birgittesilverbae · 9 months
It’s the “for the Aiel touching hands in public was a great display” and “even Aiel lovers did not kiss where anyone could see”
today it's High Seats and
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lordgolden · 1 year
If you could be a background character/extra on the WoT show who or what would you want to be
oh DEFINITELY a maiden!!!! would be fun to run around with a spear
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sixth-light · 6 days
13 books tag game, tagged by @amemoryofwot
1) Last book I read:
Starter Villain by John Scalzi, in an effort to 1) get back on my Hugo nominee completionist bullshit and 2) give him a second go, since I was deeply unimpressed by the first one a few years ago. It was...you know the thing about how badly-written books can help you learn more about writing than well-written ones? That!
2) A book I recommend:
I am metaphorically grabbing everybody I know by the collar and telling them to read Some Desperate Glory, unless the subject matter isn't for them which is fair, but it's so good.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
I distinctly remember finishing Gideon the Ninth at like 11pm because I couldn't wait until morning, which must be seen in the context of me being asleep by 10pm every night of my life I get a choice in the matter.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
I went through a solid decade of reading Hogfather every Christmas and I've probably got a few more left in me.
5) A book on my TBR
I've got Mary Beard's latest book, Emperor of Rome, on reserve at the library.
6) A book I’ve put down
Tried The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart last year because it was blurbed well and I was in a fantasy mood, and got like...twenty pages in. It didn't leave enough of an impression for me to remember exactly why, just a general 'I don't care about these characters' vibe.
7) A book on my wish list
Kate Elliott is being very kind about progress updates in her newsletter and I want her to have the time she needs...but I am also chewing at the bit for Lady Chaos.
8) A favourite book from childhood
I was SO into Redwall as a kid. First fanfic I ever wrote.
9) A book you would give a friend
This is hard because I always want to rec specific books to specific people, I sincerely believe there's no generic book which is good for everybody. Um, maybe All Systems Red since Murderbot seems to resonate with a wide audience?
10) The most books you own by a single author
(Physical books only) An ACTUAL single author? Anne McCaffrey for sure. An alleged single author? I own 36 Trixie Belden Mysteries books.
11) A nonfiction book you own
Storm over Mono, which is a really interesting account of the fight to save Lake Mono in California, a scientifically interesting and historically and ecologically unique place.
12) what are you currently reading
Technically between books but I'm about to start The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older. I liked the first one fine but it didn't grab me grab me, so we'll see how it goes.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
My mostly-science book club is going retro and reading Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman which I have been putting off because I have Heard Things about Richard Feynman...but also I gotta gird my loins and get onto it.
I have not been around Tumblr enough lately to think of who to tag but with 100% sincerity, if you see this and it starts the wheels turning in your head about books you've read lately and so on, you're it!
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ofthebrownajah · 7 months
I was just reading your comment on amemoryofwot’s post about the Sanderson comments and sorry if this is an odd ask, but what’s up with Zen Rand and Veins of Gold? I red the books largely on my own, and really late to the game so I’m not too in the know on community reations. Were those like hated choices or something?
Not everyone hates them but I personally hate them cause Veins of Gold reads to me as an instance of the magic cure for your mental illness trope. And Zen Rand is a continuation of that as to me Rand suddenly isn't exhibiting any PTSD symptoms post Dragonmount. It's like the Rand I knew was entirely replaced by someone who was never traumatized
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hauntedmoors · 8 months
spoilers for ep7 below the cut, beware that I discuss power balances, abuse and assault with book spoilers. I mostly discuss siuan, moiraine, rand, lan and elaida.
sooo much discourse about siuan and it’s personally very disturbing that people think it’s alright for the show to radically deviate from her established characterisation* (1. which is specifically, purposefully IN CONTRAST to elaida in the books 2. violates its own canon about siuan trusting Dreams, foretellings and prophecies wrt to the dragon more fervently than moiraine herself) or that she was reaping the consequences of her actions when she was deposed in tsr, ignoring how siuan isn’t unique in keeping secrets as an aes sedai or how gawyn and galad are intentionally treated like spoiled, privileged children who think they’re cleverer than they really are when they act without considering the consequences of their actions or how the books frame the whole sequence as a tragedy of errors on all sides. I’m pretty sure @/amemoryofwot made the breakdown on the black ajah to non black ajah sisters in the hall and it was very revelatory about the exact significance of the stakes set up against siuan. I also think it’s important to not ignore the gender dimension involved in the way people approach rand and mat as opposed to moiraine or egwene or siuan - male characters are always better tolerated when they make morally questionable choices while women are systemically taken apart and derided for being foolish.
that said. it’s very telling that the show is solely interested in moiraine almost to a fault; we’ve had 5 different expositions with significant screentime about moiraine pushing people away from alanna, anvaere and verin - and at some point it just becomes very bad writing. viewers are not juvenile. they don’t need to be rapped over the head over a concept that the show catches and chooses to explore.
this analysis segues into another conversation that we should be having - I do understand that framing lan and siuan in context of their relationships to moiraine as the protagonist of the series is inevitable, smart writing. but after laying the foundation for their characters in s1 and establishing their motivations there was absolutely no need to continue to frame them in context of their relationship to moiraine almost to the exclusion of all other facets of their characterisations. liandrin was clearly afforded a lot more generous writing and screentime and it’s a Problem and also very bad writing when an antagonist is afforded more screentime than your ACTUAL PROTAGONISTS. some of these writing choices are really racist, period.
with regards to discussions about assault and abuse in this episode I will say this once, and only once:
moiraine transferring lan’s bond to myrelle in the books was an act of desperation undertaken only because lan’s life was at stake. moiraine ACTUALLY asking alanna to forcibly take lan’s bond is akin to threatening him with assault. it’s bad writing meant to make her seem a lot more colder to justify the intervention that we see later on. lan offering an apology to moiraine at the end of the episode without any apology in turn displays the writers’ sheer lack of sensitivity in handling the whole conversation.
the show using the oath rod flippantly is another angle that really boils my blood because it clearly would’ve enabled worser amyrlins to exercise power with impunity. ELAIDA was famously the amyrlin who wanted to extract oaths of allegiance from her sisters.
ELAIDA was also famously the amyrlin who gave orders to have rand transported to the tower so that she could use him as a weapon and deny him any agency. the tower *has* no rules for dealing with the dragon in the books and the show chose to manufacture it to no real benefit except awkward, badly executed conflict. siuan and moiraine may have often attempted to control rand in the books - and they were at least partly right sometimes because they had more worldly knowledge and experience than he did - but it’s important to the story that they choose not to deny him his agency and give him plenty of leeway and that elaida specifically thinks of him only as a tool. rand also being physically restrained by the shielding weave and possibly sleeping in that position uncomfortably reminds me of the box sequence in lord of chaos.
siuan compelling moiraine to follow her orders, as a partner she’s been intimate with, is akin to assault. rosamund pike made very specific acting choices that are jarring and difficult to ignore. moiraine gave that oath to siuan in 1x06 implicitly trusting her with her bodily and psychological wellbeing and siuan specifically chooses to violate it. it’s a step away from using the weave for compulsion (which is explicitly also stated as being forbidden btw!)
rand’s scenes when he’s shielded by siuan being juxtaposed against egwene’s scenes with renna was a very bad choice and the editing was so fucking awkward. if the choice was intentionally meant to generate conversations about autonomy it was a very bad one to make.
you know what the kicker is? lan’s exposition to nynaeve about the damane deserving to be free in WH (or was it CoT or KoD? I don’t remember very well) because it was every human’s right despite the harm that they might be capable of causing explicitly positions ELAIDA as a bad person. what does it say about siuan after this episode? any person able to wilfully participate in taking away another person’s autonomy is not a good person, full stop.
theories about siuan being under compulsion (by liandrin) are. fine. it doesn’t explain the showrunners basically speaking from moiraine’s perspective of the tragic turn that the romance took or ignorantly comparing it to the kind of assault ishamael performed on moiraine without any selfawareness or the disconnect in liandrin apparently trying to get rand back in the tower because lanfear and ishamael clearly want him in falme but whatever (unless speculation that another forsaken is free is true). I won’t dismiss it right now, but I don’t think they’re correct. there’s enough clues in the show to make it a plausible theory, but not necessarily a probable one - and it doesn’t explain siuan’s faith in her judgement about treating rand like weapon earlier in the episode.
I’m just…. lol. exasperated. I’m indifferent to her but there’s a very obvious sense of people condemning tuon for being a horrible person in the fandom - and like yeah she IS a horrible person but that’s still textually acknowledged. what is also textually acknowledged is the difficult process involved in deprograming people. when your show can’t understand the textbook definition of assault I’m a lot more unlikely to trust the showrunners actually!
*characters like ishamael, lanfear and min obviously needed overhauling because they were very badly done but their fundamental, core characterisations and motives still remain intact so they work. siuan and lan aren’t even afforded the grace of well-considered changes to their characterisations.
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romans-art · 7 months
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@unreasonablereasoner @amemoryofwot
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highladyluck · 4 days
13 books tag game, tagged by @amemoryofwot and @asha-mage (incidentally I typoed that as "amemeryofwot" which would be an excellent sideblog concept, maybe snatch that one up?)
1) Last book I read:
Mistress of the Empire by Raymond Feist & Janny Wurts (at the time I started filling this out, anyway… I've been working on this ask for several days) This whole trilogy was a delight, thanks to @sixth-light for telling me I would love Mara!
2) A book I recommend:
The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord. It's a quiet little road trip romance exploring grief & diaspora, in a setting that I can best describe as 'if Madeline L'Engle had been in charge of Star Trek worldbuilding'. (If you squint you can see analogues to humans, Vulcans, Romulans, and Orions, but the tone is reminiscent of L'Engle.) There are sequels that follow different characters but this is the first one and it works as a standalone. I feel like it has a lovely light touch on some intense subjects and I appreciate the way each chapter works as a separate story while still fitting into the whole.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
I remember staying up past my bedtime for The Monster Baru Cormorant, I think? At the very least, that's where we first get my beloved Tau-Indi, and the pacing on the climax is kinda weird, about 2/3rds in, so I think I would have read through to it without stopping. I don't know if this question is supposed to be about compellingness or pacing? Probably compellingness, I think I'm weirdly fixated on structure when I read things. But sometimes I think books you 'can't put down' are at least partially that way because there's no damn place to breathe, and I don't entirely approve.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
I see from literally everyone who has tagged me in this that this is one of the two free spaces for Wheel of Time, but I'll switch it up: Lifeboats by Diane Duane. It's set between Young Wizards 9 & 10 and deals with an emergency response team permanently evacuating an entire alien population from a natural disaster (RIP their moon and also consequently their planet). This novel is a huge comfort read for me and is undoubtedly the Young Wizards work I've read the most. I don't really know how to explain what it means to me… I wish I had had it when I was living and working in a foreign country.
5) A book on my TBR
A friend recommended Cahokia Jazz (in general, not to me specifically) and it sounds SO MUCH like my jam. I suspect if I can't find it at my library soon, I'll end up buying the ebook.
6) A book I’ve put down
Can't think of a recent one, but if I hadn't forced myself to finish reading it because it was a Hugo Award nominee, I would have DNF'd Project Hail Mary.
7) A book on my wish list
I wish for more Baru Cormorant but I also literally cannot imagine how Seth is going to write that next book. So like, I'm girding my loins for Baru #4 either 15 years from now or never.
8) A favourite book from childhood
When I was really little I loved the Berenstain Bear books and my mom HATED that I loved them ("they were so badly written!" - my mom the children's librarian) but she bought them for me anyway. That's love.
9) A book you would give a friend
You all need to read Middlemarch by George Eliot. I don't care what stage of life you're at, you will find something resonant in it. Read it now, and read it again in 20 years. Give it to recent high school grads. Give it as a wedding present. Take it to the beach. BUT I am specifically recommending it to the WoT contingent, because the characters are so good!
10) The most books you own by a single author
It's actually either Diane Duane or Terry Pratchett, and DD's probably winning because I don't have every Pratchett book but I do have almost every DD book including tie-in novels.
11) A nonfiction book you own
Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age by Annalee Newitz. I don't read a ton of nonfiction but the writing is very engaging and I think cities are neat.
12) what are you currently reading
I'm between books but I just finished The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles (as I am writing this part several days after question 1). I didn't like it as much as the first one, The Mimicking of Known Successes, but I think it's just a taste thing. I didn't like being in Pleiti's POV very much, her overthinking is too much like mine and it alternately stresses me out and makes me angry, because I can see the assumptions/unhelpful thought patterns but I can't fix them. Obviously, to draw that reaction from me the characters are well-defined, and I like everything else about the series, I just hope it goes back to Mossa's POV.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
WHEN WILL 'RED SIDE STORY' BY JASPER FFORDE REACH MY HOUSE??? I have been waiting like 15 years for this sequel to Shades of Grey and the entire point of preordering it was so I could have it ASAP. I could have walked into a bookstore on May 9th and walked out with it, and instead I won't get it until tomorrow. >:(
I think I am supposed to add a shelfie? The organizing principles(s) of this shelf in my bedroom are very weird…. Classics/adventure, fantasy, popular science writing? Someday I need to reshelve everything in the house according to size/favoriteness/genre/theme/vibes (in that order) but I haven’t felt like it.
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I think pretty much everyone I was going to tag already got tagged, so whoever want to do it, go ahead!
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twicetolivetwicetodie · 5 months
Tag Game: 9 Favorite Characters
tagged by @amemoryofwot
1. Rand al'Thor (The Wheel of Time)
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"I will never serve him. In a thousand lifetimes, I never have. I know that. I'm sure of it."
2. Nynaeve al'Meara (The Wheel of Time)
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"I'm not like you. If this test is about turning my back on the people I love, the people who trust me to take care of them, if being an Aes Sedai means trusting the Tower over everything and everyone else, I won't. Never."
3. Egwene al'Vere (The Wheel of Time)
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"It didn't make sense to me, how we could connect to each other. At first, I thought it was like the warder bond. Then I realized that you can see our weaves too. You feel it when I channel because we're linked. We're the same."
4. Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
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"No one is born broken. Someone breaks us."
5. Ezra Bridger (Star Wars: Rebels)
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"You think you can take whatever you want. Things you didn't make, didn't earn, things you don't understand. You don't deserve to have this art or Lothal."
6. Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
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"You're a good soldier, Rex. So is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not giing to be the one who kills them."
7. Kaladin Stormblessed (The Stormlight Archive)
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(Art by Yaili)
"I am death itself, Defeated One. And I've finally caught up with you."
8. FitzChivalry Farseer (Realm of the Elderlings)
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(Art by Nientary)
"It was inside me. The more I sought it, the stronger it grew. It loved me. Loved me even if I couldn't, wouldn't, didn't love myself. Love me even if I hated."
9. Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley (Moon Knight)
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“I kept wishing I’d fail and one of them would kill me instead.” -Marc Spector
“You’re all into that? Killing children? Maybe it’s just me but I draw a line at child murder.” -Steven Grant
"Hoy Te Toca Perder." (Today is your turn to lose.) -Jake Lockley
tagging: @agentmarymargaretskitz @hanorganaas @eddie-spaghettis-tozier @lordgolden @butterflydm @tragediegh @killervibe @barryallenis @usagi @rhaeneystargaryen @acesammy @procrastinatingsab
And whoever else wants to do it
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jaqobis · 5 months
tag game: 9 favorite characters
tagged by: @amemoryofwot
oh my gosh this is so hard I LOVE SO MANY...but let's go:
cersei lannister, asoiaf
rand al'thor, wot
naomi nagata, the expanse
marisa coulter, his dark materials
luke skywalker, star wars
number five, the umbrella academy
egwene al'vere, wot
percy jackson, pjo
dutch, killjoys
not a comprehensive list, but a sampling of faves! i tried to keep to one per fandom but choosing between rand and egwene is simply impossible klsdjfs
tagging: @astromechs @amyrlinegwene @dorrinverrakai1 @gaygingersnaps @frostbitepandaaaaa @markantonys
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wheresmulder · 5 months
Tag Game: 9 Favorite Characters
I was tagged by @amemoryofwot let's goo
#1 you already know who it is
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Greatest character of all time and loml Janet from the good place yes we are all shocked that I picked her I'm sure but I got a tattoo for a reason THANK YOU JANET
#2 you're gonna start seeing a pattern here
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GLaDOS from portal (yes I love AI)
#3 this is the part where I list my otps as if they're one character lmao
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I mean. What is there to say. Greta Gill and Carson Shaw absolutely own me
#4 another obvious one
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These idiots. Mulder and Scully. You know em you love em the revival never happened if I never watch it 😌
#5 the ogs
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Xena and Gabrielle are mandatory
#6 another shocker
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It's gelphie. Surprise
#7 alright this is my last couples skate
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Siuan and Moiraine from wheel of time even if they hurt me bad
#8 this bitch
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I won't elaborate, iykyk
#9 I just
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I just love calcifer ok. Idk. Howl's moving castle
I am tagging @masterpieceofunderstatement @not-quitenormal @iscariotmilf @defectivegembrain @unjust-dust @sungmee @morewinepls @briannysey @loamvessel
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asha-mage · 5 months
Tag Game: 9 Favorite Characters
Tagged by @anyboli
1 - Rand al'Thor, from The Wheel of Time.
"We rode on the winds of the rising storm, We ran to the sounds of thunder; We danced among the lightning bolts, and tore the world asunder."
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2 - Nynaeve al'Meara, The Wheel of Time
"I can’t let myself begin to think that nothing I do matters. That’s what the Dark One wants."
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3 - Tidus, Final Fantasy X
"I know it sounds selfish...but this is my story!"
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4 - Yuna, Final Fantasy X
"I will live with my sorrow. I will live my own life. I will defeat sorrow, in his place. I will stand my ground and be strong. I don't know when it will be, but some day...I will conquer it!"
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5 - Merlin, Merlin BBC
"It's... lonely. To be more powerful than any man you know, and have to live like a shadow. To be special, and have to pretend you're a fool.
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6 - Adam Taurus, RWBY
"You'll see / I'm their hero /I'll be lionized /I have the strength to do what's needed / Unify our people with no compromise! /Champion the truth until they recognize! / Lead them to salvation and regain our lives!"
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7 - Aegon II Targaryen, House of the Dragon/Fire and Blood
"I didn't ask for this."
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8 - Rhaenyra Targaryen, House of the Dragon/Fire and Blood
"I will make a new order of things."
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9 - Ashe Duran, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
"There's no point in regretting what I've done. I chose to join this fight."
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Tagging: @reflectionsofacreator @vvayward-wind @highladyluck @barbariccia @veliseraptor @kevin-sedai @lordgolden @amemoryofwot @ace-and-ranty
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birgittesilverbae · 9 months
… first favourite chapter of the books? 👀
this is probably unhinged of me, but TSR ch 47 The Truth of a Viewing
strong opening with parallels to Mat's tactics post-being-filled-with-men supporting Siuan's leadership qualities
the slow-rising horror for the reader as you realize how much information she has but both you and she know how little she can do with it. within the opening two paragraphs it's a dread that only ratchets up as the chapter carries on.
the hints to what's to come by the end of the chapter, "Three Sitters for three different Ajahs had proposed holding all plans close in the Hall" and thus ensuring that the general population of Aes Sedai would be unaware that Siuan had been (somewhat) transparent
how thoroughly her one safe space is torn away from her, and still she has the wherewithal to ensure she snaps her box of secrets shut.
layering on insult after insult, shielded and forced to watch the invasion of her chambers, the powers she'd always hoped might free her used to bind her instead
the internal monologue consistently downplaying the situation even as her physical reactions are amped up to the max, and still she's the schemer they make her out to be, running her mouth to give herself time to think and seed doubt in Elaida's party
the slip when Elaida reveals that this is personal. "Do you think I - we - would allow you to destroy the Tower?"
dragged out past her dying Warder and still turning immediately to planning. pushed and stumbling but refusing to lose her footing, still fighting not to show Elaida any emotion no matter what she does to her, even twenty years after that "training" bordering on torture. (the indignity she'll shortly feel in this streak having been broken)
the absolute asshole wording that is "Siuan opened her eyes, stirred, winced, and was still."
waking up stilled and immediately reframing her situation [the luxury of knowing she was still breathing]. another indignity in stripping her bare as they have stripped her of the source. unable to grasp saidar but at least she can grasp the physical pain. always always trying to focus herself, to regain control
trying to speedrun acceptance as she confronts becoming rudderless now, trying to face the bastards on her feet. getting knocked down and picking herself up over and over and over again, resilient, relentless
the response to the Tower breaking that Moiraine will mirror to Egwene in that TFOH chapter
plying Min for information and recalculating, recalculating, reframing, parsing all of it into something approaching meaning
kneeling for Elaida, knowing what must be done no matter if it kills her to do it
realising the oaths don't apply anymore and immediately using that as a tool, as a weapon, trying to internalize it as an advantage
it's just everything I adore about Siuan packed into a single chapter that finds her at her lowest point and tilts her head up towards the distant light of the surface.
Even now, after Elaida has stripped so much from her, Siuan is still buried in layer upon layer of ice and rage and purpose, flailing about beneath it all to try and keep her head above water. As long as she repeats it to herself often it will become truth. There are advantages to this, she just has to find them. It's horrendous, but she can't undo it, so she fights to move past it, fights to move forward, fights to hold herself together. She may have lost this battle, but the war has only just begun.
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lordgolden · 1 year
Ok yes fitzloved this fitzloved that that single mother Dragon with two jobs got me like 👀
TINTAGLIA!!!!! AN ICON!!!!!!!!! incredible dragon content in realm of the elderlings like 10000/10 I love Hobb's dragons
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matrimcauthon21 · 1 year
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@amemoryofwot You are on Tumblr staff's Twitter!
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ofthebrownajah · 1 year
get to know me(me)
tagged by @amemoryofwot and tag 9 people to get to know better
three ships: RandMin (Wheel of Time), Fitzloved (Realm of the Elderlings), WestAllen (The Flash)
first ever ship: I don't know actually? I'd really have to think back
last song: Not a single song, but the Wheel of Time soundtrack
last movie: Across the Spiderverse 🕷️
currently reading: The Kingdom of Gods by N.K. Jemisin
Currently consuming: not eating or drinking anything but I am currently binge watching The Clone Wars animated series and am emotionally compromised
currently craving: more sleep (but I know I won't get it cause I never go to bed at a decent time)
Tagging: @lordgolden @wheelwheelwheel @spectrum-color @molasses-iv @wheel-of-fine @hawksnat @birgittesilverbae @markantonys @bi-aviendha
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gunkreads · 6 days
13 books tag game, tagged by @amemoryofwot (thanks!)
1) Last book I read:
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant; I finished it a while ago and have been reading incredibly slowly since because, in the wise words of @pillowfriendly, the problem with baru cormorant is that many things are not as good as baru cormorant. Go. Read. Masquerade.
2) A book I recommend:
Hmm, this one's tough (too many options). City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett. Not the most prominent book on Tumblr, from what I've seen, but the first book in one of my favorite series, and has some absolutely staggeringly good worldbuilding and politics, as well as surprisingly well-done action.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Sphere by Michael Crichton. I read it when I was 15. Started it at about 6 pm and was late for school the next day because I read the whole thing that night. Truly terrifying book for a kid, but lives in my head to this day.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
Name of the Wind--I reread Kingkiller Chronicle about once every year or two. It's my all time favorite series, I think.
5) A book on my TBR
SO MANY SO FUCKING GODDAMN MANY. I need to finish Grave of Empires, so Three Axes to Fall would be next, I think.
6) A book I’ve put down
Exordia. I'm.... so sorry. I want to get back to it someday, but I picked it up when I was in a bit of a reading slump and just wasn't in the mood. Modern dialogue is fun to write, but I don't like reading it, and something about the whole tone of the book just felt too Tom Clancy/Clive Cussler to me.
7) A book on my wish list
Shorefall! Robert Jackson Bennett has another series he just finished, the Founders, and I absolutely adored the first installment, Foundryside, but my library doesn't have Shorefall.
8) A favourite book from childhood
Eragon. It's not good, but I kept the copy my parents got me when I was four years old. I didn't finish it then, of course, but I went back and plugged through when I was about six. First chapter book I ever read, and my introduction to fantasy as a whole. Immense sentimental value, but would be kindling if I came across it today.
9) A book you would give a friend
I've given several friends copies of Red Rising, specifically to break them out of YA. The first book is sort of on the cusp between YA and New Adult, so I think it's a great way to show people "Hey, there's way more out there that'll actually cater to your intelligence."
10) The most books you own by a single author
Well... I have Eye of the World through Crown of Swords from my now-abandoned attempt to find all of Wheel of Time in paperback at used bookstores, and that's 7, so that.
11) A nonfiction book you own
I've got a copy of the 2017 AP style guide on my desk for work. It's pretty fun to reference, actually.
12) what are you currently reading
Four, sort of! Gardens of the Moon, the first Malazan Book of the Fallen book; Sleeping Giants, something I found on Libby and was reasonably well hooked by; Rubicon, which I found at the library's discarded-book sale; and Don Quixote, which I may or may not finish before the heat-death of the universe.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
I got a copy of A Farewell to Arms because I've sorta picked up through the grapevine that Hemingway might be up my alley. I don't really read classics, so I'm interested to see how it goes.
No pressure tags:
@pillowfriendly @anyboli @briannysey @asha-mage @coffeefirst-thenspacepirates @flame-of-tar-valon
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