#bounce my rabbit
winstonwolf24 · 3 months
Look I don't know if this is the site to post this but my rabbit has just passed away on March 11 2024, and I just wanted to post some pictures of him
To commemorate I suppose ... Hehe
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arsenicflame · 4 months
Ed gets amnesia (Izzy-centric, pre s1 banishment, past edizzy to some degree)
It starts something like this: a rope left out after a raid, a captain showing off to the crew, a workload stretched too thin to have noticed the accident waiting to happen...
When Ed wakes, it's almost immediately clear something is wrong. He's lost a few years of memories- not much in the grand scheme of things, but it's enough that the man who lays in front of them is almost unrecognisable to the man they knew. He's from just at the point where he was starting to get frustrated with the 'ease' of being Blackbeard, tiring of his old life, but still so full of life and love in ways the present Ed forgot how to be.
He's a lot more on guard, for a start, waking up surrounded by strangers, even if they are treating him very nicely. He doesn't trust them, he doesn't even fake trusting them, just shuts them out completely.
Stede and Roach figure out what's going on pretty quickly and try to explain it to Ed after that, about what's happened and all the things he missed, but he doesn't believe them for a second- how could he? If he got hurt, Izzy would be there waiting for him to wake up. He always has been, always is, his predictable and reliable Izzy. He says as much to Roach and Stede, the only thing he will say, and they just... side-eye each other. They can't believe it- Izzy?
Anyway, Ed completely shuts down after that, so someone runs to get Izzy. Izzy, who had decided, after everything- especially the past few weeks on the revenge- that there's no way Ed would want him there. He's still lurking on deck because he can't stand not knowing how Ed is, but he knows that's not his place any more. So to say he's surprised when Stede comes and begrudgingly grabs him is an understatement- Stede doesn't tell him anything, obviously, just that Ed’s asking for him. 
The way Ed’s face lights up as he walks into the room is a punch to the gut. There's a cheerful greeting, the kind he hasn't received in years, and Ed’s yapping on about what he's been told and what happened and "this ship, Iz!" and he's just... floored. He can't say anything in response, not even to confirm their story because this is Ed, this is his Ed, who's face is turning worried, joking about how it looks like Izzy’s the one with a head injury, and Izzy can't cope. He just... storms out of the room.
Izzy’s up on deck, and he's not even yelling, or working, or really doing anything, just aimlessly coiling ropes in a daze when Ed appears on deck after him. He's thrown his leather jacket over whatever of Stede’s clothes he was wearing, a return to his Blackbeard armour to be seen by crew, and he jogs up to Izzy and starts getting handsy with him, physically turning him to looking him in the eyes and check he's ok, just generally being casual in a way that nobodies ever seen them- a way that nobody expected Izzy to tolerate (but of course he does, its Ed).
Izzy'll stutter out a response and Ed will wrap his arm over his shoulder, casually, like that's a thing they do. He'll ask for a tour, for him to explain everything, like what's the deal with this Stede guy. He's still enamoured with The Revenge and all its bells and whistles, only now he wants it with Izzy. It's all 'Iz' and 'mate' and affectionate and a side of their relationship even the Queen Anne crew haven't seen in years, a complete shock to absolutely everyone except this Ed.
Ed shows Izzy the model of The Revenge again and Izzy is both heartbroken and so indulgent because that's the Ed he had once, and he's going to take every second while he can. Ed can show him every single trinket on the entire ship if he wants. Izzy's always been willing to indulge Ed to some degree (it's Izzy, after all) but there's usually external factors, like they're in the middle of a raid, storming a hostile ship, or being chased down by the Spanish without any plan and over the years Izzy’s taken to just trying to redirect Ed quickly rather than letting him get distracted with the next shiny thing. It's been a sticking point between them, Ed's distractions and Izzy's rigidity and inability to have fun even when the occasions fitting.
But, for all Izzy's gripes with The Revenge, he does know it's safe for them- or at least that he could take on any member of this useless crew who tried to take advantage of his captain's momentary incapacity. So he does, for once, feels safe to indulge Ed. And God, he wants to. He has wanted to. He wants to watch him forever, like he did when they were little more than kids. He wants to forget all the mistakes he made just to see Ed smile and light up at him one more fucking time. He's not going to throw away this opportunity, no matter how badly it hurts him in the end.
Ed's memories don't come back in a day or so, so the crew keeps getting these shows of their relationship in a way they've never seen before- all these casual touches, and the way he'll turn to Izzy before anyone else, even Izzy laughing a couple of times. The crew gets to see a completely different Izzy- one more like the man he'd have been on The Queen Anne, a man they can see means something to Ed. He's not just his rotten first mate, a necessary evil of Blackbeard, at some point it becomes very clear that Ed did like Izzy, that he chose to have him around. It's like being back when Ed and Izzy were on the same page, at the height of Blackbeard, their partnership, when things were GOOD.
And of course, Izzy’s going along with all this. He's not telling him anything about the way they're different now, about how they finished breaking their matelotage 6 months back, about how they've been living at arms length for years, about how this simply isn't who they are to each other any more. He couldn't possibly do that, not when he gets to live the best days of his life all over again, just for a few short days. Maybe he'll get a week or two, if he's really lucky.
It's hurting him, obviously, it feels like his heart is being ripped out every time Ed touches him, every time he corners him in the depths of the ship (still so untrusting of this unknown crew- not helped by how they treat Izzy. He sees the side eyes and cruel comments and notices in a way the present version of him never did, too wrapped up in Stede and the madness of this ship) but hey. Izzy’s a masochist. He'll take anything Ed gives him, and he'll especially take this opportunity to have one last taste of what he's lost.
At the time it faded so slowly he didn't realise he was losing it until it was all gone, but he won't make that mistake this time. He knows their time together is limited, and he's going to take every fucking second he can and hold it close forever. If Ed makes him leave after he remembers? After he realises the way Izzy took advantage of him? It's worth it, to have this again, one last time.
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fisheito · 8 months
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OMG. that means... Cloaca Crew........
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✨C l o a c a C r e w✨
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#is there a way to turn someone's tags into regular text or must i continue turning words into jpgs like a savage?#blade walks into the bathroom too and goes “oh?? u talking about the stall??”#“it's great! my voice bounces around while i'm in there so singing is super fun. here lemme show u”#cut to scene where it's blade crowding eiden/yakumo/rei into one stall and making them sing to test the bathroom acoustics#blade wears a hard hat while swimming in the shark tank#does it make sense? no. but blade does not want to be left out of the hat game. safety first!#did i go down another abyss of articles about owl and shark anatomy to confirm cloacas before i drew this? yes.#the tags tho#olivine (ever the caring coworker) tries to stop edmond from gorging on sugary carrots but edmond will outrun him#or stuff his face so fast that olivine cannot stop him#several hours later u just find edmond curled up on the ground in the rabbit pen#bc of tummy ache.#he is under a mountain of fluffy potatoes (bunnies) trying to comfort him#olivine knew this would happen so he's out there gently extracting edmond from the pile and coaxing him to rest properly#i wonder what the staff room fridge looks like.#WHO PUT AN ENTIRE KING SALMON ON TOP OF MY SALAD#anyway. they can probably eat relatively normal humanish food.#or maybe that fridge is just a decoy fridge (and a place for edmond's full 3 heads of lettuce)#and the real lunch fridge is in the back with all the “animal food storage”#u open it up and it's just a pixellated blur of gore#blame all the carnivores working here. they demand fresh meat.#zookeeper au#yakumo#eiden#rei#blade#edmond#olivine
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✝️Wes as Father "Thicc" Dick✝️
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starsidexiv · 7 months
the maybe man
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absolutely speechless...
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bittersweetblasphemy · 3 months
the problem with writing a fantasy loosely based on a historical culture is you need to decide how "loose" you're willing to go. like yeah i know they didn't have silk but fuck you there's a literal god sitting right the fuck there and of course he would want that shit. but also would the protagonist know what the fuck a book is?
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catboyfever · 1 year
"The Love Bug" - Rabbit/Tigger Fluff
Tigger shows up at Rabbit's house sick as can be, convinced he's not got a cold but a "Love Bug" for Rabbit. Rabbit takes care of him as best he can while powering through Tigger's seemingly nonsensical ramblings. I had a lottt of fun writing this one, I'm an absolute sucker for scenarios like this. I hope you enjoy :3.
Windstorms were nothing new to the hundred acre wood. In fact, Rabbit treasured a good night inside. Alone, warm, safe from the winds. A pot of vegetable soup was simmering on the stove, he had a cup of black tea with just the perfect amount of sugar. He sat down in front of his fireplace, cup in hand, ready to unwind… when a dull knock at his door interrupted him. Rabbit sighed, set the cup of tea down on the ottoman in front of his chair. As he walked towards his door, he wondered who would be foolhardy enough to venture out in a storm like this. He opened the door and who stood in the doorway shivering like the leaves that flew off the trees? None other than Tigger. 
“Tigger! What are you doing out in a storm like this?! Are you trying to catch a cold!?” Rabbit shouted. 
Rabbit opened his mouth to start lecturing him again but stopped as he noticed something was amiss. He was still standing on his own two feet and Tigger hadn’t even tried to bounce him. In fact Tigger didn’t even reply to him at first. He took a long look at the tiger. His tail was dragging behind him on the ground, his cheeks were bright red and his eyes looked sunken in. He looked dreadful. 
“Tigger… are you alright?” Rabbit asked, softening his tone of voice. 
Tigger simply shuffled into the house. Rabbit closed the door gently behind him, leading him to the chair by the fireplace. Tigger sunk into the cushy chair, shivering even as the heat from the fire radiated onto him. 
“My word… you’re sick as a dog. Why in the world did you walk all the way over here? Shouldn’t you be resting?” Rabbit asked as he stepped away to retrieve a blanket for the poor tiger. 
“I’m n-not sick like I usually get, Ra-Ra.” Tigger finally spoke up, punctuating his sentence with a sneeze. “Yes, it’s much worse. I can see that.” Rabbit said. He spread the blanket out, neatly tucking the soft, fuzzy covers over Tigger as he warmed himself by the fire. 
“No, no you got it all wrong! I’m not sick. I got b-bit by the love bug!” Tigger proclaimed. 
Rabbit brought a hand to Tigger’s forehead and sighed. “You’re burning up, you can’t be thinking straight.” 
“I mean it! I woke up this morning feeling something dreadful… absolutely miserabible. But all I could think about was you, all afternoon. S-So that’s why I had to come see ya!” Tigger sneezed again, prompting Rabbit to set a box of tissues on his lap. 
Still unconvinced that anything Tigger said was genuine, Rabbit continued to make sure he had things in order to make Tigger comfortable. The soup was nearly done. Tigger’s timing was always impeccable one way or another. 
“So you woke up feeling ill and you thought of me. What’s that supposed to prove? You probably knew I’d be the one best suited to help nurse you back to health is all.” Rabbit said. 
Rabbit switched his stove off, ladling a healthy portion of the veggie soup into a bowl. He took a seat on the ottoman and sat facing Tigger. He kept staring at him with focus like he’d never seen before. He had a dreamy look in his eyes… Rabbit didn’t know what he could be thinking in that silly head of his. 
“Do you think you can eat on your own?” Rabbit asked. 
“Well, how am I supposed to eat if you tucked me in all snuglike?” Tigger asked. 
Rabbit rolled his eyes. Even stricken will illness Tigger couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Rabbit gingerly raised a spoon to Tigger’s mouth, feeling a smile tug at his lips as the tiger ate and purred. He could imagine the soup was doing wonders to warm him up. 
“You got real pretty eyes, Ra-Ra.” Tigger said as Rabbit drew the spoon back into the bowl. 
Rabbit shrugged. “Yes, yes. You’re going to have to play up this whole ‘love bug’ act if you want me to believe a word of it.” 
“I mean it! Usually I only get to see you looking kinda angry. You look sweeter than honey right now, doing all this for me.” 
Rabbit’s face started to mirror Tigger’s as he looked down at the bowl. 
“Oh! Look at that, empty. I better go wash this up.” Rabbit said before hastily walking back to the kitchen. 
He’s totally out of it, don’t take what he says seriously. Rabbit thought to himself. Rabbit took his sweet time, really scrubbing the bowl as clean as he possibly could. Tigger had just eaten out of it after all! He had to be sure it was extra clean so he wouldn’t get sick. That’s what he told himself as he bought more time to regain his composure. Rabbit made his way back to Tigger who was gazing into the fire, his tail swaying lazily behind him. 
“Alright, you’ve eaten. I’ll let you have the bed tonight, I’m not about to make you walk all the way home… However, if you’re going to be sleeping in my bed. I’m giving you a bath first.” Rabbit said. 
He expected shouts of protest, bargaining, even a sudden surge in energy that led Tigger to bounce right back to his house. He never expected to hear: 
“Okiedoke, Long Ears. It’s your bed after all.” 
Rabbit’s eyes snapped to Tigger and studied him. He just had that dreamy look on his face, like his mind was a mile away. A mile away and full of thoughts about… him. He shook his head. 
“Oh, I-I… I mean it! A really good scrubbing! I-It helps you get better faster, getting all the grime off of you.” Rabbit said. 
Tigger was unfazed. “Well, sure! If it’ll help me feel better.” 
Now Rabbit was truly worried. Rather he was far, far sicker than he was letting on or this… ridiculous notion of some sort of “Love Bug” was true. He couldn’t think of a world in which Tigger agreed to a bath. While Rabbit’s brain worked overtime trying to make sense of the situation Tigger was a lump on the couch, head in the clouds. Rabbit brought the washbasin into the living room and began to boil water for the bath. Once it was heated up, he poured the pots of hot water into the basin and filled the rest with cool water until a hot and steamy, but comfortable bath was filled. Once it was filled Tigger unwrapped the blankets from around himself and slowly got to his feet. A few shaky steps later, he was sinking into the tub. He let out a long, deep sigh as the hot water surrounded him. 
Rabbit approached the tub like it would explode if he walked too fast. Some part of him expected Tigger to leap out of the tub at any moment, but he only seemed to grow more lax as he stood behind him and began to scrub the tiger’s fur with a soft brush. Beneath his gentle scrubbing, he felt Tigger’s muscles relaxing. 
“You’d go and do all this for me… No wonder this ol’ love bug’s got me thinking of you.” Tigger mumbled. 
Rabbit sighed. He’d never been so close to Tigger before. Well, not like this anyway. The tiger’s body was usually a blur of motion. To see him relax like this was a rare sight. As Rabbit scrubbed Tigger’s back, he seemed to tense up just a bit as he drew closer to his tail. Rabbit decided to get back at the silly tiger by teasing him some. He set the brush aside and stroke up the length of Tigger’s tail from the base to the black tip, eliciting a shaky sigh from him. 
“C-Careful, Bunny Boy! My tail’s real sensitive ya know?” Tigger shuddered. 
“Oh I’m just trying to get it clean! You dragged it on the ground the whole way over here.” Rabbit said. 
He let his fingers run over the length of his tail one last time before he let Tigger have some reprieve. He was still sick after all, so he shouldn't push him so much. 
Finally, Rabbit poured water over Tigger, rinsing off the bubbles. Tigger stood from the tub and Rabbit gently worked a towel into his damp fur until it was reasonably dry. While Rabbit rubbed the soft, warm towel over him, Tigger purred like a motorboat. With Tigger fed and clean, it was time to get him the rest he needed. Rabbit led Tigger to his bed. 
“Well, there it is. I’ll be on the chair by the fireplace so don’t hesitate to yell if you need something.” Rabbit said. 
Tigger slinked into the bed, sliding under the soft comforter and making himself comfy with one of Rabbit’s feather pillows. Rabbit turned to leave when Tigger suddenly called out. 
“Wait!” Rabbit turned to face Tigger, raising his eyebrows. 
“Can you… I mean… You’re not just gonna leave me alone, are ya?” Tigger asked. 
“Tigger, you’re sick. If I spend the night here with you I’m certain to fall ill tomorrow.” Rabbit crossed his arms. 
“Oh c’mon, Bunny Boy. Please? I can’t sleep without you around.” Tigger pleaded. 
Rabbit stared at him. He knew if he got into that bed and lay with Tigger, he’d certainly get sick. He knew he should just ignore his pleas, go back to his chair and tomorrow Tigger would wake up with his senses about him. Yes, he should have just went back to his chair. 
“...Fine.” Rabbit mumbled. 
If Tigger was in good health he would’ve bounced right through the ceiling. Instead though, he saved what little strength he had left to cling to Rabbit the moment he slipped beneath the covers to join him. Rabbit sighed as he settled into the embrace. Tigger was holding onto him for dear life, like he was worried if he wasn’t hanging on, Rabbit would disappear. His body was like a radiator, warming the blanket and Rabbit himself as he lay there. Tigger was purring so hard it actually sent tiny vibrations through Rabbit’s body. He fell asleep quickly, almost forgetting why he was reluctant to lay with him in the first place. 
The next morning the reminder of why he had hesitated so much hit him like a truck. Rabbit’s head was pounding, his body felt hot and heavy as molten iron and to make it all worse… a very energetic Tigger was standing over his bed with a plate of toast in hand. 
“Mornin’, Long Ears! Man you were a lifesaver last night! I feel like a million buckaroos!” Tigger exclaimed 
Rabbit glared at him and took a deep breath before screaming. 
Any smart resident of the woods would’ve been sent running. Ordinarily anyway. Tigger knew Rabbit needed his help, despite how upset he was. So he spent the entire day mirroring the care the Rabbit had given him. He cooked meals, cleaned up around the house, he even managed to reheat the soup from last night without burning the house down! By the time night came, and Rabbit was fast asleep in his bed, Tigger walked out of the house, gently closing Rabbit’s front door behind him. The memories of the night Rabbit cared for him were vivid in his mind. Though it was silly before, Tigger bounced away thinking to himself that now, maybe he really had caught the love bug for ol’ Long Ears. 
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maryoliverdotcom · 1 year
ok back to feeling insecure
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
good fortune to the fanartists who draw dabi at his actual height and don’t stretch him out like the anime does
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obwald · 11 months
one day I will uh finally post my oswald/epic mickey aus. that does involve me actually getting the basics down and drawn
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godofthestupid · 4 months
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another art collab piece by @dragonscereals and me!
this time with Radiant Ruze(cereals') and Obsidian Ruze(mine)
and here the portraits by themselves:
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and this was from where we got the base:
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testsubject24601 · 2 years
God bless to every single one of you that writes/draws consistently idk how y’all do it but I wanna be like you some day
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yotd2009 · 1 year
my rabbit died today :(
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bunathebunny · 1 year
you know what waiting for comments so you'd get to ramble about your fic is kinda old right now so like i think we should normalize rambling in the note section
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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hmmm I’m thinking about Marisol’s design bc part of me wants to give her up ears but part of me wants to stick with the initial idea of down ears
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