#biting on Sol affectionately
hime-bee · 2 months
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Sol is wondering if Leu can see with his bangs- 😭😭
(They're drawing their beloved, and Leu's out of practice lmao)
Sol belongs to @fantasia-kitt 💚🖤
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crimsonsunrise · 5 months
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honestly so in love with kuro and keito it’s painful. u need to imagine sol taking pictures of them and they are just giggling and twirling their hair and kicking their feet looking at them with kurokei in the bg tilting their heads like “?” like how cats do when they’re confused
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cinnamokittykat · 1 month
My head canons for Sol Brugsmansia x chubby fem! reader!
TW for: Sexual content, Dubcon(?), stalker/yandere tendencies, mentioned violence, mentions of body issues, Somnophilia
SFW (TW for some mild violence)
- This man needs a girl who can be his pillow, so of course he sets his sights on you immediately
- He's the biggest slut for headpats, you could honestly bribe him to do so much by promising to pet him a bit
- Is there an article of clothing you want that isn't available in your size? He'll learn how to tailor them to your size, even if it's a bit shoddy at first
- If anyone were to ever insinuate that you aren't enough because of your weight... They might not be dead but they'll likely be pretty bloody
- He gets so sad when you feel bad about yourself, he'd just grab you and not let you go until you feel better
- He bites affectionately. He bites to get your attention. Sometimes he bites just to bite.
- When he gets jealous, he doesn't lash out at you at all. The worst he may do towards you is cry/beg. The only people he'd hurt in the situation are the people he perceives as a threat. Not you, his perfect girl.
- He also bites to mark his territory while making out and having sex.
- He LOVES your curves, especially your boobs. He loves grabbing them and squishing them and kneading them and he loves when you wear a low cut shirt and lean forward in it
- He loves your ass more because he doesn't have to worry about you catching him staring as easily
- So, so so whiny and vocal. Especially when he's been staring at your body all day and has spent the majority of it hard in some capacity.
- Loves eating pussy so much. He'll pin you down and bury his face in between your thick thighs until you're teared up from overstimulation and he has a wet spot in his pants from cumming. If you two aren't together yet, he'll sneak into your room at night and eat you out in your sleep.
- Ideally if he had to die, he'd choose to do it by having your legs wrapped around his head until he suffocates
- Would make you cum from oral a number of times then have the best time sticking his tongue in your pussy to clean you up
- He really prefers being submissive or on equal footing with you in the bedroom. Ideally he's being used as your toy to get off, laying on his back to be ridden to completion, letting you control the situation.
- But when he does feel possessive. Angry. Jealous. It feels like a different person takes hold of him. He'll embarrass, threaten, or even eliminate whatever threat he sees to you two being together forever. After they've been taken care of how he sees fit, he'd find you and pound you until walking isn't a possibility the next day. He'll fuck you until your ass is red and your neck is a patchy-reddish purple and cum drips from your hole. If he somehow ever got your permission, he'd do it in front of the other person too. Make them see what they'd be up against if they even tried.
- And if you were being watched during, he's going into overdrive with the theatrics. It doesn't matter if he has to edge himself, overstimulate himself, or power through muscle pain and lack of breath, he'll do it so show how great of a partner he is.
- The added benefit to this for him is that you'll have no choice but to be taken care of by him at least for a short period of time. He'd happily feed you and bathe you and massage you as much as you need.
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brainicusrotticus · 1 month
more headcanons:
• vace tends to push people in certain directions by squaring up his shoulders and leaning very slightly into their space. most people don’t realize he’s doing it, but do subconsciously step back from him, and he keeps moving them from there
• solane did notice this from watching vace’s interactions with other people
• solane dgaf. he just lets vace keep trying until he’s awkwardly close
• (he’s a doctor. he’s used to people being awkwardly close to him)
• every time vace tries it on him (and he does keep trying), solane just smirks and calls him lassie
• no one knows when exactly they start dating?
• (not even them.)
• for a while, it’s honestly more of a queerplatonic relationship than anything
• their relationship generally is a different dynamic than most would expect with a “relationship”
• most often, they interact in a way that makes them seem like squad mates? they start to develop that kind of connection and understanding where they can help each other without talking, just vague gestures and subtle body language
• they aren’t lovey-dovey, they both have too many issues for that
• (eventually, they reach a point of being comfortable being physically affectionate with each other. and i’m talking like, hugs, or cuddling, or holding hands. other stuff takes a while longer)
• solane always tries to sit on vace’s left side. he has a tendency to lean into vace when they spend much time anywhere, and noticed pretty early on that he tenses if sol leans against anything but the metal arm.
• they also are completely unafraid to full on hip check each other, metaphorically. and literally.
• their love language is physical touch. but in a “physically bully each other” kind of way.
• sol has bodily tackled vace to the ground in the middle of the colony many times for being a bastard
• (vace did it to sol one time, and broke two of sol’s ribs. he hasn’t done it again, even though sol keeps calling him a coward because “it was only two ribs, it’s not like i need them all!”)
• they are both somewhat territorial, though
• sol actively encourages others to give vace a hard time when he deserves it
• but if he doesn’t actually deserve it? you’re fucked
• sol is better at tearing people down mentally. vace, physically.
• vace is generally more efficient and to the point about it. sol is fucking feral.
• he likes playing the long game. he likes making you think you’re going fucking crazy. he does absolutely unhinged shit. either very subtlely or very obviously, no in between.
• if he has to get physical? he gets some training from vace, but also has a concerning tendency to bite if anything gets close enough
• (distinctly, none of that follows him into doctor mode. no grudges or games when someone needs help.)
• vace also bites. or he did, once.
• after a while, sol felt comfortable enough to introduce vace to sym.
• vace trying to tag along when sol went outside the colony was a pressing factor, but he waited until both were comfortable and informed.
• sym tends to act a bit… naturally flirtatious.
• sol is used to it, that’s just how sym is. he’s an ancient ai being trying to learn how to interact like humans, cut him some slack.
• vace thinks sym is interested in sol
• (sym isn’t, actively. but he wouldn’t say no, if sol asked.)
• vace keeps edging closer and closer to sol over the course of the conversation. until he’s fully pressed up against sol’s left shoulder and back, glaring at sym.
• and then… well, he doesn’t even realize he’s about to do it?
• but he definitely just bit sol on the ear.
• not hard! not damaging in any way. just a… reminder. to the audience. of one.
• and then sol’s face slowly, slowly turns to look at vace. nothing else moves. just his head turning, in a creepy owl-like manner. and very, very quietly…
• “…did you just bite me?”
• that might be the most suddenly afraid of sol that vace has ever been
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bitacrytic · 23 days
My stand in, brainworms 🎤
What are brainworms? Like headcanons? Assumptions? Things that keep me up at night?
Please let me know, Anon.
I will go ahead and blab, regardless. 🤷🏿‍♀️ I should warn that I get weird sometimes so...
I haven't read the books, but I've heard some spoilers. That, added with my scruffy imaginations, I do have some... thoughts... about things going off screen.
1. May has mentioned Ming's crush before. There's no way she hasn't. She thinks it's cute. Tong thinks she's reading into it too much. In fact, I'm willing to bet that he's so self absorbed that he knows almost nothing about Ming. Probably didn't even know Ming liked dick until he caught Ming trying to throttle Joe with his tongue. So, even though it's a running "joke" from May, Tong doesn't take it seriously. The same way he doesn't take Ming seriously.
2. Joe is awkward when it comes to romance. I know this sounds like the most obvious shit, but hear me out. Yim knows that Joe likes boys. Which means that Yim has witnessed Joe either trying to get with someone, or having a crush. He's seen someone hit on Joe while Joe was oblivious, but he's also seen Joe scurry around someone, nervous and unable to be move forward with intentions till... oops! Someone else scoops them up. Joe has been a mess in the romance department. That is, until Ming falls right in his lap.
3. Sol compared Joe to other people. Which is why when Joe did the same things the vultures around Sol did, he assumed Joe had ill intention, when Joe really was just doing shit from the bottom of hisbheart. It also didn't help that Joe actually did have a crush on Sol. Because if Sol had confronted him about it and Joe told the truth, it would have just convinced Sol even further that all Joe wanted was to sleep with him. When that was the furthest thing from Joe's mind.
⚠ This section is for the sex between Ming and Joe ⚠
4. Ming's sex life in college was incredibly active. Definitely verse. His choosing to only top Joe is strictly because of his weird fixation with Tong's back. But in college? Proper slut (affectionate). He mentioned that he's always been nice to his fwbs and he didn't mean one person. The funny thing is that I feel like he hasn't been able to have a real relationship because he's hung unto Tong all this time. Which is why I don't believe Joe is the first person he's used as a stand in for Tong. It's the only way he's been able to get it up for anyone, but he's focused on topping Joe because Joe came with the added bonus of having Tong's back to look at. But with other guys? He hasn't wanted to see them either. Not their faces. Not their Tong-less backs. Nothing. Which leads me to believe that he's been mostly a bottom for most of his adult life choosing to clench his eyes shut and pretend that the person rutting behind him is his sister's boyfriend.
5. The first time they had sex against that sink in the bathroom, Ming was too drunk to use a condom. That's a given. I doubt they’ve used it since then.
6. Joe thinks Ming coming inside of him is part of sex. He even waits for it now because he kinda likes it.
7. Joe didn't cum the first time they fucked. Ming finished quickly because he was drunk and pent up and desperate for Tong and so he came without Joe, pulled out and staggered into to bed. Joe wouldn't have complained because he never does. Probably got cleaned up, had a bath and went to bed, only for Ming to sleepily roll over for round two. At this point, Joe experienced what real ecstasy was for the first time and Ming kinda blew his mind.
8. Ming used that movie flier. No one can tell me he wasn't jerking off to it. At home and when he was abroad.
9. Ming is nice when they fuck. Mostly. But other times, especially on days when Tong hasn't kept an appointment, he's incredibly rough with Joe. Joe's not sure if he likes it. He probably wouldn't if it was someone else. But it's Ming and he likes to accommodate Ming. So when Ming grabs too tight or bites too hard, Joe grits his teeth and takes it. After all, Ming chose him for a reason, right? Right????
10. Joe had a boyfriend once, when he was much younger. He was older, more worldly and he promised he was going to show Joe things. Joe thought he meant things in general. When it turned out to be sex things, Joe was appalled and said no. The boy was so disappointed that he walked away and never looked back at Joe. Now, Joe has learned that if someone's giving him a chance, he shouldn't say no. As long as they love him, he should do whatever they want. So far, no one's tried hard enough to care for Joe. But now that Ming has, Joe has promised himself that as long as Ming loves him, as long as Ming cares about him, Joe will do anything that Ming wants Joe to do.
And that's all I've got fir now, Anon. 😁
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osameowdazai · 3 months
Moment of truth
What are your bsd cats headcanons?
ok hi. welcome to sol's cat sanctuary ig.
dazai - I have this friend whose cat is all black but when the sun hits his fur it looks brown. that's what Dazai's fur looks like. short fur, probably needs to be brushed cause he isn't the best about cleaning himself. likes to wrap himself up in things and if you have any room of bandages say goodbye to them, it doesn't matter where you put them he's found them and somehow he's wearing them now. actually, he'll find anything you want to keep from him. you put the treats away where you thought he for sure couldn't get them? nope you find the bag on the ground ripped open and empty later. also he's such a pest. are you ignoring him?? ope your glass was knocked off the coffee table. well walk around just meowing as loud as he can for hours. does this at night. he just wants attention.
Chuuya - he's a small fluffy orange cat. so smart and gets outside constantly no matter your attempts to keep him inside. will bring you back small dead animals because he's a good hunter. likes being brushed and won't put up a fuss about unlike some other cats (Dazai). will stick his face in your cups if you don't watch them. sometimes seems like he's watching tv with you. protective of the other cats. gets into fights with Dazai but also plays with him a lot. confused on whether or not those two like each other or not.
Akutagawa - tuxedo cat. he's small with short fur. gets upset easily and doesn't like to be pet or brushed. very untrusting of strangers. invite someone new over and he'll sit in the soars just watching with his tail slowly flicking. will bite if they try to pet him. mostly does his own things. will fight other cats.
atsushi - white cat. affectionate, but can get a bit picky about being brushed. will hit you with his paws if you're annoying him by being too tough or pulling on his fur. if you ignore that he'll bite (not hard unless you're really being mean :< don't be mean to him). affectionate. fights with Akutagawa then sulks about it all curled up somewhere high up with his ears pressed back.
ranpo - lazy cat. brown tabby. will demand to be brushed and pet. too smart. this is another cat who will always get the treat bag no matter where it's stored. he won't share it with the other cats, though. will sleep on you then get angry if you play something loud that disturbs his sleep. cute and will show affection, though. just don't let him get too bored.
Kunikida - orange tabby, but a light orange. I swear he seems to have memorized your entire schedule despite being a cat. seems annoyed when you deviate from it or you are late to feeding him. will meow about it and stand by the cat feeder. will let you know when it's time for him to be brushed. he will break up other cat fights. unless Dazai is losing the fight then he'll just watch.
yosano - black cat. fluffy. does her own thing most of the time. likes to be brushed. will sometimes push around the other cats, but also does care for them. will not tolerate being messed with herself - has teeth and claws and will use them.
kenji - the sweetest cat. another orange tabby. lays in the sunlight a lot. will play with any cat and will greet strangers. you have someone over to fix the sink? he's trying to climb their back to see what they're doing. protective, though, of you and of the other cats. despite being a little cat, he's surprisingly strong.
kyouka - black cat. quiet, will curl up beside stuffed animals. likes to be brushed. mostly mine her own business. hangs or with atsushi a lot. fights other cats sometimes if they're being mean to her or atsushi. sweet but also aloof. give her treats, she deserves them.
that's all I have rn. do you wanna adopt one?
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
How does Sol get along with their companions/ what do the companions think about them? 👀 If you don’t mind talking about it!
I re-attach wings to angels each time someone asks me about Sol <3 don't worry about the abundance of wingless angels it's unrelated.
This was written assuming Sol is not Tav and is just another companion. Also it's...mostly negtive, Sol isn't easy to get along with, and they don't make it easy for others to like them.
Sol with the companions
Act 1: they start indifferent to him. They're not the brightest when it comes to people lying, so his horrible acting and shady backstory flies over their head. During the vampire reveal, they try to pretend that they knew all along. You can pass an insight dice check of 5 to very easily tell they didn't know shit.
The only thing they bond over is being vain. He mentions not seeing his own reflection and they're concerned about how he does his eyebrows then. He fully agrees that it is a struggle and don't get him started on the mess that is styling his own hair.
He'd probably approve of the fact they sacrifice defence and movement for beauty, the whole pain is beauty thing. Honestly both of them are bad influences on each others and just enablers when it comes to bad habits.
I mean he could try to talk them into letting him bite them, if he convinced them that it'd make their skin clearer, it's a 50/50 chance if it'd work or he ends up microwaved.
Act 2: You know how people in cults don't realise they're in one? Sol didn't think their upbringing was that bad or what their family did was that extreme until Astarion started talking about what Cazador did to him and how he loathes him for it, how much he wants revenge. It made Sol think if they too should be seeking revenge, if they too should be loathinh their family. They go from indifferent to curious.
Act 3: they haven't made up their own mind on whether it's a good idea for him to seize the power from Cazador or not. By that point they also need to make a similar choice about their magic, but instead of remaining the way the are like Astarion, they need to pick between losing it all or taking it all. They've grown fond of him by that point as a friend, he points out when someone is clearly lying or manipulating them and they appreciate that. Likewise they are always blunt to him with no ulterior motives.
Act 1: Sol would be annoyed by the fact she's keeping secrets, and I can see Shadowheart disliking them because of it, and because of their clear appreciation of Lae'zel. Both of them unpolitely avoid each other, a few jabs every now and then, a few trashy comments thrown during party chatter, but nothing major, really. At the end of the day, it's annoyance and not hate.
Act 2: By that point when her and Lae'zel made amends, Sol slowly grows closer to Shadowheart as well. They still do their jabbing and nickpicking each other's flaws but it's more in good humour by now, mean banter is just Sol's way of being playful or showing affectionate and Shadowheart is a champion at it. During her Dame Aylin choice, they say it's best to let Shadowheart decide her own fate and not interfer, both Tav and Shar.
Act 3: When the hard truth downs on them that Shadowheart wasn't keeping secrets but had her memory fully wiped, they find themselves actually feeling guilty for their actions at the start. Guilt is something Sol rarely does ever feel. It's new, raw, and all-consuming, and they can't deal with it. If you have them romanced they'd confide in you with it, maybe you can go tell it to Shadowheart on your own and they'll get annoyed that you did that without their permission, but also thank you for doing it for them.
Act 1: full on bullying. They absolutely see him as a joke. Especially the Mystra part oh they never shut up about it and how stupid it was of him to try and appease a god back into a relationship, how naive he is for thinking gods ever see mortals as anything more than toys to play with and discard. Digs at him being a wizard, at how he is just borrowing magic while they were born with it, how his view is so narrow-minded. The thing about their "bullying" is that half of the criticism against him is valid and actually make sense, which makes Gale can't stand them because of it, he knows some of their words are right even when the rest is exaggerated bullshit.
Act 2: If you romance him, then Sol tells you to reconsider, that jumping into a relationship with someone who was obsessed with their ex is never a good idea. That Gale isn't who he seems to be, they might be bad at telling lairs apart but there are some things a person can't hide. Then the news from Elminster comes, and they're speechless when Gale actually seems on board to sacrifice his life. To blow himself up for something as stupid as the future of the world or a goddess. They think it's absolutely the dumbest idea he has ever had, and if he thinks their opinion of him was low before, then it just got even lower if he actually goes on with this plan. They tell you that you should never let that happen, they themselves don't know why they feel so strongly about this when they wouldn't have cared if he died in that portal before.
Act 3: they finally know why. They want him to die for himself, not die for someone else, not die for forgiveness. He should get a normal stupid death like all wizards do, he should blow himself up in a silly experiment or something not go on a suicide mission for a goddess who couldn't bother to get off her own ass to see him or a world that doesn't even know his name. They have a serious talk with him if he somehow can siphon their own magic to feed his orb. If you ask if that means they'll lose their magic, then they just stay silent. They aren't surprise when he becomes obsessed with the crown of Karsus. They claim they predicted it happening eventually, be it the crown or another magical artifact. You can pass an insight check to find out they're telling the truth.
Act 1: probably the only companion they actually liked from the start. There is something about her so familiar. Her sharp mean words feel like home, and her bluntness is a breath of fresh air. They are absolutely vibing with her through the whole journey, keep introducing her to Faerun concepts and human traditions. Make a joke about how they're a descendent of a red dragon, and she's a githyanki, so this must be fate.
Act 2: they didn't think they could respect her even more, and yet when she stood in front of Vlaakith and faced her, her courage almost stunned them. They genuinely admire her, start looking up to her in a way they deem embarrassing to admit, and try to hide it. Start hinting at how they'd love her as a friend.
Act 3: The way she manages her emotions so well and doesn't hide from them but faces them instead is something they thought was impossible to do. How can she do it so easily? Why did no one ever teach them this? How can she accept her new fate just like that when everyone in camp knew how dedicated she was to her cause and peoppe? And how did she manage to find a new cause to fight for do it quickly? Lae'zel to them is the kind of hero you read about in history books. She is the closest thing they'll ever have to a role model. What started as an easy friendship because Sol felt at home around "rude" people quickly became Sol's first ever actual genuine friendship. In a way...maybe it was Lae'zel's too.
At the end of the game, they're very against the idea of Lae'zel turning into a mindflayer if it's brought up. If you're playing Lae'zel origin, then they'd offer themselves instead, something they'd never do for the others or Tav. For their only and first ever friend, they're willing to give up their life.
Act 1: is a bit suspicious at the fact he is too charming and nice, at least Astarion has his very clear personality flaws which made his lie fly over their head. But with Wyll he feels too true to be good and they tell him that which he brushes off with a laugh. Then the whole Mizora fiasco is discovered and they're like "Ha, I knew it!"
Act 2: they thought he'd be delighted to her about his father being imprisoned, it means the power will rightfully be his now, right? So why is he putting so much effort into searching for a parent who abandoned him, why does he forgive his father and still care? They don't understand Wyll.
Despite the three of them being humans, Wyll and Gale are the two companions Sol would never understand no matter how much they try. If anything Sol felt left out, as if none of them could relate to one another's struggles. Being human clearly was never enough to build a bond between them.
Act 3: They see the reunion between Wyll and his father and bitterness fills their mouth, realising their own family wouldn't have gone through the same effort. Jealousy, envy at Wyll having something they desperately wanted. Sol is clearly more powerful than him wasn't it for his pact with a devil so why should they feel inferior to him? They shouldn't...but he has so many friends, so many fans and he seems...content, happy.
How dare he be happy when he is this weak, how dare he forgive his father for casting him out, how dare he learn from his past mistakes and aim to better himself rather into crumble into self loathing for being a fraud. Wyll is everything Sol wasn't and couldn't be. Weak and happy.
Act 1: she doesn't seem surprised by their attitude but she never banters back with them, they're aren't sure what to make of it. Her skin is thicker than they expected, probably because nothing Sol could ever say or do hasn't been said and done by the devils in hell in a way that's ten times as hurtful. Karlach went through a lot and Sol is barely a scratch on her surface. But what really takes them back is the fact she is still kind to them? It fully weirds them out how nice she is to them, how one time she asked if their draconic lineage gave them enough fire resistance to hug her. Sol didn't know what to say, they just shook their head. If anything they too can't remember the last time they were hugged, the last time someone even touched them in a non threatening way.
Act 2: when her engine gets fixed, Sol curiously asked her if hugging was as much of a disappointment as they knew it would be for her. Instead she hugged them and they remained speechless for the rest of the day. Couldn't even pretend it didn't effect them, hugs are actually nice, they found out.
Act 3: she calls them her friend and Sol wonders how the fuck did they get to that point? Even their morality is as grey as their a rainstorm but Karlach somehow looked past that, past their insults, past their fits of jealousy and past their unstable emotions and saw a person. Sol never considered her a friend so why did she? It can't be that easy to make a friend, yes they can't be the one in the wrong no. Karlach is definitely the one in the wrong here, she should raise her standards for friends and not just throw the word around, she might give someone the wrong idea.
She's dying, they watch her struggling against the flames of her heart and they wonder if this is the same fate awaiting them. If this is why their training was so brutal, why their family was so stern, why their life was so ruthless. Just so they can live? So they remain alive and not succumb to a death like Karlach's.
So why did she seem happy. Why did world life seem so much more colorful than Sol's. Why did she go out with a smile as they remained alive but miserable. For once Sol wonders maybe if the dragon heart inside their chest didn't belong to them, wonders if their own heart was too stolen from them before birth. They feel like they failed her as a friend, like they never appreciated her enough. That by the time they were ready to call her a friend, she was already gone. Left back to the hells or left the world of the living.
By the act 3, like the other companions they soften up and start considering friendship. Start paying them actual compliment and stand by them
Tell me if you want me to do Halsin and Minthara too because this was really fun <3 thanks so much for letting me gush about my unlovable little fireball.
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nostomannia · 5 months
I may as well talk about Sol's familiars in the Fae Court verse because there is some changes
The first familiar, as gifted by Hriob, is a songbird known also as the "Butcher Bird," a southern white-crowned shrike. It's known for taking prey like bugs, lizards, snakes, and even other birds, and impaling ithem on thorns, barbs, and branches.
The specific bird that is gifted to Solita, that she ends up naming Briar, is a bit different than a normal shrike, though. He's descended from a phoenix, so he's somewhat magical in nature and even different in appearance from a normal shrike. Bigger, longer tailfeathers, and brighter in color. If he were to die, he would revive in the same manner a phoenix does.
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Briar is a very chipper bird. Mischievous, curious, sociable, and maybe a touch sadistic. He likes to be affectionate and will often perch on people to preen their hair. And sometimes pluck hairs to help build a nest, depending on the time of year.
Since white-crowned shrikes are highly sociable, Solita often has to care for a small flock, usually only consisting of 3-6 birds, along with Briar. They may also help with tasks and delivering small items for Solita, helping with her job as the court stewardess.
The second is one that people are probably familiar with, it's the horse from her fantasy traveler verse, Sombra.
Seven feet in height, and incredibly heavy to boot. He's a bit too much for Sol to handle sometimes, with as much of a size difference as there is.
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He's got a dark coat- not purely black but a deep dark shade of brown. Outside of scars from abuse by his previous owners, and scars made from getting into fights with other horses or animals, he's notably cared for. Well-groomed and glossy coat, and nicely kept mane and tail.
Sombra is big, mean, and stubborn to boot. Even if he trusts Sol and was essentially re-trained by her hand, there's times she struggles to get him to listen. But he's also unyieldingly loyal to Solita.
Rather territorial of his space, and of his person. Get too close and he will bite. Have Solita's attention, and he will make an attempt to bite. He will also bite Sol too if he's looking for attention or plainly just in a bad mood.
Very food-motivated. If you wish to make friends with him, offer him tasty goodies like fruits, sugar, or sweet veggies. He'll slowly start to warm up.
Sombra is Solita's choice of mount. No matter if he is sometimes troublesome to handle, Solita can't help her own sense of comradery with the horse. She would never abandon him or choose something easier for her own convenience over Sombra.
And I made a size chart roughly compared to Solita:
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samslittles · 7 months
Hey everyone, I heard you got guests staying over so I brought more cookies for everyone, though I did also added m&m' If you don't mind.
*Gives them a huge batch of chocolate chip and m&m's cookies, except Helios he sucks*
Rays sets his cookie on the counter and continues cleaning
Earth: Oh thank you! *she hands KC a cookie then sets two cookies next to Monty and Lunar, rubbing their heads affectionately*
Sol inspects his cookie carefully before shoving the whole thing in his mouth, Eclipse follows suit.
Bog and Dusk stir a little
Sanguine: *the cookie tray is now gone, where did it go? their stomachs*
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byanyan · 8 days
“ Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
absolutely unhinged comedic reliefㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤbreathing a soft, sympathetic, affectionate laugh, byan reaches out for their boyfriend's wrist, tugging him down to join them on the couch. making sure that a plush cushion is tucked between him and the arm of the couch, they slide an arm over his shoulders and pull his legs up to lie across their own.
ㅤㅤ" rough day, huh? "ㅤthey ask, pressing a belated kiss of greeting to sol's lips. the hand hanging over his shoulder lifts, fingers carding gently through his hair as amusement quirks at the corner of their mouth.
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ㅤㅤ" i mean, y'got my support. 'f anyone's gonna be on board with you startin' to bite the people that get on your nerves, y'know it's gonna be me. "ㅤhe is, after all, the one person who has not only heard most (if not all) of the stories of them biting people in the past, but has also witnessed them actually doing it. that, paired with their affinity for affectionately sinking their teeth into him, obviously makes them the best person to bring such a notion to. even if it is just a joke, he knows his audience well.
ㅤㅤ" could even show ya all the best techniques. "ㅤspoken like they have any, like most of the times they've seriously bitten someone, it hasn't been on pure instinct and desperation. a glint of mischief dancing in their eyes, byan leans closer to nuzzle at the side of sol's head.
ㅤㅤ" —or, better yet, y'could just sic me on 'em instead. keeps you outta trouble, 'n i get the satisfaction'a stickin' it to someone who's causin' ya problems. that's my job, anyway! "ㅤwith no warning, they chomp (lightly) down on his shoulder and then flash a him a broad grin, their nose scrunching playfully.
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ㅤㅤ" i'm the only one who's allowed to cause you trouble like that! me! "
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aawanaa · 1 year
Meet the Writer!
Hello, my name is Solenne. I use She/They pronouns and so I really doubt I'll be doing any male readers, but I'll do Gender Neutral and Female readers. I'm an artist along with a writer, and I plan on doing headcanon lists as well as the occasional fic. I am a Stardew Valley blog! (Get to know me under the cut!)
Like i said, my name is Solenne, but my friends call me Len or Sol! I play a lot of games like Stardew Valley, The Sims 4, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. Feel free to message me on here, I don't bite! I really like YouTube, I'm very easily entertained. Jacksepticeye, Whang, Izzzyzzz, and Kwite are a few favorites. I'm autistic and have ADHD. My special interest is ARG's.
I'm still in school and my goal is to be a therapist! I want to get a doctorate in psychology, as ambitious as it is. I really enjoy helping people, but I can't handle the idea of going into the (physical) medical field.
I have 3 cats, they're all really dumb. (affectionate. I love my kitties.) I also have a bird! And 2 siblings, because I feel that those little... creatures count as pets. (I care them deeply.)
I play Dungeons and Dragons + have a crazy dice collection. I play every Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 (EST) and am working on another group with a few friends! (if you actually read this thank u for getting to know me <3)
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izabellaxramirez · 2 months
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FULL NAME : Izabella Rose Ramirez ALIAS : Izzie, Bella, Rosie (but by her parents only) AGE : 43 DATE  OF  BIRTH : April 28th, 1981 HOMETOWN : Detroit, MI TIME IN WILMINGTON : Since August of 2014 RESIDENCE : Masonboro FACECLAIM : Jessica Alba
death tw, gang activity below. please proceed with caution.
EDUCATION : Medicine at John Jay College of Criminal Justice OCCUPATION : Forensic Pathologist at Wilmington Police Department. GENDER : Cis-Woman PRONOUNS : She/Her SEXUALITY : Pansexual. HAIR COLOUR : Brown EYE  COLOUR : Brown HEIGHT : 5'7" LANGUAGES : English, Spanish TATTOOS : heart on her left wrist, an R on her rib cage under her bra line SCENT: Sol De Janeiro - 68 ZODIAC : Taurus LOVE LANGUAGE : Physical Touch CLOTHING: Business Casual, jeans and cropped tees, sundresses
CONDITIONS : None ALLERGIES : None EATING HABITS : An avid fan of mexican food, baked goods and chocolate are usually found within every meal. Big lover of carbs. EXERCISE HABITS : Yoga - but only sometimes, jogging or hiking. SLEEPING HABITS : Takes hours to fall asleep, probably sleeping on her stomach and is definitely someone that gets really hot when she does. ADDICTIONS : Does chocolate count? DRUG  USE : None. ALCOHOL USE : Yes, mostly socially.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : adaptable, encouraging, confident. NEGATIVE TRAITS : hard headed, secretive, secluded PHOBIAS : Heights FEARS : Losing another loved one. HOBBIES : clubbing, cleaning, cooking, dancing HABITS : tapping her foot on the ground, biting her nails, picking on her clothes. USUAL DEMEANOUR: Happy, unless it's one particular week out of the month and then she's moody. Likely to seclude herself in her apartment with all the snacks.
FATHER : Perez Ramirez MOTHER : Rosalynn Ramirez SIBLINGS : Antonio Ramirez (deceased 1997) RELATIONSHIPS: Robby - 1995-1997; 2006-2014 CHILDREN : None PETS : Honor - a Corgi; Ace - a beagle
Meet Isabella, affectionately known as 'Izzie,' a resilient soul who defied the odds from the moment she entered the world prematurely, proving she'd always be a fighter. Raised in a loving family with ties to the medical profession, her early struggles fostered a deep appreciation for life and a passion for science. Despite the protective cocoon of her family, tragedy struck when her brother Antonio's sudden death shattered their world. This loss unraveled Izzie's relationship with her high school sweetheart Robby - who was also her brother's best friend - which lead to a painful separation after what felt like years of hiding it in secret. Following her passion for forensic pathology, Izzie pursued a career in New York City, only to be unexpectedly reunited with Robby years later. Their rekindled romance led to marriage, but cracks soon appeared as Robby's addiction and involvement in a dangerous world came to light, and tragedy struck her again and Robby was killed during a violent gang related altercation. What Izzie doesn't know, however is that Robby isn't actually dead but instead is in hiding. Devastated by Robby's demise, Izzie sought solace in a fresh start in Wilmington, North Carolina, throwing herself into her work with the local police department. Whispers of a secretive relationship with Police Chief Scotty Sanchez add intrigue to her already complicated story, reminding us that behind every closed door lies a world of untold secrets.
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galatially · 2 years
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 🫧
𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛
of the essence by @inklore — if y'all haven't read anything from lauren before, let this be your introduction; she's a fucking artist the way that she weaves her characters into existing universes and i can only hope to write half as well as she does
lovelorn masterlist by @tomdutch — do you like pining? roommates to possible lovers? all set in a college au with peter parker, reader, and cindy moon? well, s had you covered; or, the masterlist stayed in my drafts to remind me to read the updates and my jobs have killed my brain cells so please read this brilliance and give it lots of love!
sunrise, sunset by @peachyteabuck — i don't need to gush about how much i need lukis to fucking produce epics, but i will lol. they've taken such a sensitive topic and beautifully drawn us a world where grief is complicated and new normals are harder when you love people. honestly, this story made me fucking cry and do all the fangirl feel things and i need them to just never stop writing
𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠
friction by @faeology — this is my first time seeing @faeology on my dash but thank fuck i did because this was hot and needy and i could fucking feel the tension across my own skin between eddie and reader. if you're looking for palpable angst and genuine chemistry, go to sav and you'll be in heaven
it happened one night in detention by @mypoisonedvine — let me tell y'all something! the chokehold this had on me and my drafts was fucking insane! i'm pretty sure i read this five times before reblogging this because i was in such awe; the descriptions, the world-building! i wanna write like j.d. when i grow up lol
i don't play with my pen (i mean what i write) by @edens-pen — as a connoisseur of thirst tweet videos, i wish that this episode was real because goddamn! i love a good cocky!eddie fic and this did not disappoint. something about artists that are hot, know they're hot, but are still fucking cool and shit? unmatched energy. not gon' hold y'all though, i'd have been loud and proud about wanting eddie to just ruin me on twitter dot com lol
june baby: one, two, three by @luveline — i fucking love this series and every day i get on, i'm hoping to see that jade's updated so i can follow the adventures of eddie, reader, and june bug! i'm so attached to these three like they're friends of mine and i love watching their relationship deepen and, as a fervent slow burn lover, i'm foaming at the mouth for them to finally kiss!
a little mean for me by @upsidedownwithsteve — firstly, i love steve harrington, right? like, he went from being this asshole who's only personality trait was his money and his status to being a real fucking person, you know? one of my favorite characters, hands down. secondly, just because of this story, i want him to affectionately bully and kiss the tears away
𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑔𝑢𝑛
my feet can't touch the bottom of you by @sunderlust — i know nothing about the top gun franchise other than tom cruise is in it and val kilmer used to be, lol. but the way people like laur and sol write about the characters, maybe i'll bite the bullet and watch them? even if i don't, sol's description of jake "hangman" seresin is perfectly arrogant and aloof and i wanted to grind his balls under my foot for hurting my bartender babe
veracious and coveted facade by @inklore — laur, at this point, this is my proposal for your hand in matrimony because why the fuck do you write such masterpieces for mere mortals like me to gaze upon? who told you?
lurk by @zstrn — tori, my love, i stand ten toes on what i said: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw can have his feet planted on my mattress to turn me into slime. UNTIL THE FOULEST OF STENCHES LEAVES THE ROOM OKAY
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i didn't read much because of jobs and lack of time after them but i did read some real gems so please, please give the lovely people reads and keep them writing!
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petitsdieu · 1 year
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?  Sometimes floral absolute oils like orchid or frangipani. She spends a lot of time in the sun so suntan lotion. Maybe uses lotions that smell like Sol de Janeiro... kind of suntan lotion-ish, cocoa butter. And sometimes whatever fruit she ate that day will linger on her fingers.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?  Pretty soft. She likes her lotion.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?  Fruit is her favorite. Breakfast foods like waffles, pancakes, eggs, hash. italian, she likes pasta. Japanese or Thai. She loves french fries. She doesn't eat meat. And she's overall pretty picky eater.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? Playing with her hair, fidgeting with her clothes... if she's close to someone, she'd probably play with their clothes too. Like the hem or a loose thread. Often it's absentmindedly. Her hands shake when she's emotional. It's like she needs to let things out in a physical way. She's even been known to stomp her foot. She can get nose bleeds if she's really stressed.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? Blonde hair that's usually down and messy like she just came from the beach or had sex or both. If she has an updo of some sort it's usually in some messy state, too. She has green eyes. She’s 4′9 in height. Sometimes suntanned skin. Dresses, tops that show her midriff or belly, shorts, skirts. Sometimes just a large t-shirt, she’s not afraid to show skin. Rarely pants; she hates them. She wears a lot of white or muted neutrals. Sometimes black or greys. Sometimes red or pink. She rather wear a bralette than a bra but it’s rare for her to be wearing either. Barefoot, as much as she can be. Little to no makeup, lipstick or gloss is prob her favorite and she probably uses her lipstick as blush. Bags that can hang off of her, like little back packs or cross-over purses. 
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? Very, it’s like another first language. She’s a very touchy person. Half the time she doesn’t even notice it. Constantly touching someone’s shoulder, grabbing their knee, taking hands, leaning against them, playful smacks. She hugs, nuzzles, kisses, bites, pours herself into people. That being said, if she’s around someone that has conflicting energy she will be reluctant to be affectionate; she often mirrors the energy of others. And if she doesn't receive some level of affection back, she can take that as a bad thing.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?  Any. Can fall asleep in various positions. With or without other people there. Current favs - with someone: face to face and entangled or on top, her stomach to their chest. With herself, on her stomach, half hanging off a bed or couch or curled up against a surface on her side.  
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Usually, no. She’s very quiet. can enter and leave a room without anyone hearing her. Can occasionally knock into something and alert her presence that way.
tagged by: kind of stole it from @luckhissoul but also I made this once upon a time. tagging: @soughthope @feydrauth-a @ohfiendangelical @moonsoflego @eritvita @unchartdseas/@freelacner @godstrayed @cnlyluck @corruptedforce @perniicious + LITERALLY EVERYONE??? That's why I created this. I'm nosy. I wanna know all the little deets.
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theconstellarium · 2 years
Story time
So in meatspace, we have three cats - or as we like to say, two cats & a demon (affectionate). Our demon is named Midna (yes, after Midna from Twilight Princess).
This is Midna:
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The cats seem to be at least somewhat aware of our switches or who's in body - especially Midna.
Being that Midna is a demon, she...seems to have an active dislike of any/all of the really pure, good (likely angelic - not in the xtian sense but it's a race in our otherworlds) headmates in our Collective. These people are mainly in our partner cluster (/system), the Sol Cluster, and include Conner, Isaac, Declan, & Ash.
(Funnily enough she absolutely ADORES me - she sits on my lap & purrs & purrs & purrs, drooling with happiness, most mornings while I'm working...not sure what that says about my character hahahaha)
The other day, it was the cats' dinnertime. I was working on serving up their food; Declan switches in (in Sol's body), standing a little ways away from me in the kitchen, and before he can so much as say "hi" -
Midna lets out a wail, jumps up & wraps her arms around Declan's calf, digs her claws in, and CHOMPS him. Declan's whole greeting was to scream in shock as she fell off & wandered away. 😆
(She usually just chomps one of the other cats while waiting for food, she's evil like that - but also no need for concern as her bites/scratches aren't horrendously vicious & don't tend to actually break the skin. She's just being an asshole)
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This is the face of no remorse. She will do it again, there's no question.
🥁 Noe (Star Cluster)
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lee-sol · 2 months
clambers into sol's lap and... chomps (gently) on his nose. (they're feeling v affectionate but in a feral way tonight, i'm sorry :/)
lounging on the couch, with the television playing in the background, he's only partly paying attention. the show he'd been watching had stopped playing some time ago, and now it's playing something he's never heard of before, giving him no reason to pay attention. he sees them coming around from the corner of his eye, and automatically sits up to make room. however, it seems he didn't need to, they're climbing into his lap.
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his arms automatically wrap around their waist, holding them close. just as he's about to lean in, they beat him to it, they're just... doing something different. the bite to his nose catches him off guard, but the shock doesn't last for long. he smiles at them, and pulls them in for a kiss.
the kiss is short and sweet, but shows his affection nonetheless. “ hey. ” he says, once they part from each other. he doesn't go far though, rests his forehead against theirs. and then, after a bit of staring, he leans in again, and bites their nose. just to return the affection, of course. “ did you miss me? ”
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