#because a LOT of people have no idea was 1488 means and think it's just a number
hazel2468 · 5 months
I keep seeing people bitching about "uwu when I say 'from the river to the sea' people say I'm calling for geeenocide! They say I'm antisemitic!" and like.
Maybe. instead of clinging to a phrase that a bunch of white leftists have co-opted because they think it sounds nice. And digging your little immature heels in. You should LISTEN when people tell you that yes. The phrase's FUCKING ORIGIN was a call for the eradication of Jews from the area known as Israel and Palestine. That NO, you cannot divorce it from those roots. YES, it IS still used to mean that TO THIS DAMN DAY.
And look. Maybe you DON'T think that Israelis should all be killed and/or exiled from Israel and Palestine. Maybe you DON'T think that the genocide of an entire people is the solution. Maybe you DON'T hate Jews and want all of us dead. And if that's the case? Great!
But how the FUCK are we supposed to tell the difference when you are using the EXACT same phrase as countless people who DO want those things. People who DO hate Jews, who ARE supportive of organizations that want to commit violence, people who SUPPORT what happened on October 7th?
When people tell you "hey, this phrase means something else, it has ALWAYS come from those roots, and using it is NOT OKAY because it is STILL used as a rallying cry for violence against Israelis and Jews worldwide", the way to react? Is NOT to fucking double down and use it.
Because that? DOES make you an antisemite. And if I see you using that phrase? Then I MUST assume that at best, you do not know what it means and have SOMEHOW avoided the countless Jews and non-Jews I have seen talking about it, or at WORST you actively hate me and want me and every single one of my people dead.
And frankly? You are not worth that risk to interact with.
Stop saying it. There are SO many ways to support Palestine, the Palestinian people, and their fight for rights, that do not involve spouting genocidal, antisemitic rhetoric. it is NOT HARD.
But apparently, some of y'all are insistent on being racist.
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electriccenturies · 3 years
About that shirt...
A Note:
So, I’m Jewish, and I’d like to share a few thoughts about something that’s frustrating me. Firstly, I don’t speak for all Jewish people, I speak for my own experiences and opinions. Second, because it’s bothering me that people don’t understand this: hot topic made the shirt, not mcr — nothing to do with Gerard. I don’t think the band personally approves every piece of merch that warner or hot topic put out, because if they did we’d have better merch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway, I’m putting the rest under a read more because it’s long but I think you should read more
Part One: That Shirt Is Bad But Its Not Quite Antisemitic
The thing about antisemitism, if you want to define it as any prejudice or use of a prejudicial image or phrase towards Jewish people, is that its fucking everywhere. Its incredibly easy to use antisemitic phrases or imagery by accident because literally everything gets co opted by nazis or has been used to hurt Jewish people at some point. Antisemitism has been a thing for over a thousand years, its complicated. Lots of people, probably including yourself, have participated in it without knowing or meaning to. Hell, I’m Jewish and I didn’t learn that things like “lizard people” were dogwhistles for “Jews” until I was in high school!
Jewish people are generally pretty good at distinguishing bad wording/design from malice because well meaning people in our lives commit these offences all the time. A lot of it is intrinsically normal stuff that some people have made offensive, not things that you could logically figure out are offensive or hurtful. You should know that its disrespectful to make jokes about holocaust victims without having to be told, for example, but it’s not fair to expect people to just know that various runes, or the phrase “clown world”, or the seemingly random number 1488 are neo-nazi things — especially nowadays when a lot of that is started on 4chan/8kun and gets added to rapidly. Those things are purposefully chosen or created to NOT sound bad around regular people, of course it will fool some of them!
The yellow star is a lot more recognizable of course, and people really should know about it, but I think the idea that they may not have thought about it that way is still relevant for reasons I will get into later, and also to my larger point.
Other Jewish people are free to disagree with me on this but I think intent absolutely does matter with antisemitism because it’s not always something that’s you can know is bad without also knowing a lot of context, and at the end of the day most people just don’t know a lot of Jewish people. Like seriously, if you're not Jewish or really good friends with lots of Jewish people you probably don’t know much about Judaism and that’s fine, you don’t need to! 
But you also don’t need to speak for us. 
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a poorly designed shirt that definitely should have hit someone’s alarm bells somewhere in the approval process. Intentional or not, it is reminiscent of the holocaust and a bad look for hot topic. It also isn’t something that makes me think “this designer referenced yellow badges”, though. It’s in a normal place for an emblem or logo on a shirt, and the arbitrary resemblance stops at the colour. There’s a clear reason for the shape, even if it’s a terrible choice. Again — it should not have been made and someone at hot topic should have realised the similarity. I would not buy it and I certainly wouldn’t wear it, but it’s pretty clear to me that it wasn’t done as a reference. Its not like they invented the shape, and Jewish people definitely still use the star of david (not like that though...).
Its bad because of history, and while ignorance of history is bad it shouldn’t be the target of anger, in my opinion, — it should be a target of education and boycotting the offending thing. For me, the people who deserve anger are the ones who don’t want to be decent people. Seriously though, if you made this design a different colour it would be fine. It’s an ignorant shirt.
Could you technically define that as antisemitism? Absolutely! I just don’t think it’s productive to so aggressively shout “Nazis!!!” at something like this that is ultimately more distasteful than harmful and was probably an accident. I think the correct response is to tweet or email Hot Topic saying “This is reminiscent of the holocaust and you should pull it from your store”. If they don’t, then you can get angry.
This is not about semantics though — I think calling this shirt antisemitic waters down the harmful antisemitism that Jewish people face. And, maybe more importantly, its upsetting to me that this tiny infraction is literally the only time I’ve ever heard MCR fans talk about antisemitism or Jewish people at all.
Part Two: This Shirt Wasn’t Flagged Before Production Because Antisemitism Isn’t Taken Seriously In General
I believe that the real reason that nobody at Hot Topic said “huh, anyone think that looks a little too much like a yellow badge?” is that it wasn’t on their minds. THAT is a bigger problem, for me, than someone designing this in the first place. 
I’m not going to get into Europe (mentioned specifically because its a growing issue) or anywhere else because I’m not educated enough to speak on it, but for example, in Canada (where I live), Jews are generally the most targeted group for hate crimes each year — 19% of all hate crimes in 2018 were against Jewish people, who make up 1.1% of the population of Canada (1). In 2015, over 50% of religious hate crimes in Toronto (Canada’s largest city) were against Jewish people, despite only being ~4% of the population at the time, one of the least represented religions (2). I think these statistics would surprise many people, because you don’t hear about it a lot outside of Jewish communities (in my experience).
Actual antisemites are COMMON. All over the world our synagogues get bomb threats and our cemeteries get desecrated — frequently. A huge number of people legitimately believe we control the world, some believe we have like, magic powers and sacrifice babies and stuff. People come to kosher markets to murder us (recent examples are after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France and in New Jersey in 2019). Go on any popular youtube video that has anything to do with Israel or Judaism and you will see at least one person who’s role playing as hitler, or who’s profile picture is a caricature of a Jewish person with a big nose making a comment about shekels, or how their grandmother was gassed and they use her skin as a lampshade. I’m not joking.
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(id: A youtube comment from Zenbun Katatakala that consists of four nose emojis, several demon (?) face emojis, a money face emoji, another nose emoji, and two Israeli flag emojis. It has five likes.)
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(id: A youtube comment from “Adolph Hilter” that reads “Oh really? We’ll see about that” It has eight likes.)
(both of these are on a buzzfeed interview with Eva Korr, who passed in 2019 and was a survivor of both the holocaust in general and josef mengele.)
And yet... holocaust denial is a MASSIVE issue, and not just among active antisemites; While only 90% even believe it happened, fucking 63% of millennials and Gen Z in the United States doesn’t know the basic statistics and facts about the holocaust (3). SIXTY THREE PERCENT!!!! Between 11 and 19 percent of millennials and Gen Z in each state think that Jews caused the holocaust. In New York that is 1/5 people surveyed. Please make sure your actual real life fucking friends know that 6 million Jewish people and millions of Romani, Slavic, gay, and disabled people were systemically murdered, along with other groups targeted by the Nazis. Please.
See if your local Jewish community is facing discrimination, call out people who believe actively malicious things about Jewish people, and people who say blatantly offensive things to you about what Jewish people are like. Call out people who mock holocaust victims and glorify nazis, or say ‘well they had some good ideas’. Call out famous people who spread conspiracy theories and bigotry about Jewish people (literally last year a few NBA players made seriously antisemitic comments and... nothing happened). Educate yourself on dogwhistles so you can POLITELY educate others who don’t know yet. I would really appreciate it!
There are people who ACTUALLY want us wearing those badges again, and to say Hot Topic and MCR are supporting or contributing to that is, in my opinion, acting like modern antisemitism is about rude words. Call hot topic out on the similarity by all means and don’t get the shirt, talk about how it’s bad design, but please PLEASE stop calling it antisemitism, and stop acting like MCR have ever done anything to hurt Jewish people specifically. There are plenty of things to focus your energy on that would be much more helpful to Jewish people, and would probably make you feel better instead of worse too.
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the-busy-ghost · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're well - I was just wondering if you had any recommendations for interesting & engaging "introductory" texts about Scottish history (particularly between 500 and 1500 AD, although I know that's really broad!) No worries if you don't have any ideas or don't feel like answering such a vague question though! Have a lovely day :)
Apologies for the delayed response on this, I have no real excuse except being anxious that I wouldn’t be able to answer it perfectly. So I’ve decided to bite the bullet and answer somewhat imperfectly. This answer also depends on just exactly how much knowledge you already have of Scottish history, so if I’m being patronising and assuming too much ignorance, or alternatively if I’m not being clear enough, please let me know. 
The first thing I would always recommend before diving into serious literature is having a basic framework in the back of your mind. It may be an inaccurate framework but given that mediaeval Scottish history really isn’t taught or known to the same extent as say mediaeval English history, it is essential that you know where you are on a basic level, so you can both enjoy and learn from the texts that go into more detail. This basic background can come from almost anything- Braveheart and blatantly inaccurate novels aside. 
This is quite freeing because basically reading almost ANYTHING can be useful at first, and also first and foremost if you’re going to devote a considerable amount of time to something, you should work out how to make it fun and understandable.
I always had some idea of Scottish history since I was a kid but I got more into it in my late teens and I’ll be honest, though I probably don’t agree with anything in it pages now, one of the first books I picked up at the age of about sixteen was Neil Oliver’s ‘History of Scotland’ (released alongside the documentary series). Any basic ‘History of Scotland’ of that type (if it looks reasonably reputable) should give you a basic framework that you can build on- in the same way some people learn the kings and queens of England. Wikipedia could also work this way, though it may be more patchy. Other, slightly more reputable and in-depth but not really textbook, works of this kind include Stewart Ross’ “The Stewart Dynasty”; Alistair Moffat’s ‘The Borders’; popular (if coloured) biographies of people like Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, and Mary Queen of Scots (she’s post-medieval but still a relevant example); and even some of the older Victorian histories of people like Tytler (watch out though, they get weirdly ‘ethnic’ in their interpretations of some historical events and processes- some were convinced that there was a centuries-long feud between the “Celt” and the “Teuton”/”Saxon”). Even novels and songs- though sometimes highly inaccurate- can help with this, even if they’re Walter Scott. 
So I’m not going to be a purist and get snobby about Neil Oliver or Walter Scott even if I would never set store by any of the above works in an academic context (or even just a drunken argument). The first step in my view is literally to get a basic feel for what we *think* our history is (and enjoy learning about the different regions and cultures a bit!), and then you can set about dismantling all these stereotypes and misconceptions with better books. 
If you DO want a reasonably trustworthy general overview though, I believe that Fiona Watson has written one called “Scotland: From Prehistory to Present” and there must be a few others written by academics, it’s just been so long since I’ve read completely general histories I can’t really comment on this accurately.
Assuming you’re already aware of the above though and have a pretty good idea of what you’re dealing with then there are two next steps I would recommend.
The first are the series of texbooks/overviews that are often published by universities. Obviously since these are textbooks they are more introductory and general, but they do often cite academic articles and books that are more detailed. I have found a couple of series particularly useful and outlined the main titles below:
- The “New History of Scotland” series. This is a good series as most of the books were initially A5 sized or slightly bigger (so quick to read and easy to carry). Sadly this means that they do not employ footnotes/citations to any great extent, usually only providing a ‘Further Reading’ section at the end of the book. You can usually find old copies of these online for a reasonable price. This series includes, among others:
- “Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland, 80-1000”, by Alfred P  Smyth
- “Kingship and Unity: Scotland, 1000-1306″, by G.W.S. Barrow 
- “Independence and Nationhood: Scotland, 1306-1469″, by             Alexander Grant. (This one has a particularly good basic overview of diet, trade, e.t.c.)
- “Court, Kirk, and Community: Scotland, 1470-1625″, by Jenny Wormald
- “Power and Propaganda: Scotland, 1306-1488″, by Katie Stevenson (note- the previous titles listed were written in the 1980s and 90s, but this one was added to the series in 2014, so it’s more up to date in some ways though it’s up to you whether you think it’s more persuasive).
- The “New Edinburgh History of Scotland” series. These are bigger books than the previous series and are complete with on page citations and bibliography. They tend to all come in matching blue jackets, and I thought that secondhand copies of these would be slightly more expensive than the above but a quick search on amazon has surprised me, since a copy of Oram’s “Domination and Lordship” is several pounds cheaper than Grant’s “Independence and Nationhood”. Anyway these are slightly more in-depth than the above series, but work very well in tandem with those shorter books. The series includes:
- “From Pictland to Alba: 789-1070″, by Alex Woolf (it is a very long time since I read this, so I have to admit I have very little memory of its contents but I put it here for balance)
- “Domination and Lordship: Scotland, 1070-1230″, by Richard Oram (good used along with Kingship and Unity)
- “The Wars of Scotland, 1214-1371″, by Michael Brown
- “The First Stewart Dynasty In Scotland, 1371-1488″, by Stephen Boardman (full disclosure I have not read this one yet, but I have read some of Boardman’s other books).
- “Scotland Reformed, 1488-1587″, by Jane E.A. Dawson
- The “History of Everyday Life” series. These books are collections of essays on some selected aspects of day to day life in medieval Scotland and can provide some interesting reading and insights. Only one of the books in this series is relevant to our time period, but it may be worth checking out the other three since some customs and behavioural patterns from more recent times are worth comparing with the past. The volume covering the medieval period is “A History of Everyday Life in Medieval Scotland, 1000-1600″, edited by Edward Cowan and Lizanne Henderson.
- The “Northern World” series. This is not a series I’m particularly familiar with outside of some light reading while at university (mostly because these books can be really expensive compared to the previous ones mentioned). HOWEVER not only do they range across northern Europe (not just Scotland) but a couple of them help to balance out the Lowland focus which sometimes predominates in the above general overviews. There are quite a few interesting books in this series (identifiable usually by their purple jackets) but some that I know of include:
- “Kinship and Clientage: Highland Clanship, 1451-1609″ by Alison Cathcart.
- “The Lordship of the Isles”, edited by Richard Oram (this is a collection of essays)
There was also an older “Edinburgh History of Scotland” series published in the 1970s- some of the authors were better than others and they’re a bit dated now but they’re still a useful starting point. The series includes:
- “Scotland, the Making of the Kingdom”, by A.A.M. Duncan
- “Scotland: The Later Middle Ages”, by Ranald Nicholson
There are lots of other book series out there- the St Andrews Studies in Scottish History or the publications of old literature by the Scottish Text Society for example but I think I’ve listed enough to be getting on with. There are also a few books that I think make good general overviews (or are collections of interesting essays) that aren’t in a particular series:
- “Women in Scotland, 1100-1750”, edited by Elizabeth Ewan and Maureen M Meikle (this is a collection of essays rather than an overview of women’s history but it’s a good starter, and great if you only have fifteen minutes to spare)
- “Glory and Honour: The Renaissance in Scotland”, by Andrea Thomas (a beautiful coffee table book with lots of pictures of art and architecture). It starts in 1424.
- “The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland’s Western Seaboard, c.1100-c.1336″, by R. Andrew MacDonald
- “The Black Douglases”, Michael Brown
- “Robert the Bruce’s Rivals: The Comyns, 1212-1314″, by Alan Young
- “The Northern Earldoms: Orkney and Caithness, 870-1470″, by Barbara E. Crawford
- “Scottish Independence and the Idea of Britain: From the Picts to Alexander III”, by Dauvit Broun
- “Virgins and Viragos: A History of Women in Scotland From 1080 to 1980″, by Rosalind K Marshall (Marshall has also written some good introductory overviews on Scottish queens, on Mary of Guise, and on the women around Mary, Queen of Scots, though these last two are sixteenth century).
- Any of Alexander Fenton’s books on agricultural history- they don’t deal exclusively (or even mainly) with the medieval period, and they’re not the most up to date but they are still useful handbooks.
There are also lots of shorter academic articles on JSTOR and elsewhere, as well as online networks for things like Scottish Women’s History and Environmental History. 
The second step I would recommend is using biographies- biography is not always the most useful form of historical writing, but they do have their own benefits. For this time period most of the full book-length biographies of individuals are royal figures (though lots of other people are covered in academic articles).
For some figures it’s wise to have several biographies on hand since they’re well-known or controversial- for example, for Robert Bruce, you could start with an older bio like G.W.S. Barrows “Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland” and then supplement it with a more modern biography like that written by Michael Penman or by Colm McNamee. In other cases, a historical figure may not be quite so well known so jumping straight into an academic biography of them, which hops around and analyses expenditure and parliaments, may be a bit confusing- for example, for King James IV, it may be useful to start with R.L. Mackie’s (admittedly dated and a bit romantic) biography to get an idea of the structure of the king’s reign before diving into Norman MacDougall’s more scholarly biography.
Other biographies/overview of royal reigns include Richard Oram’s works on David I and Alexander II; D.D.R. Owen’s bio of William the Lion (this is an interesting one, since it’s written by a French professor rather than a straightforward historian so there’s a big focus on the importance of literature); Andrew Fisher’s bio of William Wallace; Stephen Boardman’s survey of the reigns of Robert II and Robert III; the two biographies of James I written by E.W.M. Balfour-Melville and Michael Brown; Christine McGladdery’s ‘James II’ and Norman McDougall’s ‘James III’; and Annie Dunlop’s biography of Bishop Kennedy.
Lastly once you feel you’ve got a bit of a grip on some secondary source material (or really, as soon as you like) I do recommend checking out some of the primary source material as soon as possible. A LOT of primary sources of medieval Scottish history were printed during the Victorian and Edwardian periods and now thanks to digitisation projects many of them are available online- from chronicles like those of Melrose, John of Fordun and Andrew Wyntoun (and useful English chronicles like Lanercost and Scalachronica); to acts of parliament and accounts of royal expenditure (Treasurer’s Accounts; Exchequer Rolls); to letters of the nobility and poetry. Personally, I find that you learn as much from working directly with the words of historical figures themselves, even if you’re untrained in source handling, as you would from a whole host of textbooks (also it lets you get used to the languages- Scots is straightforward enough to pick up even if you don’t have Latin or Gaelic). If you ever have trouble finding these let me know and I might be able to point you in the right direction. 
It is also worth bearing in mind that sixteenth century sources may shed a lot of light on earlier periods.
Anyway hopefully this helped but if you have any other questions please let me know and I will endeavour to reply quicker this time!
*One last disclaimer, the above list of texts is based purely on my own experiences and what my brain could remember quickly- it is not to reflect a bias or to promote these texts above the works of other historians. It is also not an exhaustive or comprehensive list (and some dearly beloved books are not included- but I tried to stick to simple overviews/textbooks and a few other interesting surveys).
And people are very welcome to add to this since there’s lots I’ve missed!
Lastly try to have a bit of fun with it. Some of these books are very informative but can drag at times- on those occasions I highly recommend taking a break and trying to get outside to a hill or a castle, or if you can’t do that try putting an old ballad on on youtube, and physically look at or listen to the thing you’re studying.
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Top Five “Overrated” Classic books
*Disclaimer: I’m an opinionated bitch, but these are value judgements on the books (and the racist ass authors), not the people who like them* 
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Genre: Garbage Gothic Tragedy
Author: Emily Bronte
Year Published: 1847
Plot in 20 Words or Less: A rich family adopts an orphan, love drama ensues, and nobody has a good time
Problematic-o-matic: Slurs against Romani people/travelers, romanticizing of abusive & toxic relationships 
Why (I think) it’s Over-rated: 
This book pushed some buttons for me. I’m a survivor of domestic violence, and Heathcliffe’s behaviour was so shitty and abusive that if I wasn’t reading it for school I would have set the whole book on fire.
Cathy was also toxic too, but Heathcliffe took it all the way to eleven. 
I wished the teachers would have trigger-warned us, and I kind of hate the prick for not doing that, don’t think I don’t see you Mr. A, you dickhead 
Beyond that, I didn’t like a single character in this book. Nobody. Not a one. Half of the characters were barely developed, and the ones that were developed were so unlikable that I hated them as much as they seemed to hate each other. 
I also thought the pacing wasn’t great, though that might be due to the differences in novels then and now.
Still, I thought this book was over-rated because all the characters sucked ass and I hated reading the book because of it.
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Genre: Nonsense Science fiction, dystopia
Author: George Orwell
Year Published: 1949
Plot in 20 Words or Less: Big brother is watching you, and he’ll torture you if you hurt his feelings
Problematic-o-matic: Orwell was a grumpy old man who hated LGBTQ people, women, vegetarians (why), people who wear sandals (?) and communists. Didn’t appear to be racist though, so that’s...good. 
Why it’s Over-rated: 
This book had a lot of hype.  And I read it, and I hated it. 
I thought the pacing was terrible, and that there was a whole lot of talking, then a cringey, over the top saccharine romance (bleck) and then torture. 
That is terrible pacing. The whole story just grinds to a halt so Winston and Julia could fall in instalove. Ugh. Even now, instalove is a trope that’ll make me DNF unless it’s done expertly. This was not done expertly. 
My husband has argued with me that the point of the romance was to point out how the totalitarian state doesn’t allow love to exist and turns people against each other, but the fact remains that it was boring and dumb. 
Also, the ending is anti-climactic and a big let down. There, I said it.
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Genre: Tripe Science Fiction
Author: Aldous Huxley
Year Published: 1932
Plot in 20 Words or Less: In a drugged up caste based society, a vacation goes horribly wrong
Problematic-o-matic: This book is ableist and racist. Like, so fucking racist, holy shit. Also, Aldous Huxley was racist, and may have been a plagiarist. (more in the link below)
Why it’s Over-rated:
This is one that made me hella uncomfortable. 
I’ll be honest, folkx, the racism in this book took me right out of the story. You see all these people defending it, but white people need to be quiet in this instance and listen to what the people being hurt by this work are saying.
And the idea of free love, but only if it’s hetero, rubbed me the wrong way too. Free love means free for everyone, baby. 
The writing itself is fine, but for one thing; characterization.
I found the characters really hard to like; even John, who was probably the most likeable character, was a total asshole by the end. Lenina was just...there. You could have replaced her with a lamp and it wouldn’t have changed much. Bernard was so, so annoying. Helmholtz was probably the only character I didn’t want to see kicked in the balls by a donkey, and he was barely in the book. 
So TL;DR: this book is so goddamn racist, and everyone sucks.
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Genre: A goddamn mess Adventure/Mythology
Author: Homer (the boring one, not the yellow one)
Year Published: 8th Century BC, translated into English in 1488 (and the world was worse for it)
Plot in 20 Words or Less: Supposed smart guy gets lost for ten years, doesn’t listen to directions, and gets all his friends killed
Problematic-o-matic: Racist against cyclopes, I guess? The Ancient Greeks general distaste towards women?
Why it’s Over-rated: 
This one is petty, but Odysseus SUCKS and the book is BORING.
Sure, he’s smart and stuff, but apparently not smart enough to find his way back to his house and keep his men alive. 
My dog found it’s way back to our house when I was a kid, and that dog wasn’t very smart. Odysseus can’t do what a dog can do, and that’s really sad. 
Also, while his wife is waiting for him, staying celibate, despite all the suitors coming after her, Odysseus goes off and bones Circe and stays with her on her island. 
Which is funny, because my ex was like “oh, he was looking out for his bros and keeping this crazy woman happy” and then he cheated on me, because he thinks irony is something you use to press your clothes. 
After that point I wanted the book to end with Odysseus being eaten by a pack of wild boars and then shit out on the front lawn of his stupid castle in Ithaca. I bet his castle was ugly too. 
This book would have been better if Homer Simpson wrote it.
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Genre: Dumpster fire Coming of age fiction
Author: J. D. Salinger
Year Published: 1951
Plot in 20 Words or Less: Teenage boy whines for way too many pages and almost gets shot by a pimp
Problematic-o-matic: J. D. Salinger was an abusive dick, and this book got banned at one point. And serial killers like it. So that’s...cool. 
Why it’s Over-rated: 
Holden Caufield is a whiny douche.
This book is so goddamn boring and the best part about it is that it’s short. 
The only controversy is that Holden Caufield is an asshole, and acts like a self-centered prick and talks about sex and stuff, which by today’s standards is really, really tame. 
He’s pretty realistic to a lot of teenagers; he thinks he’s the smartest, the best, that he sees through all the bullshit and he knows the right way for everything. 
But I also read this book as a teenager, and like Holden, I also had depression. I thought his portrayal was insulting on both fronts. He was incapable of seeing beyond his own world-view, and he acted like a jerk to people, even when they were nice to him. Not all people with depression are nice, but this wasn’t just not being nice, this was going out of his way to be negative to everyone around him.
I just wanted to grab the kid, smack him, and tell him to stop moping around and go spend more time with his sister.
Read the Full Post Here and Argue with Me about Books: https://elkascott.wordpress.com/2021/02/19/el-listicle-my-top-5-overrated-classic-novels/
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matsislander-blog · 5 years
We found love in a Bar
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“Hey could you do an imagine with Josh Anderson? Anything is fine really I just love your writing! And Josh lol thanks!“ -anon
I’m finally home from vacation, so I’m going to be answering all of the requests in my inbox! I hope you guys enjoy :)
Word: 1488
Warnings: not edited 
It all started when you decided to download tinder. You don’t know why you did it. You were bored, and maybe looking for some fun, so why not? You were swiping through guys left and right, when you landed on a guy named Josh. He was extremely hot. With fluffy brown hair, and soft stubble on his face. You looked through more of his pictures and realized that he was a hockey player, and played for the Columbus Blue Jackets. You couldn’t believe a guy who looked like that was on tinder. You immediately swiped right on him. You were surprised to see an alert pop up, “It’s A Match!” Your heart started beating so quickly, you were so excited. After about an hour, you received a message from Josh, just a simple, “hey :)”. You continued to talk until Josh had asked you on a date the following night. You didn’t think too much of it. He was a professional athlete after all. He was probably just looking for a quick hook up and then you’d never talk again. But, you agreed to the date, wanting to go out and have fun.
So that’s what brought you here. In your bathroom, getting ready to go out on a date with Josh. He told you that you’d be going to a local place called Little Rock Bar, where there’d be karaoke. You thought it was a good first date, as it’d be easy to keep a conversation going, and there’d be some entertainment if there was any awkward silence. You continued to get ready, nerves starting to shake you a little bit. Just as you were having second thoughts, your phone buzzed. Josh: “Hey, I’m on my way! I’ll be there in like 10 :)”. Too late now, you thought to yourself. “Ok, see you then :)” you responded. You decided to wear light denim jeans, with a white bodysuit, that showed some cleavage. You were really feeling yourself tonight, so whatever the outcome was, you really weren’t too concerned. You checked your phone and saw you only had a few more minutes before Josh would be here, so you started to put on your shoes. You were nude heels that had one strap over the toes. You went to grab your purse, and then heard a knock on the door. You opened the door, and there was Josh. He was standing there, hands in the front pockets of his black jeans. His biceps showing through the white tshirt, and blue flannel he was wearing. When you opened the door, he turned and look at you and smiled. “You look amazing.” He said. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” you said with a small laugh. He smiled, “thanks, you ready to go?” You shook your head yes, and shut the door behind you. He put his arm out for you to hold while walking down the steps of your home. You happily accepted and held onto his arm until you reached his car. He opened the door for you and helped you in, then walked around to the driver seat. The ride there was filled with conversation about your lives, your families, etc. The conversation flowed so easily it felt as if you’d known each other for months. You tried to remind yourself not to think too much of it, as this is probably a one time thing.
Once you arrive at the bar, you both walk up to the bartender. You both order a beer, and then find a table in the middle of the bar to listen to the people participating in Karaoke. “You gonna give it a go?” you ask Josh, winking at him. “I don’t think so, you’ll definitely never want to talk to me again if you hear me sing.” He laughs, taking a sip of his beer. An older man walks onto the stage, and points to the two of you. “This song goes out to all of you young people in here. I hope you can all find love in this bar tonight. ” He says. You and Josh both look at each other, laugh awkwardly and look back to the man. He begins to sing Love in a Bar, by Ryan Hurd. Other people start to stand up and dance. Josh moves his chair closer to yours and whispers in your ear. “Wanna dance?”. You look at him and laugh. “I don’t think you’ll wanna see me again if you see me dance” you joke. He shakes his head and laughs, “lets go” he says as he stands and extends his arm for you to take it. You accept his hand and stand up. You both walk to the dance floor and he puts his hands on your hips, yours finding his shoulders. You both sway to the music, and Josh pulls you closer. This feels very different than just a “hook up” date. It feels more intimate. “You look incredible tonight” he says into your ear. “You’re so outta my league” he says. You blush. “I think you’re out of my league Mr. NHL” you joke back. “no, seriously. Look at you.” Josh says, looking at you with admiration. As you’re about to answer back, the song ends and everyone starts to clap. Josh takes your hand, leading you back to the table and ordering more drinks. You both spend the night laughing at drunk people singing Cardi B, Justin Bieber and The Backstreet Boys. You and Josh sitting side by side, his arm slung across the back of your chair. You’re starting to feel a bit buzzed, so you take the bit of confidence and rest your head on Joshs shoulder, and put your hand on his leg. He looks down at you, and wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him, kissing you on the head. Before you know it, it’s 2 am and the bar’s closing. You can’t help but feel sad because this means the dates over. You aren’t ready to say goodbye to him. As you’re walking out to his car, he wraps his arm around you shoulders.
 “Do you need to be home anytime soon?” he asks. “no” you look up at him, wondering what he’s thinking. “we should do something” he says, looking down at you. “Like what?” you ask laughing, “it’s 2 am”. “let’s get something to eat” he suggests. You nod in agreement and slide into the passenger side of his car. As he’s walking to the drivers side, you can’t help but smile and feel so happy that he doesn’t want this night to end either. There’s minimal talking in the car, but it’s a comfortable silence. You arrive at Denny’s and just as you’re about to walk to a table, he pulls your hand back. “We’re getting this to go” he says. “why?” you ask him, thinking he changed his mind and wants to drop you off. “I have an idea” he says, giving you a slanted smile. “ok….” you say, looking confused. You both order and sit on the bench waiting for your food. You have your head resting against his shoulder, and his arms wrapped around your shoulder again. You look up at him, “what’s this idea you have?”. “You’ll see” he says, standing when the waitress brings over your food in a bag. “Come with me” he says. He leads you back to his car, and starts to drive down the road. He pulls into a parking lot, and you realize that you’re at the beach. You look at him and laugh. “why the beach?” you ask him. “It’s a nice view to look at, and it’s relaxing. He gets out of the car and opens the trunk. “Come here” he says, while he opens your door, holding his hand out. You step out of the car and go to the trunk. You both sit on the edge of the trunk and begin to eat your food. Looking at the beach, and listening to the calming sounds of the water. “beautiful” Josh says quietly. You look at him, expecting him to be looking at the water, but he’s looking at you. “it is” you say, smiling at him. “I’m talking about you” he says, blushing and looking down. You bring your head up from leaning on his shoulder and bring your hands up reaching for his face. He looks over at you, and leans down slowly, letting you pull away if you don’t want to. Your lips meet and he sighs in relief. He puts his arms around your waist and pulls you as close to him as he could. You guys continued to kiss for a couple of minutes, when he pulled back and rests his forehead on yours. “That old man was right.” Joshs says. “Right about what?” you ask, a little confused. “I did find love in the bar tonight.”
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What the fuck is happening with V5, neonazis, and shits.
So, first, terminology. Everything I am going to be talking about here concerns the company White Wolf Publishing, which is the Swedish company created by Paradox Interactive for when they bought back the IP from CCP. 
This DOES NOT include Onyx Path (with whom I have grievances, but they are mostly a question of taste and some of their business practices I am somewhat disapprove of, but this has nothing to do with them), and their classical authors, whom have nothing to do in the thing. So don’t go about telling Richard Thomas he’s a Nazi asshole okay? They’re clean in this matter and their statement is genuine and honest, and their statement matches their actions and publications. This also does not involve By Night Studios. 
Basically, White Wolf Publishing (new version, the one in Sweden, owned by Paradox) has released a preview for V5 (corebook, which is due in three weeks), and they presented neo-nazis in a way that is controversial to say the least, in the clanspread Brujah for V5, which is in their V5 preview.
Some see it as "wwp trying to make neo nazis play their game", some are saying "lol sjw are being sensitive and ruining everything", some are saying "it's ok to explore dark themes but this is poorly worded and looks like they're glorifying it", and some are all censorship and stuff. 
The spectrum of answers are very wide, with assholes on both sides, and death threats being sent to everyone by everyone. Including OPP people who are completely out of the loop on this one (altho some may argue that since they’re licensing the IP from WWP that makes them a level of complicit/quiet acceptance; that argument can be heard, but I am pragmatic and I understand they don’t want their company and their livelihood to sink into oblivion because Ethics are superior to Food)
Here’s the catch. People aren’t pissed just about the Brujah issue, that places neo-nazis at the same level as any other character concept and definition of the Brujah, without an ounce of self awareness, and using terminologies that clearly appeal to gamer gaters (the use of terms such as “fourth wave feminists” and others...). They’re pissed and worried because this isn’t the first WWP offense, they have multiple times allowed themselves to poke towards such people, more or less willingly. 
There's been plenty of other signs by the WWP crew that they may be integrating alt-right and neo nazi elements in their games, not because they are saying they're a thing, but also somewhat inserting (willingly or not) some propaganda elements, not as a way to criticize them, but normalizing them or even misrepresenting them as "rebels with a cause" (aka Brujah, which makes little sense nowadays, current day neo nazis and alt rights are in positions of power and are very much accepted if not encouraged by our political systems, much to my screaming French ass). 
They somewhat normalize and even glorify them. Despite being a game about monsters (lol u know what vamps are?? have said many people on those threads), it isn’t a game about BEING a monster. It is a game about Dealing with It and their Humanity. 
WWP says it's to "acknowledge the state of the world today" but other elements such as dog whistle elements for neonazis, as well as the use of hate groups types of phrasings (euphemisms, like, clearly derogating terms like "fourth wave feminism" mocking tone like) are pushing non-straight non-white, non-male players out of their base. And oddly, almost everyone defending their edge-approach are.. yes, regular white dudes.
Add in their hiring of Zak S for their video game from February 2017 and the overall lack of research, + their apology / non apology / defense about all of these issues altogether up to now about the whole ordeal when people bring out the issues, and you've got a massive shitstorm of suspicion about whether they are actually openly welcoming neo-nazis and alt-righters into the games, especially when public comments made by WWP staff implies "they are very fine people” and “both extremes are horrible”, putting into equal footing antifascists and neonazis. That in and out of itself is suspicious, but arguable to some degree. Plenty of comments have been made both by the horrid fanbase, but also by WWP staff on the matter, as such they cannot really deny their hands being dirty (looking at you, MR-H and Ericsson, receipts are provided all over reddit and the FB threads from WWP but also from the VtM groups, including this one).
Just because they state they condemn racism, sexism and xenophobia, doesn’t mean that their writings and actions match those statements. They still sign “Blood and Souls,” their letters and posts, which is ODDLY similar to “Blood and Soil”, a known Neo-Nazi chant. The integration of 1 4 8 8 as a dice roll result may be completely meaningless and a sad occurrence, but there are SO MANY other occurrences that giving them the benefit of the doubt is hard. Especially when you add the fact that the lead dev has written books about nazis (so has done research, and when you research, 1488 comes up easily). 
I’m always willing to blame ignorance and stupidity over Malice, and I am doing it for V5 write-ups, but their apologies and defense instead of listening to our concerns takes away their credibility. Their reaction should have been to listen and fix it.
In Game, there is also a BIG BIG PROBLEM that the authors didn’t even research. The Alt Right and neonazis are NOT in a marginal position of protesters anymore. They are in power. They are very much allowed, encouraged, protected by the system, at least in most Western Societies. They are no Brujah hunting ground, they are great Ventrue targets! 
There’s a difference between allowing the themes be used and explored very darkly and grimly and glorifying them as a good thing (the little red book or Leni Riefenstahl’s movies), and doing the same but with careful research, expert consulting and making sure your intent is clear as a content creator (like the Handmaiden’s tale or 1984). You can’t objectively say that Wolfenstein is a game that approves of nazis despite being all about nazis, nor Far Cry 5 about wtf is going on in Far Cry 5, or that Just Cause approves of American Intervention in island nations or Latin American countries, or that Tropico approves of banana island dictatorships. Cartel Ciudad Juarez or many modern warfare games, on the other hand, do not manage this and are clearly not aware of what their game is saying (not unlike a RPG like Fatal... :p).
Then the article archived and linked above was made and shared, and that’s where all shit hit the fan. I do not believe the author is fully right about everything in the contents, especially when it comes to Zak S (who is an asshole by all means, but he is neither a gamer gater nor an alt righter), but there are solid elements that put together some of the various “uh” moments. The article has since been removed due to the harassment, death threats and worse. 
Oddly, Reddit is doing okay (x, x) but Twitter has also given us frowny things about upcoming W5...
Do I think they are openly and willingly trying to pull one past us? No. Do I think the WoD has brought in lots of neonazis as players and has been a problem since the 1990s? Yes, for Vampire and Werewolf for sure. (Werewolf in particular is plagued with them despite the Revised attempts at fixing certain things...). Do I believe the 20th anniversary edition were made to glorify those days? No. Not at all. Do I think Ericsson and co are neonazis? No. They’re not. Do I think WWP is trying to be edgy to cater to anti-sjw and unapologetic show offs? Yes. Do I think WWP wants to openly cater to neonazis? No, but they’re not doing anything to make a stance against them buying and using their games. If their idea of Mature Themes is punching down and glorifying monsters, they are wrong and we should let them know. If a mature theme is exploring the dark sides of the world in a thoughtful manner, having Horror as a key component of VTM, then yes, that is what we want, but it has to be presented properly and fine-tuned. Right now, it’s “oh, wouldn’t it be cool/grim if...?”. They need to consult experts. They need to hire sociologists. Psychologists. Game Theorists. They need to SEE what Chaosium has done with Call of Cthulhu. They need to 
I’m just also going to say that the two FB WWP threads are insane (here and here), full of fanboys and fangirls defending WWP and telling them they shouldn’t apologize, they even made a petition saying they did nothing wrong. I do not want to give up, and I do not want to let my voice be silenced by these assholes for a game I love and care about even if I am such a critic of it.
Let me be very clear. The problem is -not- the inclusion of asshole character concepts in the write up, it is the WoD after all... The problem is that they are presenting them under a good, acceptable, apologetic light even. The problem isn’t exactly the content of the game, the problem is how little research and how little awareness they’ve had about their publication, and the responses that they have given when we have raised questions and concerns about these issues. The problem is Accidental Indoctrination. The problem is Propaganda Games. What are your mechanics saying? What are your actions saying? What is your game saying?
(Yes they’re video games but it’s he same thing)
And in opposition, extra credits did also an episode about the Shoah book for Wraith. https://youtu.be/EDEgXUqHL9Q
So, do we want great quality mature content, serious gaming material, or shock for shock value? Do we want This War of Mine, Papers Please, Dead of Winter, CupidVN, Spec Ops the Line, Bury Me My Love? Or do we want Hatred, DARK, WoD Preludes, Ciudad Juarez or even Dante’s inferno?
Games Matter.
Education Matters
We matter.
If you have any questions, they’re going to do an AMA on Twitch on July 13, here’s the info.
Let’s try and be numerous to voice our concerns. EDIT: Blood and Souls actually references Elric, it was my bad and I apologize for it, but you’ll understand that sometimes, when it sounds and moves like a horse, it’s hard to see it’s a zebra. Especially considering all past elements from the different eyebrow raising worth of edge for edge’s sake.
I still do not believe they’re deliberately calling neo-nazis but considering their AMA’s comments of people who just don’t want to be respectful and do basic research when treating mature content in an adult way, and be like “hell no, DARK STUFF, don’t steal my dark stuff!”, there’s honestly all the proof we need that that’s the kind of crowd they’ve accepted was using their games as entertainment. Jason’s answers were clear, and did not bite the whole “but what about antifaaaa”. I’m cautiously optimistic, and I’ve chosen, like many others, to keep publishing in the Vault to show them we can do better, and that it’s in the community’s best interest they listen.
They also confirmed Mark Rein Hagen was just a “consultant” and isn’t part of the team in anyway ;)
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led123123 · 4 years
“ Gibraltar is 140% larger than Wraith “
this is why everyone is playing wraith.. 
really pathfinder is so big? I though he is.. “low profile”
he is tall though
there was a dog.. but.. I didn’t have anything to give him to eat..
“ Pathfinder the android, despite being the most slender character actually has quite a large hitbox “
this is why everyone is playing wraith..
wow. backblaze.. 
they have hard drive statistics on their website.. so I was looking it up when I was buying hard drive
they have like.. 100 000 hard drives.. or more. so they are backup service
my motherboard doesn’t go in all the way at all.. I mean.. it did go in once.. it took like.. 30-40 minutes.. or more
there was like.. lots of attempts. but I had to unplug it and I didn’t try to connect it 2nd time.. when the old power supply.. overheated.. and I had to get new one.. then I had to unplug the old one
wow.. this configuration.
“she (pokimane) will crush everyone that gets in her way”
she just read chat
how is this one.. how is first digit one.. it’s 9.. the last one.. is.. 6
no. first one is 6.. 6411
makes no f*cking sense.. unless first key is inverted 2 times..
vertically and horizontally. but that would be so hard to guess
but then how would last one be 6.. 
I though that she understood it.. but.. she just read chat.. there’s a bug in this game.. 
it’s literally.. number one.. and.. inverted number one is sill one..
inverted one is one not 6
why there would also be one first.. this person swapped first and last number
how could I know that he swapped them.. and.. if he swapped them.. then how is it also.. 9 first.. 9416. 9416 makes no sense at all then
no.. it’s 9146
it can also be a situation where numbers are on different keys
it can be on EFG instead of CDE
lol.. 9 actually has to be rotated 2 times.. actually.. lol.. I had no idea..
9 has to be rotated 2 times lol xD
horizontally and vertically lol I’m so bright
that’s chinese. 
I saw like.. crows flying together.. today
for the first time in this summer
they don’t kinda.. not all of them leave in the winter.. and.. also there were some other birds.. making some noises.. so I don’t know what birds they were..
they were like.. 2 times bigger than crows I think.. up to 2 times.. 
год назад они были нормалне стали болными. што это случилось
вы помните этох людей. год назад они были нормалные люде
I got this drive.. but.. someone else unboxed it instead of me..
my biting technique.. is kinda.. like.. I mean.. I’m like.. biting toothbrush between 2 teeth.. and moving it around.. so it’s like.. trying to separate these teeth
xD omg yugi first. xD
што это сльучилось с этими здоровоми людьми
I know her too. I saw her too 
oh. dota
but she kinda.. like.. stopped making videos or sth
she kinda.. looks like.. indian.. and.. asian.. malaysian... malaysia.. is like.. indian people living and.. like.. asian
malaysian I guess
but definitely looks like she’s like.. a lot of hindi culture
must be malaysian or sth
she talks.. like.. hindi I guess
and stuff that she’s wearing.. has hindi colors
and this looks also hindi
but her hair.. and.. like.. her hair look.. I don’t know.. many things looks hindi. like.. clothes.. hair.. 
she looks like girl from jordan
she works in kindergarden or something. she knows how to entertain people
yes.. there is one more year and birthday is on first day of year
omg. my tooth on other side snapped.. but not the.. ones that hurt the most.. the one on opposite side
oh my god. what an intro
lol what is this music
she has this asian oven
omg. indian people are famous for having a lot of spices.. the.. person who discovered america.. wanted to find shorter way to india. to get spices from india
so many spices. oh my god
wow really
people are mining mica in india or sth.. somewhere around india. mica is a makeup ingredient
wow. actually. in bangladesh.. people use a lot of it 
so it must come from india
that’s a korean design
koreans and.. indians have different.. like.. conception of how their houses should look like
indian people use a lot of yellow. but maybe like.. more saturated
they also.. I guess they also use.. like.. different pair of shoes for bathroom
omg.. these.. tooth that I started biting on.. the ones that I haven’t been biting one moved.. damn. that’s really good
I just.. have.. different technique.. kinda.. it developed on its own.. I didn’t think of it.. so.. just.. putting brush between teeth.. and biting and moving teeth back and forth carefully.. on one side.. and on other side 
this works really well. this is very efficient
and easy and makes teeth move really fast
saw her once or twice
ramen police
this one’s more fat
ranya lasagna talks like that 
she also looks indian
why same (hachubbyTV. people say that in hachubby’s chat
I’m kinda moving to last teeth now.. I was biting on the teeth that were before the last ones.. but now I start moving to the last ones.
no.. that weren’t the last teeth.. those were first molars. not there are 2nd molars
I tried doing.. the.. “greasy” ones once.. so I added vegetable oil.. into it.. and they kinda.. looked similar.. and they were good.. but I couldn’t eat too much because I couldn’t eat as much oil. maybe I should use some other stuff instead of oil. I don’t know. butter? no.. I don’t think that it would make any difference.. I should just use less oil
if I want to eat more of it
dog was asking me for food.. so.. I learned.. before.. that.. it’s good idea.. to give food to dogs like.. if you go to someone.. I learned that it’s good to give food to dogs so they like you and they don’t bite you
chair tattoo?? does she has chair instagram?
yes.. I don’t know what it’s supposed to mean at 
oh.. because she’s lonely in korea
it’s hard to speak to anyone in foreign country
it’s hard to talk to communicate with people in foreign country so it’s kinda.. I guess that’s the meaning
maybe she has a psychiatrist that told her to do that. they do they wonderful ideas like that sometimes
because it’s really hard to speak to anyone in different language
“stop being broke” xD
is it “stop being broke” or poor?
what the f*ck it’s originated with paris hilton?
vanessa kinda.. sounds like a waterfall to me.. like.. niagara.. 
I didn’t want to stop biting but people wanted me to work.. and tomorrow I also will work
I was like.. breathing a lot still like.. 5 hours after working.. and my heart rate was fast.. now it’s not as fast
it’s.. X o clock.. it’s like.. 9 hours after I finished work
so heart rate was fast for a long time
I started biting right after I woke up today. at like.. 6am
and I didn’t wanna stop but.. I didn’t have a choice.. and now I bit again.. and going to sleep 
I’m not sure if I will be biting tomorrow in the morning..
because I wanted to bite on these.. teeth on other side.. so they.. get used to biting and don’t hurt when biting
0 notes
potuzzz · 5 years
Reddit Comment 1
{{Bold = Link}}
Hello! I made a Reddit account just to answer the 1st part of #2!
Woohoo! Long-ass answer!
Okay, so, one of the really difficult things about the alt-right/modern fascist movements, is that they're really sneaky about their iconography.
Obviously, most sensible Americans know that the Nazi swastika is a horrible symbol, and those who brandish it have a tendency for hatefulness, racism/sexism/homophobia/etc., violent tendencies, etc.
One of the primary goals of the alt-right/modern fascism, is they have to sell their ideology to the general public. It's a slow process. Obviously, you can't jump out the gate, screaming "LYNCH THE BLACKS! GAS THE JEWS!" or everyone will be disgusted with you/not take you seriously/act against you.
Fascist iconography goes a LOT deeper than overt symbols, because they have to keep it covert, both to appear normal to the general public, and to be able to identify each other--a secret handshake, if you will.
Other flags that are essentially synonymous with the Nazi swastika, or worthy of suspicion, include:
- Iron Cross
- Black Sun
- Identity Evropa
- Conderate Flag
- Kekistan
- Flash and Circle
- South Africa's Apartheid Flag
- Flag of Rhodesia (1968–1979)
- AWB Flag
- Celtic Cross
- Wolfsangel
- National Socialist Movement
This is just a few off the top of my head.
Some of these aren't ALWAYS used by fascists/the alt-right/Nazis. The Confederate flag could plausibly be in the ownership of someone who isn't a fascist--or at the very least, subconsciously racist. The Celtic cross has plenty non-fascist history, as does the wolfsangel. The Kekistan flag could also be used by somebody just "trolling" or who is ignorant of what it actually stands for. They also steal a lot of Nordic imagery that I, an ex-pagan, have even used.
You have to kind of play it by ear. Obviously, if I saw some young kid with a Kekistan flag, I would just assume he was ignorant. I tend to also be suspicious of people with a lot of Harley-Davidson iconography, the "biker" look, or even just the "pure southerner" look, but I'm sure there's plenty of bikers and proud southerners who don't subscribe to the ideals of the alt-right.
That being said, if I was in a public place and there were a mob of bikers with Confederate flags, wolfsangels, and Kekistan flags, I would have no doubt in my mind that they'd all be crypto-fascist/fascist sympathizing garbage.
Some other common indicators (especially when combined with racism, homophobia, antisemitism, misogyny, xenophobia, general hatefulness, etc.) of a member of the alt-right include:
- Pepe the Frog / frog-related memes, emojis, etc.
- The "ok" hand emoji
- "NPC" meme
-Non-ironically using words or phrases such as: cuck, libtard, soyboy, white-guilt, virtue-signaling, race-traitor, cultural-Marxism, White Genocide, red-pilled, based, SJW, beta, 1488 or just 88, JQ, HH, six million/six trillion/six gorillian, goy/goyim, oy vey, ((( ))) (known as "echoes," there's usually someone's name inside the parentheses), anti-white, kek, rapefugees, "We Wuz Kangz" or "dindu nuffin," (correctly) asserting that the world is run by a tiny minority of corporate elites but wrongly assuming they're all Jews (it's some sort of "Zionist plot"), Soros, the liberal elite, the Deep State Dems, talking of white oppression or the disappearance of the white race or Western culture, "Jews/Blacks/etc. will not replace us," "blood and soil," talking of an "ethnostate," saying shit like "America for Americans," etc.
-Calling yourself euphemisms such as "identitarian," "race realist," "nationalist" or "white nationalist," "ethno-nationalist," "racialist," "white nativist," or the like.
Now, it would be ridiculous if I screamed "NAZI" everytime somebody used the "ok" hand emoji, a frog emoji, posted a meme with Pepe or NPC, or said cuck or beta. Part of the gaslighting tactics used by the alt-right/fascists is to make you seem like you're on a witch-hunt, being overly analytical or intolerant.
Say I had a Twitter profile. I say lots of crypto-fascist things.
Maybe I tweet "I want jobs to be protected from immigrants" (which might secretly mean: I hate Mexicans and Muslims) Maybe I tweet, "I think Western culture should be protected" (which might secretly mean: I hate non-white foreigners, I don't want them dirtying American culture with their inferior cultures) Maybe I tweet "I hate stupid cucks always virtue-signalling on Twitter" (which might secretly meas: people defending minorities from attacks are spineless queers who do it because it's a fad)
Nobody can call me out on any of this, or risk looking like an overly-sensitive witch-hunter. If you accuse me of racism, I'll say, "What the fuck are you talking about? It's not like I said the n-word. It's not like I said "gas the Jews." You libtards call anyone to the right of Karl Marx a Nazi these days, huh?"
The idea is to erode confidence in the anti-fascist and social justice movements. Make them all look like paranoid, violent, intolerant loonies.
And maybe, just maybe, I have an "ok" hand emoji in my Twitter username--and so do a lot of guys saying similar stuff as me. But if I'm called out on it? "Pfft. Seriously? You SJWs are going after emojis now? When will the witch-hunt end?"
To cover your questions #1, part two of #2, and #3:
#1. Fascists and the alt-right have an ongoing campaign to make it look like the Christian, straight white male is under attack to lure members. This is mostly untrue.
I have absolutely nothing against Christians, but I will criticize,denounce, and resist a Christian if they're being a bigot. I myself am a straight white male, and have nothing against other straight white males, and my best friend is a straight white male. However, I will criticize, denounce, and resist a straight person, white person, or a man if they're being a bigot. Plain and simple. You'll notice that the alt-right movement is largely straight, white, and male. This is because it is a white supremacy movement, not because straight white men are oppressed, disappearing, or under systemic attack. Social justice activists who say things like "fuck all men" or "all white people are garbage" or the like, in my opinion, are just hateful individuals, not indicative of the social justice / anti-fascist movement as a whole. That being said, if a criticism is fair, it's fair.
Part two of #2: Antifa is not a centralized group, so there's technically no "rules." If a person wants to punch someone they're certain is a Nazi, that's their own decision. I personally believe that it can harm the movement, and I'm naturally a pacifist. However, if somebody is trying to spread an ideology that calls for division, racial hierarchy, hatred, anti-intellectualism, genocide, and just straight up not having human empathy, then maybe they deserved to be punched. Violent antifascist individuals are simply willing to stop the most toxic movement on the planet, by any means necessary, even force.
#3. The end goal of fascism is violence and oppression, on a massive scale, against those not on the "in-group." The in-group currently is typically seen today as any white people. How long until it's only heterosexuals? How long until women aren't equal anymore, either? How long until the Irish, the Italians, and the Slavs aren't "white enough?" The in-group in the fascism hierarchy naturally grows more and more exclusive.
When someone is pushing an ideology that has this sort of end goal, it's not a matter of whether I disagree with them or not. It's whether I want this world to be dominated by what is a force of death, hatred, and destruction.
I'm pro-choice, strongly, but I wouldn't hinder a pro-lifer in a way that I would hinder a Nazi. I wouldn't hinder someone who has a bad taste in music, or who voted Republican, or who says the Earth is flat, or who's libertarian, or conservative, or who has fundamentally different religious/spiritual beliefs than me. The alt-right / fascist movement, in my opinion, is the most dangerous thing, and cannot be handled with kid gloves. Their ideology encourages violence and oppression, so their words must be treated like violence and oppression. It sounds a little pre-emptive, but I promise, fascism is a one-way trip to hellish scenarios for 99.9% of humanity.
The alt-right / neo-fascist movements are the BIGGEST obstacles that defend the ultra-rich, the corporate hegemony, and the military-industrial-intelligence complex that sows death, destruction, and misery worldwide. They're the unwitting little brother that defends an older brother, something far more dangerous and sinister. Without these sort of movements, the peoples of the world--of ALL races, sexes, sexualities, non-destructive ideologies and creed, walks-of-life and backgrounds, nationalities, and religious beliefs--ALL would be able to band together and change the universally oppressive, unjust, unfair system that we all live under.
In summary, when asking whether someone's a Nazi or not, there's plenty of small, easy-to-miss indicators that make up a bigger picture. You have to make a judgement call. If the person seems carefully bigoted, uses a lot of the language, or uses a lot of the crpto-fascist imagery, they're probably fascist. You have to know when you're dealing with an unwitting neutral person, but you can't be afraid to call a Nazi a Nazi, even if they've never thrown a Nazi salute, flown a swastika, or yelled "HEIL HITLER!"
Not everybody who voted for Donald Trump was a fascist--Hillary Clinton is a piece of garbage, too--but a MAGA hat, or otherwise being a BIG fan of Trump, is an indicator to me as well.
I hope this has helped, any and all questions are welcome. I see you said you're not from the U.S. so I apologize for jargon, idioms, etc. Also for getting lazy with the links after a bit lol.
Compassion and reason!
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wordswithkittywitch · 7 years
Entering Big Finish's story competition? If so, what are you writing? :P
I really want to, but I haven’t decided what I write yet. My mind keeps going blank. But I know I need practice writing pitches and should use this as one.
I have a few ideas that I’m currently working on as fics that could work in audio form, but I don’t think any of them would work as a short trip. (For example, Harlequino’s Comedia is written in three acts like a comedia del arte play, there’s a play within a play, there’s just too much going on to put into a short trip.)
However, since a year has passed, I will share the summaries of the two I submitted last year. I am hoping, vaguely, to write them up as fics, but I’m a little discouraged about writing Some Like It Not so soon after Thin Ice has aired.
The Teatime Club
The Doctor tries to get Tegan to Heathrow, and upon landing it appears that the Tardis got the year right but the continent wrong. Tegan immediately notices that things aren’t quite the way that she remembers; things are louder, more brightly coloured. The Doctor puts this down to it being America.The crew is split up, Nyssa and Adric are forced to change their clothes and attempt to blend in with a group of American 1980s teenagers. Adric says “tubular” a lot but it sounds insincere. Nyssa decides it’s probably blasphemous to say “Oh my god!” when you don’t even know what god that culture worships. Both of them are flirted with, but it largely goes over their heads. Adric continues to rattle off an incomprehensible drabble of 80s surfer slang in an increasingly disgusted English accent.Nyssa asks someone which god they are swearing by, and discovers that that they have not landed on Earth at all, but a space station that modelled its culture after 80s teen movies. The Doctor discovers a television that the locals insist must be kept on at all times as it delivers holy writ. The television is airing a constant stream of films from that era, broadcast from Earth several centuries before. They have based a religion, as well as the basic aesthetic of their society, around the concept that if they follow the tropes and narrative causality of the genre of 80s teen movies, they will receive the happy endings. Failure to reach or maintain a recognisable “happy ending” is seen as divine punishment from “the directors” for deviating from the path of the protagonist. Directors are worshipped as gods, because they are never seen in the films but their names appear and their guidance shapes the world.The Doctor suggests they don’t judge them too harshly, but is forced to intervene when some teenage natives assume Nyssa and Adric are a couple formed of a posh girl and a normal boy. By the rules of teen movies, the posh girl must be punished and no couple can remain together the entire story. Adric is proven to be a nerd and the objections are dropped. Attempts to figure out Tegan range from bossy big sister to eager naïve young professional to slut. She gets cross about these judgements and they decide she must be the mean girl, she is detained while they discuss an appropriate punishment.They accept the Doctor as “the cute professor who will teach us all life lessons”. In order to free Tegan, the Doctor accepts this role but refuses to describe himself as “cute”. He does, however, invite the locals into his Tardis, takes them to his library, and instructs them to each take a book, covering as many genres and time periods as possible. As the natives exit the ship and the Tardis crew prepare to leave, Tegan concludes that the Doctor can feel free not to aim at the 1980s for their next trip.
Some Like it Not
The (6th) Doctor, Frobisher, and Peri exit the Tardis on 2 February 1814, the last day of the last River Thames Frost Fair and the end of the “Little Ice Age”. While Frobisher thinks this is perfectly charming weather, Peri immediately goes back into the Tardis to change. Frobisher calls Peri ‘boss’, foreshadowing the alien team.Peri comments on how weird it is to see the Thames frozen. The Doctor explains that it doesn’t happen at all by the time Peri was born, and that there is a certain amount of climate change that just happens over the course of natural history and the human’s industrialization does not help at all.Frobisher just goes about being his usual charming penguin self, without anyone actually saying the word ‘penguin’. Most people accept that parrots and crows can be taught to talk and accept that this exotic bird is capering about enjoying the frost fair, even if they have never seen a bird like this in their lives.The Doctor explains that while penguins were discovered by the Portuguese in 1488, if any of these people had ever seen a penguin before, it would have been badly taxidermied. Frobisher helpfully adds, “Yeah, like this!”, combined with a sound like snapping elastic, to which the Doctor and Peri exclaim in disgust. “I never thought I’d be happy that taxidermy doesn’t actually move!”A suspicious looking woman in a thick fur stole exclaims in frustration that penguins can’t talk, “And even if they could, they wouldn’t sound like Humphrey Bogart!”Suspicious, the Tardis crew follow her away from the crowds and see her scarf slip, exposing all of her face. Discovering that this is an avian looking alien, the follow her back to a small rented room covered in alien tech, and the two other members of the bird woman’s team. There are three bird people present: a short funny one in charge of subterfuge, the leader: an elegant and irritable woman, and her mate who pilots their ship (large, loud, and brightly coloured). Frobisher thinks this is hilarious, but is astonished that the other two do understand why.The leader of the aliens explains that they were sent back in time to increase the temperature of the Earth so that in a few centuries, her people can migrate from her dying planet. This plan is thwarted by the Doctor contacting their home planet and asking if an invasion is planned. The government of the bird planet, shocked, send a prison ship to carry the criminals off. Peri is unsure if they prevented the invasion by appealing to a government several centuries earlier and thus less desperate.The Doctor starts to suggest they ask humans in the 21st century about what they’ve been doing about their own climate change before realising that if the alien caused climate change no one will know what to do about it.They return to the 20th/21st century, and discover everything’s quite as hot as it has always been. They realise that climate change is real and not caused by aliens.
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mmiblog1 · 4 years
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