine. One of my favourite speeches by PM Lee, which I force my students to read, is his Harvard Club speech 2 years ago where he urged citizens not to be “passive bystanders” in their own fate, but to debate issues with reason and conviction. I took this to heart. To forge good policy, we need to do our homework and engage in honest debate on the issues. Let us also speak with civility, which cannot be legislated, but draws deep from our character and upbringing. Before government can govern man, man must be able to govern himself. So let speaking in the public square with reason, passion, honesty, civility, even grace, be the mark of a Citizen of Singapore, Sir. https://youtu.be/fOKIo4cNdao
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