#and then i dropped it for the pen vs pencil whatever
vanellopes-mun · 3 months
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Concept art colors thing.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? I like most of my clothes
Do your parents smoke? no
Do you live close to a park? forest
Is your favourite animal endangered? raccoons aren’t but elephants are :(
How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? 6 
What language do you think you’d fail at? french and asian ones
Do you still have a landline phone at your house? but we don’t use it
Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? nope
Where is your mother right now? in the living room with my dad
What was the last thing to make you smile? not sure what was last
What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? omg don’t feed my paranoia :o
Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? nah
Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? they give as much as they need 
What are some positive things, realizations or habits that came out of quarantine for you? long story, it’s complicated
How do you feel about people who are “workaholics”? Would you consider yourself one?  I don’t like them, most of them only care about money and not at all about health or loved ones, I’m not ambitious or a workaholic
What could you spend less money on? trinkets
How would you describe yourself as a friend? What value would you say you bring to your friends? it’s up for them to say/judge
In psychology they say that our romantic relationships are an extension of our relationships with our parents, and that we tend to choose our partners based on whatever was lacking in our childhood, or that we are attracted to traumas and sufferings that are familiar to us rather than the unknown. Can you relate to this? umm...
Can you tell when you are not well-liked? What do you do when you feel someone is not particularly fond of you?  I’m not surprised, I’m used to the fact ppl don’t like me that I assume they don’t until they tell me, repeteadly, that they actually do (which rarely happens and doesn’t last long), I avoid/ignore those who hate me most
How would you say your preference in movies or TV shows changed from when you were a teenager vs. now? used to watch only movies for kids at first
Apart from price and location, what are some deciding factors when choosing a house for you? smell, bath and balcony mostly
What emotion is the hardest for you to express?  how grateful I am if that counts - when it comes to gifts and/or compliments etc.
How do you feel about job interviews? Are you good at negotiation? I do well but I still don’t get a job because of lack of experience; I only failed one interview in my life but I didn’t even want to work there, UP sent me to call center and boss asked me questions about the job I was going to get but they didn’t tell me what it’s about so I didn’t know much and I was in my snow boots (as it was winter) to my elegant clothes so I looked dumb and I forgot that I can’t leave the building on my own as they had special card keys and I tried to open door like crazy until someone saved me - that was awkward...
How many cars have you ever owned? 0
Can you do math in your head well? I need my fingers
What’s your least favorite chore to do around the house? laundry and cooking, not that I like chores in general haha 
What’s your favorite flavor of potato chip? salt, also liked becon in the past
Do you ever read the weather forecast? pfft 
Do amusement park rides make you sick? I worry they would so I don’t risk it
Have you ever cheated on a test? in high school, especially math, elseway I would fail 
Is your next birthday coming up soon? next year
Do you have any bumper stickers on your car? I’d buy some if I had a car but I don’t drive
Do you leave good tips when you eat out at restaurants? I don’t tip, why? we don’t tip postmen and/or nurses etc.
What’s your favorite thing to eat at bbqs? not a BBQ food person
Do you still own any VHS tapes? we still keep ‘em
How many jobs have you had? I tried some jobs but never really had one
If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it? no thx
How many friends do you have that are married? from all of my ex best friends only Ula, Sandra and John are married, Dorota was already divorced when I met her 
Did you have a swing set in your yard when you were a child? didn’t trash it, used it this summer
You’re making a fruit salad: what kinds of fruit do you put in it? I don’t eat fruit salads
Do you prefer to drink from glasses or mugs? mugs, glasses are dangerous, I remember them breaking from heat like they were exploding or smth - scary
Is it weird to hear your name in movies or TV shows? it is, when an evil or stupid character has my name it makes me mad
What kind of kid were you when you were seven? very good student, angel, clumsy, naive, wearing “ugly clothes”, the only girl with long hair at the point, petite, wanted other kids to like me so I tried to impress them (but didn’t blindly followed everything they were doing though), not as shy as my mom tought, didn’t know how to tell jokes, still happy but slowly becoming depressed due to family issues, bullying, money and health problems
Is there a subject you know so much about that you’d be able to teach it? sigh... Where did you purchase the computer you’re using right now? Media markt  Do you think it’s fair to compare Family Guy to The Simpsons? The Simpsons are better, I dislike Family Guy, wasn’t there an episode where they mixed both of those shows?...
Do you have pockets in anything you are wearing currently? I do not usually
How loudly can you burp? I’m more of a quiet burp/fart person
How many different letters are in your full name? 12
Do you like making bets? occasionally
Have you ever had a ‘falling’ dream? I don’t wake up, I just fall and crash on the floor then I lay there and it hurts
Do you do anything weird in your sleep? possibly
How long are your fingers? my longest finger is 7 cm and my shortest is 4 cm
Do you like bumper cars? whatever
What color is the book nearest to you? dark colors - black, purple, red, grey...
Can you lick your elbow? I can
How old were you when you said your first word? ask my parents
Can you sit the way people sit when they meditate? yep
Do you like the autumn? if it’s not too cold and snowy
Would you rather have a hippo or rhino dropped on you? doesn’t matter but at this point in 2020 I can expect that to happen
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Have you ever cried in front of a teacher? in elementary, in high school I cried but she didn’t notice as I tried to hide that - it was one of two moments through all high school that I cried - to było wtedy kiedy Pepe zabrał mój temat na maturę, na który przygotowywałam się od 5 lat i dostałam w zamian jakieś gówno, a drugi raz płakałam bo musiałam zapłacić za brak biletu w autobusie mimo, że go miałam tylko legitymacja szkolna nie była podbita bo akurat wówczas byłam w szpitalu i nikt mnie nie powiadomił, że powinnam to nadrobić i strasznie się zmartwiłam, że nie mam kasy i staram się jak mogę, a i tak coś zawsze się spierdoli (bo czemu ludzie sobie jeżdżą bez biletu serio cały czas, a mimo to “złapali” akurat mnie?), jeszcze musiałam pojechać przystanek dalej przez to jak mnie spisywali i prawie spóźniłam się na zajęcia :(
Have you ever cried BECAUSE of a teacher? who haven’t? srsly
Do you do a :) or a (:? :) (: is creepy
Are paper clips fun to play with? meh
Do you prefer mechanical pencils or regular pencils? regular
Is your alarm clock set right now? good idea :o
Are you itchy right now? slightly which is normal to me
Do you have anything on your wrists? not right now
Why are you so awesome? :) I’m not...
so how are you today? I thought I will feel worse before going to hospital so won’t complain
when was the last time you had a cup of tea? long time ago
who’s the most recent person on your Facebook feed? (if you have it) my annoying sister >.<
when (if ever) was the last time you saw that person? week ago
how do you feel about wolves? great animals
do you use pinterest? started new account this month
should you be doing something else right now? packing but whenever I pick up one thing to put into the bag I get a panic attack
bye :) bye...
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 03
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Disc 3: Beloved Enemy - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
The title of this disc is so alarming, but it’s actually the first disc out of the ones I have listened to that doesn’t title drop in the text. The plot is still not going off the rails. In this: long conversations about porn, chips vs flips,  some good old L and Light first meeting (devoid of tennis) and..... Light being a nightmare retail customer who needs to speak to the manager.
We’re at To-Oh entrance exams. The teacher gives lengthy exam instructions, very teacher-typical. He also explains how big and important To-Oh is, because a German listener will naturally not necessarily be aware of that. The exam starts. The door opens.
TEACHER: You’re late, Mr...
LIGHT: Yagami. Light Yagami. I always get nervous if I have to wait too long.
TEACHER: You should still come earlier as to not bother the others. Please sit.
RYUK: Oh, he doesn’t like you, Light. Your cool attitude apparently--
Light coughs loudly. 
RYUK: Calm now. Nobody here can see or hear me. So here’s where the elite fights to get into University? All those freshly-scrubbed students with their freshly scrubbed brains... Oh, somebody is running even later.
TEACHER: What’s up with you millenials? As if there was nobody else in the world. And where’s your shoes? 
L: Bare feet help me think. 
TEACHER: It’s January. Aren’t you cold?
L: No.
TEACHER: You can sit here, next to the other one who was late. Mr...?
L: Erm, Ryuga. Hideki Ryuga. 
TEACHER: Really? That’s your name?
L: Yeah. 
TEACHER: Like the actor?
L: Yeah.
L: Is there anything wrong with that?
TEACHER: Well, good luck, Mr. Ryuga.
RYUK: That’s not his name, Light. That’s not his name. He’s lying. 
LIGHT: I’m trying to focus here.
RYUK: I’ll bet. But I’ve got the eyes of a shinigami. And I know who that guy is. I can tell you, you’ve got a fan. A big fan. He pretends to study the task at hand, but he’s watching you. Like he’s been watching you for weeks. Don’t turn around now, but sitting behind you... is L.
Soichiro and L are watching Light. Soichiro insists Light is gonna study, but L points out that Light is about to leave the house. They notice the piece of paper that Light uses to check people coming into his room. Soichiro justifies it as “He’s a teen. And his sister always steals his pens”. 
Ryuk and Light on the street. Light explains to Ryuk that someone was in his room, based on the door handle trick from the manga. They took out the more complicated pencil lead check. Light coerces Ryuk into looking for cameras the same way as in the manga. 
Light returns home. We’re back with the surveillance team.
L: Now let’s see what your son is going to do with the rest of his evening. Camera 3. 
SOICHIRO: The exams are only a week away. He’s going to study until he falls asleep.
L: Weeell, you could put it that way.
SOICHIRO: Good lord. 
L: Is “Skimpy Cousins” on the curriculum this year?
SOICHIRO: My son of all people...
L (amused): It looks like a pile of books for studying... and with a very wide definition, that’s true.... Mandatory material, so to say. Camera 7, zoom in just a little... I’d like to read the titles. “Minxes in Uniforms”...
SOICHIRO: What we’re doing here isn’t right.
L: We’re looking for a killer. He’s looking at dirty booklets.
SOICHIRO: I’m just saying, watching this... is wrong.
L: If we witness it coming to a murder, it’ll be worth it. Though ‘coming’ might be the wrong term here. 
SOICHIRO: You’re enjoying this...
L: Not as much as he is, apparently. Or are we just supposed to think so?
L launches into his whole thing about how Light almost seems to just immediately want to point out what it is that he’s hiding. Soichiro is pissed. “You wanted evidence? There’s your evidence. My son likes to look at naked girls. Not quite a crime.” He’s very insistent that this is prove of Light’s innocence...
Ryuk chatters while he looks for cameras. He doesn’t get why human men love ‘the female form’. Women in the shinigami realm don’t even always have skin. Ryuk personally is very very into teeth on demon ladies. 
L and Soichiro are still arguing about the surveillance. L asks Soichiro if he’s told his family about the investigation, Soichiro denies and points out ruefully that he hasn’t been home a lot lately. L is like “Well, at least  every passing moment without your son doing voodoo magic or summoning the devil or whatever brings us closer to taking him off our list”.
Ryuk found a lot of cameras and explains that to Light.
A lengthy Sakura TV feature about a resident from an Australian village named ‘good old Tommy Smith’ dying. He left a goodbye message and shot himself. 
STORE CLERK: Can I help you? 
LIGHT: Yes, I’d like to buy a portable TV. A small one.
STORE CLERK: Oh, alright. How small?
LIGHT: Small enough to fit into your pocket.
CLERK: Oh, you want a pocket TV? 
LIGHT: Exactly. The smaller the better.
CLERK: Oh, alright, good... Maybe you’d be better off looking on the ground floor.
LIGHT: Where they sell the cell phones?
CLERK: Yes. Practically every smartphone can stream TV nowadays.
LIGHT (in annoyed sing-song): But I don’t want a smartphone. I want a TV.
CLERK: Yes, okay, fine! Of course. I’m just saying. If you want a screen that fits into your pocket, then usually--
LIGHT: I said it before. I don’t want a cell phone. I also don’t want to use the internet. I don’t want to stream. I don’t want a two-way data transfer. 
CLERK: But--
LIGHT: I want a device that’s constructed to receive and display a TV signal. And I want this device to be small.
CLERK: Alright, I’ll just the manager real quick. 
A continuation of the Tommy Smith report. After his death it turned out he was a killer who was now in witness protection. People from the village get interviewed. Tommy Smith was a perfectly fine citizen to them.
MANAGER: Hello, sir. I’ve heard you’re looking for a portable TV?
LIGHT: That’s correct.
MANAGER: Did Gina tell you about our offers in regards to smartphones?
LIGHT: I don’t want one. Do you have portable TVs or not? 
MANAGER: You’re actually serious. 
LIGHT: The customer is always right, isn’t that so?
MANAGER: Well, we haven’t sold something like that in years. And even second-hand, you’ll probably be out of luck. An analogue terrestric signal hasn’t been broadcasted in forever. That means that everything that was produced ca. 2002 is only a useless pile of metal today. But wait... we still sell pro monitors! It’s what directors use to see what the camera is filming.
LIGHT: And those can receive TV signal?
MANAGER: Sure. But it really won’t be cheap.
LIGHT (sighs): I’ll pay in cash.
Muffled TV noises with cheesy lines.
SACHIKO: Sayu dear, do we really have to watch this during dinner?
SAYU: He’ll say it now! 
LIGHT: Who’s saying what? 
SAYU: He’s been taking his time for ten episodes now! 
SACHIKO: But you can record it and watch it later...
SAYU: Can not! I need to send my tweet right when he says it! Exactly in that moment! 
LIGHT: In what moment?
HIDEKI RYUGA (muffled from TV): I love you. 
Sayu gasping frantically.
SAYU: Yes! Yes! Oooooh my god. Oh my god! He said it! He told her! Hideki Ryuga is such a dream...
SACHIKO: And here I thought the guy was playing for the other team...
SAYU: Why can’t my school have men like you, Hideki? 
SACHIKO: Sayu, now come and eat your dinner.
SAYU: But mom...
The dinner conversation plays muffled. A phone rings. L picks up.
L: Matsuda, what’s up?
MATSUDA: Absolutely incredible. Hideki just confessed his feelings to Miko. 
L (through grit teeth): In the Kitamura household...
MATSUDA: They’re all watching channel 4. The whole family is parked on the couch in front of the TV.
Since everyone is watching the same channel, they’re broadcasting their fake message about 1500 agents being on the Kira task force now. Light calls them idiots for announcing this on the media. He also calls out that it’s an exaggeration by the police rather than true news. And he then takes chips and goes up to study.
Ryuk explains some more about the cameras, that there are 64 and they cover every inch of the room. 
SOICHIRO: What is he doing?
L: Studying. XXL party bag of chips, but... he’s studying.
SOICHIRO: This is exactly what we call a negative positive.
L: What do you mean, chief inspector?
SOICHIRO: We get a ton of equipment just to find out my son is doing.. nothing. 
L: We still don’t know how Kira gets his victims into his scope.
SOICHIRO: But we can strongly suspect Kira isn’t doing so by reading books and eating flips.
L: Chips.
SOICHIRO: They are flips.
L: Chips is the genus.
They are interrupted by another task force member (Matsuda?), mad about them wasting time watching Light doing nothing. 
Light and Ryuk go out to the park, so that Ryuk can eat an apple. Light explains that nobody else likes Barbecue taste in this family (they kept the flavor change from the VIZ translation) and thus he can hide the TV in his flips bag. When Ryuk calls it a chips bag, Light actively corrects that it’s flips. Seems to run in the family.
L is woken up because Ukita is calling on the phone about new murders that weren’t reported on while none of the suspects could have seen the news. L is suspicious that the family is cleared right on the first day of surveillance. Soichiro is annoyed.
The trash gets taken out and Ryuk points out how expensive the TV was, just like in the manga. Ryuk calls it a chips bag again and Light corrects to ‘flips bag’ again. 
A news report about Misa’s stalker dying. Misa herself is on air, recounting the event and claiming that Kira protected her like a guardian angel. 
Paula Virilio calling L. She’s at a poolside because the FBI stint got her suspended. She wants L to rethink his illegal surveillance plans, since he might otherwise end up like her. L tells her the cameras were already removed. L briefly speculates that Kira might actually be God, then immediately gets rid of the thought. It’s the same as the thoughts he has as an internal monologue in the manga. Virilio says that once Light’s innocence is proven, he’ll be a totally normal college student again, and that gives L an idea....
SOMEONE: You want to do what?
L: The entrance exams for college are next week. I’ll participate in them and naturally pass and thus go to college with Light Yagami. Look at him up-close, in person.
Agents laughing.
MATSUDA: L, come on, it’s not that easy. 
SOMEONE: Light does his entrance exams at To-Oh. That’s basically the best in the country.
MATSUDA: The average exam-taker passes at fourth try only. Those kids prepare for years.
L: Yagami seems pretty confident...
SOMEONE: He passed the test exams as the best. He’s the cleverest guy in the whole country. 
L: Out of the known guys. 
More laughter.
MATSUDA: Seriously now. You want to come in there, basically from the streets, and beat Japan’s best?
L: Hmm, yes.
MATSUDA: I’ll tell the others. We’ll open a betting pool. 
L: No, we’re not telling anyone. We’re just doing it. 
MATSUDA: Just... doing it?
L: Yeah, we’ll register and all. I’ll write the tests. 
MATSUDA: Okay, but you’ll have to give them a name.
L: Then let’s give them a name.
MATSUDA: Which name?
L: Just come up with something. Anything.
[ Side note but I have no idea if all of the Matsuda speech here is Matsuda, men’s voices are killing me. ]
L approaches Light at college and Light is annoyed, until L introduces himself as L. L is being a huge brat in this scene as well (”Oh come on, Light. You’re cleverer than you let on. Or at least I hoped so.”). Light lets on that he knows Kira needs a name, L points out that they haven’t released that info. Light justifies it by it being obvious because L is using a fake name.
L says Light could help with the investigation and invites Light to coffee. (He’s paying!)
Soichiro and Kitamura are talking. Kitamura is noticing that he’s being watched and confronts Soichiro about it. (”Since Christmas, there’s been a few too many gas leaks in our street... or electric workers... even Jehova’s Witnesses have suddenly risen from their graves. I think if I was a criminal, I’d suspect someone is looking for excuses to snoop through my house. And then I think... No. Because last time I checked my business card, it said goddamn general inspector top honcho of the whole national police department! ”)
Light is hiding out in the café bathroom, having his little speech about L challenging him and him taking the challenge of them playing friends. (”Alright, L. You wanna be my buddy? Chill out with me? Let’s do it. Let’s see who breaks first.”) He’s far less angry than he is in the manga in this scene.
Ukita and Matsuda are supervising the scene from outside the café and L is bugged, too.
L tells Light he suspects him of being Kira. The L and Light dialogues in this episode are largely fairly close to the manga without too many amusing quips or interesting new bits. 
Soichiro and Kitamura keep arguing about the necessity of surveillance. Soichiro discloses that his son is a main suspect. 
SOICHIRO: The team is currently out trying to cross my son of the list once and for all.
KITAMURA: How can they do so?
SOICHIRO: Face to face.
KITAMURA: Isn’t that dangerous?
SOICHIRO: Mortally so.
KITAMURA: What exactly are they doing?
SOICHIRO: They’re probably having  coffee together. 
KITAMURA: Hah. Well that’s at least some not totally wasted working hours.
SOICHIRO: If you have a better idea, just come right out with it!
KITAMURA: How about this? Catch me a killer. 
SOICHIRO (tense): I’m sorry it’s not going fast enough for you.
L shows Light the ‘L did you know’ message. Now (unlike at first mention), they point out the coded nature of the messages. L also gives out the faked ‘and they have red hands’ message addition. 
Kitamura is still pissed about the Kira investigation not going anywhere and how it impacts his reputation. Soichiro gets extremely angry that they don’t have enough men and that just getting paid some more doesn’t solve the problem. 
SOICHIRO: Can you even imagine the pressure these men are under? Men with families? With children? I don’t think you can! If this was a flu epidemic, you’d mobilize the army. But sadly it’s just a row of unexplained heart attacks. So I’m left with just half a dozen men. 
KITAMURA: I gave you a cheque book with endless credit, Yagami.
SOICHIRO: Money doesn’t solve the problem, sir. The men think my task force is a suicide mission!
KITAMURA: Maybe that’s what it is, Yagami. But if we admit the full truth, we’ll have a nationwide panic.
SOICHIRO: We’re doing all we can. Everything. We’re following every hint. This criminal is smarter than any we’ve met before. He’s invisible! And kills from a distance! So... yes. I will bug your home, if it brings us even a centimeter closer to the truth. I can’t remember when I last slept. I haven’t shaved in days. And I go home and face my little boy, my firstborn, with all his potential.... his charm... his mother’s eyes... and grades most parents can only dream of... And I have to pretend... I have to... ghhgg. Uughh... [having heart attack noises]
Light says he wants his dad to prove L’s identity as L to him before he joins the investigation. Then both of them get the phone call that Soichiro is in the hospital. 
In the hospital. Soichiro’s gonna be fine, hurray. It was just stress. L lets Soichiro know that Light is gonna join the team now despite still being a suspect. That’s all the content in this conversation, everything else from the manga is cut. Soichiro asks L to watch over Light and L is like ‘yeah, I won’t take my eyes off him’.
Light immediately calls that out when they’re out of the room. (”Is that supposed to be funny?”). L and Light part ways outside the hospital, promising to find Kira together.
L’s car leaves, Ryuk points out that Light is playing with fire. Light ends the episode with the words “The game has begun.”
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38sr · 6 years
Cintiq VS iPad (9.7 inch)
So it’s been almost a week since I bought myself an iPad and I figured, why not make a post comparing both my Cintiq and new iPad? I always get asked about what tablets I work with and which is better etc etc etc. Now, these aren’t the only options in terms of buying a drawing tablet. In fact, I’ve bought and used tablets under $100 when I first started digital art (in ye old middle school days). The real goal is to find what works for you and for me these two tablets are what suit my tastes and needs. And more importantly, having expensive tools doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll make you draw better. You need to draw more and experiment a lot in order for your drawing to improve.
With that, let’s get into it.
Cintiq 13HD (No-Touch) Price: $900
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So, I’ve actually had my Cintiq for almost 2 years now (received in 2016) and it was Christmas present that took 2 years prior to that to happen (part of it was constantly bombarding my parents with how much I need it and saving up the money). There are 2 versions of this tablet: No-Touch and Touch. Personally, I like to place my hand on whatever surface I’m drawing or writing on. I couldn’t tell you why, I just do it. I know some people can write without doing that and it feels weird for me to try and do that. I need to have my hand on the surface to feel out the motions I guess. So, I opted to buy the No-Touch version, which only responds to my stylus pen and nothing else. 
If you’re an artist that loves drawing on surface and feels like they can execute better with drawing on-screen, then this tablet is for you. I’ve used tablets that aren’t on-screen drawing types and let me tell you, it’s a hassle to draw like that. Now, there are plenty of great digital artists who use these types of tablets and can make beautiful art, you go and props to you. But personally, again, I need to be able to draw on the surface to really feel what I’m making.
Great for stationery studio work that requires more hours for completion
Pen pressure sensitivity is great 
Little to no lagging while drawing
Can use as a second screen display (wanna watch Hulu while drawing? Now you can! )
Stylus pen has little button that’s really helpful for changing colors without having to the color wheel to eye dropper tool, just click and go
Compatible with both Macs and PCs
Comes with driver updates once installed so you don’t have to go the website and all that
Don’t have to charge any battery of sorts, it’s simply a second monitor screen
Comes with extra pen nibs, pen case and tablet stand
Not portable and needs to be connected to a desktop of laptop in order to draw
May need an adapter for the port since some computers don’t all have HMDI ports yet (mine doesn’t and I needed an adapter)
Cables can get wonky if you continuously unplug and re-plug from moving to different locations, hence why it’s best for you to have a stationery studio to leave the Cintiq to preserve the cables better
Monitor screen slightly washes out colors, so make sure to look at the illustration on your main screen to check if your colors are okay.
Mini Express-Key pad is difficult to use (it’s customizable but you’re better off just using your hotkeys in my opinion)
Tablet stand isn’t the best, too much pressure can make it fall (but for the most part it does the job)
Expensive (current listing now is $800 after 2 years)
iPad (9.7 inch)  & Apple Pencil Price: $530
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Let me start off saying that I actually bought the iPad and Apple Pencil together on sale. This price doesn’t include any accessories like a tablet case and pen case. I’m saving up to buy those things later, but for right now I only paid for the tablet and pen. In addition, the Apple Pencil I bought was also refurbished so it was $10 less that original price ($99). 
My iPad Specs
9.7 inch
No cellular
Rose Gold version
1 year warantee
I already own an iPhone so I don’t have a need to call or text people on my iPad. The reason I bought this was so that I’m able to draw on the go more or less. I don’t need cellular to draw on the go. Also, the 9.7 inch iPad has 2 versions: 32GB or 128GB. If you want more space, then you have to pay an extra $100 (which I did cause I’m gonna be drawing and CLIP files can get pretty big).
In reality, had I bought this tablet and Apple Pencil together when it initially came out, I would have paid $700-$800 dollars. That’s like buying a Cintiq but for a smaller screen. So, I waited until prices dropped over time and tried out my friends’ iPads just to get comfortable before I bought mine. I suggest doing this if you want an iPad but not sure if you want to make that jump yet. It took me 3-4 months to save up for this purchase (cause I had a job in my school and started doing commissions, so I was able to save money faster than I did 2 years ago)
Portable and easy to store in your bookbag as long as you have a case
Practically no lagging when it comes to drawing 
Pen pressure sensitivity is great (like too great, it can go so light that it beats out Cintiq pen pressure sensitivity)
Just like an iPhone, can switch between horizontal and vertical views so you can choose which is comfortable
Extremely lightweight
Colors are great and not washed out
AIRDROP IS GODSENT (wanna finish that sketch you made earlier? AirDrop it to your Mac and finish it on your Cintiq)
Long battery life (I’ve only charged it once so far)
Apple Pencil also has long battery life
Apple Pencil is bluetooth so it connects once you set it up the first time
Rose gold is a cute color
More affordable
Apple Pencil needs to be charged and doesn’t have a way of showing when it’s at 100% (gotta hope for the best honestly, but on your iPad it’ll tell you when your Pencil is at 5%)
When needed, it takes almost a day to fully charge iPad
Not suited for work that requires a lot of time, so it’s more of a sketchbook if anything else
If you choose to not have cellular, you can’t really use any apps that require Wi-Fi 
Don’t have hotkeys for my drawing program, it’s pretty much manual
Touch sensitive to both Apple Pencil and hands, so yeah it’s a bit of hassle when drawing and my resting palm makes unnecessary marks
So that’s pretty much all I have to say about both tablets in regards to pros and cons. Of course, these aren’t only tablets you can use if you want to do digital drawing. I’m just simply sharing my experiences and thoughts on these particular tablets since I use them. Now, Cintiqs are studio standard equipment (if you wanna work in animation that is) so that’s really the reason why I own one (since I am an animator). I bought the iPad cause I dislike not being able to digitally draw anywhere outside of my room (which is my studio). Or when I go for meetings with my clients for freelance projects and having to use a napkin for drawing. It’s more or less a sketchbook for me. But I do highly recommend the iPad for it’s price since it’s almost $300 less than the smallest Cintiq (which is the 13HD). Also, you can still use your favorite drawing programs (except for SAI I think) and it doesn’t feel any different. 
Hope this post was helpful to someone! 
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blogdeanfullerton · 4 years
Week 2
This week was focused on the aspect of relearning how to draw. The idea behind this being that learning to draw like professionals will allow one to create sketch books that convey information clearly to people how may look into them and lock the ideas in ones head for the future more clearly.
Pens Vs Pencils 
Pencils are very versatile things they are often created from wood and have lead or charcoal as their core, they are used wildly fro art and for writing. The use of writing with a pencil is more commonly used in Primary schools which then leads to writing in pen in High school to using a keyboard for higher education degrees. The act of using a pencil for sketching into a book has a few advantages and disadvantages which can be seen in the image below which was sourced from wowpencils.com.
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It can be seen that pencils have a good amount of advantages and disadvantages. The main thing that they have as an advantage is that they can be erased but as can be seen above also leads to a disadvantage which is, if you know you can erase then you are less careful and have no confidence in drawing straight lines and draw more hesitantly, pencils can also break, they help deforestation for wood and the lead or charcoal can smudge in sketchbooks.   
Pens on the other hand also have a good amount of disadvantages and advantages. They are the choice that most Ux designers tend to opt for due to the quality and confidence it creates when sketching for clients. This does not mean that they can not age or fade or even rub when in sketch books but this is more the case for pencils and pens are chosen more to create a skill of drawing straight lines quality to get ideas quickly for clients. The full list from wow pencils can be seen below:
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Over all pencils have their place, I believe that pencils are a great tool for drawing art as they have various shades and materials to create illusions on paper, they are also a good way to draw before using pen as the permanent outline, in terms of client work and sketching quickly pen is more appropriate as the ink will last much longer than lead but also it looks cleaner and will again smudge less so ideas will stay clearer much longer in books.
Icon Drawing - https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/02/user-interfaces-icons-visual-elements-screen-design/
Icons are great little things, they are simple images that are used to convey/communicate something clearly. They are easy to recognise and remember. They first arrived when the first GUI OS (Graphic User Interface Operating Systems) arrived on the scene with the Macintosh or example. The very first icons showed up im 1981 for the xerox alto (they where the first ones to support operating systems based on GUI’s). The image of the first GUI can be seen below.
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Apples big leap with the icons where for the Lisa with icons designed by Susan Kare. At this time the technology wasn't to advanced to include colours but the idea of making more friendly and clear interfaces made computers more acceptable to everyone and not just people who could write lines of code or build computers. The coloured icons came from the Amiga Workbench in 1985 which can be seen below:
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Windows made icons become more a familiar site when windows became the most popular OS, soon people began to associate cretin aspects on computers with the icons that can be seen below. The icons soon lead to the evolution of every aspects of the the computer having some GUI, icons lead to menus being more widespread, drop down menus as well. The evolution leads into how to showcase all information from the likes of windows 7 to how to show necessary information in windows 8 which I believe is due to the GUI on phones being restricted by memory and size which forced designer to only show the important things in icons which may have influenced the UI/GUI on composure.
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Icons have a great impact as they are a commutation tool that allows the communication of ideas through images meaning that they are applicable to all languages meaning that a persons design will be more wide spread especially due to the world of connectivity that we currently live in.
Drawing icons is a good way to symbolise a idea in a sketch book and can be done much quicker than writing a word and again hand writing may be hard to write especially if the person is writing fast. I believe a combination of a word with a icon works better than option to choose one over the other. The exercise that was done in the class was to Patrice drawing wire frames and icons which can be seen below. The ones I drew has a limited colour pallet of blues and grey but this was part of the challenge and for the most part a more challenging choice would have been to draw with just black and white. The drawings done in the class can be seen below:
This first image was a warm up sketching exercise as the idea was to get used to drawn items with speed going from about 10 seconds to 2 (top left to top right) the the basic idea of the magnifying glass was still kept, the handle could be rounder on the last one but and in my opinion the first 2 only look like a magnifying glass so clearly there is need for improvement with the speed for detail.
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The next and main part of the work shop was to draw icons, these are meant to replace the words in our little note pads. They work as a quicker way of getting information down without having to write and allows other people to understand the information without having to try and read someones bad handwriting. The main icons include things like people and groups, how to show a team and team leader, on target icon, an idea bulb and an email icon to name a few.
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The progression in the tasks was to now create real UX drawings, one for a calculator and then we had to mimic some sites a recreate their UI/UX in our wire frames. These were also done under a time limit, the idea was to get basics as in using our icons and squares to make the boxes for content and lines for written content. I think that my wire frames came out very well by this stage in the workshop I believe I had gotten the hang of drawing essentials and drawing quickly. Shading was used to highlight certain buttons and sections of UI.
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The next and final drawing exercise was to make a idea for an app that would co-exsits with a device that is planted with plants and can monitor how well its growing and looked after such as how much sunlight it needs or water it needs.
This was a group exercise and the first image below where my ideas that I told my group, my idea was mainly to do with combining the watering of plants into some sort of game, the better you looked after your plants the more points you could get to customise them with clothing items and decorate you UI more borders etc. The group then combined all of our ideas to make one final idea which was to make a fighting game that takes the plants well being into effect. The better you look after a plant you get points to buy gear, the better gear you have means the better you virtual plant will do in fights, the idea was to put two players against each other to fight and the more fights you win the more coins you get meaning you can unlock better gear. Different types of plants have more hp and streetlights and weakness so picking the right plant is key also knowing what gear to give to increase weaker stats was also part of the idea. When you lost you lost some gear to the winner making winning fights something you want to achieve more.
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Drawing from the world
The concept of drawing from the world is basically to take a small note pad or filed notes with you at all times, this is done so that a person with this field note can take inspiration form everything around them such as buildings, signs, nature or whatever people stumble upon in the real world. Part of the job of creating user experiences is also to create some form of story or a flow and its almost impossible to be inspired or to create user stories without going outside to experience stories in the real world. This idea of taking inspiration from everything outside also means that most of the ideas drawn down will be entirely from your own mind not just from someone else Instagram, its also good for your mental health to go out and enjoy life and talk to people (sometimes non designers have some of the best ideas). Collecting things such as badges and stickers is also a great way to collect colours and ideas. 
There are plenty of big time designer that do this as it keeps your mind always engaged and thinking, my favourite is Aron Draplin from Draplin co. This guy is so invested in this concept that he actually has his own brand of filed notes with some really cool designs on them. The guy is also really invested in symbols and logos that can be used on a variety of mediums such as clothing, furniture and signs for example.
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0 notes
notori · 7 years
Greetings fellow writers! So it’s nearly September which means that - for anyone who plans as obsessively as I do - NaNoWriMo is almost here!
Now, the Pantsers, I commend you. I envy the ability to sit down and write a complete story with nothing more than an idea, willpower, and hard work.
Me, I’m a Planner. I love my outlines. So I thought that today I would share the actual method of how I outline. ‘Cause I’ve never seen anyone do it quite like this, and my friends seemed to appreciate it when I showed them. So I hope it helps you out too!
1. Loose-leaf paper. However many sheets is up to you. For my NaNo novel I used three, and my chapters run about 3000-3500 words each.
2. A ruler. For straight lines and measuring.
3. Tape. To stick the pieces of paper together.
4. Multi-coloured pens (and white out).
5. A pencil (and eraser).
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I used three sheets because that what works for me for a ~50,000 word novel. You want to lay them out horizontally, then tape them together along their (now side) edges. Like so:
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Tuck the header area of the page under the bottom of the previous one so that you can fold it up like this:
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*I wanted to actually use this grid later so I made my squares more narrow in order to fit more columns (which will represent chapters), because that’s what fits this particular project. For a novel with less chapters you can make them wider.
I suggest using a black pen for the grid as it’s the least visually intrusive. You want your first vertical line to come in about 5 cm from the left edge of the grid. You will have roughly the same space left on the right side, so if you’re left handed, you can do a vertical line 5 cm from the right edge and go right-to-left.
After that, do a vertical line every 3 cm from top to bottom until you get to the right (or left, if you’re going right-to-left) and leave 5-6 cm on the edge like you have at the start.
For the horizontal lines, you want to start with drawing right along the (usually red) line at the top of the sheets (where the binder ring holes are). After that, going down, draw a horizontal line across all of the sheets every 3 cm.
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You should now have a grid of 3x3cm squares, with sections on each end that around about double the width, made of six rows and as many columns as you could fit based on how many sheets of paper you used.
Here’s where it gets fun.
Those six rows represent each component of a story’s structure: Introduction, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion. So write those in order, top to bottom, on the left hand double-size column. Next to each of them I note the approximate word count I like to have for each of these to keep a sensible proportion. I like to think of each of these as minimums. That way you will probably still keep the proportions, but - and certainly not during NaNoWriMo - never worry about going over a word count suggestion. You can (and will) always edit later.
Not only should your entire novel have all of these parts, but each chapter needs its own set as well. With that in mind, “Conclusion” doesn’t have to be a conclusion; it can also be a cliffhanger.
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On the right double-size column is where you write the outline for the “whole story”. You will list these components for the big picture here.
On the top row (where the holes are) is where you will number (and title, if you so choose) your chapters.
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In this sheet I have 26 chapters at 3000 words each, which is a total of 78,000 words. That’s usually the minimum length of what I write. With this, I wouldn’t intend to finish this novel during NaNoWriMo, but get around ¾ of it done. If this isn’t your style, simply adjust your calculations. Divide 50,000 by however many words you like per chapter, or by how many chapters you would like, to figure out the missing variable.
And don’t forget, November isn’t the only time you can write a novel. This method is applicable anytime for any word count goal!
For this tutorial, I’m using the plot of “Convert Me” - which is the first novel I did for NaNoWriMo, but I want to redo and expand it. So yes, this tutorial has spoilers, but I won’t have it done for many years and it will likely undergo many changes that this won’t be 100% accurate anyway.
To begin your outline, you need to know what you want for your whole story, so we’ll be working only in the far-right column for now. Take a step back and think: What are the big moments of your story? What needs to happen for all of this to workout? You can drop these into the grid block that is most appropriate and then build around it.
In my example, one scene I knew I wanted - a scene I imagined over and over - was when Samara saves Gary from the attacking thugs. This event kicks off the story, because it’s when magic usage happens right before his eyes and he enters that world.
But that’s too much to be the introduction, it requires context to make sense, and in the big picture fits more as the Conflict section of the novel (specifically, the fight which she saves him from and their subsequent conversation reveals the person-vs-society conflict).
With just one scene in mind, we can now ask questions that will help us fill in the other blocks.
The introduction becomes: Who is Gary? Where does he live? Why was he being attacked and needed saving? All of these (and more) build up the setting and initial character description. Once I think about those questions and come up with the answers, I plot them into the Introduction row.
The Rising Action is all that brings us from the Conflict to the Climax. To fill it in, you need to think of both of these pivotal moments in your novel.
In this example, we already have the Conflict and Introduction now. So we can start asking Rising Action questions like: Given what we know about this world, how does Gary react to seeing magic and being a magician himself? What does he do after meeting Samara - will he help her? How does he intend to hide all this from the paranoid society and his bigoted brother?
We can also think about the Climax - which should be tied, or close to it, to your Conflict in terms of “most important moment”. In this example, the Climax is when Gary and his team infiltrate the capitol and assassinate the leader of the American continent, who is one of four world leaders.
Who is Gary’s team and where did they meet? Why are there only four world leaders? What and where is the capitol? What happened to Gary to make him decide to kill someone?
Suddenly you have a growing list of prompts for Rising Action. All of the questions that make you think “How in the heck did we get here?” about your Climax should be answered, in exciting, drama-building detail, throughout the Rising Action. Every time you get an answer to one of these questions, make a note of it in your Rising Action block.
As before, we continue on now to the Falling Action - which requires us to think about what just happened in the Climax and where we want things to end in the Conclusion. And we fill in the grid blocks in the same way. Start with what you know, the ending you want to have for your story, and then ask questions about what happens after the Climax and what needs to happen for the Conclusion to make sense.
After all that, your far right column should look something like this.
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This happens in a similar way to the “Whole Story” section, it’s just more detailed. You start out by filling in the grid blocks that you know you want, in roughly the time you want it. It’s important to use pencil here because chances are you’ll be changing things around a lot as you continue to outline, even as you write your novel.
Also remember that the points you have in your “Whole Story” section, are not necessarily the same type of novel component as in your chapters. In this example, Samara saving Gary from the thugs presents the Conflict of the novel. However, it takes place as the Cliffhanger of chapter 1, into the Introduction and Conflict of chapter 2. Think of it like you are zooming in real close on certain parts of your novel.
After plotting in all the points that you know you want to happen, roughly when you would like them to happen, your grid should look something like this:
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You can see on here that I sure don’t have every piece of the story, but I do have my inspired moments roughly where I want them. A lot is left blank right now because I am making this tutorial - not sitting down to work on this novel - but the important thing is to remember relativity.
To write a story that flows, every component needs to be relative to another. This grid system allows you to capitalize on your inspired moments. When a scene you love pops into your imagination, you can just drop it into it’s appropriate block and build around it. Not only is your note written down, but you can also see where you have nearby blank spaces to fill in. This also makes it easier to care about those missing pieces.
When you see each piece of your story as relative to another, it becomes less “Ugh! What’s my introduction for chapter 13?” and more “If I want [this] to happen in three chapters, what foreshadowing events should I put [here], [here], and [here] to create a good spark?”
Eventually it will look like this (the previous Convert Me outline - complete with strike-throughs as I had completed each square):
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What if I still have blank spaces?
That’s perfectly alright! Getting too caught up in an outline is a good way to kill motivation and to procrastinate. NaNoWriMo gives you a deadline for outlining: October 31. But if you aren’t participating, give yourself a time limit of say… a month, to outline. Or whatever works for you with other life obligations and time constraints. Just don’t fret about leaving some spaces empty.
I love planning, but I also think that some of the best character development moments I’ve ever done have been spontaneous. Rather than stressing over not knowing what to do, these blank spaces are like wild cards. You can do whatever you want. Especially during NaNoWriMo when the goal is to write a lot and fast.
Why are the grid blocks this size?
1. Because it fits on the page evenly.
2. Because it forces you to be to-the-point with what is happening in a certain moment. To me, the anatomy of a story is: what happens, why it happens, and the effect it has. This grid, being limited in size, has you thinking more about the what - the concrete facts of the scene - and less on the why and effect which aren’t actually happening in that moment.
In another way: Each grid block is the present. The what can only exist in the present. Each what has it’s own why and effect - which, in turn, are each their own what moments. The why of something that happens in one block is going to have it’s own block somewhere else. If it doesn’t, then it looks like whatever happened was for no reason. Same if the effect doesn’t have it’s own block somewhere in the story, it will appear as though an action had no consequence.
Can I do this digitally?
Yes and no.
This depends on the person. As much as I hate myself for killing trees, I have only been able to effectively outline on paper. I lose my connection when outlining digitally. I also like to have my outline in front of me (usually my arms are resting on it as I reach for the keyboard) when I write so I can constantly be glancing down and reading the notes instead of switching out to another tab.
Having the outline on paper also lets me see the entire sheet spread out on my desk and I can see my novel start to finish in one look. I can’t do that digitally because no screen is big enough.
If you are having trouble with outlining, I do recommend doing it on paper. At least until you get a better handle on it. If you are still going to do it digitally, and you are lucky enough to have two monitors, try to always have the outline open on one of them and write in the other.
What are those arrows and stuff in your outline?
I have a system to my bullet points and arrows. I suggest every writer get into the habit of making a different set of small symbols to help them navigate their outlining. A dash is a new thing. A bent arrow underneath an item indicates that it is a direct result of that thing. A straight arrow indicates what is revealed as a result of that thing.
You’ll also notice I only put a character’s first initial whenever they are mentioned to save space.
What are the benefits of the grid method?
Unlike linear outlining, the grid allows you to plot things as you imagine them. I find that being able to see all of my most-loved moments right in front of me makes it easier to ask questions about my story and build up the missing pieces.
It also functions as a timeline for your story - even if you intend to have flashbacks and flash-forwards, this grid will show how your readers will perceive it. This allows you to step back and prevent things from becoming too confusing before you even start writing.
I hope this helped! Happy planning!
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hopemcilroy · 4 years
One in three respondents had not written anything by hand in the previous six months. 
“ “Cursive” writing – in which the pen is not raised between each character – has been dropped from the Common Core Curriculum Standards, shared by all states. Since 2013 American children have been required to learn how to use a keyboard and write in print.” 
I think that is MAD! Joined-up writing is basically gone, or on the way out - crazy! Some schools have continued to teach it in the States for one if the main reasons being young Americans will no longer be able to read birthday cards from their grandparents, comments by teachers on their assignments or the original etc.
In 4000BC it is said writing was first invented in Mesopotamia. Ever since, the tools and media used for writing have changed many times: from Sumerian tablets to the Phoenician alphabet of the first millennium BC; from the invention of paper in China about 1,000 years later to the first codex, with its handwritten sheets bound together to make a book; from the invention of printing in the 15th century to the appearance of ballpoint pens in the 1940s. 
Some sources say handwriting is more of a task.. “Children take several years to master this precise motor exercise: you need to hold the scripting tool firmly while moving it in such a way as to leave a different mark for each letter.”. I can see their point but it’s still a skill I think everyone should have. I know when I was to jot things down quickly or drawing a diagram I grab a pen and paper.
“This is what typing does for millions. It allows us to go faster, not because we want everything faster in our hyped-up age, but for the opposite reason: we want more time to think.”
“Handwriting is the result of a singular movement of the body, typing is not.” 
“Paper allows much greater graphic freedom: you can write on either side, keep to set margins or not, superimpose lines or distort them.” I think this is so true. Although, now the rising of the Apple Pencil, we are able to create all sorts of designs, but the physical paper has the beauty of it being in your hand. “Paper has three dimensions too, so it can be folded, cut out, stapled or glued.”
“Drawing each letter by hand substantially improves subsequent recognition,” 
That is a key fundamental and without studying the letters, we would not be able to type.
“Some people have difficulty reading again after a stroke. To help them remember the alphabet again, we ask them to trace the letters with their finger. Often it works, the gesture restoring the memory.”
Even in medical conditions, drawing the letters by hand comes in very handy and is necessary. Without their original understanding of letters or symbols in their language, they wouldn't be able to start relaying it. 
“Do we express ourselves more freely and clearly with a pen than with a keyboard?” Studies show that using a pen rather than a laptop gives students a better grasp of the subject.
I would sway to this idea. I think you are not limited to your resources, or you're not limited to the features of a device, you can draw whatever, with whatever. 
“It suggested that students who took longhand notes were better able to answer questions on the lecture than those using a laptop.”
In lectures, I take my notes with my laptop, but after this session of sketching and reading this article, I would be more inclined to use pen and paper. I know in school anyway, when I took notes whether that was in class on when I was revising, the information was retained in my head more when I wrote in out. Whereas if I typed it, I didn’t have the same effect of learning it. 
“With joined-up writing children learn words as blocks of letters, which helps with spelling,”
Even just the number of the amount of points FOR pens, indicates they are still very relevant. I don’t think we should in our heads eliminate either the keyboard or the pen, but personally, from a designers perspective I feel a pen is more useful. But then flipping it round, a coder could not go a day without their keyboard - so we all have our likes.
I personally think, for me, as a designer, wanting to express my creativity and get it all out on the open a pen and paper is the best way to go.
0 notes
thrashermaxey · 5 years
Ramblings: Canes Clinch, Pietrangelo, Pearson, Byfuglien, Friday Picks, and more… (Apr 5)
The interactive playoff draft list is ready for download now! Don’t wait until five minutes before your draft or deadline to purchase it. If you haven’t already preordered it, get yours today! If you have already purchased it, jump right in. It’s available in the Downloads section on the Dobber website (login required for the site, not the forum).
Once you purchase the draft list, please take a moment to get familiar with it before your draft. Read the Instructions tab before you begin using it. The Excel spreadsheet file is interactive (macro-enabled) and not just a “list.” The point total projections depend on which teams you set to advance, or you could go with Dobber’s picks if you’re really not sure. I’m not trying to make it sound super complicated or anything, but it’s better to be prepared. Hey, we just want you to win your league!
Thursday was all about teams trying to clinch playoff spots and teams trying to jockey for position. This doesn’t matter to fantasy teams that happen to still be active (like me in my roto league), but it certainly matters to those who are preparing for playoff pools. Even though almost all of the playoff teams are set, hopefully you don’t have to commit to choosing players right now.
When you’re the Carolina Hurricanes, clinching a playoff spot is a momentous occasion.  
The last time the #Canes clinched a playoff berth was April 4th, 2009
Ten years ago to the day, WE'RE BACK
Read More » https://t.co/hmxKvfXOSB pic.twitter.com/V49Bk3w4gG
— x – Carolina Hurricanes (@NHLCanes) April 5, 2019
Yes, the “bunch of jerks” punched their 2019 playoff ticket with a 3-1 win over New Jersey. Even though the Canes won’t be providing any victory celebrations after any home playoff wins, I have a feeling that they’ll be a popular underdog to pull for.  
Petr Mrazek stopped 36 of 37 shots to earn the victory. Mrazek has had quite a run recently, posting an 11-2-0 record with a 1.68 GAA and a .944 SV% since mid-February. Both he and Curtis McElhinney will be UFAs at the end of the season. Since the Canes are a top-10 team in goaltending, I would have to believe they would bring back at least one of these goalies next season and maybe even both. If you need to pick a Canes’ goalie for your playoff pool, it’s probably Mrazek, although he and McElhinney have basically been splitting starts for the past few weeks.
The Hurricanes’ victory combined with the Montreal Canadiens’ loss to Washington means that the Habs’ playoff hopes take a significant hit. The Canadiens have the same number of points as the Columbus Blue Jackets, but the Jackets have a game in hand. The Jackets’ last two games are against relatively beatable opponents in the Rangers and Senators, but nothing is guaranteed of course.   
The Habs had their chances (Max Domi and Artturi Lehkonen each took six shots), but Braden Holtby was up to the task in stopping 33 of 34 shots in the Capitals’ 2-1 win. Holtby has been getting it done for fantasy owners at the tail end of the season, reeling off five consecutive wins. Check out his splits this season (from his Frozen Pool profile):
Qtr         GP          W            L              OTL        GAA       SV%       QUAL    QUAL%
1              13           5              5              2              3.24        0.900     4              30.8
2              16           11           5              0              2.61        0.918     10           62.5
3              15           5              6              2              3.35        0.903     7              46.7
4              15           11           3              1              2.20        0.921     10           66.7
The defending Stanley Cup champions have now clinched the Metropolitan Division and should be considered the favorite to represent the division in the Eastern Conference Final.
Whatever the opposite of a revenge game is this is it pic.twitter.com/WQNQox405t
— Dimitri Filipovic (@DimFilipovic) April 5, 2019
All I can say is thank heaven I dropped Brian Elliott yesterday because I was about to run out of goaltending starts and still had plenty of forward starts. That was Elliott’s night, all in a span of less than seven minutes. Hopefully you didn’t fall victim though.
Alex Steen inflicted the most damage for the Blues in their 7-4 win over the Flyers, scoring two goals and adding an assist with a plus-3. You can’t be blamed if you completely ignored Steen, as he had been held without a point in his previous five games.  
Alex Pietrangelo recorded three assists for the Blues. The father of triplets has now reached the 40-point mark for the third consecutive season and fifth time in six seasons. Obviously this is a dip from last season, which Dobber (who is a father himself) warned you about before the season. Pietrangelo’s second-half production (27 points in in 42 games, 0.64 Pts/GP) has been noticeably better than his first-half production (13 points in 28 games, 0.46 Pts/GP), which may be related to the Blues’ remarkable second-half surge. Or maybe it’s because he’s adjusted to life as a busy dad.
The Canucks might have nothing left to play for, but don’t tell Tanner Pearson. The recently acquired left winger scored another goal and added an assist, which gives him four goals in his past five games and eight goals in 18 games as a Canuck. The Canucks are dying for top-6 forwards that can play alongside their big three of Elias Pettersson, Brock Boeser, and Bo Horvat. Pearson might be proving that he can at least be that guy beside second-line center Horvat.
Just to get you excited for next season, Quinn Hughes assisted on both Canucks’ goals, giving him three points in four games as a Canuck. Between Cam Robinson and me, there’s a disproportionate amount of Canucks’ highlights on here. With that in mind, here’s one more of one of Hughes’ assists.  
Quinn Hughes — the real deal in Vancouver.
What a pass. pic.twitter.com/4kiesNKDQu
— NHL (@NHL) April 5, 2019
We’ll have all summer to debate whether he will start next season on the Canucks’ PP1. The Canucks use Alex Edler a ton, so I wouldn’t quite pencil Hughes in yet. But it’ll be a matter of time.
Jaroslav Halak stopped all 26 shots he faced in the Bruins’ 3-0 win over Minnesota. That’s five shutouts this season for Halak, which is not bad for a backup goalie. Halak’s ratios (2.34 GAA, .922 SV%) are among the top 10 among goalies who played at least 30 games. Halak is signed for another season in Boston, which might be something to think about when valuing Tuukka Rask next season. Rask has won 27 games and played in just 45 games this season, which are his lowest totals in six seasons.
The Colorado Avalanche were another team that clinched a playoff spot on Thursday, thanks to a 3-2 overtime win over Winnipeg. Philipp Grubauer stopped 34 of 36 shots he faced in the win, which gives him a 7-0-2 record over his last nine starts. He has posted a 1.63 GAA and a .953 SV% over that span, which should cement him as the Avs’ starting goalie to start the playoffs and into next season.
The Avs clinched a playoff spot in spite of missing Mikko Rantanen, who has missed the past seven games with an upper-body injury. Alex Kerfoot has been subbing for Rantanen on the Avs’ top line. Although Kerfoot was held without a point on Thursday, Kerfoot had been taking advantage of the situation with eight points in his last six games.
Dustin Byfuglien might have been angrier than you were that he didn’t receive much power-play time on Thursday.  
Dustin Byfuglien just slammed his stick in anger on the #NHLJets bench, breaking it, after not getting a second of power play time. Jacob Trouba stayed out for the entire 2-minute man-advantage. That's…not good. On several levels. #wfp
— Mike McIntyre (@mikemcintyrewpg) April 5, 2019
So once all was said and done, Jacob Trouba logged over five minutes of power-play time, while Byfuglien logged just 36 seconds. It’s not as if Big Buff was stapled to the bench in this one, as he took on over 25 minutes of overall icetime. Trouba is an RFA this offseason and rumors have constantly been swirling that the Jets will trade him. However, Trouba potentially sticking around and the presence of Josh Morrissey could result in a changing of the guard for Winnipeg’s PP1. By the way Big Buff has just two points in his last nine games, and that’s even with an assist on Thursday.
Not that there should have been much doubt, but the Pittsburgh Penguins also clinched their playoff spot on Thursday. Phil Kessel and Sidney Crosby each recorded three points with each taking five shots on goal. Kessel has now reached 80 points for the second consecutive season, while Crosby has a chance to reach 100 points for the first time in five seasons if he can record two points on Saturday against the Rangers.
If you’re trying to plan playoff matchups in the Eastern Conference, this might help:  
Looks like Penguins vs Islanders in first round as long as Pens get home point vs Rangers Saturday. And of course Maple Leafs vs Bruins. Hurricanes will get Capitals or Lightning. I’m gonna say Tampa. Columbus vs Caps.
— Bucci Mane (@Buccigross) April 5, 2019
  With Nikita Kucherov's 40th goal of the season, the Lightning are the first team to boast three 40-goal scorers (also Steven Stamkos and Brayden Point) since the 1995-96 Penguins. 
Almost forgot to mention: Jake Gardiner returned to the Leafs' lineup on Thursday, although he was held without a point in just under 17 minutes of icetime. 
Leon Draisaitl scored twice on Thursday, which gives him 49 goals on the season. These were his first goals in four games. The Battle of Alberta on Saturday night might be a mean-nothing game in the standings, but it will at least be worth watching to see if Draisaitl can become the second player to reach 50 goals, following Alex Ovechkin. The only other player with a snowball’s chance in hell at reaching 50 is John Tavares, who would need to record a hat trick on Saturday to reach that mark.
Chances are that you’ll have more than enough options for Saturday, even with players potentially sitting out to get some extra rest before the playoffs. So Friday is the day to load up on players who will play on a light schedule (just three games). I mentioned both of the Strome brothers on Twitter, since the Rangers and Blackhawks are among the teams that play.
Some more players to consider (if you can still add them for Friday):
Oliver Bjorkstrand – Eight goals in his last eight games, also 30 shots in his last six games
Anton Khudobin – Confirmed starter on Friday (see Goalie Post for more goalie starts). Won three of his past four games, with the other game a shootout loss. Posted a 1.94 GAA and .943 SV% over that span.
Kevin Shattenkirk – No points in his last six games, but still receiving first-unit power-play time
Tony DeAngelo – If Shattenkirk isn’t available, or you could pick him over Shattenkirk outright
Alexandar Georgiev – Also a confirmed starter for Friday. He seems to alternate between good and bad starts, but the pressure is completely off as he and the Rangers get to play spoiler against the Blue Jackets.
For more fantasy hockey information, or to reach out to me directly, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
  from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-canes-clinch-pietrangelo-pearson-byfuglien-friday-picks-and-more-apr-5/
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