#burning up in the intensity of Litha's energy
soupsie-daisy · 5 months
Is there a way to offset witchblr by 6 months to accommodate my southern hemisphere ass? /hj
So tired of seeing festival posts like, "Wow, this would've been so great to see half a year ago"
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ofcloudsandstars · 3 years
Will just post some more Litha posts in a minute before calling it a night at like 17:30 cause I have been up since yesterday morning with lil naps in between and I am dyinggg haha. 
Had such a beautiful night yesterday with incredible interactions that made me feel validated or really reflect on some things. 
Yesterday was a wonderful witch friends birthday. It’s one of those spaces where not everyone is a witch but everyone is magical and aware of their sense of magic and ability to create, be expressive, be their full self etc. I tend to find that in a lot of femme queer spaces. Everyone was so vibrant and really genuine. I made like 6 new friends haha. 
I always wanted to have a dance party on the Summer Solstice. I always felt it would be appropriate with the mounting energies as this time of the year is a big energetic climax. Last night I got the invite to this party impromptu like yes come thru.. and it was very much a CATHARTIC release.. Omg we did poetry workshops, so much dancing and it was incredible as this witch friend is Ugandan and a lot of witch friends in this group have African heritage so it felt very ritualistic in the way that in some afro spiritual communities they would beat drums to certain rhythms to evoke spirits and ancestors. This afro queer witch group that I have been blessed to become friends with have all started teaching each other how to DJ so when they would start spinning their sets the beats were so intense and rhythmic it was like you were dancing in a trance. (I mean the party was lit with big red pillar candles everywhere and had deep pink lighting so it felt ritualistic or like we were in another realm haha) And each person of course has their own style but it felt like they were entrancing us with their own magic and it felt kind of like the way guided meditation can guide you on a journey but instead it was with beats and dancing. 
I reconnected with some friends of a friend there and I told them how I always take off work on the sabbats cause I may be a slave to capitalism but I deserve to have my fucking magical days off lol. (Like I don’t even take off Christmas let me have my solstices). I thought they would think this was strange but they actually said they thought it was inspiring 😂😭 I told them even if I don’t get to see friends I make a feast for myself and take time to go into nature and just be immersed in the energy and they are like wtf we want to do that. Turns out incredibly that they all also live by me!! And that they all have Monday off!! So We may actually have a feast tomorrow!! (Also shout out to service/hospitality workers cause we get random days off the week haha). 
But really talking about it with them felt validating cause they say its nice to take a moment to really immerse yourself in the seasons and days or else life just passes you by in a blur and I was like YES EXACTLY!! It’s a grounding ritual!! You take stock as of where you are in life!! You take a pause to enjoy a new chapter/season of nature!! Some caucasian witch friend made a comment once at me like, ‘It’s just another day of the year, why does it matter that you celebrate on this day specifically??’ and it’s like IF yOU DON’T MAKE A TIME TO COMMIT THEN YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THE TIME!! Plus isn’t it nice to like gather friends just to just ‘be’ in nature?? And share season foods and have a feast?? Like isn’t this what life is about?? 
This sentiment was deepened especially by the Host. She was this gorgeous woman who’s spirit just glowed and has warmth that fills the room. She has loving mom energy like the type of person who loves cooking for you (she actually cooked traditional Palestinian food for everyone in the house and even recounted beautifully how she was so happy to get up in the morning to go to the market to pick out the fresh produce and cook for others with love omg). She was so happy to just host the party and have a group of wonderful people over. Anyway there was a crew of very stylish, very attractive palestinian wlw women/femme nbs there who could fucking dance cause their hips were doing some snake charmer shit and they could keep up with all the afro beats and have their bellies, booties and thighs twerk at the same time but obv right now whats happening in Palestine is devastating. Turns out later in the night she revealed that she was a refugee. This was revealed cause the asshole neighbour who was displeased at us having a party (11PM Sat night. Like I know its late but it’s London on a Sat night), was threatening to call the cops which is really aggressive when it’s towards a group of queer, mostly dark skinned afro/arabic group of people and when he got in her face she shouted back at him, “My people have to sleep through bombs and you can’t handle a little music??” omfg.. 
Yet anyway she said something beautiful as we were in the liminal space of the party somewhere between the twilight hours of 3-5AM on her bed high as hell. She first said it in Arabic than translated it loosely to, ‘What is life but not indulges?’ meaning what is life but not the experience of it all? Experiencing our senses, our joy of living etc. And she mentioned how we can take so much for granted like enjoying being out with nature, enjoying the company and safe space of being with friends, of having the freedom of self expression, especially to be queer, to be magical, to not have your entire life uprooted. Of course so many people there have racial and colonial trauma but that crew was experiencing it real time and were ready to fight that neighbour for trying to take away that moment of celebrating a cherished friend’s birthday. 
I feel like I finally have the words to express why I love celebrations. I always thought it was a vapid Libra side of me but it wasn’t easy to dismiss as such cause I even liked celebrating things alone. It’s very grounding in the way that it helps to slow you down in the moment and really experience life. Especially when you celebrate with feasts and eat the gifts and labour you’ve given the earth to enjoy and indulge in divine food. And when you have the blessing to share these moments with friends you get to be reminded of what love feels like and what community feels like and how important these experiences are to be human. Especially when nothing is really guaranteed in this world anymore. 
I wish everyone was in a position to take off from work on the solstice to just ground themselves in nature and even spend time with good friends at the beach or park but capitalism can be really abusive. I am just glad I’ve reshaped my life to get to a point where I can do that. As for now I am going to plan out my day tomorrow then sleep forever and hope my old-ass Life Alert knees stop burning cause they are mad at me for last night’s twerking reminding me that I am on the doorstep of my 30s. 
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strigascattus · 5 years
Intro to Magic ✨
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Choose the purpose for the working
In magic it is true that you get what you ask for. It’s important to ask what you actually want. Before you do any magic, phrase your purpose in a single, clear sentence. Get rid of ambiguous wording and mixed meaning. It can be as specific or general as you want, just be sure you know exactly what you wish to accomplish.
Before you do magic make sure to check in with your self. Is the purpose of your magic ethical to your beliefs? Is the purpose of your magic going to require more energy than you have to give?
There are many schools of thoughts on the magical implications of magic. These range from the idea that magic is a sin, to the idea that magic should have no restrictions because the the very purpose of magic is to do what you want, and ever idea between.
It is important to find your stance on magical ethics. It’s up to you to decide how you want to use your magic. Here are a few things ti consider when you are deciding whether to cast a spell:
look at the situation and gather as much information as you can from a reliable source
think about alternatives
consider your guidelines, values, and principles
test your limits and don't discount your inner voice
make your own choice. you will have to live with it — right or wrong.
No one can make your choices and you can’t make someone else’ choices. Ultimately your ethical decisions —like your magic — comes from within you. Who you are — and who you will become — is something that only you can determine. It really is your CHOICE.
The limits of magic are complex and unclear, but there is a limit. Magic cannot break (or even bend) the ordinary laws of nature. Example: making objects float in mid air or making a duck bark. The effects of magical working will come gradually and naturally, not with a puff of smoke or the twitch of your nose. You will need to be patient with your work and try not to doubt the effect. The larger the area you wish to effect or the bigger more drastic the change you wish to make, the more energy you will need to put into your work. Your thoughts and ideas are unlimited but your ability to create the out you desire is limited by your personal energy. Before you try anything that requires energy be sure to make time to rest and recharge yourself.
Choosing the Correspondences
Correspondences can be used in your practice to add to your magical power. As you practice more you will be able to detect the subtle differences between various correspondences. Pay attention to these feelings, the more you recognize them the quicker you will learn. In some workings you may find it vest to use one correspondence and in others you’ll want to combine a little bit of everything. These decisions will come more naturally to you as you continue with your craft. You will discover along the way what works best for you and what doesn't. Eventually, you will discover your own correspondences. Magic isn’t really about what’s right or wrong, its about what works. 
Choosing the Materials
After looking at the purpose and symbolism you’ve chosen you’ll want to choose materials. Materials allow your intent to be viewed in a physical way. This can be overwhelming due to the fact that there are literally thousands of materials to choose from. Keep your work simple and convenient. Choose materials that harmonize with the purpose and symbolism you have in mind. There are plenty of resources to help you and with plenty of practice you will master this process.
There are some traditionally agreed upon associations for magical uses but don't allow yourself to become tied down to those. If you have a strong pull to a certain material then us it! Your emotions and feelings are tied to your magic, the materials you use will enhance it. You can always start with traditional correspondences for you materials until you find what fits and feel right to you. 
There are so many types of plants in the world and each one could have it’s own meaning and associations for magical use. 
Correspondences for Herbs
As with plants, there are countless crystals, some more well-known than others. And each one has a different purpose for magical use.
Correspondences for Crystals
Colors range from bright to dark, deep to light, pale to vibrant, regardless of their value or hue, colors affect us. They invoke different emotional responses and as such, they can be used in magic as well. The magic of colors can be used in many different ways, and the use of colors in magic is only limited by what you want to use the color for.
Correspondences for Colors
Choosing a Method
After you’ve decided your purpose or what you want to have happen, decided what correspondences will help, and found the materials you need to bring your intentions into your physical realm, you are ready to work the magic. There are a few methods you can use to do this. This will depend on what form your craft will take. Whether you plan to make an amulet, brew a potion, burn an incense, perform a spell/ritual, or something else, you will need to learn how to combine the purpose, correspondences and materials.Magic cycles through various levels of intensity over time. Your magic can be more powerful, work faster or more effectively, when magical energy is high. We’ll look at few ways to figure out the proper timing for your magic.
Sun and Moon Cycles
The moon cycles through phases, from new to full and back in about a month. Magical energies are weakest at the New Moon. As it waxes the energies increase to a maximum when the moon becomes full. The energies will decrease as the moon wanes back to a New Moon. As such there are times when certain types are more appropriate than other times.
The New Moon: reflect, expand your consciousness, learn about your shadow self, work with your subconscious, dream work, let go of fears, change something radically, renew
The Waxing Moon: bless something you want to start, to increase health, to increase success, to increase wealth
The Full Moon: health, success, charging/cleansing objects, rituals in general, wealth, heart’s desire
The Waning Moon: get rid of a bad habit or sickness/disease, remove obstacles, finish something, banish, purify
The solar cycle is reflected in the change of seasons and repeats each year. Depending on latitude and other factors the dates of the changes in season may be different. Generally in the northern hemisphere the cycle of seasons follow the pattern below.
Tide of Sowing: Ostra to Litha beginnings and growth (spring equinox, March 21 — summer solstice, June 21) with a peak at Beltane (May 1st)
Tide of Reaping: Lita to Mabon completion and fruitfulness (summer solstice, June 21 — fall equinox, September 23) with a peak at Lugnasadh (August 1st)
Tide of Planning: Mabon to Yule preservation and taking stock (fall equinox, September 23 — winter solstice, December 23) with a peak at Samhain (November 1st)
Tide of Destruction: Yule to Ostra destruction and purification (winter solstice, December 23 — spring equinox, March 21)  with a peak at Imbolc (February 1st)
My inbox and ask box is always open! Please don’t be afraid to ask my any questions you may have or if you just need a friend to talk to feel free to message me!
Follow me on Instagram: TheWitchyCat
Blessed Be💜
-The Witchy Cat😻
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amaris-october · 6 years
ANISE STAR APOTHECARY. Dried Herbs. For Clarity, Awakening & Clairvoyance.
Tied to the familiar taste of black licorice, Anise is known to suddenly snap you out of the mundane mindset & shift your attention to something new. It 'awakens' your mind to bring clarity to a situation, as it helps you "see" past the current view & bring a better understanding from a new angle. Conjuring spirits or trying to contact other dimensions is enhanced with the powers of Anise, as its crisp aroma takes us to new vibrational levels, helping us to better tap into our subconscious mind & see things through the mind's eye. It elevates our spirit & protects the aura, so that we may find comfort in journeying into the unknown. In the shape of a star, it creates the image of a pentacle, bringing awareness to the associations of the mystery of the occult & the potential we hold when we are 'one' with all things around us. Anise can intensify our dreams & strengthen our connection to spirit.  
Botanical Name: Illicium Verum
Element Correspondences: Air / Water
Planetary Correspondences: Mercury / Jupiter
Chakras: Third Eye (6th) / Crown (7th)
Zodiac Correspondences:
Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, Luck, Spiritual Offering, Protection, Power Generator, Banishing Evil, Consecration, Death, Ritual, Burial, Divination, Psychic Development, Happiness, Clarity, prophetic visions, lucid dreaming, witchcraft.
Magickal Tip: Add Anise to a hot drink to enhance prophetic visions & spirit communication. During Samhain, decorate with Stars of Anise as an offering to the spirit realm. Make a necklace talisman of Star Anise when the veil is thin for protection & psychic awareness.
Holistic Uses: A salt bath of Bay Leaves & Anise, help to relax the body, detoxing the mind of stress. Add to food to help with digestion issues.
* Please Note: Anise Stars may not be whole & are often broken up.*
   CHAMOMILE FLOWER APOTHECARY. Dried Herbs. For Calming, Peace & Blessings.
A bright, cheerful & calming herb, popularly used in tea to help one relax, Chamomile has also been used for centuries as a key ingredient in spells to bring about blessings & prosperity. When burned as an incense, it illuminates the mind to match a higher frequency, making new avenues for abundance & good luck to flow in.  When mixed with lavender in a face wash, it can be used to cast a spell of beauty & youth. In ritual or celebrations honoring the Sun, Chamomile can be used as a talisman or offering. The Summer Solstice reminds us to take it easy, soak in the sun & relax, so try adding some Chamomile to your Litha Ceremonies. Anoint your altar candles with a mix of olive oil & crushed chamomile flowers, 'wrapping' them with the power of the Sun. Smudge a new home or space with the smoke or scent of chamomile, to welcome cheerful blessings, peaceful vibes & happiness.  
Botanical Name: Matricaria Recutita
Element Correspondences: Water
Planetary Correspondences: Sun
Zodiac Correspondences: Leo
Magickal Uses: Illumination, Prosperity, Blessings, Honoring the Sun, Litha & Summer Solstice, Purification, Peace, Meditation, Youth, Calming, Sleep, Energy Clearing, Joy, Healing, Inspiration, Centering.
Chakras:   Solar Plexus (3rd) Holistic Uses:  Frequently used to calm anxiety & stress. Prepared as a tea or used in a bath, it soothes nerves & calms the mind, for better focusing or sleep. Added to tinctures & smudge spray, Chamomile helps one to relax. Also may be used to counter an upset stomach.
Dried Herbs. For Prosperity, Money Drawing & Strength.
For centuries, cinnamon has been used in all kinds of spiritually protective rituals, magic spells and potions amongst several cultures, as it is known for stimulating the Sacral, Solar Plexus & Crown Chakra, inspiring spiritual insight, psychic powers, healing and of course protection. However, one of it's main intentions in magick is to propel success or bring in abundance, as it's spicy & warm scent can work to spice up your own energy, thus raising your vibrations, warming the spirit & projecting positive energy, which in return will find it's way back to you three fold.
Botanical Name: Cinnamomum Cassia
Element Correspondences: Air & Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Sun / Mars / Mercury / Uranus
Zodiac Correspondences:
Magickal Uses: Spirituality, Love, Protection Money Drawing, Passion, Luck, Power, Success, Strength, Prosperity, Healing, Psychic, Warmth, Sex Magick. Mabon, Samhain & Yule Rituals.
Magickal Tip: Add Cinnamon to a food dish or hot drink to promote the element of Fire, bringing an abundant drive to your energy & attracting prosperity. Holistic Uses:  * Cinnamon can be a mild skin irritant. * Cinnamon repels insects if kept in cabinets. Cinnamon Tea or Cinnamon Gum can help with digestion, motion sickness or stomach issues.
         CORNFLOWER APOTHECARY. Dried Herbs.
For Psychic Awareness, Self Knowledge, Ritual.
Cornflower's natural indigo coloring vibrates to heal the Third Eye Chakra, working to awaken one's psychic awareness, enhance self knowledge, heal intuitive blocks & access inner wisdom. Cornflower is a powerful took for Indigo Children that seek their spiritual connection, when carried as a talisman, consumed as an herbal tea or used in meditation rituals for spiritual abundance.
Botanical Name: Centaurea Cyanus
Element Correspondences: Earth & Air
Planetary Correspondences: Venus & Saturn
Zodiac Correspondences: Cancer & Virgo
Magickal Uses: Psychic Awareness, Ritual, Third Eye Awakening, Self- Knowledge, Spirituality, Abundance, Love, Magick, Fertility, Growth, Creativity.
Chakras:   Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
Magickal Tip: Add Cornflower to tea to help aid in divination practices & psychic development.
Holistic Uses:  A Cornflower tincture or tonic can be used to help heal weak eyes or blemished skin. Cornflower petals can be used to create natural dyes.
All Natural Incense. For Manifestation & Spell Power.
Dragon's Blood has long been used in magick to enhance rituals & strengthen manifestation power in spells, whether dealing with issues of banishment, love, healing or clairvoyance, Dragon’s Blood is a powerful booster to anything you put out into the universe. The resin comes from the rattan palm tree, known as Daemonorops draco & is harvested in Sumatra. Historically the 'Bleeding' sap of the 'dragon' tree, resembled blood, and has harvested in order to make a paste to help heal wounds and protect an individual from infections, creating a 'natural bandaid' upon the skin. In Ritual, Dragon's Blood Resin has been added to anything from magickal inks to protection sachets & continues to be a favorite among practitioners for it's powerful properties.
Botanical Name: Daemomorops Draco
Element Correspondences: Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Mars
Zodiac Correspondences:   Aries, Sagittarius
Magickal Uses: Power to Spells, Manifestation, Intention, Protection, Love Drawing, Money Attraction, Healing Rituals, Emotional Strength, Heightening Ritual Energy, Banishing, Love, Protection, Healing, Increased Potency, Honoring the Gods, Goddesses, Spirits or Ancestors.
Magickal Tip: Add some powder of Dragon's Blood Resin to ink or paint, then write down or draw out your intentions to heighten their manifestation power.
Chakras: Root Chakra (1st) / Heart Chakra (4th) / Crown Chakra (7th)
Holistic Uses: Traditionally it was used to stop bleeding & aid healing of any wound or 'broken heart.' It was said to lower fevers & reduce stomach problems.
* Please note, Dragon's Blood Resin comes in large chunks and should be broken up or powdered via mortar & pestle before use. Jar holds approx. 1oz. which may appear only 'half full.'  *
Dried Herbs. For Purification, Healing & Protection.
Healing comes to us when we open ourselves to it. Eucalyptus carries strong healing vibration with it & it is said it you light a blue or white candle in the middle of a ring of Eucalyptus leaves, while focusing your 'trouble spot' healing, the Universe will hear your prayers & send forth powerful healing energy. Eucalyptus has long been used in spells or ritual to cast out evil, making it a frequently hung herb over doors & windows in the early days. The protection & good health that it brings, makes it an ideal ingredient for potions or sachets that require harvesting earthly energies to find grounding & channeling higher vibrational entities into one's aura.
Botanical Name: Eucalyptus Globulus
Element Correspondences: Air
Planetary Correspondences: Moon
Zodiac Correspondences: Pisces, Cancer
Magickal Uses: Healing, Warding off Evil, Protection, Healing Sickness, Energy Clearing, Purification, Spiritual Growth, Raising Vibrations, Exorcisms, Banishing, Healing Addiction.
Magickal Tip: To help a sick loved one or to protect your valuables, place Eucalyptus leaves near a photo of the one that needs healing or near a jewelry box.
Chakras:  Root (1st) & Heart (4th)
Holistic Uses: Bathing in Eucalyptus, helps to detox the body and rid one of a cold or flu. It is also known to heal lung congestion & open up the nasal passageways for a stuffy nose or slight Asthma attack, by gently & deeply breathing in the natural aroma or broken leaves.
All Natural Incense. For Illumination, Consecration & Meditation.
Frankincense holds such powerful properties for purification of the body, mind & spirit, for meditation, prayer or magickal practices, in which the user intends to build a stronger connection to source / God. Frankincense can bring about intense spiritual growth as it works to clear the chakras & energy bodies of any negativity, offering protection & strength. With that said, Frankincense can greatly enhance one's mood and bring a great energy to help one focus on their personal enlightenment & overall happiness.Frequently used in perfumes or potpourri blends, Frankincense can also double as a paint, as it was used in Ancient Egypt to paint the eyelids of Women, keeping them blessed with the gift of 'sight.' Often before Mass, the Catholic church uses Frankincense resin burned over charcoal, to cleanse the sacred space & consecrate the environment before prayer or ritual, Helping to attune one's vibrations to a higher light. Frankincense makes for a powerful tool when one is working on deepening their communication with their higher self during a meditation. Incorporate Frankincense as an offering at for your next ritual or ceremony, honoring the gift of illumination.  
 Botanical Name: Boswellia Carteri
Element Correspondences: Air, Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Sun
Zodiac Correspondences:   Leo
Magickal Uses: Cleansing, Exorcism, Meditation, Generally Lift the Spirits, Purification,
Protection, Spirituality, Sacred Space Preparation, Consecration, Blessing, Love, Courage, Ward Off Evil, Illumination, Ceremonial Incense.
Magickal Tip: Burn Frankincense prior to ceremony to purify your sacred space & welcome illumination.
Chakras: Solar Plexus (3rd) / Crown Chakra (7th)
Holistic Uses:  Said to once be used as a wax like, hair remover, Frankincense can also be used as a way to balance one's emotions when taken internally. Powdered resin may be added to water, forming a tincture, later rubbed on the skin to treat arthritis & muscle pain.
Dried Herbs. For Good Health, Protection & Spirit Communication.
A must have for any magickal apothecary cabinet, as Juniper Berry carries so many magickal uses!  
An active magickal ingredient use to guard against theft & build an energy of protection, Juniper also works to awaken creativity, activating the throat chakra & helping one to find the true joy in self expression. Historically, Juniper was often hung at the front door to reflect evil spirits, bad elements & sickness. It's crisp, pungent & strong aroma awakens many of the senses, aiding in growth towards enlightenment & drastically raising one's vibrations. This high vibration helps to banish curses, hexes or bad luck, resulting in a fun-filled, care-free lifestyle. Used for centuries to create incense, Juniper's positive, earthly energies promote a powerful belief in self manifestation, awarding the user with great strides towards their goals & dreams. This makes Juniper a magickal element for blessings, enchantment & true Joy.
Botanical Name: Juniperus Communis Element Correspondences: Fire Planetary Correspondences: Jupiter Zodiac Correspondences: Sagittarius
Magickal Uses: Good Health, Love, Protection, Wisdom, Purification, Clarity, Prosperity, Banishment, Spirit Communication, Anti-Theft, Increased Visions, Creativity, Male Potency, Raising Vibrations, Manifesting.
Chakras:   Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th)
Magickal Tip / Spellwork: * To detour thieves, grind up dried juniper berries into a power and lay a line across your front door. You can also add the powder to a sachet or tied black cloth and place in a car or jewelry box.
* You can make a home guardian poppet, by adding a blessed Juniper Berry over the heart and leaving the poppet either buried next to your front door or near it.
* It was believed that you could keep evil witches away by planting a juniper bush near your front door, as for them to enter they would have to count the needles upon each leaf, which would most likely detour them from wasting their time.
* Make an amulet Necklace or bracelet made of juniper berries for protection & heightened clairvoyance for deeper meditations & ritual work.
Holistic Uses: Antiseptic, Bladder Infections & tea.
(Tea Preparation) To make a tea, lightly grind a spoonful of berries and add to hot water. Let steep for several minuets. You may add natural sweetener or honey to desired taste.
Dried Herbs. For Relaxation, Divination, Meditation & Sleep.
Once tied to 16th Century Prostitutes, who use to bathe & wash their clothes in the perfumed water of Lavender, to attract lovers, this gentle herb has long been associated with Love. It 'calms the waters' of the spirit, reducing stress or anxiety, that may plaque the mind from underlying doubts or fears. It entices one to dig deeper within their subconscious mind, creating a portal for lucid or vivid dreams, which may help one along their path or answer questions that have been troubling the individual. Associated with the Third Eye, psychic practices & meditation, Lavender was ritualistically tossed into bonfires, to open the window to the spirit realm, while diverting evil spirits & offering protection against the Evil Eye.
Botanical Name: Lavandula Angustifolia
Element Correspondences: Air
Planetary Correspondences: Mercury
Zodiac Correspondences: Virgo
Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Consecration, Happiness, Healing, Love, Midsummer, Passion, Peace of Mind, Protection, Purification, Tranquility, Spirituality, Blessings, Chastity, Divination, Dreams, Energy, Gentleness, Good Luck, Creativity, Grieving, Harmony, Keeping Secrets, Increases the Duration of a Spell, Meditation, Memory, Psychic Development, Retention, Ritual, Sleep, Stability, Virility, Weddings.
Chakras:   Third Eye (6th)
Magickal Tip: Tip: Place a sachet of Lavender Buds in your pillow to promote vivid dreams & peaceful sleep.
Holistic Uses: Frequently used to calm anxiety & stress. Aids in headaches or sleep when left in a sachet near the pillow, bathed in or taken as an herbal tea.
Dried Herbs. For Clairvoyance, Protection & Consecration.
Mugwort has been used by magickal practitioners for ages as a dream associative & enhancing psychic skills. It calms the energy of a person, especially when ingested as a tea & helps to awaken the Third Eye, aiding in deeper subconscious travel & spirit world communications. It enhances dreamwork, helping one to better recall dreams for journaling & deciphering messages.  When burned as an incense at Samhain, it works as an offering to call upon the Ancestors, Creating a stronger bond between the thin veil of the physical world & spirit world. Mugwort is an important herb to incorporate into practice, when one is trying to awaken their psychic senses & evolve spiritually.  
Botanical Name: Artemisia Vulgaris
Element Correspondences: Air / Earth
Planetary Correspondences: Venus / Moon
Zodiac Correspondences: Taurus / Libra
Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Ward Off Evil, Purification, Astral Projection, Ancestor Contact, Spirit Realm, Third Eye Awakening, Consecration of Divinatory Tools, Dream Work, Lucid Dreaming, Seance Work, Psychic Skills.
Magickal Tip: Add a pinch of Mugwort to your Divination tools when in safe keeping to keep their energy & aura protected, strong & enchanted.  You can make a tincture of Mugwort, adding other clairvoyant crystals to the mix, and using the tincture as a consecration wash for your divination tools, to enhance their metaphysical powers & become a stronger aid in clairvoyant practices.
Holistic Uses: A tea of mugwort can aid in sleep & dream recall. It can be added to massage oil or bathwater to calm anxieties & insomnia. Freshly crushed Mugwort leaves, can be added to scratches, burns or cuts to alleviate skin irritations.
All Natural Incense. For Healing, Divination & Renewal.
Helping to gently expands upon our inner wisdom, Myrrh ties us to the subconscious, lifting a cloudy veil that blinds us from the 'unknown.' Feminine in nature, Myrrh, works with the energies of Goddess Isis & Mother Moon, aiding us in seeking deeper through the mysteries of the Universe. It raises the vibrations to illuminate our soul & reflects any negative energy that might create doubt or fear, so that one may better connect to their higher purpose, also making it a powerful source when working through tragedies. It is a great healer to the mind, body & spirit, which is why it was traditionally used in an amulet or herbal sachet to bring about a quick healing. Often mixed with Frankincense, not only within the Catholic church, but through various spiritual practices, Myrrh help's one to 'travel' deeper into a meditative state, building a rich connection with the divine, through prayer & magickal practices.
Botanical Name: Commiphora Molmol
Element Correspondences: Air / Water
Planetary Correspondences: Sun / Moon
Zodiac Correspondences: Cancer / Leo
Magickal Uses: Spirituality, Divination, Healing, Meditation, Energy Amplifier, Raising Vibrations, Peace, Renewal, Consecration, Blessings, Intuition Strengthening, Hex Removal, Moon Rituals, Third Eye Healing & Activation.
Magickal Tip: Raise your crystal ball over the smoke of Myrrh, to strengthen your psychic vision.
Chakras:  Third Eye (6th) , Crown (7th)  
Holistic Uses: Often used to make perfumes, Myrrh also repels mosquitos when burned as an incense. Due to it's Antiseptic properties, Egyptians traditionally burned Myrrh for fumigation to sick rooms.  It can also help fight bad breath, when used as a powder or extract.  
Dried Herbs. For Peace, Healing & Balance.
Olive leaves are a symbol of divine peace & fragility. The trees grow best in hot & dry climates, tying them closely to the element of Fire & the Sun. It is highly sensitive, as it can die with a tad to much water or frost. It flowers the Olive fruit & loves growing in sunny spots facing the South. It can grow stabile & strong even on slopes & hills, but still needs balanced weather conditions. It can teach us to find this balance within ourselves, we are fragile & strong. It serves as an important reminder that too much of one thing can be hazardous to us & that no matter what darkness we find ourselves in, we can find growth when illuminated by the light.
Botanical Name: Olea Europaea
Element Correspondences: Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Jupiter & Sun
Zodiac Correspondences: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Magickal uses: Calming Energies, Meditation, Balance, Peace, Zen, Raising Vibrations, Wisdom, Generosity, Releasing Negativity, Good Luck, Dispelling enemies.
Magickal Tips: Stash Olive leaves in each corner of a room to keep the home peaceful, banishing family arguments & bringing luck to those in the home.
A ring of Olive leaves can help raise the vibrations of the aura & help with spell-casting dealing with manifestation.
A branch of Olive Leaves wet with rain water or natural spring water may be used to bless a home, by thrusting the water off the leaves & envisioning white light.
Drink as a tea during Full Moons to stabilize emotions & calm your energy.
Chakras:  Heart (4th) & Crown (7th)
Holistic Uses:  Taken as a daily tea, Olive leaves can help with stimulating brain function & cardiovascular health.
Dried Herbs. For Money, Prosperity, Lust & Manifestation.
Patchouli is said to attract prosperity & dispels negativity to promote good dreams. Energetically, Patchouli increases energy & attention in the sensory levels and the outer fields, causing the spiritual self to drop into the physical body. Patchouli also slows down the sense of time perception, allowing one to better work in the realm of magick. This enchanting sweet & earthy scent is a popular ingredient used in spell-casting to draw in money, offer protection, defend against negative energies or evil intent. It holds true in the spiritual power of releasing, whether it be certain vibrations, addictions or banishing harmful people from one's life. Patchouli is tied to the Earth element as well, bringing great grounding frequencies & enhancing focus, which is why it makes for such a great manifesting tool.
Botanical Name: Pogostemon Cablin
Element Correspondences: Earth
Planetary Correspondences: Saturn
Zodiac Correspondences: Scorpio
Magickal Uses: Money, Prosperity, Love, Lust, Manifestation, Sexual Power, Courage, Banishing Evil, Protection.
Chakras:   Root (1st ) Solar Plexus (3rd) & Crown (7th)
Magickal Tip: Sprinkle Patchouli in the wallet to bring about financial success & prosperity.
Holistic Uses:  Create tinctures to help with Athlete's Foot, Dandruff & Eczema.
Dried Herbs. For Warmth, Comfort & Family Togetherness.
These tiny & adorable "Mini- Pumpkins," are sure to bring a smile to your face. Named Putka Pods, they actually spawn as little fruits from the Glochidion Ferdinandi tree, which grows these pods & are enjoyed by many birds & critters. The Tree itself, creates a home and shelter for many species of birds. It's roots grow deep & wide, creating firm grounding energy. Putka Pods carry a bright Orange color, & when dried can last many seasons. They provide wonderful decorations for the Autumn season, enhancing the energies of warmth, comfort & 'coming together,' as their shape holds many little wedges, forming 1 small pod.  Let the magick of Putka Pods enrich your Samhain altar & celebrations this season.
Botanical Name: Glochidion Ferdinandi
Magickal uses: Home, Grounding, Comfort, Nurturing, Death, Light, Gatherings, Family, Friendships.
CHAKRAS : 2nd- Sacral Chakra
Magickal Tip: String a putka pod for each loved one onto a string & hand over the Hearth, as a symbol of Family togetherness.
Dried Herbs. For Love, Trust & Innocence.
Love and Roses go together century after century, a well known symbol of Love, Roses help soften our energy and open us up to the energy of love. This beautiful energy can heal us, bring us joy, protection & peace within our hearts. It promotes the joy of giving & gratitude, as when Roses are gifted or received, it pleases both parties. A cup of rose tea, enhances one's magic, with a pure energy, Divination practices become enhanced, as well as prophetic dreams, because Roses allow us to lower our guard & trust. Roses are a symbol of confidence as well, so much so, that a Rose petal medallion was often plastered to the ceilings of law offices or courtrooms, serving as a talisman of trust, truth & confidence of the words spoken within the building. As a symbol of innocence, it reminds us to live from the heart, see the beauty around us & embrace each moment as if it was the first & last.
Botanical Name: Rosa Canina
Element Correspondences: Water
Planetary Correspondences: Venus
Zodiac Correspondences: Taurus
Magickal Uses: Love, Lust, Innocence, Confidence, Trust, Divination, Healing, Truth, Romance, Sexuality, Luck , Protection Against the Evil Eye or Jealousy, Psychic Love Matters, Honoring Venus, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Dreams, Aphrodisiac, Healing the Root Chakra.
Chakras:   Root (1st) & Heart (4th)
Magickal Tip: Sprinkle Red Rose buds around the perimeter of the bed to promote romance & sexuality.
Holistic Uses:   Rose eases headaches, dizziness & menstrual cramps when taken as a tea. It helps with physical issues of the Heart & calms anxiety. Red Rose provides a good source of Vitamin C, when added to drinks, foods, lotions or creams. Rose Water replenishes the skin, leaving a vibrant glow.
Dried Herbs. For Warding Off Evil Spirits, Psychic Detox & Purification.
Often tied over a bed to ward off evil spirits, nightmares or sickness, Rosemary has long been associated with Protection in the physical & metaphysical world. It's purification properties make it ideal to be added to a smudge blend, driving away any negative energy. It's crisp & refreshing scent it said to also help with memory recall, whether it's where you last left your car keys, or traveling back in the mind to the life before this, an herbal tea blend containing Rosemary can help you remember. The spruce -like leaves can grow in abundance, and often planted near doorways to turn away jealousy or anger. It is said, 'where Rosemary grows, Women rule,' tying this wonderful plant back to the old folklore of Witches. Traditionally, Rosemary was tied to  a Besom and either used for hand-fasting rituals or hung over a Hearth to bring purification & positive energy to the space or union. Some old spells of attracting a love or healthy relationship, required making a Poppet filled with Rosemary, and leaving it under the bed from full moon to full moon. Whatever you choose to do with this magickal herb, know that Rosemary will always protect you.
Botanical Name: Rosmarinus Offiicinalis
Element Correspondences: Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Sun / Moon
Zodiac Correspondences: Leo
Magickal Uses: Warding Off Evil Spirits, Psychic Detox, Good Luck, Protection, Purification, Nightmare Protection, Banishing Negativity, Love Matters, Rituals, Strengthening Memory, Drawing in Faeries, Bringing Blessings, Clarity, Earth Element, Past Life Recall.
Magickal Tip: Lay a line of Rosemary across a threshold to block negativity& sickness from entering a home.
Chakras:   Sacral (3rd), Heart (4th), Crown (7th)
Holistic Uses:  Fresh Sachets or wreaths made of Rosemary can be used as natural air fresheners. Added to a vinegar & Lemon base, Rosemary can become quite the delightful cleaning aid.  Used as a hair rinse, it is said to help cure split ends.
Dried Herbs. For Protection, Sun Energy, Depression & Happiness.
Ties to the magick & energy of the Sun, in association with celebrations of 'Litha' or the Summer Solstice, St. John's Wort is an herb to dispel negativity, rid of depression & bring cheer & happiness to one's life. This positive sun filled energy, works to block against dark arts or negative energy, inspiring healing & banishing sickness.  It recharges the Solar Plexus, driving courage to an individual & balancing a healthy ego.
Botanical Name: Hypericum Perforatum
Magickal uses: banishing, preventing sickness, blocking the dark arts, protection spells & negativity, courage, Litha, happiness, divination.
CHAKRAS : 3rd- Solar Plexus Chakra, 4th- Heart Chakra
Magickal Tip: Sprinkle St. John's Wort by your mirrors to repel a negative self image.
Holistic & Medicinal: As a tea or pill, it can aid in depression, loss of apatite, anxiety & helps to balance mood swings from PMS & Menopause. If made into an Antibacterial tincture, St. John's Wort applied to a cotton ball, may help with inflammation from Eczema, hemorrhoids & offer relief from burns.
How to use it: Commonly used in capsule form or as a hot tea.
All Natural Incense. For Clearing Energy, Creativity & Raising Vibrations.
White Copal Resin is often used to create a sacred space in your environment, clearing the stagnant energy in a room & creating a warm and loving space for creativity and abundance to flow. Although it vibrates at a higher level, White Copal can also offer grounding qualities, aiding in your stronger connection to earth, emotional healing and physical manifestations. The all natural fragrance gives off a warm, earthy, citrus pine scent, to help ease your spiritual journey. It was frequently used by the Mayans & Aztecs during ceremony dealing with purification. It is considered to be "young Amber," resin, as it holds many of the same properties of Amber, but forms in far less time. It inspires our own inner light & happiness to illuminate our aura.
Botanical Name: Bursera Microphylla
Element Correspondences: Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Sun
Zodiac Correspondences: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius.
Magickal Uses: Smudging, Raising Vibration, Happiness, Spiritual Growth, Healing, Grounding, Creativity, Blessings, Manifestations, Protection, Energy Clearing, Love, Consecration, Anointing Rituals, White Magic, Sabbat Offering for Litha.
Magickal Tip: Brighten the energy of a darkened home by burning White Copal at SUNrise on a SUNday.
Chakras:  Crown (7th)
Holistic Uses: Revitalize one's energy system & brighten emotional thoughts through means of creating a White Copal Tincture.
Dried Herbs. For Purification, Wishes & Ceremony.
White Sage can be used to spiritually cleanse spaces, houses, rooms or environments of any kinds of subtle, old energies and prepare the space with fresh intent. It can also be used to cleanse the aura of a person from stagnant old energies to prepare for ceremony or spiritual work. For centuries White Sage has been used in ceremony to encourage psychic detox, raising one's energy levels and enhancing manifestation & purification on many levels. It works to diminish any turmoil in one's life, as they prepare to embark on new ventures & positive vibrations.
Botanical Name: Salvia Apiana
Element Correspondences: Jupiter
Planetary Correspondences: Air
Zodiac Correspondences: Aries & Sagittarius
Magickal Uses: Ward Off Evil, Repel Enemies & Negative Energy or Spirits, Spiritual Aura Healing, Physical Healing, Purification, Protection, Cleansing, Removes Negative Psychic Energy, Consecration, Longevity, Emotional Chakra Balance & Centering, Concentration, Clearing Spirits, Creating Sacred Space, Circle Casting, Money, Prosperity, Immortality, Wishes, Manifestation, General Healing & Wisdom.
Chakras:   Crown (7th)
Holistic Uses: Traditionally used as a ceremonial smudge, when burned as incense it can be used as an insect repellant. A Sage Tincture can be used to help straighten hair as a final rinse. Very small portions can be added to tea to 'detox' the mind.
Dried Herbs. For Inspiration, Healing, Wisdom & Cleansing.
With it's branches long used for the art of dowsing, Witch Hazel is a powerful plant often used for remedies regarding healing.  In magick, this is also the case, as it's strong 'healing' nature works to mend a broken heart, reverse hexes & cleanse the aura, offering inspiration to matters of love, creativity & calm emotions. Witch Hazel works through powers of divination when needed, bringing forth wisdom & enchantment. It enhances beauty through the power of healing, encouraging empowerment.
Botanical Name: Hamamelis Virginiana
Element Correspondences: Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Sun / Saturn
Zodiac Correspondences:
Magickal Uses: Mending a Broken Heart, Protection, Divination, Love, Inspiration, Chastity, Healing, Cleansing, Calming Emotions.
Magickal Tip: Burn an herbal blend of Witch Hazel or place it in a sachet to remove Hexes & mend a broken heart.
Holistic Uses:  First Aid for minor cuts & scrapes. Tincture can be made to clear facial blemishes.
            WOOD BETONY Dried Herbs.
For Protection, Ghosts , Blocking Negative & Evil Energies
An herb that's "Good for the Head." Wood Betony is long associated with casting out evil & darkness, it is said to be the cure-all for almost every disease, problem or curse. Women would add a little Wood Betony to food to help resolve and argument with a loved one or end a grudge that caused a rift between lovers. It is said that the druids have long used this powerful herb during their midsummer rituals, to help aid in fertility & health, with the banishment of sickness or infertility in mind. For those who suffered night terrors or sleep paralysis, Wood Betony would offer a protective shield to the subconscious mind when kept in the pillow or by the bedside. When added with a pinch of Patchouli for manifestation power and ground into a powder for incense, it's believed that any darkness in your life will be banished & removed upon burning. Why does Wood Betony work so well with ridding us of the darkness? Because it blends with our energy & emotions, to build a protective barrier of our subconscious or overly conscious thoughts that come from a place of fear. It helps to raise our own vibrations, shifting us into an energetically higher vibration, helping to ward off the lower energies that no longer resonate with us.
 Botanical Name: Stachys Officinales (aka) Bishop's Wort
Element Correspondences: Fire
Planetary Correspondences: Jupiter
Zodiac Correspondences: Cancer, Sagittarius
Chakras: Throat (5th) & Crown (7th)
 Magickal uses: Protection, Protective Teas, Shielding, Leading Ghosts Astray, Blocking Negative & Evil Energies, Uncrossing Hexes & Curses, Purification, Healing Fear of Travel, Nightmare Blocking, Calming Nerves, Bishop's Wort, Tinctures, Enhanced Visions, Midsummer / Summer Solstice Blessings, Release Public Speech Fears, Anxiety Healing
Magickal Tip:
* Gift a sachet / amulet or serve tea of Betony to end a quarrel or disagreement in a relationship.
* Cast out negativity in a friendship by burning Wood Betony.
Holistic Uses: A tea or tincture of Wood Betony can be used to dispell headaches, anxiety, influence better sleep & resolve toothaches. It is said to calm anxieties through lowering blood pressure.
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jaode · 5 years
Day 21/22
Today was Litha. I focused on outdoor family activities. The weather held well until the evening at which time we had to bring everything indoors.
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I set out the new bones that were just ready to work with and had lots of flames to celebrate this fire rite. I stuck with a traditional demonolatry ritual as penned by S. Connolly in her book, The Complete Book of Demonolatry. The basic rite set up was very close to my usual ritual construct (gifted from the spirits and intuition), except setting the gatekeepers as she suggests instead of working within an elemental circle. And facing south. I tend to face north out of habit. Calling the powers in was intense. I worked with all of their enns. The energy in the room was like I had a bug zapper and a swarm of flies flying into one after another. The rite itself was smooth and kind of fun. I stuck with her working almost exactly and burned the requests in my cauldron as also listed. I sit instead of kneeling but I used my athame, which usually it just sets on my altar unless I have to cast a circle in a hurry. I will probably keep the rites each season at least this year. I enjoyed it. It was more sensation and less talking. Flereous said a few things but the ad lib conversation wasn’t appropriate so much here. When he spoke, I chatted with him easily. He presented with high flames around the circle and fire, fire everywhere. He gave an impression that the element can be maneuvered, like driving a car. My visualization was little flames from my fingertips. The spirits were dismissed more formally, as Connolly recommends and the area cleansed. Incidentally, I had 11 candles lit. 4 cinnamon incense sticks and one dragonsblood cone. My grid was 12 bones and one cats eye crystal.
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sunnydawn444 · 7 years
New Post has been published on Sunny Dawn Johnston
New Post has been published on https://sunnydawnjohnston.com/blog/june-9th-full-moon-in-sagittarius/
Astrology Report - June 9th Full Moon in Sagittarius
Looks like this full moon is all about transformation… and truly listening to that intuition:) I always love the energy of the full moon – well… almost always. Sometime it gets a bit intense, which is why I ask people that tune into moon energy to let me know, in advance….  what to be mindful of. I’m one of those types of people that would rather have awareness ahead of time… than not.. so… Here is some great info for this months FULL MOON – Enjoy – SDJ ♥
June 9th Full Moon in Sagittarius
  This month your intuition is your greatest ally, it will allow you to look deeply into the energy of emotions that have been present and stirred within over the past two weeks. If you have been moving though healing relationship and finances., you will receive a boost of support to help you clear them further, moving into lasting healing and change. At the same time, if you have suppressing or ignoring those areas, this moon might bring you closer to look towards them, giving them the love and attention then need to be cleared and healed. This is a moon of choice, become conscious and aware, or allow the polarity of it all to surface; finding the way of getting your attention.
  The energy of this full moon is a combination of intuition and instinct. This moon can be the medicine if you bring your attention into the gifts it yields…those who struggle with connection to their needs and emotions may feel it pulling them in a different direction, calling you towards healing instead of distraction from the discomfort. It is an intense time, your higher power, intuition, and divine support will be calling you into truth, surrendering in to trust.
  The full moon in June is also known as the Strawberry Moon. This name was universal to every Algonquin tribe. However, in Europe they called it the Rose Moon. Also, because the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries comes early each year during the month of June. (Farmer’s Almanac)
  This is an extremely powerful time, the summer solstice arrives on June 20th, marking the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. Celebrated all over the world, the summer solstice is a sacred time of fun, celebration, feasts, and parties. To some it is known as Litha, or midsummer and represents the return of the Sun God. A wonderful time to give thanks to all you have in your world.
  Tips for The June 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon:
Do not try to hide from yourself or your emotions, they are guiding you into truth for healing and transformation. Honor them, feel them, and then release them. The June full moon can help you overcome relationship and financial hardships if you are honest and clear about your needs. The subconscious mind holds the patterns and stories, yet it is simply a container and you get to fill it with whatever serves you now…letting go of the past and old behaviors, attitudes, and approaches. Call out your own manipulation and come back to love, manipulation stems from fear, and love will transform all. Let your self be vulnerable and genuine in your emotional state, owning it, and handing it over to the light.
Connect with your spirit and allow clarity and guidance to help you in the process. Allow the process to unfold, trusting that spirit always has a greater plan and the full moon can accentuate our intuition and receptivity. You have an abundance of support in helping you shift and release the past, especially childhood traumas or “stories” that have worn out their welcome.
Ways You Can Connect to This Full Moon:
Find out when the moon rise is in your city by going here: http://www.timeanddate.com/moon/ then at
Find a place where you can see, or sense the energy of the full moon. Preferably a comfortable position with the moon in sight.
Place your hand on your heart, feel the air entering into your lungs with grace and ease. Imagine this powerful yet gentle force, as it enlivens each and every cell, space, and part of your being. You may see, sense, or feel it, pulsating and bringing life to all that it touches.
Ask spirit, to reach into the hidden corners of your mind and being, illuminating the truth and healing around relationships or finances that have served their purpose. There is nothing to do or achieve, simply ride along with the spontaneous flow of your breath. Spending time breathing for at least 10 to 20 breaths with focused intention.
Feel your heart expanding with love, the moon is a powerful healer and revealer, she is honored to hold this space for you as you dive deeper into the awareness of a particular relationship or financial concern
Imagine sending love and light into those aspects of your life. See your relationships healing, connecting, and releasing or coming together, whichever serves your spirit. Thank the moon for helping you shift and expand into a new state of being. Journal anything that may have surfaced and burn (safely) to honor and transform the energy.
**Reminder: each full moon will impact you for up to 3 days prior to the full moon and 3 days after the full moon.
Full moons are always powerful times for releasing and letting go. Try creating your own ceremony or honoring of this time to embrace the energy that this time has to help you create space in your life for what you truly desire. As always remember, you are not alone in experiencing this phase, be mindful of this when encountering others over these next few days. Send them love as they are also shining a light on themselves and may be extra sensitive during this time. The next full moon is in Capricorn on July 9th, it is known as the Buck Moon. – Melissa Corter
 – Melissa Corter
  Melissa Kim Corter is the creator of Earth Moon Medicine, Soul Artistry™ and is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Shamanic practitioner certified in Elemental Space Clearing™, Gateway Dreaming™, and over 20 other healing modalities. She helps clients release fear & clear away the emotional clutter from their life experiences. Through various modalities coupled with her heightened intuition, she connects with your spirit for expanded truth and guidance on how to shift limiting beliefs. The earth, moon, and elements have been a channel for deeper levels of healing and connection for Melissa, stirring a passion within her to teach others to embrace the natural world.
One of her renowned gifts is taking people into deep levels of relaxation through guided meditations and Hypnotherapy, projecting her voice to take you on a peaceful and transformational soul journey.
Melissa offers private and group sessions to help you shift energy and perceptions to create change. For more information on spiritual guidance & Hypnotherapy sessions you may go here: http://melissacorter.com/spiritualguidance/
  [email protected] www.melissacorter.com
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ofcloudsandstars · 5 years
It is Gemini New Moon and I am back! (for now) My life is still a maelstrom but the dust is starting to settle.
I’ve been getting more into different forms of divining and I bought a pendulum while I was in Amsterdam that I would like to try out. I will probably give more info on that later. 
Some highlights from when I was away:
Aries Season: New Moon I had to leave the apartment cause my roommate was being extremely noisy again. I went to a gallery where some witches and artists had their things and a witch I met at Treadwells when I first moved here remembered me and we made friends. She offered me some free sound healing sessions at her place since she wanted to practice. I also met a wild aries witch who is an aries poster child in everyway, she also has short white hair and paints red markings on her face (I thought it was for tonight its an everyday look) and has futuristic tribal blade runner vibes. When I got home at 1pm I exploded on my roommates who wanted to have a party (They knew I had to get up at 5am for work) and declared I was moving out. Did a million find a new home spells and started hunting
Learned how to make bioplastics and bonded with the teacher at the design museum over alchemy. Making bioplastics is so similar to what alchemists were doing in their hunt for stripping down something to it's core elemental material and reshaping it to whatever they like. It also sparked my potential new interest for diving into industrial design as a career.
Went to see my sister in Paris and saw the Notre dame burn. The night air smelled like fire and brimstone
ended Aries season with a bang when my sagittarian witch friend was going through a breakup and bought me to an easter/spring inspired fetish party where everyone was dressed either as catholic gay kings, floral nymphs in pastel bondage or frisky rabbits. They had berlin DJs and the top floor was flooded with red lighting. I ran into the Aries witch there near some ritual of people in pig masks rubbing paper on someone's latex to cause some friction. I got home at 2 and had to get up at 8am for work.
Taurus Season After intense pressure hunting I found a new home though I knew I wouldn't be satisfied there. The woman who owns the house turned out to be pretty christian and doesn't want anyone bought over without her permission. So the house hunt continues.
Beltane was spent with some nice witch friends in the Heaths (of course) we found a nice clearing in the woods that was super secluded with bluebells growing everywhere. We had a blanket and bought everything from floral incense, to crystals (I got a jade crystal ring for everyone to charge and wear) to flowers (we each bought so many that we ended up casting a circle with flowers like roses, bluebells, carnations etc), and foods! I made truffle oil melted cheese sandwhiches and beetroot pea and spinach sandwhiches and sandwhich cookies with rose buttercream and matcha with gold dust and lemon curd lavender with silver dust. I also bought grass vodka to be mixed with elderflower soda. My friends bought a lot of things from blueberries to flower wines to weed to scented oils and candles. I also finished the last of my shrooms with them and the trees felt very much like sentinels though in the sense that they seemed to be watching us in our witchy shenanigans instead of a sense that they were protecting us. We each lead part in a ritual and told stories but I bought black heart candles to purify us from any attachments we had from former relationships to bring clarity or a fresh start. A new witch friend I made who was invited made us do some estatic dancing in the circle (in truth she was cold cause it was cold) but it was a great way to get the energy going and moved our sacral energy upwards when she made us twerk to attract love to ourselves lol. Then my sagittarian witch friend anointed us with oils for clarity and love and we all smelled really nice like nectary flowers. We stayed until it got so dark that the distant city lights were the only thing giving us light. We packed everything up and didn't leave a trace.
Eros moving into virgo amongst other aspects has made my sexual frusterations intense plus that venus mars square was really painful to go through. I got closer to my work crush who seems to like me too but it wouldn't work out as a FWB unless we kept it really secret because of our work position. So I decided to do a lust spell to attract another lover with a lust candle I made back when I lived in NJ. I gathered it when I was taking some stuff back during christmas and realized the love spell candles I made during last valentines day magic fair still had a lot of energy. There was only 1 lust spell candle left cause they all sold (The candles were all heart shaped and the size of your hand. The black was for cleansing relationships and was ylang ylang scented with added charcoal, the violet was for new friendships with lavender, the pink was for romance with rose oil and the red was for lust and hookups with red rose and cinnamon.) The history with the lust spell candle came from a previous successful lust spell when I used a huge red dick shaped hoodoo candle to attract a FWB on the taurus full moon and it was very successful but I still had a lot of the candle left over so I recycled the successful spell into the red wax for the new lust candles. Anyway I was going into this back story because I burned this on the full moon and it burned bright and strong the whole night into the next day for 13 hours straight. When it reached the end no wax was left, it instead grew into a massive flame which split into 3. I was mesmerized watching it, it seemed like the middle flame was me or someone having to make a decision. It went for a smaller flame on the left and they grew into a bigger flame as the little one died down then BANG!! the disk it was on E X P L O D E D and shards of glass flew Everywhere... There were pieces of dried rose petal which was the last fragment of the candle the fire had to burn on that scattered in the air like a mini meteor shower and lit little fires on the carpet of my bedroom floor. As I was cleaning I wasn't sure how to process the meaning. It was supposed to be a road opening spell to attract a FWB my way but the aggression seemed like an intense conclusion. So far I will see how it unfolds. My official Eros Return is the 10th of this month.
While I found a really cool dream apartment by the heaths I wasn't sure if it felt like the right place. I found a magical tree that was like it's own altar or temple in the woods. It had blood red leaves and the light underneath it shown like autumn. Stepping under it's cavernous-like red canopy felt like entering another realm. Underneath the ground was littered with shells from some dead seeds and the trunk of the huge tree had a large open mouth with thick saucer-sized brown mushrooms growing out. It looked like an altar so I prayed to it to help find me a home. A week later I found a nicer apartment on the east side to the park.
Gemini Season
Gemini season started off aggressively and with a lot of confusion.
I went to Amsterdam this past weekend! It's a beautiful city with big fairy energy. They are obsessed with flowers, you can buy bulbs everywhere and flowers are growing from every corner, there is nature everywhere, you can get shrooms and weed everywhere, the homes are old and beautiful with details that remind of you fairytales or iced gingerbread houses, the air is filled with sounds of chimes and bells from everyone's bikes, you have alluring enchantresses ensnaring dumb tourist men into their lairs as men glue themselves to the windows peering eagerly into their other worlds, you have shops with no clocks with the most comfortable seating to sell you joints for 4 euros while you sit there for god knows how long in a perpetual high as you eat snack after snack. Also since its the lighter half of the year the sun sets at 9:30PM and the sky isn't completely dark until 10:15. I tried to look into their urban planning and architecture centers to learn more about the city's design. It's so harmonious with nature its inspiring. I took home some shrooms (One I am excited to try is called Roaring Dragon which would be appropriate for Litha lol), some wizard like long wooden pipes, a mini mermaid tarot deck, a crystal pendulum, some goblin incense I was enticed to buy cause I was dumb high in this fairy themed shop (and in truth I wanted to buy everything cause I was dumb high and thought everything was GREAT) and a love attraction candle.
Now here I am ready to start a new moon cycle. I am really overwhelmed but I want to get my feet back on the ground lol.
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