#and it’s the same with Ris like they start feeling all warm and fuzzy when Asmo says something cute
selfrinsert · 10 months
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early asmoris is sooooo fucked up
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
kdrama rec/review: mystic pop up bar
Series: mystic pop up bar Episodes: NOT ENOUGH 12 Genres: urban fantasy, urban horror lite, found family!!!, friendship, mystery, comedy, supernatural, warm fuzzies despite an alarming amount of death Spoilers in the Rec: minor ones/for the set-up If You Like, You’ll Like: hotel del luna (although it has a very different feel), early bleach (manga), found families, being human (uk & us versions), those moments in shows where you’re like OH MAN HOW ARE THEY GETTING OUT OF THIS and then they do. because friendship.
Rank: 10/10
I went into this with low expectations. it sounded like it was trying to bank on hotel del luna, but i was still down to watch a ghost version of leverage or whatever this turned out to be. figured it’d be decent to watch but not AMAZING. 
the first ep gave me that impression. by the second ep i was hooked. and by the third ep this was one of my favorite shows of all time
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during the joseon era, a shaman named weol ju went and fucked up a perfectly good sacred tree. as punishment, she now has to resolve the grudges of 100,000 humans or go to hell. as a shaman, she can accomplish this by plying them with alcohol and entering their dreams (well the alcohol part might just be her artistic signature).
time to start a bar!
in the current day, 500 years later, weol ju owns and runs mystic pop up bar, where she learns about her customers’ grudges. and apparently has sound business strategy, as she serves like 4 people a day but still has enough overhead to craft these 4 people bespoke meals that speak to their inner tragedy. and also sandwiches.
helping her is chief gwi, a ghost cop who’s been reassigned to her bar to help weol ju accomplish her quota. because time’s running out--weol ju now has less than a month to solve her 10 remaining grudges.
enter bambi kang bae. a regular human who works a regular customer service job, kang bae has one terrible power: anytime someone touches him (or he touches them), they want to confess their deepest, darkest secrets. kang bae is understandably not comfortable around people (but desperately wants to be around people. my poor fucking heart) and incredibly lonely. 
when his and weol ju’s paths cross, she makes him an offer: he helps her out with her remaining grudges, and in return she’ll remove his powers.
weol ju
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a 500+ year old shaman who is paying for her sins on earth because she went out on a limb :| . begins the series angry and ends the series angry, because it turns out angry people can still be kind, which is great to see with a female protagonist. how close she’s cutting it to the deadline on her quota speaks strongly to sixth-year senior vibes. wears modern versions of hanboks which are all v. cool and on moments of aching realization wednesdays she wears pink.
will steal your shit and look you straight in the eyes as she walks backwards into hell.
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a former ghost cop who’s been reassigned to help weol ju run the mystic pop up bar. he’s a lot more chill than weol ju and has the vibe of someone who forgets keys at home. while at the bar, he does a lot of the prep work, and is sometimes asked by yeom to help catch nearby, evil spirits. 
he’s actually like a hardcore warrior, but you forget it because he wears goggles to cut onions and dresses like someone who would be the spokesperson for microwaveable fish sticks. team dad. fanboy of romantic serial e-novels.
han kang bae
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a baby.
in a truly amazing narrative move, kang bae works customer service at a market by day and solves grudges at a bar by night. is a sweet, simple boy who just wants to help people and is SO EXCITED to have new friends in weol ju and gwi. you want to give him a hug BUT YOU CAN’T.  human carebear
even the yellow collar of his customer service uniform makes a heart:
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kang yeo ri
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lmao you know it’s going to be good when a character is introduced dropping a dude straight to the ground. yeo rin is a bodyguard mild spoiler turned security guard for the market where kang bae works. she could beat the shit out of you and you’d thank her. has no luck in dating. rocks a suit. sobs at movies about gout
yeom, the grim reaper
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your friendly neighborhood grim reaper. yeom very much screams middle management, and works in the same “district” that weol ju and gwi have their pop up bar in. sometimes they’re at odds with one another (because weol ju has about the same amount of respect for the rules that an untrained puppy has for new carpet), but they’re still friends. gwi sometimes works with him to catch evil spirits, buddy-cop style. loves noodles. 
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god of the underworld. in charge of handing out punishments and determining the fates of those sent to the afterlife. forgets who she’s texting. appreciates true love but is also aggressively annoyed by it. take your fucking scroll and go
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probably the character with the most name recognition. samsin (or samsin granny) is the goddess of mothers and children, and in the show the focus is more on children. loves karaoke, basic bitch coffee, and claw games. gives out too many sexy tiger dreams.
kim wong hyun
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he gave them the heebie jeebies. he had nothing else to give
they’re their own character. check out those motifs. 
if i had any, it’s that the first episode undersells the rest of the series. and even the first ep isn’t bad
12 episodes is not enough :( 
Reasons to Watch.
i love the little details: that the supernatural characters have ring tones that correspond to their role (ex: the god of the underworld’s are screams; i believe the grim reaper’s are a shaman’s bells?, gwi has SPOILERS), or that the food special of the day connects or reflects with the person they’re helping. themes/significant moments are represented by the colors characters are wearing. im a nerd for this stuff
there are some dramatic reveals about who characters are and how they relate to one another, but like. dynamics barely (or don’t at all) change, and that’s due to how strong/familial they are already? and the show’s built up to it and it all feels really earned A+
i HATE monster of the week formats, but the ones in this show are integrated with the main characters’ backstories and also propel the major arcs forward. and it’s wholesome when the grudges are solved
i like that you think you saw a full scene in the flashbacks, but then a few eps later the flashback gets extended. idk it’s a cool narrative device
the romance is wonderful all-around
the pacing was great. i wish one of the Reveals was introduced earlier just so we could have more moments with it, but everything was cohesive/wrapped up nicely
all the characters have their own unique relationships to one another. kang bae + weol ju have their own dynamic, weol ju +gwi, gwi + kang bae, and so on. it was nice to see that none of the main trio were satellite characters 
Final Thoughts.
they’re a team, god damn it ;;;;;;
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hawkeish · 3 years
3. You made me a Christmas playlist but it’s just Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is you”. I can’t tell if you’re hitting on me or if it’s a joke --- for (you know it) Carver/Merrill :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS PROMPT IT IS FANTASTIC, here’s 1400 words of modern Carver/Merrill fluff written for @dadrunkwriting because I have no restraint and too much time <3 I hope you like it!
no CWs, but there’s some swearing (I promise my Hawke siblings love each other, in a brutal way!)
also my modern Merrill’s a postgrad studing Art History & Cultural Studies - repairing the eluvian is her research project.
read on AO3 if you want!
It’s the evening before everything shuts down for Satinalia, and it’s started to snow.
Which would be nice, if only Carver wasn’t stuck outside Merrill’s door, trying not to break a magical mirror which possesses far too many poky bits as it pokes right into his side. Fingers numb with cold, he’s too busy fumbling with the ridiculous amount of keys she gave him to appreciate the beauty of the Alienage in Firstfall. Bedecked with wreaths, shining baubles and flickering garlands of lights, the vhenadahl is like something from a fairy-tale, dusted with a gentle sigh of snow.
Snow, lights, whatever. Any other night, Carver might let himself be enchanted. But right now, he has one priority—get the damn mirror into the damn apartment without breaking it even more.
And yet here he is, falling at the first hurdle: locked out, with Merrill’s most precious possession leaning on him at an angle that’s making him nervous. It’s not exactly going well. But it needs to go well. He promised he’d get the eluvian - carefully swaddled in some enchanted cloth to “protect him”, whatever that means - from her studio at the Viscount’s College of Art back to her Lowtown home in one piece. If he doesn’t, he’s not sure what might happen. He doesn’t want to know what might happen. Her degree? Ruined. A vital piece of her people’s history? Lost. And as for Merrill herself?
She’d probably never speak to him again, and shit, he can’t think of much worse—
The random key he’s shoved in the lock twists, and the door swings open before him.
“Thank the fucking Maker,” he mumbles, then picks up the mirror and barrels into Merrill’s tiny home.
Merrill’s flat is much like Merrill. As in, modest, pretty, and filled with a frankly terrifying amount of knowledge. There are small cairns of books dotted between potted plants and thrifted armchairs, alongside art prints leaned up against walls and notebooks littering her paint-flecked desk. Though she doesn’t celebrate Satinalia, there are a couple of decorations over the tiny fireplace, too. And—is that spice he can smell?
As Carver carefully sets down the eluvian by the window in the corner like she’d instructed, he catches sight of something in his peripheral vision. Two steaming cups of wine-dark liquid set on the coffee table by the fire, and beside them, a neatly-folded note.
Curiosity gets the better of him. Carver wanders over and gingerly picks up the paper, a frown puckering his brow as he unfurls it.
C. Merrill’s handwriting is pin-point neat. I just wanted to say - I do really appreciate you doing this for me. Creators, there’s no chance I could lift that thing on my own! You really are my chevalier in shining armour. I’ll send you a little something to say thanks. M x
That x does something strange to him; a small chill runs up his spine, and Carver puts the note back down in a fluster. Just as he does, the phone in his pocket vibrates. Still frowning, he pulls it out, then squints at the text that’s screaming up at him from the too-bright screen.
alright dickhead! hope you’re having a lovely day of being a burden on society! did you get the message?
Carver doesn’t need to read the sender’s name to know it’s from his sister.
Go back to making shit coffee for people who’ll never sleep with you, he types. And what message?
Surely Ri wouldn’t mean the note. Why would she know about the note? As far as he can tell, Merrill only asked him for help after Aveline and Fenris made some excuse about being far too busy washing their hair, or dancing round their townhouse full of half-decayed corpses, or whatever the fuck it is that they get up to instead of being friendly, helpful people.
Carver wasn’t the first choice. He never is. Which is fine. Totally fine. He’s used to it. Knowing he’s never a first thought definitely doesn’t itch at the back of his mind, or keep him up at night—
“Maker’s breath,” he scolds himself, trying to focus back on his phone.
And then, just as he presses send, another notification pops up. Unknown number; something in him tells him to tap anyway. When he does, a little jolt of static runs through him, warm and fuzzy and disgustingly sweet.
For you, the new message reads. To say thanks. I knew I wouldn’t need to ask anyone else. You’re all I need for Satinalia. Enjoy! <3
Below it, there’s a link to a playlist. A playlist which, he notices, contains about twenty versions of the same song, All I Want For Satinalia Is You. One’s in Elven. One’s a country version with, inexplicably, some late-night TV host caterwauling over the chorus. One’s by some Orlesian crooner called Michel de Bublé. There’s even one that’s just someone playing the recorder extremely badly over a muffled backing track.
It’s an…interesting mix. As he skips through the songs, though, he can’t help but smile. Whoever this truly ridiculous playlist was meant for is a lucky person. It certainly wasn’t for him.
At least, that’s what he thinks, until he taps back onto his messages app.
Then, his heart does a weird twist in his chest, and the phone suddenly feels like a searing hot coal in his hands. Because, in bold, in the small gap above the text where the sender’s name usually lies, there’s a small line that makes his pulse skip every time his eyes trail over it.
Could this be: Merrill Alerion
Carver nearly drops his phone.
This is a joke, right? It has to be a joke. Carver feels slightly seasick. Quicker than he knew his fingers could work, he’s sent a crappy screenshot to Marian.
A few seconds pass.
Ri replies with a voice message. The voice message is a long, horrible, joyous screech.
Fuck, Carver thinks. “Fuck!” Carver says, and stuffs his phone back into his pocket.
His heart’s going wild, now; his palms are sweatier than they’ve maybe ever been. The mulled wine suddenly seems like a very good idea: he takes one in each hand, trying to convince himself he doesn’t fucking hate star anise. Time to chug—
Halfway through his first glass, there’s two light knocks at the door.
Carver freezes, glass still at his lips. Then, he realises that in his haste to get the mirror in, he’s left the door open. Panic spears through him, until he remembers that he’s a six-foot-stupid ex-farmer and could definitely take on a burglar. And that burglars probably don’t knock.
Still, this is Kirkwall. Better to be safe than sorry. Carver holds his breath as he sets the glasses down as quietly as he can and starts towards the door. He’s not punched anyone in a while. Maybe the anxiety coursing round his body from that text will finally give him a decent right hook. Maybe if he catches someone trying to steal Merrill’s stuff, it’ll add to the whole chevalier-in-shining-armour thing. Maybe—
A gentle gust of wind flutters through the apartment, and the door swings open, just as Carver’s barely steps away.
When he sees who’s behind the door, he makes a tiny squealing noise that instantly makes him want to cease existing. Rosy-cheeked and smiling, Merrill stands before him. Flecks of snow are caught in her dark hair and on the chunky knitted scarf wrapped around her neck, and her eyes are glittering beneath the Satinalia lights strung up on the street outside. It’s as if she’s haloed, glowing, a beacon against the dark winter’s night.
She looks beautiful.
“Merrill,” he breathes. “I thought you were...”
“Studying?” She’s smiling, and he feels a bit dizzy. “I was. But I finished - just in time, I think! Did you get the message?”
“Uh—the playlist?” he offers. “Yeah.”
“But did you get the message?” she asks again, a grin tugging at the edges of her lips.
Carver frowns. There was a message to get? “I—what?”
“Creators,” Merrill says, half-laughing, glancing up at something above him, then back down. When her gaze locks with his, he feels his heart flutter. “Hawke said making you a playlist would be very smooth. I’m not sure I’m ever very smooth. I guess I’ll not trust your sister again.”
“Smooth?” he echoes, like an idiot.
Then, he remembers what’s hanging above her door. A sprig of mistletoe, tied up with a neat red bow.
Merrill answers him with a laugh, and a kiss, and Carver thinks oh.
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sakuwriteshere · 4 years
Pretty Little Liar: Chapter 4
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General warnings (for the whole story): Fluff, comedy, angst, sexual innuedos, roommates AU, Ketch is a douche
Beta reader: Rosaline 💖
Words count: 4235 words
PLL Masterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N: Thank you so much for the comments/rebblogs/likes! You’re the best! If you want to be tagged just send me an ask ;) And don’t forget, comments are loved! <3
Chapter 4:
The primary shock from learning that she’s now fake engaged is subsiding and leaving room for a new emotion. Is angry the right word? Y/N is not entirely sure. She’s mad, irritated maybe, she’s seeing red for sure. How could he do that to her? He was supposed to tell the truth, not create another bigger lie. Y/N wants to scream, to shout right in his face, she wants to punch him so hard. She can feel the rage boiling through her veins so hard that her whole body is shaking.
“Sweetheart, say something please. You’re scaring me.” The soft-touch of Dean’s fingers over her bare shoulders feels like an electric shock. Some people could say that it’s the spark that set fire to the powder.
“How-” Y/N raises her voice and stops right away as she remembers they’re not alone. She grabs his wrist and bends it slightly as she forces him to follow her in a secluded spot, smiling with satisfaction when she hears him hissing under the painful grip.
“How dare you? You were supposed to tell her the truth, Dean!” She is finally able to ask him, making sure her voice is low so no passers-by accidentally hear them. 
“I know. I was going to tell her, I swear, but…” Dean shuts his eyes thigh and exhales deeply, the despair he’s feeling right now is clearly visible.
“She started to tell me how happy she was for us. How good you are to me and that she could easily see how in love we are. She told me she was proud of me, Y/N! I know my mom loves me but do you know how long I’ve been waiting for her to be really proud of me?”
Listening to him, Y/N feels that he’s sincere. What Mary thinks about her son is really important to Dean. Despite his tendencies to lie, he wants to be a good son.
“I understand but don’t you think you’re doing it the wrong way?” She says in a softer voice, trying another approach to help him see that what he is doing is wrong. “She’s proud of something that’s fake.” Unknowingly she cups his cheek, her cold fingers warming up instantly in contact with his skin.
“It doesn’t have to be fake.” Dean leans in her palm, greedy for any sort of physical contact. He knows telling her this won’t lead anywhere. Strangely while it’s easy to lie to his family, with Y/N he wants to be one hundred percent honest.
“Dean.” Just by the tone of her voice Dean knows she’s not thinking like him. “We barely know each other. Listen I’ll help you ok? Let’s just stay simple roommates and please, don’t play with my feelings.”
Roommates. It’s already better than what he was waiting for. He will stick with being roommates. Dean knows he’s not relationship material. There’s a reason he chooses the ‘love them, leave them’ lifestyle. It’s easier, it’s safer. He doesn’t need to fear another heartbreak that way. No feelings means no pain.
As Dean nods, his parents enter the house, spotting the fake couple right away.
“There you are! Don’t think you can disappear after such a big announcement!” John laughs, giving Dean a strong pat in the back before hugging Y/N in a bear hug. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Dean and Y/N say in sync, blushing slightly.
“Look at them, Mary. They’re acting shy now.” John laughs some more, pretty amused by their reaction.
Mary comes closer, enlacing John from behind and resting her chin on his shoulder, a fond smile curling her lips.
“You were worse the night you proposed to me, honey. I remember you being a total mess and getting drunk with my dad.”
Dean and Y/N chuckle at that while John clears his throat and shoves Mary weakly. Sam and Jessica coming in right behind them, the way their faces light up when they spot them means they’ve found who they’re looking for.
“You little shit, come here.” Sam claps his big hand on his older brother's shoulder while Jessica congrats and hugs Y/N.
“I’m so happy for the both of you, really. No wonder you couldn’t take your eyes off him earlier.” Jessica says softly into Y/N’s ear. “Now show me!” Jess says excitedly, holding Y/N’s left hand in both of her, her eyes searching for any engagement ring. Jessica’s huge smile drops as she notices that Y/N’s hand is nude of any ring.
“Where is the ring?”
Y/N pulls back her hand and crosses her arms, cocking her head as she gives Dean a tight smile.
“Yes, Dean. Explain to your family why there’s no ring.” She’s giving him another chance to tell the truth. It’s just the six of them, there is still an opportunity for Dean to fix this big mess.
“Er,” As all eyes are on him, a few pairs of them are more annoyed than others, Dean’s trying to think about what to say.
“To tell you the truth, I wasn’t prepared to ask her. It came out of the blue.” He says, a hand rubbing the back of his neck, nervously.
Y/N rolls her eyes and shakes her head slightly. They’re going to lie until they leave tomorrow. Well, so be it.
“Dean!” Jessica and Mary lament, visibly shocked by the lack of preparation the older Winchester son had.
“Proposing is a serious matter. You can’t just ask out of the blue! My poor, Y/N, I’m so sorry for my stupid son’s behavior.”
“It’s alright, Mary. It was a shock, honestly. I wasn’t expecting that...Anything but that.” Y/N rolls with the lie, there is nothing she can do about it now.
“I have to admit,” Sam interferes, a bit awkward with what he’s going to say. “I’m a bit surprised too. I mean, you’re together for what? Two or three months? Don’t you think it’s kind of sudden?”
“Oh it’s sudden, I agree. I still feel like I barely know your brother.” Y/N keeps on the conversation, sending Dean another meaningful glare.
Dean forces a laugh as he wraps an arm around Y/N’s waist, bringing their bodies closer. “Isn’t she lovely?” He clears his throat and becomes serious again. “I thought ‘why wait?’, you know? As I said before, you know when she’s the one.” For more effect, Dean squeezes her side and presses a kiss to the top of her head.
Mary and Jessica aw sweetly and Y/N hides her face into Dean’s chest. She really can’t bear to look at their faces.
The rest of the night is uneventful, fortunately. Y/N and Dean spend a few hours at the party, thanking people that congratulate them and even enjoy themselves at some point thanks to the warm food and alcohol. Their minds being a bit fuzzy, it easier for both of them to play along and act like a happy cute little couple and people let them be.
However, there is always the fact that they’re faking all of it, even if one of them easily forgets for a moment and let themselves think that maybe, something real and good can come out from all of this. Dancing slowly, in each other's arms, Y/N presses the side of her face against Dean’s firm chest and closes her eyes. She’s humming quietly to the piano rendition of ‘Just the way you are’ by Bruno Mars.
“Are you drunk?” Dean chuckles, his hold on Y/N’s hands tightening as he kisses the crown of her head.
Y/N lifts her head and pressed her chin against his chest instead, giggling and humming some more. It’s her drunk way to confirm to him that, yes, she’s drunk. Now they are more rocking on the balls of their feet than properly dancing. Dean’s heart rate accelerates as he lets himself think that maybe it’s the right moment. Slowly he lowers his face, his palms sweating awfully as their faces are getting closer.
“Don’t.” It’s only a murmur, but he’s close enough to hear it perfectly.
Two big orbs are watching his every move. “I’m not drunk enough to let someone I can’t trust to kiss me.”
Damn it, it hurts. Dean puckers his lips and nods in understanding. At least he knows there is nothing to expect anymore. He tries to rationalize, tells himself that it’s because of the current situation. He shouldn’t let an insignificant fake crush affect him this much. 
Once they're back at their apartment, they’ll become roommates again. Just like they agreed.
That night, they are both using their own part of the bed, extremely cautious about not invading each others’ personal space. Saying that they didn’t sleep well that night is an understatement.
The next morning, Y/N can’t get on the road fast enough. She’s very happy and honored to spend some quality time with the Winchesters but keeping a straight face the more lies are surrounding her, she thinks she’s going to suffocate. After a quick breakfast, it’s finally time to say goodbye. 
“It was such a pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” Mary says, stopping on her little porch with Y/N while Dean puts the bags in the trunk.
“It was a pleasure to me too, Mary.” It’s the truth. If there’s one thing Y/N will cherish from this incredible weekend it’s her encounter with the Winchesters. They are a wonderful family and Y/N knows that it will be hard to be hated by them when they’ll learn that Dean and her had broken up. “I’ll miss you.”
“Oh sweety, don’t worry. We’ll see you on ThanksGiving, right?” She gives her a huge smile before hugging her as a goodbye.
Y/N only nods because she can’t lie to her verbally. Dean joins them, giving her an occasion to break this painful moment.
“Drive safe, ok? And call me when you’re home.” Mary uses her motherly tone as she hugs her son.
“Will do. Love you, mom.” Dean assures her, kissing her cheek as a goodbye.
“Love you, Dean. You too Y/N.” She waves and Y/N’s steps accelerate.
With the back of her head resting against the headrest, Y/N can finally relax. She exhales heavily and closes her eyes now that she feels safe inside the car. She’s been on edge the whole week-end, always scared of saying something that would blow up all their lies. And yet, she has never felt so free and alive at the same time. She can’t deny she had a lot of fun, particularly with Dean.
“It went pretty well, right? What were you scared of?” Dean asks her as he slides in the driver seat.
She gives him a deadpan face before choosing to use the silent treatment for the whole ride. He doesn’t seem to realize what he had done. Lying to his whole family, playing with their trust as if it meant nothing. When she had fun with him, and even during more intimate moments, she had thought that maybe something could bloom between them. Not necessarily a romantic relationship but some friendship at least. Is it even possible? Any kind of relationship is based on trust before everything. She has no proof he’s not lying to her too after all. 
“Home, sweet home,” Dean announces as he opens their apartment’s door. Deposing the bags in a corner near the door, Dean walks into the living room, reviewing the few letters he received during the weekend. Nothing important, great.
“What do you want to eat?” He asks, stretching his back after the long drive. Despite the silent treatment, he had talked all the way. It was a one-sided conversation but he didn’t care. If she was trying to annoy him, then he would do the same just doing exactly the opposite of her. “I was thinking about pizza, maybe?”
The loud bang of a door slamming shut is his only answer. She just went into her bedroom without a warning but made sure he had heard it. Yep. They’re back to simple roommates.
Later that night, Dean’s eating pizza on the couch. Alone. He had tried to knock at Y/N’s door, telling her the pizza was delivered but he only met silence once again. So here he is, sitting alone on his couch, watching an old rerun of the Three Stooges movie. Dean doesn’t understand why she’s so cold towards him out of the blue. They had great moments together, learning a bit more about each other so why does all of this disappear in a flick?
As he hears her door opening, Dean uses all his willing power to keep his eyes fixed on the TV. Who knows what wrong he can do without even knowing it? A simple wrong look in her direction and she’s ready to hide in her room again. He has trouble with his breathing as he tries to be as silent as possible, his jaw moving so slowly as he’s munching on his pizza.
Her sock feet are sliding over the wooden floor until she stands between Dean and the TV, blocking his view and forcing him to look at her. Her breath is caught in her throat when Dean’s vibrant green eyes fell on her, watching her warily.
“Here.” She says in a low voice, handing Dean the old tee-shirt he gave her so she can use it as a pajamas during the weekend. “I packed it by accident.” 
Dean’s eyes are flicking between the tee-shirt and her face. He puts the rest of his pizza in his mouth, as a way to remain silent and rubs his hands before swallowing.
“You can keep it.” He says in a soft voice, still afraid he would piss her again. When she looks at him questionably he adds. “Consider it’s a thank you gift. I didn’t even thank you for what you’ve done.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” She shakes her head, dismissive, and starts to leave again.
Dean’s quick to grab her wrist, keeping her with him. “I really meant it, Y/N. And I’m not talking about the lies. I had a lot of fun with you, it’s been a long time actually. So for that, thank you.”
Once again she can see he’s sincere, the way his eyes shine, it’s captivating. People say that you can see the truth in people’s eyes. Maybe the legend is real? Maybe he has never lied to her? 
“Thank you.” She accepts the gift, giving him a tiny smile. A smile he’s happy to give back. “Good night, Dean.”
“Good night, Sweetheart.” He whispers, letting her go, reluctantly.
At least they’re back on speaking terms, so it’s a good sign, right?
The next morning, a delicious smell tickles Y/N’s nostrils. She can recognize this smell anywhere. Without wasting another second, she opens her door and inhales sharply, the sweet scent of waffle waking up her fuzzy brain a bit more.
“You made waffles?” She asks, taking a seat behind the kitchen counter while Dean’s busy with the waffle pan.
“Yep!” He says proudly, popping the ‘p’. He noticed how much she loved waffles during the week-end, eating more than usual. He’s ready to do anything to make her happy. The huge smile she gives him is the best reward.
They eat in a comfortable silence, the tension from the day before has completely vanished.
“I was thinking,” She starts to say, popping a piece of waffle in her mouth at the same time.
“Never a good thing.” Dean mocked, sipping on his coffee.
She gives him a tight-lipped smile as she munches on her waffle. “Seriously, I need to find a new place to live.”
Dean chokes on his coffee, spilling the hot liquid all around him, burning the top of his hand in the process. “Son of a-”
“Are you alright?” Y/N is quick to jump from her seat, at his side in a second, checking if he had hurt himself.
“Yeah.” Dean dismisses, using the hand towel next to him to dry his hands. “What about you? Why do you want to move out?”
“It’s not like I want to move out. It’s just I have to.” She corrects him as she helps him to clear the mess around them.
“But why?” Dean is completely upset with the idea of her leaving him. 
She gives him a sad look. “Think about it for a minute. There’s no way we can still live together after breaking up. We’re supposed to get married but decided to break up and stay living together? It’s stupid.”
Dean’s mouth opens, forming a perfect ‘o’ shape but no sound comes out. He hadn’t thought about that. He needs to find something, anything before she leaves him for good.
“We can think about an excuse.”
“And it would be another lie. You promised, Dean. No more lies after this weekend. It’s alright, don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll find a new place quickly.” She reassures him, taking the soiled towel from his hands and heading for the bathroom to put it in the washing machine.
“I’ll tell her the truth!” He shouts without thinking and she stops dead.
“What?” She turns her face slowly so she can look at him.
“I-if I tell her the truth, there’s no need for you to move out, right?” He shrugs, his brain is burning with all the different images of her leaving.
“I guess.” She agrees, thoughtful.
“Then I’ll tell her. She- she texted me yesterday night.” He thought, remembering that once again they forgot to give Mary her damn passport. “She’s coming in a few days for her stupid passport.”
Y/N comes closer, a strange glint in her eyes, looking at him as if he told her he personally knew Santa Claus.
“You’re really going to tell her the truth?” She asks so softly, still not believing it.
Dean nods, his eyes roaming over her face. She’s so cute when she’s looking at him like that.
“For you, I’ll do anything.” He admits and it’s the honest truth.
“Thank you, Dean! You’re the best!” She throws herself in his arms, truly happy that she doesn’t have to move out, because secretly she likes living here and she was sad thinking that she has to leave Dean.
Dean’s arms hold her tight and he nuzzles his face in her hair, inhaling her scent deeply. This is the exact moment Dean realizes that it’s more than a simple crush. It’s happening so fast, it hurts so hard, it feels so right.
He’s totally and definitely screwed.
Luck has been on his side. By the middle of the week, Mary called, apologizing that something came up and she can’t come to see him this week. Dean is over the moon after such great news. If his mother is postponing, it means he doesn’t have to break her heart by telling her the truth, yet.
“Dean? I’m home.” Y/N calling him as she enters the apartment after her shift at the coffee shop.
“Hey.” He greets her, ending a business phone call. “How was your day?” 
She lets her body fall heavily on the couch, groaning as she massages her neck.
“As usual.” She says and winces, twisting her neck from left to right.
“What’s wrong?” Dean stands behind the couch, looking over.
“I took inventory today, I think I twisted a nerve in my neck or something.”
“Alright, let me see.” Dean sits next to her on the couch, motioning with his hand for her to turn around. She refuses at first, leaning on the opposite side refusing to let him touch her.
“I’ve been told that I’m quite good with my hands, Sweetheart.” He smiles, manhandling her carefully so she’s back to him. Gently he pushes the hair covering her neck, on the side.
“Is it from one of your numerous conquests?” She asks playfully and Dean smirks.
“Are you jealous?” 
“Pff! No!” She says quickly and she’s happy he’s behind her so he doesn’t see the embarrassment on her face.
The room falls silent as Dean’s fingers massage her tender skin. She has to admit that he is pretty skilled. Her head lowers slowly as she relaxes under his expert fingers. Humming her appreciation from time to time.
“Oh my god, yes right there, Dean.” She moans when he touches a particular painful spot.
Dean licks his lips and tries to remain focused but hearing her say his name in that kind of voice, it does things to him. The next minutes are pure torture for him while she’s having the time of her life. The worst in all of this, is that she doesn’t even realize what she’s doing to him, does she?
“Here you go.” Dean pats her shoulders twice, signifying that they're done.
“What are we eating tonight? Pizza? Chinese? Your homemade burgers maybe?” She asks as she gets comfortable on the couch again. Dean is trying his best to move as little as possible because he can feel he has a boner.
“Um… Your choice, I need to finish replying to a few emails first. Sorry.” He says, picking his laptop from the coffee table and drops it on his lap, hiding his little problem in the process. Sometimes he surprises himself how much of a genius he is.
“Ok, let me take care of it! I chose what’s for dinner. You pick the movie for tonight.” She offers, standing up and heading for the kitchen.
As he works on a few emails, just like he told her, Dean can’t help himself but be glad with how much their relationship has evolved within just a few days. They weren’t as close and lovey-dovey as they were at his parents’ house but they weren’t just regular roommates anymore either. They’re starting to become, dare he say it, friends. Friends are good. Being friends means more contact, more funny moments, and maybe something more. He knows it’s stupid to hope for more but he hasn’t called on of his lady friends since they came back. And for him, it means something.
“The food is coming in thirty minutes. I picked Chinese.” She says falling down next to him.
Dean only hums in agreement as his fingers fly over the keyboard.
“M. Ketch came in, today.” She tells him vaguely.
The clicking on the keyboard stops abruptly at the mention of Ketch. While his eyes are still fixed on the screen in front of him, Dean takes a deep breath and licks his lips. “And?”
She shrugs and frowns slightly. “And nothing.”
“What does that mean?” He turns his head, asking for clarification. Nothing is good but he needs more.
This time she pouts, crossing one leg over the other and sinks a bit more into the couch, crossing her arms in the process.
“Well, he came and ordered his usual drink. Then left. So as I said: nothing.”
Dean nods, thoughtfully before pushing his laptop on the side and resting his forearms on his knees as he leans forwards.
“Well, something is clearly bothering you, Sweetheart. So what is it?”
Her eyes roll in her head so hard that Dean thinks they might stay stuck.
“It’s the nothing that is bothering me.” She admits, refusing to look at him.
“I’m sorry but I told you that Ketch isn’t a good man. He’s-”
“It’s not about him. It’s about me, Dean!” She explains, finally telling him what is on her mind.
“Usually I’m excited and happy when I see him. I don’t care if he’s flirting with me or not, I’m still a melting mess when he leaves, you know?” She explains, missing the angry roll of his eyes. “But today...there was nothing. I smiled because that’s my job and I served him like I do with any customer. There was just nothing.”
Oh… Oh! Dean’s trying his hardest to show no emotion at all. Finally, dear God! Finally, she has realized how much of a dick Ketch is! At least, Dean doesn’t have to worry about her being with this bastard anymore.
“It means he wasn’t the right one. That’s it. Nothing to worry about.” It’s so easy to find a line so cliché but it works its magic every time.
“Yeah, well I wonder when the right one will come.” She retorts back, apparently it’s not the first time she’s hearing it. 
“Sometimes they’re right in front of your eyes and you don’t even know,” Dean adds, chancing a glance at her, realizing that the sentence fits him perfectly.
She chuckles and cocks her head. “Do you have more easy lines like these?”
Dean chuckles as well and leans on the couch again, one arm resting over the top of the couch.
“I’ve got plenty of them. I can recite all of them while we eat the dessert. I got a B&J pot in the freezer. Pecan nuts and vanilla.” He offers, smirking while wiggling his eyebrows seductively.
She laughs heartily and leans on him, her head nestled in the crook of his neck.
“Thanks, Dean. You’re really the best.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” He murmurs before he presses a kiss to the crown of her head.
Pour Toujours tags:  @drakelover78​​​​​​​, @akshi8278​​​​
PLL tags: @eliwinchester99​​​​, @paiswhite​​​​, @vicmc624​​​​, @metalfangirl
19 notes · View notes
quillyfied · 5 years
Mega Good Omens Fic Rec Post 1
This is the first string of fics I would wholeheartedly recommend from my bookmarks (probably first of three, we’ll see). There are 65 fics sorted into 9 categories: Jaunts Through History/Canon; South Downs; Post-Apocalypse; Bus Ride/Night Before/Heaven and Hell; AU/UA (UA is Universe Alternate, where everything is the same, just...a bit to the left. I feel like that term has more nuance, idk); Soft; Touch-Starved/Body Worship/Wings; Bonus; H/C /Whump/BAMF. These will be the same categories for every fic rec post in this vein. I try to include warnings for sex and gore, if applicable, but please check the tags of each fic before you read, just in case.
Mega GOmens Fic Rec Post MASTER
I don’t read explicit works and I’m not a big fan of Human!AUs so there’s not any of those, but there’s a bit of just about everything else. Please enjoy! Hope the ReadMore works, sorry for folks on mobile if it doesn’t!
1. Bright With His Splendour – Daegaer (T, specifically book-verse. This is an exquisite look at the developments in Crowley himself, especially as it relates to his war-related traumas in the War in Heaven and later WWI. The Arrangement is Aziraphale’s idea here, which is awesome. Highly emotional and visceral.)
2. Whatever Road We Choose – @ri-writing (T, the one where Aziraphale gets jumped by some demons and Crowley nurses him back to health, and Aziraphale has to confront his worldview when he realizes Heaven never responded to his call for help. Quiet and powerful as Aziraphale starts to realize Crowley isn’t everything he thought he was and maybe Heaven isn’t, either.)
3. Linked – @chekhov (T, the one where Crowley shows up in Bukhara and Aziraphale has to pretend to capture him so his angel intern doesn’t destroy Crowley entirely. Has a lot of fun moments and emotional growth in play. And yearning. Lots and lots of yearning.)
4. The Demon Favourite – @kanna-ophelia (T, the one where Crowley is posing as a nobleman and manages to build himself a little ramshackle family, and Aziraphale takes care of them when Crowley gets himself discorporated. Extremely tender, lots of Crowley cooing over babies.)
5. Akashic Records – @penig (Generally G, one T, the series where Crowley is head-over-heels from the start and broadcasts it loudly, and Aziraphale is in Panic Protective Mode. The series is gorgeous and vibrant, the characterizations are so spot-on and yet fresh, the dialogue is perfect, the character growth is delicious. I can’t gush enough about this one.)
6. But The Old Love Was Not So – BuggreAlleThis (G, the one written in the style of Le Morte d’Arthur about Aziraphale’s final few days in the court of King Arthur. Hilarious with the promise of emotional pain to come in the second half.)
7. flightless bird (dumb, wild, and free) – JennaCupcakes (@veganthranduil) (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale make out for half of history while Aziraphale has an ongoing existential crisis about being a broken angel. Poignant, sensual, culminates in a deliciously fraught confrontation where Aziraphale has to finally sort himself out and Crowley says some hard but true things. I once spent three hours trying to find this fic again without remembering the title so now it’s kinda ingrained.)
8. Nanny Knows Best – @patricianandclerk (M, rest of series is T, the one where Crowley endures some truly horrible experiences while serving as Warlock’s nanny. Adorable relationship between Warlock and Crowley, and it’s only getting better. The dynamic with Aziraphale is nuanced and beautiful. Rating for sexual harassment and groping, and it’s a bit of a difficult read at times during those moments, so be careful.)
9. The Holy Essence of Experience – Dragonsquill (T, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley have loved each other almost since the beginning, but have been very careful to not put a name to it. The yearning is real and so gorgeous. The scene just before they come up with their plan to avert Armageddon haunts me.)
10. The Arrangement – @writeonclara (T, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley try to get a handle on this sex thing. Non-explicit, hilarious, and unique! I can only assume the rating will probably be going up, which makes me sad because it’s hard to find nonexplicit fics that still deal with what sex brings to a relationship, but what’s written for now is well worth it.)
11. And After – @randomacts13 (T, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale work through their self-worth and have lots of flashbacks. The first one involves Crowley taking care of a seed that keeps dying and leaving another seed behind, which is not at all feeding into his self-hatred; the second has Crowley and Warlock gluing coins to the sidewalk; the third is about Aziraphale on a one-way flight to Complete Mental Breakdown if he doesn’t get some help for his anxiety and repressed emotions soon.)
12. The road to rapture has a lot of pit stops – emmagrant01 (E but only for the sixth chapter, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley have shared five kisses throughout history and one where they meant it. People like me who don’t like explicit material can skip Chapter 6 (or just read until they smooch) and go straight to the epilogue. The rest of it is amazing; every kiss is believable in context and has such good lead-up. Very romantic, very good.)
13. Round and Round the Garden – SanSanFanFan (G, the one where Brother Francis and Nanny Ashtoreth get up to some hanky-panky beneath a willow tree while Warlock sleeps in his pram. Just sweet and silly fluff.)
14. Flecks of Light and Dark – volunteerfd (T, the one where Aziraphale learns to deal with his emotions. Has a really beautiful recurring thing of Crowley and Aziraphale making up stories of who they’d be if they were human, and Aziraphale doing his best to do good and help even when Heaven ties his hands.)
15. Before the Water Rises – VitreousHumor (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale become friends while helping a village make rafts to escape the Flood. Has a lot of really cute moments and some pretty exquisite romantic tension.)
16. Beneath the Stars – @brooklynbabybucky (G, the one where Crowley asks Aziraphale to cut his hair. Just has some really lovely imagery and a sweet bonding moment.)
17. lit in the darkness – @toedenandbackagain (M, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale share a bed sometimes throughout history. Warnings for some sexual content in chapters 7 and 14, but each chapter has its own warnings in the description. Presents some beautiful bonding moments and the absolute finest pining known to man.)
18. The Play’s the Thing – volunteerfd (G, the one where Aziraphale is cast in the local production of Hamlet and Crowley is trying his best to be supportive of his truly awful actor husband. Hilarious and light and absolutely a classic.)
19. Parsley, Thyme, Sage, Daffodils – @mostweakhamlets (NR, the one where Aziraphale has a cooking YouTube channel and Crowley is camera-shy. Tackles PTSD in a really thoughtful way and is Peak Soft Cottage Husbands aesthetic, it really packs in the most warm fuzzies in a small package.)
20. to carthage then i came – @lvslie (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale move to the South Downs and learn to work through their issues around being together and being their own people after cutting ties with Heaven and Hell. Poetic, poignant, the last chapter is a thing of absolute beauty. Very heavily symbolic, that one.)
21. A Better Place for Us to Be – @befuddledmackem (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale tour a particular cottage. Deeply emotional, the Absolute Best Real Estate Pr0n if you also secretly watch HGTV and weep, has completely ruined any future house-buying opportunity I might have because nothing will be this sweet and perfect.)
22. Something We Were Withholding Made Us Weak – trieduntrue (M, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale move to the South Downs and very carefully orbit into something more like a relationship. Exquisite tension, beautifully-done pining and slow-burn, really fun bits of world building. M is for a sex scene at the very end but it’s easy to skip over, it’s small.)
23. reasons wretched and divine – @stammiviktor (T, the one where Crowley storms out after a fight and finds himself in an actual conversation with God. Highly emotional and a great look into Crowley’s head, both in how he feels about God and how he feels about Aziraphale.)
24. The Sprawl of Life – @dietraumerei (T and G, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale settle into village life quite well. Has sex-positive asexual characters, which is fun (brief note about that: it’s not explicit, but the places it happens, there is clear leadup and it can get a bit intense, so take care of yourselves). Has touches of angst that balance beautifully with the fluff, lots of BAMF Aziraphale for the soul.)
25. Seashells and Fingerpainting – Vagabond (@waffleironbiddingwar) (T, and I recommend this one specifically from the series, can be read independently: the one where Gabriel is sent to the South Downs for a time out. This is quite possibly the best Gabriel character study I have ever seen; it’s tender and heartbreaking and somehow you find yourself rooting for Gabriel to figure out why he’s being punished despite yourself. All the warm fuzzies. All of them. Read the whole series, it’s great!)
26. Laugh When It Sinks In – @tenoko1 (G, the one where Crowley helps Aziraphale build a home in the bookshop flat. Another one that feeds right into my interior decorating itch. So sweet and uplifting, will absolutely make you feel proud of Aziraphale.)
27. Chosen and Unchosen – Bookwormgal (T, the one where the kids have to go save Aziraphale and Crowley from Heaven and Hell. Has some EXCELLENT Warlock characterization and some really good tension between him and Adam, and the angst is properly upsetting. A right good adventure romp that’s really starting to ramp up.)
28. Resonance – Macx (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale become something Else. Good world building, beautiful romance, and Gabriel getting told off. Love how Crowley and Aziraphale growing into their new roles is handled, and how Adam unexpectedly ties in at the end.)
29. Falling Heavenward – @kanna-ophelia (T, the one where Crowley unexpectedly has to win his angel back because of a really twisty deal with Heaven. This one is a pretty wild ride, but I would say the centerpiece is Fallen Gabriel, who becomes Asmodeus. It becomes a battle for Aziraphale’s heart, though Asmodeus isn’t in it for the feels so much as the revenge, obviously. Really interesting premise and something to read if rooting for Crowley is a way you like to spend your time.)
30. A Leisurely Stroll Down – Saturniidae (@Saturniiddae) (M, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale have to fight for their relationship. Has some sexual content that isn’t explicit, and gore that really sort of is. I have thrown things and cried a little at this one, but that was the price for reading while it was still updating. Absolutely gorgeous in every way. Also has God speaking through a household object and it’s hilarious.)
31. From God’s Perspective – Unfortunately (T, the one where God comes down personally to interfere in Her children’s business. The absolute best portrayal of God in any fic ever, really humanizes her in the best ways. I love how she interacts with her angel and demon children. It’s almost more of a character study of God than anything. And yes, the Sound of Music is sung.)
32. Worth Knowing – summersage (T, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley discuss the Fall and manage Miltonian angel sex despite it. Has a take on how the Fall works that I was thinking about but couldn’t find words for until this fic, and it’s absolutely fantastic. The Miltonian angel sex is esoteric and weird and not at all erotic, but it is beautiful. The mortifying ordeal of being KNOWN indeed.)
33. Legendary Lovers; Your Hand in Mine – @tenoko1 (G, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale regroup in a hotel instead of his flat and have a bit of a knock-down-drag-out. Crowley is angry and scared and so in love he can’t stand it, and Aziraphale is practically going at light speed in confronting and knocking down his own barriers, and it’s highly emotionally charged and wonderful.)
34. Love of My Life – @ellewrites4 (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale get together very early and make it work all throughout history. Gorgeous romance, and the fallout from the Holy Water caper and the bandstand breakup are EXQUISITE. Peak emotional turmoil, sweet boundary negotiation, forgiveness and love and anxiety and fear—just delicious.)
35. True Love and High Adventure – @grifalinas (T, the one that’s a Princess Bride au. Absolutely on-point casting, wonderful writing style, the perfect escape fic for a little while. Incomplete but still worth the read.)
36. Inverse Omens – @amuseoffyre (T, the one where Aziraphale is a demon with a p0_rn shop and Crowley is an angel running a community center from a bombed-out church. Y’all recommended this to me on my demon!Aziraphale rating post, and it’s AMAZING. Perfect characterization and a wonderful retelling. Warning for Chapters 11 and 12, Aziraphale’s Nanny Ashtoreth messes with the Dowling parents in far more direct ways and there’s scenes of Mr. Dowling jerking it, so take care, friendos. Also Aziraphale makes the filthiest double entendres and it’s delightful. Also also Crowley needs all the hugs.)
37. A Blaze of Light – @wingedspirit (T, the one where Crowley is Raphael and he and Aziraphale make a Pact instead of an Arrangement. This one is a wild adventure, friends, and a riveting one. The Pact puts an interesting spin on their developing relationship, and by the time it gets to TV canon, it’s already off the rails in the best ways. Also Crowley has some pretty heavy depression that manifests in his former Archangel-level powers blowing up a bit, which is cool. Should be wrapping up soon and I’m pumped for it!)
38. it’s high time that you love me, cause you do it so well – mygalfriday (T, the one where Crowley can’t physically say the word “love” but can diddly dang well show it if he wants. Already super sweet but the confession scene at the end is just incredible.)
39. Hold the Line – sum_nemo (T, the one that’s a Pacific Rim AU. I adore PacRim, you guys, and this one is just *chef’s kiss*. Puts Crowley as Raleigh (lost his twin sister copilot) and Aziraphale as Mako and includes a pretty painful shared past between them, which is already simmering and delicious. Can’t wait to see where this one goes.)
40. The Truth Remains – @wanderingalicewrites (NR, the one where Crowley was Raphael, had a good relationship with his siblings, was in love with Aziraphale, and knew he was destined to Fall. Aziraphale is still in mourning for Raphael and Crowley is still working out the point of his existence, so there’s some very good pining and existential dread up in the mix. A highly interesting take on the situation and very, very good at punching you in the feels with the flashbacks to Heaven and how different things are now, especially with the other Archangels. LOL it just updated while I was writing this and I am UNDONE, I am in PAIN, the bandstand scene always hurts but NOT LIKE THIS. ALSO MORE ARCHANGEL FEELS, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN)
41. Everything Dark and Unseen – @enjambament (M, the one that’s a Psyche and Eros retelling. After the Fall but before Eden, Heaven and Hell need a truce, so they marry Crowley and Aziraphale to keep the peace in a symbolic sort of binding. A beautiful romance, an excellent action sequence, the cutest OC creatures, the best OC angels, and I wish there was a continuation of how canon progressed with this monumental change in their history bc I am THIRSTY for more. Rated M for a kinda-sorta sexy scene but there’s not really Efforts sooo…it’s more sensual than sexual? I guess? Either way, highly recommended.)
42. The Name of the Star is Wormwood – LusBeatha (T, the one where Crowley was Raphael and the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fly agaric mushroom. It is exactly as eccentric as it sounds, but presented in such a way that it actually makes sense. It jumps around in time, but the storyline taking place in the present is looking like Armageddon 2.0. Beautifully written, great take on canon.)
43. Sticks and Stones – @justkeeptrekkin (T, the one where Crowley takes on the guise of Casanova while trying to get over Aziraphale and Aziraphale shows up, whoops. GORGEOUS imagery, the most scrumptious pining, and if y’all appreciated the 2005 Pride and Prejudice dance scene, the one in here will about blow that one out of the water, if you can believe it. Knocked the breath right out of me.)
44. Yearning to Hold You Close – @guanin (T, the one where Aziraphale has a relationship with King Richard and asks Crowley to help save him, and there is a big sticky mess of feelings when they realize Richard and Crowley look almost exactly alike. In part inspired by David Tennant playing Richard II. A delicious, delicious emotional quandary where Crowley and Richard both wonder if Aziraphale only loves them because they look like each other, and Aziraphale doesn’t know how to say what he feels. Very sweet, very emotionally fraught.)
45. Just This Once – @julia-writes-fanfic (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale kiss in the 90s and it’s amazing. The drunk 90s kiss is already good, but them revisiting it sober in 2010 makes both even better.)
46. A Sky Full of Stars – @kedreeva (G, the one where Aziraphale takes Crowley someplace where they can see the cosmos. The first GOmens fic I ever bookmarked, so I felt like including it, because it’s unbelievably sweet and has amazing visuals.)
47. The Serpent and the Seagull – @ineffably-good (G and T, the series where Aziraphale misses Crowley so he gets a little pet snake. Frederick the snake is among the best of the GOmens OCs, hilarious and foul-mouthed and once Crowley starts being able to understand him, it only gets better. Frederick likes helping his pets work their problems out so they’ll leave him alone to sleep. It’s extremely cute.)
48. The Discerning Black Swan – @lwtis (T, the one where Crowley is definitely not projecting on a black swan desperately trying to court a white mute swan in St James’ Park. I love how Crowley interfaces with his emotional problems through the swan, and the visual of the two swans is gorgeous.)
49. What A Demon Dreams – @whatawriterwields (G, the one where Crowley has some weird dreams, dude. I love the symbolism and the imagery in this one, it’s really vivid. It’s hard to pull off a concept like this so I respect how the author is able to do it and make it work.)
50. Sunlight – crorvid (M, the one where Aziraphale is a touch-starved angel. Doesn’t deserve the M rating, in my opinion, but Aziraphale does feel the touching during their makeouts very intensely and it’s incredibly satisfying.)
51. The Curious Attractiveness of Others – @giddygeek (T, the one where Crowley finally gets to groom Aziraphale’s wings and Aziraphale gets to show Crowley how tender that can be. Another one with some great world building tucked into the corners, and emotionally satisfying grooming.)
52. Broken Wings – werebear (@werebeary) (T and M, the series where wing grooming is incredibly intimate and I got the vapors from the tenderness. Also the first time I saw anything about preen glands. The second one is rated M because the preening gets a bit…intense. Not sexual, exactly, but it’s close. Very passionate.)
53. Birthmark – Linebreaker (G, the one where Crowley has a scar on his lower back and a sad story to go with it. This one needs a bit of a harder rating, imo, and there’s one line that’s a bit Much, but otherwise it’s a sad and beautiful look at a potential reason why Crowley hates the fourteenth century so much. Lots of Crowley body worship packed into few words, very satisfying.)
54. They Are A Pale Picture of You – @ineffablefool (T, the one where they go for a walk during winter and things are just Soft. Ineffablefool has a wealth of body-positive asexual GOmens fics, but I think I like this one best, it’s sweet and adorable and some jerk who insults Aziraphale’s weight rightly gets the worst day of his life. Also Crowley compares Aziraphale in his winter wear to a plump little bird and it’s cute imagery.)
55. Ineffable Bureaucracy Drabbles – Shift7 (T, the series of short fics where Gabriel and Beelzebub are kinda-sorta falling into friendship and being very judicious about it. Lots of paperwork, very orderly.)
56. Ineffable Bureaucracy – @eshnoazot (T and G, a series of longer fics where Gabriel and Beelzebub are navigating a careful arrangement of their own. Still lots of paperwork, of course, but there’s also emotional friction and conflict resolution. Excellent characterizations. Wednesday night Thai and Friendship night is a+++++. Gabriel deffo called a board meeting to talk about his feelings.)
57. A Bentley Sang in Berkeley Square – CastielHamilton (G, the one where the Bentley is sentient and a good, good girl. She is doing her best and I love her. Basically the series from her point of view.)
58. Fairest and Fallen – VitreousHumor (T, the series where Beelzebub and Gabriel encounter each other a few times and Gabriel tries his best to remember their shared pre-Fall history. Poignant, sad, and beautiful.)
59. Observer Effect – SquarePudding (T, the series where the Grigori in charge of recording Aziraphale’s Earthly movements starts to ship him and Crowley and records their romance. The Grigori, Rezathaniel, is a precious baby who needs to develop a better palate outside of “greasy literal garbage” and has 0 chill when it comes to their ship. They’re kind of like a celebrity blogger at this point but watching their character growth in the first story is very sweet.)
60. Soul of Vellum, Heart of Chrome – @29-pieces (G, the one where the Bentley and the Bookshop are sentient and very protective of their owners. This one is going to KILL ME with the plot I wasn’t expecting—Heaven and Hell are hunting Aziraphale and Crowley down again, so the Bentley and the Bookshop do their best to help. They’re doing so good and I’m so proud of them, it’s not their fault things went a bit south. Precious beans. Good, good things.)
61. Real Fire and Brimstone Stuff – @jessikast (G, the one where college-age Warlock helps accidentally summon his Nanny and a lot of things start to make sense. A very sweet story about Warlock getting closure and getting back in touch with Crowley and Aziraphale through the weirdest means possible.)
62. Broken Hallelujah – @atlantis-is-burning (T, the one where Hastur comes to kill Aziraphale and Crowley and it’s ugly, folks. It is kinda gory and it is injury-ridden and painful, very touch-and-go for a bit. It ends well, though, and Hastur gets his, which is the Best. Tore me up one side and down the other in all the best ways.)
63. Fall Here – @marbledwings (T, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley are easing into a relationship in fits and starts, and then Crowley gets snatched. This one was AGONIZING to wait for it to update, so be glad it’s complete, because it gets pretty dark for a while. Be warned of torture, though it’s mostly implied and it’s the aftermath that’s dealt with most. It absolutely sticks the landing at the end, and has a great characterization of Michael.)
64. how deep the sand – Handful_of_Silence (G, the series where Aziraphale is trapped in a glass bubble in a wizard’s basement for fifty years and the ensuing aftermath. Feels mostly book-verse, but there are some cues from the show. Intense and realistic and emotional and heavy, drags you through the darkness and you appreciate the light all the more for it. A beautiful story.)
65. you taught me how to love, (it’s me who taught you how to stop) – @clankclunk (G, or the one where Aziraphale comes to find out that you can’t just rush into a relationship after six thousand years of repression. This one is absolutely murdering me. The angst is real. The hurt is real. I’m hoping the fluff and comfort promised in the tags is coming soon because WOW. Has a fantastically haunting view of what happens to angels, who are highly emotive beings, when they fall into depression. And Crowley’s adverse reactions to praise and love are so realistic and painful. Ouch.)
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You are beautiful
Author’s note: Hoo~ boy, insecurities are still going strong, so of course I have to write something about it, to make me feel a little bit better. 
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: bodyshaming parents; it gets cute tho i swear ;;
Pairing: Midoriya Izuku x (chubby, tattooed)Reader
Summary: You are home for a visit and your parents only comment about your weight and why you are single, but thankfully Midoriya saves you(kind of) from this hell and finally opens up about what he wanted to tell you since your days in middle school.
„There are so many boys out there, especially in Tokyo and a lot might find you interesting but don’t like your tattoos, so you put them off… – “Well then I guess he isn’t for me and doesn’t like me…?” – “Yeah but what if you’d have a boyfriend who would then hint at you to drop a few kilos because you are too heavy for him…” – “Then he wouldn’t be my boyfriend in the first place…?” – “Yeah but…”
You sighed inwardly, rolling your eyes slightly. Exactly at this moment you harshly got reminded why you weren’t visiting your parent’s house that often since you moved into your university dorms. It was always the same, since you were 16 and hadn’t had a boyfriend, your mother and father - ‘who only did it out of concern for you’ as they would defend themselves - would tell you why you were single in the first place.
Of course, you were too fat, your tattoos made you ugly and being the shy and quiet person you are, was also a big problem in finding the partner of your dreams. There were times where you cried yourself to sleep, because of all the nasty thoughts you had. Even though they told you, they only did it out of concern for you, it still hurt and even after scraping together all the courage you could find to tell them how much they hurt you with their words, they still didn’t stop, because “they were loving parents who wanted you to be happy”…and of course, being happy equals being very thin, having a tattoo-free body and being an outgoing person.
When the evening finally came to end, with the conversation only being about you and your weight and how, with 21, you still hadn’t had a boyfriend, and as your father would ever so kindly say, you would die as an old virgin, you decided it was time to go – quickly.
Thankfully, just when you thought of an excuse to finally leave, your phone rang and your long-time crush, but still only best friend, called you. Quickly, you excused yourself, slipping out of the door into the vestibule of your home.  
When you arrived at the front door of Izuku’s house, you suddenly felt so warm and fuzzy. Studying in Tokyo meant you were hardly home, which you liked on one hand since you weren’t exposed to your parent’s mental abuse, but hated on the other, because it meant not seeing Izuku as much as you used too and wanted, however the two of you did message each other frequently and also facetimed when both of you had time to spare.
Izuku opened the door and greeted you with the happiest smile you missed each day and suddenly you felt the tears well up in your eyes. You tried so hard to always smile, trying to let the words of your parent’s not cut you too deep, but sometimes the weight of those words crushed you mercilessly and when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore then there he was – your hero Izuku.
His eyes widened, when he saw the tears in your eyes and even with 21, when it came to you, he sometimes fell back into his panicky self as he stuttered a little asking you what was wrong, before instinctively pulling you into a hug. You tried to laugh it off as “Well I just missed you, dummy!” and reciprocated his hug, quickly wiping away the tears.
Finally entering the house, you met his mother again, hugging her and for once no adult made a comment about your looks, well at least not in a negative way. Inko only looked at you with sparkling eyes telling you how beautiful you’ve gotten over the one year she couldn’t see you in person, which made you blush a little, you really weren’t used to compliments. When she turned to Izuku with a “Right, Izuku?”, he also blushed, nodding frantically, his voice cracking ever so slightly with a “Yes, of course!” At that moment you could feel your face getting even warmer, but at the same time the voice in your head made it clear to you, “He’s only saying this to be nice, he would never tell you you’re ugly and fat, so of course he’d agree, it’s Izuku.”
“W-Well, Mom, we haven’t seen each other in a while, we have to catch up!” and with that you were dragged to his room. Of course, his All Might Collection was still going strong, but, you knew his room since middle school, it just grew a little over time, so it didn’t surprise you at all.
When the two of you started talking it was like old times, laughing and joking, but you could also talk about serious topics, especially about his hero work and how it sometimes was connected to losing someone or not being able to save absolutely everybody even though he tried his hardest. At times like this you realized how much you really liked him, how deeply you cared about him, but never had the courage to tell him. Getting told ever since you were a young teenager how you should lose weight to be attractive because no one would like you like this, you never dared to tell him how you felt. “He would never find me pretty or anything… or be attracted to me…”, were your thoughts and when the two of you went to different High Schools and you saw all the pretty girls he had in his class and with pretty girls came strong quirks, you just gave up completely, not wanting to make a fool of yourself as the fat loser who wanted to study marine biology and thought had a chance with a hero in training.
Your conversation died down and you both laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling, when he asked you, “You stayed with your parents this weekend, right?” – “Yeah…they wanted to see me again and right now exams are in about three months, so I thought better get it over with now… You know, Dad even told me something I’ve been thinking for a long time now.”
He turned his head to you, to look at your side view, seeing the ways you forced a laugh when you told him “He said, I’m going to die as an old virgin, pff~, well can’t say anything against that!” and even though you tried to laugh, he could see how hard you tried not to sound hurt. “I don’t know why he would say that…you’re really pretty, (Y/N).” His cheeks flushed again, but when you looked at him, taken aback by his words, he didn’t break the eye contact, however you did when you waved him off, looking the other way. “Oh come on, Izuku, I know you just wanna make me feel better, it’s okay though, he’s probably ri-“, but he cut you off.
“No, (Y/N). I really mean it, you’re really pretty…” Izuku grabbed your hand, squeezing it a little, before turning his head the other way, his face feeling hot and when you turned your head slightly to look at his wild hair, you thought you could see steam… He was really embarrassed, however at the same time, your face also flushed 50 shades of red, but you didn’t want to acknowledge his words, all your life you were told otherwise, by your parents, relatives and schoolmates, so you also grew a little angry, tears coming back.
“No, I am not, okay? I am really fat and my tattoos make me really ugly and just… I am not, Izuku! I am… not pretty… at all!” and at last you just sobbed, breaking out into tears you held back for so long and for once you realized how bad your parents messed you up. In just two days, being with your parents made you feel utterly disgusted by yourself.
Izuku was shocked, seeing you burst out into tears, he completely forgot about being embarrassed, he immediately sat up, taking both of your hands into his own, talking calmly, but also sternly, so you would listen to him.
“(Y/N), listen to me, you are not ugly at all. No one should tell you to lose weight unless you want it yourself and being bigger does not make you ugly, nor should it even be something others should talk about, as it is your body. When you showed me your new tattoo the other week, you were so happy, so how can you say that now? You said yourself you felt more pretty with them and you are, you are so pretty with them on your skin. They make you look even more beautiful than you already are. I don’t understand why your parents even do this, but please…don’t think you are ugly, you’re really not. You are the most beautiful girl, from the first day we met, I thought you were amazing. You always such mean things about yourself, but I could think of so, so many other adjectives that I could describe you with, intelligent, loyal, kind, amazing, humorous, ambitious...” he gently wiped away your tears as you tried to control yourself again, when he sat you up as well and made you look up at him, but you were completely in awe at the moment, no one ever told you something like this. “…and so, so beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside… Remember the times I called you behind the school?”, he laughed. Totally stunned, you could only blink and nod, of course you remembered, he would show you a new All Might figurine all the time. To be honest, at first you thought about the chance that he would confess the first time he called you behind the school, but it was just to show you his new item and not be teased about it by the others, so you just never thought of anything else after that.
Izukus cheeks flushed again, but this time not chickening out, he softly pushed a strand behind your ear, looking into your beautiful (e/c) eyes, he whispered, since he was sure his voice would crack if he’d try to say it any louder, “At times like this I always wanted to…to c-confess to you…That I really, really like you, but… when I saw you coming I just felt like running, like how would someone as amazing as you even like me…and…I just always chickened out, so I told you I wanted to show you my new Figurine.” – “W-Wait…what?”, now your voice broke, you couldn’t even believe what he said, but then he cupped your cheeks and said it again, “I’m saying, I tried to confess to you since middle school but I never did it because I am a huge idiot who were to afraid of rejection, but I really need you to know that I’ve liked you for so long… and when high school came around, so much happened, a-and I just didn’t know how to do it anymore… Well, anyways…W-Won’t… you try going out with me, I know I am probably really awkward and there are probably better men out there for you and me being a hero is really stressful and you being in Tokyo to study and-“
Hearing him say all of this made your heart jump and your stomach turn, did your long time crush just tell you he also crushed on you since day 1? You slowly started to realize all of this and by the end he really was just rambling, so you only did the thing that for sure would make him shut up. You kissed him on the corner of his mouth and he instantly stopped, his heart beating like crazy. You smiled at him and for once you felt tears running down your cheek out of happiness when you told him “I’d love to go out with you…”, before burying your face into your hands, leaning gently on his chest you sniffled, “I liked you for so long too… We are both stupid…”.
“(Y/N)… Sorry, that I didn’t realize sooner, but… from now on… I’ll be here for you, I promise!”, he hugged you tightly and swore to himself that he’ll help you with everything that was tormenting you, every time your parents would say something mean, he wanted to tell you otherwise, because to him, you were perfect, ever since kindergarten when you didn’t laugh at him for having no quirk, to middle school when you would defend him in front of some bullies, he found you beautiful and strong. You had perfect imperfections and he could never thank you properly for all the nights you listened to him and his insecurities with his new quirk, you being the only person he ever told about his deepest fears and worries. And now, he would give it all back, even if it would mean stepping up to your parents in the future.
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Baby Jones
Request: Hi! I love the fanfiction you write and I was wondering if you could make one with jellybean almost being raped by nick and The Whole gang support her (btw sorry 4 bad english)
Warnings: sexual assault (Also, lots of pictures and gifs! Sorry!)
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Since moving back to Riverdale, it had been tough trying to make new friends. Normally, you weren’t bothered, as you had Jughead. But Jughead had the Serpents now, which left you alone most of the time. The merge with Riverdale High hadn’t helped. Your brother was now a high profile character. He had the potential to bridge the gap between the north and the south, but so far all he was doing was burning bridges. So I kept my head down. 
Wandering down the quiet hallways of Riverdale High, I stopped to look through the window into the auditorium. Kevin was in there moving props around on the stage while Veronica was standing behind the microphone praciticing a new song. I quietly slipped through the door, but the click of the door closing echoed around the room. Damn acoustics! The singing stopped and Veronica looked towards me, and then smiled. 
“Baby Jones! What are you doing here?” she squealed.
I cringed at the nickname. “Not much, just passing the time. And, please don’t call me Baby Jones, V. I’m 15 years old! Hardly a baby!” 
Veronica giggled, “I’m sorry, JB, I’m sorry. But you know, you’ll always be a baby to Jughead” she teased. 
“I know” I grumbled, crossing my arms in front of me. 
“Hey, what are you up to tonight bab- uh, JB?”
“Nothing, I was just gonna watch Netflix and cook something at home.”
“On your own?” Kevin questioned.
“Well, I mean, yeh. We don’t exactly get much parental supervision and... Jughead’s always at the Wyrm. My dad won’t let me even cross that threshold.”
“That settles it! You’re coming with me to the Pembrooke!” Veronica squealed, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “We will have a girlie sleepover with Betty, and Kevin” Veronica had raised her voice here as Kevin had been about to moan about being left out. 
“Um, sure, that sounds... fun” I conceded. 
“Great! Come to mine at 8pm sharp!” Veronica ordered, pointing her index finger at me. 
“Aye aye, captain” I saluted, before backing down the steps of the stage and retreating through the side door. 
I stood outside the oversized front door of the Pembrooke, my duffel bag over my shoulder containing a change of clothes, an old t-shirt and shorts as Pyjamas, and my wash bag. I craned my neck to look up at the grand building that stood before me, wondering why on earth I had agreed to this. The door opened, and a man in uniform ushered me inside. 
“Right this way, take the elevator to the third floor, and Miss Lodge will meet you up there” he annouced. 
I followed his directions and sure enough, Veronica was there when the elevator doors opened. I looked past her and my jaw dropped when I saw that a series of beds had been set up in her lounge. Veronica took my bag from me and set it down on the ground. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to sit with her on the nearest bed. 
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“The others will be here soon, but I thought it would be fun if we started with makeovers. You can go first, okay?” 
I nodded slowly, and a smile spread across Veronica’s face. “Great! Wait here, I’ll grab my stuff!”
“You know we don’t have the same colouring V” I shouted over my shoulder. A phrase that I had picked up from Cheryl during Vixens tryouts. 
“Oh ye of little faith! I have thought of that annnnd voila!” she had returned with a set of what looked like brand new make up. 
“Veronica, what did you do? Did you buy this just for tonight?” I rolled my eyes are her ridiculousness, but I really did appreciate the effort that she was going to, and I could see that this was making her happy. 
She made me sit with my legs crossed in the centre of the bed and she moved around me, poking and prodding my face with various brushes and implements. When she got the eyelash curlers out I started to panic, but she assured me that they weren’t going to hurt me. 
Soon enough, the elevator doors opened again and a giggling Betty and Kevin tumbled out. However, as soon as they looked over at Veronica, and then to me, their giggles stopped, and I actually heard Keving gasp. 
“Oh. my. god, JB... you look hot!” he exclaimed, “V, you didn’t wait for us?”
“Kevin, you know that makeovers calm me!”
Keving held his hands up in defeat and we all fell about laughing at Veronica’s pouty face. 
After a few hours of dancing around the living room and watching cheesy rom-coms on Netflix, Veronica’s phone lit up with a message. Kevin grabbed at the phone before Veronica could untangle herself from the blankets that they had drapped over themselves. 
“Who is Nick? and why is he inviting you to a party in Riverdale?” he questioned, holding the phone out of Veronica’s reach. 
“Oh nick, he’s just an old friend from New York.” she reached for the phone, falling short, “What’s this party? Kev! Give me my phone!” she playfully slapped his arm and then changed tactics and began tickling him until his arm came down to protect his sides and Veronica grabbed her phone from him. 
“Hey! Not fair!” Kevin grumbled. 
“Who wants to go to a party?” Veronica sang out, wiggling her phone in front of us. 
Betty looked unsure, but after much convincing, she agreed to go. I was less convinced. I was underage for a start, and my brother would flip if he knew that I was partying with the ‘Northsiders’. However, I guess what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, and I don’t have to drink anything when I’m there. So, in the end, I decided to go with them to the Five Seasons, in a dress leant to me by Veronica herself. 
As the hotel door opened, we were greeted by a well-dressed boy who Veronica thre her arms around and introduced to us all as Nick Saint-Clair, her friend from the Big City. We were welcomed inside where I spotted a few other Riverdale High students, including Reggie, Archie, Josie, and Valerie. Archie’s eyes widened when he saw me, and I went to perch on the armrest of the chair he had chosen. 
“What are you doing here? Does Jughead know you’re here?” he questioned. 
“No he doesn’t know I’m here, and you’re not going to tell him.” I glowered. He held his hands up in defence and smiled. “Besides, he’s off with his new friends. He won’t even notice that I’m not at home.” Archie patted my knee and smiled sadly. I knew he missed Jughead. They used to be like brothers, but with the rift between the north and the south growing, their friendship had been torn apart. Being Jughead’s little sister meant that I was somewhat Archie’s little sister too, and I had missed him when I had been in Toledo. Archie stood up and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his middle and leant into him. 
“I missed you when you were gone, you know?” he quietly admitted, “Jughead was miserable without you.”
I pulled away and looked up at him, “I missed you too, and Jughead is still miserable to be around” I joked. 
“Would the lady like a drink?” we were interrupted by out host. 
“Dude, she’s 15″ Archie squared up to Nick. 
“Dude” Nick mimicked, “It’s just orange juice”
I took the cup from him and thanked Nick. I smirked up at Archie, “Some habits never die”
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Despite the dwindling number of guests, the party was in full swing, and I was surprised that no neighbours had complained about the noise. Nick had turned the music all the way up and I could feel the bass vibrating through my bones. My toes were beginning to feel fuzzy and my skin was covered in a thin layer of cold sweat. 
“I’ll be back, I’m going to the bathroom” I shouted into Archie’s ear. He nodded down at me and did a double take. 
“Hey, are you alright JB?” he shouted into my ear. 
“Yeh I’m just a bit warm.” I backed away and turned on my heel to find the bathroom, the sudden motion making my head spin slightly. My arms flew out to catch myself in the doorframe of a large bedroom, and I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. Seeing a light on in the en suite bathroom, I made my way around the bed but stopped when I heard the door close behind me, dampening the noise of the music.
“Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?” It was Nick. 
“Honestly, I feel a little lightheaded. I think I just need some water.” I admitted. 
“Take a seat on the bed, I’ll get you something to drink.” he was walking towards me, and a perched on the edge of the bed. 
He stopped in front of me and put his hands on my cheeks, tilting my face up to look into his eyes. He leant down to kiss me, slowly pushing me back so that I was lying down. His lips tasted horrible, like whisky or something. I tried to push him back but my arms felt to heavy.I could barely lift them off the bed. I shook my head, trying to move so that I could say no or scream for help, but as soon as his lips left mine, his hand clamped down across my mouth, sqeezing my cheeks so hard that I knew I’d have bruises. 
His other hand snaked down my body, heading towards the bottom of my dress. I ried to kick my legs out, but I couldn’t feel anything, they weren’t moving, weren’t co-ordinating with my brain. Panic filled my entire body, and I tried to bite down on Nick’s hand. He slapped my leg when he realised what I was trying to do, and his face came so close to my own that I could smell the alcohol on his breath. 
“If you try anything like that again, you will regret it. I’m doing this for you. I’m so much better for you than that ginger prick out there.” He thought that Archie and I were together? I felt my dress being pushed up my body, I felt the cold air hitting the tops of my thighs. I tried again to wriggle free, to fight him, but my body was not fighting with me. 
Suddenly, the door burst open and stopped what he was doing and looked up, sneering when he saw that it was Archie. 
“What the hell is going on here?” Archie growled, crossing the large room in only a few steps. He punched Nick right in the face, and made sure that he was slumped on the floor before he turned to me. Noticing that I hadn’t moved since he came in, despite the fact that my panties were on show, he panicked. 
“JB are you okay?” I nodde slowly, tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. Archie grabbed a blanket that was folded at the foot of the bed and wrapped it around me, pulling my body into his lap, hugging me against his chest. 
A pair of heels clicked against the wooden floor of the bedroom as Veronica stumbled in laughing with Kevin. The laughing stopped as soon as they took in the scene that lay before them. Veronica ran over to me and Archie, laying one hand on Archie’s shoulder and the other on my arm. 
“What happened?” she whispered softly, fearing that she would somehow spook me. 
“I think he drugged her.” Archie said, jutting his chin out at Nick, who was still slumped on the floor. “When I came in he was... he was standing over her on the bed...”
“I’m calling my dad” Kevin announced, bringing his phone up to his ear. I don’t remember hearing the phone call. Archie was stroking my back, trying to sooth me as I cried, and Veronica was stroking my hair. 
Suddenly there was a commotion on the floor next to the bed, and I tucked myself into Archie’s chest even more, worried that Nick was getting up. 
“It’s okay, don’t worry, I won’t let him get you. Besides, Kevin’s got him pinned down” Archie whispered into my hair. Thank god for Keller’s wrestling moves, I thought. 
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Before I knew it, Sherrif Keller was in the room and Archie was giving his statement while Nick was being escorted out byu a deputy. Archie was still holding me tightly into his chest, throughout the whole statement. He explained how I hadn’t looked very well when I said I was going to find the bathroom, and that he had noticed I had been gone a while and just thought that I was being sick or something when he came to find me. 
The door burst open again, making me jump. 
“Where is she?” It was Jughead, and his voice was frantic. He was out of breath, and soaked from the rain. “Where is she?”
Archie’s arms loosened, and Jughead crossed the room and sat on the bed next to Archie. I crawled into my brothers arms, and clung to his damp t-shirt. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling my knees into my chest and holding me together. He used to hold me like this when we were kids, when our parents were fighitng in the living room. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he questioned frantically. 
I shook my head against his chest, a new wave of tears cascading down my cheeks. Archie explained what happened while Jughead cradled me in his arms. 
After Archie had finished telling the wretched tale, I pulled back to look up into my brother’s eyes. “How did you know something had happened?” I sniffled. 
Jughead opened his mouth to answer, before Betty chimed in from the doorway, “I called him, I hope that’s okay?” I looked over to Betty, and was shocked to see that she was flanked by Toni, Sweetpea, and Fangs. My eyes widened and I looked back at my brother. 
“Serpent’s take care of their own” He mumbled. 
I nodded and tucked myself back into my brother’s arms. 
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brainmassfinance · 3 years
In every profession, there are probably a dozen or two major rules. Knowing them cold is what separates the professional from the amateur. Not knowing them at all? Well, let's put it this way: How safe would you feel if you suddenly found yourself piloting (solo) a Boeing 747 as it were landing on an airstrip? Unless you are a professional pilot, you would probably be frightened out of your wits and would soil your underwear. Hold that thought as you read this essay because I will explain to you how market manipulation works.
In order to successfully speculate, one should presume the following: THE SMALL CAP STOCK MARKETS PRIMARILY EXIST TO FLEECE YOU! I'm talking about Vancouver, Alberta, the Canadian Dealing Network and the US Over-the Counter markets (Pink Sheets, Bulletin Board, etc.). One could also stretch this, with many stocks, to include the world's senior stock markets, including Toronto, New York, NASDAQ, London, etc. The average investor or speculator is not very likely to have much success in the small cap crapshoots. I guess that is what attracted ME to these markets. I have been trying, for quite some time, to answer this question, "How come?" Now, I know. And you should, too!
By the way, the premise of these books is uniformly: "While these speculative companies do not actually make any money, one can profit by speculating in these companies." THAT is the premise on how these markets are run, by both the stock promoters, insiders, brokers, analysts and others in this industry. That logic is flawed in that it presumes "someone else" is going to end up holding the dirty bag. Follow this premise all the way through and you will realize the insane conclusion: For these markets to continue along that route, new suckers have to continue coming into the marketplace. The conclusion is insane in that such mad activity can only be short-lived. I disagree with this premise and propose another solution (see my earlier essay: A Modest Proposal) at the end of this essay.
What the professionals and the securities regulators know and understand, which the rest of us do not, is this.
This should explain why a mining company finds something good and "nothing happens" or the stock goes down. At the same time, for NO apparent reason, a stock suddenly takes off for the sky! On little volume! Someone is manipulating that stock, often with an unfounded rumor.
In order to make these market manipulations work, the professionals assume: (a) The Public is STUPID and (b) The Public will mainly buy at the HIGH and (c) The Public will sell at the LOW. Therefore, as long as the market manipulator can run crowd control, he can be successful.
Let's face it: The reason you speculate in such markets is that you are greedy AND optimistic. You believe in a better tomorrow and NEED to make money quickly. It is this sentiment which is exploited by the market manipulator. He controls YOUR greed and fear about a particular stock. If he wants you to buy, the company's prospects look like the next Microsoft. If the manipulator wants you to desert the sinking ship, he suddenly becomes very guarded in his remarks about the company, isn't around to glowingly answer questions about the company and/or GETS issued very bad news about the company. Which brings us to the next important rule.
Ever wonder why a particular company is made to look like the greatest thing since sliced bread? That sentiment is manufactured.
Newsletter writers are hired -- either secretly or not -- to cheerlead a stock. PR firms are hired and let loose upon an unsuspecting public. Contracts to appear on radio talk shows are signed and implemented. Stockbrokers get "cheap" stock to recommend the company to their "book" (that means YOU, the client in his book). An advertising campaign is rolled out (television ads, newspaper ads, card deck mailings). The company signs up to exhibit at "investment conferences" and "gold shows" (mainly so they can get a little "podium time" to hype you on their stock and tell you how "their company is really different" and "not a stock promotion.") Funny little "hype" messages are posted on Internet newsgroups by the same cast of usual suspects. The more, the merrier. And a little "juice" can go a long way toward running up the stock price.
The HYPE is on. The more clever a stock promoter, the better his knowledge of the advertising business. Little gimmicks like "positioning" are used. Example: Make a completely unknown company look warm and fuzzy and appealing to you by comparing it to a recent success story, Diamond Fields or Bre-X Minerals. That is the POSITIONING gospel, authored by Ries and Trout (famous for "Avis: We Want To Be #1" and "We Try Harder" and other such slogans). These advertising/PR executives must have stumbled onto this formula after losing their shirts speculating in a few Canadian stock promotions! The only reason you have been invited to this seemingly incredible banquet is that YOU are the main course. After the market manipulator has suckered you into "his investment," exchanging HIS paper for YOUR cash, the walls begin to close in on you. Why is that?
Your favorite home-run stock has just stalled or retreated a bit from its high. Suddenly, there is a news VACUUM. Either NO news or BAD rumors. I discovered this with quite a few stocks. I would get LOADS of information and "hot tips." All of a sudden, my pipeline was shut-off. Some companies would even issue a news release CONDEMNING me ("We don't need 'that kind of hype' referring to me!). Cute, huh? When the company wanted fantastic hype circulated hither and yon, there would be someone there to spoon-feed me. The second the distribution phase was DONE....ooops! Sorry, no more news. Or, "I'm sorry. He's not in the office." Or, "He won't be back until Monday."
The really slick market manipulators would even seed the Internet news groups or other journalists to plant negative stories about that company. Or start a propaganda campaign of negative rumors on all available communication vehicles. Even hiring a "contrarian" or "special PR firm" to drive down the price. Even hiring someone to attack the guy who had earlier written glowingly about the company. (This is not a game for the faint-hearted!).
You'll also see the stock drifting endlessly. You may even experience a helpless feeling, as if you were floating in outer space without a lifeline. That is exactly HOW the market manipulator wants you to feel. See Rule Number Five below. He may also be doing this to avoid the severe disappointment of a "dry hole" or a "failed deal." You'll hear that oft-cried refrain, "Oh well, that's the junior minerals exploration business... very risky!" Or the oft-quoted statistic, "Nine out of 10 businesses fail each year and this IS a Venture Capital Startup stock exchange." Don't think it wasn't contrived. If a geologist at a junior mining company wasn't optimistic and rosy in his promise of exploration success, he would be replaced by someone who was! Ditto for the high-tech deal, in a world awash with PhD's.
So, how do you know when you are being taken? Look again at Rule #1. Inside that rule, a few other rules unfold which explain how a stock price is manipulated.
When there was less volume, the price was lower. Professionals were accumulating. After the price runs, the volume increases. The professionals bought low and sold high. The amateurs bought high (and will soon enough sell low). In older books about market manipulation and stock promotion, which I've recently studied, the markup price referred to THREE times higher than the floor. The floor is the launchpad for the stock. For example, if one looks at the stock price and finds a steady flatline on the stock's chart of around 10 cents, then that range is the FLOOR.
Basically, the markup phase can go as high as the market manipulator is capable of taking it. From my observations, a good markup should be able to run about five to ten times higher than the floor, with six to seven being common. The market manipulator will do everything in his power to keep you OUT OF THE STOCK until the share price has been marked up by at least two-three times, sometimes resorting to "shaking you out" until after he has accumulated enough shares. Once the markup has begun, the stock chart will show you one or more spikes in the volume -- all at much higher prices (marked up by the manipulator, of course). That is DISTRIBUTION and nothing else.
Example: Look at Software Control Systems (Alberta:XVN), in which I purchased shares after it had been marked up five times. There were eight days of 500,000 (plus) shares trading hands, with one day of 750,000 shares trading hands. Market manipulator(s) dumping shares into the volume at higher prices. WHENEVER you see HUGE volume after the stock has risen on a 75 degree angle, the distribution phase has started and you are likely to be buying in -- at or near the stock's peak price.
Example: Look at Diamond Fields (TSE FR), which never increased at a 75 degree angle and did not have abnormal volume spikes, yet in less than two years ran from C$4 to C$160/share.
Example: Look at Bre-X Minerals (Alberta:BXM), which did not experience its first 75 degree angle, with huge volume until July 14th, 1995. The next two trading days, BXM went down and stayed around C$12/share for two weeks. The volume had been 60% higher nearly a month earlier, with only a slight price increase. Each high volume and spectacular increase in BXM's share price was met with a price retreat and leveling off. "Suddenly," BXM wasn't trading at C$2/share; it was at C$170/share.... up 8500% in less than a year!
In both of the above cases, major Canadian newspapers ran extremely negative stories about both companies, at one time or another. In each instance, just before another share price run up, retail investors fled the stock! Just before both began yet another run up! Successful short-term speculators generally exit any stock run up when the volume soars; amateurs get greedy and buy at those points.
Just as the manipulator will use every available means to invite you to "the party," he will savagely and brutally drive you away from "his stock" when he has fleeced you. The first falsehood you assume is that the stock promoter WANTS you to make a bundle by investing in his company. So begins a string of lies that run for as long as your stomach can take it.
You will get the first clue that "you have been had" when the stock stalls at the higher level. Somehow, it ran out of steam and you are not sure why. Well, it ran out of steam because the market manipulator stopped running it up. It's over inflated and he can't convince more people to buy. The volume dries up while the share price seems to stall. LOOK AT THE TRADING VOLUME, NOT THE SHARE PRICE! When earlier, there may have been 500,000 shares trading each day for eight out of 12 trading days (as in the case of Software Control Systems), now the volume has slipped to 100,000 shares (or so) daily. There are some buyers there, enough for the manipulator to continue dumping his paper, but only so long as he can enlist one or more individuals/services to bang his drum.
He may continue feeding the promo guys a string of "promises" and "good news down the road." (Believe me, this HAS happened to me!) But, when the news finally arrives, the stock price goes THUD! This is entirely orchestrated by a market manipulator. You'll see it in the trading volume, most of which is CONTRIVED. A market manipulator will have various brokers buying and selling the stock to give the APPEARANCE of increasing volume and price so that YOU do start chasing it higher.
At some point during the stall stage, investors get fed up with the non-performance of the stock. It drifts for a while, in a steady retreat, with perhaps a short-lived spike in price and volume (the final signal that the manipulator has finally offloaded ALL of his paper). Then, the stock comes tumbling down -- having lost ALL of the earlier share appreciation.
Sometimes, with the more cruel manipulators, they will throw in a little false hope... giving you a little more rope so they can better hang you. Just after a severe drop, there will be a "bottom fishing" announcement which sends the share price up a bit on high volume, rises a little more after that and then continues to drift. Meanwhile, you keep getting "shaken out" through a cruel drip-drip water torture of the share price's slow retreat. Again, virtually every movement is completely orchestrated.
Like Jesse Livermore wrote, "If there's some easy money lying around, no one is going to force it into your pocket." The same concept can be more clearly understood by watching the tape. When a market manipulator wants you into his stock, you will hear LOUD noises of stock promotion and hype. If you are "in the loop," you will be bombarded from many directions. Similarly, if he wants you out of the stock, then there will be orchestrated rumors being circulated, rapid-fired at you again from many directions. Just as good news may come to you in waves, so will bad news.
You will see evidence of a VERY sharp drop in the share price with HUGE volume. That is you and your buddies running for the exits. If the deal is really for real, the market manipulator wants to get ALL OF YOUR SHARES or as many as he can... and at the lowest price he can. Whereas before, he wanted you IN his market, so he could dump his shares to you at a higher price, NOW when he sees that this deal IS for real, he wants to pay as little as possible for those same shares... YOUR shares which he wants to you part with, as quickly as possible.
The market manipulator will shake you out by DRIVING the price as low as he can. Just as in the "accumulation" stage, he wants to keep everything as quiet as possible so he can snap up as many of the shares for himself, he will NOW turn down, or even turn off, the volume so he can repeat the accumulation phase.
In the mining business, there seems to always be another "area play" around the corner. Just as Voisey's Bay drifted into oblivion, during the fourth quarter of 1995 and early into 1996, the same Voisey Bay "wannabees" began striking deals in Indonesia. Some even used new corporate entities. Same crooks, different shingles. The accumulation phase was TOP SECRET. The noise level was deadingly silent. As soon as the insiders accumulated all their shares, they let YOU in on the secret.
Twenty-twenty hindsight will often show you that there was a "little stumble" in the share price, just as the "assays were delayed" or the "deal didn't go through." Manipulators were peeling off their paper to START the downslide. And ACCELERATE it. The quick slide down makes it improbable for your getting out at more than what you originally paid for the stock... and gives you a better reason for holding onto it "a little longer" in case the price rebounds. Then, the drifting stage begins and fear takes over. And unless you have serves of steel and can afford to wait out the manipulator, you will more than likely end up selling out at a cheap price.
For the insider, marketmaker or underwriter is obliged to buy back all of your paper in order to keep his company alive and maintain control of it. The less he has to pay for your paper, the lower his cost will be to commence his stock promotion again... at some future date. Even if his company has no prospects AT ALL, his "shell" of a company has some value (only in that others might want to use that structure so they can run their own stock promotion). So, the manipulator WILL buy back his paper. He just wants to make sure that he pays as little for those shares as possible.
Placing a Market Order or Pre-Market Order is an amateur's mistake, typifying the US investor -- one who assumes that thinly traded issues are the same as blue chip stocks, to which they are accustomed. A market manipulator (traders included here) can jack up the share price during your market order and bring you back a confirmation at some preposterous level. The Market Manipulator will use the "tape" against you. He will keep buying up his own paper to keep you reaching for a higher price. He will get in line ahead of you to buy all the shares at the current price and force you to pay MORE for those shares. He will tease you and MAKE you reach for the higher price so you "won't miss out." Miss out on what? Getting your head chopped off, that's what!
One can avoid market manipulation by not buying during the huge price spikes and abnormal trading volumes, also known as chasing the stock to a higher price.
During the run up, you WILL have a rush of greed which compels you to run into the stock. During the collapse, you WILL have a fear that you will lose everything... so you will rush to exit. See how simple it is and how clear a bell it strikes? Don't think this formula isn't tattooed inside the mind of every manipulator. The market manipulator will play you on the way up and play you on the way down. If he does it very well, he will make it look like someone else's fault that you lost money! Promise to fill up your wallet? You'll rush into the stock. Scare you into losing every penny you have in that stock? You'll run away screaming with horror! And vow to NEVER, ever speculate in such stocks again. But many of you still do.... The manipulator even knows how to bring you back for yet another play.
What actors! No wonder Vancouver is sometimes called "Hollywood North."
The Financial Markets are a Cruel, Unkind and Dangerous Playing Field, one place where the newest amateurs are generally fleeced the most brutally.... usually by those who KNOW the above rules.
Just as I have a duty to ensure that each of you understand how this game is played, YOU now have that same duty to guarantee that your fellow speculator understands these rules. Just as I would be a criminal for not making this data known to you, YOU would be just as criminal to keep it a secret. There will always be an unsuspecting, trusting fool whom the rabid dogs will tear to shreds, but it does NOT have to be this way.
IF every reader made this essay broadly known to his friends, acquaintances and family, and they passed it on to their friends, word of mouth could cause many of these market manipulators to pause. IF this effort were done strenuously by many, then perhaps the financial markets could weed out the crooked manipulators and the promoters could bring us more legitimate plays.
The stock markets are a financing tool. The companies BORROW money from you, when you invest or speculate in their companies. They want their share price going higher so they can finance their deal with less dilution of their shares... if they are good guys. But, how would you feel about a friend or family member who kept borrowing money from you and never repaid it? That would be theft, plain and simple. So, a market manipulator is STEALING your money. Don't let him do it anymore. Insist that the company in which you invest be honest or straight... or find another company in which to speculate. Your money talks in LOUDER volumes than any stock promotion scheme. ALWAYS refuse any deal which smells wrong.
Refuse to tolerate the scams prevalent in the financial markets. This can ONLY be accomplished by KNOWING and USING the above rules. Thoroughly COMPLETE your due diligence on a company before risking a dime. Dig up the Insider Reports to find out who is blowing out their paper, how often they are blowing out their paper and whatever happened to their "last play."
Begin to use this as YOUR rule of thumb: If the insider's paper is really worthless, then avoid it. Find another's whose paper DOES hold promise and honest possibilities. In these small cap stock markets, you are investing more in the INDIVIDUAL behind the play, than the "possibility" of the play itself. Ask yourself before speculating: Could I lend this person $5,000 for a year and hope to get it back? If not, then don't! Do it for your own good and the good of everyone else who is so foolish as to speculate in these financial markets!
The truly sane and only somewhat safe solution to all of this: FIND GOOD COMPANIES IN WHICH TO SPECULATE AND GET INTO THEM AT THE GROUND FLOOR LEVEL. Anything else is criminal or stupid. This is a case where there really isn't a gray area. It's either Black or it's White. The company and its management are scamsters or they really intend to bring value to their shareholders.
- Financial spread betting..
0 notes
A Second Bite of the Apple
So this is an AU idea I’ve been playing with for months and I’m super excited that I actually have some of it written down now! I’m using this piece as kind of a backstory for the challenge I am presenting myself this year - to write one 100 word drabble for every day of the year (at least).  If you’d like to follow these they will all be tagged “A Second Bite at the Apple”.
I will still be posting other 100 word stories set in a more cannon timeline, but a lot of the 365 Day prompts are more modern so here’s my version of a college AU to make my life easier. I’m super excited with how this turned out so I hope somebody enjoys it! (Lol, also look, I can write more than 100 words at a time, who knew?)
One moment he was there, holding her upright as black edged her vision from the blood loss, and the next moment he was gone and there was a flash of heat and fire as he attacked someone – Bradley – and suddenly the black in her vision didn’t matter so much anymore.
She watched in horror as he skidded across the floor on his back and his hands were skewered, held in place against the floor by Bradley’s swords. They were talking about forcing him to open the gate somehow. She didn’t know enough about alchemy to know if they could do that, but it still caused her heart to race, which in her current condition made brilliant, disorienting spots bloom in her vision.
There was a flash of light and she heard his scream. Over the roar and crackle of alchemy she cried out for him, her voice weak but she hoped he would hear it anyway.
When the light faded he was gone, and in his place was a grotesque creature of black tendrils and bulging eyeballs.
She doesn’t remember too much after that, Scar going after Bradley, Selim smiling smugly. She let her vision fade in and out as she focused on breathing and calming her racing heart. He had disappeared, but he would come back, and when he did, he would need her. She knew that, and she knew that she would need to be ready to fight.
But then the light in the room went weird, all purple and black, and she fell to her knees with her hands on her throat as all the air seemed to leave the room.
They had failed, she thought as the world faded to black.              
It had started when she was young. The dreams of another life that felt so real she knew they had to be more than just dreams. The first one she remembers was when she was three. Her mother had been home sick with the flu and she had run to her, tears streaming down her face after a dream full of wet, hacking coughs and a limp hand hanging out from under familiar bedsheets. Her mother had assured her it was just a dream, nothing to worry about.
But two years later her mother had passed away and the funeral had brought on a dream of a different funeral for her mother in a very different town and a very different time. She had decided then that these couldn’t be just dreams, but learned quickly that her father didn’t care and she should just keep these thoughts to herself.
It wasn’t until she met Jean when she was 11 that she found out for sure that these dreams weren’t just dreams. When his sky blue eyes had first met her deep mahogany ones, her mind had been filled with images of the smiling face of a young adult with messy blond hair dressed in navy blue with silver trim and her chest filled with a warm sense of familiarity. She had whispered his name then, and he had nodded dumbly, looking as shell shocked as she felt. He told her that he knew he sounded crazy, but he felt he knew her from a previous life, and she admitted she felt the same. The pair had been inseparable ever since. 
Jean wasn’t the only one of her friends from a past life that she had found.
She had broken down in tears on her first day of her sophomore year in high school because the curly-haired new girl who was sitting on her desk brought up images of a smiling face and made her feel like she was wrapped in a hug she had sorely needed. Rebecca Catalina had always been good at dramatic entrances and apparently not even a lifetime could change that.
Kain Fuery almost fainted when he wandered into the coffeeshop one cold October morning and found all three of them huddled around a table in the corner.
So now there were four. But they all knew that there should be more. They were still haunted by dreams of long corridors, dark blue uniforms, and the occasional flash of a bright red coat and a gleaming silver suit of armor.
Sometimes something would trigger a flashback during the day, and they would find each other staring off into space for a moment or two, looking lost. Sometimes the flashbacks mostly made sense, like watching a scene from a movie you’ve seen before, but mostly they came in disjointed flashes of colors, sounds, smells, and emotions.
Jean was sure that these flashbacks were coming to them, bringing them together, for a reason. They just didn’t know what that reason was yet. So in the meantime they spent time trying to piece together their own backstories, and the parallels were kind of uncanny.
In the past, Riza’s parents had both died before she was 18, and the same held true for this life. Though, in the past she had gone off to military school and in this time, she had been taken in by Jean’s family, who owned a small local food mart. Rebecca had been raised by a single mother in both timelines, and Kain had a relatively sheltered life with his only siblings being the family dogs.
But from the time Riza was 11, not long after she met Jean, she had started dreaming about a boy. His face was fuzzy, as they all were in the flashbacks before they had found the person in this timeline, but he had a killer smirk and messy, jet black hair. As she grew older he became more and more present in her dreams. Sitting behind thick books marked with strange symbols at a kitchen table, carrying grocery bags along a dirt road, dancing with his back to a bonfire at a harvest festival. When her father had died she had dreamed of him dressed in the navy blue uniform they had come to figure out was the military uniform of whatever country they had been living in. Her heart had ached after that one, and she knew something must have happened in the past at that point that made him important to her and she wouldn’t find out what it was until she found him.
“Come on, Ri, cheer up. You’ve got to at least be a little excited to be here, right?” Jean jostled her shoulder as she leaned against the railing, looking out at the back half of campus and the rolling fields beyond.
“Yeah,” She smiled at him, though it was tired, “I just thought…”
“I know,” He sighed, “We’ll find him, Ri, I promise.”
She nodded in agreement.
Jean’s phone rang in his pocket and he answered it.
“Hey Becs,”
Rebecca, she should have known. Jean and Rebecca had started dating at the beginning of the summer and were always calling and texting during the rare occasions they weren’t together. Riza tuned the conversation out.
Hearing voices, Riza turned to see who it could be. Classes wouldn’t start until tomorrow morning and the blazing summer sun kept most people indoors as much as possible, Riza hadn’t really been expecting to see anyone out today as she and Jean scouted the locations of tomorrow’s classes. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw a messy mop of black hair over the edge of the nearby stairway railing. Her heart began to race and she stepped towards the person – people, there were two of them – that were coming up the staircase.
He turned, and as his dark blue-black eyes met her mahogany ones, the images that filled her head became overwhelming and she fell to her knees on the pavement.
She was dimly aware of Jean calling her name, his hands on her shoulders shaking her but she was lost in the flashbacks. It was him, suddenly the faceless boy she had been dreaming of for seven years had a face and a name. Images flashed in her mind, he was there through her early adolescence, smiling and laughing. There at her father’s funeral, speaking about dreams for a better future. There in a desert she didn’t quite recognize but felt a twist of pain she would figure out later.
And then the images faded and he was still there, standing in front of her. Leaning on the hand rail at the top of the staircase, a dark haired, bespectacled friend looking concerned at him as he continued to stare at her.
“Riza,” Jean shook her again, “Riza are you ok?”
Jean’s face, full of concern, eclipsed her view of him then.
“Roy,” She whispered, not quite trusting her voice as she could feel tears slipping down her cheeks, “It’s him, Jean, we found him.”
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echodrops · 7 years
Home and a Half Bios: Niresh
And last up, Niresh!
This bio contains a slight spoiler for Niresh’s backstory that will become relevant in Home and a Half, but no spoilers for the plot itself.
Name: Niresh Kul Thaun
Age: 9.5 (Galra years)/7 (Earth years)
Birthday: 12th of Vril, E11296 (Galra cal.)/July 1st (Earth cal.)
Height: 112 ri/40 inches
Weight: 19.8 vit/95 lbs
Species: Galra (Although Niresh’s family line does include some non-Galra, hybridization in the Thaun and Qotar families was kept to a minimum, and Niresh passes for full Galra to most eyes. The transparent fur is a rare birth defect, not a sign of mixed ancestry.)
Family Story: Niresh’s mother was Intelligence Officer Opporsa Vekshar Thaun, who, until the birth of her children, was the sole remaining heir to the ancient Thaun family, a clan that has persisted since Daibazaal’s medieval period. Staunch and upright, Opporsa was the picture of an heiress: meticulous, aware of her prestige, and, to those outside her social circle, cold and haughty. Appearances are everything to many old families, and Opporsa was extremely competent not only in her military duties (which did, on occasion, include torturing prisoners for information), but also in her manners and conduct. Still… Appearances are only skin-deep, and among her own loved ones, Opporsa was a very different person. Warm, generous, and fiercely protective, she was an attentive mother to Niresh and, surprisingly, a dear comrade to Ulzrani—although they rubbed each other wrong for months before they started to see eye to eye.
Niresh’s father, Chief Engineering Officer Kahzul Vulis Qotar, was so different from Opporsa that learning they were mates generally put people into fits of laughter. Easy-going and laid-back to a fault, Kahzul’s lackadaisical style and attitude led many people to believe he and Opporsa were a “Lady and the Tramp” pair, but this was actually inaccurate. Kahzul’s line, the Qotar, were an equally old and well-established Galra family, barely below the Thaun in terms of power and influence. Far less concerned with appearances and stately behavior, Kahzul’s roguish looks were tempered by his enduring kindness, and Niresh’s memories of him will be forever dominated by his patient teaching, soft nuzzles, and silly space animal impressions.  
Like Opporsa, Kahzul was the heir apparent to his line, and indeed their initial meeting and courtship was arranged by their parents. One of the extremely rare cases in which arranged marriages find a perfect match, Kahzul and Opporsa were delighted upon meeting and fell deeply in love. Normally members of such prominent families would merit more prestigious placements in the Galra military, but in the case of young couples, transfers out to bases less scrutinized by Command are sometimes approved with a “look the other way” attitude from the empire’s higher-ups, particularly when families have the means to line many pockets. Niresh’s parents were the only formally bonded pair of Galra on the Pishkos base, a bond which survived even the deaths of their first son and later Niresh’s fraternal twin, both of whom suffered the same birth defects Niresh barely survived.
Appearance: Born severely premature and under-weight, Niresh is extremely slight of stature (both in terms of height and general body type) and will remain so forever. Although Kahzul and Opporsa’s desperate dedication ensured Niresh’s survival and later development into a (mostly) physically healthy child, Niresh will never put on the heavy musculature and bone structure of normal Galra. Nevertheless, a powerful will to live and consistent physical training since infancy mean those bird-thin arms and spindly legs only look fragile—Niresh is twice as fast as Dulsara and even more lithe. From narrow-crested head to dainty taloned-toes, delicate is the first (if not exactly accurate) word that springs to mind while trying to describe Niresh, and although she will never admit it, Dulsara is deeply jealous of her friend’s delicate, elegant facial features, perfectly normal-looking (that is, triangular and not flappy) Galra ears, and short, manageable fur. Although Niresh’s skin is an unremarkable shade of purple, at least when compared to other Galra, having transparent fur severely amplifies the risk of sunburn—on top of being a permanent visible indicator of sickliness. Niresh’s skin is patched with very small white spots (the equivalent of freckles), which is not uncommon for Southern (furred) Galra, but typically goes unnoticed beneath their coats.
Strengths/Skills: Despite a wary disposition around strangers, in other matters Niresh is exceedingly inquisitive, with a nigh unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a penchant for wandering off after exciting things. Not content to let an opportunity to understand or grasp something new pass by, Niresh will often relentlessly seek knowledge even where the other Galra children hesitate, and asks questions most would never think of. This adaptability to new experiences is what prompted the initial contact with Keith, and what will eventually help Niresh become a talented intelligence agent, like Opporsa. Outsiders to the team are apt to mistake frequent flat expressions and shrinking posture for signs of timidity, but they’re really a sign of fiercely careful physical management: Niresh is reserved and watchful, but not shy. Unlike Dulsara and Xerci, who take hands-on approaches to the universe and everything in it, Niresh prefers to observe first and participate second, carefully cataloging and breaking situations down from the background before making any final moves. Thoughtful, calculating, and possessed of an excellent memory, Niresh speaks softly but sees much.
Nevertheless, this almost scientific curiosity and shrewdness should not be taken as indicators of a lack of compassion or self-expression; among friends, Niresh is sweet-hearted and quick to forgive, attentive to the needs of others, and easily pleased. Likely as a result of the intense care and skinship needed to survive the birth defects (as well as Kahzul and Opporsa’s somewhat smothering love after the fact), Niresh is used to consistent physical contact, and actively seeks and gives cuddles more often than even Xerci, at least with a trusted few people.
While Dulsara will eventually grow into an all-out bruiser, Niresh’s slight physical frame is always going to be particularly well-suited to missions requiring both stealth and delicacy, where even one tick might be the difference between success and failure. Coupled with extra frameworks in both engineering and xenobiology from Kahzul, Niresh’s well-rounded skillset shines with quick wit, a calm, level head, and a big heart.
Takes secret-keeping to a science.
Weaknesses: Niresh’s interest in shiny, new things and penchant for chasing off after them without warning causes panic on a relatively regular basis and puts the members of Team Voltron on edge—a comfortable Niresh is a wandering Niresh, and even Allura has been spooked by opening doors to find a Galra where she least expected. More prone to introspection than the other children, Niresh sometimes gets deeply lost in thought, even at highly inconvenient—or flat-out perilous—times. Cute, fuzzy creatures are a serious weakness, and Niresh’s safety has more than once been threatened by aliens using adorable looks to lure in prey. Despite becoming relatively healthy, at least compared to those first few touch-and-go years, Niresh’s immune system remains severely compromised and prone to illnesses other Galra children could easily shrug off.
Although Dulsara’s in-your-face stubbornness and Xerci’s wobbly-lipped obstinance attract more attention, Niresh is (quietly) just as stubborn and just as liable to ignore direct orders, with an added edge that neither Dulsara nor Xerci have: when pushed too hard, Niresh will lash out not with words but with physical violence, even against much bigger and stronger opponents. Like a coiled snake, a very silent, very still Niresh is not a sign of obedience—it’s a sign of danger.
Even so, Niresh is still a child who is extremely conscious of appearance, highly sensitive to insults, and badly in need of adult guidance. Niresh’s ability to compartmentalize better than the other children often fools people into believing things are going much better than they are emotionally; Keith is still not really aware of just how much trust was placed in him when Niresh chose to come to him in tears.
Is bitterly jealous of Dulsara, for many reasons.
Favorites: - Food: Although all Hunk’s creations are interesting and yummy, Niresh’s favorite food is and will always be Syunghi fruit, a type of reddish-white fruit similar in flavor to the lychee of Earth. Syunghi is rare and expensive, even for the upper-echelons of Galra society, and Niresh only got to try it once, when Opporsa received a handful of the fruits as a present from Niresh’s grandparents. It made a lasting impression and produced a permanent longing.
- Color: Navy blue
- Smell: Subtle floral scents. Lance’s body washes and hair products are overwhelming, but soft notes from mildly fragrant flowers are calming and pleasant. Small flowers like the Baby’s Breath of Earth work nicely.  
- Animal: Like Kahzul, the self-professed “universal encyclopedia of space creatures big and small,” Niresh is fascinated by all animals, feeling a childish, unmarred sense of wonder upon discovering each new species—a wonder that can even overcome years of empire indoctrination about the uncleanliness or worthlessness of many a “lower” lifeform. Would turn the Castleship into an ark if Allura would allow it. Sometimes mistakes sentient beings for animals and attempts to adopt them. Although Niresh is open to learning about many kinds of animals, the cuter and fuzzier it is, the better: Niresh actually happy-cried for an hour after discovering the Earth “bunny rabbit.”
- Voltron Lion: Niresh prefers the Green Lion, relating well to its inquisitive nature, smaller stature, and even its ability to blend in and go unnoticed. Yet the Green Lion’s role in battle—as the shield of Voltron—is not unfamiliar to Niresh either, who (despite being younger than Dulsara and less out-going than Xerci) somehow often ends up smoothing the way for the others in emotionally fraught situations.
- Pastime: Niresh lacks Dulsara’s copious energy to burn, but nevertheless enjoys action and freedom. Perhaps because of Kahzul and Opporsa’s fierce dedication to a health regime that could safely build up their sickly child’s body, Niresh developed a fondness for long hikes and jogs, particularly outdoors where strange new plants and beings could be encountered around every corner. There’s nothing more soothing than a long run with the sun on your back and the wind in your fur.
- Place in the Castle of Lions: The research labs when Hunk and/or Pidge are present. Although Niresh keeps hidden (so well sometimes that Pidge and Hunk don’t even notice they’re being watched), observing engineering has been a long ingrained and calming habit. Kahzul used to love to explain every step of what he was working on with Niresh, something that Hunk has taken to doing too, anytime he notices and can tempt their eavesdropper out of the shadows. Niresh loves to watch Pidge make modifications to the Green Lion, fascinated by how something that is so “alive” can be made up of so many metal parts.
Dislikes: - Being snuck up on. Just don’t do it if you value your skin.
- Being made fun of or teased, especially based on appearance. Dulsara knows this and uses insults like weapons when she gets worked up.
- Being alone for any extended period of time. Niresh can be stealthy and competent while solo, but is not made for truly solitary work in the long term.
- Being harassed by Xerci, particularly because Dulsara has a bad habit of ignoring him and leaving all the actual work there to Niresh.
- Being cooped up in one place or inside for too long.
- Keith’s repeated vehement insistence that they cannot get a Yuppy. Lance has a Kaltenecker, why can’t they have a Yuppy??
- Getting sick, particularly because Dulsara and Xerci never do.
Weirdest trait: Niresh has no discernible sense of humor, at least as far as anyone on Team Voltron can tell. While Dulsara and Xerci will laugh at Lance and Coran’s jokes (sometimes because of their sheer stupidity, but still), even after many months have passed, no one has been able to determine any real pattern to what will make Niresh laugh. Sometimes completely random things that no one else finds amusing at all will put Niresh into uncontrollable fits of giggles; other times the entire team will be in stitches while Niresh just stands there, blinking coolly. Pidge has tried to science it out, but even the best algorithms have failed to make any accurate predictions. The way Niresh’s amusement works is and will always be a perfect mystery, even to the other Galra children.
Just for fun: - Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
- DnD class: Rogue
- Favorite Disney movie: It used to be Bambi until the one horrible occasion Hunk forgot to fast forward through the traumatic death of Bambi’s mother, permanently ruining Niresh’s ability to enjoy the frolicking of the cute woodland creatures. Now Niresh prefers Frozen, although Lance is still careful to fast forward through the deaths of Elsa and Anna’s parents every time. (Hunk has had remote privileges revoked.)
- Earth Horoscope/Chinese Zodiac signs: Cancer, Wood Sheep
- Lucky number: 2
- Best Earth school subject: Calculus
- Earth Spirit Animal: Ermine
- MBTI personality type: INFJ – The Advocate
- A virtue and a vice: Temperance and Envy
- K-Pop Image Song: LAST DANCE - BIGBANG
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Appearing before The Dramacourt: Just Between Lovers Eps 11 and 12
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether Ma Ri’s story is compelling.
Whether Kang Doo’s strength is admirable.
Whether Kang Doo’s condition is more serious than we initially thought.
Whether Kang Doo set the “boyfriend” bar very high.
The Rule(s):
Very much.
It seems like it is.
Very, very high.
RedRosette J: So as predicted, this week was an emotional punching bag. Going from extreme sadness in one episode to extreme happiness in the next. Episode 11 was extremely difficult to watch. At least for me it was. I had to pause it several times to take a breath and wipe away tears. Junho was amazing as the heartbroken Kang Doo saying goodbye to Grandma. It felt so real, so raw and the hurt was everywhere. I can’t think of anyone watching this who wouldn’t want to hug and console Kang Doo. Junho was so awesome that you didn’t need subtitles to understand Kang Doo’s pain (I was impatient so I watched it RAW). 5 stars to Junho!
Again, in these episodes the construction drama took a backseat as episode 11 dealt with Grandma’s death and immediate aftermath and showed our beloved characters mourning the death of their friend. Episode 12 switched gears as Kang Doo finally made the choice to be happy and live his life like Grandma wanted with Moon Soo. *insert endless cuteness*
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OMG how sad is this?
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Nooooo Grandma!!!!
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Poor Kang Doo
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Even in grief, things have to get done
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A very Grandma-like wake
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All he needs is a hug honestly
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Making deals on Grandma’s behalf like…
Throughout episode 11, Kang Doo struggles to reconcile his current way of life with what he wants for his life, all the while mourning Grandma’s death. Moon Soo gives him the space he needs to mourn Grandma, but all the while lingering in his vicinity to let him know that she’s there and that she’s not going anywhere. She’s honestly one of the better written female leads in a kdrama. She knows how he feels about her despite his attempts to push her away and even though it hurts, she knows not to take it seriously. Like when he uses Kang Han Na’s character to upset her, she knows he’s doing it to upset her. Moon Soo, too, intentionally flusters him by getting all up in his face because she knows the effect that she has on him and that he can’t keep pushing her away for much longer. Anyone looking at Kang Doo’s face can tell that he’s literally using all his resolve to stay away from her.
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She knows how flustered he’s going to get LOL
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Smart girl Moon Soo
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Everyone knows he was trying to make her jealous 
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This is literally the one time she didn’t look like a total psycho
I also appreciated that Moon Soo’s circumstances at her work reflected a very real problem that women face in the workplace. If there is a situation where there may be a romantic entanglement in the workplace, it inevitably comes back onto the woman. The CEO having a crush on her ended up being more difficult for her because her co-workers started blaming her for getting assignments because she was having a fling with the boss. I love that Moon Soo stood up for her self when the Team Leader was passive-aggressively dropping hints that she seduced the Boss for her benefit. This type of work place harassment is not okay and good on Moon Soo for shutting that down! I just wish that the CEO guy could get his shit together and be a better boss and avoiding putting his employees in situations like this.
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Setting things straight
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Shutting down passive aggressive co-workers like…
The Director also got a good (and well deserved) kick in the ass when Ma Ri (I had to look up Noona’s name) shut his horrible attitude towards people down. I’m sorry but he needs to learn to respect people. Just because he’s the director of a large corporation doesn’t mean that he gets to stomp around and be mean to everyone. Him being an ass about Grandma was more than Ma Ri could take. Her shutting him down had a much bigger impact on him than Kang Han Na’s character saying the same to him earlier on in the episode. Regardless of who you are, the dead should be respected.
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Nah fam….that’s not right
One thing that really resonated with me was when Kang Doo brings Sang Man with him when he goes off to pay the last of his debt. This gesture that means so much. Sang Man is essentially Kang Doo’s best friend and bringing Sang Man along to his most triumphant moment is a celebration (which probably explains the suit) and I totally understand wanting to do it with the person who’s seen you struggle through it all. And for Kang Doo that is definitely Sang Man. In more ways, Sang Man has been a constant in Kang Doo’s life with his unwavering, nonjudgmental friendship and I completely understand Kang Doo being grateful for it. Good and true friends are hard to come by and Kang Doo got really lucky with Sang Man.
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Eating with your bestie is the best thing ever!
Issue 1: Whether Ma Ri’s story is compelling.
RedRosette J: Ma Ri’s (Noona) story is very compelling. Tbh, I didn’t expect them to go this route with her story of how she met Kang Doo, but I like that they did because it raises interesting views about both her and Kang Doo. Domestic abuse is a horrifying reality for some women and the fact that bystanders judge and don’t intervene as it is happening is even more horrifying. The fact that Kang Doo tried to save Ma Ri from this horrible situation is why she has so much respect for him and why they are so close. I also love that Ma Ri is able to laugh about it now because it shows how far she’s come and how strong she’s become. She’s now this powerful woman who essentially controls rich men and is never going to let any man control her again. Her past experiences also explain why she’s so hesitant to date someone now. It provides more context for her previous conversations with Grandma about dating someone. I admire what Ma Ri has managed to build for herself even though the rest of society continues to judge her for it. This drama is excellent at showing us character growth and depth.
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Hearing truths like…
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This is horrible
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Seriously awful
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Kang Doo to the rescue!
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Bravest boy ever!
Issue 2: Whether Kang Doo’s strength is admirable.
RedRosette J: I think that Kang Doo’s strength and character actually makes him much more impressive than CEO Boss in so many ways. Not only has he survived such a traumatic experience and come out of it (mostly) well, he is also someone who goes out of his way to help and be there for the people he cares about. He gives his everything to the people he cares about. The fact that little Kang Doo intervened to save Ma Ri from her abusive ex-boyfriend speaks volumes about his character which sets him apart from the average person. He stands up for what is right and never lets his “disability” with his leg overcome him. With Grandma he fought to the very end to help her live and with Moon Soo, now, he’s trying to do everything he can to make her happy. That is really admirable. He’s selfless in a way that is so simple and he makes it seem so effortless. This kind of inner strength is really admirable and I think he’s the better man!
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This hurt to watch
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I was crying right there with him
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It gets better Kang Doo…
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Time heals all wounds
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Finally rescued
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When you finally pay off your debts
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When the roles are reversed
Issue 3: Whether Kang Doo’s condition is more serious than we initially thought.
RedRosette J: I’m still really hoping that Jae Young discovers that those pills are vitamins and not actually painkillers! We discovered that the other guy had actually been dead for days next to Kang Doo in the building collapse. We don’t know whether he died after having the conversation with Kang Doo or whether Kang Doo imagined the whole thing. What we do know is that it had a profound impact on him to he point where he has hallucinations of this guy in his life now. I’m hoping that Kang Doo realizing that there was nothing he could do to save the guy will help him overcome the guilt that he lives with. Either that or the poor boy needs some real therapy. I really hope that the drama doesn’t go all gloom and doom and do something drastic like give Kang Doo a terminal illness or kill him off (DO NOT DO THAT. DO YOU HEAR ME? DO NOT!!) but at this point, things aren’t looking so bright on the health front for Kang Doo.
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Get her those pills Moon Soo!
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Hawwwt!!! ❤
Issue 4: Whether Kang Doo set the “boyfriend” bar very high.
RedRosette J: My favourite, favourite moment of this entire drama is when Kang Doo grabs onto Moon Soo’s hand and tell her that if she doesn’t walk away then, he’s not going to let go of her! *OMG SWOON* Let me just say, Kang Doo in boyfriend mode is the best version of Kang Doo. I LOVE the way he stares at Moon Soo like she’s his whole universe, goes out of his way to do things for her, and tries to be better for her. He took the bar to another level when he literally scaled her building to bring her ice cream when she was sick! It’s official. Nothing short of this is going to count anymore. And that kiss. Smooth boy, real smooth. I love the two of them being cute together and I really really hope we get more of it before the annoying construction drama starts piling on.
RedRosette J Aside: Here’s a montage of these two being cute.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 5 = KYAH! ❤ (As much as I cried in episode 11, episode 12 made me feel warm and fuzzy and everything about these episodes were amazing! I have no complaints!)
File No: Just-Between-Lovers-EPS-11-&-12 Appearing before The Dramacourt: Just Between Lovers Eps 11 and 12 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read 
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: My Golden Life, Bad Thief  Good Thief  & Man Who Sets The Table
***Note: If this is your first time browsing the Drama Files, please read The Rules on how our Email Style Quick Reviews work.***
Dear Reader,
I am writing this quick review for the following weekend family dramas: My Golden Life, Bad Thief  Good Thief and Man Who Sets The Table. I am recommending these dramas for the following reasons:
(1) The plots are (horrifyingly) awesome. Not unlike most makjang dramas, the plots of these three shows are predictable, sometimes sloppily written, and even a bit disjointed but at the same time they are awesomely crazy and draw drama-hungry viewers in.
a) My Golden Life – This drama is a switched at birth plot line. Shin Hye Sun’s character Seo Ji An goes from rags to riches over night. The whole drama is about Seo Ji An’s journey of discovering who she is. I’m just not totally ecstatic about Park Shi Hoo playing the male lead.
b) Bad Thief Good Thief – This one is a switched at ‘childhood’ drama but for very complex political reasons. The main character Jang Dol Mok played by Ji Hyun Woo gets switched or taken in by his father’s friend when his father gets murdered by some seriously evil people and grows up not knowing this truth. I didn’t really care to deal with this political plot line so I skipped most of it. It is almost done airing and is great if you’re into lots of melodrama and constant crying. The drama also spans several years so there is a lot of off-screen plot development. Personally, I’m just in it for Seohyun and Ji Hyun Woo’s childhood sweethearts love line.
c) Man Who Sets The Table –  This is about two contrasting families: one where the dad is super controlling and the other a blended family which is very accepting and warm. I particularly liked how this drama handled issues of sexuality (unlike some other dramas recently *cough* Age of Youth 2 *cough*) and blended families.
Extremely supportive siblings!
(2) The characters are not all totally 2D. Okay well take this with a grain of salt please because they are after all weekend makjang dramas and so most of the characters are 2D.
a) My Golden Life – As far as character development goes, I think this drama is the best of the three. Shin Hye Sun does an amazing job as the poor job seeker Seo Ji An finding out that she is actually the daughter of a chaebol family. The rest of the characters are a bit meghh: the mom is too whiny, the dad is too whiny, the older brother is too perfect, the “twin” sister is too much of the standard loopy sister, the male lead tries too hard to be funny, and the 2nd lead (Lee Tae Hwan) is basically playing the same character from his previous weekender. I did really like the younger brother character played by Shin Hyun Soo though because he seemed a bit more nuanced and well written.
The whole gang
Thoughtful maknae
Dem rich chaebol parents
b) Bad Thief Good Thief  – Uhh….All the characters are pretty much straight outta ye olde makjang. There’s nothing really special about any of them that stand out. Again. I re-iterate that I am only watching this for the childhood sweetheart love line.
These two are just super cute!
c) Man Who Sets The Table – The only characters that I am totally invested in here are Sooyoung’s character Lee Ru Ri’s brother’s wife and mother in law. OMG these two are an absolute hoot as the wife who is starved of her husband’s affections played by Seo Hyo Rim and the crass mother in law with no filter played by Kim Soo Mi! I’m telling you now that I started watching this drama as an experiment because I was bored on the weekend and I stayed for these two. I also really liked the male lead’s (On Joo Wan) half brother character played by Song Kang who is going through gender identity issues and the supportive step-sister played by cutie Kim Ji Young. I’m interested to see how his choice of gender identity will play out.
Actual representation of what I think a Mother-in-Law with no filter looks like
Love-starved wifey 
RedRosette J Aside: Here’s some more shots of the cray mother in law because she is da actual bomb!
(3) The love-lines are totally predictable – As with any makjang drama, the love-lines are totally predictable and if you’ve seen a few, you can see the plot holes coming from a mile away.
a) My Golden Life – TBH, I’m not sold on this love line. To be fair, it has only been 6 episodes so far, but whatever interaction the two characters have had have shown zero romantic chemistry. Nor has there been chemistry between Seo Ji An and the second lead. At this point, I’m not invested in the love lines at all and I don’t care even if they scrap them completely. I’m just in it for Seo Ji An’s personal growth and to watch her navigate the boundaries of a rich/poor, dual social existence.
Nope. Don’t care.
b) Bad Thief Good Thief  – Again. Just in it for the childhood sweethearts. Don’t really care about the other love lines which barely exist anyway.
c) Man Who Sets The Table – I don’t care at all about Sooyoung and On Joo Wan’s love line. They seem to have little chemistry and every interaction feels like forced awkward comedy. I also absolutely detest the best friend character played by Lee Se Young. Yes. We get it. You were on SNL Korea, so can you stop making everything so slapstick? But I do care about the Sooyoung’s brother character played by Park Jin Woo learning to love his adorably childish wife. What can I say? I’m rooting for the two most extreme opposite characters to actually fall in love. So cute.
Sorry but this feels so forced
The only thing that makes this work is the sunset
Ugh. No. 
Dude. She’s really cute. Just fall in love with her already.
(4) They have some seriously Makjang moments. Arguably the entire plot is a makjang drama, but there have been some special moments in these dramas that took makjang to another level!
a) My Golden Life – For me, the most makjang moment was when the birth mom confronted the adoptive mom about stealing her baby and it was like this whole dramatic situation with the adoptive mom screaming and the birth mom yelling and things got pretty makjang.
A Tale of Two Moms
b) Bad Thief Good Thief  – This ENTIRE drama is makjang. Seriously. There hasn’t been a single moment that hasn’t been makjang. From birth fathers being murdered to adoptive fathers being framed for crimes and sent to prison, to brothers losing touch, to secret rich grandmothers, to psychotic second female leads, to discovering that the birth mother is alive and carrying out her own revenge plan to OMG the list is endless….
I think she has crazy eyes
c) Man Who Sets The Table – There were really two instances where stuff got really makjang. The first was when Tae Yang’s (On Joo Wan) stepfather’s psycho mom showed up (after having killed her oldest son) and asked him to be a part of her family like nothing was wrong and to ditch his existing wife and kids. WTF. The second makjang moment was when Ru Ri’s (Sooyoung) married brother discovered that his ex-girlfriend may or may not have had his baby and has now abandoned said child on his proverbial doorstep! *GASP*
When your psycho Mom threatens your family
Who’s kid is this anyway?
(5) The OSTs…..are OSTs.  For all of them, the OSTs are pretty much average OSTs…nothing special. Nothing really stands out to me.
(6) The cinematography is….nice.  Again, there’s not much that you can expect from a weekend family drama. Man Who Sets The Table did have some episodes set in Guam though, so that was nice, but other than that….its just really obvious drama sets and streets. Nothing fabulous.
(7) The dramas are of no intellectual value. Perhaps this is what drew me to watch these dramas. I wanted to turn my brain off and watch some fun stuff for the heck of it. If you’re in it to watch some serious shit about something, these dramas aren’t for you. With the exception of Man Who Sets The Table which seems to be a commentary on families and social perception, but even that is reaching and you have to actually pay real attention for that.
While it may seem like I am criticizing the above dramas, the critique is actually positive because it is the very fact that they are standard family dramas that makes you want to watch them. At the end of the dramas you just know that there is going to be warm and fuzzy feels all around.
So, if you are feeling up to following a 50 episode weekend drama,  based on the above reasons I recommend these dramas to you! Enjoy!
RedRosette J.
  Re: Weekend Family Dramas (My Golden Life, Bad Thief Good Thief & Man Who Sets The Table) Appearing before the Dramacourt: My Golden Life, Bad Thief  Good Thief  & Man Who Sets The Table…
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