#as if i needed more reasons to love darui
kumo-headcanons · 6 years
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Maybe it’s just the angle or something but Raikage Darui of the Hidden Cloud nodding off in the middle of the chūnin exams after all Cloud genin got eliminated? Iconic.
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techouspeaks · 4 years
You know, I was shocked and grossed out about hearing about Daruizen’s origin but I thought about something.
Technically, if he had not been born, Cure Grace/Nodoka wouldn’t have been able to get better. It seems like when a Byogen monster or general is born like how he and the lookalike was born, they leave their host and the host gets better. 
I wonder if it will ever occur to Daru that by him coming to a physical existence, he technically helped Nodoka get better and thus allowing her to be strong enough to become Cure Grace. 
And yes, at first I was like “He’s her son?” but then I thought about it and rewatched how he entered Nodoka’s body to begin with and I’m like “Yeah, that’s like saying a tape worm or the flu bug is your child.” That’s too weird and I don’t think we really that’s the case. He’s was born from the big King Germ and used Nodoka as a host to grow and that’s bad but again, technically that also makes him responsible for her getting better. 
Granted, yes it still makes shipping them a bit more sketchy but at the same time, it also fuels it when you think of him as having saved her life by simply gaining the will and strength to become who he is. Granted yes, King Byogen called to him and the others, but I would think it’d too would come down to will, since we’ve seen how Byogen monsters take time growing. Maybe he had borrow some of Nodoka’s own will power and it all comes down to the host too and how strong their will is.
I don’t ship these two hard as again, they’re kids. Regardless of the origin story, they’re kids. If anything, I thought of them as a cute platonic thing, nothing serious but it does make things interesting. I would love for Nodoka to come to realize this and thanking Daru for helping her get better and who knows, he might actually felt bad for infecting her because he seemed sad when he was thinking about who his host might have been. 
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He especially looked really bothered when it seems he heard Nodoka’s parents call out to her. Why? Who knows? Regret, maybe envy that Nodoka has loved ones and gets to thrive in a world without fear of being destroyed? I mean besides by the villains.
Why would she thank him for helping her get better because he was the cause in the first place, despite leaving made her better? Well it did give Nodoka the motivation and will to get strong, to never give up hope that she would be better and give her motivation to help others now that she’s healthy.
It’s sorta like how Close helped Haruka realized that despair and happiness go hand and hand and without despair, we don’t realize how precious our dreams really are and thus give motivation to fight for them. True living a world where no one got sick would be perfect but given how our bodies are, that’s not possible. The reason why some folks get sicker than others and why as we get older, we’re more sensitive to stuff than we would be younger is basically genetics. So basically it is nature and these Biogerms or whatever, seem to be ancient. Like they’ve always been around.
It kinda makes me wonder if Healin Good Precure is some sort of metaphor for life and decay? Like of course, they wouldn’t go far as talk about that in a kid’s show but then again, not long ago we had a precure series that dealt with giving birth and they showed it can be scary because the mother is in pain when it happens. So the closest thing is talking about that is good health and illness cuz one thing kids especially relate to is getting sick. Ironic we get a series about this during the 2020 pandemic, being I’m pretty sure that each series takes about a year so to make, so no way this series was predicting anything.
I also kinda wonder if the Byogens are trying to simply survive? Because of what their king says.
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He calls the Healin Animals “hateful”. Like any other bad guy would have insulted them and call them something like stupid or whatever. The way he calls them hateful is like he thinks they are a threat to his people. I mean granted, yes they are but it kinda makes me wonder if Byogens just simply want to live like any other living thing and not be threaten to be destroyed.  They’re living things. It’s established they live, breath, love (Shin to her king.) and they don’t need seem to be ready to backstab one another unless of course they push themselves like a certain rat did!
Anyway, do I ship em? Kinda, sorta. Not hard like my other ships. I think their relationship is very interesting to say the least and given how sad Darui looked when he started remembering his past, I kinda wonder if there is some character development and perhaps a concord of some sort in the future between the Byogens and the Healin Animals. This series has definitely been the most interesting and has had a lot of twists and surprises. Some more welcomed than others.
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kyogre-blue · 4 years
Naruto Shippuden, ep 494-500
Jokes aside, the fillers that come after the Sasuke v Naruto battle are basically near worthless and don’t really add anything to the series. It would have been better off ending there. This last batch regarding the NH wedding are especially bad because they have... nothing to say, frankly, but I guess they really, really wanted to end on a round number. 
Sadoru-sensei, a new instructor at the Academy. 
Konohamaru doesn’t look anything like himself. I only know it’s him because of his verbal tic. 
Nobody in Kakashi’s age group has kids except Kurenai and it’s... both funny and ridiculous. We can shove Kiba and Chouji into totally random relationships (note that Chouji is still single when NH marry, but their kids are the same age), but we’ll be damned if Iruka dates anyone ever. 
Iruka is offered the position of vice principal. Since like so many things in this filler, there was a bunch of back and forth about whether he’d take the... examination(???)... I don’t remember the final outcome. 
For some reason, Naruto needs “auspicious news” on his wedding day...???
Iruka got a lot paler, for some reason. 
Kakashi addresses what is implied to be... either all the shinobi in Konoha or all the jounin, and calling it a few hundred is a stretch. The size of this village will never make sense. 
So the main conceit of this filler is that Naruto and Hinata are friends with basically EVERY jounin in Konoha, and everyone wants to attend their wedding. But someone needs to remain on duty for missions and internal duties. Kakashi decides to follow some bizarre old procedure which grades presents to see who can attend... and includes NH’s close friends in this. Instead of just... excluding their teammates and actual friends, like a sane person would. Or are we supposed to believe that Naruto will be heartbroken if random extra #56 can’t attend but who cares if Sakura can come? 
The whole thing is pretty dumb, but the presents everyone gets are also rather bad. They spend a lot of time discussing needing to think about what Naruto and Hinata would like and then they get random stuff that is either totally generic or else is related to their own interests instead. If you look at the presents, none of them really show any deep friendship at all lmao. 
Konorin, the unofficial village mascot
The animation is kind of off the entire filler, but it’s particularly bad this episode. 
There is so much Orochimaru. He’s all over the place all throughout. I will never accept criticism about letting my biased faves live through the war and not give any fucks about redemption or whatever. Because canon obviously doesn’t care about that stuff either. lol @ Sasuke and his travels, but Orochimaru is different. 
Satocho, a super fancy teahouse that VIPs like the Hokage go to. 
I’m not sure who is done dirtier by this take on Shikatema. 
Kumo is proud of their sake, beef and also games(?). I really kind of wonder if they mean Lightning Country as a whole, or if the ninja village in the mountains is somehow raising cows. 
They grow flowers in Suna? Also, are proud of their... bluefin tuna? And sweets. 
Hidden Sand Samba....
I’m still not over how the next set of Kage are just... the only named young characters from their villages, for Iwa and Kiri. I think Darui at least did have something going on in the war, though I’ve completely forgotten what his deal was. But Kurotsuchi? The glasses kid?? How and why are they Kage material... 
I still don’t like the new elastic headbands. They just look dumb. 
Mirai calls them “Akakiba” and “Kibamaru.” Cute. 
Senju gave honey wine as a wedding gift. It can be used for cooking or as a medicinal tonic. It can be acquired from a beekeeper in Sora-ku. 
Kiba meets Tamaki at this point and apparently falls in love at first sight... 
Kiba still goes on about becoming Hokage. He’s a joke, but Naruto and Obito have a profound connection because of their shared dream, sure. 
Shino starts considering becoming a teacher after this episode. 
Iruka has this ongoing thread that seems to amount to “I feel more for Naruto than my other students, I wonder what it could be.” Which is... certainly something, especially combined with his other stuff about wondering whether he even knows Naruto these days. I never really understood why the series insists on making sure its relationships are as limited as possible (and then has to retcon them to be more meaningful in dumb ways because, oh, it turns out it needs those relationships after all). 
Hinata cries because their wedding is causing trouble for others. 
Obsession with pain one more time for the road. 
Iruka can’t cook. 
Why is Iruka so mad here? He’s very annoying this time, berating Naruto harshly out of nowhere. 
Naruto’s request for Iruka is weird since Naruto met and bonded with Minato already. Asking Iruka to attend as family I could understand, but specifically as his father? Especially since Iruka, as we see, was absolutely NOT that close to Naruto. 
Sasuke not even coming to the wedding is such a mess. 
The last thing in Naruto is a commercial for Boruto :)
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Shu Sakamaki (Chapter 4)
Honestly, if anyone still has someone they want me to translate from Lunatic Parade in the future please type an anon ask and I will definitely see it! **Disclaimer: だるい = Darui (I wrote 『bothersome』 instead of it’s actual meaning “dull or sluggish” because I felt like it sounded more like Shu so please don’t yeet at me, thanks)
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After that—
Thanks to Aji-sama who was impressed with the ghost flower, we were able to lend a lot of decoration tools for the venue.
In order to make Rigel-sama even just a little happier, I was able to tell the Gondoliere how his wife and he met on a gondola.
Place: Demon world — Rubin canal
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Yui: (Wow... the decoration really looks beautiful)
Shu-san, what do you think... ?
Shu: I think it could give off some nostalgic feelings. It’s not bad.
Gondolier B: Oh, I was surprised. This decoration is just as it used to be. I thought the time just ran backwards.
— Nn. Hey, Hey!
There is a confectionery store manager near the platform. He is calling for you guys.
Yui: Yes!
Place: Demon world — Gondola landing
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Confectionery store manager: —Oh, you came, you came!
Yui: Good evening.
Confectionery store manager: Greeting from me as well! Now, look at this!
It’s the stuff you asked for.
Yui: Wow! It looks delicious... !
Confectionery store manager: I think I did a good job. Is this okay?
Yui: Of course! Thank you!
Confectionery store manager: Oh, that’s good!
Then I will return to my store right away.
Oh, I’m busy busy!
Shu: ... If he really is that busy all the time, he should take care of his arms first.
Yui: (Surely Rigel-sama will be pleased)
— Well then, let's go back to the hotel. We have to get ready.
Place: Demon world — Glimmer Main Street
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Yui: (Okay, so far so good ...!)
(Oh ... but one more thing before we’re returning to the hotel ...)
Shu-san. Are there any shops where you can rent clothes around here?
It’s an important party and I might want to rent a dress.
Shu: ... Hmm
Then, go over there.
Place: Hotel Mondstein — Guest room
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Yui: (After this the preparations will be okay...)
Shu: I also will have a familiar deliver a photo of Rigel's wife with the pendant.
You should carry it by the time the party starts.
Yui: Thank you very much.
Let's start getting dressed up then.
Please go to the bathroom first. I'll go and check the setup again.
Shu: Hmm...
*Shu leaves*
Yui: (Good...)
*time passed*
Yui: (... Yes, there is nothing which hasn’t been arranged)
(After that, we just need to wait for it to start)
(I hope Rigel-sama will be happy ...)
*familiar arrives*
Yui: Ah...
(It’s Shu-san’s familiar. He got the photo and the pendant...)
*familiar leaves*
Yui: Thank you!
(So this was Rigel-sama's wife. What a nice and beautiful smile she had)
(And this is Rigel-sama who stands next to her)
(Both really look happy in there)
(That's why ... It's hard to think of Rigel-sama's pain ...)
(I have to make the party a complete success!)
Shu: Nh ... what. Has the familiar already come back?
Yui: Yes, it came with—
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Yui: Eh!?
Sh... Shu-san you are...
Shu: Isn't it natural to be like this while bathing up?
Yui: Ah, P-Ple-Please dress up already!
Shu: Oh my, just what are you imagining...
*Shu leaves*
Yui: (I was surprised!)
*time passed*
Yui: Look, this is Rigel-sama's wife.
Shu: Hmm...
Yui: Honestly... I thought of them again when I saw them in that line.
I want to make the party a success. I want to heal Rigel-sama's sorrow even if it’s just a little ...
I want to do whatever I can to make this a success.
Shu: ... No matter what.
But have you forgotten why we’re doing this in the first place?
We are not especially doing this for Rigel’s sake.
We are doing this to get information about the Earl from Rigel so we can get your heart back.
Yui: That is... I know but...
Even so, I can't leave Rigel-sama ...!
Shu: ... Why?
*Shu comes closer*
Yui: (Shu-san... ?)
Shu: You've got a lot on your shoulders because of Rigel already.
Is he getting important for you?
Yui: ..... !? T-That’s not the case!
Shu: What is it then? Are you starting to like him or what?
Yui: T-That’s not it either...
— It is Shu-san. The one I am in love with is you, Shu-san.
Shu: Heh...
Yui: (Uh, that was somehow embarrassing ...)
W-What about you Shu-san... who do you like?
Shu: Think about it on your own. Then—
*Shu pushed Yui down*
Shu: Will you be able to understand me if I push you down in the bed?
*Shu kisses Yui*
Shu: ...Nn
Yui: Ah!
Shu: When the party starts, you'll act as if you’re Rigel's wife for a while, right?
Then just for now, stop talking—
Yui: (... Shu... Shu-san...)
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And finally the party performance.
I came to the candy house where Rigel-sama lived again with Shu-san.
Before knocking on the entrance, I put the picture of Rigel-sama's wife in the pendant and hung it around my neck.
Place: Outside — Forest
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Yui: (... It’s really strange. It seems as if I am not myself anymore)
Uh ... how do I look?
Shu: You just look exactly like the photo, but...
*Shu comes closer*
Yui: (..... ? What is it?)
Shu: The habit of thinking like that is yours. The contents doesn’t change.
*Shu backs off*
Shu: Now, let’s get going.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Place: Outside — Mysterious House
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Shu: That Rigel guy should now be wary of a human being coming.
That’s why it would be better to call me at first.
Yui: Thank you very much.
Shu: Yes...
Rigel. It’s me.
*Shu knocks again*
Shu: I'm going to have a party for you today.
Rigel: ...Party?
Shu: Yes, that’s right. It’s a party.
Rigel: I don't participate in such things. You can do it on your own.
Shu: ...I wouldn’t especially mind that, though.
But you have a little guest here.
Maybe you want to at least meet them —
*Rigel comes outside*
Rigel: Oh, that can’t be!
Yui: (Rigel-sama...)
(Huh! He suddenly hugged me...)
Rigel: Marian! Ahh, Marian!!
Shu: .....
*Shu leaves*
Yui: (Shu-san, he just left...)
Rigel: I wanted to meet you again... ! I wanted to meet you so bad Marian! From that day on since you ...
Yui: P-Please wait. I am—
Rigel: You finally came back to me. Oh, I’m glad...
Yui: (It seems that he believes that I am his real wife ...)
(But, this is not reality)
(... I found out why Shu-san disliked to use the pendant, because it would end up like this...)
(However, I ...)
Place: Demon world — Rubin canal
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Shu: .....
Yui: (Shu-san is taking a nap in the corner nearby ...)
Rigel: ...Oh, this is the place where we both met for the first time.
Surely... my eyes fell for you from the start already.
You were very scared of me at the beginning.
But... we taught each other how to start to love each other.
At that time, you were already falling for me as well.
You remember it, right? You can't have forgotten it.
Yui: .....
Rigel: Fufu... this dish is better than back then.
Especially this cake ... it’s delicious.
You should try it too.
Yui: Oh? Yea...
(What should I do? I have to say something properly ...)
Rigel: what's up? Is it somehow bad?
Yui: No... it is...
I have to talk now, I can’t keep this on forever.
I’m sorry. I am... I am not the real Marian you met back then.
Rigel: .....
Yui: This pendant hanging from the neck has a mysterious power, so ...
Rigel: .....
Yui: I’m sorry...
Shu: ...Oh my...
*Shu comes closer*
Yui: (Shu-san...)
Rigel: .....
...It doesn’t matter
Yui: Eh?
Rigel: That doesn’t matter anymore.
I knew it from the beginning. I knew that you are a fake one.
A dead human will never come back. I already know that.
... That is why.
I know that a dead human will not come back to me anymore.
Yet I still... I want to keep my wife next to me, I want to be with her.
Yui: Ouch!
*Rigel runs away with Yui*
Shu: Ngh... !
Place: Glimmer street — Eisen alley
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Rigel: Hah, Hah, Hah... !
Yui: Rigel-sama! Please release my hand ...
Rigel: Never. If I do that, you will disappear. You need to stay with me...!
Yui: (What should I do—)
*strange noise*
Yui: Kya... !
(W-What... !?)
*strange noise*
Rigel: H-Hey! What’s wrong!?
*strange noise*
Yui: (My heart... the Kleinod... it’s at its limit already...)
Shu: Hey!
Yui: (Shu... san...)
Shu: ... Hah, I finally found you. Your evil doing is over.
Release her now.
Rigel: No. I’ll never leave my Marian.
Shu: Hand her over. She belongs to me.
And ... her heart is already at its limit.
I don't have time to go out with your runaway drama anymore.
You should know best how it feels to lose your beloved one!
Rigel: .....
I am—
*strange noise*
Yui: Ahh... !
Shu: Yui!
Rigel: ..... !
Yui: (I’m... already...)
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At the same time as the steepness got heavier, my body became lighter for some reason.
It feels like floating in the sky.
It’s slightly cutting through the darkness and light comes in.
Someone is by my side.
I can't see their face because of the backlight, but for me, that person is the most important thing for me.
Their hand — I want to grab it.
I don’t want them to stay away even for just a short time.
I continued to reach out for it while I kept struggling in the dark.
And then.....
Place: Rigel's house — Inside
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Yui: (... Here...)
Shu: Have you woken up ...?
Yui: Shu-san...
Shu: ...Hah... You made me worry so much.
Yui: I’m sorry...
After all... I’m alive... ?
Shu: You are—
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Shu: Hang in there!
Yui: .....
Shu: Hey, Rigel.
Rigel: W-What should I do ... What should I do ...?!
Shu: Rigel! Calm down.
Could you please tell me everything you know about the Earl that lives here?
I’m begging.
Rigel: Shu...
... I’m sorry... Certainly I used to be close to the Earl.
But all I know is that the Earl’s mansion is invulnerable.
He didn't talk much about himself ...
Shu: ...ngh
Rigel: I’m sorry... I’m really sorry...
Shu: ... Shit... I am...
Yui: .....
Shu: ..... !
It's too early to give up. The Kleinod is still moving!
Place: Rigel's house — inside
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Shu: —Then I brought you here. Since then you have settled down a little.
Yui: Such a thing...
Rigel: .....
Yui: Rigel-sama...
Rigel: ... I’m highly sorry
This situation is my fault because I lost sight of myself...
Yui: No. This is all my fault. I'm sorry…
Rigel: I was so delighted to see Marian in an instant again. So sincerely...
That is why I didn't wanted to let you go.
But... I realized that my doing was wrong.
I'm sure Marian is waiting for me, in another world where we will meet again.
Even now, she might be still waiting for me.
That means...
She will always be in my heart, even if she’s not alive anymore. I finally realized that.
Yui: Rigel-sama...
Rigel: From now on, I will help you to get your heart back.
???: There is no need for that anymore.
Shu: ..... !?
Yui: That voice... I remember...
Rigel: Walter!
Earl of Walter: Hello, it's been a long time. Rigel. And ... for the lady too.
Yui: A-Are you... called the Earl of Walter?
Earl of Walter: Indeed
Shu: …so?  Isn't it a introduction that is very elaborate for the appearance of an Earl?
It doesn’t matter. Anyway, even if you came here, the story is easy.
I'd like you to return her heart so we can go back home as soon as possible.
Earl of Walter: — Of course. I came here for that.
Yui: W-What do you mean? 
Earl of Walter: Fufu...
— I was watching everything you guys did after losing her heart.
I wanted to see if both of you are worthy of carrying such a treasure of this world with you ...
Yui: (I-I don’t understand...)
Earl of Walter: And now, the true answer has come out.
You did not abandon the man who was stricken by sorrow and sadness, but rather you wanted to show him light.
How pleasant!
That’s why—
*Yui’s heart pounds*
Yui: Agh... !?
Shu: Yui!
Yui: Shu... san...
(Oh... hm... ?)
(Somehow my body feels lighter. Is feels warm...?)
Shu: Are you okay!? Hang in there!
Yui: I-I am okay 
I feel like... It feels like I got my heart back! 
Shu: ... Ngh, what are you scaring me for...
Earl of Walter: Fufu...
Well then. I'm sorry for interrupting you.
— Thank you for showing me something pleasant.
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The Earl of Walter disappeared, leaving his said words with us. 
When I looked at the next door, I met Shu-san and for some reason he had a bitter smile.
Rigel-sama seemed to have regained calmness.
Shu-san said that he wanted to enjoy the parade from now on, and left the candy house.
Place: Demon world — Saint nore park street
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Yui: (The parade really hasn't ended yet!)
(There were many things, but it was good that it ended like this ...)
Shu: *yawns*...
Yui: (... Well, I think this day was surely exhausting. Shu-san, I'm sure he must be tired)
Shu: Hm?
Yui: You’ve been walking around all the time and I thought about going home today.
The parade will be again next year—
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Yui: ..... ?
Shu: Let’s go.
Yui: Eh... ?
Shu: Let’s go to the parade.
Yui: Is that ok…?
Shu: What are you saying when “I really want to go” is written all over your face?
Yui: T-That is... Yes, I really want to go...
But Shu-san must be tired, so I want him to rest early today...
Shu: ...Well, it's usual for you to be bothersome.
But for this time, I will come with you.
*Yui kisses Shu*
Yui: ...Nn
*Shu blushes*
Shu: ...Nn, what are you doing?
1) — It’s nothing specific 
2) — Thank you kiss ♡♡♡
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— It’s nothing specific 
Yui: It’s nothing that matters. Fufu...
Shu: You often say stuff like that... Hmph
Yui: (I was so happy I just...)
— Thank you kiss♡
Yui: Uh... Shu-san
Shu: What is—
*Yui kisses Shu*
Shu: Ngh...
Yui: Th... Thank you
(I tried it unintentionally, but somehow it’s still embarrassing ...)
Shu: You... really...
*Shu kisses Yui*
Shu: Nn...
Yui: (Ngh... ! This time he kissed me...)
end Choices
Shu: — Come on. Let’s go on the parade before I change my mind.
*Shu leaves*
Yui: Ah, please wait!
(I'm thankful for Shu-san’s kindness ...)
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theuncommoncorner · 5 years
ASK: May i have marriage hcs for darui and rock lee pls?
He’s a pretty chill dude to be married to. Darui is pretty family oriented so setting up family time with him isn’t hard. He’s the type of person where family time must happen and only extreme or reasonable cases can cause someone not to be present during family time. He LOVES to have a game night or have a fun dinner.
Darui likes a “boring” marriage. It’s only considered boring because that’s what others view it as, but he sees it as a happy routine. He does spice up the relationship with a fun surprise or date.
He’s not the perfect partner, no one is, but Darui does work to be a good husband. He will help around the house and arrange important dates when it is needed. If his partner doesn’t say yes for help the first time he asks them he won’t ask again. Darui’s laidback personality does make his partner think he’s not all ears most of the time. He reassures them that he pays attention to everything and tries to be more…excitable.
What a grand husband. He takes care of his partner’s every need without overwhelming them. Lee enjoys taking care of his partner and if that bothers them all they have to do is tell him to tone it down. He’s just the type of person that gets great joy out of knowing that his partner is happy.
Lee is strict when it comes to schedules and his workout routine. He will try to get his partner in on the fabulous exercise routine that keeps up his youth and manliness. He will compromise with them…most of the time.
Lee is pretty mild about family time. He won’t force anyone to do things. He doesn’t feign cluelessness like Guy. He actually feels a little bad making people do things they don’t want to.
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sagemoderocklee · 5 years
For the fanfic trope thing: "oh no there's just one bed!" + stay by alessia cara + gaalee ofc (or inosaku if you up for a challenge)
sorry i didn’t get to this sooner, anon! doing writing prompts usually takes a while unless I’m in a good grove and I have definitely not been lately. i went with gaalee cause it’s my main pairing and also cause i think it’d be more challenging cause i do not hc that gaara sleeps post-Shukaku’s extraction. so like here’s to challenges! 
i kinda forgot that i was supposed to like use a song as inspo so like i don’t know if i rlly did that part of this whole prompt justice…. but i hope you like it? also, this got a lil longer than i was planning. i suck at short things and finding the right beat to end on was… difficult. this is also entirely unedited so like please forgive me. 
[read on ao3 // kofi]
“Sorry but that won’t be enough for two rooms–” “That will not be a problem!” Lee was soaked through, but the chill wasn’t so bad–at least, not for him. Gaara, on the other hand, was shivering beside him, his teeth chattering behind pursed lips. 
“–and one bed,” the inn’s attendant finished, raising an eyebrow. 
“O-oh,” Lee squeaked. 
“That’s fine,” Gaara snapped at his side. “We’ll take whatever’s available.” 
“But Kaze–” Gaara silenced Lee with a look and a snap of his chakra. 
“It’s fine,” Gaara said heavily. 
“I’ll just need an ID,” the attendant said, eyeing the two. “Just one night, right?” 
“Yes, please.” Lee handed over his papers–fake for the sake of the mission–with a tired smile. 
The storm had caught them unawares in the midst of tracking a missing nin. They’d been separated from their team hours earlier and had been in the processing of setting up a camp under the shelter of a rock formation when thunder had rumbled overhead. 
The downpour had been too heavy for them to safely remain out of doors, so they’d packed their things and made for the nearest town. 
Rainbow Country–home to Amegakure and ceaseless rain–was dotted with random inns all along the most traveled roads and it didn’t take long for them to find a safe place to rest. 
Once they’d been checked in, the attendant led them up a flight of stairs and to a room at the end of long, narrow hall. “Bathroom’s just down the hall,” the attendant said, pushing the door open to their room open. He dropped the keys into Lee’s hand. “Have a good night, gentlemen. Check out’s at noon.” 
The door closed behind them as thunder boomed across the sky and Lee’s heart sank. Their room was smaller than what a hundred-and-fifty ryo a night should have got them.: the bed was small, but only slightly smaller than the room, and and had been pushed right up against the wall to provide enough floor space for a little bedside table. Apart from that, the room was barren, with hardly any space for Lee to do his stretches in. 
“This is quite the predicament,” he said with an awkward laugh, a lump forming in his throat. 
“What’s the issue?”  
“Well,” Lee began, “when he said there was only one bed, I had assumed it would be… bigger.” 
“I don’t sleep,” Gaara said flatly. “You should know that by now.” 
“O-oh, of course.” Lee wasn’t disappointed per say. After all, it wouldn’t be fair to share a bed with Gaara when he secretly harbored feelings for him. He definitely hadn’t been privately hoping for the chance to share a private moment in close quarters, moonlight shining in Gaara’s eyes as he confessed–
“Do you want to take a shower first?” Gaara’s voice cut through Lee’s musings like a kunai to the throat. 
“N-no! You go right ahead! I think I will just dry off and shower in the morning.” 
Gaara shrugged before disappearing from the room, leaving Lee alone with his disappointment and denial. 
Lee dropped his bag on the floor, where it squelched and water pooled. At least it had a water-proof lining, he thought as he rummaged through for a towel and something to wear. 
He unzipped his flack jacket, patted his face dry, and toweled off his hair before the dreaded task of peeling himself out of his sopping wet suit. Though he loved his suit dearly, it was not meant for extreme weather conditions–especially not such heavy rain which made it stick to him like a magnet. 
He grunted, scrunching his face at the unpleasant feel of his suit slowly peeling away from his skin. He was halfway out of his suit when the door opened and Gaara walked in. 
Lee squeaked and fell to the floor with his suit stuck around his thighs. 
“We should go over our plans for the morning.” Gaara paused, staring at Lee, sprawled out at his feet. “What are you doing?” 
“Getting out of my suit?” 
The corner of Gaara’s mouth twitched and he stepped over Lee, moving to the bed. “I didn’t realize it was such a production getting out of that thing.” 
“It is not usually,” Lee said, picking himself up from the floor and pulling the suit back up to hide his modesty. “But it does stick terribly when it is wet.” 
“Ah,” Gaara said, gaze two pinpricks of reflected moonlight.
Lee shifted, face suffused with warmth. He cleared his throat. “Would you mind turning around while I change?” 
Gaara’s gaze snapped to Lee’s. Lee hadn’t been aware it had wandered away from his face until that moment and his sense of embarrassment heightened. He covered his bare chest, smiling sheepishly. 
“Sorry,” Gaara said gruffly, turning away to stare out the window.
Lee changed as quickly as he could, removing his drenched suit and hardly bothering to dry himself off further before throwing on his shirt and shorts. 
“Done!” he declared, wringing his suit out before he could think better of it. Water splashed onto the floor, pooling around his feet. “Oops.” 
Gaara’s towel landed on his head, still slightly damp from his shower. “We should go over our plans for tomorrow, and then you should rest. A good night’s sleep in a proper bed would not go remiss.” 
“Proper rest is important,” Lee agreed absently, mopping up the small puddle. “You should try resting some too.” 
Gaara let out an annoyed huff, a barely audible puff of air escaping through pursed lips. 
“I do not mean sleep,” Lee hastened to add. “Just… rest. Your body and mind will thank you for it.” 
“I take your point.”
“Do you want to leave at sunrise?” Lee asked, turning out the light and climbing onto the bed. “That would be best. We’ll need to find an aviary so we can contact the others. In this rain, my sand will be useless.” 
“I am sure Darui-san is taking good care of everyone else!” 
“I have no doubt, but it’s my responsibility to ensure the safety and success of this mission. That last attack caught me off guard.” 
“You should not beat yourself up. We were all surprised! There is a reason our target is in the Bingo Book, after all!” 
Gaara shifted at the foot of the bed, glancing up at him. “Will you kick me if I sit here while you sleep?” he asked, fingers grazing the edge of the bed. 
Lee felt his face warm instantly. “N-no! Of course not!” After a moment of consideration, he added, “But it would probably be more comfortable up here, so you can lean against the wall.” 
Gaara eyed him skeptically. “And you won’t attack me in your sleep?” 
“Why would I do that?” Lee asked, caught between exasperation and horror. 
“Your teammate informed me that you have… unusual sleeping habits, and I have observed you on this mission–you do sleep different from the others.” 
Lee was grateful for the darkness of the room because his face was hotter than a furnace and most likely beat red. He buried his face in the pillow, mumbling, “I did not realize you had been watching me.” 
“There isn’t much to do besides observe my surroundings late at night,” Gaara pointed out. The bed dipped and creaked as Gaara’s weight settled beside Lee. “I’m sorry if that was a breech of your boundaries. Temari says I’m prone to doing things that most would find off-putting.” 
Lee shook his head, face still hidden within the fluff of his pillow. “It is all right.” 
“Do you need the blanket?” Gaara asked, rising from the bed briefly. 
“No, I will be too hot with anything else on.” When he wasn’t on missions, Lee was used to sleeping in the nude with just a thin sheet between him and the air. It was the only way he could stay cool at night, otherwise he’d toss and turn and wake up drenched in sweat. 
“It’s freezing out,” Gaara said, disbelief hidden in the flat note of his voice. 
Lee laughed. “I am always too hot,” he explained. He lifted his head, holding his arm out towards Gaara. “Feel me.” 
A rush of adrenaline followed his request, which only made his body warm further, but he quashed it down as quickly as he could. Gaara eyed the arm before him, the green of his eyes skating across the scars that criss-crossed along Lee’s skin. 
Gaara’s fingers were cool against Lee’s burning skin. They left a feather light trail of cool air in their wake. Gaara’s hand wrapped around Lee’s wrist for a brief second before he released Lee, looking away. “You feel like the desert.” 
There was a reverence in the way the word ‘desert’ rolled off his tongue, as though the very word were sacred. The tone hit a nerve in Lee, something hot and deep burning at his core. He swallowed past a lump in his throat. 
“I suppose my scars are a bit rough,” he croaked, staring up at Gaara, his gaze unintentionally beseeching.
“I meant your skin is hot,” Gaara clarified. “They are rough though.” 
“They used to call me ‘hot-blooded’ when I was a kid.” Lee laughed, a note of bitterness creeping into it. “I suppose this is not what they meant.” 
An awkward silence fell between them. The space between them in the bed warmed, like a beacon for Lee to move closer. He kept his gaze rooted to the wall before him, laying so still he might have been maid of stone. 
Beside him, Gaara stared ahead, in much the same fashion, unmoving except for the careful rise and fall of his chest. 
“I’m usually cold.” The abruptness of Gaara’s voice in the silence made Lee jump, his heart racing like he’d just taken off his weights. 
Gaara held out his own arm. “See?” 
Lee could barley hear anything over the cacophony his hear was making, over the sound of blood rushing in his ears. He reached out and touched the bare, unmarred skin of Gaara’s arm, running his whole hand across the soft skin of his inner arm. The cold seeped into his hand before the feel of soft skin registered with his damaged nerve endings, and Lee drank it in as though he were the desert Gaara had said he was. 
If Lee was a desert, Gaara was the cool water that could save a man from death.
Lee’s mouth went dry at the thought. He pulled his hand away, trying to leech some of the cool from Gaara as he went.
“Are you always this cold?” The whisper of Lee’s voice, in contrast to the abruptness of Gaara’s, felt too intimate. It felt as though he were revealing himself in the darkness of their little hotel room. He looked up at Gaara, a new question in his gaze. 
Gaara nodded. “It’s worse here. With all this rain.” 
Lee had never wanted to kiss anyone as badly as he wanted to kiss Gaara in that moment. He wanted to press himself close, sap the cold from Gaara’s body and give him his own warmth instead. He wanted to kiss him until he complained of fever. 
He shoved his face into his pillow, afraid that somehow Gaara would be able to read his thoughts. 
“I’ll let you sleep.” Gaara shifted and the bed dipped until Gaara arm–cool and soft–pressed against Lee’s. 
“I hope you get some rest too,” Lee murmured, petulant in his frustration with himself. 
Lee didn’t fall asleep as quickly as he usually did. He kept his body still, so still he felt stiff, and the heat of embarrassment made it all the harder to calm his racing thoughts. He wanted to roll over and talk to Gaara more; he wanted to reach out and take his hand; he wanted to throw caution to the wind and wrap himself around Gaara until he drifted off. 
A cool breeze settled over Lee, making him shiver. Chakra–warm with familiarity, and gentle yet strong–settled over him like a blanket, cooling his burning skin. He jerked, looking up to find Gaara watching him, his eyes intent and wide as the full moon hanging outside their window. 
“Forgive me,” he murmured, gaze unblinking. “I should have asked.” 
Lee shook his head, a giddy grin stretching across his face. “Thank you.” 
Lee fell asleep moments later, smiling foolishly. 
When he woke in the morning, as the grey light of early morning broke through the clouds above, it was to find himself tangled around Gaara, who seemed perfectly content, if not outright pleased by the opportunity to steal Lee’s warmth.
“You could have told me you were cold,” Lee teased, voice muddled with sleep. 
“I thought I did.” 
Lee laughed, stretching his arms high above his head. Gaara watched him, a languid smile lighting up his face.
“Did you rest well?”
“I did. And you?” 
Lee’s grin was as warm as the sun. “I did. I should sleep with you more often–I mean–that is not what I meant! I simply meant that you are a good sleeping partner–uh, no, I meant–” 
Gaara laughed, warm and low, as sweet as honeycomb. “Lee, you’re babbling.” 
Lee flushed, his face an inferno. “I-I-I–”
Gaara’s hand against his cheek stopped him mid-babble. The coolness of his skin soothed the heat in Lee’s face. “Breathe, Lee. I know what you meant.” 
Lee’s heart sank. “You–you do?” he squeaked. 
“I do.” Gaara’s smile, small and amused, left Lee all the more confused. His hand dropped from Lee’s face and he rose from the bed, stretching out the kinks in his back. “We should hurry. We don’t want to get caught in another storm, after all.” 
Despite the lack of inflection, Lee could hear the implications in Gaara’s words all too clearly. He jumped from the bed, grinning like the fool in love that he was. 
“Oh! Absolutely! It would be–most unfortunate if we were forced to find shelter again!” 
Gaara’s responding laugh was all the confirmation Lee needed to know that maybe, just maybe he had a chance after all. 
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crossroadsimagine · 5 years
I got busy, hopefully I am not too late.....My oc is Yuki Youkou, she is 5"2, with black hair and eyes. Birthday Feburary 1st. She can be very mature for age, spending most her childhood with adults or studying. She is very versed in politics despite her dislike for it. Still she finds herself getting involved and trying to find a better solution to help people. Her real passion is studying to become a doctor as she can help people with out complications. But she wishes to travel around the pt1
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☰ Matched with Yamato
Takes an interest in you quickly but even though he will be attracted to you he will not push a romantic relationship right away; he will want to get to know you first and he can also be kind of shy about asking you out too. This means he will develop a friendship with you for a while first but he will slowly begin to fall for you and when he does it can be a bit noticeable because he can become more flustered and awkward around you then he was before. 
It will also take him awhile before he can work up the courage to actually ask you out, because he can be extremely nervous and shy to take the risk and ask you out. But once he does make the decision to go for it, he’ll take you some place not completely secluded but some place where there isn’t a big crowd, so it could be a quiet café or he may just go for a walk with you. He will be visibly nervous and stumbles getting the words out but will be very relieved when you agree to go out with him. 
Once the two of you begin dating, he is loyal and protective of you from day one, because he will already know you quite well and feel comfortable with you from having formed a friendship first. But he will still be easily embarrassed and flustered when it comes to affection at least for awhile into the relationship before he grows comfortable with it, though he doesn’t care for PDA very much and can find in embarrassing in front of people he knows. 
You are very mature and very intelligent and can hold your own in discussions and debates especially when it comes to politics even though it’s not something you particularly like. Yamato can also hold a conversation or debate with you over just about anything, though he doesn’t really care for too much serious discussions and would rather talk about you, your hobbies, your interests, your day, or even your plans or goals for the future. 
Because he will intend to spend his life with you and will be interested in what you dream of for the future, he admires you for wanting to get involved and help people. He also supports and admires you for your passion and interest in wanting to become a doctor to help people, he is also very kind and rather selfless and can go out of his way to help others in need. 
You wish to travel the world and explore and he will adore the idea of traveling with you, he’ll want to show you as many different places as possible, which means he plans a lot of trips and get a ways with you. He also won’t like being away from you for long and it’s not that he’s possessive but he can be a little clingy but also misses you a lot when you are not around, because he really gets use to your company and just being near you. 
He can also worry about you when he’s not with you because you are a civilian and he can worry about your safety, not that he constantly worries about you but it can cross his mind from time to time, particularly if you are away from him for longer periods of time like for a few days or a week and even more so if he has no way to contact you. 
He is interested in sharing hobbies and interests because he also enjoys reading and will like being able to read books together or share books with each other, especially since he also likes ghost stories and mysteries. You also enjoy gardening which is something he can enjoy doing with you. He’s not exactly interested in doing yoga but he will play along with it if you push it with him, otherwise he can like watching you do yoga. 
Yamato doesn’t mind that you are a pescatarian because as long as you are healthy enough he won’t care what you eat, he also enjoys tea’s and will like making dates at tea shops or cafes but he will also like getting different types of teas to try at home, which can lead to quite the collection of different teas. 
He rarely gets mad or loses his temper but you can show your anger especially to hide your tears when you are upset, but he’s also very understanding and comforting so if you were ever to get angry with him he’s quick to defuse the situation, which he is also quick to try and comfort and calm you down if you are mad at someone else. 
Taking you away from the person or situation if he has to because he will hate seeing you upset for any reason, but he is also very quick to protect you from others if anyone is criticizing or attacking you. Which he can become very hostile towards anyone who would speak down to you in any way for any reason. 
Yamato is very loyal and will stay by your side no matter what happens, he really sees a future with you and will like the idea of starting a family with you one day but won’t push it if that’s not something you want. He will keep you safe at all costs and you will quickly become everything to him and he will support you through thick and thin and would go to the ends of the earth for you.
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☰ Headcanons between the two of you
■ Likes to create traditions or uphold traditions like something your parents may have done certain times of the year or for certain holidays no matter how big or small the traditions are because he will want to form traditions that he can keep going and do your future children if the two of you decide to have kids one day. But also, to help honor and remember your parents.
■ Will be cuddly with you when the two of you are alone and can instigate cuddles and hugs as long as he knows you aren’t busy and he won’t be interrupting you from your studies or anything like that, he adores holding your hand and hugs you often and he will love any attention or affection you show him, he also tends to kiss your forehead often.
■ Can be a little bit motherly with you and likes taking care of you especially when you are busy, like if you are really focused on your studies, he can bring you snacks or tea. He also pays close attention to make sure you are taking care of yourself and getting enough rest, eating enough and will gladly help you with anything you need.
■ Because he is attentive, he remembers a lot of things you like such as your favorite animal or favorite flower which will lead him to get you presents relating to these kinds of things, perhaps a charm bracelet with these things, a pig stuffed animal, a necklace with an Iris flower pendant. He can be very thoughtful when it comes to gifts but he also always worries you won’t like whatever present he got for you.
☰ Other Possible Matches
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◐ Itachi
He is polite, kind and supportive with you and likes to travel and visit different scenic places as well as different cafes and tea shops, he also enjoys deep conversation and can hold a conversation over just about any topic. But he will also be very interested in listening to you talk and hearing about your day, he has a wonderful memory and can easily recall a lot of information about you. He can be quite romantic when he wants to be though he’s not fond of PDA because it can make him uncomfortable and he can also worry about your safety in general just by being in a relationship with him and being around him, which also makes him very over protective of you.
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◐ Darui
Is very gentle, patient and loving and will support you in everything you do in life, especially because you focus so much on wanting to help people. He is very relaxed and comfortable around you and can be a great listener but he doesn’t push you to talk, though he can be a little more persistent if it seems like something is on your mind or you are rather visibly upset. You can be stubborn and prideful at times but it really won’t bother him at all, in fact he rarely gets mad or riled up and has a very calm attitude in general which also means arguments are extremely rare and he will always prefer to discuss any issues with you calmly and peacefully.
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fineillsignup · 6 years
Taking Chakra Nature to 11: some headcanons
Buckle up because it’s gonna be a long ride.
So one of the things that makes Naruto so attractive as a fandom (as opposed to as a franchise) is that there’s all this tantalizing potential that was never realized, just waiting for someone to pick it up and expand on it. In particular, some writers are worldbuilders by nature and some are just not. (Tolkien would be an example of a extremely worldbuilding-focused writer.) Kishimoto is in the “just not” category.
Chakra nature is a great example of a part of the Naruto world that could be taken up to eleven. Why? Well, there’s the good old “why not” reason, which is sufficient in itself, but also, people just love categorization. There’s a reason why people always want to sort themselves for Hogwarts houses, endlessly prattle about zodiac signs, and why the Naruto databooks include bloodtype. But they don’t! Include! Chakra nature!!!!
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That’s frankly ludicrous. The chakra natures in the corner merely indicate which chakra natures that person can utilize, not which is their own nature; this isn’t very helpful because some people like Kakashi can use all five. Moreover, one of the very major characters of the franchise--the anti-hero, Sasuke--is shown to be fire natured yet to largely prefer lightning techniques, making it clear that chakra nature is not 1-to-1 correlated with someone’s most frequent jutsu.
And it’s not like Kishimoto would have had to do a huge amount of work coming up with chakra nature connections to personality and society, because these five elements already exist as a powerful Japanese cultural concept. 
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He simply needed to connect that to the Naruto world and its characters.
But I guess I need to do all the work around here! :3c
Regarding kekkei genkai--I headcanon that even people with kekkei genkai have a primary nature, but you could also combine two natures instead.
Earth Nature (Earth, Dirt, Stone) 地 and 土
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Examples of Canon Characters: ??? (I don’t think we’re ever explicitly told that a character is earth nature, although many characters use earth release) Examples of Headcanon Characters: Haruno Sakura, Oonoki, Deidara, Suigetsu, Sasori Personality Traits (not all found in each person obviously): Stable, stubborn, inflexible, endurance, short-tempered, wise, reliable, responsible, sense of perspective, patient, centred, literal Common Body Types: Mesomorphic (muscular); may be lean or broad; shorter than average (closer to hell); blunt fingers (but often surprisingly deft and precise) Climate Interactions: Earth natured people tolerate both heat and cold pretty well. When it’s cold they dress warmly and when it’s hot they dress for that too. Sensible. Japanese symbol: square; Naruto uses the kanji 土 rather than 地 for some reason; they both mean earth and the differences are too subtle to go into briefly Why does earth dominate water/water enhance earth? Earth stops the flow of water and can control its shape. Water can imbue earth with more weight and power, including fertile power. What does this mean for the Land of Earth? “That’s the way we’re going to do it. We’ve always done it that way.” The Land of Earth in my headcanon was the last and slowest great nation to centralize/organize, however, slow and steady may win the race as it has had very little internal conflict. Other Notes: Earth nature? In my Sakura? It’s more likely than you think.
Kakashi did the chakra nature test when Sakura wasn’t around and then, as far as we can tell, never even bothered to find out what hers was???? LOLsob. Tertiary materials like games usually make Sakura water natured, but I prefer earth nature for her. She definitely can use earth jutsu. Her personality, strengths and flaws, seems to fall along earth lines rather than water lines. In addition, I just like the balance of Team 7 when Sasuke and Naruto are fire-wind and Sakura is across the circle at earth; most of my headcanon teams follow that kind of pattern.
“Okay, but Suigetsu? Earth nature? Now you’re just fucking with us.” Not at all; I’m going after one of Kishimoto’s own weird choice to constantly remind us that Suigetsu is weak to lightning. Now I’m sure that Kishimoto just meant “if lightning strikes water you’re in for a bad time” and nothing deeper than that, but in the five elements pattern of domination, it’s earth that is weak against lightning jutsu.
There’s no reason Suigetsu can’t be an earth natured person who specializes in water jutsu, anymore than Sasuke’s fire nature stops him from specializing in electric jutsu. Perhaps, and this is all headcanon but it’s fun so just try and stop me, it is Suigetsu’s earth chakra nature that helps keep his body from completely falling apart and dissipating while he’s performing his unique ability to turn into water?
Water Nature 水
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Examples of Canon Characters: Tobirama Examples of Headcanon Characters: Sai, Kisame, Hashirama, Kabuto, Personality Traits: Adaptable, flexible, progressive, curious, reactive, emotional, mutable, gullible, empathic, unstable, resilient, morose, sensitive Common Body Types: Endomorphic (soft, higher in body fat); taller than average; long-limbed with flexible joints; larger hands and feet with tapered digits Climate Interactions: Poor water nature people. They hate heat. They hate cold. They hate humidity. They hate super dry environments. Basically, they are volatile and easily bothered by all kinds of things, including temperature and climate. Japanese symbol: Circle Why does water dominate fire/fire enhance water? Water douses flame, obviously. Fire can turn water into steam, expanding its range and potential. What does this mean for the Land of Water? Oh my God, is the Land of Water ever volatile in canon! This can be bad obviously (hello, kekkei genkai genocide) but it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. The Land of Water went within about a dozen years from mass genocide of kekkei genkai to having a leader with two kekkei genkai (the criminally underused Terumi Mei). There’s no inertia here. You can’t ever relax, but you can potentially really change things, including people’s hearts and minds. Other Notes: none at the moment
Fire Nature 火
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Examples of Canon Characters: Sasuke, Madara, Itachi, Obito, THE UCHIHA Examples of Headcanon Characters: Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Hiruzen (aka gee I wonder if drama will happen here); Guy Personality Traits: Passionate, reforming, self-righteous, ambitious, driven, creative, focused, confident, fragile, extreme, energetic, motivated, tenacious, greedy, proud, idealistic, resentful Common Body Types: Ectomorphic (lean); high metabolism; average height; great skin and hair (because of their great circulation); either super healthy or near death, no in-between Climate Interactions: Fire people are always hot. They are the people who wear shorts all year round and start a revolution with their tiddies out (yes I’m looking at you Sasuke). They are not particularly bothered by external weather. Japanese symbol: Triangle Why does fire dominate wind/wind enhance fire? Fire consumes air and becomes stronger, like canon tells us. What does this mean for the Land of Fire? I headcanon that because of its central location on the map and prosperity, the Land of Fire has the most diverse population in terms of chakra natures, so while fire nature is the majority there are still a larger number of other natures than most countries. (From a meta perspective, this also makes it more fun to write a Konoha-centric story.) However, the Will of Fire and Konoha’s idealism is a definite Big Mood and something that other nations notice. Other Notes: I imagine that this element is most likely to be the chakra nature of those whose bloodline abilities are strongly connected with Yang Release.
Wind Nature (Wind, Air) 風
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Examples of Canon Characters: Y’already know who it is!!! (blaring air horn) Oh and Asuma. Examples of Headcanon Characters: Temari, Baki, Gaara, Chiyo Personality Traits: Free-spirited, distractible, innovative, unorthodox, open, relaxed, compassionate, empathetic, benevolent, charitable, loving, evasive, passive-aggressive, impulsive, withdrawn, avoidant, penetrating Common Body Types: Lean or muscular, average to short Climate Interactions: Throw on a shirt, and then a sweatshirt over the shirt and a cloak around the sweatshirt because wind people are always cold. “Cold hands, warm heart” often applies to them. They like heat and aren’t bothered by humidity or dryness. Japanese symbol: Crescent Why does wind dominate lightning/lightning enhance wind? Well, it doesn’t, because lightning as an element makes no sense. But void, on the other hand, does. Void is a vacuum, and air rushes to fill a vacuum without itself being harmed by the vacuum. What does this mean for the Land of Wind? Wind people have a lot of openness and caring but also voted Most Likely to Sulk for a Hundred Years When Things Go Wrong. The Land of Wind in canon appears to be the least naturally rich in the essentials of life (water, food, etc), and to have the most dickish daimyo, so it’s kind of unsurprising that the Wind leadership collectively got hella depressed after their one bad idea after another failed. Other Notes: They say in canon that the wind chakra nature is “rare” but I’m headcanoning that this just means “rare in the Land of Fire”.
Lightning (Electricity, Void, Vacuum, Nothingness) 雷 or 空
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Examples of Canon Characters: Kakashi Examples of Headcanon Characters: Hinata, Neji, Shikamaru, Darui, Sakumo, Killer Bee Personality Traits: Mysterious, thoughtful, reflective, fatalistic, imperturbable,  spontaneous, quick, detached, aware, intuitive, selfless, passive, negative, wise, analytical, elegant, eccentric Common Body Types: Most diversity in body type Climate Interactions: The least bothered by external temperatures. Aware of them, but probably dresses however regardless. Japanese symbol: Jewel-shape Why does lightning dominate earth/earth enhance lightning? Again, it only makes sense if the element is void or vacuum. While air filling a vacuum is essentially unharmed, earth-y substances don’t handle decompression well. (Imagine if Lightning Release could be used for explosive decompression based jutsu... now that’s scary.) What does this mean for the Land of Lightning? “We’re talking about the issues but we’re keeping it funky” is a line from Flight of the Conchords, but it is also how I imagine a culture that is majority Lightning-nature people best functioning. Other Notes: none at the moment
All of the above is just some ideas to play with! And of course there’s the pondering about how chakra nature is passed on--is it genetic? Epigenetic (traits that can be switched on or off by environmental factors)? Do two people who have children together pass on the more dominant nature? Is that perhaps why Wind nature is rarest in the Land of Fire (because Fire and Wind parents will always pass on Fire)? What are the chakra nature patterns in the little countries?
Feel free to play with my ideas, expand, change them, whatever! No need for credit if you do.
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Shu Sakamaki (Chapter 3)
Can I get a massage too?(๑•́ω•̀)  Honestly, if anyone still has someone they want me to translate from Lunatic Parade in the future please type an anon ask and I will definitely see it! **Disclaimer: だるい = Darui (I wrote 『bothersome』 instead of it’s actual meaning “dull or sluggish” because I felt like it sounded more like Shu so please don’t yeet at me, thanks)
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"Healing Rigel-sama who lost his love and closed his heart''
The mission of preparing a party for him began.
I want to make a place where he can remember the good memories of himself and his wife.
I want to do whatever I can do to make exactly that happen—
Place: Hotel Mondstein — Guest room
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Yui: (First of all, we somehow have to find the perfect venue)
Where do you think would be a good place for Rigel-sama to remember his time with his wife?
Shu: Oh... what about the gondola station?
Yui: The gondola station... really... ?
Shu: If the information from the familiar are correct, then Rigel and his wife met each other there.
It seems that it had happened during the parade.
If you want to bring him to a place of good memories, I think this would good timing.
Yui: That’s right... ! I will talk to the owner right away. Please wait here!
Shu: ...Hey, wait a moment.
*Shu comes closer*
Shu: Are you really going alone?
Yui: Oh, umm... I don‘t want Shu-san to move for me because I know it’s bothersome for you...
Shu: Oh, I might change my mind. It‘s bothersome.
But... I‘ll go.
Yui: Is that okay for you?
Shu: Yes. Let’s go before I change my mind again.
Place: Demon world — Gondola landing
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Yui: (The Illumination is reflected on the surface of the water and it sparkles... how beautiful)
If they really met in such a place, it will surely be a good memory for him.
Shu: — It would be bad if he’d remember something he didn’t want to.
You were the one who was scared of me at the beginning as well.
Yui: T-That was... Yes, that’s actually right...
But all of those things turned out to be good memories for me now.
Shu: Well... that’s fine for me... haha
— Now
If you want this as the party venue, you should talk the Gondolier in the back for permission.
Yui: Yes, understood!
(Okay, let‘s go and ask him)
Place: Demon world — Rubin canal
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Gondolier B: Welcome! Are the two people of you goin‘ on a ride?
Yui: Oh... um...
I'm sorry we don’t, in fact, we came here because there was something we wanted to ask you.
Gondolier B: Ask me... ?
Yui: Yup.
Actually, we are planing on throwing a party...
And I would like to borrow this place as the venue for it.
Gondolier B: Heh!? You want to throw a party here!?
Yui: Yes. It really needs to be this certain place.
Gondolier B: Even if you say that. There are many customers durin‘ the parade and it’s my time to earn money.
Yup, that is the point, that’s why I can’t reply easily to you.
Yui: Th-That‘s right...
(No matter how much I beg it probably still will be unreasonable, right?)
(But there is no better place for us to hold the party for Rigel-sama than here...)
Gondolier B: It’s bad, but I’m busy today. Come early tomorr-
Shu: ....*yawns*
Gondolier B: ..... ! Y-You are... Karlheinz-sama's...
Whaat! You should have said it way earlier.
Okay, you can hold the party on the gondola and do anything. I’ll excuse my bad and awkward behavior.
That’s why... you should tell your father from me.
Shu: Well, if I feel like it.
Yui: (... W-Wow... it was really as I expected)
Place: Demon world — Gondola landing
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Shu: Haa... I was able to secure this place.
Now, what’s next?
Yui: Umm...
The next thing should be necessary as well which contains food and drinks.
I'm mainly wondering if I can ask someone from the hotel ...
But I‘d like to arrange a special dish that he maybe ate with his wife in the past.
Shu: There certainly were informations from the familiar that they both liked sweet things.
Yui: Yes. I really liked the store "Garette de Loire" in the human world...
Why aren’t we going to a sweetshop in the Demon world that makes the same?
Shu: ... I don’t mind it, so let’s go.
Yui: (Fufu, I’m glad that you’re coming with me properly while saying something like that)
Place: Demon world — Zafia confectionery store
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Vampire woman A: Wow, it looks delicious! As expected from the Makai-no saffir candy store!
Vampire woman B: It’s really hard to move to a different flavor from one day to another day. I honestly want to eat them all ...
Vampire man C: If this is what we all are thinking about, I‘ll pick everything from the left side today.
Yui: (Wow... it‘s very crowded... just moving around is already difficult...)
Shu: .....
You were the one wanting to come here. I am... sleeping over there.
*Shu leaves*
Yui: (Nn... he is just hiding himself in the eat-in corner...)
(I know that it surely is painful to get through this crowd)
(But I‘d like to talk to the shop staff as soon as possible...)
???: There! Look at this, look at this! The cake will be passing through!
Vampire woman A: Ah, the Manager! This smell... oh it’s really unbearable!
Yui: (That’s the store manager! Alright, let’s try talking a little... !)
Oh, uhm! I‘m sorry!
Confectionery restaurant manager: Hmm? What’s the matter? I'm currently really in a hurry, come back later!
Yui: Please wait, just a little! I have some sweets that I want to order on the last day of the parade ...
Confectionery restaurant manager: Order on the last day? That’s impossible! I'm particularly busy now and now you ask me to borrow my hand!
Ahh I’m super busy! Busy! I‘m drowning in work already!
Yui: (Such...)
I-If thats so...
Please let me help you! I-I will do my best!
Confectionery restaurant manager: That’s impossible! That’s indeed impossible.
*More costumers come in*
Confectionery restaurant manager: You! If you ask for help, please do so!
It’s okay even if I think about the previous case!
Yui: Huh? Y-Yes! Understood!
(I‘ll try my best to help out!)
Vampire woman D: From this cake, I‘d like to have three more slices.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Vampire woman E: Hold on! I was lined up first! First of all, give me four of these!
Yui: (That‘s hard! I‘m already busy now... !)
Shu: .....
*yawns* ...
Yui: (Oh... Shu-san seems to have woken up)
Shu: ... Just what are you doing?
Yui: As you can see, I’m helping out in this store.
Vampire woman A: The clerk there! Stop talking!
Yui: Aye!
(Agh!? The tableware got broken!)
Shu: Need help? With this?
Yui: (Uhh... I first of all I need to clean that up!)
Shu: Oh my... you really need help ...
Yui: (Hm, where did Shu-san go... ?)
Vampire woman A: Uhh, I'd like to have one pie with a modest sweetness if possible ...
Which one is better ...
Shu: ... How about this one here? The sugar is modest and the sweetness of the fruits stands out.
Vampire woman A: Oh, so you know about it.
Yui: (Wow...)
Vampire woman A: Yeah okay... I'll get this one which was recommended.
Shu: Thanks
Well... that’s how it should be.
Yui: That was amazing Shu-san! The customer was also overjoyed!
Shu: I would say, I‘ll do this never agai—
*More costumers arrive*
Vampire woman B: I heard that there is a shop assistants here who is familiar with cakes?
Vampire woman C: Could I maybe have a recommendation as well~?
Vampire woman B: Perhaps are you the managers brother!?
Vampire woman E: It‘s officially decided!
Yui: (Uhh... they really like it)
Shu: .....
To go back to sleep... I can just dream about it.
Yui: (Fufu...)
*time passed*
Confectionery restaurant manager: Yeehaw! Thank you very much for today! You two were great help!
I really need to show my appreciation...
Let me hear the story of the candy that you wanted me to make.
Yui: I-Is that okay?
Confectionery restaurant manager: Sure!
Whether it's the last day of the parade or not, as the store manager, I'll promise to do it!
Yui: (I did it!)
Confectionery restaurant manager: So? What kind of candy is it?
Yui: Uhh—
*time passed*
Confectionery restaurant manager: Then I will think of something special to make it for you.
Look forward to see it on the last day of the parade.
Yui: Thank you!
Place: Demon world — Glimmer Main Street
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Yui: We did it thanks to you Shu-san. Thank you very much.
Shu: It was only because of my hard work... Haa...
— So? What’s the next thing? The preparations are not over yet, right?
Yui: Um, what about the gondola decoration?
I really want to decorate it nicely for him.
Shu: Then ... I think the "Reine • de • Azi" store is good.
Yui: "Reine • de • Azi"... ?
Shu: You will understand once we go there. Follow me.
Yui: (..... ?)
Place: Demon world — Reine • de • Aji store
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Yui: (Wow! There are lots of beautiful ornaments ...!)
(I cant even decide what to pick)
What kind of decoration do you think would look good?
Shu: There’s no matter what you pick. There is no particular commitment anyway.
But, rather than the decoration I’d like to—
Yui: (Oh... there’s an old antique violin laying there)
*Shu plays some tones*
Shu: I think music would be more important for the party.
Yui: That may be true
Oh ... I know we got a lot to do, but what about Shu-san playing something?
Shu: No. It‘s bothersome.
Yui: (Ah, I thought that he would say that ...)
... But I really want to hear Shu-san’s violin skills after a long time.
Shu: .....
Yui: Is that a no?
Shu: Haa... maybe just a little
*Shu starts playing*
Yui: (Those really are beautiful tones...)
*someone comes closer*
Shu: ...Who?
???: .....
Shu: Aji, is that you?
Yui: (So you mean, this is Aji?)
Reine • de • Aji: ...What is the eldest son of the Sakamaki family doing in such a place?
Shu: There is no need to explain myself. It doesn’t matter to you anyways.
Reine • de • Aji: Hmph... if you don’t want to answer, I don’t want to sell anything either.
Yui: (T-That‘s bad... !)
Aji-sama! Actually, we will throw a party for a certain person...
That’s why we came here to buy some decorations for that time.
Reine • de • Aji: ...I see...
Well, I’ll believe that this is really the exact reason why you two came to my store.
Because there is an abundant product lineup...
There is something really special I have.
Here, this is it.
Yui: A rocket pendant... ?
Reine • de • Aji: It’s not just a pendant
If you put a picture of someone in this, the person wearing the pendant will become a special substitute which makes them become that person.
Yui: T-That’s amazing!
(Now... that means we just have to put a picture of Rigel-sama's wife in there)
Reine • de • Aji: Well, this was just to show you. I’ll clean up, clean up now.
Yui: Ah! Please wait! Could you please lend me the pendant?
Reine • de • Aji: You want me to lend this?
Even if you say that...
Yui: Could you please lend it to me... ?
Reine • de • Aji: .....
Then there is one condition.
Instead of lending this pendant, you should bring Reine de Aji something more enjoyable than this.
Yui: ... Aji-sama... ?
Reine • de • Aji: If you can‘t think about something. Then what are you going to do?
Yui: P-Please let me do it! I will really do my best!
Place: Glimmer street — Eisen alley
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Yui: (I have may have responded too vigorously... )
How do you think Aji-sama would be pleased?
Shu: .....
Yui: Shu-san?
Shu: Well... thinking about it, is that pendant necessary in the first place?
Yui: (I know you don’t feel like it‘s necessary. But...)
I‘m pretty sure Rigel-sama would be highly pleased by it.
Shu: .....
... Well, I understand it if you say it like that.
Anyway, we should go and ask some passengers in the city about what Aji could possibly like.
Yui: Y-Yes... !
Place: Demon world — Glimmer Main Street
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Vampire man A: Hmm... to be suddenly asked something like that
Yui: Anything is fine. Any trivial thing...
Vampire man A: .....
Yui: .....
Vampire man A: I‘m sorry, but I don‘t know. You should ask others.
Yui: ... okay... thank you
Vampire man A: See you
Shu: *yawns* ... This was our 10th time already... what will you do? Have you given up?
Yui: ... No, I did not. I think we just need to change the place. I‘m sure it‘s that...
(I‘ll do my best without worrying about anything!)
Place: Glimmer Main Street — Front wagons
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Yui: (There is even more traffic than before now. Someone in here must know something)
(Okay... ! Let‘s ask that person at first)
Excuse me... ! I‘d like to ask you a little question...
Vampire man B: ... Oh. What do you want?
Yui: Do you know Aji-sama‘s store on the other side of the street?
Vampire man B: Yes, I know it.
Yui: Actually, we want to please her... do you know any good treasure she‘d want?
Vampire man B: .....
... hmm...
Yui: (Maybe this time... !)
Vampire man B: I‘m sorry, but I don‘t think I can help you.
Yui: ... Oh, uhm, is that so...
Vampire man B: .....
The only thing that I know is... that she grows plants as her hobby
Yui: ... growing... plants?
Vampire man B: Yeah.... well then, i‘m sorry to rush off but I have a meeting
Yui: T-Thank you very much!
(Plants, huh...)
That’s it Shu-san. What about giving a special plant to Aji-sama?
Shu: ... I got no idea. I don‘t know if she really would be pleased or not either.
Yui: But, now we can at least rely on this kind of information we got...
Are there any shops around here that sell exotic plants?
Shu: Well, there are some.
Yui: (Okay... ! let‘s go then!)
Place: Demon World — Horticultual Shop
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Yui: That place is...
(There are a lot of plants that I haven‘t even seen before!)
... Wow...
Shu: Not really. There are just pretty common plants for the demon world. I don’t think Aji would be pleased by any of them.
In other words... did I really just waste my time on walking here?
Yui: I-I‘m sorry...
(Hmm... we‘re in trouble. We once again need to start from the beginning)
???: ... Hmm? Welcome, dear customers.
Soun store owner: If you‘re looking for something don‘t hesitate to ask me, I‘m the owner of this store. 
Yui: Thank you very much. 
Soun store owner: Because it is only a boasting that you probably don‘t know anything about the flowers in the demon world. 
Yui: ... That‘s right...
Which kind of flower would you give someone from the Demon world to please them with?
Soun store owner: All different kinds could make each person happy.
But... if you surely want to please everyone, the "ARE" flower would be the best.
Yui: "ARE"?
Soun store owner: Exactly. "ARE" is only blooming on the mountains. 
Yui: It blooms only on the mountains... which part of the mountains is it?
Soun store owner: Don’t tell me... are you going to look for it?
Yui: If anyone would be pleased to get this kind of flower, I‘d like to go there if possible. 
Soun store owner: I see
But I think it’s a shame, because it is quite difficult to get.
... Well, you will see for yourself once you get there. I‘ll show you the way on the map then...
Yui: (What does he mean?)
Place: Mine site — Entrance
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Yui: (Um... i‘m surely we‘re close... next is the left...)
Place: Mine site — Underground lake
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Shu: Hey... haven‘t we arrived yet?
Yui: Please wait. I think we‘re close to be there...
According to the map, there should be a cave around here.
Shu: Cave?
Isn‘t it this one?
Yui: Ah... !
Shu: Oh my. You were so focused on the map you couldn‘t even see what was around us. 
Well, that is why it is not so hard to get lost while walking with no directions.
Let‘s go there quickly.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Place: Mine site — Selenite Crystal Cave
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Yui: (Wow... somehow everything is sparkling...)
What is this... ?
Shu: It is a selenite. It seems that the cave was made out of it.
Yui: ... I see...
Shu: Hey, watch where you walk. Let’s go and search for the flower.
Yui: I agree
(In particularly, the store owner didn’t tell me anything about the flower)
(He just said that it would be in a spot where you couldn’t easily discover it...)
... Uhh...
..... ?
(I don‘t get it... where could it be?)
Shu: ... Oh. Hey, that’s probably it. I saw something glowing at the back. 
Yui: Let‘s go 
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It was a mysterious flower that we found on the other side.
It is in full bloom all around, giving off a warm light like a firefly that shines in the darkness. It’s so beautiful that I can‘t even believe it. 
I reached out for the petals. However—
Place: Mine site — Selenite Crystal Cave
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Yui: (Beautiful...)
Shu: This one seems to be a ghost flower.
Yui: Ghost flower?
Shu: Yes. It is a ghost-like flower that cannot be touched.
Yui: (That means it would disappear if I touch it) 
(But... it really is beautiful. If you look at it, you really feel like as if it could make everyone happy)
(Including Aji-sama...)
... Now, Shu-san. Can you somehow carry this to Aji-san?
Shu: ... Haa...
You don‘t seem to give up, why don‘t you try it yourself?
Yui: (Uhh, this is... would it be okay for me to have it for awhile... ?)
(I will definitely try to think of something to get it out of here... !)
*time passed*
Yui: Ahh... another failure...
(No matter how gently I touch it, I can't change it‘s position to pick it up)
(I wonder if it is impossible ...)
Shu: *yawns*...
Yui: (Shu-san seems to be listening to music and yet he also seems bored ...)
(But ... I‘ll try it just one more time)
(It disappears if I touch it, so I should be careful ...)
(Then, why don't you scoop the whole soil instead?)
(Once again... okay... !)
.... ! Look at it Shu-san! The flower is still remaining without disappearing!
Shu: Seems like it.
Yui: Now we can take it back to Aji-sama ...!  Oh, that is good!
Shu: .....
No, it wouldn’t remain that long.
Lay it down and wait a moment.
Yui: ..... ?
*time passed*
Yui: (How long should I wait? It’s already been over 5 minutes later)
Shu-san this is really—
*flower begins to disappear*
Yui: Kya!
Shu: …I knew it.
The gardener would have done the same if the whole soil was solved.
Yui: Th-That might be right...
(But like this we won‘t return to Aji-sama’s shop in 5min)
After all it is impossible...
Shu: ...No, that is not the case.
Yui: Eh... ?
Shu: I will ask you again... Do you really want to borrow that pendant?
Yui: I uhh... of course I want!
Shu: Then I will help. 
— Hey, take the ghost flower from the soil again.
Yui: Y-Yes
(What exactly is he planing? Anyway, I will believe in Shu-san ...)
I did it.
Shu: Okay. And then...
Yui: (What will you do by picking up a stone ...?)
Shu: How about this— !
*bats flying around*
Yui: Kya!? There are bats!?
(I was surprised by the sounds the stone made! That's where the bats hide—)
*Shu hugged Yui*
Yui: Shu-san!? Just what are you... !?
Shu: If you give these guys 5 minutes, they will immediately bring us to the store.
Yui: I see—
— Wait, they what!?
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Shu: Wake me up once we arrived.
Yui: (Shu-san really is like that...)
(O-Okay. If nothing happens, we really can make it just in time)
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I made up my mind and decided to be quietly transported by the bats.
A quick glance over the ground showed that the parade continued.
If the Earl just didn’t stole my heart, I would go there with Shu-san as well... Such thoughts went beyond my mind.
I shook my head, cut off my thoughts and continued to pray that the ghost flower in my hands would not disappear.
Place: Demon world — Reine • de • Aji store
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Yui: (I managed to arrive before the ghost flower disappeared!)
Shu-san! Please wake up! We arrived at the store!!
Shu: Nn... *yawns*...
We got here too fast. I want to sleep a little more... 
Yui: Aji-sama might be able—
Reine • de • Aji: What is that fuss all about!?
Yui: Oh, Aji-sama!
Reine • de • Aji: It‘s you ...!  Are you feeling like breaking my store in the anger of me not lending the pendant to you!?
Yui: N-No, that’s not it!
Please look at this! We wanted Aji-sama to be happy ...
Reine • de • Aji: Th-This is... it is a ghost flower... 
It is a special phantom flower that I‘ve heard a lot about, but I’ve never seen one before...
Yui: (Oh, it disappeared...)
Reine • de • Aji: .....
Yui: (What should I do? Even if the bats helped us out I still couldn’t make it...)
(And now... it just disappeared...)
Reine • de • Aji: This just now was not a vision. I really saw a real ghost flower. I am …
It's completely fine, because I was able to see such a kind of flower in my store.
Did you really bother yourself to bring this to me?
Yui: I wanted you to be pleased ... but I'm sorry I could only show it to you a little...
Reine • de • Aji: It’s fine. I enjoyed it enough.
Besides, the flowers are beautiful because they die.
— Thank you. I am very pleased with this.
Yui: (T-Thats good! We did it...)
Reine • de • Aji: About the earlier story...
I‘ll surely lend you the pendant.
Yui: T-Thank you!
(I got it!)
Reine • de • Aji: There... the Sakamki one.
Shu: ...*yawns*
Reine • de • Aji: I honestly thought you guys would actually quickly give up on it.  
But, you somehow managed to make me happy. Especially this young girl.
... This child really shows a lot of joy and happiness.
You really chose a nice partner. As expected from the eldest son of the Sakamaki family.
Shu: Thank you.
Yui: (Did his personality... just change? He may be a little shy after all)
Place: Hotel Mondstein — Guest room
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Yui: (If you put a photo in this pendant and wear it, you can become that person)
(It's really strange when you think about it again.)
Anyway ... It looks like the party is fully organized now.
Shu: Yes
But ... you forgot one important thing.
Yui: What is it... ?
(What could he mean with "important"?)
We have a place, cake, and a surprise ...  maybe…
Shu: .....
Yui: Maybe... ?
Shu: Haa... 
Yui: Oh, uhm... would you mind telling me what I forgot to prepare?
Shu: Oh my...
*Shu comes closer*
— My effort
Yui: Yes?
Shu: Reward me.
Who do you think has prepared everything so far?
Yui: (From the beginning with the Gondola, it was impossible to proceed with everything without Shu-san's help)
Shu-san. Thank you very much for today.
I'm sorry for saying this so late.
Shu: Words are not enough.
If I don’t accept, then ... what else would you do?
Why don’t you ask me for something special once in a while?
Yui: Uhh...
(... what I can do ...)
1) — Massage Shu-san♡♡♡
2) — Write a letter of thanks
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— Massage Shu-san♡
Yui: ... Oh, yes!
What about... giving you a massage?
Shu: Massage...
Yui: (Uh, I’m sure he feels exhausted)
Shu-san, you really worked hard today and that’s when a massage would be good.
Shu: Haha ... It might be good occasionally.  Would you really like to do it then?
Yui: Y-Yes...
Shu: ...Hey. I honestly wouldn’t call this a massage. Try it with more passion.
Yui: Understood.
Shu: ... Hmm...
— Write a letter of appreciation
Yui: Then ...  what about writing a letter of appreciation?
Like this I could show my appreciation in clear words...
Shu: .....
Yui: (Oh, he doesn’t look amazed)
Shu: Haa ... I'll just take what you said.
Yui: Yes...
(I wonder if it would have been much better to give him a massage ...)
(Let's do it next time)
end Choices 
Yui: (In any case ... It was good that the party proceeded safely)
(Oh ... but ...)
(Shu-san, he didn’t really like the idea of the pendant)
(I wonder what’s the reason behind it?)
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132 notes · View notes
kumo-headcanons · 6 years
I've never thought about the thing with Darui including and not including C, and tbh i kinda don't get it. Why when in a fight not want C to join, but want him whenever he's not mentioned?
Maybe it makes a little more sense in context?
In ep. 202, where the first two screencaps are from, the conversation actually went something like this (based on the subtitles):Darui: C, check and see if they’ve got any other allies around. I don’t want to worry about more popping in.C: I’m sure there was one more. But if I focus on that one it’ll be hard to stay in the fight.To which Darui reacts by saying “We don’t need you. Boss and I can handle it.” which is (especially when looking at the Japanese omae wa iranē yo) a kinda rude way of putting it, but not really unusual since we know from earlier conversations that both, C and Darui, tend to be quite straight-forward or outright blunt with each other without the other taking offence. Darui is really just telling C to concentrate on finding Karin, while he and A will handle the fighting; he’s just being blunt about it. It’s only out-of-context that it really comes across as rude or dismissive.
Which is why it becomes hilarious when compared to the dialogue from ep. 269, where the last screenshot was taken from. Again, the whole conversation actually went like this:Darui: Boss… I’m sorry. I was chosen to be your bodyguard and yet you lost your left arm…A: Don’t worry about it.Darui: But…A: I don’t miss my left arm. After all, I have two right arms.Darui: Two?A: (raises his hand) This and (dramatic finger pointing) you.Darui: (stunned silence) (happy smile) How about including C and making it three?And the thing is, nine times out of ten, in any kind of show/film/book when a character has his superior acknowledge them like that, they almost always react with something along the lines of “it’s an honour”/”I won’t disappoint you”/”you can count on me” or whatever. And we know from Darui’s internal monologue in that episode that he does consider it a big deal and that he’s genuinely proud of being the Raikage’s right-hand man. Yet upon having the Raikage tell him that, it takes his mind literally ten seconds to jump from speechless to “How about including C and making it three?”, which implies that a) he considers C his equal as bodyguard of the Raikage b) he thinks there’s a benefit in having C around but also c) he respects C enough to think him capable of being a right-hand man to the Raikage, which we know is a big deal to him. (bonus points to A because he isn’t even surprised, just says “Well, all right. You can never have too many.” and that’s it.)
The reason I love the “How about including C” line is because, from a narratological point of view, there was absolutely no reason to include it. None. It’s not relevant to the plot in the least, just this tiny tidbit of character development for Darui somebody decided to stick in there, yet both the manga and the anime include it in that one episode that’s basically all about Darui. (also, kudos to his VA for what is probably Darui’s most enthusiastically spoken line outside of combat)
Finally, going back to ep. 202 knowing that Darui actually has quite a high opinion of C, the dialogue mentioned above suddenly becomes a hundred times more amusing because now, with shipping goggles on, it reads like Darui’s deliberately playing it cool in front of C (think “leave it to me. I’ll handle this”) rather than just telling him to stay back and do his thing while they’re dealing with Team Taka because putting it like that just wouldn’t have sounded tough enough. Because Kumonin are just that extra.
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kumo-headcanons · 6 years
Ok so Idk if this is going over board but since Darui and C are a ship, do you think that when they were younger, they mightve been able to have a thing or wanted to but couldn't for what reason? And as adults they shoved it into the back of their heads?
Why would that be going over board? Are you referring to the remark I made about shipping asks taking more effort than others? Because there's really no need to worry about that, if that's what you mean. The only reason that came up at all was because that ask had been sitting in my inbox for nearly a week already and I hadn’t had the time to sit down and properly concentrate. I like working on questions, it’s just that some take more time to answer than others.
Hm... Yes, but also no? I actually tend to think of it as happening the other way around with the thought of a romantic relationship never even occurring to them until the events of Shippuuden, possibly even as late as after the war. Here's how I see their relationship developing:
C, Darui, Mabui and Samui's ninja registration numbers lie within the range of CL5517 and CL5596 (funnily enough, C's is actually the lowest out of the four of them despite his being the youngest, while Darui's registration number is the highest). For comparison, Omoi and Karui's registration numbers are CL6305 and CL6306 respectively, which is why I assume C, Darui, Mabui and Samui graduated from the academy at roughly the same time, meaning Darui and C most likely graduated early since they are a good three years younger than Mabui and Samui.
A while ago, I actually posted a headcanon about what Darui and C's relationship might have been like during their academy years and totally intended to follow up on that with more posts about their teenage years and early twenties but never got around to it because there were some details I hadn't (still haven't) worked out yet but that's a story for another day.
Anyway, what I've noticed is that, while they're A's bodyguards, they have a distinct (and probably unconscious) habit of gravitating towards each other, regardless of A's position, which is probably the most inconsequential detail ever but also kinda sweet?
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What I'm getting at is, I don't think Darui and C ever made the conscious decision to get to hang out, get to know each other, become friends and so on and so forth; it just kind of happened and by the time they realised where things were headed their lives were already entangled to the point where it just naturally seemed like the next logical step to take.
For no reason in particular, I think C and Darui, actually didn't see all that much of each other for a couple of years after graduating. The higher ups of Kumo might have been busy spreading rumours about Darui's skills and sending him on missions left and right because ever village wants to flaunt its geniuses as much as secrecy allows and Darui is the closest Kumo had to its own Hatake Kakashi, while C, after deciding to go into the medical field, was kept busy by hospital duty but for some reason they still ended up running into each other every couple of months, always slipping back into that same easy, effortless companionship. Like, C might spot Darui taking a nap somewhere between missions, flop down next to him and spend the next two hours going over his anatomy notes while Darui grunts his acknowledgment and goes back to sleep until work catches up with them and they see nothing of each other for a couple of weeks or months again until that early morning on that one faithful day where they run into each other on the way to the Raikage's office, chat for a bit, say their goodbyes because they'd be late for work otherwise, and then spend the next five minutes awkwardly walking next to each other because they're both headed for the Raikage's office.
Starting at the time they entered the academy their relationship might have gone from something like "You're the least annoying. I'll gonna sit next to you" to "So you're gonna graduate early too, huh?" to "Didn't expect to run into you again so soon, last I heard you were on a mission in Water Country. Wanna catch up?" to "Wait. When did you get promoted?" to "Wanna grab a bite to eat once the shift's over?" to "Mind if I crash here tonight? Mission got me beat and I really don't feel like walking home." to "I got you a toothbrush, you know, since you're staying over so much." to "I heard your lease was running out. Wanna move in together? Might save us both some money." to "Karui, Omoi, not that we don't appreciate it but... the cards, the flowers, a gift basket? Isn't that a bit much for an appartment?" which is about the point where I think their relationship is at when they're first introduced in Shippuuden.
They're used to each other's company and, more importantly, they're comfortable in it and then canon happens makes their lives a whole lot more complicated. Specifically ep. 202/3 comes along and makes Darui's life a whole lot more complicated.
I kinda think the fight against Team Taka was a bit of a "Holy shit! Close call! I actually thought I might lose you" kind of wake up point to Darui. When comparing Darui's attitude at the beginning of the fight to his attitude at the point after Suigetsu attempts to attack C and later when C is caught in Sasuke's genjutsu the shift in the way he fights is remarkable – for that same reason, it's also great fun to compare this fight with his fight against Ginkaku and Kinkaku; it's like looking at two completely different characters.
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Darui is not taking things seriously at first, or at least he's feeling calm and casual enough to keep snarking back and fourth with C despite being in the middle fight. But there's this tiny moment:
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Jūgo's talking about C specifically and depending on context, the Japanese line can either be translated as "take him down" or "kill him" and I love that the camera switches to Darui's reaction first, before showing C's. Darui literally just told him that there was no need for him to stay in the fight and that he and A would handle the situation, while C basically paints a giant target on himself by remaining stationary as he's looking for Karin and I think this is the moment Darui realises the responsibility he's taking on and the amount of trust he's (unwittingly) asked of C and I'll be damned if the "The change in his personality"-line isn't more Darui trying to appear casual rather than him actually making light of the situation. By the time Suigetsu attempts to go after C, Darui is dead serious.
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Which is why when C actually does go down after Sasuke's genjutsu effects, something snaps and logic gets thrown out the window. C falls over and Darui is distracted to the point of taking his eyes off of Suigetsu for several seconds, long enough for Suigetsu to initiate a jumping attack and actually push Darui on the defensive while he's still off balance. Which you can't really fault him for since a huge explosion just went off and the next thing he sees is C keeling over for some unknown reason.
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Conversely, this was his reaction right after Atsui got sealed within Benihisago:
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It's not that he isn't serious during the fight with Ginkaku and Kinkaku, or doesn't care; it's just on a completely different level. Anyway at this point at the fight against Team Taka is where things get really fun. The KinGin siblings make a huge deal about words being tools with which to trick people and here Darui does just that. In an effort to quickly finish off Suigetsu, he makes use of the fact that Suigetsu is already somewhat distracted out of concern for Sasuke and gets him to actually look away and in the direction of A and Sasuke with one short quip about how Sasuke's done for (which is not Darui's usual style, he snarks a lot and might even get carried away with a small speech just before or after a fight, but with opponents he's really blunt. Quite the opposite, against Ginkaku and Kinkaku he's almost excessively polite.) Anyway, so he intends to finish the fight quickly and he does..
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And I love using those screen caps at every chance I get because of the cold, cold fury on Darui's face and the fact that this is an expression you rarely get to see on him. Seriously, that's Darui going after Ginkaku and Kinkaku:
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Against the KinGin siblings, that's war; but the thing against Suigetsu? That's personal.
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And I love how, rather than joining up with A, he jumps straight to C, plasters himself to his side in the most impractical way possible, casually talks shit about Sasuke as if he hadn't just pinned a guy to a wall with his sword, and doesn't even consider letting go until prompted because Raikage's orders.
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Also, holy fuck, Darui, that's your boss you're glaring at. xD
Anyway, what I meant to say is, getting C back on his feet is all well and good, but right now Karin is still around (theoretically capable of attacking them) and Darui has successfully prevented himself and C from forming handseals or taking any kind of quick measure to defend themselves. And they remain in that position for several minutes, all the while the fighting continues without them but, you know, priorities. By the way, notice how by the time Darui let's go, C's chakra control is able to control his chakra well enough to perform Mystical Palm, despite Darui having to hold him up until seconds prior? I'm not say they were both stalling because that feels like a bit of a stretch but I'm heavily implying it nonetheless.
Well, point I was trying to make before I got carried away is, the fight against Team Taka is a bit of a turning point for the two of them (Darui maybe more so than C). Maybe it was actually one of the closest calls they'd had in a while and Darui is confronted with the thought of "Shit. That could've ended badly." and "For a moment there I really thought you might've died." and this is where one realisation in particular sets in. He can do well on his own. But he can do so much better with C by his side.
And that's the realisation that eventually leads to this line:
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And I've talked about this line before. At length. Darui's fine shinobi, fully capable of taking over the role of the Raikage's right-hand man; and he knows that. But he's not above admitting to himself or the Raikage that he's just that much better when working together with C. Not even necessarily in a romantic context yet, but definitely as a partner of equal standing.
Hell, in ep. 363 during the Allied Shinobi Jutsu, it's not just future Raikage Darui who's leading the charge of the Kumonin. Again, C's right there by his side.
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And you know how there's this theme of some Kage having a second in command to share the duties with? Chronologically, you have Hashirama and Tobirama, Hiruzen and Danzo, (I'd even go so far as to include) Tsunade and Shizune, A and Darui, Kakashi and Gai, and Naruto and Shikamaru. And I don't know how much of that actually was a conscious decision on the writers' part, but C is framed in a way that makes him the character most likely to take over the position of Darui's second in command.
Now what would be the last push necessary to push their relationship into the realms of romance? I'm afraid this is gonna be the most anti-climactic answer ever.
I blame the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
Give them knowledge of a reality that's so very, very much like their own except for that teeny-tiny difference. Give them a taste of else they could have in addition to the bond they already have and have them notice that, while unexpected, it feels right. Remind them that, while it's all well and good to be willing to give your life for someone, it's better to share it with them.
It might leave them reeling for a while but once they're back in Kumo things will work themselves out sooner or later because of that pesky habit they have of always kind of gravitating towards each other.
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