#thank you for the ask ily!!!
evergardenwall · 1 year
2. lighter or matches?
matches... i am embarassed to say it, but i find lighters so difficult to use :( <- mf with no dexterity
3. do you leave the window open at night?
i do this sometimes in the summer, yes :) are there people who leave it open at night like....in general ?
30. is there dishes in your room?
right now, there isn't (i cleaned my room!! yippee) but you can very often find half empty mugs i forgot to bring back to the kitchen...
send me weird asks!
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gentlebeard · 3 months
If I could hold you for a minute, Darling, I’d go through it again
For @edsbacktattoo & @stedesearring 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: Francesca by Hozier YouTube
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buglaur · 8 months
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if virgil was in a horror movie he'd probably be first to die
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the-phantom-peach · 7 days
I have a bunch of assessments due so I'm procrastinating by looking at your art again 😭😭😭. Could I perhaps request some silly school pegoryu? 🙏💕
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heartbreak-sandwich · 5 months
Hear me out on this one! A cute secret date turn relationship with Billy x fem reader. He doesn’t want people like his dad or Tommy getting in the way with his time with his girlfriend. You can write it however you pls!
Hope you like that idea, thank you 😊
Hiiiii!!! I’m sorry this sat in my inbox for so long!! I’m finally catching up on all of my requests, and this one is so cute! I really appreciate your patience, and I hope you like it! We're feeling fluffy with this one today 💕 | Master List 📖
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You weren’t sure what a date with Billy Hargrove would entail. You had heard the rumors about the new King of Hawkins High – how he took a different girl home every week, and his sleek, blue Camaro was permanently parked out at Lover’s Lake. You were shocked that Friday when you were alone in the auditorium running through light cues, and Billy approached you.
“Tommy’s not here,” you called to him as he walked down one of the aisles. Tommy Hagan had been charged with sweeping up the auditorium during the lunch hour for two weeks after playing what he thought was a harmless prank on a freshman on the basketball team, and you were sure Billy had come looking for him.
“Is it just you in here?” His question caught you off guard, but you tried not to let it distract you from your work.
“Yeah. Did you need something?” Billy sat down in the chair next to you, and you finally looked up from your stack of cue sheets to see his signature smirk and cerulean eyes, deep like the ocean. You could smell his spiced aftershave, a hint of cigarette smoke, and the cool aroma of winterfresh gum as he leaned in closer to you.
“I just came to see if you’re free tonight.” Billy smacked his gum as he rested an arm over the back of your chair, awaiting your answer. You froze, unsure if this was a mistake or some kind of cruel joke.
“What for?” You searched his expression for any clues as to what he might be thinking, but it was unchanging.
“To go out,” he answered nonchalantly. Your breath caught in your chest, and crimson heat crept up to your cheeks.
“Like…on a date?” He had to have noticed your blushing and the perplexing look on your face, but he kept his cool completely.
“Of course.” He beamed, his blinding smile causing your stomach to erupt into butterflies.
“With you?!” Billy’s exterior cracked slightly with that question. He looked offended, almost irritated, and he started to fidget with something in his pocket.
“Look, if you don’t want to –”
“No!” You cut him off in a hurry. “No, it’s not that at all. It’s just –” He looked intently into your eyes as you tried to find the right words to explain your bewilderment. “I guess I didn’t think I was really your type.”
Billy chuckled and looked down at his shoes before meeting your eyes once more. “Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me. I’ll pick you up at, say, 8 o’clock?” The voice in your head was screaming don’t do it; you know better, but everything else in your body reacted in the complete opposite fashion.
“Sure,” you agreed softly. Billy smiled once more before standing up from his chair, taking smooth strides toward the auditorium’s exit.
“See you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, never looking back. You heard the door close after him, and all you could do was stare wide-eyed at the wall while you tried to process what had just happened.
Of course he brought you to some random clearing in the woods. You were sure he was either about to murder you or try to get laid, and you couldn’t decide which one was worse. You assumed a date would occur somewhere conventional, like the movies, a restaurant, or the mall – not here at…an overlook? You tried not to let your apprehension show as Billy shifted his car into park.
“Well, here we are,” he declared, opening the driver’s side door and climbing out of the car into the chill of the starry night. You were surprised again when you heard the passenger door opening just a few seconds later, and he helped you out of your seat, steadying you on the uneven ground.
“Where is here, exactly?”
“I’ll show you; come here. And be careful. There’s a lot to trip over out here in the dark,” he warned. That didn’t make you feel any better about the possibility of being murdered, but you didn’t have much choice but to hold onto his arm as he led you to a guard rail at the top of the overlook.
“Wow,” you murmured. Every single light throughout the town of Hawkins was visible from where the two of you stood, and it was absolutely breathtaking. You had never seen so many shooting stars, and the deep navy sky was littered with sparkling clusters which were usually totally camouflaged under the umbrella of downtown’s streetlamps.
“You like it?” Billy sounded hopeful, like he actually cared whether his choice pleased you, and you nodded. He let out a small sigh of relief, and he slowly took your hand from his arm, interlacing your fingers together. The setting was more romantic than you had expected, and you couldn’t shake the nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that something was still amiss.
What if he had taken you here just so no one would see you together?
What if he was ashamed to be with you?
“Billy?” The anxiety in your voice must have been obvious because you felt him tense up beside you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing at all,” you half lied. “This is amazing. It’s just – are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“What?” The hurt in his tone tugged on your heartstrings. “No…no, why would you think that?” His other hand covered the top of yours, and he turned to face you. You could hardly make out his features in the dim glow of the city lights below you, but you could feel his concern tainting the atmosphere.
“I guess I expected a date to be somewhere more public. And when you took me to a hideout in the mountains, I was worried it was because you didn’t want anyone to know we were together,” you admitted, avoiding his eye contact. His warm hands squeezed yours just a little tighter.
“Hey, look at me,” he soothed. “That’s not what this is. I didn’t want anyone to interrupt us. I wanted to be alone, just the two of us, so we could talk. You know, have real conversations. I’m so tired of my dad, my coaches, Tommy, Troy, and everyone else breathing down my neck, criticizing every decision I make.” Billy cupped the side of your face, grazing your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t want anyone getting in the way of something that could be really, really good for me.”
Your scarlet flush returned at his reassurance. You never would have dreamed Billy could be so gentle, so emotional. But he wanted to be here with you, marveling at this beauty, and it was the start of something wonderful.
“I believe you. I’m sorry for assuming. I’m just not used to things like this,” you whispered. He closed the distance between you so that your noses were touching, and you could feel his breath against your lips – a cool, winterfresh breeze.
“Do you want to be together? Like, as a couple?” Billy almost seemed nervous to ask you, but you were elated, answering him without wasting another second.
“Yes. Of course, yes.” You couldn’t stifle your grin. You felt sunshine in your chest, and you didn’t know what else to say in that moment, but everything felt perfect.
Billy leaned in slowly, his lips connecting with yours in the sweetest of first kisses. Time slowed as the two of you connected, and nothing else mattered while you basked in his warmth, stars showering overhead as the town of Hawkins slipped into a slumber below you.
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ceilidho · 4 months
"take me home, country road" Pt.4 ask
And can we please talk about he filled the bath up for her?! Screaming. (ACTS OF SERVICE FTW) MANS PLOTTING BUT THATS OKAY IM A WILLING VICTIM
im keeping it ambiguous as to whether he suspects anything or not :)) i think it's funnier that way....like is he actually completely ignorant about grabbing the wrong girl because he's an obstinate, single-minded man, or does he maybe have something of a clue but isn't truly interested in confirming it? the one thing ill say is he definitely doesn't know for certain - at the VERY least, he'd think there's a high probability that you're not the woman he was corresponding with, but since they never shared pictures, he doesn't truly know.
but also it's funny to think that he doesn't know and also doesn't care because he's too bull-headed.
he's sooooo touchy in this fic too like i can't stop him from constantly grabbing the reader character and kissing her forehead and lacing their fingers together like!!! he's SOOOO affectionate. surprised he didn't carry her over the damn threshold.
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buwheal · 2 months
*its an old Ecard featuring Garfield. There is a picture of Garfield commenting about his annoyance that its only midweek and the bottom text says "hang in there"*
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cordyce · 1 year
ao’nung the type of guy to have u sneak out of ur marui pod in an UNGODLY hour of the night just to take on a swim date to not have anyone around mhm and i have a lot to say abt this.......
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ao’nung x gn!reader
includes: flirty ao’nung. sneaking out. fluff & shit.
notes: god he’s so aggravating i’d risk a scolding for him i really would. not proofread at all if u see mistakes then squint
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you try to ignore it the first time. pretend you didn’t really hear it and simply doze back off.
refusing to move from the comfort of your cot, you keep your eyes screwed shut and your body stiff so as to still appear asleep. after all, it is bad enough you have been stirred from your slumber, you aren't positive your family will take too lightly to being stirred from theirs.
it's louder, this time, but yet you do not so much as twitch your toes. hopefully even if your family hears they will merely think it to be the wind brushing something against your shared marui pod. and, surely, your perpetrator would not keep this up if you did not give in to his pestering.
but you are very foolish to think that. and very, very wrong.
because he does not hiss out an alarm the third time, no. instead, a hand is wrapping around your ankle and tugging you across the woven floor, mat and all. your eyes dart open instantly, your body shooting up and hand flying to stop your late night intruder from his tugging on you. the scraping sound of his dragging halts immediately, and you flash a quick glance around your marui to clock the sleeping states of your family. thankfully, they still all seem settled into deep rest. a miracle, honestly.
"are you crazy?" you hiss, low and airy so as not to be heard.
"i knew you were awake," ao'nung simpers back, lets go of your ankle only to circle his grip around your wrist. "come on."
"it is the middle of the night, ao'nung." you do not hesitate to berate him, but you make no move to free yourself from his grip either. you wonder why you even play through this argumentative repetition anymore. maybe, it's to convince yourself that you do not hold these late night rendezvous at the same level he does.
(an incredibly false sentiment, regardless of how much mindless convincing you attempt to do).
"that's the point," he grins; wide and boyish and hopelessly endearing, as much as you hate to admit it.
but you must admit it—because it would be pointless not to—and you fault that disposition alone for not resisting one bit when ao'nung begins to pull you along by the wrist. all you're given is a split, shuffling second to glance back at your family before you're being whisked away down the netted pathways.
loosening up is easier with each footfall, and soon you don't even need ao'nung's persuasive vice to guide you along with him. you follow willingly, enticingly. your soles hit sand just as muted giggles begin to leave your mouth. ao'nung tugs at your tail, pinches at your waist as the two of you run across shore. breathy chuckles and dropped guards; you watch your volumes but not your hands.
night brings freedom—from analytical gazes, responsibilities, pressure. ao'nung likes the night, you have learned; thrives in it. perhaps another reason you find it so easy to give into him.
he sends a daring look over his shoulder as he begins to wade into the water. a taunt, a question. are you going to join me? you will join me, won't you? you will swim the seas with me until the sun burns out and night reigns forever and we are all that is left and—you will join me?
you will—you do. as soon as ao'nung turns back around to dive into the water you are rushing immediately after him. it's cold, chilling, against your skin as you break through it. but that does not mean it is unwelcome.
below the tide ao'nung greets you. he is still smiling, still keen, but it is softer. bubbles trickle from his lips to the surface like glitter chasing the heavens. he glistens and gleams and he is beautiful, here. you would not dare ever utter such a thing to his face for fear of it being held above your head for the rest of your adjoined lives. but it is truth and you stand by it, tuck it away into the crevices of your heart. within a file tagged: ma ao'nung alone, for only my eyes.
because this here, right now, is only for you, is it not?
ao'nung swims a circle around you, causes the ocean to spin you at its whim and you do not protest. you give way to see him like this; playful in the most innocent, pure sense. no animosity, so spite. you wonder if he even realizes how much of himself he gives away at times like these. if he's even aware he's baring bits and pieces of his soul to you.
you do not wish to complain and you will take all that you're given with outstretched hands and an ever-open heart. ao'nung is like the ocean: ruthless and unruly but strong and blanketing of all those held within him.
you have always been fond of the ocean.
his circling stops and he tips his head back up to the surface. more air, a need to breathe, he conveys. you've been so caught up in it all you hadn't even realized your chest had started to burn. funny, how such vital things can be pushed to the side.
you follow him, breach the sea and inhale until your lungs are satisfied. as you blink the water out of your eyes, you catch ao'nung's gaze. one beat, two beats—by the third you're laughing. at what, for why, you have no clue. but you aren't entirely sure there needs to be a comprehensible reason behind it.
it is warm and it is light, and that is enough.
"how about we play a game," ao'nung proposes. "whoever gets a shell from the ocean floor and makes it back to surface first wins."
"oh, you're so on," you snort, let a playful smirk tilt the edges of your lips. "do not cry too hard when i beat you."
"as if you could beat me," he snarks back, mirroring your grin, as he lines himself up with you. "go in three."
you narrow your eyes at him, splash a smidgen of water at his face just to vaguely throw him off his game. he splashes back, you do not fight it. you seem so drained of fight tonight.
ao’nung’s feet knock against yours underwater. an accident while keeping himself afloat, you know, but you still nudge him back with your own. his grin widens, you tip your head in a taunting manner.
now, in any other circumstance, one might expect ao'nung to be the cheating type. and, to be completely forthcoming, they'd be right. ao'nung is not a textbook cheater, you would say, but he knows his way about bending rules without causing the brittle decrees to break in order to turn the table in his favor. he likes to win, and he likes doing so by any means necessary.
but, that does not ring true in the case of you. ao'nung becomes a fair man within your presence. you like to joke that it's because he's scared of you, too afraid of what you might do in retaliation to his swaying. but you know that that is not the reason behind it at all. rather, he holds enough respect for you within his heart, that he would not try to pull your plug early. and you can't help but admire that.
especially now, as he even waits half a second after you take your dive to take his.
you know it will not make much difference and—despite your own competitive hunger to win—you know ao'nung could give you a five second head start and still best you easily. he is one of (if not the) strongest swimmers in your entire clan. you never had a fighting chance of winning, but you put on an act like you're trying to anyways, just to appease him.
you retrieve the first shell your hand grazes as you reach the bottom and instantly push off the sandy floor to race back to the top. and, just like you predicted, ao’nung is already a whole body’s length closer to air than you. his smile has turned triumphant, proud. you hate that you think it suits him.
you meet him above the waves only a few moments after he rises through them himself. he’s already opening his mouth for a tease before you even have the chance to move the sopping hair out of your eyes.
“what did you say, about beating me?” he goads, waving the shell he’s picked in front of your face. “i should have put some odds on the deal. what an easy win.”
of course it was, you want to say, but, “oh, shut it,” is what leaves your mouth.
you roll your eyes as you reach over to shove at his head. and he wastes no time in grabbing your arm, tugging you closer in the chilly water so that his chest brushes yours with every other flutter of your feet to keep you from sinking. his smirk is still there, still cocky and prideful and haughty, but his eyes twinkle with something more genuine in nature.
“why do you bring me out here, ao’nung?”
perhaps it is not something you should be so easily inclined to ask. not now, not when you are having such a good time with him. not while he’s got you so close. and yet, maybe that makes it the perfect time to ask such a thing. maybe, the heart finds it harder to lie when its pair is only separated by two inches of water and slanted ribs.
ao’nung’s snide expression falters; fizzles out like a star who’s died years ago and now it’s light has finally decided to dim. but it is not regretful, not bad.
it is more so contemplating, thinking of how to define its own existence.
“it is just… nice.” he juts out his bottom lip, drops his gaze from yours then back up. it’s so real, raw. he’s beautiful. “when everyone else is around, i get annoyed. they are all so nosy. and they—agh.”
he tries to throw his head to the side in a groan but you stop him. your hand molds to his cheek, brings him back to you. it’s almost comical, the pout on his lips.
“they what?” you ask, because you’d like to know. whatever it is.
and ao’nung takes a moment to chew it over. like he’s really having to think about if he really wants to tell you or not. (you think if he settles on not, you’ll just have to twist his ear until he agrees, but you don’t voice that just yet).
finally, he puffs out a breath. “everyone is just always looking. at you. at us. what we’re doing. and that’s just so…!”
“wait, you,” your eyes widen, the corners of your lips twitch up, “you’re shy!”
“i am not—“
“oh my eywa,” you laugh, wholly and totally uncaring of the volume of such now, “this is why you like to meet at night? when no one is around? that’s so—you’re so cute, ao’nung!”
“oh, i’ll show you cute,” he grumbles.
and suddenly you’re gasping as you’re being thrown back. a split second into the air before you’re splashing into the water. you’re all sorts of twisted around, but with a few passes of erratic thrashing, you make your way back up to the surface. you’re sucking in a breath as you hear ao’nung’s busting of a gut. you’re glad he finds nearly drowning you funny.
“oh now that,” he chuckles, reaches forward to sweep the mess of hair out of your eyes so that you can get the chance to glare at him properly. “that’s cute.”
“how do you somehow always end up spinning these things onto me?” you question, allowing him to pull you close once again, despite the chattering of your teeth.
“you just make it too easy,” he levels, pinching at your waist and laughing once more at how you jerk from it. and yet, you let him place your arms around his neck, don’t object to how he settles his own hands onto your hips submerged in the sea. how uncouth of you, your father might just be ashamed. but as ao’nung’s gaze softens, you can’t find it within yourself to care about his approval right now. “you make everything too easy.”
“why, prince ao’nung, are you flirting with me?” you ask through a faux gasp. and now it’s his turn to roll his eyes at you. but it is done lovingly, with a squeeze to your hips and another inch closer.
“i’m about to do a whole lot more than flirt,” he murmurs, darting his eyes to your lips, closing the gap that suddenly seems eons too far. light reflects off the droplets clinging to his lashes like a linear constellation, and you wonder if they’ll transfer across your cheeks as you let your eyes flutter shut with the first brush of his salty lips against your own.
moonlight tends to paint the prettiest pictures when it is veiling over tides and two young lovers, you think. beauty is forged among the whispers and waves.
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likes & reblogs appreciated !
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msgexymunson · 2 years
For the short drabbles could you write about eddie and reader getting walked in on because they're horny losers who can't keep their hands off of each other
I love this haha here's a spicy drabble for you, thanks for the ask!
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI or you'll face my wrath, p in v unprotected sex, implied established relationship, reader uses she/her pronouns, being caught
400 words
"Oh my God Eddie."
His eyes look wild, tongue poking out in concentration whilst he's fucking you against the wall.
"Yeah? Fuck, you gonna cum princess?"
Legs wrapped around his midriff, you bob up and down to his rhythm, thrusting into you at a moderate pace, watching you bounce up and down with each flick of his hips. His jeans and boxers have fallen to his calves where he'd pushed them down to hurriedly fuck you.
Yes, please Eddie!"
One of his hands drops to your clit setting an unforgiving pace, almost violently rubbing back and forth over your swollen nerve  endings causing you to buck into each of his thrusts.
Moaning wantonly, you hump at his length, feeling your release steadily build up, tingle reaching to the tips of your toes.
"Oh God Eddie yes!" Your release hits you like a brick wall, moaning and gasping, your pussy clenching onto his member as if it were afraid to lose him. As you orgasm finally you're squealing, grasping at his shoulders, nails digging in.
'Oh yes- Steve!"
Eddie's face freezes, movements stilling, looking at you in disbelief.
"The fuck do you mean, Steve?" Then he follows your eye line.
"What the fuck guys!"
Steve is in the doorway, hands on his hips, disapproving frown on his face.
"Oh shit."
Eddie scrambles to both cover you and pull his pants up at the same time. Your face glows bright red at being caught, hastily pulling off of Eddie and smoothing your skirt back down, searching the floor for your discarded panties.
Steve's looking at the corner of the room, deliberately not making eye contact in full Dad pose.
"Hurry up and get the fuck out. This is my dining room. We eat here for Gods sake." 
Eddie's doing up the fly on his jeans, and he cannot help but smirk back, "really? So do I."
Whisper shouting his name you hit him on the arm. Steve rolls his eyes and clasps his hands together.
"Come on, out out, a little hustle please."
As you walk past you avert your eyes. There's no way you are making eye contact with him right now.
"Seriously, can't you two keep it in your pants for two seconds? I did not need to see your ass Eddie that image is gonna stick."
"You know you love it." Eddie laughs and grabs you by the waist.
"So, van?" You roll your eyes, but lead him outside all the same. 
❤If you want to be added to my tag list please drop me a message❤
@eddiesprincess86 @munson-blurbs
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whatwouldmickeydo · 4 months
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(Accidentally deleted this ask while fighting for my life in the tumblr gif search but good thing I screenshotted this!)
You can’t keep a good hornball down! What's a little ass wound in the grand scheme of things?
And besides, Mickey told him to go easy on the injured cheek so that counts for something right? 😅
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(Gif credits to our lord and savior @mickeygifs for this one, we worship at your altar)
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reegis · 11 months
ur art is literally like the best thing ever i am actually obsessed. thank you for keeling the mechs fans alive in these trying times
just doing my part 🫡
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ohposhers · 5 months
I drew him eating some ring pops because he is apart of my head now :DD
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eddiepeaches · 20 days
your art is so cute, i'm obsessed. it's amazing how you manage to give tiny ed the biggest glowing baby cow eyes ever. and how is it possible that you only need a few lines to draw an utterly besotted stede?? i am in awe 💕
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thank yooouuu!! T_T you're all being so sweet to me today wtf!!
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lovesickgoose · 6 months
Your heavy medic drawings give me so much serotonin! A cute situation you could draw is them sharing a bubble bath
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It's a big bath
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drunk-on-dk · 1 year
wow my first time here for hard hours…
headempty just brothersbff!dokyeom coming over to u (and ur brothers) house for da first time to tutor ur brother cuz he’s a lil braindrad,, still unknowning of the houses’ layout,, dokyeom walks into you fingering urself and observes how ur fingers r way too short to do anything rly pleasurable n helps u like the good friend he is :(( I WANNA WRITE AB THIS SO BAD BUT WRITERS BLOCK IS SO CRAY!!!
lee..... you're kidding me.... please come here for hard hours whenever because this made my brain turn in ways that I cannot explain..... ok so I thought this would be a drabble, but I spiraled below and I HOPE YOU ENJOY (also i've been struggling with writer's block so this totally helped get my creative thoughts running again thx u)
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Prompt/Pairing: Brother's Best Friend!Seokmin x fem!reader
Genre: SMUT just pure filth (minors DNI)
w/c: ~2.5k (not a DRABBLE oops)
content warnings and prompt under the cut
c/w: no pronouns, but fem bodied reader; masturbation; use of a vibrator; walking in on reader, but consent is KEY when continuing; DK has long fingers AKA pro at fingering in this
Lee Seokmin, kindly referred to as DK, a nickname coined by your idiotic brother years ago when he had first met the overly kind boy back in grade school. DK was an all-rounder, which was known very well throughout your years trailing your brother and him in school. Of course, DK was popular for his looks, overall bright attitude, humorous side, and intelligence.
The boy was an enigma throughout his entire high school career, so you had no choice but to crush on your brother’s best friend. You couldn’t help it when he’d flash you his signature smile every time he’d pick you and your brother up for school, or when he'd gift you the occasional snack on exam mornings – which, of course, would go untouched in your backpack since you cherished the sacred gift so much.
However, you were able to see him at his worst over the years, especially the clumsier and louder sides of him when he’d spend the night over at your house almost every weekend. His boisterous voice would permeate through closed doors - even when he was a few rooms away - while your brother and he would play video games until the crack of dawn. Another oddity included that time he had mistaken your toothbrush as his own for weeks on end, only admitting his fault weeks later when he had run into you in the hallway late one night, almost as if he was fearful that you’d confront him even though you had no clue.
Eventually, you grew annoyed with the boy as you got older, your high school crush no longer blinding you to the fact that he was just another one of your brother’s loud, teasing friends, even if he was damn cute. Regardless, Dokyeom still took care of you like you were his own friend, as you were close in age to your brother, and he always considered you as part of the group. He was always sure to include you in plans even if your brother didn’t, making sure you had a comfortable high school experience, and continuing to gift you snacks on exam days – even if you didn’t blush profusely like you used to.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, you had followed in your brother’s footsteps and decided to attend the same college as him, which ironically enough, DK had chosen the same college as well. The duo was still thriving more than ever even when they had found other friends in their separate majors. DK was also still roped into tutoring your brother in his classes, even though he had passed them semesters ago himself.
You had just moved in with your brother after your first year, and you two had decided to save some money and just commit to sharing an apartment a mile off campus. It was easy living with him, especially because you two had similar friend groups and could comfortably coexist. You also enjoyed the privacy it gave you, as your brother spent most of his time at his frat house even though he had his own place, typically crashing on one of his brothers’ futons every weekend.
You took advantage of this, blasting music when you’d get ready for your own nights out, or spending nights like tonight shamelessly binging a show or whatever book you were reading, eventually getting bored and pleasuring yourself in the serenity of your quiet apartment.
It was still early in the night, but, good God, you had been strung out all week. Midterms were finally coming to an end, and all you could think about was a little R&R, possibly channeling that energy through a quick orgasm.
However, it was anything but quick tonight. You had been squirming around for maybe half an hour now, a slight sheen to your flushed skin, and a vibrator pressed firmly against your clit after you decided your fingers wouldn’t suffice.
Your sheets were surely a mess at this point from how tightly you were gripping them from desperately chasing the high that your body wouldn’t grant you. Just when you thought you were close, a pathetic half-moan would leave your lips every time the building pleasure would ebb away.
You were frustrated, but you were determined. Pulling out all the tricks now, your spare hand and fingers played with your perked nipples, unable to restrain your body from arching into the bed to further press your throbbing clit against the devilish, vibrating toy.
The only thing that broke you out of your wanton fervor was a single knock at your bedroom door – which the knock was appreciated, giving you just enough time to scramble to cover yourself with a throw blanket, but whoever the intruder was waited for just a pause before throwing your door open – coming eye to eye with none other than the boisterous DK.
“Ready to study and then whoop some ass on -" DK stopped mid-sentence, jaw slack as his backpack fell to his side upon realizing this was not your brother's room. To be fair, DK had only been here once or twice since you and your brother moved apartments recently; your previous one had a roof-leak, and this place was temporary until the latter would be renovated by the end of the semester.
Surely, you both looked like deer in headlights staring at each other. DK surveyed you for a second, saucer-like eyes tracing you from head to toe, drinking in the way your chest rose and fell underneath the tiny, fluffy throw blanket that gave you some sense of decency. You could almost see the lightbulb go off in DK’s head when he realized what he had walked into, the not-so-quiet whirring of the vibrator in the background only confirming his suspicions.
“Oh my god,” he starts, internally cursing himself when his jeans begin to tighten ever so slightly around his crotch. It’s almost as if he forgot how to walk or speak, but he can’t deny that this is a fantasy he’s had one too many times. “Were you-?”
“Don’t,” you cut him off, already immensely embarrassed that he walked in on you so hot-and-bothered. It was almost comical how the vibrating sound came to a halt, awkwardly searching for the button on the toy beneath the sheet and finally successfully turning the device off. “We can just act like this never happened, my brother isn’t here since I’m assuming that’s who you were looking for, and we can just go about our night without discussing further.”
Woefully, you could almost get off to the sight of just him, maybe you’d tuck the memory of him into your arsenal to finally finish yourself off later tonight. You weren’t sure if it was the arousal that was clouding your mind from touching yourself for so long, but you swore you’d never seen his kind eyes look so dark and carnal. And fuck, he looked good as per usual, boyishly handsome in denim jeans, and a white tee hugging his biceps perfectly.
You felt even more flustered when he just continued to stare at you, not making any effort to lift the backpack at his feet, nor to exit your room when you look at him expectantly. With a groan, you run a hand over your beet-red face, about to question if he is going to leave until he speaks before you do.
“Are you just going to return to what you were doing?” His voice is strained, deeper in tone than his typically chirpy sound.
You stare back at him dumbly, readjusting the blanket around your body so you can sit comfortably on the side of your bed. “M-Maybe, why does it matter to you? Like I said, we can just forget about this.”
He does the opposite of what you’d expect, rather than leaving your room he takes a step towards you. The heat burns in your belly even more, your body reacting and tingling each step he takes closer towards you.
“How long have you been alone in here?” It’s so out of character how hazy and stormy his eyes become, how husky his voice sounds, and how you feel your increasing heartbeat at your core when you realize just how big and tall he is.
“U-um,” you squeak out, shriveling in his presence, unsure of where all his confidence came from as he continues to eye you down. Maybe it’s the nerves, but you begin to spill out details of the frustrating night you’ve had thus far. “It’s been a long week DK - I just needed to unwind. My damn fingers won’t get the job done, so I’m using this stupid toy. This is pathetic and embarrassing, and why are you getting so close to me?”
“Can you show me?” He asks almost innocently, voice soft and tempting as he kneels in front of where you’re sitting on the bed. He repeats himself when you fail to stutter out a response. “Can you show me how you were using your fingers?”
You feel like you’re in a trance, heart, and body reacting before your sensible mind can stop you. This is a bad idea, you should just say no and kick him out, but the way his eyes remained locked on yours as you slowly nod is enough to encourage you to drop the blanket wrapped around you. Screw it, even as much as you'd like to say your crush on him faded, it never really did.
He lets out a strained sigh when you reveal your body to him, the only thing covering you is the flimsy tank top that’s bunched at your waist, only indicating further how desperate you had been.
“Are you OK with showing me?”
“Y-yes,” you gasp out, gradually opening your legs for him to see your most intimate self, evidence of an impending orgasm clear from the sight of your swollen clit and wet thighs from your dripping slit. The whimper that escapes his lips makes your eyes roll back, fingers absentmindedly tracing over your folds and making you whimper with him.
“You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he’s whispers as he intently watches the pad of your thumb rub at your clit, “Such small hands and little fingers, no wonder you’ve been touching yourself for so long.”
You buck your hips upwards when you finally let your pointer and middle fingers glide in between your folds, carefully pumping the two in and out of yourself and biting back a moan when DK leans even closer towards your core.
“It’s not enough,” your voice is breathy as you pout, grinding your hips into the palm of your hand as your fingers do a not-so-satisfactory job. You’re falling back now, wrapped up in your arousal once again as your head hits the pillowy mattress beneath you.
“Of course, it’s not,” DK coos, standing up to tower above where you now lay, one knee finding real estate between your legs as you so urgently keen into your hand. “You can fit another finger inside of you, maybe that will help.”
You listen to him, fitting a third finger inside of you, yet they don’t reach deep enough to provide you enough pleasure.
“Oh,” he almost sounds patronizing, “they’re too short, aren’t they?”
You’d almost think he was messing with you if it wasn’t for the way his breathing picked up when you let out a desperate cry, a rough groan bubbling from his chest when your thighs tightened around his own leg slotted between yours.
“Yeah, t-they are,” you cry out, trying your hardest to not shift down the bed and start grinding against his leg.
“Can I help?”
“God, I thought you’d never ask. P-Please.”
Just like that, DK’s deft fingers are at your core, long digits running between your folds to collect your slick before teasingly probing at your center.
“I said please,” you moan out, practically begging as your hips chase his hand when he continues to pump just the tips of his fingers tauntingly and shallowly inside of you.
He almost growls when his fingers fill you completely, the way your walls sucked him in was enough to have him wanting more. In order to get closer to you, DK collapses next to you, one thigh still slotted between your legs and his free arm propping him up above where your heated chest rises with each needy breath.
“You take my fingers so well, sweetheart,” he whines out, unable to stop himself from pressing his lips against your neck especially when your body is arching against his with each pump of his fingers inside you. “Can’t believe you're still this tight after playing with yourself for so long.”
Your own hands are desperately gripping his arms, nails digging into the firm muscles as he trails hot kisses across your neck and chest. Your body shakes in need when he hits a spot deep inside of you, pressing against that spongey spot that has your thighs tensing up with each expert curl of his long fingers.
You know you’re babbling at this point, something about how good he’s making you feel, something about how hot he is, something about how you’ll need his fingers all the time now.
This only eggs DK on, his supporting arm shaking as he sets a brutal pace, fingers pumping in and out and each ministration feeling delicious against your walls. You let out a scream when his thumb encounters your clit, making him press even closer against you to hold your needy hips down as he fingers you so perfectly.
You’ve been encapsulated by him at this point, everything about him is big and tall and long, and your mind goes a bit haywire wondering if that applied to really everything, the obvious bulge contained by his jeans only making your mind wander to dirtier places.
“Is this enough, sweetheart?” His lips are pressed into your neck, teeth nipping gently at the shell of your ear as he desires to hear some more praise and feedback from you.
“God,” you moan out, thighs shaking as his thumb rolls in circles over your clit, chest pressing against his as he smiles against your ear. This isn’t enough – actually – you want all of him. But yet it is, the world around you begins to spin as you feel your impending release finally bursting inside of you. “Fuck, this is more than enough. God, I’m g-gonna finish.”
“Finish, sweetheart, use my fingers.”
You’ve never come so hard from just fingers, not even with past lovers, but DK’s long fingers have your walls spasming and tightening around them, hips finally falling still as you gush around the digits. You feel euphoric, your release washing over your body as you come to.
You thought maybe your post-orgasm clarity would snap you back into reality, reminding you that you just had the best fingering of your life from your brother’s best friend, making the situation awkward and panicking upon realization, but you do exactly the opposite.
“Do you need help now, DK?”
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terristre · 1 year
MIGHT I. Request. That you draw Idia smiling and giggling and enjoying himself very much while holding up a cat or even several :)
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