#and Adolin would do it for fashion
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I've been messing around with my simpler art style all weekend and I also saw a few pictures of Adolin in a dress, so here you go! Both of the Kholin brothers in pretty dresses.
Below is the reference I used for Adolin's pose.
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cosmerelists · 6 months
Cosmere Characters in Costco
The title says it all, really.
[Previously: Cosmere characters in Ikea]
1. Wayne & Marasi
Marasi: Wayne...is that another new hat? Wayne: Why yes, dearie. I'm now Egrid Sternsberger, a little old lady who simply must try one of those mini hamburgers! Marasi: ...I think they'll give you multiple samples if you just ask. You don't have to keep switching hats. Wayne: Now, where would be the fun in that?
2. Shallan, Veil, Radiant
Radiant: Now, remember--it requires a majority vote before we make any big impulse purchases. Shallan: This vodka bottle is the size of my torso and will therefore last a long time. Veil: That's a good reason. Radiant: ...I'll just get another cart.
3. Ham and Dockson
Ham: Hey, do you know where Kelsier went off to? For that matter, where's Vin? Dockson: [Points silently upwards, to where Vin & Kelsier crouch on top of those big, metal, Costco warehouse shelves, mistcloaks rippling] Dockson: They like to be high. Ham: W-We're inside! How is there a breeze?!
4. Lift & Wyndle
Lift: Man, that was great! Lift: I stole food from every one of those little stands and nobody caught me! Wyndle: Mistress, like I keep telling you, those stands are giving away the free samples! There was no need to-- Lift: I am the greatest thief of all time!
5. Painter and Yumi
Painter: Please let me get another cart. Yumi: I said we don't need another cart! Painter: Y-You've stacked the cart so high that people are afraid to come within six feet of us! Yumi: Who do you think you're talking to? I can go way higher than this! Painter: Yumi please
6. Adolin & Kaladin
Adolin: Ta-da! What do you think? Kaladin: About your...clothes? Adolin: Yeah! It's all from here! Adolin: I got shorts with lots of pockets, this colorful buttoned shirt, this big hat, these sunglasses--even these cool plastic shoes with holes for airflow AND these socks! Adolin: I am going to revolutionize fashion. Kaladin: ... Adolin: What? Even Wit liked it! Kaladin: I'll be going now. Adolin: Wait! I got a matching outfit for you too! Kaladin come baaaack!
7. Tress & Charlie
Tress: Wow, this one is amazing too! Tress: It's a bit bent and a bit stained, but you can really see that it's been on a journey. Tress: Oooh! This one's an interesting shape! I think it was for strawberries! Charlie: Man, and to think they just give all of these cardboard boxes away for free!
8. Navani & Rushu
Navani: That is...quite the tower of toilet paper. Rushu: How do you suppose they get the top ones down? Some kind of machine, presumably? Do you think it's stacked for space efficiency or is it meant to inspire awe, as well? Rushu: ...Should I take one from the bottom to see what happens? Navani: ...Just grab one of the ones with the bear on it, for now. Rushu: Later then?
9. Rock & Skar
Rock: I love this place! All the food is sized for a while squad! Rock: Look at this! It's a cooked chicken the size of my HEAD! Skar: I found a rack of ribs that would take two men to carry! Rock: Tonight's stew will be a true wonder.
10. Nale and Szeth
Nale: And here is what I wanted to show you--this icon of justice. Szeth: ...A hotdog the size of my forearm? Nale: Yes. Nale: Do you understand what I am trying to teach you? Szeth: Hotdogs are...justice? Nale: This one is. Nale: The owner declared that the price would remain in stone, and that no change would be permitted while he yet lived. Nale: Lack of change? An enduring ruling? A man willing to stake his life on it? Nale: It is a hotdog of justice indeed, Szeth.
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annoyinglyobsessive · 3 months
Hello these are all my head cannons for the stormlight college AU I’m never gonna write. Feel free to use them if you want.
Adolin is a fashion design minor (dalinar is very disappointed) and a physical sciences major. He also does wrestling on the side.
kaladin starts as a med student and is the soccer captain (the team is bridge 4) his dad really wants him to become a doctor but he drops his medical major and goes into psychology instead.
Shallan is a natural science major with a minor in art.
Jasnah is a history teacher and takes shallen under her wing (she argues with hoid (the drama teacher) about who shallans fav is)
Dalinar became headmaster after caliber died and started a scandal when he started dating the engineering teacher Navani
Rlain is in the soccer team and transferred from the rival school. He gets shit about it sometimes.
Renarin wanted to do wrestling with adolin but couldent due to epilepsy and bad eyes so he accepted it and is a math major.
The various Spren are all younger siblings. Maya suffered a traumatic brain injury as a child and is nonverbal. Adolin will quite literally fight anyone who talks bad about her.
The original plot was gonna be shallen is a year younger that the others and falls in love with kaladin and adolin who are in an established relationship. It would be from her point of view and stuff but feel free to do whatever you want with this. Please tag me in anything you cr we are I want to see!
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moash · 1 year
How do you think kaladin would fare in a modern setting? Like, shallan and adolin are quite easy to put into boxes (artist, fashion designer etc) but kaladin, besides being a medschool dropout, is not as easy to translate, I feel. Do you think he'd be one of those easily indoctrinated kids that enlist in the us army thinking they're doing good in the world?
i can’t imagine kaladin being in a modern military, like it doesn’t compute for me. i imagine him as a med school dropout who returns home to help at his dads clinic just w paperwork stuff bc he’s not licensed. i like what @stormlight-archive said that the modern “war zone” equivalent for him would have been like doing his residency in an ER and working insane hours and seeing people die all the time, so maybe not a dropout. american healthcare is a war zone tbh
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5, 9 - Adolin
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
It's still Fuck You by Lily Allen 😭 He is on his bed with his ipod in 2008 daydreaming of highprince murder
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh absolutely. I feel like if there was going to be any character that would be supportive and understanding of when I forget to do the dishes for the third day in a row it would be Adolin. I've been sitting here trying to think of a reason why we would fight and I'm kind of coming up with nothing. We could talk about fashion and horses I think we'd have a swell time. Probably he has mediocre taste in movies though.
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slayerofsnails · 1 year
What kind of social media do you think the various characters of the cosmere would use? I feel like Adolin would be on snapchat and pinterest for fashion, Wax on linkedin, Wayne on tumblr and reddit but I'm not sure on the others. Thoughts?
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game, please! This is probably OOC but during the event of the first book, or maybe a little before, Adolin flips the bird at his father and decides that he deserves nice things, such as beautiful clothes instead of stuffy uniform and also some stabbing. Renarin approves of his brother being happy. Please.
We can let Adolin snap earlier, as a treat.
1- the reason is this- he wears that lovely embroidery he did, and Dalinar makes a comment about not being a fop (read: gay (remember homophobic blackthorn flashback??)) in earshot of Renarin, who Adolin knows is gay because they're good brothers ya know. And Adolin, who's already resisted stabbing Sadeas once that day in defense of Renarin, snaps. "Is that really the worst thing I can be, Father? I'm perfectly capable of remembering honor in my command, in dueling, in keeping my head while also holding a needle on occasion. You keep the code as much as you wish, Almighty knows it's better than being a drunkard, and I'll practice something called moderation."
2- and honestly Adolin feels back afterwards but like he can't back down?? Because he's not going to look weak or like he's putting his father over his brother, even though Renarin doesn't need him to do this. And, well, it feels good in a way- Sadeas isn't a problem because he wears fashionable silks, he's a problem because he's reprehensible and murderously greedy. If Adolin can be a shining example of honor just as fashionable as him, won't that highlight Sadeas's problems better than his father's ways?
3- Anyway, Navani just shrugs when Dalinar complains to her. She's seen worse in the way of father son relationships and Adolin seems willing to work with him still on everything he's just wearing what clothes he wants. Elhokar is jealous of feeling that freedom under ever closer expectations and disapproval. And, since Adolin participating in trends again means that he becomes something of a leader in them, influencing the rest of the camps, and Sadeas somehow keeps finding himself behind, which he finds annoying.
4- he holds out hope that this is a sign he can turn Adolin against his father though, get a blackthorn 2. He's half right! Unfortunately for him, this means when Adolin comes to his secret meeting to hear him out about ousting his father, he comes armed with a knife and uh. Well. Anyway. You know :)
5- so while Kaladin is sneaking down into the cavern to get spheres for his men, he finds Adolin down there hiding a body. Sadeas's body. And his first reaction is "oh storms no, I'm not getting blamed for this too." Adolin is offended because he wouldn't throw this random guy under the bus, but Kaladin points to his forehead and you know, that everyone would believe Adolin (he doesn't recognize who this is at first, just saw the blue eyes under the hooded cloak), Adolin is like "ok true, but I still wouldn't." Kaladin asks if he even thought this through, and Adolin said he didn't, he just meant to defend his family- but now that he's thinking more clearly, it's likely someone will be called from the princedom to take over, maybe Amaran. (Kaladin: ew. Adolin: wait you don't like him either?) Kaladin figures this guy is crazy anyway and tells him the story. Adolin completely trusts him and reveals his identity, then points out there shouldn't be many bridge runs from Sadeas camp until there's a new leader, so perhaps Kaladin will have some time to meet with him in secret and they figure something out? Kaladin figures he has little left to lose and can at least set his men up well, and agrees.
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spectrum-color · 9 months
Random question but do you think the characters from the following series would get along with each other:
The Wheel of Time
The Stormlight Archive
Realm of the Elderlings
This is a good question! It varies I think. Like Fitz would probably respect the wonder girls and Aviendha because they are the kind of strong women he’s used to and commiserate with Rand on the world changing destiny and chronic mental illness, but I think he would get annoyed with Perrin for trying so hard to reject the wolves. As a fellow wolf man who has embraced it he would be like wtf why are you so against being a wolf brother I’m offended on Nighteyes behalf. The Fool would absolutely hate Mat too and probably say some hilariously cutting things to him, because though they’re similar in some ways as trickster characters they have key differences (Mat constantly tries to escape his destiny while the Fool takes his very seriously, Mat married the Seanchan empress and there’s nothing the Fool hates more than deeply hierarchal and repressive societies.) He would totally hit it off with Min though; they could talk about the burden of knowing the future and what it’s like to be hopelessly in love with an emotionally dysfunctional man. Kettricken would be all in on Aiel and their culture; I think the ji’hi’toh thing would really resonate with her and her views on duty and sacrifice.
Bringing Stormlight into it, Kaladin would click with both Rand and Fitz. Tortured heroes who blame everything on themselves and are full of guilt and general angst. Fitz would find Shallan annoying and not understand her at all, despite ironically using the exact same coping mechanisms of repression and denial, because he has no self awareness and doesn’t like seeing his own issues reflected like that, but the Fool would def feel a kinship with her and they would be besties. The Fool would also really like Renarin; he tends to pick out the nearest outcast and bond with them plus queer solidarity. Chade would LOVE Jasnah; he would def see her as like the ideal template for a queen with her ruthlessness and analytical nature and be getting into all sorts of discussions with her. Mat, Adolin, and Burrich can all bond over the care and keeping of horses. Adolin, the Fool, Nynaeve, and Elayne could also form a little fashion club (Mat would show up every time and insist that he’s not actually a part of it he just happens to stumble upon them when he’s in the area.) Fitz and the Fool would also be considerably less bothered by Moash than the Stormlight characters because political violence and assassinating bad leaders is much more normalized in their world; Chade may even admire his effectiveness. Szeth and Fitz would have a hilariously awkward convo on being assassins where they just talk past each other because though neither of them enjoy it their respective books have very different approaches.
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Ok so I started watching Nimona with @theonewithallthefixations and we had lots of thoughts and we’ve decided to write them down. I probably don’t remember everything, and this will likely be disorganized, so bear with me, but:
Todd, the dude with a punchable face, is Groose pre-redemption. Many of Todd’s actions, mannerisms, etc. we now project upon Groose
To me specifically (Fixa hasn’t read the stormlight archive), ambrosius and ballister remind of adolin and kaladin respectively.
One is a respected descendant of the honored family and is basically destined to be a leading fighter, the golden boy, black/blond hair, fashionable (idk if ambrosius picks his own outfits like ado does but either way it looks good)
the other is not even close to royalty, had a rough childhood, but managed to gain power and respect anyway, generally broody, dark hair and eyes, all that.
Of course the main difference between the pairs is that when Kaladin is made to be a criminal, adolin sits it out with him; but when Bal is framed an assassin, Ambrosius helps hunt him down, but of course kal just criticized a lighteyes and was immediately imprisoned while bal “killed” the queen and was able to run away, so that situation’s not really comparable.
Nimona feels like legend mostly in that snarky and stubborn pink bunny who likes the destruction of public property and is willing to murder
“Arm chopping is not a love language!” Both nimona and ambro say this (technically ambro never says this out loud, but he wants to, and that counts) and based on this (and other things, but this is what sparked it), the two are likely very similar.  It seems like Bal has always been the broody type, so both probably had to force him to hang out with them; Ambro would probably be very chaotic if he were not essentially a prince (idk if Gloreth was actually royalty, or just highly respected, but either way he’s got a lot of influence due to his relation); there might be other things
When Ambro and Bal get married, they can adopt Nim and it will be great.
How old is Nim? Would they even need to adopt her? I mean, technically, you can adopt adults, it’s just a lot more ceremonial, then actually promising to provide for a person’s needs, but they could still adopt her, even if she was an adult. I don’t think she is, but I don’t really know.
oh! More potential things w Ambro and Nim: we think she may be either The monster from the beginning, sequence or be related to it. If she’s a descendent, then her story would mirror Ambro’s, with him, being destined for greatness and heroism to do to his ancestry, and her being destined to terrorize and hurt people
Additionally, it seems like neither are happy with their current situation as influenced by their ancestry. Ambro says (thinks) that he never asked to be related to Gloreth, and while Nim clearly lives her abilities, she is sad to be made a villain
We found Ambro’s last name to be amusing: Goldenloin. That will surely make their wedding night interesting
That’s all for now. We’re going to be able to finish the movie tomorrow, and Fixa will update with our further thoughts.
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if-one-of-us-falls · 2 years
Would love to hear about your fanfic ideas!
hiii !
(RoW spoilers in this)
So I had this idea for a long time where Lift is struggling with gender and dysphoria about her body changing. In Lift fashion, she decided if the Nightwatcher and magic didn't help, maybe she should seek the help of a doctor. She happens to know one person who:
-is a doctor
-is a Radiant
-has changed an aspect of his appearance that seemed to be stuck on him despite Stormlight being supposed to heal it
-in general radiates energy of Older Brother Who's Fun To Bug (but also feels trustworthy)
So one day Kaladin is minding his business doing inventory in the clinic or whatever when he catches Lift hanging out in the vent in the ceiling.
Kaladin: We don't keep food in the clinic, Lift. You should try somewhere else
Lift: I'm not here for food. I'm starving sick :(
Kaladin: What are you talking about? Radiants don't get sick
So Lift explains the problem, and at first Kaladin is like "dude you're ok it's just puberty" but they evolve into a heart-to-heart where Lift explains how much it bothers her and why and they talk about the nature of healing. Kaladin doesn't know how to help but he's willing to try to research the medical side and maybe some other ways Lift can feel more comfortable in her skin. Protective older brother energy etc
This is what I have of this idea. I will probably never actually write it because I don't feel qualified to write about trans/ enby issues, but it was nice to finally get it out. I used she/her here for Lift because that's what she uses in the book but maybe by the end of this she can experiment with other pronouns. Also It would be cool to fit Renarin in there somehow (the kal-ren-lift dynamic has sooo much potential) and maybe other characters (Rlain as a member of a species with bodies that transform all the time and has a bit of a different perspective on gender, Shallan as a lightweaver experienced in trying out different personas, Adolin who knows a lot about clothes and how to use them to feel more in control of your body. The list can go on).
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Rhythm of War spoilers
so Leshwi had an honorspren friend who wasn’t bonded to her, and we’ve seen Syl talk to + form her own relationships with other people who isn’t Kaladin (her taking fashion advice from Adolin is so cute! I would totally watch a makeover show with Adolin, just sayin’)
given Maya’s partial rehabilitation at the end of the Shadesmar arc, i can’t help but wonder... is it possible to have spren work with, but not bond with, people? with deadeyes it might be that their broken oaths prevent them from making new ones, but maybe they’ll be able to act as a kind of ‘willing’ shardblade—shifting forms but not granting associated surges? if that’s possible, would KR squires (those who hang around KRs but have not bonded a spren) be able to get a 'willing’ shardblade without being bonded necessarily? or would their association with KRs make it unpleasant for them to handle deadeyes (even revived ones)?
like, i definitely think rehabilitating/reviving deadeyes would take years—Adolin talked to Maya for a long time before knowing she’s anything more than a fancy sword—and arming squires with partially revived shardblades wouldn’t be a viable war tactic, but i just think it’s cool as heck if we see spren therapy programs alongside human therapy programs running during the back half of the series. i think spren interacting with humans aids in their revival/recovery (deadeyes do not seem to react to their spren caretakers), and we don’t really know the effect of unbonded intelligent spren presence on people who need help, so it’d be kinda rad if there are like... buddy programs or whatever between deadeyes and people who need therapy. (ofc not everyone or every deadeye spren is suitable for programs like these; it depends on their specific circumstances)
as for non-deadeyes working with humans without bonding them... i think it’ll be interesting to explore alternative ways of people-spren interactions outside of a radiant bond
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Adolin learned to fight in high heels and platforms because when people bullied renarin he could beat them up or challenge them to a duel, fight them in heels, win, and then taunt them about it. Branderson told me this himself.
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cosmerelists · 13 hours
Stormlight Characters Meet an Octopus
As requested by @miss-madithe-baddie :)
It's Octopus Time on Roshar!
1. Kaladin
Kaladin: [stares at octopus] Octopus: [stares at Kaladin] Kaladin: So it...what? Is it one of those creatures that squishes down into crevices during storms? It doesn't look like it has bones. Kaladin: Kinda big though. Would need a big crevice. Octopus: [stares at Kaladin] Kaladin: ... Kaladin: I feel like it's judging me, somehow.
2. Bridge Four
Moash: Well, I don't like it. Moash: An animal with no carapace is unnatural. Rlain: ...You're an animal without a carapace. Moash: W-Well, it's different for humans! We can build houses! Drehy: Maybe the giant squish bug builds houses. Drehy: We all saw it pick up the shell and put it on its head. Skar: That's more fashion than construction, I think. Sigzil: We saw it go into the water. It's a sea creature. Sigzil: Sea creatures don't need carapaces like land animals do. Moash: It's on the land right now!! Skar: Guys, shut up! It's wearing a shell as a hat again! Renarin: It really is quite fashionable.
3. Adolin
Adolin: Sure is weird looking! Adolin: Look! It has little sticky cups under its legs! Kaladin: D-Don't grab it! It's gonna bite you! Adolin: I bet it can crawl up walls 'n' stuff! Adolin: Hey, isn't that something you can do too, Bridgeboy? Kaladin: I use Stormlight! Not sticky vine legs! Adolin: Bet its some kind of tiny Windrunner. Kaladin: It is NOT!
4. Shallan
Shallan: Hush, all of you. Shallan: This thing is beautiful! Gorgeous! Octopus: [abruptly changes color to match surroundings] Shallan: !! Shallan: Talented! Amazing! Shallan: This might be the most important drawing I'll ever do! Adolin: ...You drew me last week for our wedding anniversary? Shallan: [already drawing] And you didn't even change color ONCE!
5. Lopen
Lopen: [staring intently at octopus] Lopen: [staring intently at octopus] Lopen: [staring intently at octopus] Lopen: [concentration face] Rock: ...You're trying to grow more arms, aren't you? Lopen: I didn't know EIGHT was an option!
6. Zahel
Zahel: I've seem those things before. Zahel: Very smart. Zahel: Very tasty. Rock: ...Tasty you say? Shallan: NO
7. Navani
Navani: Seeing this bizarre creature gives me so many ideas. Navani: Dalinar, do you think we should build semi-aquatic vehicles that can go on both land and water and develop color-changing camouflage technology? Dalinar [trying to be a supportive husband]: And perhaps the land-water vehicle could have...tentacles? Navani: No ideas are wrong in the brainstorming stage. Navani: But also no.
8. Dieno (the Mink)
Dieno: [gives octopus a bro nod] Octopus: [gives Dieno a bro nod back] Dalinar: ...What was that? Dieno: Ah, it is nothing! Just two master escape artists recognizing each other. Dalinar: Escape...artist? Dalinar: This creature has done nothing but sit on that rock and occasionally go into that pool this whole time. Dieno: Yet nevertheless, people like us...we recognize each other. Dalinar: ... Dalinar: [doubtfully] If you say so. 
9. Dalinar
It is later. Dalinar is walking through Urithiru. Something from above touches his face with a thwick sound. He looks up. The Octopus is looking down at him from the ceiling, one tentacle reaching down. Lift is also in the ceiling. Lift gives him a thumbs up. Dalinar keeps walking.
10. Lift
Lift: Today has been the greatest day of my life. Lift: I had no IDEA there so many vents 'n' shit that someone like you could squish through! Lift: And when you used your dark water attack to push that button? Amazing! Lift: Even I had trouble keeping up with you!! Lift: Truly, you are my new best friend.
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gwynbleiddyn · 2 years
For Mio: 🧸, 💍, and 👪 :-)
right in the honey nut feelios
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
he doesn't really have anything.
the clothes he had on his back were discarded pretty quickly once he got to Adolin's seeing as they were either charred to fuck or had several fashionable stab-holes. he had a shield - one of the first he'd made under Amun's watchful eye in the forges, but it was abandoned in Coldguard.
the only thing he would've kept would've been the jewellery he happened to have on at the time, which is what you see him fiddling with often - the rings and the sundisk pendant.
in terms of sentimentality, there is the lion's head ring that he asked Onu to return to his mother, that would have been the closest thing to something meaningful he was carrying on his person. i like to imagine it was a gift from his parents, but Tayret more so because she would refer to Mio as her lion cub, given all the time he spent with the prides and his own companion 🦁
answered 💍
[ 👪 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
i want to clarify, before anything, Mio loves his parents - loved his father, still dearly loves his mother - and his acknowledgement of how he was treated is something he's still processing. it's extremely ugly and messy and not at all straightforward.
Mio and Tayret were easy. there was no conflict, no difficulty in settling into the bond that they shared from very early on in Mio's life -- she was his safe harbour as he got older and started to realize the pressure he was under from Amun, and he has never forgotten that. her kindness kept him soothed, just as readily as her wit would keep him sharp. she always knew how to balance Mio's pendulum swing of emotions, particularly through a very rough adolescence, and she'd be his saviour in moments where his brothers would prod and poke and refuse to leave him alone equally as much as she would kick the three of them out of the palace for the day, knowing that they needed to learn to compromise.
Tayret was just very human around Mio - she dropped plates and bowls, she'd spill flour in the kitchen, she'd swear and tell him not to repeat it. it was so refreshing to know he could make those same mistakes around her and not be scolded for it. Mio knew she liked to song often, once he got too old for lullabies he'd always sneak around to hear her singing around the lotus ponds in the evenings, her usual ritual to thank Pelor. in all her mannerisms and the way she interacted with Mio and his brothers, there was a unfailing softness to her that told Mio that while his world might be gilded in more gold than midas could ever make, it didn't have to be as cold and unfeeling as Amun made it seem.
even now, her songs live in his head like a prayer. he hopes to see her again soon, as scared as he is.
and then Amun...
Amun was heralded as a perfect king, a divine protector, a man who could effectively do nothing wrong in the eyes of anyone because of the mess that had preceded his reign. he pulled Akhenaton into prosperity and power, everything he did seemed miraculous and god-willed, as though he was the conduit for Pelor's light spilling into this city.
so let's look at it from Mio's perspective.
having a legend for a father starts off nice; you get the inherited adoration, the comfort of knowing that people love you without you ever having to lift a finger to earn it. it's so much fun to be paraded around on the shoulders of a hero, knowing he isn't going to let you fall. how could he? he carries an entire city without a struggle, and you're pretty sure (as sure as a small child can be) that you're not even a tenth the weight of one single parapet, so you're safe. you're the safest thing in this city, actually, because anybody who wants to get to you has to fight through walls, a fully outfitted army, a fleet, a palace, and your dad.
nothing will ever happen to you.
but because you're so sure, so certain of your safety from the outside in, you don't see how the thing that's keeping you safe could be the thing that's going to hurt you the most, eventually.
it starts off with little things like walking and looking a certain way, learning tidbits about the court through idle gossip and just sort of, dipping toes into the water of what it means to be an heir. it's small pieces of pressure like coins shoved into pockets and pretty chains worn around your neck but it builds and build until you're about to be crowned prince regent, the light of your father's eyes, but you're so weighed down by everything he's put on your shoulders that you can barely stand up to look at him.
it's just unfortunate that once he stopped being a child, Mio didn't see that pride, or that love, or anything but expectations never met - and it turned Amun into something that was so deeply embedded in legend that it ceased to be his father. and i think that's been the hardest part for him to reconcile, because he did love him and all Amun had to say was that he was proud of him. it's just rough dude these two have me feeling some kind of way
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kingjasnah · 2 years
I support your dream of seeing Wax shoot Odium with a gun, I would probably even find it funny if it resulted in Wax being immediately blasted out of existence after (I know opium can't technically just zap people but it would be hilarious)
asjdhfkj,ng if his last act is to fucking shoot the god of hatred with a gun thats WORTH IT
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lamaery · 3 years
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Adolin is the fashion police for all his friends... @itstortit, I can't get the idea of Wit annoying everyone with ABBA songs not out of my head... but I think there is maybe one who would be down for it 😄 (Also your silly little interpretation of Kal's scars is... well.) Do I have more ideas for this AU? Yes, I do ...
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