#apologies if this looks like shit lmao
bl33ditout · 11 months
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deftones // white pony (2000)
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genericpuff · 3 months
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have you seen this lmao
omg yes LOL
i love how twitter dunking on LO for being absolutely ridiculous when taken out of context has ironically turned into an olympic sport
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add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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What a plot twist you were. [x]
#Like. The narrator introduces jc to us as the antagonist#Then we got to know him. Not who people think he's. But who he really is#And we saw jc giving wwx a piggyback. Giving him soup. Rescuing him. Putting himself between wwx and any danger (madam yu/wen soldiers)#And even the staged fight. It's yk. Staged#jc wanted to protect wwx at any cost. But wwx wasn't willing to compromise. But jc did#The fight was wwx's idea. Because jc is an enabler (just like jfm and jyl)#jc is ready to bend for his loved ones sake#The point is. Every action jc takes. Is in the name of his loves ones' safety. And surprise. wwx is one of the people jc really cares about#Even after wwx' return. Aside a broken cup. jc isn't doing much to stop wwx or anything. We know that jl was able to free wwx from Zidian#only because jc - Zidian's primary master- wanted it!#And jc fling himself into danger countless times to save wwx even though wwx can't sit still with him for a hot minute#What I wanted to say it's that the jc is presented to us - the mean ungrateful man- is very different from the real jc -#the indulgent uncle who rolls his eyes at his nephew antics. the brother who buries the hatchet for his sister's happiness.#the uncle who kinda wants to help wn to get up from the floor because he was an ass to jc but he helped jl and that's what matters to jc#the sect leader who let two women speak freely their mind in a patriarchy society#People better than me have already said this. shit I can't remember my point lmao#Like. jc is presented as an antagonist but what this man wanted was an apology and an explanation#This post is a mix of a rant I wrote last year (ha) after seeing a bad take. About what I don't remember lmaoo. And me wanting#to make gifs of wzc in this scene. Why does he look so good. It should be illegal. Seriously#jiang cheng#*mgifs
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reel-fear · 3 months
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grown ass man scared of the 19-year-old queer being mean to him over his public meltdown more at 8.
#ramblez#little white boy sad? U sad bc nobody likes you? Bc u constantly make a fool of urself and show off ur distaste for ur fans? lmao#this is one of the greatest things to ever happen to me imagine how mad he'll be when he finds out the fangame Im making has queers in it#hes gonna have a whole other white boy meltdown on main KJSNFDGKJHFGKJHGKJHSDFGSD#hes so fucking sensitive maybe just get off of social media Mike this never ends well for you#batim#batdr#bendy and the ink machine#bendy and the dark revival#and look Im joking around about this but it really is sad that the bendy devs cant handle this kind of critique towards their decisions#it seems despite the backlash once again they are choosing to ignore their fans which is yknow upsetting#But hey ig if the devs being awful was a dealbreaker for this fandom I wouldve left a long time ago and I havent#dw Im not going anywhere <3#also if anyone else here was also criticizing Mike maybe check his acct to make sure ur not blocked now since apparently#old habits die hard and this is certainly a pattern with him KJHDSFKGJHSDKFGJHDFGSD#also look before anyone asks yes I was kinda mean to him over this but to put bluntly if hes gonna be this dismissive to his fans concerns#he deserves it. Theres this persistent attitude esp in bendy fanspaces of being defensive of the devs#and I dont know why they have been extremely horrible people every single chance they get#and its very hurtful to see how many people would rather tell me to be kinder to the people who broke the heart of a child me when they#dismissed any ideas of putting queers like me in their stories than to realize Mike n Meatly bring this bad attention to themselves#to put bluntly I dont owe them kindness not until they at least apologize for the shit they did which they still havent#mike hasnt even addressed his vent poem in the code of BATDR let alone the other shit he said n did#so no I will not be kind to him ever hope this helps!
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dragonfruitghosts · 2 months
So I might’ve gotten a bit too silly with giving Kinito the markings and also decided it would be funny to give them heterochromia
But in my defense: It’s funny and I prioritize my entertainment over everything else (also my brother validated this silly ass design and that’s all that matters) /j
Anyways piebald Kinito real
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It’s my favorite beast ever, the silliest guy
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camgoloud · 2 months
you ever just. become overwhelmed by a sudden out-of-nowhere wave of tenderness and affection and longing for reconnection directed towards someone to whom you no longer speak for Very Good Reasons
#‘out of nowhere’ she says like she hasn’t been doing a lot of reading/thinking recently about various tragic messy breakups#and the later regrets of the parties involved#anyway. tell me not to text her#it’s been over two years since the last time we talked… absolutely no reason to break that streak now. lord give me strength#she was really fucking mean to me! like objectively intentionally unwarrantedly cruel! it ruined an entire year of my life#and fundamentally changed me as a person on a deep level! there’s a lot of things i used to like about myself that i don’t think i’m ever#going to get back#and yet every once in a while we have to do the whole ‘maybe i could make things right’ song and dance 😔#the thing is most of the time i’m not even really angry with her anymore like enough time has passed since all the shit went down that#really i just sort of look at her behavior and feel sad. both because of the impact on me but also because of the ‘that’s really how you#felt you needed to act towards someone who cared about you? you couldn’t have just expressed your feelings in an honest and productive way#instead of just lashing out in the cruelest possible way and ruining the entire relationship beyond hope of repair?’#and i feel bad and sorry that it went that way and honestly i kind of pity her and hope she’s gotten some of her shit worked out#so i’m not like. actively pissed off at her anymore. but also i can’t think about her without thinking about the worst year of my life so 🙃#i don’t actually feel that trying to reopen that door would be very healthy for me at least#we did try a Reconciliation of sorts a couple of months after the initial falling-out and while it was kind of helpful for me in that she#like. apologized lmao. and affirmed that i wasn’t crazy and she did in fact On Purpose say the most hurtful things she possibly could have#said to me given the information she had at her disposal. and that i really had not done anything to her that could warrant that. etc.#it also left a sour enough taste in my mouth that i just don’t see a future where the two of us spending time together is enjoyable for me#and yet… the regret will always live inside me i think. maybe if i were a stronger person…#caseyposting
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caramellashton · 2 months
'this is like wanting your kid to get better by yelling at them and hitting them… you know it won't change/fix anything.'
EXACTLY I have been saying this for so long!! it's not gonna work and it's just gonna make everything worse. it's not a form of activism to just bully people until they conform to what you want; humans are autonomous people capable of choosing good, and like. we could be in the fandom of another band that doesn't even try, whose fans have given up on them and are just there for the music and the drama, but it's like the minute they do try to do something good they have to do activism a certain way and it almost becomes a kind of purity culture and purity culture is famously about control and not good for anyone.
but it's also people trying to be funny in the comments with thinly veiled frustrations that come out as insults about their appearance (which especially gets to me bc like. does body positivity stop if you're famous? or are they just idealised figures/bodies/personalities for us to look at and pretend our bodies don't change over time and we don't like it when they remind us that they actually do?) or their partners or how they express themselves. and it's the aura of entitlement that erodes their right to autonomy and individuality that gets me, not only because the way we get the creative music they make is them expressing that.
anyway i do think we as a fandom can do better and i want to attempt to start a conversation about that rather than trying to call people out in the comments. still thinking of how. there's a lot of people in the fandom who are struggling and exasperated with life and relate to their songs and the pressure has to come out somewhere; it ends up being in comments they feel like won't ever be seen except for by people who agree with them, at people who seem to far away and too big to ever see getting hurt by their comments. at least that's what I assume happens. but yes, they were bullying a cat
I agree with everything...
Was it always like this? It can't be because this is too much, none of the hate was on me and I couldn't take it, I wonder how the guys (or any celebrity) feels, being judged about the tiniest move you do, it's crazy I would totally lose my mind.
That's not how life is... yes I would love to be a fan of good people but if the gf/partner of the artist you're a fan of is bad and their friends are bad what does that make them? Maybe it's on you, maybe YOU should pick better idk 😭.
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ladyseidr · 6 months
one day i'm going to give in and write glam.mike stuff like rip to people who hate the theory but i think it'd be fun fksahskld
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lctibule · 3 months
i'm still on this blog btw, it's just low activity by default and that activity only gets lower during those times when i'm getting even less than usual done on byan's blog
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I know I JUST apologized for the Yokoyamaposting, but as Anon wishes, other favorite moments:
Mineposting at 5am just like me frfr
He had a dream where he "danced wildly" with Hijikata (I believe this is in reference to Wild Dancer, but incredibly funny mental image). He says "It's terminal... (T . T)"
Apparently, one-third of the applicants to the hostess auditions were men, because the guidelines don't specify any particular gender. So a GNC man made it to the first live audition (although unfortunately wasn't a finalist), and Yokoyama said if he were a real hostess, he'd request him. He notably did not say anything like that even to the actual hostesses who auditioned
He's talked about being excited to read BL manga, and his "favorite manga character of all time" is OG Depraved Bisexual Tokai from Sanctuary (having picked it up it's really obvious which characters Tokai inspired, but the most obvious one right off the bat is that Ishioda looks exactly like him lol)
He has apparently "consulted the fujoshi(?) [question mark his] on the team" about eyebrow-raising scenes, and was met with "a barrage of surprising answers." He said it's not intentional on his part, but he figures he shouldn't try and make it intentional, since the more he tries the more he feels he's missing the mark. So he has tried...?
there's a lot to unpack here but i think my favorite bits of these is having 'honorary fujoshis' in office to ask about the Suspect scenes in your game
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bravevolunteer · 3 months
excuse me i need your help you need to kill me
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radio-charlie · 4 months
It's worth developing an even higher tolerance than we already have for cheap appeals to emotion and propaganda because that way, tiktok turns into a massive gold mine. I mean there's a lot of eugenics shit there now. Phrenology and stepford-wife-ication and highly ableist 'facial expression reading'. It's not content that gets 5000 likes. Full-on trends that are reaching wider and wider audiences
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chocolatespyro · 7 months
me knowing i shouldnt post vent art publicly but also going "but what if it looks REALLY good????"
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kiealer · 1 year
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do i attempt to dive into drafts or do i continue to stew in my own rut
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remus-thecreative · 2 years
lol we hope patton expresses more and more negative emotions! let him be fucking angry, passionate, etc OPENLY. he hasnt just been repressing himself all the other sides (besides remus maybe) and so many fans have intentionally and unintentionally been repressing/disapproving of anything thats not Happy Pappy Patton or Sad But Still Harmless Patton. his past passive aggression was literally bc he felt like he couldnt be anything remotely "evil" fuck he turned into a giant frog monster due to that and yet!!! the second he voices his opinion in a way thats not kissing ASS. fans call him a master manipulator.
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roostertuftart · 2 years
Look I dont think youre wrong about people not listening to jewish voices but I am uncomfortable with you advocating so strongly for some groups while being shitty with others like when you liked a post by a racist justifying their use of the nword in the past and never talked about it. Jewish people need to be spoken for but how you pick and choose is suspicious and you cant expect other people to admit their biases when you cant admit your own.
??? Are you seriously trying to say that my concern for someone who was clearly in the midst of a mental breakdown makes it so that I can't support another person trying to speak about how depictions of a character are somewhat problematic???? This is. pathetic but thanks for trying to word it in the most uncharitable way possible lol.
edit: god i definitely worded these tags aggressively so I'm probably gonna make a real apology though I'm not even certain I did what anon is accusing me of??? either way my aggression is more towards them for trying to twist this situation so grossly and not towards anyone genuinely affected by whatever I apparently did (And I am not denying I did... I genuinely don't remember but like... Yeah it was definitely not great on my part if I did what they're saying even if my intentions were different, and the fact that I'm unsure is evidence enough to me that I might have)
Moreover, i have a hunch this anon has sent me bait before and I think it's nasty they're trying to twist an issue about antisemitism into whatever stupid beef they have with me. like... nasty.
Final edit: Any more asks from this anon are being deleted. I wouldn't have even published this one but I feel like that would be sort of hiding any wrongdoing i may have done at any point, but I genuinely do not believe this person means anything they're saying and are only doing this because for whatever reason they do not like me. and I. do not care lol
#if anyone wants to know context... There was a user who i will not name who had been going downhill for months#and this person had never been like... nasty or bigoted or anything in the past#but had began posting about being extremely suicidal and planning such. and a lot of other really dark hopeless shit#and suddenly started to post really bigoted but kind of deranged shit that like... clearly not of their actual beliefs but just. god idek#i've been around a ton of people who have had nervous break downs and the likes. and i was positive they were going through that#i still think it must have been. idk for sure but like. damn it was so sudden a shift#and with all of the suicidal stuff they posted i was gen really worried and I DMed them trying to support them multiple times`#because like! i'm sorry you've never dealt with anyone who isn't well but sometimes extremely mentally ill people do random fucked up#shit that may not be okay and they may need to be held accountable for but goddamn i was legitimately worried they were gonna off#themselves? idr liking their posts. i'm not gonna deny i did. I might've just to show them that i wasn't ignoring whatever shit they were#going through to make them suddenly act so erratic and irrational#if you wanna hold that against me#fine. i really don't care#looking back i probably should've kept my concern for them within dms and i can definitely recognize how my public support might come off#as support for what they said or posted and i do genuinely apologize for that... tbh if people really think it's necessary I will turn#these tags into a cleaned up apology like... i'm not saying that i handled that great#but to act like it's as simple as i supported a racist saying the n word? uhh??? no?? and you know that's not what happened#but please try to paint me as bad as possible lmao. just throw out accusations or assumptions of my intentions.#i'm apologizing rn to anyone genuinely affected by that stuff but you didn't ask this out of concern anon#ask#anon
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