#benefits of oolong tea
guchie4real · 2 months
The Oolong Odyssey: A Journey into Wellness
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makaibari · 4 days
Makaibari: Unveiling Organic Oolong Tea Remarkable Benefits
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Introduction to Makaibari and Organic Tea Makaibari , a renowned name in the world of premium teas, offers a remarkable range of organic teas that cater to the discerning palate. Among their exceptional offerings, the organic oolong tea stands out for its unique flavor profile and numerous health benefits. In this article, we explore the world of oolong tea, delving into its organic origins and the myriad of benefits it offers.
What is Oolong Tea? Oolong tea, a traditional Chinese tea, falls somewhere between green and black tea in terms of oxidation. This partial oxidation process gives oolong tea its distinctive taste and aroma, making it a favorite among tea enthusiasts. Makaibari’ organic oolong tea is cultivated with great care, ensuring that each cup is a testament to quality and sustainability.
The Organic Advantage Choosing organic tea means opting for a product free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Makaibari’ commitment to organic farming ensures that their oolong tea is not only delicious but also environmentally friendly. Organic tea farming promotes biodiversity, maintains soil health, and supports sustainable agricultural practices. This dedication to organic methods guarantees that Makaibari’ oolong tea is as pure and natural as possible.
Health Benefits of Oolong Tea Rich in Antioxidants: Oolong tea is packed with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body. These antioxidants, including polyphenols, contribute to overall health by reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
Supports Weight Loss: Studies have shown that oolong tea can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and enhancing fat oxidation. Drinking organic oolong tea from Makaibari can be a delicious addition to a balanced diet and active lifestyle.
Promotes Heart Health: Regular consumption of oolong tea has been linked to improved cardiovascular health. The tea’s antioxidant properties help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Improves Mental Alertness: The caffeine content in oolong tea provides a gentle energy boost, improving mental alertness and concentration without the jitters often associated with coffee.
Aids in Digestion: Oolong tea is known to aid digestion and improve gut health. It can help alleviate digestive issues and promote a healthy digestive system.
Unique Qualities of Makaibari’ Organic Oolong Tea Makaibari takes pride in producing oolong tea that stands out for its exceptional quality and flavor. The tea leaves are carefully handpicked and processed to preserve their natural essence. The unique terroir of the estates, combined with organic farming practices, imparts a distinctive character to the tea, making each cup a delightful experience.
How to Enjoy Organic Oolong Tea To fully appreciate the flavor and benefits of Makaibari’ organic oolong tea, it is important to brew it correctly. Here are some tips:
Use Fresh Water: Start with fresh, filtered water to avoid any impurities that might affect the taste of the tea.
Proper Temperature: Brew oolong tea at a temperature between 180°F to 200°F to extract the best flavors without causing bitterness.
Steep Time: Steep the tea for 3–5 minutes, depending on your taste preference. A longer steeping time will result in a stronger flavor.
Multiple Infusions: Oolong tea can be steeped multiple times, with each infusion revealing new layers of flavor.
Conclusion Makaibari’ organic oolong tea offers a perfect blend of taste and health benefits. By choosing their organic tea, you are not only treating yourself to a superior beverage but also supporting sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices. Whether you are a seasoned tea connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of oolong tea, Makaibari’ offerings are sure to delight your senses and enhance your well-being. Indulge in the remarkable benefits of organic oolong tea and elevate your tea-drinking experience with Makaibari.
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surinderbhalla · 1 month
Unlocking the 7 Top Weight-Loss Teas
Unlocking the 7 Top Weight-Loss Teas: Your Scientific Guide embarks on a journey through the rich tapestry of teas that not only tantalize the taste buds but also hold the potential to aid in weight loss. Backed by rigorous scientific research and studies, this guide explores the unique properties of green tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea, white tea, black tea, and herbal teas, offering insights into…
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dgspeaks · 2 months
The Art of Tea Time: Creating a Sanctuary to Unplug and Recharge
Introduction: Finding Serenity in Tea Time In the midst of our bustling lives, where every moment is accounted for and every notification demands attention, there exists a timeless sanctuary: tea time. Beyond its simple function as a beverage, tea time is a cherished ritual that transcends cultures and centuries, offering a sacred space for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. In this article, we…
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wisdomandroyalty · 9 months
Exploring the Crafting and Flavors of the 4 Distinct Types of Tea
Discover the world of tea! 🍵 Explore the unique flavors of black, green, white, and oolong teas. Unveil the Camellia sinensis secrets and savor their health benefits. #TeaVariety #SipAndEnjoy #WizBlog #Food
Prepare to uncover the fascinating reality behind four much-loved teas in this enlightening article. Delve into the intricate process of crafting their distinct flavors and discover how they are expertly prepared and served, promising an indulgent and invigorating experience like no other. Tea is a universally cherished beverage that holds a special place in the hearts of people worldwide,…
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wellhealthhub · 9 months
Oolong Tea: Unveiling the Enchanting Benefits of this Elegantly Balanced Brew
Amidst the vast ocean of beverages, few contenders can match the elegance and wellness prowess exuded by oolong tea. This extraordinary tea, gracefully poised between the realms of green and black teas, has been revered across diverse cultures for ages due to its distinct flavor profile and a plethora of potential health advantages. Embark on a captivating journey with us, as we embark on an…
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greenthestral · 10 months
Discover the Exquisite Flavors of Handmade Tea and Herbs from Nilgiris
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Exploring the Rich Tea Culture of Nilgiris
The picturesque region of Nilgiris, nestled in the Western Ghats of southern India, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and lush greenery. But there's more to Nilgiris than meets the eye. This region is also home to a vibrant tea culture that produces some of the finest handmade teas and herbs in the world. Join us on a journey as we delve into the world of Nilgiri's exquisite flavors, craftsmanship, and the age-old tradition of tea-making.
The Perfect Climate and Soil for Tea Cultivation
Nilgiris, with its idyllic climate and rich soil, is truly a tea lover's paradise. The region's unique geographical features and environmental conditions create the perfect setting for cultivating exceptional tea. From its high altitude to its cool temperatures and abundant rainfall, Nilgiris offers an unparalleled environment that nurtures tea plants and bestows them with distinct flavors.
The altitude of Nilgiris plays a significant role in the quality of tea produced in the region. The tea estates are situated at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,500 meters above sea level. This high altitude not only provides a picturesque landscape but also contributes to the unique taste and character of the tea leaves. The elevation exposes the plants to cool mountain breezes and mists, resulting in slow growth and concentrated flavors.
The cool temperatures of Nilgiris further enhance the tea-growing conditions. The region experiences a moderate and pleasant climate throughout the year, with temperatures rarely exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. The cool weather helps the tea leaves develop slowly, allowing them to accumulate complex flavors and aromas. It also prevents the tea plants from becoming stressed, resulting in a smoother and more delicate taste in the final product.
Abundant rainfall is another crucial factor that contributes to the tea's exceptional quality in Nilgiris. The region receives substantial precipitation due to the influence of the southwest and northeast monsoons. The well-distributed rainfall ensures that the tea plants have a constant supply of moisture, promoting healthy growth and preventing drought stress. The combination of rainfall and high altitude also contributes to the unique terroir of Nilgiris, influencing the mineral content and pH levels of the soil, which in turn affects the flavors imparted to the tea leaves.
It is this exceptional terroir of Nilgiris that truly sets its teas apart. The mineral-rich soil, combined with the high altitude and cool climate, infuses the tea leaves with distinctive characteristics that captivate the senses. The unique flavors range from floral and fruity notes to hints of earthiness and a natural sweetness. Tea enthusiasts worldwide seek out Nilgiri teas for their nuanced taste profiles and the sense of place they encapsulate.
The flavor profiles of Nilgiri teas vary depending on the specific tea estate and the altitude at which the tea is grown. For example, teas grown at higher altitudes tend to have a lighter and more delicate taste, while those from lower altitudes may exhibit bolder and more robust flavors. The specific processing techniques employed by the skilled tea artisans further refine the flavors and bring out the best in each tea variety.
The distinctiveness of Nilgiri teas has not gone unnoticed in the global tea market. These teas have garnered recognition and appreciation from tea experts and enthusiasts worldwide. They are valued for their quality, complexity, and the harmonious balance of flavors they offer. Whether it's a fragrant and aromatic black tea, a refreshing green tea, or an intriguing oolong, Nilgiri teas are celebrated for their ability to provide a truly exceptional tea-drinking experience.
Nilgiris, with its optimal climate, fertile soil, and unique terroir, is a haven for tea cultivation. The high altitude, cool temperatures, and abundant rainfall create the perfect conditions for tea plants to flourish and develop exceptional flavors. The teas of Nilgiris are a testament to the region's natural beauty and the skill and dedication of its tea artisans. So, the next time you sip a cup of Nilgiri tea, savor the essence of this enchanting region, and allow yourself to be transported to the mist-covered hills of Nilgiris, where every sip is a celebration of nature's bountiful gifts.
Artisanal Tea-Making Techniques
What sets Nilgiri teas apart is the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into their production. Unlike large-scale tea plantations that rely on machinery, the tea farmers of Nilgiris employ traditional, labor-intensive methods to handcraft their teas.
The process begins with plucking the tender tea leaves, usually done in the early morning when the leaves are at their freshest. These leaves are carefully selected to ensure only the finest ones make it into the final product. The skilled hands of the tea artisans then roll and shape the leaves, releasing their natural oils and flavors.
After the rolling process, the leaves undergo oxidation, a crucial step that determines the tea's characteristics. This is followed by withering, a process that removes excess moisture from the leaves, further intensifying their flavors. Finally, the leaves are fired or roasted to halt the oxidation process, preserving the tea's unique taste.
An Abundance of Varieties
Nilgiri teas offer a remarkable range of flavors and aromas, catering to diverse palates. The region produces a spectrum of teas, including black, green, oolong, and white teas. Each type has its own distinct characteristics that reflect the nuances of Nilgiri's terroir.
Black teas from Nilgiris are known for their bright liquor, brisk flavors, and floral notes. They are often described as being well-rounded and refreshing, making them an excellent choice for both hot and iced teas.
Green teas, on the other hand, have a delicate and grassy flavor profile. They are minimally processed to retain their vibrant green color and natural antioxidants, making them a healthy and refreshing beverage choice.
Oolong teas from Nilgiris exhibit a perfect balance between the floral notes of black teas and the freshness of green teas. They undergo a partial oxidation process, resulting in a nuanced flavor profile that is both complex and captivating.
White teas, the most delicate of all, are made from young and unopened tea buds. They have a subtle and nuanced taste, often accompanied by a sweet and floral aroma. White teas are highly prized for their minimal processing and high levels of antioxidants.
The Magic of Nilgiri Herbs
In addition to its remarkable tea production, Nilgiris is also a treasure trove of herbs and botanicals. The region's pristine forests and fertile lands nurture a wide array of medicinal and aromatic plants that are used in traditional remedies and herbal infusions.
Nilgiri herbs, like the teas, are carefully handpicked and processed to retain their natural flavors and therapeutic properties. From soothing chamomile to invigorating lemongrass, these herbs offer a myriad of health benefits and make for delightful herbal teas. The aromatic blends of Nilgiri herbs can be enjoyed on their own or combined with Nilgiri teas to create unique and flavorful infusions.
Embracing Sustainability and Fair Trade
Nilgiris' tea industry is not just about taste and craftsmanship; it also places a strong emphasis on sustainability and fair trade practices. Many tea estates in the region prioritize organic cultivation methods, eschewing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This ensures that the teas and herbs from Nilgiris are not only flavorsome but also free from harmful chemicals.
Furthermore, the tea industry in Nilgiris has a significant social impact on the local communities. By supporting fair trade practices, tea estates provide fair wages and improved living conditions for the tea workers. This commitment to social responsibility adds another layer of richness to the tea experience, allowing consumers to enjoy their cup of tea with a clear conscience.
Savor the Essence of Nilgiris in Every Sip
As you sip a cup of Nilgiri tea or indulge in an herbal infusion, you're not just experiencing the flavors; you're immersing yourself in a rich cultural heritage. Nilgiri's handmade teas and herbs are a testament to the region's age-old tradition of tea-making and the dedication of its skilled artisans.
Whether you're a tea connoisseur seeking new and exciting flavors or someone looking to explore the world of artisanal teas, Nilgiris offers a captivating journey of tastes and aromas. So, brew yourself a cup of Nilgiri tea, close your eyes, and let the enchanting flavors transport you to the verdant hills of Nilgiris, where every sip is a celebration of nature's bounty.
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spicezen · 1 year
Oolong Tea and Weight Management: Fact or Fiction?
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Oolong tea has gained popularity as a potential aid in weight management. With its rich history, organic varieties, diverse flavors, and unique brewing methods, oolong tea has captured the attention of health enthusiasts worldwide. But is there any truth behind the claims of oolong tea supporting weight loss? In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of oolong tea and weight management, exploring the scientific evidence, benefits, varieties, flavors, brewing methods, and the role of oolong tea leaves in the quest for a healthy lifestyle.
The Science Behind Oolong Tea:
To evaluate the relationship between oolong tea and weight management, it's essential to understand its composition and properties. Oolong tea falls between green tea and black tea on the oxidation scale, resulting in a distinct flavor profile and a unique combination of catechins, theaflavins, and other beneficial compounds. These compounds are believed to contribute to the potential weight management effects of oolong tea.
Oolong Tea Benefits:
Aside from its potential impact on weight management, oolong tea offers various other benefits. It contains antioxidants that help combat free radicals and promote overall well-being. Additionally, the moderate caffeine content in oolong tea can provide a gentle energy boost without the jitters commonly associated with high-caffeine beverages. As an organic option, oolong tea ensures a pure and natural tea-drinking experience, free from synthetic pesticides or additives.
Exploring Oolong Tea Varieties and Flavors:
Oolong tea comes in a wide range of varieties, each offering its own unique flavors and characteristics. From floral and fruity to roasted and earthy, the diverse flavors of oolong tea cater to various palates. Popular varieties include Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao, and Dong Ding, each with its distinct taste and aroma. Whether you prefer a light and delicate cup or a bold and robust infusion, there is an oolong tea flavor to suit every preference.
Mastering Oolong Tea Brewing Methods:
The art of brewing oolong tea is an essential part of the tea-drinking experience. The brewing process can significantly impact the flavor and overall enjoyment of the tea. From the water temperature and steeping time to the number of infusions, mastering the brewing methods is crucial. Oolong tea leaves require precise attention to bring out their full potential. Experimenting with gongfu-style brewing or using a traditional teapot can enhance the flavor and aroma of oolong tea, creating a truly immersive tea-drinking experience.
Role of Oolong Tea Leaves in Weight Management:
The quality and characteristics of oolong tea leaves play a vital role in the potential weight management effects. Oolong tea leaves, carefully harvested and processed, retain their natural compounds, including polyphenols and catechins, which may contribute to boosting metabolism and fat oxidation. The combination of these bioactive compounds, along with the unique blend of flavors, makes oolong tea an appealing choice for those seeking a natural and enjoyable way to support their weight management goals.
While oolong tea is not a magical solution for weight management, the scientific evidence suggests that it may have certain properties that can potentially support a healthy lifestyle. Combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, incorporating oolong tea into your routine may provide additional benefits. The wide variety of flavors, organic options, and unique brewing methods make oolong tea a versatile and enjoyable beverage. So, if you're looking to explore the world of tea while managing your weight, oolong tea is the best choice.
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mabroctea · 1 year
#Is Ceylon tea high in caffeine?#Ceylon tea is a type of black tea that originates from Sri Lanka. Pure Ceylon teas are different from other types of black tea because they#green tea and oolong tea.#Ceylon black teas have been used in herbal medicine since ancient times due to their health benefits and antioxidant properties. You can ge#Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis.#Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis#a species of evergreen shrub that includes both green and black teas. The difference between Ceylon tea and black or green tea is in the wa#Green tea undergoes minimal processing while it’s still fresh—it’s steamed#dried#and sorted by hand. Black teas go through a much more extensive process: they’re rolled#oxidized (or fermented)#and for some varieties roasted before being blended together with flavors like fruits or spices to create traditional English-style tea ble#If a tea is listed as “pure Ceylon” or “single origin Ceylon#” then it contains only tea leaves sourced from Sri Lanka#with no other additions.#with no other additions. This means that if you’re looking to drink 100 percent pure Ceylon tea#look for the words “single origin” or “pure.”#If you’re not sure exactly what kind of tea you have and where it was grown#ask your grocer or the store clerk. If they can’t answer this question#they probably don’t know much about the product at all!#The main types of teas that come from the Camellia sinensis plant are black tea#green tea and oolong tea. All three are made by cutting off the leaves and buds of Camellia sinensis#but they’re processed differently to produce different flavors:#Black: Fermented#Green: Not fermented#Oolong: Partially fermented#Ceylon tea is lower in caffeine than other black teas due to the way it’s processed.#Ceylon tea is lower in caffeine than other black teas due to the way it’s processed. Ceylon tea has a lower level of oxidation during proce#which means there are fewer tannins in Ceylon tea than in other black teas. Tannins are chemicals that give black teas their distinctive fl#but they also have a high concentration of caffeine. In addition
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dragonflydestiny · 7 months
❃ Pick-a-card: Tea of Empowerment ❃
I hope is PAC find you well. My 3rd pick-a-card reading. This pick a card is about self empowerment. Pick a tea and let spirits/the divine tell you how powerful you are. Sometimes, life can get disappointing and things don't work out the way you'd hoped and in those times you can start to doubt yourself and your abilities. So it is natural to be insecure in those low moments. But it is more important to acknowledge those insecurities, accept them and alchemise them into your greatest strength. I hope this reading will do just that. Pick from 1-4 and remember who you truly are.
P.S. I would be very grateful if you could tip me, only if you have the means to. It would encourages me to do more. Thank you so much.
Disclaimer: This is meant as entertainment only. Takes only what resonates.
My Master List.
Pile 1: Oolong Tea 🐉 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
You are someone who is connected to yourself. You know what it is that truly matters in this life. Even though life do tempts you, you still won’t take it for granted. Instead, you acknowledge how precious life is for you and always try your best to have gratitude. Even in discontentment, you still acknowledge the support you have around you, both from the people and from spirits. When you go through creative blocks or lacking in motivation, you don’t shame yourself for it. Through conflicts and confusions, even if everyone was against you, you are never against yourself. That’s what makes you powerful pile 1 and spirits are admiring you for this mindset.
Further more, you do not inflict pain to oneself or others. In the darkest times, where it seems like it would never end, you still believe in better days. Even if people around you do bring you chaos and try to take your hope from you. You still stand strong, that is your power. You don’t become jaded and you don’t think you are better than other people even if they did become jaded. You feel for them and hope that they will find their way again. You are very kind and very humble which makes you a powerful being. You are also always protected by other beings from other realms (Spirit guides, Angels, etc,).
In addition, in the mist of chaos, you can actually juggle it very well because of your organisational skills and what to prioritise. Even if sometimes you stumble, you’d always know how to get back to balance. You deal with the chaos of change really well and you also know how to balance work and rest so you won’t end up burning out. Like mentioned previously, you know what it is that truly matters in life. You go towards what you need and won’t let immature emotions (self-doubts, fears, ego, etc.,) getting in the way.
Spirits want to say that they are proud of you for working towards your personal growth. Even if it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar, know that you have their support. Any doubts or fears you have, you can send them over to your spirit guides for guidance. You can ask them for help and be receptive to those guidance. You are moving through the discomfort, for example; quitting a job, choosing a new career path or ending a relationship, know that it is because you want to grow. Even if your family, friends or whoever it is do not support your decision, know that you do and that’s what’s matter. You’re someone who’s not afraid to do the necessary work to develop true confidence and a sense of self. That’s is your personal power and it is very empowering.
Ultimately, as you continue to walk this path of personal growth, you would/will have the power to transform karma and become your best and brightest self. You will not back down from challenges and face the unknown head on because you will know that in both physicality and spiritually, you are strong. There's no obstacle you cannot overcome. You are the truth seeker who will harness the power that prevail all because you follow your heart.
Advice: 49. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDLY. Express your love through actions. It could be for someone you love or for yourself.
Mood board for pile 1.
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Pile 2: Chamomile Tea 🌼 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
Pile 2, you are someone who has a clear vision. You know what you want, your dreams and your desires. Your strong vision and clarity makes you one of the most powerful manifestors. Without clouds, without doubts, you solidify your truest dreams. You would never let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams. You are someone who is decisive and when you make up your mind, there is no stopping you. It is very powerful if you decide to go towards your dreams. For example, if you dream of becoming an actor/actress, you will not give up until you achieve it.
You won't just see the rose-coloured view of that dream/goal either. You see both sides, the ideal and the reality. You face the truth no matter how hard it is. And by accepting and admitting your wildest dream/wish you don't deny yourself the truth. This mindset makes you have that eternal hope and nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Another power that you have is the ability to overcome obstacles. If time is one of your obstacles, you will overcome that too. You know that you don't work alone, you know that you are co-creating with the universe. You are someone who is loyal and dedicated to the things that you decide to work on whether it'd be work or personal/relationship growth. But you don't take on unnecessary burdens and grip on too tight onto these goals.
Your patience is one of the most powerful tools and time would only reveal the rewards of your hard work. Even if you don't have the necessary tools/knowledge to do something, you don't give up but you will wait for the right opportunities to gather the necessary tools to continue cultivating your empire.
Another power you hold is that you have an open mind, even if you know what you want, you are not too rigid in your thinking. You don't think that you are always right, you will listen to others opinions and suggestions. You don't listen only to your mind but your heart as well. You are not too stubborn to the point where it will hinder your growth, no, your thoughts are flexible but not too easily sway or tempted.
The things that you strive for, the things that you hold dear i.e. your truest wish, they are not shallow or superficial. It is not just status, money or material gain. It is more than that, it is your purpose, your calling, a part of your soul essence. It is a journey towards your truest self, your home, cultivating a sense of self-trust. This is your power.
You are connected to the deeper truths of life, no matter where it will leads, you are not afraid to take. The life experience and knowledge you collect along the way will be your greatest achievements and it will help tell your story. You understand that whatever you are going through, it is part of life, part of a great story and you are the main protagonist.
And finally, your perception is your greatest assets, your mind becomes your most powerful tool as you are on your way to the highest enlightenment letting go of egotistic mindset. With your ability to see the truth clearly and the courage to pursue your passion makes you the most powerful creative being, expressing your creativity and desire without shame and guilt because you honour your expression.
Advice: 40. BE IN THE PRESENT AND DREAM OF THE FUTURE. When we dream, everything is possible.
Mood board for pile 2.
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Pile 3: Peppermint tea 🌿 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
For pile 3, you overcome a lot of hardship and obstacles. You always come out of hard times victoriously. Like a warrior coming back from wars, you manage to win every battles and you win them with fairness and integrity. What makes you powerful is when you are in a difficult situation or a dark period of your life, you do not jeopardise your morality. There is honour in how you fight demons. You don't stoop low to their level and get your hands dirty. Most importantly, you don't let yourself become jaded and apathetic. You always look back at those dark times with gratitude.
What makes you more powerful is your foresight, you'd always see a better future so you don't dwell too much on the past. You are certain that it is only up from here and you will do anything to recover lifting your spirit. You battle your negative emotions with your sharp mind and perception bringing in the clarity needed. Nothing can cloud your judgement when you have the knowledge and experience. Every lessons learned are tools under your belt for future victories. There is nothing you can't conquer and you know this. Unlike others, you don't give yourself a hard times, there is only room for constructive criticism, never unnecessary reprimanding. This trait makes you powerful avoiding unneeded self victimisation and self pity.
Another trait that makes you powerful is that you are in your power, you are complete. You feel home within yourself, you acknowledge this and celebrate this. You worked on yourself, confronted your shadows and the deep hidden wounds from the past. You delve into the dark and face your fears where you address your anxiety with kindness, reasons and acceptance. You address your self doubts with reassurance. You are not afraid to look yourself in the mirror and accept who it is that you see in front of you. You accept yourself for who you are, destroying the guilt and the shame that was place upon you by external influences.
You are not afraid to see and confront what fears is holding you back. You would find out if it's the fear of abandonment, fear of success, or both or other types of fears that have been hindering you. You would bring awareness and illuminate the type of fear you are dealing with then you would take the next practical step and work through those fears. Thus, once you know what fear to confront, you will work on it patiently and persistently and would come out victorious.
And sometime, you might even have fun with doing these shadow work. These darkness fuel your creativity, your life's poetry metaphorically or literally if you are a writer. Because you know darkness, you can appreciate the light and life is much more flavourful.
What makes you even more powerful is when you are in your lowest of lows, you never lost your loving nature. A beauty from both within and radiating outwards. People around you love this sense of grace and calmness you exudes. With so much hardness in this world, you brought a sense of softness and tenderness that is full of gentleness and compassion. Because you hold the wisdom of the divine within you, you know that you are part of the divine, the universe's will. Divinity runs through your vein.
Your faith in the higher power makes you hone your power and align to your higher self. A strong relationship exists between you and the divine. A strong third eye, you see beyond this dimension, this timeline. You see into the future, again, your foresight is highlighted, with your strong intellect and intuition. You are powerful because you know you hold the deepest wisdom and you are not afraid to use them.
Advice: 13. MIRACLES AND BLESSING. Everything has its gift. Recognise and accept the blessings that have occurred in your life.
Mood board for pile 3.
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Pile 4: Black Tea 🌑 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
Pile 4, you went through so much hardships and burdens. The journey had been difficult. It made you feel like you've been climbing up a mountain carrying heavy rocks. These responsibility and burdens you're carrying, most of it is not even yours. There are too much responsibility you've taken or someone has given to you that is making your connection with your intuition a bit hard to access. You have a powerful intuition and strong psychic wisdom pile 4. But to be able to access it you have to sit in stillness, sit in silence and listen. Put down those misplaced burdens and instead of climbing, it is time to fly.
It is always those who are the most powerful that tend to suppress their power because they know subconsciously the influence and impact they hold, could do to themselves and to the people around them. With that being said, I can see that you are a very powerful being but most of your powers are hidden. Whether subconsciously or consciously, you kept your power hidden. You actually have psychic power that allows you to see potential futures. But you might suppress this because it scares you. Before, you'd only see 'bad' futures. These 'bad' futures you saw might be a result of the people surrounding you. Your environment may be full of pessimistic and negative people and their self fulfilling prophecy. That is not favourable in term of how it would influence and affects your psychic ability. However, if you actually try to see your predictions for what it is, you will be able to predict more realistic futures that are not so extremely 'good' or 'bad' but more factual and genuine.
What makes you powerful is that you have the potential to envision the future, like a visionary, you get a peak into the unknown. You can see potential futures where all your goals and desires come true. A way of life you always wanted to live. But your insight is not shortcoming. In addition to the vision, you also posses the ability and capability to critically assess those views. These skills would ground your vision and materialise them into the 3D.
You are honest with yourself and others about these visions you see. You'd know if it's just a groundless dream or a potential one. You'd observe your surrounding, your present moment, actions, details, and patterns. These clues aids you to asses if the vision you see can come true. This makes you powerful, therefore, your judgement have never been wrong, both the good ones and the not so good ones. Your judgement have always been right whether the people around you listen or not, you are always right. Sometime spooking people, they might think that you can actually see the future which genuinely, you can.
Whether people believe you or not, that's not your problem. You know yourself and over time you learn to trust your own judgement and discern accurately what's to come. These help you to be ready and adapt to take on whatever that will transpire while also simultaneously accessing alternate future outcomes that may be better. It is very hard to blind sided you pile 4 and that makes you powerful.
Your discernment is also what makes you powerful. You don't give away your time, your love or your energy easily. Now you know better, people need to earn your energy with respect and gratitude. Even though your cup of love is pure and authentic, it is very exclusive and hard to come by. If people are overlooking it then it is their loss. However, not only that it is hard for you to love, the opposite is also true. It's hard for you to 'unlove' as well. If you deem that person is worth your love you will be very loyal, 'do or die' type of energy. You would stick to that person till the end, never letting them go no matter what happens. This makes you a powerful friend and frightening enemy.
Another trait that makes you powerful is your enthusiasm for life. You are self-reliant and can handle hard challenges with ease. That may be why people come to you with their burdens. Again, do not take it if you don't want to. You are an independent, responsible individual who takes care of your own things. In truth, you carry so much wisdom within and can achieve far in this life. You might love travelling and have a lust for faraway lands. You heal and impact a lot of people that come into contact with you. You help ease their burdening path with your light and playful energy redirecting them towards a more favourable futures potentials.
But people tend to underestimate your impact and intelligent, thus, please remember not to underestimate your own power. Know this, most people you meet, they would need you more than you would need them. It's because you are so capable alone, literally, you can reach the stars. But because you are kind and you understand the law of oneness, you are willing to help those in need. Therefore, your existence alone is already very powerful.
Lastly, it is very important for you to release and lessen your load more. You are a strong and capable person who can take on a lot but that doesn't mean you should. Self-care, self prioritisation, rest and rejuvenation is very important for you and would make your power more potent.
Advice: 21. CHOOSE LOVE. You always have choice - make yours with love. It is because you are very powerful being, your choice have more weight and impact on those around you.
Advice: 9. SLOW DOWN. Pause and allow things to unfold.
Mood board for pile 4.
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makaibari · 1 month
Makaibari Organic Oolong Tea: Nature's Refreshing Elixir
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Discover the pure essence of Makaibari Organic Oolong Tea, meticulously nurtured to perfection. Savor the exquisite flavor and myriad health benefits in every sip. Handpicked and crafted with care, our loose leaf oolong tea offers a delightful blend of aroma and taste. Embrace the natural goodness and elevate your tea experience with Makaibari's organic oolong tea.
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stellar-skyy · 2 months
INTERSTELLAR TEASHOP — 200 followers event.
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“welcome, customer! please, take a seat. our menu is right here; feel free to order when you are ready!”
in a quiet corner of the sky, there is a teashop is tucked in between the stars. as you enter, the bell makes a quiet chime in sync with the cheerful employee's greeting, while a light jazz plays in the background. the employee gestures towards a board displaying a list of drinks. it hangs over the counter, above where a row of completed orders await collection. (masterlist.)
there are only a few others inside the shop, all huddled in comfortable-looking armchairs with drinks clutched in their hands. through the window, an array of stars cast a cool glow over each visitor. the place is quiet and cozy, and smells strongly of tea.
it's about time to order, don't you think? (20/20 slots filled!)
EDIT: requests are closed.
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“oh, are you ready? let me grab my notepad!”
☆ — so, who was this order for? (character)
orders are welcome for the following characters! please note that the names that are bolded are allowed iced tea (a.k.a. platonic requests) only.
GENSHIN: Alhaitham, Arataki Itto, Arlecchino, Bennett, Chiori, Collei, Columbina, Cyno, Faruzan, Fischl, Freminet, Furina, Hu Tao, Kaveh, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kujou Sara, Layla, Lynette, Lyney, Nilou, Qiqi, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Shikanoin Heizou, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Xingqiu, Yoimiya, Zhongli HONKAI STAR RAIL: Arlan, Asta, Aventurine, Blade, Clara, Dan Heng (including Imbibitor Lunae), Herta, Himeko, Kafka, March 7th, Natasha, Sampo, Silver Wolf, Tingyun, Welt, Yanqing.
☆ — oh and before i forget, did you want your drink hot or cold? (genre)
hot tea — romantic; iced tea — platonic.
☆ — alright, now that is out of the way... what tea would you like? (prompt)
EARL GREY TEA — losing the one you love the most; watching them slip right through your fingers. BLACK TEA — sacrifice; they were always willing to give their life for yours, but they weren't prepared for you to trade your life for theirs. CHAI — a quiet moment of bliss with someone you love. WHITE TEA — a dance, shared between the two of you. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA — a letter, from someone special. (please specify your relationship with the character!) CINNAMON TEA (note: this tea is served hot only!) — agreeing to 'date' each other for mutual benefit gets tricky when one begins to develop actual feelings. PEPPERMINT TEA (note: this tea is served hot only!) — jealousy, burning in their chest as they watch you grow closer to someone who isn't them. MATCHA TEA — an injury, that is carefully cared for by them. LEMONGRASS TEA — they see you're struggling, and they're there to relieve the burden from your shoulders. OOLONG TEA — a chance meeting, that promises a delightful future for the both of you. CHAMOMILE TEA — you may be sick, but they are there to care for you throughout. LAVENDER TEA (note: this tea is served iced only!) — familial ties weren't enough to stop you from growing apart, and now you don't know if the damage can ever be repaired. HIBISCUS TEA — reassurance, from one that knows no matter what hardships you face, you will get through it. ORANGE BLOSSOM TEA (note: this tea is served hot only!) — a proposal, wherein two hearts join as one. (please specify who is proposing!) LEMON & GINGER TEA (note: this tea is served iced only!) — no matter what you go through, you are family, and they will always be there for you. HONEY & VANILLA TEA — sometimes, one just wants to feel loved. and they will hold you close until you never doubt it. STRAWBERRY & RASPBERRY TEA — baking is always better when it's with the ones you love. POMEGRANATE TEA — (royalty au!) wherein you and them are both nobility. BLACKCURRENT TEA — (hanahaki au!) you adore them, but you know they don't feel the same. and it is killing you. MANGO TEA — you have been friends since childhood; you loved each other then, and you love each other now.
☆ — if there are any more details you would like to include, please leave them in your order and i will try to add them! if you are confused, here are some example orders:
— could i order an iced chamomile tea for tighnari? — i would like a peppermint tea for aventurine. if you could, please add some extra angst as well. — can i get a english breakfast tea for kazuha, served hot? and our relationship is lovers, of course.
☆ — have you decided already? wow, that was fast!
“before i wrap up your order, there are a few things to note...”
⤷ there isn't a limit of orders per person, but please wait until i have finished your current order before sending in another!
⤷ one character and one prompt in each order please!
⤷ remember i am a full time student! i do want to get to everyone, but if i get a lot of orders, there may be a delay.
⤷ edit: requests are closed!
“excellent! i will let you know as soon as your drink is ready~”
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allsadnshit · 1 year
The whole reason I got into oolong was because when I stopped being able to drink coffee I was pretty depressed because the routine and care put into a cappuccino was so sacred to me and had been for a long time in my life as a ritual every day with myself so I just sort of latched onto matcha since it was becoming popular to carry in shops around 2019-2020 and really felt saved by being able to have a new ritual in place and for a while it was really great cause I love the health benefits and the intricacy of making it but then I sort of hit a wall again this spring where I've been feeling really hungry for closeness with my taiwanese heritage and I was trying to figure out how to incorporate it more rather than a Japanese tea, so I ended up just googling what the most harvested tea in Taiwan is and they are well known for their oolong! But I like tea lattes in the morning which is not a popular thing for oolong or how it's typically served (it's not available like that in any shop near me, matcha is definitely still king) so when I finally found a Taiwanese oolong that was ground into a powder form I got it for myself hoping to make it into my new sacred ritual every morning and fell in love with this robust taste instantly and it's made me feel so close to Taiwan and my mom and myself and brought me endless joy just waking up knowing I'll get to make myself a drink that's from my own heritage and something I've found a very personal connection with rather than just hopping onto a trend
Oolong has been around for centuries obviously, but now I get to make a home for it in my own life as a barista and although it's not traditionally drank as a tea latte, it feels like the perfect and very personal merge between who I am as someone who's dedicated themselves to latte art and milk steaming bar culture, who's transitioned to only drinking tea, and is Taiwanese American! It all fits so well and I hold it incredibly dear to my heart.
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