#anti the mary sue blog
This VERY YOUNG WOMAN somewhere from 15-22 lost her father, the only person she ever had, at a young age and found her way of expressing grief through music. a MUCH OLDER MAN (we are not going to deny this fact please) saw her and decided to take advantage of that grief in order for her to fall in love with him (I know he had his reasons but it STILL HAPPENED) and after she found out how the man manipulated her she still understood why he did it, even after he KILLED PEOPLE she saw that he just wanted her love, and even after he threatened to KILL HER AND HER FIANCÉE for EXISTING (“now let it be war upon you both”) she was VERY smart and knew how to break the murderous trance that Erik was in, by showing him the one thing she knew he needed, compassion. She has the unique ability to see good in people when it’s not visible to anyone else, even after it seems like they’re past the point of ever being good again. That’s some LUKE SKYWALKER SHIT. She is literally a HEROINE who does not let anyone’s shit get to her, not raouls dumbass plan, not Erik’s anger. She wants to SING HER SONGS and she WILL, DAMN IT. Yes she’s naive sometimes but what did you want?? Her to be perfect?? Then you’d just call her a Mary Sue. Also she was a GRIEF STRICKEN YOUNG GIRL WITH FAITH IN THE WORLD OF COURSE SHE’D BELIEVE A NICE VOICE TEACHING HER TO SING AND BELIEVE IN HERSELF.
(Disclaimer: this is not an anti erik or anti raoul post, this is a PRO CHRISTINE DAAE POST) (GOD I LOVE HER)
Edit: Jesus some of you guys saw “this is not an anti Erik post” and said this sign can’t stop me because I can’t read 😇😍
Also if you hate Christine and feel the need to make that clear in the comments it will be deleted because this is a Christine positive blog and I will not allow mean people in my little corner of the internet where I share my little opinion with some cool little people who agree with it ❤️ shout out to all the people out there who disagree but didn’t feel the need to curse me out in the comments, I see you and appreciate you 😌
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
DWRP is more active than regular fandom DreamWidth, but it's full of people who are anti-queer in the weirdest ways. They're queer, but they use words like "transtrender" and "fujoshit" and "asexies". They hate how prominent slash is in DWRP but bash people who play female characters as playing self-inserts/playing Mary Sues and decry female characters who have sex as "cock-hops". Playing a lesbian or bi woman is equated to being a 40 year old guy who jerks it to lesbian porn and reveals "neckbeard qualities", even if you're an out lesbian yourself. NB people are regularly mocked on both Plurk and in anon communities as "thembys" and "genderspecials".
DWRP has also slowed down hugely in the last 5 years, with many major games closing and most new games not lasting half a year. I once accidentally started wank when I said I don't consider someone who only replies to 2 comments or less a month a roleplayer, and people rushed in to argue that we're all just too busy to reply to more than that many comments and the only way you have more time than that is if you're a NEET. Play non-white non-anime characters and you're a SJW trying too hard to be "woke". Autistic is used as an insult fairly often.
Which is another facet of DWRP to consider: the weird hatred of other DWRPers everyone in DWRP has. You're a NEET, a neckbeard, a basement dweller, a wage cuck, a fast food cuck, etc. The anon gossip communities get way, way more activity per day than any of the actual game communities do. Gossip about people regularly runs dry, so instead discussion is rehashed of people who were subjects of previous wank/gossip, sometimes including people who played during the LJ era and never played on DreamWidth because they left when the mass migration to DW happened. I have seen people get accused of being another player who was the subject of wank returning for having the same given name as someone who was the subject of wank circa 2006. People are that level of desperate to get some excitement going among their small circle of friends who want there to be A Big Deal (TM) of some kind going on.
Fandom DW is far from perfect but I would highly recommend, even if you're bored, sticking to it and not DWRP. RP on there is a much more conservative (but identifying as "centrist", for some reason) environment and if you're reading this blog, my guess is you don't think trans headcanons are the work of transtrenders woke-ifying fandom and it's not gross neckbeard behavior for a lesbian to write a lesbian character. If so, this is definitely not your scene.
Activity is not the same thing as a fandom place being good.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
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So I just read an anti-Peggy meta on a Chinese blog which I can't verify (and I'm not sure whether any English comics readers have summarised these), but basically Peggy is a Frankenstein of all three of Steve, Bucky and Sharon's characteristics and storylines but without truly reflecting their values, which is why her characterisation is a mess.
Her character background is taken mostly from Sharon: "secret agent, kickass, independent, self-assured". Sharon was the original female Cap America.
Stuff her character took from Bucky (I have no way of verifying this but this seems like a lot more than I expected, also this is translated back from Chinese so there's going to be differences to the original words): (Source)
Peggy walking in on Steve/Lorraine -> Bucky walks in after a French spy forced a kiss on Steve, Bucky apologises while Steve goes all flustered and runs off, "You don't believe in me!"
Steve and Peggy's talk before diving into the ocean -> all of Steve's thoughts pre-dive was about Bucky, "Bucky's figure is like a windswept rock, carved into my mind."
Steve thinking about the date with Peggy after waking up -> the first thing Steve says upon waking is Bucky, and he then searches the world for Bucky
Steve staying in SHIELD because Peggy found it -> Steve stayed in SHIELD because one of the founding members looked like Bucky
Steve carrying Peggy's photo around -> after waking, Steve got some of his belongings back, but along with it Bucky's uniform and photo, which he kept with him everywhere. He'd often take out Bucky's photo and caress it and weep.
Steve seeing Peggy in Wanda's illusion -> Steve always sees Bucky in his dreams
Steve's "dance" promise with Peggy -> Steve and Bucky's Grand Canyon promise, and Steve went there by himself to draw Bucky's picture, pretending they came together.
Steve going back to the past to be with Peggy -> Steve went back to the past to find Bucky, but when he did Bucky died, and the Bucky in his own world disappeared too. When the SHIELD director who looked like Bucky contacted Steve, in a moment of confusion, he agreed and returned to the present.
The "no, you move" words was a climatic scene for Steve in the comics, but was taken from Steve and given to Peggy (via Sharon). As we've discussed elsewhere, this never worked because we have not, demonstrably, ever seen Peggy plant herself in the face of overwhelming pressure and refuse to compromise on something.
I really like this next bit, so I'm going to translate it word for word:
You think it's a tragic love, but it was stolen from Cap and Bucky's relationship. That is Captain's "right partner", that's his insurmountable love from WW2, his 65 years of pining, the existence that he can neither let go nor speak about, he's the quiet grief in his dark nights, he's the exhilaration of their reunion, he's the heartbreak in his every almost-found but repeated disappointments, he's his exhausting search. And someone stole everything from the original, except the suffering.
And I think that's my biggest issue with this character, because she's been written as a Mary-Sue of sorts, with a whole bunch of retroactively added privilege -- which, I dunno, maybe made her feel more appealing to some of the audience, but widened the gap between her and Steve. Steve, who has not lived amongst privilege, and whose whole being is around not letting privileged folks take advantage of others -- against her, a highly privileged woman, who used that privilege to gain more privileges, who then used it to take advantage of others. They are so diametrically opposed in their motivations that I just can't see them working out without either of them breaking character.
Apparently in House of M, she and Steve married, but she could not fathom why Steve continued to oppose unfair policies from the government. Steve lamented only Bucky understood him, but Bucky died during a mission, and Steve stepped down from Cap and divorced Peggy. At the end, an aged Steve walks beneath the streetlights, mourning the words Bucky once said to him. This is a much more likely outcome for their relationship if both remained in character, than whatever EG was.
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Hello, I've recently started reading your blog and am enjoying it so far. I'm curious on your thoughts about a few things. What is your overall opinion on Jared? I've been noticing lately that Jared has been looking more miserable lately and looks a good bit thinner than he did a couple years ago. I also noticed his hair doesn't look as soft and shiny as it used to.
I watched the Mens Health video of an interview with him on what he eats and his workout routine. I noticed there was relatively little protein outside of him mentioning chicken, cheese and sometimes eggs and bacon. I also recall him mentioning he doesn't really eat carbs either. Do you think Gen is perhaps trying to control his diet and that it's possibly impacting his health mentally and physically? I know of people who do keto right and are healthy but I'm wondering if Jared is really doing that right, especially with what I've noticed and also tends to get sick a lot. I'm also wondering why he had to use a hyperbaric chamber to get more oxygen to his brain at one point.
Also, I saw a post of yours where you mentioned your first disdain of Gen is much stronger than it is towards Danneel. Would you be kind enough to tell me why you hate Gen a lot more than Danneel?
Thank you for your time in reading and hopefully answering this all.
Oh man, I’ve been super busy for the past several weeks, then sick, and haven’t gotten around to responding to asks in any particular order. But I’ve also been hesitant to touch this one because anyone that comes anywhere close to Jared critical content is immediately chased with pitchforks around here. It is so divided and therefore people are defending their faves to the death. Especially since Prequelgate, Jared, and thus Gen, are the current Prom King and Queen in the areas of fandom I most often see. And let me be clear that I’m not a Heller nor am I anti-Jared but I’m just also not a stan…of anyone. Honestly, I’m an “eat the rich” leftist at heart who believes anyone’s choices can be looked at with a critical eye.
(Long post under the cut)
To answer the easy stuff first, I don’t feel as strongly about Danneel because, except for a few appearances here and there, she keeps to herself lately and doesn’t give me a reason to really analyze her behaviors. I wasn’t deep into fandom during the early days of her and Jensen getting married and all of her territorial behaviors, so I don’t bring all of that with me to the present day. I do hate the way Danneel panders to Hellers and I did pick up on some irritating comments in her most recent OTH podcast appearance. The response from a fan question at HonCon about how Jensen can never impress her makes me roll my eyes and is part of their schtick that feels very tired. I don’t think we would be friends, but Danneel doesn’t get under my skin quite the same way Gen does. I think in some ways, Danneel has been more openly who she is (even if it was bitchy and unlikeable) whereas Gen has hidden behind a Mary Sue persona of golly-gee-whiz perfection…and I just respect that authenticity more.
Describing why I am anti Gen is…honestly difficult to summarize. I will link some of my other posts to help. Right away, it’s not because I’m jealous and she gets to be married to Jared. Overall, it lies in all the inconsistencies and hypocrisies which, honestly, I wouldn’t even be aware of if she wasn’t so set on proving her worth to herself by building a platform to manipulate her fans with sales pitches. She preaches sustainability while also jet-setting constantly. And she’s more of a flip-flopper than a preacher, so understanding what she even stands for is difficult. She wants to sell you 6 different supplements for the almighty gut health while also being seen drinking alcohol regularly. And when she laments about being stressed I lose my entire mind because most of us could only dream of having her version of stress. In one of her most recent IG story ads she complained that 2 trips out of the country (and away from her children) were just SO HARD to deal with! To me, instead of the relatable vibe she’s going for, she regularly comes off as entirely ungrateful and unaware of all of her privileges.
When I look at Gen, don’t see the same “goofy, light-hearted mom who is altruistically trying gosh darn hard to save the world with recycling and kindness” that her fans see. I see an uptight yet insecure grifter who skates by in this fandom by doing the bare minimum while being praised like a saint. And I think that it is her connection to Jared that affords her all the fandom grace. When people still refer to this grown man as one of their “boys” and liken him to “literal sunshine,” puppies, and sunflowers…well, imagine the positive assumptions we make about a partner that person chooses.
(I hate referring to either J as a boy, don’t come for me…and I’ve seen Jensen receiving the same stanning that also makes me gag lol)
While I hope Jared is not struggling with any other underlying health issue, his frame has appeared to change in recent years. But I’m definitely not here to say that this is due to Gen “controlling” him in any way. I do think Gen has/has had her own issues with eating (she admitted to having history of an eating disorder in a podcast once) and excessive exercise, but Jared is a grown man who makes his own decisions. Jared himself has alluded to insecurities in his body image over the years, praised what I would call disordered eating practices like fasting, and his bulked up frame as Soulless Sam was suspected of having anabolic help at the time. I do think he dabbles in manipulating diet and exercise in different ways like every one else in The Biz and I think he has a naturally lanky frame. So if he doesn’t want to work out constantly in order to stay swole, then I fully respect that. There is also the issue of his knee that no doubt impacts his capabilities as well.
As for the hyperbaric chamber (mentioned during Jared’s appearance on the Inside of You podcast on 5/24/22): he didn’t need it and the evidence that it even fixes anything just isn’t there. That doctor is a known quack, and he sucked Jared right in. At these clinics they take specialized (and not widely accepted in the field of actual neuroscience) scans of your brain and present you with scary results in order to sell these expensive chambers and their own supplements. It’s a racket. Now, how did he find his way to an Amen Clinic in Costa Mesa, CA? I really couldn’t tell you, but it does sound like the shifty, woo woo alternative medicine that Gen has also been pursuing for her “brain fog.” But then again, his supposed buddy and co-star Keegan Allen is also a health and wellness wackadoo, and we’ve seen Jared get sucked in by the likes of that young lady with the boutique IV drip clinic too. Jared has also shouted out Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s got multiple influences.
If Gen and/or Jared is concerned about their cognitive functioning, as a person with connection to the world of eating disorders, my opinion is that they invest in less oxygen chambers and instead at least consider more carbohydrates and overall calories. You’d be amazed at how much less foggy your brain feels when it’s properly nourished. And no, I’m not diagnosing anyone here, but I am saying that people with access to these expensive specialists are sometimes overlooking an answer that is right in front of their faces simply because eating a wider variety of nutrients would betray their brand. And sometimes people are scared to eat more when they can no longer workout like they use to and have an image to maintain.
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cheezekennith · 1 year
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So uhhhhhh...welcome to my stupid blog!!!!
And i have a list of my ocs to you :)
kuki kaze (my 2nd oc that I post on deviantart)
jun murasaki (mf 3rd oc that I post on my gamejolt account)
Nushime (my touhousona)
Taiyou Yamikumo (you might be confused if taiyou is a boy, but she's a female and she is my 4th touhou oc)
Yuuki suzuki (my 5th touhou oc that I posted on my deviantart account)
Sam (my FNAF oc, and she is a human btw)
Hell madness (my first utau oc that is a Mary sue and a concept(
Nori scarlet(?) (old/first oc and a mary-sue of flandre also older)
Akane (my toh/the owl house oc)
Medicine (my 2nd FNAF oc and she is an animatronic)
Willow (my welcome home parody oc)
Ludwig (my welcome home oc)
Kurorei Kyoma ( my 6th touhou oc)
Yume-loid (my first utau oc)
Henry (my fourth fnaf oc that is a carrion crow)
Jerry (my third fnaf oc that is saw whet owl)
Phoenix (my fifth fnaf oc that is a great gray owl)
Bobby (my sixth fnaf oc and is a tanuki)
Ella (my seventh fnaf oc and is a fairy)
Heres my shitty info of me :
my name is ??? Or eli
my birthday is august 24
im a filipino
i am half catholic and christian
I do speak filipino a little bit but speaking english is kinda easy for me
my race is half filipino and chinese
im from the philippines
my zodiac and chinese zodiac is virgo and rabbit
im a female
my height is 5'3 tall
and im a multifandom artist
and i am straight
And also I have mild autism
I support LGBTQIA+
stuff i like :
vocaloid and utauloid drawing
making utau covers
ghost and pals
animal crossing
DNI if :
NSFW watchers (cuz i really hate them and they are really gross)
p0rn blog
Dawko haters
Touhou haters (i left the touhou community so yeah)
Anti-LGBTQ+ and Anti-LGBTQAI+
Ghost and pals hater
art tracer and art stealer
Goanimate/vyond fan (the uttp ones not the regular ones)
Frans fans (plus do you know sans is older than frisk and also they are a child, that is Pro-Shipping and also pedophilia)
Vore and tickle, and inflation, kaa hypothesis, and DeviantArt k¡nk/F3t¡$h enjoyer
K¡nk/F3t¡$h blog
SSSniperwolf stan
Fandoms im not interested (but if you like this fandoms i will respect your opinion) :
barney and friends
disney (a little)
Ok Ko lets be heroes
Gacha life
Fandoms im up into :
dawko(youtube)/darkest desire
utauloid and vocaloid
splatoon 1,2 and 3
ghost and pals
animal crossing
sander sides
the owl house
Some fandoms I'm gonna get interested now :
Welcome home
FPE or fundamental paper education
Fandoms/commnities i left :
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
But some fandoms that I'm not interested in but I created an au :
but please do not block me but warning my post contains⚠
and swearing
and bleeding
and only minors are in this blog but...... no 17+ accounts allowed cuz its disgusting but if your a 17+ account i will report you
Art trade : closed (but no fetish and nsfw because i hate it)
And plus I have bad spelling tho💀
And also I'm a dawktrap simp cuz ye cuz I like this dude cuz idk I'm simping on him.... *Dies of cringe*
Main account : @cheezekennith
Alt account : @cheezeyidiot-1000
Putting *character* in places blog : @putting-junko-in-places
My multifandom ask blog :
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credit to @sweetpeauserboxes, and this pinned post was inspired by @emishows123
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coulsonlives · 9 months
This is why antis having Hannibal stuff all over their blogs will never not be funny to me.
Do antis know that Brian Fuller, the maker of their fave show about abusive characters, is against censorship? Do they choose to ignore that, dropping their fabricated 'outrage' only when it's convenient for them because they care more about watching a show than, contrary to what they say, 'helping abuse victims', or 'standing up to fiction that romanticizes abuse''? Which Hannibal clearly does?
Maybe some of them will say, 'well, I can separate the creator from the show!!' to justify their hypocrisy. But if that's the case, why the fuck can't they also separate indie creators/writers/artists from their creations?
It's hypocrisy all the way up.
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cousinshipper · 11 days
hii i saw a post you made a month ago about how selfshipping was a proship thing originally and I’m very curious about the history of it in that regard if you are so inclined to share!! no worries if you don’t wanna answer :]
yeah yeah no problem!! :0c so selfshipping was originally made by proshippers (as well as fandom itself, tons of earlier online spaces, etc) on tumblr in the early/mid 2010s with OC/SI x canon and it used to be seen as like this hobby/roleplaying type thing where people would just post positivity about their F/Os and how much they loved them, as well as make OCs and S/Is to go with them !! it was super creative and innovative at the time
it was totally fine until antis started discourse about age gap shipping and shipping with villains (and also mary sues which tells you how long ago this was), typical anti stuff, and then selfshipping became a proship friendly space because antis hated it so much . but then antis started to self ship and like take over the community basically 😭 so now we just have constant discourse in a community that was originally supposed to just be about loving our F/Os together
after the porn ban & anti raids a lot of older selfshipping blogs got deleted/deactivated or moved over to twitter
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disastercit · 7 months
me when i started an oc blog in 2019: i dont wanna tag my oc posts as camp camp thats so embarrassing :( what if they get annoyed or think im cringe for having an oc :((( if i give my oc too complicated of a backstory it's a mary sue/main character syndrome/insert anti-fun buzzword here :(((
me now: *posts a six paragraph essay about my oc that explains basically everything about him to the main fandom tag and leaves*
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Alright, I really tried to hold myself back from ranting and posting this because apparently my posts are "too much", but whatever. My blog, I do whatever. I'm done, I am.
Because these hate anons keep coming around and being assholes (I apologize for the language), I'm keeping anonymous off for a while. I don't know for how long, but it really does seem pathetic how so many of you really do be going into people's inboxes because you can't handle that some of the fans of BNHA (of any fandom really) do like the villains. To the hate anons who are so go gun-ho and up in arms about fans who like the villains, Endeavor, Bakugou, AFO, or any other character of this franchise - I hope you do read this and get offended. You are pathetic. You are miserable. You really can't handle someone being a fan of Toga so much that instead of blocking that blog so you don't see the posts, you harass that person? You are so "offended" because some favors Shigaraki, that you send actual threats to that person? You are so that into yourself because someone's anime crush is Bakugou?
You've not only have way too much time on your hands, but you are as I said MISERABLE.
These are fictional characters! Yes, I get that a character may remind you of someone you don't like or maybe you just hate that character just because. Your reasons are valid, but your actions on how you express distain for that character? Down-fucking-right disgusting.
People always wanna complain about how the fandom is toxic, but the same people are the ones who make it toxic. You hate anons go out of your way to make everyone's experience bad that you lack the common sense to...
It's easy to just make your Tumblr zone comfortable if you weren't so fucking stupid. Tumblr provides blocks and filters for a reason, assholes. Use it. Don't...
The irony that some of you go "Bakugou is a bully, he's mean, he's a Mary Sue" in people's inboxes when you're displaying the same behavior. The irony of you antis going "Toga is a parasite, Shigaraki is throwing tantrums, Endeavor is abusive"! Uh, you're the parasite because you're sucking the life of fans who just want to have a good time. You're throwing the tantrum because someone likes some fiction. You're abusive because you're constantly nagging and nagging at a person and mentally and emotionally breaking them down like a fucking coward behind anonymous glasses.
How about, like many of the characters of BNHA, you get character development and start acting like a human beings?
I honestly feel nothing but sorry for you people who do this. If you're going through something, that is entirely not something to joke about at all. But that doesn't mean you turn around and do it to someone else. If you hate character, that's fine. Make a whole blog about it! Create your own safe space. Let out whatever you're feeling onto your own blog.
However, all that negativity? Cease it. Take it, ball it up and set it on fire. Put the ashes in a box and sink down somewhere. If you're going to use the anon option, do it right. Harassing everybody is just further proving how miserable you are and how toxic fandoms are.
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54bpm · 1 year
Thoughts on Maintaining Old Characters.
Don't feel like you gotta read this, I know I don't have any long term OC fans who have kept track of what I'm doing with my guys. It's more just stuff that's been rattling in my head and I feel like would be nice to jot down so people who do decide to trawl through my old art tags can see why my characters have changed in the ways they have.
I've been making characters since I was 11, which as of this post, means that some of my earliest characters are 13 years old. I still even have some of them. This blog has stuff dating back to when I was 13 (I joined tumblr a week or so after my birthday on a now deleted blog, before that I was on deviantArt and roleplaying forums almost exclusively)
I was exposed to the idea of self-inserts and mary sues (and that they were bad and nobody liked them) extremely early on, so I almost immediately swung in the opposite direction, people pleaser that I was. This first generation of characters would set up three types that I would end up remaking over and over with different coats of paint.
Prickly girls
Just so many prickly tsundere girls. Often short. Often bullies to the boys they liked. They were girlbosses who could win any fight but they also were bullied by the normies for being so weird and being outsiders. Pretty but still only liked by the one nervous guy they had chosen. The archetypal anti-sue, just a gaggle of Ebonys.
2. Tragic girls
These girls were usually innocent and silly and fun, but also haunted and sad. They were traumatized in very childishly "and then their whole family died in front of them :,,( " ways. They were never allowed to address the trauma, and everyone around them always had to baby them. Yeah, I was making those types LOL. Nooo I refuse to make progress on my healing bc then I won't have any character left!!!
3. Soft boys
I was still pretty married to the idea that I had to like boys, so the boys I made were all ones I thought I would like. This led to just a fleet of androgynous boys who wept and blushed often. I also rolled with a crowd of older tween girls who were deep in the Yaoi haze, and while I found they way they talked about the couples uncomfortable and objectionable even then, I still did my share in pumping out generic ukes to go with their bog standard semes.
I made characters in these three frameworks for like, a few years. Even after the main forum I had camped on died and I started making characters with school friends. I wasn't really pushed to change anything until a while into using tumblr.
I don't know if anyone else remembers this period of time, I had to have been like 14-15, but there was this attitude shift all the sudden that boiled down to how if you didn't have a diverse set of characters, you were a bad person.
Now I'm going to say immediately that I do think its good to have a diverse set of OCs! It's good to learn about people from other cultures and backgrounds and to put yourself in their shoes! It's also good to learn about all the ways humans can look and how charming and beautiful and different we can be!
The issue with the way this was pushed way back in pre-dashcon tumblr was that it wasn't about thoughtful diversity and exploring others lived experiences. It was about making sure you looked like you weren't racist to the other 14 year old white girls who still hadn't unpacked what watching South Park had done to their brains and were actively sending death threats to Lucy Liu for being on a Sherlock Holmes show that wasn't the one with the white men who might kiss any day now guys. When you see people mocking the Ultimate SJW Tumblr Character (you know what I'm talking about, the just caricature level mocking of disabled queer people) it's from this era of posts.
I saw this and I saw people dumping buckets of anon hate and bullying on just anyone who caught the mobs fancy and I very ungracefully slapped new ethnicities on a chunk of my characters. And it took me an embarrassingly long time to look at some of the choices I made and to go "Yikes!" Almost no one was an offensive stereotype or anything, but I definitely had picked characters that lined up with tropes without realizing it. (Important note, I did have some characters that were disrespectful to Roma culture, and an atrocious belly dancer character. I've completely gotten rid of them and I do recognize now how they were disrespectful and played into racist stereotypes.)
And this is still something I'm working on monitoring and fixing in my characters. I'm not gonna lie and say I've become the ultimate anti-racist. I'm white, I've only lived in majority white areas, specifically Oregon which has an extensively anti-black history as well as a lot of issues with orientalism, and I grew up on early 2000s media and all the baggage that came with that.
Speaking of 2000s baggage and weird yaoi culture. I am sorry mlm for the atrocities of boys I have made. It was that classic case of "I'm supposed to like boys so I'm going to make boys who are basically girls and then pair them with each other so I never actually have to deal with the anxiety of them actually being attracted to me." I only had like two characters I would say felt like they could genuinely be gay men. It was only after I was like a year deep into accepting that I was genuinely a lesbian that I looked at my gaggle of boys and went "oh shit, these are all lesbians, these are lesbian dynamics." Which like, yes I don't feel great that I used mlm pairs for my own character development. I know it's not uncommon, especially if a lot of your exposure to the idea of being queer was through tumblr, but it's still not great.
All this to say: I love my characters and I want to be more thoughtful with them. Most of my characters are 5+ years old and they all just need an overhaul. I'm taking most of them back to their prompts and rebuilding from there, I'm also turning a majority of them into lesbians. I want to explore all the fun wlw dynamics I never got to play with growing up. And girls are just more fun to design for me! Sorry!
As I put out new refs you may notice some characters look varying levels of different, some have been replaced with new characters taking over their roles, and some are gone completely. You are always welcome to reach out to ask me about any choices I've made and any concerns you have about the things I've made, past or present. And if you take anything from this it's that you should always be vigilant about how unconscious biases can slip into your creative works.
Thanks for getting to the end of this long ass post, it's one I've been thinking about for a while but had to take some time to put to paper. It's important to me to keep up my old art posts to see my growth as an artist and a person, but I also don't want to act like I still agree with every character choice I've made in the last 13 years.
I hope you can support me as I continue to grow as a person!
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crayolacolor · 1 year
hello!! made this pinned post to replace my about me because i doubt anyone ever read it, and tbh i put a bit too much information in there lol.
note: my name, age, pronouns etc are in my blog description!! this is just some extra info that would have normally been in my about me!
current hyperfixation: dragon ball z other fandoms that i’m actively interested in: infinity train, undertale / deltarune, ib, avatar: the last airbender, super paper roblox, hollow knight, warrior cats, the owl house, various other animated shows 
feel free to ask me for: - things i need tagged [ if i follow you ] - my discord [ if i follow you and we’ve talked some ] - my full list of fandoms, though i do have pretty much all the ones i might post about listed now.
things you should probably know:
- what i blog about fandom wise will switch frequently with my hyperfixations!
- my type is villains with tragic backstories, redeemed or not. i will post about them like any other character i enjoy. this does not mean i condone their actions. i tag characters’ names most times when i blog about them but if you need a more specific tag please let me know!
- i’m vehemently anti-cringe culture. i do not care if the kids (or adults tbh) are making mary sues and self inserts and 2016 esque undertale aus. as long as they’re not harming anyone, i think shaming them for it is harmful and stupid.
- fandom drama isn’t my cup of tea, i may rarely post about something that’s going around that i have an opinion on, but it is never an invitation to drag me into an argument. please don’t drag me into it if i don’t initiate the conversation.
and that’s pretty much all!! thanks so much for reading if you did, and if you decided to follow me, thank you again! <3
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thegheistmistress · 1 month
{OOC Rambles - Characters/Groups I'd LOVE to interact with - RP Blog Rules}
{Not even gonna lie, I have a LIST of characters I'd love to interact with, but if not, it's perfectly fine and I wanna rant about them. Here it is, enjoy my list, and the fact it's technically all Batman characters/DC related ones is fun-}
{Also I apologize for a LONG post, but I'm in ramble mood-}
~==Characters I'd LOVE interacting with at some point==~
-Batman Characters-
Riddler, {Due to interacting with a few/one that I'm pretty sure was pretty chill}, Scarecrow {Same deal, honestly also Crane is hella interesting}, Black Mask {I know one I haven't interacted with in a LONG time, love 'em}, Prof. Hugo Strange {Not even just because of my OCs backstory, I love and hate Strange, in a good way}, Two-Face {Cause it'd be very interesting}, Penguin {I blame loving how Gotham had him, but I'll interact with any version honestly}
Poison Ivy {Honestly, I just love Ivy as a character}, Harley {I'd prefer the version of her who isn't with the Joker, cause honestly Harley/Ivy is best couple}, Music Meister {Honest. TO. Gods. I LOVE this character}, Jeramiah Arkham {I blame a OLD RP I did somewhere else, they were pretty cool, even if my character HATED his guts.}
Mad Hatter {Any version is good, honestly, just I stay away from the creepy versions of them, aka where it goes into territory that me no likey/aka really perverted for some reason??}, Red Hood {I love Jason Todd, he's such a shit-}
The Court of Owls {O.M.F.G. I love the group as a whole, it also SCARES me, which is good}, Professor Pyg {Dude scares the shit outta me, honestly, but he fascinates me as a villain.}, Bookworm {I love a lot of the old Batman Villains, he's one of them}, Louie The Liliac {Idk what it is with guys with coloured suits-}
The Flamingo {I recently found out about this guy and I'm like- BRUH}. James Gordon {I mean come on, my character is meant to work at the GCPD, this would be fun and interesting}, Harvey Bullock {Again, pretty sure my character would know him, but it'd be up to whoever is playing him on how he feels about her},
Mr. Freeze {This man has ALL my sympathy, I love how he got his ending in the main Arkham Games, let this man be fuckin' happy-}, Catwoman {She'd be pretty cool to interact with}, Lyle Bolton {I remembered RPing with someone as him and I loved interacting with them}
Any of the Batman honestly, and their allies, they're all wonderful, and I love it when people play multiple characters, heroes, villains, all of them.
-In General DC Characters-
John Constantine {I blame a friend for getting me into him and HONEST to GODS, this right bastard of a man has been living rent free in my head for the last few weeks, all cause he kicked down the door and said he's staying-}, Zatanna {Love her, she's cool}, Any Green Lanterns {Big fan of them}. I'll add more to here as time goes on.
{Whew, that's a list. But, I honestly would love any characters, I mostly do DC characters, BUT depending on the fandom, I will do Marvel though I know NOTHING about it minus some stuff. Any superhero characters, super villain, anti-heros, etc. all game for RP, even OCs in Gotham City in general or the DC Universe as whole}
{Whenever RPs start, just ask for rules since it will be different per session, but in general it's these as the in general interaction rules.}
No killing my character{s} without consent. {That should be obvious, it's no fun if the only character I got is dead}
2. No Mary Sues for the love of all that's holy. No one is perfect and like, I know my limitations since I want to have FUN.
3. No god-modding. {The only information that should be known really is she works at the GCPD, other information like Strange knowing is moreso from old stuff that happened and I enjoyed it, hence fuel for any of those characters to use for RPs}
4. Don't rail road the rps into uncomfortable situations, aka uncomfy irl, and control my character without consent. (Unless its a defined path/part we both have agreed to do).
5. If I say something is uncomfy to me during a RP, like OOC uncomfy, I'd rather it not continue.
6. I know y'all got traumatized characters, she's def one now, but if ya do stuff involving certain ones tag it accordingly/spoiler/allude loosely to it cause I got peeps who I follow that don't need to see that.
7. Any 'spicy' things are automatically fade to black if approved at the earliest point, mostly cause again, got peeps who don't need to see it and I just want a fade to black cause I'd rather continue from an after-point.
8. No sudden shipping, ask me about it first. {I'm perfectly fine with wholesome shipping/Fluff/Angst, that stuff is 100% fine. Cause it's hella nice and fun, and in the past she's actually been shipped with Riddler and Scarecrow, I DO remember that, but she doesn't always have to be shipped, being friends with characters first and chemistry between them is important before leaning to sailing that shipping to them.} {Now, if an old muse shows up and they happen to be one I shipped her with, absolutely you're allow to bring that ship back}
{Other than that, there's specific rules for specific RPs that'll pop up, have a lovely day, ya'll.~ If I forgot anything, just let me know.}
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goddamnwebcomics · 5 months
You know, I really hate that shit that Fischbach perpetuated with Flora; the incompetent female character that cries at every failure. It’s the most outdated and patronizing cliche out there.
As a guy who’s learning how to and wanting to write a webcomic, it bugs me to no end whenever someone makes the female character as whiny and incompetent as possible like in a shojo anime. Like, come on, nobody’s asking them to make a Mary Sue but ffs don’t make an Anti-Sue either. It’s not fun or funny, and it’s a quick way to make yourself look misogynistic as possible. Of course, female characters should be allowed to display emotions, but not like that. People really need to look at characters like Casca, tragic as she may be, to look at how to write a realistic female character in terms of how they act.
P.S: I want to respond to your thing about “webcomic cliches and tropes” that you had about your stances from a couple of years ago if I can find the damn thing…do you remember where it is?
Yeah, Flora seems like a pushover. If you want an example of a well-written female character in this blog look no further than Chel from Alien Dice. While she can be emotional she is also capable of being badass and calling other people out for being assholes.
There are a lot of pages that are just buried in the sands of time. Are you talking about this post? Probably not.
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fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning! 🌄
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We had a super soaker of a Friday so it looks like I’m not doing yard work today. Maybe I should haul my dumpster bike out and work on it, work on Stream, or maybe sit on my butt and watch TV all day? Decisions, decisions. 🤔
Better let the coffee do its job. ☕️
Rush Blog
Rush’s Signals 40th anniversary box set officially releases today and is now available for purchase via this link, or via Amazon and other online retailers.
The Rush geek in me wants this, now.
I’ve mentioned it before, Signals was one Rush album I ran into the ground. It was my portable cassette player all the time. I’d list to it on the bus or walking around town. It’s a magical album for me.
Also, 40 years? I’m old. 😳
Swift.org Blog
I’m pleased to announce that a preview of the future of Foundation is now available on GitHub!
It’s nice to see Apple continuing to push deeper and deeper into Swift. I’m very interested to see if Swift will ever become a first class citizen on Windows. That might make getting Stream onto Windows quite a bit easier. Of course bringing the underlying bits to Windows is much easier than wrapping all of WinUI 3 in Swift.
The one downside is its dependency on the Swift 5.9 toolchain which is still in development.
The Mary Sue
After being shouted down by Republicans while trying to debate a harmful anti-trans bill, Zooey Zephyr has again come into the GOP’s crosshairs. But this time, they are not willing to listen to anything she has to say. And to ensure that, they have banned her from speaking on the legislative floor.
Oh, Montana GOP, why? Why do y’all have to be so cruel? Believe it or not our country is made up of a diverse set of people. No, all Americans don’t have to be white cis folks.
Try as you might to eliminate Zooey’s voice, you’ve just amplified it on the national stage.
GitHub Blog
In this blog, we’ve compiled some important tricks and commands that every developer should know from GitHub’s own engineers.
Knowing how to use a terminal — shell — is important for every developer. I love having beautiful UIs to help me do my work but sometimes it’s just a lot quicker to type. a post,l New Republic
Washington State Bans AR-15 Sales: “No Reason Other Than Mass Murder”
Welp, that headline says it all. Assault weapons were made for killing large numbers of people. It’s time we have a nationwide ban on them again. If you want to play with guns join the military. At least they’ll train you how to use them.
The Verge
Apple’s App Store can stay closed but developers can link to outside payments, says appeals court
Emphasis is mine. Even though Apple is being forced to allow outside payments you and I know they’ll still want their cut. Instead of they’re usual 15-30% cut they’ll take 27%. It’s what they did in the Netherlands for dating apps. Don’t expect anything less here in the States.
Phoenix Mercury player Brittney Griner, who was wrongfully detained in Russia for possessing vape cartridges containing cannabis, said Thursday that she would no longer play basketball abroad unless it was for the U.S.
Here’s hoping Ms. Griner has a long happy life free of that kind of nightmare.
The Hollywood Reporter
Dune: Part Two is coming into focus, with filmmaker Denis Villeneuve and stars Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya showing off a new trailer for the Warner Bros. and Legendary sequel at CinemaCon Tuesday.
BRING ON PART TWO! Look, this thing better be epic given Mr. Villeneuve felt the need to split it in two. The first installment was a wonderful film but definitely left me wanting.
It’s been so long since I read the book details have faded and I’ve honestly forgotten how it ends. I can remember the ending of the 1984 version but I don’t remember if it held true to the book?
I enjoyed the ‘84 version and I hope the new one blows it out of the water. ⏳
By 2018, the city and Ford Motor Company were ready to tell another story. That year, Ford announced that it had acquired the station and the area surrounding it, a monument to the kind of transportation past that the automaker and its manufacturing brethren had all but killed.
Detroit was such a beautiful city at one time and it’s great to see Ford invest in its recovery given cars helped destroy it.
I wish I had a bunch of time to go explore the city and its burnt out neighborhoods and buildings.
CNN has parted ways with longtime host Don Lemon. The announcement Monday came without explanation and astonished the media industry.
This caught me off guard as I’m sure it did many others. I hope MSNBC picks him up. 😃
Also, another “news” organization fired their white supremacists “talent.” Good riddance.🫏
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chipstertool · 1 year
Mary Sues and Anti-Sues
Growing up from an era where Mary Sue (not the site) and Anti-Sue was relevant on Tumblr and Deviantart was truly a time where you either was scared to put out OCs or just didn't care at all.
Especially on Tumblr where you'll see blogs dedicated towards OCs and Mary Sues.
If you were a dA user then you'll know how much Mary Sue meant for some parts of the community. You'll see the stereotypical MS with rainbows, sparkles, wings (angel or demon), cat ears, multi-colored hair, heterochromia, etc. In addition, the usual anti-sue would be depicted as your normal run-of-the-mill Joe/Jane with normal hair/eye color.
Although there was ONE character who looks like an anti-sue but is a Mary Sue: Bella Swan. A character who looks like a Plain Jane but everyone loves her for some reason and she's not like other girls.
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Spot the Sue by 99SamPanda99
There might be people out there who lived through that era where they had to provide OCs (most specifically FCs) whose visual design and description are as normal as it seems and feel regret about it.
The best way, imo, would be to just have OCs for yourself and create your own worlds.
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kkthefrontbottoms · 1 year
last night I was talking to a coworker about anime and I mentioned jojo's bizarre adventure and she said she watched the part with the blond one and hated it. Without missing a beat I said "oh giorno? that's because he's the worst of them" anyway, this is an anti giorno blog because he's such a Mary Sue
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