#and even then i expect the replacement parts to be in stock and easily installed fuck u
"smart appliances" fuck u i want them dumb as a brick and incidentally as sturdy and enduring
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concussed-to-pieces · 3 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Thirteen
Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Eventual Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
Part Five: Weston Water And Oberland
Part Six: Meeting Preston And Matthew
Part Seven: Radstag And Radstorm
Part Eight: The Return To Sanctuary Hills
Part Nine: Domestic Ruminations
Part Ten: Institutionalized
Part Eleven: Two Weeks, Three Days
Part Twelve: Haylen’s Warning And The Glowing Sea
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains extreme mental duress and graphic depictions of gore. Stay safe!]
  That couldn't be right.
  M7-97 .
  Quinlan must have gotten something incorrect. A line of code must be askew. Maybe he had used the wrong cipher.
  M7-97 .
  " Danse, they know you're a synth! Please , you have to run! " Haylen had begged him, tears streaming down her face. If this was a joke, it was a disturbing one, and certainly in poor taste.
  M7-97 .
  Danse's stomach wouldn't stop tying itself in knots. He was distracted, dangerously so. 
  M7-97 .
  Was Vega leading him into a trap? Was he being set up? 
  Was he really a synth? His memories swirled uncertainly, sterile and damning. Featureless gray buildings, scavenging through the ruins of the Capital Wasteland, alone, alone . 
  The meager breakfast he had eaten in the mess hall threatened to make a reappearance. Was he really a synth? Danse felt like he couldn't breathe, lightheaded from warring with his panic. He leaned against the double doors as Vega set up the location pulser, the knight fumbling for a moment with the fiddly gear.
  "Wait, Vega." The paladin said abruptly when she was about to push the activation button. She turned to look at him and Danse's heart clenched in his chest. 
  He went to remove his helmet, the gorget seal hissing loudly in the stillness of the Sentinel site. Here amongst the towering stacks of carefully packaged warheads, the paladin made a split-second choice. If she had been sent along with him to end him, he wouldn't resist. But he needed to say his piece.
  Rushed on by fear, nausea and the devastating knowledge that he would never see her again, Danse began to speak. "I just wanted you to know how immensely proud I am of you, Knight Vega," he choked out, half-expecting her to blow his head off now that he had offered her the opportunity. "You've done so much for the Brotherhood, for me , I...I'm at a loss for words." 
  Instead of killing him where he stood, Elizabeth removed her own helmet, her brilliant smile making Danse's heart trip violently. "Thank you, Danse." She replied softly, a gauntlet over her chest. Not in salute, but in sincerity. 
  Danse's finger twitched on the trigger of his rifle, but he forced himself to unclench his hand from the stock. No, not like this . She had offered him her vulnerability in turn, though hers seemed to be unwitting. He wouldn't sully their last encounter by being the one to fire first.
  "When you arrived at the police station, I didn't know whether we could trust you. But as I said before you departed for the Institute, you've proved yourself time and again in my eyes. I am honored to have fought alongside you, and I'm honored to call you my friend," Danse's voice trembled, "Elizabeth."
  "Gosh." Vega blinked at him, seeming concerned. "You really need that R and R, Danse. Look, this isn't the end of the world! We'll only be apart for a little while."
  "Apart?" Danse asked, confused. He could have sworn that she was here to either kill him or simply keep him occupied until the rest of the Brotherhood arrived to put an end to him. 
  "Yeah, you're supposed to stay here to count and secure the bombs. Elder Maxson wanted me to report back double-time once I activated the pulser, according to that scribe at Echo." Backhand shrugged. "I dunno', seems kinda' dumb for me to hoof it if they're sending vertibirds, but I guess they trust you to make sure nothing stupid happens in the meantime."
  She was leaving him alone? Danse's brain reeled with a million plans half-formed, a million courses of action that he could take. They're separating us , he realized. If she was being removed from the situation ahead of him, that allowed him tactical breathing room to devise a strategy. He wouldn't have to fight her. Wouldn't have to get her tangled in his mess. Wouldn't have to kill her . "Of course," he murmured. "Sorry, I...it's been a long day."
  Backhand waved him off, rummaging through her satchel. That familiar bandanna emerged from the cavern of her bag and Danse forced himself to remain still as she got within melee distance. Her fingers surprisingly nimble in their gauntlets, she wound the 'lucky' bandanna around his neck and tucked the loose ends beneath his left ear. The fabric was worn and faded, a nondescript color that may have once been olive drab. It was technically much too big to be a simple bandanna, but he had no other name for the large square of cloth. A scarf, perhaps?
  "There." She hummed, appearing pleased with her handiwork. "Now you'll have a little luck with you until we meet again."
  Danse reached out almost against his will, the servos in his gauntlet whirring softly when he drew a finger from the cryo burn on her forehead down to the one on her chin. "Take care of yourself in my absence, Knight Vega." His throat ached. 
  "I will. Don't worry about me!" Backhand promised him with an easy grin. "I just hope you won't get bored to death out here all alone." She brought her hand down on the pulser, slipped her helmet back on and then threw him a salute. "Ad Victoriam, Paladin Danse."
  And Paladin Logan Danse, pride of the Brotherhood of Steel, gave her the most razor-sharp salute of his career. "Ad Victoriam, Knight Vega."
  He was going to be sick. Elizabeth had departed not five minutes ago and Danse dry heaved from nerves as he shoved his helmet back on. 
  He didn't have time to be sick. 
  M7-97 .
  There was no way she had known. She would be safe. She could claim ignorance.
  M7-97 .
  Danse knew he didn't have long before the vertibirds arrived. Half of him was so sure this was all a mistake, a misunderstanding that he could easily clear up with a simple explanation. The other half of him was Haylen's anguished voice pleading Danse you have to run, they'll kill you!
  And every second he wasted arguing with himself was a second that possible death drew closer. The paladin could feel his legs shaking in his armor frame, his whole body starting to tremble as the urge to flee threatened to swallow him whole. But no, he was a Brotherhood soldier. 
  Danse paced the floor in front of the double doors, making a point to leave the safety on his laser rifle. Whatever his fate, he would meet it peacefully. He would not open fire on his brothers and sisters, even if they were indeed arriving to slaughter him. If he truly was a synth, he reasoned desperately, then he needed to be destroyed. There could be no allowances or exceptions.
  Had there ever been a real Danse? 
  He jerked to a halt at that, his heart dropping. Was he a replacement , or had there never been a 'real' Danse to begin with? The notion that the real Danse might have been disposed of ages ago to allow him to infiltrate the Brotherhood was...oh God, it was awful , Danse wished he had never thought of it.
  M7-97 .
  He slammed a fist down on the button for the lift. Vega had left via the same path, so he knew that it must eventually lead outside. That…
  He shouldn't try to escape if he was a synth. He needed to be destroyed . If he wasn't one and he fled, it would just make him look even more guilty. 
  But...but he didn't want to die. After everything that he had survived, everything that he had overcome, all the suffering he had endured--
  Oh God, he didn't want to die. Was this some malevolent failsafe programming, or was this just his human self-preservation instincts kicking in? Danse wanted to tear his hair out. He was second guessing every damn thing his body was doing, hyper-aware of the thunder of his pulse, the way his pace of respiration felt stilted and unnatural. 
  With a grind of gears the lift finally arrived at the bottom of its track.
  Danse heard the armored footsteps approaching through the tunnels and he braced himself, hoping against hope that he was wrong, that everything was wrong. He couldn't be a synth. That couldn't be true. His entire existence couldn't be a lie. The emotions that ran rampant in him even now, the times he had longed to be less expressive, as sturdy and unwavering as his armor, the fear that tried to choke him...just a walking, talking falsehood?
  Danse's stomach dropped out when a knight and numerous scribes emerged from the end of the tunnel, the armored individual brandishing a heavy gatling laser. The paladin heard the weapon spin up in warning and he realized he wasn't even getting a shot across the bow or a chance to surrender. All doubt was removed from his mind. 
  Danse, his body moving without conscious input, flung himself to the side. He dropped his rifle in his rush and it was obliterated by the deadly laser fire that dogged his footsteps while he lunged for the elevator. Hammering the button to raise the lift once he was onboard, Danse stumbled into the far corner of the platform.
  " Abomination! " The knight screamed after him, making Danse cringe against the wall of the shaft. " Fuck you, what did you do with Danse?! " Lasers tore through the platform beneath Danse and the paladin staggered, almost losing his footing. " How dare you, freak! "
  Whatever Danse would have said in reply caught in his throat, his eyes blurring with pained tears as the lift platform teetered and shrieked to a halt. The knight continued to aim upwards from beneath the platform, heedless of the damage that could be done to him should the whole thing give way. Danse jumped and grabbed the lip of the shaft, the gears under his pauldrons clicking loudly as he hauled himself up and over onto the small landing. Double doors greeted him and he shouldered them open hurriedly, hearing a resounding clang! as the elevator grating pulled itself apart and collapsed behind him.
  The doors led to the outside of one of the exhaust pylons and Danse quickly swept his head back and forth, squinting in the irradiated light as he took in the landscape from his elevated perch. A lone vertibird sat empty beside the entrance to the site. They must have sent a vanguard squadron to... dispose of him before the rest of the fleet moved in.
  The scaffolding creaked threateningly beneath the weight of his armor and then gave out, sending Danse plummeting to the ground. The paladin gritted his teeth on impact, feeling the shock rattle his legs and spine. He didn't have time. He needed to get away.
  M7-97 .
  His radio buzzed with static, solidifying into what resembled a repeating distress signal as Danse fled Site Prescott. He quickened his pace as soon as he dared to, too concerned about distancing himself from the rest of the Brotherhood to worry about turning off his radio. But then, a specific portion of the staticky distress message caught his attention.
  "... remember that church steeple sticking out that we spotted a week ago? Go there, turn southwest and walk until you find a cave… " 
  Danse checked his compass, sighed, and then turned the radio up just enough so that he could determine if he was getting closer or further away from the origin point of the signal.
  Calling it a cave smacked of charity instead of reality. It was more of a hollowed-out landslide of debris, and it looked on the verge of collapsing beneath the heft of its own weight. Danse crouched down, listening intently. He could still hear the faint sound of more vertibirds high above, but he didn't hear any motion inside the cave.
  "... must have had a better suit or something… " The message continued repeating without a hitch.
  Emboldened, the paladin crept forward into the cramped space. His sabatons scored the dead earth beneath him, dislodging chunks of cracked asphalt with every ponderous step. All he could hope is that he wasn't sauntering into some deathclaw's den, or a nest of radscorpions. Danse loathed entering tight spaces in his power armor.
  His headlamp bounced off the walls, the light watered down and sickly from the heavy radiation storm that seethed overhead. Brain fungus cluttered the debris around him, bioluminescence glittering feebly in the gloom.
  The man who had set up the distress signal (a raider, if Danse had to guess based solely on his voice and the bedraggled body on the ground in front of him) appeared to have expired from the radiation. His suit of power armor stood empty, and after a perfunctory examination Danse quickly spotted the problem. The fusion core was untouched, inserted improperly and thus wasn't powering the suit. A rookie mistake, one that had cost this raider his life.
  On the spur of the moment, Danse made another choice that he knew would have serious repercussions. 
  Stepping out of his own armor, he hastily put the fresh core into his utility pouch and then extracted his half-spent one to slot into the raider's suit. He suddenly remembered Backhand's bandanna draped carefully around his neck and he fumbled with the cloth, tearing it free and shoving it into the pouch alongside the fresh core. 
  Radiation seared at his skin through his jumpsuit. Danse rushed to don the ramshackle armor, his body immediately noticing the difference in protection. The right leg on the armor was rusted through, but Danse didn't have the luxury of time on his side to change it out. At least the frame was still sound.
  Paladin Danse emerged from the other end of the cave, the raider armor shrieking in protest as he knocked the grit out of the joints. The rubber gaskets around the neck and gauntlets were worn to almost nothing, and Danse could feel the irradiated rain seeping into the suit. 
  He raised his head, squinting through the hissing droplets that marred the face shielding, and finally caught sight of the overpass in the distance when it was brought into stark contrast against the sky by a jagged flash of yellowed lightning.
  Danse didn't actively think for quite a while. He simply put one foot in front of the other and intermittently checked his compass, doing his best to avoid the meandering packs of ferals that dotted the perpetually gloam-shrouded landscape. This armor was barely capable of shielding him from the radiation; he wasn't overeager to test its combat capabilities.
  Unfortunately, a territorial deathclaw didn't give him much of a choice. Danse knew he was severely outmatched, and he certainly knew he wouldn't be able to outrun the swift creature. So it was down to him finding stable high ground, his service pistol cracking in the green twilight as he squared off with the massive beast.
  It roared and charged at him, bounding up the hillside faster than Danse could backpedal. He quickly found himself beneath the creature, the claws that were its namesake raking through the welded-together pauldrons while Danse pressed the muzzle of his pistol to the beast's unprotected stomach and pumped it full of bullets. The deathclaw roared again, fitting the top of Danse's helmet into its mouth and biting down.
  The shriek of metal rang in Danse's ears and his jaw locked up as a portion of the helm gave way, his nose immediately broken under the assault. 
  He prayed he hadn't run his magazine dry just yet, because reloading in this position might prove difficult. His left gauntlet grappled beneath the deathclaw's chin, crushing the mutated beast's throat until it finally released the grip it had on his helmet. Danse braced the point of his elbow against the ground at his side and just held down the trigger until the weapon clicked emptily. 
  The deathclaw was still fighting (albeit a bit less staunchly) and Danse took the opportunity to release his gun, slam his gauntlets down on the creature's prominent horns and twist its head violently until the neck snapped. 
  It went limp on top of him and Danse laid there for a moment, simply trying to catch his breath. He had been wholly silent through the encounter, and his heart sank as he determined that no human would have faced down a deathclaw so quietly. 
  M7-97 .
  A vertibird flew by overhead, a very familiar munitions crate dangling from the main body by way of a cargo cable. 
  Danse wriggled out from beneath the deathclaw's body once the flying vehicle had passed, managing to shed the helmet after he rose. He knew he must look grisly; he had felt his nose break and he could only imagine what else had shattered. 
  But the overpass that marked the edge of the Glowing Sea loomed nearby, a Lovecraftian sentry tall and motionless in the constant yellow-green lightning of the radstorms. The same urgency that had fueled Danse before returned once again as he heard the distant roar of more vertibirds. They would be searching for him.
  Danse lumbered forward, not really picking a direction so much as trying to move away as fast as he possibly could. He was limping in the armor but he didn't dare to stop and assess the damage. If he stopped, he was dead.
  So he didn't stop. 
  Danse ran through the night, the driving rain pooling at the gorget gasket before his next step would tilt his hips and dump the water down into the frame. He burned through the rest of his core and paused only momentarily to switch to the fresh one, agony spiking hot behind his eyes when he peeled his body free of the shredded pauldrons and slammed the new fusion core home in the backplate. Exhaustion knotted his muscles as he forced himself back into the suit. The metal latched down like the deathclaw's talons, perforating his shoulders anew and all but bonding him to the inside of the frame.
  And he didn't stop. One foot in front of the other, body wracked with shivers from being soaked to the skin, his mind terrifyingly empty, devoid of any thoughts, Danse simply fled. 
  The second core burned out just as the clouds were beginning to pink up at the horizon and Danse abandoned the armor in a grove of sticks that might have once been a picturesque copse of birch. Without armor the going was admittedly slower. Danse knew he had lost too much blood to keep this up for much longer without causing severe damage, possibly long-term effects--
  Did things like that even matter anymore? He was a synth .
  M7-97 .
  Just thinking about that reality again had Danse hiccupping and retching, the man staggering to grab hold of a tree as his legs tried to give out. The brittle trunk split under his ungainly weight and Danse found himself tumbling forward over a steep bluff, the paladin's body finally crashing to a halt in a nest of shrubs at the base of the cliff.
  With all the wind knocked out of his lungs, Danse welcomed the darkness of unconsciousness that rose to greet him.
  After that, it was a blur. Two tiny hands grabbed underneath his arms, Danse's large frame obviously too heavy to be budged by the owner of said hands. The taste of blood dripped down his throat from his broken nose, making his stomach churn. Danse couldn't even muster up the strength to open his eyes.
  " Easy there, Matt! He's hurt. Wait for your brothers and I ."
Part Fourteen
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autowahn · 4 years
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777 9311 Hours of Work – Restoring the First Digital Drum Machine
I’ve always been a huge fan of Prince. His trademark sound owes a lot to the Linn LM-1, the first digital drum machine ever, designed by Roger Linn in California in 1979. Only around 500 were made and Prince actually had three of them at Paisley Park studios. Here’s the story of my #315 made in 1981.

I never expected to find a LM-1 for sale ever. Despite its scarcity in early 2009 I tracked down a LM-1 on a second-hand music gear website in Germany. The seller confessed it had for years served as a cellar door stopper in a Swiss recording studio. It was serviced by Bruce Forat (a former Linn Electronics employee) in the US — who reportedly was not able not fix it 100 %. But we’ll come to that in a minute.
She Blinded Me With … Magahony

LM1 #315 looked amazing, quite impressive in size. Perfect layout, orange print on black powder coated steel, luxurious mahogany side panels. 12 glorious 8 bit samples at 28 khz plus analogue CEM 3320 filters for bassdrum and toms/congas.

The CEMs are adjustable internally via trim pots, which was only introduced on revision 2. As in revision 3 though, there was no external sync on this LM-1 originally and no clock rate switch in the back. But it had a low output jack which was supposably removed on revision 3. All that makes my LM-1 some kind of revision 2 and a half, technically. The clock input was retrofitted at some point in the past.

That’s it for the basics. The rest turned out to be pure esoterics. 

I never figured out when or when not it would work. Sometime I had to turn it up 20 times, before it would run. On some occasions, it would just go berserk in the middle of a programming session, preferably while messing with complex rythms and before I saved it that pattern of course. Faders where performing poorly, too. And only recently I found out it was also sensitive to room temperature … and maybe the axial tilt of the earth?
All that called for a checkup pretty early in my ownerhsip, but who’d do it if even Bruce Forat had turned it down? And why would I keep that four decades old piece of early digital gear with little to no documentation at all? 

The answer is simple: Nothing sounds like the LM-1!
Bring the Beat Back

I introduced Alex, a talented friend of mine with a masters degree in electronics, to the quirks and features of the LM-1, and then we started off restauration.
First, I got new faders from synthpatchers in Canada for a whopping 239 $. That’s a lot of money for a de facto 99 ¢ mouser.com fader. (The original faders are Mexico 112 1002 94, the same as used in ARP synths.) The only problem is to find out which of the thousands available fit into the LM-1, because the sockets are said to be different from the stock one, but I can’t verify that.

You either have to take the stock ARP ones and modify them, use other faders and built an adaptor yourself — or just go with the synthpatchers.com parts that will just work as designed (the original faders were performing very poorly so cleaning was no option either).
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The faders arrived after four weeks and another whopping 80 € for shipping plus customs. Globalization doesn’t work for everyone …
According to the service sheets and schematics, the LM-1 power supply runs on 15 volts. Actually, it’s a 12 volt Power-One HTAA-16W power supply with a little “power boost” that did not provide equal current anymore. We were unsure how long the power supply would still work correctly after 40 years. Since it’s a crucial component and we wanted to avoid future consequences for the rest of the circuitry, instead of recapping it we simply replaced it with a modern switch power supply running stable on exactly 15 volts.
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Those rechargeable batteries were also replaced along with a few rotten voice board capacitors (see white circle). Some display pins had also gone loose and were fitted back in.
It turned out the startup issue was a consequence of a glitch in the power supply and the display pins. When you switch on the LM-1, the OS boots within seconds and if that initial current is incorrect, it won’t boot at all.
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More Light
This is a historic piece of gear, so any restoration is of course also a question of philosophy. Do you want a museum piece, maybe not working 100 %, but 100 % original? Or do you want to use it the way Roger Linn designed it — as a musical instrument, ready to perform? I decided on the latter.
Repairs aside, any non-reversable modification was not an option for me. But an easily removeable and musically justifiable mod – why not?
After Alex had figured everything out, the LM-1 worked perfectly. Since it’s a revision 2 with three unused holes covered by blank jacks in the back, we were going through possible reversable modifications to the circuitry and having them controlled with pots sitting in those unused holes.
We decided on a filter cut-off and resonance mod. One that allowed for both the bassdrum CEM and toms/congas CEM to be controlled from the back.
To achieve cut-off change one resistor had to be slightly decreased in value, so the internal trim pot would cover the entire filter range, not just half of it like in the factory setting (it was not intended to be changed as a “sound feature”). For resonance Alex soldered in two extra resistors. Then he took two pots with two dual caps as CV source and wired them to the filters (see photo below; new switch power supply also installed).
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Finding a musically usefull range for resonance took a bit of fiddling. Due to a missing VCA, self oscillation did not make sense (you would just get a constanc hum) and also VCF envelope modification, though theoretically possible, was turned down due to irrelevant results (the samples are just too short).
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It was important to me to have the factory VCF and resonance setting available at any time, because that’s the sound the LM-1 is famous for. The new dual pots are set in exactly that way: at 12 o’clock it’s the factory sound, to the left and right you can now either enhance or erase high frequencies and artefacts — for the VCF.
For resonance, the setting is slightly different, because resonance wasn’t used in the original design at all: for resonance amount zero (factory spec) the pot is turned far left. As you turn it up, resonance increases.
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That’s it! A total nerd topic, but I hope someone will find this usefull because documentation, as I said in the beginning, is pretty rare on this machine.
I’ll leave you with the greatest LM-1 beat ever made:
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mikeo56 · 4 years
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Florida Department of Health
Months ago, an employee of Weichert Realty located at 601 Del Prado asked me to work on a residential property they manage at 4442 Ruthann Ct. I live on Ruthann Court next to this property. I had to roach-bomb this property for two days and toss the fridge there in the garbage before I could work inside. The severe problems I found at 4442 are, One, there was no air conditioning or heating in the master bedroom or master bathroom. Two, the guest bathroom steel tub was rusted out at the bottom and was sitting in its own leaked dirty water such that this water squirted into the tub if someone used the tub. Three, the septic/field system would back up and flow into the front yard during a rain. I have lived next to this unit, no more than 100’ from its front yard for about ten years and have seen contractors digging out this area several times in the last several years. I have smelled the septic overflow from my home on occasion also. Weichert management has known of this for years. I also sent them a report describing the leak in August of 2019; a copy of my report to Weichert is attached. It is dismaying that any property management company would allow their tenants and their tenant’s children to play in human waste for year after year, family after family, possibly contract after contract.
 I would add something to the report of August of 2019 concerning the property at 4442 Ruthann Court. The roof plywood is rotting at the eaves and eventually this decay could weaken the structural integrity of the roof. The fungus causing the plywood decay could affect the trusses where the trusses rest on the exterior walls adjacent to the rotten eaves.
 I am aware that recently 4442 has been given a new field system and that the Florida Department of Health was involved. Again, I did send Weichert a report in August of 2019, detailing that there was a very large ejection of septic water into the front yard. And, again I believe that Weichert management had to have already known about the sewage leak for years, considering the number of contractors that dug around in that same spot I identified the sewage source.
 Considering the letter I wrote to Fort Myers News Press concerning the corruption of Lee County Code Enforcement (a copy is attached) and that I state unequivocally, that my previous landlord following the printing of my letter claimed a Lee County Code Enforcement Officer threatened him if he did not evict me, I would suggest that a close association between Weichert and Lee County Code Enforcement would indicate that the property 4442 Ruthann Court managed by Weichert Realty might be one of many properties that Weichert is allowing to rot while accepting tenant’s rental payments.
Report to Weichert August 2019
Re:4442 Ruthann Court
To: Weichert Reality and Property Owner
From: Michael H O’Neal
1)    AC system: The added bedroom and bathroom (where the middle carport was) receive less than adequate air flow. The compressor and air handler are good but the ductwork is the original duct-board and it was installed with little concern for efficiency. Flex duct was added to this old ductwork to supply the added bedroom and bathroom.
I rerouted the bedroom duct and removed the kinks from it, also I spread existing blown insulation over an area about 5’x5’ above the bedroom where the drywall was left bare and uninsulated. It improved the flow somewhat and the bedroom does cool better. However, if the problem still exists A) the bedroom flex should be attached to the end of the main trunk. B) The bathroom flex is too short, taught, kinked and is not connected at the main trunk and should be lengthened, unkinked and reattached. C) If these two things are fixed and the cooling inadequacy still exists, the only other modification I’d suggest is adding a return in the bedroom placed across the room from the supply and near the closet; use 4” flex and connect the flex to the intake side of the plenum. The room would cycle more frequently.
2)    Roof shingles, roof plywood, fascia board, soffit and gutter: Gutters would be great for the tenant along the front entry and above the rear lanais and over the living room closet slab projection beyond the footer. During rain the runoff at the rear lanai makes the lanai space almost unusable from dirty spatter created by run off. Gutters, however can’t be installed in the front until the rotted fascia board is replaced. The roof plywood is also rotted in a couple of places above the front eaves along with the soffit below it. I was in the attic repeatedly and saw no indication of any water stain or rot in the roof plywood or trusses. The roof plywood rot, was as far as I could tell only in two places in the front and over the soffit. Often, as shingles begin to fail there is roof rot at this spot as the drip edge is no longer mated securely with the membrane and, water gets under it, leaks develop and rot begins and what you have here is the result. It will get worse. The shingles also are old and brittle and this creates the question as to what is the best way to deal with this, repair or re-roof?
3)    Exterior sheathing:  The exterior sheathing on this unit is a wood product and is rotted in many places on the north and east sides of the unit and likely elsewhere. Use hardy board (fiberglass and concrete material) when replacing.
4)    Septic System: There is a broken septic line from the unit to the septic tank. While I was there working it rained so profusely that both toilets filled to the top when flushed, and almost spilled over. There was a gentle flow coming up from the ground just outside the front door and a few feet beyond the PVC clean out in the sidewalk. The smell of sewage was very apparent. I would guess the line is broken somewhere between the cleanout and the driveway. Within hours after the rain stopped the toilets worked properly.
5)    Windows: All of the windows are very close to being past repair and they have annealed glass, which shatters into large shards if broken. I’d suggest finding a distributor who sells the windows stock in the sizes that are already installed in the unit.
6)    Cantilevered Slab: At the NE rear corner of the unit the concrete slab, which is the floor of the living room “closet” extends unsupported beyond the footer as most of the soil is washed out from under it. It might possibly snap off. I’d suggest the property needs rain gutters here to avoid the washout.
7)    Guest Bath Tub: This heavy gauge steel tub sits in a pool of rusty water. It is rusting out from its underside. The leak could be from a cracked drain pipe or it could be from a very slow pressure leak. There is old water damage to the adjoining bedroom drywall. I say it is old as, it is dry and the unit does not stink. I’d suggest replacing it with a shower/tub combo like the unit in the master bathroom and coming through the adjoining bedroom wall to install it. Do not buy a single piece tub/shower unit. Get a four-piece unit that can be can be carried in the adjoining bedroom, remove drywall and a few studs from the wall between the bedroom and bathroom and one can install the new shower/tub easily. This wall between the guest bed and guest bath is not a structural wall.
Printed: Fort Myers Florida News Press
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 page A2
Code enforcement needs to do their job
Lee County code enforcement is part of the problem, not part of the solution. It is an agency that should be defunded and its head investigated.
There are code enforcement officers that stand in stark contrast to their fellow officers in that no amount of trash or debris might warrant a violation for these officers. These corrupt officers override their fellow officers’ violations and close cases where trash has not been attended and allow their friends who are property owners to ignore the county ordinances and leave this trash lying about in neighborhoods that neither the officer or the property owner live in. Some of these officers even encourage their property owner friends to threaten neighbors who file code complaints. These officers should be jailed. Lee County Code Enforcement is supposed to be a positive influence toward keeping our neighborhoods clean and free of trash, not a criminal enterprise that serves property owners who have rentals in neighborhoods in which they do not reside. Why do these officers abandon the folks who live and make their homes in our neighborhood? Your guess is as good as mine, but usually it’s for money.
Code enforcement should serve the people who have homes out here, people who live out here. It is not up to me to clean up my neighbor’s yard. I can try and speak to those neighbors who are somewhat trashy but ultimately and legally it is up to the landlord to regulate their tenant’s trash by cleaning it up themselves, giving an ultimatum to their tenants or evicting their tenants. If the landlord fails in that, then code enforcement must fine the landlord, not overlook the failings of the landlord and leave the trash for me and the others who expect code enforcement to enforce the code, as the law requires. Code enforcement has no right to penalize the entire neighborhood by letting rental owners escape their legal responsibility to keep their businesses cleaned up so that the neighborhood doesn’t decline from the trash. What an abject fail that is.
If I, as a neighbor, allow code enforcement to proceed in trashing our neighborhood, I allow them to paint our entire neighborhood and those in it as undeserving trash.
M H O’Neal
Squalor Is Not Free
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drnikolatesla · 6 years
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By Marcel Roland. New York American, September 3, 1911.
By a series of discoveries and inventions just perfected, Nikola Tesla, the electrical scientist, has upset what has hitherto been regarded as one of the fixed laws of nature. “Every effect diminishes with distance,” is the way the textbooks have expressed it.
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Tesla now says that instead of decreasing like other forces, electricity may be made to increase in intensity with the distance traveled.
The full significance of this discovery may not be at once apparent. It is obvious, however, that it annihilates space. There can be no limit to the power of the electric wave which increases in intensity the further it travels.
For nearly 20 years Tesla has been working on his plan, he calls it his wireless “World System.” If it is put into successful execution it will convert the earth into a gigantic conduit, which will pass power for all earthly activities, and make possible communication with other planets.
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From time to time Tesla has made partial announcements as his work progressed. This, however, is the first comprehensive account of his system as a whole that the inventor has consented to give to the world.
“Through ages past man has anyways attempted to project in some way or other energy into space. In all his attempts, no matter what agent he employed, he was hampered by the inexorable law of nature which says every effect diminishes with distance, generally as the square of the same, sometimes more rapidly.
“I saw at once that space was annihilated in all the three aspects; in the transport of our bodies and materials and in the earth, transmission of the energies necessary for our existence. You can imagine how profoundly I was affected by this revelation. Technically, it meant that the earth, as a whole, had certain periods of vibrations, and that by by impressing electrical vibrations of the same periods upon it, it could be thrown into oscillations of such nature that innumerable benefits could be derived.
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“It is difficult to convey an idea of these inventions without resorting to technical terms. The first and best known of these is my transformer, which enables the production of electrical vibrations of transcending intensities. I have already attained activities of many millions of horse power; but this is nothing compared to those which I am expecting to get with my improved apparatus.
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“The second is what I have termed my magnifying transmitter, which I look upon as my best electrical invention, and with which any distance can be bridged. I have already passed of this wonderful instrument and am confident that a message can be flashed to such a distance as the planet Mars.
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“Some technical men would be disposed to look upon such statements as those of a dreamer, but it is only because they have not had opportunities to see experiments which I have actually performed. The third invention I have designated as the “Art of individualization,” which enables the transmission of an unlimited number of messages through a wire or wireless, without the slightest interference. Not before this improvement is universally adopted will the world fully realise the benefits of telegraphy and telephony. The fourth invention is my receiver, which concentrates the energy transmitted over a wide area into the operating device.”
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What would the voltage in your transmitter be?
“In the transmission of telegraphic and telephonic messages I shall employ from five to ten million volts, but in transmitting power in great quantities, as much as one hundred million volts will be used.“
How will your “World System” compare with those now in use as regards to cost?
“We could easily afford to offer a transmission of telegraphic and telephonic messages to any terrestrial distance for five cents a word. In a short while no one will think it anything out of the way to dictate or to write a long letter across the Pacific.”
How long does it take for the transmission of a message, by your system, around the world?
“The exact time is, according to my measurements, 43-1000 of a second, which is a speed about 50 per cent greater than that of light.
“The impulse starts from my magnifying transmitter with infinite speed, slows first rapidly and then at a lesser rate until, when it has penetrated to a distance of 6000 miles from the transmitter, it proceeds with approximately the speed of light. From there on it accelerates, first slowly and then more rapidly, and reaches the opposite point of the globe again with infinite speed only to rebound and pass through the same phases on its way back to the transmitter.
“This movement of electricity through the Earth, which takes place strictly in accordance with a mathematical law, and enables a great number of accurate measurements and determinations to be made, which are of immense practical and scientific value.”
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Is your universal marine service based upon this principle?
“Largely so. In setting up and maintaining stationary waves in the earth its entire surface is subdivided in perfectly definite zones of electric activity, so that any observer of all those data which are of importance to navigators as the latitude and longitude, the position with reference to a given point, the speed of travel, and the course followed. This method is quite exact and reliable, and once introduced will be instrumental in a great saving of time, life and property.”
When your system of time distribution is introduced what kind of devices will be used for indicating the hour?
“They will be ever so much simpler than the ordinary clocks or watches, being entirely devoid of wheel work. For personal use a small case will be provided resembling that of a watch which would indicate precisely the time and require no more attention than a compass for instance. The large clocks on towers and public edifices in general will be replaced by extremely simple devices operated on the same principle.
“All these will be ‘tuned’ to a wireless wave sent out at a certain time. This will automatically set the hands of every ‘tuned’ time piece.”
In operating stock tickers, will the present instruments have to be replaced by others?
“Not at all, they will remain intact. A great financier told me that this should be one of the most valuable and practical applications of my system, inasmuch as the instantaneous operation of such instruments all the world over will go far toward allaying panics and failures which are at present mostly due to the inadequacy and stagnation of channels of information.”
“A business man will be able to dictate in his office a letter which will appear in type at any other place he wishes without loss of time in the transmission. It will be exactly as though he had his stenographer close by. In the same manner it will be practicable to send a handwritten letter or even a check, and what is more important, it will not be possible to falsify the signature.”
Will the transmission of complex musical productions require complicated apparatuses?
Not at all. The apparatus at any of the master plants, transmitting a great number of musical compositions, will be of necessity complicated, but the subscriber will need only a telephone receiver, and, if he desires exclusiveness, and individualizing device in connection, which, however, will be rarely required. He will be none the less able to listen to the most complex opera played in some remote party of the world. What is more, he can carry the entire outfit with him on his walks and travels, and whenever he desires to listen to the music he can do so.
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The wireless system which I have developed does not contemplate competition with established lighting systems in densely populated districts, but it offers an ideal solution for the illumination of isolated places. The light will be furnished by exhausted glass tubes, bent in all sorts of ornamental shapes, and is of surpassing beauty, resembling closely the daylight. The lamps will last forever. The entire apparatus for lighting the average country dwelling will contain no moving part whatever, and could be readily carried about in a small valise. It will be quite immaterial in which region of the earth the house to be lighted is located. Distance will not affect the charge.“
How far from the Earth’s surface can power be transmitted by this wireless system?
“To any distance; in fact, the greater the elevation above the ground that easier it is to supply the power to the vehicle, such as an airship crossing the ocean.”
What do you consider the most important application of your system?
The transmission of power, of course. The operation of aerial machines alone will be of a revolutionizing influence, in as much as it will afford a perfect solution of this important problem. Another great field will be the irrigation and fertilization of the soil by wireless power. The time is not distance when a farmer will have installed on his place an apparatus for continuously manufacturing, from the gases of the atmosphere, nitric compounds which will be used to fertilize, while a motor will pump the water and perform other duties; all the energy being supplied from a plant perhaps thousands of miles away. This system can be extended so as to make productive vast tracts of now barren lands located in various countries. I believe that the export of wireless power will be one of the chief resources of the United States and other fortunately situated countries in times to come.“
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craniumculverin · 5 years
Precipitate Withdrawal
The final installment of Ripper!AU’s intro and the conclusion to Alfred’s drunken outburst. Life made this take a while to finish, but hey I did it! Percy is left waiting in his clinic after a no-show and decides he’d like to find out why.
Alfred has been late to his appointments only twice. The first was due to exceptionally poor weather even by New Pthumerian standards, and the second to having to take an unexpected detour due to an overturned cart. He was deeply apologetic after both instances, despite being a scant five minutes behind schedule, at most. So for him to leave Dr. Percival Hewlett waiting a half hour is quite out of the norm.
Not that Percy really minds - this was meant to be another of their "discussion sessions", none of which have gone particularly well given Alfred's reluctance to discuss anything of a deeper nature concerning himself. Not his likes or interests or what has happened to him, but himself. The man could verbally dissect a long dead religion for hours on end, but ask him to describe the most basic of thoughts concerning the reasons behind his actions and suddenly he's nothing to say. He's the first person the doctor has studied that seems to lack absolutely any desire to understand himself, and frankly he's uncertain what to make of it.
As Percy utilizes the time to tidy the already immaculate office, he thinks of what course of action to take. This had been scheduled to be his last appointment of the day what with its usually taxing nature, so without a patient present there was no need for him to stay. However if Alfred does show only to be greeted with a locked door and darkened windows, the surprisingly sensitive man would likely take it as a personal affront, which in itself would be quite taxing in nature. "It's so unlike him to be late to a meeting, let alone miss it entirely… He's made every single appointment and session until today, even when he's complained about it beforehand… I wonder…" Setting aside the well-polished saw he'd been cleaning, the physician returns to his desk and opens the file he'd left there to scan through his notes.
Alfred had certainly acted very oddly the last time he was in. By the time he'd abruptly taken his leave, his manner had become so erratic that Percy actually had the ridiculous notion he should arm himself.
Could whatever had been the catalyst then be the cause of his absence now? If so, what was it? They'd discussed a good number of topics, what with the purpose of the appointment being to update his records… Perhaps outright addressing his alcohol addiction is what did it? That was the first time Percy had spoken so openly about it, and in such a negative light... Alfred first started to appear antsy when their previous conversation concerning the topic was mentioned, then there were his apprehensions over possibly harming others should he completely stop drinking… Or maybe he's simply hungover again, and doesn't want to face his physician after the reality of his situation had been so thoroughly laid out.
Percy closes the file and leans back with a sigh, unsatisfied. None of these conclusions feel right…
…Were it not for the fact nary a peep has been heard from Alfred about his libidinous outburst last month, Percy would consider that as a possibility. But he hasn't said a single thing about it - and Alfred would say something, likely in the form of a longwinded and excessively dramatic display of repentance. All evidence and prior experiences point to him doing so immediately when he feels he's wronged someone. Well, at least for those on the very short list of people he cares about, which Percy knows for a fact he's on.
No, it must be that his initial impression was correct - Alfred's apparent alcohol-induced amnesia has kept him from recalling anything of the incident. Refraining from informing the younger man of his own actions appears to have been not only the preferred route of action, but also the correct one. Percy is still convinced it would've ruined Alfred had he forced him to confront what he'd done - especially directly after, what with how distraught he'd been solely over getting so drunk. And it wasn't like Percy was in the role of the man's doctor when it all happened; he was simply being a friend by escorting him home! If Alfred really wants to have him as both doctor and friend, he can't expect everything that happens between them to be dealt with in a strictly professional manner.
Really though, Percy thinks he did well to act so kindly toward Alfred despite his own slight hangover at the time - that, a substantial lack of sleep, and the various bruises he'd had to cover up made the meager amount of enmity he'd still been harboring all the harder to ignore. Luckily the other man had been so miserable, a pang of sympathy had overridden whatever annoyance Percy felt over the previous night's manhandling. It also helped to remind himself how easily it could've been him drunkenly instigating something of a similarly intimate nature, not too long ago… But regardless, the whole thing has truly turned out for the best. Percy didn't have to endure an emotionally distraught and nonsensical Alfred the day after the assault, nor will he ever. Handling such hassles are simply not his forte; he'd rather have to start treating "hysterical" old housewives again than attempt to console an illogically upset, temperamental patient!
A contemplative frown creases Percy's brow as he laces his fingers behind his head. "Come to think of it, Alfred's overall 'condition' would likely improve were he to receive such 'treatments' - though preferably in a self-administered fashion. He may very well cooperate if it's under the guise of a medical procedure… Ah no, he'd easily see it for what it is and refuse…"
At least the drunken fiasco has given him a rare opportunity he otherwise never would have witnessed in a clinical setting. A glimpse into how Alfred manages his impulses when uninhibited has proven quite helpful, particularly in understanding how he's fairing with his bizarrely intense aversion to anything of a sexual nature. Which is, of course, very badly.
The doctor ponders his current special case a while longer before drifting to previous ones, leant back in his seat to stare at the high, shadowed supports of the ceiling. Everyone that chooses to cross his threshold as a patient has something to offer him, be it potential research or simply funds, but sometimes he really has to curse his curiosity. If someone ends up too interesting they tend to become far more of an undertaking than he can ever predict. Still, these particular patients always make for engrossing study subjects - in very, very different ways.
A hint of a grin twitches at the corner of his mouth as he retrieves the most recent bundle of letters he's received from London. For a while Percy forgoes his immediate dilemma to reread the tight, neat script therein, his smile turning fond on occasion. After rereading a few parts he switches to another pair of papers within a similarly addressed envelope, covered in quick, fluid writing. It's always such a pleasure when Rosalind sends a letter along with Wesley's. As glad as he is for the correspondence, the dear man's delightfully fretful manner never translates well to his written word - at least through Rosa's lively descriptions he can catch glimpses of it. Plus she's so refreshingly forthwith about life, comfortable speaking about all manner of ridiculously taboo topics. Other than their still not being pregnant ("Goodness Wesley, surely it isn't that difficult without my presence.") the only other news is of Rosa's preparations for a piano recital and Wesley's friend Harold dragging him into his latest antics.
Percy sighs and replaces the papers into their respective top drawer, already bored with this as well. The evening of reading and research he'd planned just wasn't alluring at the moment, but neither was remaining in the clinic, and he hadn't finished planning his next letter to begin writing. His fingers tap out a rhythm - Bach's sonata for violin and piano in… C minor, was it? - as he thinks. The weather has been holding out today. He could head to the market before it gets too busy, but he already has what's needed for tonight's supper from his morning run… Maybe look through that old bookstore near Old Yharnam again? The shopkeep's assistant had been quite obvious about her interest in him last he stopped by; perhaps he could charm the girl into letting him peruse the backroom stock? No, he wasn't in the mood for such games… He's wanted to visit Lumenwood Garden again before the flowers are covered for the season, but it won't be dark enough for viewing for some hours yet… Perhaps he should just stay home and outline a few of the experiments he's thought up since last he did so, for when he can finally begin his work in earnest… No, best not - his recent ideas are of a nature too risky to have lying around should Iosefka drop by unannounced…
The doctor sighs yet again as he closes his eyes. It wasn't like him to succumb to ennui, especially when there's so much to be done. Reports to pen, papers to file, chores to do, superiors to ignore, experiments to plan, unexplored topics to delve into - of course it's when he finds himself with much-desired free time that nothing seems fit to fill it! "I suppose this is much like any other abrupt cancellation or absent patient, in that regard… It's more of a nuisance when I don't get to know why they don't show up. I always have to wait until they come in again to satisfy my questions…"
His eyes snap open. "…There's really no reason not to actively seek out a missing patient, should I want answers badly enough. If they were to accuse me of violating their privacy I could easily wave off my snooping as concern, or some such - just being a caring, professional practitioner." He sits up quick enough for his chair to let out a squeak, adjusting his waistcoat as he returns his attention to his desk. "Now, where did I put that…"
The patient file is quickly splayed open to make rifling through the backmost papers easier. He soon finds what he's looking for and pulls out the small slip he'd neatly copied from one of his journals - the address of the boarding house where Alfred resides. Who knows at what point the information had been shared, but he'd immediately made note should the need arise to utilize it. Boredom seems as worthy a need as any, especially considering the young man is at its source for neglecting to make his appointment.
Quickly glancing out the towering windows to see if an umbrella is in order, Percy pockets the scrap of paper and sets about preparing the black leather bag he brings to all house visits. After ensuring he has everything in order, the clinic is closed and locked up before he makes his way through the underground hallway to his residence. The foyer is somewhat dim as he dons a heavy coat and scarf, the tall windows above a poor substitute for lit sconces.
The air is wonderfully crisp when he opens the front door, a slight breeze playing with his hair as he locks up and begins his impromptu walk. The sky is aglow with wispy early Winter clouds and his street's walking paths pleasantly devoid of activity save for the agreeable elderly couple that lives across the way. As Percy draws closer to the ladies in their garden he doesn't slow but is sure to smile and nod in lieu of a proper hello, earning him the same in return. With the address fresh in his mind, he mentally plots out his course as close to where his knowledge of the city would indicate he's going, and musters the patience and wherewithal he'll need to find the rest of his way.
Though only on the edge of the Old Yharnam district, the area in which Alfred resides certainly shares many of its less desirable characteristics. Cramped, dingy streets with very few lamp posts, residences and businesses crammed around and on top of each other - even a few derelict buildings that have yet to be torn down, this long after the war. People are everywhere, some obviously homeless while others are mongering or shopping or just milling about; and still others, a much smaller number, advertising themselves on street corners.
In other words a lot like London. Enough to cause a sense of nostalgia in Percy as he drifts out of the foot traffic and comes to a halt in front of an old manor house nestled among the indistinguishable buildings. The heavy wooden door is unlocked when he tries it so he lets himself in, only to be immediately greeted by loud snoring on crossing the threshold. An old man sitting against the adjacent wall is the obvious culprit, so soundly asleep not even a shriek from the door's hinges nor slam of it closing can stir him. The foyer area is surprisingly cramped for such a large estate, yet the ceiling is so high it's lost in the shadows. Noticeably newer walls and stairs are to blame for the strange layout, likely put in when the place was restored and renovated into a boarding house. Across the cavernous entryway near the furthest wall is an old woman, the rocking of her chair having halted as soon as he opened the door. She's still in her nightcap despite the hour and has a good deal of knitting in her lap, her craft momentarily paused to glare at him.
"Good afternoon ma'am," Percy says, a pleasant warmth added to his words as he dips his head in greeting. The elderly woman leans forward to squint through the dim of the place, causing a litany of protest from her chair. "My name is Dr. Percival Hewlett. Are you aware if Alfred is in?"
"Alfred who- Oh, him. Yes," she says as she slowly and creakily leans back, "he and that dog of his, yes. He's in. Hewlett you said? You're his doctor then?"
"Yes I am. I've come to check on him. Could you direct me to his room?"
"He's not left all day - only took the beast out once, poor thing. Good you've come," the old landlady says as she slowly cracks and pops into standing, the knitting piling at her feet as she snatches a cane from somewhere to hobble closer. "The boy's been unwell the last few days, I think. Very odd for him to stay in so much, hasn't been finishing his meals like usual. Missed dinner yesterday, come to think of it… Oi, old man! Wake up, you!" She gives the elderly man's stool a sound whack, startling him awake with a loud snort. "I'm going up! Stay awake to keep watch for once, you old git!"
The man's angry complaints go ignored as the old woman leads Percy to one of the many sets of stairs. They ascend to what is probably the third floor - multiple flights, angles, and landings make it hard to keep track - on which the landing juts off into a long, windowless hallway of many doors. They stop in front of one of the closest doors, much like the others save for the number "39" painted in fading white, a little off of center. Expecting the old woman to take her leave, Percy stands close to a wall, his bag held off to the side to let her pass. She merely scowls and waves him toward the door. "Knock already, will you? I don't want to have to come all the way back up here should he not answer, just to let you in!"
"He's been that bad off?" he softly asks, pointedly ignoring her rudeness. The doctor  gives the door a few knocks and waits. When nothing happens he calls out and tries again, a little louder. It's only after the third round of knocking that a quiet, inhuman whine can be heard as something shifts to block the faint light spilling out from under the door.
The landlady huffs and pulls a large ring of keys from under her apron, expertly picking one out with nary a look. She shoves past him to the door and unlocks it before stashing it away as she turns to glare at him. "Lock up before you go, and don't rile the beast into making a racket." With that she pushes past once more to take her leave. Percy arches a brow at her retreating form before returning to the matter at hand. The door sticks a little when he tries to open it a crack, but once he manages a strange rumbling suddenly starts from inside. Only when it's nearly fully open and too late does he realize it's not so much a rumble as it is a growl.
Directly in front of him, stood in the middle of the tiny room, is the largest dog he's ever seen.
The physician stops in his tracks, hand still on the doorknob as he swallows back his surprise. He knew Alfred owned a dog, but had neglected to ever ask what kind - in hindsight, a giant of a mastiff seems a rather obvious choice. "Alfred?" He calls gently, so as not to startle the enormous hound. From the corner of his vision he sees movement from beyond a bed's footboard. "Alfred, are you awake?"
A groan comes from under the covers, which lower to reveal a mop of messy blond hair. The growling quiets momentarily as the animal's ears perk toward its master, but otherwise is intent on fending off the unknown intruder. Another groan turns to low mumbling before a scruffy-looking Alfred emerges to blindly face the large, well-worn cushion across from him, no doubt where the dog lays. "Sig, you're fine. Quiet down…" That at least stops the growling for the time being, leaving the now confused behemoth unsure of what to do. After a few seconds it softly whines its discontent, finally prompting Alfred to somewhat prop himself up, eyes shut tight against the meager amount of light. "Ugh, what's wrong now…?"
"Only an intruder in your domicile, by all means stay in bed."
Alfred bolts upright with wide, wild eyes as he whips the covers away, his hand instantly at the gap between mattress and wall to grasp what looks like the end of a previously hidden handle. He pauses to blink rapidly at his unexpected guest, both men and dog tense after his flurry of motion. The energy in the room suddenly dissipates as he slumps back and groans again. The handle is left to sink back into its hiding place as he presses both palms into his eye sockets, exhaustion gracing every aspect of his being. His hands drop into his lap when he stares at the physician, as though he's unsure of what he's seeing. "Percy…?"
"Yes, though right now I believe 'Dr. Hewlett' is more fitting," he stiffly motions with his bag toward the still-aggressive animal standing between them, "could you, ah…?"
Alfred sluggishly blinks before understanding dawns. Whatever he says next is apparently a command, as the dog immediately relaxes and starts to pant, tail lazily wagging as it cants its head and approaches to sniff at the visitor. Another oddly familiar assortment of syllables and it returns to its corner of the room, circling before laying down on the old cushion. The younger man cracks a tired smile at his pet before tensely looking back to Percy, wariness etched across his features as he replaces his blankets. "What are you doing here Dr. Hewlett?"
"Checking in, as it were," Percy says as he shuts the door behind him. Now that there isn't a snarling beast glaring at him he can take a more thorough look around as he strips off his outer layers. There's a coat stand directly in front of the entry against the stained and cracking wall, beside which is a heavily-laden, tiny desk with a mismatched stool, a dented waste bin wedged between the two. On the other side of the desk is the dog's bed and bowls, situated below the tiny room's equally tiny window, too high to be anything other than a minor source of ventilation and light. A narrow bed piled with patchwork blankets and knit quilts sits against the wall in the corner, next to which is a nightstand barely big enough to hold the lamp atop it. At the foot of the bed sits an enormous, ancient, and very heavy-looking trunk, its padlocks left undone. Above it, a few shelves and a fair number of hooks along the walls are home to what little else Alfred apparently owns, along with differing lengths of dog leads. The most notable thing in the room besides the trunk is a painting hung in an elaborate frame, above the head of the bed - a detailed portrait of an aged, pale man with a full beard, long hair, and piercing eyes.
All in all a miserably cozy little setup, far from comfortable and fulfilling only life's barest necessities. Percy hides his dismay at the state of Alfred's living quarters as he hangs his coat and scarf on the stand. No wonder he's out and about so much, walking the streets more than the Church militia; this place is hardly large enough for a grown man, let alone a grown man and a more than grown animal!
"I thought it best to drop by, seeing as you've never neglected to show for an appointment before," the physician says whilst turning around, one hand smoothing the front of his jacket, the other holding his black bag. "I believed something might be amiss. It appears my suspicions were correct."
"An appointment…?" Alfred's face scrunches up in confusion before it breaks into panicked realization. He bolts upright to scramble out from under his covers. "The session! How could I forget, I should have-!"
"Relax Alfred."
The blond freezes before he can further tangle himself in his sheets. Now that he's properly facing him, Percy can see just how bad a condition the man is in. His usually styled hair hangs limp and unwashed, and the typically well-kept sideburns are on their way to being consumed by unshaven stubble. Pale, clammy skin, dark circles under bloodshot eyes, a sheen of sweat on his forehead - this wasn't just a hangover. He'd either managed to become very ill in the two days since they'd last spoken, or… Percy sighs.
He pulls the stool out and sits, setting the bag at his feet as he does. Alfred still appears somewhat ready to fling himself out of bed, but his manic energy has been somewhat replaced by the same wariness from before. He won't meet the doctor's gaze, looking anywhere but his direction, and his hands can't seem to stay still. How curious… "Now that I see your state, I'll forego the lecture of how to properly cancel an appointment the day of. Missing was obviously not a conscious decision."
The younger man kneads at the topmost quilt, managing to look even guiltier. "I'm sorry. Had I- if I'd- …I haven't been well."
"I can see that. You've stopped drinking, haven't you?"
Alfred tenses, gaze immediately snapping to his hands. "I, uh… how…?"
"Because you were perfectly fine two days ago, and aren't one to let anything less than severe pain or injury keep you from being active," Percy doesn't bother keeping the displeasure from his voice as he gets straight to the point. "If you'd consulted me before blindly charging into this, you would know that stopping such an addiction shouldn't be done alone. Especially if one decides to do it all at once - the shock and resulting symptoms can lead to death if not under proper supervision!"
The blond huddles further against the headboard at the chastisement, hands anxiously fidgeting in his lap as he keeps his head down and chews at his bottom lip. From this angle his eyes look to be rapidly darting every which way, glossed over and even teary as the sweat falls from his brow. Taking a slow breath, Percy decides to change tactics. Having to deal with an unnecessarily emotional patient is such a task, and Alfred has proven he is very capable of being just that. The doctor pauses a moment to consider his next move, unconsciously leaning forward to better observe whatever reaction he'll receive. His voice is kept as quiet and calm as can be.
"…What changed your mind? You went from 'considering' to 'doing' rather quickly, no further convincing required. Am I really that good?" He chuckles, "perhaps I'm simply too familiar with handling you-"
Alfred's breathing suddenly hitches, followed by a series of hiccups as it grows faster, more erratic. Tears immediately begin to stream down his pallid cheeks, as though they'd been building up for some time. His eyes screw shut as he quickly hides his face behind hands that end up tangled into his hair. A tightly clenched jaw is visible behind shaking forearms as he sucks air in between his teeth, rapidly hissing as he tries to keep himself quiet. He stays upright for only a moment longer before he buries himself under the covers to curl into a fetal position. His heaving form, now wracked by outright sobs, haphazardly rocks beneath the knit- and patchwork.
Percy remains silent and motionless as he stares.
He hasn't a clue of what to do.
The unease Alfred causes him on occasion is back in full force, bearing down on him, making it extraordinarily difficult to sort through his thoughts. It's obvious he's done something to set him off, but what? Why was he so upset in the first place? Was he really feeling that guilty over foregoing the doctor's assistance? Is it the withdrawal causing him to act out due to heightened chemical imbalances of some sort? Has he, personally, done something? The dog stands only to eventually sit back down and whine in its master's direction. Percy pays it no mind as he watches the shaking mass of covers, frown deepening the more he ponders.
He's done everything a personal physician should when trying to help a patient face their addiction; not even his former peers in England could argue he's been too "morally lax" with this case! So why is seeing a man in the throes of withdrawal breaking down in front of him- Why does he feel guilty?! Lost in his bewilderment, it takes him far too long to realize the incoherent sounds emanating from the bed are peppered with words.
"-rry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm s-sorry I- I'm-"
Percy sits at attention. "Sorry for what? Alfred, you've done nothing wrong."
The sobs turn to fast wheezes as the mass of quilts curls further in on itself. Fearing the younger man might pass out from lack of air the doctor swiftly stands and comes closer, ignoring the worried whines of the animal at his feet. He goes to lay a hand on what was likely a shoulder only for it to flinch away, sobs catching for a moment before continuing. Percy stifles a frustrated sigh as he straightens, still unsure of how to proceed. He brings the stool to sit closer, resting his chin in a hand as he considers the problematic patient before him. "…Alfred, please. I can't do my job unless I'm aware of what the problem is. What's happened to upset you so-"
"I assaulted you!"
Alfred's head pops out from under the covers, hair sticking to his reddened face where tears and snot have caught it. His eyes are clenched shut, fists balled into the fabric under his chin as he practically shouts, "I-I assaulted you, forced myself on you like an animal! I've done everything wrong! I don't deserve forgiveness, I don't deser- deserve-! I'd never- let alone to you! God, I don't know why I-! You're the only bloody friend I've got and I just, just-! Treated you l-like some common-"
"…Oh," utters Percy, too quiet to be heard. A hand presses over his mouth as his gaze falls to the floor, Alfred's rambling fading into background noise.
All of his observations from the recent past topple to the forefront of his mind, aligning to form a glaringly obvious truth with disconcerting ease. The atypical lack of communication and unannounced visits this last month, how Alfred's odd manner during his last appointment only began after Percy brought up their talk, which occurred the day after his outburst - even during the day after itself! How he'd so uncharacteristically neglected to finish his meal, or even pocket the biscuits for his walk home! It all makes terrible sense when connected by the common thread of his remembering his actions from the very start. "I was a fool to think I could ever forego the ridiculous mess of addressing what happened. If he just didn't get so overly-!" The doctor purses his lips in a tight frown as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "…No, no this is squarely on my shoulders now. I didn't deserve the torture of Alfred's dramatics, but now that I've made the situation so much worse… Plenty of contrary evidence to my decision and I was still blind to it all! Too content in thinking I'd avoided an overemotional bullet! Verdammt noch mal, I hate making mistakes!"
"-nothing but patient and kind, and I repay that with, with trying to rape you! Oh God! I-I'm such a wretched, disgusting, vile-"
Hardly aware of Alfred's self-loathsome sobbing, Percy barely moves his hand to blandly reply, "You didn't try to rape me Alfred, don't be ridiculous."
"-ing but revulsion! You shouldn't even want to look at me, let alone treat me! I shouldn't be anywhere near you after I-I did such a thing, but I still-"
The physician finally looks up at him as his hand drops away, focus no longer divided. "Refusing you treatment is the furthest thi-"
"Another man! That I force anyone against their will for my own lewd selfishness is- But a man?! How could I do something s-so-! To someone who, who'd never even think that anyone would want to-"
"I am quite familiar with homosexual acts, Alfred."
"-odd and perversely unnah…tur…"
The muffled words trail off. Alfred slowly turns from where he'd buried his face into the now sodden pillow, finally looking at his visitor for longer than a glance. "…You are…?"
"…Oh…" He stares for a moment before his eyes drift to the wall, expression oddly blank.
For a short time silence hangs in the small room, and Percy is too relieved for a break from the wailing to question it. However, the longer it goes on the more he notices the other's expression shift into something more… thoughtful. An immense amount of discomfort overtakes the physician, driving what little of his tension that had dissipated to return tenfold. He loudly clears his throat to interrupt whatever disagreeable ideas the other might be having. "However, I've… someone to whom a significant amount of time and energy has been dedicated. And, that being the case, I've no interest in such a relationship at this time."
"Oh." Alfred's expression falls as flat as his tone.
His brow furrows as his gaze drifts to his dog, still sitting nearby with its nose on the edge of the mattress. A hand comes out from under the covers to give the animal a scratch behind an ear, eliciting a steady thumping as its tail wags against the floorboards. Percy lets out the shallow breath he didn't know he was holding, glad to finally not be the other's sole focus. It has to stay a short-lived reprieve, however - he still has to set this mess right somehow.
"…For clarity's sake, receiving another man's advances isn't something I find odd or distressing. What was of an offensive nature pertaining to your actions that night was being thoroughly manhandled-" the doctor pauses, his expression turning pensive before bordering on sheepish, "-…in such a… an indifferent fashion. That is, without consent."
Alfred's already pallid complexion pales beneath the flush of upset, self-disgust practically oozing off him as he hiccups on the threat of miraculously unspent tears. Percy quickens his pace in the hope of cutting them off before any more can fall. "But! I know you never would have carried out such actions if you were in any way able to comprehend them at the time. As such, I consider the entire affair as something to be analyzed and understood, similar to any other aspect of your overall case. And I'd like to make one thing very clear-" he pointedly pauses and stares, gently smiling when the younger man finally looks up,"-what I said the following day was and remains true, Alfred. Apology accepted."
The blond's breath hitches and for a terrible moment he appears alarmingly close to all-out sobbing again, which causes the older man's smile to prematurely wane. Instead the offending tears are ignored as he two-handedly rubs at his faces and sniffles in an attempt to hold them back. "But I hurt you..."
Percy raises a brow and sits straighter to spread his arms wide. "Do I look hurt to you?"
"There were- you have bruises…"
"Which have faded - or are very well on their way, if you've managed to pick them out. Wait," Percy arches a brow questioningly as he lays his hands on his thighs to lean forward, "is that what set you off during your last appointment? You saw what's left of the mark on my neck? Honestly, I've gotten worse from badly-stacked book shelves…"
His patient simply nods and bites his bottom lip, eyes anxiously dancing across the room. If anything he looks hesitant now, as if he's unsure he should accept that he's already been so readily forgiven. They sit quietly as Percy tries to hash out how best to convince him so they can move on to the matter at hand - his withdrawal. He sighs as he comes to a conclusion that should act as a much-needed segue into what he'll have to do so he can finally be free of this ridiculous affair. "Think of it like this - were I still upset with you concerning what happened, wouldn't I have said something by now? The day after, or any time after that? Or right now for that matter?"
Alfred goes stock still, averted eyes widening as he rapidly blushes a new shade of red and rubs at his mouth. "…Uuuhh I- uhh…Hmmooh…" His muttering grows more and more muffled as he sinks lower and lower until he's reclined once more, pressing himself into the mattress as if in the hopes it'll swallow him whole. The doctor pretends not to notice his obvious embarrassment, instead focused on trying to look remorseful or even anxious instead of annoyed over his current situation. Evidently not a single thought about Percy's reaction, or lack thereof, has crossed Alfred's mind in all of his panic and self-loathing. The physician would even posit a guess no real concern over how he may have faired has occurred to him either.
Good. Incredibly self-centered and ignorant, but good; hopefully it'll stay that way, at least for long enough to make easier what must come next. Percy turns away for a moment to gather himself. "…For that I owe you an apology."
The blond opens his mouth to question, but Percy silences him with a terse shake of his head before continuing. "The day after I retrieved you from that pub and the subsequent incident, you didn't appear to remember any of it. From that scant observation I decided, instead of forcing you to recall the ordeal while already upset over your getting drunk, I'd act as though your outburst never occurred. Knowing how you loathe wanton acts of any nature, I thought that line of action would be best for you to recover and move on from the blow getting drunk would have dealt to your mindset. I was very, very wrong. I never bothered to think that I may had been mistaken, that perhaps you did remember your actions from that night, or of how what I was doing may affect you. By acting as though nothing happened I waylaid your mental recovery and undoubtedly caused you an enormous amount of duress - questioning your memory, perhaps even your grip on reality. As a medical professional, your physician, and in an unofficial capacity your psychiatrist, my making assumptions and retaining information from you concerning your own actions was morally questionable at best. I apologize profusely."
The room is silent once Percy finishes with a penitent dip of his head. Alfred has shifted to laying on his side, mouth hanging open in obvious confusion just as it was while he listened. It snaps shut almost audibly when he realizes but the confusion remains, slowly morphing into a grimace as he struggles to understand, mind as sluggish and impaired as it is right now. His mouth opens and closes a few times before words finally begin to form. "I… uh. That- I wasn't expecting, for you to… I'm the one who- I don't- but you… You're, um… forgiven?"
Percy makes a show of letting go of a breath he hadn't been holding. "Thank you for forgiving me. And of course I owed you an apology - the turmoil my actions caused you must've been great. Deplorable on my part, as your doctor. Now!"
He swiftly ducks down to open the leather bag at his feet and pulls out a small notebook and pencil. As he returns the stool to sit at the desk he fishes out his spectacles from a breast pocket, depositing them on his nose before clearing a space for him to work. "On to business, yes? I have a few questions about how you've faired since going dry - I'm sorry, that's another assumption on my part. You have stopped your alcohol intake entirely? Likely starting directly after your last appointment?"
"I- yeah? …Yes," Alfred is immensely lost over the sudden change of topic as he pushes himself up. His eyes are still glossy and his voice hoarse from his earlier wailing, but now that the flush of embarrassment and upset has subsided he looks wanner than ever. Sweatier too, unless that's just residual tears and the dim lighting.
"Very well. You've been experiencing the usual withdrawal symptoms I suspect - headache, fever, stomach complaints, trouble sleeping?"
"Yeah… all of that…"
Percy hums as he jots this all down. "Have you experienced uncontrollable shaking?"
"A little, in my hands…"
"When you move do you feel unbalanced, disoriented?"
"If I'm standing or move too quickly, yeah…" Alfred sits upright again and clenches his eyes shut, frowning.
"And have you noticed anything… odd? Visual or auditory things that don't seem right?"
"You mean hallucinations? I don't- probably not…?"
"Good, good. Have you been able to keep down most-"
"-of what you've ea- beg pardon?" Percy looks over to see a very pale Alfred tensely clutching his covers. His mouth is a thin line as he harshly breathes out through his nose, his voice naught but a croak. "Bin!"
Without taking his eyes off him Percy deftly leans to grab the receptacle and is next to the bed so fast the dog startles to its feet. Before the blond can fully take it he's already retching. The doctor stands by with no discernable reaction as he passively watches, pencil and notebook poised to write. Once the successive coughing subsides and Alfred wearily retracts his head with a moan, Percy returns to his task as though nothing had happened. "I'll take that as a 'no'."
"What are you reading?"
Percy turns to glance up from where he sits at the room's cramped though slightly more organized desk. "Alfred, you're up! So sorry if I managed to wake you, it was not my intention," he moves to fully face the bedbound man, bringing the book he'd been focused on to display the cover. "Nothing pertaining to any of my current cases, but of interest nonetheless. The Ward's libraries cover so many fascinating topics."
"Mmhm," Alfred hums, already closing his eyes once more. The doctor watches him as he uses the interruption as an opportunity to stretch some, before adjusting his spectacles to find where he left off.
Three days have passed since Percy first came to check on Alfred. Thanks to the schedule they'd quickly set up the physician has been back to the little room often - sometimes thrice a day if the weather and his other appointments cooperate. It's surprisingly… alright, having to come out to see to the miserable man. Though the trip takes him near less than desirable parts of town, Percy enjoys the excuse for walks and exploring routes he'd otherwise never take, as well as the occasional bonus of receiving baked goods from the elderly sapphic couple, now that he passes by so regularly. The boarding house's old landlady had opted to give Percy a spare key to Alfred's room on hearing he'd be back so often, making the act of getting in nowhere near as unpleasant as his first visit. And with Alfred so firmly in the midst of his withdrawal, he's nowhere near as talkative and irritating as his usual self. In fact, other than giving an update on his condition, the blond primarily spends his time silent and in bed, trying to get some semblance of sleep. It makes for a quiet, somber sort of environment - not unlike a library really, save for the dog smell and occasional sounds of retching.
Percy began bringing his reading along during the second day, when Alfred told him he seems to sleep better with someone nearby. "I don't think I've ever slept completely alone in a room of my own, before living in Yharnam," he'd shared as his reasoning on the matter. Of course Percy had only acquiesced after seeing first hand why his further prolonged presence was indeed needed; when the blond suffered a brief bout of falling sickness as he slept. If not for the physician's quick intervention he would have likely given himself a mild concussion with how he'd been convulsing against the wall. Instead he ended up with only a scrape on his forehead, while the wall gained a few fresh cracks in its plaster.
So, other than occasionally having to walk Alfred's mastiff Siegward - which to its owner's credit is surprisingly docile and well-behaved for those that know a few choice words in Old Pthumerian - Percy finds himself enjoying the time technically spent tending to a needy patient, and actually spent recreationally reading. It's not his own home of course, but the lack of comfort just keeps him from drifting off between paragraphs as he's become wont to do more in recent years.
"Is it about eastern folk medicine?"
Percy looks up in surprise to see Alfred intently squinting at him, or rather the book. It's still very strange to hear him forego his newer, more refined manner of speech in lieu of the accent he had when they first met. Yet another sign of how awful a state he's in, and of the trust he must have in the physician. "Why yes, it is. How did you- have you read it?"
"…You could say that," he settles back to lay down after having propped himself up. Once he sees the doctor's obvious curiosity he groggily continues. "Transcribed by Logärius from its original Chinese, right?"
Realization comes to Percy on hearing the name aloud. He flips to the front to be certain and, sure enough, there is the late man's name in solid script under the title and intricate characters of the original authors. "Yes it is. Did he work on this during your mentorship?"
Alfred doesn't respond. Enough time passes that Percy considers dropping the matter. Talk of his mentor was a touchy subject, and he doesn't want to overstep any boundaries or cause an upset when it could so easily affect the man's health. He'll just have to make a note of this to bring up at a later time.
"…On the back page, if it's the original printing - it's signed by Logärius at the bottom," Alfred suddenly says, almost too low and gravelly to be heard clearly, "the 'A' is in a circle instead of with an umlaut…"
The physician quickly turns to the back page. There at the bottom, much smaller than he'd expected, is a simple anglicized signature, perfectly centered with a curiously large "A", missing its umlaut in lieu of a perfect circle. His interest fully piqued, Percy looks to the younger man expecting further explanation, apparently in an amusing fashion as he dryly chuckles in response. "He transcribed everything by hand originally, since printing wasn't… present most of his life - it wasn't really used in Pthumeru. His hands caused him a lot of pain by his later years, so he never learned how to type. I learned instead, when he took me on."
"You transcribed this book into print?"
Alfred nods as he looks at nothing in particular. "I did a good number of his first transcripts. Some of the papers were damaged or beginning to fade; we needed to salvage them in the midst of our travels…"
Percy raises his brows, genuinely impressed - who'd of thought the ever-impatient Alfred capable of such a thing? But something bothers him as he considers this new information. "Of all the works gathered by Logärius that I've read, I've never seen a single credit for the transcriptions go to anyone but him. Surely you deserve-"
"I don't want it."
The doctor pauses, his confusion plain. Alfred sighs. "Pecking at a typewriter is nothing compared to the actual work my mentor dedicated himself to near the end of his life. He'd already traveled much of Asia and Europe by the time we met, was more than halfway done all on his own. Adding my name would only diminish the importance of his efforts, his dedication. I didn't - still don't - want to take away from the recognition that's rightfully his."
Remaining silent, Percy adds this revelation to what he already knows of Alfred's relationship with the mysterious Old Pthumerian that had been Logärius. It was evident from the start that he highly reveres the man - which makes perfect sense, considering how he'd vastly improved Alfred's life practically over night. From education to etiquette, Logärius reshaped and guided a spirited no-name brute into a relatively decent gentleman of… some amount of academic prowess. During one of their discussion sessions, he'd even let slip he considered the man as a sort of father figure, the first he could ever recall in a positive light. But this degree of humility is completely new. Alfred is a prideful man; proud of his academic work, proud of his physical abilities, proud of his status of being Logärius' sole surviving protégé, and proud of how he's successfully reshaped himself to blend with those of a higher social standing. So to learn he willfully, adamantly refuses rightful credit for his work in a well-known collection of literature, which would most certainly force his peers at Byrgenwerth to reconsider him… Perhaps it's less reverence for Logärius, and more a strange sort of glorification…
Percy shakes his head as he's nudged out of his thoughts. Siegward has come to lean against he and the stool, panting slightly as he slobbers near one of his pant legs. With a frown the doctor shifts away from the impending mess of a particularly viscous line of drool. Alfred interrupts his dozing to crack an eye open at the movement before he settles in further, prompting Percy to ask one final question. "…What does the circled 'A' entail?"
"Hm?" Alfred turns toward the doctor's voice but doesn't open his eyes.
"You mentioned this book's signature having a circled 'A', as if it were unique. Why is that?"
Now it's Alfred's turn to frown. "He was of the same mindset as you, that I should receive credit. He didn't push the matter, but made sure to sign everything I'd typed like that, without my knowing - the 'A' capitalized and circled, for 'Alfred.' Ridiculous old man… he just laughed when I confronted him…" The last handful of words are muttered, but his frown sleepily inverts to a fond smile.
Percy hums in response but says nothing. Glancing at the back page again before flipping to where he'd left off, he decides to make note of which books he might happen to read that bare the same unique signature. For curiosity's sake, as well as to see just how much credit and fame Alfred is willing to part with in the name of elevating his mentor's image.
As soft snoring quietly pervades the little room the physician shifts to sit properly at the desk once more, but only after casting a glance at the portrait, the ancient man's intense gaze meeting his own as if in challenge. Percy hums and returns to his reading. What a bizarre study subject he's managed to find…
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civilcoconstruction · 3 years
A Crown Heights Duo Remodels Their Smallest Spaces
A dream shower and walk-in closet complete this Crown Heights closet and bathroom renovation
“After” photos by Miao Jiaxin for Sweeten
Homeowners: Kate + Max posted their bathroom and closet renovation on Sweeten
Where: Crown Heights in Brooklyn, New York
Primary renovation: A new bathroom layout and combining closets in a 610-square-foot apartment
Sweeten general contractor
Sweeten’s role: Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and financial protection—at no cost to the homeowner.
Written in partnership with Sweeten homeowners Kate + Max
Before: Finding the right time to renovate
We’ve all walked into homes where two different sets of ideas are in play. This renovation was part of a quest for cohesion. We’d established an aesthetic when we’d updated the kitchen two years before, and we were now putting in a bathroom and closet we could love. The old set of ideas included a showerhead on the long side of the bathtub and pitch-dark storage spaces. We were not sad to see them go.
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We are Kate, a creative director for a women’s wellness startup, Max, a data analyst at a tech firm, and Lenny, a female Pitbull/Rat Terrier mix. We live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, in a 1926 co-op building. We’re first-time homeowners of a 610-square-foot one-bedroom apartment. We purchased in January 2016 as first-time buyers. We didn’t change the place until 2019 when we renovated the kitchen.
We planned to wait to continue renovating, but the combination of being home due to Covid-19 and having few opportunities to spend money meant that we wanted a nicer place and we accelerated our savings plan. We decided to go for it this year and renovate the bathroom and our closet as a single project.
Swapping out the tub for a shower
Remodeling the 35-square-foot bathroom was a style choice, but also one of function. In the existing room, neither the floor nor the walls were level. We hated that the shower head was in the middle of the wall on the tub’s long side. We wanted a modern stand-up shower with a glass door instead of the step-in tub and wraparound shower curtain. The closet redo made sense to tack on because of its proximity to the bathroom. We wanted to combine two small adjacent closets—one accessible from the bedroom, the other from the hallway—into a single large one. Neither closet had electrical wiring, so finding our things was a challenge. We knew we could net more storage if we merged them into one large closet.
This was easily the most challenging phase of the project, since we’d left Brooklyn on a road trip and were far away when the contractor discovered the problem. We didn’t need to worry.
After: Creating a whole new bathroom layout
We started in the bathroom. We rearranged the whole bathroom, so this was not a simple “rip and replace.” Moving the shower to the back wall meant relocating the toilet and reconfiguring the plumbing proved necessary. Our biggest questions were about the unknowns. In a nutshell, here’s what we learned: You can’t prepare for what’s behind a wall or under the floor. You carry out the demolition and hope to get lucky.
We’d decided we wanted white subway tile with a dark gray grout on the walls. The floor tiles had a distressed texture in dark gray. The vanity’s light wood finish matches our kitchen cabinets, and it offers tons of storage even though it’s only a 24-inch unit. The toilet search was more challenging than expected since we had specific size requirements, but eventually, we found one we liked.
The contractor handles the discovery under the subfloor
We’d heard plenty of nightmares about people moving plumbing in New York City bathrooms and hoped our fate might be different, but it wasn’t. Having completed most of the demolition, the contractors lifted the floor tile. Beneath the visible layer, they discovered two additional layers of tile. Once the subfloor was exposed, it was clear it had been compromised, both by years of trapped moisture and the weight of those three tile layers.
The co-op’s engineer brought onsite recommended pouring a new concrete slab, which added expense and impacted our schedule. This was easily the most challenging phase of the project since we’d left Brooklyn on a road trip and were far away when the contractor discovered the problem. We didn’t need to worry. Our contractor worked with the building’s engineer to pour the new slab to the required specifications.
Smooth communication with their contractor
Our Sweeten contractors provided us with updates via an online project-management tool that helped with communication throughout the job. The team used the tool to share photo and video updates. It helped to keep everyone in sync and organized. That platform really streamlined the conversation regarding every aspect of the job. The bathroom came together exactly as we’d hoped. We’re thrilled with the new storage, including an inset bottle nook in the shower. And the rain showerhead combined with our building’s incredible water pressure makes for an immersive experience every morning.
Combining closets for a larger one
The expanded bedroom closet came next. The contractors removed the wall separating the two smaller closets in order to merge them; we kept the door on the bedroom side. I love being able to see things in the closet, thanks to the increased space, and the addition of wiring let us install good lighting. For the shelving, we took a hybrid approach, buying all of the parts separately. The white shelves are typical closet shelves, but the racks are meant for garage storage. We can finally find our clothes!
This closet hack would also mean addressing the hallway with trim and paint. On that side, the contractors closed the door opening and painted the wall, where we later created a gallery wall for art and photos. The previous door trim was missing chunks of wood (likely from people moving big objects in/out of rooms and banging into the door frame.) It had also been painted a million times and was generally an eyesore. We knew replacing the door and window trim would go a long way towards refreshing the space. The red light fixture provides a nice pop of color.
Their Sweeten contractors: the right renovation partners
This was a much larger project than we thought we’d be taking on this year, but it worked out beautifully. Our Sweeten contractors were transparent about billing, supplying us with perfectly itemized invoices. They were terrific problem solvers, with elegant design sense and ideas that enhanced our final results. We love our new apartment!
Thank you, Max and Kate, for sharing your bathroom and closet renovation with us!
Materials Guide
BATHROOM RESOURCES: Bond Tile “Palermo” gray ceramic floor tile; Elite Tile “Crown Heights” ceramic subway wall tile; DreamLine “Encore” shower door with ClearMax
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Technology; Latitude Run “Ranjeet” 3-tier display wall shelves; Wrought Studio Strobel surface-mount medicine cabinet: Walmart. Modern brass wall-mount shower set in matte black finish, #J020862-US-12IN-THSV-SB: Homary. Marina 24” Natural Oak Vanity: Eviva. Vega vanity light: Lightology. Toilet: Woodbridge.
CLOSET RESOURCES: Shelving: The Container Store. Rebrilliant “Kintzel” heavy-duty racks: Wayfair.
HALLWAY RESOURCES: Paint in White Opulence OC-69 in matte finish: Benjamin Moore. Light fixture: Light Stock Store.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
Source link
from CIVICLO Construction & Interior https://civilco.construction/a-crown-heights-duo-remodels-their-smallest-spaces/
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mechanicswichita · 3 years
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●      Extensive knowledge of the tires we install, because we manufacture them, as well.
If you need assistance finding the right tire, our expert staff can help. When you’re ready to make a purchase or install a new set of tires, let us know.
Tire Installation service near Wichita KS:
●      Dust your tubes with baby powder before installing them to help them seat more easily.
●      It is not safe to rotate tires by swapping the front and rear. We suggest discarding a used rear tire, moving the used front to the rear, then putting a new tire on the front. The front wheel is responsible for most of your traction when cornering while the rear supports most of your body weight and facilitates the power transfer caused by pedaling. If a front tire wears out simply replace it. Rear tires wear faster - front tires need traction.
●      Tires with black treads will generally last longer than any other color due to their carbon content.
●      If a road hazard damages your tire while on a ride, a folded dollar bill or energy bar wrapper can be inserted between the tube and the tire as a makeshift tire boot. Higher quality emergency tire boots are available for those who are always prepared.
●      If you're having difficulty mounting a new tire, try using a little hand dish detergent on the tire bead to make it a little more slippery and easier to slide over the rim. Make sure to clean it off before you ride, though, or your tire may be slippery!
Tire Installation service near Wichita KS: The price of tires and the price of having them installed has changed dramatically over the years as regulations have changed and the tires and wheels themselves have become more complicated. The phasing out in some states of lead wheel weights, the introduction of tire pressure monitoring systems, and the lust for larger rims have made some tires more expensive and installation more time-consuming.
As an example of what to expect, we priced out a set of 15-inch tires for a typical family vehicle at A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, a chain that consistently offers fair prices and high-quality service. Bear in mind that if you have larger rims, fancier tires like run-flats, or rims that require a rare tire size, the prices you pay for just about everything will be greater than those in this example.
Here is what having four Bridgestone Ecopias installed on our vehicle with complete service would cost:
Tires: $400
Mounting and Balancing: $60
Valve Stems: $12
Tire Disposal: $16
Protection Plan: $48
Alignment: $90
Total: $626
Mounting and Balancing
Expect to pay: $13 to $45 dollars per tire industry-wide, depending on the size of the tire. Mounting (installing tires on to the rims) and balancing (adding weights to make sure the wheel weighs the same all around) varies widely for cars, SUVs, and light trucks, and is highly dependent on the size of the tire. Some vendors charge by the aspect ratio and others simply by the diameter. Regardless, the larger the rim, the higher the price will be for mounting and balancing—both because the labor involved is greater and because larger wheels generally require more weights.
We’d pay: $15 for mounting and balancing each tire. Our tires are a small, standard size and they are not run-flats.
Valve Stems
Expect to pay:
Most vehicles prior to 2007: $2 to $5 each for new standard rubber valve stems. It is good policy to replace valve stems whenever you replace tires, especially if you live in an area with extreme cold or heat.
Vehicles after 2007: $100 to $150 per sensor for new TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) sensors. Don’t panic: Unlike standard rubber valve stems, you should not expect to replace TPMS sensors every time you replace your tires. The latest TPMS sensors are modular, so in many cases, if the rubber or metal gaskets corrode, the small pieces can be replaced without replacing the actual sensor, which is the most expensive part.
Installation fees and other service options
At a minimum, your new tires will need to be mounted (i.e. installed on your vehicle’s wheels/rims) and balanced so that they don’t vibrate when you’re driving. There’s usually a standard fee for this service, which is called mounting and balancing. This fee will vary depending on the tire size, your area and the tire installation shop you choose, but it can range from $15 to $45 per tire. Some tire shops offer Road Force Balancing, which may be slightly more expensive, but many people believe it's the most consistent and accurate form of balancing because it simulates the weight of the vehicle on the tire.
What’s Included with a Tire Installation from A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita?
Our technicians will install your tires so you can feel confident behind the wheel.
 Did you know that when you purchase and install Goodyear tires, we provide additional complimentary services?
These services include:
●      Lifetime wheel balances
●      Valve stem or TPMS kits
●      Wheel alignment checks
 Where Can I Get a Tire Installation Near Me?
AllA1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichitalocations will install your tires once purchased. Find a service center near you and call us today for an appointment.
 How can I check if I need new tires due to wear?
You can insert a penny into your tire’s groove track with Wichita’s head facing down. If the whole head is still visible, then your tread is less than 2/32 inches and it’s time to replace your tires.
You can also check the tread wear indicator. This can be found less than an inch from the bottom of the tread. When the tread has worn down so that it’s the same level as the tread wear indicator it is time for the tire to be replaced.
 How can I check if I need new tires due to age?
When in use, it is recommended that tires are replaced when they reach 7 - 10 years old, (6 years in the case of caravans or trailers).
 How can I make my tires last?
Tire life depends on a combination of factors: driving habits, climate, road conditions and the care that is given to the tires. It’s a good idea to have them checked yearly by a service professional. After 10 years it’s a good idea to replace them even if they still appear usable.
●      Tire Installation Service Near Wichita KS
●      Tire Installation Process
●      Tire Installation Service
●      Tire Installation Cost
●      Mobile Tire Installation
●      Bought Tires Online Where To Install
●      Tire Installation At Home
●      Cheap Tire Installation Near Wichita KS
●      Mobile Tire Installation
●      Tire Installation Cost
●      Tire Installation Guide
●      Average Cost Of Tires And Installation
●      Rim Installation Cost
●      Bought Tires Online Where To Install
●      Tire Installation Cost
●      Tire Installation Cost Canadian Tire Near Wichita KS
Contact us:
A1 Mobile Mechanics of Wichita
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Wichita, KS!
CALL: (316) 201-9247 MOBILE MECHANIC
WEBSITE: www.mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org
Service Area:
55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:
Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
0 notes
Best Tire Installation Service and Cost in Omaha NE | Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/tire-installation-service-near-me/
 Tire Installation service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for Tire Installation service near Omaha NE? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, offers quality affordable tire services, including new or seasonal tire installation to let our tire experts help guide you in your selection of the best tires for your needs. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Tire Installation  Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Tire Installation At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
Tire Installation service near Omaha NE: One of the most important parts of vehicle upkeep is replacing old, worn out tires. Mobile Mechanics of Omaha offers quality affordable tire services, including new or seasonal tire installation in Omaha NE and surrounding areas. Trust only the tire installation experts at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha to install your next set of tires.
What is Tire Installation: Routine tire maintenance is important both to keep your family safe, and to ensure your vehicle’s long lifespan. Always check your owner’s manual to find the right tire size to fit your vehicle’s year, make, and model. New tires should be purchased in sets of 4, or at least in matching groups of two on each axle. This keeps your tire wear even and extends the life of your new tires. You can shop for new tires on our site by size, brand, or vehicle make, model, and year. Browse our extensive stock of new tires, and compare tire specifications and prices before you purchase, to ensure you are getting the best new tires for your needs and budget at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha.
Omaha NE Tire Installation Services
Why replace your tires: All tire tread has a finite lifespan and begins to wear, eventually creating a potential safety hazard for you and your passengers. Tire wear happens with typical driving, although various other factors such as driving habits, driving conditions, and weather may shorten the life of your tires.
You might need new tires if:
●      Your tread is below 4/32, or cannot pass the penny test
●      Footstep is visibly lowered or flush with the tread bars
●      Uneven tread wear
●      Bulges, bumps or soft spots on the tire
●      Damage to the tire that cannot be mended
Our mechanics at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha are trained on proper tire installation. New tire installation consists of:
●      Checking the lug nuts for wear
●      Installing new valve stems
●      Mounting the tires
●      Correct balancing of the wheels
●      Inspecting the disc brake caliper clearance
●      Measuring the space between calipers, tires and rims to inspect for potential obstructions
●      Tightening lugs to correct torque
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha offers New and Seasonal Tire Installation in Omaha NE
Tire Installation service near Omaha NE: When it’s time to replace your tires, contact Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, your new tire installation experts in Omaha NE. You will benefit from a new tire installation with a smoother, safer ride and less wear and tear on your new tires. Browse our huge inventory of new tires online and compare tire specifications and costs. Contact Mobile Mechanics of Omaha to let our tire experts help guide you in your selection of the best tires for your needs. Mobile Mechanics of Omaha is thrilled to be your number one place for new tires and tire installation services in Omaha NE and surrounding areas.
Why You Should Have Tires Installed At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
When you think about all the places a new set of tires will take you, it’s exciting. To get the most mileage from your investment and to put the most check marks on your things-to-see-and-do list it pays to have them professionally installed. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we are your trusted technicians, and when your tires are made by Goodyear, you maximize your investment even more.
Benefits Of Having Your Tires Installed Professionally:
●      Extensive experience properly mounting and balancing the tires we install.
●      Extensive knowledge of the tires we install, because we manufacture them, as well.
If you need assistance finding the right tire, our expert staff can help. When you’re ready to make a purchase or install a new set of tires, let us know.
Tire Installation service near Omaha NE:
●      Dust your tubes with baby powder before installing them to help them seat more easily.
●      It is not safe to rotate tires by swapping the front and rear. We suggest discarding a used rear tire, moving the used front to the rear, then putting a new tire on the front. The front wheel is responsible for most of your traction when cornering while the rear supports most of your body weight and facilitates the power transfer caused by pedaling. If a front tire wears out simply replace it. Rear tires wear faster - front tires need traction.
●      Tires with black treads will generally last longer than any other color due to their carbon content.
●      If a road hazard damages your tire while on a ride, a folded dollar bill or energy bar wrapper can be inserted between the tube and the tire as a makeshift tire boot. Higher quality emergency tire boots are available for those who are always prepared.
●      If you're having difficulty mounting a new tire, try using a little hand dish detergent on the tire bead to make it a little more slippery and easier to slide over the rim. Make sure to clean it off before you ride, though, or your tire may be slippery!
Tire Installation service near Omaha NE: The price of tires and the price of having them installed has changed dramatically over the years as regulations have changed and the tires and wheels themselves have become more complicated. The phasing out in some states of lead wheel weights, the introduction of tire pressure monitoring systems, and the lust for larger rims have made some tires more expensive and installation more time-consuming.
As an example of what to expect, we priced out a set of 15-inch tires for a typical family vehicle at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, a chain that consistently offers fair prices and high-quality service. Bear in mind that if you have larger rims, fancier tires like run-flats, or rims that require a rare tire size, the prices you pay for just about everything will be greater than those in this example.
Here is what having four Bridgestone Ecopias  installed on our vehicle with complete service would cost:
Tires: $400
Mounting and Balancing: $60
Valve Stems: $12
Tire Disposal: $16
Protection Plan: $48
Alignment: $90
Total: $626
Mounting and Balancing
Expect to pay: $13 to $45 dollars per tire industry-wide, depending on the size of the tire. Mounting (installing tires on to the rims) and balancing (adding weights to make sure the wheel weighs the same all around) varies widely for cars, SUVs, and light trucks, and is highly dependent on the size of the tire. Some vendors charge by the aspect ratio and others simply by the diameter. Regardless, the larger the rim, the higher the price will be for mounting and balancing—both because the labor involved is greater and because larger wheels generally require more weights.
We’d pay: $15 for mounting and balancing each tire. Our tires are a small, standard size and they are not run-flats.
Valve Stems
Expect to pay:
Most vehicles prior to 2007: $2 to $5 each for new standard rubber valve stems. It is good policy to replace valve stems whenever you replace tires, especially if you live in an area with extreme cold or heat.
Vehicles after 2007: $100 to $150 per sensor for new TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) sensors. Don’t panic: Unlike standard rubber valve stems, you should not expect to replace TPMS sensors every time you replace your tires. The latest TPMS sensors are modular, so in many cases, if the rubber or metal gaskets corrode, the small pieces can be replaced without replacing the actual sensor, which is the most expensive part.
Installation fees and other service options
At a minimum, your new tires will need to be mounted (i.e. installed on your vehicle’s wheels/rims) and balanced so that they don’t vibrate when you’re driving. There’s usually a standard fee for this service, which is called mounting and balancing. This fee will vary depending on the tire size, your area and the tire installation shop you choose, but it can range from $15 to $45 per tire. Some tire shops offer Road Force Balancing, which may be slightly more expensive, but many people believe it's the most consistent and accurate form of balancing because it simulates the weight of the vehicle on the tire.
What’s Included with a Tire Installation from Mobile Mechanics of Omaha?
Our technicians will install your tires so you can feel confident behind the wheel.
 Did you know that when you purchase and install Goodyear tires, we provide additional complimentary services?
These services include:
●      Lifetime wheel balances
●      Valve stem or TPMS kits
●      Wheel alignment checks
 Where Can I Get a Tire Installation Near Me?
All Mobile Mechanics of Omaha locations will install your tires once purchased. Find a service center near you and call us today for an appointment.
 How can I check if I need new tires due to wear?
You can insert a penny into your tire’s groove track with Lincoln’s head facing down. If the whole head is still visible, then your tread is less than 2/32 inches and it’s time to replace your tires.
You can also check the tread wear indicator. This can be found less than an inch from the bottom of the tread. When the tread has worn down so that it’s the same level as the tread wear indicator it is time for the tire to be replaced.
 How can I check if I need new tires due to age?
When in use, it is recommended that tires are replaced when they reach 7 - 10 years old, (6 years in the case of caravans or trailers).
 How can I make my tires last?
Tire life depends on a combination of factors: driving habits, climate, road conditions and the care that is given to the tires. It’s a good idea to have them checked yearly by a service professional. After 10 years it’s a good idea to replace them even if they still appear usable.
●      Tire Installation Service Near Omaha NE
●      Tire Installation Process
●      Tire Installation Service
●      Tire Installation Cost
●      Mobile Tire Installation
●      Bought Tires Online Where To Install
●      Tire Installation At Home
●      Cheap Tire Installation Near Omaha NE
●      Mobile Tire Installation
●      Tire Installation Cost
●      Tire Installation Guide
●      Average Cost Of Tires And Installation
●      Rim Installation Cost
●      Bought Tires Online Where To Install
●      Tire Installation Cost
●      Tire Installation Cost Canadian Tire Near Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Omaha NE!
Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
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mobileautotruck · 3 years
Best 24 Hour Truck Repair Services and Cost in Iowa City| Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City
More information is at: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org/24-hour-truck-repair-services-near-me/
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  Are you looking for the Best24 Hour Truck Repair Services near Iowa City? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, We offer truck tire repairs, all levels of Truck PM Maintenance Services, Truck Repair, Trailer Repair Service, 24 Hour Emergency Road Service, Trailer Damage Repair, Diesel Engine Repair and Replacement. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best 24 Hour Truck Repair Services around Iowa City. We serve Iowa City and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  Are you looking for a truck repair service provider? If you were recently in an accident but you love your truck, contacting a truck repair shop is something you should consider doing. If you are anywhere in Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Services is just the one just right for you. Here is more about our services.
What We Do
We provide a mobile truck service. Specializing in tire repair, bodywork, and mechanical work, we proudly serve every client with a lot of respect, integrity, professionalism, and dedication. We also provide our clients with a mobile trailer repair service. You are always welcome to the Services Page of our official website if you want to know more about what we do. Turn to us if:
You Love Your Truck
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  Purchasing a truck is a substantial investment. With this said, it’s important for vehicle owners to maintain their trucks in good condition. As time passes by, your vehicle ages and will need repair. Many truck drivers think it’s a good idea to save money by repairing their own vehicles. In order words DIY repairs sound good, but they don’t work like that. The only way you can be sure you are safe on the road is to hire a professional mobile truck repair service provider. One of the main reasons to let an expert handle all the repairs is the many years of experience that allow them to get the job done right. Another reason for you to hire a professional is that by trying to repair the truck on your own, chances are you will cause more harm than good.
How We Do It
Every mobile truck repair is provided using cutting-edge tools, state-of-the-art equipment, and a lot of experience in order to get the job done easily. We easily achieve 100% customer satisfaction, and the reason for that is the many years of experience we have and the right tools for every repair job.
Mobile Heavy Truck Repair
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City provides complete mobile heavy truck repair and road service in Iowa City. Their 24 hour mobile ASE Certified Truck Master Technicians will diagnose your situation and make every attempt to correct it roadside to save you time and money. If your repair cannot be completed roadside they also offer a full service extended hour heavy truck repair facility to meet all of your heavy truck repair needs.
Mobile Computer Diagnostics 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City offers complete mobile truck diagnostics service to get your issue identified and get it repaired as quickly as possible. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City service's team of trained heavy truck technicians can make many common repairs roadside saving you time and money. They invest in computer diagnostics for almost all truck, engine and transmission manufacturers including: Volvo, International, Cummins and Eaton. Their team shows up on scene with a fully stocked heavy road service truck to get you back on your way as quickly as possible.
Road Services Include: ● Tire Changing Service ● Fuel Delivery ● Lock Out Service ● Jump Starts ● Hydraulic Line Service ● Hazmat Clean up ● Truck & Trailer Storage ● Brake Shoes & Brake Seals Repair ● Brake Chamber Service ● Starter & Alternator Replacement ● Airline/Air Valve Repair ● Cooling System Repair ● Complete Environmental Services ● Truck & Trailer Repair ● Battery & Battery Cable Service ● Mobile Mechanic ● Load Shifts ● Load Transfer ● Load Swap ● Cargo Offloading ● Booster Start Service ● Portable Generator Power ● Belt & Hose Replacement ● Lighting Repair & Replacement ● Exhaust System Service ● Water Pump Service ● Air Compressor Service ● Trailer PM Service ● AC Recharge ● U-Joint Repair ● Fan Clutch Repair
The Mobile Truck Tire Company You Are Looking For 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  While tires are usually overlooked, they are undeniably among the essential parts of your vehicle. That is why it would be practical that you invest in high-quality tires. With two decades of experience, Truck Mobile Service is the reliable mobile truck tire company you should get in touch with if you are looking for durable tires that can withstand the test of time in Iowa Cityand Refer to the list of services we offer below:
Tire Replacement Whenever you suspect signs of damage to your tires, contact us immediately. The moment you call our company, we will send a reliable team of professional mobile truck tire installation contractors in your specified location on time. With our quick response and reliable service, you won’t need any other company for your truck problems in the future.
Car Unlocking We understand how frustrating being locked out in your car can be. That is why we always ensure to provide a quick response at all times. No need to worry about receiving help from strangers because we only hire reliable individuals for the job. Every professional that joins our team has gone through a thorough background check and training to ensure they are physically as well as mentally capable of the mobile truck road assistance service.
New Tires Sales If you are searching for quality tires, look no further, we are the right mobile truck tire shop you are looking for. With a wide array of choices, you can certainly find one that’ll match your preferences and budget.
Used Tires Sales For car owners who are on a budget, you can take advantage of our used tires for trucks. We sell good quality used tires at an affordable rate. We can even give you expert advice on what will work best for you.
Tire Repair For your damaged tire, Truck Mobile Service is the company to call. Here in and the neighboring areas, we have built a good reputation that we would want to uphold. This is because of the impeccable truck flat tire repair service that we consistently deliver.
Common Types of Truck Damage
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  The truck can be compared to most types of vehicles. So technically, it can also have the same kind of damage that other vehicles can experience and that one can be with engine problems. Without the engine, a vehicle is completely useless. And if it’s the one that’s damaged, you can expect to not send you from point A to B unless dragged or pulled. This type of problem can happen because of numerous reasons. There are such things like coolant leaking from the radiator, worn-out spark plugs, or damaged pistons.
Another kind of damage that can lead to you driving to a truck repair shop is when the suspensions have issues. This is one kind of issue that should be resolved as quickly as possible because it can lead to accidents on the road. You may already have heard trucks falling off of cliffs because their suspensions got damaged all of a sudden. So don’t hesitate to come to us whenever you need high-quality repairs!
Drive Over to Us!
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, Our team of expert mechanics is always ready to do the repairs on your truck. We can promise you that we’ll have them repaired the right way because we have extensive knowledge when it comes to trucks. We also have all the replacement parts needed so you don’t have to hassle yourself with going to other shops to find that specific part.
Costly Beasts 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  Besides the upfront cost to purchase a diesel truck, do you know the depth and breadth of other costs involved? Wouldn’t it be great if buying a more expensive truck also meant a low cost of ownership? Unfortunately, the opposite is true. • A more expensive vehicle always means a higher insurance premium so you need to make sure you factor this into your monthly budget. Diesel fuel is typically more expensive, although, since it is much more efficient it requires less fuel than its gassy counterpart. • Maintenance and repairs are always higher with diesel trucks which also means that your truck will cost you more time having it serviced.
Mountainous Maintenance With the superior performance of the diesel engine also comes the need for superior maintenance. Diesel owners must understand that maintenance is absolutely critical to keeping your engine healthy in the younger years, performing well in the middle years, and still running in the geriatric years. It is not uncommon for a diesel engine to triple or quadruple the life expectancy of a gas engine but it is likely impossible if maintenance is minimal or forgotten.
Peak Problems 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  There are several foreseeable problems with a diesel engine that can be limited with scheduled routine maintenance and a few extra powerful services that can reverse the damage naturally occurring in diesel engines. The cost of services to combat the following problems varies widely depending on many factors including make/model, brands of products chosen and capacity of different systems. Therefore I am only able to list a ballpark range you will need to drill this down based on your particular diesel truck and preferences. A diesel engine is chock full of power and therefore the engine runs extremely hot. Consequently, the coolant is one of the most important needs of the diesel engine. It should be continually monitored because it has a tendency to become more acidic as it ages. If the acid level becomes too high it can cause other parts of the cooling system to rot which will ultimately lead to expensive repairs. It is imperative that you take time to not only check it but to have it flushed as a preventative measure between 50K-100K miles and no more than every 5 years for most makes but it truly depends on the coolant chemistry and severity of use. Coolant flushes for a diesel truck start at around $180. Dirt is an enemy of your diesel engine components. When dirt and grime are present and enter the system, performance will be compromised and the life of the engine will be significantly shorter. The best way to combat the enemy is to keep it clean oil, clean air, clean fuel. Failing to do these services regularly will lead to significant engine problems and expensive repairs?
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Iowa City:  Commercial trucks, semi-trucks, and tractor-trailers can get damaged in a snap. Those large and heavy machines are hard to maintain in a working condition because of their large size. We, at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Services, have learned to perform various truck repair jobs and our clients depend on the honesty and integrity of our relationship. What more can we tell you about us?
What tasks do you specialize in?
Our well-trained and informed technicians can fix trucks, cars, and semi-trucks. Roadside assistance is an additional service for all our customers in Iowa City. You can contact us for speedy mobile tire change and trailer repair.
How long will the repair take? When will I get my truck back?
Truck Repair we understand that every day your truck is out of commission is costing you money. We make every effort to repair work trucks as quickly as possible. The best thing to do is to give us a call and tell us the problem. We can usually adjust our work schedule to quickly service or repair your truck. If we are too busy to handle your repair request immediately we can help you find someone who can. Our highly trained mechanics have experience working with all types of light & medium duty trucks. ● Dump Trucks ● Plow Trucks ● Tow Trucks ● Passenger Vans ● Box Trucks ● Pickup Trucks Can you fix and inspect my trailer?
We can’t say we fix any type of trailer but we fix most of them, including: ● Car dollies ● Boat trailers ● Landscape Trailers ● We also can handle trailer state inspection & repairs. Finding a reliable source for trailer inspection can be difficult, but we make it easy at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City services. Our team has the knowledge and experience to ensure that your trailer is street safe and legal. You can trust us because we won’t try and sell you on unnecessary repairs.
How can I keep my truck from rusting and rotting?
You can’t stop corrosion. However, there are ways to drastically improve the life of your truck. Have your truck washed and waxed every month, and especially before a snow storm when there will be lots of salt on the roads. When our mechanics examine your truck they look for potential problems and can seal up areas with the early stages of rust. A little rust oleum on the undercarriage of your truck can add years to the life of the vehicle. CALL FOR US:
● 24 Hour Truck Repair Near Iowa City ● Commercial Truck Repair ● Mobile Truck Repair ● Truck Service ● 24 Hour Mobile Truck Repair Near Iowa City ● Truck Repair Advertising ● National Truck Service ● Truck Repair ● Truck Repair Near Iowa City ● 24 Hour Truck Repair ● Mobile Truck Repair ● Commercial Truck Repair Near Iowa City ● Truck Repair App
CONTACT US: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Iowa City Iowa CALL (319) 471-4726 MOBILE MECHANIC 1 CALL (319) 359-6136 MOBILE MECHANIC 2 CALL (319) 471-4590 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Iowa City IA WEBSITE: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org http://roadsideassistanceiowacity.org/ SERVICE AREA: 74 Cities within 30 miles of Iowa City, IA Ainsworth, IA | Amana, IA | Atalissa, IA | Atkins, IA |Bennett, IA |Blairstown, IA |Cedar Rapids, IA | Center Junction, IA |Clarence, IA | Columbus City, IA | Columbus Junction, IA | Conesville, IA | Conroy, IA | Coralville, IA | Crawfordsville, IA | Ely, IA | Fairfax, IA | Fruitland, IA | Grandview, IA | Harper, IA | Hiawatha, IA | Hills, IA | Homestead, IA | Kalona, IA | Keota, IA | Letts, IA | Lisbon, IA | Lone Tree, IA | Lowden, IA | Marengo, IA | Marion, IA | Martelle, IA | Mechanicsville, IA | Middle Amana, IA | Morley, IA | Moscow, IA | Mount Vernon, IA | Muscatine, IA | New Boston, IL | Newhall, IA | Nichols, IA | North English, IA | North Liberty, IA | Norway, IA | Olin, IA | Ollie, IA | Oxford, IA | Oxford Junction, IA | Palo, IA | Parnell, IA | Richland, IA | Riverside, IA | Robins, IA | Shellsburg, IA | Solon, IA | South Amana, IA | South English, IA | Springville, IA | Stanwood, IA | Swisher, IA | Tiffin, IA | Tipton, IA | Van Horne, IA | Walford, IA | Wapello, IA | Washington, IA | Watkins, IA | Wellman, IA | West Branch, IA | West Chester, IA | West Liberty, IA | Williamsburg, IA | Wilton, IA | Wyoming, IA Near Zip Codes: 52244 - Iowa City, IA | 52242 - Iowa City, IA | 52245 - Iowa City, IA | 52243 - Iowa City, IA | 52246 - Iowa City, IA | 52235 - Hills, IA | 52241 - Coralville, IA | 52240 - Iowa City, IA | 52340 - Tiffin, IA | 52317 - North Liberty, IA | 52327 - Riverside, IA | 52333 - Solon, IA | 52755 - Lone Tree, IA | 52247 - Kalona, IA | 52358 - West Branch, IA #autorepair #mobilemechanic #towing #roadsideassistance #towservice #iowa #towtruckservice
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mechaniclincoln · 3 years
Best 24 Hour Truck Repair Services and Cost in Lincoln NE |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln
More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairLincoln.org/24-hour-truck-repair-services-near-me/
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  Are you looking for the Best 24 Hour Truck Repair Services near Lincoln NE ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln, We offer truck tire repairs, all levels of Truck PM Maintenance Services, Truck Repair, Trailer Repair Service, 24 Hour Emergency Road Service, Trailer Damage Repair, Diesel Engine Repair and Replacement. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best 24 Hour Truck Repair Services around Lincoln NE. We serve Lincoln NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  Are you looking for a truck repair service provider? If you were recently in an accident but you love your truck, contacting a truck repair shop is something you should consider doing. If you are anywhere in Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Services is just the one just right for you. Here is more about our services.
What We Do
We provide a mobile truck service. Specializing in tire repair, bodywork, and mechanical work, we proudly serve every client with a lot of respect, integrity, professionalism, and dedication. We also provide our clients with a mobile trailer repair service. You are always welcome to the Services Page of our official website if you want to know more about what we do. Turn to us if:
You Love Your Truck
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  Purchasing a truck is a substantial investment. With this said, it’s important for vehicle owners to maintain their trucks in good condition. As time passes by, your vehicle ages and will need repair. Many truck drivers think it’s a good idea to save money by repairing their own vehicles. In order words DIY repairs sound good, but they don’t work like that. The only way you can be sure you are safe on the road is to hire a professional mobile truck repair service provider. One of the main reasons to let an expert handle all the repairs is the many years of experience that allow them to get the job done right. Another reason for you to hire a professional is that by trying to repair the truck on your own, chances are you will cause more harm than good.
How We Do It
Every mobile truck repair is provided using cutting-edge tools, state-of-the-art equipment, and a lot of experience in order to get the job done easily. We easily achieve 100% customer satisfaction, and the reason for that is the many years of experience we have and the right tools for every repair job.
Mobile Heavy Truck Repair
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln provides complete mobile heavy truck repair and road service in Lincoln NE. Their 24 hour mobile ASE Certified Truck Master Technicians will diagnose your situation and make every attempt to correct it roadside to save you time and money. If your repair cannot be completed roadside they also offer a full service extended hour heavy truck repair facility to meet all of your heavy truck repair needs.
Mobile Computer Diagnostics 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln offers complete mobile truck diagnostics service to get your issue identified and get it repaired as quickly as possible. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln service's team of trained heavy truck technicians can make many common repairs roadside saving you time and money. They invest in computer diagnostics for almost all truck, engine and transmission manufacturers including: Volvo, International, Cummins and Eaton. Their team shows up on scene with a fully stocked heavy road service truck to get you back on your way as quickly as possible.
Road Services Include: ● Tire Changing Service ● Fuel Delivery ● Lock Out Service ● Jump Starts ● Hydraulic Line Service ● Hazmat Clean up ● Truck & Trailer Storage ● Brake Shoes & Brake Seals Repair ● Brake Chamber Service ● Starter & Alternator Replacement ● Airline/Air Valve Repair ● Cooling System Repair ● Complete Environmental Services ● Truck & Trailer Repair ● Battery & Battery Cable Service ● Mobile Mechanic ● Load Shifts ● Load Transfer ● Load Swap ● Cargo Offloading ● Booster Start Service ● Portable Generator Power ● Belt & Hose Replacement ● Lighting Repair & Replacement ● Exhaust System Service ● Water Pump Service ● Air Compressor Service ● Trailer PM Service ● AC Recharge ● U-Joint Repair ● Fan Clutch Repair
The Mobile Truck Tire Company You Are Looking For 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  While tires are usually overlooked, they are undeniably among the essential parts of your vehicle. That is why it would be practical that you invest in high-quality tires. With two decades of experience, Truck Mobile Service is the reliable mobile truck tire company you should get in touch with if you are looking for durable tires that can withstand the test of time in Lincoln NE and Refer to the list of services we offer below:
Tire Replacement Whenever you suspect signs of damage to your tires, contact us immediately. The moment you call our company, we will send a reliable team of professional mobile truck tire installation contractors in your specified location on time. With our quick response and reliable service, you won’t need any other company for your truck problems in the future.
Car Unlocking We understand how frustrating being locked out in your car can be. That is why we always ensure to provide a quick response at all times. No need to worry about receiving help from strangers because we only hire reliable individuals for the job. Every professional that joins our team has gone through a thorough background check and training to ensure they are physically as well as mentally capable of the mobile truck road assistance service.
New Tires Sales If you are searching for quality tires, look no further, we are the right mobile truck tire shop you are looking for. With a wide array of choices, you can certainly find one that’ll match your preferences and budget.
Used Tires Sales For car owners who are on a budget, you can take advantage of our used tires for trucks. We sell good quality used tires at an affordable rate. We can even give you expert advice on what will work best for you.
Tire Repair For your damaged tire, Truck Mobile Service is the company to call. Here in and the neighboring areas, we have built a good reputation that we would want to uphold. This is because of the impeccable truck flat tire repair service that we consistently deliver.
Common Types of Truck Damage
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  The truck can be compared to most types of vehicles. So technically, it can also have the same kind of damage that other vehicles can experience and that one can be with engine problems. Without the engine, a vehicle is completely useless. And if it’s the one that’s damaged, you can expect to not send you from point A to B unless dragged or pulled. This type of problem can happen because of numerous reasons. There are such things like coolant leaking from the radiator, worn-out spark plugs, or damaged pistons.
Another kind of damage that can lead to you driving to a truck repair shop is when the suspensions have issues. This is one kind of issue that should be resolved as quickly as possible because it can lead to accidents on the road. You may already have heard trucks falling off of cliffs because their suspensions got damaged all of a sudden. So don’t hesitate to come to us whenever you need high-quality repairs!
Drive Over to Us!
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln, Our team of expert mechanics is always ready to do the repairs on your truck. We can promise you that we’ll have them repaired the right way because we have extensive knowledge when it comes to trucks. We also have all the replacement parts needed so you don’t have to hassle yourself with going to other shops to find that specific part.
Costly Beasts 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  Besides the upfront cost to purchase a diesel truck, do you know the depth and breadth of other costs involved? Wouldn’t it be great if buying a more expensive truck also meant a low cost of ownership? Unfortunately, the opposite is true. · A more expensive vehicle always means a higher insurance premium so you need to make sure you factor this into your monthly budget. Diesel fuel is typically more expensive, although, since it is much more efficient it requires less fuel than its gassy counterpart. · Maintenance and repairs are always higher with diesel trucks which also means that your truck will cost you more time having it serviced.
Mountainous Maintenance With the superior performance of the diesel engine also comes the need for superior maintenance. Diesel owners must understand that maintenance is absolutely critical to keeping your engine healthy in the younger years, performing well in the middle years, and still running in the geriatric years. It is not uncommon for a diesel engine to triple or quadruple the life expectancy of a gas engine but it is likely impossible if maintenance is minimal or forgotten.
Peak Problems 24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  There are several foreseeable problems with a diesel engine that can be limited with scheduled routine maintenance and a few extra powerful services that can reverse the damage naturally occurring in diesel engines. The cost of services to combat the following problems varies widely depending on many factors including make/model, brands of products chosen and capacity of different systems. Therefore I am only able to list a ballpark range you will need to drill this down based on your particular diesel truck and preferences. A diesel engine is chock full of power and therefore the engine runs extremely hot. Consequently, the coolant is one of the most important needs of the diesel engine. It should be continually monitored because it has a tendency to become more acidic as it ages. If the acid level becomes too high it can cause other parts of the cooling system to rot which will ultimately lead to expensive repairs. It is imperative that you take time to not only check it but to have it flushed as a preventative measure between 50K-100K miles and no more than every 5 years for most makes but it truly depends on the coolant chemistry and severity of use. Coolant flushes for a diesel truck start at around $180. Dirt is an enemy of your diesel engine components. When dirt and grime are present and enter the system, performance will be compromised and the life of the engine will be significantly shorter. The best way to combat the enemy is to keep it clean oil, clean air, clean fuel. Failing to do these services regularly will lead to significant engine problems and expensive repairs?
24 Hour Truck Repair Services in Lincoln NE:  Commercial trucks, semi-trucks, and tractor-trailers can get damaged in a snap. Those large and heavy machines are hard to maintain in a working condition because of their large size. We, at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Services, have learned to perform various truck repair jobs and our clients depend on the honesty and integrity of our relationship. What more can we tell you about us?
What tasks do you specialize in?
Our well-trained and informed technicians can fix trucks, cars, and semi-trucks. Roadside assistance is an additional service for all our customers in Lincoln NE. You can contact us for speedy mobile tire change and trailer repair.
How long will the repair take? When will I get my truck back?
Truck Repair we understand that every day your truck is out of commission is costing you money. We make every effort to repair work trucks as quickly as possible. The best thing to do is to give us a call and tell us the problem. We can usually adjust our work schedule to quickly service or repair your truck. If we are too busy to handle your repair request immediately we can help you find someone who can. Our highly trained mechanics have experience working with all types of light & medium duty trucks. ● Dump Trucks ● Plow Trucks ● Tow Trucks ● Passenger Vans ● Box Trucks ● Pickup Trucks Can you fix and inspect my trailer?
We can’t say we fix any type of trailer but we fix most of them, including: ● Car dollies ● Boat trailers ● Landscape Trailers ● We also can handle trailer state inspection & repairs. Finding a reliable source for trailer inspection can be difficult, but we make it easy at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln services. Our team has the knowledge and experience to ensure that your trailer is street safe and legal. You can trust us because we won’t try and sell you on unnecessary repairs.
How can I keep my truck from rusting and rotting?
You can’t stop corrosion. However, there are ways to drastically improve the life of your truck. Have your truck washed and waxed every month, and especially before a snow storm when there will be lots of salt on the roads. When our mechanics examine your truck they look for potential problems and can seal up areas with the early stages of rust. A little rust oleum on the undercarriage of your truck can add years to the life of the vehicle. CALL FOR US:
● 24 Hour Truck Repair Near Lincoln NE ● Commercial Truck Repair ● Mobile Truck Repair ● Truck Service ● 24 Hour Mobile Truck Repair Near Lincoln NE ● Truck Repair Advertising ● National Truck Service ● Truck Repair ● Truck Repair Near Lincoln NE ● 24 Hour Truck Repair ● Mobile Truck Repair ● Commercial Truck Repair Near Lincoln NE ● Truck Repair App
CONTACT US: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Lincoln Nebraska CALL (402) 875-7347 MOBILE MECHANIC CALL (402) 875-7348 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Lincoln NE 68521 WEBSITE: www.mobileautotruckrepairlincolnnebraska.com www.towinglincoln.org SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588. Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
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tech-battery · 4 years
Battle of the $350 laptops: Acer Swift 1 vs. Gateway Ryzen 3 3200U
We've been on the lookout for good but seriously cheap laptops for a while now. Acer's $650 Swift 3 is an excellent choice for budget laptops in the under-$700 range, but we've been really itching to find one in the almost nonexistent sub-$400 category. To that end, today we're looking at two of Walmart's finest—a $378 Acer Swift 1 and a $350 Gateway GWTN141-2. Both of these are serviceable if cheap laptops, but the Gateway, despite being the less expensive model, will be the clear winner for most people. It's more powerful, more repairable, more upgrade-able, and in our testing, a bit more reliable as well.
Acer Swift 1 SF114-32
Thankfully, the off-putting dingy yellow POST logo isn't in your face for long—the Swift 1 cold boots to the desktop in about 11 seconds.
We found the keyboard pretty unremarkable. It makes maximal use of the Swift 1's chassis, so it doesn't feel too cramped—but we already know some of you will hate the compressed arrow key layout.
DC barrel jack, full-size HDMI out, USB-C, 2x USB 3.0 type-A.
SD card slot, 3.5mm audio combo jack, USB 2.0 type-A, power and HDD LEDs, Kensington lock slot.
If you want to get into the Swift 1, you'll need a set of Torx bits. But there's no reason to bother, unless you're replacing the battery—or, we guess, the Wi-Fi—since everything else is soldered to the board.
Once you (very carefully, due to the thin aluminum side panels) lift off the back panel, there's not much to look at—no active cooling, and no sockets either, except for the Wi-Fi and one unpopulated, SATA-only M.2.
We didn't actually intend to test or review the Swift 1—we ordered a Walmart Motile 14, with a Ryzen 5 processor for only $350. But Walmart has an unfortunate tendency to just throw in any similar product when it runs low on stock, and the Swift 1 is what got sent in its place—with no notification, either by email or in our account at Walmart.com, and no paperwork in the box either.
There's only a 30-day return/exchange window on laptops at Walmart, but Things Came Up, and we didn't open the box until after that window had shut. Discovering that our Ryzen 5 laptop had magically turned into a Pentium Silver (roughly Celeron-class) laptop and there wasn't anything we could do about, it did not spark joy... but it is still an under-$400 laptop, and we're here to test and review cheap laptops, right?
Physically, the Swift 1 strongly resembles a lower-end Chromebook. It's not particularly lightweight, but it's quite slender, and its silver-skinned good looks are unassuming. On the plus side, it has a metallic chassis, not plastic; on the minus side, that chassis is extremely thin and very easily bent up. When we disassembled the Swift 1, despite being extremely careful and using a soft plastic spudger, we still bent the right side a little bit while getting the back panel off.
The best feature of the Swift 1 is its fast boot times—you can expect a cold boot to get to the Windows 10 desktop in around 11 seconds, including POST. Unfortunately, the high performance ends there—the Swift 1's Pentium Silver CPU, 4GiB RAM, and 64GB eMMC storage combine for a pretty lackluster experience.
Everything on the Swift 1—with the exception of the battery, the Wi-Fi chipset, and one unpopulated, SATA-only M.2 slot—is soldered on, unrepairable, and un-upgradeable. What you buy is what you get, and it works until it breaks.
Gateway GWTN141-2
We've got to give EVOO credit for one thing—they nailed the Gateway branding with that wallpaper.
We have a feeling some of you will be excited about that uncompressed arrow key layout.
The fingerprint reader on the Gateway is built into the touchpad—this was a new one on us. Note the dark square in the upper left.
Kensington lock slot, DC barrel jack, USB 3.0 Type-A, full-size HDMI out, USB Type-C.
SD card slot, 3.5mm audio combo jack, USB 3.0 Type-A.
Behold, a mystery panel! It looks pointless at first glance, but there's actually an M.2 slot under there at the top. I think I'd rather pull the whole back off than try to mess around in that tiny panel though.
The Gateway is very easy to disassemble; just Philips screws and pop things loose. The plastic chassis felt sturdy enough to survive quite a few disassemblings.
Looking a little closer, we see an active cooling system, an empty DDR4 DIMM slot, an occupied M.2 NVMe slot, an empty M.2 SATA slot, and an unfortunately soldered Realtek Wi-Fi chipset.
On the left, we see the currently empty M.2 slot, which is silkscreened as SATA only. By contrast, the occupied M.2 (with the C: drive in it) is silkscreened PCIE/SATA.
We went into testing the GWTN141-2 with a mixture of excitement and trepidation—on paper, a Ryzen 3200U system for $350 is a great deal. But in practice, we'd discovered that the new Gateway line is—like the horrid $140 EVOO EV-C-116-5—manufactured by Shenzhen Bmorn Technology and imported by EVOO. We're happy to say that the GWTN141-2 is not a repeat of the EV-C-116-5's story. The Gateway's Ryzen 3 3200U CPU was not limited by substandard thermals or factory underclocking, and it performs as you'd expect from looking at public leaderboards. The Gateway offers an even faster cold boot than the Swift—we timed it at eight seconds from power button to Windows desktop.
Continuing the Gateway's tale of "Hey! Not bad," the 128GB SSD might be an odd Chinese brand you've never heard of, but it's a real M.2 NVMe SSD which can be replaced or upgraded. Although the 4GiB RAM the system comes with is soldered to the board, there's an empty DIMM slot available. There's even an empty M.2 SATA-only slot, with an easy-access panel for that slot on the back.
The only real flies in the GWTN141-2's ointment are its cheap plastic chassis and its equally cheap Realtek 8821CE Wi-Fi.
The plastic used for the chassis is noticeably softer than you might expect for a laptop; it feels more like a kid's toy than a real computer, and it even felt slightly tacky to the touch on first unboxing. (Your mileage may vary, here—it bothered me, but the Spousal Opinion was "Whatever, it's fine.") On the plus side, the plastic chassis felt sturdy enough to survive plenty of disassembly and reassembly, unlike the Swift 1's razor-thin aluminum side panels.
The Realtek Wi-Fi is serviceable if slow under Windows, but it will cause severe headaches for anyone wanting to install Linux—and unlike most of the GWTN141-2's gear, it's soldered to the board and not replaceable.
Passmark CPU testing demonstrates just how much air there is between these four laptop models—the $650 Swift 3, the $350 Gateway and Swift 1, and the $140 EVOO.
We're not really used to seeing big differences between single-threaded Passmark scores. The near-doubling of Swift 1's score by the Gateway is worth sitting up and noticing.
Cinebench R20 tells roughly the same story Passmark did—namely, the Gateway's Ryzen 3 3200U is far more CPU than the Swift 1's Pentium Silver N5000.
Once again, we see big air between these laptop models, even on single-threaded tests. Notice the EVOO has dropped out of the race entirely at this point.
Geekbench 5, as usual, flattens the differences between CPUs noticeably more than either Passmark or Cinebench. We believe Passmark and Cinebench serve as far references for the difference between Gateway's Ryzen 3200U and Swift 1's Pentium Silver.
Geekbench 5 continues the trend of showing big air on single-threaded benchmarks between these laptops.
Gateway's "Netac" 128GB SSD isn't very impressive by NVMe standards, but it crushes Acer's soldered-on 64GB eMMC without breaking a sweat.
The stars of our show today are, of course, Acer's $378 Swift 1 SF114-32 and Gateway's $350 GWTN141-2. But for reference, we're throwing in a couple of spoilers—Acer's $650 Swift 3 SF314-42, and EVOO's unspeakable $140 EV-C-116-5 doorstop.
We think it's important to relate the Swift 1 and the Gateway not only to one another, but also to a "real laptop." We also think it's instructive to compare the Swift 1, in particular, to the EVOO—because the gap between the two underscores the fact that the Swift 1, though no match in performance for the Gateway, is—for the most part—a usable laptop.
With that said, we find it difficult to recommend the Swift 1 over the Gateway. Although the Gateway's older Ryzen 3 CPU is no match for this year's Renoirs, it's still no slouch—and it absolutely dominates the Swift 1's Pentium Silver N5000. Gaming workloads will bring the 3200U to its knees, but there was never a time we felt like rolling our eyes and saying "ugh" at the Gateway during normal desktop or Web-based use.
The Swift 1's Pentium Silver N5000 is an entirely different beast, designed for maximum electrical and thermal efficiency with everything else left to go hang. It's roughly half the speed of the 3200U in most tests—but it gets by with entirely passive cooling, and the battery life is frankly pretty crazy. In most use, the Swift 1 struck us as reasonably responsive—but unfortunately, it's not hard to find Web-based workloads in which it struggles.
Specifically, the Swift 1 choked badly on Facebook's new layout. Attempting to type a short paragraph about electrical connections resulted in text buffering—leaving us to watch as it "typed" itself out, character by laborious character, for another couple of minutes. To be fair, this is more about Facebook sucking than about the Swift 1—but also to be fair, a lot of people will expect to use Facebook on their new laptop.
We have to stress that the Gateway is absolutely no gaming laptop—it turns in a Time Spy score only a third of the Swift 3's, and the Swift 3 itself is only a budget laptop. But the Swift 1 can't even run the test.
The less-demanding Night Raid tells roughly the same story—the Gateway gets a third the Swift 3's score, while the Swift 1 fails to complete the test.
The differences between the Swift 1 and the Gateway are even more apparent in gaming tests, where the Gateway's scores aren't great, but the Swift 1's score is "I can't do this."
3DMark warned us "this system does not have enough VRAM and may not complete the test" on both systems, but the Gateway completed the tests fine (2 fps on Time Spy is "fine," right?), while the Swift 1 crashed out entirely within seconds of beginning either test.
If you want to run a game from 2010, you might do OK on the Gateway. On the Swift 1, we sincerely hope the only kind of gaming you want to do is interactive fiction.
Battery Life
Both laptops have good battery life, not-so-good stability. Using Event Viewer to find crash times got to be a regular thing.
Neither laptop successfully completed the PCMark 10 Modern Applications battery life test. What you're seeing from them isn't "time before shutdown" it's "time before crash."
Since both laptops crashed under PCMark 10's Modern Apps testing, we tried our go-to YouTube clip at 1080p in fullscreen. The Gateway delivered ten hours of playback—longer than the actual video clip!—but the Acer still crashed.
Trying to test our two ultrabudget laptops for battery life was a frustrating exercise, to say the least. The short version is they both offer excellent battery life—which you may not get all the way through before needing to reboot due to a crash.
Neither laptop lasted all the way through PCMark 10's Modern Office battery-life test. Both crashed well before the battery itself was exhausted. The Swift 1 did at least survive for slightly longer than the Swift 3's (successful) test run; but the Gateway couldn't make it much past four hours before suffering an application crash.
With no good data from the Modern Applications battery test, we tried falling back on something simpler—loading up the BBC's 10 Hours of Relaxing Oceanscapes on YouTube and playing it in full-screen at 1080p until the battery died.
The Acer Swift 1 failed this test as well. After crashing at 4 hours 20 minutes, it tumbled into a strange, half-brightness version of its POST screen. The Gateway, on the other hand, managed to play the clip for a solid six hours and forty-one minutes before shutting down at 5 percent battery.
Scoring this one decisively is a challenge. A sticker next to the touchpad on the Swift 1 boldly claims "up to 17 hours battery life"—we certainly weren't able to verify that figure, but to be fair, we can't really falsify it either. We found the Gateway's more-than-6.5-hour YouTube playtime stellar—but given that it, too, failed to complete PCMark 10 Modern Apps testing, we can't get too excited about it.
Neither laptop is likely to disappoint on the very specific grounds of battery life—but you should definitely save your work before going to bed.
Can it Linux?
The Swift 1 "just works" on Ubuntu 20.04—the only unclaimed device is the fingerprint reader.
The Gateway's Realtek Wi-Fi is a no-go on Ubuntu 20.04. It's possible to download and locally compile a driver from various sources on Github—but it'll break and need fiddling after kernel upgrades.
The Acer Swift 1 worked fine out of the box with Ubuntu 20.04. It lacked for nothing but a driver for the fingerprint reader, which most Linux users don't expect anyway.
The Gateway, unfortunately, should be considered a no-go for most Linux users—its Realtek 8821CE Wi-Fi does not have in-kernel support, and getting it working is a painful slog of finding a driver on someone's Github, downloading and building it locally, and waiting for it to break on the next kernel upgrade.
Extremely ambitious Linux users might be able to turn the Gateway into a good Linux system by putting a $20 Intel AX200 Wi-Fi 6 card—connected with an M key-to-A+E key converter—in the Gateway's empty M.2 slot. We can't guarantee that'll work, but if you try it, let us know how that goes!
Due to limited time, we did not battery test either system under Ubuntu.
Refurbished, or new?
Enlarge / The Ryzen 3 3200U in the Gateway is a better all-around CPU than anything we could find used for a similar price.
One of the more common refrains in the Ars comments when we test inexpensive laptops is "I can do better buying used!" In this under-$400 class, we don't believe that's actually the case. We went looking on Amazon and eBay for refurbished laptops under $400 and found five of the most common CPU models for those laptops. Then we used public Passmark leaderboards to compare those CPUs to what's in the Gateway and the Acer we reviewed today.
The first thing we'd like to point out is that, unless you've got a cousin looking to unload something fast, you aren't going to get a great refurbished laptop for $400 or less. We didn't find anything newer than Intel fifth-generation Core CPUs in this price bracket. That means a 6-year-old system. Worse, quite a lot of the systems in this bracket had second-generation i5 CPUs, marking them as a whopping 9 years old.
The best-performing CPU in our scavenged finds is an Intel Core i5-4300M. This 7-year-old M-series manages to outperform our sole fifth-generation part due to its whopping 37W TDP—it's configured for power, not efficiency, which in turn means poor battery life, especially if your refurb is still limping along on the OEM battery.
The Core i5-4300M handily outperforms the Swift 1's Pentium Silver N5000, but the Gateway's Ryzen 3 3200U beats it by 25 percent on multithreaded tests and about 15 percent on the single-threaded tests. Add in a new NVMe SSD versus whatever SATA garbage the refurbisher threw in for cheap, DDR4 RAM instead of DDR3, Vega 3 graphics versus HD Graphics 4600, and a one-year warranty versus typically 30 days, and the Gateway is obviously a far better deal.
Do you think we got this wrong? Hit us up in the comments—but please, keep it realistic. A single oddball sale you found in your local Facebook marketplace doesn't count; we're looking for readily available, refurbished laptops from dealers who can be found on Amazon, Newegg, or eBay.
We can't recommend Acer's Swift 1 SF114-32 for most users. Although it's handsome on the outside and boots quickly, it just doesn't offer enough muscle for some common workloads—such as Facebook's new and rather blecherous Web interface, which drowns the N5000 in more Javascript than it's ready to handle.
The Gateway GWTN141-2, on the other hand, is absolutely a credible laptop. It's certainly not a great laptop—we don't love the fact that it, like the Acer Swift, crashed out of the PCMark 10 battery test—but it's got enough muscle to make it through light workloads without complaint. It's even willing to take a stab at some older games if you want it to.
We tested the webcam on both laptops in three conditions: dim office lighting, harsh forelight with a studio flood, and harsh backlight with a studio flood. It would be difficult to tell one laptop from the other on the basis of webcam images; in both cases, all three (difficult) lighting conditions produced grainy, but acceptable images with clear facial features. You wouldn't mistake these for a mid-grade or better Logitech standalone, but you also wouldn't mistake them for the no-name garbage we had to settle for earlier this year to get kids online for school.
The speakers were similarly "it works, meh" on both systems—usable, but tinny. We definitely would not advise anyone to set any store in "tuned for THX" (as the Gateway proudly declares itself) anymore.
You should know what you're giving up by dropping down to this under-$400, ultrabudget laptop class—if you've got the extra $300 to spend, you get an enormous amount of additional performance, stability, and general quality out of an upgrade to Acer's Ryzen 7 4700U-powered Swift 3. But if you just don't have the extra money—or just don't want to spend it—the Gateway GWTN141-2 gets most jobs done just fine.
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drnikolatesla · 7 years
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By a series of discoveries and inventions just perfected, Nikola Tesla, the electrical scientist, has upset what has hitherto been regarded as one of the fixed laws of nature. “Every effect diminishes with distance,” is the way the textbooks have expressed it. Tesla now says that instead of decreasing like other forces, electricity may be made to increase in intensity with the distance traveled.
The full significance of this discovery may not be at once apparent. It is obvious, however, that it annihilates space. There can be no limit to the power of the electric wave which increases in intensity the further it travels.
For nearly 20 years Tesla has been working on his plan, he calls it his wireless “World System.” If it is put into successful execution it will convert the earth into a gigantic conduit, which will pass power for all earthly activities, and make possible communication with other planets.
From time to time Tesla has made partial announcements as his work progressed. This, however, is the first comprehensive account of his system as a whole that the inventor has consented to give to the world.
“Through ages past man has anyways attempted to project in some way or other energy into space. In all his attempts, no matter what agent he employed, he was hampered by the inexorable law of nature which says every effect diminishes with distance, generally as the square of the same, sometimes more rapidly.
“I saw at once that space was annihilated in all the three aspects; in the transport of our bodies and materials and in the earth, transmission of the energies necessary for our existence. You can imagine how profoundly I was affected by this revelation. Technically, it meant that the earth, as a whole, had certain periods of vibrations, and that by by impressing electrical vibrations of the same periods upon it, it could be thrown into oscillations of such nature that innumerable benefits could be derived.
“It is difficult to convey an idea of these inventions without resorting to technical terms. The first and best known of these is my transformer, which enables the production of electrical vibrations of transcending intensities. I have already attained activities of many millions of horse power; but this is nothing compared to those which I am expecting to get with my improved apparatus.
“The second is what I have termed my magnifying transmitter, which I look upon as my best electrical invention, and with which any distance can be bridged. I have already passed of this wonderful instrument and am confident that a message can be flashed to such a distance as the planet Mars.
“Some technical men would be disposed to look upon such statements as those of a dreamer, but it is only because they have not had opportunities to see experiments which I have actually performed. The third invention I have designated as the “Art of individualization,” which enables the transmission of an unlimited number of messages through a wire or wireless, without the slightest interference. Not before this improvement is universally adopted will the world fully realise the benefits of telegraphy and telephony. The fourth invention is my receiver, which concentrates the energy transmitted over a wide area into the operating device.”
What would the voltage in your transmitter be?
“In the transmission of telegraphic and telephonic messages I shall employ from five to ten million volts, but in transmitting power in great quantities, as much as one hundred million volts will be used.“
How will your “World System” compare with those now in use as regards to cost?
“We could easily afford to offer a transmission of telegraphic and telephonic messages to any terrestrial distance for five cents a word. In a short while no one will think it anything out of the way to dictate or to write a long letter across the Pacific.”
How long does it take for the transmission of a message, by your system, around the world?
“The exact time is, according to my measurements, 43-1000 of a second, which is a speed about 50 per cent greater than that of light.
“The impulse starts from my magnifying transmitter with infinite speed, slows first rapidly and then at a lesser rate until, when it has penetrated to a distance of 6000 miles from the transmitter, it proceeds with approximately the speed of light. From there on it accelerates, first slowly and then more rapidly, and reaches the opposite point of the globe again with infinite speed only to rebound and pass through the same phases on its way back to the transmitter.
“This movement of electricity through the Earth, which takes place strictly in accordance with a mathematical law, and enables a great number of accurate measurements and determinations to be made, which are of immense practical and scientific value.”
Is your universal marine service based upon this principle?
“Largely so. In setting up and maintaining stationary waves in the earth its entire surface is subdivided in perfectly definite zones of electric activity, so that any observer of all those data which are of importance to navigators as the latitude and longitude, the position with reference to a given point, the speed of travel, and the course followed. This method is quite exact and reliable, and once introduced will be instrumental in a great saving of time, life and property.”
When your system of time distribution is introduced what kind of devices will be used for indicating the hour?
“They will be ever so much simpler than the ordinary clocks or watches, being entirely devoid of wheel work. For personal use a small case will be provided resembling that of a watch which would indicate precisely the time and require no more attention than a compass for instance. The large clocks on towers and public edifices in general will be replaced by extremely simple devices operated on the same principle.
“All these will be ‘tuned’ to a wireless wave sent out at a certain time. This will automatically set the hands of every ‘tuned’ time piece.”
In operating stock tickers, will the present instruments have to be replaced by others?
“Not at all, they will remain intact. A great financier told me that this should be one of the most valuable and practical applications of my system, inasmuch as the instantaneous operation of such instruments all the world over will go far toward allaying panics and failures which are at present mostly due to the inadequacy and stagnation of channels of information.”
“A business man will be able to dictate in his office a letter which will appear in type at any other place he wishes without loss of time in the transmission. It will be exactly as though he had his stenographer close by. In the same manner it will be practicable to send a handwritten letter or even a check, and what is more important, it will not be possible to falsify the signature.”
Will the transmission of complex musical productions require complicated apparatuses?
Not at all. The apparatus at any of the master plants, transmitting a great number of musical compositions, will be of necessity complicated, but the subscriber will need only a telephone receiver, and, if he desires exclusiveness, and individualizing device in connection, which, however, will be rarely required. He will be none the less able to listen to the most complex opera played in some remote party of the world. What is more, he can carry the entire outfit with him on his walks and travels, and whenever he desires to listen to the music he can do so.
The wireless system which I have developed does not contemplate competition with established lighting systems in densely populated districts, but it offers an ideal solution for the illumination of isolated places. The light will be furnished by exhausted glass tubes, bent in all sorts of ornamental shapes, and is of surpassing beauty, resembling closely the daylight. The lamps will last forever. The entire apparatus for lighting the average country dwelling will contain no moving part whatever, and could be readily carried about in a small valise. It will be quite immaterial in which region of the earth the house to be lighted is located. Distance will not affect the charge.“
How far from the Earth’s surface can power be transmitted by this wireless system?
“To any distance; in fact, the greater the elevation above the ground that easier it is to supply the power to the vehicle, such as an airship crossing the ocean.”
What do you consider the most important application of your system?
The transmission of power, of course. The operation of aerial machines alone will be of a revolutionizing influence, in as much as it will afford a perfect solution of this important problem. Another great field will be the irrigation and fertilization of the soil by wireless power. The time is not distance when a farmer will have installed on his place an apparatus for continuously manufacturing, from the gases of the atmosphere, nitric compounds which will be used to fertilize, while a motor will pump the water and perform other duties; all the energy being supplied from a plant perhaps thousands of miles away. This system can be extended so as to make productive vast tracts of now barren lands located in various countries. I believe that the export of wireless power will be one of the chief resources of the United States and other fortunately situated countries in times to come.“
By Marcel Roland. New York American, September 3, 1911.
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