#and i know this owes to the writing of the show and steven is everyones fav blorbo (mine included!) but i very much dislike how in so many
turtletoria · 25 days
every time i see art of boxleitner and wordgirl in an explicitly father-daughter scenario i sit there gritting my teeth and fists clenched like thats not her father thats not her father thats not her father thats not h
#like nothing wrong with it ig.... ? like ur not evil and ur not terrible for liking it#but she has a dad. a pretty good dad in fact (well minus that one ep. lalalaala)#but steven is her weird uncle at best and strange neighbor at worst#hes a mentor and a trusted adult but still not her dad#and i know this owes to the writing of the show and steven is everyones fav blorbo (mine included!) but i very much dislike how in so many#cases this white guy is becoming number one dad to this child of color as if she doesnt have a loving family at home#like ive been thru the owl house trenches and im kinda sick of white favoritism esp in the parental space#like in the case of toh how everyone really fawned over eda being a “good mom” to luz while camilla was highly criticized for a while before#everyone warmed up to her . and even then i dont think she was wholly liked#despite her also being a victim of ableism and potentially undiagnosed neurodivergence. her good intentions doesnt negate the harm she#caused but thats a good char exploration and plot driver between mother and daughter and its a really unique exploration of motherhood ive#seen in kids tv. and its smth i envisioned for wordgirl and her own parents who are good intentioned but still have room to grow for their#kids.#i can see why steven is popular as a father figure bc we see a lot of him and he is a guardian figure in the show that wg misses but#i still think that a big part of wg's char is someone who is split btwn being a normal girl and a hero. in this case steven is her#“superhero dad” (i say this non-seriously just to make a point) with her real parents representing her “normal” side#and exploring how she reconciles these experiences and even these adult figures in her life could be interesting!#but cutting out her parents and only having steven as a father or primarily showing him as being doting and loving of wg kind of feels like#its ignoring a huge point of conflict for wg and also kind of mischaracterizing steven as well
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certified-bi · 2 months
Okay all my thoughts because some people have been saying that not supporting this change is not supporting artist and creators and as an artist fuck that.
1. Audiences owe you nothing. You have to convince them to engage with your creation not the other way around. This is something both the nonprofit theatre I work with recognizes and huge companies realize. It's just part of life. There are so many talented people in the world making amazing art, videos, music, writings, and on and on, and there's only so much time in the day. I'm not saying you shouldn't know your worth, just that being flippant about how little you care about those who can't pay isn't a good move. On that note...
2. PR is everything. If you haven't made a visible effort to push patreon, channel memberships or other avenues of making money, don't be suprised that your creation that was previously accessible to those without extra cash and to those who can't support foreign subscriptions due either to conversions or because it simply doesn't work, being made private isn't popular. There's a big leap from "We want to have more artistic control" to "We can't afford to make our content accessible to most of our audience," and people are smart enough to see this. You either have to make budget cuts or give into sponsors. This isn't unique to Watcher, it's part of literally every production from broadway, to Hollywood, to YouTube. Unless you can fund it yourself or get viewers to pay(which given how many are already strapped for cash...) that's life.
Not to mention they simply do not have enough followers to make the switch to a paid only site(dropping the first epsiode only on YouTube isn't going to draw people in, they're just going to say "oh why start if I'm not going to see the rest" and not watch) especially not one that is buggy and a security risk. Even if the switch had been supported its not going to end well. The only reason services like nebula and dropout work is because of the large amount of series and creators and the fact those creators still are partly on YouTube so new people are drawn in.
3. As for the price, 6 dollars a month is a not a good starting price for only their content and that's as someone who pays for nebula. I'd be paying the same amount for a fraction of the access to others work. Actually it'd be twice as much. And before someone says "it's only a coffee-" that's for you. Not everyone has your lifestyle. And with every other patreon and subscription service that says the same thing, it all adds up and I simply don't think 60 dollars for 48 videos a year on a subscription basis where you don't get to keep the videos if your situation changes, some of which don't appeal to every viewer is a good move. If you were able to buy physical copies of your favorite series they've made that'd be different, but that's not what this is.
4. I do believe that the employees deserve a livable wage. I also did not hire them. It is not on the viewers that they hired more people than they could afford to. They can charge that much if they want to to try and balance this out. They also shouldn't be suprised if not many can or will sign up. They also don't have to be based in L.A. L.A has ridiculous costs associated with it, and quite honestly it doesn't really add much to the content. I'm not saying they need to move to the middle of nowhere Kansas. Simply that living and basing your studio in a super expensive city and then being suprised money is tight is just weird.
5. Something that occurs to me is that they might get more views if their playlists were better set up. Only some series are given playlists. It'd be easier to find all of the series and binge them if they didn't just show off their more popular shows. Honestly the only draw the streaming site has to me is that the series are actually labeled well.
Do I think the weird ass energy towards Steven is necessary? No. He's not the only one at the company and they're all adults. I actually liked grocery run and homemade, and like to see them back. The parascoial attachment to Ryan and Shane is annoying in people's criticisms, but that doesn't make them completely wrong. If you're going to brand yourself as the anti capalist underdogs you can't get away with being dismissive of your poorer fans. The dissonance is what is causing this backlash and makes you look like hypocrites. I definitely think Steven is turning into the fall guy which is fucked up, his statement and the fact dish granted is one of those shows that make people uncomfortable about wealth flexs doesn't help matters.
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cheesygorditacrunchh · 2 months
“don’t send them hate, they need to make money somehow” how many hundreds of channels are able to figure out a profitable model using youtube and patreon even without having their careers launched by a massive media company. Even leaving out the money aspect, they handled this so poorly that they broke trust and alienated most of their fans. to not even attempt to figure something else out (which they could have collaborated with fans to do), but instead randomly tell us most of us will loose access to their new content unless we pay after teasing “something big” is just insulting to everyone who’s helped them get where they are.
And none of this “shane definitely disagrees with this, it’s all steven”. It’s everyone in that company that failed to consider how this would impact their fans. They are a business. We owe them nothing. It’s been apparent for a time that they are out of touch with their audience and what they want. They chose a career that is dependent on generating views and a loyal fanbase, and they just threw that all away. No one cared about ads. We cared that they were creating fun, imaginative content that no one else was. Hell, some of their best stuff came out of them sitting in an apartment during a pandemic. But they consistently abandoned projects with real potential in favor of essentially the same ryan and shane show over and over again, just because they didn’t immediately make profit.
People love their stuff enough to sell out a $75 plushie multiple times even though their merch is still mostly cost prohibitive and there’s not much variety.
I love these guys. I’ve been watching them for 10 years and they were my go to when going through some really tough times. That is why me and so many people are rightfully angry that they would do this. It’s like they completely lost sight of who and what got them success in the first place. Even if they walk this back, it won’t be the same knowing that This is where their values lie.
Cannot believe i have to write an essay about this, it’s so fucking stupid.
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strangerhands · 7 months
10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tags
waaaaaa omg thank you for the tag em 🫶 @runa-falls!! its been 800 years since i got to do a tag game (and make my own post for once..) so thanks! this actually made me happy but also a little "oh shit. people know i exist..?" i also made this post unnecessarily long but its me so whats new
ummm its all. only. oscar. not sorry (a little sorry)
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1. marc spector + steven grant + jake lockley, moon knight-my absolute beloveds. moon knight is so special to me. the boys are so special to me. theres really nowhere near enough i could say here about them but if you get it, you get it. its also what got me into oscar (even though i discovered immediately that he was in annihilation and x-men: apocalypse WHICH I WATCHED YEARS AGO GODDAMMIT)
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2. robbie paulson, law and order: criminal intent-listen. hes my girlfriend. my babygirl. my love. my sweet boy. the one plaguing damn near every Thot. most niche character here. wish he was real. wish there was more content of him out there but good god if fran (@/midgardian-witch, who also made that gif) hasnt been holding it downnnnnnn. bless.
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3. poe dameron, star wars sequel trilogy-beautiful brave sweet husband who would maybe drive me a bit insane irl but in a good way (mostly) i wanna protect him. (also the only star wars films ive seen sorryyyyy sorry. yes it was for him. and adam driver.)
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4. miguel o'hara, spider-man: into the spider-verse + spider-man: across the spider-verse-ohhh you beeg grumpy beautiful man. he would not like me. bite me pls (also still my two favourite movies oat.) craving some milk and cake suddenly... (his hair wings..<3)
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5. cecil dennis, revenge for jolly!-pathetic little dirty alley cat man my beloved. my little princess. also my babygirl girlfriend little guy loser boy. (AND THE CURLSSSSSSS. AND SAD COW EYES.)
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6. nathan bateman, ex machina-asshole who i unfortunately love. we would not get along irl but thats what fics are for!!!! he would make me cry. (but what if i could fix him..) i have a soft spot for him...
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7. llewyn davis, inside llewyn davis-sad beautiful talented man. you can crash at my place any day. i would let him leech off of me idec lemme help you baby. i could show you what love is. (the curls and outfits...... i Crave.)
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8. santiago garcia, triple frontier-woof. this guy. damn. yeah. sorry santi but i wanna bite your knees
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9. blue jones, sucker punch-literally. asshole piece of shit but good god. whore. so slutty and beautiful and PATHETIC. i would let him be mean to me and then cry in private. but also put him in his place. its complicated. (whoever did his eyeliner and club wardrobe in that movie... i owe you my life. thank you. thank you. you deserve everything. thank you.)
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10. mikael boghosian, the promise-oh. sweet beautiful intimate lover man. THAT scene... absolutely killed me. THAT SHOULDVE BEEN MEEEEE. i need him. (i am taking this moment to remind yall of the titty bite. yea. not sorry. youre welcome.)
honestly i couldve put nearly all of oscars characters but alas.
no pressure tags, hope none of you mind! i know this is very sudden and unexpected from me. only tagged some mutuals so its not 10 :p sorryy (sorry if youve been tagged already)
@my-secret-shame @saturn-rings-writes @spacecowboyhotch @villainsoftheweek @f4nrir @kouichijo @mugensword
again, no pressure to do this. hope everyone tagged is doing well! i havent interacted with some of yall in a long time<3
all gif credits go to their respective creators! i have no idea if tumblr automatically shows who made them or not, so sorry if it doesnt.
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primal-slayer · 4 months
2002 Julian McMahon Centennial Charmed interview
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JULIAN MCMAHON Quenching Julian's Fire XPosé Issue #76 By Steven Eramo
He's the demon who came in from the cold, saved by his love for a good witch. But now his days are numbered as Charmed's Julian McMahon tells Steven Eramo.
As the old saying goes, "All good things must come to an end," and that goes for bad things who are trying to be good as well. The 100th episode of Charmed, rather straightforwardly entitled "Centennial Charmed," sees the final reckoning for the reformed demon who's stolen the show for the past two and half years. Sometime in late January, Julian McMahon will make his last appeareace as Cole Turner, to the dismay of the many fans who campaigned to keep him on the show last spring.
It was the actor's own decision to leave, and it was not one he took lightly. "This past summer I began thinking that I needed to push myself more as an actor," he notes. "That sort of spun off into 'What else can I do as Cole?' I thought it was best that he go out with a bang as opposed to a whimper, you know? This character has been so good to me and producer Brad Kern and the show's writers have been just terrific that I felt I had a duty to leave them in a way that made them feel 'Wow, that was good. I wish Cole was were still around to write for.' That's a great place to be at with a character."
"After discussing things with Brad, we both thought that we would be drawing things out if we kept Cole around. I not only believe that it was unjust for my character, but also for the three girls. I didn't want to hold them back in any way. After all, Cole has dominated their characters' lives for the past three years. I also didn't want the viewers to get bored with him. So Brad and I decided that it was time for my character to move on and we more or less set in motion his demise from episode one to episode 12."
That plot arc brings to the end a rocky romance that began in the third season opener "The Honeymoon's Over," and has endured even more upsets than even Liz Hurley's lovelife. Phoebe Halliwell didn't find it hard to fall for devilishly handsome district attourney Cole Turner when he first walked into her life, but then she had no idea that Cole was, in fact, a half-human, half-demon assassin hired to dispose of the Charmed Ones by the evil Triad. Luckily for Phoebe and her sisters, Cole's human side fell in love with her, and after renouncing his former evil joined forces with Phoebe and her bewitching siblings in their fight against the forces of darkness.
"When my character was first introduced at the start of the third season it opened a new chapter for the show as well as the cast, producers, writers, etc," says McMahon. "It was one of those things where everyone was running on a 'this is all brand new for us' type of energy. My concern was whether or not this could sustain itself for the rest of the season let alone beyond that. I needn't have worried though. Little by little, Cole pulled away from being so oriented towards Phoebe and began to establish his own identity. He became almost an antithesis to the three girls. This continues into the fourth year when they were also bringing in a new sister, Paige, in the fold. Even then, I felt like the writers and Brad Kern [executive producer] continued to work really hard at maintaining my character's initiative and steadfastness. I owe them a lot."
They certainly gave McMahon challenging material to work with. Cole was finally stripped of his demonic powers in the fourth season episode "Black as Cole," and had barely adjusted to being fully human before he was taken over by the Source of All Evil. Yet even after he assumed his place as the new ruler of the Underworld, Cole's love for Phoebe was in no way diminished, as the small part of his human self that survived cared about her more than ever. As Cole struggled with his feelings for Phoebe he continued his reign of terror as the Source.
"As for the Source," comments the actor who had to bring off this dual role, "the most challenging part about playing him was that he had a dynamic to him unlike that of any other entity ever on Charmed. First of all he was in love and had a relationship with one of the witches. Second, here's a demon who is part human and experiencing inner conflicts that none of his kind had ever struggled with before. He had to find a way to cope with and understand what was happening to him while at the same time try to maintain his place in the world. Cole was originating this path if you will for a situation that had never been explored on this show. This gave me so much to experiment with as an actor, and I took it like a fish to water. I mean, who wouldn't want to play the Source. Give me a role like that any day."
Although he was all-powerful, one gift that the Source did not possess was that of second sight. For that he needed a beautiful demon called The Seer to advise him on matters pertaining to the future. First seen in the fourth season story "Charmed and Dangerous," this character was played with snake-like charm by Debbi Morgan. "Working with Debbi is fantastic," says McMahon. "She's not only a real professional but also a warmhearted and beautiful individual. Best of all, she laughs at my jokes. So that's a recipe for a great person in my life.
"With The Seer, you had this wonderful dichotomy of my character being omnipotent but having to work with an entity who was, in some ways, even more powerful than him. The relationship as originally concieved was, I felt, extremely well-written. There were so many levels to play with and Debbi and I had a lot of fun fleshing it out. We were quite lucky, too, in that the directors we worked with on the show gave us a fair bit of leeway to try a number of things. I just loved how the dynamic between our two characters turned out."
But there was only one woman for Cole, and after a severe case of cold feet, Phoebe finally agreed to marry him in the fourth season story "Marry Go Round." However, unknown to the bride-to-be, her marriage is not a holy one. Prior to the ceremony, The Seer told Cole that if he married Phoebe in a "black wedding" it would ensure that their future son would be even more powerful that he is. So that's exactly what he arranged to do. This episode is a particular favorite of Julian McMahon's.
"Once I picked up the script and started reading it, I couldn't put it down," recalls the actor. "I kept thinking, 'How are we going to get around this? How is this going to work? How do we manipulate events in order to get where these two people are finally married?' There were so many different things for Cole to do in it. The writers gave me such a wonderful expose of my character in which to work with. I really tried to push the boundaries as far as I could with it. Again I was fortunate that Chris Long directed this episode. He's directed Charmed before and the two of us get along very well. Whenever I come to him with a suggestion he takes the time to listen and think about what I've said. He give me the tools I need as an actor to do my job.
"I remember one scene in this episode where the Seer is explaining to Cole that he must conduct the ceremony as a black wedding. As she's doing so, I'm walking in a big circle around the cave that we're in. I made the camera look at every part of the set, which meant it had to be lit in a very specific way. That's not an easy thing to do on a TV show. If you're shooting a feature film then you have days to set things up, but on the small screen you're talking about having to do a big task in a short period of time. I went to Chris and asked 'Can I do this? I know it's going to be difficult but I think it'll create a certain level for the story that we need to start off at.' He agreed with me and was totally supportive. Talk about a great way to work."
Most brides and grooms promise to love each other "until death do us part," but that moment came sooner than anyone could have expected for the Turners. Before the season had even reached its end, Phoebe was forced to do the unthinkable and vanquish Cole. When the first rumors about the episode hit the 'Net, Cole's fans deluged Xposé with letters calling for a campaign to save the character, so what was McMahon's initial reaction when he received the script for "Long Live the Queen"?
"Brad actually called me beforehand and said, 'There's an episode coming up in which Cole is vanquished. I want you to know it has nothing to do with you leaving the show. We're just creating a story arc we feel is necessary.' I told Brad I wasn't worried at all and he said, 'I know, I just don't want you hearing from someone else that you're being killed off the show because it's not true. You'll be coming back in another story.'"
Sure enough, the fourth season finale "Witch Way Now?" revealed that Cole is still alive but fighting for his life in demon limbo. When Phoebe paid him a visit in this hellish netherworld he asked for her help to escape, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Instead he absorbed the powers of other vanquished demons in the show's fifth season's opener "A Witch's Tail," and returned to the real world on his own. Now stronger than ever, Cole told Phoebe that he planned to use his powers only for good, but it's a promise that the ex-Source found difficult to keep.
"Going into this [fifth] year we knew we had a certain amount of episodes in which to achieve a specific goal," explains McMahon. "That gave the writers a lot to write and the ability for me to play my character in a far different way than I had up to now. I started out the year being the most powerful demon there is but choosing not to use any of my powers. I don't know if the audiences noticed, but during the first five episodes, I tried to keep Cole's hands in his pockets the whole time. I knew that if he brought his hands out he might do something wicked with them. If that were to happen it would have been destructive to my character's ultimate goal, which was to maintain his relationship with Phoebe.
"Basically I took a page of the old fifties type movies when portraying Cole this season. I've tried to create a Cary Grant-type of gentleman who, circumstances notwithstanding, is a guy that audiences are still going to root for."
Having Cole back in her life was the last thing Phoebe wanted, and his promise to "be good" did little to change her mind. "With Phoebe it's the classic scenario of a woman scorned," says McMahon. "That's made Cole all the more challenging for me to portray this season because Alyssa has had to be kind of non-responsive to him. In some ways, his desire for them to be together tends to border on the psychotic. All of us have at one time or another been told 'no' about something and had to move on. Well, Cole can't move on, and as such he pushes himself to the edge. I especially enjoyed working on the episode "Y Tu Mummy Tambien" ["The Mummy's Tomb"], which happened to be directed by Chris Long. In that one Cole goes over the edge and there ain't no coming back."
McMahon shot his last scene as Cole on Monday, December 2, 2002. Not surprisingly, it was a bittersweet moment for him. "As scary as it is to get back out there in the world and book the next job I was excited about the prospect," he says. "On the flip side, I was really sad about leaving this cast and crew. I'm not the best at goodbyes, so it was tough to think that after being with these people for three years and twelve hours a day that I was leaving and didn't know when, or if, I'd see them again. I truly feel that I've been blessed being a part of Charmed."
When it comes to what he'd like to do next, McMahon has this to say. "I just want to do good work. It doesn't matter if it's on TV, the big screen or even onstage in a little theatre here in Santa Monica. I'd like to continue to challenge myself as an actor. That's what I'll be striving for." https://charmeddestined.proboards.com/thread/1041/julian-mcmahons-departure-charmed
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Honey Haloed Weakness
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A Bucky Barnes One Shot
Summary: Sometimes second chances come when you least expect them.
Warnings: Bad language, fluff, feels, some sad stuff…character death…mentions of smut but nothing explicit. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced Reader. (Nicknamed Honey). Reader appearance bar eyes is deliberately not described. Moodboard is just for aesthetic purposes
Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson
A/N: This was originally written for a writing challenge last year, and I meant to revamp/repost it for Bucky’s birthday a few days back but never did. Then the rumours of the title for the first ep of FATWS hit my feed and…well, it reminded me of this.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Main Masterlist
One bullet. One pull of the trigger. That was all it took. As you watched, the shot flew clean through the shoulder of one hostile, ricocheted off Sam’s shield and then hit a second straight in the hand causing him to drop the knife he had been slashing at Sam with. The three of you stooped, Falcon, The Winter Soldier and you, Silver Shadow. Shield, guns and sparking hands all lowered as you glanced around, the last noises of your fight dying in the air.
“Man did you just shoot two guys with one bullet?” Sam turned to Bucky, his tone laced with shock and awe. “Did it look cool?” Bucky quipped back, an air of nonchalance in his voice, despite the level of surprise he himself felt.  James Buchanan Barnes knew he was a good shot. But that…that was something else.
And something that had been down to chance more than anything. Even if he had tried to make that shot, there’s no way of predicting the trajectory of the bullet once it emerged from the guys shoulder or controlling the angle it exited at… 
Unless… He turned to look at you. Your hair, splattered with blood and gore from the battle, hung like curtains of scarlet drenched silk round your face, from behind which warm eyes glanced back at him. Your features remained passive, adorned with the same expression you had worn when he had first seen one another in your rundown apartment in Bucharest when Steve had come looking for him post the Vienna bombings. 
Sam turned away muttering something about retrieving the Intel they had come for off the hard drives in the main office, and once his back was turned, you caught Bucky’s eyes with your own and blinked as Bucky swallowed. After using your powers, your irises were always ringed with a bright gold, a honey halo. And, as Bucky allowed himself just a second to indulge in the warmth they exuded over him, one slipped onto a sly wink. And then he knew for certain.
“You did it.” He looked at you and you merely stared back remaining passive. He was right, you had. You’d controlled the shot, directing it exactly where it needed to go. And Bucky wasn’t sure whether he felt turned on or slightly emasculated. “Don’t worry.” You said gently as you made your way back to the jet. “I won’t tell Sam, on one condition?” “Yeah? What’s that?” Bucky asked, turning to look at you. “You ask me out for that drink Steve’s been telling me you want to take me for.” And with that you left him standing there, slack jawed as he watched you head up the ramp. **** “So, in a word, you’re still a punk.” Bucky finished recapping the tale later the next morning, leaning back in the comfy chair by the bed Steve lay in. The old man laughed and shook his head. “She’s a devil, I’ll give her that. Mind you, she always was good at playing the cards she was dealt.” A fond smile spread across Steve’s face at the thought of you, his other best friend, the girl he had pulled from that shitty HYDRA base in 2014 when they had been chasing the Sceptre. No one had any idea who you were, what you could do, where you had come from…and that included you. You hadn’t spoken for three days other than to thank him or Natasha for the food and clothes you were given, and Tony for his kindness. And then, on the fourth day, Steve found you in the kitchen at the base, trying to decide on what to make you for lunch, and he won you over with an expertly made grilled cheese. “What’s your name?” He asked softly as you sat chewing.
“I…I don’t know.” You shrugged, your eyes wide as you looked down at your plate.  Steve gently reached out, his hand taking yours softly as you looked at him, your eyes flashing that sparkling gold colour.
 "Honey, you’re safe now, you know that right?
“Honey…” You said wistfully, “I like that.” 
And so it stuck. Where your ability to manipulate metal came from, no one knew. A mutation? Maybe. Human enhancement experiment? Possibly. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was the fact you embraced the responsibility that came with that power. You wanted to help people and, as such, you agreed to stay with the Avengers and they were better for having Silver Shadow as their teammate, and Honey as their friend. Allowing himself another few moments of nostalgia, Steve eventually shook himself free of his memories and, with a sly look turned his head to face Bucky. “In my eyes it’s normally correct to buy a dame a drink before you bump uglies on an African Plain. Yeah, I know exactly what went down between you two that night in Wakanda.” Bucky blinked before he snorted, shaking his head. “Of course she told you…” When the dust settled after the show down in Leipzig, Bucky didn’t see you for almost a year until you came to Wakanda with Steve to be there when they brought him out of Stasis. You were different then, but so was Steve. A year on the run in the shadows had hardened you both. Those warm eyes still flashed gold, yet they carried a darkness that hadn’t been there before.
But they still exuded all the power and warmth of the sun. And Bucky was on fire.
“Can’t sleep either?” He asked as he emerged from the comfortable farmers hut he had been given to live in. You shrugged. “My mind gets a bit busy sometimes. I find the stars help.” He sat down beside you, stretching his legs out in front of him. “Ever wonder what it’s like just to be normal?” You sighed and he snorted, his head turning slowly to look at you as you gazed up at the sky. “What’s normal?” You laughed softly and looked at him, your eyes flashing in the moonlight, turning this time a deep amber speckled with brown. There was a moment, another blink and then your lips were crashing together, tongues fighting for dominance, hands grabbing at whatever they could reach. Under the moonlight, sultry cries and gentle whimpers were shared. Skin slid on skin, hands wandered and explored as together you reclaimed your grasp on humanity, what it was to feel something other than fear and death and anger. And then you had to leave and it was another twelve months since Bucky saw you again, this time on a battle field in Wakanda…with those creatures. Now your eyes were fierce and laced with a reddish gilt, as you tore metal armour limb from limb, wrenched weapons from hands, made sure shots hit their targets, your daggers flying and returning to your hands.
But there was no beating Thanos. 
“I can’t control his gauntlet.” Your voice was laced with the desperation you felt, broken as you realised your powers were of no use.
And then Bucky had been snapped.
“Those five years were long.” Steve shook Bucky from his reminiscing. “For all of us. Trying to forgive ourselves for our failure. And it was that inability to do so that saw us figure it out, a way to bring everyone back.”
Bucky looked down. He knew all about that. Seeking redemption, wiping your leger clean. “Don’t keep her waiting another five years.” Steve locked his eyes onto Bucky’s. A plea, a beg.
So he didn’t.
Later that night, Bucky asked you for that drink. And he dated you, bought you flowers, made love to you some nights, fucked you into the mattress on others. You ran missions side by side with Sam, walked and danced in the rain.
A diamond ring was bought, a yes was said
And one bright April day a year later, his honey haloed weakness became his wife.
***** “Where are my keys?” Bucky asked, frowning as he gently closed the drawer to the sideboard. “You know, Honey, I wish you’d stop moving my stuff.” No sooner had he finished, he felt a vibration in his pocket and a moment later he heard the keys in question jangling. He turned with a soft sigh to see them hovering about a foot away from him in the air. You stood at the other side of the room, hand raised lightly as you wriggled her fingers causing them to move higher as you arched an eyebrow. “You owe me an apology, Buckaroo.” “So what’s new?” He chuckled and you smiled as you shrugged on your jacket and walked towards him, whilst he checked you had everything your needed. Even for a simple trip down the road it seemed like you were prepping for a mission, but then again, maybe you were… You made your way out of the Brownstone into the glorious September sun, your hand curled around Bucky’s arm, nestling comfortably in the crook of his elbow, the shiny platinum and diamond of your rings sparkling as they caught the light. Bucky had a knack for steering and making sure everyone moved out of the way, which was why you were happy to let him take the lead. After a short walk, you reached your destination and made your way down the familiar narrow gravel path towards what you were aiming for. Your pace slowed a little here, it was always harder on gravel, you felt like you were sinking almost.
Together you stopped in front of a beautiful headstone made out of white marble upon which a simple inscription was etched in deep, gold writing.
‘Steven Grant Rogers. Much loved husband, father and friend.’ Below the wording sat Steve’s symbol. His shield, the star surrounded by rings, along with a simple phrase to remind everyone exactly who the stone commemorated. ‘Captain America is hope, he’s freedom, he’s just a kid from Brooklyn’ Bucky’s metal hand gently ran across the top of the headstone and you smiled softly at him, before a noise drew your attention back to exactly why you had come here today specifically. Smiling at one another, Bucky turned and gently lifted his four day old baby boy from sling around your chest as you watched, reaching up to smooth a finger down the baby’s soft, rosy cheek. Steve had been so excited when you had both told him you were pregnant. But you had all known deep down that Steve’s time was coming to an end. The serum wasn’t repairing what was happening to him anymore, and hadn’t been for a while. Steve had noticed its effects had been dwindling for almost thirty years by that point and he was ready to go, to be with Peggy who had left him some ten years previously. All of you had hoped he would live long enough to meet Baby Barnes, but things never do work out the way you want them to, and Steve had passed quietly surrounded by his friends and family some six weeks before your baby boy bad been born. Bucky had made a vow, a promise to himself that his son would understand exactly who his Uncle Stevie was. Not Captain America, but that little kid from Brooklyn who was always too dumb to run away from a fight. “Had to bring him to meet you one way or another.” Bucky said gently, looking from his son’s face to the stone with a soft smile before he crouched down in front of it. He took a moment, the words he was trying to form sticking in his throat as pure emotion washed over him. He felt grief, he felt loss, but also joy at the fact he was a new father and an overwhelming sense of gratitude and serenity that he had found his salvation, his second chance.
And it was draining to feel it all at once. You stepped forward, softly squeezing his shoulder before you crouched by his side, gently wiping the tears from your own face as Bucky finally found his voice again. “Yeah, it was a him, so I got to pick the name.” Besides him you chuckled. “I can still see your face, Stevie, when we told you about that deal. Girl I picked, boy he picked.” Watery blue eyes that still had that sparkle widened as Steve looked at you both, horror on his face as he shook his head on disbelief. “What? You can’t do that…I mean it needs to be a joint decision, no matter what the gender…surely?” In the end, Steve had been right. Whilst Bucky had suggested the first name for your little boy, he had struggled with a middle one and it had been you who had quietly suggested one as Bucky stood in the hospital room, gently rocking his new-born baby in his arms. Both of you had welled up with tears at the simplicity and the poignancy, and the utter love you both felt that your son would help keep the memory of your friend, your brother, your Captain, alive. “Punk,” Bucky gently shifted the baby in his arms so he was facing the stone. “Say hello to Steven Roger Barnes” His son. His beautiful son. A life created because two people fell in love. 
 Because James Buchanan Barnes had a Honey haloed weakness.
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ladymelisande · 3 years
another example of tumblr "woke" teens hating on the woman to prop up their slash pairing - mary from sherlock. god the jo*nlockers were an annoying bunch. also let's be real mary was miles superior to watson, and yet they hated on mary for coming between sherlock and jo*n lol.
Oh, boy, don't remind me that mess, I was in the heat of Series 3 and 4 when that fandom was mellowing but still was one of the worse fandoms I ever seen.
Something that I find kind of funny about fandom in Steven Moffat's works is that despite the fact that Moffat is always inclined to manipulative and clever morally grey protagonists, his works always attract the most black-and-white parts of the fandom for wank.
I had no problem with Mary when she appeared, I actually loved to death that she and Sherlock liked each other so much and they had those cute domestic moments while planning the wedding. The whole assassin plot just made her more interesting because yay we have another morally grey manipulative arsehole to root for. But nah, the John/lockers went batshit over their imagined ship even when the showrruner said a bazillion times that it was not gonna happen like c'mon the first episode of the damn series 3 was a fucking wedding. What was worse is that they attacked everyone who didn't ship john/lock or called their stupid arse conspiracy for what it was: a crazed theory that they pulled out of their arses.
John/lock was for me what many of these m/m ships with deluded fans are: something I could have shipped if their fans didn't fucking terrify me. Like they weren't only crazy for the ship, they sent Mary's actress death threats to the point Martin Freeman had to come out and talk. Frankly, I was amazed that both lead actors continued with the show up to Series 4 because boy, anyone would have hated the shit out of a crazed fandom like that. Being in the Sherlock fandom as a bisexual and suggesting that maybe Sherlock or Irene Adler could also be that for anything that wasn't fucking john/lock was basically painting a neon-sign for those crazies to harass you.
And then it came Series 4, which was for sure the most hated one (not by me, I didn't love it as much as other of Moffat works but it has more good moments than bad ones in my opinion) and the fandom exploded in rage because the I Love You scene between Sherlock and Molly and they started harassing Molly's actress on Twitter when she was sharing BTS notes, it was so gross and yet the john/locks were still the poor poor wronged party that only wanted representation out of a Sherlock Holmes fanfiction with a notoriously small cast that never promised such thing nor owed it to them. One moment before Series 3 that I laughed out loud was when some shipper was bothering Mark Gatiss on Twitter saying that she would die if john/lock was not canon and he replied the tweet with "RIP".
I have rarely seen a hatedom as psychotic as the one that Steven Moffat has sadly have to have on his back. Like, it's not like me not liking LB's writing choices and calling her heroine flat and selfish. Oh, no, they are, to this day, inventing shit that he apparently said to "prove" he is a bad person. Not just a bad writer, a bad person. And half of that shit were either misquoting bullshit with no source or things he said about a fictional character and that was way exaggerated. Or shit that was said like twenty years ago and that why should we care, people change their opinions, jeez. It wasn't just that but also they yelled at fans that had the opportunity to know the showrunners personally and said they were lovely people to meet. I think one of those posts are still in my blog actually, imagine ruining somebody's tale from their experience in a con because you have an irrational hate to the writers because they didn't make your imagined ship canon.
So, yeah, my experience with that fandom was a lesson truly: stay away from m/m fandoms because they are doomed into falling into awfulness.
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graceslavenderhaze · 3 years
Hear the sirens, {connor stevens}
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synopsis: After the shadow man was defeated their was no new supernatural anomalies in town, then you and your wayward family showed up. 
also this gif is lovethephantoms gif but I still can’t figure out why the handle won’t come up underneath the gif. 
another female requested reader however when referred to in the writing the pronouns are gender neutral.
This is part one of three!
The Midnight Society had finally settled back into life as it normally was. Gabby had passed her PSAT’s and gotten her permit, still working her way to get out of shadow bay. Hanna still heavily involved in her activism and getting more signatures than before hand on her petitions, making the world a better place even if it was one step, by herself, at a time. Luke back to focusing on school and wrestling, he was still benched for weekend meet for disciplinary due to being late to practice which gave him plenty of time to work on the science project he owed . Jai back to being the comic book nerd his friends loved him as, no longer feeling like he had to own up to any sort of standards when his friends loved him the way he was. Then there was Connor. Who found it harder than his friends to move on, it wasn’t that easy for him. His dad didn’t know what happened so he carried on with the fishing trips like usual. Luke and Hanna had started dating after the glow dance so he was adjusting to his best friend not always being available. While he knew that the shadow man was gone, something in him still felt dark. Like a part of him had been permanently darkened by what he’d been through. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up whenever he walked by cemeteries, or historic settlements of shadow bay. He pushed it all down and acted like nothing happened. But he still slept with the lights on. He still had nightmares most nights. 
The Amana family Coven had been around for centuries. It was one of the few that was a female centric coven throughout the dark ages in magic along side the golden ages. The eldest of the coven was Gaia Amana, whose daughter was Leticia Amana, they remain the only two witches in the coven. Leticia married Willow a human woman that had been orphaned in her childhood due to an magical accident claiming her parents. They had two children. Two daughters. One who was a Witch with the gift of clairvoyance. Another who was a Banshee with a generational blood curse. 
That Witch, with the clairvoyance? That was you. Your Sister was the Banshee. This was the story of your family and the magic deeply routed throughout your family and bloodline, biological and adoptive. Growing up with magic isn’t a fairytale. You never stayed in one town longer than four years, where there was witches there was hunters who never strayed far.
So anyone who had magic lived by three commandments for protections.
Thou shall not bear the knowledge of magic,
Thou shall not caress a practitioner of magic,
Thou shall not survive a witches love. 
By those three commandments your family was able to continue to practice their respective magic without worrying about witch hunts in town. But the times had changed from when your grandmother first took over the coven. It was the twenty first century and spirituality and supernatural abilities were somewhat mainstream, not the truth but the refraction of what was going on. It blurred the lines of what was actually going on. So when it was time for the quadrennial move, your mothers had chosen a small town in Canada. Shadow Bay. There was hardly any supernatural occurrence’s there. With the exceptional of a magic shop but witch hunters had standards so they’d never show up there anyways. 
You’d gotten used to the somewhat lonely routine of your life. The moving every four years, the secrets about your magic, while it wasn’t ideal. You loved your magic and you wouldn’t trade your abilities for anything else in the world. But having some solid friends would’ve been a nice start.  
The drive wasn’t the longest you’ve ever taken, it also wasn’t the shortest you’ve every taken either. The only difference was that due to getting your license recently your grandmother let you drive her car. You’d lived in a lot of placed over the years. Apartments, ranch, colonial, victorian. Now you were living in a cottage in the woods by a lighthouse. Pulling into the drive you passed a group of six people. Five teens who looked around your age and one who seemed to be younger possibly in middle school. 
“Keys are in the mail box.” Your grandmother said, you looked over. “That’s harsh.” You said unbuckling and opening the door to retrieve the keys from the mail box. If the group of teens weren’t staring before they definitely were now. “Can i help you ?” You asked turning around at the group of teens who were like you thought, were staring.
A tall blonde in a leather jacket and all black, A red head wearing an army jacket and docs, A brunnette with curly hair who had a denim jacket on, A tanned brunnette boy wearing street clothes, A pale brunette who had a skateboard not far from his grasp, and a little boy wearing a cap and a wand in his hand.
“Did you just move into the haunted house in the woods?” The brunnette in street clothes asked with zero hesitation. Haunted? “Jai!” The red head exclaimed slapping his arm. The blonde still was staring at you. Like there was this connection flowing between the two of you, you felt it too. “Sorry he has the social skills of a second grader. I’m Hanna Romero.” She said extending a hand towards you. “Y/n Amana.” 
“This is Gabby Lewis, that’s Jai Malyas, He’s Luke Mccoy, on the end is Connor Stevens,” So staring boy has a name. “And that’s my little brother Seth.” She said giving a full rollcall for you. “Sorry i just have to ask, the haunted house in the woods?” Jai said not putting his question down. Everyone turned to him and you laughed. 
“So you believe in the other side?” You said crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows. The group fell silent for a minute. “Well I mean is there really another side? Maybe all the funs having here.” Connor said smiling at you, lying. You didn’t need magic to know. You just knew the faces of people who’d experienced the supernatural and didn’t know how to explain it afterwards.
“All right then pretty boy.” You said slightly taken aback Connors eyes widened. “Are you going to shadow bay high once you get settled?” Gabby asked you. You nodded, “Yeah my sister and I are suppose to start next week.” Gabby looked at Connor and then back to you, “We could show you both around, give you the old razzle dazzle.” She said. You smiled, “Yeah i’d really appreciate that!” 
“No problem! Right Connor?” Gabby said, nudging him. You turned your eyes backed to him. “Yeah no problem at all.” He said running a hand through his hair. You nodded. “I should probably go but i’ll see you guys next week.” You said, each of the teens saying a goodbye to you and you got into the car where your grandmother was waiting, dropping the envelopes with the keys on the dash board. 
“Well that looked like a lot more than just getting the keys.” She noted as you started to drive up into the woods. “Just some local kids who offered to show me around when i start and also said our house is the local haunted house in the woods.” You said turning as the road winded. She nodded, “This town is going to be different, you can feel it can’t you?” You could and it gave you butterflies. 
That night after dinner you sat up decorating your room. You’d never had your own room before and now you had free creative decisions. You sister knocked on the door holding two cups of tea, “Tea time?” You nodded. You were older by two years, it wasn’t much but sometimes it still managed to wedge a gap between the two of you for certain subjects. She placed your mug down on your desk were you were placing posters up and she sat on your bed. “So Grams said that you were flirting with some outsiders type beat boy earlier.” 
You turned taking a sip, “I was not flirting. I might’ve called him pretty boy. But that’s the highest form of flattery rather than flirting if anything!” You said to your sister. “What if you date him? What if you fall in love and have cute babies?” She gushed. “I just met him!” You exclaimed to her turning around, “Oh come on, haven’t you ever wanted to date someone?” 
“I don’t date. We move too much besides there’d be too much lying. It would just be heartbreak for me and whoever i’m with.” You said turning your attention back to decorating rather than the conversation. Silence washed over and the question that had been on everyone’s minds was asked once again. “Is it gonna be different here?” 
You stalled, exhaling slowly. “You have the gift of clairvoyance, if anything you can tell out of all of us.” She said with excitement. “No i’m not doing it.” You said shutting her suggestion down. “Oh come on!” She persisted. 
“Astral projecting isn’t meant for figuring out if we’re going to live out our coming of age fantasies, it’s meant for real magic. I’m not doing it. If any clairvoyant dreams come to me, that’s one thing. I’m not chasing them.” You said breaking down the now empty box that once held pictures, posters and other wall hanging knick knacks. Your sister pouted, “Buzzkill.” She muttered under her breath, “Well were either of the girls cute and give gay vibes?” She asked as she finished her mug and placed it on the floor. 
“Ask them yourself. They offered to show us around on our first day. But no powers. If you want a relationship it has to be fully yourself no magic sire ties. Magic sometimes makes it messy.” You said unfortunately speaking from experience. Magic was beautiful but it doesn’t come from nothing, there is a give and a take. Like everything else in the universe. 
That night you found it hard to sleep, you usually had issues sleeping the first night in a new town. It was some sort of internal clock routine. You snuck out of the front door, for a house that had been around for as long as it had been it wasn’t the loudest. The floor boards didn’t creak every time you walked over them, the doors didn’t screech whenever you opened them an inch at a time, and the house didn’t settle several times a day. But for all you knew a spell could’ve been casted to prevent that. 
You found comfort being on your own. Having clairvoyance was overwhelming at times. You had no control over your powers, they never had a specific trigger, so naturally you just steered clear of people in general. You figured there was no way to be given unwanted visions of the future if you just didn’t have anything to do with anyone at all. Your own loneliness was your own fault. Walking through the woods you felt the feeling of dark magic, it was a distinct feeling that you hadn’t felt often but it was unforgettable when you did. It over takes you, like a wave but instead of being able to see through the water its ink. It’s heavy, and dark. It drags you under. 
You hear several snaps of twigs behind you and slightly startled you turn to see the animal or whatever that was behind you. Ready to cast a spell incase whatever followed was a foe and not a friend you gathered your hands in front of your body, “Either you come out or it’s going to be a bad night for you.” You called out into the darkness. Several more twigs snapped under what you assumed where footsteps as a dark shape came out from behind the tree. 
“I surrender!” The figured called out with slight fear in their voice. “My hands are up!” The voice sounded so familiar as they neared towards you. Once they were within eye sight you noticed it was one of the boys from earlier, Connor. “ Take it easy there cobra kai.” He said gesturing to your hands which could be assumed in a fighting position, which they were just not the fighting position he thought it would be. 
You took your hands away from the stance they were place in front of your body, “So, you enjoy taking walks in the dark and startling people pretty boy?” You asked crossing your arms. He lowered his flashlight so he wasn’t practically blinding you anymore. He laughed lowly for a second, “To be fair with the way i was snapping twigs, if you were startled that sounds like a you deal.” 
You smiled at him for second, “I’m Connor Stevens by the way, we met earlier but i don’t know you if remember me.” He said running a hand through his hair, a nervous habit probably. “Oh so you assume that you’re unforgettable. Not a chance pretty boy.” You said taking several steps closer. Slightly taken aback once again by your boldness for the second time in the one day. “I have a name you know.” 
“Oh so you don’t find pretty boy flattering?” You asked coyly, going silence after trying to create an argument. “Thought so.” You said smiling. His eyes stayed glued onto you, his dad has taught him better than to stare. 
“Sorry, i just keep getting this deja vu feeling but i would definitely remember meeting you.” He said unfiltered getting close enough for you to catch a vision, you back up slightly and he’s hurt by this. It’s written all over his face. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized quickly and sincerely.
“Oh no i just have this thing with physical touch, it’s nothing personal. You’d remember meeting me? Are you reading into my character?” You said with a slight cockiness mixed into the tone. He nodded, “No it’s just you’re literally one of the prettiest girls i’ve ever seen.” You dropped the flashlight that you’d brought with you. You rushed forward to pick it up as did Connor, both your fingertips grazed each other.
The images flooded through your head. You saw past images first, not older than a month or so. It was dark, he was in the woods running, then there was a book of spells it looked like ever other witches book, and then he was grabbed into the dark. Inside of something that looked like a lighthouse but rotted on the inside and there was absolutely no light. Then there was present, this moment right here right now. The future was the two of you in front of the high school, you guessed. Then it was just the two of you, your aura’s with a red string connecting them at the pinkies. But then it was him holding your hands as something tried to drag you. Then it was over. 
You blinked a few times before looking back up at Connor, “Are you okay? You looked like you saw a ghost.” He said with a slight laugh dropping the flashlight into your palm like it was burning him to touch. “Something like that.” You muttered lightly and standing back up. Silence washed over, “I should probably get back home before anyone notices i’m gone.” You said. He nodded, “See you around, cobra kai?” 
“See you pretty boy.” You confirmed turning around to walk back to your house for the night. Sneaking back in just as quietly as you left. You managed to fall asleep before the sun rose this time. Once you fell asleep, the visions still lingered on a loop. Despite how much you hated it on a deep level it was comforting compared to the nightmares that had a tendency to plague you from time to time. 
The next morning your family had gotten take out from the local diner for breakfast and during the morning conversation no one mentions anything that gives away your nightly adventure. Throughout the rest of the week you and your family continues to get settled into your house. You hadn’t seen Connor on any of your nightly walks through the woods throughout the rest of the week and as the day of starting school gets closer you just assume you’ll see him along with his friends. 
Your sister and you were sitting in the office after you’d gotten your schedules and other paperwork. “We have two student volunteers who offered to show you around.” The secretary said as she handed the two of you a peppermint, Slightly disappointed, going under the impression you’d get to hang out with Connor and his friends today. The door creeks open and you turn. Gabby and Hanna enter the office, you notice through the glass pane of the door Luke, Jai and Connor standing in the hallway waiting for them. 
“Ah, Hanna Romero and Gabby Lewis. This is Y/n Amana and Ramona Amana.” She said as the two of you stood up. “If you need anything during your next few days don’t hesitate to reach out.” She said sincerely, offering a comforting smile. Your sister and you both exchanged thanks before leaving the office. 
You saw Luke nudge Connor to which he muttered a shut up, you smiled. “Nice to see you again pretty boy.” You said smirkingly, Jai looked up from his phone. “Again, you went into the haunted woods?” He said looking at Connor, who blank faced. “Thanks for ratting me out. Besides, there wasn’t anything out there other than Y/n and their fists of fury almost giving me a black eye.” He said punching you lightly in the shoulder, laughing with you. 
“What’s the deal with those woods anyway? It seems like everyone has some story about them.” Ramona asked no one specific just wanting a general answer after hearing the endless week of comments. The group went silent, “Okay so like did someone get murdered there. Some true crime type beat?” You asked as you leaned against the wall next to Connor. Leaning your head on his shoulder, he leaned his head on yours after a few moments of hesitation. 
“It’s an unbelievable story.” Jai said as he looked at the comic in his hand with a confused look and then closed it, Ramona smirked. “Oh we know a lot about those type of stories.” She said standing next to Gabby. Both were stealing looks when the other wasn’t. “Where are you guy’s from?” Hanna asked with confusion and a slight laugh. “Where aren’t we from.” You said under your breath catching the attraction of the group. 
“We’re military, we move a lot.” Ramona said. The cover story that had been engrained into you both from elementary school. “Damn that must suck.” Luke said getting elbowed by Hanna, “I mean thank you for your service.” He corrected himself. You laughed a little as Luke tried to awkwardly save himself. You saluted him, causing Connor to smile. 
“Nice bracelets.” Gabby said to Ramona, she looked down at them before looking back up. “Thanks.” She said slightly flustered and blushing. “Mo you should see if you and Gabby have any classes together.” You suggested slightly trying to wing woman. “What? Oh yeah!” She said handing over her schedule eagerly to Gabby. Soon enough the two walked off. 
“So, Hanna do you have the list for morning announcements?” Jai said, Hanna met him with a confused look as did Luke. “Announcements? Oh yeah! We’ll see you guys after home room!” As they left Connor and you in the hallway. “Your friends really lack subtly.” You said as you watched them go down the hallway, Hanna arguing with Jai while Luke occasionally looked back.
“Oh you have no idea.” He said turning back to you, “Oh! How do you feel about horror movies?” He asked reaching into his backpack. “Top three movie genre. Why?” You asked, he pulled out a small “slashers rule” pin and handed it you. “A formal apology for scaring you in the woods the other night, and you seemed like you’d like it.” He said gesturing to your backpack decorated with pins and patches, you smiled. “I love it.” His nervousness seemed to fade with those three words. “I’ve never really had friends or anyone give me something like this so, thank you.” 
“That must’ve been lonely.” He said as you shrugged, it was lonely but it was also complicated. “Yeah but i’m not lonely anymore.” You said as you subconsciously ran your thumb over the pin and looked up at him. He blushed, you’d learned he did that a lot and quite easily none the less. 
“So you ready for the shadow bay tour?” He said pushing off the wall, rubbing his hands together. Students had started to clear out of the halls paying absolutely no attention to Connor and yours’ affair in the corner. “Oh definitely. Just so you know i’ve been to four schools over the past eleven years, so you’re competing with that.” 
“Oh it’s a competition?” He said with fake outburst laced onto his voice, you nodded with a sarcastic smile that turned genuine. “I think i can handle that.” He said as you two began descending down the halls of Shadow Bay high. Despite your own personal barriers and everything you’d ever been taught in your life, you were falling for Connor. Your better judgement knew that you’d pay for that at some point in your life. Sooner or later, you always did. 
hello my loves! This is part one of three and i’m currently working on the other parts! 
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troop-scoop · 3 years
Youth III
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Chapter Three -  Brawford
Word count: 2.3k
Series Summary: On a family trip to your dad’s home town of Hawkins, Indiana, you make a series of decisions that result in you ending up in the year 1983 with more questions than there are answers presently available.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female Reader ( slow burn )
Chapter Summary: Some semblance of trust with Jonathan is built. Steve shows what you’d consider his ‘good side’ and you remember things from your early childhood and before you ended up in 1983.  
“Where do you need to be dropped off?” Jonathan questioned quietly, turning down the music on the radio. The rain had let up a half-hour ago, and the sign welcoming drivers into Hawkins had been passed five minutes ago.
“Oh, the um – the motel. . . on Brawford.” You answered just as quietly. It was beginning to get dark. It always got dark quicker in the fall. You forgot why, but it always added to the feeling of fall. Dark orange sunsets and pink sunrises, leaves falling onto the concrete pavement for little kids to jump on while walking to school. At least that’s what you were reminded of in the early days of November.
But November always made your dad anxious when you were growing up. He’d always be tense throughout the first part of the month like he was ready for something bad to happen that he could focus all his attention on. But now, maybe you were actually beginning to understand why he got so uptight. Now that you thought about it, he really began to get nervous in late October as well, and in July was when he’d take a week or so off of work completely. Those were the days that worried you. He’d be held up in his office going through old things of his that he kept hidden away in the closet until that time of year.
November made sense to you now. But October and early July? Those were odd.
“The motel? Like, Linda’s motel? The lady who’s daughter used to babysit me?”
“Well, the owner is named Linda, I didn’t know her daughter used to babysit you.” You responded, shifting in your seat to cross your legs and bring your arms to tighten around yourself. “But yeah. You know, the only motel in Hawkins.”
Jonathan nodded, taking a right turn onto an unmarked street. But it was the way to the motel, you knew that.
“You’re emancipated, right? That’s the word around school.” The attempt at small talk was genuine, and it was obvious by how he gave you a quick glance before looking back to the road.
“Yeah.” Was your only answer. You didn’t know how to elaborate on that. You didn’t have papers. Just a load of cash you’d saved for over a year from doing chores, random bets with friends that you’d won. It allowed you to pay for a room and cheap food. But Linda had offered to let you stay there for free if you helped her around the motel. You’d agreed. So you washed sheets, made sure appliances were still working in rooms, cleaned rooms when people checked out, and went about their business.
The motel came into view when Jonathan turned onto Brawford, and the first thing you’d noticed was the red BMW parked near the front office, with a familiar brunette leaning against the trunk of the car. There was only one person in all of Hawkins you knew who had such an expensive car.
“Harrington knows you’re staying here?” Jonathan asked, pulling into the parking lot and into a spot a few spaces away from Steve’s car.
“I never told him.” You responded, reaching into the backseat, grabbing his shoulder bag, and pulling it into your lap. Counting out the number of posters, you took half of the stack and a random pen from the bag. Tearing off a corner from a poster you wrote down the number for your motel room and handed it to him. “If you need help with anything, call me. I’m serious.”
Jonathan nodded, taking the small piece of paper as you got out of the car. The sound of distant cars driving by against the set street could be heard, as well as drops of water sliding off the roof of the motel and hitting the metal railing. You looked at Steve, hearing Jonathan drive out of the parking lot and down the street.
“I wouldn’t expect to see you here, Your Majesty.”
Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes at your greeting. He crossed his arms over his chest, which is when you noticed the thin black notebook, with red ink scratched into it. He saw you look at the notebook and he held it out to you.
Holding the stack of posters close to your chest with one hand, you reached out and took the notebook from him with the other. “Mr. Swann told me, to tell you, to stop writing in red pen.” You chuckled a bit at his comment, placing the posters on top of the notebook and holding it close.
Steve gave you a questioning look before reaching his hand back out, his index finger hooking onto the notebook and pulling it to be parallel with the ground so he could see the posters. “You’re helping Jonathan? I thought that was about your project?”
Sighing, you pulled the notebook back. “His brother’s missing, Steven.” At the sound of his full first name, Steve shifted uncomfortably. “No one at school is in his corner, right now. Sure, people are volunteering, and the cops are trying to help, but no one at school is actually trying to support him. Besides, Will needs to come home.”
“He’s a bit odd. I’ve known him since preschool, I just-”
“He has issues opening up. That’s it. I’m sure having people think you’re odd since preschool doesn’t really help.” Steve sighed at that, looking down at the ground, kicking the ground with his foot, almost gently. “You know, if you went missing, I’d help try to find you.”
At that, the two of you seemed to switch demeanors, with him looking up at you and you turn your attention to the wet ground. “Begrudgingly.” You added quickly, getting a laugh from him.
“Well. . . It’s something, I guess. Not as rude as I thought.” He joked, moving to open the trunk of his car. Looking up you watched as he pulled out a plastic bag, and hold it out to you.
“If you put anthrax in there-”
“Y/n, are you serious? Where would I get drugs?”
“I mean, I’ve heard you talk about weed before.” You responded, taking the bag from him. Holding the notebook and posters between your upper arm and ribs as you held open the bag and reached in for something that was in plastic packaging. Turning it in the bag to see the Sony logo. A metallic, pink, rectangular device in the packaging. “A walkman?”
“Yeah, I figured you’d like one. Everyone else seems to have one, except for you.”
“What’s the catch?” You asked, tilting your head.
Steve shook his head, placing his hand over his chest in fake offense. “Catch? What, I can’t buy something nice for a friend?”
“Oh, so we’re friends?” You asked, a smile creeping onto your face. “I already owe you like five bucks for lunch last week, it’s starting to feel like you're trying to collect as many favors that you can cash in whenever you want.”
Steve shook his head again. “No. I had to go to Radioshack for my mom, I saw the Walkman and thought you’d like one.”
Nodding in response you grabbed a plastic case, the cover for a familiar album. “AC/DC? You bought me cassettes?” You hadn’t had anything to listen to music on for a while. Sure M.TV was available in your motel room, but the speaker was fuzzy and sometimes cut out during the best parts of a song.
“You don’t really strike me as Rick Springfield kind of person.” He shrugged. “You seem more like a rock kind of person.”
“Hey, Jessie’s Girl is gonna be a classic, just you wait and see. You’ll be begging your future kids to stop playing it.” You responded. “But. . . yeah. I get it from my dad. Queen, The Smiths, The Clash.”
The two of you stayed quiet for a second as you looked into the bag again, seeing a few more protective cases for cassettes.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come over? Carol’s been up my ass all day about trying to get you to come, and from what I’ve noticed, you don’t hang out with people outside of school.” The concern that was mixed into his voice was subtle, but you noticed it, and you’d lying if you said you didn’t appreciate his concern. He cared about people. While a lot of people wouldn’t see Steve Harrington as the type, you knew he was. He was just so wrapped up with Carol and Tommy that he didn’t take the time to realize he treated others.
“I’m sure. Parties aren’t really my thing, even with only a few people. Three’s a crowd, ya’ know.”
Steve gave an understanding nod. “Right. . . Enjoy your music, by the way, asshole.”
“Enjoy your party, douchebag.”
The smell of coffee, cinnamon, and fresh baked goods surrounded the coffee shop as you held onto your little brother’s hand. The two-year-old little boy had just started to walk outside of the home, though he still insisted on holding someone’s hand. Considering you were the closest to his height, he usually went for you.
Waiting by the counter with your dads for your drinks allowed your gaze to wander. The warmth that the shop usually offered seemed to fade, and be replaced by a cool air that surrounded you and as that happened you saw a young woman with a child around your brother’s age. She wore a pale pink sleeveless shirt tucked into a flared skirt. Her hair was neatly done and put up, and her jewelry was sparkling around her neck and wrist. A single silver ring with a diamond on her left ring finger.
The woman looked directly at you, readjusting her grip on the infant she was holding and giving you a warm smile as she walked towards the counter.
Looking up to your dads to see if they had noticed her as well, you saw they were talking to each other, and when you looked back over to where she had been, the warmth of the coffee shop came back and the woman was gone, as well as the child.
“Oh hush, James.” Torrey held her finger up to James’ mouth, he stepped back a bit, grabbing onto Olivia’s shoulder as the older girl moved to her bed, reaching under and grabbing a bag from underneath. “We’re going on an adventure. Buddy up, losers.”
Looking over to your left you saw Daniel looking at Torrey with a skeptical look, sitting on the arm of the rundown couch in the motel room. His brown hair unbrushed and sticking up in random directions. The imprint of the seam of his pillow in his cheek from when he was sleeping. You already felt bad enough that you had to wake them up because Torrey was on some sort of sugar rush.
“This is a terrible idea,” Olivia grumbled, pulling on her vans and hoodie. “Dad’s gonna kill us.” She added, speaking mostly to Derek. James, Derek, Issac, and Olivia were all siblings. With Olivia being the only girl in the family and probably the second most reasonable out of her siblings. James was first in that regard.
“What? You think mine won’t kill us?” Torrey asked, gesturing to her two younger siblings, Sarah and Howard. “They’ll be fine,” Torrey added, gesturing to you and Daniel. “Uncle Will is always nervous to even take something away from them. Especially, Y/n. She’s daddy’s little girl.”
“Shut up, Torrey!” you told her, grabbing your jacket from the armchair. “I am not ‘daddy’s little girl’ I do what I want!”
“Oh yeah? Then don’t chicken out, we’re gonna go to the liquor store. I’ll buy you guys some drinks, just not actual liquor. I’m not gonna be responsible for Uncle Will’s little girl getting blackout drunk.”
“You know how Will is with her, he’ll lose his shit if he knows she even left for the vending machine!” James defended you.
“No, I’ll come! I can keep a secret.” You responded, looking up at your oldest cousin, even in the dim lighting with only the lamp on Torrey’s nightstand on, you could tell that her dark brown eyes were narrowed in doubt. “You know, for someone who’s in college and engaged, you’re a terrible influence.” You told her.
“Believe me, I know. Buddy up!”
Sighing, you looked over to Daniel who had gotten his shoes and jacket on as well and was already walking over, taking your hand as Torrey went over to the door, unlocking it and looking both ways down the walkway, before turning to look at the rest of you who had already grabbed someone’s hand. She held her finger up to her lips letting out a ‘shhh’ before slipping out of the door, with Derek and Sarah following right after, then James and Olivia, You and Daniel, then Howard and Issac following right after. On your way out, you noticed a small dent in the wall, like when you missed the nail and the hammer hit the wall instead. It had clearly been painted over, but it was there.
Issac closed the door with a quiet click just as you had all reached the stairs, quietly stepping down the stairs and down into the parking lot.
Your cousins didn’t seem to notice, but you had, the front office was lit up, the floor to ceiling windows allowing you to notice the old woman, likely in her 80’s looking at all of you, but making eye contact with you. She looked as though she’d seen a ghost.
The owner of the motel came out from the backroom, going to the old woman and taking her away from the windows. The younger woman was still older, but she looked at you all as well and froze.
You knew staring was considered rude, but you couldn’t help but stare. Both women seemed as though they’d seen something unbelievable. You only looked away when you were so far away that you couldn’t see them anymore.
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thestupidhelmet · 3 years
I always got the impression that during Zen breakups, Donna more sided with Hyde than Jackie. What do you think?
Donna is often seen through an undeserved negative lens by a portion of T7S fans. Contradictions in her characterization do exist, thanks to inconsistent writing. But when her behavior, dialogue, and choices are examined closely, her true character is revealed. I do this in the metas linked below.
In Defense of Donna (an essay in eight parts).
In Defense of Donna: Supplemental
In Defense of Donna (Yet Again) in Her Relationship with Eric
Was Donna Mean to Jackie from Throughout Their Relationship?
Analyzing the facts burns away the foundation on which the biases about and misinterpretations of Donna’s character are built. After the cut, I discuss in detail her reactions to Jackie and Hyde’s breakups. She’s a far better person, and friend to Jackie, than is often recognized.
Jackie and Hyde’s first breakup occurs in “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You” (5x14), after Jackie shouts, “Get off my boyfriend!” to Annette about Kelso in the previous episode. Below is Donna and Jackie’s first discussion about it.
Donna: So, have you talked to Hyde about the whole, “Get off my boyfriend,” disaster? Jackie: No! And why is everyone making such a big deal about it? It's like every time I walk into a room, people look at me funny. Donna, how do you deal with it? Donna: Jackie, the reason people are making a big deal about it is because it sounds like you still have feelings for Kelso. Jackie: Well, I don't. I think the only reason I said it was because I was having an allergic reaction to the Formans' cheap, generic soda.
Here, Donna is being supportive of both Hyde and Jackie. She cares about them and their relationship. Jackie, however, has a tendency toward denial and self-delusion, which Donna has experienced extensively. She wants Jackie to be honest with herself, face reality, and not put herself or Hyde through the pain she went through with Kelso during seasons 1-4.
The next time in the episode Donna talks about this situation is with Annette at The Hub.
Annette: Guys, I really think there's some unfinished business between Michael and Jackie. When they were together, did she make him happy? Donna: Well, she totally dominated him and made him feel bad about himself. Annette: I guess what I'm really asking is, was she ever fat or anything?
Donna’s assessment isn’t accurate and nowhere near complete. This is not the fault of Donna but the writers, whose take on Jackie and Kelso is made clear in “Everybody Loves Casey” (4x26). Despite the few concessions the writers make during Jackie and Kelso’s exchange that give Jackie some sympathy, the onus for the toxicity of their relationship is put on Jackie. New “facts” that are never mentioned or shown in the series before this episode are introduced so that Kelso can give Jackie the responsibility for his cheating and the audience will agree with him, at least in part.
Donna’s assessment of Jackie and Kelso’s relationship in “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You” reflects the point of view given in “Everybody Loves Casey”. What actually occurs during seasons 1-4 contradicts this assessment. Jackie encourages Kelso and bolsters his self-esteem (see “The Forgotten Son” [4x09] for one of many examples). She buys him so many presents that he owes her $8,265 in 1977 (see “Baby Fever” [3x07)], which is the equivalent to $35,525 today (due to inflation).
Yes, Jackie also berates him, but she most often does so when he mistreats her by lying, cheating, and generally disrespecting her. She also tries to control him in certain situations, like how many of her stuffed animals she’ll keep in his van or refusing to break up with him when he asks to in “Red’s Last Day” (2x02).
But the so-called total domination Donna claims Jackie had over Kelso is false. If it were true, Kelso never would’ve cheated on her with Pam Macy, Laurie, a girl from Sacred Heart. He wouldn’t have avoided her for a week after the first time they have sex or treat her like a servant once he gets in contact with her again. He wouldn’t have ignored her many nos about having sex until she’s exhausted by his relentlessness and given into what he wants. The list goes on.
The point, though, is that real!Donna would not have said Jackie “totally dominated [Kelso] and made him feel bad about himself.” Real!Donna -- who’d tried to get Jackie to break up with cheating Kelso then stay broken up with him -- would have said that Jackie and Kelso made each other miserable and that it wasn’t a healthy relationship for either of them. This assessment would have given Annette, a virtual stranger, enough information without betraying Jackie’s privacy.
Jackie enters The Hub soon after this conversation.
Jackie: Donna, Steven broke up with me. Donna: Oh, Jackie, I'm sorry.
Donna is sincere in her compassion. She doesn’t say, “You deserved it,” or, “What did you expect?” Her friend is hurting, and Donna feels for her.
This is the last interaction between Donna and Jackie before Jackie and Hyde reconcile in this episode. Donna’s empathy is obviously for Jackie. We get no scenes between Donna and Hyde or dialogue from Donna that shows she believes Hyde is in the right for breaking up with her. She just wants Jackie to recognize why Hyde might feel hurt by Jackie calling Kelso her boyfriend.
Jackie and Hyde’s next breakup happens in “Nobody’s Fault but Mine” (5x23). Kelso tells Donna about Hyde sleeping with the nurse.
Kelso: [Hyde] doesn’t know it but I saw him kissing this lady at the hotel. Donna: Oh, my God, that’s horrible. Kelso: I wanna do the right thing, right? So I’m thinking that I’ll just tell Jackie, and then she’ll feel really bad. Then I’ll console her, and -- presto! -- we’re making out topless! Donna: No, Kelso! The thing to do is to tell Hyde that you know and then give him a chance to tell Jackie.
Again, Donna is concerned for the well-being of both Jackie and Hyde and their relationship. She cares about both of them, but Hyde’s behavior / choice is likely incomprehensible to her at this point.
Once Jackie breaks up with Hyde and the full truth is out, Hyde calls Jackie at Donna’s. Donna wants Jackie to talk to him, but Jackie hangs up the phone, and Donna pleads Hyde’s case
Donna:  I think this whole thing was a misunderstanding. Hyde didn’t know what was going on. Jackie: I know, okay? But after Michael, I promised myself that I would never be with another boy who cheated on me. Donna: But Hyde’s so good for you. Since you started dating him you’ve completely stopped quoting Nancy Drew.
Donna’s point of view, again, reflects the writers’ -- that Hyde’s transgression is a “stupid, one-time thing.” If Hyde had actually been written as real!Hyde during this episode and arc (after sleeping with the nurse), he would’ve put Jackie’s pain and feelings ahead of his own, shown true and lasting contrition along with self-awareness, and not expect forgiveness.
Donna’s argument would be much stronger if Hyde hadn’t displayed similar behavior to Kelso’s in season 2 (e.g., acting entitled to Jackie’s forgiveness and growing hostile toward her when he doesn’t get it in his desired time frame). Hyde’s relationship with Jackie does inspire her to grow and change, but that doesn’t negate his betrayal of her -- or vice versa.
Donna needed to give Jackie empathy in this moment rather than try to fix what Hyde had broken, but she does so right after Jackie rejects Donna’s argument to give Hyde a chance. Jackie cries on her shoulder, and Donna holds her during it.
Before Jackie and Hyde reconcile in “Join Together” (6x02), Donna continues to point out the positive effect Jackie’s relationship with Hyde had on Jackie. She’s neither Team Jackie nor Team Hyde. She’s Team Jackie-and-Hyde. She’s supportive of and compassionate toward Jackie while also maintaining faith in Hyde’s innate goodness.
Donna believes that Hyde, at his core, isn’t a cheater. That he isn’t Kelso, but this doesn’t excuse Hyde’s transgression. What’s missing during this breakup arc is a scene where Donna confronts Hyde about what he did, why he chose to act out instead of talk to Jackie, and where she tells him he has to own his crap. This would have connected nicely story-wise (or grown out of) the lessons she should have learned with Eric in season 5 had the show not rushed into their engagement arc.
Donna could have brought up Hyde’s childhood, the source of his deep fear of abandonment, and how he allowed this fear to seep into his relationship with Jackie. Hyde, then, might have admitted he’d fallen for Jackie when she’d chased him back in season 3 and felt betrayed by her ultimately rejecting him for Kelso.
Hyde: I guess that crap came up again when she became my girlfriend. Part of me always believed she’d always go back to him.
Unfortunately, the writers didn’t make these story and character connections, and the characterization and story suffered because of it.
During Jackie and Hyde’s season 7 breakups, Donna behaves similarly as described above. She’s Team Jackie-and-Hyde. She supports both her friends and believes they’re happiest (and best) when together. She brings Jackie to her martial arts class to get out her rage at Hyde in a healthy way. She consistently teases Hyde about his love for Jackie so he won’t deny it to himself or quit fighting for it. She’s always got a hug for Jackie when she needs it, and she calls Hyde on his B.S. (finally) in season 7.
So, no, Donna doesn’t side more with Hyde over Jackie after their breakups. She an equal friend to both of them, despite the flaws in the writing.
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
Poetic Justice
This was a joy to write. Shout out to @chaneajoyyy and @shaekingshitup for doing this challenge.
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Synopsis: You meet Erik at an open mic night and it changes everything
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2597
Coming to open mic night at your favorite cafe was worth it. You only just found out about the elusive and secretive gathering of college individuals. But you made it your goal to go at least once a week. Sometimes it was hard, school work piles up quickly when you are having fun. 
But tonight, you had to get out no matter how many essays and online homework you needed to complete. And you regretted nothing once he took the stage. Tall dark and handsome, Erik Stevens, the poet had you entranced. His poetic stories about black struggle and black love pushed you further down the rabbit hole than you could ever imagine. 
This man seemed to be everything you could ever imagine. And you were so happy to have a seat up close and to the far right of the stage where you could fangirl in peace. 
You’d seen this beauty around campus a few times, but never once did you imagine that he had such a way with words and his voice was that smooth. And the way he strummed the guitar… You only hoped he could strum your clit that delicately. 
You watched his set intensely, his every move an imprint in your mind. You wanted to record it to play it back later, but you knew that would be wildly inappropriate. Snaps filled the room as he finished up and he smiled and bowed his head in acknowledgment. The man knew he was fine. 
Erik Stevens stepped off the stage and packed away his guitar as another talented student took the stage to share her beautiful voice. You watched his broad back shuffle around until he went behind the curtains and came around. The exit for the stage right in front of your high table. 
Erik’s eyes watched you closely, you bit your lips gently when his eyes raked over your body with lust. Damn. How can Just one look from this man have you ready to risk it all? You smiled shyly at Erik when you made eye contact again. Erik sent you a wink and a smile so genuine it made your thighs clench. He then quietly made his way through the crowd to join his friends. 
You smiled softly to yourself then settled in to enjoy the rest of the night with your friend. 
Early morning classes were not your thing. But when one of your major classes is only offered at 8 am on Tuesday’s, you had no choice. Hence why you were in the juice line in your increasingly crowded dining hall. You desperately wanted some freshly juice fruits and were willing to wait in a long line to get it. That or you were looking for any excuse to be late for class. 
“Excuse me. Do you know what juices they have today?” A deep voice from behind you asked. 
“No but it looks so good. Soo… goood…” your voice trailed off when you turned around to talk to the stranger. Erik again. You smiled a polite smile and turned back forward, your heart racing in your chest. Fuck. He was even more attractive up close and in the light. And he smelled so good too. 
Erik smiled and held out his hand for you to shake. You gently put your hand in his. 
“I’m Erik.” His voice washed over you. “You were at the show the other night. You look good in blue.” He complimented your dress from the other night. 
“Thanks.” You told him your name. “You’re a great artist.” You were up in line to order your juice. 
“Thank you babygirl.” His eyes dropped to your lips before flitting back up to meet your eyes. 
“You sitting down to eat? Maybe I could join you?” His voice was hopeful as you stepped up to order. 
Your heart sunk. “Erik I really wish I could but I have to get to class, I'm already late enough waiting for this drink. Next time though. I promise.” Instinctually you held out your pinky finger for him to seal in the promise. You blushed and went to remove yourself. 
“Wait. A promise is a promise and has to be sealed in some way.” He wraps his pinky finger around yours and brings both your hands up so that you can both kiss your fist. The two of you break away, eyes intense and your heart beating out of your chest. 
“Next time.” You smile and step back over to the juice counter. 
He smiles as you leaned forward to accept your drink. “Have a good day.” His eyes watched you as you walked past him to the exit of the dining hall, a smirk on his lips as his eyes fell to your ass. 
Laundry day was one of your faves on campus. Usually you did it so late at night that you had the laundry room to yourself so you would sit on one of the machines, playing games on your phone. 
You’d just beaten a really difficult level and you were up out of your seat cheering in circles for yourself. 
“Damn, if I knew this is the type of introduction I would get, I would ask you to announce at poetry nights.” Erik smiled at you. You turned around quickly, a heat creeping up your body as you saw him leaning against one of the machines. A smirk sat on his full lips and his arms crossed tightly on his chest. 
“Don’t stop now, the only thing I would change is you screaming my name.” Erik’s smirk grew bigger as your ears burned. 
“Shut up.” You smiled bashfully and climbed back on top of the washing machine. Erik approached slowly coming to stand in front of your legs. 
“What’s got you so excited anyway?” Erik took your phone from his hand and started dying of laughter. 
“Candy Crush!” He laughed loudly, you smiled in a daze watching his beautiful smile. “Well I guess I should take it as a win.” He handed you back your phone. “At least it’s not no guy in your phone making you smile like that. I wanna make you smile like that.” Erik stared up at you. 
You looked away, he just didn’t know what he was doing to you. Or he did and he was determined to make you become a massive puddle. Well he succeeded at least halfway, there’s a massive puddle in your shorts right now. 
“Tell me… what do I have to do to make you smile like that?” Erik’s soft hand found its way on the top of your knee. Very gently, his eyes asking for permission. 
You shrugged and nodded at the same time. Erik laughed. “What does that mean?” 
It means that you can eat me out on this washing machine! You screamed in your head. 
“It means that I don’t know what you have to do.” Erik stepped closer bracing his hands on either side of you. 
“You know, I’ve seen you around a lot before. You’re so pretty that I can always pick you out of a crowd. But I never had the courage to speak to you. That is until I saw you at my set.” Erik spoke softly, a small smile found its way onto your lips. 
“There we go. Got something. So I just gotta compliment your fine ass and your face will shine brighter than the sun.”
“Erik if you don’t take your poetic ass somewhere. Don’t you have clothes to wash?” You say smartly. 
“Nah. I just saw you in here and I had to come speak. You see now that we are friends you ain’t never getting rid of me.” Erik gently rubbed the outside of your thigh. “Besides, you owe me company for a meal.”
You rolled your eyes remembering your pinky promise in the dining hall. 
“After your clothes are finished you are coming with me for a midnight meal.” Erik’s eyes twinkled once you agreed and you wondered what his idea of a midnight meal was. 
You sighed and rubbed your face. Fuck this paper! You figured if you went to the library really early you'd be able to focus and get it done, but you were struggling. Coffee wouldn't even help. You'd been at it for 4 hours and barely had 2 pages finished. It was time to cut your losses and try again later. You were putting your last book in your bag when you heard that all too familiar voice.
"What are you doing here so early Y/N?" Erik looked down at you, a smirk on his face. 
Why did you always run into this man? Ever since the open mic night it seemed like you saw him all the time. 
You frowned, "I was trying to get a ten page paper done, but I can't focus."
He scoffed, "You took Mandrake didn't you? That's where you fucked up. Everyone knows she assigns a big paper at the beginning of the semester."
You couldn't help the pout that formed on your lips, "I didn't know!"
"Let me help you. I have some work I need to finish too. Maybe we can help each other focus and get out of here sooner." He smiled sympathetically. 
He sat down across from you and pulled out his materials. He also pulled out a pair of gold rimmed glasses that made him look sexy as fuck. Who the hell makes glasses look that good? 
You couldn't help but be nosy and when he pulled out a book with Freud's name on it. You had to ask.
"Are you a psych major?"
Erik followed your eyes to the book and smiled. "I'm a double major. Psychology and African American Studies."
You whistled "Oh so he's woke and smart."
"I want to be a psychologist for at risk black kids. I went through a lot of shit when I was a kid and it fucked me up for years. I want to prevent that from happening to anyone else." Erik shrugged. 
"That's amazing, Erik." And you meant it. What a great way to make an impact on the community. You already really liked Erik, but this took the cake. He really was a great guy.
He shrugged, his embarrassment clear. "I wish there was someone that could have helped me back then. It would have saved me from making a lot of dumb decisions."
You grabbed his hands, "Seriously Erik. That's really cool. You should be proud of it. You're going to do great things."
Erik's thumb rubbed over your hand and he smiled softly before raising your hand to kiss it. "Thank you, babygirl. I really appreciate that."
You felt like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. You've never felt chemistry like this with a guy, and you had a feeling you never would again. Erik was someone special.
Erik smirked at you. "Now stop ogling me and get moving on that paper."
Your ears burned as you focused on your laptop, his laugh wrapping around you like a warm blanket. 
You did peep him sneaking glances at you while you both worked though, so you considered it a win regardless.
You rushed out of class. The professor held everyone an extra 10 minutes, and you were running late for your next class. Once you got closer to the quad you noticed there was a crowd. You didn't really care what was going on, you didn't have time to see what had everyone so fascinated. You had just got to where the crowd was but you heard the most beautiful music and you couldn't help but move closer to see where it was coming from. 
And to your surprise standing there, looking more gorgeous than anyone had the right to, was Erik Stevens. The sun lit his profile perfectly, his brown skin glowing in the light. His fingers glided across the guitar, the music lulling you into a state of peace you've never experienced. You couldn't look away from him. He was so captivating. Before you realized it you moved across the quad and stood in the front of the crowd, but off to the side. Erik closed his eyes and his body began swaying to the music. The notes sounded very familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on where you recognized it from. After a few seconds of strumming Erik opened his mouth and started singing India Arie 'Ready for Love'.
You were absolutely sure your jaw was on the ground. You had no idea he could sing! His voice was beautiful, smooth and rich, like the most expensive Hennessy. He glided through the notes effortlessly, adding a few of his own runs and techniques to make it his own. You believed every word he was saying, his voice was so honest. He really sounded like he was in love with someone and it just made his performance that much better.
Someone next to you walked closer to him and dropped a few bills in his guitar case. As they walked back to their spot Erik opened his eyes, instinctually following them. When his eyes met yours you felt your heart rate pick up and your breath catch in your throat. Erik looked right into your eyes and kept singing, a slight smile on his lips. This man was LETHAL. It felt like he was serenading you. You couldn't help but smile back, you were pretty sure there were actual hearts in your eyes. 
I am ready for Y/N
The two of you couldn't look away from each other. You could actually feel a force pulling you to him. The crowd erupted in shocked chatter when he slipped up and sang your name. Erik just smiled and kept going, but you could hardly breathe. You've never heard your name sound so beautiful before. You had a big dopey smile on your face but you couldn't get rid of it if you wanted to.
He strummed the guitar, the notes tapering into silence. As soon as he finished the crowd erupted into loud cheers and applause. As everyone dispersed you made your way over to him. 
"That was amazing Erik. I had no idea you could sing."
He smiled softly, "Yeah, it's not something I do often."
"It was beautiful. You really should sing more often." It'd be a shame for him to hide his talent. 
He smirked. "Sing more in general or sing to you more?"
You looked away in embarrassment, your ears burning. "Why did you say my name?"
"It was an accident. When I saw you I got nervous and made a freudian slip I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck, his smile sheepish.
You pouted, "So you didn't mean it?" 
He smirked, "Of course I meant it. I did say a Freudian slip. You were on my mind so I said your name."
You rolled your eyes, but your tone was teasing. "There's my psychology nerd. I was starting to get worried."
He chuckled and moved in closer, until his chest brushed up against you. He reached out a hand and fixed a piece of your hair before cupping your face. "Be my girl and there's a lot more where that came from."
You smiled, looking into his eyes. "Yes."
His smile was bright. Erik grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you. You may have made a Freudian slip of your own when he sucked your soul out of your mouth.
Taglist: @aislinnsilver @wawakanda-btch @chaneajoyyy @marvelmaree
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FINALLY Someone Besides Myself (And A Few Other Fans) Stands UP For Steven!
first I want to say that I have decided while I’m talking
my words will be like this.....but when Flowey is talking it be like
This, This Is ME talking.
(Note: of course having Flowey being my Co-Writing with this is for fun too but also talks about something serious too.)
so yeah, so we are gonna share thoughts about the whole Steven Universe Future being hated by some fans, but they don’t have to like it and no one should force them to. 
but this video right here
I had just watched this for the first time today, and I think I will watch part 1 sometime when I can.
but the video is by KiwiQueen 13 over on Youtube.
I'm not sure if they have a tumblr here
BUT here is the name of  the video that has clips of the first series of Steven Universe (with some clips of Steven Universe Future too.)
Scenes That Hit Different After SU: Future.
you realize while watching the video that show clips of Steven’s childhood
that the problem that happens in Steven Universe Future,
yes there were some good positive sides on how Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst brought him up....but there were obviously some bad sides too.
like it turning out it wasn’t just Greg who neglected Steven.
Amethyst isn’t really like the “Mom” but just seems more like the Older Sister to Steven, who at first started out not being the very comforting type....
like when it shows in the video that she didn’t comfort him when he needed it when he was scared and thought gem-monsters would attack him while he is trying to sleep.  
but over time she did start to be more comforting to him,
and we could see their fusion Smokey Quartz as a Platonic Fusion.
same with his fusions with his Dad, Pearl and Garnet...
or like when it’s just Him, Amethyst, Garnet and Pearl fused as Obsidian.
 the only fusion that Steven had that was NOT just Platonic Love,
was when he fused with Connie and became Stevonnie.  
plus after watching that video, I can see that Connie was in the wrong with how she acted when Steven came home after the trauma he went through with his “Aunts” and with the whole Lars dying and being brought back to life.
even if Steven did act like he was okay and everything was fine,
it wasn’t and it wasn’t fair of Connie to act the way she did....even if she does have a right to her feelings and expressing them.
but she couldn’t see that Steven was hurting and was trying to act like EVERYTHING was fine.
trying to act like everything is fine when it isn’t, can do more harm than good.
instead of asking Steven if he truly was okay, and instead of seeing through his act, she instead took Lion and left.
yes it is good that they ended up making up, but it might not of been 100% the right way....Steven went on a guilt trip and had been waiting for her call and everyone thought it was just the experience he had when he was taken by Homeworld.
if you do watch the video, you will have to pause most of it to read what was wrote that points out some very important stuff.
like the fact that Steven’s Dad and Future Girlfriend were being insensitive by excluding him from the Humans Clubs....
correct, but even if they did do that. they might of not realized how it would effect how Steven would view himself.
like if your Mom makes you feel like your so easy to replace.
 this isn’t really about Toriel (from Undertale)
but I get her actions can be questionable.
but even if Toriel did have her moments where she couldn’t see how bad her ex-husband was hurting, and he might of not truly meant the things he said and was just so angry and sad after what happen to their son and adoptive child.
but the one who might take the rank of worse Mother,
would have to be Rose....
not just to Steven, but also to Spinel too.
yes Rose was doing the whole rebellion thing to save the life that was already living and growing on Earth.
but we have to remember that she wasn’t always going to do that,
not until both Pearl and herself took the walk outside of the Moon Base,
to check out her colony more closely. 
in a way, Rose....back then as “Pink Diamond” and was poofed and then permanently reformed as “Rose Quartz” and it no longer was a disguise.
that time when she realized what was happening,
and wanted to stop it, that was part of her redemption.
yes most of her life as Pink Diamond, she did do some good.
like treating other gems more than just servants and actually treating them equally.
but we have to remember that Pink did have her bad moments too.
and she had destructive powers, and when she wasn’t being unfairly punished by being placed in that tower.
the other times the punishments were justified.
the reason why Homeworld is Broken, like something cracked it.
that was obviously Pink who did that, which might of been from one of her biggest and most dangerous tantrums of all time.
and when Yellow & Blue told her NO, when she asked for a colony....
of course she would still be upset about it....
but when she went to White, we all know how that turned out....
Homeworld might of started to be in it’s current broken form
after Pink got upset when White told her No.
and it was around the same time when Pink Pearl aka Volleyball
but I’m just gonna call her “Lily”, same with me wanting to call Yellow Pearl "Tulip" and Blue Pearl "Violet"  
but yeah, Lily got hurt....really badly.
not just her form but also it caused her trauma and she tried to justify Pink’s actions, saying she didn’t mean to.
but that might only be partly true...
we know that Pink/Rose was both good and bad.
and we know that her actions, as well as Greg, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst’s actions....had harmed Steven during the start of the series BEFORE Steven Universe Future.
Steven believed that it was his fault that Ruby and Sapphire had split.
you know, un-fused  from Garnet.
but it was never Steven who caused this....
it was his Mom, Rose who caused it.
the first time it happen, Ruby and Sapphire did end up making up.
but only when they started to see how bad it was effecting Steven.
when Parents fight, they don’t know how bad it can effect their child and it might be possible it can make them believe it is them that is the cause of the fighting.
I don’t like it when Ruby and Sapphire are called “Children”
when really they are full grown Gem-Adults and are Married.
I know that some fans do make that mistake at times....but maybe have learned from it.
in a way, Ruby and Sapphire both are Steven’s Moms.
even if he wasn’t born from their gems, they and Garnet
formed a Mother/Son Bond with him and even if she did make some mistakes in the past, she does try her best to be there for him and was there when Steven needed to be shown he wasn’t a Monster and those who love him are sorry for putting him through such a ordeal.
yes Connie was the first to point this out to Greg and every other gem who was present.
but maybe the reason why she finally realized what Steven needed right now,
was because of what happen in the past when he came back from homeworld after being taken and how she acted when he got back, was wrong.
yes she had a right to be upset, but she couldn’t see that he was already hurting and was just trying to act like everything was fine.
the violence and let’s say semi-neglect, that became normalized to Steven.
so much so, when he got older and the negativity became too much,
he had his Pink Out Bursts.
because of how things were in Steven Universe Future,
most fans just gave up watching it.
but they don’t have to start watching it, because that is their choice.
but those who have stuck through all the episodes of Steven Universe Future.
can see that what Steven was going through, was the negative stuff breaking through.
he realized what his Dad did and didn’t do, was wrong.
and I know that some fans started to realize that too.
it was wrong for Greg to not take Steven’s human half into account.
that Greg could of used the Money from the car wash
to pay for Steven’s schooling, like either having him go to school
or get a tutor to teach him at home.
as well as going to the doctor.
but if he didn’t make enough money from the car wash,
he could of did all that when Sourcream’s Bio-Dad came to give him the money he owed him.
but instead of using the money for helping Steven a tutor or for a doctor.
Greg just “treats himself” while still treating his son and Pearl.
even if the episode was still good and it had Greg and Pearl bond.
it can show that what was going on with Greg’s spending the money for just fun, wasn’t right.
yeah you can do that too, but what Greg didn’t do with the money wasn’t right.
Steven was semi-neglected and I don’t think I am the only fan of the show that has come to this realization.
yes some fans have pointed out how Steven was acting in Steven Universe Future was terrible.
but like how that video points out, it all started in the very beginning before Steven Universe Future.
it might be possible through Steven’s life he never fully realized that he was in fact being semi-neglected by not just his own Dad, but by Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst as well.
it might be possible to go throughout your whole life without realizing you have been semi-neglected.
even if you are taken care of, like given food and a home by those who brought you into this world.
there can be different ways you can end up finding out you have been semi-neglected throughout your childhood, even if the ones responsible might of not mean to do that.
  like with my parents....or rather, Asriel’s parents....
I know I am still TECHNICALLY him, but at the same time I’m not.
I’m like.......half of his components. I don’t have his soul, that makes up the very core of his heart.....I only have his memories, which weren’t even mine to begin with.....it’s like part of me is Asriel, while the other part is just Flowey....it’s like-
fusion, yeah I think so too.
this might be a crazy theory, but what if it turned out the tapes that we find in the True Lab hint something.
like what if Papyrus calling Toriel, Asgore’s Clone was true.
and there might be more to the story of the past than we know.
and the Toriel in Deltarune might really be from Undertale Timeline,
and the Toriel who we meet in the start of the Undertale Game,
is really a Clone of Asgore, who was recreated to look a little like his first wife who took their son Asriel to the other world.
this was thanks to Gaster’s machine, it might be possible that Asgore and Toriel did originally come from the Deltarune Timeline.
and went with Gaster to the Undertale Timeline.
and Asriel was born in the Deltarune Timeline.
and at some point in time after Asgore’s Clone Wife Left him....
his original wife, the Original Toriel, came back for him because she missed him and wanted to try to make things work.
this would then have Asgore have the current Royal Scientist
to create another clone, but this time one that looks 100% like him
and would be the King in his place, while he returns to his original home world with his wife.
yeah at first I wanted to talk about Steven Universe, and how I’m happy that someone else had pointed out the obvious about why Steven ends up acting the way he does in Steven Universe Future.
I also want to say, that I’m not sure if it’s just me...
but while re-watching the playthrough trailer for Chapter 2 of Deltarune.
I notice that Toriel looks like a off-white purple type color.
like her fur not seeming as white as it appears in Undertale.
but it just seem like a off-white purple when she entered Kris’s room (well Asriel & Kris’s Room)
I don’t know if the same will be for Asgore in the game,
that his fur might appear a off-white type of color too.
like one it could turn out to be a off-white to yellow or maybe orange...?
I don’t know, but if it stays just white it could hint that the Toriel from Undertale could really be Asgore’s Clone, well maybe.
I mean it turn out the Pie theory was canon.
if you seen that animation on youtube, where Kris said they were gonna eat the whole pie, and then see the trailer for Chapter 2.
you will be happy as I and others, to find out that the Pie Is Canon.
it might be possible that Sans and his brother, are from a Geno-Timeline of Undertale, where it never got a Pacifist or Neutral Run.
and after fixing the machine (that was never meant to be fixed in the first place)
Sans took his brother and anyone else who survived, and left their home alternate universe to go live at the Deltarune Timeline.
while another version of Sans, while at times goes through the Geno Routes,
also went through Pacifist and Neutral Routes.
and never truly went through just the infinity Genocide Runs like the Deltarune-Sans did before moving himself and his brother to the Deltarune Universe.
the Sans that moved to the Deltarune Universe, is perhaps a version that NEVER met Toriel, or at least the Original Her.
he met the Clone, and even befriended the Clone.
but him befriending Kris’s Mom, was the first they ever met.
to some fans, Sans fell in love with Asgore’s Clone who was named after the True-Toriel.
it might be possible that the Asriel that died in the Undertale Timeline,
was a defective clone that Gaster created for the two clones,
who at first couldn’t have children at first.
Gaster perhaps went to the Deltarune Timeline,
and got a piece of Asriel’s fur and went back to the Undertale Timeline
to make the Clone-King & Queen a biological child.
at some point when hearing about Kris,
and seeing how the young Prince was becoming lonely.
Gaster created a Clone of Kris, who would later be named “Frisk”
Gaster then had the human child fall to the underground,
where the Clone-Asriel would then meet them.
this could of been how the original timeline went,
at least until Chara came into the picture.
Chara, might turn out to be the Player inside the game.
when the Players, finish killing everyone in the Underground.
we end up meeting Chara or whoever we name them
if we don’t use the default name.
we think where we are meeting Chara is a empty dark void.
but it turns out, where we are really meeting them.
might really be inside Frisk’s Head.
there can be different theories about who both Frisk and Chara truly are.
like for one, it could of been those two that Gaster was speaking to,
and not Sans and Papyrus. or Sans and Alphys.
the red soul that powers the True Lab, might be the soul of the Original Human Child that fell into the Underground, and when Asriel (who was originally born in Deltarune) was living in Undertale until moving back to Deltarune.
that human child is who he befriends, and those memories are then carried by the Clone-Asriel, and can be tampered with if we rename them.
it might be possible that Asriel and “Chara” didn’t make it too far,
and could of ended up not going through the barrier.
because Clone-Asriel was a unstable clone, he died before even leaving with Chara’s Soul.
it might be possible that everyone’s memories in the Undertale World,
was rewritten by Gaster.
making it so that no one finds out that the Dreemurr Family that was acting rulers, were really clones of the ones who left to go back to their original world.
the Red Soul that was place in Kris’s body, might really be Chara.
and it could turn out that Frisk isn’t a clone of Kris, but could still hold a dark side that ended up corrupting Chara.
in a way, we the Players are Chara too, but at the same time we aren’t.
when Kris throws the red soul in that birdcage, we can still move around....
but only the red soul and not Kris.
this means that the Red Soul (which the trait of is Unknown, and the Determination is only Fanon.)
was us the players the whole time, or at least Chara.
it is possible that Frisk in the Canon and in the Fanon, can be really different from each other.
one, Frisk in most of the Fanon, comes off not just flirty but also a good friend and loving child of Undertale-Toriel.
on the other if we think about it, without us the players and Chara,
Frisk in the Canon of Undertale, is just soulless.
Frisk might of been one of the discarded vessels, like what happens in Deltarune.
I mean that is a possibility.
so if that is true, that would mean that the Frisk that the monsters in the Underground befriend, is really the Player and Chara.
there might be a reason why we are able to name the fallen child from the start of the game, but it turning out we aren’t naming Frisk, we are naming Chara.
Chara is the true hero of the story, the one who truly befriends the Monsters in the Underground.
and it is us the players who help on the outside, who can end up corrupting Chara and even end up letting Frisk get more control with each LV we get.
we can see it like this, when Chara is in full control of Frisk’s body.
they can choose not to kill and choose not to let Frisk take over.
Chara could end up living as “Frisk” if they choose to let everyone be happy on the surface.
even though some of the theories I had talked about that involves Undertale and Deltarune might be wrong.
but at least the whole Pie theory turned out to be canon in Deltarune.
also if you go to the Deltarune.com
and see the countdown until Chapter 2.
you can see that the numbers are shaking.
here is the site
I’m keeping the tab up and have been keeping it up since last night.
it wont be until tonight, but it will be worth it in the end.
this will be one of the good things to happen this year.
cause ya know with what happen with FNAF....and the two faced humans that Scott trusted with his money, and if he had known that they weren’t as they seemed, I don’t think he would of done it and yet he did get hurt by not just them....but also some journalist who twisted everything.
but I hope the ones who had a hand in making that FNAF Help Wanted,
will be FNAF’s new adoptive owners.
and I think I want to try to keep a eye out on any new news about the FNAF Security Breach.
hopefully it is true that it will still come out.
even after that hot mess.
well we do need some good news in our lives.
and Chapter 2 of Deltarune is the Hero of good news.
it be nice if the fan game that is a AU of a AU
was canon, or maybe like Semi-Canon that takes place in a different timeline to the main one.
I love playing Five Nights Of Flirting, and it took me a few tries to finally romance Chris, cause I didn’t bother to go get the ring first.
I know there is something else I will have to do in order to get the romance ending with Fritz.
it keeps going to the Friend ending.
but I want to try to get all romance endings if I can.
before I go to the true ending.
I can’t help but see Vincent as not being William Afton,
but maybe being his son, and the father of Vincent that appears in the AU-AU FNOF fan game.
is William, and it could be possible that Vincent is the crying child in that world.
that was the first to get into that accident before Mike.
or Vincent could of been the brother of the Crying Child and the Other Brother,
and went to get William before his younger brother got hurt by their shared older brother and his friends.
even if Vincent was originally suppose to be William, before the true name of the purple man was revealed.
Vincent had in a way, became his own person and in the Five Nights Of Flirting Game, ends up being I guess redeemed and shows a gentle side to him.
even if there is that pervy side too.
we can see Vincent’s Father as William Afton,
who had became worse after the death of his daughter, and became a Monster.
or it could turn out that Vincent’s Father could be a Brother of William Afton,
and Vincent could be seen as the Cousin of William’s Three Children.
we can take a different look on how Vincent can be related to William and his three children.
it could turn out they are brothers, and Vincent was the younger brother of William.
but I think I like the idea that Vincent was the son of William Afton.
maybe being the middle child, being maybe a year younger than the older brother who ended up getting their younger brother hurt.
but anyway, back to the whole Steven Universe....
we know that there were some mix feelings about the Steven Universe Future.
some fans didn’t like it, but other fans stuck with it and still liked it even if it did end up showing some dark sides.
but it was necessary because it is linked to the first seasons of Steven Universe.
if you look up the video on Youtube that I had mention,
you will understand that the past of Steven connects to the Steven from the Steven Universe Future.
not everyone has to go watch it, and it is a choice.
but I wont pretend that the clues don’t exist.
just like I’m not gonna pretend that what happen with Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek was the correct call, I still love MLPFIM.
but I can’t agree with how those three were handled.
and they were made to be Discord’s scapegoats.
just like how the Magic from SVTFOE was made the scapegoats
for Star’s Mom, and I know from remembering how Moon’s face reacted when she made it seem like there was no other way to beat the Solarians.
but really I believe there was a way, but it might be possible that the writers didn’t let it be revealed because it was too dark.
that the only way to return the Solarians (minus Mina.) to normal.
is for the caster of the spell to be “taken out”
meaning in order to undo the Solarian transformation,
and save everyone’s life, and might of saved Quirky’s life if they done it sooner.
was to kill Moon Butterfly.
yes the Magic in the Realm did act as Alternate way to save everyone.
but it was still a scapegoat, because it wasn’t the magic that misused itself.
it was Star’s family that misused it.
and Moon deeply misused it when she not only used it to try to hurt Eclipsa’s daughter, and yet when she got amnesia and ended up lost in the realm of magic.....she made Eclipsa her scapegoat for what happen to her.
she also misused the magic when breaking her promise to Eclipsa
when she got the spell to destroy Toffee, but only end up taking his finger.
she also misused the magic when she created those new Solarian Warriors.
from what we seen of Solaria, it does appear that she had let go of any form of prejudice towards monsters, from how she bonded with Meteora.
we know so far that SVTFOE, MLPFIM and SU had Anti-Hero moments.
where it turn out that Pink Diamond/Rose was a Anti-Hero.
and even Star Butterfly ended up becoming a Anti-Hero.
we still love the shows and the characters, but we can see that there can be moments when the Heroes can end up being both the Heroes and the Villains.
ya know like Negaduck from the Ducktales Reboot.
I do have a theory that Discord, and maybe his family....
use to be the spirits of Harmony for the Original Tree of Harmony
in Equestria I, before the pony tribes cross from their broken disharmony broken icy home (that use to be connected to the hippogriff’s home before their home became a island.)
Discord was perhaps the Element of Magic, or at least the original element of magic.
but once the original tree was destroyed and all that was left was the seed,
which would then be found and taken to the Equestria II, by Starswirl.
Discord was “born”, born from the disharmony that the very pony tribes created when they destroyed their original home.
and took over the lands that belong to Tirek, The Buffalo, The Griffin and even the Changelings who once looked like their reformed selves and only look the way they did when we first see them, is because their Crystal Heart and Crystal Empire was taken over by Earth Ponies.
who would then either be transformed by magic to become Crystal Ponies
or the long exposure to the Changeling’s Crystal Heart, would then cause them to magically evolve from Earth Ponies to Crystal Ponies.
I believe that Canterlot might of been originally home to the Griffins,
during when Celestia and Luna still ruled together.
but after Luna was banished, Celestia took her army and took over the Griffins original home that would later be renamed Canterlot.
I mean why would Celestia have to rule so high up...?
why couldn’t Twilight rule from her new castle in Ponyville?
and why have artifacts that belong to the Dragons, Changelings, Yaks, Hippogriffs and Griffins....?
and remember what Celestia once said before,
that her and her sister are NO LONGER connected to the elements of harmony.
this would mean that she and her sister, wouldn’t be connected to the element of honesty, and while they can be truthful and honest at times when they need to be.
they could still hold lies that they refuse to tell Twilight and her friends.
Sci-Twi Is Best Sparkle-Girl!
yeah even though I still like Twilight, I can’t help but feel that Sci-Twi might be better than her.
plus if they let Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis end up in the human world
instead of turning them to stone.
I believe that the ones who could of reformed them,
would be the Main 7, well or 10, if you count Vinyl, Wallflower and Trixie. 
Tirek might ended up forming a bond with Human-Fluttershy.
while Cozy forms a bond with Sci-Twi and Sunset, as the two could see her for who she was deep down, past the corrupted side to herself that was possibly born from certain bad influences.
like it could of first started when Discord had Cranky act as one of the substitute teachers....we know that Cranky got Cozy and some other students to wait on him front and back hoof.
plus part of the reasons why Cozy ended up the way she did,
might of been because of the pony versions of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
who she truly did care for and did fail on purpose just so they could get in,
but seeing how that turned out, she had to go to Starlight to tell the truth and the real reason why she failed even after those three helped her out.
why would she just throw that all away, if it wasn’t Discord corruption of her
or if it was caused by the Cutie Mark Crusaders abandoning Cozy.
I think it is possible that Cozy wanting to get rid of magic, might be from how she was treated in her past like some form of abuse, that was caused by Unicorns misusing their power.
but it could come from Starlight, we know that Starlight has done far worse than Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek....cause messing up the timelines would be a very big deal.
Midnight Sparkle trying to destroy her world just to get to the magic in Equestria, could be a second level of bad.
while what Starlight did comes in first, but it might be possible that those other timelines that Twilight and Spike went to, still exist.
and when Starlight was reformed, the three of them never truly went back to their original timeline, which is possibly the timeline Cozy Glow really came from.
and it could turn out that Cozy came from the future, and is the true daughter of Cadance and Shinning Armor.
and not being able to take the timeline she followed her Aunt, Uncle and Starlight into....she tried to fix it by not only trying to get rid of the magic,
but also trying to become the Empress.
it is possible that Flurry might really be a Alternate version of Cozy
or she was created from using the essence of Princess Amore,
and maybe even a piece of Shining Armor and Cadance DNA.
but it could turn out that Flurry, could just be her own pony
who might still be  Shining Armor and Cadance’s daughter.
and it could turn out that when they first tried for a child,
it ended up becoming a stillborn, and that is the version of Cozy Glow
that died in the timeline she would then move into and call “Home”
Cozy Glow could end up keeping secret that she came from the Original Timeline that Spike, Twilight and Starlight left behind for good.
Cozy learned about her Aunt from her parents,
who said that one day she was just gone, both her and Spike haven’t been seen since.
Cozy Glow would then end up finding Twilight and Spike in some point in the future, which they ended up going to their home’s future and not just a timeline and Cozy ends up following them.
we know that in a short, Twilight is shown to be scared of ladybugs.
but before her castle shows up, and during when she went to the Human World for the first time to get her crown back from Sunset.
she had showed no signs of being scared of ladybugs.
plus with how many days there are in a year, it is possible that 30 Moons
could be a very long time, while only three or 4 years have past in the world that Sunset now calls home.
it is possible that Sunset was around Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s ages when she left Equestria. 
we know that so far that while dealing with Equestrian magic,
not once has Sunset and her friends ever banished or turned the corrupted by magic, to stone.
Aria, Sonata and Adagio (who are canonically sisters.)
only got their medallions destroyed, not themselves.
which might of been a good thing, because it is clear that it was what ended up corrupted them....or the ponies that were giving them negative energy.
it is possible that those three were part of a Siren Pony Tribe,
but ended up corrupted because of other ponies negative energies, and they became addicted to it like a drug.
so the sea-dragon like forms they took before, were their corrupted forms.
while the Pony forms with “changeling like wings” were their true forms. 
I can’t wait until the My Little Pony New Generation.
the trailers were pretty good and even if it does have Twilight and her friends cameo as action figures.
it might do better than the last season of MLPFIM.
well the last episode with Luster Dawn was great.
I just can’t agree with the whole Discord getting away with what he did.
it didn’t seem right, and it does seem that Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy
might suffer from trauma from friendship magic, or at least the Toxic side of it.
we only see them as just the bad guys, the villains.
but they might of never truly been that way at first if it wasn’t for some moment in their lives that caused the dramatic change.
and if things had turned out differently, and Sunset just took her opportunity
went back to Equestria after being beaten by Twilight.
she might of ended up teaming up with Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy.
and being tricked by Discord and ended up being turned to stone as well.
that would mean that the element of empathy bearer, would be lost for a very long time.
the element of empathy might of only been born in the Human World,
and might not exist in Equestria.
and the element of empathy might be connect to Stygian too.
but anyway I know that not a lot of fans will agree about the whole what happen in Steven Universe Future, was caused by what happen in the original series of Steven Universe and how Steven was brought up.
it is possible it was meant to play out that way,
to show us a negative side that can happen in real life.
through the good and bad times, we had been there to watch it all in Steven Universe and then learn that his problems that started to happen in Steven Universe Future, is connected to the original series and maybe even the Movie.
and I believe it might be possible that Connie realized this when Steven was becoming worse and both she, and everyone needs to really be there for him.
and not act like everything is about them and act like he is always happy when really he’s not.
Steven is part gem, but he is still human.
what he went through in the first series, we should of seen it was gonna have really bad effects in his future when the Steven Universe Future happen.
I happen to like both Steven Universe and Steven Universe Future.
and even the Movie.
and just because we find flaws in the series we love,
doesn’t mean we stop caring and loving the series.
we just find some issues that we take notice of
that seem a bit twisted and notice how characters who are suppose to be on the side of good, can end up taking a dark path and doing more harm than good and not really getting to the root of what is causing the villain to act like a villain the first place.
we know that what Bradford did in Ducktales, was messed up.
but half of his actions were for good reasons.
and the one who made him a villain in the first place, was his own grandmother.
and the reason why he ended up transforming because of that sword,
was because he was hurt inside, and the sword was possibly feeding off his frustration and negativity and maybe starting to corrupt him the more he used it.
I don’t think Webby’s sisters were made from her feathers,
but were made from Scrooge’s and the reason why the Papyrus didn’t-
what does Papyrus have to do with this...? 
why the Papyrus didn’t work for those two, is because it had to be the eldest heir of Scrooge that had to get the Papyrus to appear.
why would Papyrus appear before them....?
is he a summon type monster or something?
remember, when Flowey is speaking the words become bold...
anyway Bradford became the way he is, because of his Grandmother.
of course Ludwig Von Drake would get it wrong and not see why he became the worse, was all because of his Grandmother.
some times there is more to one side, there will always be two sides and at times there can be reasons why villains in a series become villains in the first place.
some are too far gone to be saved or might of been dark from the very start.
while others are tragic villains and might even be Anti-Villians.
anyway even if I know it is possible not everyone will go check out that video that shows the clips of the first series of Steven Universe,
but I hope that some will check it out and if they watched Steven Universe Future too, they might make the connections that the first series was the beginning of it all before it got much worse for Steven in Steven Universe Future.
it will be a while before the new Chapter of Deltarune will be ready to be released.
from what I can tell we got some time to go before it happens, but it will be today or tonight when it does.
so I hope everyone has that site open up
and watching the countdown, or like watching it when they aren’t doing something else on the side.
it’s gonna be hours before it really gets started and I for one can’t wait.
but until it is time, I will do some other stuff too.
also not everyone has to agree about Steven Universe Future,
but I hope some can agree about the problems Steven went through,
all started in the first series and even into the Movie.
which both are still awesome, but if Steven is Sans too
cause the whole Steven Quartz Universe spelling out Sans,
and he might of been reborn as Sans, while Gaster could turn out to be Pink-Steven who then became Sans and Papyrus father, when he had Steven’s Human Soul reborn as a Monster or like split into two souls
that would become Sans and Papyrus.
why didn’t anyone else figure out that Steven Quartz Universe, spelled out Sans....? that is crazy, did no one figure that out first when the whole Steven and Sans being one and same theory first started?! 
anyway like my new tumblr name implies,
it will have Flowey taking some questions, and they are suppose to be living in Deltarune.
even if it isn’t canon, but I like the idea of Flowey ending up in that world.
anyway I at first wanted to share what I found out about Steven,
and that the problems he faced in Steven Universe Future,
was not the first problems he went through but was a breaking point to the problems becoming too much for him.
and it truly started in Steven Universe, the first series.
maybe sometime I can talk more about the whole Steven Universe and Steven Universe Future  another time.
I wonder what a fusion between Steven from Steven Universe Future
and Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel would be like...? 
what would their fusion be called?
well their fusion might be the platonic.
it might be interesting if it was Sans and Angel fusing.
anyway I am gonna go now, there is a fan art I want to do later that has to do with one of the characters from Helluva Boss.
so see ya later and stay safe everyone.
and remember, it’s Meme or Be Memed.
is that whole Meme or Be Memed, even being used...?
it be interesting if it turns out it is.             
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nc7dr3am · 3 years
❤️💚💜🤍 💬 ✨☂️ ⏳ 🎤 📸 🏅 🎬 ⏳
(I tried to reign myself in I think I failed 😂)
TAGLIST: @aqueenieme @moonbeamsung @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12 @btshook @1-800-enhypenbibi
❤️: i’d be a writer or a high school english teacher!! i’ve said it before, but i’ve always dreamt of being a published novelist .. but i think i’ve been privileged enough to have more than enough of my dreams coming to fruition
💚: i always pray for the success of my group, and especially my members. i want to have an album as 8dream and have us be involved musically. i want us to have fun with the music and performing. and i’m definitely sappy, but my greatest wish of all is to stay close forever. they’re my family. i want to grow old with them by my sides- all twenty eight of us LMAO
and .. i know this isn’t what my answer is supposed to be, but i’d like to have a family someday. kids and pets and a husband .. i just want to be immersed in love
💜: so .. i kinda am exactly the same, but i have a personal life and personal struggles. being the token girl for so many years kind of skewed people’s perceptions of me and everyone failed to see that i’m just as dynamic as the others. everyone assumes i’m just a pick-me girl, and that couldnt be further from the truth. i have a bad sense of self, but i’m never fake with who i am as a person. i refused to fit into the image of “cute girly girl whose purpose is to be a Girl” and this innocent little robot. i cant be fake. it just isn’t me. maybe that’s why the company is shit to me
🤍: my ACTUAL fans, my petals, not the antis or saesangs, are so lovely to me. i owe them a lot for making me happy and encouraging me. when i got injured, i had so many fans sending me get well wishes and even gifts! whenever i meet them, i get letters and so much love. i hope i return that love! i like to answer their questions and flirt with them- especially the girls. they’re all super weird- czennies are quite strange, really- but it’s endearing. they’re also protective! i try to make my fans smile and feel good about themselves and give advice. i want ALL of my fans to know that i will support them and cheer them on, no matter what race, gender, or sexuality, they are.
💬: i am friends with so many people that i’ve admired for years! i don’t really have anyone whose number i would want ..
with the exception of hwasa sunbaenim .. i’d like to talk to her and be friends
✨: i love all types of concepts! i think my favorite would have to be retro or experimental or mature. i like INTERESTING stuff that’s new, like zimzalabim!! i love dream’s concept, as well, and i hope people think i fit it!! it’s a comfortable concept, especially with things like we go up and deja vu, because it feels very much like US
my favorite concepts aesthetically were go and we go up. musically, we boom was my favorite album of ours.
☂️: i love the staff so much!! my manager unnie since i was a child works with siren now. shes one of the people closest to me. my stylists always ask for my input these days and dress me well!! my previous stylists didn’t let me have a say in anything
⏳: in my free time, i don’t watch a lot of tv besides what i’ve already seen, but i’m watching steven universe these days. it’s so good!! i want to watch infinity train and gravity falls next. i sleep when i can, i write, i listen to music, and i read. but my favorite thing on the planet is to be with my loved ones, so i will spend time with my members whenever i can.
🎤: embarassing moments? i’ve had too many .. i’m literally notorious as clumsiest idol. there is a youtube account where there’s FIVE video comps of me being clumsy .. and when we won our bonsang for boom i was crying and FELL UP THE STAIRS. thank god jisung let me cling to him afterwards... it was also embarrassing when i met certain senior artists .. god, when i met kyungsoo oppa, i stuttered so bad- he’s always been my bias in exo. and when i first met ryujin, i was so shy and it was obvious.
📸: i usually don’t take selcas, i prefer having pictures taken of me, but i sent this one to jisung on snapchat because he told me i don’t show my smile enough in photos. i like it
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🏅: i’m... not very athletic, if i’m being honest. BUT, i did win in ssireum and archery! i’m actually good at fighting and have a green belt in brazilian jiu jitsu- but i got that when i younger, so i’m a little out of practice.
🎬: i haven’t done any cfs or any modeling besides a photoshoot or two. i’ve been interviewed, which was fun, but i don’t do much outside of my group. i’d like to act in a drama .. we’ll see :)
⌛️: oh, little lily. there is a lot of hurt in store for you, but it will never overshadow the joy and love you will receive. your members are your everything, just like they are to you now- they will always be more important than the other achievements. stay yourself, stay grounded, and don’t be afraid to cry or take care of yourself- i still struggle with that, but i’m trying. you will make a lot of mistakes, there’s no avoiding it. i still listen to my heart over my brain, we always have, and that has consequences... but it’s also good for you. never back down from what is right, what is healthy, and never, ever let anyone stop you from achieving your goals and making music. learn as much as you can. love yourself more.
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Honey Haloed Weakness
Bucky Barnes One Shot
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Summary: Bucky Barnes has a Honey Haloed Weakness- there’s nothing more to add! Warnings: Bad language, fluff, feels…nothing specific Characters: Bucky Barnes, OFC Honey, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson
A/N: This was written for @jbbuckybarnes Birthday Challenge. I know she’s on a hiatus after some sucky drama (I’ll keep my opinions to myself but will say that it’s ridiculous the amount of drama this site has at times an I’m really glad I’m not popular enough to be roped into any of it!) Anyway, as I’ve written it, I’m posting it. Congratulations on 900 followers and happy birthday!! My prompt was dialogue: “Did you just shoot two guys  with one bullet?” “Did it look cool?“ Prompt is in bold in the story.
I’m really nervous about this one, as it’s completely different to anything I normally write but I hope you enjoy.
****** One bullet. One pull of the trigger. That was all it took. As Bucky watched the shot flew clean through the shoulder of one hostile, ricocheted off Sam’s shield and then hit a second straight in the hand causing him to drop the knife he was slashing at Sam with. The three of them stooped, Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Silver Shadow. Shield, guns and sparking hands lowered as they glanced around. “Man did you just shoot two guys with one bullet?” Sam turned to Bucky, his tone laced with shock and awe. “Did it look cool?” Bucky quipped back, an air of nonchalance in his voice, despite the level of surprise he himself felt.  James Barnes knew he was a good shot. But that…that was something else. And something that had been down to chance more than anything. Even if he had tried to make that shot, there’s no way of predicting the trajectory of the bullet once it emerged from the guys shoulder or controlling the angle it exited at… 
Unless… He turned to look at Shadow. Her soft honey- coloured halo of wavy hair, splattered with blood and gore from the battle, hung like curtains of scarlet coloured silk round her face from which warm amber eyes glanced back at him. Her pretty features remained passive, adorned with the same expression she had worn when he had first seen her in his rundown apartment in Bucharest when Steve had come looking for him post the Vienna bombings. 
Sam turned away muttering something about retrieving the Intel they had come for off the hard drives in the main office and once his back was turned she caught Bucky’s eyes with her own. They were gold, haloed, just like her hair, and as he allowed himself just a second to indulge in the warmth they exuded over him, one slipped onto a sly wink. And then he knew for certain. She’d done it. She had controlled the shot.  Directed it where it needed to go. And Bucky wasn’t sure whether he felt turned on or slightly emasculated.
His Honey haloed weakness. “Don’t worry…” she said gently as they made their way back to the jet. “I won’t tell him, on one condition?” “Yeah? What’s that?” Bucky asked, turning to look at her. “You ask me out for that drink Steve’s been telling me you want to take me for.” And with that she left him standing there, slack jawed as he watched her head up the ramp. **** “So…in a word old man, you’re still a punk.”  Bucky finished recapping the tale later the next morning, leaning back in the comfy chair by the bed Steve lay in. The old man laughed and shook his head. “She’s a minx, I’ll give her that. And she always was good at playing the cards she was dealt…” A fond smile spread across Steve’s face at the thought of his other best friend, his sister, the girl he had pulled from that shitty HYDRA base in 2014 when they had been chasing the Sceptre. No one had any idea who she was, what she could do, where she had come from…and that included her. She hadn’t spoken for 3 days other than to thank him or Natasha for the food and clothes she was given, and Tony for his kindness. And then on the 4th day Steve had found her in the kitchen at the Tower and had won her over with an expertly made grilled cheese. “What’s your name?” He asked softly as she sat chewing.
“I…I don’t know.” She shrugged, her eyes wide as she looked down. Steve gently reached out, his hand taking hers softly as she looked at him.
 "Honey, you’re safe now, you know that right?
“Honey…” she said wistfully  "I like that…“ 
And so it had stuck. And suited her.  Where her ability to manipulate metal came from, no one knew. A mutation? Maybe. Human enhancement experiment? Possibly. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was the fact she embraced the responsibility that came with that power. She wanted to help people. She agreed to stay with the Avengers and they were better for it. 
Steve was better for it. She had been like the little sister he never had. Allowing himself another few moments of nostalgia, Steve eventually shook himself free of his memories and, with a sly look turned his head to face Bucky. “In my eyes its normally correct to buy a dame a drink before you roll around on an African Plain…yeah, I know exactly what went down between you two that night in Wakanda…” Bucky blinked before he snorted, shaking his head. “Of course she told you…” When the dust settled after the show down in Leipzig, Bucky hadn’t seen Honey for almost a year until she came to Wakanda with Steve to be there when they brought him out of Stasis. She had been different then, but so had Steve. A year on the run in the shadows had hardened them both. Those amber eyes carried a darkness that hadn’t been there before. But they still exuded all the power and warmth of the sun. And he was on fire. 
His Honey haloed weakness.  “Cant sleep either?” He asked as he emerged from the comfortable farmers hut he had been given to live in. She shrugged “ my mind gets a bit busy sometimes…I find the stars help.” He sat down besides her, stretching his legs out in front of him. “Ever wonder what it’s like just to be normal?” she sighed and he snorted. “What’s normal?” She laughed softly and looked at him, her eyes flashing in the moonlight, deep amber speckled with brown, the soft honey tones in her hair glowing in the lunar rays, a soft ring around her crown
His Honey haloed weakness. 
Under the moonlight sultry cries and gentle whimpers were shared. Skin slid on skin, hands wandered and explored…together they reclaimed their grasp on humanity. What it was to feel something other than fear and death and anger. And then she had to leave and it was another 12 months since he saw her again. On a battle field in Wakanda…with those creatures. This time she was fierce, those amber eyes glowing as she tore metal armour limb from limb, wrenched weapons from hands, made sure shots hit their targets, her daggers flying and returning to her hands. But there was no beating Thanos. 
“I can’t control his gauntlet.” Her voice was desperate, broken as she has realised her powers were of no use.
And then he had been dusted. “Those 5 years were long.” Steve shook Bucky from his reminiscing “For all of us. Trying to forgive ourselves for our failure. And it was that inability to do so that saw us figure it out, a way to bring everyone back…” Bucky looked down. He knew all about that. Seeking redemption, wiping your leger clean. “Don’t keep her waiting another 5 years” Steve locked his eyes onto Bucky’s. A plea, a beg.
So he didn’t he asked her for that drink. He dated her, bought her flowers, made love to her some nights, fucked her into the mattress on others. They ran missions side by side with Sam, walked and danced in the rain. A diamond ring was bought, a yes was said
And one bright April day a year later, his honey haloed weakness became his wife.
***** “Where are my keys?” Bucky asked, frowning as he gently closed the drawer to the sideboard that they normally kept all the sets of keys in. “I wish you’d stop moving my stuff…” He felt a vibration in his pocket and a moment later he heard the keys in question jangling and turned with a soft sigh to see them hovering about a foot away from him in the air. Honey stood at the other side of the room, hand raised lightly as she wriggled her fingers causing them to move higher. “Oh look, they were in your pocket…” she arched an eyebrow “You owe me an apology.” “So what’s new?” He chuckled and she smiled as she shrugged on her jacket and walked towards him as he checked they had everything they needed. Even for a simple trip down the road it seemed like they were prepping for a mission, but then again, maybe they were… They made their way out of the Brownstone into the glorious September sun and Bucky took the lead, as always, his wife gently walking alongside him, hand curled round his arm. He had a knack did Bucky, for steering and making sure everyone moved out if the way, which was why she was happy to let him. They reached their destination and made their way down the familiar little gravel path towards what they were looking for. Their pace slowed a little here, it was always harder on gravel, you sank a little and it took more effort to push through. They stopped in front of a beautiful headstone. White marble with gold writing, and a simple inscription Steven Grant Rogers Much loved husband, father and friend. Below the wording Steve’s symbol, his shield, the star surrounded by rings was etched, along with a simple phrase to remind everyone exactly who he had been. “Captain America is hope, he’s freedom, he’s just a kid from Brooklyn” Bucky’s hand gently ran across the top of the headstone and Honey smiled softly at him, before a noise drew their attention back to why they had come here today specifically. Smiling at one another, Bucky turned and gently lifted his 4 day old baby boy from the buggy as his wife watched, reaching up to smooth a finger down the baby’s soft, rosy cheek. Steve had been so excited when Bucky and Honey had told him that they were pregnant. But they had all known deep down that Steve’s time was coming to an end. The serum wasn’t repairing what was happening to him anymore, and hadn’t been for a while. Steve had noticed its effects had been dwindling for almost 30 years by that point and he was ready to go, to be with Peggy who had left him some 20 years previously. All of them had hoped he would live long enough to see Baby Barnes but things never do work out the way you want them to, and Steve had passed quietly surrounded by his friends, family some 6 weeks before their baby boy bad been born. Bucky had made a vow, a promise to himself that his son would understand exactly who his Uncle Stevie was. Not Captain America, but that little kid from Brooklyn who was always too dumb to run away from a fight. “Had to bring him to meet you one way or another.” Bucky said gently, looking from his son’s face to the stone with a soft smile before he crouched down in front of it. He took a moment, the words he was trying to form sticking in his throat as pure emotion washed over him. He felt grief, he felt loss…but also joy at the fact he was a new father and serenity that he had found his salvation, his second chance. And it was draining to feel it all at once. His wife softly squeezed his shoulder before she crouched by his side, gently wiping her own face as Bucky finally found his voice again. “Yeah, it was a him…so I got to pick the name.” Besides him he heard his wife chuckled as she spoke “I can still see your face Stevie, when we told you about that deal. Girl I picked, boy he picked…” Bucky smiled, he could too. Watery blue eyes that still had that sparkle had widened as Steve had looked at them both, horror on his face as he shook his head on disbelief. “What? You can’t do that…I mean it needs to be a joint decision, no matter what the gender…surely?” In the end Steve had been right. Whilst Bucky had suggested the first name for their little boy, he had struggled with a middle one…and it had been his wife who had quietly suggested it as he stood in the hospital room, gently rocking his new-born baby in his arms. Both had agreed there and then that it was perfect, both filling up with tears at the simplicity and the poignancy and both in love with the fact their son would help keep the memory of their friend, their brother, their Captain, alive. “Punk…” Bucky gently shifted the baby in his arms so he was facing the stone. “Say hello to Steven Roger Barnes” His son. His beautiful son. A life created because two people fell in love.   Because James Buchanan Barnes had a Honey haloed weakness.
Tagging a few of my regulars
@icanfeelastormbrewing @jtargaryen18 @official-and-unstable-satan​ @momobaby227 @jennmurawski13 @marvelfansworld​ @pagesoflauren​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @disneylovingal​ @djeniiscorner​
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who Series 13: Jodie Whittaker Leaving Rumours, the Next Doctor, and the Future
Jodie Whittaker is fast approaching that three-season milestone at which most Doctors pull the inter-dimensional rip-cord and eject themselves from the TARDIS. Speculation has swirled around her, as it does for most Doctors, from the very start of her tenure, and now, more than ever, there’s the strong scent of Regeneration in the wind. So, will Whittaker leave at the close of series 13? And if so, will any of her companions remain to bridge the gap between eras? Might showrunner Chris Chibnall also hang up his sonic-shaped pen? The BBC is playing its cards characteristically close to its chest, so divining the answers to these questions is not unlike trying to unlock the mystery of the Doctor’s real name.
There was an ample reminder of the BBC’s zeal for secrecy when Who-newcomer and beloved Liverpudlian John Bishop – cast last year as companion Dan – was rebuked for revealing during an online Q&A that his character, too, would be Liverpudlian. If the BBC don’t want you to know that a Liverpudlian might be playing a Liverpudlian, then this is going to be a bumpy ride. But let’s strap in, brace for impact, and see what’s (or Who’s) out there…
Jodie Whittaker on leaving
Everyone has their favourite Doctors, and not-so favourite Doctors. Jodie Whittaker is not alone in having had love and scorn heaped upon her in equal measure, a phenomenon that has touched most actors to have taken on the role, with the possible exception of Tom Baker and David Tennant, who stand as almost deified in their respective eras.
It’s clear, though, that Jodie Whittaker has loved every moment of being the Doctor, and of being embraced by the show’s fandom, telling the Telegraph in November 2020: “If you bump into a Whovian, it genuinely makes both of your days. There’s something emotional, poetic and very humbling about being in the show, because you’re a little tiny jigsaw piece of something that is so precious to so many people.” It’s perhaps understandable, then, that her response to the speculation around her departure was to say: “To even question an end point would be too upsetting.”
Or, to parrot one of her predecessors: “I don’t want to go.”
Where’s the evidence?
Over the last eighteen months, rumours that Jodie Whittaker will be leaving after season 13 have been endlessly shared and repeated. These rumours were reported as fact by some media outlets earlier in the year, though the BBC has steadfastly refused either to confirm or deny them. It does, however, seem more likely than not that 13 will be 13’s last; a supposition based upon the ‘Who Rule of Three’ and the unignorable sound of drums gathering pitch and pace across the internet.
In the hunt for ‘evidence’, dead-ends and red-herrings abound. IMDb currently reveals no projects rumoured or in pre-production for Jodie Whittaker beyond her TARDIS tenure, but, then, actors keeping contractual secrets would be fools to release their schedules onto one of the most comprehensive entertainment databases ever to have existed. So no help there.
The Mirror newspaper recently reported that the front-cover of the 2022 Doctor Who annual would be Doctor-less for the first time in its 57-year-history. Could this be a clue? Not likely. The people at Penguin Random House – the annual’s publishers – made it clear that the thirteenth Doctor will feature heavily throughout the publication.  So whether the new cover is simply a radical redesign, a yielding to the purchasing power of this era of the show’s vocal detractors; or a shrewd marketing move designed to have the product promoted for free in the press, it doesn’t actually tell us very much about the likelihood of the 13th Doctor’s exit.
Peter Capaldi’s Trouser Clue
We might, however, be looking for clues in all the wrong places. Peter Capaldi deduced that he’d be handing over the TARDIS keys to a woman a few days before the BBC officially broke the news to him: thanks to his tailor.       
At a New York Comic Con panel in 2017, Capaldi told the audience: “I went into Paul Smiths, which is a very wonderful clothes shop in London where I buy my suits, and everybody knows me in there. And they said, ‘We just got a call,’ they said, ‘from the Doctor Who office saying, ‘Can we have a pair of [Peter’s] trousers, but with a waist size thirty?’ … And I thought, ‘Well, that can’t really be a man with a thirty-inch waist. That must be a lady then’.”
Staking out Jodie’s tailor probably won’t prove fruitful, though. Knowing the BBC, they’ve probably plugged that potential leak by sub-contracting Jodie’s wardrobe out to a mute grandma living alone in a fortress atop the Himalayas.    
Read more
Doctor Who: the behind-the-scenes causes of regeneration
By Mark Harrison
Doctor Who: Which New Doctors Are Now Canon?
By Chris Farnell
Will the Doctor Regenerate in 2022?
Series 13 will consist of eight episodes, set to begin airing later this year. The Mirror reports that there will be two specials in 2022, although it isn’t clear whether these will be in addition to this year’s 8,  or whether we’ll see a split of 6 episodes in 2021 with the 2 specials being held over for 2022. A special – Christmas Day, New Year’s Day or otherwise – has become the traditional arena for regeneration, so if Whittaker is leaving, it’s likely that her final scene will come at the end of that rumoured second special.
Many think that the greatest evidence for Whittaker remaining as the Doctor until at least 2023 is our proximity to Doctor Who‘s upcoming 60th anniversary. After all, it would seem a shame to bow out before a big milestone, and it could be daunting to saddle a new Doctor with spearheading such a significant celebration. Still, the timey-wimeyness of it all means that even should Whittaker leave in 2022 there’s no reason she couldn’t make an appearance in an anniversary episode, perhaps alongside a few other previous incarnations. And 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the BBC itself, so it’s hard to imagine that the show won’t be doing something extra special to mark that, given that it owes its very existence and longevity to the broadcaster (Michael Grade notwithstanding). Whenever she leaves, 13 could easily have her cake and eat it.
Will Chris Chibnall leave after Series 13?
When Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole left at the end of ‘Revolution of the Daleks‘, Mandip Gill’s Yaz stayed behind. Yaz has been one of the new era’s most underdeveloped characters, so it made sense that she would get her chance to shine and grow in a less crowded environment, sharing companion duties only with John Bishop’s newly teased Dan. But as her character and her story seems so intrinsically linked to the Doctor herself, with the promise of more in-depth exploration to come in series 13, when/if the Doctor leaves, will Yaz’s story also draw to a close? Will only Dan remain with a foot in two TARDISes? All speculation at this point, and it very much hinges on which direction the writers take Yaz in this next clutch of episodes.
Showrunner Chris Chibnall – a lifelong fan of the show and, prior to his appointment as big chief, a long-standing writer for both Doctor Who and Torchwood – has been at least as divisive a figure in Who fandom as 80s helmsman Jonathan Nathan-Turner. Rumours regarding his possible departure have circulated with just as much frequency as those surrounding Whittaker. When asked about series 13, Chris Chibnall told the Radio Times: “I do know I’m coming back for a third season. Yeah, absolutely.” Within those words, if you look hard enough, exists the implied absence of certainty around future seasons, but perhaps that’s getting rather too Da Vinci Code about the whole thing.
While the stewardships of previous showrunners Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat spanned two Doctors each, this doesn’t mean that Chris Chibnall is guaranteed a crack at the 14th Doctor. Should Chibnall leave after season 13, among the writing team perhaps only Pete McTighe – who wrote ‘Kerblam!‘ And co-wrote ‘Praxeus‘ – has the experience to take over as showrunner, given his stint over-seeing the award-winning Australian prison-drama Wentworth. 
How might 13’s Regeneration Happen?
Each of the modern Doctors has met their end in the service of some great sacrifice, either to protect a companion or to save if not the universe then at least a world within it. It’s unlikely that 13’s exit will be any different. It’s simply a question of against whom or what she’ll be fighting when her time comes.
Though it may be too soon for the Master to be directly responsible for the undoing of yet another Doctor so soon after 12’s John-Simm-shaped downfall, it’s likely that the Master will at the very least influence the direction of 13’s regeneration. Sacha Dhawan has expressed enthusiasm at the idea of returning, though nothing, as you would expect, has yet been confirmed. Or denied.
The revelations in ‘The Timeless Children‘, controversial though they proved for some fans, are perhaps too epoch-shaking and era-defining not to play a part in 13’s swansong, and it may well be that the shadowy Division – the Time Lord’s very own version of Starfleet’s Section 31 – will be complicit in the Doctor’s fall.
Another question presents itself: now that the Doctor knows she has infinite regenerations, might it make her more reckless? Might she start to see her body more like an easily changeable suit than a thing of flesh and blood? Might she regenerate multiple times before becoming the 14th Doctor, a la The Curse of Fatal Death, and what on earth would we call the 14th Doctor – who wouldn’t really be the 14th Doctor at all – if that happened?          
Who’s in the running for the next Doctor?
Many of the same actors tipped as possible replacements near the end of Capaldi’s run have reappeared in the Regeneration rumour mill, including firm favourites Michaela Coel, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Michael Sheen, David Harewood, Richard Ayoade and the indefatigable Kris Marshall. Joining them this time are Line of Duty alumni Kelly MacDonald and Vicky McClure, and It’s a Sin front-man Olly Alexander. It could be that one of them, or none of them get the call. The next Doctor could just as easily be Jo Martin’s fugitive Doctor, who’s been hiding in plain sight all along.
Really though, as with all things connected with the show at this stage of its cycle: Who knows?
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Doctor Who Series 13 will air on BBC One later this year.
The post Doctor Who Series 13: Jodie Whittaker Leaving Rumours, the Next Doctor, and the Future appeared first on Den of Geek.
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those70scomics · 4 years
How would you write a reunion special set in the 90s (two scenarios wherein one is a version ignoring s8 and one that considers that season as canon)?
Okay, so I went in one direction while writing this post then decided to go in another. Instead of deleting the first draft and starting again, I kept it -- and recorded here in writing the moment I changed my mind. 
These are another set of scenarios I could write several different ways. So the following is not my One True Version™ of either. I’m going to treat these as two-hour TV movies.
The S8 as Canon version (yikes)
In the years since the end of season 8, Jackie moved on from Point Place and her group of former friends. Her romance with Fez fizzled during the first time they had sex. During it, she realized she’d regressed back into accepting less than what (and whom) she’s worth. Fez is not her perfect mate. He made clear he viewed her as a prize to be won -- and that he believed she should be grateful he still wanted her after all the years she rejected his advances.
But as they began to have sex, she retreated inside her mind. All of her history with Michael and Steven and Fez coalesced into her truth: perfection doesn’t exist, and she had to stop choosing everyone but herself.
She chose herself that night. She put an early end to their intimacy, telling him to pull out. He was utterly confused, but she told him they didn’t work as a couple. She loves herself most, and she owes it to herself to act like it.
She goes to college and eventually becomes a fashion and beauty editor at a women’s magazine. Fifteen years after the events of season 8, her life in Point Place is just a memory, until she receives a phone call at work from Donna -- a person she hadn’t expected to hear from again.
After surprised pleasantries, Donna says, “You have to come home.”
“I am home,” Jackie says. 
“I mean Point Place. Hyde’s ... not good.”
This statement inspires a swarm of conflicting feelings and thoughts deep in Jackie’s being: He doesn’t deserve to be good. But what if he’s dying? No, it can’t be that bad. Whatever’s wrong with him isn’t my problem.
That last thought is the one she shares with Donna.
“Okay, you want to know how serious this is?” Donna says, and she puts Eric on the phone.
“Please come back!” Eric shouts. “I’ll be your chauffeur for the week. My mom will cook all your meals. I’ll let you call me a bony dumbass loser in front of my kids. Just get here A.S.A.P.”
His reaction startles Jackie, but she says, “Are you pranking me, Eric? Because if you are, I’ll publish an old picture of you in my magazine as a big Romance Don’t.”
“It’s not a prank. Hyde’s retreated from his career, his friends. He’s barely talking even to me and Donna. And it’s because of you.”
“Me? I haven’t talked to him in fifteen years!”
“That’s the problem!”
Jackie can’t believe what she’s hearing, the audacity of Donna to call her about this. But Eric was the only person who didn’t mistreat her during that horrible year everyone turned on her ... because he was on another continent.
“Can’t I just talk to him on the phone?” she says.
“He’s unplugged his phone,” Eric says. “Donna and I go over to his house with food to make sure he’s still alive."
Okay, no. 😅 That’s a bit too fanficcy (and silly). But I don’t think Jackie and Fez would stay together long. His characterization in S8 is terrible, and Jackie’s self-esteem was pummeled that year. They are not a match.
A S8-is-canon reunion TV movie would have to bring the characters together because of a realistic reason and/or problem. A high school reunion wouldn’t work since Jackie isn’t in the same grade as the rest of them.
You know what? Screw it. This is how I would do it.
Without explaining anything to the audience (yet), a married Jackie and Hyde would arrive together from Milwaukee in Point Place for Red and Kitty’s fortieth wedding anniversary. Red is planning a huge shindig for Kitty as a surprise. She has some idea that he’ll do something special since he did for their thirtieth and thirty-fifth anniversaries. 
Jackie and Hyde bring their seven-year-old son, James. Kelso, Brooke, and their four daughters arrive from Chicago. Fez arrives from Florida with his wife, Rhonda, and their daughter, Charlie (named after the character from the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, though they let everyone think Fez chose the name in honor of Charlie Richardson, who died).
Eric and Donna have two children, a son and a daughter. Laurie also arrives, pregnant. This is her first child, and she doesn’t know who the father is, and she’s come home to live with her parents (for now) -- which is one of Red’s many surprises. Kitty will be thrilled to help raise one of her grandchildren. 
Lots of hijinks ensue as everyone tries to help Red keep all his celebratory secrets from Kitty. We get humorous and touching heart-to-hearts among different pairings and groups of characters. They partake in a circle of a different kind in the basement. They show one another their latest family photos while reminiscing about their long friendships -- which lets the audience know how they all got to the places they are now in their lives.
Jackie and Hyde reconciled while she attended college. She dated random dudes during her freshman year -- to get the taste of Fez out of her, er, mind -- and realized dating randos is so not for her. She remained single during her sophomore year, and that was when she and Hyde began talking again. He apologized sincerely for all he put her through, owned his mistakes, and they began a true friendship. Halfway through her senior year in college, she realized she’d re-fallen in love with him, and this time he’s ready and wanting to commit to her fully.
Problems arise in Red’s anniversary party plans. The children cause trouble as only kids can. But in the end, Red and Kitty’s love is celebrated -- and Kitty reflects that love back to all her kids and their kids. The T7S universe is realigned with canon and not the AU of season 8.
As for the reunion scenario/TV movie where S8 isn’t canon? It’s the same as the above, minus Jackie and Hyde ever having broken up (and Charlie Richardson being dead). The events of season 8 are ultimately irrelevant, regardless, since I have to write the characters as I understand them to be.
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