gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Blue Kamikaze |PJM| Bottoms Up
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When your friend Hoseok asks you to come stay at his parents lake house with him and his friends, you think you might finally get a change to confess your feelings for him. Nothing is less true. Someone catches you moping around the lake and leaves a blue drink with a mysterious note.
›› Bottoms Up Masterlist ›› Genre: Smut / Angst ›› Rating: 18+ (sexual content) ›› Pairing: PJM x Reader (JHS x Reader) ›› Word Count: 8.9k Warnings Include: Alcohol, broken heart, hoseok is a dick, hookup sex, fingering, handjob, marking, thigh-riding, riding, praise kink. 
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When Hoseok asked you to come and spend the weekend at his parents’ lake house, you were excited, you couldn’t wait. What you weren’t excited for was the fact that all of his friends were coming along. Not just his closest friends — no, all his friends. This meant that it’s just going to be one giant party that you’re not up for in the slightest. However, for Hoseok you’d do a lot of things.
Hoseok and you have been friends since the start of college and it’s truly been a wild ride. He is a bright presence in everyone’s life, but he’s got your heart in the palm of his hand. The only problem is that he doesn’t know.
You’ve been crushing on Hoseok for weeks now. It’s no secret to most that he’s not one to tie himself. However, it’s his friends that make you wonder whether it’s possible he might return your feelings. According to Namjoon, a high school friend of Hoseok, you’ve been the only girl he’s kept around this long. The only girl who he is like this with.
‘Like this’ is easily shown by the way he hugs you when you arrive at the lake house. Hoseok lifts you off the ground and gives you a little spin. He smiles, greeting you, light chestnut-coloured hair ruffled from setting everything up.
Right now, it’s morning and it’s just you and his closest friends with their extras. Jungkook and Seokjin arrived together, the youngest bringing his new girlfriend who looks a little lost as she enters the house. You can’t blame her. Hoseok’s friends do take a little to get used to, especially if they’re in a particularly wild mood. College-boy-stupid-wild that is.
Hoseok lets you up to your room. Compared to most people who will be camping out in the backyard, you and his friends will actually have a bed to sleep in. There’s definitely enough space for that.
“Are you excited?” he asks, leaning against the doorframe. The way he stands there, hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans, black shirt tucked in but loosely hanging around his shoulders. He looks so good and your mouth almost waters.
You have to get yourself together. Or just kiss him like you’ve been wanting to. “Yeah, I am!”
Hoseok smiles at you. You hold your breath when he steps over to you, coming particularly close to brush a strand of hair out of your face. “You look nice today.”
“I — Thank you?”
“You’re welcome, silly.”
You stand absolutely flabbergasted as he shows you around the room. Did he just say that you look nice? Did he just come that close to touch you? Is this what Namjoon meant? Could Hoseok be returning your feelings? “Hobi?” you ask right as he is about to leave.
He turns around at the sound of his nickname. “Yeah?”
The cut of his jeans is phenomenal, the way the material sits around his thighs and hips shouldn’t be allowed. Especially where the fabric is torn and you can clearly see the unblemished skin of his thigh. He’s sun-kissed, warm even if just visually. However, his eyes don’t roam as yours do, he just looks at you with questioning eyes. There’s no way he’s ever going to look at you like he looks at his other girls. That’s why you are different.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
Hoseok laughs. “It wouldn’t be a good getaway without you.”
You’re stopped by his words, uncertain of their underlying meaning. With him, the line of friends and lovers seem blurred. The way he touches you and talks to you, it makes your heart flutter. Undoubtedly, that is why your feelings developed so quickly.
Can anyone blame you? Hoseok is one of the most caring people you’ve ever met, and his love for physical affection only makes you want him more.
You sigh deeply. “Thanks, Hobi.”
Someone pops their head around the corner of the door; Jungkook. “Hey! Here you guys are. Eunwha and I are going for a swim in the lake before the party starts, you guys want to join?”
Hoseok turns away from you finding his friend, whose girlfriend stands behind him holding on to his hand with both of hers. “I have to stay here to welcome everyone, but I’ll join you guys tomorrow.”
Jungkook pouts but looks at you for an answer.
“Yeah, same, I’ll join tomorrow!” you say with a smile. The party starts in only a few hours and you really just want to get ready on time. Wet hair would not work in your favour.
“Okay! We’ll see you guys later!”
Hoseok nods. “Oh wait! Kook?”
“Has Jimin arrived yet? I thought he was driving with you guys?” Hoseok asks.
Park Jimin is another one of Hoseok’s close friends, jet black hair and a huge flirt — though, his heart of gold makes up for it. Jimin is well-loved amongst everyone. You included. He is very passionate about becoming a police officer, but it doesn’t stop him from always coming to hang out with his friends.
“Oh,” Jungkook frowns. “I thought he messaged you, he got caught up at the academy. He said he’ll be here tonight.”
“Okay, you guys have fun at the lake. Don’t swim too far in, it gets really deep!” Hoseok states, shooting his million-dollar smile.
You chuckle as you watch Jungkook leave, he’s pulling the poor girl along. He’s mentioned her a few times. As far as you know, she’s lucky. Jungkook is a sweet guy, he’ll take good care of her.
Hoseok laughs too. “I hope she’s going to be okay tonight.”
“Jungkook will make sure of it, don’t worry.” You open your bag on the bed, deciding on what to wear for tonight. “Does everyone have their own room?”
Your friend shakes his head. “No, Namjoon and Yoongi are sharing, and so are Taehyung and Jimin. Jungkook has his own room with Eunwha of course. So that leaves me, Seokjin and you with our own rooms. Oh, and there’s one spare room.”
“Spare room?”
The chuckle that leaves his lips says it all. “Yeah, in case someone wants to fuck, you know?”
You raise your eyebrows without intention, uncertain of what to say. “Oh.”
Hoseok gives you a knowing look, but you’re interrupted by a voice from downstairs.
“HOSEOK?! The delivery guys are here!” Namjoon yells.
“Duty calls! I’ll see you tonight, save me a dance.” Hoseok leans in and before you know it his lips brush over your cheek and you blush immediately. He’s gone before you can say anything, darting down the stairs.
You stand in your room, utterly stunned and unsure of what to do with yourself. He wants to dance with you tonight? He just kissed you — on the cheek, but it’s a kiss nonetheless. He has never done that before, not to you at least. Maybe Hoseok does feel different about you. But, it could just be his usual display of affection.
Without confessing your own feelings, you doubt he’d ever tell you his — if he feels anything for you. The only way out of this vicious, downwards spiral is for you to fess up. A dangerous gamble, but your heart can’t stand it any longer.
The thought of losing Hoseok is painful, yet the idea of staying this close to him without having him hurts more. The knowledge that he might never return your feelings lingers on the edge of your mind, and you know you will have to take the risk. However, you don’t want to ruin everything. If Hoseok doesn’t return your feelings, you’ll move on and leave it to be that way.
At the end of the day, you’re not just Hoseok’s friend. You‘re a part of a group and you wouldn’t want to lose that. Though, you’re not sure if Yoongi and Namjoon telling you about Hoseok’s flings was to protect him or to protect you.
Regardless, tonight will be the night you tell him.
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The party is busier than you’d anticipated. There are people dancing inside the living room which you cleared out together. Tents are set up outside, alongside a massive barbecue providing everyone with food for the evening. Hoseok even hired bartenders for the night, pouring free drinks for everyone’s enjoyment. Or well, you assume everyone paid a small amount when entering. Though, Hoseok’s parents are loaded enough that you wouldn’t be surprised if they paid for most of it.
You find Namjoon by the bar, he orders you a beer. “Have you seen Hoseok?” you ask.
Namjoon frowns, scanning over the crowd. “Not recently, he disappeared as soon as the party started. You know him, he’ll show up again. Though, he was looking for you.”
Your heart skips a beat.  “He was?”
You smooth down the material of your dark blue dress. It hugs your chest but flows down from the waist to hit mid-thigh. No straps, with your hair falling freely over your bare shoulders. Upstairs you’d seen Taehyung, who’d complimented you on your looks which made you a little more confident.
You thank Namjoon, moving into the crowd in hopes of finding Hoseok somewhere amongst it. It’s warm, and you quickly find yourself dancing with random people. You’re having fun when Seokjin finds you to plant a wet kiss on your temple that makes you slap his shoulder. He doesn’t say much, but it’s clear that he’s already intoxicated even though the evening has just started. Namjoon and Yoongi might have to drag him up the stairs later.
Speaking of them, Yoongi brings you another beer and asks you if you’re enjoying yourself. Out of all of them, you’ve probably had most interactions with Yoongi and Namjoon since they are Hoseok’s roommates. The former usually welcomes you, Namjoon prefers to study in the library.
“Yeah, have you seen Hoseok?” you ask him.
There's a slight change in Yoongi’s expression. “Uh, I think I saw him. Why?”
“Oh, Namjoon said he was looking for me. He promised to dance with me earlier. I just haven’t been able to find him yet.” You lean in close so Yoongi can hear you over the thumping of the bass.
He sighs, hand ghosting over your arm. “Last I seen him he was in the — oh, there he is.”
You follow Yoongi’s line of sight towards the open patio. Hoseok is easy to spot, for you at least. His hair is parted, revealing his forehead and sharp brows that make him look even more handsome. It’s hot when he wears his hair like this and —
“Y/N.” Yoongi pulls your arm, but it’s already too late.
The sinking of your heart hits harder than you expected it too. Hoseok pulls in a gorgeous girl, kissing her with his hands tangled in her hair. She leans into him and he basically shoves his tongue down the throat. You stand there and watch them for a few moments too long.
“Y/N,” Yoongi asks again, shaking your arm.
You swallow thickly, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. “I — I’m going to catch some air.”
Yoongi tries to stop you. “Hey, listen to me. I —“
“No, I need to go Yoongi. Leave me alone.” The harshness of your words completely surpasses you as you brush him off. He remains standing in the middle of the crowd as you practically run towards the backdoor.
Before you go, you look at Hoseok one more time. For all you care, him and that girl could be fucking on the stairs right now as he’s making out with her while pulling her along. You should’ve seen it coming.
Tears run down your cheeks as you kick off your too high heels in the grass. Nobody is here, you suppose it’s getting too cold now. You sniffle, not even bothering to dry your tears as you walk towards the lake. The breeze is nice, but it does nothing to ease the burning in your chest. It doesn’t help the sting of watching Hoseok make out with another girl.
Maybe you understand now, you think, why Yoongi and Namjoon tried to protect you before. Both of them must’ve known that you were crushing on their friend, and how stupid you were to think you had a chance with him. You never had a chance with Hoseok. A sob passes your lips and it scares you. You promised yourself this wouldn’t happen.
God, you knew this would happen. You knew you had no chance but you let his behaviour affect you and you’re stupid for it.
You sit down on the dock, letting your feet dangle in the cold water.
What a fucking joke. You’re out here moping, crying over a guy you will never have. A guy you shouldn’t have gone after in the first place, even if he might have been leading you on. Well…is it called leading you on if he’s not aware of your feelings? Not really, you guess.
A groan leaves your lips as you lie down on your back. Part of you knows this isn’t all your fault. It is his fault too. He hugged you, he said he wanted to dance with you, he kissed you.
Anger bubbles up after the initial sting of sadness, and you press your eyes closed as your fists tighten by your side. You can’t be the first girl who’s felt like this around him. No, there’s something about him that makes everyone want to be with him. You were no different.
You cover your eyes with your arm and lay in the cold for quite a long while, hoping that nobody finds you. Someone finding you post-crying on the dock would raise too many questions. And right now, you’re not up for lying about it. Yoongi knows, no doubt, but you just trust that he will keep his mouth shut at least. Or so you hope…
A small splash beside you catches your attention. It’s probably a bird or a fish, you think. That is until you hear another one. And then seconds later, when you don’t get up again, another.
You sit up with a groan, looking up at the beautiful night sky that twinkles above you.
When you turn around you don’t see anybody. You’re about to lie back down on the edge of the dock; that’s when you see what seems to be a glass standing at the beginning of the dock. You frown, entirely certain it wasn’t there when you came here. Someone must’ve put it there, though it seems suspiciously like the beginning of a horror movie that is going to end terribly for you.
Nobody is around, so you haul yourself up and go to investigate despite your slight fright. With shoes in hand, you reach the drink — alive nonetheless. It’s bright blue, a lime slice sitting around the rim. Again, you scan the forested area behind the house, but there doesn’t seem to be anybody near.
The drink is ice cold, glass slippery wet with condensation as you pick it up. That’s when you find the note laying beside it. The words scribbled on it make you snort.
“Why so blue?” — J
Was someone really trying to pick you up? Or was it a serial killer after all? Does it really matter? You can use the alcohol right now, so you take a sip of the mysterious drink. It’s sweet, tangy as it hits your tongue. In a good way, and you have to stop yourself from mindlessly downing it. Maybe you should go back to your room.
The thought of Hoseok fucking that girl upstairs makes you take another big sip. No, you’re not going to your room right now. The sheer idea of having to hear Hoseok fuck someone else makes you want to vomit.
It doesn’t surprise you that you finish the drink before you even get back into the house. The liquor buzzes lightly in your veins, but you’re nowhere near as drunk as you wish you could be right now. On to the bar it is.
Once there, you find Jimin. His black hair is falling messily over his forehead as he stirs his drink — his blue drink which is identical to yours.
He looks up, meeting your gaze from a few feet away and waving with a bright smile. Why your heart flutters, you don’t know, but you’re going to take it over the previous nasty feelings.
Jimin motions for you to come over, patting the stool beside you. You raise your eyebrows at him, but he insists. So you find yourself walking over to him, heels clicking on the hardwood floor as you wipe under your eyes — hopefully not making it apparent that you were crying outside just now.
“J?” you ask him.
He chuckles, twisting his body to face you as you sit down. “If I had put down Jimin, would you have shown up?”
You scoff. “I only came here for the drinks, excuse you.” A quick motion to the bartender gets you another one of the blue drinks.
“Well, it worked nonetheless.” Jimin takes a deep breath as you sip your drink. “Yoongi told me.”
He truly didn’t have to say that. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Listen to me.” Jimin touches your arm, and you find yourself turning to face him with a scowl. “In Yoongi’s defense, he was worried about you. I already knew you had a crush on Hoseok anyway.”
Your eyes widen. “What?!”
The look Jimin gives you is filled with pity and maybe a little amusement too. He leans in, thumb wiping away something on your cheekbone. “You didn’t make it very hard for us to figure out. He’s not worth your tears though.” Jimin’s eyes are warm as they scan your face.
You, on the other hand, sit frozen in your seat, legs crossed and knees between his slightly parted ones. When did he get so close? “You all know?”
“Yeah, we did.” Jimin continues before you can butt in. “I know, we should’ve said something sooner, which is why I’m telling you now. I would’ve told you ages ago if it wasn’t for Hoseok promising to do it over and over again and —“
“Hoseok knew?” You curse under your breath, rolling your eyes at your own stupidity.
Now Jimin is definitely looking at you with pity. “He doesn’t deserve you, Y/N. He’s been leading you on for weeks and he knows it.”
Your bottom lip trembles, fingers tightening around the glass. Hoseok knew you liked him — he knew and he still acted around you the way he did. He hugged you, invited you, kissed you.
“Hey,” Jimin says, touching your knee. “Are you going to be okay?”
The lump in your throat is hard to swallow. “Thank you, for telling me.”
You want to hug him, but you’re not sure how that will come across right now. Jimin and you only know each other through the others, you’ve never been one on one before. It might be the alcohol or the blatant heartache, but you notice how good Jimin looks. The full curve of his lips, his exquisitely sharp jawline, the way his eyes gently observe you.
“Honestly, you should thank Yoongi. I’m pretty sure he’s ready to deck Hoseok in the face when he wakes up. We all would’ve talked to you sooner if we knew Hoseok had been putting it off. I just —“ Jimin pauses with an exasperated breath. “This sucks, and I wish my apology would do anything for you, but I know it doesn’t. And—“
“Jimin,” you stop him in his rambling, and his eyes widen slightly. His hand lingers in his lap, and you give it a light squeeze. “Thank you, really. Not a lot of guys would tell on their friend like this. I appreciate it.”
Jimin carries himself with a gentle openness, he’s easy-going. Though, something about him has always been unattainable to you. He is gorgeous and you notice it more and more with each second. He exuded confidence and it’s hot.
You really need to stop your brain.
“My friend,” Jimin scoffs. “It’s that Hoseok and I go way back, or I would’ve fucking ripped him to shreds for treating you the way he did. I know that he has a good heart, but he knew and he should’ve — I need to stop talking about it don’t I?” he asks sheepishly, cheeks a little flushed. Running his hands through his hair is a nervous habit of his, you’ve picked up on it months ago. Yet, it doesn’t make it any less attractive when he does it.
You give him a small nod. “Yeah. Maybe I should just get myself a fucking ride home.” At least that way you wouldn’t have to look Hoseok in the eyes tomorrow. Or ever. A dark thought but right now you’re hovering in a dangerous place between anger, disgust, and sadness. You don’t know what you’ll do if you see him.
“Hey, come here,” Jimin ushers. He motions and you lean over to wrap your arms around his shoulders as he hugs you. “I know it’s hard, but don’t let this ruin your weekend any further. I promise that Yoongi will be discreet about it, and you don’t have to talk to Hoseok either.” He smooths his hand down your hair, a comforting gesture.
The weak laugh that passes your lips has him pulling away to look at you.  “Jimin, my weekend has already been ruined.”
It startles you when he cups your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “Hoseok is a dick, he doesn’t deserve anything you were willing to give him. You never have to look at him again if I’m concerned.
“He said he wanted to just be friends with you, and frankly if you want to withhold that from him nobody will question you. However, you came here to have fun, so at least have some fun before you spend the next week eating ice cream while watching reruns of Vampire Diaries.”
You cheeks heat up at his comment. “I’m not going to do that!”
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “You will, and you’re allowed to. But not tonight.” With determination, Jimin stands up from his stool and holds out his hands to you. “Come on, lets dance.”
“Jimin,” you start.
“No. No, Jimin. Let's have fun.”
There is no resisting the smile that he gives you, eyes turning into little crescents. Jimin has never been anything but nice to you, you should’ve crushed on him instead. Maybe you wouldn’t have found yourself in the situation you are now. Certainly, Jimin would’ve been honest with you. Plus, if it wasn’t for him, you’d still be moping around by the lake.
“Okay, okay.” You down your drink, setting it on the counter and taking his hands.
Jimin leads, and he does it well. There’s no hesitation in him as he pulls you along. He dances with you, twirling you around until you can’t stop laughing and he has to hold you up. It’s giddy, but it doesn’t stay so for long.
Within minutes you’re only thinking about the way Jimin’s hands trail down your sides. The thin dress making it easy to feel the way his fingers curl around your hips.
You step closer, almost chest-to-chest. Dancing with him comes easy when you follow his lead. The music thrums within him. There’s no doubt that he’s a dancer. It takes one roll of his chest against yours for you to realise how close you really are. You don’t care.
He sways his hips against yours, eyes narrowing slightly. Something about him changes — morphs — as he pulls you even closer. No space is left between you as you dance to the music. You’re almost grinding on him, and you throw your head back with a laugh.
Jimin dives in with a smile, nose trailing along the column of your throat but no further. He halts at the corner of your jaw, moving to hover over your ear. “Have I told you how good you look in this dress?” His voice is sultry, especially compared to his earlier, much sweeter, tone. It makes you shiver.
“Jimin,” you whisper. You can’t do this, you shouldn’t, but you want to. Nothing is stopping you from turning into him, nose touching his cheekbone.
He takes the incentive, turning his head and brushing his lips over yours. It’s a small touch, something that lights a spark in your chest. He is hesitant at first, sweet, as he captures your lips properly. Jimin tastes sugary, of lime of Blue Curaçao. True to your expectation, his lips are soft as they part yours.
You halt abruptly, as if realisation was pulling you by the collar.
He stops dead in his tracks, hands still on your waist. “Too far?”
Hesitation has your fingers trembling against his chest that rises and falls quickly. Jimin is warm, the feeling of his lips lingers on yours as you stare at him. You ask yourself why you kissed him — and why you stopped.
The truth is, you let him kiss you because you wanted him to. Because Jimin looks fucking amazing and you curse yourself for not noticing it sooner. You want him, you can’t resist.
Jimin’s hand is about to drop from your waist and you grab it. “No, not too far,” you breathe.
His brown eyes find yours, cheeks still flushed.
“No, I want you.” You put his hand back to your hip, tightening your other hand into the fabric of his thin, black t-shirt. “I want you to kiss me —“
Jimin shuts you up just like that, no hesitance this time. No, he kisses you firmly, lips almost bruising yours in the process. A small little sound bubbles up in the back of your throat. It’s needy, and you pull him closer. He sighs into you, chest moulding against yours like his mouth is. It’s as if you were made to fit together. How quickly you feel at ease in his embrace is insane.
There’s not a single fibre of shyness in his body now that he knows you want him. His hands grapple at you, fingers digging into your waist as he deepens the kiss. He does so with ease, groaning as your tongue meets his. Your arms circle around his neck, leaning up on your tippy-toes  to get even closer to him. The soft tresses of his hair glide between your fingers as you wind your hand into it.
You break for air, kissing the corner of his mouth with a lazy smile and trailing down his jaw. The little kisses you pepper on his skin make him moan, a sound you can barely pick up over the raging music. Jimin’s skin is smooth and you trace your tongue over his pulse point. It causes him to tighten his hand into your hair, pulling it lightly when you bite down. Your chest swells with pride when he stutters.
Jimin, on the other hand, seems to have had enough for now. He guides you back up to his mouth, pressing harder this time. His tongue is more demanding, ravenous almost. Your head is tilted back, but he’s got you. The hand that is spread over your back is warm and so are you. Both of your breathing is exponentially picking up and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest. God, you can’t get enough of this.
One of Jimin’s thighs slips between yours and you’re made aware of the fact that you’re still amongst a crowd of people are you are pushed into someone. Both of you startle, panting as your foreheads touch.
Jimin gives you a little mischievous smile, wiping his spit-slick bottom lip. You want to say something, but the words don’t make it past your kiss-bruised lips. All you want is to lean in again, to kiss him until that is all you can remember.
The way your stomach tightens as he cups both your cheeks in his hands and presses a firm kiss to your lips says enough. He breathes you in, resting his forehead against yours again with closed eyes. For a moment that is it. The world seems to still around you, only coming back into motion when his warm brown eyes settle upon yours again. They are framed by the faintest bit of liner that has smudged on the bottom. It makes him look all the more sultry.
“I know you said you wanted to kiss me,” he blurts out. “But I need to hear from you tha —“
“Fuck me,” you state before he can even finish his sentence.
Jimin’s eyes widen, an endearing sight, but not the one you want to see right now. No, right now you want him between your legs, preferably naked.
“Okay, let’s go.”
His hand finds yours again as he kisses you one more time, a lingering touch of his lips against yours that morphs into a smile on his end. The music makes it hard to discern but you could’ve sworn he chuckled a little.
Leading you through the crowd is easy, especially since you are both spurred on by the need to get upstairs as soon as possible. You watch Jimin move hurriedly, not missing the way his blue jeans tighten around his thighs. He seems way more sculpted than his clothing lets on — even his ass is nice.
The way up the stairs is a hard one, neither of you can wait to kiss until you reach the second floor. You find yourself standing two steps higher as you seek out his mouth. He moans and you reciprocate, hands sliding into his hair again. Now that you’re in a more secluded area, he seems to have grown bolder, a hand tracing down to firmly cup your ass.
He curses under his breath as you almost stumble down together. Though, it ends in laughter and the motivation to keep moving.
Once you’ve safely made it up the stairs and passed the locked door, Jimin presses you against the wall and slides his thigh between your easily parted legs. The material of his jeans is rough and your panties don’t do much to hide your arousal. You whine into his mouth and realise that you can feel the bare skin of his thigh like this from where it peeks through a tear in his jeans.
“You’re soaking,” he mumbles into your skin as he bites lightly on your earlobe. “I can feel it, fuck.” Jimin presses you higher up against the wall and bucks his hips into yours. You can clearly feel his half-hard dick pressing against your hip. Even it would be better if you both got naked, you can’t find it in yourself to move.
Rather, you find yourself grinding down onto his thigh in the middle of the hallway. You’re not even entirely certain whose room you are next to. No, all you do is moan as a ridge in his torn jeans nudges against your clit. He angles you differently, hands coming down to guide you up and down his thigh as if you were riding it.
“Jimin,” you gasp, closing your eyes tightly. The friction is delicious and you quickly find yourself in a delirious frenzy. You don’t want to stop, but you fear you‘re going to come too soon. “Jimin, fuck, stop.”
He halts, almost too quickly. There’s a frightened look in his eyes that were previously heavy-lidded. “Stop?”
“Let’s just find a room,” you pant.
He nods, no words needed. However, you both immediately notice the sock around the doorknob of his and Taehyung’s shared room. He curses — something he apparently does a lot — and scans down the hall.
You’re about to pull him towards your room when his eyes land on the door the further down the hall.
Hoseok’s room.
“Jimin!” you squeal as he pulls you into the direction of Hoseok’s room. “My room’s on the other side, let ’s just—“
He silences you with another kiss. “Oh please, he deserves it,” he grumbles against your lips. “It’s not like he’s sleeping there tonight.” Jimin points behind you, right where you notice light streaming from under the spare room’s door. You shiver.
It’s in this moment — as you stand in Jimin’s embrace, staring at the door where Hoseok is currently fucking a random girl — that you realise you haven’t thought about him since you started dancing with jimin. He hasn’t once crossed your mind and now that you do think about him you feel the slightest tremble itch back into your fingers.
All this time all you have thought about is Jimin. His full lips on yours, the way his cologne smells as you kiss down his neck. The sensation of his hands on your body and the sounds that spill from his mouth as you kiss him.
“Jimin,” you whisper, grabbing his hand and looking at him. “You know I’m not just doing this to forget about Hoseok right?”
He nods. “I know, come on.”
The certainty in his statement makes your heart jump with excitement. You won’t deny that sleeping with Jimin in Hoseok’s room feels wrong. But any small urge for vengeance you have left is satisfied as Jimin opens up the bedroom door. It’s massive, as is the bed that stands by the window.
Jimin pulls you inside, crashing his lips against yours and immediately sliding his hands under the hem of your dress. You make quick work of his shirt, tugging it up and over his head. It doesn’t take him long to locate the zipper on your dress, sliding it down and letting the material fall from your body.
He stops — looks at you in the dark lighting of the room as if you’re the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. “Fuck,” he murmurs under his breath. You’d have done the same upon seeing his toned chest and abs, but you’re too frozen by his gaze. He holds you, fingers coming up to trace along the seam of your bra ever so slightly. The moment is paused by his fixation, leaning down to kiss along your collarbone.
You have to steady yourself at his shoulders. As it turns out, Jimin is intending on making you his and making it known. You quiver in his hold as he sucks tiny little bruises on your neck and chest. By the time he’s done you’re a mess and his lips are swollen as they glide across your skin. Occasionally, his tongue follows his mouth, soothing over the bruises he made.
It takes him not even a second to get your bra off, snapping it open and letting it drop to the floor. He goes in to kiss down your breast but you stop him.
“Jimin, bed.” You place your hands on his chest, feeling his heart thump, and push him back towards the bad until he lets himself fall back onto it. As you stand at the foot of it, you admire him. He looks up at you with hooded eyes and you follow the dip of his chest down towards his v-lines that disappear into his jeans. You’ll have to make quick work of those.
So you crawl over him and he audibly holds his breath as you press the first kiss right into the centre of his chest. You trail down, slowly, making him groan more the further you go. Jimin seems sensitive, a valuable finding as you undo the buckle of his belt. Especially because you find that he is particularly sensitive right below his hips. There, he squirms almost as you kiss with each button that you undo.
You pull down his pants, discarding them onto the floor and crawling back up. Jimin pulls you further, kissing you with his hands in your hair as yours are steadied beside his head. He chuckles into your mouth, kissing you for all that it’s worth. It’s sloppy, but neither of you care as moans spill from either side. Jimin’s tongue trails yours, sucking it into his mouth and claiming it as his. The feeling makes you clench around nothing.
“Can I ride you?” you whisper into the kiss.
Jimin stops and stares at you for the millionth time that night. “You — are you sure?”
“Yeah.” You nod firmly, scooting down from where you were sat just above his lap with his dick nudging against your ass. Now, you find yourself resting on his thighs with your own parted, palm sliding over the outline of his cock which is still confined by his underwear. He throws his head back, lips parting in a silent moan as you stroke him. “So, can I?”
He doesn’t look at you but nods eagerly. His underwear is quickly discarded, landing somewhere behind you. The way his dick lays hard on his stomach makes your mouth water, and you would’ve sucked him off if it weren’t for the fact that you’re practically dripping through your panties by now.
“Oh fuck,” Jimin groans as you grab his shaft, fingers closing tightly around it for a few experimental tugs. He’s girthy and you know you’re going to feel it tomorrow — you want to. The sounds he makes as you slide your hand up and down his cock are divine, the strain of his throat a marvellous sight. Jimin’s eyes are closed tightly, the pull of your hand slicked by the precum that keeps collecting at the tip.
“Babe, you’re doing so good.”
Your thighs quiver at the praise, rhythm faltering and he notices, cracking open one eye to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“What?” you ask
His lips tug up in a lazy smile and you let him pull you into his chest. “Do you like that? Being told you’re doing good? That I love the way you touch my cock?”
You whimper into his neck as he tickles his fingers down your spine. Truly, it’s not something you usually owe up to, but the way the praises fall from Jimin’s mouth is literally setting you on fire. If anything you’re too turned on to deny it. “I — yes.”
Jimin chuckles, fingers slipping past your underwear to collect your wetness. “You’re drenched. Get these off.” He lets the band snap back to your hip and you let out a little yelp.
They’re absolutely ruined when you slide them down your legs, now completely bare like him. Jimin’s reaching into the bedside table to fish out a condom and throw it onto the bed.
“Come here.” He motions as you slide back into his lap. Your spine straightens when he boldly cups you, middle and ring fingers slipping between your folds and teasing your entrance. You want to touch him, but at the first slide of his finger inside your sopping cunt you have to find purchase on his chest. He fingers you thoroughly, listening to your staccato moans and adding another digit. The stretch is slight but immediate and you know you’re going to need it.
He knows how to play you, it’s evident from the ecstasy you’re feeling. Jimin looks at you almost daringly as he fingers you with an increasing pace. By the time he adds the third fingers he’s forcefully grinding his palm into your clit.
You moan his name, nails scraping over his skin. “I’m gonna come.” Your thighs are flexing, stomach tightening with your impending orgasm. “Jimin.”
“You look so beautiful like this, with my fingers inside of you. Doing so good for me.” He coos almost, his other hand reaching up to cup your cheek and make you look at him. “Be a good girl and come for me.” It’s all you need to hear — the velvety sound of his praise is enough to send you over the edge.
You tremble on top of him, nails digging into his pecs as he slowly fucks you through your peak. He doesn’t still until you do, looking up at you with amazement. There’s a fondness in his eyes that makes your heart swell with want.
“Can I,” you start, still panting, “please ride you now?”
Jimin shifts up a little towards the headboard, pulling you with him. “You’re that eager huh?”
You nod, eyes still half-lidded as your state remains blissed out. “Please, I just want to feel you inside of me.”
Another curse falls from his lips, but he doesn’t argue with you. No doubt he wants the same thing. He finds the foil now hidden under the pillow, ripping it open and sliding the condom onto himself.
His fingers are enough to make you want to do this again. You’d have assumed a lot of things about Jimin, but that he was so skilled with his hands was not one of them. He certainly knows how to use them despite the others’ constant mocking about his small hands. And boy did he use them on you.
Now, you find yourself positioned above his cock as he holds himself. Your chest is tight with anticipation as you place your hand over his, his gaze focused on where he teases your folds. Impatient, you guide him to your entrance. You’re more than wet enough, but neither of you is prepared for the feeling of him finally slipping inside.
He stretches you out in the best way possible, you feel every inch as you slowly sink down onto him. Your hands are on his shoulders, his on your waist to guide you down. Jimin is hot, twitching inside of you as you bottom out with a groan. The fit is snug, you’re so full like this.
“You’re so tight, so warm, so good,” he rambles, his grip on your waist almost bruising.
The way you clench at the praise earns you a whine, and you do it again just to hear that sweet, high-pitched sound again. His lips are parted, swollen and inviting. So you kiss him, lips parted and tongues meeting immediately. Neither of you move, you just kiss as you sit with his cock pressing deep inside your walls.
Slowly, you start grinding down on him, both of you immediately moaning at the feeling. Grinding quickly turns into sliding yourself up and down until your bounding like it’s all you’ve ever wanted to do. Your thighs burn and Jimin helps you find a rhythm as he licks up the column of your neck.
The pleasure is ceaseless, it burns like fire in your veins. He sucks another bruise onto the swell of your breast, flicking your nipples and adding to your ever-growing arousal.
“Good girl,” Jimin praises when you slam yourself down on him particularly hard. “You’re doing so good bouncing up and down my dick, fuck.”
Sweat is dripping down your back, your thighs sliding over his as you fuck yourself down on him over and over again. His hair is stuck to his forehead, a delicious sight you wish you could capture forever. He looks gorgeous in the throes of pleasure, full bottom lip pulled between his teeth, eyes clenched shut.
“Jimin,” you moan, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Help me.”
He hums, pulling you into his chest and kissing your cheek. You lean up on your knees, so far only the tip of him remains inside of you. Then, he slams his hips up into you, right where you need him the most.
You scream in pleasure, so loudly it scares both of you.
He laughs out loud. “You gotta be good and keep it down a little, okay?”
Eager to please, you nod, kissing him to silence yourself as he starts picking up the pace again. If your screaming wasn’t any evidence of your activities, the lewd slapping of his hips against your ass is. Your slick is dripping down your thighs and you groan as he pounds into you.
The friction is delicious, and you start meeting him thrust for thrust as your breasts bounce up and down. Jimin opens his eyes again to look at you, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass.
“I’m close,” he breathes out, sentence punctuated by a moan.
“Me too, fuck.”
“Come for me, show me how good you’re feeling.” Jimin’s words aren’t a demand, but they might as well have been because it takes two more thrusts of him inside of you for you to shatter apart in his grasp.
You fall into his chest, hips failing to keep their steady grind as you come. The near-violent clenching of your cunt around his shaft are his undoing because he comes mere moments after you did, twitching inside of you and making you whine.
Both of you don’t move, incapable of doing anything else but lay in each other’s arms and bask in the pleasure for a solid few minutes. It's him who comes back to earth first, a laugh bubbling up in his throat.
“That was amazing,” he exclaims.
You meet eyes with him, still unable to form proper words. He knows how to kiss you; to pull you further into him and softly brush his lips over yours to make your toes curl. It’s a nice contrast, the gesture easing your raging heartbeat. You relax in his grasp and slowly lift up so he can slide out. Both of you hiss at the feeling, but you’re relieved to be able to roll onto your back now.
Every part of your body is going to hurt tomorrow, but it was worth it. You’re still blissed out even after Jimin returns from the ensuite bathroom to clean you up with a wet towel. He is gentle but efficient, and you let out a content sigh when he finally settles into the bed beside you. The sheets might be soiled, but so are both of you and there’s no thought of doing anything about it.
“Sleep?” he asks as you curl into his side.
“Yeah,” you yawn, closing your eyes as you wrap an arm over his stomach. “Sleep.”
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You wake up confused, groaning into Jimin’s shoulder as you wrap yourself tighter around him.
“Good morning,” he chuckles at your exhausted form.
Last night you were right, your thighs are in agony from riding him. “No, bad morning.”
Jimin kisses the top of your head. “Muscle ache?”
“Hmm.” You nuzzle into his shoulder, realising the way your legs are intertwined beneath the sheets.
It’s truly a peaceful moment, waking up next to him as the sun shines through the slightly open window. It’s a realisation that sends everything crashing back down onto you, but to your own surprise, you find yourself laughing.
Jimin turns to look at you, leaning up on one elbow. “What?”
“We really fucked in Hoseok’s bed.”
Then, he joins your laughter. “We really did.”
No doubt, you feel the bruise from yesterday. What Hoseok did hurts, and you know you’re not ready to face him yet. But right now, you feel more anger towards him than anything else. You’d go downstairs and punch him in the face if you knew you could. Yet, you’d rather stay here with Jimin and enjoy him for as long as you possibly can.
For all you know, this was the first and last time between you.
“Hey,” you start.
“Hello you,” he returns with a snigger.
You roll your eyes, sitting up against the headboard with a pillow in your lap. “You know I didn’t have sex with you to forget about Hoseok right?” It’s true, he wasn’t on your mind at all. All you could think of was Jimin — he’s all you want to think of still. However, without the veils of pleasure and arousal, you have to face reality.
Jimin sits up beside you, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “I know, you told me the same thing yesterday after you were grinding on my thigh in the hallway.”
You gasp. “Excuse me? All I remember is bouncing on your dick, thank you very much.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Are you sure? Because I certainly remember a praise kink and — oof.” He is ungracefully interrupted by you smacking him with the pillow.
“We don’t talk about that!”
“Okay, fine!” He holds up his hands in defense. Then you notice the red marks littered across his chest and shoulders and you blush. They’re so vivid against his lightly tanned skin that you’re not sure how he’s going to be hiding them the rest of the weekend. That is if he is intending on hiding them.
The door suddenly opens, stopping both of you mid-laughter as you stare frightened. To both of your relief it’s Yoongi who pops his head around the corner.
It’s very apparent from his scowl that he’s not pleased. “Really? In his bed?”
Jimin scoffs. “Don’t pretend like you didn’t just rip him a new one Yoongi.”
Yoongi purses his lips in annoyance. “I didn’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I’m just saying that it’s maybe a little overboard.” His eyes move from Jimin to you. “Do you want a ride home? I imagine you’re not going to be staying the entire weekend.”
It’s an offer you didn’t see coming, but you can understand that Yoongi wouldn’t want to be around Hoseok after confronting him about leading you on and lying to him about it. Though, you do really want to go home, even if Jimin will be here. You’re aware that you’re going to have to face Hoseok eventually, but it doesn’t have to be today. “Yeah, that’d be nice, thank you. Let me just get showered real quick.”
Yoongi nods and disappears as quickly as he came.
You get up from the bed, Jimin silently watching you as you move around the room to collect your clothes. “Jimin, would you mind going into my room and fetching my bag while I shower?”
He nods, slipping his boxers on and leaving you to shower quickly. It doesn’t seem to faze him, that he just slept with you after what happened yesterday. You’re not sure if it should faze him, or if it should faze you. You’re not even sure that it does. Having sex with Jimin was great. But even aside from that, Jimin was great and you find yourself smiling at the thought of him as you quickly rinse yourself off.
Jimin sits dressed on the bed when you come back into the bedroom. He looks up at you with a slight smile. “Clean?”
You hum an affirmative as you grab clean clothes from your bag. When dressed you take a better look at him. There’s something strangely innocent about him as he sits on the edge of the bed observing you. He’s wearing shorts and a white t-shirt that fits him nicely.
“Come here,” you whisper, pulling him up and kissing him. “Thank you.”
“For what?” he asks, eyes wide with surprise. Jimin’s hair is fluffier, probably from last night, but it’s cute and you run your fingers through it to smooth it down.
You smile at him for what might be the first time — a sincere, wide smile. “For being honest with me.” Kiss. “For comforting me.” Another kiss alongside a brief pause in your speech as you gaze into his eyes. “For showing me that I’ve been crushing on the wrong guy this entire time.” A last, small kiss.
He blushes, a grin tugging at his lips in a teasing way. It’s followed by a firmer, deeper kiss. One that sweeps you off your feet and has your heart racing within seconds. It’s not fair that he already has this effect on you, but this kiss is different. The way he holds you against him is gentle but certain and you keen into him.
When he parts, you’re breathing is a little heavier and you stare at him in awe.
“You know what would really make you forget about Hoseok?”
“Go to dinner with me?”
His inquiry is so casual — as if it’s nothing, and you want to say yes as soon as the words leave his mouth. Yet, you know that there’s a better decision at this moment. “I think that it’s best for both of us if I take a few days off and set my feelings and thoughts straight before I think about going on a date with you.” You place your hands on his chest, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.
“So now you are going to sit around moping with ice cream and Vampire Diaries reruns?” he jokes.
You playfully slap his chest. “Hey, I might as well take advantage of the situation and enjoy two of my favourite things. Though, I plan to skip most of the moping.”
“Okay,” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
With both hands still on his chest, you give him one last kiss before you leave. “I’ll call you. Thank you, again.” It hurts to part with him on such undefined words, but you owe it to both of you to figure things out first.
He sends you off with a wink and a smile. “I’ll be waiting. Enjoy the ice cream.”
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© GguksGalaxy 2018-2020
Special Thanks To: @bubypjm @lapysllazuly @sunshineangelhobi
@jeonkookd @flowerymoonlight @lunyua @mooniva @idontparkjiminiridejimin @slowlydeliciousjiminie @okaysoplshelpme @books-for-summer @jeoneric @lpayne612 @bb-eilish @burgeoninggirl @annee27 @itsmehoseok @brokencrownqueen @whopper-button @xanny91 @asskickks @sunshinechim-98 
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dobbysaurio7 · 3 years
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Blue Kamikaze 💙 ¿Conoces su origen? 🤔 Cóctel de singular nombre, se originó después de la segunda guerra mundial, tiempo en el que se popularizó el término. Está hecho a base de vodka y triple sec, fuerte y refrescante, pudiendo llegar a ser engañoso aunque su propio nombre lo delata. 🤯 En nuestra versión del coctel añadimos Blue Curaçao para darle un toque único. No te quedes sin probarlo. 🤩 👨🏻‍💻 Información detallada: https://linktr.ee/puertoquitolodge 📞 Contactos: 0999900128 | 0991929040 💬 WhatsApp: wa.me/593999900128 📍 Dirección: Vía el Achiote km 2, Puerto Quito, Ecuador. Encuéntranos en tu red social favorita como @PuertoQuitoLodge. 💛💙❤️ #coctel #bartender #cocteles #cocktail #bar #cocteleria #cocktails #drinks #barman #ctel #bartenderlife #mixology #cerveza #party #bebidas #ron #tragos #eventos #food #gin #drink #bartenders #vodka #bluecuracao #puertoquitolodge #bluekamikaze #ecuadorians593 #ecuadorprimero #ecuadortravel #ecuadoramalavida 🇪🇨 (en Puerto Quito Lodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSBGGU7LqdV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tomokc · 7 years
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kamikaze blue 🌊 * #deepislandbar #cocktailday #islandbar #kohchang #thailandbar #bluekamikaze #島の酒場 #チャーン島のバー #difriends (Deep Island Bar)
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A Cocktail Story 🍹 #Cocktails #Urlaub #Mallorca #CalaMillor #AnbaRomani #Hotel #Bar #Cocktail #PinaColada #Sexonthebeach #BlueHawaiian #BlueKamikaze #CocoLoco #TequilaSunrise #CaipiroskaFresa
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gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Blue Kamikaze | PJM | Teaser
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When your friend Hoseok asks you to come stay at his parents' lake house with him and his friends, you think you might finally get a change to confess your feelings for him. Nothing is less true. Someone catches you moping around the lake and leaves a blue drink with a mysterious note.
›› Bottoms Up Masterlist ›› Genre: Smut / Angst ›› Rating: 18+ (sexual content) ›› Pairing: PJM x Reader ›› Word Count: 10k
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When you turn around you don’t see anybody. You’re about to lie back down on the edge of the dock, when you see what seems to be a glass standing at the beginning of the dock. You frown, entirely certain it wasn’t there when you came here. Someone must’ve put it there, though it seems suspiciously like the beginning of a horror movie that is going to end terribly for you.
Nobody is around, so you haul yourself up and go to investigate despite your slight fright. With shoes in hand, you reach the drink — alive nonetheless. It’s bright blue, a lime slice sitting around the rim. Again, you scan the forested area behind the house, but there doesn’t seem to be anybody near.
The drink is ice cold, glass slippery wet with condensation as you pick it up. That's when you find the note laying beside it. The words scribbled on it make you snort.
“Why so blue?” — J
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Special thanks to: @bubypjm @lapysllazuly @sunshineangelhobi
@jeonkookd @mooniva @flowerymoonlight @lunyua
Note: If you want to be tagged when I post this, COMMENT TAG! 20 spots!
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simplyweerd · 10 years
Salud chorro de gente bonita ❤️ #relax #musicaenvivo #besitos #muchoamor #bluekamikaze
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gguksgalaxy · 4 years
How did you manage to make Blue Kamikaze cute and sexy at the same time?!✨
Because it's Jimin ;) That's the key ingredient for a cute and sexy outcome my love
Fic mentioned: Blue Kamikaze | Summer fic ft. sweet Jimin
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