#and I mean this for both sides of any drama I've seen happen here
codecracked · 2 years
i just don’t want to be here tbh
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the-final-sif · 3 months
what is your opinion on the situation?
I've been at work all day so I haven't been able to sit down with stuff fully, it also seems like Caiti is planning to release a statement later today with more information I think? So I'd like to get her response there, but based on what I've seen so far I think I fall more on the side of "people made some dumb choices and should learn from them" than anything else.
Consent is messy and it gets messier when people start lying or are drunk. In this case, both Caiti and George were drunk. From what I understand, either Caiti had a 21+ wristband from the vidcon party, or her friend group did and assumed since she was drinking with them, she was also 21+.
Honestly, when it comes to the matter of underage drinking, I don't think it's even remotely fair to place blame on Dream/George for that. The blame there lies with Caiti deciding to drink while under 21, and on her friends, Ghostie and the other person present who were both over 21. Unlike Dream/George, both of them knew Caiti and knew exactly how old she was and were letting her drink. They were also letting her drink with no one sober and no one making sure she got home.
Now, Caiti is 18 and also I'm not a goddamn square, I'm not gonna stand here and be like "oh no drinking at 18 clutch my pearls" but like, if people are going to blame other people for that situation, that very much lies with Caiti's friends who knew they had an underage person drinking with them. I feel like people are weirdly assigning blame to Dream/George for not like, iding every person they hang out with (particularly if she had a 21+ bracelet at vidcon, which would mean she already got IDed). While completely avoiding placing any blame on the people who 100% knew they were taking an 18 year old drinking without a doubt.
Putting that aside, from my understanding George's side is he believed at the time that she was having fun, and the most they did was cuddle on a couch with other people there. He believed at the time that everything was cool, and that she later decided she was uncomfortable with what happened.
Honestly, I don't really think that's an unfair reading. At this same party, her best friend was there and from Ghostie's own words, she also didn't realize Caiti was uncomfortable until several months later when Caiti told her. If her best friend didn't notice she was uncomfortable or see anything wrong, then I find it hard to think anyone else would pick up on it.
There's certainly risks taken here that I wouldn't have taken. I think that George needs to do better with checking for consent and maybe vetting the people you're hanging out with. Although I also understand that doing a full background check on everyone you ever meet is an absurd requirement and if, at the time, they trusted the person that they actually invited, I get how that shit happens. Per consent, given that he was also drunk, I get how it may've appeared to him that he had consent. I do think it's still something to work on, but I'm also perfectly aware that in real life, people are often going off vibes and social cues, and sometimes those don't mash.
I also think that Caiti's friends have been pretty shitty throughout this. They take no responsibility for having let an 18 year old drink and then ditching her. They are absolutely milking drama out of this shit and they have a weird obsession with blaming Dream for shit he had no fault in.
As for Dream, I don't think he did anything wrong here. Full stop. If Caiti's best friend didn't notice that she was uncomfortable or unhappy, it's insanely unreasonable to expect Dream to have managed that. He was also drunk and hanging out with people, and he had no way of knowing Caiti was underage. None of that shit was his fault, and his statement seems very measured and reasonable. People are trying to blame him for things that he had absolutely no part in, and the UK group are absolutely trying to pull that shit.
Overall, sounds like several people involved made dumb choices, I hope they learn and grow. Otherwise all of this honestly sounds like shit that should've been talked out privately and not tossed to the internet for speculation. Human beings are messy and will fuck up sometimes. This feels like a case of miscommunication and people making risky choices that left people with some hurt.
Again, I may change my mind with further evidence presented, but that's how it feels to me.
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In the defense of bottom!Voldemort|Tom
I'm in a mood, so I've decided to break down my thoughts on this topic and I'm putting it in the tags for anyone who is interested. With a suitably melodramatic title.
The rules here are simple: if you know you won't like this, don't read it. If you read it anyway and don't like it, that is the definition of a you problem. Okay? Okay.
So let's talk about why I think it is incorrect and, frankly, offensive to claim that Voldemort|Tom bottoming is inherently out of character.
In order to have this conversation, we're actually having a bigger conversation about sex. Because that's really what this is about.
Something that has popped up in a handful of comments on my own fic is surprise that Voldemort wants to suck Harry's cock. Now, I'm going to be charitable and assume that the people who say things like this don't realize what they're implying. But the reality is that they are operating from the assumption that a man sucking another man's dick is, at least to some extent, weak and degrading. A subservient act.
This is both homophobic and factually untrue. A significant percentage of people who like dick also like giving blowjobs. It's an enjoyable, pleasurable thing to do. And even if the physical act of sucking cock doesn't turn someone on, there are so many other reasons to want to do it. Getting off on being the source of your partner's pleasure, for one example.
But let's move on to the elephant in the room: anal sex. Specifically, the act of being penetrated. The interesting thing about bottoming is that, contrary to what some people seem to believe, it's the more powerful position. Penetration is only happening because the person bottoming is granting permission. Even if that person has ceded total control of the encounter, the fact remains that they made that decision in the first place and could un-make it at any time.
If that agency does not exist, the sex is not truly consensual. Full stop.
Moreover, a strong, dominant personality =/= topping. There is no innate correlation. This is where misogyny really comes to the table. Bottoming seen as a feminine act, and femininity conflated with weakness and submission. Do I think (most) Tomarrymort readers are consciously thinking this way? No. But that doesn't mean the underlying bias isn't present.
There are so many ways penetrative sex can play out. Yes, you get the "classic" version of the person topping being dominant and the person bottoming being submissive. But you can also get topping from the bottom, where the dominant partner in every way is the person being fucked. Or maybe no one is taking a dominant role. Et cetera. This is a broad overview, not an exhaustive list.
Do you see what none of these things have? An assumption that topping=stereotypical masculinity and bottoming=stereotypical femininity. Even with a couple that likes playing with that flavor of gender roles, it's a choice they're making. And before someone willfully misunderstands me, there is nothing wrong with that choice. But don't mistake it for something it's not.
So now that we've clarified that being penetrated is not weak, degrading, or even inherently submissive, let's bring this back to Tomarrymort.
First of all, have you read the books? Voldemort is campy as shit. High drama and a surprisingly great sense of humor (his jokes are fucked up, but also pretty funny). He's not this hyper-masculine figure. On the flip side, Harry is not an effeminate man. He's a jock who will fight you.
So from whence comes this zealous dedication some people have to a fixed dynamic that puts Voldemort|Tom in the masculine role and Harry in the feminine role? Yes, we've established that sex positions are neither of those things, but we all know that's the assumption simmering toxically in the background.
I can't say for sure, but my instincts tell me that it comes from a shallow read of both characters. Voldemort is a powerful man who commands a terrorist organization. Harry is the good-hearted hero, defined by his capacity to love. And this can get twisted into Voldemort|Tom taking and Harry giving in a very reductive way. Even when the relationship is meant to be consensual.
Obviously, I don't think this is universal. I've read a lot of incredible takes on sex in this fandom, with different top/bottom/switching dynamics. And this is fanfiction, which means you can play with characterization to your heart's content. What I'm talking about is people insisting that Voldemort|Tom must top and Harry must bottom and anything else is wrong.
Why are you so adamant about that? Have you ever given it a moment's thought? If you prefer it, you prefer it, that's all fine. But when it morphs into claiming that bottom!Voldemort|Tom is out of character and bad, things have crossed over into the arena of the absurd. Like what you like, but be aware of what you're really saying when you talk about sex.
Not conflating bottoming with weakness and topping with strength would be a good starting point. Understand that there are myriad reasons a person might want to bottom. It can be a source of relief, allowing someone else to take control so you don't have to. It can be an act of manipulation. It can be a form of domination. And sometimes it's just because bottoming is what feels good and they have more fun that way. Or it's just the kind of pleasure they're in the mood for on a random Tuesday night.
No one is telling you to read things you don't enjoy. And no one is saying that fixed top/bottom dynamics don't exist in the real world. But it's ridiculous to apply a fixed dynamic to such a degree that you get upset when other people write something else and consider a fic "ruined" by it. You really should put some thought into your biases. It's good for you. But even if you don't, when you claim a sexual dynamic is inherently out of character, you're actually just wrong. So stop doing that. It will be a net gain for all of us, including you.
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Perhaps it's just me being salty for the whole s4 and s5, Kuro Neko and Ephemeral in particular. But I couldn't see a possibility of Adrienette break up because, say, Adrien know she's hiding a major thing about his life and feeling betrayed by it, without Adrien realizing that Marinette was hurt by his "outburst" and then then say sorry for being so "emotional" that he hurt her, just like what happened in Kuro neko.
This show is really, really bad at letting Adrien express himself in healthy ways. I've mentioned before that I think Chat Noir is in the wrong in Kuro Neko and it's not because he's not allowed to be hurt or quit. He had legitimate feelings and concerns! It's his handling of those feelings and concerns that was deeply unhealthy and unreasonable. He kept those things bottled up inside, never talking to Ladybug about what was wrong even though the writers chose to actively have her ask if he was okay, meaning he was straight up prompted to express himself, but didn't. Since he didn't, Ladybug had no idea until he took drastic measures, which is a good example of unhealthy relationships and a real life issue that many of us have probably experienced or seen.
Someone does something that upsets another person, but the injured party says nothing because they think the offensive is obvious even though it's super not obvious. At least, it's not obvious to the person causing the offense. So they keep doing the offensive thing and the other person keeps feeling hurt until there's a massive blowup where both parties end up feeling hurt.
This is just a thing that humans do. We build up stories in our heads based on our own perceptions of events, personal wants, and personal beliefs, but those stories are often unrealistic or at least warped versions of reality.
"My friends never call me, so they don't love me," said by someone with a large social battery who would happily do things every night of the week. Meanwhile their friend is over here thinking everything is fine because, in their world, it's perfectly normal to go months without talking. The two friends' different perceptions, wants, and beliefs about what a good friendship looks like is leading to a conflict that would be easily solved if the upset person just asked the hard question.
I don't think the above really applies to the secrets Marinette is currently keeping. At least, they don't on Adrien's side. Breakups don't need a logical reason, but if they did, Adrien would more than enough logical reasoning behind dumping the girl who hid massive, life-changing secrets from him. Getting angry and yelling at her would be perfectly valid reactions. But I also agree with your worry about the show turning it into Adrien somehow being in the wrong because the show hasn't handled a single complex conflict well.
A lot of that is due to the asinine "every episode must stand alone" rule, which is a terrible rule for a show with an actual overarching plot. Sitcoms mostly stick to petty drama for a reason. There are very few serious topics that you can introduce and handle in 20 minutes. Add in the rule that every episode has to have some sort of fight, eating up even more of your run time? And it's no wonder the show is such a total disaster.
I would not be surprised if season six ends up being a sort of inverted version of season four's conflict or even a straight rehash, which is straight up obnoxious because what was the point of season four if neither of these characters learned how to communicate? Marinette is still keeping secrets and I have no doubt that Adrien will continue to fail at expressing his very valid needs if he's even allowed to have them. Add in the fact that Lila is the new villain and is it any wonder so many of us have hit a breaking point where we no longer want to watch this painful mess?
Can you tell that poor communication as a plot point is a major pet peeve of mine? About the only time it really works is in literary fiction that's supposed to be a character study. In plot driven narratives it's just obnoxious. The fact that this is a show for little kids makes me even more annoyed because this is not suited to a kids show. I've said it before and I'll say it again: they're writing teen drama complexity in a Y7 show and of course that leads to a terrible final product!
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thegreymoon · 1 month
The Story of Minglan
I hate having to have a job. There is no time or energy left for me to watch my little shows and read my little books. I should have been born rich 😢
Oh, now you're doing damage control 🙄
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Both you and your brother are ridiculous. You should have sent this idiot brat home the moment she showed up here uninvited, but no, there you were, entertaining her instead and indulging her gross gossip of your LEGITIMATE sister-in-law. I am very much going to enjoy watching this blow up in your faces.
I'm so willing to be on her side and watch her end them all, but I am beyond pissed that she is letting herself fall for Madam Qin's cheap ploys.
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Eat her, please.
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Not only is she mean, she is a moron too.
Sister Zhang, you are making it SO HARD to root for you 😑
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Insulting Minglan in her own home, smh.
Murder them all, Minglan. Poison the food or something.
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LMAO, at least Molan is enjoying herself.
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Why Minglan hasn't gone scorched earth with her yet I'll never know.
I want to be on her side so bad, but anyone going against Minglan can just rot.
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Oh, I am sure you have made living in your household a hell on Earth.
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I've seen this woman in three (?) shows so far and I've hated her in every single one.
Anyway, when do I get to watch these two pieces of shit die? 🤬
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LMAO, I love them 🤣🤣
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They are my favourite people and favourite couple in this drama.
That's right, baby, get pissed off.
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I honestly blame her for that more than your shitty aunt. Shit aunt was just being shit because that's in her shitty nature, but Minglan should have known better.
Yes, but her sister is still not her and is a complete moron to boot.
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If you feel guilty and want to repay your dead sister-in-law, you would do better to manage that idiot before she ruins herself and brings all of you down with her.
OMG, Minglan, mind your own marriage and your own business!
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She is what my mother would call a "lid for every pot", always getting herself involved in other people's problems.
Oh, she made the situation unbearable, now did she 🙄
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For her sake, I hope Minglan talks some sense into that idiotic head of hers.
God. She's beyond stupid.
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There is no saving her.
Minglan, you are talking in vain.
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She had one barely active brain cell and even that was eaten up by her arrogance and vanity.
Let her dig her own grave.
Honestly, the only reason Minglan should try talking sense into any of these stupid people is because these idiots are Gu Tingye's friends and could easily drag him down into the abyss too.
God, please pull your head out of your ass and see that Minglan is the only person in this entire shitty city that still has an ounce of sincerity left.
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I really want to root for you to murder your shit husband and your shit mistress, but I can't do that if you are going to be working against Minglan.
You're so right, Minglan.
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The modern-day relative ease of divorce and the option to not marry and still live a good life is the best thing that ever happened to women.
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Back Pain
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Back Pain
Pairing: Teacher Ben x f! Nurse reader
Word Count: 1300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: a belated birthday request for a friend of mine! This is what she asked for, with Teacher Ben:
"Reader is the school nurse
And Ben pulls his back - so two football hunks from his class carry him into the first aid room.
(Let's call her Miss Mint, cause she gets everyone a cup of mint tea all the time)
 Course they're both crushing on each other..
First kiss maybe? 🙂 back massage with no shirt? Poor Ben 🙂"
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
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Teacher Ben Masterlist
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"It's funny how your illness always seems to coincide with Mr. Shah's quizzes, Maria."
The student in front of me tries her best to hide her guilt. "No, Nurse Mint, I really do feel like, sick." She coughs dramatically, and obviously fake. 
"I see. Well I've taken your temperature and since you're not exhibiting any other symptoms-"
"No, really, I'm sick." Another fake cough. 
"Maria, make sure to sign up for drama class next semester. You'll be brilliant on stage."
She perks up. "You think so? I've been prac- ah dammit!" Realizing I got her to admit she was faking, she groans and grabs her backpack, heading towards the door. 
"Tell Mr. Shah I said hi."
She waves over her shoulder and leaves. Being a high school nurse never gets old. 
It's quiet today. Just the typical stream of kids who need their daily meds and such.
Loud noises come from the hall outside, coming closer to the clinic. I catch a few words, including my name, so I walk around my desk to open the door. 
There, in the hall, are 2 of the school's football players and between them they're carrying-
"Mr. Ben?" I ask, pulling the door open wider as the 2 students carry him inside. 
"Where can we put him?" One of the students asks. 
I gesture to a bed. "Here." I put on some gloves as the students gently set Mr. Ben on the bed.
"Move back, please," I say as I move to stand in front of Ben. The students step back, waiting to see if I need any more help. 
"Hi, Ben. What happened?" I'm standing in front of him, watching pained expressions move across his face. His beautiful face. 
"I think I-" He hisses when he moves "-threw my back out."
"Thank you, boys. You may head to class now." 
They nod, telling Mr. Ben they hope he feels better. 
"Now, what happened?" I ask as I head back to my desk, opening a side drawer to pull out some pain meds for him.
He chuckles softly and then hisses again. "I just..turned wrong."
"Turned wrong?"
"Yeah I'm old. It happens."
"You're not that old," I smile at him as I hand him a bottle of water and a cup with pain meds in it. He hisses again trying to grab the bottle. 
"It's okay. I'll help. Can you turn your head for me to give these to you?"
He takes a breath and moves his head back, his bright, brown eyes finding mine. I can see from the look in his eyes he's in more pain than he's letting on. I help him take the pain meds, stepping back to look at him. 
"Let's take off your shirt."
"So I can massage your back, help work it out while the meds kick in."
He blushes, bright pink flushing up his cheeks. "I, uh oh. You don't have to. I'll be ok." He hisses again when he moves and I shake my head. 
"I won't force you, but it will help."
He looks at me, eyes like a puppies and I get lost in them a moment. To be honest, I've had a crush on this man since my first day. He's great with the students and they absolutely adore him. Sometimes too much, if you've seen the fancams. 
It doesn't hurt that he's easily the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on. 
He swallows hard and slightly nods, closing his eyes at the bit of pain that movement causes. 
"Ok." He tries to move to unbutton his shirt, but grunts out in pain. I move closer to him, placing my hands gently over his. 
"M-may I?" I ask. 
He looks up at me, something else in his eyes. Almost like…
"Y-yeah. Ok."
My fingers tremble, undoing each button, slowly revealing a small smattering of freckles across his chest. He's got a small tummy and the sight of it goes straight through me. He catches me staring and tries to pull his shirt around his stomach.
"I'm not super fit-"
"You're gorgeous."
"What? Oh uh let me help you take off the shirt so I can get at your back."
He nods and I slowly slide the shirt off his shoulders, helping him remove his arms. He grunts a few times at the pain and I can't stop apologizing for it. 
"It's not your fault I'm old and turning wrong can put me on my ass for a week."
I chuckle. "You're not that old. And I don't want to cause you pain so please tell me to stop if it hurts."
I move to stand behind him, pulling out my tiny jar of Tiger Balm. Ben approves it and tells me where it hurts the most. I gather up some balm, fingers hovering over the spot he indicated before I touch him, massaging the spot with gentle force. Ben grunts and moans as I work my fingers into his back, and I feel myself flushing, thinking of how else I could get him to make those sounds.
"Oh, shit that feels…ugh there! There! Harder!" 
I massage harder, Ben letting out a gasp and a moan as I feel the knot unwind under my hands. I stop and he breathes deep for several moments. 
"Are you ok, Mr. Ben?"
He nods slightly. "You have magic fingers."
I smile, moving back around to stand in front of him. "Glad to help. Let me help you with your shirt."
I slide his arms back in the sleeves and help him button up his shirt. I'm so close to him I can smell his cologne, woodsy and a bit like parchment. I chance a glance at his eyes and find him already staring at me, an odd look on his face, as if he's trying to decide on saying something. Smoothing out his shirt, I toy with the collar. 
"Is..are you feeling better?"
"Y-yes. I don't know how I would've made it without you."
"You'd have found a way I'm sure."
I move to step away, but apparently my shoes were untied and I trip over the laces. But I never hit the ground, Ben grabbing me and holding me, preventing my fall. We're close, noses nearly touching. 
Ben clears his throat. "Are…are you ok?"
"Hhmm? Oh uh…yeah. Yes, I-"
His eyes travel across my face, lingering on my lips for a moment longer. 
"Are you sure?" He moves his head slightly closer to me. 
"Sure about what?" I move closer to him. 
"Tripping." He's the closest he's been to me, our noses just barely brushing against each other.
His lips press to mine hesitantly, waiting for my to pull back. As if I ever would. We both deepen the kiss, a quiet moaning coming from the back of his throat. He breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead to mine. 
"I've been wanting to do that since the moment you handed me my first cup of mint tea on your first day here."
I smile, "Really?"
"Mmm. Would you go to dinner with me?"
"Absolutely. And if your back bothers you, I know exactly how to handle it."
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
So after this episode… where does it leave us in terms of obstacles? Let's sum it up :
As of right now, Lucy is a patrol officer (P-II) and Tim a field patrol supervisor (educated guess), with a rank of sergeant (S-I). While she is no longer his aide, she remains under Tim's command.
She was his rookie, then his aide (they were not dating during that time, but it may come up later, like say an investigation to ensure there was no abuse of power or impropriety)
Dating someone in your command is frowned upon by LAPD : one of them has to move from that chain of command, either by transferring to another patrol shift/unit within Mid-Wilshire (like night shift) or to another station.
So what are the possibilities here?
// Transfer to another station like Aaron said In real life, that's usually the best option. In TV, forget it. A transfer like that usually means departure of a character (like Talia). There's no time to introduce a whole new set. Especially since it's an ensemble show with a large cast already. So, it's pretty safe to say that this option can be discarded (at least as a permanent solution).
// Lucy transfers to another patrol shift Lucy is for the foreseeable future stuck in patrol. A promotion is still too far away : she has to spend at least 4 years in patrol before being able to take the detective's or sergeant's exam. That has been repeated several times in canon. Timeline may be a mess but it is safe to say that she has less than 3 years of experience since she is not a P-III yet. The only way she becomes a detective this season is through a golden ticket… But that's not happening. I mean the writers could throw the rules away like they did with Nolan... But let's be real, it won't be happening either. What about UC? Still need to get to the detective rank first. Unless it's for small operations like she has done so far, but that won't change the issue at hand. So if Lucy is the one to move from Tim's chain of command, her options are limited to join another patrol shift (like night shift) where she would report to another sergeant. The problem with this solution is the risk of getting her isolated a/ from the main cast while on the job since everybody else is doing day shifts ; b/ from Tim since they could only spend time together on days off. In other words : too complicated for a TV show.
// Tim transfers to another unit Now Tim is the one with more options to make a lateral move. I think it's more likely that Tim gets another position, maybe with Grey's advice. The only trick is finding a position where he can still interact with the main cast. Spoiler ahead : Eric was seen wearing a Sergeant II uniform lately… He could have a promotion (in his case, there's no minimum time required). Could he become a watch commander? Sure. Grey has talked many times of retiring, but I doubt they would do it mid-season… And he's a beloved character. Besides, that would not help the situation at all. So unless the writers want to prolong the drama, it is highly unlikely. Side note because I've seen some confusion lately : Grey is only commanding patrol, not the whole station (that was Andersen's role, as captain). Nyla and Angela no longer report to him for instance.
// Nothing changes Tim and Lucy remain in the same chain of command. The only way I can see this happening is if they maintain a secret relationship AND nobody finds out/calls then out. Highly unlikely. Forget about their lack of subtiliIy here. The issues were highlighted way too much, by different characters in the last episode for the writers not to follow up on that. I know that the Rookie has a tendency to drop the ball on certain storylines but still. Now, I could see the writers have Lucy and Tim lay low (secretly dating) before it all blows up in their face. Maximise the drama. But they have to be careful that it doesn't end up with everybody looking unprofessional either.
In any case, there's so much potential, either for drama or comedy (or both). I also probably forgot other options but those are the most common ones I could think on. Now, in my opinion (that could of course be completely wrong), Tim will be the one who is going to move out of Lucy's chain of command. Not only his conversation with Aaron shook him, he respects her and his job way too much to gamble their reputations like that. Yes, they're worth the risks, but that doesn't mean that he'll want to risk losing their jobs/careers, not when there are perfectly viable options. Now, whether they decide to disclose their relationship (at least to Grey) before or after that change… That's something else entirely.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
With all the discussion of CRWBY/RT's apparent obsession with heroic sacrifices in RWBY as of late (and how poorly framed/managed they are), a part of me can't help but wonder if they're trying to chase the high of Epsilon/Church's sacrifice at the end of Red VS Blue Season 13. (Here's the scene in question for context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5jM_mrOqec) Which I will admit, I found to be a pretty good scene as a sendoff to the character and at the time thought it was a nice way to end the show. Though RT ended up souring it by continuing on with season 15.
Thank you for the clip! I obviously have no idea what RT's motivations might be regarding the prevalence of these sacrifices - is it "chasing the high" or is RvB just early evidence of a writing trend? - but regardless, I like this a whole lot more than what RWBY's been giving us. I think this has a nice balance between the somber, emotional soundtrack and the funny one-liners that sound like they're core summaries of many character's personalities (unlike Weiss who suddenly becomes the comic relief). I like that Church (if I'm right about how is speaking there) doesn't actually end with "...I hate you all the least!" but has his actual goodbye speech once he's privately recording. I'm missing a ton of the nuances of his argument, but I like that it at least comes across as thought out: he's reassuring the AI voice that he's sure about this, he lays out how the sacrifice will hopefully help the others survive, he acknowledges that he's only here in the first place because of them, and there's some element of being "held back" that this sacrifice would do away with. Finally, I LOVE the self-referential acknowledgement that heroes don't get to see if their sacrifice was worth it (which is one of the problems with having Penny die and then chat with Winter, or Ruby drinking the tea and then waking up fine in the tree: suicide presented as just a journey where you don't really lose your connection to life), ending with the blank screen. We don't get to know if they win either! We are emotionally connected to Church in this moment, experiencing the story through him, and like him we don't get the reassurance of knowing whether the others survived! (Well, until you hit Season 14, apparently lol). You've just gotta have faith that the sacrifice meant something - "aint that a bitch."
And all this, I want to stress, is coming from someone who has NEVER watched more than like two episodes of RvB,which I've now totally forgotten. This scene is the entirety of my context... and I enjoyed it. Which I bring up largely because of the Moistcritikal drama. Personally, I take issue with the idea that someone's negative opinion of a clip is unreliable because they haven't seen the rest of the show. Does that mean then that my enjoyment is unreliable too? Most RWBY fans wouldn't say so because, after all, why would you get mad about others agreeing with you? They're only up in arms because he was critical of the show, rather than praising it, despite both situations stemming from the same ignorance. To say nothing of the fact that criticism is dismissed even when fans (like me) do keep up with the canon, a ton of the side material, are immersed in fandom, and are present for every major development. Doing everything "right," apparently, still doesn't earn you any trust in your opinion, so... why was all that necessary again?
I do believe that context (for obvious reasons) can severely skew an opinion one way or another. For example, I recently saw a new Magnus Archives listener saying that although they were loving the podcast, it really took them out of it to try and believe that all these people just happened to write down perfectly composed, poetic narratives about their experiences. I so wanted to say that there was a reason for this. That, eventually, the podcast would reveal a canonical explanation for how this occurs, taking what's originally a huge aspect of suspension of disbelief - arguably to the point of annoyance - and reframing it as a major worldbuilding detail that enhances the enjoyment instead of detracting from it. So there are obviously cases like that, just like I might enjoy the RvB scene more or less depending on my experience with the rest of the show... but that doesn't mean my enjoyment now is wrong? Nor is Moistcritikal's lack of enjoyment wrong. I find the 'Oh, you just don't understand and you're willingness to speak on the topic without every scrap of information is insulting' to be, itself, a pretty insulting response. This desire to invalidate someone's honest opinion of what they've been given is an issue on its own, but beyond that, a good show should be able to read well even without the rest of the context. Hasn't anyone ever analyzed a clip of a show in school that they enjoyed? Gotten excited over an ambiguous moment in a trailer? Decided to watch something based on just a video/GIF-set here on tumblr with no other info? Good media is good even when you don't fully know what's going on and bad media will read badly without the distraction of already being emotionally connected to the show. Toss in the fact that people can pick up a fair bit of context from the scenes themselves and that Moistcritikal had fans in the chat explaining the situation. People can still look at a clip and think the dialogue is badly written, or the acting shoddy, or the animation poor, or the whole conflict - once explanations are given - to be pretty badly conveyed. None of this takes an intimate knowledge of nine Volumes to develop an opinion on. Moistcritikal might miss character dynamic details like Yang standing in front of a passive Blake to 'protect' her from her little sister, but he can still respond to the general gist of the situation and the ways in which it was executed.
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
This is going to be random, but I wanted to say something.
For some time shipping hasn't been fun for me, and it's even worse since I enjoy crack-ships and other uncommon couples. When I started watching Stranger Things I liked the idea of Madwheeler, and I also started reading your fanfiction The Pact before even having a Tumblr account.
Today I found out about you, and when I saw that you're a writer for more famous ships like Byler but also made an amazing Madwheeler piece, it really made me smile. It's just somehow refreshing seeing someone having fun with different character dynamics and stuff.
It made me think "Damn, that's a person I can admire.". It made me somehow believe I can have fun with this again. So thank you. I hope you keep writing and sharing your ideas out there. Be weel!
Hey there @abajurapagado!! You have no idea how much this means to me!! 🥹 That I could help you in any way have a better time in the fandom and enjoy it! That's amazing.
That, after all, is what fandom is for first and foremost: Enjoyment.
That being said, I have always been a person who has written for and been a fan of smaller ships, non-canon ships, unpopular ships even in very small fandoms. I just tend to gravitate towards what interests me. In the past I've been a part of the Turn fandom (I liked a gay pairing-townhull- that was very much non-canon), Star Wars (reylo, gingerrose), OFMD (izzy x lucius), The Morning Show (stella x cory). Most of those are all very much non-canon 😂.
And this is the first fandom where I've seen many people be so staunchly devoted to "canon". It's something I haven't come across in my other fandom travels.
But, in the end, it doesn't matter what the pairing is, if it makes you happy and you find the dynamic interesting than I say engage with it! Even if it makes others side eye you or not be happy with it. It doesn't matter. I'm very much a ship and let ship type of person. And in my Star Wars and Shadow and Bone days, have been in support of some very unliked pairings, but I've tried to never to let it stop me from having a good time. I'm here for the dynamics and drama and I tend to lean towards certain dynamics because of that!
Byler is the first pairing I've ever been a fan of, besides Reylo, that is "mainstream" or has a big following. Actually, as a past Reylo, I see a lot of the same thing happening with Byler....people saying that the followers are delusional, where if you watched the SW films...know how that all ended up 🙃
But also, my other biggest SW ship, gingerrose, is a random ship that was built around 3 pieces of dialogue and a finger bite deleted scene lmao....and they've ended up being a dynamic I actually like a lot better and read about more than I ever did Reylo. I think that you can ship multiple things in the same fandom and it's okay if one of them is a little different, unpopular, or people think it's weird. There is no reason for people to be offended by what other people ship. That is such a strange concept to me.
Madwheeler, to me, is interesting. I am VERY much aware it's a "crackship" or whatever. I do not expect anything from canon. That's not the point. It actually is freeing to have something be completely for fun, and I don't have those emotional ties like I do byler or I did with reylo, where I really wanted it to happen it canon. I think the actors have good chemistry, I think they are for sure very paralleled to one another, and I think that it's a ship that has a lot to unpack. I don't give a flying fuck if it's not canon or out of nowhere or if some people think it's "ick". Doesn't bother me. I am interested in the drama, I like to headcanon them both as bisexual which is fun, and I live for the tension of "hating" someone and having sexual tension. It's good shit, and it's SO EASY to do with their dynamic. It practically writes itself.
I love Byler for different reasons: the best friends to lovers trope, the sweetness of it, the angst, the coming of age. Will is my favorite character and I just love his story.
Both pairings offer SO MANY things, but they also are very different. And it allows me as a writer to explore different tropes, different facets of these fictional character's personalities, and as there is always a little bit of myself in my writing, explore some different emotions etc.
And I personally believe that exploring new dynamics in addition to my main one, has kept me more active in the ST fandom and byler community. It's kept me feeling creative, and keeps it fun as we're waiting for season 5 crumbs and filming to start etc! Fanfiction is very much meant for exploring things that don't happen in canon and exploring character dynamics that speak to you personally. Imo, it's the entire point of it. So anywho, I'm glad you're enjoying The Pact, and I am so happy that my tiny self has stoked the fire a little bit for your Stranger Things love. I hope you have tons of fun from here are on out!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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iintervallum · 1 month
the only sort of thing of worth i can contribute to a very specifc discussion that is taking place on here is, vis a vis this weird sort of transmisogny v racism comparison thing that i keep seeing cropping up and also admittedly keep looking into because I'm curious why people think how they do is this:
at the very least people do recognize racism as an axis of opression, even the most liberal of liberals knows it's a thing that happens and that people do experience it, even if they don't take stuff like micro agressions seriously or think that racism is no more somehow because of Martin Luther king or whatever, they still understand that its something that a person can experience and be a victim of, even if they think we've "gone past it"
meanwhile i still see trans fems get hounded for trying to just explain why tme/tma are useful terms and that transmisogny is a genuine thing that can happen. people somehow managed to make the toonimal thing about trans women who didn't know the guy, like huh?
people bring up tme poc as people who would get the experience, but honestly, especially in the cases of tme women of colour, i feel like they are more likely to want to distance themselves from trans fems, they would get offended if they were to be compared to one, I've seen it happen a few times.
like sure terf/radfem ideology is very much racist yes, but you find transphobes are perfectly fine rubbing shoulders with racists if it means getting to paint trans people as 'degenerates'.
people of colour are just as culpable in transphobia and it should be brought up, i don't like to bring it up because unfortunately people can't talk about the homophobia/transphobia in non white spaces without being racist about it."oh well they're backwards anyways what do you expect" how about you fuck off
that's one of the reasons its so annoying to see people of colour that are terfs, like they aren't going to fight for you. i distinctly remember once while i was looking into the radfem tag to block people, i once saw a radfem that was poc, complaining about how racist people within the radfem community can be,and i thought "didn't think the leopards would eat you too huh"
im vaguing about a specific "discourse" that i honestly think shouldn't be even called discourse it's been going on for a lot longer than when i first heard about it. im not involved with it but I've been looking at it from a distance and man, if either of your sides don't seem to involve transfems of colour then your statements talking about either transmisogny along with racism seem to ring kind of hollow. i really don't like how this thing that seems to be born out of one specific incident like 2-3 years back has kept going and morphed into something a lot more insidious. i think people are stiring shit with it too and sending horrible anons and asks to bait drama as well which sucks
i want to see more conversations about those topics that don't circle back to this weird feud that neither circle involved seems to want to keep going on with but for whatever reason there's just something or the other that ignites it every few months. like we're stuck at stalemate here unless someone new comes in to fully blow it up even further.
tbh i don't even blame twoc for keeping their distance on this it's genuinely not worth it, youd just get the brunt of the horribleness of both sides and none of benefits. that's honestly the most i can say, I'm not trans fem, and I'm non black too, as a lot of the specific kind of racism they are talking about is antiblackness, which of course with either topic I'm not the person who can really talk with any authority on.
hence why reblogs are off I'm just giving my 2 cents on this because im finding it difficult to sleep and i have a lot of thoughts
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livvyofthelake · 3 months
ok dune 2 post. obviously spoilers you know i don't give a shit. there is nothing i can say to you now that could possibly "ruin" your movie going experience should you decide to see dune 2. or maybe there is. i don't care though either you're reading my monster ass post or you're not. but i'm very nice and beautiful and kind so i added a read more <3 just keeping it really niceys <3
FIRST thing i want to say is that men are reacting to these movies in a way that is so diabolically insane to me i don't think i will ever be able to understand the underdeveloped male human brain. that was mean sorry. i hate men though and i think they're less intelligent than normal people. sorry. have you seen what men are saying about dune though. you understand. "it's the greatest triumph of cinema i've ever seen!" like calm down ryan it's dune part two.... we're not talking about the hunger games catching fire rn you can talk about the movie like a normal human being talks about things... yes it was good. it was also only the second best timothee chalamet film released in the past six months... and as i've said. the world at large will forget about dune like two years after the last movie, i'm sorry, but we will... we are not all male sci-fi fanatics peace and love
so what did EYE like about it! well i love zendaya <3 i love zendaya so much, not enough to watch spiderman, but a lot. i lovedd that she had a bigger role in part two (both me and my mom were sooo disappointed at how little she was in part one), and i especially loved how her role provided this point of contest to paul's messiah status, where his mother and stiglar are like, true believers, chani is the skeptic because she knows he's still only a man not a god, because she loves him as a man!!! it was crazy. also they were in crazy beautiful tragic love... (side note we can come back to this later if the need arises. their asses are GOING in the timeless video remake. spent a good ten minutes of the movie's runtime thinking about this fr) i really loved their relationship and their dynamic, idk anything about the books btw i want that out there as a disclaimer now. anyway i loved the drama of their whole thing it was craytown insane. the way he didn't want to go south and solidify his becoming as the people's messiah because he knew that if he became that he would lose her, and ultimately that's exactly what happened... "i will love you as long as i breathe" as his final words to her before enacting this plan to take over from the emperor by marrying the princess... ok that was insane. in many ways this happened to a friend of mine. by the name of. guinevere.... unless you're all here for my gay king arthur theory in which case. in many deeper ways this happened to my friend arthur. but i'm not supposed to talk about that because the people aren't ready. (i do genuinely and truly in my heart of hearts believe that king arthur is gay and i mean it in a way completely divorced from bbc merlin i didn't even want to bring up bbc merlin it makes me so mad how that show corrupted gay king arthur, i don't mean it like that. EYE mean that it's gay as fuck to be a man with an older brother. but we aren't talking about that). basically. kind of a tragedy slay... rooting for them in. deep sigh. movie three.
a thing i DID NOT like was the whole deal with. austin butler. i did not learn his character's name, don't care, he's dead anyway. it's not even that any of it was bad it was just boring. and there was that whole section on him too and i was like ugh this could have been a two minute scene wrap it UP! you may have noticed i was posting while in the theater. yeah i was posting from that section of the movie. because i was BORED. yes there was some vital info in that part, but i also believe it could have been explained in a significantly lesser amount of time!!! me in denis villieneuve's editing room screaming "cut it!!!!" it's boring... i'm sorry... i was bored and i don't care about the harkonnens (? i'm not looking that spelling up) and i don't care that that cult lady "secured his bloodline" by going to his birthday party and seducing him... i don't careeee about the harkonens!!!!
a thing i DID like was rebecca ferguson's deal. she was soooo. i mean she was terrible, of course, insane bitch for real. also i want her so bad but that's not relevant. loved her schemes. love it when a character starts playing god. and she got what she wanted in the end too! was that a good thing? unclear. but god forbid women do anything!
can i say something is this a safe space. i don't care about the worms the way a lot of people seem to care about the fuckin worms... they're cool i guess? but what is with the fascination with the sand worms... i don't get it. i'm gonna leave this point here cuz frankly what more is there to say
there seems to be a disconnect between two camps of people on timmy's actual messiah status in the narrative. i've seen people refer to the character as jesus and i've seen people call him a false prophet, and it all made me so confused i read the entire wikipedia entry for the original dune novel and the article for the larger dune chronicles. and i've come to the conclusion that yes he was literally the ultimate manifestation of powers the bene gesserit were trying to cultivate, and he did become a leader, but i wouldn't be so quick to call him jesus because he's only jesus because the bene gesserit wove their agenda into the religious legends and prophecies of the fremen people to be able to control them through it. so it was kind of all propaganda. but his abilities are very real and he DID want to help the fremen break free from harkonenn persecution. so i wouldn't call him a false prophet. i think the thing with the uh. "water of life" (it's worm piss. it's sand worm piss. it's gatorade blue, straight up fresh from the worm piss. i'm sorry) and he drank it and gave him visions of the future and he was like "i see it all so clearly now" and all that. i think that's real, he can see the futures and he knows he can play an important role and he wants to prevent war (flopped btw) and that's why he leaned into the messiah rhetoric, because it was easy i guess, and the people already believed it. i wouldn't call him evil or corrupt i'd just say he was trying to be realistic through the means he was raised (and remember that his mother raised him for war and power). um it's complicated. do i think there's a jesus metaphor? obviously there is. do i think he's really like. The Messiah? well no, because it's textually true that there was never REALLY a prophesized messiah, it was all just stories put into motion generations before he ever existed. that being said i wouldn't call it fake per se. lot's of interesting stuff is going on here with regards to religion to be honest. does it matter what's real? do we not each control our own perceived reality? does saying it's not real rob the believers of their choice? does it matter that the people were told to believe in him as a way to control them? does it matter that they made the beliefs their own anyway? what is religion? what is god? if i had more time on my hands i'd get deep into dune just to get into arguments online this summer about this shit.
i'd be interested to see how it all unfolds in a third movie, but as i understand that's not a confirmed thing that's happening and frankly i already read the wikipedia article about it so i guess i do already know how it unfolds. but i'll see the eventual movie anyway i guess.
the thing with the "atomics" was wild to me though i was like hey man i do not think a jesus figure would launch atom bombs... but to be fair i think they set those bombs on a mountain? and people were only killed via the rubble? that's obviously still bad i'm aware but i mean. well actually i don't know if that's what happened. the bombs only killed the bad guys though so who gives a shit. sorry. but those bald dudes were creepy i'm sorry they sucked so bad i don't care that a lot of them died in a war that they started. it's a movie. were they atomic bombs though? they called them "atomics" so i did assume they were fucking. oppenheimer atomic bombs. or is this such a distant future that they've advanced technology and undergone so many linguistic changes that words don't mean the same things anymore. i think however that i fully just overthought that. anyway whatever on the bombs i don't wanna talk about bombs
um getting back to my girl chani. "i will love you as long as i breathe" for real she should get to kill him a little bit for all of that shit i am not gonna lie to you. i was reading these wikipedia articles seeing the word "concubine" thinking to myself oh he should die. call me pontius pilate the way i am about to kill this fucking christ figure. i understand it narratively, i get it. i understand that he marries the princess for political reasons but he loves chani i understand that. but i am gonna tell you one thing right now and you need to hear this. cassandra would never pull something like that. and if you wanna talk to ME about an expansive fantasy universe totalling over a dozen books, you are gonna have to go through cassandra there. no one will ever be cassie, not to me, you'll never do the things cassie has done, i don't care who you are i don't care how influential to sci-fi dune is. if you're gonna come to me and be all oh dune was influential for sci-fi, i'm gonna come right back at you and say the shadowhunter chronicles was influential for urban fantasy. there is not a weird middle school girl out there who's life was not affected by cassandra clare. that woman is like a deity to me. i don't care about what men write, SHE is huge to ME. and she would never pull that shit. she would never, and she would rather die. peace and love. i hate men
and you know what let's all back it up for a moment. and when i said. timeless video. oh i meant that, as i said i spent ten minutes just straight up thinking about this comparison. my ultimate conclusion is that paul has the kit herondale swag (but if kit was written by a man. you understand). chani does not so much have ty blackthorn swag but she is kind of a cunt which was good enough for me tbh. the way that like. she was a fremen warrior above everything, even him, was very ty to me though, in the sense that he's a shadowhunter who like, IS a shadowhunter. we have shadowhunters like say, simon, who aren't so much suited to the shadowhunter way of life (because it is an entire way of life, it's not just being a human plus some magic, being a shadowhunter is a whole different class of existence completely unlike ours) but they're a shadowhunter because that's just the hand life dealt them. and then there are shadowhunters who are real, passionate, believing in the cause shadowhunters, and that's gonna be like. isabelle, cordelia, jace, emma. and ty. there are characters who, if they stopped being a shadowhunter they would survive, and there are characters who would not know a way to be without it. (sorry girl gonna interrupt you. this was a dune post? a post about the movie dune part two? um stop rambling about tsc...) ok. basically chani has that drive of caring so much about what she is (fremen) and what she can do. and i love how i gave that a whole paragraph explanation but with paul i just said "yeah he has that kit herondale swag nothin more to say" (sidenote. the audiobook i read the other day has been sticking with me to such an extent that. ok there was one character who i guess was meant to be from new jersey and the narrator was doing this crazy voice for him which was so fun and iconic i have been talking to myself in my head with that voice ever since for real and serious... i get a real kick out of it. and that last sentence pre parentheses was meant to be read in that voice so. imagine an exaggerated sort of goon-like jersey accent)(um just went to the little wiki page for this character to verify the new jersey thing. his dad's from jersey that's not important. under relationships. "they clearly have an abusive relationship" hey now... what fucking. lame fangirl wrote this... they were just homoerotically vibing in a toxic fucked up way... rolling eyes emoji. people didn't understand it...) anyway. um he does have the kit herondale swag. you know. in the simple sense that everybody is telling him he has this Destiny and he really didn't want it. kit would never drink that fuckass worm piss though. actually lie, he might. speaking of the worm piss. not the substance i mean the part of the movie where he almost died from it because it's literally poison and he knew that and drank it anyway. me when i have an exaggerated sense of self worth. me when it's literally poison but i'm different <3 anyway. when chani found him in that coma and jessica was like Only You Can Wake Him because like. some prophecy shit with "tears of the desert spring" and her secret name meant desert spring and she had to cry on him to save him from something she never wanted him to do. and that was effectively the moment that killed their relationship. that was crazy stuff girls...
not much more to say. oh. i must bring up the redacted of it all, of course, i mean naturally. this movie, above all other things i liked about it more than part one, had the added bonus of NOT being "from the ******* edits". watching part one was a constant game of "oh yeah i've seen this one" "classic c****** r***** edit clip!" "oh yeah the hair in his face with a dark expression in his eyes we've all seen it" like it was nice to watch a dune movie that was about dune. you know.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi Storm!! This has been on my mind so I thought I would send in an ask. Idk if you are a swiftie, but I am. Taylor has a new album coming out next month (crossing my fingers that PJM1 doesn’t drop the same weekend because I want Jimin to have his own moment) but onto my point…
There was a major uproar from fans after the speculated that this album would have even more queer undertones and a possible “coming out” from her with Midnights. And there was even a Rolling Stone article talking about her rumored queerness which brought a huge twitter controversy and a shit ton of homophobia. I hate that people are assuming that she will come out with this album release or pressuring her too, I really hated even more that people were so homophobic adamant that Taylor is straight. The homophobia and heteronormativity extends beyond the BTS fandom into other huge fandoms too. It really made me mad and sad. And I’m sure Taylor is aware of both sides of her fandom.
Idk what my real point to this is other than this is a huge patriarchal society problem clearly. The way some swifties dismiss any possibility of her being apart of the LGBTQIA+ community is giving the same energy that the members of BTS receives when someone speculates that *cough Jikook* could be in a romantic relationship and it’s disgusting. This is why pressuring anyone, especially those in the spotlight, to come out is never okay.
Hi! So I do really enjoy lots of Taylor's Music. But I am generally not involved in the fandom nor do I keep track of what goes on with her. I just enjoy the music when it drops. I do have friends who are Swifties though and you best believe my bestie will be getting a call asking why they didn't share their fandom drama with me this time. Lol
Honestly though, I did go look this all up and read through some threads and see reactions to things etc and wow. Yeah, there is a lot of uncomfy discourse happening. I don't know Taylor enough or about everything to honestly give my own opinions over it all though. I don't feel informed enough. Sorry!
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I will say that the Bi colors show up alot around Taylor though that I've seen. Her lyrics has raised my own eyebrows here and there on occasion but can also be easily brushed off at times too. So again, I don't know enough. I know she writes all her own stuff though I'm pretty sure and is huge on Easter eggs and clues and hints etc. And there are so many queer coded hints that I've seen and I wouldn't even consider myself part of her fandom. But again, who knows. This music video DOES exist though lol
And yeah, hardcore ally all day. I love it. But the gay song during pride month and she did it with Bi colored hair? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I don't know anything about her upcoming album release though honestly. But no one can force someone out and no one can assume someone's sexuality. So the people insisting she has to be straight aren't in the right. She has the right to her own privacy though as well. She doesn't HAVE to say anything to anyone about anything either. I do think there is a difference between assuming she might be coming out vs pressuring her to come out too. Talking about the queer undertones in her music and gay fans being excited about it, relating to it and wondering if this means she might say something diffinitive about it now. Isn't the same as insisting she say something about it or come out. I'm sure there are people doing both because fandoms can suck sometimes, but don't downplay every queer fan for hoping for a more queer album or maybe a coming out as them insisting she do so either.
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But again, I don't know enough so Idk how much I can really say! All I know is that she seems happy in her relationship, my hardcore swiftie bestie tells me she is and that she has been throwing herself into these latest albums. So I just hope she stays happy and enjoys her life to the fullest and if nothing else, I hope she is a good ally.
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Sorry fandom drama and homophobia is everywhere anon. That's nothing new 🥺
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letsplaypixeldolls · 1 year
11 and 25 for the ask game! 💕
Storytelling Simblr Asks
11. why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it?
For The Christopher Legacy, it's mostly just my pure love for the Decades Challenge. It's one of the few legacy challenges I've seen that actually feels real because it emphasizes the passage of time as you play through multiple generations. Plus, the 20th century is one of the most fascinating periods in history for me. Each decade really has its own identity because technology, culture, and values were changing so rapidly.
Supernatural Squad is a bit more self indulgent, I'd say, as I'm always a sucker for supernatural/fantasy elements in a mostly realistic setting, as well as found families.
25. what inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
This could also be applicable to the previous question, but I'll put it here. I knew I would reveal this at some point, but I just didn't know when. So I guess it's now!
Both Supernatural Squad and The Christopher Legacy are actually based on save files I had in The Sims 3! I got nostalgic one day and spent hours redownloading the game, only to realize all of my old files had been lost! I still remembered a fair bit, so I compiled the memories I could, and eventually made the decision to try and recreate them in The Sims 4.
With the Christophers, I do have a lot of actual gameplay events that I'm following (I originally made it to at least the 1930s before I fell off the wagon), but there's also a lot of additional story and side characters I'm adding to make the world feel more real and lived in.
Supernatural Squad is more just vibes and drama than anything. The characters were all made to play with the Supernatural pack - hence the vampire, werewolf, witch/spellcaster, and fairy. (I was so freakin' excited when we got werewolves in TS4 just for this purpose, y'all.) I had also made their families and their general backstories, but very little actual gameplay happened. Most of the story that I am creating for them now is unique, but using that TS3 file as a springboard of sorts.
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
Since you said you won’t be answering any more Yashahime or Sessrin related asks does that also apply to my long-ass submission I sent you comparing and contrasting a certain problematic Sailor Moon ship to Sessrin? (I sent it to you just before you made your announcement that you don’t want any more Sessrin asks)
I don't mind asks about Yashahime or SessRin, it's the ones about the shippers specifically where I'm just like...and? Yeah, some shippers act weird. That's kinda just it. Maybe I've just had really shit experiences, but I've seen some pretty shit things that have happened in the name of fandom.
I just don't have a lot to say there. Plus, I'm not even in the Inuyasha fandom. I haven't paid any attention to what they've been doing except for the occasional look through the tags. I dunno why, but I feel uncomfortable involving myself in fandom drama that I don't have a stake in, and I don't even involve myself in the drama of fandoms I'm in. Much less ones I'm not.
I can talk about writing, I can talk about character, I can talk about TV production, if you want an opinion I have over something either in the original or Yashahime i can tell you (it will be from watching it almost 5 years ago but whatever), but that's it.
But most of the asks I've gotten for Yashahime have either been "fuck the writers" or "do you see what gross thing the shippers are doing" and I'm just...not comfortable doing that. It's best that I delete them, and I just don't have a lot of stuff to say about it anyway. I'm not very good at seeing things in black and white. I'm always going to try to see things from both sides. Like, I can't be that person for y'all, I'm sorry.
In terms of your post, I didn't really have a lot of thoughts about it, and I wasn’t aware you wanted me to post it (I thought it was more of a private thing) but here you go: TW Incest
I mean we know that SessRin was never meant to be seen as romantic in the original. Rumiko said so herself. She said it. And even so, North America would've absolutely have cut that out if it was a thing in the original, which probably would've led to a lot of SessRin shippers, all the same. But this is why I don't count anything that happened in the original as romantic. For my own sanity, I don't count it.
I haven't watched the entire original SM anime in Japanese, because I usually gravitate towards the manga (I will never forgive them for basically gutting all of the things that made Usagi and Mamoru so great and replacing it with whatever that was). I can't really speak to whether or not I would pick up these scenes as romantic between Dimande and Saphir. Intimacy doesn't equal romance, for me personally, but overall, yeah, based on what you sent, there's more grounds for equality and love between these guys than SessRin.
It's wild to me that there are dozens upon dozens of examples from fiction where romance is hinted at and not confirmed, and yet...SessRin have two kids and they feel like they barely know each other. I picked Royai because I'm obsessed with FMA (WE STAN WINRY ROCKBELL) and I find the similarities between Royai and SessRin hilarious. Originally I was going to use Edwin, but then I was like “no...Royai”. 
Kinda sucks how they did it though. Because it could've been really cool to see the impact that she had on Sewage going forward, and I say this as someone who thinks he's vomit-inducing. Ultimately the mistake was to assume that what people liked about SessRin was their dynamic in the original, rather than their potential (which is what shippers are all about). Also, just, their fundamental misunderstanding of Sesshomaru's character. Sigh.
Also the "having kids as an experiment" is just so WEIRD. Sesshomaru as a dad could’ve been so fun! 
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saskiasabri · 5 months
Yo. Just a random passer-by who doesn't know much about Postal as a franchise and I'm not here to cause problems either, but I do have a question.
Why does it anger you when people state they don't want minors in other adult spaces? Specifically when it's their own? I don't like to believe they mean to never interact with mature franchises like Mortal Kombat, SAW, Fallout, CoD, GTA 5 like some boomer parent would say because some the most awesome, cutest or funniest material I've seen came from these dark and mature communities.
But with the many times people online were wrongfully accused of being creeps or ACTUAL creeps merely getting a slap on the wrist for the gross shit they've done, I believe it's better to be safe than sorry for minors not to interact with blogs that specifically state they want their audience to be 18+.
Now unless of course they're posting some legit questionable and proshipp material, or adult content of characters catered to kids, I don't think it's politically correct to really chastise and vilify any members of the Postal community who decides that they prefer their work to be followed by those 18 and over, especially if they themselves are 18+ and draw said 18+ material that comes from a mature franchise like Postal, regardless of how many minors are active in it. Because at the end of the day they just want to be safe.
And if everyone wants a peaceful, safe and drama-free community, then it's important to understand both sides and not be too biased, and I stand by that all the way. I hope you don't take none of this the wrong way because I'm also behind the whole positivity thing like the anon mentioned below. Everyone wants a fair slice of fun and enjoyment but there's also boundaries to be learned and respected too.
Peace and love for 2024, brother. ❤✌🌙
i wouldn't say the RWS/Postal community servers are for adults only, since we mostly let 16+ to be in. but i suppose the game franchise is for adults only, but that doesn't mean kids are never safe in the community. i'm an adult but i can see the wrongs on both sides when it comes to this situation. let's say if they're not doing anything gross or weird then it's totally fine, but when adults blaming them just for enjoying the fandom then that's the issue. there are adults getting into fandoms that are for kids' spaces so why can't i be angry at that? there are minors in the RWS/Postal community server and we do take care of it if they're trying to get into 18+ stuff, easy. if there are adults being creepy towards minors then we also take care of the situation. if the community is an "adult space" then that doesn't mean we can be weird and gross all the time, there can be adults who are sensitive with 18+ content and that'll just make us and the community look bad. i suggest minors not to interact with adults when they're in a community with majority of adults. they can enjoy the franchise all they want without getting in trouble with adults. if anything happens to them then they need to avoid from the community, they can take a break from it or just get into the other fandoms that aren't for adult spaces. i understand adults being so pissy over kids getting into a fandom that is an adult space but if the kids didn't anything to the adults then leave them be, no need to cause drama. if there are kids in the community whining abt 18+ then it's not hard to put/send the materials in private instead of publicly. everyone just wants to be in peace and safe from dramas. that's all.
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hardylettuce · 10 months
I am once again begging you guys to learn how to seed a bracket. Not naming names, but too many times I've seen interesting premises for tournaments ruined by all the popular choices clustered together in one group. When you do that, the drama and exciting polls are going to happen in the first few rounds, and then the finals will be boring because the popular answer will crush whatever scraped by on the opposite side.
Let's say there was a tournament for "best thing to put on toast." Butter would probably be a popular answer, as would jam. So you don't want to put those two head-to-head in the first round, you want those on opposite sides of the bracket. On the other hand, "straight up dirt" would probably not be a popular answer, how did that one even get in here? So it's safe to put Butter vs Dirt in round one, since we know Dirt isn't going to win. This helps create more interesting matchups later on between things people are enthusiastic about.
I'm not a big sports person, but how they do Top 16 brackets is they take the team they consider to be #1 because of their impressive record, and have them face off against the least likely winner (#16), and that'll go in the top left side of the bracket. #2 vs #15 will be in top right, so that the 1 and 2 teams are on opposite sides. #3 vs #14 is on bottom right, and #4 vs #13 on bottom left. The strongest 4 being separated means the most exciting matches are more likely to happen in the finals, and the weakest 4 being separated means we don't get any bad matches between two teams that both suck. And then from there on, the matches like #6 vs #11 or #8 vs #9 are a lot closer and more unpredictable, the skill gap isn't as wide. In theory, each round should be progressively harder to determine who will win.
You don't have to get that technical with it, but just tweaking your tournament a little can set up more long-term success and interest.
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