#anyway this post isn't about them tho. they're old news.
zerodaryls · 2 years
me, eyeing the “cishet” characters in a show i’ve never seen before: alright what flavor of queer are YOU gonna be? 📝👀
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jennrypan · 27 days
Let's go down the line of fuckassary: LONG ASS POST AHEAD.
1: Gaia looked and acted like everyone else. She should've been WAY angrier, she should be pissed at Persephone for bringing about winter first of all. Should be pissed that she was a sleep and NOTHING got better over the centuries. But sure, she's giggling and happy.
(I liked that she shoved her hand in Ouranos' chest tho.)
2: It's soo funny that people keep SAYING that Persephone and Hades have true love but the comic hasn't showed us that ever 🤨, like if anything those two losers are obsessed with each other. Be so fr.
3: Once again..this should be Persephones story/POV but its in Hades' always. Fascinating.
4: "You have to spend 3 months away from your sugar daddy" OH NOOOO BUT WEVE BEEN APART FOR SO LONGB 🥺. God. At this point does she even NEED to be in the Mortal Realm fr?? Like..Demeter, Metis and Rhea are back now so..what's her purpose there.
5: The way Gaia just isn't. Gaia is baffling. Anyways. Demeter FINALLY found out what happened to Persephone but she's not..having a moment with her daughter?? Not talking to her about it?? Okay.
6: As usual. They're eager to have sex cuz that's the only thing they do. "I can't wait to see that ass--" ..how very Zeus and Posedion of you quote on quote romantic 🤨
7: She gets her coronation but..didn't she already have that when she married Hades?? Ig not then. Also..Apollo just got a slap on the wrist, not surprising.
DEMETER GOT PUNISHED MORE THAN HIM??? Hell the Titans got punished more than that bitch what the fuck??? God.
8: The disrespect to Zeus is so. 😶 Zeus would literally not sit back quietly for this shit the fuck??? Also..Hera didn't divorce Zeus all those years and now she did ?? And she's what..gonna get with Echo now??? Fascinating. Zeus needs to start tossing rocks. Rachel did Zeus and Heras relationship so fucking DIRTY!!!! GOD!! FUCKING DAMMIT. I hate how she wrote them. Anyways.
9: The Mortal Realm is a lot easier cuz Hades is there?? YOU WERE BORN THERE!!! ITS YOUR HOME!! You ungrateful ass spawn. It wasn't that fun cuz you didn't have a man there?? Insane.
10: The way Persephone clearly doesn't love her own mother is sickening actually. Like..we can't even have them talking to each other?? Dancing?? Even the comment about her doesn't have that much emotion. Also..Dionysus' hair looks goofy, and I guess Hades is all for bringing back mortals now despite making a big stink about it in season 1 but whatever. Yay Semele.
11: "hera just gives him busy work" ..He's literally the king. Literally-- oh my god. "His powers having been the same" which..MEANS WHAT?? And the way Zeus would literally not be happy about this shit is so-- UGH. God it's infuriating. Hades and Posedion clearly don't give a shit about their brother if they aren't concerned about his fucking powers 'not being same'??? Die.
12: Echo needs to stand SEVERAL feet away from Hera. That ship is so god damn tasteless and unnecessary. If you're gonna give hera a new love interest. Maybe give them actual moments?? Make it make sense!!
13: "Ares is still a dog!" *cue laugh track sound*, god this is so..why ?? Ares, baby I'm so sorry people keep disrespecting you in every iteration 🤦‍♀️
14: ignoring the Artemis bit cuz she wasn't relevant for any of the major plots and she still isn't. Anyways. Hades stay the FUCK away from Thanatos. "They can have conversations" oh?? How fascinating. Hades just NOW deciding to care about Thanatos doesn't make up for years of his neglect.
15: Persephone, Ares and Aphrodite should beat Eros' ass for being useless about Apollo. I still think that. Eros is an ass of a friend.
16: 'new powers' ..Girl your powers are basically your old powers with one extra step. Shut UP!!! anyways. (No one cares about kassandra, sorry not sorry. Who was worried about that )
17: Hades and Persephones millionth drabble of nonsense fluff. They're not saying anything new, nor are they doing anything new. I do like the art tho. It's just..baffling how..they're relationship started soo much nonsense and we're suppose to see it as a good thing??
THIS is a good ending??
Nevermind the fact Persephone didn't spend time with her friends or her MOTHER, nevermind the fact Zeus and Posedion don't even get to speak to their mother either.
Hera, Hestia and Demeter don't have a moment with Metis either.
Like..what was the point of bringing them back if you weren't gonna bring it to a satisfying conclusion?? Absolutely insane
Also..Eileithyias design is ass. It's sooo boring. It's literally just pilot Hebe but darker. Oh wow she's yellow with purple eyes??? Insidious. Also she just looks boring and bland to be the daughter of the literal king and queen but sure. Give us nothing.
And..again with making the children boring copies of one specific parent! Macaria is so..boring to look at just like Melinoe. Also...hades can..have kids now?? 🤨 okay.
So basically..this was insane from start to finish.
This wasn't a good conclusion. It was absolutely a wreck.
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months
At the end of The High Republic phase 1. Only Fallen Star & Midnight Horizon left basically. Mission to Disaster-Fallen Star comics reading post! (I'm emotionally devastated after reading Star Wars Adventures #12 you have no idea)
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Love love love love this cover. Kantam Sy my beautiful partner they're soooooo
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LOST ALL MY GALACTIC BAKE-OFF SCREENSHOTS AND I'M TOO LAZY TO GO BACK AND FIND NEW ONES. Here are my favorite pages anyway it was so cute and Lily was there I think? pretty sure that's her with the black hair and the bob, it seems right (and Burry!)
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I have a lot to say about Trail of Shadows #3 but first of: slut. put a shirt on. Jesus.
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Dalna mentioned! Haha that planet is going to helllllll
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Keeve aka my special little guy finally got a hug! I bet Emerick gives the best hugs
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A lot going on with the dialogue but my first thought here was "CHOPPER?????" no, it's Estala Maru's droid. It is pretty similar tho
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Big fan of how connected THR is, love to randomly see Ram Jomaram in Trail of Shadows (I only got the race in THR Adventures later but it's a nice connecting thread)
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Oh Avar is tiredddddd I need her
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Again, the connections are great! I love this panel a lot
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:):):):) Rooting for them, wholesome relationships are always welcome for me
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Turns out I did, not, in fact, lose my Galactic Bake-off screenshots, I'm just bad at finding them. Here's Kantam again because look at them!!!
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Deva's design is so cool, I know she's hundreds of years old and that she appears in the Sana Starros series but I hope we see her in Phase 3 too if that even makes sense
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Wait just how big is Geode should I start running
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And what if I said Yoda-Kantam-Lula Jedi lineage goes down to Mana-Ky-Asajj linea- (given Lula lives)
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This isn't ending well for them is ittttt
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Them! Also the 2nd one is such a funny ending page with Krix on da ground barely alive
Huh ok so I got through THR phase 1 much faster than I thought I would. All in all, I started in the middle of the summer, more or less, and not only did I finish most of it, I also squeezed a fair amount of Legends books in between. I will be starting the Fallen Star as soon as I finish another Legends book, and then Midnight Horizon and maybe a few more things and I'll start being annoying about The High Republic Phase 2 instead! (I still have some Phase 1 comics left, but after the fallen star and midnight horizon lol)
The High Republic Adventures: Galactic Bake-Off Spectacular #1 | The High Republic: Trail of Shadows #3 | The High Republic Adventures (2021) #11 | Star Wars Adventures (2020) #14 | Star Wars Adventures Annual 2021 #1 | The High Republic Adventures (2021) #12
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
The next episode itself is a two-parter, and I think that rather than split them up I will just watch through, which might mean I have to reblog this post multiple times.
Finishing out season four!
s4, eps 12&13 Destiny
Usual reminder: this is a REwatch and there’s spoilers ahoy, I make a lot of bad jokes (some of which are Adult In Nature), I reference other cartoons, I make random asides.
(also, this time specifically, I had some alcohol)
Tbh? it's a lot like watching things like this with me in person aaahahaha I always want to pause and infodump shit -_-
lol Emily is destroying Shadow Weaver's garden
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Emily acts like Mal the cat does sometimes. WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH you are not supposed to have that! Get out of there!
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it's easy to forget how BIG Scorpia is??
LOLOL oh my god I went downstairs for like an hour and a half talking to my partners about the most random shit and then playing with the cat and also: I've had most of a can of wine.
One of these:
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YEAH (that's a huge image)
so if these get weird: blame the wine I guess
oh also @corpseauthority and I picked out fake fur and minky fabric for the ears and tail of my Catra cosplay :D :D :D I'M SO EXCITED
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the only thing better than Scorpia's "huh?" is Shadow Weaver's flat "what"
Shadow Weaver: no we need the other princesses Glimmer: well they're gone but-- Scorpia, Shadow Weaver, and Emily: WAIT, WHAT???
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okay but is the guard telling you this Double Trouble
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that thing was not meant to hold four humans and a horse with wings
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why are you SNIFFING HIM
Entrapta: "I don't know you" Micah: "Yes, you do. You stole my food." Entrapta: "OH YEAH! It was delicious :D"
oh god Adora's like "....but are you okay? we came here to find you 🥺"
and she's like YEAH I'M GREAT
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"each more deadly than the next??? it's PARADISE"
I love her so much oh my godddd
Bow: "We're here to rescue you" Entrapta: "didn't I just rescue YOU?"
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Bow mentions Hordak and Entrapta pulls her little new bug-eye mask down :(
Adora: so hey we uhhhhhhhh really need your help due to a terrible secret of the First Ones that nobody but us knows
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"WHy didn't you say so???"
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well that's a callback to s1 ep1
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anyway Kyle, Rogelio, and Lonnie come in and Catra's like OH UHHH so...what's happening
Lonnie: "we just got back from conquering another Rebel town" Kyle: ":D You should've seen us!! It was all:"
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and then he kicks Scorpia's old locker, with the drawings on it, and Catra gets mad
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Ironically the degree to which Catra is UPSET is making me ship them harder lol
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bb you need a break you are getting feral
Man Lonnie has her number lol. "What is wrong with you? We're winning! Even you should be happy."
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god I love when she's this deranged
she slams poor Lonnie against a locker
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john cena dot gif
but also OH DO THEY REMIND YOU OF WHO YOU USED TO BE? HMM? what you really wanted??? what actually gave you something like joy or contentment????? are you trying to just erase any part of you capable of feeling good?????????
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Kyle is RIGHT
The cinematic parallels between Catra and Glimmer in this episode ("forget my friends I'M IN CHARGE HERE and YOU NEED TO FOLLOW ORDERS") are *chef's kiss*
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Catra realizing this isn't what she actually wants: part ....a lot
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The other three leave, she yanks the drawings off Scorpia's old locker, then THUMPs her head on it. And then Double Trouble shows up!
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okay wait tho the way she pauses and then thumps her head on it is so funny I wish I could gif it, it's so cat-like and also Very Emo
I don't think this is supposed to be funny but it IS and I cannot stop rewinding and laughing. I blame the wine.
help i've rewatched it like five times now
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lol right??
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Me, when I was info-dumping my own fic at myself: is it weird to imagine these two banging??? Me now: nope
Double Trouble: "Apologies for the delay, kitten. I got ...held up...in Bright Moon"
Anyway they give a little speech about how the Princesses keep fighting and She-Ra is away
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(now THERE's an old fandom reference ahahaha)
"We can't let them return to the Fright Zone!" TOO FUCKING LATE
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Anyway they argue about the possibility of Glimmer taking Scorpia back to the Fright Zone
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lolol I am. like. less than ten minutes into the FIRST OF TWO EPISODES and i've hit the image limit.
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Ok so hi, hello, hope you’re doing well. Your hunger AU has hooked me and I have questions if you’re up for answering them. Or if they’ll be answered later that’s fine too.
1) Just how did the confrontation with Grian being outed go down? As far as I know Martyn doesn’t really have much proof that it’s Grian behind the games besides what he’s inferred from the Listeners but even then how does he back that up to the others? Did he just announce “Hey, Grian’s behind the games that traumatized us!” and everyone just agreed?
2) So now that Xisuma and the others are on the opposite side of the Dev Crystal, who’s in charge of Hermitcraft?
3) Speaking of the Dev Crystal, the single player turned multiplayer server is closer to where the Watchers are (I think). Did Grian’s moving around alert them to where he was, or is he still moderately safe?
4) Is it possible for a player to jump to a server connected to another Dev Crystal?
5) Will we get insight to how the non-Hermitcraft members reacted to the news (besides Jimmy)?
Thank you in advance 😌
Omg hello!!!! Im doing alright, a bit under the weather so thats why replies are so insanely slow rn 💀💀💀 but otherwise im doing good!!! Im so excited you like hunger au :D genuinely this never gets old for me to hear im just so excited all the time that people like it so much
The confrontation with Grian is something i haven't fully hashed out yet, but i'm currently rotating ideas around for exactly how that went down. It's definitely more complex than Martyn just telling them-- i just haven't taken the time to tease that out of my brain just yet because the exact how hasn't been relevant yet. Once i get that sorted tho i'll likely make a post for it :]
Nobody's really in charge of Hermitcraft, tbh, and Xisuma isn't much of a leader to begin with. Sure, he does necessary maintenance and code wrangling for them, but he's definitely not in charge of the community and wouldn't want to be anyway. The hermits are pretty self-governing, they're doing just fine without him!!
Closer is a bit relative, the server that Grian and co are on right now is around the.... edge of the "middle ring" of servers, so to speak??? So its not the farthest out, but it's a bit more inward in its placement than the Hermitcraft server is. The Watchers haven't been alerted, though-- full disclosure, im not putting the other Watchers in this fic because i want the main focus to be about recovery. However, they might appear in other related stories if i decide to write them!!!
I wanna say both yes and no to this. Or more accurately, not on their own, unless they're a very skilled code wrangler. I've briefly mentioned "tears" in the Greater Code before in-fic, and those sort of act like wormholes or extremely long-distance portals-- although in functionality, its less of a tear and more like taking two folds of stretched out fabric and moving them to sit next to each other. That's how people can travel to other server clusters, and i think stuff like that is mostly set up on city-server hubs like Hypixel or MCC
We will!!! We will absolutely be getting that insight within the narrative-- i plan to touch on every life member's reactions and feelings at least once in the fic. Which is a bit of a tall order but 😂😂 this is gonna be a loooong fic, so i'll have the time to do it
Hope this answered your questions!! :D thank you for stopping by to ask them!!!
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hecckyeah · 1 year
Hey! I’m super enjoying your pro-Joey Friends phase. It was my favorite show for a long time.
You had a GREAT post about how that relationship really grew and matured both Joey and Rachel’s characters, and I want to add that the fizzling of that relationship also DESTROYED Joey’s character.
Joey finally falling in love - real love - with Rachel made him see the hollow/shallow reality of his womanizing ways. His parents’ dysfunctional marriage really affected him early on in the series, and I head canon that he felt safe with Rachel. They developed that trust from living together. She was a person he’d never tire of the way that his father tired of his mother and sought out someone else.
When things didn’t work out with Rachel, the writers infantalized him. For laughs. Monica and Chandler joked that they’d have to have a room for him at their new house so they could take care of him forever because he couldn’t take care of himself. A grown man. Who had a good job and lived on his own since his 20’s.
If anyone should’ve been stuck in neutral forever, it was Ross. He was self-destructive from the start (Carol destroyed him and he never got over it and kept hurting other people because of it) and it would’ve been so satisfying to see him just stay in NY and raise his son and be a confirmed old bachelor. He had the temperament for being alone.
Oh! And one more thing: Joey was the first one to step up and offer to be committed to Rachel to help her raise Emma, and even tho Rachel turned him down, he ended up doing it anyway because Ross drove her away.
Anyway, I haven’t thought about all of this in a long time! But it’s been a lot of fun to read your takes and analysis. ☺️
Okay oh my gosh YES to all of this. OH the essays I could write.
I actually went through this exact same phase many years ago, and hadn't watched Friends in a while, so now just speeding through the entire series in a couple months, it's really giving me a different perspective than I had the first time. I'm also quite a bit older (you know how people change so much from late teen years to early twenties? It's crazy) and I have a different frame of reference for all the issues these characters deal with, since a lot of them have become my own issues now. There's so much nuance I didn't pick up on the first time around.
You are so right about Joey's character deteriorating after season 9. It's like the writers didn't know what to do with him except continuing his infamous saga of being an immature, stupid womanizer. He has no character development in season 10. Nothing pushing him ahead, nothing to look forward to like the other 5. Monica and Chandler having their babies and moving, of course, Rachel getting the Paris job offer, Phoebe and Mike getting married. What's in all this for Joey? Jokes about him being possessive of food and regressing back to how he was five or six seasons ago.
Infantilizing is absolutely the perfect word. Of all the friends, I would say Joey had the biggest development in the shortest amount of time, with Rachel right there with him. He was immediately ready to step up when she told him she was pregnant, without giving it any kind of second thought. In fact, he begged her to stay and live with him when she was so sure he would hate the idea. He was there with her at every turn, when she was scared about the braxton hicks, when she had so much anxiety about being a single mom, and especially when she missed going on dates and he made the perfect pseudo-boyfriend.
He absolutely felt safe with her, probably more than anyone he'd ever known. They're so similar in so many ways and he'd been living with her for years. Rachel couldn't even live with Ross for a year, or probably less (the timeline isn't super clear, let's be honest lol). She and Joey finally fell into this relationship built on an incredible foundation of trust and friendship (just like two other friends we all know and love), but they broke up because......???? of Ross? Or something? They were so perfect for each other, the writers had to bumble their way through a breakup in the weirdest way possible.
And then how do they treat Joey in season 10? Like he's the dumbest person who's ever existed. I get that he's not the sharpest crayon in the box, but they play up the stupid factor by about a thousand, and it's infuriating. I've always said he's the emotionally intelligent one of the group, but not even that is really shown in season 10. He flunks at the Pyramid game, he doesn't realize he's not speaking French, digs are made at his character, like you said with Monica and Chandler having a "Joey room" in their house. Sweet idea, horrible insinuation.
I mean, the man is in his mid-thirties. He's been through more life than Ross, for sure. I specifically remember watching that episode recently with Joey's parents and thinking how mature he was, how protective of his mom. And how angry he was at his dad, and insistent that he make things right with Ma. He's had to fight tooth and nail for a place in the world of showbusiness. He's had to watch all his friends find love and settle down and get everything they've ever wanted, while he's been in love exactly once in his entire life. He's grown and matured and when his best friend was pregnant, he realized that he actually wants to settle down and have a family. I mean, what level of growth and maturity does it take to realize that?
In earlier seasons, his demeanor was totally different. I don't even recognize season 10 Joey. They had to kill his very essence to explain their breakup.
And yeah, like you said. I think they wrote Ross into a storyline that -- if we're being realistic -- can only end with him being a bachelor and working at the university. He's never been able to live with anyone. He was a terrible roommate for Joey and Chandler, and he and Rachel couldn't last. Not only is he self-destructive, but he's destructive to everyone around him.
What kind of world do we live in where Joey "my god, she is... beautiful" Tribbiani doesn't get a happy ending, and Ross "we were on a break" Geller does??
Anyway, there's the essay for the day. My mind kind of ran away with me and I probably have more to say and maybe I'll organize my thoughts someday, but I'm watching season 10 as we speak and I'm just so. so sad. about how it all turned out. But I'll just live in AO3 Land and pretend Rachel and Joey raise their little family and grow old together and Ross stagnates and continues his precious tenure.
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brandwhorestarscream · 4 months
pairing sparkling blurb thingy: Optimus Prime/Prowl
(if you're surprised, you shouldn't be)
The only thing surprising about this is how long it took you to send it XD I was waiting for it from the second I posted about em
ANYWAY! Optimus is the one carrying, and this sheltered little goody two shoes had no idea about interfacing til after landing on earth. He kinda got addicted to it: it just always felt so warm, Prowl was always gentle and made him feel more loved and accepted than anyone ever had before, and he could never get enough of that feeling. It's no surprise he eventually ends up sparked
He's baffled by the concept at first, once Ratchet gives him the news after a standard tune up. There's something growing inside him?! An entire other person, a full cybertronian bot? How?! How can that be? The only way for mecha to come to life is via the Allspark vault on Cybertron, and now the Allspark shards scattered across this planet. He doesn't have any access to that, so how can this be? Error 404, does not compute
Once he gets over the shock and the reality settles in tho, he's incredibly excited. And nervous. This is a huge honor and responsibility, he thinks: if he's making a person then he owes it to them to give them the best possible life! He needs to do everything right! He downloads every single tiny scrap of information he can find about sparklings, and pesters Ratchet with literally hundreds of questions. How much should he recharge, how much should he fuel, does he need to be careful transforming? What's the necessary amount of exercise? He probably shouldn't be fighting decepticons, right? How long will he need to spend building them? Is he going to need to download schematics? What about-
He's the most nervous dedicated carrier Ratchet's seen in a long time 🤭 granted, he's the only carrier Ratchet's seen in a long time. He just wants to do right by his baby, even if he still hasn't quite conceptualized what a baby is.
The first time the sparkling kicks he runs to Ratchet in a panic thinking they're trying to escape early. Ratchet has to gently explain that that's normal, it means they're developing into a healthy newspark. Prowl mentions that there's an old superstition that the first time a sparkling kicks, it means they want their carrier to know they're there, and that makes Optimus light up in excitement. Their creation already likes him! That's great! Everytime the baby kicks from then on to the emergence, he always stop what he's doing to touch his belly and push as much acknowledgment and affection through their budding sparkbond. He wants them to know that he's there, too! He'll always be here for them 💖 and when he finds out that the sparkling will be able to hear voices after a certain development point, he makes it a part of his daily routine to ask Prowl to say hello to them. He talks to them all the time, constantly, telling them about anything and everything. He gets so used to having them kicking in his belly and connected to his spark, he can't get to sleep without one servo on his middle, gently stroking it and humming to the little one.
When they're born, Optimus isn't at all prepared for the pain. It's the worst thing he's ever had to endure--not even getting literally killed by Megatron could compare. In all his time in service to the elite guard and protecting earth, he'd never rated anything on the pain scale more than a 7.5. Labor is a strong 15. He's full on ugly crying and begging Ratchet to make it stop, to GET. IT. OUT!! It lasts nearly 20 hours and Prowl is as supportive as he can be, doing everything demanded of him with lethal efficiency and doing everything in his power to keep his mate comfortable.
When the sparkling finally arrives, they're thankfully healthy. All of Optimus's careful prep and precautions ensured they're born without any complications 😊 a beautiful blue and gold sparkling, perfectly precious. They come out screaming, loudly announcing to everyone that they are not happy about being thrust into a world that's so cold and bright and scary! Once they're cleaned and not so slimy-sticky anymore, Prowl gently helps Optimus sit up so he can hold their newspark. He kinda freezes up, optics wider than they've ever been and servos trembling as they're placed into his arms. They're still squalling, afraid and overstimulated, and he's not sure what to do. Instinct takes over after a moment though, and he cuddles them closer against his chassis. Bouncing them as gently as he can, shushing them with the promise of, "I'm here, I- I'm here! It's me, i-it's me, I'm right here, it's ok... shhhhh..."
And sure enough, that's enough. Hearing their carrier's familiar voice, snuggled close against his pulsing spark, they start to calm down. He watches with wonder as they squirm closer, murring as their tiny newborn systems begin to settle. Their optics squint open for the first time, blurry and unseeing but the most beautiful shade of blue, tiny glossa poking out and beginning to root for their first meal.
Optimus is surprised when he suddenly bursts into tears. He doesn't know why he's crying. He doesn't know where this flood of tears came from but he's just so overwhelmed with emotion he just can't stop. He snuggles them close and curls around them as much as he can, sobbing and blubbering and kissing their little helm over and over again. He's just so happy to finally have them here, he had no idea it was possible to love something like this, to love something this much. He'd of course loved them while they were growing inside of him, but this is so much different somehow. Seeing them so tiny and precious in his arms has brought an entirely new type of adoration bubbling to the surface, and he never, ever wants to let go of this feeling 💖
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heavyweightheart · 2 years
I've been seeing some fat liberationist dieticians post about how framing binge eating as solely a result of restriction denies that it can be an emotional/compulsive disorder in its own right and that denial is rooted in fatphobic beliefs. By relegating bingeing to just a reaction to restriction, it's denying the complex emotional landscape of binge eaters and privileging restriction as the only true disorder.
My first reaction was that the privilege framing doesn't really sit with me and frankly, my lived experience as a fat bulimic in recovery matches the bingeing as reaction paradigm. But... I keep thinking about this & that there may be something to it? I was wondering if you encountered this line of thought before and what your thoughts were.
also, I've tried for the past hour to find the Instagram posts that talked about this so you could see it in their own words bc I'm probably mangling something but I saw the discussion weeks (months?) ago (what is time even) and it's lost to the algorithm.
oh i see this take all the time! ig is pretty vacuous when it comes to ED discourse--the idea you're naming isn't new or progressive, it's just the regular old mainstream view on binge eating. these ppl usually mean well but they're confusing the fact that bingeing is an emotionally-laden experience with the idea that it's "emotionally"-driven in the absence of restriction. all this stuff is complex, ofc, bc hunger and emotion are closely connected. the bottom line is that when people stop restricting, they stop bingeing. there's sth almost fetish-y about focusing on the emotion piece without addressing the restriction, like it gives the clinician more power to do their esoteric work with their special knowledge, when the reality is that long-term unrestricted eating will dramatically reduce or eliminate bingeing. it's quite simple in that respect.
the accusation that this is fatphobic is really interesting. i'm not fat, so i'll let others say more on that if they wish. i don't agree; i think it's just the opposite. but we should also be clear that being or becoming fat for any reason is fine and shouldn't be pathologized. even if we did live in the emotional-eating-sans-restriction universe, and that made someone gain weight, so what? anyway, i think your gut response was right on. and, in the end, we find what feels true for us, you know? if anyone is interested in trying to reduce their binge eating, and they want to go the emotionally-driven theoretical route, try it! i've been in this work a long time--nearly a decade--so i have my expectations about how that will turn out (if restriction isn't rooted out), but sometimes we have to go our own way to arrive where we want to be. if something improves someone's quality of life and it aligns for them, i'm for it. clinicians should know their shit tho lol! ;)
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lost-decade · 6 months
Heyyy!!! So the fic questions!!
1 / 11 / 16 / 22 / 23 / 39 / 40
(I hope is not too much tho)
Hey! Thank you so much for asking, and sorry this took me so long.
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
This is a good question. I do enjoy both but I tend to gravitate towards one-shots purely because I'm not a particularly fast writer and I find it much easier to write fics that are around the 5K words mark.
Also I don't think my stories have a great deal of structure and I don't tend to do much plotting most of the time, which I think is something that you need to do with longer fics.
When I do hit on an idea though and manage to work out an end point, that's when I can really get into writing longer fics. A couple of my WIPs at the moment are multi-chaptered and I'm loving working on those.
I think as well, I worry that I won't be able to finish multi-chaptered fics, like I'll eventually lose interest. Which is why I don't generally post fics until they're complete. Although the James/Max I posted the first chapter of this weekend will definitely be finished, even if no one is interested lol.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
This is hard as there are a lot of great fics out there but I'm lazy and don't go into the ao3 tags very often, instead I rely on recs from friends and I'm also guilty of rereading a lot of my old faves multiple times.
Looking at my history/bookmarks, these are three that I've recently read and loved:
that one from work can come over on monday night - Lovely Landoscar getting together WIP from @verycoolwearsleather. This is the kind of slow burn that I absolutely adore.
last chance saloon - Lewis/Jenson on the night of Jenson's retirement
Ode to a conversation stuck in your throat - Gorgeously written galex set across the 2022 season
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
At the moment there's just a couple. Tbh there's not a lot of pairings I'm very enthusiastic about atm. There are pairings I enjoy reading if the writing is good but that I wouldn't write myself.
I've probably written Max/James to death this year and as there won't be any new interactions between them going forward I think that will fizzle out for me soon. I would dearly love to be into an F1 pairing enough to write it but there isn't one that I'm into enough or would feel confident enough to write. I enjoy writing Max G because he's so private and that provides a lot of scope for character building because you only have the basics to work from.
I'm rambling so much lol sorry. Anyway, back to the question. At the moment there's a James/André fic I'm working on set in 2033 where André gets divorced, has a breakdown, goes to therapy and realises he's been in love with James for years while they do a classic car rally in Italy.
Also the concluding part in my Max/James series, where they split up and then work through some shit. And that's about it really. I mean, there's also a lot of random bits and pieces that I've abandoned.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I wouldn't say there's anything I'm dead set against writing, but ones that spring to mind that just don't interest me are a/b/o dynamics, high school AUs, fics with many multiple pairings. Actually mpreg is a very big no. Anything involving pregnancy majorly squicks me, regardless of gender.
I'm crap at writing anything technical about actual racing either. I tend to swerve that and concentrate on shippy stuff.
Also I generally don't have a lot of interest in writing established relationships. What I really love is the getting together, the figuring each other out and working through the obstacles. Once those things have been resolved and it's all plain sailing then it's mission accomplished for me from a writing point of view. Unless we're talking horny one-shots/PWPs and then how long they've been together is often inconsequential.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
Don't get too tied up in worrying about how whatever you're writing is going to be received. Also, I find what is a huge help with motivation and confidence is having someone you can bounce ideas off and go to for advice if you're not sure if a certain scene/idea is working. Shoutout to @zeraparker, and @verycoolwearsleather for this.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
From my André/James 2033 roadtrip fic:
Andre leans back against the sink vanity, marble cool beneath his palms. For a moment he’s half jealous, but more curious; him and James never talk about relationships though, unless you count the excruciating attempts the other night to discuss Ania. James is a catch, the type of guy Andre would have expected to be married with a kid by now, yet instead he’s here in Gordes with Andre, dressed like some new romantic popstar in leather pants and pale silk shirt. He gets away with it in a way that Andre isn’t sure he himself does. Surely there's someone.
They don’t talk to each other about that sort of thing, not in a serious way.
“Just wondering who's bed you’re going to end up in at the end of the night.” He gestures to James’ outfit. “This suits you mate.”
James smiles but there’s something in his expression that Andre can’t read, there then gone.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Ooh this is hard. I'd be honoured with anything tbh! A couple of thoughts having scrolled through my fics: Daniel and Cyril kissing in the hotel corridor from Only Memories
The jeandre bedsharing from Protège-moi (although we do have the actual video from that lol)
And ahem, well. Max G in lingerie, from satin sheets and luxuries so fine
Get to know your fic writer!
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rocksanddeadflowers · 8 months
hello, mechanisms enjoyer. who is your favourite mechanism. what is your favourite album. what is your favourite song. do you have a favourite mechanisms photo.
Oh!!! The mechs ask person!!! Hello!!! Yay I like answering questions that let me ramble thank you
It's literally impossible for me to pick a favorite anything but for the mechs specifically I think I have a special soft spot for Brian and Jonny, as well as the prison mechs. I will honestly obsess over one at random just rotating them BUT I find Brian and Ivy relatable and stupidly loveable. Raphaella's vocal range is very similar to mine and I'm always down with mad scientist types. Marius is just so fun to write and he's just like,,,,, idk he's got such a fun demeanor. Jonny memorizes and recites large pieces of script in a way I can relate to (because autism) but mainly aside from his overall Jonny-ness, it's the New Texas thing. I grew up in Texas and I like projecting a lot of southern culture onto to, mostly the cool stuff that makes me homesick (which is also why I love Lyfrassir bc I can project a lot of my Norse Mythology info and pagan lifestyle onto them, but they're not technically a mech so)
Clearly my favorite album is The Bifrost Incident, mainly because Norse Mythology was one of my biggest special interests for years (it still is btw I'm just not as deep anymore). Also after the disappointment of the Loki series, getting into The Mechanisms was just awesome. I will say tho that even if TBI is objectively my favorite, I listen to HNOC the most lmao.
Very hard to pick a favorite song bc I'm obsessed with like .... almost all of them. So my 'favorite' isn't necessarily which song I think is the best, but it's Rose Red. I have many feelings about that song. OUAT(IS) was my first album (literally at that point my only info about The Mechs was someone's post about "Jonny Sim's - you know the TMA guy - stupid and embarrassing uni band" so here i was looking for a giggle actually) i was laying in bed in the middle of the night listening. IMMEDIATELY enraptured by it (it's not stupid and embarrassing how did that person come to the conclusion is this because I'm a theatre kid) and the gasp I let out at Rose Red!! Because most of the songs I didn't really recognize except Pump Shanty really, but Rose Red was a song close to my heart!! It was an old choir warm up, and one of my favorites bc it was the only one we did that wasn't silly and dumb, but straight up sounded ethereal man!! It was just super nostalgic. So after King Cole that song went on loop for a while. Cut to months later when I finally listened to DTTM, yeah anyway that version made me cry. Lot of feels <3
I have many favorite pics!!!! I posted one of my favorite Brian pics ever somewhere on my Tumblr but here's a couple pics I've been rotating a lot recently:
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Also here's the favorite Brian pic
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Think about him a lot <3
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
*ahem* so for completely unrelated reasons what would be ur fave designs/outfits for wingul and gaius...
Haha, oh boy, I have opinions on costumes, mind if I use this post to ramble a bit 😅
In-game: So Gaius generally gets nice outfits. His default ones are both really good and fitting, the no jacket one is classy, swimsuit is hot (minus the stupid towel)... I'm a bit eeeh on the school one, aesthetics-wise, but it's funny as a concept. Gaius is too old for school anyway. Sports is okay, kinda bland. Would have preferred a kendo or iaido uniform or something bc sword, but what we got isn't too bad either. Cameo is not a costume I like much nor find fitting for him, but it works for the seiyuu joke (it's rare when I like cameo costume choices anyway).
There's only one I truly dislike, and it's the X1 default alt color. Like seriously, what the heck is that one??? Going darker/more black? Good idea! Purple? Awesome! ...Add some neon green? WTF. That makes him look like some alien or something. Who thought this was a good idea?? That color combination looks ridiculous af, I hate it. Make it silver or something, it would have been so much better.
Anyway my ultimate favorite is, of course, his last boss costume. It looks really good, the color scheme is awesome (white and gold really suits him, along with the red and black). It's really awesome.
Wingul, sadly, gets no new costume, which is a shame. The God-General got a wardrobe change in the last arc, why couldn't the Chimeriad? 😢
Mobile games: Sadly, Gaius is no Yuri/Ludger/Sorey/insert popular character, so he doesn't get a lot, but there's still a few and they're all good. Least favorite is his Rays White Day suit, not because it's bad (it isn't, it does suit him), but because his X2 default is already a suit, so it's pretty unoriginal; kind of a waste of a seasonal costume. At least the anni suit from Asteria is more different (and very good).
Kinda same about his spirit gear, like it's cool, I like how it's a mix between his last boss and default costumes, but it looks a bit too much like a simple alt color of the last boss one. More variety would have been nice (especially since one of the things I loved about the last boss one was how it departed from the 'red and black' scheme, which this one basically reverts to). But honestly it's still good, it's more about me wanting something more different.
Yukata is nice especially because it gives him a color he doesn't wear often, but sadly since it's a 4* we don't have full picture of it.
The best is his hanami one, absolutely gorgeous, great colors, nice hairstyle... just perfect. At first I wasn't too big on the coat but after looking more into taisho roman fashion I realized it fits (still prefer without it tho).
Wingul, surprisingly, gets a couple of costumes here. He looks pretty good in the idol costume (also, white suits him!), though the downside of it is that it's a generic idol crossover costume and many other characters have one too (plus side of that is that it matches with Agria's tho).
And then... there's the onsen costume. Which I love for the concept of it. But it's a mess lmao. Firstly, the color scheme is all over the place. The tie is horrendous, especially on that shirt. The... jacket thing (is it a haori? something else?) is nice, but combined with everything else just contributes to the overall ridiculous look. Seriously Wingul what happened, did Agria burn your clothes so you had to borrow a mismatch from other employees??? Ridiculous. It's a "so bad I love it" situation 🤣
Wish list: This category is like, if I could make Rays/Asteria provide more costumes for my faves, what would I like to see? Well, top of the list would be New Year or Lunar New Year outfits, the former because they're always so gorgeous and I'm jealous that plenty of characters I don't care about get them over my faves, the latter because it's a really cool concept and I wish they'd bring it back already.
Next would be Wedding for shipping reasons, but honestly it'd just be yet another suit so I can do without. Same for Orchestra, though I'd be curious to see what instruments Bamco would assign them (still not over trumpet Elize lmao). Halloween would be cool too. And pirates.
Also, for Wingul specifically, anything that matches with Gaius' existing costumes. Gimme that couple look, Bamco x)
idk if that answers your question lol, but those are my thoughts on Gaius and Wingul's costumes.
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insanitybl00m · 4 months
SO I SAID I'D POST MY THEORY ABOUT QSMP 2024 SO HERE IT IS Might reblog if I remember more of my theories (I have like five)
Theory 1: Everything is just gone. They move to a new island with nothing.
Theory 2: They move back to quesadilla island. The wall is in rubble, and there is still remnants of the old builds (poor foolish in this theory seeing the remains of the titan). They also start over with nothing
Theory 3 kinda intersects with my other theories. The initial 5 still alive eggs (Chayanne, Tallulah, Leo, Dapper, Ramon) are hatching. Not the other five tho haha, older siblings are cool dragons now.
Theory 4: THEY GO BACK TO EGG ISLAND (im a sucker for purgatory content) this one isn't likely but maybe it's so they can rescue Baghera and Cellbit??
Theory 5: Theory 1 but better. We know that the cucuruchos (i'm referring to them as multiple I explained this theory in another post) have nine keys (to nine islands?), Maybe they're going to another island where the cucurucho is different? Maybe a rabbit (qsmpglobal be weird for my theorys) anyway this is another island but it's the home of other genetic experiments (RABBITS????? i'm obsessed with them ok) I personally think of them like nine major islands with the smaller islands being classified as part of a bigger one.
Personally Idk how much of these are possible. I think theory two is the most possible because we only saw it "restarting" but with an extra week for the server to stay closed gives the admin team A LONG TIME (by qsmp standards) TO DO COOL THINGS
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whataphantasia · 9 months
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oog i keep forgetting to post here,,, i did a really big oc x canon promptlist on my alt twitter acc like, last year, and i like the stuff i did for it so im posting it here :3
day 1: dancing
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needed to draw this for the fic where they dance at prom and a destroyed universe respectively ^_^
day 2: stargazing. the thumbnail image at the top :D
day 3: phone call
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day 4: (not so) sneaky glances
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ely sits inbetween these two in class. they have to deal with them staring daggers at each other. very stressful sorry ely </3 here's the doodle from like 2019 that made me wanna draw this
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also like there's this moment in the fic where eadr is watching mysterious mysteries together and..... HSHSBDHSHDGDHDHS
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day 5: "i'm proud of you"
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THESE TWO NEED VALIDATION SO BAD RAGHHH don't @ me about the lighting on zim IK ITS REVERSED,,,
day 6: music/playlist. i didn't make any art for this but i did show off my playlists for zaeadr :D i will not elaborate here bc I Don't Feel Like It.
day 7: whispers
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this is actually a redraw... :3c specieswap eadr! so cute :)
day 8: closeness
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ok i didnt actually make any new art for this i just posted two old ones from 2021 LOL
day 9: protectiveness (CW blood)
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dib and zim r dangerous to have as love interests come on ely 😔
day 10: "how was your day" (CW blood as well)
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ely needs to tell him to stop tracking blood into the house.....
day 11: one wish
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WOW something NOT ely related?! anyways ana and ad's whole love arc is kinda like... they both have responsibilities and unrequited feelings. moreso than my other oc x canon pairings. i think them a lot
day 12: matching accessories
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cove jumpscare. IDK I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE MATCHING KEYCHAINS HE BUYS FOR MC... this is reiner btw i was playing as xim in my like 3rd playthrough >_< xe's fond of spoiling him with gifts, more than my other mcs...
day 13: nightmare
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it took me 13 days to break and make sans x shelby art SJWKDJWJ anyway. shelby doesn't meet him pre-corruption but whatever i think they're cute
day 14: makeup
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I HATE THIS DRAWING RAAAA but ely likes asking to do his nails ^_^ even tho theyre terrible at it but he doesnt mind :3c
day 15: "you are my happiness"
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ok uhh my bad this isn't oc x canon LOL. but... erfi and ana... have a lot of angst like halfway/early in their arc bc erfi sees her as a beacon of light/savior, especially due to her current relationship with the ppl in her life.................... they get better dw!!! ad goes through a similar arc so i think that was how i tied it into the oc x canon promptlist LMAO
day 16: indirect kiss
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SODA BOTTLE... IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. i've talked about this scene in the fic NON STOP to my close friends.... its when dib realizes he has a crush on ely...... i drew this like in 2021 SHWJSJW
day 17: morning cuddles
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SORRY i just think it's a super funny possibility that zim becomes domestic. idc if it's out of character thats why its funny U_U!!
oh and uhm yea i have a fankid 4 these guys... have i talked abt her... i dont think i have... but ive drawn her a lot... maybe ill post more art abt her later...
day 18: photoshoot
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uhhhmmm im gonna crop this for my tumblr.... yea.... anyways i love the possibility that when they're adults they become super popular, like in dib's wonderful life of doom X)
day 19: voicemail. THAT ONE THING I POSTED!! yes it was a shelby x error thing. i was listening to pick up the phone by fir at the time, which like, its not the errorshelby dynamic at all they're not toxic, but. the vibes... in the fic after shelby leaves the anti void he has a massive crisis... thats what the drawing is...
day 20: "what happened to you"
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BRO I HAVE SO MANY IMAGES RELATED TO THIS FOR ANA AND ADAMAÏ... the images explain everything idc read them instead
day 22/23: hand made gift, late night drive
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ummmm sooooo theres this chapter in the fic where they go to an echo flower field on the surface at night........ this is that.... DIES
that last one i never posted on twitter :0c and uhm thats all i did of the 30 day promptlist! it was fun! i got to draw so much... yay :3 thats all. explodes in embarrassment
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goldenkenku · 1 year
hello I come with oc questions hello! what are some fun facts about whoever is most on your mind right now? and what are some not-so-fun facts? :3c
Paroxysm is genuinely something I can say was created purely on accident because I got very attached to the new edgy oc (Shin) and decided that they Must have some depth even tho I originally wanted them to be flat and just for funsies. To explain: Shin originally was this mass of creatures who decided to kill and possess some rando's (rando being Daki) body while pretending to Be them etc etc then shenanigans ensure. But yeah I was like. "Ok but who is the guys he's possessing tho. Also does this dude have any friends who'd notice this change– oH ALSO W–[FALLS FACE FIRST INTO INTENSE HYPERFOCUS]
▪︎Also extra note: Dai had been created during this original concept phase as well! I wanted Daki (the guy Shin is possessing currently) to have like. Actual Friends who'd notice that Somethings Different in him and would help him if possible and moments later Dai was born
And speaking of Dai, this reminds me that in early development (saying this like Paroxysm isn't still a baby) he was originally meant to be... 21 years old? but after getting more into his life accomplishments and all that I came to the conclusion of: "If this guy were in fact 21 yrs old, I think the sheer amount of stress he's under would perhaps send him into an early grave"– and basically he's 23 yrs old now (but also I do not think that man has ever gotten more than 5-6hrs of sleep in one sitting. Good lird)
On the flip side tho, his friend Daki is currently in the middle of taking a break year between high school and college since he's graduated, and I think he gets enough sleep/relaxation time for the both of them (/hj because very soon Daki gets exposed to The Horrors and is put thru the metaphorical blender)
▪︎Dai's name came from when I was trying to say ShinDaki (<- the current duo name for Shin and Daki's dynamic) While. Extremely Tired and ended up saying "ShinDai" on accident LMAO, anyways it stuck with me as we can see
▪︎fun thing that I like to sprinkle into their dynamic occasionally is that Daki admires Dai SO much, but subconsciously has this bad habit of comparing themself to him Constantly (obviously not the healthiest of habits lol) and wants to be someone that Dai can be proud of
Also Daki has been procrastinating confessing His Feelings™ for Dai for at least years and at this point he's made peace with going to the grave with them as well (Hes gets nervous making larger life decisions, and will normally get someone else to support him during smth like this. And since this is something he must do alone (<- without Dai's support) he has decided to Not)
Dai has Feelings for Daki as well lol, but he's less self aware when it comes to these things and it took dating a random girl that he works with to Really register it LMAO (while they were dating he was like. Huh. Hey so why can't I stop thinking about my friend. [Realizes] OH. OHHHHHHH. FUCK.) Anyways he ended up telling her this (bc he felt guilty and thought she should know) and soon after they broke up unfortunately, on good terms btw!!! They're still really close friends still but it was... sooo fucking awkward during the week post breakup. But in true Dai fashion he has decoded to repress his feelings for Daki for Later™ him to address
Anyways I love my sillies, but for the not so fun facts!!!:
▪︎The reason why Dai is Like That (overachiever/overworker/doesn't know how to take care of himself etc etc) is because he's been trying to live up to the impossible standard his parents have set for him, and the standards he's set for himself mentally as a result of this. I feel that he envies Daki's ability to like... actually relax without the feeling of crawling out of his skin bc of restlessness (tfw you have strict parents who don't know how to convey positive emotions at children and give them insane mental illnesses instead)
Also Daiki be like. "Ohh I admire your ability to live a life that is seemingly the exact opposite of my own. I wish I were more like you" bc I dunno love wins
▪︎In the Egregore AU (<- Basically the reverse version of Paroxysm where Dai gets possessed instead of Daki) Dai is.. Alot more paranoid(?) compared to his original counterpart. And smth smth I think he has OCD  in Egregore now? So basically. The Curse thats possessing him can be summed up as "horrific intrusive thoughts that are also Very Sentient/Alive" and I dunno. I was looking at how someone like him might yknow. Cope with this sort of thing and kept realizing that it was very simular to how I've seen people deal/sooth themselves during bad bouts of OCD. Anyways in Paroxysm Daki's body is taken away from him and in Egregore its Dai's mind that's turned against him. They are 🤝🤝🤝🤝 while also crying LOL
▪︎There was a version of Paroxysm where Daki... perma died at The Start of the story, and it was abt Dai solving and avenging his murder and Shin being an ass about it. It's changed since then so instead of dying he gets rreeaallllll close to it lol
(And since this was The Original Concept of Paroxysm, the meaning of Daki's name reflects that still even tho things have changed Alot since then. Anyways Daki meant "abandon, throw away, discard" etc etc however I recently found a different (kanji) spelling of Daki that can mean princess which is SO funny to me)
Shin has The Worst abandonment issues known to man and science. It's understandable since the One person he had really trusted and felt a really connection with basically sealed him into a box where his energy bounced and reflected off of itself for.. almost? 20 years basically, and for the most part he doesn't know Why this happened to him (the process of That fucked up/twisted his memories, so he genuinely cannot rely on whatever goes on his brain memory wise) so he's done alot of stewing in anger/grief/intense confusion during that time. I do not think he would begin to recognize what he was "before."
In short Shin has decided to take out all of his Very pent up Issues on Daki, which obvs doesn't end well for anyone involved unfortunately
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Ofc I waited until Arsenal took over again 🤭 yeah can't deny their shit statistics tho, but somehow they're at the top so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways, Madrid defeated Liverpool AND I SMILE, yes I know I've just said I liked Liverpool but oh wellqwjhswhwhjwjw. They're still higher than Chelsea... I came back from the club around 6am and decided to watch the Madrid vs Liverpool match 😅😭 anyways we're really gonna be screwed once Benzema retires... hopefully some new faces will be motivated to shine then. RM likes CL more and tbh same (why doesn't it sound like I'm talking about kpop here 😭 )
Serial concert goers and fansites don't care, they've seen the same thing 100 times so posting videos is their priority 🔫 they said "fuck Pitbull I'm mister worldwide now" there's this one Shitstar who has LA and Seoul in their bio, so why are you at every European stop as well? 🤡
I just feel bad for the employees at SM, also artists potentially. Free Shinee, SNSD and EXO <3 I find it really funny that the video SM released insists that resisting against the takeover is also for the good of fans and employees, as if they aren't just greedy businessmen trying to appeal to shareholders at the end of the day. Ofc I'd rather Hybe not take over, but the video just makes me laugh with its oversimplifications and misinformation (the ticketing part). However the ratio on this tweet people aren't having it!
The letter is laughable though, at least SM's artists come to European festivals, Hybe only sent Enhypen once. And not them acting like they're doing this for charity and kpop's sake, fuck them seriously.
This drama reminds me of beauty youtubers making exposing videos. This looks more real and probable than the SM and Hybe beef. Stop the memes lmaooo
Ha I see you with that Tamino song in your carrd 🥰 hey at least Kang Daniel is coming to Vancouver
Justice for Pon de Replay! Yes, I'm your friendly neighbourhood boomer, just like Seonghwa ❤ Crazy in Love definitely tops, I like some old Bey. I do have to say I haaaate Single Ladies, every time it plays at the club I 🔫 I do like Hello! I got into it after hearing a cover on The Young Pope.
Okay Brussels isn't that big and like I said, I kept bumping into so many people in London and same here in Seoul, but..... at least don't brag about it??? My friends saw Jooheon in London VERY RANDOM and others saw Huta and Pentagon at the airport. They were coming back from Paris. Also apparently Frenchies can't stop being stalking weirdos 🔫
My blood is just tteokbokki sauce at this point <3
I think Seongwoo and Woojin were there too, but definitely Jihoon, Daehwi and Jinyoung.
I think a lot of Brits disliked YOU as well, cause it only showed posh awful people. I watched Love Wedding Repeat for the cast, but the movie was surprisingly not that bad!
Mbappe just needs to be not like the other girls lol. I like suits on women and I enjoy wearing suits myself, on men... it depends, boring suits don't interest me. Unless it's Park Seonghwa
I wish I was rich lol, maybe back in the day, but shit happened, not to mention I've barely saved for this trip 💔 if I had enough time and money I'd go see Ateez, but alas
Ahhhh I forgot about that lift scene in model, I really should read it again, shouldn't I....
Seonghwa........ (flashbacks to my fan calls)
Atunas lying and being weird per usual
Okay but I really couldn't believe it was Hwa. Why is he in shorts 😭 I know London isn't that cold, but wtf. Anyways, he's lucky I'm not there otherwise I'd chomp on his legs 😋 one of my friends commented "he has really nice calves" and now I can't stop looking at them
This is so cute, but I'm sorry I laughed. My turn to hug and kiss Hwa when
Vampire instincts kicking in
Hey who's cutting onions 🤧 I'm thinking of going to see DJ Minho actually
And EXO RISE! - DV 💖
Ofc I waited until Arsenal took over again 🤭 yeah can't deny their shit statistics tho, but somehow they're at the top so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways, Madrid defeated Liverpool AND I SMILE, yes I know I've just said I liked Liverpool but oh wellqwjhswhwhjwjw. They're still higher than Chelsea... I came back from the club around 6am and decided to watch the Madrid vs Liverpool match 😅😭 anyways we're really gonna be screwed once Benzema retires... hopefully some new faces will be motivated to shine then. RM likes CL more and tbh same (why doesn't it sound like I'm talking about kpop here 😭 )
waiting for them to boot down on a surprising twist, man city and man utd are rIGHT behind,, LMFAOOOO I SAW IT SND THE WAY THEY SCORED 2 FIRST AND THEN IT JUST WENT DOWN HILL vini’s liverpool’s new owner,, HOW WAS THE CLUB !! yeah when benz leaves maybe something would 📉📉 but rm’s brazillian’s will always make it! YEAAAHHH they def like CL more and when they come back to la liga, they get a 55 yo man named busquets greets them <3 busi cOOKS,, NO LITERALLY FHJWHDJS RM LIKES CL IN FOOTBALL AND KPOP TERMS
and ramos national retirement? bro didn’t retire he WAS DROPPED THE DISRESPECT IS CRAZY HERE and 😭😭😭 what magic does he have 😭😭
Serial concert goers and fansites don't care, they've seen the same thing 100 times so posting videos is their priority 🔫 they said "fuck Pitbull I'm mister worldwide now" there's this one Shitstar who has LA and Seoul in their bio, so why are you at every European stop as well? 🤡
the way idk what goes inside their brain to see people so many times without getting bored, to sTAND in concerts repeatedly for 2-3 hours a day and them go home to edit photos and post them and by the time ur about to sleep it’s already the next day 😭😭 exhausting tbh but the work ethic is top tier,, MR WORLDWIDE FBWNDHSKBFNF UR RIGHT,, americans should stay at american concerts bc why are u in a whole other continent when u just saw a concert ayo 😭😭 money 📉📉
I just feel bad for the employees at SM, also artists potentially. Free Shinee, SNSD and EXO <3 I find it really funny that the video SM released insists that resisting against the takeover is also for the good of fans and employees, as if they aren't just greedy businessmen trying to appeal to shareholders at the end of the day. Ofc I'd rather Hybe not take over, but the video just makes me laugh with its oversimplifications and misinformation (the ticketing part). However the ratio on this tweet people aren't having it!
yeahhh the constant videos they’re putting out and the open letters saying everyone is against them just concludes lee soo man is a lefty fuck and asked hybe to save his ass,, LMFAOOOO RIGHT THEYRE DOING IT THE BEAUTY COMMUNITY ON YOUTUBE KIND OF WAY, THE MEMES IN THIS TIME PPL ARE SO FUNNY FBMWBFKWHDKS PPL’s CAREERS ARE IN A JEOPARDY AND THERES FANS MAKIMG MEMES OF THEM 😭😭 thw ratio is full well deserved, not hybe acting like their the pioneers of kpop when they follow every trend or concept years later from the very company they acquired shares in 🤨 tbh i think hybe needs sm more then sm needs them,, if u think about it, sm focuses heavily on asia and even euro and latam at times which hybe doesn’t have a strong suit in AND THW WAY PPL ARE SAYING THIS IS GREAT BRITAIN INVASION ALL OVER AGAIN FBWNDHWKDJWK
The letter is laughable though, at least SM's artists come to European festivals, Hybe only sent Enhypen once. And not them acting like they're doing this for charity and kpop's sake, fuck them seriously.
yeah! at least sm holds their family concerts there at times! sends their groups to festivals and even have their soloists go there + have their artists do fashion weeks there so hybe 🤨 the saviour complex in hybe is showing and their company stan’s are riding w it <3 bc i remember that “retro” trend they started when sm did it two years back 🤨
This drama reminds me of beauty youtubers making exposing videos. This looks more real and probable than the SM and Hybe beef. Stop the memes lmaooo /// Ha I see you with that Tamino song in your carrd 🥰 hey at least Kang Daniel is coming to Vancouver
NO SERIOUSLY FBWKDHWKJCCJ THE ONLY THING MISSING IS THE RECEIPTS AND THE EMAILS!!! DROP THEN WHILE UR AT IT!!! the memes are the best part 😭😭😭 tamino has actually taken over me <3 epik high is too! was planning to go unfortunately my finals are on the day of their concert <//3 i am patiently waiting for baekhyun’s wc atp
Justice for Pon de Replay! Yes, I'm your friendly neighbourhood boomer, just like Seonghwa ❤ Crazy in Love definitely tops, I like some old Bey. I do have to say I haaaate Single Ladies, every time it plays at the club I 🔫 I do like Hello! I got into it after hearing a cover on The Young Pope.
why. we’re never getting anything! LMFAOOOO u guys should start a boomer squad right away, next fan call it’s ur time to pitch the idea,,, CRAZY IN LOVE IS >>>>> older beyonce def! single ladies anon im about to perform the entire choreography to it aNYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE her recent album the song alien superstar was very model hwa vibes actually!
Okay Brussels isn't that big and like I said, I kept bumping into so many people in London and same here in Seoul, but..... at least don't brag about it??? My friends saw Jooheon in London VERY RANDOM and others saw Huta and Pentagon at the airport. They were coming back from Paris. Also apparently Frenchies can't stop being stalking weirdos 🔫 /// My blood is just tteokbokki sauce at this point <;3
i think it’s nice when ppl meet celebrities but it’s the constant brag and reminder that they did meet them repeatedly is a pet peeve,, JOOHEON?? HUTA??? WHAT IS HE DOING THERE AYO 😭😭😭 the more i learn about the french the more i don’t wanna go thwre fbenjckchc tteokbokki sauce and the rice wine in ur blood, WATER! HYDRATE 😭😭😭
I think Seongwoo and Woojin were there too, but definitely Jihoon, Daehwi and Jinyoung. /// I think a lot of Brits disliked YOU as well, cause it only showed posh awful people. I watched Love Wedding Repeat for the cast, but the movie was surprisingly not that bad!
OOOOOOO wanna one reunion in a cafe??? no more evil editing 🤲🏻 what is this dislike for posh ppl in brits, all the interviews w brit celebrities they’re all hating on the posh accent 😭😭 IT WAS GOOD WASNT IT! was laughing and giggling every two mins, a cute romcom! romcom’s like these should return 😭😭
Mbappe just needs to be not like the other girls lol. I like suits on women and I enjoy wearing suits myself, on men... it depends, boring suits don't interest me. Unless it's Park Seonghwa
need him to go thru a lil humbling session <3 maybe the mourinho being their manager would help that, watch him praise mbappe at first and then later call him out 😭😭 wouldn’t hurt to be humble,, i saw the whole vlog of the magic guy and it’s just straight funsies w ramos losing his mind messi’s impressed and speaks a letter of english language and mbappe is just 😭😭
see men in suits in which the style actually looks good on them? absolutely, unfortunately it’s always the models who look good in them 😭😭 YES SEONGHWA IS AN EXCEPTION TO EVERYTHING
I wish I was rich lol, maybe back in the day, but shit happened, not to mention I've barely saved for this trip 💔 if I had enough time and money I'd go see Ateez, but alas /// Ahhhh I forgot about that lift scene in model, I really should read it again, shouldn't I....
inflation happened 🥰🥰 manifesting u winning a lottery <3 recently been having dreams about it and would rec u to dream about a lottery ticket after 4am in the morning bc it somehow comes true? the lift scene lifts me up tbh,, YOU SHOULD!! YOU HAVE TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE!
Seonghwa........ (flashbacks to my fan calls) /// Atunas lying and being weird per usual // Okay but I really couldn't believe it was Hwa. Why is he in shorts 😭 I know London isn't that cold, but wtf. Anyways, he's lucky I'm not there otherwise I'd chomp on his legs 😋 one of my friends commented "he has really nice calves" and now I can't stop looking at them
that all black outfit…👁👁👄👁👁 atiny’s on their way to becoming the new armies atp bc what the hell 😭😭 these “mistranslations” ppl make just to sexualize his words could literally damage his career 😭😭 WHY ARE THEY BAREFOOT AND IN SHORTS IN LONDON??? WASNT IT LIKE RAINING AND POURING AND COLD 😭😭😭 anon vampire era is really coming to life,,, tvd but starring u as damon <3
This is so cute, but I'm sorry I laughed. My turn to hug and kiss Hwa when /// Vampire instincts kicking in /// Hey who's cutting onions 🤧 I'm thinking of going to see DJ Minho actually /// DID YOU SEE THE PHOTO OF SHINEE KEY SENT ON BUBBLE 😭❤❤❤❤❤ /// And EXO RISE! - DV 💖
I DID FORTUNATELY BEFORE IT GOT TAKEN DOWN 😭😭😭 JUST A FEW MORE DAYS TILL HE COMES BACK 😭😭 baekhyun world tour… anon do u want to buy my kidney….i am speechless, the amount of activity given is so…unreal SMTOWN EMPLOYEES ARE BOOKED! AND BUSY! THIS YEAR! FINALLY!
and kai? he is allergic to not serving iracus core <3 with the belly dancing belt, jongin my habibi shake it
… he just keeps getting better
this fencing guy? he seems like the perfect guy to be in a sports rivals au don’t think 🤨
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I hit post limit but I'm watching James and the Giant Peach anyway so what about we do it in the style of my Baki liveblogs?
Oh yeah baby this format is coming back. No pics will be taken which makes me sad! But alas...
I think it's worth mentioning i haven't watched this movie since i was a kid so i don't remember anything other than it having a nice vibe
I was joking w Blood about the family dying after the boat crashes but um. I guess the rhyno won? Whatever THAT means...
I want these aunts to sandwich me they could make me worse
JWDGWKDVJWDV THE FUCKING WARREN WASTELAND 💀💀💀 that's how england looks to me 😍/j
The kid is singing. Anyway, that spider def poisonous 💀
This kiddo is depressing bruh
Sings like shit tho ngl
James doesn't know what a poisonous spider looks like but he sure knows how to make a perfect paper balloon first try 💀
Second degree murder 😁👍
Man is scaring me more than he's scaring James but that's only bc unlike this weird isolated British orphan i was taught about stranger danger
I think James is just having a psychotic breakdown because of all the physical and psychological abuse he has been thru /j
Spiker you are like 180 cm you could get it yourself 😐
The way this peach came to be is both hilarious and cute this tree is winning rn
This movie has extremely funny dialogue i love Spiker sm
Pretty based of them to make the priest pay double NGL
The rhyno threats are fucked up but so goofy bc. It's a fucking rhyno 💀
Maybe they mean the guy from spiderman tho, i mean, they WERE going to New York after all...
Damn i cracked the code
Strong ass kid ate the worm 😨
God i adore these bugs sm they are so shape
This spider is so hot, even hotter than i remembered
Rhinnoceri... I need to fuck this cricket <- guy so horny he forgot the word
Isn't it kinda... Racist, to call another bug a maggot?
This music goes hard
What about da worm........? 🥺
That worm is prob like would u still love me if i was a human?
"now i have two half brothers" 💀💀💀
Didn't realize the bugs were huge. Even MORE culeables!
Omg milves DIED
Nvm girlboss powah
Damn they're actually bleeding tho
Omg he wears glasses cuz he's a worm therefore blind that's so cute
The spider hates this centipede sm 💀
This movie is just a bunch of European immigrants falling for the American dream
This is abuse of the disabled
Sick ass shark ngl
Do you think earthworm and centipede ever explored each other's bodies?
This is animal abuse
Oh he's from Brooklyn that's cute 🥺
Maybe they do have a point tho
Worm deadass said 🥵
I thought they knew but were carnivorous what a bunch of fucking idiots. Bet they are doing this only to make James feel better about himself...
Well Mr centipide that's bc you didn't taste this c-
These idiots are gonna eat da whole peach -_-
These bitches r getting drunk 💀
We got peach'd
Girlie they are all nice to you too, maybe tad bit obnoxious but not MEAN.
This is one of the coolest dream scenes I've ever seen
I bet his parents are alive and just abandoned him /j
They made a fucking dick joke I'm. Gonna fucking die.
They are gonna fuckin kill my man
JAMES... BABY......
Look i know he lied but these people have no fucking mercy... They are literally gonna make him and ME cry..... ...... ..
"he's commiting pesticide!" I'm gonna shit myself
Ladybug just spanked spider, Kinky
Literally no hurry at all my man is just walking like it's an afternoon in the park
Lmao nice Jack cameo
They are gonna kill my man, again
"hey that one felt pretty good!" He gets it.
I love him for his American swag
MY KINGGFGGG ITXJFgsheaysrsudruddi 💥
Stop being homophobic worm let them kiss too
Aw worm got the hat kdjdthjf 🥺
Too long of a name tho sticking to calling him cricket -_-
They are fucking
This grasshopper is fucking racist...
This movie is so lovely they are his family man... ;;
God Ms spider i think i hauve covid
This kid is definitely just dead on his yard hallucinating btw /j
DA RHYNO NOOO......!!!!!!!!
This is so sad Alexa play Despacito
How did he lose the tie? 💀
Hang on, they weren't in England? They were in America? How did the aunts make it here in that beaten old car?
Before photoshop existed lol
Shut up James 💀
Second degree murder 😁👍
Those women are dying dudes ...
"god bless the colonies" glow-worm lady... 💀
"go ahead!" A hero of the people, communist icon
This movie is gonna make me happy cry look at my guys and James...
Best found family tale ever what a fucking win.
Well freaky little man you are kinda fine when not talking to little boys in the dark of night ngl
God this is so pretty everyone is thriving and they are friends and it was all real and shit omfg 😭💞
The ending song is so good too... 🥺
Abuse revenge heaven 💀
Tumblr media
I did not only love every single fucking character present here, but the designs and the music and the animation god, AND HELL THE HUMOR TOO!! Fucking caught me off guard more than once ngl, but it was great 💀💀
And of course, the thing i loved THE most is having a found family not be separated... :']]
I think this movie does a great job portraying abuse and trauma and PTSD in a very child friendly manner, the lessons it puts there are quite lovely tbh. I wish we could've seen more characters get developed tho!! The two who got the most relevancy and depth were grasshopper and centipide which tbh is ok bc i love them but a little lesson from all of the characters would've been nice too... 🥺
There's, however, a big elephant in the room that i gotta acknowledge, and that is the aunts. As y'all might have realized, my carnal desire for them surpasses my logical brain and makes me overlook the abuse they put James thru which quite honestly parallels my own real one.
I'm speaking w a British accent in my mind alright fucking cringe anyway, aside from the most obvious reason, that being my rampant lust and homosexual tendencies, i wish they hadn't tried to make the characters ugly = evil.
Like idk i think they were kinda bland! I couldn't take their villainous portrayal seriously when most of the time it was like "haha isn't it devious how ugly these old women are??" Like no i need them to ruin me.
I think I'm just a bit disoriented i think blood might not be coming to my head, y'all tell me if I'm making any sense...
Anyway, overall, is this movie good? OF THE BEST I'VE SEEN IN A WHILE if not for a bit of lost potential it would have been absolutely perfect!! And yesss, of course i recommend it!! It's such a fun time w such a rewarding end :'33 truly wonderful 🦗
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