#ask faeluria
nadana-vhet · 3 years
"say's who?"with Ahmi 👀
Rating: PG-13? For a single, lowkey implication. 👀
WoL x G’raha, post 5.3
“Says who?”
“I - I didn’t mean anything by it!” G’raha stuttered, “I simply thought that you shouldn’t have to do all this yourself, seeing that you just came back from the First a mere bell ago!”
Ahmi rolled her eyes playfully, “I’m fine, G’raha. No reason why I can’t wash my own clothes.” she chuckled, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows as she worked on scrubbing her robes. They were soaked in blood and dirt and grime, as was on par for her duties as the Warrior of Light and Darkness. “If you’re so intent on babying me, at least stay and keep me company so I’m not laboring away and lonely.”
G’raha sat down obediently on the bench beside her, though Ahmi had taken to kneeling on the floor to really dig into the stains she had acquired in her most recent battle. He resisted the urge to apologize again, still getting used to the fact that Ahmi saw him as a friend. She felt comfortable throwing jabs and joking with him, and truthfully, the casual intimacy made his heart feel as if it was going to burst from his chest. “How is Lyna doing?” he asked, trying not to let them lapse into awkward silence.
“She’s doing great. Misses you, of course, but they’re all getting along just fine.” Ahmi hummed, pausing to close her eyes to consider all that they had already accomplished since the ‘death’ of the Exarch, “Thanks to you, of course. She thinks it’s very amusing that you’re always so hungry here, considering that she would always have to fight with you to eat something when you locked yourself in the Ocular.”
“Lyna told you that?!” G’raha’s ears pressed back with embarrassment, plopping his chin into his hand and leaning forward, “...I suppose I deserve it, though, considering how much she went out of her way to make sure I was taken care of.”
“As you did with her, G’raha.” Ahmi smiled up at him, standing and wringing out her robes into the grass before draping them over a nearby railing. She then sat down next to him and dried her hands, which were wrinkled and pruned from being wet for so long. “Speaking of, are you hungry? We can go to the cafe - I’ll buy.”
G’raha’s ears perked up at the mention of dinner - oh gods, is she asking me to dinner?
“Yes! I mean...” he cleared his throat, “I would like to grab dinner with you.”
Correcting yourself didn’t help! They both sound desperate!
“You make it sound so formal,” Ahmi laughed, standing up and motioning for G’raha to follow as they walked towards the other side of Revenant’s Toll. Her laugh sent shivers down his spine, wanting to pocket the noise and replay it over and over in the back of his mind. “I’m not even dressed up!”
It was true, she was only in a button up and trousers, but seeing her so relaxed was just as good as seeing her in a dress. “You look beautiful, Ahmi, as always.”
Ahmi flushed, though she covered it with another laugh. Laugh again please. “And now you’re making it sound as if we’re on a date! What’s next? Taking me back to your quarters and asking me to call you Raha?~” she bumped his shoulder with her’s, a shy grin plastered across her face.
She said my name she said my name she said-
G’raha covered her jest with a painfully obnoxious laugh, “I - of course not! I would never even dare to think I could convince someone as inspiring as you, to, ah-“
Ahmi paused, stopping dead in her tracks and pulling G’raha out of the main walkway, “The man who traversed time and space, built an entire city from nothing, ruled said city for centuries, figured out a way to get our friends back from the First, figured out a way to get himself back from the First... thinks he can’t land a woman who’s simply lucky enough to have one too many souls stuffed inside her corporeal body? Gods, G’raha... you really are hopeless.” Ahmi shook her head with a quiet chuckle, “I think he could easily convince someone like that to, ah,” she mocked playfully, “go on a date with him.”
G’raha turned a shade of red that he didn’t think had existed before, staring at Ahmi wide-eyed as he tried to process what she had just said to him. Was she implying...? No, of course not - but it really seems as if...
“A-Ahmi, would you like to, perhaps, consider our dinner plans a... date?” G’raha exhaled as if he had been holding his breath for centuries. He instantly began to panic to himself, wondering if he had interpreted her wrong, or if he was too forward, or-
“I would love that, G’raha.” Ahmi tucked her hands behind her back and beamed up at him.
His heart practically stopped at the sight of her batting her eyelashes at him, playfully or not, before shakily holding out his arm so that he could at least escort her like a proper gentleman. She took it eagerly, locking their arms as well as placing a gentle hand against his bicep. Gods, I could die right now. This is all I could ever possibly need for the rest of my existence.
And so they continued, the entire walk to the cafe taken up by a desperate attempt from a nervous catboy to stop the incessant twitching of his ears as he prepared for what he anticipated would be the best meal of his entire life.
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blackestnight · 4 years
9. What is something that would break them emotionally? Love that angst, for both gals (:
for hanami: being forced to raise a hand against a person she loves. again. she might make joking, increasingly elaborate threats when she’s embarrassed or annoyed, but that’s just for show. she’s well aware of what a fuzzy line she toes on the metaphorical moral alignment chart, what with all the extrajudicial “justice” she serves, and she certainly doesn’t give a shit about being a bastion of goodness or anything like that, but she has some very firm lines and that is one of them. as far as she’s concerned, the second she raises her sword with intent to harm her loved ones--even in self-defense, which is why the concept of tempering still terrifies her--she will have lost the right to love them. 
you can imagine what a fun time she had in a certain 5.3 duty.
for sjanna, it would be failing to protect someone she’s taken under her guardianship. not just losing them--she’s outlived many friends, and will outlive many more; it’s a curse of her longevity--but being responsible for their safety and not upholding that bargain. it’s part of the reason she took up healing arts. she literally got herself exiled from her homeland because she would rather save lives than protect institutions, which is why she’s recently taken up work with lente’s tears to help smuggle dalmascan spies through imperial territory. she hasn’t lost one yet--she dreads the day she will, because she’s lived long enough to know that if you roll the dice too many times, they will come up wrong.
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deathflares · 4 years
» layers upon layers: shiori
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I was tagged by @wind-up-mayru! Thank you so much for the tag and sorry it took me so long to do it, it’s been a busy week (’:
I’ll unfortunately not be answering all of those IC like all of you cool people because I don’t really roleplay and don’t trust myself to not be terrible jdhdfsk
Name: Shiori Minami, birth name Shiori Kensaki
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Style/Color: White, long and straight. Usually wears it loose or at most tied up in a ponytail.
Height: 152cm / 5'0"
Clothing Style: Does Not Like Pants™ lmao, mostly dresses and skirts, particularly fond of thigh highs, be it stockings or boots. Neutral colours usually, though you might find some red and blue in her wardrobe at times.
Best Physical Feature: Probably her hair—it’s a very pretty colour with a silky and glossy texture, quite striking at a first glance. She’s very particular about taking care of it. 
Your Fears: Abandonment is definitely the biggest one, followed closely by failure. Less abstract ones include spiders and rats.
Your Guilty Pleasure: Baking on her free days and just eating the entire tray by herself.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: People trying to get into her good graces to ask for favors or anything of the sort—she really hates any sort of “ingenuine kindness”, so to speak. If you need something, she’d rather you come out and say it instead of trying to appease her. She’s used to, well, being used, but she doesn’t like feeling like she was tricked into believing someone genuinely cared for her feelings or her wellbeing when all they wanted was to get something out of her.  
Your Ambition for the Future: Her biggest one would be burning all of Garlemald to the ground, but that’s not very Warrior of Light-y, so she’d probably keep it a secret lmao. Other than that, just eventually being done with her duty and being able to settle down, maybe travel the world not as an adventurer but just a sightseer.
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: How much longer she can lounge about in bed and not be late for whatever business she has that day
What You Think About the Most: She spends far too much time thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong in the near future...
What You Think About Before Bed: Usually about how many hours of sleep she would get if she could fall asleep right now, then failing to do so.
You Think Your Best Quality Is: Her resourcefulness. 
Single or Group Dates: Single
To be Loved or Respected: She believes anyone that loves her would also respect her, so there shouldn’t be a need to pick.
Beauty or Brains: Brains
Dogs or Cats: She loves both, but cats tend to not be very fond of her, much to her dismay.
Lie: By omission, quite often—usually about her emotions and/or wellbeing. 
Believe in Yourself: She tries to.
Believe in Love: Honestly? Yes. She’s quite the romantic, actually, but you definitely wouldn’t be able to tell.
Want Someone: (:
Been on Stage: Yes! She’s grown shy about it across the years, though.
Done Drugs: Not willingly...
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Not so much changed as hid aspects of herself (physical appearance included, when she first arrived in Eorzea) when she felt it was necessary. 
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Animal: Rabbits!
Favorite Food: Literally anything sweet really, girl ain’t picky. If she had to pick one, probably Dango. 
Favorite Game: She doesn’t play games often—if you consider tarot reading a game then it’d probably be her answer.
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: 11th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, aka September 10 next year.
How Old Will You Be: 26
Age You Lost Your Virginity: Been a few years
Does Age Matter: Her canonverse love interest technically has a hundred year age gap with her, so you could say she really doesn’t care as long as both parties are consenting adults lmao
Best Personality: Forgive this sounding like she’s a cringy ass sapiosexual, but she’s attracted to people she feels she can have intellectually stimulating conversation with—not to say they need to be booksmart per se, but she likes being able to learn from her partners.
Best Eye Color: She really has no preference.
Best Hair Color: Again, no preference.
Best thing to do with a Partner: Cooking together, or any sort of activity that can be done on a lazy day indoors—or something close to nature but still preferably private, like a picnic.
I love: “Those I keep closest to me.”
I feel: “Overwhelmed, more often than I’d like to be.”
I hide: “Nothing that is anyone else’s business, really.”
I miss: “Far too many people.”
I wish: “That some things in the past could have turned out differently.”
Tagging: @faeluria, @otherworldseeker, @earthlystar, @witchfall, @alamhigyoooo — sorry for any double tags or if any of you have already done this and I somehow missed it!
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Layers: Mehna Nuwu
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Name: "Mehna Nuwu. Nice to meet ya!"
Eye Color: "My left eye is light blue and my right eye is like a Dalamud red. My brother's eyes are reversed compared to mine."
Hair Style/Color: "I usually keeps my hair straight with bangs covering my eyes. My hair is black with blue highlights. At the moment, my hair is past my shoulders. Maybe I'll braid it..."
Height: "I am 5'6 at the moment so I'm enjoying being taller than the twins."
Clothing Style: "Despite being a Bard originally, I hate wearing leggings and whatnot. I prefer wearing trousers, boots and a tunic that's either red or black. Failing that, I like wearing black plate armor as a Dark Knight."
Best Physical Feature: "I guess my eyes? I often get compliments on them."
Your Fears: "Oh Gods, where to start? I hate spiders, heights, tight spaces and feeling weak," Mehna said as she counted on her fingers.
Your Guilty Pleasure: "I don't know really. I haven't had much down time lately."
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: "I hate when people refuse to listen to me and they try to make choices for me."
Your Ambition for the Future: "I want to settle down outside of one of the city-states. Maybe in the Black Shroud."
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: "Why is the sun so evil?"
What You Think About the Most: "I should plan a vacation..."
What You Think About Before Bed: "I wonder if I could sleep in until noon?"
You Think Your Best Quality Is: "My charming personality. Nah, I think my best quality is my ability to see all sides of every situation."
Single or Group Dates: "I like dates with just Ali and I but every now and again, it's nice to do double dates, especially with Inako and Lyse."
To be Loved or Respected: "I think you need a healthy balance of both."
Beauty or Brains: "Both but personality is more important to me."
Dogs or Cats: "Why not both?"
Lie: "I mean, who doesn't? I just little white lies every now and again. Mostly about if I've slept or ate."
Believe in yourself: Mehna shook her head. "Not at all. Without the Scions, I'd be lost."
Believe in Love: "Aye and it gives me the strength to go on."
Want Someone: "I mean, I want to be with Alisaie but it's been hard to have a stable relationship right now."
Been on stage: "As a Bard, I often perform ballads for crowds but if I'm being honest, I'm scared of large crowds."
Done Drugs: "Does catnip count? Krile gave it to me to calm me down."
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: "Why in the Seven Hells would I do that?"
Favorite Color: "Red," she mumbled as she watched Alisaie and Lyse train.
Favorite Animal: "This may be strange to say but I love puppies. I have a black Hayate pup and a wolf pup."
Favorite Food: "Dzo Steak. Inako has gotten me hooked on Far East Cuisine."
Favorite Game: "I've recently gotten obsessed with Triple Triad and now, I challenge everyone I know to a card game."
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “32nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon.”
How Old Will You Be: "19!"
Age You Lost Your Virginity: "Uh I haven't done anything like that. I've never been in a relationship before Ali. I don't intend to lose it for a while."
Does Age Matter: "Aye it does. That's why Alisaie and I are taking it slowly until she is 18. She may be considered an adult in her homeland but better safe than sorry, eh?"
Best thing to do with a Partner: "I love to lay my head on her lap while she reads. Being near her always calms me."
Best Eye Color: "Blue. Lyse, Alisaie and Ysayle all have blue eyes and it suits them."
Best Personality: "I like people who can stand their own ground but they aren't too proud to ask for your help."
I love: "Alisaie Leveilleur."
I feel: "Like I'll never be able to get away from the title of Warrior of Light."
I miss: "Ysayle and Haurchefant. If only I had been stronger..."
I hide: "My emotions. I hate bothering others with my troubles."
I wish: "that the Realm can finally know peace."
Tagged by @faeluria.
Tagging whoever wants to do it.
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windupnamazu · 4 years
last line!
Rules: post the last line you wrote from any WIP (and tag the same number of people as there are words).
We probably shouldn't, is what the responsible Exarch part of him wanted to say, because ninety percent of the manor's inhabitants were adventurers just like Lunya and shared her fervor for stabbing first and asking questions later.  
tagged by @faeluria!! thank you!! ♡
i like run-on sentences too much so im not tagging 37 people asndnsnfsdnf but i WILL tag my two favourite writers @to-the-voiceless and @fistsoflightning >:3c
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
“Can I have this dance?” For Ahmi
Rating: General Audiences WoLExarch, post-5.3. P.S. based the dress of this pretty as hell number.
“Can I have this dance?” 
It was the introduction to every old friend and missed face that she had heard for the past two hours. Lyse, Arenvald, Edmont, Artoriel… Aymeric and Tataru had promised to only hold a party for their friends, but she was reminded how many of them the Scions had. She had. 
The Lord-Commander and Tataru exchanged a mountain of letters arguing whether to hold the party in Ishgard or Revenant's Toll, but as always, Tataru had gotten her way and even convinced their busy friend to come a few days early and assist her in setting up the festivities. We can’t have our friends, still weak from traversing worlds, setting up a party that’s meant to celebrate their safe return!
Ahmi had been passed around and finally landed in step with Aymeric, who swept her away from Biggs. “But you must tell me more about those dwarven fellows you met!” the clumsy engineer called out to their Warrior as she was swept away again.
“Of course!” she returned with a smile before returning to Aymeric, flashing a bright smile at him as they began to chatter away above the music about what they had been up to. As always, Ahmi did most of the talking, not for any reason of importance, but because it was much more exciting to talk about what happened on the First compared to what nobleman had been snubbed at the most recent restoration meeting.
G’raha sat at a table, one of many pushed to the walls of the Rising Stones to make room for dancing and socializing. Krile sat next to him, the pair drinking in comfortable silence as they watched everyone catch up and chatter amongst themselves. Neither of them were much for parties, so like old times in the Studium, they stuck together.
“Raha, you’ve been staring at her all night. Go dance with her!” Krile pat his shoulder forcefully, her insistence heightened by the fact that she was on her third drink.
“Krile! Could you say that any louder? ” G’raha blushed, hiding his face in the wine he had been sipping on. He took a much longer swig after her comment, trying to drown his embarrassment as she continued to tease him. “Besides, can’t you see she’s dancing with Ser Aymeric?”
“Are you jealous, Raha?” Krile chuckled with a knowing grin. G’raha would have better described it as shit-eating.
“N-no! He’s just… well-” G’raha sighed, his ears pressing back against his head, “he’s very handsome, and accomplished. They look good together,” he grumbled in defeat.
Krile rolled her eyes, “Well, I suppose she does have a thing for easily-flustered workaholics. But do you know who’s even better at that then the Lord Commander?”
“You, dumbass. Now go!”
G’raha didn’t even have time to drag himself out of his chair before the object of their conversation had appeared in front of him, as if his longing had summoned her by magic. Oh, gods, did she hear us?
“G’raha! Come dance with me, it’s Scion tradition!” she called over the music, holding out her hand and patiently waiting for him to stand and join her on the dance floor. She looked absolutely opulent, adorned in a gown tailored to fit her perfectly, with the fabric hanging off her shoulders and exposing the various moles that dotted her skin. 
“I, uh - okay!” he stuttered, putting down his glass of wine and standing to join her. He stumbled a bit as he got his bearings, still not used to his new old body. 
Krile watched smugly as the two danced together, silently considering how well they complimented each other. The moon guided the sun into the dawn, with Ahmi helping G’raha learn the steps until they had practically molded into one. Krile leaned over and took a sip of Graha’s wine, scrunching her nose at how overwhelmingly sweet it was. “Scion tradition my ass,” she muttered to herself.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
“Why are we whispering?” For N'adana
Alternate Title: Old Men Gossip and Gripe About their Age Minor Spoilers for 5.4: Futures Rewritten
“Why are we whispering?” Cid leaned down towards G’raha.
G’raha Tia pointed silently towards the other side of the room where Alisaie and N’adana had been chattering away just a few minutes earlier. It was easily drowned out by the whirring magitek terminals, so Cid had just assumed they kept talking amongst themselves. However, it was quite clear that the young ones had instead decided to curl up on a bench and take a much deserved nap. They used each others’ shoulders to rest, with Alisaie amusingly drooling on N’adana’s shoulder.
“Well, I did tell them to kick up their feet.” Cid chuckled, smiling softly at the heartwarming scene. He was more than pleased to see them happy after all they had been through, especially at such a young age. 
It would not have been a day at the Ironworks if Nero wasn’t there to walk in and ruin it. “Slacking, Garlond? Tsk tsk, not surprising.”
Cid shushed him, pointing towards the pair of sleeping heroes opposite of them. 
“Oh? When did that happen?”
G’raha chuckled under his breath, “Back on the First, it seems. ‘Tis heartwarming to see, though I felt quite the third-wheel when we visited Azys Lla.”
Nero grinned, and despite playing the part of the gossip, he, too, seemed to be quite pleased with the Warrior of Light’s happiness. “Embarrassing that the youngest of the Scions partnered up before you old men, no?”
Cid and G’raha collectively rolled their eyes at Nero. “Embarrassing for you, perhaps. I’m quite sprightly with my young body now!” G’raha beamed, smoothing down his armor proudly.
“You’re an old man as well, Nero.” Cid pointed out.
Nero shook his head, “Absolutely not! I’m not the one with white hair here, Garlond.”
“I’m sure if I find that hair dye of your’s, that’ll change in less than a moon.” Cid shot back.
“I have no such thing!”
Cid chuckled, “Hit a nerve, Nero? It’s alright, we all grow old one day!”
It wasn’t long before N’adana and Alisaie were woken up by the familiar sound of the pair’s bickering. “Are they fighting again?” Alisaie muttered.
“Mm, sounds like it.” N’adana nodded, not even opening her eyes before readjusting against Alisaie’s shoulder and falling back to sleep.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
"you don't have to pretend. not with me, not ever." 👀 but obviously take your time, gotta study for those midterms
“You don’t have to pretend. Not with me, not ever.” Alisaie squeezed N’adana’s shoulder.
The two of them sat on the edge of N’adana’s bed, nestled in her room in a back hallway of the Rising Stones. It was quieter than usual, which normally would have been welcome, but it filled them with a sense of dread knowing it was only quiet because their friends lie in an uncurable coma only a few doors away.
N’adana sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She had unfortunately been caught sobbing when Alisaie came to her door, and the elezen refused to believe any of her normal excuses as to why she looked to be such a mess. “You’re not going to think less of me?”
Alisaie shook her head, “Of course not! We’re friends, N’adana. When you’re around me, you’re allowed to pretend you’re not the Warrior of Light sometimes.”
“Truly?” N’adana’s eyes widened, almost disbelieving at the idea. Ever since she had joined the Scions, her entire identity had revolved around being the Warrior. At some points it almost felt like a character she had to play, with the only respite she had being her friendship with Alphinaud. Even then, if he hadn’t opened up to her during their stay at Camp Dragonhead, she wasn’t sure if she would even have had that. But now Alphinaud was gone, too. It was only her and Alisaie now.
“Truly.” Alisaie nodded, grabbing N’adana’s hand and squeezing it in affirmation.
N’adana let out a sigh of relief, “Gods, you don’t know how much that means to me. I’m always so… afraid… that people will stop respecting me if they think I’m just another blabbering kid.”
Alisaie’s eyes widened in surprise, not realizing that the Warrior had felt so insecurely about how people viewed her. She always seemed so confident and carefree.
But now Alisaie supposed that’s how she wanted people to see her.
The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a time that neither of them could place. After a while, Alisaie sighed and stood up from the edge of the bed. “I suppose it’s late, and we should both get some sleep.”
N’adana bit her lip as Alisaie hesitated in the doorway, blurting out before she could even manage to think, “Do you want to sleep in my room tonight? Truthfully, I just… don’t want to be alone right now.”
Alisaie blinked, her hand tightening around the doorknob as she considered it. “Neither do I.”
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
Headcanon meme about your girl N'adana: ☠, ♡, ♦, ∇, ൠ
☠ Angry/Violent N’adana gets frustrated really easy which can translate to anger pretty quickly if one of her friends doesn’t keep her in check. Like, if someone they’re trying to get information out of doesn’t want to talk it’s not hard to get her to the point where she’ll start throwing punches, so Alphinaud and Alisaie are there pretty often to keep her in line. 
♡ Romantic N’adana is a huge simp and will absolutely stop listening in briefings to stare at Alisaie from across the room, to the point where Tataru has started to make sure she sends Alisaie on an errand before she has to talk Scion business with N’adana so that she’ll actually pay attention while they’re talking.
♦ Quirks/Hobbies N’adana is a bit impulsive and when she’s out adventuring will buy things that catches her eye, much to the other Scions dismay, who just roll their eyes and groan because they know she’ll complain about the amount of random shit in her bag for the rest of the trip. However, when she gets back, she’ll empty out her pack and arrange all her new little items on shelves or her desk or even on the posts of her bed - her entire room is covered in souvenirs of her adventures, with her brother’s old sword and a Fortemps shield directly hung above her bed.
∇ Old Age/Aging N’adana will keep kicking for as long as she can, but when she starts to get older she’ll stay with the Scions to do whatever she can. Alisaie gets in the routine of using magic to reduce the aches in N’adana’s muscles before bed, and when things start to settle down, she buys a place in Limsa where they adopt stray cats and visit the local orphanage often. All the kids get so excited to hear about the greying Warrior of Light’s adventures from her own mouth, and afterwards the two visit Ga Bu and whatever he’s doing when he’s older that’ll make Alisaie and N’adana super proud of him!
ൠ Random When N’adana can’t come home to visit her mom, she’ll send her different flowers that she finds along the way. Her mom has taken to drying them, so her childhood home is filled with these dried flowers from all her different adventures, including flowers from the First, which were kindly delivered by Feo Ul when she couldn’t come back to the Source. When she does get to come home the house always has this wonderful smell of dried flowers and, of course, a fresh meal.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 08: Clamor
Rating: General Audiences Relationship(s): Alphinaud/WoL (Unrequited), Very Minor Alisaie/WoL (if you squint), overall Alphinaud & Alisaie & WoL friendship.
It wasn’t until one of the younger girls near the front stood up and tugged at Alphinaud’s coat, “Excuse me, mister. Are you the Warrior of Light’s boyfriend?”
“Miss Warrior of Light! Miss N’adana! Over here, over here!”
Within a matter of seconds, what had turned into a pleasant afternoon walk with her favorite twins became a battle for personal space with a heard of elezen children. The little girl from the Vault – Maelie – followed behind sheepishly, as if to say sorry, this is my doing. They huddled around her, pulling at her coat and chattering excitedly about heroic deeds and wow, you’re shorter than I expected!
Alisaie was the first to speak up, loudly clearing her throat and stepping in front of N’adana to try and shield her from the little gremlins. “Listen up! We’ll entertain your questions, but you all have to be a bit calmer, alright? Let’s all make a circle, and then you can prod N’adana as much as you want.”
Alphinaud and Alisaie took up the duty of corralling the kids into a circle while N’adana found a place to sit on the edge of one of Ishgard’s many fountains, a bench already carved out of the stone that could seat four of them. Alphinaud sat to her left and Alisaie on her right, who then slid over to the end as N’adana waved towards Maelie, who was still standing in the back. “It only seems fair that Maelie should be the one to sit up here with us, hm? Her bravery should be rewarded, after all!” She smiled widely at the petite girl, who’s eyes lit up at the suggestion before pushing her way to the front and sitting herself between N’adana and Alisaie.
It was a wonder that Alisaie and Alphinaud rounded up the kids so quickly, but N’adana just figured it was because they were so eager to hear from the Warrior of Light herself. They all watched attentively, with some standing or leaning against the fountain while others sat on the ground.
“Can you tell us the story of how you saved Maelie pleeease?” One boy pleaded with a missing front tooth; his black hair tied back in a short ponytail. The other children joined in on the suggestion eagerly.
Maelie shifted uncomfortably next to N’adana, probably not wanting to relieve almost falling to her death for what was probably the millionth time since it happened. N’adana turned to Alphinaud as a silent plea, who picked up on both their discomforts and expertly steered the conversation elsewhere. “I’m sure you all have heard that story enough. Wouldn’t you rather learn how N’adana became friends with Vidofnir, the dragon who caught Maelie that day?”
They were unsurprisingly agreeable, quickly switching gears to chanting about wanting to hear that particular story instead. N’adana quieted them down and launched into her story, starting with meeting Ysayle and becoming friends with her, to traveling with Estinien (they oo’d and ahh’d at the mention of the Azure Dragoon), to meeting Hraesvelgr and all that happened in between, making sure to praise Vidofnir every chance she had whenever she came up in the story.
By the time N’adana finished with her tale, the gaggle of children couldn’t sit still, eager to ask all the questions they had but didn’t in fear of interrupting the story they were entirely engrossed in.
“Alright, now you can ask me questions.” N’adana chuckled, holding out her hands in defeat as she prepared for an onslaught of what she assumed would be questions about the dragons, or fighting, or what Estinien was like, or even Ysayle.
Instead, they began to ask everything but.
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Easy – orange.”
“Is it orange because you smell like oranges? Oh – where are you from?”
“Limsa Lominsa!”
“My father’s-brother’s-wife’s-sister’s-niece lives in Limsa Lominsa! Do you know her?”
“I don’t think so, no.” N’adana chuckled.
“Does it ever feel weird to have your ears on the top of your head instead of the sides?”
“Uh… I could ask the same about your ears!”
Alphinaud and Alisaie sat back and listened to N’adana answer question after question, clearly amused with the increasingly absurd things they were coming up with. It wasn’t until one of the younger girls near the front stood up and tugged at Alphinaud’s coat, “Excuse me, mister. Are you the Warrior of Light’s boyfriend?”
Alphinaud’s face flushed a bright crimson, stuttering and stumbling over his words as he tried to give the girl any answer that resembled the word no. N’adana glanced over and raised a brow, her ears perking up curiously when she realized she had missed the girl’s question. “What was it she asked you, Alphinaud?”
Before the flustered Levellieur could answer, the little girl turned to N’adana with an excited sparkle in her eyes. “Are you and blue boy dating?”
Alisaie failed to hold back her laughter as she peaked over from behind N’adana, covering her mouth to stifle her amusement as best she could.
N’adana blushed slightly, but she smiled at the girl and shook her head. “Oh, no. I understand why you would think that, but Alphinaud is my best friend, not my boyfriend.”
Alphinaud was still dealing with his flustered stuttering while N’adana was thrown another round of questions.
“Well, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Do you like someone?”
And the most adorable question from the gap-toothed boy, “Can I be your boyfriend?”
N’adana laughed awkwardly at all of the questions, trying her best to answer them but also not embarrass herself to the fullest extent that she could manage. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend, and you can’t be my boyfriend because I travel so much! You deserve a girl you can go get pastries with in the Jeweled Crozier!” She ruffled the little boy’s hair.
“You didn’t answer me!” a little girl pouted, “I asked if you liked someone!”
Alisaie, ever the lifesaver, suddenly pretended to get a call on her linkpearl. “Tataru? There’s a gobbule on a rampage at Camp Dragonhead that only the Warrior of Light can handle? We’ll be right there!” She pretended to hang up dramatically, standing up and turning towards the crowd of kids that suddenly looked very disappointed by the manner of the ‘call’ Alisaie had just received. “Well, you heard me, kids. Looks like our favorite Warrior has to go back to doing hero things.”
The kids protested, but it didn’t take them too long to say their goodbyes and disentangle themselves from their impromptu story circle. They pretended to jog off until they rounded a corner, Alisaie stopping them and letting out a breathy laugh. “You’d think they’d be more interested in, you know, heroic things?”
Alphinaud cleared his throat, straightening out his jacket and trying to reassemble the rest of his pride now that he wasn’t being scrutinized by a crowd of eleven tiny elezen. “I thought so, too. Now I suppose the entirety of Ishgard is going to know of our Warrior’s relationship status, as they are more prone to gossip than the highest nobility. I hope you are prepared for an influx of young suitors to the Fortemps Manor, I’m afraid.” Alphinaud smiled apologetically at his friend, who simply shoved him as they made their way back to Fortemps Manor as inconspicuously as they could manage.
After a few minutes of walking, Alisaie bumped N’adana’s shoulder with her own and gave her a truly devious grin. “So, do you like anyone?” she snickered.
“Oh, me? I’m flattered!” The fiery elezen batted her eyelashes towards the flustered miqo’te.
“No, I – that’s not what I meant and you know it!” N’adana huffed. Her cheeks had already been flushed from the cold, but they turned an even deeper shade of red at the incessant teasing. She crossed her arms over her chest. Two could play the game of theatrics, she pouted at Alisaie.
Now it was Alphinaud’s turn to embarrass N’adana – she could tell by the way his lip curled up in the same way his sister’s had. “I know who it is.”
“Alphinaud, don’t you dare-“
“It’s Hilda.”
“You little – get back here!”
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
☾ - sleep headcanon for N'adana
♡ - romantic headcanon for Ahmi
☾ N’adana sleeps in the most uncomfortable-looking positions, but when she’s given time to fully sleep she insists she slept like a baby. When she sleeps with Alisaie, the red mage also really enjoys it because N’adana is super warm and Alisaie finds it adorable that she can tell if she’s having a good dream by the way her ears twitch in her sleep.
♡ Despite being the ‘super cool and powerful Warrior of Light,’ it’s really easy for Alisaie to fluster N’adana. A quick smooch on the cheek? Flustered. Goes to hold N’adana’s hand during a meeting? She starts to stutter while she’s talking. All of the Scions notice but because they’re polite they only tease her about it sometimes. You’d think Alisaie would be the more flustered one because of her tsudenere hero worship vibe, but once her and N’adana are comfortable it’s way easier to get N’adana blushing and stuttering over her cute gf.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Has N'adana traveled everywhere she wants to? What's one place she'd like to see, or spend more time in?
Ohh this is such a cute question - first off, I love it so much and thank you! <3
Growing up in Limsa, she didn’t really get to travel much as a kid. She had always read stories about the Far East, so going to Kugane and experiencing that was really exciting for her. As the Warrior of Light she’s seen so many places in Eorzea at this point that she never would have expected to ever go to, but one place she still really wants to see is Sharlayan. She loves all her Scions and would be pumped to see where they’re from and get to experience all of that with them.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
📏 How tall are you
🔑 Key to your heart
I’m 5′2″ft (s a d).
And I thought it would be a fun idea to ask my boyfriend what the ‘key to my heart’ is with no context, expecting a meme answer like ‘mozzarella cheese’ or ‘himbos’ but this is what he gave me instead:
your’s specifically? 
things that make you feel valued as in "hey, [faeluria] is a productive and healthy person in my life. Her being there enriches my life and makes it better" Whether it's gestures or little presents to accompany them or words especially
i’m weak this is so cute, I don’t think I could have answered it better myself.
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