#but also i have OTHER refs to do specifically for Art Fight
chromartnomaly · 21 days
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the miscs:tm: /silly
tessa's personality is subject to change but i thought it'd be fun if she were a ball of sunshine despite it all :)
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liketheinferno2 · 8 days
These aren't full ref sheets but I was trying to take some clear pictures of Hephaistos for later art reasons and then got side tracked doing all of the Pandaemonium bosses so here they are in order. Also for anyone following who doesn't play FFXIV and knows it as the catgirl game, enjoy this instead? VISUAL SPOILERS obviously.
Warder of the Condemned: Erichthonios
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Mythic Creation: The Hippokampos
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Mythic Creation: The Phoinix
(+ familiars)
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Hemitheos: Hesperos
(+ sexy fanfic redesign by Nemjiji)
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To be brutally honest I never really liked either of these designs compared to every other Hemitheos we get, I think the really brutal black and red of the Phoinix is weakened by gold accents, but I still am always down for gay vampire surf rock. The Savage version kind of looks like Ultimalius as well if you've played XVI.
Mythic Creation: Proto-Carbuncle
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Hemitheos: Hegemone
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^ My favourite detail on this is you can see the parasite's outlines in her robes and in her legs, then right through the eye holes on the mask to wrap around the torso. I'm convinced this version of Hegemone is functionally an ant being piloted by a cordyceps infection.
Hemitheos: Agdistis
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She's very big
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Perfect Imperfection: Hephaistos
I'm probably biased by Abyssos being the first raid I was there for day of release but these really are all fantastic. It's also when the story abandons all pretense of not being (at least partly) about family abuse and is loudly using the body horror and shackle motifs to talk about that. It's great. Hephaistos specifically is constantly bulging and twisting in and out of different forms like a highly unstable chimera and the more I look at these the more I notice parts that just should not be there. He's giving everything.
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As for the Savage design It's a hard thing to rate as such but my favourite part is the veins that grow down from the eyeholes in his mask like bloody tears.
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Thanks Abyssos I love you
Mythic Creation: Kokytos
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Dæmoniac Dungeon: Pandæmonium
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It's really hard to communicate how huge this nasty tumor crab I zoomed out as far as physically possible in the game engine and subsequently ended up at a goofy angle staring up his nose.
Ephemeral Justice: Themis
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Best boy. The double ended lance and second pair of arms are fantastic for this character.
Theos: Athena
In.. almost every final fantasy adventure you're fighting the real villain not at the very end but a little beforehand, the big iconic end boss is often more a metaphorical figure representing everything wrong with that first person's ideals. Athena cut out the middle man and became her own JENOVA.
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I do like the moth angel, especially the hollow body full of dubious orbs, but with her eyes closed all the time it gives off the impression of this not even being the true body but some kind of anglerfish lure in the shape of a fairy... which might be true because this exists:
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I really really love her twitchy anemone feelers and how the moth body ends up grafted to the rest of it waist down.
Anyway there's the gang I did not specifically intend for this to be design reviews I just wanted to have clear photos because when you actually see them in game there's other things to focus on. In hindsight I can appreciate more the theming of each tier and then the series as a whole, but my only (extremely obvious) observation for now is that every character Athena had a personal hold over is decorated in chains somehow and so I should have seen the Hegemone thing coming lmao. Heph and Aggy are still my favourites I don't think that's changing any time soon. I'm also noticing that Anabaseios is now just old enough for random DF parties to fuck up severely and I find that fun so I'm going to go fight the crab mansion now.
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echosoftheflower · 8 months
Okay, to kick off this “attempting to put all my ideas for IBVS online” rabbit hole, let's start with what I'm assuming is CK’s favorite theory of mine.
Rose Beamer has powers.
Now I don't really have much evidence supporting this yet but what I do have feels like some pretty good foreshadowing.
First, let's start off with the powers, we know they are genetic, potentially some kind of gene that is unlocked by adrenaline or some other fight or flight instinct. This is pretty obvious from the fact that everyone who has powers’ siblings have powers. Nevin and Drew, Edward and Geno, and even Edward and Dez are cousins (stated to be on his father’s side). So if siblings are likely to both get powers, then why don't any adults seem to have them? This could either be from them never being unlocked (like how Drew and Dez gained their powers much later on) or the gene potentially skipping generations. 
All of this is to say, that the chances of Rose having powers - or at least the potential for them - is much higher than it may first seem.
The second part of this is something that I've also noticed in Cody (but he is a theory for another day). We know a little too much about her. For a character that's gotten a total of two scenes, we have 1: A character ref,  2: A name, 3: Her job, 4: A pretty good read of her personality, and 5: Her dynamic with Isaac (caring and fun but often busy with work). 
I think she has the potential to become a bigger part of the story and would tie in well with bringing attention back to Isaac (our main character).
Speaking of Isaac, this is where the real powers part comes in. 
If Rose has powers, then what are they?
Well, we know that Isaac's main power is to bring drawings to life, but he also has a seemingly secondary power of being able to move specifically liquid art supplies at will.
And in IBVS there is one other time a person with liquid-based powers is mentioned, seemingly as a throwaway line
"Drew and Nevin both got to the point and opened up, and even their incredibly catholic grandmother, who could have been a hit or miss when it came to something like this, ended up just nodding and saying ‘oh, I knew a young lady like that about twenty years ago.’
She went into a longwinded story about the girl. About how, in her earlier years of trying to get work in the States, she needed to take an extra job at a daycare, and one of her fellow workers, a woman in her twenties, could create ripples in water like currents with her mind. While Drew was utterly thrilled at hearing this, Nevin was only surprised hearing this from his grandmother of all people.
Grandma Jovel proceeded to give the clarification that Nevin wanted to hear–she didn’t plan to tell anyone about them, due to the danger it could create for them.” (chapter 20 season 1)
Grandma Jovel knew a woman like that twenty years ago. If that lady was in her twenties then, then she would now be in her forties, the perfect age range for someone whose only child is currently 16. And also, the lady had minor water/liquid manipulation powers, a power that could easily be matched with Isaac's stronger-manipulation-but-less-materials-affected.
Grandma Jovel also mentioned that she wouldn't tell anyone, "due to the danger it could create for them," so she understands that people finding out they had powers might put them in danger. This could just be the general "we don't know how people would react" but it could also be that something happened to that lady, say, she goes missing.
This kind of branches out into an entirely new theory (and where I start losing evidence) but, Rose may have been one of the women in the lab. It's specified that the woman who wrote the letters in Ghost Stories worked there; however we don't know if it was as a volunteer or scientist, and she also mentioned how they weren't allowed to leave. We also know that the letter never left the lab. There is a chance that Rose worked there as a psychologist to try to understand how and why she has these powers. If these experiments are what I believe them to be (Mr. Wolfe and Xavier testing the supernatural gene to create Sigma) then it would explain why she would never tell Isaac about her powers or help him figure out if he had any, as she would know that people like Wolfe could come for either of them. 
This also goes into another theory about the potential of Isaac's natural powers actually only being the paint manipulation, and the creation part being the other half of Sigma reacting to it. But that's a whole other thing.
TLDR: Rose Beamer may be the lady we hear about from Grandma Jovel in chapter 20
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yeeaaahhh screw it im finally posting (some of) my RoTMNT ocs on tumblr dot com lol ! but it's them! the triplets! wahoo!!!
more art and actual info under the cut ^_^
So... you wanna hear about my tmnt ocs :3
i know most of this info is in the ref but: i like to yap so basic profile blocks ^^
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"One" Venus cis - she/her Turtle: Eastern Painted Turtle / Red-Eared Slider Weapon(s): fights with her fists and relies a lot on her mystic abilities Powers: can produce vine/tentacles from her left arm
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"Two" Ronnette "Ronny" genderflux - xe/ve/he/she (xe/xyr/xyr/xyrs/xyrself and ve/vis/vir/virs/verself) Turtle: Four-Eyes Turtle / Spiny Softshell Weapon(s): uses either steel claws or a bow and arrow depending on range Powers: air manipulation / telekinesis
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"Three" Lita demigirl & voidgirlflux - she/it or none Turtle: Albino Spotted Turtle / Alligator Snapping Turtle Weapon(s): uses a tessen and naginata, but mostly uses the naginata Power: time manipulation
so i don't have a set age for them yet, they're either a year younger or a year older than Mikey post-movie but I haven't decided ^^;
so these 3 are part of a post movie au idea i had, but is also technically during movie? idk!
their au isn't fully fleshed out on the specifics and the why's of certain things but that's ok :] Here's what i do have figured out though
They're from the Bad Future via the movie!
Initially made by Draxum using DNA from the original turtles and himself as well as some turtles he found (how? uh. dont ask)
Taken by the Krang as babies and infected with Krang DNA as well
They're "raised" and trained by the Krang to fight and defeat the rebellion, and assume the Krang made them
Three learns of their origins and attacks the Krang. She is sent to the prison dimension
Time passes: the rebellion is destroyed.
In the past Leonardo sends himself and Krang Prime to the prison dimension. He is there for a lot longer than he lets his brothers know.
There Leonardo meets Three. They become friends.
Then Leo's brothers come for him, and Three takes the chance to collect her own siblings
In a future no longer to come, Three appears, making her powers clear and known. She grabs her siblings, One and Two, and leaves
In the past, months after the attempted invasion a portal opens up above the Hudson River and out falls three turtle-krang creatures, two of which fighting each other while the other tries to stop them
The story begins.
that's the general gist of it :-)
As a note: I like the idea some people have of Leo being in the Prison Dimension for longer than thought of in canon bc of weird time stuff happening. Where it could be a few minutes for Raph, Donnie, and Mikey but it was months for Leo. Something like that :)
That's all i got for now, i'll try and make more posts about them, expanding on certain things and the why's and what that means (like why i picked what turtle combos, or why i picked what mystics, or when they figure out their powers, or why they chose their names) but i wanted to keep this intro post rather short ("short") so that'll do for now ^_^
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micdixart · 1 year
Art question, how do you figure out your armor design? Cormac and sangs armor are both different from eachother and also fitting to their fighting styles/ personalitys. Im asking cause i dont even know where to start looking for refs
Hi! love this question because it's definitely hard to get started, before the witcher ocs i tended to avoid drawing armour full stop haha but they kinda made me and i'm glad they did.
But just to show you i have a huge jumping off reference board when it comes to armour and it's literally just from going through pinterest and adding any and all armour that caught my eye, from practical sense or from a design point. The program i use to is pureref btw which is great for compiling stuff
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it gives me a point to at least start when i thinking about the qualities i want in the armour i'm building, these are even sort of sorted into their own categories in my brain. (rogue armour vs knight armour vs a mage that kinda thing, just so i can keep it organized)
But past that point when i have a character and i know their personality, their culture can play a huge influence, this is probably most apparent in Sang where i tried my best to make a lot of nods to Vietnamese culture and their armour so i grabbed a ton of reference from traditional clothing, art, that sorta thing, as well as tried to research as best i could the cultural significance of those pieces of clothing. (and always like to hear if there are corrections to make or suggestions from someone who knows a lot than i do haha) Sang is also my oldest character of the witcher ocs so i've been able to build a lot for his board
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When it came to cormac i actually started with his silhouette because i literally went into designing him as like. how can i make the biggest fuck off looking witcher lmao
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so from here i went into more specifics, figured out more of cormacs personality and went to my broad range armour board from there and then narrowed down pics and then collected more since i wanted to lean into that highlander warrior vibe. (thats the other thing, you're never done collecting references, there's always more resources to find!) and now these are the go tos for cormacs reference for armour. Way less intence than sangs because there isn't as much as an emphasis put on the culture, hes a big intimidating witcher first and than the highland warrior aspects are like flourishes.
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Lastly i just made harley!! Harleys a bit different because i didn't have any specific culture in mind when creating him, his is a lot more rooted in his personality. Harley isnt a big tough warrior, hes honestly more of a pacifist when he can be so i wanted his armour to almost be softer than the others, put more emphasis on agility without making his armour just sleek. His board of armour is smaller than the others since he's newest but i'm sure it'll expand as i draw him more haha.
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this was super rambly and i'm not sure how much it helps but basically my advice is just, accumulate a bunch of armour to give yourself a jumping off point, organize it in a way that makes sense to you. then when you have your character you'll be able to look at your choices, narrow down options, and then further explore that style you want and expand on it! I hope this helps haha
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nutklcker · 3 months
HI (I LOVE THE PARAGRAPHS EACH OFYOU LEAVE IN MY TAGS SO FUCKIMG MUCH) do any of your ocs have ref sheets. or even just full-body drawings . totally not asking for any specific purpose ....
WE'RE SO GLAD YOU LOVE OUR RAMBLING you have such pretty art and reblog some of the best posts and you're so good at writing so we just have to explode in the tags sometimes hehe
Also we saw this ask like four? Five? Hours ago and went Oh Shit No We Don't and have spent the whole time drawing and we were like Oh we should throw our LC alters in there too since this is their blog and their mutuals should know who they're talking to! And then we got distracted and ONLY drew the alters and host's self insert and none of our OC's so :> we'll do that eventually though but we'll also do like another post with more info ANYWAYS here's the art we made of the self insert and the Lethal alters :3
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Info for each of us under the cut (also Rend and Anno are heavily derived from a fever dream March had after we got surgery and had complications, as such they have a story and are pretty attached to it so we'll go into that too)
The "Story"/Fever Dream:
There were two crews who led a revolution against The Company about fifty years before the game takes place, and of them were eight people named Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Offense, March, Rend, Dine, and Titan, and they weren't named after the planets, the planets were named after them. (Rend, March, Assurance, and Vow were on a team with Rend being the captain, and the other team was led by Titan and had Dine, Offense, and Experimentation.) Eventually, the revolution got pretty popular and widespread so The Company gave in and agreed to meet with the two teams to discuss their requests, and at the end of the discussion they promised the requests would take place within the next few weeks. The eight members of the revolution were satisfied and went back to work, but the next day they were given news that due to their conjoined efforts they would have to all split up and join different teams to ensure that they didn't again backstab the company once their requests were fulfilled. They, unfortunately, did not put up a fight against this and within the next quota cycle each of them were abandoned and killed on different, new moons none of them had ever seen before. The company never enforced the things they agreed upon but because the leaders of the revolution were killed before word of the promises got far, and because they mysteriously went missing and had new moons named after them, nobody said anything and nobody acted out against The Company.
- Pace is Geno's self-insert OC and he uses He/Him pronouns and is transmasc <3
- He was an employee for The Company AFTER the time of the revolution and worked not as a scrap collector but as a biologist. His team was tasked with finding specific monsters and collecting some bio matter from them to then bring back to The Company. Pace had a rivalry with one of his teammates who was tired of Pace always succeeding, so, he pushed for Pace to receive a Bracken as his quarry and succeeded. However upon arriving Pace was easily able to find the Bracken of Vow (who was actually Vow from the revolution) and collect bio matter from it by befriending it, which enraged his competitor and led to both Pace and Vow being shot. Vow tried to protect Pace after realizing the shot that hit him was not meant for him, but both were too wounded to survive. Vow disintegrated atop of Pace, leaving him and his open wounds covered in Bracken spores, and his competitor left to eventually be killed by a coilhead. Their other two teammates made it out.
- The spores found the decomposing body of a human to be the perfect place to reform and create a new Bracken; that being Pace. Pace spent about twenty years hunting loot bugs and hiding from scrap collectors before a woman named Kite and her captain Calamity found him at the fire exit of Vow. The two found that he was friendly and took him upon their ship, but one of their teammates was appalled at having a "friendly" Bracken and, as they were leaving, pushed Calamity out of the ship in anger, landing her between a dog and a baboon hawk. Pace jumped to rescue her and while he was successfully able to lure the dog away enough for Calamity to safely jump back on the ship, he was grabbed by the Dog and torn to shreds. The ship's autopilot took off while he was fighting the dog and the crew (excluding the asshole) started to panic.
- The next day Vow was eclipsed and, much to Calamity and Kite's disdain, the crew decided to wait for the eclipse to pass before landing back down on Vow and looking for Pace. Meanwhile, Pace had managed to crawl his way back to the fire exit, tumbling down the ravine, and set himself up on a pallet just inside the door. There, sleeping through the whole day, he was able to slowly heal.
- The third and last day of the quota cycle, Calamity's crew got into another argument with Asshole over going to save Pace, and landed at Vow without realizing another team (March's team, as he had already been rescued by a crew by this time) had already landed there. Calamity and Kite rushed in to find Pace while Sail, the crew's navigator and Kite's twin brother, argued with the asshole. The captain of the other crew, who's ship was nearby, overheard an argument about saving a "friendly bracken" and connected the dots that another crew must have found someone like March, their friendly coil-head, and walked out to confront the two. Sail left to help Calamity and Kite find Pace, and the captain (name yet unknown) spoke with the asshole, found out he wanted to kill Pace and attempted to kill his own captain, and promptly hit him over the head with a shovel in order to protect not just his crew, but March as well. The asshole was left there as the captain rushed in to inform his crew of another friendly monster and tell the other crew bus was happy to help, and the asshole was left there to be picked up and carried away by a Giant.
- Pace was eventually found , missing most of his arm, leg, and leaves on his left side, and the two crews met up and became friends. Pace was placed in a large pot covered up to his shoulders in dirt and for the next few quota cycles his crew would place him outside to soak up the sun and look around. Because his arm and leg were fully submerged in the soil and water, they regrew, but his eye never did. He doesn't mind too much though, he can tell when things are looking at him and, in his opinion, that's all he really needs his eyes for. He helps scavenge for scrap and is able to carry two heavy items at a time, however, he can only carry one light item when doing so as it's uncomfortable to hold in his big hands
- March was our first LC alter and has been around since about late October? He's not too conncected to his source and is actually the version of March from our fever dream BEFORE the revolution ended. So though the March in our dream was a coil head by the end of it, our March still thinks of himself as human. Being compared to a coil doesn't bother him though, they're his favorite enemy in the game :) also he's mute and considers himself cis and demiro-ace.
- Rend is also one of our alters but is a lot more attached to both the game and the "story" so he has some funky false memories and is a little delulu about it, but he's happy and healthy and aware of reality and not hurting anyone or our system or himself so we don't mind hehe also, Rend is transmasc just like host and his pronouns are he/him but he's trying out they/it
- Rend is of course based on Captain Rend from the "story" but, unlike March, is from AFTER he died and he much prefers being seen as a nutcracker than a human. Our assumption over why is because Rend had actually been a fragment for most of our life who managed family interactions, and since that was all our brain found him fit for he never really gained a personality or sense of self and as such thinks he looks exactly like our host and would probably share the same name and everything. We think subconsciously our brain makes him like being a nutcracker more than a human in order to make it easier to distinguish him and host
- Rend, being much more intrigued by the fever dream likes daydreaming about it a lot, like he's roleplaying in his head in his own, and as such he likes talking about it and thinking about it a lot more than March does. So, here's some things he daydreams about a lot and thinks would be "canon" continuations of the "story"/fever dream:
- Before March's team found Pace and his team, they got to a pretty high quota and started visiting Rend and Dine. One of their first times visiting Rend, Melody, an employee on March's team, found a seemingly deactivated nutcracker deep in the facility. The team had split up so Melody knew she would have to be careful, but she wanted the shotgun so she crept close and clumsily grabbed it, setting it off. This startled here and she backed off, watching in silent horror as the Nutcracker slowly started to move and stand and, eventually, open up and look around. In panic, Melody ran despite being looked at and, for a moment, Rene stood there confuse before he realized he had finally found someone. Forgetting his voice, he chased after her for a bit but she would frequently stop and hold still so he had trouble. Eventually he shouted to her to wait and she paused, turning to look at the apparently able to speak nutcracker just as March had sped up beside her to block the path between her and Rend. Staring down at an employee with his shotgun and a coilhead that was looking at him and not said employee, Rend ran. In instinct, as she had gotten used to March by now, Melody turned and March gave chase. He was scared and angry that the nutcracker had presumably tried to shoot his friend and, upon trying to push the nutcracker to get it to stop running, he sent a surge through its body and caused it to bleed (like how we headcannon them to work, building up pressure in the body's blood). Melody followed a few rooms behind, having trouble keeping up with the two big monsters but, when Rend was hurt he screamed, and Melody knew that wasn't any of her teammates so she picked up the pace. Rend had been cornered but Melody caught sight of March which forced him to stop moving, and tried to rush to the nutcracker when she saw him bleeding, but, turning her back to March Rend panicked and stepped between the two, telling Melody that he wanted to talk to her but couldn't protect her with the state he was in, so she needed to look at the coil head. He was seemingly trying to protect her. For his comfort she did look at March, but tried to assure him to calm down, sit for a little so she could try and tend to whatever part of him was bleeding, and that she would be more than willing to talk. They spoke for a while, Rend having trouble believing that the coil was friendly given how it seemingly tried to explode him, but he let bygones be bygones. Melody and March both started to wonder if this was one of his old friends but they had decided beforehand not to bring it up to any possible teammates without getting a gauge for their mental state, and Rend was very frazzled so they decided to wait to ask his name or story until he calmed down. They gave him back his shotgun, he turned the safety on, and Melody convinced him to open up so she could tend to his bleeding eye, and eventually the three started to make their way back to main in order to meet up with the rest of the team and get Rend out to their ship
- On the way there they met up with the teammate March had been with before he came running after he heard the gunshot, but this teammate was actively running from a thumper. Rend tried to shoot it but missed due to his eye injury and urged the rest of them to run as he'd hold it back as long as possible. The three left and Rend dragged the Thumper around for a bit before it got loose and rocketed down the hallway after the three. Rend, knowing the layout like the back of his hand, took an alternate route to get to main in order to hopefully outpace the thumper. He made it in time to tackle the thumper and send it and him over the balcony railing where they landed near Melody, March, and their other teammate who were actively trying to scare off a Bracken. Rend urged them to head outside and leave for their safety and they did. It took them a while to get back enough money to go back for Rend, and in this time they met Pace and his team. Rend is still actively daydreaming about this all the time so I'm sure he'll infodump about it more another time.
- Anno has been around for the least amount of time, we had a major allergic reaction while Rend was fronting and so he spent time curled in a ball daydreaming as he always loves to. For comfort he daydreamed about cuddling a friendly masked, but eventually got so fed up he told our partner, aloud "I really hate this body" and our little asshole of a brain (/lh) essentially went "oh really? New alter be upon ye" and turned that cute little Masked Rend was daydreaming about into a new fragment. Anno has since become more concrete, he's transmasc and uses it/its pronouns, and it's not very interested in Lethal Company but LOVES Rend a lot. It's just kinda gay and likes Minecraft, like those are its things so far. Rend has decided that if Anno was in the "story" it would've been from far before the revolution and was left behind by mistake. That's about it for Anno, it's just kinda a thingy that's very gay
Wow so that's the end of that, I'm incapable of making long stories short apparently tee hee. I've been talking for way too long and I doubt anyone got this far, but this was mostly for us since we're soupy right now and it made us feel grounded. If you got this far Anno gives you a cookie.
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📚🎼☕!!!! my smile to from me to you
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
really depends on the piece. a lot of my sketches boil down to 1 or 2 layers but if im getting into something with colors or a complicated pose im like ABYSMAL about cloning layers and making big folders with separated lineart strands in case i ever want to edit anything. this is moreso a thing only when im making a reference or working with tricky lighting/filters but i also keep every color on a separate layer so that i can mess with hue shifting and recoloring on the fly.... which reminds me part of why i started doing that for refs is because i fucking love coming up with like fighting game alt color palettes for my ocs. especially when theyre references to other media. these come from old refs but heres an idea of what i mean
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honestly i just want to make more of these with the recent ref artwork and just like. make a big post about it HAH
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
constantly changing i usually like just tossing my big 3k song playlist on OR if i have a character playlist for whoever im drawing ill toss that on. if none of that works i specifically go to the bass playlist to scratch my brain. bass playlist btw
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
usually when i try to do warmups i get like. too invested in my own ideas and end up making them full pieces. so i cant say i really do traditionally hah. uhh usually i like to combine like. any training i do with an actual piece like sometimes ill prematurely scribble out (and i mean completely Scribble) a background to get my hands in the motions of drawing and ill use that in the final piece, most figure sketches i do i tend to just collage together into a sketch page usually themed around my ocs, uhhhh often my whole art output for the day will just be like. me pulling up an empty drawpile or jspaint page and sketching around on that to get me back in the groove even if i end up drawing a Big Picture like the next day instead of right after. ive kind of just conditioned myself out of the conscious distinction between "polished piece" and "aimless sketch" because i think both can be equally interesting.... especially since im very anal about cataloguing even the smallest sketches of my characters. blame the fighting game hyperfixation and wiki galleries for that
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silvysartfulness · 1 month
Talk Shop Tuesday: How do you decide which scene in a chapter of HHaR to illustrate? And are there any scenes that you'd like to illustrate but haven't had time/energy/etc.?
It’s always a careful see-saw balance between “interesting scene from the chapter that I would enjoy drawing and think people would like to see drawn” and “I’m a lazy, low-spoon disaster and will cop out on anything too complicated”..!
For example, I absolutely hate drawing interior settings, so you will notice there are very few detailed indoor scenes - and the times they spend entire chapters indoors and I can’t escape it, the settings tend to be very vague. So usually, if I have the choice, I’ll avoid any scenes taking place inside.
Drawing unnamed, random npcs/crowds is also boring/taking too many spoons, so again I tend to avoid those (or making the people around them silhouettes or just very roughly sketched background figures). Architecture is another headache – if I have decent refs and I really want to convey the atmosphere of a place, I’ll sometimes draw cityscapes, but I’m a happier artist when I don’t have to.
So in short, if I can get away with character close-ups or doing landscape backgrounds, that’s what I’ll likely go for, especially if I’m a bit low on spoons!
Sometimes I really do want to capture something more complex, though – the latest one, with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji as guest stars took me forever to draw, because I hadn’t drawn those two before, and I had to start by going through the last few episodes of the series to screengrab a whole bunch of refs, and then actually draw their faces, decide on which of their outfits I wanted to draw, then find refs for that etc. It took a lot of time and work. 🥲
And yeah, there are absolutely many scenes I would love to see drawn, even though I don’t have the time or energy for it – there’s a reason I so often wish for commission slots for birthdays and Christmas! I love to see others tackle those scenes! Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen meeting on the bridge in Hongqi, the three of them cuddled up together in the ruins of Dushou, the trio walking toward the temple of Yanxia Guan, almost drowning in the river after fighting the catfish yao… I’ve been blessed with so many gorgeous commissioned works!
Not to mention the amazing fanart some people have given me! It takes my breath away every time someone decides to draw something from the story just because they felt inspired to, absolute pure magic! The best feeling in the whole world! 😍
As for specific scenes I would love to see drawn, either scraping my own spoons together or commissioning others to… 🤔
Song Lan possessed by the mist spirits and fighting Xue Yang is such a striking visual in my mind, with his white eyes and mist trailing from nose and mouth!
Song Lan dragging/carrying a crying, drunk Xue Yang up the stairs and into his room in Muaishan, or possibly the following utter breakdown.
Song Lan’s shock when Xue Yang tells him about the death sentence awaiting him in Jinlintai and/or the follow-up shock when Xiao Xingchen is let in on it.
Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang by the little impromptu shrine Xue Yang made for Jin Guangyao
More art of the three of them cuddling in Dushou, tbh, because it’s the first time they allow themselves to snuggle up that way on purpose, all three of them, and I love that for them! 🥰
The smut scenes – I’ve only drawn one of those. Now that we can’t post porn on tumblr anymore, it feels like there’s little point to put in all that work, because I couldn’t share such art in many places. But I still love to see it!
I originally wanted to draw the trio and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji having dinner and talking together for chapter 57, but was once again defeated by old nemesis - interiors. It was bad enough drawing 5 detailed characters in a single illustration, I would not also have to deal with walls and furniture and stuff. 😒
That's some of the ones that come to mind! So many scenes, so few spoons! (And apparently I'm supposed to be writing the damn thing, too! 😭)
Thank you so much for asking! 💚
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intertexts · 1 month
GMORNING !!!!! u know what time it is
- the big monster they fought in the beginning was called a Crawling Apocalypse which looks like this. terrifying !!!
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- bizly really liked that william banished it. he was originally not gonna let him do that but then "i realized your character can do so little and that was cool so i said fuck it" we love william pity points he is such a loser and he rolls so terribly <3
- they start talking about one piece because grizzlys saying things abt how certain parts of dakota are inspired by luffy and bizly goes "ive never watched anime" which is the biggest lie in the world
- grizzly: "yknow we were about an hour into the episode before i realized wow i havent done anything productive yet"
condi: "you just hit on vyncents mom for like 20 minutes!!!!"
- and then they start talking about how dakota and chip (bizlys pc from riptide) would either be best friends or hate each other which is really funny bc there are now MULTIPLE what if crossover episodes where they meet and interact and thats exactly the dynamic . i love them
- condi wasnt expecting his dad to be dead, he thought theyd have to fight him
- he kind of hesitated taking the sword !! vyncent doesnt really know how to feel about using something that belonged to his father
- he wasnt entirely Present for the part where his dad betrayed the party, he was sort of fading in and out of consciousness so theres a chance he didnt actually get the full picture. condi knows this out of character and vyncent knows it in the back of his mind somewhere that his dad might not actually be fully evil but hes too angry to come to terms with that yet
- hes struggling a lot with the fact that his mom.doesnt know about the betrayal. he doesnt want to tell her because "its not his fathers pride at stake, its his mother's memory of him" and that makes me so . :(
- THE GREATS!!!!!!!! THE GREATS ARE HERE i love the greats. surely nothing bad is happening to them
- they have a couple theories as to whats going on with the greats:
-- condi: theyre in this state because vyncent took too long getting them back here out of his head
-- condi: they were killed when they got transported to the other world and there was no way to get them back completely
-- charlie: something happened in the time where vyncent was transported to prime and the greats had died, so someone did something to keep them alive by putting them in his head. maybe they could only be kept alive by being in vyncents head
- grizzly tries to insight check bizly irl to see if any of their theories are close so far. this does not work . he rolled a 17 btw
- none of them trust minerva they think she might be secretly working with the lich. bizly defends her by saying "shes also in the middle of basically an apocalypse i think shes allowed to be a little mean to you"
- le frog is the only french person ever. this is brought up with NO context no explanation
- bizly is sharing some of the thumbnail art from youtube because this was right around the time the first few episodes were being put up publically !! most of them are just the same as the official refs but the most important one is le frog bc im not actually sure if youve seen his offical design yet . also tide used to be white. we dont have to talk about white tide
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- bizly says pd feels more like a DC comic than a Marvel comic. hes right about this
- charlie starts talking about marissa meyer books and this is important 2 me because the lunar chronicles was an extremely formative piece of media for me . she apparently has a book called renegades thats superhero themed and i have not read it yet but i put it on my list specifically because of this. wahoo!
tgis is SUCH good trivia for this ep thank u dude... ouagh. really solid meal here. i love these last couple episodes so much.. there's so much fun stuff happening here i'm enjoying all of the greats stuff & getting like a solid Vyncent Moment for a while.
i LOVE the william pity points its great! it WAS cool as fuck!! also i gain +5 hp every time a gm goes "who give a shit if this isn't technically how the game mechanics should work, it's fun for everyone at the table & makes for something cool and makes sense narratively."
that being said. i DID take SO MUCH PSYCHIC DAMAGE from how long dakota spent hitting on his fucking mom. Please. Please king !!! sob.
I ALSO WAS EXPECTING THEM TO FIGHT VYN'S DAD???? still not unconvinced that some lich undead bullshit isn't going to happen with that. god i'm so invested in figuring out what HAPPENED there... i love this type of murder mystery situation. & i also was genuinely unsure if he would take the sword or not!! really kind of an ohhh shit! moment when he did. imo. vyncent virion sol i love u.... also it's still INCREDIBLY funny 2 me that he's still in his normal clothes. i have not forgotten that he is just doin his fantasy bullshit thing in the just some guy drip. (<- i might have forgotten something but i've been assuming they no longer have/wear Official Hero Drip since they're no longer really sanctioned or on great terms w/ them? also i've been assuming that the episode-specific clothes & shit isn't really permanent... now that im thinking about it though please tell me wiwi hardcore blue flame black leather kickass spiky biker jacket remains. it's too cool for him. but. still.)
I LOVE THE GREATS SO MUCH... i hope nothing permanently bad happens to them :( i like them so dearly..... you know they r really solid folks because they spent a YEAR and change living in a teenager's brain & came out of the experience still bein so nice 2 him.... augh. also in general big fan of the system-adjacent bullshit :] i love it when theres. guy with guys in his head. etc. will b sad ab their departure but i hope they r OKAY and return 2 Being Alive & shit!! nervous laughter. also god i can't wait to find out what Actually Happened with them. hhrhrghghgghh.
THIS IS SO TRUE ALSO???? free my girl minerva she did nothing but have Literally Normal Reactions to TERRIBLE things happening!!!
I DON'T LIKE THAT LEFROG FACT. it raises the question of is he actually even french or like, is there even a point of reference for his behavior. like. What is going on there. Horrifying thank you!!!! also man this entire degree im working on would be useless! well. maybe prime quebec exists. somehow. independently of a hypothetical europe. HIS DESIGN IS SO FUN BTW. its so cute.. i WAS kind of imagining a mutant Big Real Fucking Frog situation but i think this is a lot more reasonable. also literally ignoring white tide I Do Not See it. It Does Not Exist.
ALSO. NOT GOING TO START TALKING AB COMICS FOR EVEN MORE PARAGRAPHS. BUT. he is so so so right. (<- dc comics guy with Opinions. well. technically im not even much of a dc guy im just a vertigo guy. but. still.) hghghghbhgh.
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caustic-caffeine · 2 months
Helpful Casey Guide (or, what you’ll find here)
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this post updates from time to time | last update: may 29, 2024
Who is a Casey
aka “Asphodelity”
digital (and sometimes traditional) artist ;
worldbuilder ;
rock and metalhead ;
ambulatory wheelchair user and chronic illness haver ;
incredibly based individual with all the correct opinions and the coolest hair you’ll ever set eyes upon (/j)
That you’ll see, someday. The sona ref is very in progress…
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What is a Casey
healthy helpings of neurodiversity, queerness, disability ;
the occasional political, theological, or philosophical post ;
large portions of art and writing, particularly of ocs ;
status updates and storytimes
This blog may be unsuitable for people below the age of fifteen. Please stop use and consult a physician (/hyp) if you have allergies to any of the following:
red/black eyestrain ;
gore, too many eyes ;
fictional drug abuse ;
fictional toxic relationships ;
overall dark themes such as violence, abuse, etc ;
possible artistic, non-sexual nudity ;
potentially “cringey” things ;
a marginalized person expressing themself online (controversial, they know)
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When is a Casey
Whenever he feels like it, in the pst timezone. …Don’t expect a lot of consistency
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Where is a Casey
You can find Casey in a number of places, with varying levels of activity. Not all are listed but these are the most relevant:
instagram profile
art fight profile
toyhouse profile
discord server
pronouns page
cara (inactive here)
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Why is a Casey
well, when a man and a woman love each other verrry much—
Casey, in short, just wants to share their experiences and thoughts and perhaps promote greater understanding and appreciation for others like him. Also, with a blog, they can dump what’s in their head without derailing conversations with friends! Yippee!
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Other Info About Casey
“Who’s that one oc I see so frequently on this page?”
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This is them! They’ve kinda unintentionally become the main mascot™️ of my social media presence lmao
you can find more details about them at their toyhouse page. feel free to draw ‘em :3
“Do you have a DNI/BYF?”
Not really. If you’re an asshole, I’ll just block you :p I’d prefer if people younger than 13 or older than 35 don’t interact, but if we’re already moots or you’re interacting for art reasons then go ahead!
“What’s your commission status?”
Closed for the moment; art trades and collabs are open though, so feel free to reach out if you’re interested! I currently don’t feel comfortable making money off of my art; I want to improve and expand my horizons first n all!
“What hashtags can I use to search your profile?”
#art: #oc art, #illustration, #doodle (for specifics)
#just thoughts
#writing; #oc lore, #worldbuilding (for specifics)
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myrmica · 2 months
8, 17, 25 for the artist ask game >:J
8. What do you like most about your own work?
this is a fun question. well for one i like that i like my own work now, for the most part... not that i never get frustrated but more often i draw something and then i feel pleased with it, and this was not always the case. a lot of that has to do with having fixed issues in my process over time. but it's also because i am capable of transmitting qualities i find interesting about the world, about color, about the body and how it moves in space, that are specific to my way of seeing them, and that's satisfying. if i had to pick one thing it would be how i draw bodies, it's hard to describe but at some point something happened and the entire way i see people changed, including how i see myself. as much as this is true for "art style" in every case, i feel like i am always depicting myself because i recognize things about the shape of my hands, or my arms, or my legs, or whatever, that i reproduce both consciously through using references of myself for convenience and habitually or subconsciously. i don't know what my point is. some sort of basic satisfaction in who i am
17. What inspires you?
EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i put a lot of time and effort towards collecting things to use as reference or to take elements from and i think drawing from references that you find visually pleasing and developing a sense of taste in relation to this is important in a way i don't really hear people talk about. i have an aesthetic aversion to like, the type of pose reference you get from just googling a pose, the weird stock photo stiffness, the lighting and framing of classic deviantart stock photos... all of which can be a necessary utility but i save photos i LIKE for pose ref constantly so i have more options.
some of my favorite things are...
1) joshi wrestling photography (NUMERO UNO!!!!!!!!!!) you get a huge variety of angles and poses and i have a lot of appreciation for the costumes and visuals of it all. because they're still images of people in motion it captures weight and movement you don't get so much other places. "but that just gets me people fighting" you might think, and you would be wrong. women holding each other constantly.
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2) historical photography. i'm especially fond of the prokudin-gorskii collection because there are all of these representations of clothing styles and silhouettes i find captivating, in color, and it's weird color because they're early color photos using a technique where you take three versions of the image, through a blue, red, and green filter respectively, and then to display them you project them through the filters again, and the effect is striking because of the saturation... like this one with the loggers, you can easy call to mind a million versions of the same photo seen in black and white, and it's not that black and white photography isn't also interesting but it drives me crazy how much pink and purple people were wearing across the russian empire between 1909 and 1915!
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i was going to try not to talk too much about visual art in the answer to this question, but i'm also really into paintings by the peredvizhniki group, which stretched up to about the same time period in the same place, and you can look through these photos and identify shared subject matter, which is pretty cool.
3) historical artwork. especially stuff depicting clothing, or fencing manuals and the like. knights were doing all kinds of gay shit to each other if the fencing manuals are to be believed.
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4) minecraft roleplay. this is self evident
25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
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nothing... don't worry about it...
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spiritshaydra · 10 months
List of Links
Art Info
Art Status
Repost Information
Special Tags
Basic Tags
Spotify Playlists
Howdy! I’m Spirit (or Spit) and I’m a self proclaimed artist that specializes in primarily science fiction artwork. My favorite things to draw and design are aliens, mecha, monsters, and critters of all kinds. For fan art, the main fandoms I make art for are Transformers, Fossil Fighters, Pokémon, and occasionally Star Wars. However, the VAST majority of my fan work is going to be Transformers. Specifically Transformers Prime. I’ve been deep in robot hell since 2015 and I’m showing no signs of ever resurfacing any time soon. 💀
I’m currently working on getting my bachelor’s in Geology, so my art posts may be sporadic. I love all sorts of forms of science! My favorites being Geology (of course), Paleontology, Biology (specifically Marine, evolutionary, and Astro), Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy! I’m hoping to go into researching hydrothermal vent systems, the ocean floor, or really anything involving plate tectonics and volcanism. (I do hope to weasel my way into astrobiology eventually. And maybe even interning with NASA again in the future as space exploration regarding the evidence of extraterrestrial life is a huge passion of mine)
I also absolutely ADORE science fiction worldbuilding and speculative biology! I’d love to post more of my insanity regarding that sort of thing in the future, may it be wholly original work or not. (Spec bio documents and ref sheets on preexisting alien races from fiction for example)
Also, I’m always looking for more people to ramble to about similar interests, so feel free to reach out! I’m unfortunately also a very chatty person 💀
INSTAGRAM (Sketchdump)
I may presently be primarily a digital artist, but a good portion of my skills were originally learned through traditional art, with me fully making the switch over to digital back in the spring of 2020. So as a result, I tend to do a lot of things manually when I draw which is likely also why I usually take a LONG time to complete things. I do also dabble in other art forms such as cosplay and sculpture, but not as often as I’d like to. ^^’
iPad (all digital art created prior to 2020 was done on a shattered iPad with a finger)
(prior to 2019) Adobe Photoshop Sketch (it kinda sucked)
Copic Markers
Prismacolor Markers
Micron Fineliners
Posca Pens
Art Requests: Closed (However if I’m given a question or prompt in my ask box that piques my interest enough I’ll definitely draw it)
Art Commissions: Closed
Art Trades: Ask!
Regarding my those wishing to draw my OCs: Please do! I will love and cherish any art I get of my goobers, as it’s one of those things that absolutely brightens my day. I also have the tendency to try to pin whatever art I get to my wall so I can look at it for a burst of happiness. :,D
Generally, please don’t! If you do want to repost my artwork, please ask me before you do!
When reposting my work, be sure to:
Tag me in the image itself (when possible)
Credit me in the description of the post/bio in a place that’s easily visible. Not hidden amongst a bunch of tags and/or aesthetic emojis and whatnot. (Preferably by @ ‘ing me)
Do not remove or alter my watermark in any way, shape, or form.
Do not remove or alter my signature in any way, shape, or form.
Do not commercialize my work whatsoever.
#Spirit’s OC Vault
This is the tag I use for anything and everything involving the characters I personally have designed.
#Just Voyna Things
This tag is used for any artwork or content involving my Sona, Voyna.
#Real Spirit Refs
This tag contains all of my character reference sheets.
#My art
Self explanatory. It’s artwork I’ve created myself.
#Others art
Also self explanatory. It’s artwork made by other people.
#Spit takes
My ramblings.
#Weird Science
Any cool and/or funky posts involving science.
#Gift art
Art made for me and art I’ve made for others.
#Art reference
Self explanatory.
Take a guess.
SPITCORE 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: It’s literally just my catchall playlist where I drop everything and anything that scratches my brain even just a little bit. It’s got a shitton of Muse and Nothing but Thieves on it. And it’s like over thirty hours long.
WOAH!! EMCORE!!: This is a playlist based on my OC Requiem that’s a combination of stuff I think fits her and songs she’d like. Take a guess which is which. It’s essentially angsty alt rock and metal, old fandom songs, things you’d find in warrior cats AMVs and flipnotes back in 2012, and the like. <3
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theaggressivewriter · 4 months
The Grave and the Terrible (Boss Fight #002, 02/05/2024)
Welcome to Boss Fight, where every Monday I take a monster and make a unique boss fight out of official material. Today, we'll be making an official encounter for a L10-L12 party. We've been focusing a lot on lower level bosses, today we'll be taking a spin on higher level threats. In addition to the boss fight itself, we'll be discussing where to use the fight in your narrative as well as how to modify the fight to your liking.
Tired of running Liches as your undead leader? Want a warlord to lead a militant army of undead?
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(Art by Tomas Duchek)
Graveknights are perfect for this. Rather than hiding in a cave somewhere, Graveknights would rather fortify a position and lead armies into battle, as they once did in life. They're knights who died in their armor, typically doing something nefarious, and rise by clanging on to their armor before leaving to the other side. Able to wield any weapon, they storm fights with ruinous weapons, unleashing elemental fury from their spirits through the weapon they wield. In addition, they also are innately capable of summoning a spiritual mount, likely the spirit of their mount in life. For our high level party, we'll need to pull out a Graveknight Warmaster.
There are quite a few ways you could spice this encounter up. Our target party level is L11, giving us a fair +3 monster, leaving us 40xp for an extreme encounter. What do we fill this with? Well, our imagination could run wild with what we have as source material. We could use some sort of elemental focused creature that aligns with whatever ruinous element we choose for our Graveknight, perhaps use a spellcaster to make them more of a Gish. But let's get real, we want something that makes this boss really stand out. We know that Graveknight's have the innate ability to summon a Phantom Mount, right? Well, what if we included this Phantom Mount as part of the encounter? We have the budget for at most an 11th level creature, and what comes to my mind when thinking of an awesome creature to mount and ride into battle?
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(Art by Thek560)
Who said the mount had to be conventional? You may be wondering: is there an official ghost-like T-Rex in the game? No, there is not. This is the point where we're going to make something new out of older material. The problem with making the T-Rex a phantom is that phantoms normally have no Strength, and the T-rex relies on its ability to use athletics to grapple, which is also the requirement to use Fling, so we can take one of two directions: ignore this normal design limit and allow the spirit to have a strength score, symbolizing its ability to effect the physical realm as well as its innate physical strength, OR edit the T-rex by making dexterity be switched with its strength, make ref their highest save, switching it with its fort save. From here, we replace the plus grab and fling abilities and add spells to the T-rex that resemble spiritual powers rather than actual spells being cast, and keeping the damage of the strike it deals around the moderate range. I'll have a sheet written up for this in the reposts.
Combining these two requires knowledge of how mounting creatures work. RAW, both creatures would only have 2 actions during both of their turns as neither of them have any specific riding abilities that allows them to circumvent this restriction. It is an honest way of doing it, as both of them having effectively two actions if you made the T-rex count as the Graveknight's minion and giving them the command action, however I would run this as if the Gravemaster treated whatever it mounts as a mature companion so that the T-rex will take 1 action even if the Graveknight doesn't take the command action. You also are free to ignore all the mounting rules and just let each take their individual turns with three actions for both of them.
So why would a Graveknight be riding a ghostly T-rex? How the hell did that happen? You can just pop this in to your setting and pretend this sort of thing is normal, creating the classic 80s metal vibes for your Pathfinder campaign (I love this style of campaign and wish this kind of game existed, dungeon crawl classics is making me feel ttrpg envy), but a good reason for why this happened is that the Gravekeeper wasn't a Fighter, they were a Ranger. Slightly different skill set, but a Ranger can be just about as equipped as any Fighter, we can easily just say that they're wearing medium armor and the whole reason the Graveknight mounts the T-rex is because they tamed it in life as a Ranger who likely either turned against society or betrayed a druidic circle it was betraying or what else have you. Let your imagination go wild, the options are endless.
What if you don't want a T-rex? Well there's plenty of cool options to name here that fit the level range: Greater Nightmare, Thunderbird (honestly might be cooler than the T-rex if accompanied by a electricity based Graveknight), one of a couple of Dragons, a Deadly Mantis. The options are quite plentiful.
If you liked this discussion, please consider following my blog for more. I am in the planning stages for writing my own supplement for boss fights for Pf2e, and you can find updates on that on my blog as work is done on it.
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spook-e-snail · 11 months
Okay so!! As of right now the site is down so I can't provide screenshots and I'm going off of memory so please bear with me. Also I don't know what you need help with specifically so I'm just gonna go over the basics and if you have any other questions feel free to ask :))
Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, art fight is a yearly event where you upload your own characters and are assigned a team. You attack people to gain points for your team, and attacking people is basically just drawing their oc.
And just a heads up, while I'm not too sure this will happen this year, almost every year so many new people join art fight and try to upload their attacks on the 1st of July the sites server's get overwhelmed and site goes down alot. It happens. I recommend saving a few refs before the games begin and draw them after July 1st (you aren't allowed to draw anyone's characters before the 1st, keeps things fair). Like I said, it happens. Sometimes the site is only down off and on during the first few days and is fine the rest of the month, sometimes it's down so long they add an extra week to the games. It really just depends lol. Like I said save refs now so you can actually start on the 1st.
You can have up to 100 active characters and as far as I know there isn't a limit to how many characters you can attack. Your artistic media doesn't matter, you can be a traditional artist and still participate, you can be a digital artist and still participate, hell you can be exclusively building physical sculptures of folk's characters and you're still allowed to participate.
You can find other users to attack a variety of ways, ranging from searching through tags or through spamming the random character button until you find one you like, you can also just ask around here on Tumblr and see if anyone is participating this year:))
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Not everyone has a little card like this but here's mine! It has my username and my favorite/featured characters on it. Again you do not need to have one of these but if you want to find people on artfight you might wanna be on the lookout for cards like these.
As for uploading your characters, I'm gonna use my boy Smudge as an example.
You can only upload 7 pictures per character. Usually folks don't need many more than 3. I recommend having a full body ref
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As nice as this drawing is, if anyone wants to draw him they need to see more.
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Something like this is alot better, it shows what he looks like without his costume and again gives the potential attacker a better idea of who they're drawing.
You have the option to upload a description of your oc, alot of folks tend to leave it blank and honestly I don't recommend doing that. You don't need to put your OC's full 129 page google doc backstory in there but you should at least give a basic description of their personality and any important information (it might also be a good idea to put their pronouns, I have on multiple occasions accidentally misgendered a few characters because their pronouns weren't in their description)
Permissions are different than a description. Permissions basically means what you are and aren't okay with. For Smudge here I prefer if he keeps his costume. You generally don't have to specify to not draw gore of a character as I've only gotten gore of a character once since like 2017 (and I put that I would love to see some gore in their character permissions).
Uploading attacks is pretty simple. Like I said before you can attack others regardless of how you make your art. Traditional art tends to get less points than digital art. You get more points depending on what you do (ex. A digital headshot sketch would get less points than a fully lined fully colored and shaded traditional drawing, a colored simple animation gets more points than digital line art, ECT). Obviously don't lie about what you're making to get more points. From what I've seen other folks don't tend to lie so don't be a dick lol. And even if some does lie about what they did, I believe you can flag art and report it. Plus a week after art fight is over a bunch of mods go through the art and make sure everything has been properly marked (if you think you marked something wrong though don't worry!! You aren't gonna get in trouble or anything, worse case scenario you'll just lose a few points for your team).
I know this is a lot and I know I definitely forgot something but again feel free to ask if you have anymore questions :3
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nartblartmallcop · 1 year
RIP to my dhmis fixation, lets honor it with a bunch of stuff i made and either wanted to pretty up some more or add more pics to before posting but now thats not happening
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first off some things that i dont think really need an explanation
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first quick sketches of other arts that i just really like and wanted to keep (yea the playlist icons started out as pics for selected red vox songs for each of them)
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roy at the very moment where he realises the nature of the world he's in. shortly after this he turns into a gangly beast
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pic based on the INCREDIBLE fic "Three Friends, Three Foes, Three Names They'll Never Know" by Eliza Farrow, specifically the quote "Red is love, and rage, warmth and war, luck and passion. Everything was there, under a thick plastering of apathy, his feelings tangled and violent like storms within clouds." from chapter 2 (i actually wanted to draw many things based on moments from the fic because it REALLY sparked my inspo when reading it)
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i looked up different hairstyles you can do with freeform dreadlocks like the ones i gave radley and i had way more styles i wanted to do, but these two on their own are also nice
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my take on that AU concept where yellow has to dad the other two
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was thinking about how naive all three of them actually are and had the idea of an AU where all three of them are children. it would make no sense but thats not what its about it was all about the cute kiddo designs
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i actually spent a good few weeks fighting the internal battle of my fucking life on if i would maybe want to change my human designs for radley and quentin cause i felt like the ones here would fit their puppets' appearances better, but i had already grown so attached to my original designs,,, it was a struggle
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also my take on the "who used the chainsaw" discourse
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quentin would fuck his boss for a promotion. if he hadn't freaked out about how he was brainwashed he would have gone for the gilf
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humanization take on duck putting the smallest toast in the toaster: just busting out a flamethrower
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radley fighting quentin's internalised racism AND homophobia in one swift sentence
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a silly idea i had for a claire humanisation. didnt go with it but the concept is hilarious to me. she just has horns
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so the idea i had for the tourism teacher oc (that i didnt make) was that they take the gang to germany for some jokes a la "wow this place is so exotic and strange!!!" when it's just one country to the right. they visit a döner kebab stand in this pic
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wanted to use this to set up an arc where quentin locks himself back up in the closet and have it cotribute to some major mental health deterioration. cause i love performing the worst psychological torture on my faves
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this started out as "potential tv show season 2 design designs" and then quickly turned into "quentin but hes older,,,, and grumpier,,,, AND in the beginnings of a villain arc" (pure self indulgence)
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a height comparison that was my main basis for the refs i made
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that shrek AU i promised ages ago. like i said above i really waned to add more to it before posting, at the very least the "Who are you trying to keep out?" "EVERYONE, OKAY?" scene
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deltarune AU!! the idea was that yellow is a human who gets posessed by a PLAYER SOUL (a green one instead of red tho) and he goes into a dark world that appeared in his school, but the janitor, duck, sees him, tries to follow him and then he's suddenly in the dark world too! also his mop has come to life and is ridiculousy handsome.
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and finally, a little crossover picture i made just before getting fully sucked up by tf2. i genuinely think the two franchises fit each other really nicely tonaly! and also red would 100% play a living meat shield class like heavy and duck would be all insane and violently enthusiastic like soldier. just try to change my mind
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sibillascribbles08 · 8 months
Ough got a tag back from @vegalocity !
Here's some Holly Blue fun (??) facts
Her cloaking brooch, the flower on her hat, is specifically designed after the flower Lou Jitsu gave her right before Big Mama used her as leverage to force him to fight.
In spite of her history with sex work she still enjoys sleeping around (and using it to her advantage sometimes)
In the fics she's in her early fourties and only lives to her mid/late sixties (honestly much longer than she expected)
She's actually an excellent singer but does not enjoy doing it for an audience
She likes dancing but does it better in the air because so often she is taller than whoever she is dancing with and it gets frustrating
She's a sucker for sweets, a sucker for cute things, and a sucker for romance novels
Because of her bond with Donatello she does end up with the Hamato clan in the afterlife (which is rather overwhelming for her because she always assumed no one would be waiting for her)
On the topic of sad things, no she never survives long in any of the doomed timelines (and truthfully she thinks it isn't worth it)
She is intensely flattered that Donnie names his daughter after her and spoils the absolute BEANS out of her at any given opportunity.
Magic abilities! For one they include summoning poison needles from anywhere on her person, a poison spear, controlling insects within a certain radius and somewhat connected to that, subtly influencing others
In terms of the last one, she's not aware this is a thing she can do so it's not particularly powerful, but it is one reason people are so easily swayed by her (always has advantage on persuasion checks basically)
A unique thing about her needles is they actually stay present after she manifests them. Most manifested mystics will disappear from either a lack of concentration or if the person dies/leaves their range.
Also her intense screaming ability isn't magic, it's because wasps normally don't have lungs and due to her size the ones she now has are VERY big
Like Donnie can see magic, Holly Blue can smell it to a certain degree via her antenna
She picked up her smoking habit while working in the Nexus and never really quit
Let's keep it going! @sayijo give us some Rae details it's been a while! And @camilieroart if you're up for it I know you've been posting some new refs lately and I'd love to hear more about Avril!
Rules under the cut!
You and hopefully one of your OCs have been tagged! Your job is to make a post about them, and it can be whatever you want! Talk about general information, their backstory, their design inspiration, post some sketches or older art, write up a few fun facts, as long as it's something!
When you're done, be sure to pass it along by tagging at least one other person and their OC (you can tag as many people as you want though!) Tag backs are allowed and encouraged.
When you tag someone, try to specify an OC, even if you don't know who they are yet (i.e. "You should do that OC with the butterfly wings you posted the other day!" or "Do the OC you drew most recently!")
Participation is not required, but even if you don't want to, it'd be great to pass the tag along to someone else!
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