#ava's gotta be fucked up a LITTLE u know
Prompt: “please stay”
it's rained more lately in los angeles than you ever imagined it would; you've been to the desert and lived through a summer here, the haze in the air and mirage on the pavement and a few days where it just never cooled off. but it's dreary and damp lately, parts of the city flooding, puddles everywhere. cold winds have blown in overnight, swathes of loose palm bark in your yard when you had looked outside.
it's still cold and stormy; the sea, you're sure, is angry outside — grey and infinite in its depth. most days, the wonder of the world sits in your wrists, in the junctures there, in the small bones beatrice knows all the names of. most days, the wonder is in everything: the orange poppies blooming along the hillside, and the perfect amount of lime in good guacamole, and the way beatrice tastes like cinnamon when you kiss her in the afternoon, lazily, like you've always had time.
but some days it sits heavy along your spine: you spent an eternity — eight months, earthside, but you don't know how to measure that, not really — in darkness, in nothingness, in white space so bright your eyes burned.
you didn't sleep, or eat, not like here. the halo in your back burnt and burnt and burnt, and the divinium through your organs, taken out by unknown hands, had left gaping, excruciating wounds, which eventually, because you stayed so, so still, turned into painful, barely-healed scars, half shrapnel, half burn. there was nothing, and you were nothing, and you missed your mom and your sisters and your friends and beatrice, with her steady shoulders and her reluctant laugh and her gold eyes.
it's still dark, still early, the dawn inky blue outside, stretching as a bruise against the pale skin of the sand. you roll over in your big bed — safe, piled with a soft white linen duvet; a mattress that beatrice had ordered specifically for your spine after consulting jillian and then making a spreadsheet of pros and cons between different brands and models — and take a deep breath. it's here, and it's now, you remind yourself, touch your fingers to the worst of the divinium scars, puckered along your right ribs. you place the palm of your hand against the worst of it, the opposite of stigmata, maybe, and breathe into it, let your chest expand all the way into your belly, all the way down your spine, filling your heartspace.
and then you look at beatrice, the duvet down around the middle of her bare back. the tan of her skin from the sun, the black tattoo down her spine, her hair — short and dark and messy — and the peaceful planes of her face, delicate despite it all. calm, and unworried, the bow of her lips and the freckles across her cheeks. she had told you, excitedly last night, how incredible the swells were supposed to be this morning, because of the storm, but you look at her and you think of riptides and not being able to swim and how this world, this life, bold and bright, wouldn't be much different for you than nothingness if anything happened to her. if she wasn't here with you, to eat really good ramen and grumble her way through terrible movies and steadfastly do the laundry.
you scoot closer to her, drape an arm across her waist and kiss between her shoulder blades. you've learned that bea is easy to awaken but almost impossible to really wake up when she feels relaxed and safe — but sometimes you think you know each other differently than anyone, a familiarity that has saved the world a few times over. in one of the classes you audited — philosophy, which had mostly been awful and full of gross white dudes — you had learned that recognize meant, really, to know again. to know again, and again, and again, like the veins mapped across the backs of your hands or the hue of a lover's eyes.
she stirs and blinks awake, slowly, and there they are: brown, so smart, with flecks of gold that light up in the sun, that you know even in the dark dawn.
'ava, are you okay?'
her voice is rough with sleep and slow and beautiful. you're so, so greedy, wanting this life and the next with her. you wouldn't renounce it for anything. kingdoms and realms could fall at your feet before you said anything of the sort.
'please don't go surfing this morning.' your voice is a little wobbly and she shifts onto her side, fully, to face you, concern etching a line between her brows. she looks around blearily, her features and posture sharpening in a split second.
'did something happen?'
'no,' you say, and leave the but something could alone; something always could. instead, 'i just — it's stormy, and i want to sleep in with you here.' let me love you like this, you think, and press your lips to the scar on her shoulder before you rest your forehead against hers, run a gentle hand through her hair. let me keep you safe. let me keep you warm, in this room in this bed in this house in this city of angels where nothing can hurt you, where i won't let anything touch you, not ever again. let me wake up to you again and again and again.
she doesn't fully believe you, that it's nothing, but she relents easily enough, trusting that you'll tell her if you need.
'please stay.'
she sighs, kisses you, touches the same scar against your ribs. 'okay,' she says, just like that, and you breathe into the palm of her hand.
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matthewscherrypie · 1 month
༊*·˚ the cut that always bleeds.. 🩸🩹 M.S
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W A R N I N G S: angst, situationship, sex, alcohol, smoking, kinda toxic Matt?, fighting, swearing, no happy ending
S U M M A R Y: friends with benefits with Matt turns into the biggest heartbreak you’ve ever experienced when you catch feelings but he doesn’t.
4 months ago..
“that was fucking amazing” Matt, your best friends brother says. “Yeah it was” you say.
It just kept happening, you would find yourself in his bed almost every night, and you would find yourselves hooking up at every party you showed up to together.
One night, after you guys had hooked up, he asked you if you wanted to be “friends with benefits” you agreed, with no strings attached and the cycle just kept repeating.
Matt cleans you up with the rag that was already laying on his floor from yesterday, “I think I’m gonna go” you say, as he stands up and throws the rag in the laundry.
“Why?” He asks. Deep down in your head you know why. You cannot lay on his chest while he plays with your hair again, you cannot go on another late drive to get food and have a deep talk together again, you just can’t.
Your heart falls in love with him a little more every time you spend time with him, “i just need to leave” you say.
“Well okay, bye y/n.” He says while kissing your cheek.
You let out a quick “bye” while tying on your shoes and heading out the door.
You get in your car and start heading towards your apartment which you shared with your best friend Ava.
Ava was the only one who knew about your feelings for Matt, and it was gonna stay that way. Right..?
🎶 I can’t be your lover on a leash, every other week when you please. 🎶
“I just can’t do it anymore Ava” you say while eating ice cream sitting on your shared couch. “I wanted nothing more but to just hold him and kiss him but I know if I would, it would just kill me even more.”
“You have to let him go” Ava says, “no no, I can get over these stupid feelings I know I can.” “I just can’t let him go” you say.
You feel a buzz in the pocket of your baggy sweatpants, you grab your phone to see it’s Matt.
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“You have to ignore him girl” Ava says. “I know” you say.
No matter how much it pained you you know Ava is right. So you do just that, you ignore him.
Next thing you know you hear your phone start buzzing again, this time Matt is calling you.
You cant help yourself so you pick up.
“Hello?” Matt says with a confused tone in his voice
“Hey” you say.
“Why didn’t you answer my text?” Matt says, sounding almost concerned.
“I just didn’t, why do you care so much” I say.
I dont wanna be rude, but if I wasn’t then I know I would end up just acting like his little side hoe again, and I couldn’t keep doing that.
“Wow someone’s grouchy” he says.
“Matt what do you want, why did you call”
“Why are you getting so upset with me?” Matt says.
“Did I do something”
“Matt just leave me alone.” I say while hanging up.
- - -
🎶 cause you keep me on a rope, and tied a noose around my throat. 🎶
Fuck me. I think to myself, as I stand in this random persons house, at a party I was invited too last minute.
“Cmonnn, you gotta loosen up a bit” Madi says. I know she’s right, but all I wanna do is look for Matt and lay on his chest while his soft gentle fingers run through my hair.
“Maybe you could find someone else to hook up with even” Ava says. “Okay..fineee” I say.
While glancing around the room trying to find someone at least a little attractive, I see Matt with a random blonde tracing his tattoos and giving him “fuck me” eyes.
I move my eyes down a little bit and see his hand on her ass. Fuck, I think to myself.
As the tears start forming at my eyes, I feel my chest start to tighten.
I run through the crowd trying not to make it obvious that I’m upset, until I find a door and open it, only to find 2 random people fucking each other. “Sorry!” I say while storming out.
I find another door and open it, thank god nobody’s in this one. My back hits the door and I slide down it while heavy sobs escape my mouth.
I hear a knock at the door, “hey y/n you in there?” I hear from a familiar voice, Matt’s voice.
I try to stay silent but then once I feel the door push my back foward, I realize that I forgot to lock the door.
“What’s wrong, baby?” The words escape his mouth so easily, yet effect me so much.
“I’m fine, Matt really just leave me alone” I say.
“No, what is wrong? It’s obvious I did something.” He says.
I’m in love with you Matt. I wanna say, but of course, I don’t.
“Did you not fin- fuck y/n you didn’t finish did you.” He says.
“Oh my god Matt yes I fucking finished dumbass” I say.
“I think you just need to loosen up” he says, picking me off the ground gently
Before I know it, he turns me around an slams me against the door
He slowly lifts up my dress with his hands, and moves my underwear to the side.
Without a warning, he inserts 2 fingers into me. “Fuck matt” I say.
“Now.. you wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He says.
“It’s nothing I’m just going through a tough time right now” I say, breathing heavily and trying not to moan.
- - -
🎶you know what your doing when your coming back, and I don’t wanna have another heart attack🎶
He puts my clothing back on, kissing all over my body. “So pretty” he says. “And your all mine” he says. Killing me
“fuck I love you” he says. Killing me.
I agree to go back to his house and hangout for a bit. I knew I shouldn’t, but at the end of the day he is also my best friend and I just missed it.
“you know, i enjoy fucking, but I also just enjoy your presence and hanging out with you.” He says while rubbing my thigh. Killing me.
“Yeah me too” I say. “Then why have you been so distant?” He says. I know I shouldn’t admit anything, but maybe he deserves to know something at least.
“Well when we were at the party earlier, and I saw your hand on that girls ass” “I kinda got upset and I-“ I say before he cuts me off
“Y/n, we never agreed to not seeing other people.” “We are just friends with benefits right?” He says.
“Right.” I say. Killing me
- - -
🎶 but even though your killing me, yeah 🎶
Everything he is doing is killing me. The kisses and praises he leaves all over my body after sex killed me.
Every time I seen him go on a date, or dancing with another girl at a party killed me.
But most importantly, every time he has to remind me that we are just friends kills me.
I know this is not good, I know leaving his house bawling my eyes out was not good for me.
Everyone tells me I need to tell him. My therapist, my friends, even his brothers, which now know about my feelings because I mean come on it’s pretty obvious.
It could be the fact that it’s midnight, or the fact that that I smoked 2 j’s, but i think its time to tell him.
I get into my car, put some music on and before I can think I start driving.
- - -
I arrive at his door, and immediately knock. Nick & Chris don’t stay up that late but Matt does so Matt answers the door.
“Hey y/n, you didn’t tell me you were coming”
“I know” I say. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah sure” he says. Opening the door wider for me to come in.
We arrive to his room, and the tension is high. He can tell something’s off, and my heart is pounding out of my chest.
“Y/n what the fuck is wrong?” “You ignore me, and then we have sex and you don’t let me even hold you!”
“I don’t fucking understand, you say your going through a tough time but you don’t tell me anything!” He says.
“Matt it’s cause I’m fucking in love with you.” I say.
…. The silence is a unbearable amount of loud and the air becomes even more tense if that’s possible
“Every time you kiss me it kills me because I know we won’t ever be able to do that without fucking.”
“Every time you hold me, it kills me because I know your just doing it because you just nearly took my ability to walk away.”
“Every time you call me yours it kills me because I know that I’m not, and I never will be”
“I thought maybe if I ignored you it would get better and these feelings would pass but the more I ignored you the more it hurt and I couldn’t take it anymore” I say.
“I can’t just fucking be your lover when you want me to be, and then see you eye fucking a ton of other girls at parties” I say
“You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve me. I caught feelings and this is all my fault.”
“But I also don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve to feel like I’m getting stabbed anytime I come near you.” I say while leaving his room and slamming the door on my way out.
My chest feels tighter then it ever has, but I also somehow feel relieved. I finally let it out, I don’t feel so locked up anymore.
I run out of the house ignoring all of the “y/n wait!” “Y/n comeback” s that come out of his mouth.
- - -
🎶 beat my heart to black and blue 🎶
When I arrive home, I walk in sobbing and Immediately drop to the floor.
“Oh my god y/n what happened” Ava says.
I am on the verge of passing out, everything around me is tuned out and my eyes are blurry, quite frankly I don’t know how I survived the drive home. I felt light headed and like I was about to puke.
“Y/n stay with me, everything’s going to be okay” Ava says.
- - -
Everything from that night is a blur. I know what happened and I know what I did, but all the details are erased from my brain.
My room reeks of alcohol, weed, and just disgustingness considering I haven’t cleaned my room, nor got out of my bed for 4 days.
I haven’t gotten any messages from Matt, he hasn’t came here, he’s just gone.
There’s been music blaring in my room for 3 hours straight, the songs going from sad, to chill, to hype music where I start convincing myself I’m over it until it turns back into sad music again.
“The cut that always bleeds” by Conan Grey turns on, and I immediately turn it all the way up.
This song can explain me and Matt’s relationship more then I can, and I can’t listen to it without bawling my eyes out.
“Oooh, oooh, but even though your killing me” I sing while my head lays back on my headboard
Tears start streaming down my face, Matt’s shirt I haven’t token off for 4 days getting soaked from my tears.
“I need you like the air I breath”
“I need, I need you more than me.”
No matter how much I don’t wanna admit it, I need Matt more then anything. I need his hands rubbing all over me, i need his lips against mine, I need our hands interlinked. I need him………
…. The end.
A/N, this is my 2nd fic ever, I think this fic is way better then my 1st one, but I still don’t know if I would consider it good, anywho I love the cut that always bleeds but I can’t listen to it without crying so I thought why not make a fic about it!! I love angst and couldn’t wait to write it so I did just that. Hope you enjoyed!! 😋😋
@bernardsbendystraws comment if u wanna be added !!
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razberrypuck · 1 year
john design,,,,, sir where are your teeny tiny little glasses
"you took that big daddy blast like a champion" gillion I love you
chip being so hospitable while the wizard freaks the fuck out
gillion: jayyyyy gilly has an ask! gilly has a question!
jay, deadpan: uh-huh?
lizzie I love you don't run away from this you mfer
queen <3
chip: can we please just keep him 👉👈
"DONT make me look stupid silly wizard"
returning the silly wizard </3
alph-atross jsjfkehf
"which I didn't think was a bad plan but apparently I'm just a Hater"
"we're not letting that bastard go"
"well they're -- Jay said we're letting him go :/"
"I didn't hurt you. don't talk to me like I hurt you, for one" love u chip <3
caspian <3
"jay's the last fucking person I want to talk to right now" okay but you're the one associated with the murder of her sister, regardless of whether or not you did it. you know. one of two family members that cared about jay. the only reason she left featherbrooke to begin with. not really your jurisdiction liz.
"okay, FUCK you, 'it's none of my business.' like it or not, we're family. bound by that goddamn hole in the sea. talk to me like a person, or you're on your own" CHIP I LOVE YOU
"okay, then yell it at me. say it however you gotta say it-- make me understand why you're acting like this"
"it's me, talk to me." CHIP
oh im so emotional over them
"I'd rather just move forward and use my power to set it all right. because words do nothing but fill fucking dead air"
"no. but I might as well have." LIZZIE YOURE KILLING ME
lizzie: I don't wanna fucking do this right now. I don't wanna do it with you. I don't wanna do it with jay.
chip: tough shit. cause jay heard what she heard, and she's coming. if you talk about this with me, now...
lizzie: you'll, what, mediate?
chip: I can help her understand. but to do that I have to understand.
chip taking nothing but W's today
kira <3
"friends should not be on different sides" kira 👀?
"you're the last person I wanna fight ever. I'm coming over in peace. also with wizard" jdjdhfh
"I drop him. I don't want him"
casual conversation on a navy war ship
"kira, I'm...gonna trust you." "that would be nice"
kira being so concerned about jay going to the black sea that she's not even asking why she's a pirate anymore :((((
jayson? taking responsibility for letting the riptide pirates go? and taking off work bc his wife is sick? you're still the worst but this is a slight improvement
"kuba kenta" "the tiger man?" kira <3
jay's so,,,,,, she cares about kira so much dude im losing my mind shes so important to me
"but if I could stop you from going, I really, really would, jay"
oh lizzie :[
shay :[[[[
oh shit she was picked up by shadowbeard
"he was meaner than rose. strict. but over the years he softened." "but he still saved me. but he still raised me."
did jayson kill shadowbeard. was he responsible for shadowbeard and bellamy's (ollie's brother) deaths.
"she wasn't just some regular soldier, she was different"
"and I begged her not to. he was like my father, as stupid as it sounds." "it's not stupid." FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK THAT HURTS
and raft blamed the survivors.
she was about to kill shadowbeard and the soldiers open fired to get it over with.
"I didn't know you had a soft spot for anybody. I wish I could've seen that more." FUCK OFF CHIP YOURE GONNA MAKE ME CRY
ohhh lizzie :[[[[[
chip I LOVE you chip
"if you wanna do something, you can buy me some time" "aye aye, captain"
"ALSO ollie is shadowbeard's son, I just wanted to throw that out there-" JSJFJEJFHWUDUH CHIP
"I think my will to try to do it from the inside died along with my sister" JAYYYYYYYYYY
"well...as long as you're the one controlling the chaos" "I'll be doing my best" IN LOVE WITH BOTH OF YOU
gryffon supremacy
" 'okay' I step of the ship and go home" JSJFJDNGGFH
charlie: I open it up. what does it say?
bizly: "mommy loves you, too"
charlie: I hold it so fucking close to- I hold it so close my chest, I hold it so close to my chest-
grizzly: this is the saddest thing to happen this episode
gillion, in tears: you don't know how long I've waited to hear those words
"for the first time a parent has ever told me that they loved me" "oh damn bruh"
"just like a paladin to give the glory to a god"
anyway gillion has two moms now <3
"I don't think we'll be able to distract her, she's smart, she'll know what's going on- it just seems like a cruel trick." :[[[[[[[
NOOO GILLION OH MY GOD :[[[[[[[[[[ "no, that makes sense, why would she? why would she?" FUCK OFF
gillion and caspian <3
understandable jay
gillion fully trusting/being on jay's side is something that can be so important to me.
" 'trust her, chip. [to jay] aim for the hinges.' and I cast guidance"
"nobody died."
"that could've gone worse"
"...has anyone seen my pin" JOHN I LOVE YOU
AND THATS WHERE IT ENDS. god that was a good episode.
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narcolini · 1 year
in his shadow - pt. 4
ez reyes x oc: ava gomez (& bonus angel), 3072 words
for day 26 of whumpril, using alternative prompt: words that can’t be taken back
a/n: ahh i love making drama for the sake of drama, it’s so good for the soul
tagging: @cositapreciosa @drabbles-mc​ (let me know if u want to be tagged!)
previous part here
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It’s been a week, well, a weekend and a day, and EZ still hasn’t heard from Ava. The last he saw of her, she was leaving the trailer, hair a mess, jacket and near-empty tequila bottle stuffed into her bag. It’d been good. Real fucking good. Nice, like they were dating, or something. Like there was a genuine connection between them. And then, nothing.
No text, no call.
He’s trying to be chilled about it. No biggie, because they aren’t dating, are they? They barely even know each other. Well, that’s a lie, even if it does make him feel better to think it. They’d gotten close fast enough to feel like he’s known her as long as the rest of the guys have. Longer, even. Maybe. He knows things she’s never told them. Heard the shit that goes on behind that doe-eyed expression, that endless look of kindness. It sits in her features even when she’s swearing, or chatting shit with liquor on her breath. Just endless, endless, kindness. Like she’d been drawn up by Disney or some shit.
‘The fuck you smiling about?’ Angel asks, lips tweaking like he’s in on it, catching his brother’s attention.
They’re parked up outside the sandwich place they can’t get enough of, waiting for the food coma to settle before they leave again. Angel’s reclined on his bike, head against the handle bars, EZ’s standing on the sidewalk, shoulder to the nearest pole.  
‘Nothing.’ EZ shrugs. ‘Just thinking.’
‘Bout what?’
‘You want a list or something? Stuff, things.’
Angel slides the shades up from his face, into his hair. He’s scrutinising him like he knows something, or is about to. Like he can read the thoughts in EZ’s head. ‘Did you get laid?’ he asks, uncertain of his guess until he sees EZ’s chin dip in response. ‘Ho—ly fuck. Little bro finally got his dick wet.’
‘Shut up, man.’
‘Who’s the lucky princess?’ He smirks. ‘I know her?’
EZ’s head shakes. He hates when Angel’s like this, hates even more when he’s right about it too. ‘I’m not telling you when you’re being a dick about it.’
He sits up, boots planting on the ground either side of his bike. ‘Shit, it’s that serious? Why am I only just hearing about it now?’
How does he answer that? Logically, he know’s it not serious, not by their standards. Not by Ava’s either, probably. But he has to physically stop himself from saying yes, because that’s the answer that tries to fly out. Yeah, kinda. Yeah, I hope so.
‘I don’t know,’ he says instead. ‘Maybe.’
‘Maybe?’ Angel’s teetering on a laugh, pure glee at his brothers uncertainty sitting behind his eyes. He could do this for hours. ‘You gotta give me a name, Romeo. Who’s got you all caught up like this?’
EZ sighs. He’s got two options, a long death, drawn out and real fucking annoying, or the short, merciful one. Sure to sting, but quicker to fade. ‘Well,’ he starts, hanging his thumbs in his jean pockets, ‘me and Ava have kind of…’
‘Kind of…’ Angel winds his head in EZ’s vision, trying to lure the rest of it out of him. ‘Started a bookclub, or what? The fuck is it, bro?’
‘We’ve been hanging out.’
He squints, then his eyes go wide. ‘Oh, come on, Ezekiel.’
‘There it is.’ He shouldn’t have said anything. Should’ve lied and said he was smiling about his fucking sandwich.
‘You slept with her?’ Angel’s voice pitches up, like he can’t believe it. ‘Damn, bro, it’s like you fucking hate happiness. My God.’
He’s shaking his head at him, but EZ’s no idea why. Honestly, he hasn’t a fucking clue. What was so bad about it? They’re both adults, they’re both single. He know’s Ava’s baggage as well as anyone, better even, than Angel himself. If anything, spending time with her had made him happier than he’s been in years. The first real good thing to happen since getting out.
‘The fuck does that mean, Angel?’
He ignores the question, muttering to himself, as he toys with the helmet in his lap. ‘That’s so fucked up, man.’
‘Why is it?’ EZ's back straightens, a defensive response. He’s starting to get irritated. ‘It was her idea.’
‘Yeah,’ Angel nods, ‘and now you’re all up in your feelings, falling in love with her, while she’s out, acting all new and sexy and shit, thanks to your dumbass self.’
‘What’s wrong with that?’
‘What’s wrong with…’ He scoffs, looking up again. ‘You realise she’s about to go out and get a man that isn’t in a fucking MC now? Probably on Tinder already. You’re a rebound, boy-scout.’
EZ bristles, jaw clenching. He tries to shake it off afterwards, like Angel’s words are nothing at all, just noise without weight. It isn’t convincing, even he can tell that. He’s got a face like a scolded child. ‘You don’t know that,’ he says.
‘Don’t I?’ Angel laughs. ‘Been in this club way fucking longer than you, and I ain’t never seen a widow go for a Mayan twice.’
He’s right, EZ knows that. Even though he’s not seen it himself, he can recognise why. One death would put you off for good, but it isn’t like that, is it? Ava hadn’t used him as the jumping point for the return of her love life. Wouldn’t mess him about for the sake of messing about. And it wasn’t like he was in love with her, or falling, even. They were just hanging out. It was fun, mutually. It still is. It can be as simple as that, no matter what Angel puts into his head.
‘You spoken to her since?’ Angel asks.
He doesn’t answer, which says all Angel needs to hear. Tutting, laughing, head shaking like EZ is utterly clueless.
‘You’re full of shit, Angel,’ he snarks, pulling his own helmet from the seat of his bike. ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’
‘Yeah, cause you’re the expert on women.’
I know her, he wants to say, clicking the strap under his chin. I know her, and you don’t, even with all the years you had to get there. Maybe it was rebound, maybe he’s the rebound, but so what, right? That doesn’t mean he’s fucked up, or ruined whatever they’d started. Ava had wanted someone to treat her like a normal fucking woman, and he’d done that, that’s all.
That’s all, isn’t it?
‘There’s someone out front for you, Ava.’
‘Really?’ She looks up from her work, hand mid-wipe over the leather seat. ‘I’ve not booked anyone in for the afternoon.’
Her colleague shrugs, not lingering long enough to explain beyond, ‘He said he’s here to see you.’
She only has a handful of male clients—eyebrows, botox, lip-filler—but none of them are due anytime soon. If one of them’s back already, then it can only be a bad thing. A complaint, maybe, a mistake on her part. God. She hates dealing with that. The guilt over it, no matter how small, is enough to knock her confidence for weeks. To make her doubt her qualifications entirely. She chucks the cloth on the side, peeling the gloves from her hands to toss them in the trash on the way past. It’ll be okay, really, she doesn’t have any clients that would hold it against her. I mean, she’s an aesthetician, not a robot. Mistakes happen. Bodies react in different ways, even if you’ve had the treatment before.
She rounds the corner, into the small shop front that acts as a greeting desk and waiting room all in one, and finds it’s not a client at all. It’s EZ, full leathers and helmet, standing dark against the blinding pink of the walls.
‘Oh,’ she can’t help but feel relieved, ‘it’s you.’
He smiles, looking shy from her reaction. ‘Yeah, hey.’
‘D’you need something?’ She pauses behind the desk, waiting as he dawdles forward. It’s obvious he isn’t comfortable here. He looks seconds from sprinting out the door, knocking fake palms trees and magazine stands on his way. ‘Did you call me?’
‘Nah, I figured I’d just stop buy. Speak to you in person.’ He puts his elbow on the desk in front of her, leaning like he’s comfortable. Or trying to be. ‘You got a minute?’
She has an entire afternoon, technically, but she also has a shit load of paperwork to catch up on. Expenses to list, lash in-fills to count. ‘Sure, I got a window.’ An hour, for him, is nothing.
She nods toward the back, inviting him to follow. They could talk here, sure, but he looks like he wants privacy. And, well, she doesn’t really want her colleagues to see them chatting in the first place. She’d got this job after Seb had died, unable to go back to her last one. So the shock of a man in a kutte, lingering in the middle of the shop, might send a gossip shockwave strong enough to unsettle her peace forever. The questions would never stop—and God knows, she doesn’t have the patience for that.
‘You been good?’ he asks, walking behind her.
‘Yeah, busy.’
‘Though I might’ve heard from you.’
She lets him into her room, and shuts the door behind. He looks just as out of place here, standing by the reclining seat, under the white lights, as he did out front. ‘I know,’ she sighs, ‘I haven’t had a minute to stop.’
He nods but doesn’t look convinced. It’s not like she’s lying, not like she has any reason too. They’d made up, she thought, more than made up. The last time they hung out, they’d ended the day on a high she’d never even imagined. Swollen lips, fresh spirit, an electricity under her skin that she’d forgotten the feeling of. She didn’t think they had any more catching up to do. Let’s call it even, he said, and then sweeten the deal on top of it.
‘Is something the matter?’ she asks, because he clearly isn’t going to start himself. He’s standing like he’s scared to move, one thigh against the leg-rest.
‘Nah.’ His head shakes, brow pinching. ‘Not really.’
He sighs, settling his hands on the edges of his cut, fists over his chest. ‘Honestly, Angel got in my head about something,’ he confesses. ‘Thought I could talk to you about it.’
Now it’s her turn to frown, because she never got the impression Angel had the ability. EZ’s the brainy one, the logical one. Angel surely had no way of twisting his thoughts away from himself.
‘Oh boy.’ She lets out a breath, moving to lean against the nearest counter. ‘Should I be worried?’
He smiles slightly, just enough to put it into the creases of his eyes. ‘Depends,’ he says, ‘on whether I’m a rebound or not.’
‘Angel thinks you’ve, I don’t know. Shit.’ He sighs. ‘Can we start that again?’
‘A rebound?’ How could he be, how could he or Angel even think that? For starters, it’s been three fucking years since Sebastian died. If he was a rebound, it was less of a bounce and more like a delayed crack, a skimmed stone that made one fucking ripple, way out into the bay. ‘As in, what? I used you to make myself feel better?’
He’s exhaling through his teeth, rubbing the back of his head. ‘That came out wrong, was trying to make a dumb joke, lighten the mood. Sorry.’
But it came from somewhere, out his lips like he’d been wondering it his whole way here. ‘No, go on. What did Angel think?’
‘You don’t want to know.’
‘Well someone’s gonna have to explain that rebound line, EZ.’
He looks like he wants the ground to eat him, whole and scrambling, but he carries on. To his credit, he carries on. ‘He thinks us sleeping together was a mistake.’
She doesn’t comment on the fact that telling Angel in the first place, is the real mistake, but from the looks of him he’s knows it already. Like he regrets it enough to make her overlook it, focusing on the next problem. ‘And that matters because…?'
‘Like I said, he got in my head about it.’
‘How what?’
‘How did he get in your fucking head?’ she stresses, almost laughing at the absurdity of it. They’re parroting each others words like they’re speaking a different language. ‘Angel thinks a lot of dumb shit, and you never take notice of that. Why does it matter now?’
Why is it any of his business? How can something like that even be a mistake, when it’s just fun, just two people enjoying themselves. If Angel’s said she’s using EZ as a rebound, to propel herself forward in some way, why would he care, why would he—
‘Oh my god,’ she breathes, ‘you believe him, don’t you? You think I’m using you?’
‘What?’ His face scrunches, disgust showing in the kiss of his teeth. ‘No, course not.’
‘Well, you believe something, EZ. What the fuck is it? A rebound or a mistake?’
‘Neither.’ His voice is sharper now, words hardening into annoyance. ‘I just want to know what the fuck the plan is from here,’ he says. ‘Cause, you know, I’ve not heard from you at all since it happened.’
‘So, naturally, I have to have been using you?’
If she’d known he’d be this concerned, this paranoid about five days of quiet, she’d have never bothered. Honestly, she’d have never let it get past kissing in the first place. Some people can’t do just sex—Hell, she used to be one of them—if she’d known that was the case with him, she’d have stopped that train long ago. Saved them both the stress.
‘You know,’ he says carefully, like he’s holding something back, ‘you know, I wouldn’t think that.’
She flaps her arms up. ‘You near enough said it yourself, EZ. The fuck am I meant to do? Read minds?’
He turns away, just for a moment, to take a breath big enough to lift his shoulders. She watches them go up, down, up again. When he’s facing her afterwards, he looks calmer. Not believably so, but in the conscious, put on like a mask, way. He’s trying, at least. She appreciates that, as much as it does nothing for the sourness in her stomach. The quiet anger beneath her ribcage.
‘Look, I just, really didn’t know what the fuck to think, okay?’
She nods. Carry on, keep digging.
‘Angel said all this shit, and I hadn’t heard from you.’ His voice lowers a fraction. ‘And I know the stuff with Seb is always gonna be there.’
‘Make your point, EZ.’ She tries to sound commanding, but it comes out too quiet, almost like a plea. The mention of Sebastian now, right now, in relation to whatever she’s started between them, is the last thing either of them need. It doesn’t help his argument in the way he thinks it does.
‘I don’t care,’ he says, ‘if this goes no where. I don’t care if we never fucking touch each other again.’ He’s closer now, eyes intense on hers. ‘But if your plan is to avoid me forever—’
She cuts him off. ‘When have I said that?’
He waits, searching her expression.
‘I’ve been busy,’ she says, for what feels like the hundredth time, true or not. ‘I didn’t think sex came with a contract, y’know? One fuck equals three texts a day.’
He laughs, but it’s dry as anything, stripped of all humour. ‘Come on, Ava. If you don’t wanna talk like adults, I don’t know why I’m even here.’
‘Yeah, me and you both.’ This wasn’t even an issue before Angel had spoken to him, wouldn’t be something worth talking about at all, if she’d just been allowed to come back to him in her time. Of her own accord. ‘I had no intentions of blowing you off, EZ,’ she says, putting it like an insult somehow. Too highly strung to use it as the mediator she intended it to be. ‘If anything, I was really fucking happy with, y’know, whatever we’ve got going on.’
It still works, though. Words tight, or not, they land all the same, softening EZ’s shoulders. Putting a lighter breath into his throat.
‘Yeah, sure,’ she continues, ‘I’m not planning on having a relationship any time soon—but that doesn’t mean I’m using you.’
‘I know.’
‘I wouldn’t do that.’
He sighs, repeating it. ‘I know.’
‘I should’ve text you,’ she admits. ‘But I didn’t think you’d be taking advice from Angel, of all people.’
He catches the slight smile she’s offering, doubling it himself, and partnering it with a half-laugh. ‘Shit,’ he says, ‘I might kill him, actually. Think that’s probably the best solution.’
‘That or sewing his mouth shut.’
He snorts, head twitching sideways with he force of it. ‘That’d solve half my fucking problems in one.’
‘Yeah,’ she agrees, ‘me too.’ Someone should’ve thought of that sooner. ‘So, are we good? No pressure and no panic either, right?’
He doesn’t want it to be just sex, doesn’t want that to signal the end of them hanging out at all, but she equally doesn’t want it to be a promise of anything more. If he can’t meet her in the middle, then a clean break is all they have left. Back to how it was, with her as the widow, and him as the prospect. Nothing more, nothing less. Two people with one foot in the ring.
But he nods, and she sighs like the alternative would’ve made her collapse.
‘I really gotta stop saying shit without thinking,’ he says, smiling faintly.
She mirrors him. ‘True, but I have to stop saying nothing at all. Keep forgetting you you aren’t as old and fucked up as me.’
‘Woah,’ he frowns, ‘old? Come on, you got at least ten years before retirement.’
She laughs, too caught off guard to be offended. She’s got six years on him, max, but it’s not worth fighting over it now. ‘I like how you’re fine with the fucked up part.’
‘Oh, you’re definitely wrong there too. Fucked up beyond imagination, really.’
‘Mhm,’ she nods, matching his tease, ‘keep going. Your chances of never touching me again are really starting to sky-rocket.’
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jaffre · 10 months
ive been watching mech cadets, only have 2 episodes left to watch, here's my thoughts so far
1/ sentient alien mech suits? yes please. (i never got into transformers somehow but i love sentient robots, give me more. if you have good sentient mechs media to recommend, gimme) i do wish we'd see more of them tho, as in, their personalities, and like, lore, where'd they come from? why did they come here to help against the sharg? i do like the comment on how they arent battle ready when they arrive, the humans arm them up. there's just so much here i want to know more about.
2/ the general style is nice, i love the little intro animation, really sleek. i also love how the animation style changed during flashback sequences? that's really cool. the nexus link view where u see the pilots in dot space is kinda silly but in a fun way. i like the robo designs, and their round hover wings whatever it is. cool shit.
3/ standford yu somehow the least interesting character lmao? ava fucking rocks. she's the best. tanaka great mentor figure. i love maya and frank, they're very sweet. olivia really came around, and despite how hateable commander park is, i do love that you can see where he's coming from, even if you dont agree with his actions. that's good character writing
4/ i gotta give frank's disability its own bullpoint. spoilers i guess i just wanna gush about it. the guy has a prosthetic leg and it's not an issue for him being a pilot, altho we do see in a flashback that he's actually more comfortable without the prosthetic and prefers his crutches? which is like. the first time ive seen a disabled character say that in media. that rules. he does accept to wear a prosthetic cause that's a concession he has to make to be able to pilot a mech. in a fight scene against a sharg, his prosthetic gets cut in half, and he doesn't skip a beat and continues fighting, without then with his crutches once he gets his hands on them, and even just. stabs the monster with his broken off prosthetic, which fucking rules. from then on, he doesnt get a new prosthetic, he just keeps his crutches, and instead gets a special suit that has a prosthetic inside of it cause he needs it to pilot the mech, but he's not forced to have the prosthetic outside the mech in his day to day life, which is like? accessibility win?? he didn't want it to begin with, the reason he had to wear it was "we can't modify the suit just for one guy" basically (which is the only reason he was worried for a few episodes about his prosthetic not being fixed -- it was just bc he wanted to pilot the mech, he could handle himself fine without it). and the, just, visual metaphor of ripping the rest of his broken prosthetic to finish of the sharg in that fight scene i mentioned earlier? like it's a liberation?? incredible. i just. i love this so much. this is all that matters to me now. i love frank and how they've treated him and his disability so much.
5/ literal mothership ahah oops they're fucked
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angrypedestrian · 3 years
Previously: phil: oh god we spent....so much money on last week’s episode
god i really wish i cared about sara’s storyline because tala’s husband is....so hot. LET HIM HANG OUT WITH EVERYONE ELSE
oh hey mick what’s up
ngl i totally forgot he wasn’t on last week’s episode and that he was off in space with Kayla
i still love Pink Vancouver, and that the alien’s name is Kayla, these are honestly some of the funniest parts of the season
no fabricator, but also no money, right??? RIGHT GUYS. IS MONEY NOT AN ISSUE AGAIN. WHAT IS THE TRUTH
spooner with the truck stop stimulants, she is perfect
you’re very cool nick everyone recognizes you are so cool with your electric guitar
nick zano: haha yeah i’m cool
awwwwww jonno’s in LOVE
GIDEON!!!!! i love u gideon. missed u and your love of human dismemberment girl
spooner’s commitment to top lesbian aesthetic is admirable
It’s Memorial Get It Award worthy, I think
gotta add that amelia wig to the WCU (wig cinematic universe). it is BAD
like, their budget clearly went up this year, WHY could that not go towards better wigs????
behrad you are from 2040 quaaludes stopped getting produced in like the 80s you have no idea what they are
Astra you were a little too horny towards spooner in that moment
nothing wrong with being horny towards your teammate, just don’t play your hand all at once, you’re better than that
i believe in you
love the trainspotting homage there. phil loves cinema, famously. just add tentacles
truck stop stimulants to the rescue! the only time that sentence has ever been written
lol remember caity was at one point in a girl group prior to her acting career? cause i just was reminded
i just care....so little....about this story line. i do not care about the white ladies in love i just want SHENANIGANS
and if you aren’t gonna do shenanigans do the weird horror stuff you were doing a couple seasons ago, that was good too
i like that astra is just like, i am not dealing with whatever it is that you all have going on. not my goddamn business
nate: yeah that’s fair
Also how is this an equally bad but legally distinct wig from the last wig this Ava wore. You know you could probably have bought one decent wig for the price of these two bad wigs
hey zach you seem to harp on these wigs a lot. AND WHAT OF IT. we all make our own fun here
nothing can survive....Pink Vancouver
astra yr doing great sweetie
so wait, is this show implying that amelia earhart.....was an alien this whole time, or bishop made her into an alien? this is very confusing
now THAT is the body horror i want to see baybeeeee
get her ass spooner!!!! like a tiny angry shih tzu  barking at a german shepard
i do like the continuity that gideon’s booze isn’t that great. doesn’t stop any of them from drinking it, but it’s just good to know.
But her weed is good lollllllll
oh those are two different avas with two different terrible wigs fucking WHY
gary do not lie to these avas about their hair
zari just explicitly telling us all that john IS a fuck toy thank u zari
oh that is an ugly dress sara
real lucky that this atmosphere is only mildly deadly and not instantly deadly
lot to unpack there, mostly gay
bishop’s injury makeup is pretty good, they really have stepped up their prosthetic makeup game this year! i am loathe to compliment this show but credit where credit it due and all
phil: i love cinema.
I will be contacting my lawyer IMMEDIATELY and i will take you for all you have bird man
rip to great alien and aviator amelia earhart
sara you very famously lost all your scars when you went into the lazarus pit. it was a whole thing.
THANK U BISHOP you get it
lol did this bitch die again hahahahahahahaha
INCREDIBLE. pretty sure she has filled up the punch card to hell at this point
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btsqualityy · 4 years
When u announced drabble day I looked through the drabble tag to make sure I wouldn’t repeat any previous ones and I saw that we got one of Kinsley and Berkeley giving birth. Could I request one of Ava giving birth to Tessa? You could even include their first moments together if you wanted to haha
“Oh fuck,” Ava groaned, gritting her teeth as a contraction wrapped around her pelvis. 
“Come on Ave, breathe,” Kaiden coached her, squeezing on her hand but she just shook her head. 
“Ugh, it hurts so much, holy shit,” Ava whimpered. “Pulling 12 hour rehearsals aren’t even this bad.”
“Baby, you gotta do your breathing and that should help.”
“Kade, I love you but fuck the goddamn breathing,” she spit. “That shit’s good in theory but there’s a whole human preparing to make it’s way out of my vagina and split me in half. Breathing isn’t going to help.”
“Well, alright then,” Kaiden muttered. Just then, Ava’s doctor walked into the room, a small smile on his face.
“How are we feeling?” He wondered.
“Like shit,” Ava replied honestly, making him laugh.
“Well, I’ll check you and see how much further you may have to go, ok?” He said and Ava nodded. As he checked to see how far she was dilated, Ava bit her lip as she tightened her grip on Kaiden’s hand. 
“You’ll be happy to know that you’re completely at 10, so you can start pushing,” He announced and Ava nodded resolutely.
“Fuck yes,” she sighed, making Kaiden smile at her. 
“K-Kade,” Ava whimpered, reaching out to him as a contraction finished. She had been pushing for about 30 minutes now, and the baby’s head was just starting to crown.
“What is it?” Kaiden asked as he lowered his head so that he was face to face with her. 
“K-kiss?” She requested and Kaiden smiled softly before leaning forward and kissing her firmly. 
“You’re doing so good,” he praised her. “Just a few more pushes, ok?”
“Y-yeah,” she nodded, a loud moan of pain escaping her as another contraction started.
“Alright Ava, big push for me,” the doctor instructed her and she took a deep breath before pushing down into her bottom. “And here’s the head!”
“Just pull her out!” Ava shouted as she continued to push and soon enough, their baby girl slid into the doctor’s hands.
“You did it Ave!” Kaiden exclaimed happily, his vision becoming blearily with tears. After cleaning her off a little and clearing her airway, the doctor reached up and laid the baby on Ava’s chest.
“Hi baby,” Ava giggled, gently setting her hands on the baby’s back. “It’s nice to finally meet you Tessa Rose.”
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Honestly Lily was the best, like she beautiful overcomes the super common and even MORE common on fat girls "she's mean but is nice deep.... Very deep... So I have to be super kind to her and let her mistreat me while she's figuring stuff out" so her not forgiving Britney is 10/10 galaxy brain, and EVEN when she forgives her (which lmao she shouldn't) she still gets to be angry at first <3
Also it didn't occur to me Andy x Tom as a possibility because I was too busy romancing Andy but yessss, I loved them in your fics <3
YESSS thats great!!! i really loved lily and her storyline because of that. like it was all about loving herself and when u choose to not forgive britney her speech is so <3 like i have to start loving myself more and the first step is getting rid of you YESSS GIRLLL I LOVE YOUUUU. idk what happens when u pick forgive britney cuz yikes no thank u, but im glad shes angry anyway, altho honestly i wish there wasnt that option. no more bully/bullied romances the world has never had the need for bully/bullied romances. go away breitbart
also ur valid but rest assured, i also romanced andy 😩 and tom. and ava and lucas and imogen 😩 and danni a little. i hoed around a lot for the it lives series, gotta thank the writers for that udhdjdndidjod. but also like im polyam so it never stopped me from shipping them together as well, honestly one of the things that initially drew me to tomdy (before i got to That Scene) was the fact that their interactions with MC felt so... metamour-y lmao
(a metamour is ur partner's partner in case someone doesn't know. like if my boyfriend has a girlfriend, she's my metamour and i'm her metamour)
like when u go with andy to the diner and u pick the "would u say im ur lucky charm?" option and andy goes "im feeling pretty lucky right now" and tom fucking. SWOONS INTO HIS LAP and TELLS MC WHAT A CATCH ANDY IS and then just FUCKING LEAVES. peak metamour trying to wingman their partner vibes it was SO GOOD like thats me with my partners when i know they have a crush. and im starved for that content so like <3 fell in love with them immediately. and then it just got worse from there cuz like shipping or not they just .... love each other so much, u know? like its palpable and its real and for book 1 tom pretty much only shows up to simp for andy and leaves, which valid because same. im not Defending My Ship btw just talking because i love talking about them 🥺
anne ways. im happy you decided to read my fics even tho u didnt ship them! thats a huge compliment <3 and im even more glad u liked them and liked how i wrote their relationship, that makes me all mushy 🥺❤️
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Memes! Part one
@awkward-snake-girl / @blind-mutant
Rhys: What if I were evil and ran towards you at very high speeds
Jen: My arms are strong, I would catch you and hug you
Lace: brb gotta go darken my clothes and strike a dramatic pose
Samuel: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking
Rick: Every text is a risky text when you're a dumbass who can't use words right
Mahogany: I mean I guess I could try dressing as an actual member of society, instead of a disheveled, hungover swamp witch, but the question is why
Finn: I don't want all this complicated stuff I just want to love and be loved and maybe a hug
Samuel: Oh, so when other people to outside it's "good for their health" and "highly recommended", it's only when I do that it's a "containment breach" and a "high level threat to public safety and security", huh???
Mattie: Sometimes u gotta be like "okay" and leave that shit alone
Rhys: Good morning I regret to inform everyone it is in fact another fucking day
Skaar: I wish I was a flower they are pretty and don't do anything
Pascal: Yeah can I get uhhhh some fuckin physical affection
Rhys: I am evil and bi. I commune with the rats. I have 17 knives. I don't have horns yet but I'm working on it.
Rick: No offense but do I look like I understand anything
Finn: Y'all wish your only responsibility was taking care of a small vegetable garden
Jen: You ever wake up from a dream like "damn I guess I'm not coping with THAT as well as I thought I was"
Dae: I say no worries a lot for someone who worries 101% of the time
Samuel: yes I'm trying to kill you LOL stop being so immature about it
Skaar: Bro stop looking so flirty I'm trying to fight you with my sword right now
Sal: I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But, they also met me.
Hulk: I'm the sexiest bitch in this secret government containment facility
Mimi: Outfits that say I'm cute but there's something wrong with me
Betty: Birdwatching goes both ways
Samuel: A new study indicates that it's too late. Beyond hope, the study finds. Who even cares, the study suggests. (Heaving sobs), the stufy concludes.
Lace: If you love something set it free. If it returns, borrows into your ribs, devours your heart and becomes your new heart, it was meant to be.
Skaar: If I could swing a really big sword it wouldn't even matter if anyone loved me or not
Abby: Hello everyone I'm proud to announce that I've finally been accused of blasphemy
Mattie: I'm a simple girl. I read a book. I find a lowkey traumatised dumbass who hides their feelings with sarcasm and humor. I adopt them.
Pascal: God still hasn't smited me for my hubris, so my work is unfinished
Red: A motherfucker could use an embrace
Adonai: Reinvent yourself. You'll need to get some human bones and skin and organs, which can be expensive. But the results will amaze you
Rick: My phone corrected yet to yetis because I talk about abominable snowmen more than the inevitable
Mattie: Can you go to bed
Rhys: Sorry I told you about my truama do you still think I'm hot
Mattie: Why not fall in love?
Sal: I got shit to do
Ava: I'm saving my brain for special occasions. If I use it every day it'll get dirty
Jen: With all due respect, which is none
Samuel: Good morning god has let me live another day and I'm about to make it everybody's probablem
Mimi: Um hi, my friend wants to know if you think I'm hot
Lace: Not gonna lie I'm pretty uncomfortable all the time
Rhys: What's on your cute little mind?
Samuel: Death
Hulk: Once I come out of my cage and start doing just fine it's over for u hoes
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rosykims · 4 years
anyway um since i can't draw heres a lil list of triss's many, MANY iconic tattoos
she has one of those fucking fake quotes that r like ~ "real eyes realize real lies" - audrey hepburn, 2003 ~ or some shit bc she got tired of ppl asking her if her tattoos have meaning lmao when only like 3% of them do
a cute lil cartoon lovebird ! bc she loves lovebirds and idk if i mentioned this but she has a pet lovebird named bumble whom she loves
a lil scooby doo tattoo........ probably a v subtle one on her calf, like scoob's collar or smth 😭 it was her favourite show growing up especially bc lil baby triss associated mystery solving w her dad..... AND shes a dog person. of course.
you KNOW she has the gay flower tattoo on her forearm. wlw rights ✊ its violets (uncoloured tho) bc of the sapphic history of violets being gifted uwu
roman numerical date of when her dad died just above her heart probably
she has a question mark on her wrist. it was her first tattoo ever and she never tells anybody what it Represents but its secretly about the Mysterious crime she witnessed when she was a kid that she never told anybody abt bc she was scared. it was either ABSOLUTELY a supernatural occurence or she like,,,, hallucinated the whole thing and up until book 1 she obviously never knew what the truth was or what it all meant..... anyway she got it the night she turned 18 bc she was afraid of forgetting (and afraid of like...dropping her guard lol)
ALSO she's has a couple teeny tats on her fingers. mostly generic ones like the ♀️ and ♒ symbols ! she also has her blood type on one of her fingers lmao
oh and u know those "do not resusitate" tattoos? triss has one except it says "PLEASE resusitate ❤" and she thinks its extremely funny
the hanged man ! she wouldnt be a tay oc if she didnt reference greek mythology, tarot or horror 😌 anyway she gets the hanged man tattood probably after like. getting a tarot reading Once and it rly hitting the mark lol. it represents stagnation/uncertainty/feeling trapped and a need for release which is... yeah. p accurate ! tho whenever someone asks she just says it represents her vibing lol
after book 1 she gets a cutsie little pair of fangs on her arm, mostly making light of that one time murphy nearly ripped her throat out lmao. u gotta laugh u kno !
at the end of book 2 she gets a teeny lil circus tent but u KNOW she considered getting the ferris wheel instead. if her relationship w ava ever gets to the point where like, she KNOWS shes in it for life, she'll probably get the lil duck tattooed as well 😭
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Can i just say, that the fact that butch bea is a near universal constant in your fics which means doctor bea from your multiverse fic is most likely butch as well is so damn cool
Especially as a fellow butch considering taking some medicine course and especially especially thinking of the patients particularly the queer ones getting to see a successful and thriving butch in the medical field
And the fact that beatrice is married and has a daughter too, feeling teary eyed at the fact that she’s growing up with not just queer parents, but queer parents who openly are flipping the middle finger at dumb gender standards n stuff. It doesn’t necessarily mean she won’t grow untouched by internalized queerphobia, but if she is, she won’t be alone and will have a significantly easier time pushing back against it, and that’s just so fucking amazing to think of
ok well i’ll die on the hill that bea is like… butch in Essence even in canon. lil knight beside the campfire
so yes! i also like love butch aesthetic & its p rare to see in media that isn’t like… About Being Queer™️ (which is fine & sometimes great & has its place) but yah i definitely in that little AU fic have her as butch in all of them at least in my head. aesthetically a little different depending on like… the job or whatever lol but dyke on main vibes at all times. as a surgeon in her 40s i mean she’s gotta be Impeccably well-dressed (/in scrubs lol). & i did give them a daughter! idk i don’t rly think of them as wanting kids most of the time but this one just felt right! & their kid has to be cool as fuck & wonderfully kind & smart & silly. also definitely could beat the shit out of anyone she needed to lol. i don’t really have any thoughts abt their daughter in that universe bc it was half a sentence lol but she would rock. in the right universe/context they would be amazing moms. & u KNOW bea is a brilliant surgeon (& so is ava!)
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taste-in-music · 4 years
My Favorite Hit Songs of 2019
This year’s crop of popular music was... absolutely bonkers? I mean, this year we had Billie Eilish crash into the mainstream, Lizzo managed to get multiple hits out of songs she released nearly three years ago, the Jonas Brothers made a comeback, and the longest-running #1 hit in Billboard history became a rap/country crossover that got its start on Tik Tok made by a complete nobody and the dad from Hannah Montana. I’m going to admit, this list was pretty hard to put together, as I found it hard to find 10 songs that I genuinely loved that were hits this year. Despite that, the sheer absurdity of this year’s popular music gave me a spark of hope going into the new decade. For this list, I’ll be selecting my favorite songs off of Billboard’s year end Hot 100 songs list. I’m ready to recount this year in music, so...
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10) Sucker by Jonas Brothers I never watched the Jonas Brothers show or listened to their music back when they were big on Disney, so I’ve got no nostalgic investment in them. However, this was a fun comeback to watch play out. This song was pretty dang good for a while, with the funky guitars and the instantly catchy lyrics. It reminded me of “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man. Then it got the point where three separate radio stations were playing it at the same time, and now I can barely stand it. I think that after the radio releases this song from its clutches it will warm up on me again though, because I do like it overall.
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9) Better by Khalid The strongest attribute of this song is its ATMOSPHERE. The beat, melody, and vocal delivery all compliment one another perfectly, combining to create a smooth, almost sexy sound that washes over you with ever listen. I also like the Daft-Punk-y vocoded lines that pop in at the end, they’re so unexpected and yet they fit in perfectly. I've always loved Khalid’s vocal timbre, it’s so chill and yet warm at the same time. The only thing I can’t praise about this is the lyrics, because I have no clue what they are. Khalid, bless his sweet soul, cannot enunciate. It’s the same problem I have with Ariana Grande. I love your voice, I want to know what you’re saying! 
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8) Trampoline by SHAED Give me the hipster points, because guess who knew about this song before it was cool! I’ve loved SHAED’s music for some time now, so it’s been thrilling to watch this song climb the charts and for them to get the recognition and success that they deserve. While this song isn’t my favorite by them, (that slot would probably be reserved for “Perfume” or “Melt,”) it does showcase the group’s strengths, which are emotive vocals and glossy electronic production. I love the effervescent backing vocals and bubbling keys that pepper this song, it gives the song a floaty feel while still keeping it tense. 
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7) Old Town Road by Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus I can’t think of a piece of music in recent memory that has captured the public’s attention so swiftly and so completely, and you know what? Sometimes something gets big because it’s good. This song, despite all the memes and jokes and radio play and oversaturation, never ever got old to me. Every time it comes on, it puts a giant, goofy smile on my face, and I sing along to the whole thing. I want Lil Nas X to stick around, but even if he doesn’t, I want what this song represents, genre blending, trend-bucking, and a sense of fuck-it fun, to stay.
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6) bury a friend by Billie Eilish Out of all the strange hits we had this year, this was the weirdest one to hear on the radio. It doesn’t have a classic structure! It’s about the monster under your bed! It’s got nothing but a shuffle beat, bass, and the sound of dental drill! It just doesn’t belong on the airwaves next to songs like “ME!” or “I Don’t Care.” Despite that, I’m beyond happy that Billie Eilish is bringing a bit of emo weirdness to the mainstream, because if the success of her music, specifically this song, says anything, it’s that pop is heading in a far scarier and more experimental direction. And I’m on board with that. 
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5) break up with your girfriend, i’m bored by Ariana Grande The groove on this song is fantastic. The combination of eerie synths, bass, reverbed backing vocals, and rolling snares makes it feel tight and controlled, but also loose and flowing at the same time. There was a lot of pushback against this song due the sentiment of the lyrics, but it’s not like Ariana is unaware that she’s the bad guy in this position. There’s enough indifference and sarcasm in her delivery to show that she’s self aware. This was probably my favorite out of the hit singles from the thank u, next era, (”thank u, next” is great but got a bit old to me, and I don’t care for “7 Rings.”) 
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4) Circles by Post Malone  This is embarrassing to admit, because I rarely, if ever, enjoyed any music Post Malone has put out in the past. But this song just hits different. The instrumental feels more acoustic-driven and has a nice pulse to it, projecting a warmth and comfort that none of his other songs have. This was a perfect hit for Autumn, being chill and relaxing enough for Summer, but the underlying bass groove makes you want to move into the productive patterns of the school year. If Post Malone made more music like this I’d reckon I’d enjoy his music quite a bit. 
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3) Dancing With A Stranger by Sam Smith ft. Normani Sometimes radio filler turns out to be spectacular. The ambiance this track builds is relaxing but in an otherworldly kind of way, forming a soundscape of echoing drums and whispering synths. I’ve always stood by the opinion that Sam Smith sounds really good with an electronic beat under them, it helps their great voice move in a more free-flowing way. Normani also sounds amazing on this song, her vocals dipping into smokier territory, and when the two sing together they play off one another’s performances with ease. 
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2) Sweet But Psycho by Ava Max Who predicted this in their last year’s hit song’s list? This bitch! I was so happy to see this hit the U.S. charts, you have no idea. It was such a breath of fresh air in that it was so splashy, sugar-sweet, and unabashedly pop. The lyrics are some of the silliest of the whole year, (”she’s poison but tasty” makes me chuckle every time,) but it doesn’t matter. The addictive melodies and the earnestness in Ava Max’s performance make them sound like Shakespearean poetry, or at least like she believes that they’re Shakespearean poetry. 
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Should Have Been Hits
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift This should’ve been a single. I get why Taylor chose the singles she did, but this was primed to be a Summer smash, with the glossy synths and vocoded backing vocals and soaring chorus. We were robbed. Robbed, I tell you!
Graveyard by Halsey While “Without Me” got all the glory, this is my favorite of all the Halsey singles we’ve gotten so far by a wide margin. It’s the only one that I’ve made the conscious choice to listen to on my own time for one. I love the way the production rushes as the chorus hits, and the synths that sparkle throughout the verses, and Halsey’s reserved performance.
3 Nights by Dominic Fike This was a hit in the U.K., and I even heard it on a few alternative stations, so why no cross over? If there was any song that should have been the chill Summer hip hop hit, it should have been this. This song is weirdly addictive, the chorus is so inexplicably catchy that once you hear it one time through you will know all the words to it. 
Blame It On Your Love by Charli XCX ft. Lizzo When the mainstream decide that it didn’t need Charli XCX? Because it’s wrong, it needs her very, very badly. The success of “1999″ in the U.K., the name recognition, and the Lizzo feature should’ve been more than enough to boost this onto the charts, but I guess we didn’t want an instantly catchy and fun EDM pop song on the radio. Oh well. 
Motivation by Normani Normani and Lauren are my favorite Fifth Harmony members, so I’ve been rooting for their solo careers like nobody’s business. This single in particular had so much potential: a bouncy beat, a stamp of approval from Ariana Grande, and a kick-ass music video filled with impressive choreography. I hope this gets a bigger push into next year, because Normani is a wildly talented performer that deserves success outside of her collaborations. 
Guilty Pleasures
bad guy by Billie Eilish This was a good song, just not my favorite off the album, or of the hits, (I prefer ”bury a friend,” obviously, and “when the party’s over,” which made last year’s list.) Still, watching this idiosyncratic little tune become one of the biggest pop smashes of the year was enthralling. Like “bury a friend,” it was so strange to hear this on the radio. 
Close To Me by Ellie Goulding ft. Diplo & Swae Lee When a melody gets its claws in me, there’s nothing I can do about it. This is not Ellie Goulding at her best, (I’ll admit that I miss the days of “Lights,”) but the way she delivers the hook on this song is absolutely infectious. I’m not the biggest Swae Lee fan, but he’s fine here too. I never minded when this song came on the radio. 
This year was a bit of a roller coaster for me. Needless to say, there were several instances where I felt quite a bit of stress and insecurity, and oftentimes, I would turn to music to make myself feel better. There was one song in particular that a friend of mine, @hasanminajs​, introduced me to, that instantly became a beacon of self-appreciation and enjoyment to me throughout the year. And when I tell you that I have never been happier to hear a song on the radio than I have with this one, I'm telling the truth. 
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1) Truth Hurts by Lizzo I have never rooted for a song’s success like I have for this one, and watching a hip hop track this bouncy, confident, and enigmatic climb the charts was an absolute joy. There are so many great punchlines in this song, from “why men great till they gotta be great?” to “I don’t play tag bitch, I’ve been it,” to the ever-iconic “I just took a DNA test, turns out, I’m 100% that bitch.” This song raised the standards for lyricism in the mainstream. I want Lizzo to be huge, I want her to be influential, I want her to be one of the biggest pop stars of the next decade if not longer. Everything about this song, from its production to its message to its performance makes me smile. And you know what? Sometimes that’s all that pop music needs to do. 
Do you agree with this list? What were your favorite hit songs of 2019? Leave a comment and let me know!
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Ava & Buster
Ava: Are you lot en-route? Buster: 'Course Buster: But we've had one foot out the door for like half an hour, honestly Ava: Good, 'cos I have presents Buster: Yeah? Buster: Pot of gold or what, like Ava: Hardly appropriate for a two-year-old Ava: None for you, soz 💔 Buster: I'd argue it's very appropriate Buster: All the shit he needs haemorrhages cash Ava: You were warned Ava: Extensively Buster: And I ain't sorry I didn't listen Buster: They can all try and sue me Ava: Enter an arena where they aren't the experts? Ava: Doesn't sound like mum and dad Buster: No such arena exists, clearly Buster: Know it all, have done it all Ava: Your degree must be a waste of time then Buster: You'd have to ask 'em what they reckon Buster: But I'd wait til they've got a few more drinks down 'em first, get closer to the truth Ava: Ugh, shut up Ava: You know they're proud of you Buster: Yeah yeah, blah blah Buster: But are you proud of me? Real MVP and everything Ava: When you get your cap and gown Ava: Funny wig, even better Ava: I still only got stuff for the kids and Ri though Ava: I'll chase a 🌈 down ASAP Buster: You're alright Buster: Already got a girlfriend, don't you? Buster: No need to get gayer just to wind me up, Nance has got that covered Ava: Ha, don't even chat to me about annoying Buster: I won't Ava: 😏 Ava: No, you're meant to ask, idiot Ava: You're so lucky you only have a son Buster: Tell me then Buster: I want a girl next Ava: Well she's not coming back, not that I'm surprised Buster: What bullshit excuse did she go with this time? She's got too much work on, girlfriend drama or she just hates fam functions SO MUCH Ava: It was column A presented but 1000% came across as column C Ava: She can be so Buster: I know Buster: Did she try and buy you off with an NYC trip that ain't gonna happen just like the last one didn't? Ava: Twin telepathy is real, yeah? Ava: 🙄 Buster: Fuck that and her Buster: I told you before, when you actually wanna go I'll take you Buster: Then you only have to see her a bearable amount Ava: I know Ava: It'd be interesting to see how long she could hold a conversation with me but yeah Ava: won't happen so Buster: Longer than she can with me or dad, probably slightly less time than she can with mum, depending what mood they are both in Buster: That'd be my bet Buster: Chin up, the good twin is finally on his fucking way Ava: Sounds about right Ava: Good time to tell you to call her yourself later or do you want a drink before you process that? Buster: Bad time to be forced to remember that I told Rio right at the start I wouldn't drink when she couldn't Ava: Honestly, I thought this kid was PLANNED Ava: She couldn't Christmas or New Year either Buster: She was planned, just not by me Ava: 'Course, you would've factored in drinking Ava: Must be their gay agenda Buster: There's loads of shit I'd have factored in Ava: That's your upbringing talking Buster: Shut up Ava: It is though Ava: Personally, I agree its better than the more the merrier approach too Buster: You'll personally be waiting a load more years before you make me play uncle then, yeah? Buster: Good Ava: Ugh Ava: Don't be making me 🤢 just because green is the colour today Buster: Gotta Buster: Who the fuck is there to be jealous of when we're us? Ava: You couldn't go the more traditional routes, no? 🍾🥂 Ava: Seeing as I'm NOT pregnant or being a very supportive partner to someone who is Buster: Come on, who am I? Buster: And you can leave me out of your rites of passage, I've cleaned up enough sick in the name of being a supportive partner Buster: Grace'll hold your hair back for you Ava: There's no need to be old AND boring 😏 Buster: Fuck off Buster: Counting down the days til I can drink you under the table Ava: Dad lets me Buster: There's nothing dad won't let you do Buster: Got him well wrapped around your finger, like Ava: It's not my fault I'm the most lovable Ava: Do better 😋 Buster: That's the one title you can keep Buster: Got all the love I need, cheers Ava: 🤢🥰 Ava: N'awh Buster: Lyla didn't wanna come and hang with the extended fam then? Ava: Wouldn't do that to someone I liked, would I? Buster: Depends how much you like her Ava: Nah Ava: That's all a bit heavy Buster: Well yeah Buster: It would be a trial by fire Ava: Then pissed on Ava: then set on fire again Ava: I like having time away when I come here, you know Ava: Not attached at the hip Buster: I know Ava: I'll send her a hilarious postcard or something Buster: You sounded like Nance there Buster: No need to miss her at all Ava: Fuck off Buster: You're right she'd never write it Buster: Half her holiday would be over before she got the words down Ava: 😂 Ava: Rude Buster: It's fuck all I wouldn't say to her face if she ever bothered to show it Ava: Can no one in this family be nice Ava: Honestly Buster: Come on Buster: I'm nice to you Buster: You ain't even bought me a present Ava: I know, I'm very lovable Ava: Have you got me one? Buster: Yeah but you ain't having it now Ava: Yeah right Ava: I know who gets last word in your house Ava: and Rio is nice to everyone Buster: She's nicest to me and she always does what I say Buster: So you might wanna think again Ava: That's entirely too much information, thank you Ava: you owe me double as compensation Buster: You ain't having two bottles Buster: Keep the first one down and then we'll talk Ava: Challenge accepted Buster: Good Buster: Don't really wanna have to disown you before the day's out Ava: Least there's enough of 'em to fall back on should you get the urge Ava: I'll survive Buster: Keep that quiet around mum, it's still them and us with her Ava: Sounds familiar 🙄 Buster: You're bound to hear it yet again by the time she's had a few Ava: Not if I have anything to do with it Buster: Sounds like you've got a plan Ava: As planned as a party should ever be Buster: Yeah Ava: 💃🎉 Ava: Hurry up Buster: Traffic's worse than London at its finest right now Buster: Everyone on the road's either already wasted or angry they ain't Ava: Stay safe Buster: 'Course Buster: Speaking of, where you staying tonight? Ava: Tipsy childcare is better than no childcare Ava: No need to beg Buster: Shut up, I'll drive you is all I'm saying Ava: Cheers 💙 Buster: I'll cash the IOU when you're sober, like Ava: Better cash it before I cash my 2nd present then Buster: Forget it for now, it's a holiday Ava: That's what I've been saying Buster: You ain't gotta tell me, even if today I can't play as hard as I work Buster: Still not a fucking amateur Ava: Still a McKenna Buster: First and best Ava: Hardly Buster: If we're going by mum's them and us viewpoint, there's hardly any competition Buster: Just you and me, kid Ava: Well I'm just saying, Granddad is gonna be fuming Buster: Everything you learned about wrapping dad round your little finger you got from watching me with him Buster: I ain't worried Ava: Pfft Ava: My baby blues are bluer and my pout is poutier Ava: I'm the new model, boy Buster: 'Cause you need 'em to fall back on Buster: I'm just that good Buster: you're the youngest model that's all Buster: Due a spectacular fuck up about now Ava: You wish Ava: On all counts Buster: Nah, I'm rooting for you Buster: 'Course I am Ava: Mhmm Ava: Dead convincing 😏 Buster: I always am Buster: Wig or no wig Ava: So soppy, you Ava: Have title of my best big brother Buster: That's a copout but whatever Ava: And fussy Ava: Alright best sibling but that isn't much more of an achievement really Buster: Don't worry about it Buster: I know how great I am Ava: Yeah yeah, blah blah Buster: Get me the least shit sounding soft drink and I'll believe you Ava: If there's anything being tragically underage has taught me Ava: 👍 Buster: Cheers Buster: See you in 5 Ava: Bring your cute kid Buster: I taught him how to say “Sláinte” earlier so you'll be able to rate my achievements for yourself Buster: He ain't just a pretty face Ava: 🥺🥰 Ava: What a face though Buster: I can't take all the credit Buster: He takes after his mother Buster: Tell her how good she looks when we get in, yeah? I'm living a nightmare Ava: 'Course Ava: I've got a girlfriend, remember Ava: I know the drill, just amp up period level love 1000% for a pregnant bitch Buster: My wife ain't a insecure teenager Buster: But I appreciate the sentiment Buster: Just don't call her a bitch ever again Ava: I say it with love Ava: from one to another Ava: but got it, I'll remind her she's old Buster: Don't Buster: It'll be your funeral Ava: 😂 I only like winding you u Ava: p Ava: Don't need anyone crying on me Buster: Good Buster: I don't need to be breaking up any girl fights Buster: Especially when I've taught you both everything I know Ava: Even if me hitting a girl is more acceptable than you, I think everyone draws the line at a pregnant one Buster: Fine, I don't wanna pick you up off the floor once she's knocked you out and do a concussion test after someone pours a pint over you to bring you round Buster: I was trying to soften the blow of how it'll play out since I'd be powerless to stop the actual Ava: And I thought you were in the festive spirit Ava: 🙄 Ava: I'll take back this virgin cocktail, like 😏 Buster: Not without any spirits in me Buster: You'll have to take what you can get Ava: Few folk songs and you'll be well into it Buster: Voice of an angel, obviously Buster: Could've been a choir boy if not for everything else Ava: You took living vicariously a wee bit hard with the name already Buster: You'd have preferred me to name him after a silent film star, yeah? Ava: That was pure wishful thinking 🙊🤐🤫 Buster: Fucked over as my boy's been by not being named Rudolph Valentino or Roscoe Arbuckle, I reckon he'll be alright Buster: Cheers though Ava: I think Fatty murdered someone Ava: so as far as aspirations go, you're in the right direction Buster: I always am Buster: Never a misstep made, no matter what mum and dad say Ava: Alright 👼 its St Paddy's not confessional Ava: and the priest would be rare pissed off if you waltzed in and said you'd never done anything wrong 😂 Buster: He'd be a fine one to talk Ava: The drama of it all Buster: Again, I don't need to be told Buster: There's a kid here asking for you, except shouting's more the word Ava: He gets it 👏 Ava: 💃 Buster: Come out before he legs it in
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have a name survey because these are always fun.
A Andrew vs. Aaron Alan vs. Alexander Aiden vs. Adam B Brennan vs. Brayden: Both of these are awful but I guess I gotta pick. Brandon vs. Braxton Bentley vs. Brimley C Cayden vs. Camden: Again, both equally cringey for me. Cole vs. Cameron Cade vs. Chandler: Chandler is a cute name for a girl, but I have a bias for Chandler Bing too hahaha. D Denver vs. Dallas Deklan vs. Dylan: I prefer the spelling Declan, though. Also, I technically like Dylan just a little bit more and would have picked it, but I like it for a girl. My sister had a classmate named Dylan and it sounded really good on her. David vs. Dennis E Ethan vs. Ezra Eitan vs. Elijah Emmanuel vs. Eden: Again, I prefer the name Eden for girls.
F Fabio vs. Ferdinand: I very hesitatingly picked Fabio hence the italics, but I very much dislike both. This is also what I’ll be doing for the rest of the names on here. Finnegan vs. Finley Fernando vs. Frankie: For the millionth time, Frankie is cute for a girl (this is where y’all really see that I prefer daughters more HAHAHA), and this is also because there’s a local singer named Frankie that I really admire.  G Gavin vs. Gus Gumby vs. Gerrick George vs. Grant H Harper vs. Harley Hayden vs. Henry Harlow vs. Hank I Ian vs. Ivan Indigo vs. Iris: Can I just say these are both better off as girl names? Indiana vs. Iris: And these, too?
J John vs. Jericho Jacob vs. Jameson Jasper vs. Jedidiah K Kayden vs. Koa Kent vs. Kyle Kevin vs. Konner: I prefer the spelling Connor, though. L Lars vs. Liam Levi vs. Lance Lester vs. Lorenzo M Michael vs. Matthew Maverick vs. Mason Madison vs. Micah N Nolan vs. Nathan Niko vs. Nathaniel Nicholas vs. Nate: I honestly like both. I can go with naming a son Nicholas then giving them Nate as a nickname. O Ocean vs. Oscar: I hate nature names and Oscar screams old-guy-name to me. Sorry to all the Oscars :( Orville vs. Otis Otto vs. October P Patrick vs. Percy Preston vs. Paisley Parker vs. Passion Q Quincy vs. Quinn Quada vs. Quinten Quailen vs Quidditch R Raven vs. Riley Rowan vs. Rod Ray vs. Roy: I have a bit of a sentimental attachment to Roy cos it’s an occasional nickname Gab’s dad uses. S Skylar vs. Scott: Only because a high school classmate named her kid Schuyler and that baby is seriously adorable, bubbly, and well-behaved. Storm vs. Steven Sorin vs. Solomon T Trevor vs. Travis Todd vs. Taylor Taytum vs. Tanner U Ulysses vs. Uman Umbo vs. Uno Utah vs. Usher: I dislike most geographic names, but I’d rather I name my baby Utah then have them be sang sex-themed songs by Usher by meaner kids throughout their childhood lmao.   V Vance vs. Vincent Vern vs. Vayde Vernon vs. Vayden W Walter vs. Wyatt Wade vs. Winter Wallace vs. Whisper X Xenon vs. Xayden: I really wanted to pick one name for each question, but being stuck between a chemical element and a name ending in -den is an easy no to both for me. Xayler vs. Xavier Xandon vs. Xennan Y Yvonne vs. Yonder: These names are getting more awful now that we’re ending dude, lmao. Yuletide vs. Yasser Yancy vs. Yancer Z Zeeland vs. Zayden Zion vs. Zenon Zander vs. Zenner
A Acacia vs. Alexa Aurora vs. Annalise Avonna vs. Alessandra B Brogan vs. Brooklyn Bianca vs. Brigitta Bailey vs. Brynn C Carlotta vs. Christine Cheyenne vs. Cescily Cecilia vs. Cassidy D Diedra (pronounced Dee-ay-druh) vs. Delilah: But I prefer the spelling Deirdre. Devia vs. Daytona Dakota vs. Darcy E Evonna vs. Eliana Emerald vs. Evangeline Eden vs. Eliza F Felicity vs. Fiona Faith vs. Faye: Both have always been on my blacklist for girl’s names, sorry lol. Flavia (pronoucned Flah-wee-uh) vs. Flora G Grace vs. Gretchen Genesis vs. Galaxy: Please don’t make these names happen. Gabriella vs. Greta: I love both names and have always liked the name Greta because of Greta Garbo, but I’m obviously biased towards my girlfriend so Gabriela/Gabriella it is. H Harper vs. Hope Holly vs. Hailee Harmony vs. Harvest: Again, both cringe material but I guess Harmony makes me cringe juuuuuuust a little less. I Imogene vs. Ivy Isabella vs. Iris Irene vs. Ingrid J Jessica vs. Jacinda Jade vs. Juniper: Juniper would be cute if a baby can stay a baby forever lmao, but I’m generally not a fan. Joanna vs. Joy: But I like the spelling Johanna more. K Kaleidoscope (Kallie for short) vs. Kaylee: Can I just pick the nickname? I hate the other two options :(( Kennedy vs. Kendall: I’d pick both, but thinking as a future mom, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be mercilessly teased for being given a name that’s usually understood to be more masculine in nature. I know we’re all about breaking stereotypes and all, but y’all – realistically, kids can be pretty fucking cruel. Katelyn vs. Katrina L Lacey vs. Linsey Lynnea (proncounced Lynn-ay-uh) vs. Liberty Lara vs. Lola M Morgan vs. Madison Mackenzie vs. Miranda Marissa vs. Monica N Nora vs. Natalie Nevaeh (pronounced Nev-ay-uh) vs. Nicole Niki vs. Noelle O Ophelia vs. Ocean: Only picking Ophelia because I’m generally not a fan of nature names, but there are a lot more better options if I wanted to name my kid after Shakespeare plays, like Beatrice or Emilia. Olivia vs. Onna Opal vs. October: Was never a fan of gemstone names, and there are much better month names than October. P Passion vs. Primrose: I feel the same way for Primrose as I do with Juniper. Mostly cute with babies, but is less cuter on grown-up girls. Penelope vs. Pixie Pandora vs. Palace Q Quintessa vs. Quincy Quaila vs. Quilala (Kwi--lah-lah) Queen vs. Quiencia (Kwee-ence-ee-uh) R Reyna vs. Riley Rosanna vs. Rosemary Rhonda vs. Rodica (Roe-dee-kuh) S Skylar vs. Skye Serena vs. Simone Shailey vs. Sienna T Tessa vs. Taylor Tia vs. Tiana Taytum vs. Trixie: Tatum would be a better spelling. U Una vs. Uta Ulyssia (You-liss-ee-uh) vs. Umba Ula vs. Ursula: Only because it can be a Friends reference lol. V Violet vs. Vylette Veronica vs. Victoria Valencia vs. Valerie W Wynona vs. Whitney: Winona > Wynona, but still. Wynter vs. Whisper Willow vs. Wanda X Xaila vs. Xara Xana vs. Xenon Xavier vs. Xena Y Yasmin vs. Yvonne Yvette vs Yolanda Yori vs. Yaya Z Zayara vs. Zion Zayana vs. Zoey Zen vs. Zara
Final questions!
Your name (first and middle): Robyn Isabelle.Do you like it?I hated the name Robyn throughout my childhood because I always got teased about it. When I got to college and everyone just kinda matured and told me they liked the way my name flowed, I ended up warming up to and loving it.What your parents almost named you:I was almost named Ariel after the Disney princess, and I know my parents were also thinking of naming me Katrina/Katherine/Kaitlyn.Your favorite girl's name (first and middle):Olivia. I don’t have a pick for middle name yet.List five unique names of girls you have met:Shauna, Shontrice, Unila, Ciamae, Rheezan.List five girl's names you don't like:I mostly dislike in-your-face weather/nature names like Winter, Snow, Amethyst, Cloud, Gaia, or Daffodill. But some, like Cheyenne, Rose, and Luna are super cute, too.List five girls name you really like:I’ve done this like 10 times on 10 different surveys but I like names such as Olivia, Elizabeth, Mia, Ava, and Isabella.Your first best friend's name:Kaye.Your siblings names:Nope.The name of the first pet that you loved:Tobi, my pet rabbit.What you would be named if you were the opposite gender:I’ve never asked my parents about this, actually. They’d probably go with a Spanish/Hispanic name, seeing as they went with Joaquin for my brother but were also thinking of naming him Diego.
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lynxgriffin · 5 years
Led Zeppelin was right all along
It’s my FINAL PIECE of KH3 commentary! That’s right, I’ve finished the game! Commentary for me finishing it is under the cut!
Okay guys, this is it
It’s time to finish this sucker
It’s time for all of my feelings to get curbstomped and then cracked in half over a knee
Turns out I’ve caught a cold so this might be tougher to do
But I’m still going to do it
And after beating this gummi boss again…
Ahhh there he is at last
The old fart
…So weird that it’s not Leonard Nimoy though
Xehanort: Let’s just try out this whole apocalypse thing and see how it goes
It’s rainin’ Heartless, hallelujah
LMAO there isn’t even an enemy counter, it’s just:
And I just blew up ten million Heartless with a train, THIS IS THE SHINIEST APOCALYPSE EVER
Ohh, once again, hate that tunnel
At least Aqua didn’t fall for that
Oh dang he’s got No Name there
Oh well now that’s cheating
Donald’s fukkin pissed
Did Donald just Megaflare this bitch
ArE yoU kiDDinG mE
Oh great, one of you again
Aqua: Never mind, that is way damn too many Heartless
Well that was five different layers of OH SHIT
Oh hey back at that chess metaphor HI AGAIN YOUNG ERAQUS
Wait the hell kind of chess move was that
Chirithy: So yeah you’ve kinda died a couple times previously just by being unconscious a lot
Sora: YEAH WELL time to get back to life
Ohhhh no the sparkly stars are KHUX Keykids, aren’t they :(((
Ugh it’s the little star soul stories that are getting to me :(
Sora bein’ a pal even to all the souls in heaven, gosh darn
OMG this soul is longing for his kismesis, what a nerd
“What a weird place” YEAH NO SHIT
Well it’s nice to see THESE Soras are having a great time
Perhaps this game was taking the idea of Sorabits a tad too literally
Also actually two quick questions here:
1) Why is Chirithy in heaven?
2) Sora were you instagramming from heaven??
Sora: So heaven’s been a trip and all but I’ve still got endgame to do, STAY COOL FUZZY FRIEND
Wait a bloop it sent him back in time too??
Insert 2001 Space Odyssey reference here
Oh now we’re in DIFFERENT heaven??
Okay yeah now I have no clue where we’re going from here
Man here I was expecting to fight all the Norts and instead it’s…Heartless…Grim Reaper
I’m starting to suspect this is not the real Jiminy
This is kind of a weird callback to KH1, innit
Yeah I was just wondering that myself
Oh hey Youngnort
See? Grim Reaper Heartless, I knew it
I gotta say that after Sora dying and going to KH heaven this is…kinda weirder coming afterwards
I’m kind of worried about where this is going
This is like Three Days of the Condor, I TRUST NO ONE
Guys, let’s…let’s not do this again
You ever get a sense of deja vu
Terra: I’ll kick every ass! I’ll kick your ass! I’LL KICK MY OWN ASS
Gad damn the bullshit never stops around here, does it
We’ve done this before but I DUN CARE since this is my favorite boss battle music
Meanwhile the Unreal Engine’s just huffing and puffing trying to keep up
And all the dead Keykids came to help!
Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy goooooooooooosh
Congrats Keykids, U ARE ATTACKS
That’s…that’s really sweet actually
That’s a whole lot of Unicornis and Vulpes in there
OMG I was so busy watching those names I didn’t even realize I was supposed to avoid dying
I dunno Lea that was already a pretty big bad
Aw darn they Norted Repliku
Or wait no Pastku?
Pastku you’re such a little shit
Lea: That wasn’t blundering! That was failing, WITH STYLE
Unreal Engine: Please…help…I’m dying Squirtle
Oh hey FINALLY super powerful magic users like Yen Sid get involved!
And Moses parted the Heartless Sea
And hey finally got Starlight!
Well ain’t this a familiar setup
I miss Leonard Nimoy :(
Well I’m glad we get to save and shop before we all die horribly!
….Wait haven’t we all already died horribly??
FINALLY We get to fight some Norts!!
Took out Xigbar first
Yeah Xigbar I’m really not sure all that hoohah was worth it
Are we gonna do this for each one or do we have to pick and choose?
Oh well that takes care of Pastku so maybe not
Oh that’s creepy actually
OH NO! Repliku :(((
Sora…you just gonna leave that…okay
So now we got some Neophytes to deal with
Well I was gonna go after Mar first but I guess Luxord is our opponent now
AW DAMN I hated this part from before!
Oh wait that wasn’t hard at all you just look behind those stupid cards
Luxord: Well it’s been fun, time to die
Why does everyone’s teeth look blue??
Really liking all these remixes of the old boss themes tho
Aaaaand down goes Mar
And what’s nice is partners have mostly worn down the last Nort present!
Larx is an asshole to the very end
Door puzzles ohhhh nooooooo
Well thank goodness we worked out that nonsense
Who to help first? REDHEAD SQUAD
If that’s Xion I’m going to be SO UPSET
At least we get to fight WITH Kairi even if not as her
Oh well that ain’t good
Absolutely not, Xemnas!!
*throws hands in the air* OHHHHHHHH
Oh fuck you Xemnas HDU
Ohhhhh sheeeeeeet
Called out by Roxas daaaayum
Gah dammit not again! STOP DOING KAIRI DIRTY
Hot damn but it’s satisfying to beat the crap out of Saix with Sora, Roxas and Xion all at once while The Other Promise just blasts in the background
Lea: I’m not mad I’m just disappointed
Awww maaaaaan
Now to the Wayfinder family! Took out Vanyeetas first!
Sora: Hey WTF that’s my face you got
Yeah I gotta agree I don’t know which part of that was okay honestly
WHELP no time to think on it gotta take out Terranort
Since we got back Roxas and Xion can we finally get Terra back??
That was metal as all hell
Ohhhh gooooosh
Everyone’s together and I’m full of rainbows
MAN so we got…three Norts left, don’t we
Guess the only way out of this is up
What we’ve just been cloning No Name the whole time??
Okay, FOUR left, we gotta deal with Ansem, Xemnas and Youngnort first
Oh sheesh that was Youngnort dying, thought it was me for a second
Youngnort: Just one last piece of cryptic bullshit to leave you with! BYYYYEEEE
Aaaand that’s Ansem down
Ansem: Must…pontificate more…before…I die
Haha took out Xemnas with flying rocket punch nanobots
Xemnas: Regrets…I’ve had a few…
But then again, too few to mention?
Sora: Life is pain, Xemnas! Anyone who says otherwise is Norting you
Oh boy oh boy, all we have left now is…the old fart…
Oh this is gonna piss me off good, ain’t it
Nomura do we need to sit you down as a group and learn you some things about NOT DOING THAT
That was…kind of a cool moment I guess?? BUT I’M STILL MAD
Oh shitcakes
The world to come is death from above I guess
Donald and Goofy just coming in like “Hey…what’d we miss?”
I’m honestly really glad they’re here tho, TRINITY ALLLLL THE WAY
The whole gang here together again IRONING OUT THE PLOT POINTS
Trophy here???
A town of nothing but Norts
OH I forgot THESE WEIRDOS were in trailers somehow
The hell is happening anymore
An Organization so nice we fought ‘em twice!
The scary music is playing but I have no clue where to goooo
Well it took me five minutes just to find the dang guys before Thundaga finished them off
Oh really now!
SHEESH that was a nutty battle that took awhile
Well I think I won THAT battle anyway
Is this gonna be a THAT WASN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM or what
More callbacks!
This is the fight that never eeeeends, yes it goes on and on my frieeeends
OH that was fuckin weird but COOL
Yaaay my favorite terrible dad
That look from Eraqus OMG
Babbeh Eraqus so cute
Now YOU get the goofy apocalypse weapon, Sora!
More dad reconciliations sob
Oh gosh I’m so glad we get this before we end
ohhhh noooo
Oh no you know shit’s serious when you enter a blocked scene
Man everything’s just so shiny now
Also dang sing us out Utada
*points and points* THAT? FINAL SHOT???
What did you do to my son Nomura
Also just interjecting here but damn that endgame was so long IT FELT LIKE A WHOLE ‘NOTHER GAME
And now the pretty march music with the Super Longer Credits—I CAN’T BELIEVE DRAKE BELL WAS YOUNG ERAQUS
Well if nothing else gonna get me a kickass OST out of this
HERE we go, post credits stuff
Here’s the Furry Squad!
What fresh bullshit is thiiiiiiis
Hey where is Ava
Oh fuuuuuck yoooou Luxugbar
*throws hands in the air* I GOT NOTHIN FOLKS
Nomura I am in fact going to die and go to your house and haunt it and push all of your things off shelves like a cat
Okay so overall I did really enjoy the game but also I’m just ????
Like my reaction is pretty much just
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I think I’m gonna go lie down now
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ivarsshieldmadien · 6 years
Ok my sweet babies so this is part 2 of Ghost from Ivar’s point of view. This will also give the backstory of why Ivar was so sad and who the girl was that he was with. This is based on Halsey’s Haunting. I hope y’all enjoy this!! 😘😘😘
If y’all need to catch up do it here
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A few hours earlier
Ivar walked into Hvitserk’s apartment and threw his keys on the counter, “you ready to go man?” He yelled to his older brother, “almost! I’ll be out in 5!” Hvitserk yelled back.
Ivar went into the fridge and grabbed a beer. He was rummaging through drawers and was looking for a bottle opener when he saw it.
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Kelly’s wedding invitation. Ivar stopped everything and stared. Ivar thought Kelly was the one that got away but everyone else knew she was a crazy psycho whore that left him.
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Ubbe walked into the room, “Shit...Hvitserk!” He yelled. Hvitty walked out of his room, “what’s u......shit!” Ubbe looked at him with angry eyes, “I told you to throw that fucking thing away.”
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“I didn’t even know she was seeing anyone else. Matt....Matt what the fuck kind of name is Matt. We broke up a year ago and she is already getting married. I was gonna win her back. I was gonna make her mine again. I still love her.” Ivar ranted.
Ubbe and Hvitserk look at each other and back to their little brother, “You weren’t suppose to see that stupid thing.” Ubbe said and walked over throwing it in the trash. Ivar drank down his entire beer, in a few gulps, desperately.
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“Come on man let’s get outta here and head to the bar. That stupid piece of paper isn’t important, let’s go and get your mind off of that bullshit.” Hvitty said ready to party.
On the way to the bar Ivar silently reminisced on the good times he and Kelly had together. It’s like she put a fever inside him and he has been cold ever since.
Hvitserk parked the car and both his brothers turned to look at him in the backseat, “have fun tonight okay Ivar. Put that evil woman out of your head.” Ubbe said and Hvitserk followed up with, “just go have fun.”
Ivar got out of the car and threw on his black leather jacket. His face was still so sad. He walked in and headed for the bar. He ordered a bourbon near and threw it back quick. He enjoyed the burn in his throat and the warmth throughout his body.
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Ivar felt someone was staring at him and he noticed a gorgeous pair of honey brown eyes looking back at him. She looked like Kelly. He heard a small gasp escape her plump lips. She turned and left. ‘Oh no you don’t I gotta have you.’ Ivar thought to himself and followed behind her.
Everything after that was a blur of passion, lust, Kelly, touching, feeling, Kelly, her lips, her hips, her wetness. ‘Fuck she tastes good.’ He was snapped out of his thoughts but hearing her ask, “what’s your name?”
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‘Fuck fuck fuck, what the fuck.’ Was all he could think. ‘I almost fucked a random girl cause she looks like Kelly. Get out get out.’
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“Ivar.” He answered her and he turned and made his way through the crowd of people. Ivar was trying to get back to his brothers so they could duck out. He heard a sassy voice behind him, “Hold the fuck up!” She pulled on his arm hard and turned him around, “you think you can just leave after that? I don’t think so.” She yanked his phone out of his pocket and put her number in, “call me if you ever wanna do that again, or want me to return the favor.” She said with a wink.
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“You definitely aren’t Kelly.” Ivar said louder than he should have, “who the fuck is Kelly? I’m Ava.” Ivar smirked, “okay Ava. Bet.” Then she was gone.
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Ok y’all I hope you all enjoyed this!!! Leave comments, reblog and like!!! I love you all!!! 😘😘
@laketaj24 @greennightspider @mintandfigs @captstefanbrandt @that-sarcastic-pisces @dangerousvikings @funmadnessandbadassvikings @mblaqgi @kingbouji3 @rekdreams247 @bluearchersstuff @sparklemichele @michaeliskindahot @tephi101 @wish-i-was-a-mermaid @dopeybubbles @romanchronicles @seremedyxiii @titty-teetee @flokilaksh @atequila @float-autumn-leave @ivarslittlebadgirl @hvitserksgirl @equalstrashflavoredtrash @haliannej @badbitsh13 @happydaysandersen @oddsnendsfanfics @lisinfleur @lol-haha-joke @awesomerextyphoon @lupy22 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @ivarswickedqueen @tomarisela @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone @exchulte @sparklydreams @lostinthebeans @akamaiden @imgoldielikehawn @slowllydead @ivarsrideordie @therealmrshale @missrobyn81 @perfectus-in-morte @readsalot73 @whenimaunicorn @bappo-take-a-nappo
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